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raid1 第二块硬盘出现error occurred,怎么处理

error occurred一般是说硬盘存在坏道,格式化后坏道并非不存在,对于服务器而言,相信你采用了raid1也是为了基于数据安全考虑,所以此时如果发现硬盘出现问题,最先考虑的应该是更换新硬盘。在保修期内就联系厂商更换,保修期外就购买配件更换。

Win7开机黑屏提示An unexpected I/O error has Occurred怎么办

disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+del to restart” A盘读取错误,按Ctrl+Alt+Del重启。 引起这个问题的原因有很多: 1.检查软驱中是否有软盘,然后进BIOS,把启动顺序调解为A在最后,顺便把A给关闭了。 2.BIOS设置中将“防病毒保护”设为启用。如果是这个原因,进BIOS,关闭“防病毒保护”。 3.写引导区错误。将BIOS恢复成默认,再重新插拔一下光驱数据线,或者换一条光驱数据线。 4.硬盘出现问题。问题一般出在硬盘连接线和硬盘坏道上。如果是出在连接线上,更换连接线即可解决。如果是硬盘出现坏道,可以试着用修复软件修复一下。如果坏道无法修复,也无法使用FBDISK分区软件对硬盘重新分区,那就只能更换硬盘。 5.系统问题。用系统盘对电脑进行修复安装或格盘重装即可解决。 6.中毒引起。进安全模式,用最新版杀毒软件杀毒。如果病毒无法清除,就重装系统

电脑显示read error occurred怎么弄?

是a disk read error occurred吧,下面还说按ctrl alt delt重启,重启没有用,还是这个提示的。出现此提示,一般是系统挂了或硬盘问题,建议进bios,设置硬盘为第一启动设备,保存,重启,如果还这样,重装系统。

我这是戴尔电脑A disk read error occurre 怎么破


游戏打开时出现registry error是怎么回事?请问怎么样解决,拜托了。


手机老是显示sorry,an error occured怎么回事?


磁盘阵列RAID-0,开机画面出现其中一个硬盘error occurred(0)红色字样,可以进系统,使用正常,什么问题


怎么解决战舰世界“critical error occurred”错误?

解决方法:可能是系统版本不兼容,有个很简单又有效的方法,在你的游戏运行的那个程序图标上点右键,选择属性。然后在弹出的窗口中选【兼容性】这个标签,选择【用兼容模式运行这个程序】,然后把下拉菜单里的选成windows98/windows ME,然后再次运行程序,应该就可以了,如果程序的安装目录的文件夹是中文的,最好也改成英文。拓展:1、《战舰世界》是Wargaming公司继《坦克世界》、《战机世界》后,开发的又一款大型战争网游。据了解,《战舰世界》的游戏背景设定为20世纪的海上战争。《战舰世界》将是“世界”战争三部曲的最后一部分,海陆空终于完整。一整部规模宏大的现代战争蓝图呈现在广大玩家面前。2、《战舰世界》将涵盖从一次世界大战到20世纪50年代末的各种舰船,涵盖了航母、战列舰、轻重巡洋舰和驱逐舰。每个玩家都会有几十种战术可供选择。鱼雷将会让游戏更加平衡,即便是1级的训练舰依靠鱼雷也有可能击沉10级战列舰,1艘驱逐舰甚至可以依靠其强大的鱼雷武备扭转战局。而航母着拥有强大的攻击能力,高级航母甚至将拥有斜角甲板和喷气式舰载机,并且其拥有强大的防空火力与自卫火力。

