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什么是collision coverage

1.撞车保险这个险种主要是在撞车时,不论是哪方的过错,为己方的车提供保障,包括修复费用或整车赔偿费用。2.碰撞险诸如让我的碰撞险(collision coverage)立即减少了200美元的"安全驾驶免赔奖励"之类的激励政策也被整合进了保险 …3.车辆碰撞保险Collective investment fund 集体投资基金 Collision Coverage 车辆碰撞保险 Co-manager 副承销商例句1.Before he even acquired collision coverage, one of his friends totaled the car.在他知道撞车的赔偿范围之前,他的朋友就彻底毁掉了这车。2.Make sure that your credit card does, in fact, include collision coverage.Never assume you"re covered.确认你的信用卡包括了车损险,永远不要想当然地假设投了这部分保险3.You can easily avoid this charge by renting with a credit card that includescollision coverage at no extra cost.你使用附带车损险服务的信用卡租车可以很容易地避免发生这笔费用而且也没有额外的费用。

import coverage 什么意思

import coverage进口覆盖例句:Import coverage ratio: the rate at which imports are covered by exports. 进出覆盖比率:指出口对销进口的比率。

弱弱的问问,Query coverage是什么意思


用firefox怎么打开vcs coverage 报告

生成的.vdb文件用urg打开urg处理,默认生成urgReport目录urgReport目录下firefox浏览器查看tests.html命令 firefox tests.html就可以

interest coverage是什么意思

interest coverage盈利对利息倍数;利息偿付率;利息保障倍数Current ratio and interest coverage change, but the rate of decrease of assets andliabilities. 流动比率和利息覆盖率的变化,但减少的速度的资产和负债。祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~




是 非覆盖 的意思

geographic coverage是什么意思


coverage period是什么意思


化妆英语,gray coverage是什么


法语le serment什么意思,这首歌有什么历史

一首歌名 誓言或宣誓

蛋白质测序protein coverage是什么意思


Henry ford was the first person to build cars 阅读理解

亨利 · 福特是制造汽车的第一个人

coverage amount是什么意思?




翻译sum41《dear father》的歌词

中文名称:Dear Father发行时间:2008-05-14 所属专辑:Underclass Hero所属公司:环球唱片歌词:I addressed this letter to "dear father" 我这封信写给“亲爱的父亲” I know you is complete unknown 我知道你并不知情 I guess it"s better you don"t bother 我想这样最好 你不会被打搅 All our truth should be left alone 所有我们的故事都应该单独留下 Be left alone 单独留下 Be left alone 单独留下 I learned all the things you never showed me 我已经知道了你没有对我显露出来的所有事情 Took the chances you"d blown 为了抓住机遇你已经精疲力尽 And to this day, the one and only, 直到今天,孤独并唯一 You"d remain complete unknown 你还是保持着默默无闻 You"re out there somewhere, 你离开了这里去他乡漂泊 But i don"t know if you care, at all, 但我不知道你是否真的无忧无虑 It seems that you don"t 看起来你并不是 It"s as if the day will never come, 就像成功永远都不会到来 So you and me are complete unknown 看来你和我都什么都不知道 So many years I"ve been ignored, 很多年来我都被忽视 You"d been gone without a trace 你离开了,没有留下一点痕迹 I"m getting used to knowing you"re just a name without a face 我已经渐渐习惯,感到你仅仅是个名字,没有面容 Without a face 没有面容 Without a face. 没有面容 You"re out there somewhere, 你离开了这里去他乡漂泊 But i don"t know if you care, at all, 但我不知道你是否真的无忧无虑 It seems that you don"t 看起来你并不是 It"s as if the day will never come, 就像成功永远都不会到来 So you and me are complete unknown 看来你和我都什么都不知道 I addressed this letter to "dear father" 我这封信写给“亲爱的父亲” I know you is complete unknown 我知道你并不知情 I guess it"s better you don"t bother 我想这样最好 你不会被打搅 All our truth should be left alone 所有我们的故事都应该单独留下 You"re out there somewhere, 你离开了这里去他乡漂泊 But i don"t know if you care, at all, 但我不知道你是否真的无忧无虑 It seems that you don"t 看起来你并不是 It"s as if the day will never come, 就像成功永远都不会到来 So you and me are complete unknown 看来你和我都什么都不知道

半导体中step coverage是什么意思

rocketwzh 说的不错,step coverage就是台阶覆盖率。直观来看如图所示,薄膜遇到台阶升起的时候,厚度会有一定程度减小。图片来自:薄膜制程

groove coverage 中文是什么意思 有什么含义

groove coverage 是一个乐队的名字。。。groove 是槽的意思 coverage是覆盖的意思





音箱参数coverage H具体指什么

覆盖角度 Nominal coverage (H x V):这个H指的是垂直覆盖角度值,V是水平覆盖角度值。在这个角度上,角的两边声压已经衰减了6dB。辐射范围指的是:扬声器有效面和有效辐射距离。辐射范围内指的是:在扬声器有效辐射范围内,这与混响半径有关。混响半径:指的是,扬声器直达声和环境引起的混响声相等的各个点的连接曲线。

pycharm run with coverage 是什么意思

pycharm的一个package,可以统计哪些代码被运行到了比如if 0:print "A"else:print "B"由于A不会被跑到,则coverage会显示missing,否则就是run





Groove Coverage 翻译成中文是什么意思???



主要用作名词,作名词时译为“覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;保险范围”。groove coverage 舞动精灵乐队 ; 舞动精灵王族 ; 舞动精灵乐团 ; 舞动精灵coverage rate 覆盖率 ; 笼罩率 ; 笼盖率 ; 围困率special coverage 专题报道 ; 特别策划coverage factor 包含因子 ; 覆盖率 ; 扩充系数Statement coverage 语句覆盖 ; 语句覆盖率 ; 覆盖率Media Coverage 媒体报道 ; 媒体报导 ; 宣传报道spot coverage 现场采访comprehensive coverage 全险 ; 综合保险 ; 综合险 ; 综合损失险Path Coverage 路径覆盖 ; 路径覆盖率 ; 経路网罗柯林斯英汉双解大词典coverage /u02c8ku028cvu0259ru026adu0292/ CET6 TEM81.N-UNCOUNT The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it. 报道


coveragen. 范围,规模;保险项目;(新闻)报导;[植]优势度双语例句1. Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races. 现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。2. Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage. 在他担任编辑期间,《经济家》开始定期刊登体育报道。3. Newspapers, television and radio are all providing saturation coverage. 报纸、电视和电台全都在铺天盖地地报道。4. Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph. 《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。5. Most media coverage disapproves of the travellers" lifestyle and values. 大多数媒体报道都不赞成那些旅行者的生活方式和价值观。

