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英语翻译fight the crowds





这些都不重要你开挂了把-,-去下个360顽固木马查杀要还不行重装得了我也遇到 很辛苦

dungeon and fighter是什么意思

Dungeon and Fighter_翻译Dungeon and Fighter 网络意思:地下城与勇士; 公开城与懦夫;


windows7现在好多游戏都不支持 经常出一些故障 最好换系统 推荐XP

dungeon and fighter是什么意思

dungeon and fighter地下城与勇士dungeon[英][u02c8du028cndu0292u0259n][美][u02c8du028cndu0292u0259n]n.地牢; 复数:dungeons例句:1.I can even show you the dungeon. 甚至我会带你去地牢.2.Did you guess water dungeon? 你猜到水牢了吗?

The firefighters rushed into the burnt house


fighting jet 是什么意思?



aza aza fighting 《浪漫满屋》里李英宰经常说的一句话 在韩国,加油有两种说法:一种是韩国固有词,发音为himne,如果看过《明朗少女成功记》的朋友应该会记得,张娜拉经常说这个词,这个词比较土,符合张娜拉在剧中村姑...

浪漫满屋里面A ZA A ZA A ZA FIGHTING什么意思啊?





阿 砸 阿 砸 five 挺



在韩剧里经常听到在Fighting之前的那个"aza aza"是什么意思啊,正确的读音是怎么读的,还有用韩文怎么写啊



aza aza fighting 《浪漫满屋》里李英宰经常说的一句话 在韩国,加油有两种说法:一种是韩国固有词,发音为himne,如果看过《明朗少女成功记》的朋友应该会记得,张娜拉经常说这个词,这个词比较土,符合张娜拉在剧中村姑的形象;另一种是英文词fighting,这个大家实在太熟悉了,《浪漫满屋》可以说是从头说到尾…… 至于aza和baxia这两个词,他们本身没有任何意思,单纯的语气词。aza总是和英文词fighting加油连用,做辅助音用。baxia经常单独使用,意思可以解释为加油,但主要是语气词。看过《不良主妇》的朋友应该会对里面的父女有印象,他们经常说这个词以鼓励对方。 “�2�3�3�1�2�3�3�1”发音(阿za阿za),是去年因为“巴黎恋人”流行起来的口头语,也是“加油”的意思,韩文里并没有这个词。这个词你说给年纪大一点的韩国人听他们都听不懂的,是新名词。还有一个“�6�9�3�3�5�4”(音:花伊听),才是真正的韩文“加油”的意思

Aza Aza Fighting是啥意思?


aza aza fighting是什么意思?


“kung Fu Fighting”这首歌的歌词用中文以最相似的发音配对。比如“kung fu ”对“空腹”。


kungfufighting 歌词翻译 ,谢谢

thunder fighter是什么意思

thunder fighter雷战士例句1.Thunder fighter VC++ source code of the game, the game similar to lightning, with sound, flying and shooting with the keyboard controls.VC++游戏雷霆战机源代码,这款游戏类似雷电,带声音,用键盘控制飞行和射击。2.Flying the Republic F - 84C Thunder jet fighter-bomber , the General became a highly decorated and respected veteran of the Korean air war.飞行着共和F-84雷鸣号喷气战斗-轰炸机,史密斯成为了一名最受尊敬的曾参加过朝鲜空战的老兵。



"奋斗"英语用哪个词更好?struggle; fight; strive

ght、strive”三个词的区别如bai下:“struggle、 fight、strive”三者都有努力奋斗的意思,但是strive侧重于努力,是个褒义词;struggle有“挣扎”的意思,含贬义的意味;fight是个中性词,但是更多的是搏斗、打架的含义。所以看你需要表述的“奋斗”是什么情境来选用不同的词汇进行表达。struggle 英 [ˈstrʌgl] 美 [ˈstrʌɡəl]vi.奋斗;搏斗;努力;争取n.奋斗;打斗;竞争fight 英 [faɪt] 美 [faɪt]vt.& vi.战斗;斗争;打架;吵架n.战斗;打架;吵架;斗志strive 英 [straɪv] 美 [straɪv]vi.努力奋斗,力求;斗争,力争



conflict ,fight, struggle的区别

conflict,fight,struggle的区别答:conflictfightstruggle  都含“战斗”、“斗争”的意思。  conflict指“由于严重不一致,而引起抵触或冲突”,如:Theiraccountofthecausesofthewarconflictswithours.他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。  fight原义是“打仗”、“战斗”,指“任何形式的斗争”,特别强调“短兵相接”,如:Thetwoboysfought.两个孩子动手打起来了。  struggle本义是“挣扎”,指“克服某种障碍或困难,以达到某种目的”,意味着“处境难”,如:Theywerestrugglingforpeace.他们为和平而斗争。

