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小红帽后现代版 英文简介

The story begins in medias res, with Red, the Wolf, Granny, and the Woodsman, in their confrontation at Granny"s house. Mid-scene, the story jumps ahead to the police cordoning off Grannyu2019s house following the opening events. The lead investigator, frog-form Nicky Flippers, interrogates each of the four participants, with each character giving their own version of how and why they arrived at the house. Because the film uses a police interrogation as a framing sequence, it is evocative of the 1995 crime thriller The Usual Suspects, and because the four participantsu2019 stories converge at points prior to the meeting at Grannyu2019s, and are at times self-serving, the format is evocative of Akira Kurosawau2019s 1950 film Rashomon.Red, the first interview subject, tells Flippers that she is merely a delivery person for her Grannyu2019s "goodies", and that when she came across the ransacked home of another goody-maker, the latest in a recent string of such attacks by a thief known only as the Goody Bandit, whose crimes have resulted in the closure of many goody makers in the forest, Red decided to take the hidden recipe book in the house for safekeeping. This admission appears self-ruinous, as it casts Red in a suspicious light, but Red asserts her innocence, adding that on her way to Grannyu2019s house, she fell from an air trolley she was riding with the rabbit Boingo, and when she landed in the forest, she ran into the Wolf, who, after questioning her, appeared to become hostile. After using a “Wolf Away” spray to repel the lupine attacker, Red fled, using a mountain railway system manned by Japeth, a singing goat with detachable horns with different uses. The two soon find themselves in the middle of an anvalanche which they barely escaped using the tunnel, but as the railway cart they were riding emerged from the mountain, Red saw that the tracks far ahead of them were apparently destroyed, and an image of her Granny appeared in the sky above her instructing her to use her hood as a parachute, which Red successfully did (the goat used a pair of helicopter-horns to land safely also). When she gets to Grannyu2019s she sees through the Wolfu2019s transparently obvious Granny disguise, and just as he reveals himself and the two confront one another again, a bound and gagged Granny jumps out of her closet, followed by a crazed-looking axe-wielding Woodsman, who bursts into the living room through the window, screaming, to the horror of the other three.Flippers then interrogates the Wolf, who it appears certain is the culprit. But the Wolf reveals that he is an investigative reporter whose prior stories Flippers is familiar with, and tells him that he and his hyperactive photographer, a squirrel named Twitchy, were investigating the recent thefts of various recipes by the Goody Bandit, and became suspicious of Red when he saw her traipsing through the forest with goodies in a basket. He explains that he was merely questioning Red because it was his job, and that when his tail got caught in the film chamber of Twitchyu2019s camera, he roared in pain, which Red took as an attack. After using a shortcut provided by Boingo the rabbit, the Wolf and Twitchy used the mountain railway system, which was destroyed when Twitchy lit a candle in the cart that turned out to be a stick of dynamite. The duo arrive at Grannyu2019s house, and the Wolf throws Twitchy in the closet to hide, but Granny is already there, and already tied up, which complicates the authoritiesu2019 view of the Wolf as the culprit. The Wolf puts on a Granny disguise, and the confrontation is again seen.The Woodsman is then interrogated. He reveals that he is an aspiring actor, and that for money, he drives a goody truck, selling schnitzel on a stick to children. He tells Flippers that after a disastrous audition for a bunion cream commercial, where his thick Bavarian accent hurt his chances, he then discovers that his goody truck has been robbed, apparently in another attack by the Goody Bandit, as Boingo pops in on the scene. The Woodsman is distraught, but receives a callback for the commercial, and decides to prepare for the role of a woodsman by chopping down trees. After chopping away most of a giant tree, he finds himself atop it as it rolls down the hill towards Grannyu2019s house, and he is thrown through the living room window, hollering the entire way. This makes him the only person there completely by accident.Granny is the last to be interviewed. She reveals that she is an extreme athlete known as Triple G (a homage to the Vin Diesel character Triple X in xXx) who prefers activities like snowboarding to being the stereotypical goody-making grandmother. She explains that she enjoys such activities, and that at the Extreme Dream Snow Sports competition between her teammates and an imposing European ski-team, Boingo the rabbit even asked for her autograph. She tells Flippers that during the race down the mountain, the opposing team physically attacked her and her team, and she narrowly escaped a mountain avalanche via a parachute (winning the race in the process). As she approached her home, she saw Red below her in the railway cart, and advised her to use her hood as her own parachute. Shortly after, Granny arrived in her bedroom. Her parachute became caught in the ceiling fan, and she ended up wrapped up in it and thrown into her own closet. The familiar confrontation with Red, the Wolf and the Woodsman then ensued. The revelation of Grannyu2019s other life is a shock to Red, who is hurt that Granny kept her other life a secret from her.The police are back to square one, as none of the four appears to be culprits, but then the basket of Grannyu2019s goodies and the recipe book is found to be missing, as is Red. But we then see Red following the real thief, the one who was present during all four accounts: Boingo. Red follows him on the air tram up to the mountain, where he and his henchmen, the aforementioned opposing snowboarding team, plan to corner the market on goodies, and make them highly addictive to kids. Red is discovered, and placed in the air tram filled with dynamite. The Wolf, Granny and the Woodsman follow, and foil Boingou2019s evil plans. Red is freed from the air tram before it explodes, and Boingo and his henchmen are captured by the police. The next day, Flippers tells Red, Granny, the Wolf, and Twitchy (the Woodsman became a world-famous yodeler) that he is a member of the "Happily Ever After Agency", and offers to enlist the four to work for him.





lush小红帽洗发皂哪里有卖 实体店哪里有啊


lush小红帽孕妇能用吗 孕妈妈们慎用

lush的小红帽一直是他们家的明星产品,虽然成分是纯天然的,但是因为添加了精油成分,所以孕妇朋友们还是不要使用为好,孕妇朋友们使用的产品最好是标注了孕妇可用的,或者去询问医生是否能够使用。 lush小红帽孕妇能用吗 孕妇朋友们最好不要用哦,lush的官网上也有标注说孕妇慎用,而且lush小红帽洗发皂里含有精油成分,在怀孕期间是禁用含有精油的东西的,所以孕妈妈们还是不要用了。lush洗发皂怎么样 它家比较有名的小红帽大家应该都知道,功效就是防脱发 用后掉发真的改善很多 由先前的一大把到慢慢一小把再到后来的十几根 (这么好效果我也很惊艳uf63a)唯一缺点 有点涩 需要搭配护发素使用 自己屯了好多块儿 下面uf447那两个主打润发 没有涩感 尤其味道 香香的很好闻 但是最好闻的 应该要属伯爵夫人 (缺点 有点不耐用) 适合发质:油性发质 脱发人群可以买来一试 效果还是不错的 大家一定要买正品 tb太多假货 没作用反而对头发不好。客户使用后反馈 1、使用LUSH小红帽一周 把肥皂打湿,在手里来回搓7-8下,然后打泡沫,泡沫很丰富,味道很复杂,但是它的味道我是能接受的,每次洗完吹干,头发都很蓬松,一开始掉发的量还是像之前那样,但是几次洗完发现,很柔顺,之前一直打结的头发,都顺了 2、使用LUSH小红帽两周 掉发的量明显减少了,之前不敢洗头发,胆战心惊的心情有所缓解,斑秃的地方开始在长小绒毛了,我基本上维持在2-3天洗一次头发。 3、使用LUSH小红帽三周 掉发的发量变得固定了,跟在国内也差不多。我觉得小红帽是有一定效果的,看到朋友原本头发有点小秃,用了几个月小红帽慢慢开始长出来了。lush小红帽洗发皂味道 有人吐槽洗发皂味道像风油精,我想说,这根本不是问题好吗!什么东西能让我少掉几根头发我都感恩戴德的uf60d每次一听说什么能缓解掉发我都毫不犹豫第一时间买到,我总想着,早点用上几周,就能少损失几百几千跟头发,何乐而不为呢?谁还管味道好不好闻,反正我可以容忍他的味道。




lush小红帽洗发皂是它们家的明星产品,红色的洗发皂,不含硅,所以洗着有点干燥,但是非常清爽,搭配护发素效果很棒,也是大家不断回购的一款产品,下面来看看lush小红帽洗发皂使用方法 lush小红帽洗发皂怎么用 由于我生活不太规律,是个夜猫控,熬夜看电影,玩游戏的时候常有,因而导致头发易出油以及掉发的现象产生,在用过许多洗发水后,发现了它——【lush小红帽】。 它具有四大功效,这也是看了一眼就种草的原因!1.杀菌,深层清洁,调节油脂分泌;2.滋养头皮;3.调节油脂分泌;4.促进血液循环,刺激毛囊活跃再生。在用了几个月后,我易出油的发质以及掉发的现象得到了明显改善!而且头发变得很顺滑。使用方法: 1.首先将头发打湿,把洗发皂用手揉搓起泡(有起泡网的更佳哦!) 2.将泡泡涂抹至头发上,像平时洗发一样,用指腹按摩头皮,清洗头发; 3.用清水洗净泡沫。(如果头发易出油的话,店主不太建议用护发素,相反,发质干的话可以搭配护发素来用!)lush小红帽洗发皂使用方法 第一次小红帽上线时,一犹豫就被抢空了(原谅我的个性,一定要看到口碑才会买),后悔加上持续的脱发,让我第二次看到小红帽立刻下手!其实,我感觉我有点病急乱投医了,毕竟脱发问题一直是人类无法攻克的几大难题之一(减肥、增高、脱发)。但是也许可以呢?抱着试试看的心态,我第一次使用了小红帽! 之前在网上查了一下小红帽的使用心得,知道用过后头发会非常涩,所以我是有心理准备的。真的很涩,瞬间头发像被抽走了油脂似的,干巴巴的好像一团稻草。但是用了护发素之后效果就出来了,头发变得非常细软,轻飘飘的,从未有过的好像新生儿一般的柔顺!(这种柔顺不是用洗发水得到的那种假滑)然后,重头戏来了!洗完头发的第一天,头发好像又有了根,用手拉也不会有掉发现像了! 第二天,略有掉发,大约是之前的三分之一! 第三天特意没洗头,看看情况如何,结果居然头油也不太厉害,掉发也不多!! 现在我用了一个星期了,大约用了三次,总体感觉是缓解了我脱发的情况(不是一点都不掉了,现在这种掉法在我心理承受范围之内),但因为我是短发,用完后发丝变得特别细软,会有一种不好造型的困惑…… 另外,这款小红帽真的可以用很久,第一次使用时因为没有经验,用手多搓了两下皂体,结果泡泡顺着脖子往下流!以后就直接小小的搓两下就行了!呜呜呜,家里还屯了好多洗发水,现在看来用不到了!如果有机会,我想再买一块和谐,两块混搭一下应该会更好! lush小红帽使用心得 LUSH超明星产品小红帽来啦,传说中的“防脱小能手”,全名newhair新生洗发皂。主要功效就是防脱发!基本上大多数脱发都伴随着头油,小红帽可以从头皮平衡油脂!一定的舒缓作用缓解神经性脱发!还有就是,可以一定程度上促进新生哦!这款清洁力过强,所以一定要配合护发素使用,并且隔三差五用就好了,别天天用哦!其实小红帽还有一个神奇功效就是洗完了的头发会蓬蓬的,视觉上很显多哈哈哈! 千难万险我的小红帽终于到啦!一直听说小红帽对脱发很有效!但素,百闻不如一试,之前用过欧舒丹一年多,感觉效果不明显,后来我妈去买了安悦,更是没感觉.... 我莫名对小红帽很有好感啊!妈妈的朋友在国旅工作,英国给我带回来的。绿色的鱼骨是护发的。大家都说小红帽的味道很冲!可是我觉得还蛮好闻的,有种栀子花的味道,第一次用洗发皂感觉棒棒嗒!不知道是心理因素还是什么!用了几天之后感觉还真有效果!刘海那里莫名多了几根小碎发!以前都没有的!希望是真的有效果!推荐小红帽!