如何搭建及使用docker registry

registry是什么?registry是Docker的镜像存储服务,docker hub上的registry镜像见Registry官方镜像,更多详细信息请参见源码。搭建registry在服务器上执行如下命令安装docker,这里选择腾讯云(Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS 64位)镜像来创建服务器curl -fsSL | sh安装docker-compose Docker Compose是一个定义及运行多个Docker容器的工具。使用Docker Compose只需要在一个配置文件中定义多个Docker容器,然后使用一条命令将多个容器启动,Docker Compose会通过解析容器间的依赖关系,按先后顺序启动所定义的容器。详见Docker Composecurl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) > /usr/local/bin/docker-composechmod a+x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose启动registry服务,此例中包含nginx和registry两个容器,涉及的包及配置文件请参见附件,解压后,直接执行如下命令即可创建服务。docker-compose up -d停止服务docker-compose stop重启服务docker-compose restart下线服务docker-compose down上传镜像因为上面搭建的registry服务是http的,所以docker启动参数需要配置--insecure-registry localhost选项,修改/etc/default/docker文件DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry localhost"重启dockerservice docker restart拉取上传镜像 docker pull;docker tag;docker push(tag默认为latest)docker pull hello-worlddocker tag hello-world localhost/library/hello-worlddocker push localhost/library/hello-world下载镜像docker pull localhost/library/hello-world删除镜像docker rmi localhost/library/hello-world获取镜像仓库列表# curl http://localhost/v2/_catalog{"repositories":["library/hello-world"]}未上传镜像前的输出如下:# curl http://localhost/v2/_catalog{"repositories":[]}获取镜像tag列表# curl -X GET http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/tags/list{"name":"library/hello-world","tags":["latest"]}获取镜像manifests信息# curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" -X GET http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/manifests/latest{"schemaVersion": 2,"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json","config": {"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json","size": 1473,"digest": "sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc"},"layers": [{"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip","size": 974,"digest": "sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c"}]}其中c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc即为执行docker images时看到的IMAGE ID。 layers表示了镜像的层次关系,可以通过layers中的digest来拉取blob,见下面获取镜像blob获取镜像blob在上面获取hello-world:latest镜像的manifests信息中可以看到其只有一个layer,以此为例来看如何获取镜像blob。从拉取的结果可以看到获取的blob与文件sha256是一致的。执行docker pull实际上就是首先获取到镜像的manifests信息后,再拉取blob的。# curl -s -X GET http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/blobs/sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c -o hello-world.blob# ls -l hello-world.blob -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 974 Nov 23 09:56 hello-world.blob# sha256sum hello-world.blob c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c hello-world.blob ##删除镜像(soft delete)首先通过curl -i 参数获取到镜像的Docker-Content-Digest,registry 2.3及以后的版本必须在header中指定Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json,否则默认返回的是schema1的digest,其与schema2的digest不同,使用不指定上述头信息返回的digest删除时会返回404。# curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" -X GET http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/manifests/latestHTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.11.5Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 02:17:51 GMTContent-Type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+jsonContent-Length: 524Connection: keep-aliveDocker-Content-Digest: sha256:a18ed77532f6d6781500db650194e0f9396ba5f05f8b50d4046b294ae5f83aa4Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0Etag: "sha256:a18ed77532f6d6781500db650194e0f9396ba5f05f8b50d4046b294ae5f83aa4"{"schemaVersion": 2,"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json","config": {"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json","size": 1473,"digest": "sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc"},"layers": [{"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip","size": 974,"digest": "sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c"}]}根据上一步返回的Docker-Content-Digest删除,返回202表示删除成功# curl -k -v -s -X DELETE http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/manifests/sha256:a18ed77532f6d6781500db650194e0f9396ba5f05f8b50d4046b294ae5f83aa4* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache* Trying* Connected to localhost ( port 80 (#0)> DELETE /v2/library/hello-world/manifests/sha256:a18ed77532f6d6781500db650194e0f9396ba5f05f8b50d4046b294ae5f83aa4 HTTP/1.1> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0> Host: localhost> Accept: */*> < **HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted*** Server nginx/1.11.5 is not blacklisted< Server: nginx/1.11.5< Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 02:29:59 GMT< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8< Content-Length: 0< Connection: keep-alive< Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0< * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact确认结果# curl -X GET http://localhost/v2/library/hello-world/tags/list{"name":"library/hello-world","tags":null}删除镜像(hard delete)在上一步中,只是删除了镜像的manifests信息,解引用的blob还在占用磁盘空间,执行如下命令可以查看可以删除的blobdocker exec -it myregistry_registry_1 /bin/registry garbage-collect --dry-run /etc/registry/config.yml要删除blob,释放磁盘空间,需要执行下面的命令。需要特别注意的是在执行下面的命令时registry必须是只读模式(只读模式可在registry配置文件中设置),否则可能会导致数据不一致。docker exec -it myregistry_registry_1 /bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/registry/

docker registry使用指南

docker registry 的作用就是存储我们的镜像。通常情况下我们可以使用 docker hub 来存储,不过如果是在公司内部使用,不想将镜像公开,可以手动搭建一个本地registry,如 docker registry 或 harbor 。本文简单介绍一下 docker registry 的搭建使用及常用配置。 搭建registry最基础的命令为: docker run -d -v /data/registry:/var/lib/registry -p 5000:5000 registry:2 registry定义的对外服务端口为 5000 ,我们也可以通过环境变量 REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR 来修改服务端口。 如果要使用其他存储,如 Amazon S3 bucket , Google Cloud Platform 或其他docker支持的 存储 ,也可以通过环境变量单独配置(推荐用yaml的形式来配置)。 注:私有仓库,推送镜像时,要在 /etc/docker/daemon.json 或 C:ProgramDatadockerconfigdaemon.json 文件中添加以下配置,并重启docker。 创建服务端证书的第三步,可能会报错 unable to open "/etc/pki/CA/index.txt" ,需要手动创建该文件 touch /etc/pki/CA/index.txt , 并创建一个序列文件来标记CA证书 echo "1000" > /etc/pki/CA/serial 。 证书生成也可以参考: 为了提高regsitry的安全性,可以开启访问控制,用户需要登陆后才可以使用registry。 首先,创建一个密码文件,里面包含一条用户名密码(stark/catherine)。 windows系统下需要修改编码格式: docker run --rm --entrypoint htpasswd httpd:2 -Bbn testuser testpassword | Set-Content -Encoding ASCII auth/htpasswd 然后启动容器,带上用户认证。 配置一个域名解析: echo>> /etc/hosts ,然后使用docker登录 docker login ,用户名/密码就是前面配置的stark/catherine。 注:使用身份认证,建议开启TLS,否则登录信息明文传输(header中),一样不安全。 x509报错解决:x509报错通常就是自签证书没有加入到docker client所在host的信任证书中,手动加入即可。对于linux用户,只需要拷贝根证书文件到 /etc/docker/certs.d/ 中即可。 最后,也可以在浏览器中访问 https://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog 或是 https://localhost:5000/v2/docker/registry/tags/list 查看仓库信息。 以上只是最简单的用户认证,只能使用我们预先定义好的用户来访问。 我们也可以在regsitry之前使用一个代理,来实现更高级的身份认证;或者将registry集成到我们自己的身份认证和访问控制系统中,由我们的鉴权服务来签发token给用户,然后用户使用签发的token访问我们的registry。harbor就提供了这样一整套服务,如果有此方面的需求,可以考虑使用harbor。 不知到为啥,容器起来了,但访问不了 完整的配置选项 参考 。 配置文件和环境变量的对应关系。配置文件中的内容为: 上述配置文件如果通过环境变量来配置,则对应的环境变量为: REGISTRY_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_ROOTDIRECTORY=/var/lib/registry 格式为 REGISTRY_variable ,其中 variable 为配置的变量,通过 _ 连接yaml文件中的各层变量得到。 token 认证流程简图:

电脑开不了机,显示A disk read error occurred 怎么办?



