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短回答: rogers5880和taconic TLY-5材料接近ROGERS的高频线路板材料RT/duroid® 5880与TACONIC公司的高频线路板材料TLY-5,Dk都为2.20,Df都为0.0009,来自不同厂商的两种不同高频线路板材料的关键技术指标看起来有相同,这会使得我们难以抉择.长回答: Taconic TLY-5与Rogres5880高频板对比

The cost of our materials has risen signicantly 少?

你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!The cost of our materialshas risen significantly.这句话的意思是:我们的原料成本大幅上涨。material 原料,材料cost 成本rise 动词,上升, 上涨significantly 显著地

Assassing (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Assassing (Single Version)歌手:Marillion专辑:The Best Of Both WorldsJohn Mayer - AssassinI work in the dead of nightWhen the roads are quietNo one is aroundTo track my movesRace in the end of lightsTo find the gate is openShe"s waiting in the roomI just slip on throughYou get in You get doneAnd then you get goneYou never leave a trace or show your faceYou get goneShould have turned aroundAnd left before the sun came up againBut the sun came up againEnter the morning lightTo find the day is burning the curtains and the wineIn a little white roomNo, I"m not aloneHer head is heavy on meShe"s sleeping like a childWhat could I do?You get in You get doneAnd then you get goneYou never leave a trace or show your faceYou get goneShould have turned aroundAnd left before the sun came up againBut the sun came up againI was a killer, was the best they"d ever seenI"d steal your heart before you ever heard a thingI"m an assassin and I had a job to doLittle did I know that girl was an assassin tooSuddenly I"m in over my head and I could hardly breatheSuddently I"m floating over her bed and I feel everythingSuddently I know exactly what I did, but I cannot move a thingSuddently I know exactly what I"d doneAnd what it"s gonna mean to me, mean to meI"m goneI was a killer, was the best they"d ever seenI"d steal your heart before you ever heard a thingI"m an assassin and I had a job to doLittle did I know that girl was an assassin tooShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassin and she had a job to do





I absoluetly totally utterly adore you


When she got back from the South,Susan had her car (wash)----throughtly


You answer the questions corretly是主谓宾补吗?

不是,correctly副词做状语。修饰answer。要是宾语补语应该和宾语构成“是”的关系。the question 和correctly没有关系。answer的correctly。



土耳其table manners

土耳其人有时也请客人到家里做客,他们通常是在饭馆里招待客人,轻松愉快地吃顿晚餐。如果你被邀请到家里吃饭,可以带上一束鲜花,一些糖果或点心做为礼物,主人会喝酒的话,也可以带上一瓶酒。土耳其是个伊斯兰教国家,切记,进入伊斯兰教寺院时务必脱鞋。 土耳其人喜欢喝浓咖啡,糖也加得很多,但绝不搅拌。据说,如此喝法,只要习惯了就觉得味美无穷。笃信伊斯兰教的土耳其,自古就以“多妻之国”著称。凯末尔革命后制定的第一部非宗教性的民法典,重新调整了结婚、离婚、继承私有财产等各种关系,不仅废除了多妻制,而且使妇女在所有上述法律问题上同男人处于平等地位。凯末尔党人对新的立法曾抱很大希望,然而,实际上它在许多方面却成了一纸空文。一夫多妻、男尊女卑现象在社会上继续存在。按伊斯兰教教规,允许一个土耳其男人可以分别娶四房妻子,而国家是不承认这种一夫多妻的穆斯林婚姻的。 土耳其人特别喜欢花。每当人们欢宴宾客时,餐桌上都有一只插满鲜花的花瓶,应邀赴宴的客人也不会忘记给好客的女主人带一束令人赏心悦目的鲜花。如去探望病中的友人,带一束鲜花则比带别的礼物更宝贵,病人见到后也会格外高兴。土耳其人还赋予各种不同颜色的鲜花以特定的含义。例如,白玫瑰表示“贞节”,红玫瑰表示“爱情”,粉红色玫瑰表达的意思是“我的心属于你“,而黄玫瑰则意味着“分离”。白色石竹花代表“纯洁”,红色石竹花表示“友爱”,黄色石竹花则表示“忧伤”。白色的美人蕉是“友谊”,红色的美人蕉是“祈求”,紫色的美人蕉是“信任”,黄色的美人蕉则是“嫉妒”。白色的郁金香表示“纯朴”,红色的郁金香表示我爱你”,粉红色的郁金香表示“谅解”,黄色的郁金香表示“紧张”。白菊花代表“忠诚”,黄菊花代表“单相思”,粉红色菊花代表“无言的祈求”,紫色的菊花则表示“恼怒”。水仙花表示“勿忘我”,兰花表示“自豪而又自信”,雏菊表示“健康和富有”,莲花则责示“未来和革新”,如此等等,名目繁多。

Serbia Strong(Remove Kebab)等巴尔干歌曲梗流行的背后有哪些鲜为人知的史实?

一个长年占据外网生草榜的MV。这个MV是波黑塞族共和国的一首歌颂当时领导人卡拉季奇的歌曲,原曲是在1993年波黑战争中塞族军队创作的。其中kebab使用借代手法,喻指穆族人与克族人,它的原意是指一种土耳其的烤肉,最初也是用以喻指土耳其人的。但是这个remove kebab原来并不是这一部MV的标题,只不过因为MV里面内容特别生草,就如同这一个词组一般生草,因此显得使用这个标题挺合适的。这部MV里频繁出现的卡拉季奇一直保持着喝水一幕,因此被网友戏称因为浪费水资源而被海牙战争法庭判处了40年监禁。传播:2006年5月24日,油管用户Momcilo上传了一段名为“Dzamije lete”(中文:清真寺之蝇)的音乐视频,该视频以“塞尔维亚强队”音乐视频的剪辑片段开场,收视率超过378000次。2010年,位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的马其顿用户Sergej向Krautchan"s board提交了名为“图帕克塞尔维亚”的“塞尔维亚强人”的音乐视频模仿。同时,一个CopyPASTA文本提到这段视频开始在互联网上传播。

我要出国读书,买机票。有个网站 是支付美元的==请问这个网站是真网站还是钓鱼网站?


KONICA MINOLTA 423SERIESPS型号的网络打印机怎么就和电脑连接上了?

首先先确定是否在同一个局域网打开命令行:cmd.exe,进入cmd后,输入ipconfig。首先看共享的打印机和目前需要安装的电脑的ip地址是否在同一个网段内。只需要看 ip前三位,比如该例子的ip段是192.168.1.(),只需要都在这个ip段的电脑就是都在同一个局域网。设置共享打印机电脑打开电脑控制面板-网络和共享中心。再在右边栏目上选择“更改高级共享设置”勾选上“启用网络发现”、“启用文件和打印机共享”。这样局域网其他的电脑才能访问、并安装共享的打印机。最后关键的一步,必须关闭“关闭密码保护共享”。如果不关闭这个选项,那么其他的电脑安装好打印机后打印时会提示要输入用户名跟密码。

konica minolta 554eseriesps打印机打印a4横放双面怎么打印

  方法如下:  1、打印机属性界面中--设备选项--把双面器添加进去。  2、然后那个灰色双面打印功能就可以使用了。

西方有句谚语客人和鱼都是在三天后就发臭 fish and guests stink after three days 有什么由来?