fight against是什么意思


fight with tooth and nails什么意思

我想大家都熟悉fight个词。它的意思是斗争、搏斗或者奋斗。你也许还听过这样一个谚语: he who fights and runs away will live to fight another day。这个谚语显然是说:生活中斗争是无可避免的。既然人生本是一场搏斗,fight这个词组成的习惯用语当然就特别多。我们从今天开始要选几个常用的一一介绍。第一个是:fight tooth and nail。Fight tooth and nail其实是fight with teeth and nails这个习惯用语的简略形式。大家可能已经知道tooth是牙齿,nail是指甲。 要是打架的时候又咬又抓的,那可真是使尽浑身解数的一场恶斗。下面有个例子是说明fight tooth and nail怎样应用在实际生活中的。这段话说Susan由于是女性而在公司里不得重用,她据理力争,控告这家公司性别歧视。例句-1:When Susan took her case against the company to court, people in the office were afraid to testify on her behalf. But she went ahead anyhow, fought tooth and nail, and she won.他说:当Susan上法庭控告这家公司的时候,办公室的人都不敢为她作证,然而她仍然挺身而出,全力拼搏,并取得了胜利。所以fight tooth and nail是全力拼搏的意思。我们再来听个例子,这段话说的是一个小城镇对抗强大的中央政府旨意,反对在他们附近建造核能发电厂的规划。例句-2:The townspeople fought tooth and nail against the government"s plan to build the plant. They won the fight. The government had to give up the plan.他说:镇上的人奋力抵制政府造发电厂的规划。他们赢得了这场斗争,中央政府不得不放弃了这项规划。这儿fight tooth and nail是拼命抵制的意思。这个习惯用语往往用来说在势单力薄的情况下竭尽全力拼命奋战。

fighter pilot和airline pilot区别

区别:fighter pilot指的是战斗机飞行员,只能驾驶战斗机的飞行员;airline pilot指的是航空公司飞行员。

fighter pilot和airline pilot区别

区别:fighter pilot指的是战斗机飞行员,只能驾驶战斗机的飞行员;airline pilot指的是航空公司飞行员。


destiny[英][ˈdestəni][美][ˈdɛstəni]n.命运; 天命,天数; 命运的三女神; 主宰事物的力量; fight[英][faɪt][美][faɪt]vt.& vi.战斗; 斗争; 打架; 吵架; n.战斗; 打架; 吵架; 斗志


Soldier = 兵Warrior = 战士Fighter = 斗士不同人不同解释。


Fight意思是战斗;斗争;打架What is happiness? I think if you ask thousands of time this question, you may get thousand of answers. Because happiness varies from person to person in its meaning, even varies from time to time in one"s whole life. Some of them may feel happy if the have a health body, some of them may think happiness is related to money and some of them can feel happiness around them when they are with their family. Why does this happen? Because whether a person is happy or not is mostly decided by his attitude towards life. Whoever you are, if can be happy, if you really a right attitude. To be happy, what we should to do? I think there are three things we can do. Firstly, we should try to understand that life is not easy at all to all of us. Difficulties and pressure exist everywhere during our process of making a living. It is unnecessary to complain about it and even become pessimistic. Second, we need to be satisfied with what we have. It"s enough for us to be happy. We should value the simpler things like our health and freedom. because real happiness is satisfaction from within. Thirdly, we must realize happiness is a choice. We decide if we want to be happy. Happiness depends not on position but on disposition. We can choose to be happy, satisfied and contentWhat is happiness? I think if you ask thousands of time this question, you may get thousand of answers. Because happiness varies from person to person in its meaning, even varies from time to time in one"s whole life. Some of them may feel happy if the have a health body, some of them may think happiness is related to money and some of them can feel happiness around them when they are with their family. Why does this happen? Because whether a person is happy or not is mostly decided by his attitude towards life. Whoever you are, if can be happy, if you really a right attitude. To be happy, what we should to do? I think there are three things we can do. Firstly, we should try to understand that life is not easy at all to all of us. Difficulties and pressure exist everywhere during our process of making a living. It is unnecessary to complain about it and even become pessimistic. Second, we need to be satisfied with what we have. It"s enough for us to be happy. We should value the simpler things like our health and freedom. because real happiness is satisfaction from within. Thirdly, we must realize happiness is a choice. We decide if we want to be happy. Happiness depends not on position but on disposition. We can choose to be happy, satisfied and content

fight a fight 是什么意思



fightn.&v. 打仗,搏斗,战斗,斗争。


vt.& vi.战斗; 斗争; 打架; 吵架; n.打架; 吵架; 战斗; 斗志语法特征跟普通动词,名词用法是一样的例句——you can fight with me 你可以和我战斗。




fightvt.& vi.战斗; 斗争; 打架; 吵架n.打架; 吵架; 战斗; 斗志

fight 有“加油”的意思吗?