转录组测序数据77× coverage什么意思

coverage是cover的名词形式。可以解释为“覆盖范围”, 也可以引申为一些经济上的术语。

投行内部的coverage analyst是什麼职位


banlieue rouge的《le serment》 歌词

歌曲名:le serment歌手:banlieue rouge专辑:engrenagesD镳 l"instant oje l"ai vueAlors j"ai tout de suite su,Ces cheveux blonds, ces yeux qui brillentC"閠ait en plein ton genre de filleTu t"es lev et tu lui a parlLe courant est tout de suite passDepuis qu"elle est entr闲 dans ta vie,Elle n"en est jamais ressortie!Banlieue RougeDe toute fa鏾n fait c"que tu veuxPourvu qu"tout aille pour le mieuxMais n"oublie jamais tes amisParce que tu comptes pour eux aussiToutes ces ann闲s qu"on a pass闲sA s"engueuler, s"r闰oncilierCa peut pas s"effacer comme 鏰Fais un effort, n"nous oublies pas!T"es amoureux; profites-enCrois-moi 鏰 n"arrives pas souventEt n"laisse pas la vie te casser!M阭e avec la fille de sa viePersonne ne sait comment 鏰 finitP"t阾e qu"un jour 鏰 se termineraMais nous on sera toujours lDe toute fa鏾n fait c"que tu veuxL"important c"est qu"tu sois heureuxMais n"oublies jamais tes amisCeux qui tu avais promisDe ne jamais tourner le dosDe ne jamais garder rancuneCar une amitiqui se termineN"en aura jamais 閠une...

在ArcGIS10.2 中如何创建coverage文件

现在初步了解到大概用到的下面的接口和类:IEngineEditorIEngineEditTaskIEngineEditLayersIEngineEditEventsIEngineEditPropertiesControlsEditingSketchToolClassControlsEditingEditToolClassControlsEditingCopyCommandClassControlsEditingPasteCommandClassControlsEditingClearCommandClass现在使用 IEngineEditor、IEngineEditTask、IEngineEditLayers这三个接口,再加上Command命令和Tool可以是实现新建要素、复制、剪切、黏贴、删除、移动要素。下面说明一下我实现新建图形功能的思路:1、根据workspace和map开启编辑。2、设置目标图层。3、设置编辑操作的任务类型。4、激活SletchTool,ControlsEditingSketchToolClass。5、这时就可以在AxMapControl中画图形了。图形的点线面类型,SletchTool工具会根据目标图层的类型自动识别。使用了全局变量IEngineEditor,保证在其他的模块该变量的值private IEngineEditor m_EngineEditor = new EngineEditorClass();private void btnNewFeature_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if(m_engineEditor.EditState==esriEngineEditState.esriEngineStateNotEditing){//Start editing the workspace of the first feature layer found.//设置编辑的WorkSpace和编辑对象图层ILayer currentLayer = mMap.get_Layer(0);if (currentLayer is IFeatureLayer){IFeatureLayer featureLayer = currentLayer as IFeatureLayer;IDataset dataset = featureLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset;IWorkspace workspace = dataset.Workspace;m_engineEditor.StartEditing(workspace, mMap.Map);((IEngineEditLayers)m_engineEditor).SetTargetLayer(featureLayer, 0);SetCurrentTask(ref m_engineEditor, "新建要素");}}}/// /// 设置编辑的任务类型/// /// /// 自己命名的任务名称public static void SetCurrentTask(ref IEngineEditor pEngineEditor, string taskName){IEngineEditTask edittask;if (pEngineEditor.EditState == esriEngineEditState.esriEngineStateEditing){switch (taskName){case "新建要素":edittask = pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ControlToolsEditing_CreateNewFeatureTask");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;case "修改图形":edittask=pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ReshapePolylineEditTask_Reshape Polyline_CSharp");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;case "修改要素":edittask= pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ControlToolsEditing_ModifyFeatureTask");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;}}}删除、复制、黏贴的功能,将m_EngineEditor 置于开启编辑的状态后,直接调用下面的命令就好了ControlsEditingEditToolClass //用于选择要素对像ControlsEditingCopyCommandClassControlsEditingPasteCommandClassControlsEditingClearCommandClass撤销和重做的功能/// /// 撒消编辑/// /// IMap 地图对象public void MapUndoEdit(IMap m_pMap){IEngineEditProperties ep = new EngineEditorClass();ILayer m_pCurrentLayer = ep.TargetLayer;if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) return;IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer;IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;if (pDataset == null) return;IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)pDataset.Workspace;bool bHasUndos = false;pWorkspaceEdit.HasUndos(ref bHasUndos);if (bHasUndos)pWorkspaceEdit.UndoEditOperation();IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap;pActiveView.Refresh();}/// /// 重做/// /// IMap 地图对象public void MapRedoEdit(IMap m_pMap){IEngineEditProperties ep = new EngineEditorClass();ILayer m_pCurrentLayer = ep.TargetLayer;if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) return;IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer;IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;if (pDataset == null) return;IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)pDataset.Workspace;bool bHasUndos = false;pWorkspaceEdit.HasUndos(ref bHasUndos);if (bHasUndos)pWorkspaceEdit.RedoEditOperation();IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap;pActiveView.Refresh();}



groove coverage介绍

舞动精灵王族乐队Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组合。  国内目前普遍认可的“舞动精灵王族”是根据groove coverage的曲风特征而命名的,而实际上在英文里,“groove”的解释是“ 沟;槽;(车)辙;(唱片)纹(道)”,而“coverage”的意思是“覆盖”,如果直译过来,“groove coverage”应该是“唱片凹槽覆盖者”,即“唱片终结者” ——从中不难看出GC将他们希望在音乐上超越和覆盖以前优秀唱片的锐气和雄心寄予在了乐队命名上。   在“2003年德国舞曲大赛 Deutchscher Dance Award”,舞动精灵乐队以新人之姿荣获提名入围多项奖项,总计计有Best Dance Act National年度最佳舞曲团体,Best Dance Hit 年度最佳舞曲,Best Newcomer最佳新进艺人!最终舞动精灵乐团groove coverage获得评审团青睐夺得了“年度最佳舞曲团体”奖项!GC的成功还要归因于主音Mell与DJ Novus每个周末都在全球各地成千上万的舞曲乐迷面前进行现场表演。几乎没有其他舞曲艺人会如此长期且频繁的与全球歌迷近距离接触。   主唱Mell1981年4月8日出生于德国慕尼黑,她在录音棚里录下了那首“Moonlight Shadow”并从此一举成名。单曲“Moonlight Shadow”的推出是GC取得巨大成功中最关键的一步。该单曲翻唱自80年代 Mike Oldfield的传奇单曲,从德国单曲榜第8名攀升至第3名,并在德国取得了金唱片销量。紧接着推出的单曲 “God Is A Girl”凭借着勾魂女声加上猛烈撞击碎拍魔力的再现而奠定了GC在德国舞曲界如日中天的地位,不仅问鼎冠军之作,还开始在国际上走红。此外的一首Far away from home还被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。   许多歌迷喜欢groove coverage的原因是他们虽然都是德国籍艺人,但是却坚持使用英文创作和演绎,并且不断努力致力于做出更加国际化的音乐以奉献给全球歌迷!编辑本段获奖