lush小红帽是纯天然手工制作,所以一般来说纯手工制作的产品一般保质期不长,不过不要小看这么一个小小的手工皂,洗完之后头发没那么容易油了,而且一块其实可以用好久哟! lush小红帽保质期 1Lush的消耗情况:广告号称1块(55g)相当与3*250ml洗发水的容量。如果天天洗头,中长发的话,伯爵一块最多能用一个月,硬发宝和椰香也在此行列。这三款都是洗护合一的,有一定滋润度,质地都比较松软,即便不泡水,每次洗完都风干,消耗速度也是非常快的。 而身材小大容量指的是小红帽,质地非常紧密,因此消耗很慢,和谐洗发皂,发光体也是属于此类。(有人说发光体超级耐用)从外形上可以大致猜测其耐用程度,如果表面是坑坑洼洼的,又是有滋润效果的,往往都不耐用。表面平整细腻的,就是耐用的款。屯货的时候可以参考这个标准来估计。Lush小红帽的使用感 虽然各种款使用感不大一样,但是也有相同之处,就是非常好起泡。这对惯用洗发水的人来说非常好适应。另外很容易洗干净,没有假滑感,用起来非常简便。 Lush小红帽的保存 LUSH保质期短所以要尽快用完。皂皂都怕水,避免将皂直接在水下冲,用完尽量放能漏水的容器里晾干。Lush小红帽的味道 几乎每块都不同。伯爵是茉莉花香,椰香是椰子和奶油的味道,小红帽是肉桂的味道(它上面往往还用一小块肉桂来装饰一下)。和谐的味道是LUSH独有的,很特别。除了伯爵和椰香是大众喜爱的,其他的恐怕都会有人觉得不好闻。 Lush品种的选择 以洗发皂为例,头皮非常油的,可以选择薰衣草,或者绿光森林。一般的话,选择和谐,小红帽,椰香,硬发宝,软发宝都可以。头皮干的可以选择伯爵。以头皮为准,发丝如果干可以搭配护发素来解决,或是头皮和发丝分两块来洗lush小红帽 这款是我让朋友在伦敦买的,手工皂感觉保质期半年左右就没多买,85rmb一块,价格和首尔乐天免税店差不多。一块小红帽我能用3个月呢 小红帽是朋友推荐给我用的,lush家的明星产品,传说中的防脱发小能手,针对脱发,油脂型脱发,控油效果都非常不错~我每次洗头发都大把的掉,好心疼,本来头发就好少,真怕秃顶,小红帽,手工洗发皂。防脱再生刺激毛囊更生,有效防止由荷尔蒙分泌紊乱造成的脱发,明星产品!适合头发稀少,脱发者或因压力掉发者、产后掉发者及发量较少的亲。此款可以保护头皮,内有丰富的精油可以预防脱发,手工皂,不含硅!脱发必备第一名~虽然是手工皂,但是依然很耐用,用了一个月了,头发明显掉的少了,欢喜ing??有些人不喜欢它的味道,不知是它效果好的原因还是怎么的,我好喜欢~洗完感觉很头皮很干净,但是会觉得干,再抹点护发素就完美了~

lush小红帽好用吗 lush小红帽怎么用

lush小红帽再生洗发皂是他们家的洗发皂里的明星产品,可以有效的帮助头发出油问题,以及解决脱发人士的困扰,而且性价比超级高,值得大家入手哦。 lush小红帽好用吗 第一次用的时候就惊艳到!洗好头发之后,吹干头发很轻盈,头皮很轻松,有淡淡的类似橘子味(有人说是风油精味我倒觉得还好)。作为一个夏天每天洗头的人,现在我可以保持2天不洗头(在流汗少我觉得不脏的情况下其实3.4天不洗也没问题,不过我有洁癖,就算不油也要洗头),冬天三四天洗一次头绝对绰绰有余~ 有一个点就是,因为lush是环保品牌,所以这个洗发皂是无硅的,用起来会觉得头发有点儿涩,但是用点护发素就解决了!这个属于我无限回购的一件~lush小红帽怎么用 这个皂我是喜欢先用起泡网打出丰富的泡沫后,清洗头皮,同时用花王的头皮按摩梳配合清洗头皮(做过指甲的宝宝们强烈推荐)洗后头发会蓬松,去油效果很好,掉发问题也会缓解,据说有再生头发的效果这点我刚用不久暂时没有发现味道很独特,不能说难闻,味道这事儿各人都不同喜好,对我来说好用就行。lush小红帽成分 【主要成分】荨麻、薄荷、荨麻精粹、迷迭香精草、丁香芽油、月桂精油和肉桂叶精油 其中肉桂,丁香和薄荷主要功效是刺激头皮 结合复方精油成分促进血液流动 从而起到生发作用 其中迷迭香起到的是舒缓头皮的作用。lush小红帽使用感 小红帽很容易起泡沫,非常细密丰富,泡沫是淡淡的粉色,味道是肉桂味和薄荷味的混合。但是因为纯天然,无硅油,所以冲净头发时,头发会特别干涩,如果不喜欢这种干涩感的可以配合护发素一起使用,我不是特别喜欢护发素,所以都是吹干头发过程中用护发精油。头发吹干后,小红帽的味道会留许久,但发质特别柔软顺滑。


RWBY-Red Trailer(RWBY预告片之 红)是其制作者Rooster Teeth工作室在2012年11月5日公布的预告片,用以为预定在2013年7月登场的RWBY动画做预热宣传。在这部预告片中,我们可以看见手持巨大枪镰新月玫瑰(Crescent Rose)的战斗少女Ruby,在空旷无垠的雪地上,与贝奥狼们(Beowolves)展开了一场血腥的厮杀。预告片色彩浓郁、造型优美、动作流畅,很快便以其独树一帜而酣畅淋漓的暴力美学吸引了大批观众。这是我们能够看到的关于RWBY的最早预告片,也是少女Ruby初次正式登场。 RWBY White Trailer(RWBY预告片之 白)是Rooster Teeth工作室在红篇之后为RWBY动画预热推出的又一预告片。预告片采用了双线叙事,同时描绘了女主角Weiss在舞台上演唱背景音乐《Mirror,Mirror》和Weiss在月光照耀的教堂中的同手持重剑的铁巨人战斗两个场景。虽然同红篇一样,本预告片也着重描绘了一位少女同敌人战斗的过程,但Weiss大量借鉴了花样滑冰和舞蹈的战斗动作和利用魔法辅助物理攻击的作战方式,依然让人不由的体会到了另一种更为优雅精致的战斗风格。 RWBY Black Trailer(RWBY预告片之 黑)是Rooster Teeth工作室推出的第三部预告片。本部预告片中首次出现了两名主角互相配合的战斗的情况。预告片描述了男主角Adam和女主角Blake配合劫取或毁灭火车上某一物品的行动,在经历了与数量众多的机器人小兵以及一台蜘蛛仿生体的战斗后,Blake选择了斩断火车离开了Adam。




Little red riding Little red ridinghood went to grandma, grandma eaten by the Wolf, the Wolf pretended to be grandma to eat little red riding hood, finally the hunter put grandma and little red riding hood saved but the hunter is dead.


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Red Riding Hood. She always wore a red cloak with a hood, which is why people called her Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother asked her to take some cakes and a pot of butter to her grandmother who lived in the woods. Red Riding Hood set out on her journey but was warned by her mother not to talk to any strangers on the way.As she walked through the woods, she came across a wolf who asked her where she was going. Red Riding Hood, forgetting her mother"s warning, told the wolf that she was on her way to her grandmother"s house. The wolf, wanting to eat Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, gave her wrong directions and ran ahead to the grandmother"s house.When Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf had already disguised himself as her grandmother. The wolf then ate Red Riding Hood"s grandmother and waited for Red Riding Hood. When she arrived, she sensed something was different about her grandmother, but the wolf reassured her that everything was fine. But just as the wolf was about to eat Red Riding Hood, a hunter arrived and saved her.From that day on, Red Riding Hood always listened to her mother"s warnings and was more cautious around strangers.

大灰狼假装成小红帽把外婆吞进了肚子里过了一会儿又假装成外婆把小红帽吞进肚子里 翻译

The Wolf pretending to be a little red riding hood to grandma swallowed into the belly, and after a while pretending to be a grandmother the little red riding hood swallowed into the belly.

求狼来了或小红帽的英语简介和英语感想 感想110字左右就可以 高分求 马上


八年级下学期英语作文: 题目:Little Red Hat(小红帽) 提示休息:小红帽在去外婆家的

Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time,there was a little girl.Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day,her grandma was ill.Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way,she met a wolf.That"s a good idea.Little Red Riding Hood,the flowers are so beautiful.Why not pick some?Help!Help!The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed her up whole.What are you doing,dear grandma?I"m just waiting to eat you,silly girl.In grandma"s house,Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears,eyes and mouth were all very big.The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood.And then,he fell into a deep sleep.Thank you,sir.A hunter passed by.He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach.Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


English story (Little Red Riding Hood)