你好 就是战斗的意思,也就是上吧,加油,希望能帮到你,望采纳



fight corruption是什么意思

  fight corruption的中文翻译_  fight corruption  打击腐败  双语例句  1  ( d) Development of long-term national strategies to fight corruption and safeguard integrity;  (d)制定长期反腐败与保护廉正的国家战略;  2  The Special Representative welcomes the efforts undertaken to fight corruption in the education system.  特别代表对于教育系统所采取的反贪努力表示欢迎。


fight-over-something争夺的东西fight over[英][fait ˈəuvə][美][faɪt ˈovɚ]争夺,争吵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:This shabby tradition has persisted because it has not been worth picking a fight over. 因为不值得为此展开争夺,这一不公平的传统得以延续至今。



v.打仗;战斗;作战;搏斗;打斗;打架;参加(竞赛);竞争;n.搏斗;打斗;打架;斗争;(尤指体育运动)比赛,竞赛;例句What we want from the management is fighting talk.我们要求资方的是发表战斗宣言。

fight 什么意思啊、拜托各位大神

fight 名词战斗力;斗志[不可数名词] Hehasplentyoffightinhim.他斗志旺盛。争吵;争论[可数名词] Theirfightswerealwaysovermoney.他们的争吵总是为了钱的问题。战斗;搏斗;打架[可数名词] Whowonthefight?谁赢得了这场战斗?及物动词反对 Theyfoughtthebillfiercely.他们激烈反对这项议案。打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗等) Thebattlewasfoughtinthemountains.这一仗是在山里打的。与...作战;与...斗争 Theyfoughttheiroppressorswithallkindsofweapons.他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。[美][fa�0�1t][英][fait] 不及物动词争吵[(+over/about)] Heandhiswifearealwaysfightingovertriflingmatters.他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗 Youhavetofightforyourrights.你必须为你的权利而奋斗。 EnglandandFrancefoughtagainstRussiaintheCrimeanWar.在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。其他形式动词fought;fought;fighting 名词fights 同义词及反义词同义词斗争;争论[动词] quarrel;struggle;combat;contest;battle;contend;oppose;attack;row;attack;argue;combat;wrestle;contend;battle;disagree;dispute;squabble;quarrel;quibble;feud;oppose;war; 近似同义词duel;mill;spat;scrap;grapple;tussle;fray;spar;box;strive;scuffle;scrimmage;contest;contention;fence;conflict;feud;engagement;competition; 相关词组fightitout 斗争到底fightshyof 设法避开fightoff 击退cockfight 斗鸡短语prizefight 职业拳击赛短语showfight 表示不服putupafight 奋勇战斗;抵抗短语firefight 交火;枪战短语dogfight 【军】空中格斗短语相关语言fight也是下列语言中的字词:Deutsch


习惯用语;短语a finish fight [美, 口]打到底的战斗; 决雌雄的战斗a free fight 混战ding-dong fight 旗鼓相当的战斗; 势均力敌的比赛dingdong fight 旗鼓相当的战斗; 势均力敌的比赛give a fight 打一仗make a fight 打一仗give up the fight 放弃战斗; 认输have fight in one 有斗志, 有战斗力make a fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]make a good fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]put up a good fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]put up a fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]running fight 且行且战, 追击战sham fight 战斗演习, 摸拟战show fight 显示斗志, 不示弱single fight [废]决斗stand-up fight 硬打硬拼的战斗, 凭真工夫的博斗; 光明正大的博斗, 不耍手段的战斗straight fight 一对一的两人竞选; 只有两个方面的角逐tea fight [谑, 口]茶话会, 茶会triangular fight 三人间的斗争, 三方面之间的战斗fight back 抵抗, 还击fight down 打败, 压服fight it out 一决雌雄, 彻底解决fight off 打退; 竭力摆脱; 克服fight on 继续战斗[斗争]fight out 打出结果fight shy of 远离; 避免(与对手或某个问题)正面接触fight up against 与...力战苦斗; 激战fight well within oneself (拳击者)在拳击时保留一部分余力




习惯用语;短语a finish fight [美, 口]打到底的战斗; 决雌雄的战斗a free fight 混战ding-dong fight 旗鼓相当的战斗; 势均力敌的比赛dingdong fight 旗鼓相当的战斗; 势均力敌的比赛give a fight 打一仗make a fight 打一仗give up the fight 放弃战斗; 认输have fight in one 有斗志, 有战斗力make a fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]make a good fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]put up a good fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]put up a fight 奋勇战斗[抵抗]running fight 且行且战, 追击战sham fight 战斗演习, 摸拟战show fight 显示斗志, 不示弱single fight [废]决斗stand-up fight 硬打硬拼的战斗, 凭真工夫的博斗; 光明正大的博斗, 不耍手段的战斗straight fight 一对一的两人竞选; 只有两个方面的角逐tea fight [谑, 口]茶话会, 茶会triangular fight 三人间的斗争, 三方面之间的战斗fight back 抵抗, 还击fight down 打败, 压服fight it out 一决雌雄, 彻底解决fight off 打退; 竭力摆脱; 克服fight on 继续战斗[斗争]fight out 打出结果fight shy of 远离; 避免(与对手或某个问题)正面接触fight up against 与...力战苦斗; 激战fight well within oneself (拳击者)在拳击时保留一部分余力

