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mapreduce 怎么查看每个reducer处理的数据量

您好,第一种方法是用Mapper读取文本文件用StringTokenizer对读取文件内的每一行的数字(Hadoop处理文本文件时,处理时是一行一行记取的)进行分隔,获取每一个数字,然后求和,再将求得的值按Key/Value格式写入Context,最后用Reducer对求得中间值进行汇总求和,得出整个文件所有数字的和。 第二种方法是用Mapper读取文本文件用StringTokenizer对文件内的数字进行分隔,获取每一个数字,并救出文件中该数字有多少个,在合并过程中,求出每个数字在文件中的和,最后用Reducer对求得每个数字求得的和进行汇总求和,得出整个文件所有数字的和。package com.metarnet.hadoop;import;import java.util.StringTokenizer;import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;import;import;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser;public class NumberSum {//对每一行数据进行分隔,并求和 public static class SumMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, LongWritable> { private Text word = new Text("sum"); private static LongWritable numValue = new LongWritable(1); public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString()); long sum = 0; while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = itr.nextToken(); long val = Long.parseLong(s); sum += val; } numValue.set(sum); context.write(word, numValue); } } // 汇总求和,输出 public static class SumReducer extends Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> { private LongWritable result = new LongWritable(); private Text k = new Text("sum"); public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<LongWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long sum = 0; for (LongWritable val : values) { long v = val.get(); sum += v; } result.set(sum); context.write(k, result); } } /** * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args) .getRemainingArgs(); if (otherArgs.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: numbersum <in> <out>"); System.exit(2); } Job job = new Job(conf, "number sum"); job.setJarByClass(NumberSum.class); job.setMapperClass(SumMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(SumReducer.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[1])); System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1); System.out.println("ok"); }}第一种实现的方法相对简单,第二种实现方法用到了Combiner类,Hadoop 在 对中间求的的数值进行Combiner时,是通过递归的方式不停地对 Combiner方法进行调用,进而合并数据的。从两种方法中,我们可以看出Map/Reduce的核心是在怎样对输入的数据按照何种方式是进行Key/Value分对的,分的合理对整个结果输出及算法实现有很大的影响。

js reduce错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value

js reduce()  方法对数组中的每个元素执行一个由您提供的 reducer 函数(升序执行),将其结果汇总为单个返回值。 例如: reducer 函数接收4个参数:     Accumulator (acc) (累计器)     Current Value (cur) (当前值)     Current Index (idx) (当前索引)     Source Array (src) (源数组)   您的 reducer 函数的返回值分配给累计器,该返回值在数组的每个迭代中被记住,并最后成为最终的单个结果值。 如果数组为空且没有提供initialValue,会抛出错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value 可以通过添加initialValue来解决。 详见:


hadoop的mapreduce任务是在集群环境下跑的,所以调试存在一定的复杂度,但是貌似还是可以使用debug的,但是具体方式我没有实现,只是看到什么资料都有介绍。 如果只是想调试mapper和reducer的输入输出是否正确可以使用mrunit进行调试


在todo例子中,按照官方文档把state拆分成todos和visibility,现在我在另一个reducer中需要用到todos,比如设置所有的todos的completed为true(false),这个具体要怎么做? 以下是代码 function todos(state = initialState, action) { switch (

【前端100问】Q37:为什么 Vuex 的 mutation 和 Redux 的 reducer 中不能做异步操作

因为异步操作是成功还是失败不可预测,什么时候进行异步操作也不可预测;当异步操作成功或失败时,如果不 commit(mutation) 或者 dispatch(action),Vuex 和 Redux 就不能捕获到异步的结果从而进行相应的操作 更改 state 的函数必须是纯函数,纯函数既是统一输入就会统一输出,没有任何副作用;如果是异步则会引入额外的副作用,导致更改后的 state 不可预测; 区分 actions 和 mutations 并不是为了解决竞态问题,而是为了能用 devtools 追踪状态变化。 事实上在 vuex 里面 actions 只是一个架构性的概念,并不是必须的,说到底只是一个函数,你在里面想干嘛都可以,只要最后触发 mutation 就行。 异步竞态怎么处理那是用户自己的事情。vuex 真正限制你的只有 mutation 必须是同步的这一点(在 redux 里面就好像 reducer 必须同步返回下一个状态一样)。 同步的意义在于这样每一个 mutation 执行完成后都可以对应到一个新的状态(和 reducer 一样),这样 devtools 就可以打个 snapshot 存下来,然后就可以随便 time-travel 了。 如果你开着 devtool 调用一个异步的 action,你可以清楚地看到它所调用的 mutation 是何时被记录下来的,并且可以立刻查看它们对应的状态。 其实我有个点子一直没时间做,那就是把记录下来的 mutations 做成类似 rx-marble 那样的时间线图,对于理解应用的异步状态变化很有帮助。

hadoop mapper,reducer的value设置为job.setOutputValueClass(ArrayWritable.class); 时运行卡住

ArrayWritable不能直接作为mapreduce的输入输出类型。程序不是卡住了,而是报错了。估计是这个错误java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>()这个错误是ArrayWritable初始化异常,要自己实现一个ArrayWritable的派生类如果是text类型的数组 For example: public class TextArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public TextArrayWritable() { super(Text.class); } }即可,在maprecude中用TextArrayWritable 替换掉ArrayWritable A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class. The elements of this writable must all be instances of the same class. If this writable will be the input for a Reducer, you will need to create a subclass that sets the value to be of the proper type. For example: public class IntArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public IntArrayWritable() { super(IntWritable.class); } }==========================参考:




MapReduce也有相应的输出格式。默认情况下只有一个 Reduce,输出只有一个文件,默认文件名为 part-r-00000,输出文件的个数与 Reduce 的个数一致。 如果有两个Reduce,输出结果就有两个文件,第一个为part-r-00000,第二个为part-r-00001,依次类推MapReduce是一种编程模型,用于大规模数据集(大于1TB)的并行运算。概念"Map(映射)"和"Reduce(归约)",是它们的主要思想,都是从函数式编程语言里借来的,还有从矢量编程语言里借来的特性。它极大地方便了编程人员在不会分布式并行编程的情况下,将自己的程序运行在分布式系统上。 当前的软件实现是指定一个Map(映射)函数,用来把一组键值对映射成一组新的键值对,指定并发的Reduce(归约)函数,用来保证所有映射的键值对中的每一个共享相同的键组。

reducer 3×2 sch 40 是什么意思

1 Pipe sch 40, 20" dia ASTM 106 GR-B OR API 5L GR-B, Seamless Beveled End.20ft Long 8 lg2 Pipe sch 40, 12" dia ASTM 106 GR-B OR API 5L GR-B, Seamless Beveled End.20ft Long 2 lg3 Pipe sch 40, 10" dia ASTM 106 GR-B OR API 5L GR-B, Seamless Beveled End.20ft Long 2 lg 4 90 Deg. L.R. Elbow 20" dia sch 40 ASTM A-234 10 ea5 90 Deg. L.R. Elbow 12 " dia sch 40 ASTM A-234 4 ea6 90 Deg. L.R. Elbow 10" dia sch 40 ASTM A-234 3 ea 7 45 Deg. Elbow 20" dia sch 40 ASTM A-234 3 ea8 WNRF Flange sch 40, 20" dia ANSI 150 ASTM A 105 31 ea9 WNRF Flange sch 40, 24" dia ANSI 150 ASTM A 105 4 ea10 WNRF Flange sch 40, 16" dia ANSI 150 ASTM A 105 1 ea。


reduce 是减少缩小的意思,加上R就是相关名词,专业术语可以引申下。减速器啦,减径管之类。



reducer c*c中文是什么意思

reducer 英[rɪ"dju:sə] 美[rɪ"dju:sə] n. 减速器; 缩减者,减压器,还原剂; [例句]Then in accordance with the design criteria and design theory designed toroidal worm reducer.然后按照设计准则和设计理论设计了环面蜗轮蜗杆减速器。[其他] 形近词: seducer producer exducer




reducern.缩减者,减压器,还原剂; 减速器; [英][rɪ"dju:sə][美][rɪ"dju:sə]