Fish and Guests in three days are stale

Jigsaw Man (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Jigsaw Man (Album Version)歌手:babel fish专辑:Babel FishMates of State - JigsawYou write the good songs, babyI"ll write them until the endAnd you can stand above usAnd we can still be friendsIt"s like a jigsaw, maybeYou found the corner piece firstWe never asked for nothingYou"re always bearing giftsOh, you could see us throughYour stage is calculatedYou"re hugging stars backstageI like the old songs betterThis thing was made for you and meFor you and meYou could see us through



托尼说:Jarvis are you there?,然后Friday回答good evening,


jeff jervis这首歌的歌词

英文歌词:Off The Hook--Jeff JarvisWould you be my girlWould you be my girlThe ring upon your finger"s worths a fortuneBut it doesn"t matterHe don"t love youHe don"t love youAnd I know you went to parisWhen he asked for your hand butHe don"t love youHe don"t love youI will give you something that no other man couldWhen love is for real you know it feels so goodIt"s hard to walk away nowBut it"s gonna get worseJust cancel the wedding and come with meSweet babyUnderstand meI feel the pressure toLet the man marry meBut deep down in my heartIt"s you I wantIt"s you I wantYou keep on driving me crazyGirl let me off the hook tell meSaid you need timeBut I wanna know nowWould you be my girlWould you be my girlI am so mad about you boyIt"s hard to be your friend when I want moreI think about it seven and twenty-fourIt"s what I wantWould you be my girlWould you be my girl 中文翻译:你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗你手指上的戒指很值钱但那并不重要他不爱你他不爱你我知道你去了巴黎当他拉过你的手 但是他不爱你 他不爱你我会给你其他男人不能给你的真挚的爱情会让你感觉很好现在很难走开但一切将变的更糟取消了婚礼和我走吧亲爱的宝贝理解我我会感到有压力让那个男人娶我吧但在我内心深处我想要的是你我想要的是你你让我疯狂让我拜托困境的女孩告诉我说你需要时间但我现在就想知道你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗我为你痴狂 男孩如果我想要更多我们就很难做朋友了我每时每刻都在想着这件事这是我想要的你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗

Furiously Dangerous 歌词

歌曲:《Furiously Dangerous》歌手:ludacris专辑:速度与激情 fast five ost发行时间:2011-04-25歌词:We"re so furiously dangerous... furiously dangerous... We"re so furiously dangerous... furiously dangerous... Death by lyrical injection I kill you rappers A lot of green with a yellow complexion Women call me the Green Bay packer I pack the zero"s Meaning mucho deniro So paid, rappers is waitin" on trades and they all get Knicked like Melo Hello, LUDA! Tell theses other boys double up ‘Cause I got some work all on my waist but I call it a tummy tuck My every records jumpin", or playin" double dutch I shit on rappers every verse just got the bubble guts Let me tell this to the people not understandin" my moxy Animal, watch me If you think it"s ?, stop me But then I hit ‘em with a flow, that they can"t even copy See, we don"t play that Where I"m from it"s like fantasy hockey Sup with the dog, thugs want a war Bad jean, what you want to trade slugs with ‘em for While you cuffin" em more, I"m stuffin" the jaw Illegal for you to reworking Kevin Love on the board, dog? You and your skills ? on my squad I put you on a crash course in a smart car Going speeding not relying on the brake pad The car you still drive on the race track So you lying bout your feelings and the Maybach? A ghost tail for the Phantoms, face facts? We ruin hip hop, slaughterhouse and payback In the shape of a tatt, you done faded to black We"re so furiously dangerous... furiously dangerous... We"re so furiously dangerous.. furiously dangerous... I went from eating top ramen to being top rhymer Check full of commas No regrets except for the drama I remember a time when my only perfection was my momma My mind in the wrong direction Now it"s time ya bow down in ? Writ in my honour cause bitch I"m bonker, plural In a whip with my Ivanka, pompous? girl She on E, feeling on me, singing on key While I"m bumping We Are The World Got a sniff from Britney, no he didn"t did he “We run this town” No he didn"t did he I feel like tinting the glass, You take a sip with me She from the city of Jackson I call her Mississippi, that was pretty witty Demand like a black man tryna get re-elected He aint get it, did he? ? to the pedal Pedal to the floor Just whippin" it through the ghetto Metal in the door, case I gotta throw some lead into ya, boy Referee mind state, I"m settling the score I don"t know what ya"ll hating for Wait, wait, know what, matter fact I don"t know what you"re waiting for I aint finna say nothing, turn the bass up more til the speakers pop I get a kick outta that, like a sneakers spot See I was a little kid with his thumbs in his ears And his tongue in his ear going na-na-na-nah-naaar Just when you think it stop na-na-na-nah-naaar Everything I speak is hot But bont be mad at least everything you speak is… I can"t think of nothing nice to say, you"re not nice okay Rapper, hustler, entrepreneur My shit fly like I"m launching manure Lord of the underground, God of the saw On Hennessy black, ? to the jaw Yeah I"m off the block This aint work, call me “I"m off the block” I"m a syllable, Hannibal, killer cannibal With a mechanical manual to deliver the flammable ammo Lyrical and I"m off the top Rep that West till I walk with Pac We the 2.0 Boys, quick fricken Joe boys New gold Rolls Royce, fall off the lot Cock me, the only way you can stop me I"m top seed, I pop green at my speed So watch me, if you haven"t seen the phenomenom I speak fast as Lamborghini"s in Ramadan We"re so furiously dangerous... furiously dangerous... We"re so furiously dangerous... furiously dangerous... I suggest you shut it down Pack your ‘ish and turn around Because tonight, we run this town So let your feet, still swiftly hit the ground We too dangerous for the World


弹壳(Danko),本名刘嘉裕,1992年11月4日出生于广东省汕头市[1],中国内地说唱歌手,说唱团体红花会创始人[2]。2011年8月26日,发布个人首张专辑《幻觉人性》;11月5日,正式创立说唱团体红花会[3]。2012年5月7日,发布个人原创歌曲《HHH forever》;5月18日,发布个人首支MV《im hustler》。2013年,发布个人原创单曲《GET LOW》。2015年8月,发布个人原创歌曲《NO.2》《ALL BY MY SELF》。2016年,带领红花会举办了他们的首次正式巡演[19]。2017年2月,他创作并演唱的原创单曲《THUG LIFE》上线;9月23日,随红花会在美国展开团体巡演。2018年3月,发布个人原创单曲《DOTE ON》。2019年8月6日,宣布红花会解散[3]。2020年,作为制作人参加芒果TV说唱音乐综艺《说唱听我的》[4];11月30日,发布个人EP专辑《赏金追猎者》[20]。2021年,发布个人原创专辑《Bombshell》[18]。2022年7月,参加超感星电音[32]。

求Jarvis Cocker - I Never Said I Was Deep 歌词。急急!!!!!!!

I never said I was deep lrc by Sisyphus I love your body "cause I"ve lost my mind不知道为什么原因我就爱上了你If you want someone to talk to, you"re wasting your time如果你想找一个人谈谈心,你就在浪费你的时间。if you want someone to share your life, you need someone who is alive如果你想去找一个人可以陪你生活,去随便拉个能喘气的混蛋就可以应付And if every relationship is a two-way street, I have been screwing in the back whilst you drive如果朋友和情人只能选择其一的话,我会一直在你身上纠结,想东想西。I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow我从没说过我有多深邃,虽然有时我的确会思考些不找边际的My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow我懂的事情很少,我只看眼前I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever我从没说过我很强大,也不够聪明And if you"re waiting to find what"s going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever Forever and ever如果你指望你能在我想法里找到什么值得回味的东西,我想你最好永远永远断了这个傻念头I can dance you to the end of the night "cause I"m afraid of the dark我讨厌黑暗但是我愿意与你同舞到最后I have to confess I"m out of my depth来自我真心,不得不说:You"re going over my head and straight through my heart你一直是我的魂牵梦绕,切切在心Some girls like to play it dirty, some girls want to be your mum有些女孩喜欢胡来,也有女孩希望能像妈妈一样Me, I disrespected you whilst we were waiting for the taxi to come我? 我在taxi没来的间隙没有对你止乎于礼My morality is shabby, my behaviour unacceptable我是个人渣,行为比傻蛋还不如No, I"m not looking for a relationship, just a willing receptacle不该这样,我并不是想去确定什么,只是那一时情不自禁.....I never said I was I never said I was I never said I was I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow我说过了,我竟是如此肤浅。总是抱着幻想。My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow我知之甚少,我眼光狭隘I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever我从没说我很强大,我从没说过我聪明And if you"re waiting to find what"s going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever Forever and ever放弃这种期待I never said I was deep1985年,Jarvis曾为了一段爱情和一位姑娘纵身跳下30米的楼顶,瘫痪了一年多。...........如果有一部关于我和她的电影,我想这些歌词可以用作我的独白了,以此缅怀我的 Palibra。但愿不是片尾曲。

The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis什么意思

给妈妈一天(休息?/考虑?)时间的注意最先是由Anna Jarvis提出来的

huslter channel是啥?

channel[英] [ˈtʃænl] [美] [ˈtʃænəl] n. 频道,波道;渠道;途径;海峡;hustler[英] [ˈhʌslə] [美] [ˈhʌslər] n. <美,非正>耍诡计骗钱的人;精力充沛、能干的人;<美,俚>妓女;

