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My father watches TV every day 转换为否定句

My father does not watch TV everyday.

there is nothing more i______to life than the sun.W_____the sun

There is nothing more important than the sun. Without the sun all living things on the earth will die. The sun is a star. In the sky there

My father 的名词性物主代词 My father

在my father后面加"s就好啦 名词的这种形式可以是名词性也可以是形容词性 比如可以说this is my father"s.(名词性) 也可以说my father"s book is on the bed.(形容词性)

my father的英语作文50词


英语作文my father 带翻译




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my father 英语作文120字

My father is my role model. I have always looked up to him since i was a kid. He is a hardworking and determined person who will go to any lengths to provide for our family and make sure we are well cared for. Although sometimes we may have some disagreements, i know every decision he makes is for my own good. Father is also a very traditional man and that means being a filial son. he has incorporated this value frequently during my upbringing by making an example of himself. He is responsible for the welfare of my grandparents and ensures that i, as the grandchild, show respect towards my elders.

my father翻译


My father 的名词性物主代词 My father

在my father后面加"s就好啦 名词的这种形式可以是名词性也可以是形容词性 比如可以说this is my father"s.(名词性) 也可以说my father"s book is on the bed.(形容词性)

my father ,my friend英语作文

my friend,有空我帮你啊


Never Give Up On A Dream 应该是rod stewart版本的 qq音乐里有


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My father英语作文


中考英语作文范文:我的爸爸My Father

 My Father My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.   我的爸爸 我的爸爸个子高高的,戴着一副眼镜。大家都说他是个好心肠的人。他经常帮邻居排忧解难,对于一些他压根不认识的陌生人,他也总是尽力相助。他为别人真是付出了许多许多。我不愿意他这么做,因为这花费了他太多的时间。每当我劝阻他时,爸爸总是笑着说:“世界需要热心肠嘛!” 爸爸热爱家庭,更注重事业,公司里的人都叫他“工作狂”。他把大部分时间都用于工作,为工作他常常废寝忘食。过度的劳累使他的健康状况欠佳。 爸爸闲暇时爱读书。他告诉我,读书很有趣。我渐渐地对读书产生了兴趣。我爱上了书,因为书对我帮助很大。 爸爸有个坏习惯——太爱吸烟。我不喜欢他抽烟。瞧,家里充满了烟味。我知道吸烟有害他的健康,对我和妈妈也有害无益。我建议他戒烟。我相信总有一天他会这么做的。 这就是我的爸爸,我为有这样的好爸爸而自豪。 My Father-我的爸爸

My Father 翻译。。


Myfather 作文

My father is a farmer.He is very strong.I am very respect he. My father is a traditional Chinese.In the day,he always go to the farm.Every day he is very tired.In the evening.He helps me with my homework.My father know many words.His English is very well.And his Chinese is very well, either.sometimes my father is go jogging with me in the morning,he always tell me some old stories.I am very like he talking old stories.Because it is very interesting and funny. In a word,my father is very kind.I like my father very much.

my father 英语作文


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My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go to work.He is a good doctor.He loves his job.He works hard.My father likes sports.He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.Then he runs go out.In the afternoon,he plays basketball.Sometimeshe plays chess with my brother.My father also likes listening to music and watching TV.He likes 我的父亲是一个英俊的男人,他是高和中等身材,他有短的黑色的头发和大眼睛。我的父亲在一家医院工作,他是一个医生,他在医院里穿一件制服,开车上班,他是一个好医生,他热爱他的工作,他工作很努力。我的爸爸喜欢运动,他每天早上6:00钟起床。然后他跑出去,下午,他打篮球,有时。他和我弟弟一起下棋。我父亲也喜欢听音乐和看电视,他喜欢听音乐。

my father高中英语作文

My father 我的爸爸 My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best. My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father. 翻译: 我爸爸今年43岁,他是一名老师,他工作非常认真,他经常穿一件黄色的上衣和一条蓝色的裤子, 他非常喜欢运动,最喜欢的就是打篮球。 我的爸爸非常爱我,他每天都检查我的作业,他经常给我一些美味的食物。在周末,我们还有我妈妈经常一起去公园,我爱我的爸爸。 ---------------------------- 谢谢采纳哦 ~   my father is a worker to work out every year he grow very *** all but the body is very strong in order to i work hard every day in my heart i think he is the best of the world now his father"s old or go to far away places to work to make money raising the self and his hair is white many, i love him this is my father   MyfatherneverplayswithmeBecauseheisalwasat(w)   覅日日叫人家叫人家任何人vv田v点击进入几

my father初一英语作文

  在我的脑海里,爸爸是一位严厉的人,但又那么和蔼可亲。你知道怎么写一篇我的爸爸的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的my father 初一英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!  my father 初一英语作文篇1   My father is a straightforward person, because he is a dragon, is this character.   He was scared when he was angry. I remember once, he saw my math homework is not very good, furious, scolded me meal, in the living room to smoke, I do not live in the room doing homework. This time the father, like a bomb, at any time may break out.   When he was happy, it was easy to get close to the May Day holiday when he was busy with work, but could still take the time from Xi"an to Jinhua, took us to play in many places, for example, Andi Reservoir, Qiandao Lake, ...   And later hurriedly arrived in Xi"an, when in Hangzhou because of fatigue, and hung up for several days Diaozhen, no one to take care of. This is what I later heard my grandmother said.   Father, you pay for us too much, we will learn good, father, you have to take care of their own body, we love you.   my father 初一英语作文篇2   My father forty years old, tall tall, big eyes, eyes have a little crow"s feet, especially in his laugh when the wrinkles even more obvious. He has a thick black hair, very masculine beauty. In my opinion, my father is very handsome, he has been my admirers, but also my idol.   My dad is a traffic policeman, and he works in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Dad is very dedicated work, decisive and decisive, he strict demands on themselves, but very happy to help others. In my impression, he often work overtime, especially on holidays, others can have reunited with their families, enjoy their grandchildren, and he is still busy than usual, and sometimes even a few days can not return home. In the unit, he and his comrades get along very well, so his relationship is particularly good. Everywhere has his good friend. I remember the last time I attended the summer camp in Beijing encountered difficulties, he worked well in the Ministry of Public Security know, immediately came to our station, promptly gave me help. That moment, I really so moved, really good thanks to my father!   My dad is a good father at home. Whenever there is free time, he often find me under the chess, with me playing table tennis ball, playing football, but also often check my homework. When I was in trouble, he often worries me; when I am unhappy, I think of the way to make me happy; often come to my room at night, give me a quilt, afraid of my cold. Dad is very considerate, very good to my mother, especially for her mother to respect. He is a life of rigorous and loving clean people, he never promised us free to put things. By his influence, therefore, our home at all times are very refreshing, very warm. Every time my parents will, father almost every time must participate, and sometimes father and mother are to participate. I am really happy to have such a dad!   my father 初一英语作文篇3   I have a good father, he is very high, about 1 m 8 or so, a little fat, two big eyes under a handsome nose, there is a sort of a small mouth. My dad is an honest man, but sometimes a bit humorous. My daddy"s temper is good, do not love temper.   My dad is good to me. I remember in a winter, I want to eat fish, but we are home to play in rural areas, there is no place to sell fish. It was night. When sleeping, I see my father was not in bed, at first, I do not feel strange, because I think my father went to the toilet.   To the first two days, I just got up, brush your teeth, found the father came from the river where the hands still clinging something, so my father did when I was discovered. Is a few fish. I suddenly realized that my father last night to help me catch the fish, how cold weather, my father actually went to catch me fish, but also a night without sleep, I was really touched.   And once again, I and my father, my mother went to the market to buy things, suddenly, we saw a thief is secretly Mo a man"s package, I saw, and thought that person shouted: "thief" I thought that person will be afraid of. But he was staring at me and said: "how, I am afraid you do not" my father heard, went to catch, take the thief saw, put his hand behind, like what in that, I Dad saw, immediately rushed up, catch him, the masses see, also up to catch him. My dad did a good job.   This is my dad.   我有一个好爸爸,他很高,大约有1米8左右,有一点胖,两只大眼睛下有一个俊俏的鼻子,有一个不大不小的嘴巴。我的爸爸是一个老实的人,但有时也有点幽默。我爸爸的脾气也好,不爱发脾气。   我的爸爸对我很好。记得在一个冬天,我想吃鱼,可我们正在老家农村玩,没有卖鱼的地方。又是晚上。睡觉的时候,我见爸爸没在床上,刚开始,我不感觉奇怪,因为我认为是爸爸上厕所去了。   到了第2天,我刚起床,刷牙的时候,发现了爸爸从小河的那里走来,手里还抓着什么东西,等爸爸做近时,我才发现。是几条鱼。我恍然大悟,我爸爸昨天晚上是帮我抓鱼去了,怎么冷的天气,爸爸竟然还去给我抓鱼,还一个晚上没有睡觉,我真的是很感动。   还有一次,我和爸爸,妈妈去菜市场买东西,突然,我们看见一个小偷正在偷偷的莫一个人的包,我看见了,想那个人大叫说:“小偷”我本以为那个人会害怕的。可是他却狠狠的瞪我一眼说:“怎么了,我还怕你不成”我爸爸听见后,就前去捉拿,拿小偷看见了,就把手放在身后,像是在那什么东西,我爸爸看见后,就马上冲了上去,捉着了他,群众看见后,也就上去抓他。我爸爸就干了一件好事。   这就是我的爸爸。 猜你喜欢: 1. my father英语作文100字 2. my father的英语作文 3. My father高中英语作文50字 4. My father的高中英语作文 5. my father高中英语作文 6. My parent初中英语作文