管件中reducer是指大小头,如:Reducer 大小头 Concentric reducer 同心大小头 Eccentric reducer 偏心大小头



The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa. It is the largest of all birds. It is often


The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa. It is the largest of all birds. It i

你好,同学 正确答案: ADABB  希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)





美剧哥谭镇里企鹅老妈那首极具魔性的歌是什么歌?其中一句,I light another candl

试听一下,国内能听的,只有这一段 Audio clip:是原创歌曲,并没有为商业目的而发布Gotham"s music supervisor provides some details on the song from Nygma"s record player AKA Penguin"s mother"s songJonathan Mason Christiansen apparently posted in tunefind. guys - this is an original song, written by our show"s composer David Russo ( and recorded by an awesome vocalist named Suzanne Waters ( There"s no plans for commercial release at this time but I"ll circle back here if that changes. Glad you liked what you heard!Audio clip: fire has gone outWet from snow aboveBut nothing will warm me moreThan my, my mothers loveI light another candleTo dry the tears from my face ...

在酒吧听到一首歌属于hi歌 歌词是oh where you night.yeah…shal

Borough Check - Digable PlanetsBorough Check - Digable Planets(Ladybug)oh where you night.yeahshall we I got round toActed when I fee itIn how I see itYou be it if you be itStarted out in crooklyn... butters word(Butterfly)Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chillHold upAww shit, oh shitGuy look who that isLook who rolled up in this piece(Guru)Peace y?all(Butterfly)Word up, brooklyn everydayHey yo yo, lets do that brooklyn shitIt?s the day(Guru)Yeah we gonna da that shitWe gonna give it to them in style right?Yeah yeah(Butterfly)China, who we rock one forWho we rock one forCrooklyn everday(Guru)Brooklyn is up in here(Ladybug & Butterrfly)Uhh, block party, corner storeThe downtown, the projectsBorough shotsMy clique is so tightThe mix tapes, yeah, forever(Butterfly)Yo wordYo one fro the troubleTwo for the timeThree fro the rumbleFour for the rhymeDo that crooklyn shit style all the time(Guru)Yeah yeah, whatWho want it yeah yeah kid(Butterfly)One, two uh(All)Brooklyn, brooklyn, big borough with tBut everything in ain?t always what it seemsYou might get hurt if you come from out of townBut down by lord that?s word(Butterfly)Fantastic(Ladybug)Show stoppin emcees(Guru)Yeah here streets is move by glocks in whos pocket(Ladybug)But if your down come around check the super rhyme(Butterfly)We don?t drop dimes(Ladybug)Come and have a funky time(Butterfly)Well it?s the 718 and everything is straight...(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)With the type street curb hangers and the beat don?tShtop(All)We live in brooklyn(Doodlebug)It?s no lie, do or die in the land of showin proof(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)Well keith, cee know, my fist in butters fro(All)We live in brooklyn(Guru)The fly clothes, cash flow, and crazy hells to spark(Ladybug)It?s crowded plus they jerkin my spaceShouted cause they chase when I strut outSift through my block I?m c-coolShe?s my mood to braceStole my mind back blackSo what you play the boardsSkimmer we got butter so surfaces outClever, and I fix it for you, funk time is monk timeSlackers hit the bat, blackest fit my packAnd we for whateverWe get down in this pleasure heavyAnd we are measured by the tens degrees of mathIn a puzzle hand locked, clocked in struggleCan?t keep the three foot three above mecIn so depth I defect(Ladybug & Doodlebug)With my vanguard squad the gods in brooklyn(Doodlebug)And we troopin throught the fulton forkwaysThe eastern parkwaysI?m broader than broadway, nothing more than moraysI sways, why cause I?m a brooklyn strollerNo ones cooler, pigs on my boulderSo I switch my pitch as I stretch down atlanticStrictly slickly with my fork mean tacticIn fact it?s really on the dailyKids with guns and herbs look for herbsNow I think you feel meI freaks it, cause yo like my pimp stroll is coolWhen I creeps up the sweet and jeeps blastTools rule the area, yo these fool don?t playI got the comrades of love, so the g staysBrooklyn side with the crooklyn slide(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)Out on fulton ave where the honeys be at(All)We live in brooklyn(Guru)Type slick, keep it movin when it?s after dark(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh(Doodlebug)No lies, do or die in the land of showin proof(Guru)The place where I dwell is where the warriors dwellToo many stories to tellSo on the block we don?t talkStack of loot takin propersMight get a serious offer from a corrupt ass copperSo um, stop the nonsenseBrooklyn is the illest, the realestObserve these words as I reveal thisMan my peoples out here they get down for thisEach one?s a one man gang with a crown for thisMan burners to handle any businessAnd mad sneaky ways so ain?t leavin any witnessGot way more drama the theatrical lessonsSo my suggestion, you come correct no questionCause if you comin with that funny hot dog styleYou might get looted, executed black mob styleFrom east new york back to ft. greenBrooklyns? classic mystical magic scene(Butterfly)We are plush like a millian bucksDown every ave for like a zillion blocksBlowin outWith my nappy hoods down fultonBlessin guess style limpin past the walt whitmanSteelo?s changed on the corners we hangThe crime stoppers get mad with poppers and tensAnd my scrambles ample kid, no part timin, just rhyminIn other words, I play these curbs, with j u iceWhen they say you nice, I say son a little somethinBrooklyn?s asphalt rolls like a syl keith rodeoWe big sound, down and grittyRecord and mic checkin, no question, this section ofNew york cityWhere the crooks lounge out, block powers foundButterfly ground the sky favorite package of poundIt?s like th-that, the beats know we be strappin em outMad moneys wish they g like us, cloutWhen I made the boogie I?m imported, I study chairmanMaoAin?t nothin but crooklyn in my plasma nowI got my g?s behind the tongue of my gold high classicsI?m all city when I?m dip, if you want us you can findUs(All)We live in brooklyn(Doodlebug)Coney island?s buck whiling and we b-boy stylin(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)Yeah, on the spot we hustle cause like th-that(Guru)Mad game, takin wins, the shit is real son(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)With my girls and marissa now you?re up in cambridge(Butterfly & Ladybug)Fly shitAnd every spot we hit is gettin blownThat?s just how we do it babyOut here in brooklyn babySlick moveCause can?t nothin stop up but usSo we gettin ours babyNothin but brooklyn baby(Butterfly)Ft. green, the sty, queensburg, coney I(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Red hook, crown heights, it?s tight(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Bushes, wigs, flat, it?s east new york, brownsville(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Sights, everywhere, brooklyn style everywhere(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Brooklyn style(Scratching)Y?all the hippest people in the world

material boy (don t look back)歌词

歌词|material boy (don t look back)I"m not here to tell you what"s wrong or rightI know you"re tumbling and you"re turning in your bed at night"Cause you"re sneaky and you"re cheekyYou"re a freak in the battleAnd I know the way you work itYou just cheat "em like cattlesDon"t Look backYou got it, you got it just flaunt it your wayDon"t Look backDon"t Look back boy, you might not like what you seeDon"t Look backI know you hustle, know you hustle your wayDon"t Look backSay what you say, you won"t be hustling meDon"t Look backMaterial BoyNobody cares about the way you feelDon"t Look backNo, I don"t want a ToyYou gotta find a way to make it real, Oh yeahUh uh uhuhuhu Material BoyI"m not here to keep you up all nightI just walk into the room and then I see this sight"Cause I"m freaky, I am cheekyI"m a bitch when I speakI can see Karma police walking down your streetDon"t Look backYou got it, you got it just keep them awayDon"t Look backDon"t Look back boy, you might not like what you seeDon"t Look backI know you hustle, know you hustle your wayDon"t Look backYou picked the wrong one, when you did it to meDon"t Look backMaterial BoyNobody cares about the way you feelDon"t Look backNo, I don"t want a ToyYou gotta find a way to make it real for meUh uh uhuhuhu Material BoyYou like your girls in the fast laneYou wanna take it to the extremeYou know that nothing"s everlastingI know you know just whatYou live your life in the fast laneBut it"s about to drive you insaneWhen you wake up to realityYou might not like what you gonna seeMaterial BoyNobody cares about the way you feelDon"t Look backNo, I don"t want a ToyYou gotta find a way to make it real for meUh uh uhuhuhu Material Boy