求 宇多田光《Merry christmas Mr.lawrence》的中文歌词。

merry christmas mr. lawrence-fyi我给你我的心 等一等,让我签名 您小姐又名你最好的朋友 在此,请允许它被称为 爱前所未有 即时通讯总是为您服务 你只需要在我发牢骚 纽约市,纽约, woah woah 东京,东京, woah woah 把它从街道到最高 最高的,高 MP3播放, MP3播放,播放器 工作了,工作了,骗子 噢,我的名字让他有 嗯,嗯,嗯 你知道为什么 即时通讯公鹿今晚你 是要去ooohaaah 仅供参考! 被公鹿通宵 虐待回头见 打电话给我,你知道我的电话号码 像队长皮卡德 即时通讯寒蝉和使用牙线 其7点钟 字母i发出警告 多数民众赞成在权利被窃取查看

满人嘻哈 2010 HIPHOP 国 - Rapper 的 Rapper-Teaser 歌词

语言:台语 / 英文 / 国语 作词者:AP 满人 作曲者:MR. JL 编曲者:AP 满人 演唱(奏):AP 满人 (Chorus)我是 Rapper 的 Rapper Mc 的 MC我的 Rap 在 hustler 身上 留下痕迹我开口让 水结冰, 让 Hater Hate我是生命的泉水 让他们 Wait(Verse 1)主人叫 Master 仆人叫 SlaveEnemy 叫敌人 重量叫 Weight我打开我的 装备 世界 将会 投入到你们的怀里 你们别再 装醉 收拾你们的行李 现在 开始包 那是英国人的鸦片 给我 开始烧 船驶入了 旧金山港 开始捞跟著我们 Jesus Walk 人气 开始高Soldier 是士兵 Tattoo 是刺青我的 Brother 是兄弟 Family 是我至亲Money 叫钱 Honey 叫甜到底言 和海水那一个 比较咸我问了 太多的人 For the same answer从 Beat Boxer 到 Rock 到 Party Dancer墙壁上 的 Graffiti"s 还没有 乾我衣柜里 有太多名牌 还没有 穿(Verse 2)如果我站在 中间 代表 我是 焦点如果你 看不到我 代表你 资历 比较浅我走的 比较 前 Rap 的 比较 远我行军 一日 千里 代表 我构造 比较 简和正规军 作战 在细胞内 扩散 从你的 大脑 耳鼻 喉 中枢 到 支 干还来不及 找出 和剪断 这 祸 的祸端 就已经来到 这世代 最墨 的末端我打开 上面的 世界 把资源 下放 再把那些 犯罪 的人 的 灵魂下葬不一样 的脸孔 站在金字塔的 下方是否 都在期待 Witness 我会有的 下场我是 Rapper 的 Rapper Mc 的 Mc你若不相信 我 我会做出 成绩 对於你的 批评 我不会 生气我做我该做的 你是为了 你的 生计Its In your paper Its in your daily news its in your everyday life You see about itYou read about it So what you gonna do(Verse 3)他们 不相信我 不相信有 种族的 战争 不相信 夺走你的爱 比杀了你 还残忍水进了 船身 在等待 船沈我连续 3 个夜晚 大风里 带你去 转诊我用 Rap 来 传神, 用 Rap 来 传人用 Rap 在城内外 呼应 等待 你的 转身我知道 你的 身分 所以 跟你 讲中文我知道钱 买不到你 所以跟你 讲忠诚我用人格 跟性命 跟你 讲中正我用灵魂 跟身体 跟你 讲忠贞我进了 Hip Hop 忠烈 瓷 跟你 讲终生我是 Hip Hop 的 Quarter Back 今晚 让荣耀 重生



simian mobile disco hustler 歌词

I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meI"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meIf I had the money to go to a record storeI wouldI I wouldIf I had the money to go to a record storeI wouldI I wouldGo to the record storeGo to the record storeGo to the record storePut records in my clothesGo to the record storeGo to the record storeGo to the record storePass me back manGo to a record storeAnd put it in my clothes andWalk past that record manGot to have the sticky handsYou ass is brokeYou ass is brokeLike meLike meGo to that record storeSteal some record manGo to that record storeSteal some records manI"m telling you I"m brokeI"m telling you I"m brokeBut I"m survivor than you that I can copeYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meYeah I"m a hustler babyThat"s what my daddy"s made meIt"s 8 o" clockAnd I got nothing to doCan"t go to the clubSo I guess I go to the record storeVisit my record manWith my sticky handsWalk out that record doorPut your records in my clothesThe records in my clothesWhat the fuck is you gonna doWhat the fuck is you gonna doAbout itNothingPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itI"m a hustler babyPush it push it push it push itThat"s what my daddy"s made mePush it push it push it push itYeah, I"m a hustler babyPush it push it push it push itThat"s what my daddy"s made mePush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push itPush it push it push it push it

superjunior 沙特演唱会曺奎贤为什么没有去

2019年7月1日,圭贤在Radio Show节目里进行了回应,他不参加SS7S沙特场是因为兵役的原因SS7的巡演都没能参加,此次将不会参与SS7S的表演,将会从下一次巡演与团员们合体。虽然没有参加SS7S的演出,但是在第二天的Jeddah Season Festival演出中K.R.Y合体进行了表演。

求 舞女大盗 Hustlers 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接: 提取码:dx5u    作品相关介绍: 《舞女大盗》是由美国STX公司发行的犯罪喜剧片,由劳伦·斯卡法莉娅执导,吴恬敏、詹妮弗·洛佩兹、朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯联合主演。该片于2019年9月13日在美国上映。该片故事改编自《纽约客》同名文章,讲述了依赖华尔街客户的脱衣舞者在2008年金融危机爆发后,一群脱衣舞娘联手策划一场性感骗局的故事。

Zayde Wølf的Hustler要mp3格式,最好是百度网盘?


