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Dream Fighter 歌词

Dream Fighter词曲∶中田ヤスタカ演唱:Perfume 最高を求めて 终わりのない旅をするのはきっと 仆らが 生きている证拠だからoh YEH 现実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになってもきっと 前を见て歩くDream Fighterねぇ みんなが 言う「普通」ってさなん だかんだっで 実际はたぶん真ん中じゃなく 理想にちかいだけど 普通じゃ まだもの足りないのこのままでいれたら って思う瞬间まで远い 远い 遥か この先まで最高を求めて 终わりのない旅をするのはきっと 仆らが 生きている证拠だからもしつらいこととかが あったとしてもそれはキミが きっと ずっと あきらめない强さを持っているから仆らも走り続けるんだ YEH こぼれ落ちる涙 も全部宝物 oh YEH现実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになってもきっと 前を见て歩くDream Fighterねぇ みんなが言う「未来」ってさなん だかんだっで 実际はたぶん真っ暗じゃなく 光が差してだけど 普通じゃ まだもの足りないのこのままでいれたら って思う瞬间まで远い 远い 遥か この先まで最高を求めて 终わりのない旅をするのはきっと 仆らが 生きている证拠だからもしつらいこととかが あったとしてもそれはキミが きっと ずっと あきらめない强さを持っているから仆らも走り続けるんだ YEH こぼれ落ちる涙 も全部宝物 oh YEH现実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになってもきっと 前を见て歩くDream Fighter


firefighter[英][u02c8fau026au0259fau026atu0259(r)][美][u02c8fau026aru02ccfau026atu025a]n.<美>消防队员; 复数:firefighters例句:1.One firefighter drowned in the crude while trying to fix an underwater pump. 一名消防队员在修理水泵时不幸在原油中溺亡。2.Minutes later, goodman and the firefighter carried frank hensley out of the wreckage. 几分钟后,古德曼和消防队员把弗兰克汉斯莱架出了飞机残骸。3.Zack fletcher is a new york city firefighter, as was his twin brother, andre. 扎克弗莱彻和他的孪生兄弟安德烈都是纽约市的消防队员。4.Of all archetypes of a male hero, the firefighter ranks very highly on most women"s lists. 在所有男性英雄的原型中,大多数女性把消防队员排在很靠前的位置。5.Close yourself in a smoke-free room and place a wet towel underneath the door to prevent any smoke from entering, says dan mcbride, a firefighter in new york city. 把自己关进一个无烟的房间,将一条湿毛巾放于门下方以阻止烟雾进入房间,丹麦克布莱德,纽约的一名消防队员说。

The Fighter 歌词

歌曲名:The Fighter歌手:The Fray专辑:Scars & StoriesThe FighterThe FrayThe lover held her loveShe begged him not to goThe fighter wrapped his glovesThe fighter said I know I know I knowJust this one last timeI swear you"ll still be mineBut he can"t promise muchHe goes for one last touch, one last touchMaybe we were meant to be lonely, lonelyMaybe we were meant to be on our ownLoneliness has always been with me, with meMaybe we don"t have to be all aloneThe fighter goes insideThe dawn is creepin" inHe swings with all his mightAt all that mattered thenAnd she"s in love with himBut lovers don"t always winHe never even saw the swingShe calls out his name, calls his nameMaybe we were meant to be lonely, lonelyMaybe we were meant to be on our own,Loneliness has always been with me, with meMaybe we don"t have to be all aloneWhat breaks your bonesIs not the load you"re carryinWhat breaks you downIs all in how you carry...The lover held her loveShe begs him not to goShe unwraps his glovesThe lover said I know I know I knowKissed his trembling lipsShe touched his fingertipsSomehow they both knowHe"s not comin" home, comin" homeLoneliness has always been with me, with meMaybe we were meant to be on our ownBut I gotta try or it will destroy me"Cause baby we don"t have to be all alone




1.don"t cry--guns n" roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,我相信国内有好多都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~ 3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中...(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓) 4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。我就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死... 5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~! 6. far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很... 7. knocking on heaven"s door--guns n" roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前我都要听的。 8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷开枪打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗? 9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。10. let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就让它Let it be... 11. it"s my life--bon jovi我比较早喜欢的一首歌..曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。 12. that"s why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that"s why(you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来That"s why就更经典了! (放的声音越大越有感觉哦) 13. you can"t say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!我是不会歌词的,但每旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情... 14. yesterday yes a day 温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服的21岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱人在你耳 边轻轻呢喃,超好听的... 15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是疯狂热爱和不羁职责的承受者,年轻的巨富,心理怪异而各声纯洁的奇人,他富于创造,不向任何一个流派靠拢,虽然,杰克逊现在的形象不好,但他曾经为世界的慈善事业作了很大的贡献,这首歌也正是他心意的表现吧...最起码他在音乐方面的高度是谁都无法否认的。 16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸... 17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~


背对着天空,畏惧于这段距离的你一直都是这样委屈的眼泪,忽视你的理由都请不要再忍耐总是和其他的人做着同样的梦吧 Yeah Yeah~越来越模糊的样子,不要有任何的担心,我来保护你Oh! Oh! 抬起头吧 用充满自信的感觉Oh! Oh! 偶尔大声叫喊吧 用以往隐藏起来的心情Rap)Tell me what you wanna do?I said roof`s on fire feeling so higherTell me what you wanna do?I`m feelin` hot so I can`t stopTell me what you wanna do?I said roof`s on fire feeling so higherTell me what you wanna do?I`m feelin` hot so I can`t stopDrop that heat不要用若干表情来费心讨好现在试着改变吧从新开始展开你迷人的微笑就是这样总是和其他的人做着同样的梦吧 Yeah Yeah~越来越模糊的样子,不要有任何的担心,我来保护你Oh! Oh! 抬起头吧 用充满自信的感觉Oh! Oh! 偶尔大声叫喊吧 用以往隐藏起来的心情Rap)Yea baby You gots to keep yo head up跟着你的感觉走吧让我看看你认真的模样反正人生只有一次就要尽情享受大声叫Like ya don`t careHolla atcha boy cuz ya know but it`s ok以前的所有我全都厌恶从现在开始 Just drop that heater没有必要犹豫,就按照你自己的方式去活着Yeah Yeah~没有什么能够阻止我向你大叫Oh! Oh! 抬起头吧 用充满自信的感觉Oh! Oh! 偶尔大声叫喊吧 用以往隐藏起来的心情Oh! Oh! 抬起头吧 用充满自信的感觉Oh! Oh! 偶尔大声叫喊吧 用以往隐藏起来的心情END


fight英 [fau026at] 美 [fau026at] vt.& vi. 战斗;斗争;打架;吵架 n. 打架;吵架;战斗;斗志 打的; 争夺; 战斗; 打架 过去式:fought 过去分词:fought 现在分词:fighting 第三人称单数:fights battle, war, campaign, struggle, warfare, fight, combat, engagement这些名词均有“战斗,战争”之意。battle: 侧重指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。war: 是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。campaign: 通常指在一场大的战争中在某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动。也可作引申用。struggle: 指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。warfare: 侧重指战争状态或具体的作战方法。fight: 最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。combat: 泛指军事行动,尤指小规模的战斗,甚至是格斗。 engagement: 指交战,交火。1.The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement. 这对双胞胎为了一点儿小矛盾而吵得不可开交。 2. Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆总算抑制住了愤怒,从而避免了一场殴斗。 3. If he hit you, why didn"t you fight back? 如果他打了你,你为何不还手呢? 4. He likes to fight it out whenever others disagree with him. 当别人与他意见不一致时,他总喜欢争个明白。 5. The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight. 这位职业拳击手拿了钱,这阻碍了他在这场拳击赛中的获胜。




the mouths of enviousalways find another doorwhile at the gates of paradise they beat us down some morebut our mission"s set in stone"cause the writing"s on the walli"ll scream it from the mountain tops pride comes before the fallso many thoughts to shareall this energy to giveunlike those who hide the truth i tell it like it isif the truth will set you freei feel sorry for your soulcan"t you hear the ringing"cause for you the bell tollsi"m just a freedom fighter no remorseraging on in holy warsoon there"ll come a daywhen you"re face to face with meface to face with mecan"t you hear us coming?people marching all aroundcan"t you see we"re coming?close your eyes it"s over nowcan"t you hear us coming?the fight has only just beguncan"t you see we"re coming?a freedom fighterno remorseraging on in holy warsoon there"ll come a daywhen you"re face to face to face to faceto face to face wih me嘴羡慕总发现其它门当在天堂门 他们摔打了我们击倒有些但我们的使命的集合在石头" 导致文字的在墙壁上我将尖叫它从山上面 自豪感来在秋天之前许多想法对份额所有这能量给不同于那些掩藏真相我坦白说如果真相将设置您自由我感到抱歉为您的灵魂不能您听见敲响" 起因为您响铃通行费我是自由战斗机 没有后悔发怒在圣战中很快那里将来一天当您是面对面以我面对面与我您不能听见我们来临吗?人们前进所有您不能看我们来临吗?闭上它现在是结束的您的眼睛您不能听见我们来临吗?战斗只开始了您不能看我们来临吗?自由战斗机没有后悔发怒在圣战中很快那里将来一天当您是面对面对面对面对面对面wih 我