如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)

1 幸运儿=a lucky person. 例:You won the lottery? You are a lucky dog! 2 偷鸡摸狗的人,通过狡猾或不诚实的手段实现结果的人。sly=狡猾 =Someone who, through cunning, devious, or dishonest means, achieves a fortuitous outcome. 例:What a sly dog, he managed to get a copy of the test so he could memorize the answers ahead of time! 3 懒人,lazy dog position就是如下的这种姿势,类似体位的性交也叫lazy doggy style 4 (1) 生活在垃圾堆的狗,有人试图进入这类场所时,它们便狂吠或攻击,非常让人反感。后来meaner than a junk yard dog就变成了不友好和残酷无情的代言人了。 =An especially nasty, vicious, or savage person or animal (especially a dog). Of a person, often used in the phrase "meaner than a junkyard dog." 例:Though he"s always polite when he"s in public, Tim"s husband is meaner than a junkyard dog behind closed doors. 例:That standard poodle may look cute and fluffy, but it"s a junkyard dog, you can be sure about that. (2) 在摔跤历史上,出现了很多从橄榄球领域转入摔跤领域的选手,但这些选手中,没有一个如同Sylvester Ritter那么有派头。他有一个绰号叫Junkyard Dog。 因为自从在Mid-South Wrestling,推广者Bill Watts为Ritter取了一个新的名字——Junkyard Dog之后,Ritter就开始戴着狗链进入擂台,并成为了该地区其中一个最受欢迎的选手。除了名声很大之外,他还是一位动作敏捷,和忍耐力极强的选手。我们总是能看到他如同对疼痛免疫一样,并总是懂得在适当的时候带动粉丝的情绪。他与Ted DiBiase, The Fabulous Freebirds和Butch Reed等选手的争斗,成为了Mid-South Wrestling的传奇佳话。期间,他多次获得了中南与北部美国冠军及美国中南部双打冠军。 (3)美国有一部惊悚电影叫《Junk Yard》被译成中文《终极色魔》实际上跟美国的习语并没有太大的关系。 5 看家护院的狗,见到陌生人就大喊大叫,后来就用来指排斥他人的人,没有教养的人= a repellent person; an uncouth person. 例: Is that lousy yard dog hanging around the neighborhood again? 6 喜欢奉承人的人,跟汉语的“哈巴狗”意思一样 (1). 坐在人腿上的狗=Literally, a dog that is small enough and temperamentally inclined to sit comfortably upon one"s lap. 例:We always had lap dogs when I was growing up, so I never feel comfortable around my boyfriend"s gigantic St. Bernard. (2). 喜欢奉承人的人=A person who is readily inclined to submit to, seek the favor of, or agree with someone else, especially a person of higher authority. 例:It sickens me to see you be a lap dog of your boss like that. Have a little self-respect! 7 其实不是一种狗,而是生活在草原上的草原犬鼠,他们生活在地洞中,经常漏出脑袋看看外面发生了什么情况。于是就用来比喻,办公室里经常探头探脑,观察其他人动向的人。 in. [for people in office cubicles] to pop up to see what"s going on in the rest of the office. 例:Everybody was prairie dogging to see what was going on. 8 (1).非常有经验的水手=A sailor, especially a man, who is older and/or has had a lot of experience on the seas. 例:The bar was packed with old salty dogs who"d travelled all across the world, sharing stories of their adventures. (2). 关系不一般的好朋友。意思源自一种非常古老的用法,把盐抹到狗的皮肤上防止狗招跳蚤活着蚊子。 例:"Honey, let me be your salty dog" = "Let me be your sexual partner."9 1. 首领,头,最有权威最重要的人,口语里很不正式的说法=the most important and powerful person in a group 例:Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted. 2. 也只一个人很有优势能赢,与之相对的是underdog=劣势。在俚语里经常指那些很有魅力能够吸引女性的男人。 10 低档次、鬼鬼祟祟的人=a low and sneaky person. 例:That dirty dog tried to cheat in the card game! 11 是一个很夸张的说法,dogcatcher捕狗手,其实就是指一个管理动物的人员,这种人通常都是被指派或者说被任命的,而不是被选举的,所以连这种人都做不了,就说明这个人很不合格,或者非常的不受欢迎。常用于美语和南非英语。 =so unpopular or unqualified as to be unable to be elected to even the lowliest role. A hyperbolic phrase, especially since animal control officers are appointed, not elected. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. 例:After making off-color remarks about several demographics of voters, the would-be mayor couldn"t even get elected dogcatcher. 12 明明不需要什么东西但是为了防止别人得到而一定要霸占着。常用来比喻讽刺那些占据说职位或某些物质却不做事的人(即口语中的占着茅坑不拉屎的人)。 这个短语出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop"s Fables),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走进稻草时,这头狗却朝着马,牛狂哮,不准食草动物享用。=someone who keeps something that they do not really want in order to prevent anyone else from having it例:Stop being such a dog in the manger and let your sister ride your bike if you"re not using it. 学成语、俚语和谚语是一件很有趣的事。希望你读我的系列文章不仅能够记住这些英文短语和谚语,而且能够从相关的故事中体会到异国文化,一些书本上没有,生活里必知的知识。

求少女时代的Cheap Creeper分配歌词

《Cheap Creeper》歌手:少女时代所属专辑:Make Your Move OST歌词:[Jessica] Oh~ You just a... [Tiffany] You only wear cologne that comes in the sample sizeYour watch says Rolex, but I know you bought it from some guy on Fifth StreetWho also sells fake IDs, can"t trick meI"ve seen it all before you see[Seohyun] You drive an Audi that you rented from AlamoYou got the hook-up from your cousin who"s the regional manager on weekdaysShe gave it to you for one night for freeDon"t you wish you drove it in real life?[Taeyeon] You want to make a Trump-kind of moneyWhen you"re really just a 26 year old chump living with your Mommy[All] You can say whatever you"ve got to sayBut all I see, is that you"re just a Cheap CreeperSneaky eyes, that don"t know how to hideBut the truth I see, is that you"re just a Cheap Creeper[Sunny] Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap CreeperCheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper[Jessica] I see you sitting in the corner trying to act smoothBehind your dark sunglasses watching every moveI"m making, can almost feel your hands on meSo sick babe, the way you just...([All] Creep creep)[Sunny/Sooyoung] You"re acting like you"re Justin TimberlakeWhen all you are is just a fake guy living with your Mommy (Mommy)[All] You can say whatever you"ve got to sayBut all I see, is that you"re just a Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Oh, you"re just a cheap creeper) Sneaky eyes, that don"t know how to hide ([Tiffany] That don"t know how to hide)But the truth I see, is that you"re just a Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Just a cheap creeper) [Tiffany] Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Sunny] You"re just, you"re just)Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Sunny] Cheap Creeper)[Sunny/Yoona] You couldn"t even buy me a drink if you wanted toDon"t keep acting like you think I"m into you ([Jessica] Oh oh oh, oh oh oh) [Tiffany] Let me spell it out, so you don"t go and get confusedNot a chance in hell, no no no ([All] Creep, creep] [Seohyun] Just Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap CreeperCheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Cheap Creeper)[Tiffany] Oh~ [All] You can say whatever you"ve got to say ([Jessica] What you got to say yeah)But all I see, is that you"re just a Cheap Creeper ([Jessica] Just a cheap creeper) Sneaky eyes, that don"t know how to hide But the truth I see, is that you"re just a Cheap Creeper

这是一个小游戏 i saw her standing here ,里面写的独白都是英文,求翻译...


