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now or never什么意思?

now or never 勿失良机If we don"t buy that house now, we never will - it"s now or never! 我们现在不买下那幢房子就再没机会了——机不可失,时不再来!This is your only chance, John. It"s now or never. 这是你唯一的机会,约翰,莫失良机啊!

求C.N.Blue《now or never》歌词~

楼上的绝对不是C.N.Blue《now or never》的- -而是High School Musical 3 Cast - Now Or Never

all or nothing, now or never 是什莫意思


英语谚语:Now or never 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Now or never 中文意思: 机不可失,失不再来。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning 一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。 One today is worth two tomorrows 今天一天抵明天两天。 One who can do everything can do nothing 什么都能做,什么都不行。 One woe doth tread upon another"s heels 祸不单行。 One wrong (or false) move can lose the whole game 棋错一著,全盘皆输。 One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 一念之错可铸终生之恨。 Only that which is honestly got is gain 正当的收入才是真正的收入。 Only they who fulfill their duty in everday matters will fulfill them on great occasions 只有在日常事务上尽责的人,才能在重大事情上尽责。 On the choice of friends Our good or evil name depends 朋友的选择可影响名誉的好坏。 On the great clock of time there is but one word Now 在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”。 英语谚语: Now or never 中文意思: 机不可失,失不再来。


“Now or never”是一句英语成语,意思是“机不可失,时不再来”,表示情况非常紧急,需要立即行动。如果一个女生把签名改成这个,可能是她感到压力很大,需要尽快完成某些事情,或者她觉得自己必须立即采取行动,否则就可能错过机会。