怎么使用 code coverage 查看覆盖率

使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib) 1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录 emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入 2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/ 修改启语句   使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib)   1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录 emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入   2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/   修改启语句   nohup java -Xmx1800M -Xms800m -Xbootclasspath/p:/home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParallelGC -server -classpath "$jarFile" com.qunar.common.mobileArc.MobileServer conf/ conf/ >> $LOG_HOME/error.log 2>&1 &   复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/   添加覆盖率导命令   插入 emma 统计代码   使用root账号   1. 备份mobileserver.jar   cp /server/TripAssistant/mobile-server.jar $MOB_JAR_BAK/mobile-server.jar.{$timestamp}   2. 执行插入命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma instr -m overwrite -cp mobile-server.jar -out coverage.em   输:   EMMA: processing instrumentation path ...   EMMA: instrumentation path processed in 3117 ms   EMMA: [1000 class(es) instrumented, 126 resource(s) copied]   EMMA: metadata merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.em]  3. 运行mobileserver   sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/ && sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/    /server/mobileserverlog/error.log见:   EMMA: collecting runtime coverage data ...   EMMA: runtime controller started on port [47653]   emma control 进程已启  [ /server/mobileserverlog]# netstat -na | grep 47653  tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20926/java  4. 执行 覆盖率文件导命令  java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma ctl -connect localhost:47653 -command coverage.get,   见输:   EMMA: processing control command sequence ...   EMMA: executing [coverage.get (,true,true)] ...   EMMA: coverage.get: local copy of coverage data merged into [/server/TripAssistant/]   EMMA: coverage.get: command completed in 79 ms   EMMA: control command sequence complete   并且前目录文件  5. 报告  java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in coverage.em,  指定源代码产覆盖率报告(需先传源码)   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in /server/TripAssistant/coverage.em,/server/TripAssistant/ -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoverage/coverage.html -sp /home/liang.zhou/mob_code_dir/mobs_trunk/src/main/java  emma 式启 mobserver   ==================================   1. 判断mobserver.jar size 于5M 已插入 于5M未插入(需要执行插入)   2. 执行插入   3. 启  4. 检查启状态  47653 端口打   mobileserver 进程打  emma 式停止 mobserver  ==================================   1. 检查47653端口打状态, 检查coverage.em否存   2. 导覆盖率文件, 备份coverage.em (加间戳)   3. 导覆盖率HTML report (加应间戳)   4. kill mobserver 进程   ls -lt mobile-server.jar   判断 $? == 0  判断mobile-server.jar size否于 5M  #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   pid=`ps aux | grep MobileServer | grep -v grep | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $2}   "`   ` kill -9 $   Unknown macro: {pid}   `   sleep 1   echo "Stop mobileserver success."   }   #判断 emma ctl 否启   port_check_result=`netstat -na | grep 47653 | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $1}   "`   if [ -z $   Unknown macro: {port_check_result}   ]; then  echo "Emma ctl port 47653 is not LISTEN. export operation aborted."   else   #emma ctl 启状态导, 并备份至 /home/q/mobsrv_cov   if []   fi

在ArcGIS10.2 中如何创建coverage文件

ArcGIS DeskTop是不可以创建coverage数据的,如果想要创建coverage数据并进行相关编辑处理,需要在ArcInfo workstation下面处理,最高版本10.0,以后的版本不再更新了。在ArcGIS DeskTop下面可以通过Toolbox 里面的转换工具(Conversion Tools->To Coverage)将shp文件转换成coverage格式数据。





求灼眼的夏娜 Light My Fire和Serment的MP3格式的歌曲下载!!!!!

已发 但serment目前只有tv size



川田まみ的《Serment》 歌词

歌曲名:Serment歌手:川田まみ专辑:SermentSerment「灼眼的夏娜III -Final- OP2」作词:川田まみ / 作曲:中沢伴行 / 编曲:中沢伴行

eclipse coverage变色怎么关闭

依次点“window--show view--other”搜cov,点击open



在ArcGIS10.2 中如何创建coverage文件


coverage 与reporting的区别

coverageKK: []DJ: []n.1. 覆盖,覆盖范围2. 保险项目(或范围)3. 信贷准备金4. 新闻报导reportingKK: []DJ: []n.1. 报导