Butterfly Tattoo 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Tattoo歌手:Bobby Valentino专辑:The RebirthBobby Valentino - butterfly tattoo★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师She always takes me by supriseIt"s like my birthday every night(yeah yeah yeah yeah)She"s got the cutest little body designOn her back yeahThat booty got your boy hypnotisedOh yeahhhShe knows just how to put it on,but man oh man when she take it off,I"m saluting like a soldier, she got me hooked,the way she put it down, I like it from the front, but I love thatButterfly tattooIn the middle of her backI like it when she works it like thatButterfly tattooIt"s like taking flightAnd I"m a give it to her all nightShe put her hair upAnd arched her backAnd oooo I love the way she throws it back (yeahhh)There"s nothing that I"d rather do, that watch that butterfly tattooNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, back, throw it backNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, I love that butterfly tattooI even see it in my dreams at nightAnd when you wake up, I wake up ready for the right(yeah yeah yeah yeah)Then you take my breath away like the thief in the nightWhen the sun comes up, and you open your eyesI"m playing with your hair, you"re making me riseShe knows just how to put it on,but man oh man when she take it off,I"m saluting like a soldier, she got me hooked,the way she put it down, I like it from the front, but I love thatButterfly tattooIn the middle of her backI like it when she works it like thatButterfly tattooIt"s like taking flightAnd I"m a give it to her all nightShe put her hair upAnd arched her backAnd oooo I love the way she throws it back (yeahhh)There"s nothing that I"d rather do,that watch that butterfly tattooNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, back, throw it backNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, I love that butterfly tattooI love that butterfly tattooOhhh yeahhhhhhhhOhhh yeahhhioooooButterfly tattooIn the middle of her backI like it when she work it like thatButterfly tattooIt"s like taking flightAnd I"m a give it to her all nightShe put her hair upAnd arched her backAnd oooo I love the way she throws it back (yeahhh)There"s nothing that I"d rather do,that watch that butterfly tattooNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, back, throw it backNow throw it back, back, throw it backThrow it back, I love that butterfly tattooOoohhh (ohh yeahhh)Ooooooohhhhh (ohh yeahhhhh)I love that butterfly tattoo

斯柯达明锐gearbox error什么意思


请教gear box reducer翻译

一般叫 Gearbox reducer 减速箱汽车上的部件


明锐gearboxerror提示需要及时处理,是挡操纵装置总成造成的故障。gearboxerror报警,我两年前也偶尔出现过,有时候自动消除,有时候重新启动又好了,就没有太在意。现在经常出现就重视起来了,网上查的有很多用户该型号的车辆都出现这种问题,是该型号车辆的通病。挡操纵装置的动作是否灵活、操纵是否准确将直接影响汽车的操纵稳定性和使用性能, 同时也关系到行车安全。所以,一定要及时进行维修和更换。明锐:明锐作为上海大众斯柯达品牌的第一款轿车,是与欧洲同步的先进车型,不仅秉承了斯柯达百年悠久造车历史以及德国大众集团领先的造车技术,也根据国内车主实际需求进行了大量的本土化、人性化设计改良,于2007年6月6日在国内成功上市,并迅速成为国内高端A级车领域最具竞争力的轿车之一。在过去七年里,Octavia明锐已经赢得了超过70万车主的信赖,荣膺各类奖项超过130项,从制造工艺到性能配置,都在同级别车型中口碑出众,广受赞誉。

gear box error 闪一下消失了


明锐出现gearbox error故障?

出保了 先换电瓶(瓦尔塔蓝标60AH),试试 。不行 再TB搜换挡机构 700左右 找靠谱的维修站换了。


明锐gearboxerror提示需要及时处理,是挡操纵装置总成造成的故障。gearboxerror报警,我两年前也偶尔出现过,有时候自动消除,有时候重新启动又好了,就没有太在意。现在经常出现就重视起来了,网上查的有很多用户该型号的车辆都出现这种问题,是该型号车辆的通病。挡操纵装置的动作是否灵活、操纵是否准确将直接影响汽车的操纵稳定性和使用性能, 同时也关系到行车安全。所以,一定要及时进行维修和更换。明锐:明锐作为上海大众斯柯达品牌的第一款轿车,是与欧洲同步的先进车型,不仅秉承了斯柯达百年悠久造车历史以及德国大众集团领先的造车技术,也根据国内车主实际需求进行了大量的本土化、人性化设计改良,于2007年6月6日在国内成功上市,并迅速成为国内高端A级车领域最具竞争力的轿车之一。在过去七年里,Octavia明锐已经赢得了超过70万车主的信赖,荣膺各类奖项超过130项,从制造工艺到性能配置,都在同级别车型中口碑出众,广受赞誉。

英语文学 这首诗的中文版 No Worst, there is none 高分追加


读哈利波特学英语 book1魔法石-chapter1-2

1、He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a  huddle   of these weirdos standing quite close by. huddle 挤在一起 They all huddled around the fire.他们都聚集在火堆周围。2、The nerve   of him! nerve勇气 I was going to have a go at parachuting but  lost my nerve   at the last minute.我想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却没有勇气了。 同义词guts He  doesn"t have the guts   to walk away from a well-paid job.他没胆量辞去一份报酬优厚的工作。3、they pointed and  gazed   open-mouthed as owl after owl sped overhead. 同义辨析 gaze • peer • glare• stare 以上各词均含盯着看、凝视、注视之义。 stare 和 gaze尤指吃惊、害怕或深思地盯着看、凝视、注视 I screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫一声,众人都盯着我看。 We all gazed at Marco in amazement.我们都惊异地注视着马可。 peer尤指看不清楚时仔细看、端详 We peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。 glare指怒目而视 I looked at her and she glared stonily back.我看了她一眼,她便冷冷地回瞪着我。4、He  dashed   back   across the road,hurried up to his office, snapped at   his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone, and had almost finished dialing his home number when he changed his mind. dash急奔;急驰;猛冲 He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.他沿站台猛跑,纵身跳上火车。 snap 厉声说;怒气冲冲地说;不耐烦地说 ‘Don"t just stand there," she snapped.“别光站在那儿。”她生气地说。识记单词 tabby cat斑纹猫 getup衣服 emerald 翠绿色 swoop俯冲 clutch紧握 enrage使生气

she huddled with a tower over her shoulders, t




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There is a park near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. We can see a hill beh...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在星期天公园里一派热闹的景象,有很多孩子和他们的父母在公园里玩耍。小题1:细节题。根据文章We can see a hill behind the park, too.可知,公园的后面有一座山。故选D小题2:细节题。根据文章Tom and his brother Sam are throwing a frisbee (扔飞盘).可知,山姆是汤姆的哥哥。故选C小题3:细节题。根据文章Their parents are sitting under a tree.可知,他们的爸爸妈妈都在公园。故选A小题4:细节题。根据文章Ann and her sister Kate are flying a kite.可知,安和她的姐姐凯特在放风筝。故选B小题5:细节题。根据文章Their parents are sitting under a tree.可知,她们的爸爸妈妈坐在树下。故选D点评:本文的思路清晰,结构明确。首先对文章的大致意思进行了解。初一英语阅读多为细节题,考察学生的信息捕捉能力。对于细节题,学生在理解全文的基础上要对题目中关键字在文章中迅速定位,找到相对应的出处,答题比较备选答案的区别及和文章信息最相关的是哪个,即那个就为正确答案。