fighting 是什么意思

战斗,竞争。fighting英[ˈfaɪtɪŋ]美[ˈfaɪtɪŋ]v.打仗;战斗;作战;搏斗;打斗;打架;参加(竞赛);竞争。[词典]fight的现在分词。[例句]What we want from the management is fighting talk.我们要求资方的是发表战斗宣言。近义词combat英[ˈkɒmbæt]美[ˈkɑːmbæt]n.搏斗;打仗;战斗。v.防止;减轻;战斗;与…搏斗。[例句]He was killed in combat.他在战斗中阵亡。[其他]第三人称单数:combats 复数:combats 现在分词:combating 过去式:combated 过去分词:combated。


fighting的意思:打仗;战斗;作战;搏斗;打斗;打架;参加(竞赛);竞争fight的现在分词示例:The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months 这一地区3个月以来不断发生激战。短语:1、fighting chance 经过努力奋斗才能获得成功的机会2、fighting corruption 对抗贪污;打击贪污3、street fighting 巷战;巷斗扩展资料fighting的同根词:fight词语用法:1、fight既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语,在接同源宾语时,如其前有形容词最高级,其同源宾语可省略。用作不及物动词时,常与 against , back, for, off, out等词连用。2、fight可用于被动结构。fight的现在分词fighting可用作形容词,在句中作定语。词义辨析:fight, quarrel, row这三个词的共同意思是“争吵”。它们的区别是:1、quarrel一般指因意见不一致而发生“争吵”; fight常指因某件事而发生冲突。2、quarrel通常是口角之争; 而fight则是口、拳或脚交加,更常指“打仗”。3、row主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。










fighting意思如下:adj. 战斗的;好战的;作战用的;适于打斗的n. 战斗;斗志;宣战言论;微小但值得一搏的机会v. 战斗( fight的现在分词 );斗争;打架;吵架ighting 用法和例句提示:Ten transformers have been damaged in the fighting .10台变压器在战斗中被损坏。The scale of fighting is much smaller today .如今的战争规模也没那时候大。Thousands have been displaced by the fighting .成千上万的人因为这次斗争流离失所。Does she often come across unexpected things like fighting at parties ?她在聚会的时候会不会遇到类似打架之类的意想不到的事情?Fighters number only thousands , and the fighting remains patchy .因为目前参加战斗的只有数千人,战斗也仅零星发生。


n.1.战斗;搏斗;打架;斗争:wage a fight against invasion 尽兴反入侵的战斗2.争吵;争论:pick a fight 寻衅吵架vi.1.战斗,打仗;搏斗;打架:fight at close quarters2.奋斗;斗争:fight for the causes of co...



fight for是什么意思

fight for争取; 争夺; 为…而战斗[竞争]


fighting[英]["faɪtɪŋ][美][ˈfaɪtɪŋ]adj.战斗的; 好战的; 作战用的; 适于打斗的; n.战斗; 斗志; 宣战言论; 微小但值得一搏的机会; v.战斗( fight的现在分词 ); 斗争; 打架; 吵架; 易混淆单词:Fighting例句:1.The scale of fighting is much smaller today. 如今的战争规模也没那时候大。

fight 什么意思啊、拜托各位大神

fight 名词战斗力;斗志[不可数名词] Hehasplentyoffightinhim.他斗志旺盛。争吵;争论[可数名词] Theirfightswerealwaysovermoney.他们的争吵总是为了钱的问题。战斗;搏斗;打架[可数名词] Whowonthefight?谁赢得了这场战斗?及物动词反对 Theyfoughtthebillfiercely.他们激烈反对这项议案。打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗等) Thebattlewasfoughtinthemountains.这一仗是在山里打的。与...作战;与...斗争 Theyfoughttheiroppressorswithallkindsofweapons.他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。[美][fa�0�1t][英][fait] 不及物动词争吵[(+over/about)] Heandhiswifearealwaysfightingovertriflingmatters.他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗 Youhavetofightforyourrights.你必须为你的权利而奋斗。 EnglandandFrancefoughtagainstRussiaintheCrimeanWar.在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。其他形式动词fought;fought;fighting 名词fights 同义词及反义词同义词斗争;争论[动词] quarrel;struggle;combat;contest;battle;contend;oppose;attack;row;attack;argue;combat;wrestle;contend;battle;disagree;dispute;squabble;quarrel;quibble;feud;oppose;war; 近似同义词duel;mill;spat;scrap;grapple;tussle;fray;spar;box;strive;scuffle;scrimmage;contest;contention;fence;conflict;feud;engagement;competition; 相关词组fightitout 斗争到底fightshyof 设法避开fightoff 击退cockfight 斗鸡短语prizefight 职业拳击赛短语showfight 表示不服putupafight 奋勇战斗;抵抗短语firefight 交火;枪战短语dogfight 【军】空中格斗短语相关语言fight也是下列语言中的字词:Deutsch


