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简单来说就是用来反映当前路由的工作环境,要进入不同的就要对它的value进行设置。config-register 0X2102是路由密码恢复的缺省设置,具体:



win8 怎样 进入register

打开Win8注册表方法一:使用快捷键打开Win8注册表1、首先按组合快捷键 Win + R 调出运行对话框,然后我们即可看到熟悉的开始运行对话框了,在开发里边输入“ Regedit ”,如下图:2、最后点击确定即可快速打开Win8注册表了,如下图:Win8注册表界面打开Win8注册表方法二:找回Win8开始菜单除了以上使用快捷键打开Win8注册表外,我们还可以使用找回Win8开始菜单的方法,之后我们就可以在找到开始运行了,后面进入Win8注册表就与以上相同了,另外也和以前Win7或者XP系统进入注册表的方法一样。




读取硬盘时发生错误,出现这种情况有几种可能1. bios 设置有问题, 如果你之前修改过, 请恢复默认设置2. 主板上连接硬盘的端口或线出现问题, 试试切换下端口: 比如换成光驱那条线3. 硬盘出现问题, 无解, 买新硬盘.




这个可能是你手机或者电脑端浏览器设置有问题。解决方法如下:设置方法一:以管理员身份运行CMD,将目录定位到%windir%system32inetsrv,然后执行appcmd set config -section:asp -ErrorSentToBrowser:true。%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:asp -ErrorSentToBrowser:true设置方法二:打开IIS7的asp设置,展开“”选项,“将错误发送到浏览器”这项默认的是False,改为True,然后点右侧的应用!如图所示:我们可以通过如图以上设置后,再从浏览时打开出错ASP页面时就能看到页面出错的详细信息,方使调试。如果是公开的Web服务器建议不要打开此选项,以防出错信息被他人利用始网站不安全!

磁盘阵列出现error occurred(0)错误是什么意思?



UINTRegisterWindowMessage(lpsz)函数说明:RegisterWindowMessage函数定义一个新的窗口消息,该消息保证在整个系统范围内是唯一的。调用SendMessage或PostMessage函数时可以使用该函数返回的消息值。参数说明:lpsz  指向一个以NULL结束的字符串,该字符串指定待登记的消息。返回值:若成功地登记了消息,返回值是一个消息标识符。该标识符值的范围在0XC000到0XFFFF之间,否则,返回值为0。注释:RegisterWindowMessage函数通常用于为两个合作应用程序之间的通信登记消息。  若两个不同的应用程序登记了相同的消息字符串,则这两个应用程序返回相同的消息值。该消息一直维持被登记状态,直到Windows会话结束。当多个应用程序必须处理同一消息时才使用RegisterWindowMessage函数。在一个窗口类范围内发送私有消息时,应用程序可使用范围在WM_USER到0X7FFF之间的任意整数。1.ControlAtomString:=Format("ControlOfs%.8X%.8X",[GetModuleHandle(nil),GetWindowThreadProcessID(Handle,OwningProcess)]);ControlOfs%.8X%.8X,是一个Format的表达式,里面的%.8x%.8x好像是8位16进制;2.参考上文;3.目标窗体要自定义一个处理RM_GetObjectInstance消息的过程;





register 语域 什么意思

register 英语意思是:注册、登记






register 只是寄存器变量,表示这个数据要保存在寄存器中,和任何运算都没有关系,比如你的变量是保存在内存还是缓存中都不重要,和程序没有多大联系,你把register去掉,程序该怎么样就怎么样,用寄存器变量是为了提高程序运行速度,因为寄存器是取值和修改最快的,所以把那些需要多次使用的变量保存在寄存器中是一种提高效率的做法,和算法没关

A disk read error occurred如何解决


on call 36小时2 amber是谁


C语言 register作用问题。

应该会快一点 省去了从内存读取和写入的时间。


1、Mr. Chen stared at theregister as if the answers to his questions were hidden in it somewhere.(陈先生盯着登记簿,好像回答他问题的答案就藏在里面的某个地方。)2、Did youregister already for your classes next semester?(你下学期的课已经注册了吗?)3、The raiders snatched $100 from the cashregister.(劫匪从现金出纳机里抢走了100元。)4、One of its purposes is toregister for all notifications which occur on that cell, node, or server.(其目的之一就是注册该单元、节点或服务器上发生的所有通知。)5、Thousands lined up toregister to vote.(数千人排队登记投票。)6、In order toregister a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.(在日本要想登记一辆汽车,车主必须要有停车的地方。)7、Can Iregister this, please?(请给我把这个挂号邮寄。)8、You have toregister and pay by the hour.(你必须按小时登记和付款。)9、Could you sign the hotelregister please, sir?(先生,请在酒店登记簿上签字好吗?)10、The propertyregister will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold.(财产登记薄也会写出该财产是永久业权的还是租凭的。)

sign in 与 register 的区别是什么?