写My Father小学英语作文

  爸爸在你们的心目中是怎样的形象呢?现在就给大家介绍一下我的爸爸吧!下面是我为大家精心整理的关于写My Father小学英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。   My Father   My father is a kind man. He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance. He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated. My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home. At weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. He is a man of few words, but he often says to me "A little learning is a dangerous thing". I will always remember these words. I love my father very much   我的父亲是一个善良的人。他是一家之主,是一个有毅力的人。他工作很努力,并且他的工作态度受到高度赞赏。   他热爱钓鱼,几乎每天都会去钓鱼,总是满载而归。我父亲的厨艺也很不错,他总是说“我的厨艺绝对不比大厨差”。在周末,他还是去公司上班,很勤奋。 我的父亲不像其他人的父亲一样,总是要求自己的孩子去上补习班,而是尊重我的意见。   My Father   Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much.   My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: “MR Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much.” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.   My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.   This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?   My Father   Everyone has a father. My father is of middle height. He is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. On first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate. Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.   I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a comparatively rich life. People of all fields come to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world.   But at home, he is a harsh parent. He has high expectations of me. When I am lazy and idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded to go on and on, never give up.   父亲人皆有之。我的父亲中等身材,长得结实,一双锐利而富有友情的眼睛看上去很严肃。乍一看,你还以为他是难以接近的人,实际上,他很体贴入微、善解人意。外表往往误导,所以,决不能以貌取人。   我相信我的父亲是一个有才能的人,他办事果断有力。他依靠自己的才干和努力,使我们的家庭获得了良好的社会地位和比较宽裕的生活。各行各业的人到我家来,从而使我获得了许多极为难得的社会经验和人世沧桑的真切体验。

my father我的爸爸英语作文带翻译

My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father. 我的父亲是一个戴眼镜的高个子男人。每个人都说他是个善良的人。他经常帮助他的邻居和一些他不知道的陌生人。他真的为别人做了很多。我不喜欢他这样做,因为我认为它已经采取了他太多的时间。当我劝阻他时,他总是微笑着说,世界需要温暖的心。 我的父亲爱他的家庭,爱他的工作,甚至更好。在公司里,他被称为工作狂,他把大部分时间都花在工作上,经常忘了吃饭和睡觉。因此,他不享有良好的健康。我的父亲喜欢在业余时间读书。他告诉我读书很有趣。我开始对阅读感兴趣。我喜欢书,因为他们在很多方面帮助我。我的父亲有一个坏习惯他很喜欢吸烟。我讨厌它。看,房子里充满了烟。我知道他身体不好,母亲和我的。我建议他戒烟。我相信他有一天会听我的劝告。这就是我的父亲。我为有这样一个好父亲而感到骄傲。