一、名词解释: Image:镜像。 Container:容器。 Registry:镜像仓库。 二、相互关系: Docker Registry是一个集中存储、分发镜像的服务,便于我们在不同的环境使用某一个镜像。一个Resistry也可以由很多只保存同一镜像的不同版本的小仓库组成。 Docker Image是一个特殊的文件系统,除了提供容器运行时所需的程序、库、资源、配置等文件外,还包含了一些为运行时准备的一些配置参数(如匿名卷、环境变量、用户等)。镜像不包含任何动态数据,其内容在构建之后也不会被改变。Docker 设计时,就充分利用 Union FS的技术,将其设计为 分层存储的架构 。镜像实际是由多层文件系统联合组成。镜像构建时,会一层层构建,前一层是后一层的基础。每一层构建完就不会再发生改变,后一层上的任何改变只发生在自己这一层。比如,删除前一层文件的操作,实际不是真的删除前一层的文件,而是仅在当前层标记为该文件已删除。在最终容器运行的时候,虽然不会看到这个文件,但是实际上该文件会一直跟随镜像。因此,在构建镜像的时候,需要额外小心,每一层尽量只包含该层需要添加的东西,任何额外的东西应该在该层构建结束前清理掉。分层存储的特征还使得镜像的复用、定制变的更为容易。甚至可以用之前构建好的镜像作为基础层,然后进一步添加新的层,以定制自己所需的内容,构建新的镜像。 镜像(Image)和容器(Container)的关系,就像是面向对象程序设计中的类 和 实例 一样,镜像是静态的定义,容器是镜像运行时的实体。容器可以被创建、启动、停止、删除、暂停等。容器的实质是进程,但与直接在宿主执行的进程不同,容器进程运行于属于自己的独立的命名空间。前面讲过镜像使用的是分层存储,容器也是如此。容器存储层的生存周期和容器一样,容器消亡时,容器存储层也随之消亡。因此,任何保存于容器存储层的信息都会随容器删除而丢失。按照 Docker 最佳实践的要求,容器不应该向其存储层内写入任何数据 ,容器存储层要保持无状态化。所有的文件写入操作,都应该使用数据卷(Volume)、或者绑定宿主目录,在这些位置的读写会跳过容器存储层,直接对宿主(或网络存储)发生读写,其性能和稳定性更高。数据卷的生存周期独立于容器,容器消亡,数据卷不会消亡。因此, 使用数据卷后,容器可以随意删除、重新 run ,数据却不会丢失。 补充: 后续为了管理容器,Google提供了一个服务,全称Kubernetes,简称K8S。 K8S中有一些概念,列举如下: POD、节点:Master Node、Worker Node。 详细信息敬请期待。。。。后续补充链接。

an error occurred什么意思

an error occurred是“发生错误”的意思。拓展资料:打开百度,输入“谷歌翻译”:点击进入谷歌翻译:左边框上方选择英语,左边框输入“an error occurred”,右边框选择中文,右边框即出现对应的中文翻译:Google 翻译是谷歌公司提供一项免费的翻译服务,可提供 80 种语言之间的即时翻译,支持任意两种语言之间的字词、句子和网页翻译。可分析的人工翻译文档越多,译文的质量就会越高。

开机时电脑电脑屏幕显示k read error occurred 怎么解决呢?

你的电脑可能检测不到硬盘(检测不到硬盘的症状:开机时ide检测中不显示硬盘信息)这样进系统前就显示"屏幕出现故障恢复控制台提示“c:winnt,要登录到哪个windows 2000安装(要取消,请按enter)?在此键入“1”,

browse through / over /about 三者区别.

browse through / over 一个意思,通过……渠道 browse about sth

《Evicted Poverty》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Evicted》(Matthew Desmond)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: rb3w书名:Evicted作者:Matthew Desmond豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:Crown出版年份:2016-3-1页数:432内容简介:From Harvard sociologist and MacArthur "Genius" Matthew Desmond, a landmark work of scholarship and reportage that will forever change the way we look at poverty in AmericaIn this brilliant, heartbreaking book, Matthew Desmond takes us into the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee to tell the story of eight families on the edge. Arleen is a single mother trying to raise her two sons on the $20 a month she has left after paying for their rundown apartment. Scott is a gentle nurse consumed by a heroin addiction. Lamar, a man with no legs and a neighborhood full of boys to look after, tries to work his way out of debt. Vanetta participates in a botched stickup after her hours are cut. All are spending almost everything they have on rent, and all have fallen behind.The fates of these families are in the hands of two landlords: Sherrena Tarver, a former schoolteacher turned inner-city entrepreneur, and Tobin Charney, who runs one of the worst trailer parks in Milwaukee. They loathe some of their tenants and are fond of others, but as Sherrena puts it, “Love don"t pay the bills.” She moves to evict Arleen and her boys a few days before Christmas.Even in the most desolate areas of American cities, evictions used to be rare. But today, most poor renting families are spending more than half of their income on housing, and eviction has become ordinary, especially for single mothers. In vivid, intimate prose, Desmond provides a ground-level view of one of the most urgent issues facing America today. As we see families forced into shelters, squalid apartments, or more dangerous neighborhoods, we bear witness to the human cost of America"s vast inequality—and to people"s determination and intelligence in the face of hardship.Based on years of embedded fieldwork and painstakingly gathered data, this masterful book transforms our understanding of extreme poverty and economic exploitation while providing fresh ideas for solving a devastating, uniquely American problem. Its unforgettable scenes of hope and loss remind us of the centrality of home, without which nothing else is possible.作者简介:Matthew Desmond is an American sociologist and urban ethnographer. He is currently the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University and Co-Director of the Justice and Poverty Project. The author of several books, including the award-winning book, "On the Fireline," and "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City," Desmond was awarded a MacArthur "Genius" grant in 2015 for his work on poverty in America.