英语童话故事赏析:THE BOTTLE NECK (2)(2008-10-17 23:59:11)标签:英语 童话 故事 赏析 杂谈 分类:英语学习 (continued) Long days and months rolled by, during which the bottle stood empty in a corner, when a storm arose- whether on the passage out or home it could not tell, for it had never been ashore. It was a terrible storm, great waves arose, darkly heaving and tossing the vessel to and fro. The main mast was split asunder, the ship sprang a leak, and the pumps became useless, while all around was black as night. At the last moment, when the ship was sinking, the young mate wrote on a piece of paper, "We are going down: God"s will be done." Then he wrote the name of his betrothed, his own name, and that of the ship. Then he put the leaf in an empty bottle that happened to be at hand, corked it down tightly, and threw it into the foaming sea. He knew not that it was the very same bottle from which the goblet of joy and hope had once been filled for him, and now it was tossing on the waves with his last greeting, and a message from the dead. The ship sank, and the crew sank with her; but the bottle flew on like a bird, for it bore within it a loving letter from a loving heart. And as the sun rose and set, the bottle felt as at the time of its first existence, when in the heated glowing stove it had a longing to fly away. It outlived the storms and the calm, it struck against no rocks, was not devoured by sharks, but drifted on for more than a year, sometimes towards the north, sometimes towards the south, just as the current carried it. It was in all other ways its own master, but even of that one may get tired. The written leaf, the last farewell of the bridegroom to his bride, would only bring sorrow when once it reached her hands; but where were those hands, so soft and delicate, which had once spread the table-cloth on the fresh grass in the green wood, on the day of her betrothal? Ah, yes! where was the furrier"s daughter? and where was the land which might lie nearest to her home? The bottle knew not, it travelled onward and onward, and at last all this wandering about became wearisome; at all events it was not its usual occupation. But it had to travel, till at length it reached land- a foreign country. Not a word spoken in this country could the bottle understand; it was a language it had never before heard, and it is a great loss not to be able to understand a language. The bottle was fished out of the water, and examined on all sides. The little letter contained within it was discovered, taken out, and turned and twisted in every direction; but the people could not understand what was written upon it. They could be quite sure that the bottle had been thrown overboard from a vessel, and that something about it was written on this paper: but what was written? that was the question,- so the paper was put back into the bottle, and then both were put away in a large cupboard of one of the great houses of the town. Whenever any strangers arrived, the paper was taken out and turned over and over, so that the address, which was only written in pencil, became almost illegible, and at last no one could distinguish any letters on it at all. For a whole year the bottle remained standing in the cupboard, and then it was taken up to the loft, where it soon became covered with dust and cobwebs. Ah! how often then it thought of those better days- of the times when in the fresh, green wood, it had poured forth rich wine; or, while rocked by the swelling waves, it had carried in its bosom a secret, a letter, a last parting sigh. For full twenty years it stood in the loft, and it might have stayed there longer but that the house was going to be rebuilt. The bottle was discovered when the roof was taken off; they talked about it, but the bottle did not understand what they said- a language is not to be learnt by living in a loft, even for twenty years. " If I had been down stairs in the room," thought the bottle, "I might have learnt it." It was now washed and rinsed, which process was really quite necessary, and afterwards it looked clean and transparent, and felt young again in its old age; but the paper which it had carried so faithfully was destroyed in the washing. They filled the bottle with seeds, though it scarcely knew what had been placed in it. Then they corked it down tightly, and carefully wrapped it up. There not even the light of a torch or lantern could reach it, much less the brightness of the sun or moon. "And yet," thought the bottle, "men go on a journey that they may see as much as possible, and I can see nothing." However, it did something quite as important; it travelled to the place of its destination, and was unpacked. "What trouble they have taken with that bottle over yonder!" said one, and very likely it is broken after all." But the bottle was not broken, and, better still, it understood every word that was said: this language it had heard at the furnaces and at the wine merchant"s; in the forest and on the ship,- it was the only good old language it could understand. It had returned home, and the language was as a welcome greeting. For very joy, it felt ready to jump out of people"s hands, and scarcely noticed that its cork had been drawn, and its contents emptied out, till it found itself carried to a cellar, to be left there and forgotten. "There"s no place like home, even if it"s a cellar." It never occurred to him to think that he might lie there for years, he felt so comfortable. For many long years he remained in the cellar, till at last some people came to carry away the bottles, and ours amongst the number. Out in the garden there was a great festival. Brilliant lamps hung in festoons from tree to tree; and paper lanterns, through which the light shone till they looked like transparent tulips. It was a beautiful evening, and the weather mild and clear. The stars twinkled; and the new moon, in the form of a crescent, was surrounded by the shadowy disc of the whole moon, and looked like a gray globe with a golden rim: it was a beautiful sight for those who had good eyes. The illumination extended even to the most retired of the garden walks, at least not so retired that any one need lose himself there. In the borders were placed bottles, each containing a light, and among them the bottle with which we are acquainted, and whose fate it was, one day, to be only a bottle neck, and to serve as a water-glass to a bird"s-cage. Everything here appeared lovely to our bottle, for it was again in the green wood, amid joy and feasting; again it heard music and song, and the noise and murmur of a crowd, especially in that part of the garden where the lamps blazed, and the paper lanterns displayed their brilliant colors. It stood in a distant walk certainly, but a place pleasant for contemplation; and it carried a light; and was at once useful and ornamental. In such an hour it is easy to forget that one has spent twenty years in a loft, and a good thing it is to be able to do so. Close before the bottle passed a single pair, like the bridal pair- the mate and the furrier"s daughter- who had so long ago wandered in the wood. It seemed to the bottle as if he were living that time over again. Not only the guests but other people were walking in the garden, who were allowed to witness the splendor and the festivities. Among the latter came an old maid, who seemed to be quite alone in the world. She was thinking, like the bottle, of the green wood, and of a young betrothed pair, who were closely connected with herself; she was thinking of that hour, the happiest of her life, in which she had taken part, when she had herself been one of that betrothed pair; such hours are never to be forgotten, let a maiden be as old as she may. But she did not recognize the bottle, neither did the bottle notice the old maid. And so we often pass each other in the world when we meet, as did these two, even while together in the same town. The bottle was taken from the garden, and again sent to a wine merchant, where it was once more filled with wine, and sold to an aeronaut, who was to make an ascent in his balloon on the following Sunday. A great crowd assembled to witness the sight; military music had been engaged, and many other preparations made. The bottle saw it all from the basket in which he lay close to a live rabbit. The rabbit was quite excited because he knew that he was to be taken up, and let down again in a parachute. The bottle, however, knew nothing of the "up," or the "down;" he saw only that the balloon was swelling larger and larger till it could swell no more, and began to rise and be restless. Then the ropes which held it were cut through, and the aerial ship rose in the air with the aeronaut and the basket containing the bottle and the rabbit, while the music sounded and all the people shouted "Hurrah." "This is a wonderful journey up into the air," thought the bottle; "it is a new way of sailing, and here, at least, there is no fear of striking against anything." Thousands of people gazed at the balloon, and the old maid who was in the garden saw it also; for she stood at the open window of the garret, by which hung the cage containing the linnet, who then had no water-glass, but was obliged to be contented with an old cup. In the window-sill stood a myrtle in a pot, and this had been pushed a little on one side, that it might not fall out; for the old maid was leaning out of the window, that she might see. And she did see distinctly the aeronaut in the balloon, and how he let down the rabbit in the parachute, and then drank to the health of all the spectators in the wine from the bottle. After doing this, he hurled it high into the air. How little she thought that this was the very same bottle which her friend had thrown aloft in her honor, on that happy day of rejoicing, in the green wood, in her youthful days. The bottle had no time to think, when raised so suddenly; and before it was aware, it reached the highest point it had ever attained in its life. Steeples and roofs lay far, far beneath it, and the people looked as tiny as possible. Then it began to descend much more rapidly than the rabbit had done, made somersaults in the air, and felt itself quite young and unfettered, although it was half full of wine. But this did not last long. What a journey it was! All the people could see the bottle; for the sun shone upon it. The balloon was already far away, and very soon the bottle was far away also; for it fell upon a roof, and broke in pieces. But the pieces had got such an impetus in them, that they could not stop themselves. They went jumping and rolling about, till at last they fell into the court-yard, and were broken into still smaller pieces; only the neck of the bottle managed to keep whole, and it was broken off as clean as if it had been cut with a diamond. "That would make a capital bird"s glass," said one of the cellar-men; but none of them had either a bird or a cage, and it was not to be expected they would provide one just because they had found a bottle neck that could be used as a glass. But the old maid who lived in the garret had a bird, and it really might be useful to her; so the bottle neck was provided with a cork, and taken up to her; and, as it often happens in life, the part that had been uppermost was now turned downwards, and it was filled with fresh water. Then they hung it in the cage of the little bird, who sang and twittered more merrily than ever. "Ah, you have good reason to sing," said the bottle neck, which was looked upon as something very remarkable, because it had been in a balloon; nothing further was known of its history. As it hung there in the bird"s-cage, it could hear the noise and murmur of the people in the street below, as well as the conversation of the old maid in the room within. An old friend had just come to visit her, and they talked, not about the bottle neck, but of the myrtle in the window. "No, you must not spend a dollar for your daughter"s bridal bouquet," said the old maid; "you shall have a beautiful little bunch for a nosegay, full of blossoms. Do you see how splendidly the tree has grown? It has been raised from only a little sprig of myrtle that you gave me on the day after my betrothal, and from which I was to make my own bridal bouquet when a year had passed: but that day never came; the eyes were closed which were to have been my light and joy through life. In the depths of the sea my beloved sleeps sweetly; the myrtle has become an old tree, and I am a still older woman. Before the sprig you gave me faded, I took a spray, and planted it in the earth; and now, as you see, it has become a large tree, and a bunch of the blossoms shall at last appear at a wedding festival, in the bouquet of your daughter." There were tears in the eyes of the old maid, as she spoke of the beloved of her youth, and of their betrothal in the wood. Many thoughts came into her mind; but the thought never came, that quite close to her, in that very window, was a remembrance of those olden times,- the neck of the bottle which had, as it were shouted for joy when the cork flew out with a bang on the betrothal day. But the bottle neck did not recognize the old maid; he had not been listening to what she had related, perhaps because he was thinking so much about her.

五年级英语剧本3-5分钟,不要太难,5人。不要little duck或小红帽!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Kaitlyn家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Kaitlyn:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi, mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Take the apples to Grandma.Kaitlyn:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Kaitlyn:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye.Mum:Bye-bye. 第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Kaitlyn挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Kaitlyn:Wow!Flowers, beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One ,two, three, four, five, six, seven…..Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I"m wolf. I"m hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) It"s Kaitlyn. Hi! Kaitlyn. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Kaitlyn打招呼)Kaitlyn:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma"s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I" ll eat Grandma.(对Kaitlyn说)Hey, look! 6 ducks.Kaitlyn:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Kaitlyn:(停止跳舞)Hello! ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:Fine.Thank you.Where are you going?Kaitlyn:To Grandma"s.Oh, I"ll go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I"m hungry. (做找寻的样子). (高兴地对观众说) (敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.Grandma:Who?Wolf:(装出Kaitlyn的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It"s me. Kaitlyn.Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I"ll eat you.Grandma:(惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"ll sleep.Kaitlyn:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who?Kaitlyn:It"s me。Kaitlyn. Wolf:Come in,Come in.Kaitlyn:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! big ears! Wolf:I can listen to you. Kaitlyn:Wow! big eyes!Wolf:I can see you Kaitlyn:Oh! big hand.Wolf:I can hug you.Kaitlyn:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)big mouth?Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!Kaitlyn:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!Wolf:(追到Kaitlyn,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)Yummy.. I ‘ll sleep.Hunter:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where"s the wolf? Look! (推门)The wolf is sleeping.Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声)Hunter:(端起枪想打,又放下) (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Kaitlyn are inside . (从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) (做剪Wolf的肚子) Kaitlyn /Grandma:Thank you.Hunter:Grandma ,give me needles and thread.Kaitlyn ,Give me some stones.randma:(从桌子上拿来针线)Kaitlyn:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter:(把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)Grandma:I"ll thread it.Hunter:(拿起枪)stand up!Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子) So heavy.Hunter:raise your arms!Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Hunter:(开枪)Bang, bang!Wolf:(应声倒下)Kaitlyn和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.Kaitlyn、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you

小红帽歌词 英文版的!!!

I am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland I am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland I am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland [Happy Little Snowflake] Thuringia word MENG Qiong Shen Qu Jiang Weiming Orchestration Feng ER to open the window, snowflakes flying in. Gently falls on my shoulders more 呀 lovely Little Snowflake 呀 little snow, you come from? Snow did not answer, asking me to look out the window Kids in the exercise, more 呀 more pleasant I would also like to go to the snow, forging 呀 re-training


助人为快乐之本,第一时间来帮TAI am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland I am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland I am walking alone on the outskirts of a small road I bring Grandma to taste cakes She lived in places far and secluded I have to be careful on the road whether there is Big Bad Wolf When the sun hill I have to hurry to go home Together with his mother into sweet dreamland [Happy Little Snowflake] Thuringia word MENG Qiong Shen Qu Jiang Weiming Orchestration Feng ER to open the window, snowflakes flying in. Gently falls on my shoulders more 呀 lovely Little Snowflake 呀 little snow, you come from? Snow did not answer, asking me to look out the window Kids in the exercise, more 呀 more pleasant I would also like to go to the snow, forging 呀 re-training


Little Red Riding HoodOnce upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother"s house,a wolf noticed her.The wolf had a plan.He went to Little Red Riding Hood"s grandmother"s house and swallowed her up whole. Then wore grandmother"s clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.But when Little Red Riding Hood came and found he was a wolf,the wolf swallowed her up whole also.Then the wolf fall in deep sleep.A hunter passed by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach and put many stones in it. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that"s the way to get along in the world. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks. One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig. The wolf then came to the house of sticks. "Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig. The wolf then came to the house of bricks. " Let me in , let me in" cried the wolf "Or I"ll huff and I"ll puff till I blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs. Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house. The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf. The next day the little pig invited his mother over . She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can." Fortunately for that little pig, he learned that lesson. And he just lived happily ever after! 也许有的地方有些错误,难免的,别怪我哦。


Gingerbread Man old man old woman dog cat farmer hunter fox tiger crocodile gingerbread man Aside(旁白) :Many years ago , there lived an old man and an old woman , they had no children . The old man had a dog , the old woman had a cat . They lived together happily . Old man : Grandma , Christmas Day is coming , let" s make a gingerbread man , I like gingerbread man very much . It"s very delicious . It"s good to eat ! Old woman : Ok ! Grandpa , I will make a gingerbread man . I like gingerbread man too . I think it"s very delicious . It"s good to eat ! And we need a gingerbread man , because Christmas Day is coming . Aside(旁白) : So the old woman made a gingerbread man , and it was really good to eat . The cat came into the kitchen , and saw the gingerbread man . Cat : I am . I am a cat . I"m very clever . Ah a gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Come on , don"t run away . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the living room . A dog saw him . Dog : I am . I am a dog . I can run fast . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The dog jumped to the gingerbread man , but the gingerbread man ran away . The gingerbread man ran across the field , he met a farmer . Farmer : I am . I am a farmer . I like farming . Oh, here is a gingerbread man , I think its good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the forest , he saw a hunter . Hunter : I am . I am a hunter . I"m very hungry . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat , come on let me have a taste . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran in the forest , he saw a fox . Fox : I am . I am a fox . I"m so smart . Look , a gingerbread man is running . I think I can eat him . It looks good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . Here comes a tiger . Tiger : I am . I"m a tiger . I"m very strong . I am the king of the animals . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . He came to a river . He wanted to cross the river . But there was a crocodile in the river . Gingerbread man: Mr. Crocodile , can you take me to cross the river? Crocodile: Sure , you can jump on my back . I can take you to cross the river. Gingerbread man : Thank you . You are so kind ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man jumped on the crocodile"s back , then the crocodile swam in the river . Crocodile : Now , you can jump on my mouth . Gingerbread man : OK ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man wanted to jump on the crocodile"s mouth . But the crocodile quickly opened his big mouth , and the gingerbread man jumped into his mouth . Crocodile : Er…. The gingerbread man is really good to eat . It"s really delicious !