  他,并不细心,却能在眉宇间透露出对儿女的丝丝爱意。你知道怎么写一篇我的爸爸的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的myfather初中英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   myfather初中英语作文篇1   Black hair mixed with a few white hair, the skin a little bit black, a pair of eyes are bright and piercing, that is my father. Dad is forty years old. Dad hurts me hurt, but I have repeatedly hurt my father"s heart. As the father of the pearl in the hands, and I can not share for him! I just want to say to my dad: Daddy I love you forever!   Once, I walked in the street, curious I accidentally saw a very cute, very small a Disney phone, it is really very beautiful, the whole body is pink, like a beautiful girl shy face The Very cute! I walked into the cell phone shop, I can not wait to ask the boss how much money that phone, the boss smiled and told me that the phone a total of 498 yuan! The God, then I was a pupil! How can money buy that phone? The I did not look more, turned and reluctantly left.   After going home, my mind is full of pink Disney phone. I really really want to buy ah! At home, my father looked at me as a listless look, so concerned about asked me: "how? A death to death like?" I did not say anything, directly shut the door, full of mobile phones. My heart has been decided, I must buy!   That "s the mother" s coming back. She said: "I made a salary today, go! Go to the store to turn!" My mother finished this, my mind immediately appeared an idea: Do you want to take out from the mother bag four hundred dollars to buy a mobile phone The I immediately canceled this idea, it is too much against it! The But that phone has been in my mind to turn around, I really want to buy! I hesitated! When my mother went to the toilet, I secretly took out four hundred dollars, ran out of the house. I"ve been running all the time! Went to the store, I told the boss said: "You can sell it to me!" The proprietress looked at me: "Well, the total control of 498 yuan!" I begged the boss: "can 400? Only four hundred! See me in the child"s sake! Can you? "The boss with me "negotiations" for a long time, and finally promised to sell me! I am full of joy to return home, yes! I cover up very well, I went to the room did not shut the door began to play up, because I have a cell phone! So inside the card on the new phone inside the inside. Which know that this is the mother came in, caught a positive! Mother asked me where the money to buy a mobile phone? I have not opened, my mother went to her bag that place picked up the bag a few money, found less four hundred! Immediately ran ready to hit me, find the hanger hit me a few times, I cry to the dead! This is the father came in, see the new phone to know what is going on, my mother then open: "Who told you to steal money to buy a mobile phone! Do not!" Dad can not bear to see I was so hit, then said: Take your four hundred first with him to buy a mobile phone! I have no money! First by tomorrow also you! "Mom said angrily:" You also shelter her, want to harm her? "Dad said:" Do not believe me? Said that I took the money to buy with her! "Later ... ...   Anyway, from this matter, my father knows that this is harm me, but he can not bear to see if I was beaten! Or cheated mother Mom and Dad I"m sorry. When my father told me a lot of big reason, I heard! And now my mother does not know the truth! Dad thank you for your teachings! Daddy i really love you too! thank you! Of course, there"s my mother!   Daddy! I love you--!   myfather初中英语作文篇2   Daddy"s not too tall, the skin is not white, handsome face with thick eyebrows, a pair of bright eyes, big ears, very handsome!   My dad is a man who makes me afraid and makes me love.   Once, I was anxious to watch TV, it was so sure to finish the job. After dinner, my father started to check my homework. Looked at him, his brow wrinkled up, very unhappy to me, said: "Your question is wrong." Then, he began to check up. Wait a minute, my father is attached to check out two errors. Daddy got angry, and shouted at me loudly: "how old are you wrong? I told you how many times, do homework when careless, especially math, finished to check! How can you not change it? He pressed his head hard with his finger. I looked at him secretly, saw my father two eyes staring into the "O" shape, thick black eyebrows also like erect like a ferocious big tiger! I quickly returned to the desk, the wrong question carefully checked, corrected over. At this time, my father"s brow was stretched open.   Father to see me always do wrong, gave me a few questions to do the request. I think my father is too fierce also gave him a few comments: First, do not indiscriminately roared. Second, to reason.   myfather初中英语作文篇3   My father like a sail, in the boundless sea, let the wind and rain are not afraid. Remember that time, is the 61 Children"s Day. Although I was not naive little hair child, but my father but also to celebrate me. Father promised me, afternoon to work when I give "KFC chicken". I can be happy. I hope ah hope ah, ah ah ah ah, and finally wait until the father"s get off work time. I went wildly before the balcony and looked up. God, clouds, it is going to rain. I was disappointed to hang his head, thinking: my father is now back, will not fall to the rain, but can not eat "KFC chicken"; father if to give I bought "Kent Chicken" but would become "drowned chicken". Hey, his father will be because of the rain and the panic, certainly the "KFC" things thrown into the clouds, I grew more and more angry, angry I really bad luck, bad luck will encounter rainy days. Hey, I sighed In the side of the clothes received the mother said: "Yeah, it is going to rain, your dad did not go home, really" ah, "rushing rushing ... ..." under the rain even my mother forgot, Thought about it. "Kent Chicken" - "Bubble". After a while, the doorbell rang. I hurriedly opened the door, saw his father wet, the head of the water from time to time down, the hands also carrying two bags, I clearly see the bag reads "KFC" and "Xinhua Bookstore" two A big letter, but can not believe. Originally, my father in order to buy me a holiday gift, was heavy rain, I am both excited and sad, my father saw me stupid stupid silly look, gently said to me: "children, happy holidays." I am very excited, busy took the bag, brought a towel, to ... ... I know, my father for me to give me some Happy, was raining like this; I also know that in order to take the opportunity to tell me: To be honest and trustworthy "yes ah, when I think of this, think of sails. Father love is like, I believe you have, as long as you want, the father will at all costs, to complete your desire   我的父亲像船帆一样,在无边无际的海上,任凭风吹雨打也不怕。记得那一次,是六一儿童节。虽然,我已经不是幼稚的小毛孩,但是父亲却还要给我庆祝。父亲答应我,下午下班时给我“肯德鸡”。我可开心了。我盼啊盼啊,叨啊叨啊,终于等到了父亲的下班时间。我欣喜若狂地跑到阳台前,抬起头。天哪,乌云密布,居然快要下雨了。真是“天有不测之风云”透过阴深深的天空,我失望地垂下了头,心里想:父亲现在回来,一定不会淋到雨,但却吃不了“肯德鸡”;父亲要是给我买“肯德鸡”,但会成了“落汤鸡”。哎,父亲一定会因为下雨而着了慌,肯定把“肯德鸡”的事抛到九霄云外,我越想越气愤,生气我真倒霉,倒霉会碰到下雨天。哎,我大叹了一口气。在一旁收衣服的妈妈说:“呀呀呀,快要下雨了,你爸还不回家,真是的”啊,“哗哗哗u2026u2026”下起了雨连妈妈都忘了,爸爸就别想了。“肯德鸡”——“泡汤”了。过了一会儿,门铃响了。我急匆匆地开门,只见父亲全身湿漉漉的,头上的水不时地往下掉,手上还提着2个袋子,我分明看到了袋子上写着“肯德鸡”和“新华书店”两个大字,却不敢相信。原来,父亲为了给我买节日礼物,被大雨淋到,我既兴奋又难过,父亲见我一幅呆楞楞的傻样子,轻轻地对我说:“孩子,节日快乐”。我感动极了,忙接过袋子,拿来了毛巾,给u2026u2026我知道,父亲为了我给我一些Happy,被雨淋成这个样子;我还知道为了借次机会来告诉我:“做人一定要诚实守信”是啊,当我想到这,就想到帆。父爱就是样,我相信你也有,只要你所想要的,父亲就一定会不惜一切代价,来完成你的愿望 猜你喜欢: 1. My parent初中英语作文 2. my father英语作文100字 3. 小学英语作文myfather 4. my future英语作文初中 5. my hero英语作文初中

My father我的父亲英语作文带翻译

My fatheru201fs name is Wang Yaohan. He has an English name, Jack. He is thirty-eight years old. My father is a worker. Heworks in a factory. He has two big eyes and two big ears. He has short hair. My father is very thin. He is only fifty kilograms. He likes learning English very much. He learns English everyday. My father likes watching TV. His favorite television channel is CCTV-10, because he can learn a lot English from the program Outlook English at that channel.      【参考翻译】   我的父亲叫王耀汉。他有一个英文名字,杰克。他今年38岁,是一个工人。他工作在一个工厂。他有两个大眼睛和两个大耳朵。他有短的头发。我的父亲是非常瘦。他只有50公斤。他非常喜欢学习英语。他每天都学英语。我的父亲喜欢看电视。他最喜欢的电视频道是CCTV-10,因为他可以学到很多英语的项目前景的英语频道。

My father高中英语作文50字

  父亲永远是我们背后的一座山,他一直都在用他的方式爱着我们。你知道怎么写一篇我的父亲的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的My father高中英语作文50字,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   My father高中英语作文50字篇1   My father is an ordinary people. He is a driver.   我的父亲是一个普通人。他是一个司机。   He doesnu2019t receive too much education. But he is kind-hearted.   他并没有接受太多的教育。但他很善良。   He always ask me to be down-to-earth and keep an optimistic mind.   他总是告诉我做人要脚踏实地,保持乐观的心态。   Everyone likes him because of his good personality.   因为他的个性好,所以他的人缘很好。   He is always ready to help others if he can.   在他力所能及的范围内他总是乐于助人。   Sometimes when he drives the old, he will not take monet frome them.   有时候他载的是老人,他不会收他们的钱。   He is so great.   他是一个很好的人。   He has set a very good example for me.   他为我树立了一个很好的榜样。   He is my idol. I will love him forever.   他是我的偶像。我永远都爱他。   My father高中英语作文50字篇2   My father is a common worker. He works in a very far place. I only stay with him about two months a year. He often has a winter holiday for two or three months, because the place he works is very cold. People can not work in such cold weather. Therefore, winter is the season I like most. I like father staying at home. At weekends, he often takes me out, go to the zoo or fairground. We have many things to do. He works very hard to support my family. He said that he would work at my city soon. It makes very exciting. Finally, we have much more time together.   My father高中英语作文50字篇3   My father is a great person. He is a hero in my heart. He is tall but not strong. He is a driver. He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious. Actually, sometimes he is real serious. In my memory, he never hits me except once. It is because I ignored their forbidding to go swimming in the river alone. I was so sad as my father hit me. But now I understand that it is because he worry about me. Moreover, although our family is not weathy, he will give all the things that I want to me. And he works hard to support our family. I know that he loves us and we also love him.

经典英语作文:我的爸爸My Father

My Father My father is a kind man.He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance.He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated. My father is a man of devotion.Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us.In the evening,he is always the late to come back home.At weekends,he always takes us to go outing in his car.He is a man of few words,but he often says to me "A little learning is a dangerous thing".I will always remember these words. I love my father very much. 我的父亲是一个善良的人.他是一家之主,是一个有毅力的人.他工作很努力,并且他的工作态度受到高度赞赏.他热爱钓鱼,几乎每天都会去钓鱼,总是满载而归.我父亲的厨艺也很不错,他总是说“我的厨艺绝对不比大厨差”.在周末,他还是去公司上班,很勤奋. 我的父亲不像其他人的父亲一样,总是要求自己的孩子去上补习班,而是尊重我的意见. 我非常爱我的父亲.

my father翻译.......

