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2023-05-30 22:47:32

contentment 形容词:content,动词:content,副词:contentedly

humour 形容词:humorous,动词:humour,副词:humourously

astonishment 形容词:astonishing,动词:astonish,副词:astonishingly

bore 形容词:boring,动词:bore,副词:boringly

charm 形容词:charming,动词:charm,副词:charmingly

entertainment 形容词:entertaining,动词:entertain,副词:entertainingly



符号编号排版地图contentment 形容词:content,动词:content,副词:contentedly

humour 形容词:humorous,动词:humour,副词:humourously

astonishment 形容词:astonishing,动词:astonish,副词:astonishingly

bore 形容词:boring,动词:bore,副词:boringly

charm 形容词:charming,动词:charm,副词:charmingly

entertainment 形容词:entertaining,动词:entertain,副词:entertainingly




astonish的意思:震惊;使十分惊讶;使大为惊奇;使吃惊。读音:[əˈstɑːnɪʃ]词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语。固定搭配:be astonish at sth因某事感到震惊 ; 因没事感应震惊。例句:A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people.这样司空见惯的事,不会使人吃惊。近义词介绍:gast读音:[gæst]表达意思:使惊讶;恐吓。词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语。固定搭配:Der Gast kann antworten客人可以回答 ; 客人可以回答说。例句:Smash His Camera director Leon Gast compared Galella to Muhammad Ali: "He had that same cocky, egotistical attitude."影片《砸烂他的相机》的导演莱昂·李斯特将格拉拉比喻为拳王阿里:“他拥有着和阿里一样的自高,不可一世的态度。”
2023-05-30 22:02:301


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2023-05-30 22:02:524


  astonish有使惊讶,使大为吃惊等意思,那么你知道astonish的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来astonish的近义词及辨析,欢迎大家参考学习!   astonish近义词:   surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun   astonish近义词辨析:   这些动词均含"使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇"之意。   surprise 普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。   amaze 语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。   astonish 语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。   astound 语气强,指由于事情令人难以置信或实在罕见而使人感到震惊。   startle 指因突然的惊吓或意料不到的刺激等而使人惊跳或震惊。   stun 语气最强,指极度惊讶而目瞪口呆,不知所措。   astonish的英语例句:   1. A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people.   这样司空见惯的事,不会使人吃惊.   2. My news will astonish you.   我的消息会让你感到十分惊讶的。   3. He purposed to both charm and astonish me by his appearance.   他是想以他的外貌让我着迷,使我吃惊.   4. That"ll astonish Timothy"s weak nerves.   以悌摩西那样衰弱的神经,这件事准会吓坏他.   5. The magician"s next trick will astonish you.    魔术 师的下一个技巧将使你们大为惊讶.   6. Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.   坚持做正确的事. 这会让一些人满意,让其他人惊奇.   7. It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.   听到我花多少钱买这枚戒指会使你大吃一惊.   8. Astonish God with your faith.   用诚实打动上帝.   9. The decision makes everybody feels astonish.   决定使大家都感到震动.   10. His magic act will amaze and astonish you.   他的神奇表现将会令你惊叹不止.   11. The magican"s next trick will astonish you.   魔术师的下一个技巧将是你们大为惊奇.   12. Above all, it will astonish them.   总的来说, 悉尼都将会使他们感到惊奇.   13. It will astonish your aperitif papillae by muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth.   她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜.   14. The duke answered,"Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world."   齐威王说: “ 这鸟不飞则罢,一飞就冲天;不鸣则罢, 一鸣就惊人. ”   15. If we go on to the top of the bus, our conduct will astonish the Browns.
2023-05-30 22:02:591


astonish at使对…感到吃惊; astonish the world使世界震惊; astonish beyond measure感到万分惊异 扩展资料   astonish very much使非常惊讶;   astonish amazingly非常吃惊;   astonish blankly惊呆了;   astonish dramatically出人意料地吃惊;   astonish greatly使非常惊讶;   astonish inconceivably难以置信地惊人;   astonish inexpressibly无法形容地吃惊
2023-05-30 22:03:061


astonish 是及物动词, 使惊讶,句式是 sth astonishes sb.The news of her sudden death astonished us.如果主语是 we,就变成了We were astonished at the news at hersudden death.
2023-05-30 22:03:203