fight的读音是:英[fa?t]。fight的读音是:英[fa?t]。fight的意思是n.战斗;打架;斗志;vt.打架;对抗;vi.奋斗;斗争;争吵。fight形容词:fightable;副词:fightingly;名词:fightability;过去式:fought;过去分词:fought;现在分词:fighting;第三人称单数:fights。一、详尽释义点此查看fight的详细内容n.(名词)战斗,战斗力打架,大打出手,打斗斗志搏斗,格斗争吵,争论,吵架斗争,斗争性拳击赛,斗拳竞争,竞赛冲突比赛直到最后才能决出胜负的斗争v.(动词)打架,(与…)搏斗,打斗奋斗(与…)打仗,(与...)作战,(与...)斗争,(与…)战斗争吵,吵架进行(努力)争取,争夺(使)斗,打(极力)反对参加(竞赛)为…而斗争竞争拳击(尤指当职业拳击手)指挥战斗操纵(船只)与风暴搏斗企图战胜二、英英释义Noun:a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war;"Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga""he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"the act of fighting; any contest or struggle;"a fight broke out at the hockey game""there was fighting in the streets""the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"an aggressive willingness to compete;"the team was full of fight"an intense verbal dispute;"a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate"a boxing or wrestling match;"the fight was on television last night"Verb:be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight;"the tribesmen fought each other""Siblings are always fighting""Militant groups are contending for control of the country"fight against or resist strongly;"The senator said he would oppose the bill""Don"t fight it!"make a strenuous or labored effort;"She struggled for years to survive without welfare""He fought for breath"exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;"The liberal party pushed for reforms""She is crusading for women"s rights""The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"三、词典解释1.与…作斗争;坚决反对If youfight something unpleasant, you try in a determined way to prevent it or stop it happening.fight什么意思e.g. Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty...德肋撒嬷嬷是一位毕生致力于消除贫困事业的年迈修女。e.g. More units tofight forest fires are planned...计划设立更多单位防控森林火灾。2.(为…而)斗争;努力争取If youfight for something, you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it.e.g. Our Government should be fighting for an end to food subsidies...我们政府应该努力废止食物补贴。e.g. Lee had tofight hard for his place on the expedition...李不得不为在考察队中获得一席之地而苦苦争取。3.进行(战斗、对抗等);打(仗)If an army or groupfights a battle with another army or group, they oppose each other with weapons. You can also say that two armies or groupsfight a battle.fighte.g. The two men fought a battle over land and water rights...这两个男人为土地和水的使用权发生了争斗。e.g. In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them...在周末发生的最近一起暴力事件中,警方与向他们投掷手榴弹的一伙匪徒展开了枪战。4.参战;作战;打仗If a person or armyfights in a battle or a war, they take part in it.fight是什么意思e.g. He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans...他参了战,后被美国人俘虏。e.g. If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison thanfight for this country...如果我是个年轻人,我宁愿进监狱也不愿为这个国家打仗。fightingMore than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.900多人在这场战斗中丧生。5.(和…)打架;(同…)打斗;(与…)搏斗If one personfights with another, orfights them, the two people hit or kick each other because they want to hurt each other. You can also say that two peoplefight .e.g. As a child she fought with her younger sister...她小时候会和妹妹打架。e.g. I didfight him, I punched him but it was like hitting a wall...我确实和他打了起来,我挥拳向他猛击,但就像打在墙上一样。6.(和…)争吵;(同…)吵架;(与…)争论If one personfights with another, orfights them, they have an angry disagreement or quarrel. You can also say that two peoplefight .e.g. She was always arguing with him and fighting with him...她总是跟他争辩吵嘴。e.g. Gwendolen started fighting her teachers...格温德琳开始同老师争执起来。7.努力辟出(一条路)If youfight your way to a place, you move towards it with great difficulty, for example because there are a lot of people or obstacles in your way.e.g. I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed...我刚挤进车厢,车门就关上了。e.g. Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens.彼得为了救其中一只鸡在暴风雪中艰难前行。8.(一场)拳击赛Afight is a boxing match.e.g. This was Hyer"s lastfight, for no one else challenged him...这是海尔的最后一场比赛,因为再没有人向他发起挑战。e.g. The referee stopped thefight.裁判叫停了比赛。9.参加拳击赛Tofight means to take part in a boxing match.fight是什么意思e.g. In a few hours" time one of the world"s most famous boxers will be fighting in Britain for the first time...几个小时后,世界最著名的拳击手之一将开始其在英国的首场比赛。e.g. I"d like tofight him because he"s undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him...我想和他对阵,因为他从没有输过,而我想成为打败他的第一人。10.参加(竞选以期获胜)If youfight an election, you are a candidate in the election and try to win it.e.g. The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million tofight the election campaign.