我的爸爸,我的爸爸是一名教师,今年39岁,他是一个好爸爸,我爸爸有一双小眼睛,小耳朵和小嘴吧。一张圆圆的脸,胖胖的身材,看样子也想不出他是一名体育教师。 My father, my father was a teacher, 39 years old this year, he was a good father, my father has a pair of small eyes, small ears and your mouth. A round face, body fat, also seems not think he was a physical education t

小区最大发射功率maxtxpower 在哪里

S准则是用作小区选择的什么时候进行小区选择:6S%m"i%m$N.d.Y5t1.UE开机从连接模式回到空闲模式连接模式过程中,如失去小区信息根据测量控制系统消息提供的小区列表进行小区重选,没有找到可正常驻留的小区驻留小区的条件要求符合小区选择S准则条件1:Srxlev>0。 坛+M7^,d r1j)[ q4}Srxlev计算公式如下:Srxlev=Qrxlevmeas-Qrxlevmin-Pcompensation;其中,Qrxlevmeas(测量的当前服务小区接收功率)指P-CCPCH信道的RSCP值;Qrxlevmin为服务小区最小接收功率。该参数从系统广播消息中读出,一般终端读出后需做一定的算术转换;)ePcompensation补偿值,可通过公式计算得到:Pcompensation=max(UE_TXP-WR_MAX _RACH-P_MAX,0);其中,UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH(终端在做随机接入时RACH上的最大发送功率)由系统广播消息发送,一般设置为0;P_MAX是终端的最大标称发射功率,与终端功率。条件2:Squal=Qqualmeas-Qqualmin也要大于0Qqualmeas:Measured cell quality value. The quality of the received signal expressed in CPICH Ec/N0,就是测得的EC/NO值;Qqualmin:Minimum required quality level in the cell,要求的EC/NO值,通过SIB3读取得到如果满足Srxlev〉0并且Squal〉0,认为该小区满足驻留要求,读取系统消息,进行位置登记。

my father英语作文80词带翻译

  导语:父亲的爱往往深沉又细腻。对男儿来说,父亲永远是自己心目中的英雄。下面是我为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   my father英语作文_第1篇:   My father is a simple one. He is tough, but he seldom play me, because he knows that education children play is useless.   I remember, it is a final exam, after I did on the exam is not very ideal, was in the clouds all day, my father saw me so say to me: "son, you don"t be sad, this is just one semester, you failed the exam this semester, and the next semester, so you don"t because this semester grades and lost your confidence in the next semester, so you have to go." Listening to his father"s comments, I understand, I understand.   For a time, mom was not at home, just me and my dad. One day, when I get home after school, didn"t see her father, I started to write my homework, but my homework has been finished for a long time, haven"t seen my father came back. Began doing a meal, I came to the kitchen, when I first do half of the time, his father came back from the field work, father to go home to see me cook in the kitchen, he told me to leave, let him do it. I said: "I do well." But the father said: "I know you do well, but you still small, later will let you do." I"m very reluctant to leave, but know that my father is concerned, I left.   My father is so meticulous care about me, with my growth.   Father, you are great! I love you father!   我的父亲是一位朴实的人。他对我严厉,但他很少打我,因为他知道,教育孩子用打是没用的。   我清楚的记得,那是一个期末考试过后,我考得不是很理想,便整天心不在焉,我父亲见我这样便对我说:“儿子,你不要伤心,这仅仅是一个学期,你这学期没考好,还有下学期,所以你不要因为这学期的成绩而失去了你下学期的信心,所以你要加油。”听了父亲的这番话,我明白,我都明白了。   有一段时间,妈妈不在家,只有我和我爸爸。有一天,我放学后回到家,没见着父亲,我便开始写我的作业,可是我的作业已经写完很久了,还没见着我的父亲回来。我便来到厨房,开始做起饭来,当我刚做到一半的时候,父亲从田间劳动回来了,父亲回家见我在厨房做饭,他便叫我离开,让他来做。我却说:“我做得好。”可父亲说:“我知道你做得好,但是你还小,以后会让你做的。”我很不愿意离开,但是知道父亲是关心我,我便离开了。   我的父亲就这样无微不至的关心着我,伴随着我的成长。   父亲,你真伟大!我爱你父亲!   my father英语作文_第2篇:   My father, height 1 meter 78, wears a pair of eyeglass lenses, one of the most characteristic is his "belly fat", looks really pretty big... He is a driver with a normal, everyday at work, busy, but in my eyes is so extraordinary that I admire him from the bottom of my heart.   My father is a man always for others. Remember once, father"s colleagues at the edge of the seven neighborhood was hit by a car on the road, and sent to the hospital for treatment. When his father know it was already twelve o "clock in the middle of the night, but he still drove to the hospital to visit his colleague. At the time of transfer, father drove the car again, followed the ambulance to the binzhou medical school. After that he spent a week there to take care of the patients, and come back until the second week. Since then, he went to binzhou visit patient, give him a leg, helped him walk to help him get meals... When I go to binzhou to see his eyes, a look at the eyes, after dinner, nine times out of ten will go to see the uncle. For the sake of others, the happiness should be yourself!   Father is not only care about others, but also are very concerned about my study. He"s always afraid that I have any learning difficulties, afraid that I don"t understand. The math exam, I only got 74 points! Father and wanted to give me a lesson. I"m afraid, afraid of his father"s "hedong animal roars at fellow players" seek, but I still tell the truth. And sure enough, his father said to me a few words of tepid, cold said to me. But I know, my father and this is good for me! After the meal lectured, I flew to return to room, change the wrong topic.   Although the father is very strict with me, but I still think my father is best father in the world. I love my father!   我的父亲,身高1米78,戴着一副树脂眼镜,最有特色的就属他的“将军肚”了,看起来真的挺大的……他是个一个普通的司机,每天都在工作着,忙碌着,但在我的眼里却是那么的不平凡,我从心底里敬佩他。   我的父亲是一个总为他人着想的人。记得有一次,父亲的同事在七小区边一条路上被车撞了,送往医院治疗。父亲知道时已经是半夜十二点了,但他还是开着车去医院看望他的同事。在转院的时候,父亲又开着车,跟着救护车去了滨州医学院。在这之后一个星期他都在那里照顾病人,直到第二周才回来。此后,他又去滨州看望病人,给他伸腿,扶他走路,帮他打饭……在我去滨州看眼睛的时候,一看完眼睛,吃完饭之后,十有八九就会去看望那个伯伯。为他人着想,快乐的就应该是自己吧!   父亲不仅关心他人,还十分关心我的学习。他总怕我学习上有什么困难,怕我学不懂。这次数学考试,我只考了74分哪!父亲又要给我上教育课了。我心惊胆战,怕父亲的“河东狮吼”找上门,但我还是实话实说了。果然,父亲又对我说了几句不冷不热的话,说得我身上直冒冷汗。但我知道,父亲这也是为我好呀!在一顿训话后,我灰溜溜地回到房间,改起了错题。   虽然父亲对我要求很严格,但我还是觉得我的父亲是世界上最好的父亲。我爱我的父亲! my father英语作文80词带翻译