  在过去20年中,矢量数据模型是GIS中变化最大的方面,例如,ESRI公司所开发每种新软件包都对应一种新的矢量数据模型,Arc/Info对应Coverage,ArcView对应Shapefile,ArcGIS对应Geodatabase。Coverage和Shapefile是地理关系数据模型,它利用分离的系统来存储空间数据和属性数据,而Geodatabase是基于对象数据模型,它把空间数据和属性数据存储在唯一的系统中。  Coverage是拓扑的,Shapefile是非拓扑的。  Coverage支持三种基本拓扑关系:连接性、面定义、邻接性。  Shapefile多边形对于共享边界实际上有重复弧段且可彼此重叠,不同于Coverage所用的多个文件,它用几何学性质存储两个基本文件:以.shp为扩展名的文件存储要素几何学特征;以.shx为扩展名的文件保留要素几何特征的空间索引。  Shapefile: 一种基于文件方式存储GIS数据的文件格式。至少由.shp,.dbf,.shx三个文件作成,分别存储空间,属性和前两者的关系。是GIS中比较通用的一种数据格式。  Coverage: 一种拓扑数据结构,一般的GIS原理书中都有它的原理论述。数据结构复杂,属性缺省存储在Info表中。目前ArcGIS中仍然有一些分析操作只能基于这种数据格式进行操作。  Geodatabase: ArcInfo发展到ArcGIS时候推出的一种数据格式,一种基于RDBMS存储的数据格式,其有两大类:1.Personal Geodatabse 用来存储小数据量数据,存储在Access的mdb格式中。2.ArcSDE Geodatabse 存储大型数据,存储在大型数据库中Oracle,Sql Server,DB2等。可以实现并发操作,不过需要单独的用户许可。  Coverage数据模型  Coverage是一个集合,它可以包含一个或多个要素类。在第一个商业化GIS软件Arc/INFO之前,计算计划的图形表示源自通用的CAD软件,属性信息和几何要素放在一起,不利于空间信息的描述和分析。  Coverage的优势:  (1)空间数据与属性数据关联。空间数据存储于建立了索引的二进制文件中,属性数据存放在DBMS表中,二者以公共的标识编码关联。  (2)矢量数据间的拓扑关系得以保存。  Shapefile数据模型  Shapefile是ArcView GIS 3.x的原生数据格式,属于简单要素类,用点、线、多边形存储要素的形状,却不能存储拓扑关系,具有简单、快速显示的优点。一个shapefile是由若干个文件组成的,空间信息和属性信息分离存储,所以称之为“基于文件”。每个shapefile,都至少由三个文件组成,其中:*.shp存储的是几何要素的的空间信息,也就是XY坐标。*.shx存储的是有关*.shp存储的索引信息,它记录了在*.shp中,空间数据是如何存储的,XY坐标的输入点在哪里,有多少XY坐标对等信息。*.dbf存储地理数据的属性信息的dBase表。这三个文件是一个shapefile的基本文件,shapefile还可以有其他一些文件,但所有这些文件都与该shapefile同名,并且存储在同一路径下。下面简要介绍一下其他一些较为常见文件:*.prj如果shapefile定义了坐标系统,那么它的空间参考信息将会存储在*.prj文件中;*.shp.xml这是对shapefile进行元数据浏览后生成的xml元数据文件;*.sbn和*.sbx这两个存储的是shapefile的空间索引,它能加速空间数据的读取,这两个文件是在对数据进行操作、浏览或连接后才产生的,也可以通过ArcToolbox>DataManagement Tools>Indexes>Add spatial Index工具生成。  几种常见的shapefile文件:当使用ArcCatalog对shapefile进行创建、移动、删除或重命名等操作,或使用ArcMap对shapefile进行编辑时,ArcCatalog将自动维护数据的完整性,将所有文件同步改变。所以需要使用ArcCatalog管理shapefile。虽然Shapefile无法存储拓扑关系,但它并不是普通用于显示的图形文件,作为地理数据,它自身有拓扑的。比如一个多边形要素类,shapefile会按顺时针方向为它的所有顶点排序,然后按顶点顺序两两连接成的边线向量,在向量右侧的为多边形的内部,在向量左侧的是多边形的外部。由于1990年代地理信息的迅速发展以及ArcView GIS 3.x软件在世界范围内的推广,shapefile格式的数据使用非常广泛,数据来源也较多。很多软件都提供了向shapefile转换的接口(eg:MapInfo、MapGIS等)。ArcGIS支持对shapefile的编辑操作,也支持shapefile向第三代数据模型geodatabase的转换。  Geodatabase数据模型  Geodatabase作为ArcGIS的原生数据格式,体现了很多第三代地理数据模型的优势。随着IT技术的发展,普通的事务型数据的管理模式,早已从传统的基于文件的管理转向利用基于工业标准建立的关系型数据库进行管理,这种基于数据库的管理方式的优点是不言而喻的。那么带有空间信息的地理数据是否也可以利用这种非常成熟的数据库技术进行管理呢?于是ESRI推出了geodatabase数据模型,利用数据库技术高效安全地管理我们的地理数据。  Geodatabase可以分为两种,一种是基于Microsoft Access的personal geodatabase,另一种是基于oracle、SQL Server、Informix或者DB2的enterprise geodatabase,由于它需要中间件ArcSDE进行连接,所以nterprise geodatabase又称为ArcSDE geodatabase。由于Microsoft Access自身容量的限制,personal geodatabase的容量上限为2GB,这显然不能满足企业级的海量地理数据的存储需求。于是可以将geodatabase扩展为ArcSDE geodatabase,底层数据库可以使用oracle这样的大型关系数据库,能够存储近乎“无限”的海量数据(仅受硬盘大小的限制)。虽然底层使用的数据库各不相同,但是geodatabase给用户提供的是一个一致的操作环境。在geodatabase中,不仅可以存储类似shapefile的简单要素类还可以存储类似coverage的要素集并且支持一系列的行为规则对其空间信息和属性信息进行验证表格、关联类、栅格、注记和尺寸都可以作为eodatabase对象存储。这些在perasonal geodatabase和ArcSDE geodatabase中都是一样的(栅格的存储有点小差异,但对用户来说都是一样的)。  Geodatabase的模型结构:  (1)对象类(Object class)  对象类是一种特殊的类,没有空间特征。其实例是可关联某特定行为的表记录。如,某地块的主人,在“地块”“主人”间可建立某种关系。  (2)要素类(Feature class)  要素类是同类空间要素的集合。如,河流、道路、植被、电缆等。要素类可以独立存在,也可以具有某种联系。当不同的要素类之间存在关系时,就将其组织到一个要素数据集(Feature dataset)中。  (3)要素数据集(Feature dataset)  要素数据集由一组具有相同空间参考(Spatial reference)的要素类组成。将不同要素类放入要素数据集的原因:  a.专题归类表示——当不同的要素类属于同一范畴。比如,全国范围内某种比例尺的水系数据,其点线面类型的要素类可组织成同一个要素数据集。  b.创建几何网络——在同一几何网络中充当连接点和边的各种要素类,须组织到同一要素数据集中。比如,配电网络中,有各种开关、变压器、电缆等,它们分别对应点或线类型的要素类,在配电网络建模时,我们要将其全部考虑到配电网络对应的几何网络模型中。此时这些要素类就要放在统一要素数据集下。  c.考虑平面拓扑——共享公共几何特征的要素类。比如,用地、水系、行政区界等。当移动其中一个要素时,其公共部分也要一起移动,并保持这种公共的几何关系不变。  (4)关系类(Relationship class)  定义不同要素类或对象类之间的关联关系。如我们可以定义房子和主人之间的关系、房子和地块之间的关系等。  (5)几何网络  在若干要素类的基础上建立起的新类。定义几何网络时,我们指定哪些要素类加入其中,同时指定其在几何网络中扮演什么角色。比如,定义一个供水网络,我们指定同属一个要素数据集的“阀门”、“泵站”、“接头”对应的要素类加入其中,并扮演“连接”的角色;同时,我们要指定同属一个要素数据集的“供水干管”、“供水支管”、“入户管”等对应的要素类加入供水网络,由其扮演“边”的角色。  (6)Domains  定义属性的有效范围,可是连续的,也可是离散数值。(7)Validation rules对要素类的行为和取值加以约束的规则。如不同管径的水管连接必须通过合适的接头,规定一个地块可拥有一到三个主人等。  (8)Raster datasets  用于存放栅格数据。支持海量栅格数据,支持影像镶嵌,可通过建立“金字塔”形索引,在使用时指定可视范围提高检索和显示效率。  (9)TIN Datasets  ARC/INFO的经典数据模型,用不规则分布的采样点的采样值构成不规则的三角集合。用于表达地形或其他类型的空间连续分布特征。  (10)Locators  定位参考和定位方法的组合。对于不同的参考,用不同的定位方法进行定位操作。所谓定位参考,不同的定位信息有不同的表达方法。在Geodatabase中,有四种定位信息:地址编码、<X,Y>、地名及邮编、路径定位。定位参考数据放在数据库表中,定位器根据该定位参考数据在地图上生成空间定位点。