SuperGLUE 的官网上有这些数据集的介绍: 文本间的推理关系,又称为文本蕴含关系 (TextualEntailment),作为一种基本的文本间语义联系,广泛存在于自然语言文本中。简单的来说文本蕴含关系描述的是两个文本之间的推理关系,其中一个文本作为前提(premise),另一个文本作为假设(hypothesis),如果根据前提P能够推理得出假设H,那么就说P蕴含H. 例子: 这个例子中前提P是“A dog jumping for a Frisbee in the snow”,意思一只狗在雪地中接飞盘玩,同时下面给出了三个假设,这三个假设中前提跟第一个是蕴含关系(entailment),因为这句话描述的是“一个动物正在寒冷室外玩塑料玩具”,这是能够从前提推理出来的;第二句化描述的是“一只猫...”,这跟前提是冲突的(contradiction);第三句话与前提既不是蕴含关系也没有冲突,我们把它定义成中立的(neutral)。 文本蕴含识别(Recognizing Textual Entailment,RTE)主要目标是对前提和假设进行判断,判断其是否具有蕴含关系。文本蕴含识别形式上是一个文本分类的问题,在上面这个例子中是一个三分类的问题,label分别为entailment,contradiction,neutral。 Winograd 包含一些具有二义性的句子对,当句子里的代词的指的对象发生变化时,问题会得到相反的答案,例题如下: I. The trophy would not fit in the brown suitcase because it was too big ( small ). What was too big ( small )? Answer 0: the trophy Answer 1: the suitcase II. The town councilors refused to give the demonstrators a permit because they feared ( advocated ) violence. Who feared ( advocated ) violence? Answer 0: the town councilors Answer 1: the demonstrators BoolQ is a question answering dataset for yes/no questions containing 15942 examples. These questions are naturally occurring ---they are generated in unprompted and unconstrained settings. Each example is a triplet of (question, passage, answer), with the title of the page as optional additional context. The text-pair classification setup is similar to existing natural language inference tasks. This dataset evaluates sentence understanding through Natural Language Inference (NLI) problems. The NLI task is well-suited to our purposes because it can encompass a large set of skills involved in language understanding, from resolving syntactic ambiguity to high-level reasoning, while still supporting a straightforward evaluation. The data consists of several hundred sentence pairs labeled with their entailment relations (entailment, contradiction, or neutral) in both directions and tagged with a set of linguistic phenomena involved in justifying the entailment labels. 识别来自《华尔街日报》等文本摘录中包含的假设,并确定该假设是否成立。 The CommitmentBank is a corpus of 1,200 naturally occurring discourses whose final sentence contains a clause-embedding predicate under an entailment canceling operator (question, modal, negation, antecedent of conditional). 给定一个前提,和两个选择,任务是选出和这个前提有因果关系的选择 The Choice Of Plausible Alternatives (COPA) evaluation provides researchers with a tool for assessing progress in open-domain commonsense causal reasoning. COPA consists of 1000 questions, split equally into development and test sets of 500 questions each. Each question is composed of a premise and two alternatives, where the task is to select the alternative that more plausibly has a causal relation with the premise. The correct alternative is randomized so that the expected performance of randomly guessing is 50%. 例子 Premise: The man broke his toe. What was the CAUSE of this? Alternative 1: He got a hole in his sock. Alternative 2: He dropped a hammer on his foot. Premise: I tipped the bottle. What happened as a RESULT? Alternative 1: The liquid in the bottle froze. Alternative 2: The liquid in the bottle poured out. Premise: I knocked on my neighbor"s door. What happened as a RESULT? Alternative 1: My neighbor invited me in. Alternative 2: My neighbor left his house. 多句阅读理解(MultiRC)是一个问答任务,每个例子由一个上下文段落、一个关于该段落的问题和一系列可能的答案组成。模型必须预测哪些答案是正确的,哪些是错误的。 该数据集有三个特点: 1.The number of correct answer-options for each question is not pre-specified. 2.The correct answer(s) is not required to be a span in the text 3.The paragraphs in the dataset have diverse provenance by being extracted from 7 different domains such as news, fiction, historical text etc., and hence are expected to be more diverse in their contents as compared to single-domain datasets WiC为模型提供了两个文本片段和一个多义词(具有多种含义的词),并要求模型确定在两个句子中该词是否具有相同的意思。 A system"s task on the WiC dataset is to identify the intended meaning of words. WiC is framed as a binary classification task. Each instance in WiC has a target word w , either a verb or a noun, for which two contexts are provided. Each of these contexts triggers a specific meaning of w . The task is to identify if the occurrences of w in the two contexts correspond to the same meaning or not. In fact, the dataset can also be viewed as an application of Word Sense Disambiguation in practise. Re ading Co mprehension with Co mmonsense R easoning D ataset (ReCoRD) is a large-scale reading comprehension dataset which requires commonsense reasoning. ReCoRD consists of queries automatically generated from CNN/Daily Mail news articles; the answer to each query is a text span from a summarizing passage of the corresponding news. Winogender Schemas (inspired by Winograd Schemas ) are minimal pairs of sentences that differ only by the gender of one pronoun in the sentence, designed to test for the presence of gender bias in automated coreference resolution systems. Each sentence template has three mentions: an OCCUPATION , a PARTICIPANT , and a PRONOUN (where PRONOUN is coreferent with either OCCUPATION or PRONOUN ). Here are two example Winogender schemas for the occupation "nurse" and the participant "patient."

英语学霸快来,求一个英文单词包含yys的 格式就像 tds Tenderness


Frisbee time is over什么意思?



vsp格式只是会9的一种保存形式.. 它在脱离了素材之后都是个没用的东西.. 只是方便下次编辑时可以导入,但请记住,只要你用到过的素材都不要删除,不然会导致无法找到文件.. 所以,老大你先渲染完生成MPG或AVI格式再刻录好不……说白了VSP不是视频格式……


这些值是通过ID和TD检测修正的 2220* Vref手动设定2802*vt vtsTD2802 1 VTS [1.00 ~ 5.00V / 4.78V / 0.02V ]TD (VT)VT SP2-2202802 2 VT [1.00 ~ 5.00V / 4.78V / 0.02V ]SP2-802-12802 3 VT [1.00 ~ 5.00V / 1.00V / 0.02V ]

My mother teaches us at home改为一般疑问句?

Does your mother teach you at home?

谁有Justin Bieber唱的《one time》《baby》《love me》《somebody to love》的中文意思


hear service 是什么意思?源自CNN2012.05.25.三页10行。 2012-7-7 11:38 提问者: syp_111 | 悬赏分:50 |


justin bieber somebody to love 歌词+汉译

For you i"d write a syphoney! 为了你我会写一syphoney!I"d tell the violin 我会告诉小提琴It"s time to sink a swim 现在是时候该去游泳了Watchn" play for yaaaa! 看着你玩yayaFor you i"d be 我会为你成为WohaaaBut in a thousand miles just get you where you are 但寻找千里只是想知道你在哪里Step to the beat of my heart. 来到我的心里。I don"t need a whole lot 我不需要一大堆But for you I need I 但是对于你我只需要自己I"d rather give you the world 我会给你整个世界Or we can share mine! 也许我们可以分享我的世界!I know that I won"t be the first one given you all this attention 我知道,我不会是第一个给你这一切的关注But Baby listen, 但亲爱的请听I just need somebody to love 我只是需要有人爱I I我,我I don"t need to much 我不需要太多只需要有人爱。(只需要sombody爱)我不需要任何别的,我答应女孩我发誓。我只是需要有人爱。(我需要有人我,我需要帮助的人我需要有人我,我需要某人)每天我把太阳围绕,我睡觉去云。对我来说(对我微笑微笑)我想借此,每一秒,每一次用它喜欢我的最后一分钱。步到我的心跳。我不需要一大堆但是,对于你,我需要我我宁愿给你的世界或者,我们可以分享我的!我知道我不会是第一个,给你这一切的关注。宝贝听!我只是需要有人爱,我不需要任何别的,我答应女孩我发誓。我只是需要有人爱。我只是需要有人爱,我不需要任何别的,我答应女孩我发誓。我只是需要有人爱。我需要帮助的人我,我需要帮助的人我需要帮助的人我,我需要一个人。(某人loooove,有人向looove。)我只是需要有人爱。而且你可以拥有一切,任何你想要的。我可以带你,给你,对美好事物啊!但我真正想要的,我找不到"事业,钱不能找到我。有人爱。Ohhhh Whoaaaa我找个人来爱oohhh。我需要有人爱,我,我不需要多刚才有人爱。有人爱。我不需要任何别的,我答应女孩我发誓,我只是需要有人爱。我需要帮助的人我,我需要帮助的人我需要帮助的人

Justin Bieber的Ssomeboby to love和Eenie meenie和Dr Bieber歌词!


cover是什么意思 解析cover一词的含义?