I guess I, I couldn"t trust 我猜我不该相信 Called your bluff, time is up 你的欺诈,是时候了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我受够了 You were, there by my side 你在我边上 Always, down for the ride 总是不停往前 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的开车兜风像是在扑火 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪,你将无耻地出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷窃和欺骗以后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你一定以为我在怨恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 如果那不是你所有的行径 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我还真不知道该怎么解决这些难题 So I wanna say thank you 所以我要说感谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强 Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些 It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些 Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P) Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵 So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士 Oh, ohh Never, saw it coming 从未看到 All of, your backstabbing 你所有的行径 Just so, you could cash in 你只是想兑现 On a good thing before I realized your game 因为一件好事,在我知道你的把戏之前 I heard, you"re going around 我听说你正到处走动 Playing, the victim now 戏弄你的受害者 But don"t, even begin 但别开始觉得 Feeling I"m the one to blame 我也该受指责 "Cause you dug your own grave 因为你是自掘坟墓(dig ur own grave) After all of the fights and the lies 在所以得争斗和谎言过后 Yes you wanted to harm me but that won"t work anymore 你想伤害我但那不再起作用了 Uh, no more, oh no, it"s over 不再,都结束了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture 因为,如果那不是你所有的手段 I wouldn"t know how to be this way now, and never back down 我不会懂得如何摆托你,回到正轨 So I wanna say thank you 所以我要感谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强 Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些 It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些 Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P) Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵 So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士



求 fighter.歌曲的中文翻译!

After all you put me through 毕竟你考验了我 you think I"d despise you 你以为我会鄙视你 but in the end 但最终 I wanna thank you because you make that much stronger 我想感谢你因为你让我变的更坚强 Well,I thought I knew you 我以为我了解你 Thinking, that you were true 以为你是真心的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust 我猜我不该相信 Called your bluff, time is up 你的欺诈,是时候了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我受够了 You were, there by my side 你在我边上 Always, down for the ride 总是不停往前 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的开车兜风像是在扑火 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪,你将无耻地出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷窃和欺骗以后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你一定以为我在怨恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 如果那不是你所有的行径 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我还真不知道该怎么解决这些难题 So I wanna say thank you 所以我要说感谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强 Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些 It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些 Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P) Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵 So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士 Oh, ohh Never, saw it coming 从未看到 All of, your backstabbing 你所有的行径 Just so, you could cash in 你只是想兑现 On a good thing before I realized your game 因为一件好事,在我知道你的把戏之前 I heard, you"re going around 我听说你正到处走动 Playing, the victim now 戏弄你的受害者 But don"t, even begin 但别开始觉得 Feeling I"m the one to blame 我也该受指责 "Cause you dug your own grave 因为你是自掘坟墓(dig ur own grave) After all of the fights and the lies 在所以得争斗和谎言过后 Yes you wanted to harm me but that won"t work anymore 你想伤害我但那不再起作用了 Uh, no more, oh no, it"s over 不再,都结束了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture 因为,如果那不是你所有的手段 I wouldn"t know how to be this way now, and never back down 我不会懂得如何摆托你,回到正轨 So I wanna say thank you 所以我要感谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强 Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些 It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些 Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P) Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵 So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士

克里斯蒂娜 阿奎莱拉 fighter 歌词中文翻译

  I guess I, I couldn"t trust 我猜我不该相信  Called your bluff, time is up 你的欺诈,是时候了  "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我受够了  You were, there by my side 你在我边上 Always, down for the ride 总是不停往前 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的开车兜风像是在扑火  "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪,你将无耻地出卖  After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷窃和欺骗以后  You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你一定以为我在怨恨你  But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 如果那不是你所有的行径  I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我还真不知道该怎么解决这些难题  So I wanna say thank you 所以我要说感谢你  "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强  Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些  It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明  So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士  Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些  Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P)  Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵  So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士  Oh, ohh Never, saw it coming 从未看到 All of, your backstabbing 你所有的行径 Just so, you could cash in 你只是想兑现 On a good thing before I realized your game 因为一件好事,在我知道你的把戏之前  I heard, you"re going around 我听说你正到处走动  Playing, the victim now 戏弄你的受害者 But don"t, even begin 但别开始觉得 Feeling I"m the one to blame 我也该受指责  "Cause you dug your own grave 因为你是自掘坟墓(dig ur own grave)  After all of the fights and the lies 在所以得争斗和谎言过后  Yes you wanted to harm me but that won"t work anymore 你想伤害我但那不再起作用了  Uh, no more, oh no, it"s over 不再,都结束了  "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture 因为,如果那不是你所有的手段  I wouldn"t know how to be this way now, and never back down 我不会懂得如何摆托你,回到正轨  So I wanna say thank you 所以我要感谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 那使我变得如此坚强  Makes me work a little bit harder 使我工作更努力一些  It makes me that much wiser 使我更聪明  So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我变成一个斗士  Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学得更快些  Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我的皮更厚些(皮厚?...not sure:P)  Makes me that much smarter 让我更机灵  So thanks for making me a fighter 谢谢你使我成为斗士


After all you put me through Fighter在经历过你所让我经历的一切之后You"d think I"d despise you你已经觉得我会鄙视你 But in the end, I wanna thank you但是最后我还是要谢谢你"Cause you made me that much stronger那是因为你让我变得如此坚强When I, thought I knew you当我自以为很了解你Thinking, that you were true想法简单的以为你是单纯的I guess I, I couldn"t trust我猜想我自己无法信任你Called your bluff, time is up那是因为时间已经揭穿了你的骗局"Cause I"ve had enough所以我已经受够了You were, there by my side你曾经在我身边的时候Always, down for the ride常常都是以自己为中心But your, joy ride just came down in flames然而你慢慢的就没有了激情"Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm因为你的贪婪,无耻地将我出卖after all of the stealing and cheating经历这些被你的偷窃和欺骗后You probably think that I hold resentment for you你大概会了解到我已经开始怨恨你But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong但是,哼,哼,不是那样,你想错了"Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do如果不是因为你所的所做所为I wouldn"t know, just how capable我就不会知道我到底有多大能力I am to pull through渡过难关So I wanna say thank you所以我要谢谢你"Cause it因为这段经历Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Oh, oh, oh, ohOoh, yeah, ohhNever, saw it coming从来没有,朝明天看All of, your backstabbing不少于,你用卑鄙的手段对待我Just so, you could cash in正是如此,我要将你对现On a good thing before I"d realize your game在我了解你的游戏之前居然以为那是件美好的事情I heard, you"re going round我听说,你四处游荡Playing, the victim now装扮,成受害者But don"t, even begin但是,根本别想开始Feeling I"m the one to blame装作好像是我的过失"Cause you dug your own grave那么现在你自己掉进了自己挖的坟墓中After all of the fights and the lies在所有的谎言和战争之后"Cause you"re wanting to haunt me面对我你应该神鬼出没But that won"t work anymore但是这关系就再也持续不下去了No more, uh uh, it"s over绝对不再,哼哼,一切都该结束了"Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture如果不是因为你对我的折磨I wouldn"t know how, to be this way now我也不会知道现在用什么方法去报复你And never back down因为绝对不回头So I wanna say thank you所以我想感谢你"Cause it因为经历的这些Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士How could this man I thought I knew我曾经自以为很了解的男人Turn out to be unjust, so cruel怎么会变得如此不公平,如此残忍Could only see the good in you过去只能看到你的好的一面Pretended not to see the truth假装看不到你真实的一面You tried to hide your lies你设法去掩饰你的谎言Disguise yourself伪装你自己Through living in denial通过现实中的否定But in the end you"ll see最终你会明白You, won"t, stop, me你永远都不能阻止我了I am a fighter and I我是一名斗士(I"m a fighter)I ain"t gon" stop我不会停止前进(I ain"t gon" stop)There is no turning back我不会走回头路I"ve had enough, yeah...我已经成熟了Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作(Oh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士。Thought I would forget (thought I)以为我已经忘记了这些痛苦的回忆I remember (ohh)但是我又想起来了"Cause I remember (ohh)是的,我又想起来了I remember我又想起来了