清高手帮我翻译下 hustler’s Ambition 歌词

Girl singing : how like the fire has to need the air I won"t burn unless you"re there) Yea, I need you, I need you to hate So I can use you for your energy you know, this real shit, feel this! Dr.eye: 女孩唱歌: 怎样喜欢那些火必须需要我燃烧将不的那些空气除非你在那里) 赞成,我需要你,我需要你不喜欢我能使用给你的能源的你你知道,这真正的大便,感到这! [Verse 1] America got a thing for this gangsta" shit, they love me Black Chuckies, black skullies, leather Pelle-Pelle I tag spit over raymo shit, I"m a vandal Got the the silver duct tape on my tray eight handle The women in my life bring confusion shit SO like Nino and New Jack, I holla "cancel that bitch" Look at me, this is the life I chose Niggaz around me so cold, man my heart dun froze I"ll build an empire all alone the narc"s don"t know I"m the weatherman I take that cocoa leaf and make that snow Sit back, watch it turn to dough, watch it go out the door O after O, you know, homie I"m just triple beam, dreamin" Niggaz be schemin", I fiend to live a good life The fiends are just fiendin Conceal my weapon nice and easy so you can"t see The penitentiary is definitely out the question for me.. Dr.eye: [诗1 ]美国为这gangsta得到一件东西"大便, 他们爱我我给加标签的黑色Chuckies,黑色的skullies,皮Pelle-Pelle为raymo大便吐痰, 我是一破坏他人财产的人得的一银胶带在妇女在我生活内使混乱大便如此象Nino 和新杰克一样的我托盘8 柄上, 我holla" 取消那只母狗" 看我, 这是我在如此冷我周围选择Niggaz的生活, 我的心脏暗褐色的马冻结的人我将孤独建造一个帝国,专捉毒品犯的便衣警察那儿不知道我是我带那可可粉页的气象报告员, 并且使那场雪向后坐, 看它转向面团, 看它在O之后走出门O,你知道,homie我正是三倍的梁, dreamin " Niggaz是schemin ", 过好的生活恶魔的我迷正fiendin隐瞒我好和容易的武器, 你不能看见教养院为me.出于问题明确。 [Chorus] I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) Nigga you get in my way while I"m tryin to get mine, And I"ll buck you (buck you) I don"t care who you run with, or where you from Nigga fuck you (fuck you) I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) [Verse 2] Yea, I don"t know shit about gymnastics I summersault bricks Black thoughts start flyin, when a nigga flip I cook crack in the microwave, niggaz can"t fuck with me Man my cold days, they called me chef boy r 50 Check my logic, smokers don"t like seeds in their weed, shit Send me them seeds I"ll grow em what they need Them ain"t chia pet plants in the crib, thats chronic And I"m sellin "em for 500 a pop god damn it I sell anything I"ma hustler, I know how to grind Step on grapes put in water and tell you its wine If you analyze me, what you"ll find is the DNA of a crook and What goes in my mind, its contagious Hypnotic, it sounds melodic If rap was the block or spider, I"ll be potent product Now get a load of me, flashy, far from low key And you can locate me where ever that dope be, gettin money man [Chorus] I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) Nigga you get in my way while I"m tryin to get mine And I"ll buck you (buck you) I don"t care who you run with, or where you from Nigga fuck you (fuck you) I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) [Verse 3] Its a hustler"s ambition, close your eyes listen, see my vision Moussberg pumpin, shotgun jumpin" the drama means nothin It"s part of the game, catch me in the coupe switchin lanes Or in the jewler"s switchin chains I upgrade from 30 B-s to clean V-s Rocks that I copped proceeds from the spot I got the energy to win, I"m full of adrenaline Play the curv and get nauseous, watchin the spinner spin I"ma plan to make it, a prisoner of the state Now I can invite yo ass out to my estate Them hollow tips bent me up, but I"m back in shape Pour Crystal in the blender and make a protein shake I"m like the East coast number one playboy B Hugh Hefner will tell you he don"t got shit on me The feds watch me, icey they can"t stop me Racist, pointin at me look at the niggaracci Hello! Dr.eye: [合唱 ]我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促) 当我时的你碍我的事的Nigga要得我的的tryin,并且我弓背一跃你将(美元你) 我没关心你跑与一起谁,或者在哪里你从那里Nigga滚你的(滚你的) 我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促) [诗2 ]赞成, 我不知道大约体操的大便布莱克想法启动flyin的我summersault 砖, 当nigga 用指头弹时,我在微波里煮裂缝, niggaz不能与我人一起发生性关系我的寒冷的日子, 他们叫我主厨男孩r 50检查我逻辑, 吸烟者不在他们的杂草里喜欢种子, 大便寄给我他们我将增长他们需要他们不是chia宠物赋予这个儿童床的厄门的种子, 慢性的那我sellin 他们一流行神指责我出售任何东西I"ma 乱推乱挤的人的它的500, 我知道怎样磨碎在葡萄上走放进水并且告诉你它的酒你分析我, 你将找到的是一个骗子和在我的头脑里去的的DNA, 它的会传染的催眠药, 如果轻敲是块或者蜘蛛,它听起来旋律, 不,我将有效产品岁现在仔细看我,耀眼低钥匙和你找到我究竟,毒品在哪里的地方能, gettin 钱人 [合唱 ]我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促) 你碍我的事的Nigga当得我的我tryin岁时和我弓背一跃你将(美元你) 我没关心你跑与一起谁,或者在哪里你从那里Nigga滚你的(滚你的) 我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促) [诗3 ]它的一个乱推乱挤的人的雄心, 近的你的眼睛听, 看见我的视力Moussberg pumpin, 猎枪jumpin " 戏剧表明的一部分游戏的nothin, 在switchin 小路号双门小轿车里赶上我否则在jewler的switchin 链子里我从30 B-s升级清洗V-s 岩石, 我追捕从我得到能源赢的斑点出发, 我充满肾上腺素同curv比赛并且变得恶心, 旋转器旋转I"ma的watchin计划做它, 吁的我能邀请的一状态的囚犯现在驴在外给空信息向上弯曲我的我财产他们, 我回来在外形上倒在搅拌器内的水晶, 使一蛋白质震动我看起来象feds 看我的海岸头号花花公子B休赫夫纳将告诉你他不戴上大便我的东部, 他们不能停止我的icey种族主义者,在我的pointin看你好的niggaracci! [Chorus] I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) Nigga you get in my way while I"m tryin to get mine And I"ll buck you (buck you) I don"t care who you run with, or where you from Nigga fuck you (fuck you) I want the finer things to save my life So I hustle (hustle) Dr.eye: [合唱 ]我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促) 当得我的,我tryin岁时的你碍我的事的Nigga 和我弓背一跃你将(美元你) 我没关心你跑与一起谁,或者在哪里你从那里Nigga滚你的(滚你的) 我想要更好的东西救我的生命,因此我催促(催促)



Journey的《Hustler》 歌词

歌曲名:Hustler歌手:Journey专辑:NextKeri Hilson - HustlerWas I supposed to come so close to loving youThat I couldn"t seeWas I supposed to drown myself in thoughts of youTo where I could no longer breatheYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway homeSuch a waste of my timeYou are everything you shouldn"t beAnd how one seconds introductionCould become a lifetime of miseryYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway from youSo I could move the weightIf I could be a hustlerAnd I could run awayFrom this corner you got me stuck onAnd I would move awayBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerAyIf I could be a hustlerYeahSo I could move the weightAnd I could run awayThen I would move the weightThe I would run away


有一个网站我经常上,虽然速度比较慢是国外的,但是歌词真的很全。你能想到的英文歌里面基本上全部有歌词。捍啊。www.sing365.comHustler (feat. smitty)Akon [50 Cent:] Yeah, I´m a special kinda nigga with mine´s I grind, I get´s paper, you know what I mean? Hahaha I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line i´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, I´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler They heaven´s for the church go´ers, and hell´s for the heathens So Im´a just ball the fuck out, while I´m breathin 8th after 8th, what you know about that fast flip? Crack spots, smokey fiends, suckin on that glass dick Man sham stay askin´ for a dime for nine I tell you what, I hook you up, this one last time Custody´s comin´, son is pumpin, watch the packs disolve Save reciedo some food stamps, we stackin´ it off Past that joint, whats his name son? I dont remember The Haitian nigga with the guitar that sang "gone in november" I do a buck 40 in the rain, hydro plainin´ Now we can get diablo, candy-painted Got that hydro burnin´, got the burner in the stash Hit the hazards, hit the a.c., then it come out the dash If I go in the club son, and niggas start dumbin´ Start shootin n´ I ain´t straped, fuck it, I´m runnin´ I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line i´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, i´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line i´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, i´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler [Young Buck:] I been out here for too long, I deserve to get a bird The fiend´s know my name now, from standin´ on this curb I got blood on my shirt, and a hand full of crack A bunch of lil´ niggas with dime sack´s in they backpacks Come and get it, we got it, take a trip to the projects You see the police, but we gon´ sell our dope regardless Niggas know me, from fillin up ya´ heroine needles I´m connected with them people who don´t speak no english We ain´t scared of the road, we just get it and go When you see them tennessee tags nigga, you already know I don´t trust no hoes, thats how ´t got pop´d He told the bitch where his stash was, he told it to the cops Me and preist had the streets on lock He´d break down the blocks, i´d open up shop, ´round the clock And I ain´t gon´ stop, so soon as you come home from the pen We at it again, we gettin´ it for 10, my nigga [50 cent:] I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line i´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, I´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line i´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, I´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler [Tony Yayo:] Now I´m headed down south and that´s my word I´m on a greyhound, ´bout to move these birds And if these niggas don´t let me sling I´m out there robbin´ everything Got a brand new mack and a p-89 Yeah he´s a hustler, man I stay on the grind 9 grams of heroine, 100 grams of coke 12 o´s of mushrooms, 2 pounds of smoke 3 gal´s of dust juice, and a tank of l.s.d. And a 1000 pills of every kind of exstacy Hash, ha-sheesh, I bought a ´62 When I was younger with my crew I had them niggas sniffin glue It´s 40 cinnagrams, to them trucka´s and bammer´s And I can chef up a miricle with arm & hammer I´m a hustler, man I supply the fiends I´m a hustler, nigga i´ll sell you a dream [50 cent:] I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line I´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, i´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler, nigga get outta line I´ll cut ya´ Me, I´m ´bout my paper, it´s fuck ya´ If you play games with mine, I´ll come at you from behind With my nine, I´m a bonafide hustler

hustler 在说唱中是什么意思?