这两个动词都含有“惊异”或“震惊”之义,并且用法也基本相同。但其具体含义还是有区别的。1、astonish 语意较强,指对意外的事,特别是不可解释的事“感到惊讶”或“觉得大为惊惊异”,等于surprise greatly。例如:I was astonished to see him there.在那能见到他,我感到惊异。I was astonished at the news.听到这则消息我大吃惊。His words astonished all.他的话使大家感到惊讶。2、surprise 语气比astonish弱,指突然地或意外地“惊奇”、“诧异”或“惊骇”。强调出其不意的含义。也可指乘其不备地向某人“袭击”、“吐真言”等。例如:We were surprised at finding the laboratory empty.我们惊讶地发现实验室是空的。His death surprised us all.他的死使我们大家都感惊愕。We were surprised that he lost the game.我们对他在比赛中失败感到惊异。惊异造句:1, 他那张嘴唇薄薄、饱经风霜的面孔上,露出惊异的神色。2, 墙外有数十人,面面相觑,各有惊异之状。3, 人们向他投去惊异的目光。4, 他迅速举起镜子,脸上露出不知所措的惊异神情。5, 她以一种乐滋滋的惊异目光望着他。震惊造句:1、原子弹可怕的威力,震惊了全世界。2、这消息恰似晴天霹雳,令人十分震惊!3、我们听到朱老师病重的消息都大为震惊。4、最令人震惊的是,枪支销售量在近几周扶摇直上。5、他视死如归的英雄气概使敌人大为震惊。
2023-05-30 22:03:491


astonishment。震惊; 使十分惊讶; 使大为惊奇; 使吃惊。例句:1. He was dumb with astonishment.他惊讶得目瞪口呆。2. To my utter astonishment, she remembered my name.她竟记得我的名字,使我万分惊讶。3. They gasped in astonishment at the news.他们听到这消息惊讶得倒抽了一口气。4. He stared in astonishment at the stranger.他惊愕地盯着陌生人。5. To her astonishment, he smiled.使她惊讶的是,他笑了。6. She stood up quickly, giving a little cry of astonishment她迅速站了起来,惊叫了一声。7. I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour我看见一颗流星,使我大为惊奇的是,它居然是鲜亮的绿色。8. To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire.我发现房子着火了,大为惊讶。
2023-05-30 22:03:551


startle ["stɑ:tl] v.1. to stimulate to action 2. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarmastonish [ə"stɔniʃ] v.affect with wonder
2023-05-30 22:04:315


astonish 是一个动词,它的意思是使人感到惊讶,震惊或疑惑。在英语中,可以用形容词来修饰动词来更确切地表达情感或态度。当你在前面加形容词来修饰astonish时,它能够更具体地描述惊讶的程度或强度,如 "He was deeply astonished"(他深感震惊)形容词可以表示情感,程度等信息。 例如加上 deeply,更加形象的表示了震惊程度。
2023-05-30 22:05:191


答案: 解析: 1.astonishing/astonished 2.scary 3.tired/tiring 4.silence
2023-05-30 22:05:261


Day 325 morning 20211、astonish:使惊讶 咱们有个词叫“五雷轰顶”,用来形容人的极度震惊。英语恰巧也用“打雷”来指人的惊讶。 as 来自前缀 ex- 变体,此处表强调。词根 ton, 雷,拟声词,同 thunder. 指如被雷击,-ish 为后缀。 2、单词 apparition 的字面意思就是“出现”。由于该词最初使用于宗教场合,表示“耶稣基督显灵”,因此该词主要用于表示幽灵鬼怪等事物的出现。 词根词缀: ap- 加强意义 + -par- 出现 + -ition 名词词尾。和appear (出现)是同源词。 Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment. Remember, I had crashed in the desert a thousand miles from any inhabited region. And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly among the sands, nor to be fainting from fatigue or hunger or thirst or fear.
2023-05-30 22:05:351