在影视行业 Coverage 是什么意思


arcgis 10 里怎样创建coverage格式的文件

工具,coverage tool 里选择create coverage



eclipse coverage变色怎么关闭





区别:1)Cover”作名词时的含义及翻译在说明邮寄情况的句子中,含义是“一个信封,一次邮寄”,可译为“用信件、用邮件、函”等。常用的短语有in one cover(附在信中, 随函邮寄);under separate cover(另函邮寄或另行邮寄);under registered cover(挂号信邮寄,挂号函)和in a separate cover(另函或另函包内)。例如:The negotiating bank should send all documents in one cover to our international division.议付行应将所有单据用信件一次性寄交我方国际贸易部。We are sending you under separate cover by airmail some sales promotional literatures.兹另函航邮寄上一些促销资料。2)Coverage”为“cover” 的另一个派生词,作名词,主要用于保险场合,其含义是“保险、险别、投保”,如:Risks & Coverage 险别increasing coverage , extending coverage 加保renewing coverage 续保We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.我公司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。





川田まみ u/n和Serment 罗马音歌词

sermentThis is me. kamiwa nabikuakakusomaru hohoniI am me... ketsuinotsubukorewa hajimari dattakiboumo zetsubounimo kasumanai ashitaga arunonara(simple as that)wasurenaikono itamiwa anohino yakusokukanaetai kanaerarenai kanaerukyokuuwo tsukamuyoru nanikani mezameta asawaketoiu kasegotohatenaisorahe tadatobitatsu sousoredakeHere I am. koeni dashitekotoba tashikametetaWherever I am. kanjitetemohitomini utsusumadewashoutaifumeino kagega tsuyokusuru ashitamo arunonara(simple as that)yuzurenaikono itamiwa deaitohitsuzenkasaneau tetotewoharaumayoide mikiru negainara nidoto aenakuteiiafuredasu namidawa futatabi aeru sonotokimade sousoredakewasurenaikono itamiwa anohino yakusokukanaetai kanaerarenai kanaerukyokuuwo tsukamuyoru nanikani mezameta asawaketoiu kasegotohatenaisorahe tadatobitatsu sousoredakeu/nSuddenly-naniga hikitomeruyamanaiame noyouni kokonihabamu an excuseomoitatte miagetematatachi tsukusuaa ashitawa harerunokasatori -koeninaranu seitenwo mitamabushii asahinimakenai kankounando kowasaretatteIt"s a hard intention like a stone.mata tsumiage tekitaUndying-nazeka saguri attetakakehikinante jibunwo madowashitewamiushinatte matahiroi atsumeteruaa kurikaesunokakasuka... kiko erudarekano waragoe darekano nakikoegaima tonari au sekaihand in hand.itsumo saigoniwa wakari aetetaif no kotaewa itoguchimayoinomichiga majiwarukonobashode hanebataku‘Deux en un"marudetaningotomouhitorino jibun darekano yumemiruyounaitsukashitta ano itamisaemomemory fades little by little.tada kieteyukunokakokoroni hibikumarude tadashii emi bukiyouna hon"negaima tonari ausekaiheart to heartitsumo konomuneno nakani aritaiif no kotaewa tomadoiharisakeruyouna kankakuni obieta kokorowa‘Deux en un"modorenai kigashiteta atarashii kironi tatterumatadeau sonohimade konosorade tsunagatteiyouhand in hand.itsumo saigoniwa wakari aetetatomoni ikanakya imiganaiif no michikara tsuzuitakono bashode habataku‘Deux en un"

求川田まみ Serment 中文歌词

Serment作词:川田まみ ╱ 作曲:中沢伴行 ╱ 编曲:中沢伴行u30fb尾崎武士歌:川田まみThis is me. 发丝风中荡在桔红的脸庞上I am me… 淌著决意的泪珠这是故事的开端倘若存在一个明天可以看清希望与绝望的话(simple as that)无法忘怀此痛楚是那一天的承诺想兑现却兑现不了 黑夜抓住现实的空虚 黎明唤醒了什麼而我抱著名为理由的枷锁朝著浩瀚无际的大空 只管展翅高飞「仅此而已。」Here I am. 喊出声音循著你的话语Wherever I am. 即使感受到也无法亲眼看见倘若也存在一个明天能让正体不明的阴影变坚强的话(simple as that)无法割舍此痛楚是邂逅与必然拂开相牵的手与手若因迷惘而放弃这愿望还是别再相见为好夺眶而出的泪水只是为了让你我再度相逢的那刻「仅此而已。」无法忘怀此痛楚是那一天的承诺想兑现却兑现不了 黑夜抓住现实的空虚 黎明唤醒了什麼而我抱著名为理由的枷锁朝著浩瀚无际的大空 只管展翅高飞「仅此而已。」

competent person是什么意思啊




求《runaway love》的翻译。Justin bieber的。

You see my baby over hit the road, 当你看到我摔倒在路上的时候 Where she"s going i swear nobody knows 我发誓没有人知道她去了哪儿 I need to find her before another man does 我必须在别的男人之前找到她 I wouldn"t want him to steal my love 我不想让任何人偷走我的爱 I"m just tryin to be cool, cool, cool (tryn"a be cool) 我想试着变得更酷~更帅气~ What would you exepct me to do 我希望我怎么做呢? Im just tryin to find, find, find That sweet love of mine 我试着去寻找我心里最甜蜜的爱情~ I"m runnin outta time 我已经没时间了 …… Where is my runaway love 我的爱逃到哪里了? Searching low and high 我上下寻找 Know that I"m not givin" up. 我不会放弃 I give it all up for her我可以为她放弃一切 I"ll never be enough 但这并不够I wont stop until I find My runaway love 我永远都不会停止,直到我找到那份逃走的爱~ See my baby needs some help 看到我的宝贝需要帮助 Cause she can never stay home by herself 因为她不能一个人待在家里 Says she needs some company 她说她需要一些公司 Even if she"s not always with me 即使她不跟我一直在一起 【以下重复】 I"m just tryin to be cool, cool, cool (tryn"a be cool) What would you exepct me to do Im just tryin to find, find, find That sweet love of mine I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searching low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. 【重复完毕】 Why can"t i find, the love of mine, 为什么我找不到属于我的爱When you"re standing in front of my face 当你站在我面前 Oh, yeah, You must be mine Oh, yeah, 你一定是我的~ How did I let you get away 我怎么会让你离开呢~ 【以下重复】 I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searchin" low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. I give it all up for her I"ll never be enough I wont stop until I find My runaway love I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searching low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. I give it all up for her I"ll never be enough I wont stop until I find My runaway love (Oh, oh, oh) (Yeah) (Oh baby) 【重复完毕】

JUSTIN BIEBER的runaway love歌词,要中文版!!!!附加英文版!!!!!

翻译的不对吧眼瞅着这两句就应该这样翻译啊Where she"s going that"s what nobody knows 她去哪了没人知道I need to find her before another man does 我需要在别的男人追到她之前找到她(自己评感觉翻译的 不对别喷:-D)

有一首英文歌 歌词里有down down 歌词最后还有every every 或者是ever ever 女的唱的并且是快歌 跪求!!