sign in主要表示签到,通过签字取得入场权;而register则表示注册的登记,也就是签字用于注册的。1、sign in 英[sain in] 美[sau026an u026an] [词典] 签到; 通过签字(使)取得入场权; 画到; [例句]I signed in and crunched across the gravel to my room.我签到后嘎吱嘎吱走过石子路来到我的房间。2、register 英[u02c8redu0292u026astu0259(r)] 美[u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu025a] n. 记录; 登记簿; 登记,注册; 自动记录器; vt. 登记,注册; (仪表等) 指示; 表示,表达; (感情) 流露; vi. 登记,注册; 留下印象; 完全符合; [印刷] 对齐; [例句]He signed the register at the hotel他在酒店的登记簿上签了名。


1、首先,打开AE,新建一个合成再新建一个固态层。为的是激活插件功能。2、其次,固态层添加trapcode插件里的粒子插件,显示大红叉,在特效控制台插件名称后面有注册。3、最后,点击注册,把注册码输入就可以看到了。Register:是缓存器的意思,其功能是能够在高速下达到同步的目的。名词定义 register n.记录,登记簿,登记,注册,寄存器。


discourse是演讲,讲话的意思,在语言学上要区别于utterance来说。 而register在语言学上是指语域,专用语的意思。是语用学的范畴。例如专业术语等。(仅供参考) 扩展资料   语言学:   语言学(linguistics)是以人类语言为研究对象的学科,探索范围包括语言的性质、功能、结构、运用和历史发展,以及其他与语言有关的问题。语言学研究的对象是客观存在的语言事实。不管是现代的语言还是古代的语言,都是客观存在的语言现象。尽管不同话语表达的意义是带有主观性的和千差万别的,但是传递出来的`语言信息却是能被别人共同理解的,语言学被普遍定义为对语言的一种科学化、系统化的理论研究。并且语言是人类最重要的交际工具,是思想的直接现实。

为什么网页提示“an error occurred”?

发生意外错误。网页提示"An error occurred”的解决方法:解决方法如下:设置方法一:以管理员身份运行CMD,将目录定位到%windir%system32inetsrv,然后执行appcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true。%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true设置方法二:打开IIS7的asp设置,展开“调试属性”选项,“将错误发送到浏览器”这项默认的是False,改为True,然后点右侧的应用!如图所示:我们可以通过如图以上设置后,再从浏览时打开出错ASP页面时就能看到页面出错的详细信息,方使调试。如果是公开的Web服务器建议不要打开此选项,以防出错信息被他人利用始网站不安全!


UINTRegisterWindowMessage(lpsz)函数说明:RegisterWindowMessage函数定义一个新的窗口消息,该消息保证在整个系统范围内是唯一的。调用SendMessage或PostMessage函数时可以使用该函数返回的消息值。参数说明:lpsz  指向一个以NULL结束的字符串,该字符串指定待登记的消息。返回值:若成功地登记了消息,返回值是一个消息标识符。该标识符值的范围在0XC000到0XFFFF之间,否则,返回值为0。注释:RegisterWindowMessage函数通常用于为两个合作应用程序之间的通信登记消息。  若两个不同的应用程序登记了相同的消息字符串,则这两个应用程序返回相同的消息值。该消息一直维持被登记状态,直到Windows会话结束。当多个应用程序必须处理同一消息时才使用RegisterWindowMessage函数。在一个窗口类范围内发送私有消息时,应用程序可使用范围在WM_USER到0X7FFF之间的任意整数。1.ControlAtomString:=Format(\"ControlOfs%.8X%.8X\",[GetModuleHandle(nil),GetWindowThreadProcessID(Handle,OwningProcess)]);ControlOfs%.8X%.8X,是一个Format的表达式,里面的%.8x%.8x好像是8位16进制;2.参考上文;3.目标窗体要自定义一个处理RM_GetObjectInstance消息的过程;





register 怎么读啊?

re ji s ta



开机显示a disk read error occurRed的解决办法




网页提示An error occurred怎么办?