3. 掩护、包庇Cover这个词最常见的含义就是“覆盖、遮盖”,表示一个物体或者事情被另一个物体或者事情所覆盖或遮盖。例如:He covered for his friend when he was late for work. (他替他的朋友掩护,当他上班迟到时。)The clouds covered the sun. (云遮盖了太阳。)总的来说,Cover这个词有多重含义,需要根据上下文来进行理解。无论是指代“覆盖、遮盖”、“封面、封皮”还是“掩护、包庇”,都是非常常见的用法。Cover还可以指代“封面、封皮”,表示一本书、杂志、唱片等物品的表面。例如:

如何安装Microsoft SQL Server 2000 + SP4(或更高版本)

运行setup,按向导安装,先装sql 2000,完成后再装SP4。

sql server 2005 sp4补丁的都有哪些作用

如果不打补丁也能使用,但因为很多软件总是有漏洞的,尤其是想数据库这么重要的东西。很多软件在使用SQL 2005 时都需要为SQL打补丁,至少打SP3补丁,或者直接打SP4也行(SP4整合了SP3中的所有补丁)

sql server2000安装sp4,显示安装完成


simatic manager是什么东西?和STEP_7-MicroWIN_V4_SP4有什么区别?在那里可以下到simatic manager?

Simatic Manager是Step7软件的主界面,该软件针对于S7-300,S7-400进行编程。和STEP_7-MicroWIN_V4_SP4的区别:Simatic Manager是Step7软件的主界面,Step7软件包含Simatic Manager,可以下载simatic manager的途径:官网。在STEP 7中,用项方目来管理一个自动化系统的硬件和软件。STEP 7用SIMATIC管理器对项目进行集中管理,可以便地浏览SIMATIC S7、M7、C7和WinAC的数据。实现STEP 7各种功能所需的SIMATIC软件工具都集成在STEP 7中。扩展资料:STEP 7具有以下功能:硬件配置和参数设置、通讯组态、编程、测试、启动和维护、文件建档、运行和诊断功能等。STEP 7的所有功能均有大量的在线帮助,用鼠标打开或选中某一对象,按F1可以得到该对象的相关帮助。PC/MPI适配器用于连接安装了STEP 7的计算机的RS-232C接口和PLC的MPI接口。计算机一侧的通信速率为19.2kbit/s或38.4kbit/s,PLC一侧的通信速率为19.2kbit/s~1.5Mbit/s。除了PC适配器,还需要一根标准的RS-232C通信电缆。参考资料来源:百度百科-STEP 7

我在用eclipse连接数据库的时候出了一些问题: Myeclipse 最新版本 SQL Server 2000 打了sp4的补丁


怎么判断SQL Server 2000是sp4版本

打开查询分析器 运行:Select @@Version 试一下?

安装SQL SERVER2000 SP4: 写时无法打开指定的文件.请确保该文件没有使用,然后重新启动安装程序.

是因为杀毒软件把文件当做病毒删除了,可以这样解决。把杀毒软件退出。从别的地方拷贝一个binn文件覆盖到你的sql server 中的binn文件。重新安装sql server,再安装sp4,只要你杀毒软件退了就不会有问题了。

怎么判断SQL Server 2000是sp4版本

1. 打开企业管理器(开始-程序-Microsoft SQL Server-企业管理器)2. 展开控制台根目录,展开SQL Server组,在已经注册的SQL Server服务器上面单击鼠标右健,选择“属性”,在“常规”选项卡的“产品版本”处查看版本号

win2000 server+sp4的密钥

Windows SP4 2000 Server :RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows SP4 2000 Advanced Server :H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM



sql server 2008 r2 怎么安装sp4

  sql server 从 2005开始结构大变,要装找windows server 2003 上装,在xp下,有许多设置打不开,最起码连接数就不好打,你的找bt中的连接数补丁工具。  sql server 2008 r2 最好是装到 windows 2008 r2下,最好。  64位对64位。windows 2008 r2 只有 64位的。没有32位的。  你要是学习的话,最好还是装sql2000 + sp4 补丁,其中的手册是个牛个翻译的,非常清晰,别的版本的手册,非常难用。

为什么要安装SQL Server 2005 SP4

sp4是sql serer 2000最后补丁,所以必须安装 不凡采纳一下

怎样彻底卸载Windows 2000 Advance Server Sp4 ?


怎么判断SQL Server 2000是sp4版本

一、在sql server查询浏览器中,master数据库下,输入命令:select serverproperty("productlevel")如果是sp4版本那结果就会显示sp4,否则就会显示其他的信息,如sp2,sp3等;二、在sql server查询浏览器中,master数据库下,输入命令:select @@version显示结果如下:Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)   May  3 2005 23:18:38   Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation  Personal Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)其中显示的是8.00.2039则版本为sp4;如果是8.00.760,则版本为sp3a,注意,千万别误将输出语句最后的 Service Pack 2 当成是sql 2000 的版本,这是操作系统的版本----Windows XP SP2。

sqlserver2000 的sp4补丁怎么安装

打开安装程序,点击AUTORUN2在出现的界面点击“安装SQL Server 2000组件”,3接着点击“安装数据库服务器”4直接点击下一步5还是点击下一步6选择第一项”创建新的SQL Server实例,或安装”客户端工具““,然后下一步7直接下一步8选择”是“9选择第二项”服务器和客户端工具“,然后下一步10选择”默认“(此步重要,不要选错),然后下一步11选择”典型“安装,目标文件夹可以默认,也可以自己选择安装,在这里我选择安装在D盘,然后下一步12服务设置选择“使用本志系统帐户”,这个非常重要,不要选择错误。然后下一步13验证模式选择混合模式,这一步也很重要,不要选择错误。密码可以为空,也可以自己设置一上密码,在这里我用空密码14然后下一步15大约几分钟后会提示安装完成。到此,SQL Server 2000已安装完成。16下面我们来安装SP4补丁,打开安装包,选择“SETUP”双击直接下一步同意许可协议,点击“是”直接下一步还是下一步密码警告,直接忽略掉就可以啦选择“升级Microsoft Search并应用SQL Server 2000 SP4”然后点击继续点击“确定“,然后点击下一步软件就会自动运行大约几分钟后会提示如下,直接点击”确定“然后会提示安装完成。至此补丁也安装完成,我们就可以使用它啦。

sql server 2000 sp4补丁的作用


sql server 版本的sp4是什么意思

SP是Service Pack补丁包的缩写,sp4就是第4个版本的补丁,例如XP的补丁包最高到WinXP sp3

怎么判断SQL Server 2000是sp4版本


SMS(Short Message Service)是什么意思啊??