什么是TX power


my father英语作文【三篇】

my father everyone has a father. my father is of middle height. he is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. on first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. in fact he is very kind and considerate. appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance. i believe my father is a talented man. he is decisive and efficient in doing things. by his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a comparatively rich life. people of all fields come to my house and, as a result, i gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world. but at home, he is a harsh parent. he has high expectations of me. when i am lazy and idling away my time, i can see that it hurts him deeply. when i am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. with such a father i am always reminded to go on and on, never give up. 英语作文翻译:我的父亲 父亲人皆有之。我的父亲中等身材,长得结实,一双锐利而富有友情的眼睛看上去很严肃。乍一看,你还以为他是难以接近的人,实际上,他很体贴入微、善解人意。外表往往误导,所以,决不能以貌取人。 我相信我的父亲是一个有才能的人,他办事果断有力。他依靠自己的才干和努力,使我们的家庭获得了良好的社会地位和比较宽裕的生活。各行各业的人到我家来,从而使我获得了许多极为难得的社会经验和人世沧桑的真切体验。 但是在家里,他是个严厉的家长。他对我期望很大。每当我偷闲时,我能看出我已深深地刺痛了他的心。而当我作些大事比如写书时,他则激动不已。有这样一个父亲,我时常提醒自已要不断前进,永不停息。 【篇二】 My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds. 英语作文翻译:我的爸爸 我的爸爸是一幽默的人。我的爸爸身材矮小,瘦精精的,白白的皮肤,黑黑的头发,那一头自来卷儿的“大波浪”发型,谁见了都会以为他是在理发店烫的。他的同事们都说他是缩小了的费翔,我也这样认为。他是个搞美术的,是中南五省小有名气的装帧艺术家,他的个人画展得到过很多知名人士的好评。他又是个顶顶滑稽的人,特别爱开玩笑,我不知道是不是所有搞艺术的人都非常幽默,反正我觉得我爸爸身上充满了幽默细胞。不管他上班有多忙多累,只要一进家门,确切他说,只要一见到我,他就立刻眉开眼笑,我也跟着手舞足蹈起来。 【篇三】 People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which gives us the great strength to move on. In Chinese traditional role, father is described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time, while love from western father are much obvious. There always hug and kiss between children and parents. My father is a classic quiet father. He doesn"t talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me. When I have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy he is. Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework. I love my father. 人们总是说,父爱如山,也正是父爱给了我们前进的力量。在中国传统的角色中,父亲被描述为安静的人,但是爱护子女的方式也还是看得到,而西方国家父亲的爱却是很明显的,在孩子和父母之间总是存在拥抱和亲吻。我的父亲是一个典型的安静的父亲,他很少说话,但是他绝不会错过任何一个对我来说重要的时刻。当我在学校有表演的时候,不管他有多忙,他一定会是其中的一个观众。在我睡觉之前,他会帮我检查我的家庭作业。我爱我的父亲。

my father的英语作文

  父爱如山,每个人的父亲扮演的角色都会有所不同,有的是严父有的则是慈父。下面是我给大家整理的my father的英语作文,供大家参阅!   my father的英语作文篇1   My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.   我的爸爸个子高高的,戴着一副眼镜。大家都说他是个好心肠的人。他经常帮邻居排忧解难,对于一些他压根不认识的陌生人,他也总是尽力相助。他为别人真是付出了许多许多。我不愿意他这么做,因为这花费了他太多的时间。每当我劝阻他时,爸爸总是笑着说:“世界需要热心肠嘛!” 爸爸热爱家庭,更注重事业,公司里的人都叫他“工作狂”。他把大部分时间都用于工作,为工作他常常废寝忘食。过度的劳累使他的健康状况欠佳。 爸爸闲暇时爱读书。他告诉我,读书很有趣。我渐渐地对读书产生了兴趣。我爱上了书,因为书对我帮助很大。 爸爸有个坏习惯——太爱吸烟。我不喜欢他抽烟。瞧,家里充满了烟味。我知道吸烟有害他的健康,对我和妈妈也有害无益。我建议他戒烟。我相信总有一天他会这么做的。 这就是我的爸爸,我为有这样的好爸爸而自豪。   my father的英语作文篇2   My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy"s hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long. He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.   my father的英语作文篇3   My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best. My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father.   my father的英语作文篇4   My father is a teacher. He loves his students very much and at the same time, his students loves him, too. Every day he works very hard and helps his students study with all his best.He is the hero in my heart. I want to say that," I love you, my dear father."   my father的英语作文篇5   Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much. My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: “MR Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much.” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty. My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend. This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?


  父亲是严厉的,也是很仁慈的,他对我们不是不疼爱而是用行动在爱护我们。你知道怎么写一篇我的父亲的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的myfather英语作文小学,供你参考!   myfather英语作文小学篇1   My Father   Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much.   My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: “MR Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much.” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.   My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.   This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?   myfather英语作文小学篇2   My Father   My father is strong and tall.He has two big eues.His hands are long.He likes to singing and running.Often he runs in the park.Then he sits on the bench.He likes me ang my mother.He favorite fruit is apples and pineapples.   From Monday to Friday he works in his company.From Saturday to Sunday he have break in house.In Saturday"s mornings he often in the park.In afternoons he washes hia car.In evenings he watches TV and sleep.On Sunday"mornings he in the park,too.In the afternoons he in the garden.In evenings he play computer and sleep.   Oh!How busy he is.   myfather英语作文小学篇3   My Father   My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy"s hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpain one day-long.   He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.This is my father, I love him forever.

my father属于单数可数名词还是人称代词

my father属于人称代词。my是第一人称,但是myfather就变成了第3人称。根据意思来,my是“我”的意思,而myfather是“我爸爸”的意思,所以myfather是第3人称。My father他后面如果是一个be动词的话,要用is,然后如果后面动词单三的话,就是一般的话是加上s,有的是加上es,像是喜欢like变成单三就是likes,然后play玩耍变成单三就是plays,比如my father plays basketball with me,我的爸爸和我一起打篮球。My father was one of a kind─I"ll never be like him.我的父亲很独特——我决不会像他的。The men were very much like my father.那些人很像我的父亲。My father"s death had a profound effect on us all.父亲的去世深深地影响了我们全家。

discover nature是什么意思

发现自然discover vt.发现; 碰见; 撞见; 获得知识; nature n.自然; 天性; 天理; 类型;


PACKING LIST,一般报关资料里有这个,给货代代理报关,CONTAINER LOAD是做集装箱门到门拖车司机在装好货后让工厂签字会留一份底单.

bureau veritas certification是什么意思

Bureau Veritas Certification法立德国际质量认证


.Are there any rivers in the nature park?. 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

i prefer life in the…英语作文,30个词就够了

①I prefer life in the country I "d love to live in a country because as far as the development of our country, the environment in our city has become more and more depressing. We live in the same apartment but we have few communicate with others,we even don"t know the name of our nearest neighbor.In a contrary,when we stay In a village,we can see the honest smile everywhere.what"s more,we can"t enjoy the nature in the will just see the cars and the top buildings everywhere.So I prefer to have my symple life in country ②I prefer Life in the city. It is so convenient living in the city. There are so many things that can easily be found: libraries, colleges, museums, and so on. And city life is so colorful. Poeple can find exciting activities and entertainments in the city. People in the city can seefilms, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to. Last But not the least, city life is quite modern. People can use internet to reach all the lastest global information. ③Different people have different ideas.In my opinion,I prefer life in a city.because the city not only make our life more convient but also give us better educate.If we want to buy some food to eat, 选我啊

government ministry/bureau/commission是什么意思

government ministry/bureau/commission 政府工信部/局/委员会

Stranger In Paradise (From Kismet) 歌词

歌曲名:Stranger In Paradise (From Kismet)歌手:Operababes专辑:Beyond ImaginationStranger In Paradise-Engebert HumperdinkTake my handI"m a stranger in paradiseAll lost in a wonderlandA stranger in paradiseIf I stand starry-eyedThat"s the danger in paradiseFor mortals who stand beside an angel like youI saw your face ascendingOut of the common place and into the rareNow somewhere out in space I hang suspendedUntil I"m certainthat there"s a chance that you careWon"t you answer this fervent prayerOf a stranger in paradiseDon"t send me in dark despairFrom all that I hunger forSo open your angel"s armsTo this stranger in paradiseAnd tell her that he need beA stranger no more(------ Music ------)So open your angel"s armsTo this stranger in paradiseAnd tell her that he need beA stranger no more


are there any rivers in the natural park ?


Reiterate强调反复做,反复说,重述。表示强调的语气比较重。而 repeat只是单纯的表示强调。

Onlyto obey nature in order to overcome nature 是什意思


The curiosity brought to light forces of nature in the power of the atom.高手翻译一下


What are Emily Dickinson’s views of nature in most of her poems about it?