求教网页制作! 在Dreaweaver表单“文字域”制作中,中文 " 浏览" 钮怎样用代码更改为英文的“Browse"

<form name="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""><input type="text" id="input1"><input type="button" id="btn1" onclick=";" value="Browse..."><input type="file" id="myfile" onchange="input1.value=this.value" style="display:none"></form>


至少五个:1. register (因为它本身可作名词)2. registration3. registry 4. registrar5. registerer

手机最近上不了网,打开任何网站都显示An error occurred,怎么办


daily和every day和regular和regularly有什么区别

daily是形容词,日常的,每天的。every day是副词,每天。regular是形容词,有规律的,经常的regulaly是副词。

求高人指点!电脑开机后提示error occurred,好像是内存问题,如何解决?(新配置的电脑啊。。。)


frequent common ordinary general regular的区别


Ben Kweller的《on my way》 歌词

歌曲名:on my way歌手:Ben Kweller专辑:On My WayI want to kill this man but he turned around and ran.I"ll kill him with karate that I learned in Japan.He wouldn"t see my face. I wouldn"t leave a trace.I wouldn"t use a bullet cause a bullet"s a disgrace.Aw, mom, I never thought that I was a murdering manBut tonight I"m on my way.There"s this drawer that I know in a house up the roadThat"s full of things that are easily sold.When they go out of town I could go and snoop aroundAnd make myself rich off the things that I found.Aw, mom, I never thought that I was a stealing manBut tonight I"m on my way.I was sitting on the bleacher staring at the speaker,Reading his lips but I could not understand.So I opened up my ears and clearly I could hearThis detailed story all about a grain of sand.Aw, mom, I always dreamt of being a good listenerSo tonight I"m on my way.There"s this kid you gotta meet. He lives across the street.He"s got spirit and heart. We"re ten years apart.He is up for anything. He can hang with anyone.He still likes the things we used to think were fun.Aw, mom, I never thought that I could have a friendBut tonight I"m on my way.I"m in love with someone who"s as pretty as a flower.Her life give me power so I"m buyin" her a ring.She makes hats with her hands. She is such an artist.I"m her biggest fan and I"m teaching her to singAw, mom, I never thought that I could love no oneBut tonight I"m on my way.

an error occurred怎么解决?


regular【反义词】report【名词】 high[【名词】center【形容词】danger【形容词】 hot【名词】


开机时显示Error occurred


“An error occurred”是什么意思?


屏幕上显示Error occurred是什么意思



Erisn.【希腊神话】厄里斯〔司争吵、不和的女神〕。 例句与用法1. What is eris doing with a cpa艾蕾歌和个注册会计师在一起干什么? 2. Both ceres and eris are also classified as dwarf planets太阳系中的冥王星谷神星及厄里斯,同被列为矮行星。 3. Pluto together with ceres an asteroid and eris a kuiper belt object are dwarf planets冥王星连同谷神星小行星和厄里斯柯伊伯带天体则归类为矮行星。 4. With this definition , pluto as well as eris , ceres , and charon plutos satellite are planets and we will have 12 planets with more to be confirmed可是若接受这简单定义,冥王星厄里斯卡伦冥王星的?星将立即升格为行星,变成太阳系十二大行星,而有为数众多的候选行星等待确认。 5. In the fray his sons attend him , - terror , trembling , panic , and fear , - also his sister eris , or discord ( the mother of strife ) , his daughter enyo , ruiner of cities , and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons随从他奔赴疆场的有他的儿子:恐怖、战栗,惊慌和畏惧,还有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(纷争的母亲) 、女儿毁城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。 6. From runaway cars and high - speed snowboard chases to a spectacular final mountaintop showdown , cody has to use everything he s learned to prove himself as an agent and stop erisfrom completing their mission - and , maybe , even get the girl终于科德接到了第一个任务:接近学校里最受欢迎的女孩娜塔莉,因为cia怀疑娜塔莉的科学家父亲被坏人利用,秘密研究一种能控制世界的化武。 7. Not to be outdone [ 5 ] in the back story department , judd " s joanna eris was abandoned by her father as a little girl , spent her youth in juvenile detention centers , and has grown up to become an enchanting murderess who hooks up with wealthy men to enact a pseudo - feminist revenge ( back to double jeopardy )没有超出老戏的套路,贾德饰演的乔安娜?厄里斯很小的时候,就遭到父亲的遗弃,她在少年看管所中渡过了自己的青春,并长成为一个充满魅力的女杀手,她专门引诱那些有钱的男人,并充当一个申张伪女权主义的复仇者(回到了《双重危险》的情节) 。