Now or never 是什么意思


Now or Never歌词

完整版的中英对照 now or never勿失良机 16...16...16 minutes left better get it tied! 还剩16分钟,最好打成平局 16...16...16 more minutes get ready GAME ON! 最后16分钟,准备好将游戏进行下去 16...16...16 minutes left running out of time 还有16分钟,时间即将耗尽 16...16...16 more minutes seconds on the line 还剩16分钟就结束了,罚球线上倒计时已开始! 16...16...16 minutes left gotta get it done 还剩16分钟,让我们结束战斗 16...16...16 more minutes till we"re number one! 16分钟后,我们即将成为冠军 Let"s go team! 全队出发 Gotta get it together 必须振作起来 Yeah pull up and shoot! Score! 举起手臂射篮!得分! Are you ready? 你准备好了么? Are you with me? 你与我同进退么? Team...Team...Team 团队 团队 团队 Yeah!耶! Shake"em with the crossover (WILDCATS) 交叉运球过人,要他们不寒而栗(野猫队) Tell me what we"re here for 告诉我我们为何而战 To win! 为了夺冠 Cause we know we"re the best team 因为我们知道我们是最棒的球队 Come on boys...come on boys...come on 加油男孩们,加油男孩们,加油 The way we play tonight Is what we leave behind (that"s right) 今晚我们将全力以赴,投入比赛(就该这样) It all comes down to right now its up to us (LET"S GO) 如今万事具备只欠东风(我们上吧) So what are we gonna be (gonna be) 所以我们是一个团队 T-E-A-M TEAM! t-e-a-m 团队 Gotta work it out! turn it on! (come on!) 必须完成比赛,必须取胜(加油) This is the last time to get it right 这是最后的时候 取得全胜 now or never 勿失良机 This is the last chance to make it our night (yea) 这是最后的机会让我们闪亮全场 We gotta show what we"re all about (TEAM!) (WILDCATS!) 我们将使出浑身解数(团队 野猫队) Work together! (GO!)全员合作(出发!) This is the last chance to make our mark (SHOOT!) 这是最后的机会得到分数(射篮) History will know who we are 历史将铭记我们 This is the last game so make it count 这是我们的最后一役,让我们把它变得有意义 NOW OR NEVER!勿失良机 W-I-L-D (Atta boy!) WILDCATS GET UP COME ON w-i-l-d(加油男孩们)野猫队站起来,加油! w-i-l-d w-i-l-d w-i-l-d WILDCATS COME ON COME ON 野猫队加油,加油 West High Knights 东高的骑士们 Hey!嘿 Yeah we"re doing it right 让我们去争第一 Oh yea!哦耶9 W(YEAH!)-I-L-D WILDCATS NOWS THE TIME 野猫队,我们的时刻到来了 Gotta get an inside down low 必须让内心深处平静下来 End the pain, Now shoot! Score! (DEFENSE!) 结束痛苦,现在就投篮!得分!(回防) Gotta work it together! 必须全队合作 Gimme the ball...Gimme the ball...Gimme the ball! (FAST BREAK) 把球传给我,把球传给我,把球传给我(快攻) (Press play, Get the ball in control) (紧逼防守,控制住球) Let it fly from downtown (THREE MORE) 让它飞过三分线以外(又得三分) Show them we can do it better (NO WAY!) 让他们看看我们可以做的更好(不可能!) GO! GO! GO!COME ON BOYS!(WILD CATS) 上!上!上!,男孩们加油!(野猫队) The way we play tonight (YEA!) Is what we leave behind (thats right) 今晚我们将全力以赴,投入比赛(就该这样) It all comes down to right (West High) now its up to us (LET"S GO) 如今万事具备只欠东风(我们上吧) So what are we gonna be (gonna be) 所以我们是一个团队 T-E-A-M TEAM! Gotta work it out! turn it on! (COME ON!) 必须完成比赛,必须取胜(加油) This is the last time to get it right (GO!) 这是最后的时候 取得全胜 This is the last chance to make it our night (YEA!) 这是最后的机会让我们闪亮全场 We gotta show what we"re all about (TEAM!) (WILDCATS!) 我们将使出浑身解数(团队 野猫队) Work together! (GO!) 全员合作(出发!) This is the last chance to make our mark (shoot) 这是最后的机会得到分数(射篮) History will know who we are (who we are) 历史将铭记我们 This is the last game so make it count it"s 这是我们的最后一役,让我们把它变得有意义 NOW OR NEVER! 勿失良机 Troy: Right now I can hardly breath TROY现在我几乎不能呼吸 Gabriella: Oh, you can do it just know that I believe Gabriella喔,你一定可以做到,我确信 Troy: And thats all I really need TROY这正是我需要的 Gabriella: Then come on! Gabriella那就加油吧 Make me strong Its time to turn it up GAME ON! 给我力量吧,是时候有个了结了,继续比赛 WILDCATS GONNA TEAR IT UP 野猫队必胜 GO WILDCATS 加油野猫队 YEA WE"RE NUMBER ONE 我们是第一 WILDCATS WE"RE THE CHAMPIONS 嘿,野猫队员们,我们是冠军 GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO TEAM GO! 上!上!上!上!加油队员们 West High Knights 东高的骑士们 Hey!嘿. Yea we"re putting up a fight 我们正在上演一场战争 WILDCATS!野猫队 We never quit it! What? Gonna win it! What? 我们永不言弃!一定会赢!什么? Let me hear you say 让我听到你说什么 HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 This is the last time to get it (oh!) right 这是最后的时候 取得全胜 This is the last chance to make it all (yea!) happen 这是最后的机会实现这个梦想 We got to show them what we"re all about (TEAM!) (WILDCATS) 4 c2 d* Z7 X# y* z: ^! y3 o我们将使出浑身解数(团队)(野猫队) WORK TOGETHER! (Troy!) 全员合作!(TROY) This is the last chance to make our mark! 这是最后的机会得到分数(射篮) History will know who we are (who we are) 历史将铭记我们 This is the last game so make it count it"s 这是我们的最后一役,让我们把它变得有意义 NOW OR NEVER 勿失良机 回答者: 戈靡 - 助理 三级 8-18 18:14

now or never什么意思


now or never什么意思

now or never[英][nau u0254: u02c8nevu0259][美][nau028a u0254r u02c8nu025bvu025a]机不可失; 勿失良机; 时不再来; 只在此刻; Well, it"s now or never!唔,机不可失,时不再来!