发生意外错误。网页提示"An error occurred”的解决方法:解决方法如下:设置方法一:以管理员身份运行CMD,将目录定位到%windir%system32inetsrv,然后执行appcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true。%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true设置方法二:打开IIS7的asp设置,展开“调试属性”选项,“将错误发送到浏览器”这项默认的是False,改为True,然后点右侧的应用!如图所示:我们可以通过如图以上设置后,再从浏览时打开出错ASP页面时就能看到页面出错的详细信息,方使调试。如果是公开的Web服务器建议不要打开此选项,以防出错信息被他人利用始网站不安全!




register的用法与搭配register词组搭配有register for(使)注册... register in the course登记这门课、register with.登记等。词组通常又叫做短语,词组是指两个或多个词构成一 定的组合关系,又经常在不同的句子里一 起使用着的固定语句片段。词组(短语)从结构上大致可以分为固定词组(固定短语)和自由词组(自由短语)两大类。固定词组(固定短语)指结构比较固定的惯用的词组(短语) 。固定词组(短语)在结构上具有固定性,构成固定词组(短语)的词及其次序一般都不能变动。固定词组(短语)在意义上具有整体性,组成固定词组(短语)的各词往往不能再作字面上的个别解释。

register是什么意思 register的意思

1、register的意思:v.登记; 注册; 记录; (正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张; 显示(读数); 流露出; 注意到; 把…挂号邮寄;n.登记簿; 登记表; 注册簿; 声区; 音区; (适合特定场合使用的)语体风格,语域; 调风口,节气门; 2、[例句]Could you sign the hotel register please, sir?先生,请在酒店登记簿上签字好吗? 3、第三人称单数:registers 复数:registers 现在分词:registering 过去式:registered 过去分词:registered


被标识为register的变量存储在cpu寄储器中,cpu访问寄存器内存极快,一般可用于,大循环体内,提高循环效率。用法:register int nTmp;






  register既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道register做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来register的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家参考学习!   register作名词的意思:   记录;登记簿;登记,注册   register作动词的意思:   登记,注册   register的英语音标:   英 [riu02c8taiu0259] 美 [ru026au02c8tau026ar]   register的时态:   现在分词: registering   过去式: registered   过去分词: registered   register的英语例句:   1. He checked the register. There was money in the till.   他查看了一下收银机的抽屉,里面有钱。   2. What I said sometimes didn"t register in her brain.   有时我说的话她根本没听进去。   3. She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.   她正用一台老掉牙的收银机记账。   4. The sound was so familiar that she didn"t register it.   这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意。   5. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.   选民希望表达他们对执政党的不满。   6. They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office.   他们于1927年4月7日在帕丁顿登记处注册结婚。   7. She calls the register for her class of thirty 12 year olds.   她按照花名册上的名单对她班上30个12岁大的孩子进行点名。   8. Those who fail to register risk severe penalties.   那些没有注册的人可能会受到严厉的处罚。   9. He could be struck off the medical register.   他可能会被取消医生执业资格。   10. Workers stopped work to register their protest.   工人罢工以示抗议。   11. Many students are not on the electoral register.   很多学生不在选民名册中。   12. It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment.   只有精密的X射线仪器才能显示出来。   13. All visitors should register with the British Embassy.   所有游客都必须到英国大使馆登记。   14. He signed the register at the hotel.   他在酒店的登记簿上签了名。   15. We learned how to create and register a new web page.   我们学会了新网页的制作和注册方法。


做动词时是登记,注册,挂号邮寄 : 做名词时是 登记,注册,记录,寄存器,登记簿


register n. 1. 登记,注册[U]






注册 登记




Register[人名] 雷吉斯特; 形近词:registerRegistroRogister数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度百科1Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas.各地政务委员会被要求编制一份该地区成年居民的名册。


register寄存器双语对照词典结果:register[英][u02c8redu0292u026astu0259(r)][美][u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu025a]n.登记,注册; 记录; 登记簿; 自动记录器; vt.登记,注册; (仪表等)指示; 表示,表达; (感情)流露; vi.登记,注册; 留下印象; 完全符合; [印刷]对齐; 第三人称单数:registers过去分词:registered复数:registers现在进行时:registering过去式:registered以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The law required voters to register online at least two weeks beforehand. 新选举法要求选民至少提前两星期在网上登记。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


register[英][u02c8redu0292u026astu0259(r)][美][u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu025a]n.登记,注册; 记录; 登记簿; 自动记录器; vt.登记,注册; (仪表等)指示; 表示,表达; (感情)流露; vi.登记,注册; 留下印象; 完全符合; [印刷]对齐; 第三人称单数:registers过去分词:registered复数:registers现在进行时:registering过去式:registered



如何在Ubuntu14.04上搭建私有docker registry-Linux

创建一个docker registry,然后docker push 镜像容器就行了。

开机时电脑屏幕显示k read error occurred,怎么解决这个问题呢?