She feels strongly about nature"s inscrutability.She believes that there is a mythical bond between man and nature.She thinks humans are outsiders who can observe nature, experience nature, worship nature, but they can not understand the secrets and mys






PACKING LIST是装箱单,是货主出具的,而CONTAINER LOAD PLAN是舱单是标明箱子中货物的运输时间、船舶、航次信息,是由船公司或者承运人出具的,有的箱子是整箱货有的是拼箱货货主可能都不同,货物情况也不同。参考资料:船公司专业人员

外贸packing list 和shipping order 都是装箱单 有什么区别;

装货单S/O与装箱单Packing List 的区别   装货单(ShippingOrder,S/O),又称装船单,为商船承运货物之原始文件,当托运人(Shipper)与运送人(Carrier)洽妥承运船位后,於开始装船前数日,运送人均须签发装货单予托运人,以便办理有关装船手续。装船单之功用有八:一、运送入承诺运载货物之凭证,二、办理银行出口手续,三、办理外贸机关输出手续,四、办理海关出口报关手续,五、送货至出口仓库之凭证,六、办理商品检验手续,七、办理卫生检验手续,八、通知船长准予装船之命令。装货单通常分为一式三联:一、托运单(BookingNote)或称订载书,二、装货单,三、大副收货单(Mate"sReceipt)。托运单为托运人向运送预订装货舱位之文件,承诺有关运送条件;收货单则为货物装船后,船长所签给托运人证明货物已经装船之收据。   装货单(SHIPPING ORDER)是接受了托运人提出装运申请的船公司,签发给托运人的用以命令船长将承运的货物装船的单据。它既能用作装船的依据,又是货主用以向海关办理出口货物申报手续的主要单据之一,所以又叫关单。对于托运人来讲,它是办妥货物托运的证明。对船公司或其代理来讲是通知船方接受装运该批货物的指示文件。   装货单内容包含船名、装货港、目的港、装货单号码、托运人姓名地址、收货人姓名地址、受通知人姓名地址、货名、标志、包装、件数、重量、体积、装卸费条件、运费条件、日期等。   装箱单(Packing List or Packing Specification)又称包装单、码单,是用以说明货物包装细节的清单。装箱单的作用主要是补充发票内容,详细记载包装方式、包装材料、包装件数、货物规格、数量、重量等内容,便于进口商或海关等有关部门对货物的核准。   装箱单所列的各项数据和内容必须与提单等单据的相关内容一致,还要与货物实际情况相符。


你好,BSCl验厂和BUREAU VERlTAS有什么区别?BSCI验厂属于社会责任验厂,BSCI验厂即倡议商界遵守社会责任组织对BSCI组织成员的全球供应商进行的社会责任审核,主要包括:遵守法律、结社自由和集体谈判权利 、禁止歧视 、补偿 、工作时间 、工作场所安全 、禁止使用童工、禁止强迫劳工 、环境和安全等问题 。目前BSCI吸纳了来自11个国家的1300多个会员,大多数是欧洲的零售商和采购商,他们会积极主动的推动他们在世界各国的供应商接受BSCI验厂以改善他们供应商的人权状况。BV是属于审核机构,BSCI是其中能审核的范畴之一。

any,there,rivers,the,park,are, nature,in。连词成句谢谢,我

Are there any rivers in nature park?


below, under在,之下1.below指位置低于某物或在某物的下方,但不一定在某物正下方,不能肯定方向其反义词是above。如:Where shall I write the number on, above or below the line?我把号码写在哪儿?写在线的上面,还是线下面?below也可表示“在下游”,“在远处”。如:Did you see the boat below the bridge?你看见位于桥下游那边的船吗?2.under 指在某物的正下方,有垂直在下的意思,其反义词是over。如:Wat"s under the bridge?桥下有什么?Now we are flying over the city, and we can see the railway station directly under us.现在我们正飞过城市的上空,在我们的正下方可以看到火车站

Bureau Veritas 必维国际检验集团怎么样




when you wake up的歌词,kyle christopher唱得。急求。

When you wake upWhen you wake upI can see your hurt, See your sorry.I Know the phase, I Know the story.When hope is fading out, You can trust me I"ll be thereWhen pain is screaming loud, I"llI will wake, To be watching over youDon"t you worry, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upDon"t you worry, I will be there,yeah yeah yeahWhen you wake up.Try to forget, Try to forgiveHeyTry to move on, Try to liveWhen hope is fading out, You can turn to me and sayThis is more than I can possibly take.I will wake, To be watching over youI will wake, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upWhen you wake up.Keep fighting every day,Takes a lot of timeAnd it"s only in your mindKeep fighting every dayLook inside yourself be strongBecause from here it won"t take longUntil you wake upUntil you wake up.Until you wake up, hey~I will wake, to be watching over youI will wake, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upDon"t you worry, I will be there,yeah yeah yeahWhen you wake up.When you wake up.

Last Of The American Girls 歌词

歌曲名:Last Of The American Girls歌手:Green Day专辑:Last Night On EarthGreen Day - Last Of The American GirlsShe puts her makeup onLike graffiti on the walls of the heartlandShe"s got her little book of conspiraciesRight in her handShe is paranoid LikeEndangered species headed into extinctionShe is one of a kindShe"s the last of the American girlsShe wears her overcoatFor the coming of the nuclear winterShe is riding her bikeLike a fugitive of critical massShe"s on a hunger strikeFor the ones who won"t make it for dinnerShe makes enough to surviveFor a holiday of working classShe"s a runaway of the establishment incorporated.She won"t cooperateShe"s the last of the American girlsShe plays her vinyl recordsSinging songs on the even of destructionShe"s a sucker forAll the criminals breaking the lawsShe will come in firstFor the end of the western civiliazationShe"s an endless warLike a hero for the lost causeLike a hurricaneIn the haert of the devastationShe"s a natural disasterShe"s the last of the American girlsShe puts her make up onLike graffiti on the walls of the heartlandShe"s got her little book of conspiraciesRight in her handShe will come in firstFor the end of western civilizationShe"s a natural disasterShe"s the last of the American girls


spreadabout 四处传播spreadover传播遍及各处

bureau ; heroine ;这英语怎么读呀?


ASP.NET -C#问题:SqlParameter[] paras ={ new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }这句代码什么意思

是一种简化的声明数组时初始化的方式。V1:这种是个人都见过int[] a = new int[2];a[0] = 123;a[1] = 456;V2:这种也很常见int[] a = new int[2]{ 123, 456 };V3: 跟V2差不多int[] a = new int[]{ 123, 456 };V4:简化int[] a = { 123, 456 };现在再来看对象的例子object[] a = new object[2]{ new object(), new object() };object[] b = new object[]{ new object(), new object() };object[] c = { new object(), new object() };然后SqlParameter[] paras ={ new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }就能看明白了吧?


。。。。。主力就是抓人 推塔带节奏的 G就是团抓人 主流。。。主流就是抓人拆塔打钱保后期雄起

跪求another day another place的歌词

Loda"s Song to MrOwanother day,another place歌词 another day another place-MyYellowUmbrella(Loda)I want to be with youso much to say with youwhy won"t we spend another day(for a total day) i"m not afraid to doanything you ask me tolet"s find a place we never heard or we never knewnothing to losenothing to fearanother day another placeanother day another dayanother person another faceanother face another facelet us runaway let us runaway to a place far farawaylet us runaway let us runaway to a place far faraway i"ll do anything for youwant to go old with youi want to live with youi want to give to youof all the things that i can give and do another day another placeanother day another dayanother person another faceanother face another face let us runaway let us runaway to a place far farawaylet us runaway let us runaway to a place far faraway i can"t walk this road foreveri can"t see here anymorelet us live altogether another day another placeanother day another dayanother person another faceanother face another face let us runaway let us runaway to a place far farawaylet us runaway let us runaway to a place far farawayanother day another placeanother person another face let us runawaylet us runaway