该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近 4,000 万英镑用于竞选。11.竞赛;比赛You can usefight to refer to a contest such as an election or a sports match.e.g. ...thefight for power between the two parties.两党间的权力之争12.进行(诉讼、辩护等);打(官司)If youfight a case or a court action, you make a legal case against someone in a very determined way, or you put forward a defence when a legal case is made against you.e.g. Watkins sued the Army and fought his case in various courts for 10 years...沃特金斯将军队诉至法院,并在各级法庭打了 10 年的官司。e.g. The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress.这家报纸正和提起损害赔偿诉讼的女演员对簿公堂。13.斗志;战斗力Fight is the desire or ability to keep fighting.e.g. I thought that we had a lot offight in us.我觉得我们斗志高昂。14.努力克制,竭力抑制(感情或欲望)If youfight an emotion or desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it, but do not always succeed.e.g. I desperately fought the urge to giggle...我拼命地想忍住笑。e.g. He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he"d given up awhile ago...他努力克制自己的烟瘾,不去抽一支戒掉没多久的雪茄。15.呼吸困难;吸气费力If youfight for breath, you try to breathe but find it very difficult.16.经过努力才能成功的机会;需要极大好运的机会If you have afighting chance of doing or achieving something, it is possible that you will do or achieve it, but only if you make a great effort or are very lucky.e.g. When they didn"t shoot at me right away, I figured I had a fighting chance.当他们没有立即向我开枪时,我估摸自己还有一线生机。17.非常健康;极为强健If you describe someone asfighting fit, you are emphasizing that they are very fit or healthy.fight的意思e.g. After a good night"s sleep I feel fighting fit again.昨夜睡得很香,我又觉得自己精力充沛了。18.与死神殊死搏斗;奋力求生Someone whois fighting for theirlife is making a great effort to stay alive, either when they are being physically attacked or when they are very ill.fight在线翻译e.g. He is still fighting for his life in hospital.他仍在医院与死神搏斗。19. tofight a losing battle -> see battle20. fight to the finish -> see finish21. . tofight fire with fire -> see fire22. . tofight shy -> see shy23.奋力抵抗;反击;还击If youfight back against someone or something that is attacking or harming you, you resist them actively or attack them.e.g. The teenage attackers fled when the two men fought back...当那两名男子还击时,袭击他们的少年逃之夭夭。e.g. We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system tofight back against corruption.司法制度有能力惩治腐败,这应使我们感到些许欣慰。24.强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望)If youfight back an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it.fight是什么意思e.g. She fought back the tears.她强忍住眼泪。25.强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望)If youfight down an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it.fighte.g. Meg fought down the desire to run...梅格极力忍住不跑。e.g. He looked at the telephone, fighting down first the despair and then the anger.他看着电话,把绝望和愤怒一一压下。26.抵抗,战胜(疾病);摆脱(不快)If youfight off something, for example an illness or an unpleasant feeling, you succeed in getting rid of it and in not letting it overcome you.e.g. Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body"s ability tofight off infection...可惜的是,这些药物毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。e.g. All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.她一整天都在克制自己想给哈里打电话的冲动。27.击退;打退If youfight off someone who has attacked you, you fight with them, and succeed in making them go away or stop attacking you.e.g. The woman fought off the attacker.这名女子打跑了袭击她的人。28.在…上一争高下;通过比出胜负解决If two people or groupsfight somethingout, they fight or argue until one of them wins.e.g. Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates tofight it out...他没有以牙还牙,而是径直走开,让队友去争出个结果。e.g. Malcolm continued tofight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.马尔科姆自我放逐到了巴黎,但他继续要和朱利恩斗到底。相关词组:fight backfight downfight offfight out四、例句After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.在精神净化后,他遇见邪魔并展开激烈的战斗。Armed with raincoat and flashlight, he joined in the fight against the flood.他穿上雨衣,带上手电,加入了抗洪的战斗。Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on Wednesday?你听说了吗?上星期三在附近的酒馆里有人打架。All the fight seemed to go out of him.他似乎再无斗志。The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。The boxer has fought many opponents.该拳手已与许多对手交锋。We must band together to fight the common enemy.我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。Melinda Gates says there is work now to bring a new drug to India and Bangladesh to fight what is known as black fever.梅林达盖茨说,目前的工作是把一种新的药物带到印度和孟加拉国称以对抗黑热。She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted.她竭力争取自己想要的东西。Let us unite to fight poverty and dise