now or never什么意思

词典结果:now or never[英][nau u0254: u02c8nevu0259][美][nau028a u0254r u02c8nu025bvu025a]机不可失; 勿失良机; 时不再来; 只在此刻; It was now or never. 现在不做就没有机会了。

now or never什么意思


now or never什么意思

now or never[英][nau u0254: u02c8nevu0259][美][nau028a u0254r u02c8nu025bvu025a]机不可失; 勿失良机; 时不再来; 只在此刻; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It was now or never. 现在不做就没有机会了

now or never什么意思


now or never什么意思


大家帮我找一篇英文演讲稿, 题目是 面对灾难 (in th fce of disaster) 三分钟以内,,大约四五百词吧。

In the face of disasterDo you believe the word is coming to an end?Are you frightented of disasters?Maybe you have never thought about that.But many predictions,from the ancient Maya or according to the Sumerians,humanity is about to perish and our planet will undergo mass destruction and anything on earth will disappear forevermore.Believe it or not,man can do little in the face of disasters and therefore life should be treasured in our sober moments.As we know,a massive magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck Japan and a 10-metre destrctive tsunami was triggered last Friday.It has killed more than 8000 people!It forced thousands of people from their homes!It lead to at least 12000 people missing.Buildings were kocked down ; Fishing boats were swept; Rice paddies were swallowed; Widespread fires were sparked out of control;Even a whole village was washed away entirely. Although rescue work are continuing,victims are still growing.Thatu2019s the disaster!Presently,disasters, flash floodsu3001droughtsu3001tornados, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, occurred on our planet. Every year,millions of people are killed,injured or left homeless.We catch sight of the battered wreckage,the terrified refugees,the miserable death on television nearly everyday. Natural disasters are becoming very rapidly an increasing threat for humanu2019s surviving.The serious disasters happened recently years especially.[Pictures]Chinau3001Indonesiau3001Haitiu3001Chile and some other courtries suffered destructive earthquakes or natural disasters. Huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives. However,the more we suffered,the more we felt the limitatiions of our human beings, powerless u3001panicu3001tininess.Through destroy,we understand whatu2019s counts most in our livies .If the prediction of 2012 came true,will your life be any difference?For thousands victims who lived with pains and catastrophe,do you have the courage to face life more cheerfully ? Cherish life, care for life, respect life.We can never forget the understanding and cooperation among our human benings. Exert ourselvies and never stop making efferts!