台词(部分)The Wolf: [receiving a lit stick of dynamite] What kind of candles are those?Twitchy: [pointing at writing on dynamite] Dee-na-mee-tay. Must be Italian.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: Why do they call you Red?Red: They call me red because I wear this red hood.Nicky Flippers: What about when you"re not wearing the hood?Red: [pause] I usually wear it.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Woodsman: What the Schnitzel?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Granny: Honey, don"t look at your granny like that.Red: I"m sorry, I thought you were Triple G. Or are you the Bandit?Det. Bill Stork: Aw-Kward![awkwardly side slips out of the room]Granny: You"re being ridiculous Red.Red: I"m being ridiculous? You"re off living... La Vida Loca, risking your life for some dumb thrills, and I"m supposed to stay home and be your happy little delivery girl?Tommy: I have a...Nicky Flippers: Coffee break, anyone?Chief Grizzly: Uh, yeahDet. Bill Stork: Whose got my keys?Raccoon Jerry: You think granny would mind if i went through her garbage?Chief Grizzly: Excuse us.Granny: I thought you were happy.Red: Open your eyes. I"ve never even been outside of the forest. Don"t you think I"d want more than that?Granny: Of course you do. You"re a Puckett.Red: [sighs] I don"t know what that means anymore--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: What do you do for a living, Mr. Wolf?The Wolf: I"m a shepherd.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[last lines]Red: Mr. Flippers!Nicky Flippers: I see you all got my message. Glad you could make it.Granny: What"s going on?Nicky Flippers: Well, I was wondering if you"d like to come and work for me? I could use some fresh talent like you.The Wolf: What kind of work are we talking about?Nicky Flippers: You"d be under cover, on impossible missions, to far away places. There"s a lot of stories out there that need a happy ending. I"m part of a secret organization that makes sure that happens.Red: "Happily Ever After Agency"?Nicky Flippers: The woods don"t go "round by themselves.Twitchy: [talking very fast] Yeah! Alright! Okay we fight the bad guys, we ride the ski boats, climb the walls, and swing the windows secret agent style. Right! Yeah!Nicky Flippers: So what do you think?Granny: Bring it honey!Red: I always did like happy endings.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red: Who are you ?The Wolf: I"m your grandma.Red: Your face looks really weird, granny.The Wolf: I"ve been sick, I... uh...Red: Your mouth doesn"t move when you talk.The Wolf: Plastic surgery. Grandma"s had a little work done.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red: [about the medallion she found in Granny"s drawer] Huh? What"s this?Granny: Oh, it says "World"s Greatest Grandma".Red: Grandma, I can read. It says "Battle of the Iron Cage Gladiators".--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Granny: It"s true, I"m not like other grannies. I never did like the quilting bees and the bingo parlors. I"d rather live life to the EXTREME!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: It would seem that all of you came together tonight by mistake.[walks past dog typing notes]Nicky Flippers: Maybe you naughty neighbors butted heads so we could get to the real truth.The Wolf: The Goody BanditNicky Flippers: That"s right. The Bandit"s still at large. There"s been a lot of finger pointing tonight, but now all fingers point to the Bandit.The Woodsman: Not my finger![quickly puts index finger in mouth and starts sucking it]Nicky Flippers: Oh no, you were just out damaging forest property, cutting down the redwoods we all call home.[the Woodsman starts spluttering]Nicky Flippers: Big guy like you, you could probably take whatever you want from little goody-loving creatures, couldn"t you?The Woodsman: But someone robbed me! Have we lost track of that?Nicky Flippers: Thats right, someone did. Maybe a snack food competitor. Right Granny?Granny: Now hold on a pea-picking minute! I may lead a double life full of secrets and deception, but that"s no reason to be suspicious.The Woodsman: Huh?Nicky Flippers: A woman like you could have a lot to gain stealing all those recipes.Chief Grizzly: And that"s how she makes her goodies so good! Eh?Nicky Flippers: Or she could just be another victim... of a hungry WolfThe Wolf: Ah, the wolf did it. Talk about profiling.Nicky Flippers: Why should we trust someone who wears disguises for a living?Chief Grizzly: Maybe he"s not a wolf at all!The Wolf: You got me. I"m a poodle. I just haven"t been to the barbershop in a long time.Chief Grizzly: Is this all just a big joke to you?The Wolf: I just followed the girl here.Granny: You leave my granddaughter alone!Nicky Flippers: Yes, now we get to Little Red, the girl with the basket on the run.[camera points to empty chair]Nicky Flippers: Where is she anyway?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[after having his first taste of coffee and the caffeine obviously getting to him]Twitchy: Caffeine! Yeah baby!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Twitchy falls from sky]The Wolf: Twitchy! You scared me!Twitchy: [speaking very quickly] Hey boss, I called the taped-I beeped you on your beeper. Did you get my beep?The Wolf: Twitchy, you gotta calm down.Twitchy: [continues speaking quickly] I got up early and I got the gear I was watching the girl like you told me to, the girl in the red hood.The Wolf: Yeah, the girl in the red hood. Did you see where she went?Twitchy: She went past the porcupines and the red bird"s tree and the guy with the long beard and now she"s up the creek and she sings everywhere she goes. She"s like lalalalalalalalalala...The Wolf: Yeah, yeah, I"m way ahead of you. we gotta find out who she"s working for. You got the camera?Twitchy: The 220x and a photograb with autofocus. Ooo, look at that - come with a 500 millimeter lens. You want the color or black and white?The Wolf: Doesn"t matter.Twitchy: I brought a flash![takes a picture]The Wolf: Will you put that away? It"s covert. No flash!Twitchy: [takes the flash off] Undercover, got it. Mmm-hm. Nobody sees, nobody knows. Click-click, heh heh![grins]The Wolf: [stares at Twitchy] You ever thought about decaffeinated coffee?Twitchy: Oh, I don"t drink coffee!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wolf: I can"t believe I"m saying this but... drink up[gives twitchy the coffee]The Wolf: We may want to stand back.Twitchy: [Sips coffee and his eyes buldge and he starts shaking] Yee-hoo-hoo-hoo! Wahooo! Caffeine! Yeah baby! Whoa!The Wolf: Go get "em boy.[Twitchy takes off and bounces all over the place]The Wolf: What... have I done?Granny: Now the rest"s up to us.The Woodsman: Can I have coffee?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tommy: I know about houses. l built mine out of straw. I"m not an idiot.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: So! Mr. Wolf... May I call you Wolf?The Wolf: You can call me Sheila. I like long walks and fresh flowers.Chief Grizzly: Quit playing around, Wolf! You"re looking at 3 to 5 in an old shoe with no windows, SO START SINGIN"!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chief Grizzly: Pretty thin Wolf! You say the old lady was already tied up. How did that happen?The Wolf: I don"t know, maybe to make herself look innocent. I just write the news Chief, I don"t make it.Red: For a reporter, you sure have a strange way of doing your job.The Wolf: What can I say? I was raised by wolves.(字数限制,原文在这里,以后你找英文台词可以在这个网站找)http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443536/quotes

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they"d seen each other. "That"s a good idea," her mother said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother. When the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye. "Remember, go straight to Grandma"s house," her mother cautioned. "Don"t dawdle along the way and please don"t talk to strangers! The woods are dangerous." "Don"t worry, mommy," said Little Red Riding Hood, "I"ll be careful." But when Little Red Riding Hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother. She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more. Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn"t notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her...Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her."What are you doing out here, little girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster."I"m on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook," Little Red Riding Hood replied.Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her Grandma"s house. The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut... The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Grandma"s and knocked lightly at the door."Oh thank goodness dear! Come in, come in! I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," said Grandma thinking that the knock was her granddaughter.The wolf let himself in. Poor Granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!The wolf let out a satisfied burp, and then poked through Granny"s wardrobe to find a nightgown that he liked. He added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of Granny"s perfume behind his pointy ears.A few minutes later, Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose. "Who is it?" he called in a cackly voice."It"s me, Little Red Riding Hood.""Oh how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.When Little Red Riding Hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Grandmother."Grandmother! Your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?" she asked."Oh, I just have touch of a cold," squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point."But Grandmother! What big ears you have," said Little Red Riding Hood as she edged closer to the bed."The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf."But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood."The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf."But Grandmother! What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood her voice quivering slightly."The better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and began to chase the little girl.Almost too late, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the person in the bed was not her Grandmother, but a hungry wolf.She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf!" as loudly as she could.A woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece."Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I"ll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again.""There, there, child. You"ve learned an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn"t bother people any longer.Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat.




1. 首先在命令行输入(可选)mount | grep ""on /""得到root用户所在分区/dev/your_partition2. 然后在命令行输入fsck -y /dev/root#fsck -y /dev/your_partition#检测并修复磁盘/dev/root,-y 选项指定检测每个文件是自动输入yes3. 输入reboot进行重启,仍然报错4. 继续在命令行输入修复命令fsck -y /dev/sda15. 重启后,继续报错Starting auditd: FAILED网上搜索的解释是“The auditd daemon will fail to start if its logfile is readable by anyone but root”,即由于root没有写auditd日志文件的权限,导致auditd启动失败输入如下命令:chown root.root /var/log/audit/audit.logchmod 600 /var/log/audit/audit.log6. 重启,成功进入系统。


1、There is a little girl. Her name is little red riding hood. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit grandma. On the way, she met a wolf. The wolf went to the grandmother at home, eat the grandmother. In grandmothers house, Little Red Riding Hood found grandmas ears, eyes and mouth are very big. The wolf ate little red riding hood, the wolf fell asleep, a man pass by. He killed the wolf, saved the Little Red Riding Hood. 2、翻译:有一个小女孩。她的名字叫小红帽。小红帽去看望奶奶。在路上,她遇到一只狼。狼去了奶奶家,吃掉了奶奶。在奶奶的房子里,小红帽发现奶奶的耳朵,眼睛和嘴巴都非常大。狼吃了小红帽,狼睡着了,一个男人路过。他杀死了狼,救出了小红帽和奶奶。


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


1. 小红帽的英语作文 One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers,but the wolf saw,so the big bad wolf ran granny,grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally,hunters found and killed the wolf,rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous.一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西.他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶.我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林.那很危险.。 2. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once there was a cute little girl, who met all like, but her favorite is her grandmother, just give her what she wants something. Once, she gave her a Little Red Riding Hood to do with velvet, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl just can not wear any other hat, so she always called "Little Red Riding Hood."。 3. 小红帽英文作文60 70词 Pangu Separates Sky from Earth China has a history longer than that of any other present-day nation,containing a plethora of myths and legends.Regarded as the "Chinese Adam" by Westerners,the first figure in China""s history was named Pangu.According to legend,in the beginning,there was only darkness and chaos,and the sky and earth were one blurred entity.This vast "egg," as the Chinese call it,was subjected to o opposing forces or principles.The interaction beeen the o forces the yin (passive or negative female principle) and yang (active or positive male principle) gave birth to Pangu,causing the egg""s shell to crack.Pangu has been depicted in many ways.He sometimes appears as a dwarf with o horns on his head,clothed in skins or leaves,and holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other or the symbol of the yin and yang .Pang has also been portrayed holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other.He is often acpanied by his panions,the four supernatural animals:the phoenix,dragon,unicorn and tortoise.The separation of the sky and earth took 18,000 years to plete:the yang,which was light and pure,rose to bee the sky; the yin ,which was heavy and murky,sank to form the earth.Beeen the sky and earth was Pangu,who underwent nine changes every day:His wisdom greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth.Every day the sky rose ten feet,the earth became ten feet thicker and Pangu grew ten feet taller.Another 18,000 years passed and the sky was very high; the earth,dense and Pangu,extremely tall.His body then dissolved and his head became the mountains; his breath,the wind and clouds; his voice,the thunder; his left eye,the sun and his right eye,the moon.Pangu""s beard became the stars; his four limbs,the four quadrants of the globe; his blood,the rivers and his veins and muscles,the layers of the earth.His flesh became the soil; his skin and hair,the trees and plants; his semen,pearls; his marrow,precious stones and his sweat turned into rain.All in all,Pangu and the universe became one。 4. 用英语写小红帽的故事 Long long ago,there was a girl called XiaoHongmao.Because she was always in a red hat which her grandma sent to her. One day,her mother asked her to go to her grangma"s home to send some food for her grandma. Because grandma was ill.So she started.She was very happy.At that time,a wolf came out and said"What are you going to do ?Little girl?""I"m going to see my grandma,she"s ill.""What"s that in your basket?""They are button,bread,drink and some other food!"Then the wolf said"Do you like flowers,there are many flowers over there!" 5. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother"s house,a wolf er.The wolf had a plan.He went to Little Red Riding Hood"s grandmother"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. Then wore grandmother"s clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.But when Little Red Riding Hood came and found he was a wolf,the wolf swallowed (吞下) her up whole also. Then the wolf fall in deep sleep.A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach and put many stones in it. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.。 6. 初二英语作文小红帽八十词左右 Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house." The wolf es to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed. After a while, little Red Riding Hood es to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood. "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma es out. 小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。 她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。 她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。 小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。 "瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。 " 狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。 过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。 "狼说这就扑向小红帽。 "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。 正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。 7. 用英语写小红帽的故事 once upon a time there was a little girl who always wore a little red hat which her mother gave her as a birthday present,thus little red hat was how she came to be called in the neighborhood. one day,little red hat"s grandma fell sick,and mother let little red hat go to visit grandma as she had to overwork that day.thereafter little red hat was on her merry way to her grandma"s. now, little red hat was singing happily and picking strawberries when suddenly a hairy wolf appeared from nowhere. to be continued by Daniel。