Christina Aguilera的《Fighter 》 歌词

歌曲名:Fighter 歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:fighterFighter — Christina AguileraAfter all you put me throughYoud think Id despise youBut in the end I want to thank youBecause you made me that much strongerWhen i, thought I knew youThinking, that you were trueI guess i, I couldnt trustCalled your bluff, time is upcause Ive had enoughYou were, there by my sideAlways, down for the rideBut your, joy ride just came down in flamescause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmmAfter all of the stealing and cheatingYou probably think that I hold resentment for youBut, uh uh, oh no, youre wrongcause if it wasnt for all that you tried to doI wanna know just how capable I am to pull throughSo I wanna say thank youcause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterOhh, ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh-yeah ah uhhhuhNever, saw it comingAll of, your backstabbingJust so, you could cash inOn a good thing before I realized your gameI heard, youre going aroundPlaying the victim nowBut dont, even beginFeeling Im the one to blamecause you dug your own graveAfter all of the fights and the liesYes you wanted to harm me but that wont work anymoreUh, no more, oh no, its overcause if it wasnt for all of your tortureI wouldnt know how to be this way now, and never back downSo I wanna say thank youcause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterHow could this man I thought I knewTurn out to be unjust so cruelCould only see the good in youPretended not to see the truthYou tried to hide your lies, disguise yourselfThrough living in dnialBut in the end youll seeYou-wont-stop-meI am a fighter and iI aint goin stopThere is no turning backIve had enoughmakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterThought I would forgetBut I rememberI rememberI"ll rememberThought I would forgetI rememberI rememberI"ll remembermakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighter

根据括号要求写出相应部分: fight (表示人的名词)______





消防队员双语对照词典结果:firefighter[英][u02c8fau026au0259fau026atu0259(r)][美][u02c8fau026au0259rfau026atu0259(r)]n.<美>消防队员; 复数:firefighters以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.One firefighter died trying to contain the blaze. 一名消防员在试图控制火势时牺牲


Fighter - SS501 uc2dcub828 ub530uc708 ub0b4uac90 uc5c6ub294uac78, uac70uce60uc5b4uc9c4 ub098uc758 ub208ube5buc5d0, ub204uad6cub3c4 ub098ub97c uba48ucd9c uc218 uc5c6ub294uac78. ub192uc740 uacf3uc744 ud5a5ud574 ub2ecub824uac00, ud130uc9c8 ub4efud55c ub098uc758 uc2ecuc7a5uc744, ub124uac00 ub4e3ub3c4ub85d uac70uce68uc5c6ub294 don"t break. * uc9c0ucf1cuc654ub358 my life uc9c0uce58uc9c0 uc54aub3c4ub85d, ub05duc5c6uc774 uc2f8uc6ccuc628 ub098uc758 ud604uc2e4 uc55euc5d0. uc228 ub9c9ud788ub358 ub0b4uac8c uc544ud514uc774 ubc00ub824uc640ub3c4, ucc38uc544ub0bc uc218 uc788uc5c8ub358 uac74 we are the one. * ** Come on! I do wanna fight uac15ud55c ub098ub85c ud0dcuc5b4ub0acuc5b4, ub204uad6cub3c4 ub9c9uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 ub124uac00 uc788ub2e4uba74 ub09c uc774uae38 uc790uc2e0 uc788uc5b4. ** *** ub354 uc774uc0c1 uc544ud514ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 ub098ub294 uc4f0ub7ecuc9c0uc9c0 uc54auc544. I can fight you always in my mind *** * Repeat ** Repeat *** Repeat 只找到这个......


fighter[英] [u02c8fau026atu0259] [美] [u02c8fau026atu025a] n. 战士(尤指士兵或拳击者);[航]战斗机,歼击机;斗争者,奋斗者;好斗的人;同义词knight, combatant ,hero ,warrior, soldier, gladiator




形容词都可以,强壮的斗士,strong fighter,有雄心的斗士,ambitious fighter,或者是疲惫的斗士,tired fighter。


《Fighter》中文歌词: 没有得到经验的我 要崩溃的我的眼神 谁也不能使我停止 向着高处跑 畜势待发的我的心 这样的道路毫无阻碍 don"t break 一直支持下来的my life 让人厌倦的争吵 毫无止境的到来 我所面对的现实 把痛苦推给没有生路的我 过去无法忍受的 we are the one Come on!I do wanna fight 作为强大的我诞生 谁也无法阻拦我 如果又你的存在 我就会又自信心 不会再又疼痛 我会支持不会倒下 I can fight you always in my mind I can fight you always in my mind 一直支持下来的my life 让人厌倦的争吵 毫无止境的到来 我所面对的现实 把痛苦推给没有生路的我 过去无法忍受的 we are the one Come on!I do wanna fight 作为强大的我诞生 谁也无法阻拦我 如果又你的存在 我就会又自信心 不会再又疼痛 我会支持不会倒下 I can fight you always in my mind I can fight you always in my mind 不能过逃亡 没有其他的道路 不要再后退 如果有这样的愿望就看看 如果有自信心就跟着来 谁也不能成为我的阻碍 不会再又疼痛 我会支持不会倒下 I can fight you always in my mind I can fight you always in my mind 作为强大的我诞生 谁也无法阻拦我 如果又你的存在 我就会又自信心 不会再又疼痛 我会支持不会倒下 I can fight you always in my mind I can fight you always in my mind


现在我知道了真相有时候,隐藏在黑暗中有时候燃烧的好像火焰一般亮没办法看出你是谁站在坚实的地面点燃的火焰,它会带你到更高强烈的激情,是野蛮战士无法逃离, 我感觉到火焰般的热你是我活著的理由你每天都在打斗中,一个孤独的战斗当你走了东方时你更感到孤独但你是如此的遥远,现在请留在我身旁告诉我你的感觉,说一些我不能说的话没关系,你在哪里我在听你是我活著的意义继续战斗战士X4你从哪里来?你去哪里?告诉我方向我要跟著你我很困惑我不能否认想隐藏的痛苦和悲伤当你感觉低潮我会在那里等你叫我的名字而我会知道你不需要理由当我想你的这些感情并感受他们的成长我又更爱你一些你是我活一个理由你每天都在战斗中,一个孤独的战斗我知道,承受正义你一直在战斗,一直努力他们可能会击败你在地上你认为你可能不能继续下去你总是会找到一个方式,如果你相信你是我活一个理由继续战斗=战士X4



firefighter怎么读 firefighter的意思

1、firefighter单词发音:英[u02c8fau026au0259fau026atu0259(r)]美[u02c8fau026au0259rfau026atu0259r]。 2、firefighter,英语单词,名词,意为“消防队员”。 3、[例句]Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the children to safety.消防队员组成人链把孩子们救到了安全的地方。