Simian Mobile Disco的《Hustler》 歌词

歌曲名:Hustler歌手:Simian Mobile Disco专辑:Sample And Hold: Attack Decay Sustain Release RemixedKeri Hilson - HustlerWas I supposed to come so close to loving youThat I couldn"t seeWas I supposed to drown myself in thoughts of youTo where I could no longer breatheYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway homeSuch a waste of my timeYou are everything you shouldn"t beAnd how one seconds introductionCould become a lifetime of miseryYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway from youSo I could move the weightIf I could be a hustlerAnd I could run awayFrom this corner you got me stuck onAnd I would move awayBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerAyIf I could be a hustlerYeahSo I could move the weightAnd I could run awayThen I would move the weightThe I would run away

hustler 是什么意思

Lloyd的《Hustler》 歌词

歌曲名:Hustler歌手:Lloyd专辑:SouthsideKeri Hilson - HustlerWas I supposed to come so close to loving youThat I couldn"t seeWas I supposed to drown myself in thoughts of youTo where I could no longer breatheYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway homeSuch a waste of my timeYou are everything you shouldn"t beAnd how one seconds introductionCould become a lifetime of miseryYou"re just a silhouetteOf a perfect manCos you take me higherThan I have ever beenJust to break me downInto a thousand piecesBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerSo I could move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I could run awayIf I could be a hustlerThen I would move the weightOff of my shouldersAnd I would run awayAway from youSo I could move the weightIf I could be a hustlerAnd I could run awayFrom this corner you got me stuck onAnd I would move awayBoy you make me wish I was a hustlerAyIf I could be a hustlerYeahSo I could move the weightAnd I could run awayThen I would move the weightThe I would run away

hustler 在美国的褒义是什么



“hustler”在英语中有“妓女,拉皮条”的意思。在俚语中,hustler可以解释为:aprostitutewhoattracts customersbywalkingthestreets(到街上拉客的妓女),其同意词有:streetwalker或streetgirl。 另外,俚语中,hustler也可解释为:ashrewdorunscrupulouspersonwhoknowshowtocircumvent difficulties(精明的算计者,骗子,赌徒),如:Ourneighborspaidthousandsofdollarstothathustler.(我们的邻居被那个骗子骗了几千元。)1962年奥斯卡获奖影片TheHustler,其中文译名为《江湖浪子》,影片以写实手法描写了以打台球赌博为生的年轻职业球手艾迪所生存的的残酷世界。






还有excite, confuse, surprise 等,都有加-ed, -ing 两种形式的形容词。--精 锐 八 佰 伴 K 老师


符号编号排版地图contentment 形容词:content,动词:content,副词:contentedlyhumour 形容词:humorous,动词:humour,副词:humourouslyastonishment 形容词:astonishing,动词:astonish,副词:astonishinglybore 形容词:boring,动词:bore,副词:boringlycharm 形容词:charming,动词:charm,副词:charminglyentertainment 形容词:entertaining,动词:entertain,副词:entertainingly 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!!!O(∩_∩)O


不可以!villagers 是惊异 的 受者,而不是发出 惊异 的发出者和主动者。astonish 直接用作动词的话,后面直接 接人。

astound解释为to make someone very surprised astonish解释为to surprise someone very much 请问

虽然surprise可以当及物动词但是貌似没有人说to surprise someone very much这样的表达...不太常用




astonish表震惊 程度最强amaze惊奇 对一事物感到很新鲜的样子 这次开幕式很多外媒就用的这个词shock一般的吃惊的意思wonder 对什么感到惊奇 奇怪 有想要知道到底怎么回事的意思在里面surprise 诧异 程度一般 比较常用



astonish , amaze , shock , wonder , surprise的用法问题

astonish 语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。amaze 语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。shock 指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。wonder 通常指使人惊奇的事迹、人物或景观,主要指人创造的奇迹,作动词则表示“想知道”,后面往往接连接词if、whether或疑问代词、疑问副词引导的宾语从句。surprise普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。