fight英音:[fait]美音:[fa�0�1t] fight的中文翻译不及物动词 vi. 1. 打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。 England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。 2. 争吵[(+over/about)]He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters. 他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。 及物动词 vt. 1. 与...作战;与...斗争They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons. 他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。 2. 打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗等)The battle was fought in the mountains. 这一仗是在山里打的。 3. 反对They fought the bill fiercely. 他们激烈反对这项议案。 名词 n. 1. 战斗;搏斗;打架[C]Who won the fight? 谁赢得了这场战斗? 2. 争吵;争论[C]Their fights were always over money. 他们的争吵总是为了钱的问题。 3. 战斗力;斗志[U]He has plenty of fight in him. 他斗志旺盛。 fight1. 与...搏斗,争取fight vt.与...搏斗,争取 2. 打仗,斗争fight 打仗,斗争3. 打架fight(打架)


BEAT及物动词 vt. 1. 打,击,敲;冲击He beat his brother for lying. 他因为他的兄弟说谎而揍他。 2. 拍打;扑动,跳动3. (以连续击打)搅拌[(+up)]4. 打败,胜过I think Jack can beat all the runners in the country. 我认为杰克可以胜过这个国家的所有赛跑选手。 5. 踏出,劈出6. 【口】使困惑,难倒This problem has beaten me. 这个问题难住了我。 7. 抢在...之前8. 锤打9. 【美】【口】行骗不及物动词 vi. 1. 打,击,敲[(+at/on/upon)]The rain was beating against the windows. 雨打在窗户上。 2. 吹打;冲击[(+against/on)]3. 拍打;扑动,跳动His heart beats violently. 他的心剧烈地跳着。 4. 搅成糊状5. 击鼓;(鼓)被敲奏6. 【口】获胜The visiting team will beat. 客队会获胜。 7. 艰难地前进名词 n. [C]1. 敲打;敲击声;冲击声2. 搏动;心跳声3. (钟等的)滴答声4. 拍子;节奏[S1]There are four beats in this measure. 这一小节有四拍。 5. (警察等的)巡逻路线,负责区域[S1]The officers know everyone on their beat. 警察认识自己巡逻范围内的每个人。 6. (常大写)"垮掉的一代"的成员(或作家)形容词 a. 1. 【口】筋疲力尽的;垂头丧气的[F]2. 【美】【口】大吃一惊的及物动词 vt. 1. 战胜,击败The French defeated the English troops. 法国人打败了英国军队。 2. 使失败,挫败Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望落空了。 3. 【律】使无效,废除名词 n. [C][U]1. 失败,战败,挫折The aggressors were doomed to defeat. 侵略者注定要失败。 2. 战胜,击败以下结果来自互联网网络释义defeat1. 失败,战败,挫折 战胜,击败完全解析NBA篮球术语 - 『体坛风云』 ...defeat 失败,战败,挫折 战胜,击败vt.1. 在...中获胜(或成功)2. 赢得,获得,夺得[O1]3. 说服,争取4. (经过努力)到达,达到5. 【矿】采(矿)vi.1. 获胜,成功n.1. 获胜,成功,赢[C]2. 赢得物[P1]2. 打败,战胜;破坏the U.S--新东方英语单词_个人耶稣...defeat vt.打败,战胜;破坏3. 失败,征服,击败英语 这样学英语最有趣!(单词词根详解)!...defeat 失败,征服,击败 不及物动词 vi. 1. 打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。 England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。 2. 争吵[(+over/about)]He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters. 他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。 FIGHT及物动词 vt. 1. 与...作战;与...斗争They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons. 他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。 2. 打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗等)The battle was fought in the mountains. 这一仗是在山里打的。 3. 反对They fought the bill fiercely. 他们激烈反对这项议案。 名词 n. 1. 战斗;搏斗;打架[C]Who won the fight? 谁赢得了这场战斗? 2. 争吵;争论[C]Their fights were always over money. 他们的争吵总是为了钱的问题。 3. 战斗力;斗志[U]He has plenty of fight in him. 他斗志旺盛。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义fight1. 与...搏斗,争取新概念英语第二册词汇手册(6) - 『原版...fight vt.与...搏斗,争取 2. 打仗,斗争学位英语必须掌握的单词 - 网络教育论坛—...fight 打仗,斗争3. 打架五年级单词词汇(下册)- 免费英语学习平台fight(打架)