我只知道sister my sister


初始化一个StringBuilder 之后,它会自动申请一个默认的StringBuilder 容量(默认值是16),这个容量是由Capacity来控制的.并且允许,我们根据需要来控制Capacity的大小,也可以通过Length来获取或设置StringBuilder 的长度..先来看Length的用法:1System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();2sb.Append( "123456789" );//添加一个字符串3sb.Length = 3;//设置容量为34Console.WriteLine( sb.ToString() );//这里输出:12356sb.Length = 30;//重新设置容量为307Console.WriteLine( sb.ToString() + ",结尾");//这里在原来字符串后面补齐空格,至到Length的为308Console.WriteLine( sb.Length );//这里输出的长度为30通过上面的代码,我们可以看出如果StringBuilder 中的字符长度小于Length的值,则StringBuilder 将会用空格硬填充StringBuilder ,以满足符合长度的设置..如果StringBuilder 中的字符长度大于Length的值,则StringBuilder 将会截取从第一位开始的Length个字符..而忽略超出的部分..再来看看最重要的部分Carpacity的用法: 1System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();//初始化一个StringBuilder 2Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大 3Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length ); 4 5sb.Append( "1",17 );//添加一个字符串,这里故意添加17个字符,是为了看到Capacity是如何被扩充的 6Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大 7Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length ); 8 9sb.Append( "2",32 );//添加一个字符串10Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大11Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length );1213sb.Append( "3",64 );//添加一个字符串14Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大15Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length );1617//注意这里:如果你取消Remove这步操作,将会引发ArgumentOutOfRangeException异常,因为当前容量小于1819//Length,这在自己控制StringBuilder的时候务必要注意容量溢出的问题2021sb.Remove(0,sb.Length);//移出全部内容,再测试22sb.Capacity = 1;//重新定义了容量23sb.Append( "a",2 );24Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大25Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length );2627sb.Append( "b",4 );28Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大29Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length );3031sb.Append( "c",6 );32Console.Write( "Capacity:" + sb.Capacity );//这里的Capacity会自动扩大33Console.WriteLine( " Length:" + sb.Length上面的代码输出的结果:1Capacity:16 Length:0 //输出第一次,默认的Capacity是162Capacity:32 Length:17 //第二次,我们故意添加了17个字符,于是Capacity=Capacity*23Capacity:64 Length:49 //继续超出,则Capacity=Capacity*24Capacity:128 Length:1135Capacity:3 Length:2 //清空内容后,设置Capacity=1,重新添加了字符6Capacity:7 Length:6 //后面的结果都类似7Capacity:14 Length:12从上面的代码和结果可以说明StringBuilder中容量Capacity是如何增加的:创建一个StringBuilder之后,默认的Capacity初始化为16,接着我们添加17个字符,以方便看到Capacity的扩充后的值..大家在修改Capacity的时候,一定要注意21行的注释,一定要确保Capacity >= Length,否则会引发ArgumentOutOfRangeException异常...看完结果,就可以推断出Capacity的公式:if ( Capacity < Length && Capacity > 0 ){ Capacity *= 2;}OK..看到公式就明白了..StringBuilder是以当前的Capacity*2来扩充的..所以,在使用StringBuilder需要特别注意,尤其是要拼接或追加N多字符的时候,要注意技巧的使用,可以适当的,有预见性的设置Capacity的值,避免造成过大内存的浪费,节约无谓的内存空间..例如,下列代码就可以根据情况自动的扩展,而避免了较大的内存浪费. 1System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 2int i = 0; 3long StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; 4while ( i < 100000 ) { 5sb.Append( i.ToString() ); 6i++; 7} 8long EndTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; 910Console.WriteLine( "时间:" + ( EndTime-StartTime ) + " Capacity:"+ sb.Capacity + " Length:" 1112+ sb.Length);1314System.Text.StringBuilder sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();15i = 0;16StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;17while ( i < 100000 ) 18{19if ( sb1.Capacity <= sb1.Length )//先判断是否>Length20sb1.Capacity += 7;//这里一定要根据情况的增加容量,否则会有性能上的消耗21sb1.Append( i.ToString() );22i++;23}24EndTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;2526Console.WriteLine( "时间:" + ( EndTime-StartTime ) + " Capacity:"+ sb1.Capacity + " 2728Length:" + sb1.Length);需要特别说明的一点是,自动增加的容量,一定要根据实际预见的情况而改变,否则不但起不到优化的作用,反而会影响到程序的性能..另外,如果有时间的话,可以测试一下下面的代码,用string和StringBuilder拼接字符串的区别..你会吓到的!! 1System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 2int i = 0; 3long StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; 4while ( i < 100000 ) { 5sb.Append( i.ToString() ); 6i++; 7} 8long EndTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; 910Console.WriteLine( "时间:" + ( EndTime-StartTime ) );1112string sb1 = null;13i = 0;14StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;15while ( i < 100000 ) 16{17sb1 += i;18i++;19}20EndTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;21Console.WriteLine( "时间:" + ( EndTime-StartTime ));