按键以2P的默认键为准。 D+U 肘击 D+J 膝盖顶(有撞飞效果) D+K 突刺 SA+I/K 头顶斩 SA+U 魔力旋风 SA+J 突进 SD+J 3连击 (空中)SD+I/K 剑气波 DSD+I/K 上斩 必杀: SDSD+U 剑气 SDSD+I 突进连斩 (近身)SDSD+J 疯狂斩击 SDSD+K 魔力释放 (空中)SDSD+I 二连斩 突进(强)后接SDSD+K 胜利誓约之剑 各种招式后接O,就可增加CHARGE槽,当CHARGE槽变红后,发动的招式和必杀都是加强版。 小技巧:1.魔力释放击中空中的敌人招式会变化。2.膝盖顶后可以接必杀。3.上斩后可以接二连斩必杀。4.“强”招式的出招会有所变化,某些招式后可以接其它招式或必杀。5.普通突进也可接胜利誓约之剑,但我从来没打中过。用胜利誓约之剑要算好时击,按快了出不来,按慢了就变成魔力释放了。 人物(蓝框1排1) 黑崎一护 ICHIGO →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻刀 Y:中刀 Z:重刀 A:轻脚 B:中脚 C:闪避 战斗前选择模式不同技能略有不同(第一模式拥有全技能) 特殊技 投技 近身→or←+两个刀 蓄气 轻刀+轻脚 紧急回避 中刀+中脚 山斩 轻刀+中刀 刀背 轻脚+中脚 必杀技 三连杀 ↓→+刀(可连续输入三回) 轨迹斩杀 →↓↘+刀 梅雨圆杀阵 ↓←+刀 死神刀气 ←↓↙+轻刀or中刀(连续按键) 炎灭 ↓←+脚 秘剑·燕返 空中↓→+轻刀or中刀 超杀 一刀两断 ↓→↓→+刀 暴雨狂风斩 ↓←↓←+刀 邪炎觉醒 ↓←↓←+脚 燕六连 空中↓→↓→+刀 人物(蓝框1排2) 埔饭幽助(成年) YUSUKE →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:特殊按键1 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:特殊按键2 同时按Z+C可查看出招表 特殊技 Dash 轻脚+重脚 Carregar 轻拳+重拳 必杀技 Soco Fechado ↓→+拳 Pedradas ↓←+脚 SequenciaChvte ←(蓄)→+脚 Ant-aerio →↓↘+脚 Reigan(carga) ←↙↓↘→+轻脚 REIGAN ↓←+拳 超杀 Shot Gun ↓←+C Seqvencia fraca ↓→+C Seqvencia forte ↓→+Z(LV2限定0 Transformacao ↓←+Z(LV3限定) 人物(蓝框1排3) 鬼·京次郎 ONI KYU →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻刀 Y:重刀 Z:援助显示切换 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:由夜呼唤 特殊技 蛟蛇发劲 近身→or←+重脚 援助自动呼唤 Z+C 必杀技 无明神风流·气 ↓→+XorYorA(可连续输入三回) 无明神风流·波 ↓→+重脚 无明神风流·圆 ↓←+重脚 人格转换 X+Y+A+B(再次按还原)(体力消耗) 无明神风流·涟 ↓→+轻刀 无明神风流·漪 →↓↘+重刀or重脚 超杀 (暂缺or没有) 人物(蓝框1排4) 杀生丸 INUYASHA →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:重拳 Y:轻拳 Z:暂无 A:暂无 B:刀攻击 C:暂无 特殊技 推掌 →+重拳 山斩 ←+重拳 前冲 →→ 疾退 ←← "X键攻击""暂时""无效" 必杀技 (暂缺or没有) (暂缺or没有) 超杀 (暂缺or没有) 人物(蓝框1排5) 珊瑚 SANGO →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:烟雾攻击 Y:拳攻击 Z:前冲 A:闪避 B:刀攻击 C:疾退 特殊技 绳爪投 ↓+X 回力镖 →+X 进击 前冲或疾退中再次按键 必杀技 高空投掷 近身→↓↘+B 绊脚索 近身→↓↘+Y 杀生丸旋风 ↓→+X 野兽召唤 "(暂缺,待补充)" 超杀 人物(蓝框1排6) KAGOME KAGOME →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:气弹攻击 Y:拳攻击 Z:疾退 A:暂无 B:弓攻击 C:前冲 特殊技 爆发 ↓+X 气流箭 →+X 进击 前冲或疾退中再次按键 必杀技 强推 近身→↓↘+B (暂缺or没有) 超杀 元气箭 "(暂缺,待补充)" 人物(蓝框1排7) 刽子手拔刀斋 KENSHIN HIMURA →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻刀 Y:重刀 Z:暂无 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 特殊技 牙突 →+Y 必杀技 拔刀斩 ↓→+XorY 地流斩 ↓→+AorB 柄打 ↓←+XorY 斩返 ↓←+AorB 杀心·龙捶闪 →↓↘+XorY 超杀 杀心·天翔龙闪 ↓→↓→+XorY 杀心·九头龙闪 ↓→↓→+AorB 人物(蓝框1排8) 浪客·剑心 KENSHIN →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:暂无 Y:暂无 Z:暂无 A:轻刀 B:重刀 C:脚踢 必杀技 援助·嘉神慎之介 ↓→+脚 地流斩 ↓→+刀 拔刀斩 ↓←+刀 超杀 天翔龙闪 "(BUG,出招后重复出招,不可结束)" 人物(蓝框1排9) 健次郎 KENSHIRO →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:暂无 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 必杀技 北斗百烈拳 轻拳连打 北斗百烈腿 轻脚连打 北斗升龙拳 ↓→+拳 气功拳 ↓→+重脚 超杀 天将奔烈 ↓←+轻拳 北斗七死星点 "(暂缺,待补充)" 人物(蓝框1排10) 超级水兵月 SUPER SAILOR MOON →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:中拳 Z:重拳 A:轻脚 B:中脚 C:重脚 必杀技 魔法投掷 ↓→+拳 魔法爱心 空中↓→+拳 可爱头槌 ↓←+拳(空中可) 魔法幻影 ↓→+脚 飞燕脚 ↓←+脚 超杀 梦幻之星 ↓→+两个拳 月之觉醒 ↓←+两个拳 魔法爱情光波 ↓→+两个脚(空中可)(LV2限定) 人物(蓝框1排11) 水兵金星 SAILOR VENUS →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:超级攻击 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 特殊技 掴投 近身→or←+两个拳.连按拳 背投 近身→or←+两个脚 必杀技 金星之箭 ↓→+拳 金星之鞭 空中↓→+拳 金星之鞭·圆舞 →↓↘+拳 金星之鞭·回转 ↓←+脚 超杀 金蛇狂舞 ↓→↓→+X 超级爱心 ↓→↓→+Y 电光火石之踢 ↓→↓→+A 超级金星之箭 ↓→↓→+B 人物(蓝框1排12) 真宫寺·樱 SAKURA SHINGOL →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻刀 Y:重刀 Z:移动 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:突刺 必杀技 滑行斩 ↓→+脚 当身 ↓←+脚(空中可) 超杀 援护炮击 ↓→+C 援护射击 ↓→+Z 大熊援助 ↓←+C 大神&樱 ↓→+轻刀+重刀 人物(蓝框1排13) 蒙面侠 KYASHAN →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:暂无 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 必杀技 百裂拳 ↓←+拳 升龙肘击 →↓↘+拳 交叉斩 ↓→+脚 登壁飞袭 ↓←+脚 超杀 宇宙号突进 ↓←↓←+脚 人物(蓝框2排1) 霞(DOA) KASUMI →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:暂无 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:闪身 特殊技 飞龙脚 →+重脚 里人脚 →+轻脚 里地脚 ↓+重脚 连人袭 ←+重脚 闪天脚 →→+重脚(或轻脚+重脚) 飞燕升脚 →→+重拳 迅枪脚 ↓→+脚 月影脚 ↓←+脚 人物(蓝框2排2) 花郎(铁拳) HWOARANG →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳(左拳) Y:重拳(右拳) Z:暂无 A:轻脚(左脚) B:重脚(右脚) C:暂无 "A+B左右架势切换,开局为左势(看到背部则为右势)以下无说明均为左势" 特殊技 穿身脚 ↓+B.B 连续上段踢 A.A.A.A 连续中段踢 B.B.B.B 连续上段踢·下段 A.A.↓+A 虚还脚 (右势)B.B 雷光跳脚 (右势)A.A 近步连击 (右势)X.X 大外割脚 ↑+B 飞迅踢 ↑+A "(因技名均为日文,以上技名部分套用雷武龙技能名称,见谅)" 人物(蓝框2排3) 孙悟空(成年) SON GOKU →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:瞬间移动 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:瞬间移动 特殊技 前冲 →→ 疾退 ←← 斩空脚 向前跳跃中↓+脚 斩空脚 向后跳跃中↓←+脚 瞬间移动 →or←+X+A/Z/C 必杀技 冲击波 ↓→+拳(空中可) 升龙肘击 →↓↘+拳 半月斩 ↓←+脚 超杀 神龟冲击波 ↓→↓→+重拳 神龙拳 ↓→↓→+重脚(LV3限定) 人物(蓝框2排4) 悟空(成年) GOKU →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:中拳 Z:重拳 A:轻脚 B:中脚 C:重脚 特殊技 龟仙流连舞拳 近身重拳连按 龟仙流连舞脚 近身重脚连按 舞空术 中拳+中脚 必杀技 冲击波 ↓→+拳(空中可) 斜向冲击波 ↓←+拳(空中可) 横向肘击 →↓↘+拳 震爆 ↓←+脚 斩空脚 空中↓→+脚 瞬间移动 →↓↘+脚 超杀 气圆斩 ↓→↓→+轻拳 超级冲击波 ↓→↓→+重拳(LV2限定) 元气弹 ↓→↓→+中拳+重拳(效果不明) 人物(蓝框2排5) 孙悟空(猿版) GOKU-SAN →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:气功弹 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:瞬间移动 气功弹可在任意必杀技后驳接,例如重天升脚浮空后追打 特殊技 超高跳 ↓↑↑ 必杀技 荒咬 ↓→+拳(可轻~重驳接) 天升脚 →↓↘+脚 倒跃踢 ↓←+脚(可接重天升脚后) 震爆 轻拳+轻脚 砂爆 ↓→+Z 超杀 超级冲击波 ↓→↓→+轻拳 超级神龟冲击波 ↓→↓→+重拳(LV3限定) 人物(蓝框2排6) 短笛 PICCOLO →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:瞬间移动 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 特殊技 空中行进 空中→→or←← 必杀技 魔气弹 ↓→+拳 魔手击 ↓←+拳 魔乱舞 魔手击后方向按→ 突进斩 ↓←+脚 魔光蹴 ↓→+脚 魔闪空 空中↓←+脚 超杀 魔贯光杀炮 ↓→↓→+重拳 魔光降临 ↓→↓→+重脚(LV2限定) 人物(蓝框2排7) 完美沙鲁 PERFECT CELL →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:重拳 Z:瞬间移动 A:轻脚 B:重脚 C:暂无 特殊技 空中行进 空中→→or←← 必杀技 气功弹 ↓→+拳 流星击 ↓←+拳(可连续输入四回) 旋转击 ↓→+脚 流星落 ↓←+脚 沙鲁空袭 空中↓←+脚 超杀 神龟冲击波 ↓→↓→+重拳 沙鲁群舞 ↓→↓→+重脚(LV2限定) 人物(蓝框2排8) 特兰克斯(未来) TRUNKZ →↘↓↙← 基本键位 X:轻拳 Y:中拳 Z:重拳 A:轻脚 B:中脚 C:重脚 特殊技 空中行进 空中→→or←← 超级赛亚人变化 轻拳+轻脚 必杀技 气功弹 ↓←+拳 裂伤斩 ↓→+拳(空中可) 爆发 ↓→+脚 地炎波 ↓←+脚 斩空脚 空中↓←+脚 超杀 穿击炮 ↓←↓←+两个拳(可蓄) 超级闪光 ↓←↓←+两个脚



我用DEAMON Tools lite安装上古卷轴4,安装到一半出现please insert disk 2 and click OK,怎么办?

然后把下一张光盘的虚拟光盘插入虚拟光驱 , 就可以了撒

请问:A higher version of DAEMON Tools or related product is already installed?


天下霸图 Material Kingdoms not installed!