After all that you put me throughYou think I"d despise youBut in the end I wanna thank you"Cause you"ve made meThat much strongerWell I thought I knew youThinkin" that you were trueGuess I, I couldn"t trustCalled your bluff time is up"Cause I"ve had enoughYou were there by my sideAlways down for the rideBut your joy ride just came down in flames"Cause your greed sold me out in shameAfter all of the stealing and cheating youProbably think thatI hold resentment for youBut uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong"Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do,I wouldn"t knowJust how capable I am to pull throughSo I wanna say thank you"Cause itMakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterNever saw it coming,All of your backstabbingJust so you could cash in on a good thingBefore I"d realize your gameI heard you"re going roundPlaying the victim nowBut don"t even begin feelingI"m the one to blame"Cause you dug your own graveAfter all of the fights and the lies"Cause you"re wanting to haunt meBut that won"t work anymore, no more,It"s over"Cause if it wasn"t for all of your tortureI wouldn"t know how to be this way nowAnd never back downSo I wanna say thank you"Cause itMakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterHow could this man I thought I knewTurn out to be unjust so cruelCould only see the good in youPretend not to see the truthYou tried to hide your lies,Disguise yourselfThrough living in denialBut in the end you"ll seeYou won"t stop meI am a fighter and II ain"t gonna stopThere is no turning backI"ve had enoughMakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterYou thought I would forgetBut I remembered"Cause I rememberedI rememberedYou thought I would forgetI remembered"Cause I rememberedI rememberedMakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighter 在你自始至终对我做了这一切之后你会觉得我厌恶你但是当一切结束了之后我只想说一句谢谢因为你让我变得更加强大well,现在我想我足够了解你了开始思考着,也许那就是你完美面具下丑恶的嘴脸我觉得我,我难以置信是揭穿你的虚张声势时候了因为我已经受够了你的欺骗你曾在我的身边我总是对你另眼相看但这种欢乐的时光已然就此结束了因为你的贪婪可耻的把我出卖在所有的偷情和出轨之后你也许会以为我会无以复加的憎恶怨恨你但是,哈哈!你大错特错因为如果不是你所做出的这一系列的可鄙的行为我也不会发现在种种重压下我居然会拥有这样强大的力量来渡过难关所以现在我只想多谢你的那些斑斑劣迹因为你的那些行为让我变得越发卓越让我从此以往更加努力追求我的人生这一切让我变得越发智慧所以多谢你最终让我变成一个卓越的斗士让我更快的学到了这一切让我变得更加坚不可摧让我越来越聪慧敏捷所以谢谢你哦成为了一名卓越的斗士(过去)从来没有,看清这一切的真面目所有一切的,那些你藏在背后的卑鄙既然如此,你就来为在我明白了你所有把戏之前每一件你我之间虚伪的恋人情事买单吧我听说你现在开始玩起了无辜受害者的那一套但是没用,即使开始的时候听起来像是我才是那个十恶不赦的人你这是在自掘坟墓在经历了这些欺骗和争斗之后我知道你只是想让我觉得受伤痛苦,但是这一切都不在受用于我呵呵,不会再有更多了,哦不,所有曾发生的一切都已然烟消云散因为如果不是你对我那所有一切的折磨我也不会知道我居然可以变得像如今一样,卓越坚强,永不退缩所以我想谢谢你因为你我才变得如此强大璀璨让我前所未有的努力追求人生让我获得脱胎换骨的智慧所以感谢想你让我成为了一名功勋卓著的斗士让我更快的学到了这一切让我变得无坚不摧让我更加聪慧敏捷所以谢谢你让我成为现在这个斗士一样的我这样一个曾和我相濡以沫的人怎么会变得如此的恶毒残忍只能努力想象着你的每一处温暖假装从未看清过你卑鄙的为人你试图隐藏遮盖那些不堪的谎言通过生活那些苍白无力的否认来掩饰自己的真面目但是到了最终我始终会看清你绝对无法阻止我我是一个斗士,而且我永远不会停下我为自己奋斗的步伐现在发生的一切都无法在回头了我受够了你把我变得前所未有的强大璀璨让我更加奋发追求属于自己的人生让我得到了更多的智慧所以我感谢你把我变成了这样一个功勋卓著的斗士让我更快的学到这一切让我变得前所未有的坚强这让我更加懂得如何明辨是非所以我谢谢你把我变成如今的这个斗士也许有一天我会忘记但是我会记得我一定会记得,我一定会记得可能我会忘记我会记住我一定会记住,一定会记住因为这发生的一切把我变得这样的强大璀璨让我更加无所畏惧的追求自己的人生让我更加懂得明辨是非的智慧所以谢谢你把我变成如今的这个历经风雨的斗士让我更快的学到了这一切让我更加坚不可摧让我越来越聪慧敏捷所以多谢你把我变成现在作为斗士的自己


Fighter After all you put me through You"d think I"d despise you But in the end, I wanna thank you "Cause you made me that much stronger Well I, thought I knew you Thinking, that you were true I guess I, I couldn"t trust Called your bluff, time is up "Cause I"ve had enough You were, there by my side Always, down for the ride But your, joy ride just came down in flames "Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm After all of the stealing and cheating You probably think that I hold resentment for you But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do I wouldn"t know, just how capable I am to pull through So I wanna say thank you "Cause it Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Oh, oh, oh, oh Ooh, yeah, ohh Never, saw it coming All of, your backstabbing Just so, you could cash in On a good thing before I"d realize your game I heard, you"re going round Playing, the victim now But don"t, even begin Feeling I"m the one to blame "Cause you dug your own grave After all of the fights and the lies "Cause you"re wanting to haunt me But that won"t work anymore No more, uh uh, it"s over "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture I wouldn"t know how, to be this way now And never back down So I wanna say thank you "Cause it Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter How could this man I thought I knew Turn out to be unjust, so cruel Could only see the good in you Pretended not to see the truth You tried to hide your lies Disguise yourself Through living in denial But in the end you"ll see You, won"t, stop, me I am a fighter and I (I"m a fighter) I ain"t gon" stop (I ain"t gon" stop) There is no turning back I"ve had enough, yeah... Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder (Oh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah) It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Thought I would forget (thought I) I remember (ohh) "Cause I remember (ohh) I remember 战士 通过我对你过去的种种了解,我要开始轻视你。 但是最后我还是要谢谢你,那是因为你让我变得如此坚强。 当我自以为很了解你,想法简单的以为你是单纯的。 我猜想我自己无法信任你,那是因为时间已经揭穿了你的骗局。 所以我已经受够了。 你曾经在我身边的时候,常常都是以自己为中心。 然而你慢慢的就没有了激情,你的贪婪让我感到羞耻。 经历这些被你的偷窃和欺骗后,你大概会了解到我已经开始怨恨你。 但是,哼,哼,不是那样,你想错了。 如果让你的所作所为仅仅只是抱怨的话,那么我将不知道该说些什么,只是没这能力。 所以我要渡过难关,所以我要谢谢你。 因为这段经历。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 从来没有,朝明天看。不少于,你用卑鄙的手段对待我。 正是如此,我要将你对现。 在我了解你的游戏之前居然以为那是件美好的事情。 我听说,你四处游荡。玩弄,这些受害者。 但是现在这些受害者,不会那么简单的为你开始了。 如果说过去是我的过失。 那么现在你自己掉进了自己挖的坟墓中。 在所有的谎言和战争之后,面对我你应该神鬼出没。 但是这关系就再也持续不下去了。 绝对不再。哼哼。一切都该结束了。 就拿你对我折磨来说就已经结束了。 我也不想知道现在用什么方法去报复你。 因为绝对不回头。 所以我想感谢你。 因为经历的这些。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 这就是我曾经自以为很了解的男人,我觉得不公平,如此残忍。 过去一直都只看到你的好的一面,但是虚假永远都不是真实。 你设法去掩饰你的谎言,伪装你自己。 通过现实中的否定。 最终你会明白,你永远都不能阻止我了。 我是一名战士,我不会停止前进。 我不会走回头路,我已经成熟了。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 以为我已经忘记了这些痛苦的回忆,但是我又想起来了。 是的。我又想起来了。


Fighter After all you put me through You"d think I"d despise you But in the end, I wanna thank you "Cause you made me that much stronger Well I, thought I knew you Thinking, that you were true I guess I, I couldn"t trust Called your bluff, time is up "Cause I"ve had enough You were, there by my side Always, down for the ride But your, joy ride just came down in flames "Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm After all of the stealing and cheating You probably think that I hold resentment for you But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do I wouldn"t know, just how capable I am to pull through So I wanna say thank you "Cause it Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Oh, oh, oh, oh Ooh, yeah, ohh Never, saw it coming All of, your backstabbing Just so, you could cash in On a good thing before I"d realize your game I heard, you"re going round Playing, the victim now But don"t, even begin Feeling I"m the one to blame "Cause you dug your own grave After all of the fights and the lies "Cause you"re wanting to haunt me But that won"t work anymore No more, uh uh, it"s over "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture I wouldn"t know how, to be this way now And never back down So I wanna say thank you "Cause it求采纳


《Fighter》是一首非常硬朗的歌曲,克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉在该曲中展现了极强的爆发力,唱出爱情的斗士,感情的锤炼让人更强壮、更明智、更努力,变为了一个坚强的人、一个斗士。无论将这首歌献给篮球场上的还是足球场上的战士,都是那么贴切:昂扬的激情,奋不顾身而无所顾忌,都是为了胜利的信念而战 。(国际在线评)《Fighter》中克里斯蒂娜的嗓音高亢嘹亮,爆发力强,而这首以“战斗”为主题的歌曲用的是摇滚元素,很有力量,由克里斯蒂娜演唱可谓恰如其分 。(新浪网评)


谐音:dungeon当真 and安(的) :“的”可以不发音,但是读完“安”要稍微顿一下。fighter福爱特儿(faiteer)因为找不到适合的字代替,所以“福爱”要连在一起很快读。


牛津词典warrior(especially in the past) a person who fights in a battle or war(特别是在过去)一个在战役或战争中战斗的人fighter1 (also fighter plane) a fast military plane designed to attack other aircraft(也是fighter plane)一种被设计来攻击其他飞行器的军用快速飞机(即歼击机)2 a person who fights一个战斗的人3 a person who does not give up hope or admit that they are defeated一个不愿放弃希望或承认失败的人综上

Ben Kweller的《Fight》 歌词

歌曲名:Fight歌手:Ben Kweller专辑:Changing Horses-ATOFightby No VacancyIn our ring of blood this much is trueI never thought that i"d be fighting youBut you stole my heartYou cheated in lineYou weren"t in my cornerYou weren"t on my sideThe gloves are offYou"ve hit below the beltNow it"s time out babyAnd they"ve rung the bellI"m not a fighter i"m a loverBut if you runThen run for cover!Fight for your life! yeah!Now theres a round to goI"m coming out strongI"ll hit a knockout punchWith this heart-felt songAnd then when they count you down from tenI"ll find you in my loving arms againThe gloves are offYou"ve hit below the beltNow it"s time out babyAnd they"ve rung the bellI"m not a fighter i"m a loverBut if you runThen run for cover!Fight for your life! yeah!(guitar solo)I"m not a fighter i"m a loverBut if you runThen run for cover!Fight for your life! yeah!edit morrison tsai


When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你 Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我已经受够了! You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边 Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大 Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力 It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习 Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强 Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Oh, ohh

小朋友齐打交(Little FighterⅡ) 全部秘籍你要的..