common, ordinary, normal, usual, regular, popular, general1)common用于物,指不稀奇,很普通,无异皮型常的特征;用于人,指很平凡,没有职位,不高贵。2)ordinary指日常生活中随时碰到的、平凡的、平常的。3)normal指正常的、通常的。4)usual指通常的,用以表示自然界中符合规律的事物,也可表示符合社会风俗或个人习惯的事物。含有一贯如此,并不新奇的意思。5)regular指符合常规,有规律的;暗示没有意外发生的或不稳定的情况。6)popular指被广泛地接受或在普通人中间广为流行的燃宏猜、通俗的、大众化的。7)general含义较笼统,指同类中的近乎全部、绝大部分或绝大多数,含几乎没有例外之意。as a general rule,generally,① The book describes the way of life that the ordinary people of the European countries. 这本书描述了欧洲国家普通人的生活方式。②The average temperature this winter is below normal.今冬平均气温比正常偏低。③Following the usual method,he heated the metal and found that it expanded.他采用通常的方法,把金属加热并发现它膨胀了。④Mr Goodman is a regular customer of ours.古得曼先生是我们的常客。⑤Jogging is a popular form of exercise.慢跑是一种十分普及的锻炼方式。⑥The general opinion is in favor 0f them.舆论是支持他们的。实绝芦用链接:①As you know,whether the person will be elected president is a matter of ______interest.A. general B. common C. ordinary D.mostly②It is ________ sense to carry an umbrella in case of rain.A. usual B. normal C. common D. popular

peter kept his eye onthe ground分析成分?

Peter kept his eye on the ground.Peter是主语,kept是谓语,his eye是宾语,on the ground是宾语补足语。

There Is a book on the groanduff1f

There is a book on the ground.地上有下本书。一般疑问句是Is there a book on the ground?特殊疑问句是What"s on the ground?

Look into the water的意思


look into the river

答案:myself 考查单词填空.根据句意我可以看到自己,当我往河里看时.要用I的反身代词myself.



a hero has a vision from the moutaintop

They have a vision from the mountaintop.看完之后会有如下思路 思路,不是景色,是一个视野! 选A



look into the matter是什么意思

look into the matter调查此事look into the matter洞察其事; 例句:1.Please look into the matter and have the case settled immediately. 请尽最大努力圆满解决此事。

we can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which

当consider作“认为uff64以为uff64把……看作”解时,有以下用法: 1. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 名词(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: They all consider the boy a little hero. 他们都认为这孩子是位小英雄uff61 The students consider him a good teacher. 学生们认为他是个好老师uff61 2. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 形容词(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: Do you consider him honest? 你认为他诚实吗? I consider the report false. 我认为这则报道是不真实的uff61 注意:以上两种句式中作宾语补足语的名词和形容词可转换为动词不定式短语uff61例如: I consider him ( to be ) a fool. 我认为他是个傻瓜uff61 They consider it ( to be) helpful. 他们认为它是有帮助的uff61 3. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 动词不定式(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: They considered me to be in my thirties at first. 他们起初认为我30多岁uff61 We considered her to be writing the novel last year. 我们认为她去年在写这部小说uff61 She considered the machines to have been repaired. 她认为那些机器已被修好了uff61 I consider him to have done his best. 我认为他已经尽了最大努力uff61 4. consider + it(作形式宾语) + 名词/形容词(作宾语补足语) + 动词不定式(作真正宾语)uff61例如: I consider it necessary to telephone her. 我认为有必要给她打个电话uff61 Jenny considers it a great pleasure to work with Tom. 詹妮认为跟汤姆一起工作很愉快uff61 5. consider + 从句(作宾语)uff61例如: The young man considered he was a wise man. 那个年轻人认为他是睿智的人virtually是修饰free的。副词可以修饰形容词。

求refer,look into,consult,look up的区别

1.refer:常用refer to sth,提及,参照(某些书籍); 2.look into:调查.look into sth. 3.consult:咨询,求助于某人,常用:consult sb. 4.look up sth (in the dictionary)查字典,接具体查阅内容.

Fx 的hot summer歌词?

uc5d0ud504uc5d1uc2a4(f(x)) - Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot ub3c4uc800ud788 uc774ub807uac90 ub354 uc548ub418uaca0uc5b4 ub0b4uac00 uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e0 uc880 uc190ubcf4uaca0uc5b4 ub0a1uc740 uc2a4ud0c0uc77cubc16uc5d0 ubaa8ub974ub294 ub110 ud504ub85cub4c0uc2a4 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uba4buc838uc9c8uc9c0 uc880 uc54cuaca0uc5b4 uad50uc2e4uc5d0uc11c uc0acubb34uc2e4 ucc45uc0c1uc5d0uc11c uccaduc18c uc548 ud55c ubc29uc5d0uc11c uc5b4uc11c ub098uc640ub77c uc5b4uc11c ub728uac70uc6b4 uad11uc120 uc3dfuc544uc838 uc557 ub530ub054ud574 ub208ubd80uc154 uc0b4uc9dd ucc0cud478ub9b0 ub208 uc120uae00ub798uc2a4 uc5bcuc74cuc744 uae68ubb38 uc785 uc18d uc640uc791 uc5bcuc5bcud574 ud558ub298uc740 ud30cub797ub2e4 ubabbud574 ud22cuba85ud574uc838 Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot uc774uac8c uc81c ub9db Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot ub9d0ub9acubd80 ud574ubcc0uc740 uc544ub2c8ub354ub77cub3c4 uae08uac00ub8e8 ubfccub838ub2c8 ub208ubd80uc154 ud30cub3c4 ubc1c ud22dud22d ud138uace0 uc544uc774uc2a4ud06cub9bc uac00uac8cub85c uac00uc2ed uac00ub4ddud55c TVuac00 uc7acubbf8uc5c6uc5b4 ud55cuac15uc5d0uc11c ubb3c ud30cub780 ub3d9ud574uc5d0uc11c uc800 uc6ccud130 ud30cud06cuc5d0uc11c uc7acubc0cuac8c ub180uc790 uc5b4uc11c ub728uac70uc6b4 uad11uc120 uc3dfuc544uc838 uc557 ub530ub054ud574 ub208ubd80uc154 uc0b4uc9dd ucc0cud478ub9b0 ub208 uc120uae00ub798uc2a4 uc5bcuc74cuc744 uae68ubb38 uc785 uc18d uc640uc791 uc5bcuc5bcud574 ud558ub298uc740 ud30cub797ub2e4 ubabbud574 ud22cuba85ud574uc838 Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot uc774uac8c uc81c ub9db ub540 ud758ub9acub294 uc678uad6duc778uc740 uae38uc744 uc54cub824uc8fcuc790 ub108ubb34 ub354uc6b0uba74 uae4cub9cc uae34 uc637 uc785uc790 Yeah! It Must Be Burning Cuz I Got You Sweating In This Weather All Them Heads Be Turning True Dat You Know I Got It ub728uac70uc6b4 uad11uc120 uc3dfuc544uc838 uc557 ub530ub054ud574 ub208ubd80uc154 uc0b4uc9dd ucc0cud478ub9b0 ub208 uc120uae00ub798uc2a4 uc5bcuc74cuc744 uae68ubb38 uc785 uc18d uc640uc791 uc5bcuc5bcud574 ud558ub298uc740 ud30cub797ub2e4 ubabbud574 ud22cuba85ud574uc838 Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot uc774uac8c uc81c ub9db Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer

normal ,general ,common,regular 的区别是什么?


on the ground lay some air conditioners


on-the-ground experience 是什么意思?求英语达人地道的翻译!


look up look for look after look into

look up 向上看,查找look for 寻找look after 照顾,照看look into向里看。调查

over the ground和on the ground有什么区别


look into 和look over的差别

look into,研究;调查look over,从…上面看过去;回顾,

上网是in the internet还是on the internet?online还是on line?


英语merely 和 only 有什么不同?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: merely只能做副词用 only可以做形容词、副词和连词等等 意思也多很多 merelyadv. 仅仅;只不过 I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it. 我只不过看了看巧克力,我没有吃。 They are not merely content to fill the stomach. 他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。 You don"t have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth. "你不必太生气了,他只不过是想知道点事实真相。" only adj.(形容词) Alone in kind or class; sole. 唯一的:在种类或级别中与众不同的;独特的 Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence. 出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的 adv.(副词) Without anyone or anything else; alone: 单独地:没有其它别的事物;独自地: room for only one passenger. 单人客房 At the very least: 仅仅: If you would only e home. The story was only too true. 只要你肯回家来。这故事是千真万确的 And nothing else or more: 只有,仅仅: I only work here. 我只在这里工作 Exclusively; solely: 专门地,唯一地: facts known only to us. 这些事只有我们才知道 In the last *** ysis or final oute: 最后的分析,最终结果: actions that will only make things worse. 最后使事情更糟糕的行为 With the final result; nevertheless: 最终结局,仍然: received a raise only to be laid off. 加薪的结果只是被派遣而已 As recently as: 最近地: called me only last month. 上个月刚通知我 In the immediate past: 刚才: only just saw her. 刚才还看见她了 conj.(连接词) Were it not that; except. 假如;除非 With the restriction that; but: 条件是,但是: You may go, only be careful. 你可以去,但要小心 However; and yet: 然而,毕竟: The merchandise is well made, only we can"t use it. 这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用

on line,online,on the Internet 它们之间都相等吗

小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡著了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。 深夜,保姆觉得无聊就想去楼下看电视。但是她看不了,因为楼下没有电视(因为孩子的父母不希望他们的孩子看太多垃圾)。她就打电话给孩子的父母,问是否可以在他们的卧室看电视,当然孩子的父母同意了。 但保姆又想要最后一个请求。 她问是否可以用毯子或者衣服盖住那小丑雕像,因为那使她感到很害怕。 电话沉默了一会。 (此时爸爸在和保姆通话) 他说:带孩子离开房间…… 我们将会叫警察……我们从来没有什麼小丑雕像。 那小丑很可能是一个从监狱逃出来的杀人犯。 电话里沉默了一会儿。 (正在跟保姆通话的孩子的父亲)说:带上孩子们,离开房子……我们会通知警察……我们没有一个小丑雕像…… 孩子们和保姆被小丑谋杀了。 结果是,小丑是一个从监狱里逃出来的杀人犯 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿著刀站在你的床前。 我在这里发了,这就是恶魔般的小丑没有杀我的原因

on line,online,on the Internet 它们之间都相等吗

on line 是一个词组 在线的 online 是单词 在线 意思没多大差别 只是用法上有差别 比如表达网购这个意思 可以说 online shopping 这是指网络购物 shopping on line 是指在网络上购物.说起来是没啥差别的 至于on the internet是比 on line online 要正式一点



look into 和consider的区别

意思不同。look into 调查;观察;在…里查资料;深入地检查consider 仔细考虑;深思

This BIOS is exc lusively for Acer only



the sweater(is)(be)60 yuan. these skirts(are)(be) on the bed. how much(is)(be) this t-shirt how much(are)(be) the shorts? can i (help)(help) you?-yus, please. i need a pen. the sweater (looks)(look) nice. i like it very much.