1. 小红帽的英语作文 One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers,but the wolf saw,so the big bad wolf ran granny,grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally,hunters found and killed the wolf,rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous.一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西.他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶.我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林.那很危险.。 2. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once there was a cute little girl, who met all like, but her favorite is her grandmother, just give her what she wants something. Once, she gave her a Little Red Riding Hood to do with velvet, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl just can not wear any other hat, so she always called "Little Red Riding Hood."。 3. 小红帽英文作文60 70词 Pangu Separates Sky from Earth China has a history longer than that of any other present-day nation,containing a plethora of myths and legends.Regarded as the "Chinese Adam" by Westerners,the first figure in China""s history was named Pangu.According to legend,in the beginning,there was only darkness and chaos,and the sky and earth were one blurred entity.This vast "egg," as the Chinese call it,was subjected to o opposing forces or principles.The interaction beeen the o forces the yin (passive or negative female principle) and yang (active or positive male principle) gave birth to Pangu,causing the egg""s shell to crack.Pangu has been depicted in many ways.He sometimes appears as a dwarf with o horns on his head,clothed in skins or leaves,and holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other or the symbol of the yin and yang .Pang has also been portrayed holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other.He is often acpanied by his panions,the four supernatural animals:the phoenix,dragon,unicorn and tortoise.The separation of the sky and earth took 18,000 years to plete:the yang,which was light and pure,rose to bee the sky; the yin ,which was heavy and murky,sank to form the earth.Beeen the sky and earth was Pangu,who underwent nine changes every day:His wisdom greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth.Every day the sky rose ten feet,the earth became ten feet thicker and Pangu grew ten feet taller.Another 18,000 years passed and the sky was very high; the earth,dense and Pangu,extremely tall.His body then dissolved and his head became the mountains; his breath,the wind and clouds; his voice,the thunder; his left eye,the sun and his right eye,the moon.Pangu""s beard became the stars; his four limbs,the four quadrants of the globe; his blood,the rivers and his veins and muscles,the layers of the earth.His flesh became the soil; his skin and hair,the trees and plants; his semen,pearls; his marrow,precious stones and his sweat turned into rain.All in all,Pangu and the universe became one。 4. 用英语写小红帽的故事 Long long ago,there was a girl called XiaoHongmao.Because she was always in a red hat which her grandma sent to her. One day,her mother asked her to go to her grangma"s home to send some food for her grandma. Because grandma was ill.So she started.She was very happy.At that time,a wolf came out and said"What are you going to do ?Little girl?""I"m going to see my grandma,she"s ill.""What"s that in your basket?""They are button,bread,drink and some other food!"Then the wolf said"Do you like flowers,there are many flowers over there!" 5. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother"s house,a wolf er.The wolf had a plan.He went to Little Red Riding Hood"s grandmother"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. Then wore grandmother"s clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.But when Little Red Riding Hood came and found he was a wolf,the wolf swallowed (吞下) her up whole also. Then the wolf fall in deep sleep.A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach and put many stones in it. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.。 6. 初二英语作文小红帽八十词左右 Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house." The wolf es to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed. After a while, little Red Riding Hood es to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood. "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma es out. 小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。 她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。 她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。 小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。 "瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。 " 狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。 过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。 "狼说这就扑向小红帽。 "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。 正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。 7. 用英语写小红帽的故事 once upon a time there was a little girl who always wore a little red hat which her mother gave her as a birthday present,thus little red hat was how she came to be called in the neighborhood. one day,little red hat"s grandma fell sick,and mother let little red hat go to visit grandma as she had to overwork that day.thereafter little red hat was on her merry way to her grandma"s. now, little red hat was singing happily and picking strawberries when suddenly a hairy wolf appeared from nowhere. to be continued by Daniel。

小红帽英文版 人物先说英文,再翻译

Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽) Once upon a time,there was a little girl.Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day,her grandma(外婆) was ill.Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way,she met a wolf(狼). Little Red Riding Hood,the flowers are so beautiful.Why not pick some? That"s a good idea. Help!Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed her up whole. What are you doing,dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you,silly girl. In grandma"s house,Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears,eyes and mouth were all very big. The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood.And then,he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you,sir. A hunter(猎人) passed by.He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach.Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved. 回答完毕,相关人物的后面已经注明了中文.


One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers, but the wolf saw, so the big bad wolf ran granny, grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally, hunters found and killed the wolf, rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous. 一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西。他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶。我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林。那很危险。


One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers,but the wolf saw,so the big bad wolf ran granny,grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally,hunters found and killed the wolf,rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous.一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西.他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶.我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林.那很危险.


1. 小红帽的英语作文 One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers,but the wolf saw,so the big bad wolf ran granny,grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally,hunters found and killed the wolf,rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous.一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西.他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶.我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林.那很危险.。 2. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once there was a cute little girl, who met all like, but her favorite is her grandmother, just give her what she wants something. Once, she gave her a Little Red Riding Hood to do with velvet, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl just can not wear any other hat, so she always called "Little Red Riding Hood."。 3. 小红帽英文作文60 70词 Pangu Separates Sky from Earth China has a history longer than that of any other present-day nation,containing a plethora of myths and legends.Regarded as the "Chinese Adam" by Westerners,the first figure in China""s history was named Pangu.According to legend,in the beginning,there was only darkness and chaos,and the sky and earth were one blurred entity.This vast "egg," as the Chinese call it,was subjected to o opposing forces or principles.The interaction beeen the o forces the yin (passive or negative female principle) and yang (active or positive male principle) gave birth to Pangu,causing the egg""s shell to crack.Pangu has been depicted in many ways.He sometimes appears as a dwarf with o horns on his head,clothed in skins or leaves,and holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other or the symbol of the yin and yang .Pang has also been portrayed holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other.He is often acpanied by his panions,the four supernatural animals:the phoenix,dragon,unicorn and tortoise.The separation of the sky and earth took 18,000 years to plete:the yang,which was light and pure,rose to bee the sky; the yin ,which was heavy and murky,sank to form the earth.Beeen the sky and earth was Pangu,who underwent nine changes every day:His wisdom greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth.Every day the sky rose ten feet,the earth became ten feet thicker and Pangu grew ten feet taller.Another 18,000 years passed and the sky was very high; the earth,dense and Pangu,extremely tall.His body then dissolved and his head became the mountains; his breath,the wind and clouds; his voice,the thunder; his left eye,the sun and his right eye,the moon.Pangu""s beard became the stars; his four limbs,the four quadrants of the globe; his blood,the rivers and his veins and muscles,the layers of the earth.His flesh became the soil; his skin and hair,the trees and plants; his semen,pearls; his marrow,precious stones and his sweat turned into rain.All in all,Pangu and the universe became one。 4. 用英语写小红帽的故事 Long long ago,there was a girl called XiaoHongmao.Because she was always in a red hat which her grandma sent to her. One day,her mother asked her to go to her grangma"s home to send some food for her grandma. Because grandma was ill.So she started.She was very happy.At that time,a wolf came out and said"What are you going to do ?Little girl?""I"m going to see my grandma,she"s ill.""What"s that in your basket?""They are button,bread,drink and some other food!"Then the wolf said"Do you like flowers,there are many flowers over there!" 5. 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way to grandmother"s house,a wolf er.The wolf had a plan.He went to Little Red Riding Hood"s grandmother"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. Then wore grandmother"s clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.But when Little Red Riding Hood came and found he was a wolf,the wolf swallowed (吞下) her up whole also. Then the wolf fall in deep sleep.A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach and put many stones in it. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.。 6. 初二英语作文小红帽八十词左右 Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house." The wolf es to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed. After a while, little Red Riding Hood es to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood. "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma es out. 小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。 她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。 她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。 小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。 "瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。 " 狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。 过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。 "狼说这就扑向小红帽。 "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。 正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。 7. 用英语写小红帽的故事 once upon a time there was a little girl who always wore a little red hat which her mother gave her as a birthday present,thus little red hat was how she came to be called in the neighborhood. one day,little red hat"s grandma fell sick,and mother let little red hat go to visit grandma as she had to overwork that day.thereafter little red hat was on her merry way to her grandma"s. now, little red hat was singing happily and picking strawberries when suddenly a hairy wolf appeared from nowhere. to be continued by Daniel。

小红帽 英语对话版

Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum: Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) 字串6 Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma"s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I" ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We" re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma"s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye. 第三场:Grandma家 Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。) Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma" s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it"s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang. Grandma: Who is it? Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It"s me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in. 字串9 Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I"ll eat you. Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"ll sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It"s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in. Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes! Wolf:I can see you pretty face. Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand. Wolf:I can hug you. Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! 字串2 Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It"s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping. Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where"s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping. Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声) Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you. Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones. Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线) Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three. Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里) Grandma: I"ll thread it. Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up! Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy. Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms! Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don"t shot me! Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang! 字串9 Wolf: (应声倒下) Hunter: The bad wolf is dead. Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you. Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you


This is a little girl. Her name is little Red Riding Hood.One day uff0cher mother said uff1a”Please go to your grandmau2019s house.”“Yes, mother.”In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood.“Look, little Red Riding Hood. I have children. The path goes to her grandmau2019s house. Mmm!” Then he goes to the grandmau2019s house.“Hello, grandma.”“Whou2019s this?”“This is little Red Riding Hood.”“Come in please.”“Oh, sorry. Iu2019m not the little Red Riding Hood. Iu2019m hungry. Iu2019ll eat you.”“Help me, help me, help me.”“Now Iu2019ve got grandmau2019s glasses. Iu2019ve got her jacket. And Iu2019ve got her hat. Iu2019m in her bed. Ha, ha, ha, ha.”“Hello, little Red Riding Hood.”“Hello, grandma.”“Youu2019ve got big ears!Youu2019ve got big eyes!And a big nose!Youu2019ve got a big mouth!”“Yes, I eat little girls with this mouth.”“Helpuff0chelpuff0chelp!”A man helps little Red Riding Hood.