引起这个问题的原因有很多:x0dx0a1.检查软驱中是否有软盘,然后进BIOS,在启动顺序中把A盘启动给关闭了。x0dx0a2.BIOS设置中将“防病毒保护”设为启用。如果是这个原因,进BIOS,关闭“防病毒保护”。x0dx0a3.写引导区错误。将BIOS恢复成默认,再重新插拔一下光驱数据线,或者换一条光驱数据线.x0dx0a4.硬盘出现问题。问题一般出在硬盘连接线和硬盘坏道上。如果是出在连接线上,拔下连接线,清除上面的灰尘和硬盘上的灰尘,再插回去或更换连接线即可解决。x0dx0a5.用FDISK重新分区(数据将会被清除,慎用。)x0dx0a6.第四种可能性最大。建议先试一下。x0dx0a故障时的提示就是“a disk read error occured press ctrl+alt+alt to restart”,当时我参考过上面说的用了一下“fdisk/mbr“,好象没用,后来在试着在BIOS设置内把硬盘的模式从”standard mode“改成”enhanced ide(normal)",居然成功了,在此分享一下,希望对大家有所帮助

网页提示“An error occurred”怎么解决啊?

发生意外错误。网页提示"An error occurred”的解决方法:解决方法如下:设置方法一:以管理员身份运行CMD,将目录定位到%windir%system32inetsrv,然后执行appcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true。%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true设置方法二:打开IIS7的asp设置,展开“调试属性”选项,“将错误发送到浏览器”这项默认的是False,改为True,然后点右侧的应用!如图所示:我们可以通过如图以上设置后,再从浏览时打开出错ASP页面时就能看到页面出错的详细信息,方使调试。如果是公开的Web服务器建议不要打开此选项,以防出错信息被他人利用始网站不安全!

An error occurred是什么意思

An error occurred发生了一个错误例句:1.The final error occurred in the pre-dawn hours the day of the escape. 最后一个失误发生在逃离当天破晓前的几个小时中。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Windos10总是蓝屏重启,说是REGISTRY ERROR错误,怎么修






an error occurred什么意思

An unexpected error occurred发生意外错误-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


an error occurred 的意思是:出现意外错误。词汇详解:error 一、读音 英 [u02c8eru0259(r)] 美 [u02c8er<.

registry error 蓝屏

registry error 蓝屏解决方法如下:操作设备:戴尔笔记本电脑操作系统:win10操作程序:自动修复1.02一、当电脑出现提示“自动修复”的时候不要选择重新启动,重新启动一样会回到这个界面,直接点击“高级选项”。二、然后点击“疑难解答”选项。三、在疑难解答里面点击重置此电脑的功能。四、选择保留文件恢复到上一次正常启动电脑的状态,也可以选择删除所有内容进行重置。五、如果你只是想重置系统,则选择第一个,如果想全盘清理,则选择所有驱动器,但是要注意重置之后数据无法恢复,不要选错了。之后等待电脑重置就行了。

电脑出现error occurred

引起这个问题的原因有很多:1.检查软驱中是否有软盘,然后进BIOS,在启动顺序中把A盘启动给关闭了。2.BIOS设置中将“防病毒保护”设为启用。如果是这个原因,进BIOS,关闭“防病毒保护”。3.写引导区错误。将BIOS恢复成默认,再重新插拔一下光驱数据线,或者换一条光驱数据线.4.硬盘出现问题。问题一般出在硬盘连接线和硬盘坏道上。如果是出在连接线上,拔下连接线,清除上面的灰尘和硬盘上的灰尘,再插回去或更换连接线即可解决。5.用FDISK重新分区(数据将会被清除,慎用。)6.第四种可能性最大。建议先试一下。故障时的提示就是“a disk read error occured press ctrl+alt+alt to restart”,当时我参考过上面说的用了一下“fdisk/mbr“,好象没用,后来在试着在BIOS设置内把硬盘的模式从”standard mode“改成”enhanced ide(normal)",居然成功了,在此分享一下,希望对大家有所帮助