你下的天下霸图可能需要游戏光盘 我以前玩也是这样 所以我又重新下了个新的 现在可以了 这天下霸图真不错玩了好久了

Docker 找不到/etc/docker/daemon.json问题解决

总所周知的原因,中国直接访问dockerhub会非常的慢,所以需要配置镜像加速。 在配置dock镜像加速的时候需要把加速阿里的加速写入daemon.json文件。 但是奇怪的是别说daemon.json文件了,在etc目录下,我连docker目录都找不到。 于是访问官网: docker官网配置deamon 看到下面一句话: To configure the Docker daemon using a JSON file, create a file at/etc/docker/daemon.jsonon Linux systems, orC:ProgramDatadockerconfigdaemon.jsonon Windows. On MacOS go to the whale in the taskbar > Preferences > Daemon > Advanced. 然后写入加速配置: { "registry-mirrors": [""] } 出现这句或者类似表明加速器配置成功

deamon tools与powerISO有什么区别???哪个更好点???谢谢


昆明卡夫卡书屋有一首英文歌好像是everywhere way等的歌词,歌曲叫什么名字啊,谢大神

Closer - The Chainsmokers/HalseyWritten by:Andrew Taggart/Shaun Frank/Frederic KennettThe Chainsmokers:Hey I was doing just fine before I met youI drank too much and that"s an issue but I"m okayHey you tell your friends it was nice to meet themBut I hope I never see them againI know it breaks your heartMoved to the city in a broke down car andFour years no callsNow you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar andI can"t stopNo I can"t stopSo baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderHalsey:You look as the good as the day I met youI forget just why I left you I was insaneStay and play that Blink-182 songThat we beat to death in tuscon okayI know it breaks your heartI moved to the city in a broke down car andFour years no callsNow you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar andI can"t stopNo I can"t stopBoth:So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderNo we ain"t ever getting older


具体如下:Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you。I drink too much and that"s an issue but I"m OK。Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them。But I hope I never see them again。I know it breaks your heart。Moved to the city in a broke down car。And four years, no calls。Now you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar。And I can"t stop。No, I can"t stop。So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover。That I know you can"t afford。Bite that tattoo on your shoulder。Pull the sheets right off the corner。Of the mattress that you stole。From your roommate back in Boulder。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older。You look as good as the day I met you。I forget just why I left you, I was insane。Stay and play that Blink-182 song。That we beat to death in Tucson, OK。I know it breaks your heart。Moved to the city in a broke down car。And four years, no call。Now I"m looking pretty in a hotel bar。And I can"t stop。No, I can"t stop。So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover。That I know you can"t afford。Bite that tattoo on your shoulder。Pull the sheets right off the corner。Of the mattress that you stole。From your roommate back in Boulder。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older。So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover。That I know you can"t afford。Bite that tattoo on your shoulder。Pull the sheets right off the corner。Of the mattress that you stole。From your roommate back in Boulder。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older (we ain"t ever getting older)。We ain"t ever getting older (we ain"t ever getting older)。We ain"t ever getting older (we ain"t ever getting older)。We ain"t ever getting older。We ain"t ever getting older。No we ain"t ever getting older。翻译嘿遇到你之前我一切安好。虽酩酊大醉看上去一团糟但我感觉很好。嘿告诉你的朋友很高兴和他们相遇。但我希望再也看不到他们的身影。我知道这会伤了你的心。驾着一辆破汽车驶向一座陌生的城市。一去四年杳无音讯。现在你的美貌闪耀在酒吧的聚光灯下。我忍俊不禁。浮想联翩。宝贝同我咫尺之遥在你后座上耳语呢喃如胶似漆。缠绵于这辆永远付不起的路虎车上。让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身。迫不及待的推开车里的钢板。放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵。那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫。今夜我们激情永葆。我们的青春永不褪色。我们的青春永不褪色。回首过去我遇到你的那日多美好。我也忘记我为何离你而去大概是脑子一热。彻夜未眠放着Blink-182的歌。那曲我们曾在图森恣意敲打的节奏如今我一切安好。我知道这会伤了你的心。驾着一辆破汽车驶向一座陌生的城市。一去四年杳无音讯。现在你的美貌闪耀在酒吧的聚光灯下。我忍俊不禁。浮想联翩。宝贝同我咫尺之遥在你后座上耳语呢喃如胶似漆。缠绵于这辆永远付不起的罗孚车上。让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身。迫不及待的推开车里的钢板。放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵。那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫。今夜我们激情永葆。我们的青春永不褪色。我们的青春永不褪色。宝贝同我咫尺之遥在你后座上耳语呢喃如胶似漆。缠绵于这辆永远付不起的罗孚车上。让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身。迫不及待的推开车里的钢板。放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵。那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫。今夜我们激情永葆。我们的青春永不褪色(永不褪色)。我们的青春永不褪色(永不褪色)。我们的青春永不褪色(永不褪色)。我们的青春永不褪色。我们的青春永不褪色。我们的青春永不褪色。

On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and ......




I m in Boulder,Colorado,and am one of the fortunate 阅读


科罗拉多大学博尔德分校cu-boulder本科实力 我该相信哪些数据

科罗拉多大学波尔得分校(University of Colorado Boulder,简称CU-Boulder)创办于1876年,位于风景秀丽,气候宜人的波尔得市,距科罗拉多州的州府丹佛60公里,处于落基山山坳,是一所美国一流的公立研究型高等学府,世界百强名校。该校是北美顶尖研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的63个成员之一,素有“公立常春藤”之美誉。费用详情编辑总费用: $42,394每年学费,住宿,课本及其他费用州内学费$9,152州外学费$32,297住宿费$12,258其他费用$712申请信息编辑院校类型 综合大学 院校性质 公立 是否认证 是 建校时间 1876年 学生总人数 29772人 国际学生比例 7.6% 院校排名 2015年UsNews美国大学本科综合排名为88 入学率 本科录取率为86% 专业 社会科学,生物学,传媒,心理学,商科,工程学,视觉与表演艺术 地理位置 美国科罗拉多州波尔德 申请截止日期 学位类型 截止日期 本科 1月15日、4月1日、12月1日 硕士 12月31日 费用 费用类型 本科费用(RMB/年) 硕士费用(RMB/年) 学费 元 元 生活费 80933元-元 80933元-元 语言考试要求 考试类型 学位 最低分数要求 雅思 本科 6.5(科泉分校6分) 雅思 硕士 6.5(丹佛分校6.0-6.5) 托福 本科 83/120(工程) 75(其它) 托福 硕士 83/120(工程) 75(其它) 能力考试要求 考试类型 学位 最低分数要求 SAT 本科 阅读520-630分、数学550-650分、写作无要求、不需要SAT2成绩 GPA 本科 3.5 GPA 硕士 3.5[5] 申请费: $70


《Closer》演唱:The Chainsmokers/Halsey歌词:Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you嘿 遇到你之前我一切安好I drink too much and that"s an issue虽酩酊大醉 看上去一团糟But I"m okay但我感觉很好Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them嘿 你告诉你的朋友很高兴和他们相遇But I hope I never see them again但我希望再也看不到他们的身影I know it breaks your heart我知道这会伤了你的心Moved to the city in a broke down car and驾着一辆破汽车 驶向一座陌生的城市Four years no calls一去四年 杳无音讯Now you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar and现在你的美貌闪耀在酒吧的聚光灯下I-I-I-I-I can"t stop我情不自禁No, I-I-I-I-I can"t stop浮想联翩So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover宝贝 同我咫尺之遥 在你后座上耳语呢喃 如胶似漆That I know you can"t afford缠绵于这辆永远付不起的车上Bite that tattoo on your shoulder让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身Pull the sheets right off the corner迫不及待的拉下角落的床单Of the mattress that you stole放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵From your roommate back in Boulder那张你从博尔德的室友那偷来的床垫We ain"t ever getting older今夜我们激情永葆We ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色We ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色You, look as good as the day I met you回首过去我遇到你的那日多美好I forget just why I left you, I was insane我也忘记我为何离你而去 大概是脑子一热Stay, and play that Blink-182 song彻夜未眠 放着Blink-182(乐队)的歌That we beat to death in Tucson那曲我们曾在图森恣意敲打的节奏OK如今我一切安好I know it breaks your heart我知道这会伤了你的心Moved to the city in a broke down car and驾着一辆破汽车 驶向一座陌生的城市Four years no calls一去四年 杳无音讯Now I"m looking pretty in a hotel bar and现在我的美貌闪耀在酒吧的聚光灯下I-I-I-I-I can"t stop我情不自禁No, I-I-I-I-I can"t stop浮想联翩So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover宝贝 同我咫尺之遥 在你后座上耳语呢喃 如胶似漆That I know you can"t afford缠绵于这辆永远付不起的路虎车上Bite that tattoo on your shoulder让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身Pull the sheets right off the corner迫不及待的拉下角落的床单Of the mattress that you stole放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵From your roommate back in Boulder那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫We ain"t ever getting older今夜我们激情永葆We ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色We ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover宝贝 同我咫尺之遥 在你后座上耳语呢喃 如胶似漆That I know you can"t afford缠绵于这辆永远付不起的路虎车上Bite that tattoo on your shoulder让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身Pull the sheets right off the corner迫不及待的拉下角落的床单Of the mattress that you stole放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵From your roommate back in Boulder那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫We ain"t ever getting older今夜我们激情永葆We ain"t ever getting older, no, we ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色We ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色No, we ain"t ever getting older我们的青春永不褪色