2023-05-30 22:05:431


使惊讶的英文为:astonish、gast、emmarvel。双语例句:1、You never fail to astonish me。你总是让我吃惊。2、He began to astonish his country men with strange notions about the world。他对这个世界的想法与论述震惊了国人。3、Always do right。This will gratify some people and astonish the rest。坚持做正确的事。这会让一些人满意,让其他人惊奇。4、It will be the speed of recovery that will both please and astonish you。恢复的速度将会使你们既高兴又惊讶。5、It is great astonish to get this crisis for this famous corporation。对于有这样的知名度的公司来说是一个巨大的震惊。
2023-05-30 22:05:491

astonish to do还是doing

do。astonish英 [ə"stɒnɪʃ]     美 [ə"stɑːnɪʃ]    vt. 使惊讶;使吃惊。It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring. 听到我花多少钱买这枚戒指会使你大吃一惊。用法:astonish作“使某人惊讶”解时,用陈述式,主语可为表示人、行为、特性、事件的名词。当以人作主语时, astonish须搭用by或with引起的短语表示导致惊讶的原因。 astonish作“某人对某事物感到惊讶”解时,用被动式或系表结构,这时astonish多搭用由at〔by〕引起的短语或不定式短语,也可搭用that引起的从句。
2023-05-30 22:06:131

surprise, astonish有什么区别吗?

surprised指遇到了至少是暂时的令人震惊的事物,它可能指也可能不指令人愉快的事物。也可指一定道义上的谴责,如I am surprised at you!。astonished是个语气较强的词,表示一个人对意外事件作出超乎寻常的反映。amazed指面对一项不可能发生的或将来必会发生的事情所产生的惊异与惶恐。astounded和较通俗的flabbergasted均指极端难以置信。stunned表示震惊以致不能言语。以上各词的动词形式的区别同上。
2023-05-30 22:06:311


+名词astonish the world 使世界震惊+副词astonish very much 使非常惊讶astonish amazingly 非常吃惊astonish blankly 惊呆了astonish dramatically 出人意料地吃惊astonish greatly 使非常惊讶astonish inconceiva...
2023-05-30 22:06:381

astonish 造句

1 You astonished me by damaging my precious piano.2 She was astonished to hear the news about the death of her husband in a road accident.
2023-05-30 22:06:582


It was an astonishing story . 答案:主系表结构 解析:astonishing来修饰事物,在这里中心名词为story,所以用ing形式. 中文:这是一个令人惊奇的故事.
2023-05-30 22:07:061


2023-05-30 22:07:161


2023-05-30 22:07:242

astonish , amaze , shock , wonder , surprise的用法问题

astonish 语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。amaze 语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。shock 指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。wonder 通常指使人惊奇的事迹、人物或景观,主要指人创造的奇迹,作动词则表示“想知道”,后面往往接连接词if、whether或疑问代词、疑问副词引导的宾语从句。surprise普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。
2023-05-30 22:07:312


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2023-05-30 22:07:581

我在澳大利亚见到她,很惊讶. 英文翻译 (astonish)

我在澳大利亚见到她,很惊讶.I was surprised to see her in Australia.I met her in Australia, very surprised.
2023-05-30 22:08:061

surprise, astonish有什么区别吗?

surprise - 1. not thought beforehand, out of box. 2. a gift or present.astonish - 1. out of box. 2. shocked. 3. out of box and afraid.
2023-05-30 22:08:132


astonish表震惊 程度最强amaze惊奇 对一事物感到很新鲜的样子 这次开幕式很多外媒就用的这个词shock一般的吃惊的意思wonder 对什么感到惊奇 奇怪 有想要知道到底怎么回事的意思在里面surprise 诧异 程度一般 比较常用
2023-05-30 22:08:211

That Mike looked astonished_____ me.后应用astonish还是astonished.为什么?