游戏打开时出现registry error是怎么回事?请问怎么样解决,拜托了。

registry error是注册错误的意思,引起这一错误的原因主要有以下几种:游戏安装时有注册信息未被导入或者游戏注册文件中有文件无法被注册。可能是注册表的问题,原来安装过但是卸载了,只是卸载不干净,没有清除注册表。下载网上的破解版游戏,安装后可能会出现上述问题。解决方法:可以试试游戏重新安装;部分破解版游戏需要手动安装注册表,看看安装说明是不是没有安装。试试用安全软件清除残留注册表,然后重新安装游戏。

手机接受的文件打开显示AN unknow error occurred什么意思?



一个是动词 一个是名词

游戏打开时出现registry error是怎么回事?请问怎么样解决,拜托了。


谁帮我写一份简单的英语演讲稿(Never give up)一定要简单,初一年级的水平

谁帮我写一份简单的英语演讲稿(Never give up)一定要简单,初一年级的水平 Life doesn"t always give us the joys we want. We don"t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don"t always get our own way. But don"t give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time. 生活并非总是如你所愿。希望有时会落空,梦想有时会破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。但别放弃希望,因为事物并非一成不变;不同时间,不同场合,你会呈现不同的面貌。 get our own way为所欲为 Look for the beauty around you--in nature, in others, in yourself--and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind. You can find love in a *** ile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it. 处处留心你身边的美丽:自然中的美,他人的美,你自己的美。请相信,美来自朋友、家庭乃至全人类的融融爱意。一个微笑,一双援助之手,一个关心的举止,一句友善的话语,无不传达着爱。如果你有心去寻找,爱无所不在。 Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience and understanding. Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope. 奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。相信人性本善。记住,爱心和希望能化解一切愤怒和沮丧。 Even when you feel as though there isn"t a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference. 哪怕生活中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不从心,但你仍可以尽力而为。累积点滴努力,最终你将扭转乾坤。 When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear. 当我们遇到挫折时,请深呼一口气并对自己说:我可以做到!希望就会重现。 初一简单的英语演讲稿 China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic munities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay. I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us 简单的初一英语演讲稿 My ideal school I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. because l like to get up late. I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m. So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities. My ideal school is very large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall, a tennis court, a big playground and a park. We have an hour for lunch, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall. We can also listen to pop music here. We have Math lesson everyday because l like Math very much. I also like English, so we have English everyday. We needn"t wear school uniform. The classes are quite *** all, there are about 15 students in each class. We have activities after school once a week. At the weekend, we needn"t do much homework. Everymonth, we go on a school trip to Shanghai orSuzhou 初一的英语演讲稿。要简单的。最好带翻译。 金钱能买来幸福吗-Can Money Buy Happiness? Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of fort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a mon view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly. 金钱能买来幸福吗? 金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适稳定的生活。然而,同样缺钱往往引起巨大的忧伤。人们常常认为“金钱是万恶之源”,对金钱的追求驱使许多人去骗去偷。在某些地方,没有钱买不到的东西,导致社会的腐化堕落。 所以,金钱并不一定就意味着幸福。这取决于怎样使用金钱,如果我们诚信明智地使用金钱,它将是幸福的基石。尽管金钱买不到幸福,但它可以使幸福成为可能。 吸烟与健康-Smoking And Health Smoking And Health Today *** oking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in *** oking. Many of them think that *** oking is a *** art symbol. However, *** oking is harmful to one"s ,health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you *** oke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that *** oking is not only harmful to *** okers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding *** okers to *** oke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup *** oking! If you don"t *** oke, don"t start. Give up *** oking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world. 吸烟与健康 现在,吸烟是一个世界范围的习惯,不仅老年人、青年人吸烟,就连中学生也加入到这个行列中来,他们中的许多人认为吸烟是一种潇洒的象征。 然而,吸烟对人的健康是有害的,它会引起肺癌,在刚刚过去的几年中;许多人因此而丧命,还可能引发其他的疾病。总之,如果你吸烟的话,你就很可能失去拥有健康的机会,更进一步说,科学研究显示,吸烟不仅危害吸烟者本人,而且对公共健康来说,也是一个凶兆,尤其是对妇女和孩子。因此,许多国家都制定了不准在公共场合吸烟的法规,例如:电影院,车站,医院等地。 戒烟吧,如果你还未染上,请不要开始;戒烟吧,为了你的健康,为了你的家庭的健康,为了整个世界的健康。 环境与发展-Development and the Environment Development and the Environment It is undeniable that the worsening environment has bee the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself. Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if people"s lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution? There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. 环境与发展 不可否认的是环境恶化已成为当今世界上人们最担心的事了。因为水资源的浪费和土壤被侵蚀,土地资源逐渐缩小。我们呼吸着有毒的空气,河流和湖泊也被附近的工厂里排放出来的废弃物严重污染了。不夸大其词地说,环境质量的恶化很可能威胁人类的生存。 有些人说环境问题是我们为经济发展所付出的代价。对此,我不敢苟同。如果人类的生活被日益恶化的环境污染所影响的话,那么,经济发展的意义何在? 足够的证据表明:经济发展与环境保护的平衡可以实现可持续发展。关键是使人们意识到问题的严重性。 *** 和普通市民两方都应该携手使地球成为更适合人类居住的地方,这不仅是为我们自己,也是为我们的后代。 看看你需不需要啊?不行的话可以到网站上搜搜看哦! 怎么写简单的英语演讲稿 首先打招呼:Hello,boys and girls / ladies and gentlemem, may I have your attention please? I am glad/honored to stand here to give the speech. 