Little Fighter 2 怎么玩?快,快,快。

  ======================================================================  小朋友齐打交 2 版本 1.9c  控制指示  ======================================================================  -------------  特殊动作  -------------  ("D" 为防御按钮, "A" 为攻击按钮, "J" 为跳跃按钮)  (">", "^", "v" 为方向按钮)  你可以在主菜单选项设置按键.  ==John==  1.气功波Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.治疗别人Heal (others) (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  3.防护壁Energy Shield: (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.气旋斩Energy Disk: (50mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  5.治疗自己Heal (myself): (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Deep==  1.破空斩Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.霸王斩Strike (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.屠龙斩Leap Attack: (15mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J + A  4.屠龙斩2Leap Attack2: (15mp)  输入方法: Strike + J + A  5.鬼哭斩Dashing Strafe: (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Henry==  1.降龙掌Dragon Palm (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.五连矢Multiple Shot (30mp)  输入方法: D + J + A ( + A + A...)  2.穿空矢Critical Shot (40mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.魔王之乐章Sonata of the Death (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Rudolf==  1.刺虎Leap Attack: (0mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.五连镖Multiple Ninja Star: (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.变化术Transform (30mp)  输入方法: Gripping Other + D + J + A  3.隐身术Hide (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  4.分身术Double (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Louis==  1.冲光拳Thunder Punch (10mp)  输入方法: Run + A  2.落雷霸Thunder Punch (15mp)  输入方法: Run + J + A  3.无影腿Thunder Kick (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.旋风摔Whirlwind Throw (15mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  5.凤凰展翅Phoenix Palm (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==LouisEX==  1.凤凰乱舞Phoenix Dance (0mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  2.冲光拳Thunder Punch (6mp)  输入方法: Run + A  3.落雷霸Thunder Punch (8mp)  输入方法: Run + J + A  4.凤凰展翅Phoenix Palm (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  ==Firen==  1.火焰弹Fire Ball (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.烈火焚身Blaze (15mp +...)  输入方法: D + > + J  3.豪火球Inferno (30mp +...)  输入方法: D + v + J  4.大轰炸Explosion (60mp + 8hp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Freeze==  1.冰冻波Ice Blast (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.冷锋之剑Sommon Sword (30mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  3.冰霜拳Icicle (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.白色龙卷Whirlwind (60mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Firzen==  1.冰炎光龙炮Firzen Cannon (5mp +...)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.天厄灭绝Overwhelming Disaster (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A ( + A + A...)  3.极地火山Arctic Volcano (50mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Dennis==  1.气功波Energy Blast (8mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.百烈腿Shrafe (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.旋风腿Whirlwind Kick (15mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.追踪波Chasing Blast (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Woody==  1.脚刀Flip Kick (0mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  2.鬼车脚Turning Kick (10mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.瞬间转移Teleport (10mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J (到敌人) / D + v + J (到朋友)  4.气功波Energy Blast (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  5.虎翔霸Tiger Dash (40mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Davis==  1.飞车落Leap Attack (5mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J + A  2.气功波Energy Blast (8mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  3.百烈拳Shrafe (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  4.升龙霸Dragon Punch (45mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Template==  没有特殊动作.  ==Bandit==  没有特殊动作.  ==Hunter==  没有特殊动作.  ==Mark==  1.超破坏拳Crash Punch (0mp)  输入方法: D + > + A (+ A)  2.人肉战车Body Attack (0mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Jack==  1.气功波Energy Blast (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.筋斗脚刀Flash Kick (25mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Sorcerer==  1.冷冻波Ice Blast (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.火焰弹Fire Ball (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  3.治疗别人Heal (others) (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  4.治疗自己Heal (myself): (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Monk==  1.密宗大手印ShaoLin Palm (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==Jan==  1.魔鬼之裁判Devil"s Judgement (30mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  2.天使之祝福Angel"s Blessing (40mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Knight==  没有特殊动作.  ==Justin==  1.狼拳Wolf Punch (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A ( + A...)  2.气功波Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==Bat==  1.连拳Speed Punch (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.激光眼Eye Laser (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  3.吸血蝙蝠Sommon Bats (40mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Julian==  1.流星拳Soul Punch (0mp)  输入方法: Run + A  2.上钩拳Uppercut (0mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A ( + A)  3.连环重炮Skull Blast (2mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A...)  4.残影Mirror Image (5mp)  输入方法: D + J + A ( + J...)  5.化为乌有Big Bang (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  6.邪闪波Soul Bomb (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  -------------  功能键  -------------  F1: 暂停  F2: 暂停/单步  F3: 功能键 (F6,F7,F8,F9) 锁定  F4: 重新启动  F5: 加速  F6: 无限 MP  F7: 恢复  F8: 天空掉落物品  F9: 清除所有物品  ESC: 退出  (F5 ~ F9 禁止在闯关模式使用.)  -----------------------------  命令电脑队友(s):  -----------------------------  过来: D + J + D + J  站住: D + D + D + D  移动: D + A + D + A  版权 1999-2005, 小熊 & 浩然, 版权所有

香港的little fighter online 好玩吗

我认为我认为我认为我认为 小朋友齐打交2(Little Fighter2 缩写:LF2,于1.9版曾更名为“小斗士2”)是一款免费的2D 格斗游戏。由于游戏有很大的耐玩度,控制简单,而且很多招式都可以互相接驳,游戏变化很大,因此它一直广受全球青少年所拥戴。而在官网流量逹至三千五百万,下载量更己超过百万。 该游戏由香港中文大学计算机科学系学生 Marti Wong(小熊)及 Starsky Wong(浩然)合力开发,主要以 Visual C++ 与 DirectX 程序库编写,于2000年1月25日推出0.1版,其后积极努力及多次更新,加入更多游戏角式、武器、背景,同时又开发新的游戏模式(部分参照小朋友齐打交),改善人工智能(A.I.),使游戏质素大为提高。在完成了“闯关模式”(Stage Mode)的第5关后,于2002年9月27日,小熊和浩然发放了1.9版, 并在“爆机”画面说明这是最小朋友齐打交的最后版本。现时最新版本为1.9c版,于2005年8月19日中推出。 游戏共设有对决模式、闯关模式、战争模式及淘汰赛四个模式。 在背景方面,有不少香港及中国著名的地方,如万里长城、赤柱监狱、红磡体育馆、大磡村等。 另外可供四个玩家在同一电脑控制,最多更可以同时有八个主要角色利用一对一连线或电脑控制。 玩家也可以自由选择主要角色,隐藏角色则需要在加载时打密技,或在特殊情况解开。 进入打斗后,玩家可以跑、跳、攻、防、招式、治疗等控制,及 come,stay,move 三项对电脑作出指令。 基于这游戏的广泛流行,其后冒起的小朋友齐打交Online(Little Fighter Online),可算是 lf2 另一个起点。 游戏之中的特色,包括游戏人物(如十个主要人物)、武器(如木棍)、背景(如赤柱监狱)、游戏模式(如淘汱赛),都是继承自小朋友齐打交(Little Fighter)的。 现时 Starsky Wong(浩然)正在攻读 ULCA 博士学位课程,而 Marti Wong(小熊)则在努力工作,所以现时没有时间继续开发 LF2。然而,他们在官方网上提及:“我们正构思一个新的游戏,它会像 LF2 般好玩”。可望在不久的将来,能玩到他俩制作的新游戏。

那位大哥知道LF2(也就是little fighter2小人快打中的那个黄头发的铁甲人怎们变身啊?)