经典老歌Right Here Waiting For You

the last one

“put her body on the line”什么意思


谁能帮忙把Jonas Brothers和Demi的on the line歌词翻译下~`

i didn"t wanna say, i"m sorry, for breaking us apart.我不想说,我很抱歉,为了我们的分离。i didn"t wanna say, it was my fault, even though i knew it was.我不想说,那是我的错,尽管我知道那是我的错。i didn"t wanna call, you back,"cuz i knew that i was wrong.我不想祈求你回来,因为我知道我是错了。yeah i knew, i was wrong.是的我知道,我错了。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.我想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.但是今晚,我们通宵在线。listen baby.“听着,亲爱的。”never would"ve said forever, if i knew we"d end so fast.“如果我知道我们会结束的这么快,我就不会说永远,”why did you say,"i love you", if you knew that it wouldn"t last?“那为什么你要说爱我,你明知道那爱不会长久。”baby i just can"t hear what you"re saying.“亲爱的,我听不清你在说什么”the line is breaking up.“信号不好断线了”or is that, just us?或者是,我们要分手(断线)了?or is that just us?!难道我们真的要分手。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.曾经的爱是幸福美丽的we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.所以今晚,我们要通宵在线。try to call again and get in your mailbox.(断线)我会不停尝试的打你电话,发你短消息。like a letter left unread.就像一封未读短信。apologies are often open ended,我的歉意不会停止。but this one"s better left unsaid.这次,无言是最好的选择one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.今晚,我们要通宵在线。we"ll leave it on the line.我们要通宵在线(yeah, oh yeah)we"ll leave it on the line tonight我们今晚要通宵在线!支持JB。呼~好累。


  看一下吧,应该可以了  Name: Liu Xiuying Gender: Female Age: XX-year-old  Date of Birth: XXXXX Marital Status: Single Height: 162CM  Current location: Shenzhen, the location of household population: Henan Work Experience: 7 years  English proficiency: Proficiency in English Level: Computer: proficient  A second language: English level: skilled  Highest level of education: secondary Profession: Computer Science and Technology;  Current position: Shipping / air / land to operate the current monthly salary: Privacy  At present, industries: logistics, warehousing, postal services industry, look forward to a monthly salary: Negotiable  Interest areas: housing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, request: request for housing  Intention of the industry: time to到岗: Negotiable  Intention posts: Logistics / Warehouse Management Shipping / air / land operations  【Contact Us】  Phone: XXXXXXXXXXXXX phone number:  Tel: pager number:  Email: personal homepage: http://cherry_lau @  Communication Address: Dalian Haiqiao 〔International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. Postcode: 518103〕  Details of work experience 【】  Expertise:  Good communication, strong team spirit. Can quickly adapt to the new environment, the ability to work independently.  Work experience:  Shipping Assistant Grenfell 2004-2009 Fashion (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.  The main work is based on sales orders and sales department and production department to coordinate shipment dates and booking accommodation in advance (BY SEA / BY AIR) and the shipping company and air company and asked about the comparative pricing, reduce transportation costs, at the end of the shipping companies and air cargo company check the bill. at the end of shipment to submit a list of sales. responsible for the provision of customs information to apply for FA and CO and do a full set of shipping documents (INVOICE, PACKING LIST, INSURANCE, FA / CO, etc.) and bank documents Bills (D / P , D / A, L / C), responsible to the bank to pay bills alone. and is responsible for customs import and export goods online.  Very familiar with the entire shipping process, shipping services can be independent.  High operation 2000-2004 Yuntong Haiqiao Dalian International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch  According to information provided by foreign agents, contact the factory. Plant received BOOKING, shipping schedules and offer to provide foreign agent to confirm.  Foreign agent confirmed to the shipping companies do booking BOOKING place, get released after the class S / O to the plant, such as factories need to pay customs,  Declaration to help pay the factory and to the AMS at the time provided for recovery of the factory before providing information to the AMS and the system of a single data system to AMS, and with factories and shipping companies to check the B / L.  Set sail three days to provide a complete set of documents to foreign agents, and in accordance with the requirements of plants out of the original B / L or Telex Release B / L and the corresponding bill to the factory. Such as foreign agents have any comments and complaints, it is necessary to first  Solution and processing. Familiar with the whole operation process, to operate services independently.  Educational background 【】  1996/09 to 1999/07 secondary computer application Henan Economic and Trade School

求Everytime We Touch下载链接

告诉我你的email,我传给你好了. 我的email是: (我是用limewire下载的, 不过是个英文系统)


on the way 是指“在途中,在去……的路上(on the way to ……)”under way 是指“在进行中”

体育课是P.E. class地道还是gym class地道?还有十字路口用intersection还是crossroads?以上的区别?


minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related是什么意思

minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related涉及的个人相关问题及相关问题的最低金额minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related涉及的个人相关问题及相关问题的最低金额



C++ set_intersection问题

1.返回空集2.空集的.begin()和.end()是相等的3.你的set_difference(a.begin(),a.end(),b.begin (),b.end (),inserter(c,it));的意思是比较a和b中不同的元素 将a中与b中不同的元素放到c中a中是1,b中是2,不同,所以将a放入c 输出c 是1

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可以的,这类词被称作复合词,即compoundword,我们通常遇见的复合词是名词,例如blackboard,是由形容词black 和名词board构成的,但是注意这两个都不是词根和词缀,因为英语单词根据构成形式可以分为简单词,派生词和复合词,派生词是由词根和词缀构成的,这里你说的名词+-related属于复合词中的复合形容词,如drug-related .你查一下词典会发现-related是复合形,即复合形式,combining form,这种形式只能构成复合词.这个讲深了跟词素也有关的,如果想详细了解也可以问我哈

如何投射 intersection petrel

3dsMax中投射可以用以下两种方法:1 做一茶壶,在某个正视图,做一图形,选择茶壶,打开复合对象----------图形合并--------拾取图形,点击视图里的图形,这样,茶壶上就有 了图形的投射图形。2 使用复合对象里的一致命令:做一茶壶,和一个平面。选择平面,点击一致----------拾取包裹对象---------点击视图里的茶壶。这样平面就被投射(包裹)到茶壶身上了。

什么是intersection over union

Union就是并集, intersection就是交集UNION 操作符用于合并两个或多个 数据集intersection操作符用于取两个或多个提示存在数据集union:若A和B是集合,则A和B并集是有所有A的元素或所有B的元素,而没有其他元素的集合。A和B的并集通常写作 "A∪B",读作“A并B”,用符号语言表示,即:A∪B={x|x∈A,或x∈B}形式上,x是A∪B的元素,当且仅当x是A的元素,或x是B的元素intersection:数学上,一般地,对于给定的两个集合A 和 集合B 的交集是指含有所有既属于 A 又属于 B 的元素,而没有其他元素的集合。

Cad中的apparent intersection有什么用

外观交点外观交点(Apparent intersection):按钮 捕捉圆、圆弧、直线段等的外观交点。在三维模型中,两个对象没有 真正相交,但是从投影结果看有一个交点,此点称为外观交...