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met a wolf.That"s a good idea.Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick some?Help!The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed her up whole.What are you doing, dear grandma?I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl.In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep.Thank you, sir.A hunter passed by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


Little Red Riding Hood Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved. 中文翻译: 小红帽 从前,有一个小女孩。她的名字叫小红帽。有一天,她的奶奶病了。小红帽去看望她。在路上,她遇到了一只狼。 这是一个好主意。小红帽,花儿是如此美丽。为什么不采集一些呢? 救命! 救命! 狼去她的奶奶家,吞下她奶奶。 你在做什么,亲爱的奶奶吗? 我只是等着吃你,傻女孩。 在奶奶的家里,小红帽发现奶奶的耳朵、眼睛和嘴巴都非常大。 z ~ z ~ z ~ 狼跳起来,吞了小红帽。然后,他陷入了深度睡眠。 谢谢您,先生。 一个猎人经过。他杀害了狼和割开它的肚子。小红帽和她的奶奶得救了。


以下为小红帽故事英汉互译:Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl. One day, she went to give her grandmother a cake.小红帽是个小姑娘。一天,她去给奶奶送蛋糕。The grandmother was not at home. The big wolf was stealing something to eat in the house.奶奶不在家,大灰狼正在屋里偷东西吃。Hearing the knock at the door, the big wolf quickly put on the grandmother"s clothes and lay on the grandmother"s bed.听见敲门声,大灰狼赶紧穿上奶奶的衣服,躺在奶奶的床上。"Grandma, why are your ears so big?" "My ears are big so that I can hear what you say."“奶奶,您的耳朵为什么这么大?”“耳朵大,听得见你说话。”"Grandma, why are your hands so big?" "My hands are big so that I can catch you!"“奶奶,您的手为什么这么大?”“手大,正好把你抓!”"Grandma, why is your mouth so big? It"s really scary!" Little Red Riding Hood was about to dodge, but the big wolf jumped up, and completely swallowed her.“奶奶,您的嘴为什么这么大?大得好可怕!”小红帽刚要躲闪,大灰狼跳起来,把她吞进了肚子里。The big wolf was full. It lay on the bed to sleep and began to snore.大灰狼吃饱了,躺在床上呼噜呼噜睡大觉。The grandmother came back. Hearing such a big grunt, the grandmother thought it was strange.奶奶回来了。听到这么大的呼噜声,奶奶感觉很奇怪。Wow! This is bad!哇!是这个坏东西!The brave grandmother brought a pair of scissors and cut the big wolf"s stomach open ...勇敢的奶奶拿来一把剪刀,把大灰狼的肚子给剪开了……Little Red Riding Hood jumped out of the stomach.小红帽从狼肚子里跳了出来。She and her grandmother happily ate the cake together.她和奶奶一起高高兴兴地吃着蛋糕。Later on, the grandmother and Little Red Rid-ing Hood sent the big wolf to a remote moun-tain.后来,奶奶和小红帽把大灰狼送到了很远的大山里。


The story tells of a little girl who once loved everyone and liked to wear a red velvet hat given to her by her grandmother, so everyone called her little red cap.故事讲述了从前有个人见人爱的小姑娘,喜欢戴着外婆送给她的一顶红色天鹅绒的帽子,于是大家就叫她小红帽。One day, her mother told her to send food to her grandmother who lived in the forest, and told her not to leave the main road and go too far.有一天,母亲叫她给住在森林的外婆送食物,并嘱咐她不要离开大路,走得太远。Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf in the forest. She had never seen a wolf and didn"t know that the wolf was cruel, so she told the wolf that she was going to visit her grandmother in the forest.小红帽在森林中遇见了狼,她从未见过狼,也不知道狼性凶残,于是告诉了狼她要去森林里看望自己的外婆。When the wolf knew it, he tricked little red riding hood into picking wild flowers. He went to the cabin in the forest and ate little Red Riding Hood"s grandmother.狼知道后诱骗小红帽去采野花,自己到林中小屋把小红帽的外婆吃了。Later, he disguised himself as grandma. When Little Red Riding Hood came to find her, the wolf ate her.后来他伪装成外婆,等小红帽来找外婆时,狼一口把她吃掉了。Fortunately, later a brave hunter rescued Little Red Riding Hood and grandma from the wolf.幸好后来一个勇敢的猎人把小红帽和外婆从狼肚里救了出来。作品鉴赏《小红帽》这个童话故事告诉人们,像小红帽这样一个随性的浪漫人生计划是非常危险的,如果只求尽情享受游荡的快乐,满足自身与自然的欲望,走自己的路塑造自我。但同时母亲的禁令一开始就挡住了道德上的选择,那么究竟是追随自我的心性还是选择归顺,这道禁令从一开始就既暗示了禁令本身,也寓意着如若要走自己的路,就必须突破禁令本身的双重性。


第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家   Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里)   Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?   Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.   Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!   Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.   Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.   Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.  第二场:在路上   (一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)   Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.   Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)   Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma"s.Grandma is ill.   Wolf:(自言自语)I" ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.   Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)   Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)   Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?   Six Ducks:We" re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?   Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma"s.Oh, I must go, bye.   Six Ducks:Goodbye.  第三场:Grandma家   Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)   Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma" s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it"s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.   Grandma: Who is it?   Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It"s me. Little Red Riding Hood.   Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.   Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I"ll eat you.   Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)  灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。   Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"ll sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.   Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?   Little Red Riding Hood:It"s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!   Wolf:Come in, Come in.   Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌紫,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!   Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.   Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!   Wolf:I can see you pretty face.   Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.   Wolf:I can hug you.   Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?   Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!   Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!   Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It"s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.   Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where"s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.   Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声)   Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌紫拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.   Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.   Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.   Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.   Grandma: (从桌紫拿来针线)   Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.   Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)   Grandma: I"ll thread it.   Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up!   Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.   Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms!   Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don"t shot me!   Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!   Wolf: (应声倒下)   Hunter: The bad wolf is dead.   Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.   Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you


以下为小红帽故事英汉互译:Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl. One day, she went to give her grandmother a cake.小红帽是个小姑娘。一天,她去给奶奶送蛋糕。The grandmother was not at home. The big wolf was stealing something to eat in the house.奶奶不在家,大灰狼正在屋里偷东西吃。Hearing the knock at the door, the big wolf quickly put on the grandmother"s clothes and lay on the grandmother"s bed.听见敲门声,大灰狼赶紧穿上奶奶的衣服,躺在奶奶的床上。"Grandma, why are your ears so big?" "My ears are big so that I can hear what you say."“奶奶,您的耳朵为什么这么大?”“耳朵大,听得见你说话。”"Grandma, why are your hands so big?" "My hands are big so that I can catch you!"“奶奶,您的手为什么这么大?”“手大,正好把你抓!”"Grandma, why is your mouth so big? It"s really scary!" Little Red Riding Hood was about to dodge, but the big wolf jumped up, and completely swallowed her.“奶奶,您的嘴为什么这么大?大得好可怕!”小红帽刚要躲闪,大灰狼跳起来,把她吞进了肚子里。The big wolf was full. It lay on the bed to sleep and began to snore.大灰狼吃饱了,躺在床上呼噜呼噜睡大觉。The grandmother came back. Hearing such a big grunt, the grandmother thought it was strange.奶奶回来了。听到这么大的呼噜声,奶奶感觉很奇怪。Wow! This is bad!哇!是这个坏东西!The brave grandmother brought a pair of scissors and cut the big wolf"s stomach open ...勇敢的奶奶拿来一把剪刀,把大灰狼的肚子给剪开了……Little Red Riding Hood jumped out of the stomach.小红帽从狼肚子里跳了出来。She and her grandmother happily ate the cake together.她和奶奶一起高高兴兴地吃着蛋糕。Later on, the grandmother and Little Red Rid-ing Hood sent the big wolf to a remote moun-tain.后来,奶奶和小红帽把大灰狼送到了很远的大山里。


Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood."Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out


little red hat


One day,Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother to send things.She saw the fiowers in the woods,they went to the woods to pick flowers, but the wolf saw, so the big bad wolf ran granny, grandmother live and swallowed pretend grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood live swallowFinally, hunters found and killed the wolf, rescued the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.We should not be like Little Red Riding Hood as ran to the woods.It"s dangerous. 一天,小红帽去给奶奶送东西.他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶.我们不应该像小红帽那样跑去树林.那很危险.


以下为小红帽故事英汉互译:Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl. One day, she went to give her grandmother a cake.小红帽是个小姑娘。一天,她去给奶奶送蛋糕。The grandmother was not at home. The big wolf was stealing something to eat in the house.奶奶不在家,大灰狼正在屋里偷东西吃。Hearing the knock at the door, the big wolf quickly put on the grandmother"s clothes and lay on the grandmother"s bed.听见敲门声,大灰狼赶紧穿上奶奶的衣服,躺在奶奶的床上。"Grandma, why are your ears so big?" "My ears are big so that I can hear what you say."“奶奶,您的耳朵为什么这么大?”“耳朵大,听得见你说话。”"Grandma, why are your hands so big?" "My hands are big so that I can catch you!"“奶奶,您的手为什么这么大?”“手大,正好把你抓!”"Grandma, why is your mouth so big? It"s really scary!" Little Red Riding Hood was about to dodge, but the big wolf jumped up, and completely swallowed her.“奶奶,您的嘴为什么这么大?大得好可怕!”小红帽刚要躲闪,大灰狼跳起来,把她吞进了肚子里。The big wolf was full. It lay on the bed to sleep and began to snore.大灰狼吃饱了,躺在床上呼噜呼噜睡大觉。The grandmother came back. Hearing such a big grunt, the grandmother thought it was strange.奶奶回来了。听到这么大的呼噜声,奶奶感觉很奇怪。Wow! This is bad!哇!是这个坏东西!The brave grandmother brought a pair of scissors and cut the big wolf"s stomach open ...勇敢的奶奶拿来一把剪刀,把大灰狼的肚子给剪开了……Little Red Riding Hood jumped out of the stomach.小红帽从狼肚子里跳了出来。She and her grandmother happily ate the cake together.她和奶奶一起高高兴兴地吃着蛋糕。Later on, the grandmother and Little Red Rid-ing Hood sent the big wolf to a remote moun-tain.后来,奶奶和小红帽把大灰狼送到了很远的大山里。


little red cap




Little red cap once upon a time there was a lovely little girl, who met with love, but the most like her is her grandmother, just give her what she needs. Once, grandma gave the. Once, grandma gave the little girl a velvet do little red riding hood, wearing her head just right. From then on, she would never wear any hat, so we told her "Little Red Riding hood". One day, the mother said to the little red cap:"come, little red riding hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of Wine, take them to your grandmother, grandmother was sick, weak, and they will do her good. While it is not hot, hurriedly go for it. On the road to walk, don"t run, also do not leave the path, or you may fall, so grandma what also not eat the. To grandma"s house, don"t forget to say "good morning", has not entered the roomeast look west chou." I"ll be careful. Little Red Riding Hood said to her mother, and gave her hand.The grandmother lived out in the village in the forest, there is a long way from the small red hat at home. Little Red Riding Hood entered the wood, a wolf met her. Red cap did not know the wolf is a bad guy, so is not a bit afraid of it. "Hello, little red riding hood," said the wolf. "Thank you, Mr. wolf.""Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going so early?" "I want to go to grandma." "You have the aprons below what?" "Cake and Wine. Yesterday was baking day, so poor sick grandmother, to eat some good stuff to recover." "Where does your grandmother live, little red cap?" "Into the woods and a road. Her house in the three large oak, the low fence around the walnut tree. You must know." Said little red riding hood. The wolf in the minds: "this little tender, taste is definitely better than the old woman. I want to pay attention to strategy, let them both escape the palm of my hand." So it is withlittle red riding hood away for a while, then said: "Little Red Riding Hood, you look around the flowersso beautiful! Why not look back? These birds are, how they sing sounds! You do not hear? The woods all how beautiful ah, but you just move forward, as is like to go to school." Little Red Riding Hood looked up, saw the sun bouncing back and forth between the trees, beautiful flowers around the opening, he thought: "maybe I should pick the flowers to her grandmother, let her happy. Now it was still early, I won"t go to the late." And so she ran from the path into the wood to look for flowers. And whenever she had picked a flower, always feel that there are more beautiful flowersin front, he went forward, it went deeper and deeper into the wood. At this time, the wolf ran straight to the grandmother"s house and knocked at the door. Who is it. "Little Red Riding Hood." The wolfanswered, "I send you a cake and Wine. Open the door." "You lift the latch," she said loudly, "I had no energy, not to." The wolf lifted the latch, and the door opened. The wolf said nothing rushed tograndma"s bed, devoured the grandmother. Then he put on her clothes, put on her hat, lying in bed,drew the curtains. When the little red riding hood also ran to gather flowers. Until the gathered so many, she can take, she remembered her grandmother, and set out on the way to my grandma"s house. See the cottage door open, she felt very strange. She went into the room, she had such a strange feeling, the hearts will be thinking: "god! Then I usually like to grandma, today how so frightened?" She exclaimed: "good morning!" , but heard no answer. She went to the bed and drew back the curtains, see grandma was lying in bed, hat pulled down, covering his face, and looking very strange. "Oh, grandmother," she said, "what big ears you have?" "The better to hear you, darling.""But, grandmother, what big eyes you have?" Little Red Riding Hood asked. "In order to more clearly see you, darling." "Grandma, what big hands you?" "The better to hug you." "Grandma, how big your mouth very scary?" "The better to eat you!" The wolf just finish, he jumped up from the bed, the Little Red Riding Hood swallow into the belly, the wolf will meet again after the appetite to lie down on the bed asleep, and snoring. The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought: "the old lady is snoring! I want to have a look her in the Is it right? What happened." 2He went into the room, he came to the bed, but found that the wolf was lying in it. "You old bad guy, I find you so long, I did not expect to find you here!" He sai!" He said. He is ready to shoot the wolf,suddenly thought of, the wolf might have devoured the grandmother, grandmother may be alive. The hunter did not fire, but took a pair of scissors, the hehedaishui hands of the wolf"s stomach cut open.He just cut two, saw a small red hat. He cut two, the little girl sprang out, call way: "really freaked me out! In the dark inside the wolf." Then, my grandmother came out alive, just a little breathless. Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly fetched great stones into the wolf"s belly. The wolf woke up and wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy, it just stood up and fell on to the ground, dead. Three people very happy. Hangpi hunters take off, go home; she had little red riding hood bring cakes andWine, a lot of spirit; and Little Red Riding Hood he thought: "if mother does not allow, I"ll not leave alone the road, ran into the forest."简略型: (400 左右 )A girl called Little Red Riding Hood! Grandma pain. Once, my mother take chicken cake and Wine to get sick grandma eat! Little red cap went on the way, met the wolf, the wolf lying to the woods flowers,grandmother home to grandma inside. The little red riding hood up inside. Fortunately the hunter, the hunter ripped stomach. Save the wolf grandmother and little red riding hood, from then on, the Little Red Riding Hood will be cheated!