然后大致说明自己要讲的内容:Today, I want to tell you something about ............. 现在再详细说明你要讲的内容 最后:Finally,I hope everyone can learn something from the speech. Thank you again. 这是每个演讲稿的大致格局,希望对您有帮助!请及时采纳哦! 寻5篇初一英语演讲稿,要简单, 初一的英语演讲稿,尽量简单的英文单词,200左右 My future As the song goes “ My future isn"t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can e true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I "d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away . How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it"s hard work , and I "ll e across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I"ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there "s only one kind of people that are truly suessful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won"t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life . 求英语演讲稿~简单的就行~ 为您量身定做的有关团队合作的英文演讲稿。 Teamwork is very important (团队合作,无坚不摧) I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game beeen my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cann"t help asking myself "is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game. First ,teamwork is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well nized. Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best. Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldn"t give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into suess.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one. 谁帮我写篇或者找篇英语演讲稿子啊~~~~简单的就好~~~ What"s Important To You.... May not be important to someone else..... Does that make it any less importan? I think not! After reading blogs at o of my favorite spaces today, Yellow"s & Molly"s, I now have the incentive to write about this. I have for many years felt very strongly about respecting other peoples we all should. But this isn"t always the case. Lately when I mention something to a friend or relative about what I read or wrote in a blog they have asked me what a blog is. I tell them it is something I do at my website. "You have a website??? Ha....ha....what for?" It"s almost as if they are saying "what could I possibly have to say much less put it on a website." Now wouldn"t that make you feel somewhat insignificant in their eyes? I mean jeez, don"t I ever say anything worth listening to? But then I take into consideration that these people are usually not puter people and really don"t understand any of it. I love my family. We aren"t the Waltons or The Brady Bunch but we do, in our own way, love each other. No matter how frustrated I may get with anyone of them, I will defend them to the end and will always stick up for them. That"s why I guess it really bothers me when one will be so enthused about something, or needs to do something a certain way, or just thinks what they are doing is great, and another, because they don"t see it that way, thinks it"s not important. Sluffs it off as big deal....I don"t care! That"s just not right....when something is important to someone else and not to you, you should respect their feelings and not deflate their enthusia *** . Don"t you think? I mean isn"t that the Right thing to do? I think so. I see this happen with my Mom so much lately. She"s 77 and her health has been taking a nose dive. We brought her back here to live and to be closer so we could help her. She is VERY set in her ways and I have e to know those ways very well. I know that there are things that she sees as very important. And to tell you the truth, most of them I don"t see her way! But, I know that it means so much to her and I won"t discourage her or make her feel bad just because I don"t feel the same way. It pretty much breaks my heart when I see one of my siblings roll their eyes and act as if she hasn"t got a clue. Well she does and this is what she wants! I don"t know where I"m going with all of this. I guess I just felt it was time to "vent" on this subject. I just know that the way you live your life and the way you treat others is something that everyone see"s. One of my favorite quotes "what goes around es around" pretty much sums it up I suppose. It doesn"t take anymore effort to respect what someone else feels is important even if you don"t feel the same way. You could really make someones day by just agreeing with them, even if you really don"t. You do it because you know it"s important to them! Alright, I"m do you feel about that? 我需要一篇英语演讲稿 初一上学期的吆! 要简单的 Good morning/afternoon,every one!My name is ...Today I want to talk about my hobbies.I have a lot of hobbies.Like reading books,play ping-pong,go swimming.I often read books at home after school,and I also play ping-pong with my friends at PE lesson .At the weekend,I usually go swimming or go shopping,it"s very exciting I think.Do you think so?And hobby can help us get happy,do you have hobbies? That"s all,thank you! 我也是初一的,碰巧我们也是要每周写篇演讲稿的哟,同类也 选我的哟,我的较简单,读起来也容易,有感情了嘛