That (Mike looked astonished) astonished me.
2023-05-30 22:08:306


2023-05-30 22:09:023


  这两个动词都含有“惊异”或“震惊”之义,并且用法也基本相同。但其具体含义还是有区别的。1、astonish 语意较强,指对意外的事,特别是不可解释的事“感到惊讶”或“觉得大为惊惊异”,等于surprise greatly。  例如:  I was astonished to see him there.在那能见到他,我感到惊异。  I was astonished at the news.听到这则消息我大吃惊。  His words astonished all.他的话使大家感到惊讶。2、surprise 语气比astonish弱,指突然地或意外地“惊奇”、“诧异”或“惊骇”。强调出其不意的含义。也可指乘其不备地向某人“袭击”、“吐真言”等。  例如:  We were surprised at finding the laboratory empty.我们惊讶地发现实验室是空的。  His death surprised us all.他的死使我们大家都感惊愕。  We were surprised that he lost the game.我们对他在比赛中失败感到惊异。
2023-05-30 22:09:163


astonish vt. 使吃惊 I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down. 当我听到那所医院被烧毁时,我大为惊讶。 He was astonished at what he found. 他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。 We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion. 听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。 be astonished at sth. 对某事感到惊讶求好评O(∩_∩)O~谢谢
2023-05-30 22:09:251


astonish vt. 使吃惊 I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down. 当我听到那所医院被烧毁时,我大为惊讶。 He was astonished at what he found. 他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。 We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion. 听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。 be astonished at sth. 对某事感到惊讶
2023-05-30 22:09:321


astonish和surprise的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、astonish的意思是: 使十分惊讶;使大为惊奇; 使吃惊例句:My news will astonish you.我的消息会让你感到十分惊讶的。2、surprise的意思是:惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然;使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现例句:The news greatly surprised them.这消息使他们大为吃惊。二、用法不同1、astonish:用作动词。当以人作主语时,astonish须搭用by或with引起的短语表示导致惊讶的原因;astonish作“某人对某事物感到惊讶”解时,用被动式或系表结构。2、surprise:用作及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词,接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语;还用作可数名词,在句中还可用作定语。三、侧重点不同1、astonish侧重于指事情的发生不可思议而“难以置信”。2、surprise侧重于指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。
2023-05-30 22:09:411


astonish和startle意思不同、用法不同。1、意思不同:(1)startle指使人大吃一惊,吓了一跳或突然被楞住。例句:He uttered these words with an indefinable sound which really startled the girl a bit.翻译:他说这些话的口气有些暧昧,着现使女孩吓吃惊不少。(2)astonish指对难以置信的事的发生感到惊讶。例句:She astounished verybody by announcing her engagement.翻译:她宣布自己订婚了,让大家非常吃惊。  2、用法不同:(1)startle通常用在突然发生的情景中,指突如其来的事使人大吃一惊。例句:The sudden knocking at the door startled me when I was lost in deep thought.翻译:我正在沉思,突如其来的敲门吓了我一跳。(2)astonish通常用在难以相信的情景中,不一定是因为突然发生。例句:Her dedication constantly astonishes me. 翻译:她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。扩展资料:其他近义词:1、surprise 普通用词,指一般的“吃惊”“惊讶”“意外”。例句:It doesn"t surprise me that his parents did not allow him to marry Jane.翻译:他的父母不允许他与简结婚,我并不感到吃惊。2、stagger 指某事使人感到吃惊并使人感到不安和担忧。例句:He was staggered at the news that the company would soon go bankrupt because of financial difficulties.翻译:公司因经济困难将很快破产,听到这个消息他很吃惊。3、alarm “惊慌”“惊恐”,指对可能产生危险的事感到担心或恐慌。例句:Everyone was alarmed at the news many miners were trapped in the mining well.翻译:许多矿工被困在矿井,听到这个消息每个人非常惊恐。参考资料来源:百度百科---astonish
2023-05-30 22:09:591