呵呵 你找对人了 我可是LF2 FANS啊 我小学就玩啦人物合体讲求配合 我两个人练了 大约 一个星期的电脑课就可以了冰火人 HP低于50% 然后互相快跑 解除的同时按下 3个键 就能爆炸出新人物而金属皇子 在HP小于30%时候 同时按下 3键 变为 最强状态LF2 开启全部任务的秘籍是 在载入的时候 输入 就可以了 推荐你玩冰火BOSS 很好玩 有很多的单机游戏爱好者你去看看吧【推荐】 [变形金刚][EN][DVD]【推荐】 《帝国时代3:酋长》原版+资料片+汉化包下载【推荐】 蜘蛛侠3硬盘版【推荐】 三国志11中文威力加强版完美版【推荐】 足球经理2007 简体中文正版下载【推荐】 实况足球2007PES免安装+镜像+汉化+解锁存档+中文王涛解说【推荐】 [哈里波特与凤凰令][Harry Potter Phoenix][EN][DVD]【推荐】 古墓丽影十周年纪念版[DVD][正式版][2.58G]【推荐】 [忍者神龟 TMNT 美版][717][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 幻想三国志3高速下载【推荐】 实况足球10简体中文版下载【推荐】 [拳皇/格斗之王:极限冲击][189.47MB][FTP][迅雷下载]【推荐】 模拟人生2非常派对 ISO 300M【推荐】 [两个世界豪华版][EN][2DVD]国内首发][Two Worlds]【推荐】 [拳皇/格斗之王kofzev1.2][189MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [《火影忍者》格斗PC版][69MB][FTP][迅雷下载]【推荐】 [秘密潜入2][337MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [抗日之孤胆英雄-血战硫磺岛][242MB][FTP][迅雷下载]【推荐】 【CS1.6 完美版(最新2659版)可上浩方】【推荐】 [《战地2142》][1.37GB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [战火兄弟连:进军30高地 高压缩完美版][759MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】【推荐】【推荐】 极品飞车10卡本峡谷正版下载【推荐】 [忍者神龟2007][EN][DVD]【推荐】 [Overlord][霸王][EN][DVD]【推荐】 三国群英传6简体中文硬盘版【推荐】 英雄伝说 空の轨迹 the 3rd 限定特典版(本体+特典)[2.83G]【推荐】 实况足球8浩方专用中文硬盘版【推荐】 黑客帝国 尼奥之路下载【推荐】 神鬼寓言中文版[2.51G][1-4CD][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 傲世三国【推荐】 [最高指挥官破解版][EN][DVD9]【推荐】 [真实战争-混乱状态][159.88MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 绝地悍将中文完美硬盘版汉化 繁体][212M][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [生化危机2完全版(男女主角全包括)][434M][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [混乱军团完美中文版][891 M][FTP][讯雷下载] JC推荐【推荐】 (生化危机4)DVD下载【推荐】 猎杀潜航3简体中文硬盘版【推荐】 分裂细胞2中文版【推荐】 [鬼影镇中文完美硬盘版][284M][迅雷下载]【推荐】 大唐双龙传 [迅雷下载]【推荐】 翡翠帝国-3CD正式版【推荐】 [魔戒之战:中土世界争霸(中文版)][1.36G][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [FTP 动作冒险] [鬼泣3特别版][2.74G][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [荣誉勋章:突出重围][204MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 《细胞分裂4双重间谍》NETSHOW RepackD5完整版正式发布【推荐】 [头文字D:山口复仇][93.71MB][FTP][讯雷下载]【推荐】 [《魔法骑士:启示录》6CD完整版下载][4050MB][BT]【推荐】 怪物也疯狂CLONE版][EN][DVD]【推荐】 科林麦克雷拉力赛之尘埃--DVD正式版下载【推荐】 [大航海家3完美中文版][600MB][BT]【推荐】 [落银城][繁中版][6.64G][DVD镜像][BT]

Little Fighter (小朋友齐打交)最新版本

多特 :逍遥与鸣人 2v2.0

急求Little Fighter2 各版本下载网址!必须无毒!这里有 重要资料: LF2官网: 小朋友密码: LF2教学站: LF2_v1.9资料图鉴: 小斗士游戏研究协会: 改档参考: LF2改档器: LF2改档教学: 线上小斗士游戏(LFO): 原版作品: LF1: LF2_v1.9: LF2_v1.9c: LF2_v1.71: LF2_v1.652: 所有原版作品: 在Foxy下载较方便:;amp;ptnr=CHWL 著名改版作品: Crazy-LF2: Reinforced-LF2: 解压缩密码: LF2_v2.99: 它们都需要安装在LF2_v1.9c。 D.R.LF2、LF2_v3.0~3.6 在「LF2改档领域-下载区」下载LF2_v3.0~D.R.LF2。 把LF2_v3.0安装在LF2_v1.9c资料夹内,安装v3.0后,再顺序把v3.1~v3.6、D.R.LF2安装在v3.0资料夹内。 LF2_v3.6和D.R.LF2解压缩密码: D.R.LF2隐藏版解压密码: 隐藏版1:THYOU 隐藏版2:ANKNA Deolin相关资料:Thankyou (^感谢LF2改档专家.H提供以上资料。) Neo闯关作品: LF2_v2.7: 极疯狂改版作品: LF11_v6.0: 较特别改版作品: 巨商LF2: f2/mod/GerSangLF2_Ve r.5.exe 另类改版作品: 小朋友齐打交水上大作战: Foxy搜寻之改版作品: LFO-LF2需要使用Foxy搜寻。 请搜寻并下载「lfo-lf2_v3.5 11.exe」和「异转LFO-lf2 2.rar」。 WinRar: 请将异转LFO-LF2_v3.5 11.exe解压缩,再使用WinRar解压缩LFO-LF2 2.rar到LFO-LF2资料夹,如果有大量档案,就先选档案,后按「解压缩到」键。 其他改版作品: 2E-LF2: R.R-LF2: wto LF2主网: 请使用下载区一。 R.R-LF2联盟: 登入后按「档案」,便能下载R.R-LF2。 注意:欲玩R.R-LF2,必须先下载WinRar解压缩软件,因为R.R-LF2当中五个档案有四个都是rar档案,只有WinRar解压缩软件才能把rar档解压缩 WinRar: 把R-LF2安装在LF2_v1.9c,然后将R.R-LF2安装在R-LF2。 使用WinRar解压缩时,请先选择要解压缩的档案,如果有大量档案,就按「解压缩到」键。 小斗士超版_v1.5: 光之LF2: LF2X: LF7: I-LF2: W-LF2: LF9、N-LF2、New-LF2: JY-LF2: 以上LF2需要安装於LF2_v1.9c