The person i love most(mother)

The person I love the most is my mother.I love my mother the most.My mother is the one/whom I love the most.

雷蛇Razer Krait金环蛇 驱动 怎么安装 全是英文我看不懂

1.驱动光碟放入光驱之前,请确认你的金环蛇已经连接电脑,放入光碟后一般会自动运行,没有自动运行可以打开光盘盘符双击Setup.exe开始安装 2.接下来出现Choose Setup Language(选择安装预言)界面,不做设定,直接点击Next 3.于是进度条滚动,出现提示框,选择“是” 4.接下来的提示框直接单击Next 5.出现License Agreement(许可协议)提示框,直接单击Yes 6.Choose Destination Location(选定安装位置)窗口,直接单击Next 7.Select program folder(选择开始菜单文件夹)窗口,直接单击Next 8.Start copying files(即将开始复制文件)窗口,直接单击Next 9.进度条滚动...接下来如果出现小窗口提示驱动程序未签名,请选择“是”或者“YES”或者“始终安装” 10.你可能没有什么提示就看到了最下面有Finish的窗口,推荐直接点击Finish,随后电脑自动重启,驱动安装完成。如果在点击Finish之前选择了另一选项“No I will restart my computer later”则安装完成推出,驱动程序会在您手工重启后自动加载



The One I Love (Belongs To Somebody Else) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The One I Love (Belongs To Somebody Else) (Album Version)歌手:Les Baxter Orchestra专辑:Voices In RhythmThis one goes out to the one i loveThis one goes out to the one i"ve left behindA simple prop to occupy my timeFire....Another prop has occupied my timeThis one goes out to the one i love

英语in her mid-thirties怎么翻译?


across,over,between,off,along,in,on.into,out of,under有什么区别?

小品词词类判断 什么叫小品词? 小品词就是副、介同形的单词,由于在句中的作用不同,词性也就不同。在没有搞清是介词,还是副词的时候,就称之为“小品词”。【理解要领】※介词、副词形一样,句中作用不相同,介词后面要宾语,副词后面宾不用。※介词要和动一起,副词可与动分开;及物动词加副词;不及物动词加介词,加了介词相当于及物动词。1. 常用介、副同形的单词有:in onupdownoffoutoveralongbythroughacrossroundacrossroundnearbeforebehindpastsinceunder最难区别的几个小品词:in onupoutoffdownoverthroughalongby2. 介词、副词的区别方法:【判别方法】 He got off the bus /at the corner.(按照意群来划分,bus是off的宾语,所以这里的off是介词)  他在拐角处下了公共汽车。 He get off /at the corner.(按照意群来划分,off后面没有词,所以这里的off是副词)  他在拐角处下车。I found him in. (in后没有名词,它就是副词。)我发现他在里面。I found him /in the room. (按照意群来划分,in是和the room联系在一起构成介词短语的,所以它是介词。)我发现他在室内。3. 副词的不同使用方法【副词使用方法】这种副词两边分,有的跟动词联系紧;有的句末单独行。可跟动词一起构成短语动词的副词in onupdownoffoutoveralongbythroughacrossround只能放在句末使用的副词beforebehindpastsinceundernear更多例句:They were here/ before six.(介词)  他们6点之前在这里。He has done this sort of work before.(副词)  他以前干过这种工作。Push the car /across the bridge. (介词)请把车推过桥。Put your hands across and tie them together. (副词)请把双手交叉,并将它们捆起来。Peter is /behind us.(介词)  彼得在我们的后面。He′s a long way behind.(副词)  他远远地落在后面。The train passed/ through the tunnel. (介词)列车穿过了隧道。Let me pass through, please. (副词)请让我通过。She climbed/ over the wall.(介词)  她爬过墙头。You′ll have to climb over too.(副词)  你也得爬过去。When the meeting was over, the delegates went home.(副词)  会议结束后代表们各自回家了。(这里over=finished结束)The shop is just/ round the corner.(介词)  商店拐过街口就是。Come round(to my house)any evening.(副词)The earth moves /around the sun. (介词)地球绕着太阳转。The good news soon got around. (副词)He is sitting /on a chair. (介词)Go on! Come on! (副词)Turn the lights on. (副词)  晚上有空来我家串门。He ran /up the stairs.(介词)  他跑上楼梯。He went up/ in the lift.(副词)  他乘电梯上去了。  这些词中许多可以用来构成短语动词The plane took off.  飞机起飞了。(离开了地面)She put the scarf/ round her neck. (介词)He came round.(副词)  他恢复知觉了。(恢复了意识)4. 固定短语的分类固定短语可以分为以下几类:1)动词类: 动词加其它词构成的短语就叫做动词固定短语1.1)不及物动词+副词=不及物动词不及物动词+副词词义例句break outhappen爆发The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937.抗日战争爆发于1937年。come over/drop invisit 来访Come over anytime; we"re always in.什么时候来访都行,我们总在家里。hurry upgo quickly赶紧We must hurry up, or we"ll be late.我们的赶快走,不然就要迟到了。go farspread far走得远,持续久The news went far. 这消息传得很远。This small tin of paint does not go far.这一小罐油漆用不了多久。pull instop aside停靠The train pulled in two hours late.火车晚两小时到站。stop overstay for short中途停留Because the car broke down, we had to stop over for the night in the nearest town.由于汽车拔锚,我们只得在最近得小城镇里留宿。take offfly up起飞The pilot took off smoothly.飞行员平稳地驾机起飞了。get uparise 起立,起床He gets up at 6:00 in the morning every day. 他每天早上6:00起床。1.2)不及物动词+介词=及物动词词例词义例句注解listen to听He is listening to a radio now.他在听收音机。listen不能直接接听的对象,加to就可以了look for寻找She is looking for her pencil now.她在寻找她的铅笔。look是看的意思,加了for就是新的词义“寻找”look after照看My mother looks after my baby.我母亲照看孩子look 后面的介词不同,词义就不同,但与look有关,hear from收到来信(等)Mother hasn"t hear from you for quite some time.母亲好久没有接到你的来信了。hear from 成了固定的词义,表示受到来信,信函等hear of听到,得知I"ve never heard of the place.我从未听说过那个地方。hear of是听别人谈到过的意思read of读到I have read of Lu Xun. 我读过关于鲁迅的书籍。read of不是直接读鲁迅,而是读到过关于鲁迅的资料或书籍laugh at嘲笑They laughed at the young man.他们嘲笑过那位年轻人。laugh at 可以带宾语,而且表示嘲笑,嘲弄的意思run after追赶,追求Some boy spend a lot of time and money running after girls.一些男孩子花去很多的时间和金钱去追求女孩子。run后加after,主要是追赶某人或某种时尚:run当及物动词用,通常是管理或经营的含义stand for代表,象征What does “PTO” stand for? “PTO”代表什么?stand for 一起使用,就相当于一个新词,表示:代表,象征的含义1.3)不及物动词+副词+介词(三个词在一起构成当作一个词来使用)动+副+介相当于例句cut down onreduce削减We must all cut down on spending. 我们必须削减消费。do away withabolish取消They have done away with the old laws.他们已经取消了这些就法律。get out ofleave离开He got out of the car and shook hands with me.他下车和我握手了。get through withfinish完成She finally got through with the subject.她终于完成了这个题目。go along withagree同意I can"t go along with you in this matter. 在这件事上我不能同意你。look forward toexpect期待He is looking forward to seeing his new friend.他期盼着见到他的新朋友。put up withtolerate容忍He puts up with almost anything. 他几乎容忍一切。walk out onabandon放弃He walked out on the subject. 他放弃了这个计划。1.4)及物动词+副词及物动词+副词相当于例句bring upeducate 教育,培养They have brought their children up well.他们把孩子教育得很好。call upsummon征召,打电话He was called up in 1971.他在1971年被征召入伍。Call me up tomorrow morning. 明早给我打电话。find outdiscover发现,理解Think over. You must find it out for yourself. 想想吧,你必须自己理解它。put offpostpone延期The meeting has been put off.会议延期了。make outunderstand理解It"s not easy to make out his ideas.弄懂他的种种想法不是容易的。take indeceive欺骗You can"t take me in like that.你不能那样欺骗我。turn upappear出现She really turned on the charm on the stage.她在台上表现得真迷人。back upsupport支持They supported the school a lot.他们给学校支持很大。give upquit放弃He has given up smoking.他已戒烟。make downchange sth. smallerThe clothes are made down for her sisters.宾语在句中的位置1.5)及物动词+名词+介词(带介词宾语)词例词义例句catch(lay, get, take, seize) hold of抓住,占有The boy took hold of the ladder and began to climb.那孩子抓住梯子开始往上爬。I"ll explain, and you will soon get hold of the idea.我要解释一下,你很快就会懂得这个意思的。do a favor to/do sb. a favor给别人帮忙,给别人恩惠Will you do me a favor to lend that book to me?你能不能帮个忙把那本书借给我?Can you do a favor to me? 劳驾,可以帮我一下吗?have confidence in信人I have perfect confidence in them. 我完全信任他们。have an edge on占优势,胜过I can"t beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong.打网球我无法赢你,但是打乒乓球我比你强。lay emphasis on强调,着重Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.有些学校特别重视语言的学习。make a fool of愚弄,欺骗Enough!,Don"t make a fool of me!够了!不要捉弄我了。make use of利用,使用You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practicing English. 你必须利用好你所有的练习英语的机会。pay attention to注意Pay attention to it. 请注意take part in参加,参与I have a meeting to take part in this afternoon. 今天下午我要参加一个会议。会议take account of考虑,重视Have you taken account of possible shift in demand? 需求有可能变化,你考虑到了吗?5. 学习和考试注意事项【重点学习内容】主要学会:1. 不及物动词后加适当介词可以构成相当于及物动词的动词短语:Wait for sb.就是典型的例子:常有人说 I will wait you here. 还不知道错了。应该说成 I will wait for you here.因为wait 是不及物动词,不能带宾语。类似的还有:look at look for look after , listen to 等等,并且注意类似于: read of 和hear of 这样的短语的区别。2. 介词后面的名词,或者相当于名词的词就是介词宾语,既然是宾语就要用宾格,特别要注意的代词宾格。He is looking at me.She is looking after her sister.We waited for him for a long time.I heard of him before.3. 同一动词后加不同介词/副词就会有不同的含义,要当作一个新词来记:look atlook aboutlook aheadlook aroundlook as iflook awaylook backlook down uponlook forlook forward tolook inlook downlook intolook likelook on /look uponlook up tolook on withlook outlook out ofrlook overlook roundlook throughlook tolook to be4. 及物动词带有副词后接宾语与不及物动词后接介词再加宾语是不同的。1) 不及物动词后接宾语时,动词和介词是不可分开的,两者成为一个整体。2) 及物动词后接副词,该副词可以和动词分开,特别是宾语为代词宾格的时候,这个代词就要放在动词和副词之间。He is always looking for his shoes. (不能分开)He always forgets to turn the lights off. He always forgets to turn off the lights.He always forgets to turn them off. (这个句子中的them指的是等,不能放在off的后面,因为它是代词宾格)