Boulder County Green Pages什么意思

你好。Boulder County Green Pages翻译成中文是:巨石县绿页。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校University of Colorado at Boulder简介

不清楚自己的成绩和背景能申请到什么层次的学校? 不知道和自己差不多的人是通过哪家中介成功申请到的学校? 不知道自己想申请的学校需要什么成绩和背景条件? 可以使用留学志愿参考系统 输入成绩情况会匹配和你类似成绩同学的案例,你看他们跟自己差不多的都申请到了什么学校。这样自己心里就大概清楚了,或者根据留学目标来查询,看看自己的目标院校都哪些背景的人申请了,结合自身情况制定大致的目标和方向。



一首英文歌男女唱有一句词是we are never getting older求哪首歌


科罗拉多大学博尔德分校University of Colorado at Boulder简介

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado at Boulder)简介:科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(科罗拉多大学波尔得分校)创办于1876年,位于风景秀丽,气候宜人的波尔得市,距科罗拉多州的州府丹佛60公里,处于落基山山坳,是一所世界顶尖公立研究型高等学府。该校是北美顶尖研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的63个成员之一,素有“公立常春藤”之称。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校是科罗拉多州高等教育系统的旗舰,犹以理工科见长。其理科专业研究水平位于世界前二十位,物理,化学,生物医学,地理和环境科学等专业实力超群,其中光学,原子物理等专业常年全美第一;地球科学世界排名第二,仅次于加州理工学院。在工程方面,该校航天工程与科学学院在全美享有盛誉,先后诞生过18名宇航员。据统计,美国现役的所有卫星上都有科罗拉多大学波尔得分校设计和制造的仪器设备。该校化学工程,土木工程,机械工程,计算机科学等其他工程专业亦十分优秀。利兹商学院经历了飞速的发展,已经成为美国最为著名的商学院之一。自1876年建校以来,该校共有12位校友荣获诺贝尔奖,7位校友荣获麦克阿瑟奖,2位校友荣获普利策奖,1位校友荣获图灵奖,1位校友荣获拉斯克医学奖。根据2017年U.S.News世界大学排名,科罗拉多大学波尔得分校位列世界第32位,2017年上海交通大学ARWU世界大学学术排名位列世界第33位,CWUR世界大学排名位列第54位。该校商学院及工程学院分别获得AACSB和ABET权威认证。

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科罗拉多大学波德分校 University of Colorado at Boulder

  地理位置:科罗拉多州,波尔得市  学校类型:公立  建校时间:1876年  在校学生:28,624人  ★ 学校概况  美国科罗拉多大学波尔得分校(University of Colorado at Boulder)是全美中北部著名的公立大学,其校区位于风景秀丽的科罗拉多州波尔得市。她是一所注重文化交融和国际合作的大学,科罗拉多大学波尔德分校距离卡罗拉多州首府丹佛仅30英里(48公里)只需短程驾车便可达到美国发展最快的城市之一。由于临近丹佛,科罗拉多大学波尔德分校也接近许多主要的文化圣地、有许多实习和工作机会。学校附近的实习和工作单位:IBM、波音、谷歌。  该大学创建于1876年,该大学系统包括四个校区:波尔得校区、科罗拉多大学丹佛校区、科罗拉多大学斯普林司校区、科罗拉多大学医学中心。科罗拉多大学是科罗拉多州最大的公立大学,也是该地区主要的高等教育机构。该校有在校生近7万人。丹佛校区位于丹佛市中心,步行可达百事可乐中心、公园、博物馆、剧院、咖啡厅、餐馆、商店和其他休闲娱乐场所。距世界最著名滑雪场不到一小时车程。该校有在校生近7万人。  整个学校由9个学院系统组成,提供超过150个学术项目,有29,952个学生,在2010年授予了6,781个学位。历史上,科罗拉多大学的学生,研究人员或者学术人员中,总共诞生了6个诺贝尔奖获得者,7个麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur Fellow),以及18个航天员。其中在最近的十年内物理系先后有三人获得诺贝尔奖,光学、原子方向实力超群,在美国排名第一。工程领域最具特色的是航天科学与工程系(Aerospace Engineering Sciences),该专业在usnews上2011年的排名全美第十二。该系诞生十几位宇航员,并且从2009年起聘期退役宇航员担任某实验类课程指导。航天科学与工程方向下的LASP实验室专门从事航天领域的研究,具备从卫星的设计、在轨运行以及返回数据处理、科学研究的全程研究能力。据统计美国现役的所有卫星都有科罗拉多大学设计、制造的仪器设备。  ★ 学校特色  根据 The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-2011, 科罗拉多大学波尔得校区排名为全球67。常被誉为公立常春藤。科罗拉多大学波德分校是久负盛名的“美国大学协会”的34 所公立大学之一,是一所具有卓越学术和尖端科研的美国顶级高校。科罗拉多大学波尔德分校被《普林斯顿评论》和《今日美国》评为2012年度“前75所性价比最高的公立大学”之一。该校强大的校友网、与龙头企业密切合作、高排名的学术成就、丰富的校园及社区活动为学生学业及未来职业发展提供了无限机遇。  因波尔得在地质上距丹佛市只有不到35公里,波尔得校区常与丹佛校区被人们混淆。然而波尔得校区是科罗拉多大学的旗舰,也就是最好的校区,在物理、光学、航天等专业实力排在美国前十甚至前五。  波尔得校区是科罗拉多大学主校区,学生2万多人,其中研究生只有4,000人左右。该校区位于洛叽山麓的波尔得市,是美国有名的风光秀美的城市,气候宜人,阳光灿烂,城市安静和平。  ★ 入学要求  本 科:GPA3.0  IBT: 83(工程专业),其他专业75  IELTS: 6.5  硕 士:IBT:75-114  IELTS: 6.0-8.0  相关专业需要GRE或GMAT  ★ 开学日期  本 科: 春季: 1月;秋季: 8月  硕 士: 春季: 1月;秋季: 8月

be boulder是什么意思

be boulder是我们学校官网上的类似招生口号的东西 我们学校是科罗拉多大学的Boulder分校 望采纳

be boulder翻译



科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(博尔德),成立于1876年,是一所注重文化交融和国际合作的大学,该大学系统包括四个分校:科罗拉多大学博尔德分校、科罗拉多大学丹佛分校、科罗拉多大学泉分校、科罗拉多大学医学中心。 性质:公立

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校University of Colorado at Boulder简介

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado at Boulder)简介:科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(科罗拉多大学波尔得分校)创办于1876年,位于风景秀丽,气候宜人的波尔得市,距科罗拉多州的州府丹佛60公里,处于落基山山坳,是一所世界顶尖公立研究型高等学府。该校是北美顶尖研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的63个成员之一,素有“公立常春藤”之称。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校是科罗拉多州高等教育系统的旗舰,犹以理工科见长。其理科专业研究水平位于世界前二十位,物理,化学,生物医学,地理和环境科学等专业实力超群,其中光学,原子物理等专业常年全美第一;地球科学世界排名第二,仅次于加州理工学院。在工程方面,该校航天工程与科学学院在全美享有盛誉,先后诞生过18名宇航员。据统计,美国现役的所有卫星上都有科罗拉多大学波尔得分校设计和制造的仪器设备。该校化学工程,土木工程,机械工程,计算机科学等其他工程专业亦十分优秀。利兹商学院经历了飞速的发展,已经成为美国最为著名的商学院之一。自1876年建校以来,该校共有12位校友荣获诺贝尔奖,7位校友荣获麦克阿瑟奖,2位校友荣获普利策奖,1位校友荣获图灵奖,1位校友荣获拉斯克医学奖。根据2017年U.S.News世界大学排名,科罗拉多大学波尔得分校位列世界第32位,2017年上海交通大学ARWU世界大学学术排名位列世界第33位,CWUR世界大学排名位列第54位。该校商学院及工程学院分别获得AACSB和ABET权威认证。

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科罗拉多大学波德分校 University of Colorado at Boulder

选校或者选专业定位可以参考留学志愿参考系统 输入GPA、专业等信息,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,也可以按照留学目标来查询,看看你的目标院校和专业都哪些背景(语言成绩多少分、学校背景如何、什么专业、GPA多少等)的学生申请了,也从而对比自身情况,制定大致的目标和方向。

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