All User 里面的registry是什么程序



Registry,计算机术语。计算机操作系统领域里,可以理解为一个动作。Windows的基本信息,软件的扩展信息等所保存的地方。主要是将从Windows 95以及Windows NT之后所用到的内部数据库,操作系统和应用程序的设置,扩展名的关联信息等记录到硬盘的空间里。即把所有的计算机硬件、软件信息集中在一个称为“注册表”数据文件中,通过它来对计算机的硬软件系统进行有效的管理。打开它的方法:可以在“运行”中通过命令来打开它。命令为:regeditregister英 ["redu0292u026astu0259]n. 登记,注册;记录;登记簿;自动记录器vt. 登记,注册;(仪表等)指示;表示,表达;(感情)流露vi. 登记,注册;留下印象;完全符合;[印刷]对齐

a disk read error occurred怎么解决




registry number是什么意思


Error occurred是什么故障 怎么解除? 有没有详细的解决办法?

可能性很多,通常双击Error Occurred能看到出错行。楼主代码贴出来看看。



an error has occurred什么意思?


磁盘阵列出现error occurred(0)错误是什么意思?


电脑开机出现a disk error occurred




电脑出现error occurred


如何从Docker Registry中导出镜像

一、目录结构Registry的配置文件中可以指定registry的运行目录(实验用本地文件系统作为后端存储),registry会在这个目录中建立相应的目录结构,我在本地启动一个registry服务,然后只push一个centos镜像上去。镜像名称是localhost:5000/library/centos:latest,然后registry在本地创建了如图1所示的目录。图 1 registry目录为了显示方便,我只截取了64位ID的前一部分。可以看到,目录大体分为两个:一个是blobs,一个是repositories。blobs中主要存放数据文件,可以看出都是经过sha256计算后的ID。repositories目录中放镜像的描述信息,记录了一个镜像有哪些layer,tag对应的manifest文件,link文件是一个文本文件,内容是一个形如“sha256:cf34a09a90b54c…”的64位ID,这个ID对应在blob中的文件其实就是这个image的manifest文件。二、Manifest文件manifest文件描述了一个镜像的元信息,包括了layer的数据ID,layer的配置等,文件格式是json形式的文本文件。docker镜像可以分为V1和V2,在1.9以后镜像格式有一些变化。为了向前兼容V1版本的docker,docekr registryV2使用的manifest也对应地分为Schema1和Schema2,两者可以通过官方对于manifest的解释可以参考[1]和[2]。这里实验都是在schema1上做的。Schema1主要包含如下信息:name:image的仓库(repository)名,比如localhost:5000/library/centos:latest这个镜像的repository name是library/centostag:该镜像的tagarchitecture:指该镜像的宿主机的操作系统架构,如“amd64”fsLayers:该字段是一个数组,数组中的元素分别指明了各层对应的数据文件的sha256ID,数组的第1个就是镜像的最顶层,第2个是次顶层…以此类推,值得注意的是,不同层的fsLayer ID 有可能一样,是因为有些层是空的,只有一些配置信息。当执行了一个不涉及文件操作的命令,这时候就会形成空fsLayer,空fsLayer计算出来的sha256ID也都是一样的了。镜像的一个layer,是由文件系统(比如新增的文件)fsLayer以及配置信息构成的,layer在docker的代码层面又被称为image,因为任意一个layer都可以作为顶层layer,被docker image信息引用,从而成为一个image。所以需要区分fsLayer与layer。history:该字段也是一个数组,是为了兼容v1而设置的,指明了每个layer的配置信息,数组第一项对应的是镜像的最顶层,与fslayer一起构成了一个layer。数组元素是一个json格式的map对象,key为“v1Compatibility”,值为一个字符串,该字符串就是layer的配置信息,可以直接用json.Unmrashal成为一个V1Image结构体(定义可以参考代码 L31)schemaVersion:该manifest的版本,一个int型,如 1。