加油不能能用fighting。Fighting!在英语里没有“加油”的意思,是“战斗(fight的现在分词);斗争;打架;吵架”的意思。 fighting 英:[ˈfaɪtɪŋ];美:[ˈfaɪtɪŋ] v.打仗;战斗;作战;搏斗;打斗;打架;参加(竞赛);竞争 fight的现在分词 记忆技巧:fight战斗+ing正…的,使人…的→战斗的 表示加油的句式 1.come on!(常用,朋友之间) 2.cheer up!(振作起来!加油!) 3.go ahead!(尽管向前吧!) 4.go!go!go!(世界杯.) F ight 用法 fight可以用作动词 fight的基本意思是指体力方面的争斗,尤指人与人之间的拳斗或用武器斗,也指动物之间的争斗。fight的主动权操纵在施动者手中,强调直截了当的好战行为。引申则指为达到某一目的而作出巨大努力。 fight既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语,在接同源宾语时,如其前有形容词最高级,其同源宾语可省略。用作不及物动词时,常与against,back,for,off,out等词连用。 fight可用于被动结构。 fight可以用作名词 fight是抽象名词,表示某种动作,即“打架”“吵架”,也可指“战斗”“斗争”,是可数名词。 fight的另一个意思是“斗志”,不可数。 fight后常跟不同的介词,如with,against等。在表示与自然灾害搏斗,如“洪水”,“火灾”等时,后面绝不可与介词against连用。



嗯 fighting 什么意思

put read fight dig的过去式 三单形式 现在分词


put read fight dig的过去式 三单形式 现在分词


1.sleeping. 2. fighting. 3. jumping. 4. running. 5. swinging. 6. swimming. 7 .climbing. 8. cooking


I think there is going to be a fight for ownership, anyone want tickets to a cat fight.



catfight英 [ˈkætfaɪt] 美 [ˈkætˌfaɪt] n. 激烈的争辩



thick friends,catfight是什么意思?

thick friends:朋友很多catfight:激烈的争辩

Miracle" is another word for hardwork ... Fighting 什么意思?


we shall fight on the beaches 的修辞赏析,谢谢


we shall fight on the beaches 的修辞赏析,

只发一句.不联系全文得不出完整的解答.就这一句而言beaches在英文里的运用感觉像是 象征手法的运用.本意是滩头,沙滩.这里应该可以引申为作者所处的时局,环境.比如风间浪口之类的.在肯尼迪的就职演说(presidential i...

翻译showers last too long and summer water fights waste valuable drinking water.


fight 什么意思啊、



  fight  名词战斗力;斗志[不可数名词]  He has plenty of fight in him. 他斗志旺盛。  争吵;争论[可数名词]  Their fights were always over money. 他们的争吵总是为了钱的问题。  战斗;搏斗;打架[可数名词]  Who won the fight? 谁赢得了这场战斗?  及物动词反对  They fought the bill fiercely. 他们激烈反对这项议案。  打(仗);进行(战斗,决斗等)  The battle was fought in the mountains. 这一仗是在山里打的。  与...作战;与...斗争  They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons. 他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。  [美] [faɪt] [英] [fait]  不及物动词争吵[(+over/about)]  He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters. 他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。  打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗  You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。  England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。  其他形式动词fought; fought; fighting  名词fights  同义词及反义词同义词斗争;争论 [动词]  quarrel; struggle; combat; contest; battle; contend; oppose; attack; row; attack; argue; combat; wrestle; contend; battle; disagree; dispute; squabble; quarrel; quibble; feud; oppose; war;  近似同义词duel; mill; spat; scrap; grapple; tussle; fray; spar; box; strive; scuffle; scrimmage; contest; contention; fence; conflict; feud; engagement; competition;  相关词组fight it out  斗争到底  fight shy of  设法避开  fight off  击退  cock fight  斗鸡 短语  prize fight  职业拳击赛 短语  show fight  表示不服  put up a fight  奋勇战斗; 抵抗 短语  fire fight  交火;枪战 短语  dog fight  【军】空中格斗 短语  相关语言fight 也是下列语言中的字词: Deutsch


一、有关fight的短语有1、fight a battle 打仗2、fight disease 与疾病作斗争3、fight the enemy 打击敌人4、fight the fire 救火5、fight bravely 勇敢地战斗6、fight briefly 短暂地斗争7、fight closely 亲密地作战8、fight desperately 拼死搏斗9、fight fearlessly 无畏地斗争10、fight fiercely 强烈地抗击二、词汇分析fight英 [faɪt]  美 [faɪt] vi. 打架;与…打仗,与…斗争;反对…提案n. 打架三、例句1、More units to fight forest fires are planned.已经计划增派部队来扑灭森林大火。2、Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition.李必须为他在考察队的一席之地而努力奋斗。扩展资料近义词有combat , war,struggle with,action 。一、combat英 ["kɒmbæt; "kʌm-]  美 ["kɑmbæt] vt. 反对;与…战斗vi. 战斗;搏斗n. 战斗;争论adj. 战斗的;为…斗争的1、Over 16 million men had died in combat.一千六百多万人在战斗中阵亡。2、Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city.昨天那座城里发生了肉搏战。二、war英 [wɔː]  美 [wɔr] n. 战争,斗争;军事,战术;冲突,对抗,竞争vi. 打仗,作战;对抗1、He spent part of the war in the National Guard.他战时在国民警卫队服役了一段时间。2、The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.最重要的就是达成协议,避免贸易战。
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