小朋友齐打交(Little FighterⅡ) 全部秘籍


Little Fighter 2怎么发绝招

==John==1.魔法弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.魔法疗伤 (他人) (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J3.魔法盾 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.魔法飞碟 (50mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A5.魔法疗伤 (自己) (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Deep==1.破空斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.旋风斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.天落斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J + A4.天落斩2 (15mp)输入方法:Strike + J + A5.鬼嚎斩 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + J==Henry==1.劈风掌 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.箭雨 (30mp)输入方法:D + J + A ( + A + A...)3.穿梭之箭 (40mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.死之奏鸣曲 (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Rudolf==1.跃空击 (0mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.镖雨 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.变身术 (30mp)输入方法:Gripping Other + D + J + A4.隐身术 (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J5.分身术 (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Louis==1.迅雷冲拳 (10mp)输入方法:Run + A2.迅雷落空拳 (15mp)输入方法:Run + J + A3.连环腿 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.地狱旋转 (15mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J5.凤凰展翅 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + A==LouisEX==1.凤凰之舞 (0mp)输入方法:D + v + A2.迅雷冲拳 (6mp)输入方法:Run + A3.迅雷落空拳 (8mp)输入方法:Run + J + A4.凤凰展翅 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)5.急速冲刺 (0mp)输入方法:Run==Firen==1.炙炎弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.烈火焚身 (15mp +...)输入方法:D + > + J3.烈焰喷吐 (30mp +...)输入方法:D + v + J4.大爆炸 (60mp + 8hp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Freeze==1.冰寒弹 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.冰寒之剑 (30mp)输入方法:D + v + J3.结冻的大地 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.冰寒龙卷风 (60mp)作者: 61.165.24.* 2004-8-19 10:55 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 lf2 随带说明文件全翻译更新(新增连招表)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Firzen==1.冰火冲击波 (5mp +...)输入方法:D + > + J2.冰火轰炸 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A ( + A + A...)3.冰火爆发 (50mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Dennis==1.气功弹 (8mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.百烈腿 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.旋风腿 (15mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + J4.追踪弹 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Woody==1.斩首踢 (0mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A2.龙卷腿 (10mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.瞬间移动 (10mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J (至敌人) / D + v + J (至队友)4.暴风之刃 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + A5.猛虎之跃 (40mp)输入方法:D + > + J==Davis==1.跃空拳 (5mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J + A2.气功弹 (8mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.百烈拳 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A4.升龙拳 (45mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Bandit==没有技能.==Hunter==没有技能.==Mark==1.摆拳 (0mp)输入方法:D + > + A (+ A)2.身体冲撞 (0mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + J==Jack==1.气功弹 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.闪电踢 (25mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Sorcerer==1.冰寒弹 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.炙炎弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.魔法疗伤(他人) (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J4.魔法疗伤(自己) (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Monk==1.金刚掌 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A==Jan==1.恶魔的审判 (30mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A2.天使的祝福 (40mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Knight==没有技能.*当 Knight 拿着道具时,输入 D + > + A 可以普通攻击(大石块和木箱除外).==Justin==1.饿狼扑食 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A ( + A...)2.气功弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A==Bat==1.幻影拳 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.双目激光 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + A3.双目蝙蝠 (40mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Julian==1.恶魔冲拳 (0mp)输入方法:Run + A2.恶魔勾拳 (0mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A ( + A)3.恶魔复仇 (2mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A...)4.幻影移动 (5mp)输入方法:D + J + A ( + J...)5.恶魔爆发 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J6.恶魔炸弹 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + J--------连续技--------==John==1.A+A+A + >+J+A (0mp)2.A+A+A + D+>+A (15mp)3.A+A + D+>+J (20mp)==Deep==1.A+A + D+v+A + J+A (30mp)==Henry==没有连续技.==Rudolf==1.D+>+J + <+抓住 + D+J+A (30mp)==Louis==没有连续技.==LouisEX==1.Run+A (6mp)2.A+A + D+v+A (0mp)==Firen==1.A+A+A + D+^+J (60mp + 8hp)2.D+>+A+A+A (45mp)==Freeze==1.A+A+A + D+^+J (60mp)==Firzen==没有连续技.==Dennis==1.A+A + D+v+A (15mp)==Woody==1.D+v+A + D+^+A + D+>+J (50mp)2.A+A+A+A + D+>+J (40mp)3.A+A+A+A + >+J+A (0mp)4.D+^+A + D+>+J (40mp)5.D+^+A + >+J+A (0mp)5.D+>+A + >+A(扔出小刀,棒球攻击) (25mp)==Davis==1.A+A+A+A + D+^+A (45mp)2.A+A+A+A + D+^+J+A (5mp)3.D+v+A + D+^+A (60mp)4.D+v+A + J+A (20mp)--------------电脑队友命令--------------靠近玩家: D + J + D + J原地待命: D + D + D + D全体行动: D + A + D + A

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Little Fighter2 小朋友齐打交2的出招表

强化Davis 1. 风车击 D^JA 2. 双重气功波 D>(A...) 3. 千烈拳 DvA 4. 神龙拳 D^A 5. 缠身锁 D>J 6. 王者爆破波 DvJ 7. 王者连环拳 (Catch) D>J 8. 地狱真升龙* (Catch) D>J D^A 强化Woody 1. 炎u2027脚刀 D^(A...) 2. 炎u2027转移 D^J-DvJ 3. 炎u2027鬼车脚 Dv(A...) 4. 炎u2027气功波 D>(A...) 5. 炎u2027虎翔霸 D>J 6. 炎u2027虎翔杀* D>J DJA 7. 地狱龙飞翔* D>J DJA D>J 强化Dennis 1. 连环追纵波 D>A 2. 千烈腿 DvA 3. 龙卷旋风腿 D>J 4. 三叉气功波 D^A 5. 飞燕疾风腿 D^J 6. 翔空腿 DJA 7. 霸者气功波 DvJ 8. 缠身锁 >>DA 9. 霸者连环腿 (Catch) D>J 10.地狱燕舞杀* (Catch) D>J DJA 强化Freeze 1. 冷冻波 A-D>(A...) 2. 冰锋之剑 DvJ 3. 冰封拳 D>J 4. 白色暴风 D^J 5. 冰之刃 挥动冰锋之剑 6. 冰剑杀 冰锋之剑 Run A 7. 冰流星 投掷冰锋之剑 8. 地狱冰龙* D JA JA 9. 冰之召唤 D^A 强化Firen 1. 原子弹 D>(A...) 2. 疾走.焚身 D>J 3. 烈炎火球 DvJ 4. 灭绝u2027大轰炸 D^(J...)-Catch (J...) 5. 火炎之剑 DvA 6. 火之刃 挥动火炎之剑 7. 火剑杀 火炎之剑 Run A 8. 火流星 投掷火炎之剑 9. 地狱火龙* D JA JA 10.炎之召唤 D^A 强化Louis 1. 寒冰冲光拳 Run A 2. 寒冰落雷霸 Run JA 3. 寒冰无影脚 D>J 4. 寒冰旋风摔 D^J(J...) 5. 寒冰凤凰展翅 D>A 6. 变身成为Louis-EX DJA 6. 冲光飞翔拳 D^A 7. 寒冰凤凰杀 D>ADJA 8. 地狱龙影拳* D>ADJAD>A 强化Rudolf 1. 三连标 (A...) 2. 十连标 D>(A...) 3. 刺虎 D>J 4. 隐身术 D^J 5. 分身术 DvJ 6. 变化术 Catch DJA 7. 隐身斩 >>DJ 8. 瞬间转移 D^A-D^AA 9. 擒拿 >>DD 10.幻影飞镖 DvA 11.地狱千烈斩* (Catch) D^J DvJ 强化Henry 1. 三连矢 (A...) 2. 五连矢 Jump (A...) 3. 十连矢 DJ(A...) 4. 魔王穿空箭 D>J 5. 烈地降龙掌 D>(A...) 6. 地狱乐章* D^(J...) 7. 地狱箭雨* D^JD>JD>J 强化John 1. 七连气功波 D>(A...) 2. 气旋防护壁 D>J 3. 三连气旋斩 D^(A...) 4. 治疗他人 D^J 5. 治疗自己 DvJ 6. 激光魔杖* DvA 7. 地狱魔咒* Dv(A...) ↑【愈少血所按A的次数愈少】↑ 强化Deep 1. 真空斩 D>(A...) 2. 超霸王斩 Dv(A...) 3. 超屠龙斩 D^JA 4. 终极鬼哭斩 D>J 5. 刀光剑影 D^A 6. 地狱翔空斩* DvA D^A J DvJ 小朋友齐打交2的出招表 lf2/index_b5



Little Fighter 歌词

歌曲名:Little Fighter歌手:White Lion专辑:Last Roar-MausoleumAre you cryin tonight?Are you feelin all right?I told the world that you were dooooooooowwwwwn on your luckYou were one of a kindOne who"d never give it upEven when they put a priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice on your headHas anyone heard the tales you tell?Or seen the scars you wear?Did anyone speak up when you fell?Does anybody care?Rise again little fighterAnd let the world know the reason whyShout again little fighterAnd dont let it impair the things you doAnd you were one with the courtsAnd a reason to beYou were a fighter for peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace on this earthAnd you were never afraidYou put your life on the lineAnd you were always so looooooooonnng out on the seaWithout a weapon in your handYou came to fight a warThey took your life but didnt knowThat you will never dieRise again little fighterAnd let the world know the reason whyShout again little fighterAnd don"t let it impair the things you doAre you feelin all right?Coz I caaaaaaaaaaaare, caaaaaaaaaaareRun along little fighterOh coz I was there beside youNever stop believin, so riseRiseRISE!Rise again little fighterAnd let the world know the reason whyShout again little fighterAnd don"t let it impair the things you doRise again little fighter (Don"t stop believin)And let the world know the reason whyShout again little fighter (And keep on movin)And don"t let it impair the things you doYea, don"t let it ever end the things you do

conflict ,fight, struggle的区别

War 大型战争fight 打架Conflict 心里的冲突Struggle 奋斗,努力

The Cure的《Fight》 歌词

歌曲名:Fight歌手:The Cure专辑:Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeGamma Ray - FightI see a world that`s full of fake and disillusionsI see no move in historyWhere am I meant to be?What is my destiny?The path I`ve chosen now has lead me to a wallAnd though my mind perceived I still was a blind manAnd not the one who understandsFor life`s a mystery...Of things your eyes can`t see...Faith is the key to inspiration!Carry on!Carry on my dear old friendCarry on for there`s love that never endsCarry on... carry on, carry on, carry onSo I began to trust my instinctive feelingsTo live in truth and harmonyOne day you realize...It`s right before your eyes...Truth is the key to inspiration!Carry on!Carry on my dear old friendCarry on for love will never endCarry on... carry on, carry on, carry onIn this worldFaith, hope and charityLead us to the oneCarry on!Carry on my dear old friendCarry on my love will never endCarry on... carry on, carry onCarry on and you will seeLife ain`t no miseryCarry on, carry on, carry onCarry on!You`ll see the lightYour star is shining brightCarry on, carry on!