splinter的《burn》 歌词

歌曲名:burn歌手:splinter专辑:fragments of the splinterFirst taste is all it takes to burn out all the liesScraped skin from within, so now sick insideI"m not one to lose control, but my insides are coming apartI don"t know what else to do, but let this fucking burning start.Worn out, no doubt I want to dissappearMy words, your skin, is no longer hereDon"t send me, don"t save me, can"t you see inside I"m breakingIt burns me, breeeds within me, this child inside is suffocating.-SplinterHow does it feel? - Do you want control?How should it feel? - I think you want to know-You used me up, was not enough, see how this world has fucked me up.So abused, nothing to lose, so tired and sick of being usedI"ve lost my way, can"t stand to stay, now that every color has turned grayBroken and sore, what am I waiting for, don"t wanna feel this fucking feelingno more-How does it feel? - I"ve lost controlNothing is real - And I don"t wanna know-Break me, shake me, don"t you wake me, I think it"s much worse than beforeI"m not one to piss out my feelings, but this is the kind that hurts the mostOutside I am cracked and peeling and inside I"m feeling ten times worse.-How does it feel? - There"s no controlNothing is real - And I"m letting go-Been here before, many times and more, don"t know why I bothered to leave hereforIt"s not a wish, can"t deal with it, I"m always falling into the same old shitSick of lying, broke down trying, I just can"t stand to think anymoreScabbed and bleeding, what I"m needing, something strong to numb the feeling.-That"s how it feels - With no controlNothing is real - And I"ve let go.



loda大神的歌 another day, another place.的中文歌词


Usher的《Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Burn歌手:Usher专辑:12" Masters - The Essential MixesLyrics :I don"t understand whySee it"s burning me to hold onto thisI know this is something I gotta doBut that don"t mean I want toWhat I"m trying to say is that I-love-you I justI feel like this is coming to an endAnd its better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt youI gotta let it burnIt"s gonna burn for me to say thisBut it"s comin from my heartIt"s been a long time comingBut we done been fell apartReally wanna work this outBut I don"t think you"re gonna changeI do but you don"tThink it"s best we go our separate waysTell me why I should stay in this relationshipWhen I"m hurting baby, I ain"t happy babyPlus theres so many other things I gotta deal withI think that you should let it burnWhen your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnDeep down you know it"s best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnSendin" pages I ain"t supposed toGot somebody here but I want youCause the feelin ain"t the same by myselfCallin" her your nameLadies tell me do you understand?Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?It"s the way I feelI know I made a mistakeNow it"s too lateI know she ain"t comin backWhat I gotta do nowTo get my shorty backOoo ooo ooo oooohMan I don"t know what I"m gonna doWithout my boooYou"ve been gone for too longIt"s been fifty-leven days, um-teen hoursImma be burnin" till you return (let it burn)When your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burn (let it burn, let it burn, you gon"learn)Let it burn (gotta let it burn)Gotta let it burnDeep down you know its best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnI"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move onOn the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh)I"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move onOn the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooohOoh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin"?)Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooohSo many days, so many hoursI"m still burnin" till you returnWhen your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnDeep down you know it"s best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burn

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Usher的《Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Burn歌手:Usher专辑:ConfessionsLyrics :I don"t understand whySee it"s burning me to hold onto thisI know this is something I gotta doBut that don"t mean I want toWhat I"m trying to say is that I-love-you I justI feel like this is coming to an endAnd its better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt youI gotta let it burnIt"s gonna burn for me to say thisBut it"s comin from my heartIt"s been a long time comingBut we done been fell apartReally wanna work this outBut I don"t think you"re gonna changeI do but you don"tThink it"s best we go our separate waysTell me why I should stay in this relationshipWhen I"m hurting baby, I ain"t happy babyPlus theres so many other things I gotta deal withI think that you should let it burnWhen your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnDeep down you know it"s best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnSendin" pages I ain"t supposed toGot somebody here but I want youCause the feelin ain"t the same by myselfCallin" her your nameLadies tell me do you understand?Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?It"s the way I feelI know I made a mistakeNow it"s too lateI know she ain"t comin backWhat I gotta do nowTo get my shorty backOoo ooo ooo oooohMan I don"t know what I"m gonna doWithout my boooYou"ve been gone for too longIt"s been fifty-leven days, um-teen hoursImma be burnin" till you return (let it burn)When your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burn (let it burn, let it burn, you gon"learn)Let it burn (gotta let it burn)Gotta let it burnDeep down you know its best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnI"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move onOn the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh)I"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move onOn the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooohOoh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin"?)Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooohSo many days, so many hoursI"m still burnin" till you returnWhen your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want toBut you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used toEven though this might ruin youLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burnDeep down you know it"s best for yourself but youHate the thought of her being with someone elseBut you know that it"s overWe know that it"s throughLet it burnLet it burnGotta let it burn

歌词第一句you never put my love out on the line

Heart Attack (Mike D Mixshow Remix) - Demi LovatoNever put my love out on the lineNever said yes to the right guyNever had trouble getting what I wantBut when it comes to you, I"m never good enoughWhen I don"t careI can play "em like a Ken dollWon"t wash my hairThen make "em bounce like a basketballBut you make me wanna act like a girlPaint my nails and wear high heelsYes, you, make me so nervousThat I just can"t hold your handYou make me glow, but I cover upWon"t let it show, so I"mPuttin" my defences up"Cause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did thatI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackNever break a sweat for the other guysWhen you come around, I get paralyzedAnd every time I try to be myselfIt comes out wrong like a cry for helpIt"s just not fairBrings more trouble than love is worthI gasp for airIt feels so good, but you know it hurtsBut you make me wanna act like a girlPaint my nails and wear perfumeFor you, make me so nervousThat I just can"t hold your handYou make me glow, but I cover upWon"t let it show, so I"mPuttin" my defences up"Cause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did thatI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackThe feelings are lost in my lungsThey"re burning, I"d rather be numbAnd there"s no one else to blameSo instead I"ll take off in a runI"m flying too close to the sunAnd I"ll burst into flamesYou make me glow, but I cover upWon"t let it show, so I"mPuttin" my defences up"Cause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did thatI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attack

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there is love 歌词

You"re looking throughthe fire that burnsWhat"s on your mindI can tell it hurtsTears don"t fallif nothing is wrongSo come closeTonight is still youngOoh, there is love for youThere is love for you in my armsOoh, you are everythingEverything that I"m living forAnd don"t be afraidto tell me what"s on your heartOoh, there is love for youhere in my armsPictures they paintThe memories of my homeEven in a crowd without you I am aloneGod I know you made an angel for meSomewhere close that"s my destinyOoh, there is love for youThere is love for you in my armsOoh, you are everythingEverything that I"m living forAnd don"t be afraidto tell me what"s on your heartOoh, there is love for youhere in my armsCome close hear my breath breathingWhispering the words I love youCome close see your futureAnd know that there is hopeand there is love for youOoh, there is love for youThere is love for you in my armsOoh, you are everythingEverything that I"m living forAnd don"t be afraidto tell me what"s on your heartOoh, there is love for youhere in my in my arms...There is my arms...