哪位知道Justin Timberlake 的和的歌词?

曲名:Bounce (Feat. Dr. Dre, Missy Elliott, Justin Timberlake) 歌手:Timbaland Huh... bounce... ooh I like you... bounce... C"mere girl, c"mere girl, c"mere girl, bounce C"mere girl, c"mere girl, c"mere girl, bounce C"mere girl, c"mere girl, c"mere girl, bounce C"mere girl, c"mere girl, let me talk to you [Verse 1 - Timbaland] Let me see them big titties, don"t act saddity you ain"t pretty Break bread if you wanna get wit" me, all I wanna do is dig off in them kidneys Tell ya boyfriend he better mind his business, "fore he end up in the trunk of my Bentley I am still a boss, he can"t hit me, he ain"t got enough paper to deal wit" me Baby girl wanna two step wit" me, turn around rub ya ass up against me Whoa, lil" mama done got tipsy, and then tonight, tomorrow you"re history All you haters wit" that hoe sh*t miss me, I stay strapped security don"t frisk me Set it off "til this muthafu*ka empty, I turn around do the same sh*t next week Come on [Chorus] - Timbaland & (Justin Timberlake) Bounce (like yo" ass had the hiccups) Bounce (like we was ridin" in my pick-up) Bounce (why you lookin" so sad? baby girl you need to cheer up) Bounce (I got the remedy, it"s you on me and me on you And you on me and me on you and you on her Then her on me and her on you and y"all on me Then me on y"all and y"all on me Menage a trois, menage a tr-uh-uh) [Verse 2 - Dr. Dre] OOH! There she go, just what the Doc"s been lookin" fo" She just what I need, black and Chinese like Sum Yung Ho I got a bungalow, we can diappear for a week or so (yeah) I got a steady young flow, super bowl wit" it like I"m Dungy yo (oh) Yes, congratulations, you won a millionaire invitation Sorry I"m so demandin", but save the dancin", for back at the mansion and Ain"t, this money handsome? Ain"t, that a panty anthem? I kill me, just like you, from the back you"ll see [Chorus] - Timbaland & (Justin Timberlake) [Verse 3 - Missy Elliott] Hold up! Hell naw! Like Britney Spears I wear no draws In the club I drink it up, gulp gulp drink it up Got Patron sippin" in my cup, that"s ya man I bet I can make him look When he see the jugs he wanna rush and get a quick touch of the big ol" butt Mmhmm big ol" butt, thick legs, big ol" jugs, legs stick like rims on the truck Take him to the crib, yep, we gon" fu*k, you can call me a freak I like to get buck I don"t have to do much to make you get it up Some young hoe she worth two dollars, I"m worth more dollars that make a beauty parlors I pop collars, c-c-c-collars, I don"t buy shots I only buy the bottles Only rich girls, we only buy the bottles And like a porn star I"m best when I swallow [Chorus] - Timbaland & (Justin Timberlake)

Well, you can cry me a river 那首歌里的?

Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake

求A Love Like Mine 歌词,Plug In Stereo唱的,谁知道呢??

Billie JeanMichael JacksonShe was more like a beauty queen from a movie sceneI said don"t mind, but what do you mean I am the oneWho will dance on the floor in the roundShe said I am the one will dance on the floor in the roundShe told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a sceneThen every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the oneWho will dance on the floor in the roundPeople always told me be careful of what you doAnd don"t go around breaking young girls" heartsAnd mother always told me be careful of who you <STRONG class=tx_hit>loveAnd be careful of what you do "cause the lie becomes the truthBillie Jean is not my loverShe"s just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my sonFor forty days and forty nightsThe law was on her sideBut who can stand when she"s in demandHer schemes and plans"Cause we danced on the floor in the roundSo take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice(Do think twice)She told my baby we"d danced till three, then she looked at meThen showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were <STRONG class=tx_hit>like <STRONG class=tx_hit>mine (oh, no!)"Cause we danced on the floor in the round, babyPeople always told me be careful of what you doAnd don"t go around breaking young girls" heartsShe came and stood right by meThen the smell of sweet perfumeThis happened much too soonShe called me to her roomBillie Jean is not my loverShe"s just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonBillie Jean is not my loverShe"s just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my sonBillie Jean is not my loverShe"s just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my sonShe says I am the oneBillie Jean is not my loverBillie Jean is not my loverBillie Jean is not my loverBillie Jean is not my loverBillie Jean is not my lover

2017 CFA 2级的derivative原版书里怎么没有课后习题了


英语翻译 转译法 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage

他们为了工资上调40%而继续 *** . 再问: 我觉得是应该把in demand of 以为动词“要求”、、该怎么体现呢

请问一首英文歌的歌名,歌词是she said when you were the only thing, you get when you can let go

这首歌的名字叫《You were my everything》。中文名:you were my everything作者 :Aviation演唱:Aviation风格:Rap歌词:英文歌词you were my everythingthis goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn"t realize it at the timei can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don"t really expect you to eitherit"s just... i don"t even knowjust"re the one that i wait, the one that i needthe one that i gotta have just to succeedwhen i first saw you, i knew it was reali"m sorry about the pain i made you feelthat wasn"t me; let me show you the wayi looked for the sun, but it"s raining todayi remember when i first looked into your eyesit was like god was there, heaven in the skiesi wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurtbut i didn"t know i made everything worseyou told me we were crazy in lovebut you didn"t care when push came to shoveif you loved me as much as you said you didthen you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shitnow you pushed me away like you never even knew mei loved you with my heart, really and trulyi guess you forgot about the times that we sharedwhen i would run my fingers through your hairlate nights, just holding you in my armsi don"t know how i could do you so wrongi really wanna show you i really need to hold youi really wanna know you like no one else could know youyou"re number one, always in my heartand now i can"t believe that our love is torn apartrefrain:i need you andi miss you andi want you andi love you "causei wanna hold you,i wanna kiss youyou were my everythingand i really miss you (x2)i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manand then sit and laugh as you"re holding his handthe thought of that just shatters my heartit breaks in my soul and it tears me apartat times we was off i was scared to show younow i wanna hold you until i can"t hold youwithout you, everything seems strangeyour name is forever planted in my braindamn it, i"m insane,take away the paintake away the hurtbaby, we can make it workwhat about when youlooked into my eyestold me you loved meas you would hugged mei guess everything you said was a liei think about it, it brings tears to my eyesnow i"m not even a thought in your mindi can see clearly, my love is not blindrefraini just wish everything could have turned out differentlyi had a special feeling about youi thought maybe you did tooyou would understand, matter what, you"ll always be in my heartyou"ll always be my babyour first day, it seemed so magicali remember all the time that i had with youremember when you first came to my house?you looked like an angel wearing that blousewe hit it off, i knew it was realbut now i can"t take all the pain that i feelreach in your heart, i know i"m still therei don"t wanna hear that you no longer careremember the times? remember when we kissed?i didn"t think you would ever do me like thisi didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressedi thought you"d be there for me, this i confessyou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guyi tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m tryingnow on the inside it feels like i"m dyingrefrain[talking] and i do miss youi just thought we were meant to bei guess now, we"ll never knowthe only thing i want is for you to be happywhether it be with me, or without mei just want you to be happy中文歌词曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我也没有期望过你能原谅我从来没有我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…你…你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈,就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景,在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每件事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你,你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你,没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗!你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而…不管怎样,你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置,因为我真的不想听你说,你不再在乎我。还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留,我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友!那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路,现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你,我曾经试着忘记你,或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。然而,现在我却也正在慢慢地死去,我真的想你,现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐

dangerous and sweet ——lenka歌词中英文对照!


皇后乐队的you were my everything的歌词是什么意思


when certain products have huge spikes in demand 里面的 huge spikes 什么意思

翻译:当某些产品有巨大的暴涨时的需求。huge spikes in demand是组合在一起的吧,逐个分开意思就差很远了。

Attention (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Attention (Album Version)歌手:The Academy Is...专辑:Almost HereAttention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.This table has taken a turn for the worst.Rock bottom and over the edgewell it"s not like it hurts that much anyway.Upside down and inside out.When I leave here I"m going alone.Well it"s not like, it not like it hurts much anyway.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen.Will you hear what I have to?This balance has weighed out our heart"s desire.I"m trying to make it alone.Well it"s not like it hurts that much anyway.Upside down and inside out.When I leave here I"m going alone.But I"m dying, I"m dying to touch.And it"s not like, it not like it hurts much anyway.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something, something.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen.Will you hear what I have to (say)?Attention! Attention!Upside down and inside out.Attention! Attention!Upside down and inside out.Note: there is a (demo?) version of this song wherefirst stanza is the complete chorus with words"Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen"

After Forever的《Eccentric》 歌词

歌曲名:Eccentric歌手:After Forever专辑:Invisible Circles -The End RecordsWhat do they see when they look at me?Who are they to judge meIf they never spoke with me?Never looked without laughingNever tried to see, see meI can"t believe that it is only meThe person to hate,The only left outI can"t believe how they can be so meanIf they could feel the brutal stings of their words,And the bitter cold when they laughOnce more I"m runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way throughI don"t really want to be like themThe way they behave,The way that they liveI don"t really need someoneNo people like that,But someone in a world with warmth and respectA world without the feelingI must be runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way through