非211的学生 能不能申请德国TU9的master 如果可以需要什么条件


TTT全称是train the trainer 还是training the trainer,两个都看到有人用。


WWW.web和internet 的区别

www.web是万维网internet 因特网1、因特网(Internet)又称国际计算机互联网,是目前世界上影响最大的国际性计算机网络。其 准确的描述是:因特网是一个网络的网络(a network of network)。它以TCP/IP网络协议将 各种不同类型、不同规模、位于不同地理位置的物理网络联接成一个整体。它也是一个国际 性的通信网络集合体,融合了现代通信技术和现代计算机技术,集各个部门、领域的各种信 息资源为一体,从而构成网上用户共享的信息资源网。它的出现是世界由工业化走向信息化 的必然和象征。 因特网最早来源于1969年美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Project s Agency,DARPA)的前身ARPA建立的ARPAnet。最初的ARPAnet主要用于军事研究目的。1972 年,ARPAnet首次与公众见面,由此成为现代计算机网络诞生的标志。ARPAnet在技术上的另 一个重大贡献是TCP/IP协议簇的开发和使用。ARPAnet试验并奠定了因特网存在和发展的基 础,较好地解决了异种计算机网络之间互联的一系列理论和技术问题。 同时,局域网和其他广域网的产生和发展对因特网的进一步发展起了重要作用。其中,最有 影响的就是美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)建立的美国国家科学 基金网NSFnet。它于1990年6月彻底取代了ARPAnet而成为因特网的主干网,但NSFnet对因特 网的最大贡献是使因特网向全社会开放。随着网上通信量的迅猛增长,1990年9月,由Merit 、IBM和MCI公司联合建立了先进网络与科学公司ANS(Advanced Network & Science,Inc)。 其目的是建立一个全美范围的T3级主干网,能以45Mb/s的速率传送数据,相当于每秒传送14 00页文本信息,到1991年底,NSFnet的全部主干网都已同ANS提供的T3级主干网相通。 近十年来,随着社会、科技、文化和经济的发展,特别是计算机网络技术和通信技术的大发 展,人们对开发和使用信息资源越来越重视,强烈刺激着因特网的发展。在因特网上,按从 事的业务分类包括了广告公司、航空公司、农业生产公司、艺术、导航设备、书店、化工、 通信、计算机、咨询、娱乐、财贸、各类商店、旅馆等等100多类,覆盖了社会生活的方方 面面,构成了一个信息社会的缩影。 2、什么叫万维网? 万维网(World Wide Web:www):又称环球网。万维网的历史很短,1989年CERN(欧洲粒子物理实验室)的研究人员为了研究的需要,希望能开发出一种共享资源的远程访问系统,这种系统能够提供统一的接口来访问各种不同类型的信息,包括文字、图像、音频、视频信息。1990年各种人员完成了最早期的浏览器产品,1991年开始在内部发行WWW,这就是万维网的开始。目前,大多数知名公司都在Internet上建立了自己的万维网站。 3、区别:因特网于1969年诞生于美国。最初名为“阿帕网”(ARPAnet)是一个军用研究系统,后来又成为连接大学及高等院校计算机的学术系统,现在则已发展成为一个覆盖五大洲150多个国家的开放型全球计算机网络系统,拥有许多服务商。普通电脑用户只需要一台个人计算机用电话线通过调制解调器和因特网服务商连接,便可进入因特网。但因特网并不是全球唯一的互联网络。例如在欧洲,跨国的互联网络就有“欧盟网”(Euronet),“欧洲学术与研究网”(EARN),“欧洲信息网”(EIN),在美国还有“国际学术网”(BITNET),世界范围的还有“飞多网”(全球性的BBS系统)等。 了解了以上情况,我们就可以知道大写的“Internet”(世界语为“Interreto”)和小写的“internet”(世界语为“interreto”)所指的对象是不同的。当我们所说的是上文谈到的那个全球最大的的也就是我们通常所使用的互联网络时,我们就称它为“因特网”或称为“国际互联网”,虽然后一个名称并不规范。在这里,“因特网”是作为专有名词出现的,因而开头字母必须大写。但如果作为普通名词使用,即开头字母小写的“internet”(“interreto”),则泛指由多个计算机网络相互连接而成一个大型网络。按全国科学技术审定委员会的审定,这样的网络系统可以通称为“互联网”。这就是说,因特网和其他类似的由计算机相互连接而成的大型网络系统,都可算是“互联网”,因特网只是互联网中最大的一个。《现代汉语词典》2002年增补本对“互联网”和“因特网”所下的定义分别是“指由若干电子机网络相互连接而成的网络”和“目前全球最大的一个电子计算机互联网,是由美国的ARPA网发展演变而来的”。可供参考。 最后说明一下,因特网作为专有名词,在使用时除了第一个字母要大写之外,通常在它的前面还要加冠词la,(即la Interreto),而且还可以简称为“la Reto”。 WWW,万维网,TTT —— 近乎完美的对译 凡是上网的人,谁不知道“WWW”的重要作用?要输入网址,首先得打出这三个字母来。这三个字母,就是英语的“World Wide Web”首字母的缩写形式。“WWW”在我国曾被译为“环球网”、“环球信息网”、“超媒体环球信息网”等,最后经全国科学技术名词审定委员会定译为“万维网”。国柱先生在《胡说集》Gz18“妙译WWW”一文中,对它的汉语对译词“万维网”(Wan Wei Wang)大加赞赏,这是毫不过分的。“万维网”这个近乎完美的对译词妙就妙在传意、传形、更传神,真是神来之译! 无独有偶,“WWW”的世界语的对译词“TTT”,也是由三个相同字母组成的,译得也令人叫绝。“TTT”是世界语的“Tut-Tera Teksa?o”首字母缩写。据俄罗斯世界语者Sergio Pokrovskij编写的《Komputada leksikono》(计算机专业词汇)上的资料,“WWW”最初的对译形式是“Tutmonda Tekso”,就在这一译名出现的当天,即1994年8月5日,便立即有人在网上建议改为“Tut-Tera Tekso”,8天后,也就是8月13日,才经另一人根据一位匿名者的提议,定译为“Tut-Tera Teksa?o”(字面义为“全球网”)。这个译名的缩写TTT,形式整齐,语义完全吻合,好读、好记、好写。这是集体智慧的创造。它也雄辩地证明了世界语的表现力是很强大、很灵活、很有适应力的,比起汉语和英语来并不逊色(请比较一下WWW的法语对译词“Forum elektronique mondial”和西班牙语对译词“Telarana Mundial”,它们的缩写形式分别是“FEM”和“TM”)。写到这里我不由得又想起我国近代翻译大师严复先生的一句名言:“一名之立,旬月踟蹰”。一个好的译名只有在译者,有时甚至数位译者,长时间搜肠刮肚、苦苦思索后才能产生出来。 万维网是无数个网络站点和网页的集合,它们在一起构成了因特网最主要的部分(因特网也包括电子邮件、Usenet以及新闻组)。它实际上是多媒体的集合,是由超级链接连接而成的。我们通常通过网络浏览器上网观看的,就是万维网的内容。关于万维网以及浏览万维网的一些世界语术语,我将在以后所发的帖子中陆续作些介绍。 Internet是一个把分布于世界各地不同结构的计算机网络用各种传输介质互相连接起来的网络。因此,有人称之为网络的网络,中文译名为因特网、英特网、国际互联网等。Internet提供的主要服务有万维网(WWW)、文件传输(FTP)、电子邮件(E-mail)、远程登录(Telnet)等。 WWW(World Wide Web)简称W3,有时也叫Web,中文译名为万维网,环球信息网等。WWW由欧洲核物理研究中心(ERN)研制,其目的是为全球范围的科学家利用Internet进行方便地通信,信息交流和信息查询。 WWW是建立在客户机/服务器模型之上的。WWW是以超文本标注语言HTML(Hyper Markup Language)与超文本传输协议HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)为基础。能够提供面向Internet服务的、一致的用户界面的信息浏览系统。其中WWW服务器采用超文本链路来链接信息页,这些信息页既可放置在同一主机上,也可放置在不同地理位置的主机上;本链路由统一资源定位器(URL)维持,WWW客户端软件(即WWW浏览器)负责信息显示与向服务器发送请求。 Internet采用超文本和超媒体的信息组织方式,将信息的链接扩展到整个Internet上。目前,用户利用WWW不仅能访问到Web Server的信息,而且可以访问到FTP、Telnet等网络服务。因此,它已经成为Internet 上应用最广和最有前途的访问工具,并在商业范围内日益发挥着越来越重要的作用。 WWW客户程序在Internet上被称为WWW浏览器(Browser),它是用来浏览Internet上WWW主页的软件。目前,最流行的浏览器软件主要有Netscape communicator 和Microsoft Internet Explorer。 WWW浏览提供界面友好的信息查询接口,用户只需提出查询要求,至于到什么地方查询,如何查询则由WWW自动完成。因此WWW为用户带来的是世界范围的超级文本服务。用户只要操纵鼠标,就可以通过Internet从全世界任何地方调来所需的文本、图像、声音等信息。WWW使得非常复杂的Internet使用起来异常简单。 WWW浏览器不仅为用户打开了寻找Internet上内容丰富、形式多样的主页信息资源的便捷途径,而且提供了Usenet新闻组、电子邮件与FTP协议等功能强大的通信手段。

TTP 342E PRO 问题,点击打印err闪红

1、关掉打印机,按住打印机上的PAUSE键,然后开机,等打印机出纸后外松手,反复几次,直到打印机出现回缩动作为止。2、先关机,然后同时按住PAUSE和FEED两个键,直到打印机上的三个显示灯同时闪过一遍后再松手,重复几次,直到有回缩动作出现为止。原因:1、打印机的感应器没感应到纸或没感应到色带,需让机器重新测纸。 2、感测器类型没有正确选择。确认标签纸是否是间距、黑标、或者是连续纸,然后选择对应的感测器。3、标签纸的实际大小没有正确设置到软件中,确认软件中设置标签宽高和间距等是否和您实际使用的大小相同。  4、是标签的底纸太厚,使打印机的感应器无法检测到标签的大小。使用打印机注意事项:1、在首次打印或打印不同大小的标签时,先要调校所需标签的大小,否则打印的位置便会发生偏差。2、各型号的TSC打印机都设有自动调校功能,用户只需按一下面板上的FEED测纸键,打印机便会自行检测到标签的大小,以确保打印的位置准确无误。3、用户应选用底纸较薄的标签,可大大减少因标签质量差而导致的打印损坏。


1,【地】 蒂珀雷里( 爱尔兰中南部一内陆郡, 首府Clonmel ); 2,【物】 蒂珀雷里之歌( 第一次世界大战期间由Tipperary 郡出征的士兵 唱的行军歌). 3,美国能源企业天然气公司Tipperary Corp.(TPY)

5S、ERP、MRP、TPM 、JIT分别是什么管理?

你是haier的?服了 这么多年后我还能听到这些词儿。。。。。。。。

what a relief it was when the boulders suddently disappearanced