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf.That"s a good idea.Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some?Help!Help!The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole.What are you doing, dear grandma?I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl.In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.z~ z~ z~The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep.Thank you, sir.A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.http://www.ccppg.com.cn/a/snb/0504/ca36373.htm


Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they"d seen each other. "That"s a good idea," her mother said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother. When the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye. "Remember, go straight to Grandma"s house," her mother cautioned. "Don"t dawdle along the way and please don"t talk to strangers! The woods are dangerous." "Don"t worry, mommy," said Little Red Riding Hood, "I"ll be careful." But when Little Red Riding Hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother. She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more. Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn"t notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her...Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her."What are you doing out here, little girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster."I"m on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook," Little Red Riding Hood replied.Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her Grandma"s house. The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut... The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Grandma"s and knocked lightly at the door."Oh thank goodness dear! Come in, come in! I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," said Grandma thinking that the knock was her granddaughter.The wolf let himself in. Poor Granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!The wolf let out a satisfied burp, and then poked through Granny"s wardrobe to find a nightgown that he liked. He added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of Granny"s perfume behind his pointy ears.A few minutes later, Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose. "Who is it?" he called in a cackly voice."It"s me, Little Red Riding Hood.""Oh how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.When Little Red Riding Hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Grandmother."Grandmother! Your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?" she asked."Oh, I just have touch of a cold," squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point."But Grandmother! What big ears you have," said Little Red Riding Hood as she edged closer to the bed."The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf."But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood."The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf."But Grandmother! What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood her voice quivering slightly."The better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and began to chase the little girl.Almost too late, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the person in the bed was not her Grandmother, but a hungry wolf.She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf!" as loudly as she could.A woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece."Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I"ll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again.""There, there, child. You"ve learned an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn"t bother people any longer.Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat.

小红帽英文版带译文,大概内容就可以,急! ! ! !

从前有个人见人爱的小姑娘,喜欢戴着外婆送给她的一顶红色天鹅绒的帽子,于是大家就叫她小红帽。有一天,母亲叫她给住在森林的外婆送食物,并嘱咐她不要离开大路,走得太远。小红帽在森林中遇见了狼,她从未见过狼,也不知道狼性凶残,于是告诉了狼她要去森林里看望自己的外婆。狼知道后诱骗小红帽去采野花,自己到林中小屋把小红帽的外婆吃了。后来他伪装成外婆,等小红帽来找外婆时,狼一口把她吃掉了。幸好后来一个勇敢的猎人把小红帽和外婆从狼肚里救了出来。Once upon a time, there was little personality, like wearing a grandmother gave her a red velvet hat, then everybody called her little red riding hood. One day, the mother asked her to live in the forest of the grandmother to send food, and advised her not to leave the main road, go too far. Little red riding hood met a Wolf in the forest, she had never seen the Wolf, also do not know the Wolf sexual ferocity, and told the Wolf to go to the forest to visit her grandmother. After the Wolf know tricked little red riding hood go to pick wild flowers, oneself to the forest cabin ate little red riding hood"s grandmother. Later he disguised as the grandmother and little red riding hood to find grandmother, the Wolf ate her. Fortunately, a brave hunter put the little red riding hood and grandma saved from the Wolf belly. 后来人们就用小红帽来比喻天真幼稚、容易上当受骗的孩子。Later, people use little red riding hood metaphor is naive and gullible children.




Little Red Riding HoodAction 1Here is a little house. She is a pretty girl. She likes to play with her grandmother. Grandmother: Dear, a red hood for you.Girl: Oh, thank you. I like it very much. One day, grandmother was ill. Mother: Here are some biscuits and juice for grandmother . Three sisters: Take them to grandmother, she will get better.Girl: Yes. Mother& three sisters : Be careful! Girl: Yes, goodbye. Action 2 Wolf: Where are you going? Girl: To see my grandmother. Wolf: Where does your grandmother live? Girl: In the woods . Wolf: Look! Flowers . Flowers for your grandmother. Girl : Oh ,thank you. What beautiful flowers! Little red riding hood forgets what mother said. Action 3The wolf goes to grandmother"s house. Knock! Knock !Grandmother :Who is it ? Wolf:It"s me. Your granddaughter.Grandmother: Come in ! Come in ! Oh ..., no! Wolf: I will eat you ...Oh, delicious! He wears grandmother"s clothes ! He waits little red riding hood .Here comes little red riding hood . Knock ! knock !Wolf: Who is it ? Girl : It"s me .What a strange voice ! Wolf: Come in ! Come in ! Girl : Oh , what big ears ! Wolf: I can listen to your sweet voice . Girl : Oh, what big eyes ! Wolf: I can see your pretty face ! Girl : Oh, what big hands ! Wolf: I can hug you ,dear . Girl : Oh,what a big mouth ! Wolf: I can ...eat you! Girl : Oh ,no ! (He eats little red riding hood .) Wolf: I"m sleepy ! ZZZ... Action 4A hunter hears the wolf . Hunter: Who is it ? (The wolf is sleeping .) Hunter: What a big stomach! Grandmother and little girl are inside. I must hurry. The scissors . Cut .Cut .Cut . Girl, Grandmother: Thank you ! (The wolf is still sleeping .) Hunter: Grandmother, give me a needle and some thread . Little girl, get some stones. (They put in stones .One ,two ,three ...They sew ... They wait . He wakes up .) Wolf: So heavy . Hunter: You are a big bad wolf ! Wolf: Help ! Help ! Don"t shoot! (He runs out . He runs slowly . Whoops ! He falls down , he can"t swim . The wolf is dead ! ) Girl :Yeah! (The hunter goes to town . Grandmother and little red riding hood have the cookies and juice .She is well again . They have a good time .)


米西米西花不垃圾 你不米西我就不能拉稀


  英语是一种交流的工具,口语交际能力的重要性不言而喻。故事英语教学法是一种创新性教学方法,它能提高学生的口语能力,培养学生用英语思维的能力,在表达、语音、语感等方面也起着突出的作用。我整理了关于小红帽的英语故事,欢迎阅读!   关于小红帽的英语故事篇一   Right in the middle of the forest was another cottage. It belonged to the little girl"s grandmother.   The kind old lady loved her granddaughter very much, and one day decided to make her a present. It was a red cloak with a red hood to match.   The cloak looked so nice that the little girl wore it all the time. And that is why everybody called her Red Riding Hood.   One day Grandmother fell ill, so Red Riding Hood"s mother baked her a cake and made her some fresh butter, just to make her feel better.   "Red Riding Hood," called her mother. "Take this cake and butter to Grandmother"s cottage, a visit from you will cheer her up!"   So Red Riding Hood picked up the basket, waved goodbye to her mother and went off down the path.   She hadn"t gone very far when she met a wolf. He trotted up, pretending to be friendly. "Good morning, Red Riding Hood. What have you got in your basket today?"   "I have some fresh butter and a cake," replied the little girl. "They are for my grandmother, who lives in the middle of the forest. She is ill and needs cheering up."   The wolf licked his lips. "How I would love to gobble up this little girl. But is I am clever, I can eat her grandmother as well," he sniggered.   "Red Riding Hood," said the wolf slyly. "We will both go to visit your grandmother and cheer her up. I"ll race you there!"   Then the clever wolf said to Red Riding Hood, "You follow this path and I will find another one. Then we"ll see who reaches Grandmother"s cottage first."   No sooner was Red Riding Hood out of sight, than the wolf ran off at top speed.   As for Red Riding Hood, she wandered slowly along the path picking flowers and wild strawberries for her grandmother. She had forgotten all about the race.   The wicked wolf knew every secret path and short cut in the forest. He ran so fast, the animals and birds didn"t even notice him.   Quietly he crept round a clearing in the trees where the woodcutter was chopping wood. On and on he raced until he came to the middle of the forest.   The wolf reached Grandmother"s cottage in next to no time. He ran up the path and knocked on the door.   "Who is that?" cried Grandmother from her bed.   "It is Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, in his softest voice.   "Lift the latch and come right in," the old lady called, "the door isn"t locked, my dear."   The wolf bounded in and gobbled poor Grandmother whole!   "That was delicious," sighed the wicked wolf, smacking his lips. "Now for Red Riding Hood!"   The wolf looked around the bedroom. He found one of Grandmother"s spare nightdresses and her nightcap, so he put them on as fast as he could.   Then the wolf jumped into bed and waited for Red Riding Hood.   At last the little girl reached the cottage door and tapped very gently. "Who it it?" asked the wolf, trying to sound like Grandmother.   "It"s Red Riding Hood and I"ve bought you some cake and fresh butter."   The wolf grinned. "Lift the latch and walk right in," he croaked. So Red Riding Hood opened the door and came inside.   "You sound very strange," called Red Riding Hood.   "I have a cold my dear!" the wolf replied. "Come here so that I can see you."   Little Red Riding Hood was shocked when she saw her grandmother. "Why Grandmother, what strong arms you have!" she said.   "All the better to hug you with!" replied the wolf.   "Why Grandmother, what big eyes you have!" said Red Riding Hood staring at him.   "All the better to see you with!" the wolf grinned.   "Why Grandmother, what big teeth you have!"   "All the better to EAT you with!" snarled the wolf.   And with that, he threw back the bedclothes and leapt out of bed. Poor Red Riding Hood screamed at the top of her voice as the wolf tried to grab her and gobble her up. She escaped from the bedroom and dashed out of the house, the hungry wolf close behind!   Now Red Riding Hood"s father was chopping wood nearby and he heard the little girl"s screams.   He grabbed his huge axe and ran towards the cottage. He saw the wolf chasing Red Riding Hood and guessed what had happened. The brave woodcutter raised his axe and chopped the wolf in two with one blow. The wolf fell dead and Red Riding Hood was saved.   The frightened little girl ran to her father and kissed and hugged him.   But what a surprise they got when they turned round ... there stood Grandmother safe and sound! Because the woodcutter had chopped the wolf in two, Grandmother was able to climb out quite unharmed.   So all three went back inside the cottage. They unpacked the basket Red Riding Hood had brought and ate the delicious cake.   Little Red Riding Hood never again went walking in Th. forest alone, and Grandmother took great care to lock her cottage door.   关于小红帽的英语故事篇二   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandmau2019s house.”   The wolf comes to grandmau2019s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandmau2019s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandmau2019s bed. To her surprise, grandmau2019s mouth is very big. So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   “Help! Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.   小红帽   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。“瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。”   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:“祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”“用它来吃小女孩。”狼说这就扑向小红帽。   “救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。”   关于小红帽的英语故事篇三   Once there was a little girl, she always wore a red hat, so everybody called her the Little Red Hat.   One day little red hatu2019s mother said to her,   “Little red hat, your grandma is ill, please go and see her, give her these cakes. Remember you must walk along the main road.”   “Yes, mum I remember.”   She took the cakes and made her way to her grandmau2019s. She walked and walked. Suddenly she came across a big grey wolf.   “Hello, little red hat,” the wolf greeted to her.   The little girl didnu2019t know he was a bad guy, so she said to the wolf, “Hello grey wolf.”   “But where are you going?”   “Iu2019m going to my grandmau2019s home, Iu2019ll give her these cakes.”   “Er, where does she live?”   “In the forest, thereu2019re three big tall oak trees near her house, and around the house there is walnut fence too.”   “This little girl is both fat and tender, she must be more delicious than her grandma.” The wolf thought. “I must try to eat both of them.”   “Ah, Iu2019ve got a good idea,” so he said to the little red hat again, “Look little girl, how beautiful the flowers are, and listen, how beautifully the birds are singing, so why not have a good time there first?”   The little red hat looked up at the sun, “Ok, itu2019s still early, I can pick a bunch of fresh flowers for grandma. Sheu2019ll surely be very happy.” She thought.   Then she went into the forest to pick flowers. There were so many beautiful flowers. The girl picked and picked, thus she went further and further from the main road.   Now the grey wolf had reached the old grandmau2019s house. And he went up to knock at the door. Bang bang bangu2026   “Who is it?” the old woman asked,   “Itu2019s the little red hat, Iu2019m here to give you the cakes.”   “Well, my honey just come in, you know that I canu2019t get up.”   “Yes, Iu2019m coming” the grey wolf ran into the room and swallowed the old woman at once.   After that, he began to disguise himself as the old grandma. He put on her clothes and hat. Then he lay down on her bed.   The little red hat had picked lots of flowers, she could hardly carry them all. And she suddenly remembered her motheru2019s words, and her grandma too. So she ran quickly to grandmau2019s home. She soon reached the house. And she was surprised to find the door open.   “Hello, grandma,” she went in to grandmau2019s bedroom, “Oh, grandma is in bed,” she then went near to the bed.   “Hello grandma, are you ok?” Then she began to watch her carefully.   “Why are your ears so big?” she asked.   “well, the big ears can hear you more clearly”   “Then why your eyes are so big?”   “They can see you clearly”   “But your hands are large toou2026”   “Theyu2019re used for catching you”   “Oh, your terrible and big mouth”   “Because Iu2019m the wolf and I want to eat you now”   The big wolf jumped from the bed to the little girl, and soon he swallowed her too!   Now he was too full, so he fell fast asleep in bed and snored loudly.   A hunter happened to pass by, he heard the snores and felt strange. So he went in to have a look.   “My god, itu2019s the big grey wolf. Ha ha ha . Iu2019m been looking for you for so long.” He lift his gun and was ready to shoot.   “I canu2019t do that, he must eaten the old woman, Iu2019ll have to save her first.” Then he found out a big pair of scissors, and used the scissors to cut the wolfu2019s belly. Then he saw the little red hat, the girl jumped out quickly   “Itu2019s so frightening, so dark in that belly” after another cut, the grandma came out too.   She was still alive, but a little bit weak, the old woman and the girl thanked the hunter.   And the red hat said to herself, “Oh, my god, I should done as mum told me”