求一首英文歌的歌名,其中有一句歌词是“everybody cry”

楼主说的是不是一个女孩唱的,很抒情,很柔和,《栋笃神探》完美结局的最后那首歌?歌曲名:You"re A Part Of Me 歌手:Gene Cotton & Kim Carnes楼主看看歌词everybody loves >everybody cries >everyone has feelings on the inside > >everywhere you go >everything you do >feelings are a special part of you > >are you sad >or mad >or silly and glad >find a friend and tell"em how you feel > >are you scared >or shy >or bursting with pride >share the news that"s what makes it real > >everybody hopes >everybody dreams >everybody wonders what do feelings really mean > > >everyone you touch >everyone you know >feelings are a part of how we grow > >are you tired >and down >or just kidding all round >find a friend and tell"em how you feel > >are you jealous >or bursting with pride >share the news that"s what makes it real > > >everybody loves >everybody cries >everyone has feelings on the inside > >everywhere you go >everything you do >feelings are a special part of you >feelings are a special part of you




在我们进行业务开发的过程中,常常会碰到下拉加载列表数据的需求。本文将介绍如何利用Intersection API实现一个简单的下拉加载数据的demo。 传统的下拉加载方案大多数都是通过监听 scroll 事件,然后获取目标元素坐标以及相关数据,再进行对应的实现。例如下面就是一个依赖数据列表容器的 scrollHeight 、 scrollTop 和 height 实现的下拉加载的demo。 1.性能较差 我们知道, scroll 事件的发生是十分密集的,在监听 scroll 事件的回调函数中,我们都要重新获取列表容器的 scrollTop , 这会导致“重排”的发生 。此时需要我们额外去做一些防抖或是节流的工具,防止造成性能问题。 2. scrollTop 的小数问题 眼尖的同学可能已经看到的,我们在判断容器是否已经滚动到底部是,还做了一个-1的操作。 这是因为在使用显示比例缩放的系统上,scrollTop可能会提供一个小数。如下图所示,在容器滚动到底部时, scrollHeight(1542) - scrollTop(1141.5999755859375) 与容器的高度 height(400) 并不相等。 所以我们需要做出相应的兼容处理。 IntersectionObserver 提供了一种异步观察目标元素在其祖先元素或顶级文档视窗( viewport )中是否可视的方法。 IntersectionObserver的用法十分简单,我们只需要定义好DOM元素的可视状态发生变化后需要做些什么,以及需要观察哪些元素的可视状态就好了。 接下来我们详细的看看intersectionObserver这个API。 IntersectionObserver构造函数会接收两个参数。 callback为被观察元素的可视状态发生变更后的回调函数,此回调函数接受两个参数: entries :一个 IntersectionObserverEntry 对象的数组。IntersectionObserverEntry对象用于描述被观察对象的可视状态的变化,拥有以下的属性: observer :当前IntersectionObserver实例的引用。 options为一个可选参数,可传入以下属性: IntersectionObserver构造函数会把options中的属性挂载到IntersectionObserver实例上,并赋予IntersectionObserver实例四个方法: intersectionObserver构造函数中传入的回调函数只会在观察的元素的可视状态发生变化后才会执行,很好的解决传统判断可视的方案的性能瓶颈。 我们在实现下拉加载功能时,当数据列表还没有加载完时,我们往往会在数据列表的最后放置一个 loading 组件,表示当数据列表还有更加数据,并且正在加载中。我们可以利用这个 loading 组件的可视状态以及 Intersection API实现Intersection版本的下拉加载。

intersection和crossroad 有什么区别

intersection 注重两条街的交叉,可以示十字路口,也可是丁字路口,crossroad 注重的是十字路口junction 与 intersection 相似。


crossroad 是人行横道的意思 后面两个是十字路口 intersection比较书面化,而且它还有交集的意思


如果你说的是创成式外形设计(generative shape design)模块下的intersection(相交)命令,那么它的使用是先后选择两个元素(这两个元素可以是面、线、实体等),点完确定以后,获得这两个元素的相交元素,一般获得的结果为点或者线。要是不是说的这个的话,可以继续追问。



参考文献顺序不对,它是按照字母排序。 1复制新的一份spbasic.bst(或其他两个均可)文件(指定了references的格式),命名为spbasic_unsort.bst。 2打开spbasic_unsort.bst,找到SORT开头的两行(注意大写),使用%把这两行注释掉,保存。 3在tex文件修改使用的bst文件,改成ibliographystyle{spbasic_unsort},重新编译,即可按。 4如果未生效,可能是bst编译的文件没有更新,试着把bbl文件删除,然后重新编译一下。



union 和 intersection 在数学术语中是什么意思???

∮:闭合路径积分 ∷:不知道,结束符? ≮:不小于 ≯:不大于 ∧:逻辑合取 ∨:逻辑析取