Still Fighting It 歌词

歌曲名:Still Fighting It歌手:Ben Folds专辑:The Best Imitation Of Myself: A RetrospectiveStill Fighting ItBen FoldsGood morning, son.I am a birdWearing a brown polyester shirtYou want a coke?Maybe some fries?The roast beef combo"s only $9.95It"s okay, you don"t have to payI"ve got all the changeEverybody knowsIt hurts to grow upAnd everybody doesIt"s so weird to be back hereLet me tell you whatThe years go on andWe"re still fighting it, we"re still fighting itAnd you"re so much like meI"m sorryGood morning, sonIn twenty years from nowMaybe we"ll both sit down and have a few beersAnd I can tell you "bout todayAnd how I picked you up and everything changedIt was painSunny days and rainI knew you"d feel the same thingsEverybody knowsIt sucks to grow upAnd everybody doesIt"s so weird to be back here.Let me tell you whatThe years go on andWe"re still fighting it, we"re still fighting itYou"ll try and try and one day you"ll flyAway from meGood morning, sonI am a birdIt was painSunny days and rainI knew you"d feel the same thingsEverybody knowsIt hurts to grow upAnd everybody doesIt"s so weird to be back here.Let me tell you whatThe years go on andWe"re still fighting it, we"re still fighting itOh, we"re still fighting it, we"re still fighting itAnd you"re so much like meI"m sorry

fight pollution是什么意思

fight pollution网络与污染作斗争双语例句1The new tax is meant to reduce fuel consumption and fight pollution.这一新的税收的目的是降低油耗和减缓污染。

找歌 歌词 tonight i will fight until sun什么的 女的唱的

TiK ToKKe$haWake up in the morning feeling like P DiddyPut my glasses on, I"m out the doorI"m gonna hit this city (Let"s go)Before I leave,Brush my teeth with a bottle of JackCause when I leave for the night,I ain"t coming backI"m talking - pedicure on our toes, toesTrying on all our clothes, clothesBoys blowing up our phones, phonesDrop-toping, playing our favorite CDsPulling up to the partiesTrying to get a little bit tipsyDon"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohAin"t got a care in world,But got plenty of beerAin"t got no money in my pocket,But I"m already hereAnd now, the dudes are lining upCause they hear we got swaggerBut we kick "em to the curbunless they look like Mick JaggerI"m talking abouteverybody getting crunk, crunkBoys trying to touch my junk, junkGonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunkNow, now - we goin" til they kick us out, outOr the police shut us down, downPolice shut us down, downPo-po shut us -Don"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDJ, you build me upYou break me downMy heart, it pounds yeah, you got meWith my hands upYou got me nowYou gotta that sound yeah, you got meDJ, you build me upYou break me downMy heart, it pounds yeah, you got meWith my hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upNo, the party don"t stop until I walk inDon"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTill we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party don"t stopWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh oh

fightstar的《Whisperer》 歌词

歌曲名:Whisperer歌手:fightstar专辑:Be Human-Search And DestroyFightstar - WhispererYou are the whispererYou are the unborn sonYou are the looks of misdeceptionin the eyes of all the people you loveYou are the whispererYou are the new-bornYou are the sun in the skythat makes it seem so blueWhen heaven and hellare caught playing cards with our livesAnd you know that house will always winHow can I have lost all my faith in youwhen your eyes are wide openThese hands will never seperate the armourYou know it only makes it harderYou are the whispererYou are the mystery girlYou are the noose around the neck of all the peoplethat will hang to save us allYou are the whispererYou are the new-bornYou are the sun in the skythat makes it feel blueWhen heaven and hellare caught playing cards with our livesAnd you know that house will always winHow can I have lost all my faith in youwhen your eyes are wide openThese hands will never seperate the armourYou know it only makes it harderIt"s amazing how every time you save mefrom another day inside my headWhen the good, the bad and allthe ugly people seem to gambleIt makes it obvious to meThat we won"t be the ones all left behind


《Fight Club》(Chuck Palahniuk)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:11f2书名:Fight Club作者:Chuck Palahniuk豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Vintage出版年份:1997-10-2页数:218内容简介:Chuck Palahniuk showed himself to be his generation"s most visionary satirist in this, his first book. Fight Club"s estranged narrator leaves his lackluster job when he comes under the thrall of Tyler Durden, an enigmatic young man who holds secret after-hours boxing matches in the basement of bars. There, two men fight "as long as they have to." This is a gloriously original work that exposes the darkness at the core of our modern world.作者简介:Written in stolen moments under truck chassis and on park benches to a soundtrack of The Downward Spiral and Pablo Honey, Fight Club came into existence. The adaptation of Fight Club was a flop at the box office, but achieved cult status on DVD. The film"s popularity drove sales of the novel. Chuck put out two novels in 1999, Survivor and Invisible Monsters. Choke, published in 2001, became Chuck"s first New York Times bestseller. Chuck"s work has always been infused with personal experience, and his next novel, Lullaby, was no exception. Chuck credits writing Lullaby with helping him cope with the tragic death of his father. Diary and the non-fiction guide to Portland, Fugitives and Refugees, were released in 2003. While on the road in support of Diary, Chuck began reading a short story entitled "Guts," which would eventually become part of the novel Haunted.In the years that followed, he continued to write, publishing the bestselling Rant, Snuff, Pygmy, Tell-All, a "remix" of Invisible Monsters, Damned, and most recently, Doomed.Chuck also enjoys giving back to his fans, and teaching the art of storytelling has been an important part of that. In 2004, Chuck began submitting essays to on the craft of writing. These were "How To" pieces, straight out of Chuck"s personal bag of tricks, based on the tenants of minimalism he learned from Tom Spanbauer. Every month, a “Homework Assignment” would accompany the lesson, so Workshop members could apply what they had learned. (all 36 of these essays can currently be found on The Cult"s sister-site,, in 2009, Chuck increased his involvement by committing to read and review a selection of fan-written stories each month. The best stories are currently set to be published in Burnt Tongues, a forthcoming anthology, with an introduction written by Chuck himself.His next novel, Beautiful You, is due out in October 2014.

Keeping going keeping fighting是什么意思?


right和light和tight和night 和fight 中文的意思分别是什么?

right 对的 ,正确的 右边 右边的light 轻的 灯,光tight 紧的night 夜晚 晚上fight 打架

fighting spirit是什么意思

fighting spirit 英[u02c8fau026atu026au014b u02c8spirit] 美[u02c8fau026atu026au014b u02c8spu026aru026at] 斗志;锐 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

five for fighting-tuesday的歌词翻译.


求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题 谢谢了

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea

How to fight against global warming?


求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea







地下城与勇士(DNF)的全称是dungeon fighter还does not finish

does not finish 是对的额!~


正常 如果机器配置不一样的 复制别人机器上的游戏 很多时候会不能用的 复制个下载文件 在自己电脑上装就好了

我家DNF今天更新 可是我一上号就说dungeon & fighter已停止工工作




dnf全称是到底是什么?F是fighter?如果是does not finish说不通啊

Dungeon and Fighter

DNF里不能切换输入法怎么办,只要切换打字就出现 dungeon & fighter已停止工作 急啊

应该是WIN7系统吧? 我也是这个情况,建议你装XP吧,我已经装好,可以使用,,因为WIN7系统有很多游戏不兼容, 手打 谢谢收纳


我的系统的是WIN7 64位的,千万不要用网上说的兼容模式运行,没用,今天我终于修好了,PL刷完了,你把你的 地下城文件夹 复制 到另一个 路径 下,比如原来在E:地下城与勇士 你就新建个文件夹 DNF 弄成 E:DNF地下城与勇士 就行 然后 在原来那个文件夹那里 点击卸载 把原来那个地下卸载了 然后注销下或者重启 在新的那个文件夹START启动 就好了 一般就会卡在角色那了 别着急 等大概20到30秒就进去了

DNF Dungeon & Fighter 已停止工作 这个怎么解决 拜求各位大虾题!



你用的是WIN7吗?去安装驱动人生吧,我当时买了WIN7的电脑就是显卡没有安装正确的驱动就开不起DNF,现在装了就OK,你可能是别的驱动。不过配置不好就另当别论了 这个,你还是看看WIN7的配置把,DNF标配是显卡128(推荐256)或者驱动问题。其他想不出别的了



我Win7的系统,玩DNF出现dungeon & fighter已停止工作该怎么办?


W7玩dnf总是出现Dungeon&Fighter怎么回事啊 经常出现



最好的办法是重装系统 然后重下游戏 任何问题都可以解决 而且网速也会变的很快

dungeon and fighter是什么意思



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