拇指姑娘.白马王子,丑小鸭.大灰狼.小红帽用 英语怎么说

拇指姑娘是Thumb Girl,白马王子是Prince,丑小鸭是The ugly ducking,大灰狼是Wolf,小红帽是Little Red Riding Hood




LRRHOnce there was a lovely little girl, who met with like, but the most like she is her grandmother, is just like her whatever they want to give her anything. Once, grandma gave little girl a velvet do little red riding hood, be worn on her head just right. From then on, girls don"t like to wear any other hat, then everybody will call her


演员表角色 配音Granny 格伦·克洛斯Red Puckett 安妮·海瑟薇Kirk the Woodsman 詹姆斯·贝鲁什Wolf W. Wolf 帕特里克·沃伯顿Detective Bill Stork 安东尼·安德森Nicky Flippers David Ogden StiersChief Grizzly 艾勒比Woolworth 查兹·帕明特里Boingo 安迪·迪克Twitchy Cory EdwardsSandwich Man Todd EdwardsJapeth the Goat Benjy GaitherRaccoon Jerry Ken MarinoTommy 汤姆·肯尼Timmy Preston StutzmanGlen Tony Leech

英语对话 修改 要有一定英语专业的 因为还要加一点 《小红帽》

Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"m going to sleep. 【文章对不上有木有】Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! Why do you have so big ears! Wolf:For listening to your sweet voice clearly. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What big eyes! Wolf:To see your pretty face carefully.把后来跪在床前拉起狼的手那段删了吧。Wolf:I can hug you. ……and,I will eat you!


long long ago but little red riding


以下是《小红帽》英文版故事的简短版本:Little Red Riding Hood was a young girl who loved to wear a red hooded cloak. One day, her mother asked her to take some food to her sick grandmother who lived in a cottage in the woods. Little Red Riding Hood set out on her journey and soon met a wolf who asked her where she was going. She told him about her errand to visit her grandmother. The wolf tricked Little Red Riding Hood and went ahead to the grandmother"s cottage, where he devoured the poor old woman. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf pretended to be her grandmother and tricked her into getting close enough so he could eat her too. A hunter passing by heard the commotion and came to the rescue, killing the wolf and saving Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.《小红帽》英文版故事简短带翻译:小红帽是一个喜欢穿着红色兜帽的年轻女孩。有一天,她的母亲让她送一些食物给住在树林中小屋里的生病的奶奶。小红帽开始了她的旅程,很快就遇到了一只狼,狼问她去哪里。她告诉他自己的任务是去看望奶奶。狼欺骗了小红帽,它先去了奶奶的小屋,吃掉了可怜的老婆婆。当小红帽到达时,狼装成她的奶奶,欺骗她离自己足够近,以便吃掉她。一名经过的猎人听到了动静,前来营救,杀死了狼,拯救了小红帽和她的奶奶。


Little Red Riding Hood  Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.  Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.  In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."  The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.  After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.  "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.  小红帽  小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。  她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"  狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。"狼说这就扑向小红帽。  "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母


There lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had made for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding-Hood.One day her mother, having made some custards, said to her:"Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter."Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.As she was going through the wood, she met with Gaffer Wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some faggot-makers hard by in the forest. He asked her whither she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and hear a wolf talk, said to him:"I am going to see my grandmamma and carry her a custard and a little pot of butter from my mamma.""Does she live far off?" said the Wolf."Oh! ay," answered Little Red Riding-Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village.""Well," said the Wolf, "and I"ll go and see her too. I"ll go this way and you go that, and we shall see who will be there soonest."The Wolf began to run as fast as he could, taking the nearest way, and the little girl went by that farthest about, diverting herself in gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with. The Wolf was not long before he got to the old woman"s house. He knocked at the door--tap, tap


  我们每一个人几乎都是在 听爸爸妈妈讲故事 中长大的。许多孩子晚上睡觉前一定要爸爸妈妈给讲故事。这就说明,爱听故事是少年儿童的天性。我整理了关于儿童英语故事小红帽,欢迎阅读!   关于儿童英语故事小红帽篇一   Once upon a time...   There lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had made for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding-Hood.   One day her mother, having made some custards, said to her:   "Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter."   Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.   As she was going through the wood, she met with Gaffer Wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some faggot-makers hard by in the forest. He asked her whither she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and hear a wolf talk, said to him:   "I am going to see my grandmamma and carry her a custard and a little pot of butter from my mamma."   "Does she live far off?" said the Wolf.   "Oh! ay," answered Little Red Riding-Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."   "Well," said the Wolf, "and I"ll go and see her too. I"ll go this way and you go that, and we shall see who will be there soonest."   The Wolf began to run as fast as he could, taking the nearest way, and the little girl went by that farthest about, diverting herself in gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with. The Wolf was not long before he got to the old woman"s house. He knocked at the door--tap, tap.   "Who"s there?"   "Your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood," replied the Wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a custard and a little pot of butter sent you by mamma."   The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out   "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."   The Wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then presently he fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it was above three days that he had not touched a bit. He then shut the door and went into the grandmother"s bed, expecting Little Red Riding- Hood, who came some time afterward and knocked at the door--tap, tap.   "Who"s there?"   Little Red Riding-Hood, hearing the big voice of the Wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had got a cold and was hoarse, answered:   " "Tis your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood, who has brought you a custard and a little pot of butter mamma sends you."   The Wolf cried out to her, softenin   g his voice as much as he could:   "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."   Little Red Riding-Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.   The Wolf, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bed-clothes:   "Put the custard and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come and lie down with me."   Little Red Riding-Hood undressed herself and went into bed, where, being greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her night-clothes, she said to her:   "Grandmamma, what great arms you have got!"   "That is the better to hug thee, my dear."   "Grandmamma, what great legs you have got!"   "That is to run the better, my child."   "Grandmamma, what great ears you have got!"   "That is to hear the better, my child."   "Grandmamma, what great eyes you have got!"   "It is to see the better, my child."   "Grandmamma, what great teeth you have got!"   "That is to eat thee up."   And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding-Hood, and ate her all up.   关于儿童英语故事小红帽篇二   Little Red Riding Hood   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."   The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.   小红帽   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。"狼说这就扑向小红帽。   "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。"   关于儿童英语故事小红帽篇三   Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽   Once upon a time,there was a little girl.Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.One day,her grandma was ill.Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her.On the way,she met a wolf.   That"s a good idea.   Little Red Riding Hood,the flowers are so beautiful.Why not pick some?   Help!   Help!   The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed her up whole.   What are you doing,dear grandma?   I"m just waiting to eat you,silly girl.   In grandma"s house,Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears,eyes and mouth were all very big.   The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood.And then,he fell into a deep sleep.   Thank you,sir.   A hunter passed by.He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach.Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.


  Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."   The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.   小红帽   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。"狼说这就扑向小红帽。   "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。"

求 【小红帽】英文小短剧 搞笑点的哦...

Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum: Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma"s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I" ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We" re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma"s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye. 第三场:Grandma家 Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。) Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma" s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it"s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang. Grandma: Who is it? Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It"s me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in. Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I"ll eat you. Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"ll sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It"s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in. Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes! Wolf:I can see you pretty face. Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand. Wolf:I can hug you. Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It"s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping. Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where"s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping. Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声) Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you. Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones. Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线) Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three. Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里) Grandma: I"ll thread it. Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up! Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy. Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms! Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don"t shot me! Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang! Wolf: (应声倒下) Hunter: The bad wolf is dead. Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you. Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you

幼儿双语故事 小红帽

小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。   在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。“瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。”   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。   过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。   于是她问:“祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”   “用它来吃小女孩。”狼说这就扑向小红帽。   “救命,救命!”狼追着小红帽。   正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的肚子,救出祖母。   【 Little Red Riding Hood】   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house.”   The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big.   So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   “Help! Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house.   He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.


  幼儿英语故事是提高英语教学的有效方法之一。幼儿英语故事可从语言目标、表现形式和叙述风格分类。我分享小红帽短篇英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!   小红帽短篇英语故事版本1   Little Red Riding Hood   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."   The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.   小红帽   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。"狼说这就扑向小红帽。   "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。"   小红帽短篇英语故事版本2   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandmau2019s house.”   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。“瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。”   The wolf comes to grandmau2019s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandmau2019s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandmau2019s bed. To her surprise, grandmau2019s mouth is very big. So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:“祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”“用它来吃小女孩。”狼说这就扑向小红帽。   “Help! Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.   “救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。”


Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, “Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house.” The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed. After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: “Grandma, why is your mouth so big?” “I eat little girls with this mouth.” And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood. “Help! Help!” The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out. 小红帽 小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。 她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。“瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。” 狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:“祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”“用它来吃小女孩。”狼说这就扑向小红帽。 “救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。”


Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma"s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I" ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We" re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma"s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma" s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it"s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.Grandma:Who is it?Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It"s me. Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I"ll eat you.Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I"ll sleep.Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?Little Red Riding Hood:It"s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!Wolf:Come in, Come in.Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!Wolf:I can see you pretty face.Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It"s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.Hunter:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where"s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声)Hunter:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.Grandma:(从桌子上拿来针线)Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter:(把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)Grandma:I"ll thread it.Hunter:(拿起枪)Woke up!Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.Hunter:You big bad wolf, raise your arms!Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don"t shot me!Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!Wolf: (应声倒下)Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you


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