2023-05-30 22:10:132

amazing astonish surprise区别

astonish, surprise, amaze这些单词都可作及物动词,意思相近,一般都是以事物作主语,人称作宾语。astonish 表示“使大吃一惊”,“几乎使人无法相信”之意。surprise 只表“出乎意料之外”。amaze 强调“使惊讶”,有时还有“惊叹”,“佩服”等意。另外amazing adj. 令人惊异的v. 使吃惊(amaze的ing形式)
2023-05-30 22:10:232


astonished的翻译:吃惊的。adj.吃惊的;惊讶的。vt.使惊讶;使吃惊;(astonish的过去式和过去分词)。原形:astonish.第三人称单数:astonishes.现在分词:astonishing.过去式:astonished.过去分词:astonished.网络释义:1、吃惊的:有: amused(愉快的);broken(碎了的);closed(关闭的);astonished(吃惊的);crowded(拥挤的);experienced(有经验 的);delighted(高兴的)。2、惊讶的:ie 这时实际上还没有成名,所以不可能有 dissatisfied(不满意的)、astonished(惊讶的)、discouraged(气馁的)这些感觉。3、吃惊:closed … closes D. is closed48. I was astonished(吃惊)to hear that the colour TV set 5 , 000 yuan . A. h。4、惊愕的:cture (演讲) on art yesterday. 2.We were astonished (惊愕的) to find the temple still in its original conditio。5、感到吃惊的:(令人兴奋的)和excited(兴奋的); astonishing(令人吃惊的)和astonished(感到吃惊的); satisfying(令人满意的)和satisfied(感到满意的);puzzling(令人困惑)。双语例句:1、[count noun]she hated him with a ferocity that astonished her.她恨他,其凶神恶煞的程度连她自己也感到惊讶。2、People on the roadside looked with astonished eyes at the guests from afar.路边的人都用奇异眼光看着这些来自远方的客人。3、He was astonished at the author"s powerful writing.他惊异于作者文辞的滂沛。4、I"m astonished that he didn"t come.他没有来,我很惊诧。5、[with obj. and clause]it astonished her that Mrs Browing could seem so anxious勃朗宁夫人竟显得如此焦急,这使她很惊讶。
2023-05-30 22:10:421


2023-05-30 22:12:113


surprised指遇到了至少是暂时的令人震惊的事物,它可能指也可能不指令人愉快的事物.也可指一定道义上的谴责,如I am surprised at you!.astonished是个语气较强的词,表示一个人对意外事件作出超乎寻常的反映.amazed指面对一项不可能发生的或将来必会发生的事情所产生的惊异与惶恐.astounded和较通俗的flabbergasted均指极端难以置信.stunned表示震惊以致不能言语.
2023-05-30 22:12:201

近义词辨析 请问astound,astonish,surprise在意思和用法上有什么区别?

surprise,astonish,astound,amaze 一般含义是“使吃惊”.surprise 是通用词,它的含义是使人一愣.这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑.In spite of this,some people including myself were surprised by a r...
2023-05-30 22:12:271

what astonished sb is为什么不用astonish

What astonished/ astonishes/ will astonish sb is... 作为主语从句中的动词,在What 之后: 过去式:astonished... 一般现在时:astonishes... 将来时:will astonish... 总之,astonish在语法都不成立.
2023-05-30 22:12:341

the astonish

8. astonishing;astonished astonishing"令人吃惊的",常修饰物或事情;astonished"吃惊的",常修饰人或表情。
2023-05-30 22:12:411

To my astonish还是astonishment还是astonished?

2023-05-30 22:12:493


Her answer astonished me
2023-05-30 22:12:585

astound解释为to make someone very surprised astonish解释为to surprise someone very much 请问

虽然surprise可以当及物动词但是貌似没有人说to surprise someone very much这样的表达...不太常用
2023-05-30 22:13:182


shock, surprise, stun....其实我没搞懂楼主到底要什么,要同义词吗
2023-05-30 22:13:421


  商品成分 阴离子表面活性剂4%-6% 1—3%非离子表面活性剂 石英粉15% 香精0.5%  都无毒,不进入口鼻都没事
2023-05-30 22:13:511

to our astonish

把astonish改为 , astonishment 去掉 have
2023-05-30 22:13:581


astonished[英][əˈstɒnɪʃt][美][əˈstɑ:nɪʃt]v.使惊讶,使大为吃惊(astonish的过去式和过去分词); adj.吃惊的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In violation of natural laws, jesus was again breathing and walking among his astonisheddisciples. 违反了自然规律的耶稣再次呼吸并且行走于他惊讶的门徒之中。
2023-05-30 22:14:061


2023-05-30 22:14:131