歌词第一句you never put my love out on the line

《Heart Attack》中英歌词如下:  Putting my defenses up 竖起防护墙  Cause I don"t wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河  If I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击  Never put my love out on the line 从来不会用爱情来冒险  Never said yes to the right guy 也不会对他承诺  Never had trouble getting what I want 心仪之物,我可以轻易获取  But when it comes to you I"m never good enough 但是对于你,我永远都不够好  When I don"t care 随意的感情,我不在乎  I can play "em like a Ken doll 玩弄他们,就像他们是玩偶  Won"t wash my hair 才不会为他们而打扮妆束  Then make "em bounce like a basketball 我会让他们像弹起落下的篮球  But you make me wanna act like a girl 但是你让我改变,做一个真正的女孩儿  Paint my nails and wear high heels 涂上鲜艳的指甲油,穿上高挑的高跟鞋  Yes you make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your hand 是的,就是因为你,我紧张地颤抖着,握不住你的手  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目  But I cover up, won"t let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露  So I"m putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙  Cause I don"t wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河  If I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  Never break a sweat for the other guys 从不在其他人身上浪费心思  When you come around I get paralyzed 当你在我身边,我没有勇气  And every time I try to be myself 每一次我努力做回我自己  It comes wrong like a cry for help 就像无助的哭泣  It"s just not fair 这根本就是不公平的游戏  Pain"s more trouble than love is worth 疼痛的麻烦远超过爱情所值  I gasp for air 我大口呼吸着新鲜空气  It feels so good, but you know it hurts 用撕心裂肺的痛换来了自由的快乐  But you make me wanna act like a girl 但是你让我改变,做一个真正的女孩儿  Paint my nails and wear perfume 涂上鲜艳的指甲油,施以淡雅的香水  For you, make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your hand 因为你,我紧张地颤抖着,握不住你的手  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目  But I cover up, won"t let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露  So I"m putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙  Cause I don"t wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河  If I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  The feelings got lost in my lungs 那快乐的感受荡然无存  They"re burning, I"d rather be numb 剩下只有火烧般的痛楚,我多么想自己麻木不仁  And there"s no one else to blame 分手,我们都没有责任  So scared I"ll take off and run 恐惧侵占心头,只好逃离躲避  I"m flying too close to the sun 我一直飞到天际  And I"ll burst into flames 阳光炽热,我将化作一团烈焰  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目  But I cover up, won"t let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露  So I"m putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙  Cause I don"t wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河  If I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击  I think I"d have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击

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Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John.He has lunch with his pyjamas on.One slipper off and one slipper

Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John.He has lunch with his pyjamas on.One slipper off and one slipper off and one slipper on.面条,面条,饺子,我的儿子约翰。他穿着他的睡衣吃午餐。一只拖鞋没穿,一只拖鞋穿在脚上。

求英文版《托马斯和朋友》内一首歌词there are always something new to see and somewhere new to go

They"re two, they"re four They"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends Thomas,he"s the cheeky one James is vain but lots of fun Percy pulls the mail on time Gordon thunders down the line Emily really knows her stuff Herry toots and huffs and puffs Edward wants to help and share Toby,well let"s say-he"s square They"re two, they"re four Thry"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends Thry"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends~~~ 歌词翻译 两辆,六辆,四辆跟着八辆。 拉着货车厢,载着货物。 红色,绿色,棕色跟着蓝色。 他们是非常有用的小火车。 它们扮演不同的角色。 绕着提茅斯机房或是更远的地方。 滑下山丘,绕过转弯处。 托马斯和朋友。 托马斯,他的胆子大。 詹姆士,爱炫耀但很有趣。 培西准时拉邮件。 高登轰隆隆的开过铁轨。 爱蜜莉,确实精通业务。 亨利,鸣响汽笛,喷气再喷气。 爱德华,想帮忙和分享。 托比我们这么说他吧,他很方正。 两辆,六辆,四辆跟着八辆。 拉着货车厢,载着货物。 红色,绿色,棕色跟着蓝色。 他们是非常有用的小火车。 它们扮演不同的角色。 绕着提茅斯机房或是更远的地方。 滑下山丘,绕过转弯处。 托马斯和朋友。

魔兽争霸中守望者的台词,就是“my prayers …”那啥的,谁知道?

我也很喜欢守望者,你问的就是第一句My prey is near咯,附全部台词。刚出生 My prey is near." -我的猎物就在附近。   打英雄时的罕见声音 - "Justice has come." -审判降临。   点他之后的声音1 - "Have you reached a verdict?" -你有判决了吗?   点他之后的声音2 - "Let me investigate." -让我来仔细调查   点他之后的声音3 - Ban daih deleloon(Elvish精灵语)   点他之后的声音5 - "I am the iron hand of justice." -我是正义的铁腕。   行进1 - "We are wasting time here!" -我们在这浪费时间!   行进2 - "Let the hunt begin." -狩猎开始吧。   行进3 - "Understood." -明白。   行进4 - "I can taste their fear." -我能感觉到他们的恐惧。   行进5 - "Justice shall be swift." -执法必须迅速。   攻击1 - "They shall not escape!" -他们决对逃脱不了!   攻击2 - "Let justice be served!" -为正义服务!   攻击3 - "I am the law." -我就是法律。   攻击4 - "For justice."-为了正义!


usher burn中英对照歌词   BURN煎熬 -usher- Intro]序幕 I don"t understand why See it"s burning me to hold onto this 有些事我还是不懂 也许正是我所渴望拥有的一切折磨着我 I know this is something I gotta do 我明白有些事我必须做 But that don"t mean I want to 但并不是出于我自愿 What I"m trying to say is that 我要说的是 I-love-you I just 我-爱-你 但我只是 I feel like this is coming to an end 只是感觉我们已经到了该结束的时候 And it"s better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you 对我而言及时放手是正确的选择,好过继续这样伤害你 I gotta let it burn 就让我承担这份痛苦的煎熬 [Verse 1] It"s gonna burn for me to say this 要我开口何尝不是一种痛苦 But it"s comin from my heart It"s been a long time coming 但这却是我心中的感受 这感觉压在心理很久 But we done been fell apart Really wanna work this out But I don"t think you"re gonna change 当我们开始走向分裂 虽然我尽力而为 却改变不了你 I do but you don"t Think it"s best we go our separate ways 步调总是不同 也许最好我们应该各走各的路 Tell me why I should stay in this relationship When I"m hurting baby, I ain"t happy baby 告诉我一个继续下去的的理由 我心痛的时候 我并不快乐 Plus there"s so many other things I gotta deal with 何况还有很多问题等着解决 I think that you should let it burn 我想,就这样吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧 [Chorus] 副歌:(this is another side of me try to tell me) When your feeling ain"t the same and your body don"t want to 你的感觉已经改变 虽然你的自己不愿接受 but you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain"t jumpin" like it used to 但你明白应该放开因为从冷静的PARTY就能看出 Even though this might ruin you 即使你会难受 Let it burn Let it burn Gotta let it burn 来吧 让痛苦开始煎熬吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧 Deep down you know it"s best for yourself 你深深明白这是对你们最好的选择 but you Hate the thought of her being with someone else 但你却痛恨她跟别人在一起的景象 But you know that it"s over We know that it"s through 但一切都结束了 我们都明白这一切都过去了 Let it burn Let it burn Gotta let it burn 来吧 让痛苦开始煎熬吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧 [Verse 2] Sendin" pages I ain"t supposed to Got somebody here but I want you 我传了些不该传的讯息给你 我有了新的女朋友但我想要得却是你 Cause the feelin ain"t the same by myself Callin" her your name 她不能取代你能给的感觉 我发现我会对她喊你的名字 Ladies tell me do you understand? Now all my fellas do you feel my pain? 女士们 我想你们一定会了解吧 兄弟们 你们都懂我的痛苦吧 It"s the way I feel I know I made a mistake Now it"s too late I know she ain"t comin back 这是我的感受 我明白我犯了错 现在为时以晚 我也知道她不会回来了 What I gotta do now To get my shorty back 我到底该怎么做,能让她短暂回到我身边 Ooo ooo ooo ooooh Man I don"t know what I"m gonna do Without my booo 少了她我不知所措…… You"ve been gone for too long 你已离开太久 It"s been fifty-leven days, um-teen hours Imma be burnin" till you return (let it burn) 数不清的日日夜夜,我一直在痛苦中等你回来 [Chorus]again 过渡: [Bridge] I"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move on On the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh) 我已头昏脑胀 一个我告诉我我应该让她过去,但另一面的我,却几乎快要在哭泣中崩溃 I"m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin" me that I need to move on On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah) 我已头昏脑胀 一个我告诉我我应该让她过去,但另一面的我,却几乎快要在哭泣中崩溃 [Breakdown] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh Ooh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin"?) Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh oooh 你能体会吗 So many days, so many hours I"m still burnin" till you return 无数的日日夜夜 我仍然在痛苦的煎熬中 等待着你对不对 对的话 采纳 谢谢