三、Tar包形式的镜像Docker中有个save和load命令。save命令可以将一个docker镜像导出,把这个镜像从最顶层到最底层的所有layer一起导出到一个tar包中,然后就可以随意拷贝、发送这个tar包到别的机器,最后可以用load命令把这个镜像重新加载进docker。如果我们把一个镜像从registry里拿出来,按照save成的tar包格式来组织,然后使用load命令加载,这样就实现了不通过docker pull命令来下载镜像,可以根据这个原理做第三方镜像下载工具。所以我们先来看一下镜像的tar包形式是什么样的,我使用save命令导出了centos镜像,解压后目录结构如图2所示:图 2 镜像tar包解压后的目录下面对各文件进行解释:根目录下的repositories文件,描述了这个镜像的名字,tage,还有顶层layer的id不同的文件夹代表了不同的layer。json:layer的配置信息,如创建时间,执行命令等。layer.tar:layer中包含的文件,如果是空layer,layer.tar解压后就是空的。VERSION: 版本信息。四、从registry导出镜像我们对比tar包中的文件和registry中的文件,不难发现其中的对应关系,json、VERSION还有repositories文件都是可以从manifest中导出。json文件其实就是之前提到的history字段中v1Compatibilitiy,不同的是manifest中的这个字段中有很多转义符,我们需要去掉这些转义符,方法是先Unmarshal成为一个V1Image结构体,然后在json.Marshal转回字符串就好。layer.tar其实就是blobs中对应的data文件,直接复制出来然后改个名字就可以。VERSION是manifest中的schemaVersion。repositories文件内容很简单,格式是{“imageName”:{“tag”:”topLayerID”}},所以按照这个格式从manifest中找到对应的数据填进去就ok。这些文件都准备好了以后,就可以准备打包成tar包了,直接使用linux中自带的tar命令,这里需要注意的一点是,应该使用“只打包不压缩”的选项。生成tar包后就可以直接使用docker load命令导入了。我这么做了,是可以成功地导入一个镜像。但是发现存在一个问题:使用上述方式导入的镜像,每个layer的ID和我直接用docker pull命令下载下的不一样,而且docker pull得到的ID从未在manifest和registry中的任何地方出现过。而且不管我使用新的机器还是重新pull,得到的ID都是一样的。经过阅读docker的代码我才发现,layerID不是随机生成的,也不是manifest中写道的id,而是算出来的。下面就说一下计算过程。我们最终需要的layerID在docker源码中叫做StrongID,StrongID是把一个byte数组做Hash后得到的,这个byte数组的生成需要三个对象:v1Compatibility,blobSum(manifest中的fsLayerID),parent(父layer的StrongID),数组生成方法参考image.go中的MakeImageConfig方法(docker 1.9),基本操作就是把一个json对象转成字节数组。因为有parent字段的存在,需要从最底层的layer开始计算,逐步迭代,最终的到top layer的ID。最后要做的工作就是替换json文件中的id字段和parent字段成为新计算出来的ID即可。同样地,文件夹名也要做相应改变。增量导入:如果本地已经存在某些layer的情况,我们只用打包新的layer即可,因为导入时候docker会检测这个layer是否存在,而且有parent信息来保证layer之间的关系。

电脑出现a disk read error occurred怎么办?


打开网页时弹出 Error occurred 怎么办?


registry error什么意思?

registry error 蓝屏解决方法如下:操作设备:戴尔笔记本电脑操作系统:win10操作程序:自动修复1.02一、当电脑出现提示“自动修复”的时候不要选择重新启动,重新启动一样会回到这个界面,直接点击“高级选项”。二、然后点击“疑难解答”选项。三、在疑难解答里面点击重置此电脑的功能。四、选择保留文件恢复到上一次正常启动电脑的状态,也可以选择删除所有内容进行重置。五、如果你只是想重置系统,则选择第一个,如果想全盘清理,则选择所有驱动器,但是要注意重置之后数据无法恢复,不要选错了。之后等待电脑重置就行了。