  各大船公司背景及内幕介绍(排名不分先后)  1、Mearsk:这家公司祖上北欧海盗出身,后来走正途作了航运,总部在哥本哈  根,是  一6层小楼,有电梯,但很少人坐电梯,因为大老板每天爬楼梯到自己六楼办公  室,所  以没人敢坐,都爬楼。Mearsk以自大、死板、守信誉著称,其上缴税收占到丹麦政  府  收入的40%,在丹麦巨牛。其外派人员以素质低著称,例如中国区总经理苏恩深原来  在  丹麦就是开机卡的司机,据说他填履历表学历一栏从来都是空着。但是Mearsk对新  员  工要求很高,分为 employee和trainee,前者是一般雇员,后者要到丹麦总部经过  几  个月的集中培训,(巨残酷,教材有辞海那么厚,3本)然后派到世界各地任职,最  后  不管男女,上船锻炼半年,再委以重任。  马士基专做大客户,小公司他都懒得鸟你~服务水平不高,听有的客户说他们的员工  连个EXCEL表格也做的极烂。但公司规模确实超大,并购SEALAND和P&O后市场占有率  已经达到25%左右,超大超大…………而据我所知马士基MT的淘汰率很高的…………另外再补  充一点,去年并购P&O的时候,APL也曾加入竞争并一度几乎谈成,但马士基按APL的  出价一下拿出了几十亿美元的现金,准备分期付款的APL无语中……最后当然最有钱的  阔少娶到了漂亮老婆…… 忽然又想起一点,马士基好像专门买全球排名第4的船公  司,SEALAND和P&O被买掉的时候全是排名第4,下一个会是谁呢?  2、MSC:欧洲黑社会的洗钱机构,在瑞士注册。据说MSC到船厂造船是这样的:派几  个  人,用很大很大的皮箱提好多现金,和船厂谈好合同以后,把皮箱打开,从里面数  出  一定比例现金,然后把其余的交给船厂,说我的佣金我已经拿走,这是定金,签合  同  把。MSC的船名以*女的名字居多,如洛丽塔、法米娅之类。MSC从不和其他公司融  舱,  船都大的要命,运价低得要命,服务差得要命。也很少租箱子,全部是自有箱。  3、长荣海运:张荣发40年心血的结晶,管理十分混乱,咎其原因是因为张荣发老婆  太  多,老婆多了儿子自然多,张大老板有6个儿子,2个女儿,这么多儿女是要安排工  作  的,可是除了二儿子没有一个着调的,儿女之间互相倾轧,十分惨烈。长荣是股份  公  司,张荣发控股,但是还有他人股份,当年航运市场最低迷的时候,张荣发拿自己  的  钱注册了立荣,以防长荣忽然倒下自己没有退身之所。但后来市场越来越好,长荣  越  来越好,于是就让长荣高价收购了立荣,张荣发自己大赚一笔。后来为了经营两岸  直  航,继续收购意邮,以欧洲公司的名义作直航。去年又成立HASU MARINE(绝对内  幕),因为2006年长荣运力将增长40%,要分散风险。  长荣英文名EVERGREEN,我看到过的此公司的船和箱子都是绿色的,比较显眼。因为  船大多数都是巴拿马籍的,成本低,运价也便宜~~  4、再说中远。扣死扣(cosco)是中国的第二海军,享受国家最最最优惠的航运政  策。我们接触比较多的是中远集运,这两年航运市场市场贼好,但是中集没赚道什  么  钱,主要原因是中集运价体制太乱,特价申请满天飞,差不多每张申请都有背  景,主  管人员又不得不批。作为老牌国企,中远在管理体制上存在诸多问题,例如船员收  入,十分的底。有传说现任集团总裁魏家福当时从新加坡调任天远总经理的时  候,他  在新加坡的行李用中远的集装箱船捎带到天津,船员听说这批东西是上面某位重要  领  导的,于是毫不犹豫的把几大箱子宝贝全扔到了海里,箱子里面有很多股东和文  物。  据说打这以后中远对船员更加苛刻。前一段时间中远成立了泛亚航运,将近洋航线  全  部纳入泛亚旗下,中远集运主体专著做好全球中远洋航线。中远还是当代中国航运  界  的黄埔军校,很多航运界想当当的人物都有从中远服务的经历,这种现象也说明另  一  个问题:中远就像一块肥肉,有本事的人肯上一大口就走,跑到别处慢慢吃,中远  造  就了多少百万富翁,不得知晓。  5、铁行渣华:  P&O和 Nedlloyd原是两家公司,P&O就是大名鼎鼎的“半岛及东方”,学过海商法的人  都  知道“喜马拉雅条款”(此条款就因在每一份提单的背面),最早的判例就是出自该  公  司。97年的时候(好像,大概是这时间),两家公司把集装箱业务拿出来合资成立  了  铁行渣华。这家公司秉承欧洲工艺一贯的稳健作风,虽无可圈可点之处,但也没有  让  人深恶痛绝的缺点,不像马士基那样有天生的优越感,一切规则必须服从自己,其  实  呢,航运市场低迷的时候赔得最多的就是马士基。而像铁行渣华这样的公司则不一  样,就是一个字:稳!  已经被马士基并购,P&O的标志好像要从此消失了………………  6、达飞轮船:达飞原名是CMA,就是 Country Marine什么什么的(A代表什么忘  了),但是现在达飞全称是CMA-CGM,怎么回事儿呢,是这样的。有帖子说达飞是法  国  公司,不错,但是达飞的老板是个黎巴嫩人,就是CGM公司的老板, CMA历史上欠了  CGM 很多钱,这样就被CGM收购了,但是在业界CMA的名声要大过CGM,所以新公司的  名  称为CMA-CGM。达飞是一家非典型的欧洲公司,经营手段非常了得,这么说吧,当初  在  航运市场最低迷的时候,前20位班轮公司利润率和舱位使用率最高的都是达飞。另  外,达飞在资本运作方面非常成功,除收购CMA之外,还表现在收购ANL(澳大利亚  国  家航运),但是其手段高就高在只收购了ANL干线业务,而偏港和支线业务 ANL交由  万  荣船务打理,也就是只要肥肉,不要骨头。达飞在非洲航线也有优势,具体原因请  在  讲述达贸公司时看吧。  据我所知,目前达飞用人唯亲的情况比较严重…… 这两年行业看涨,CMA在外滩中心  的办公面积也扩展过了。  7、加拿大太平洋(居然有人会误认为是太平船务????):俗称CP,Canada  Pacific,CP是加拿大最大的铁路运营公司,国有。这家公司十分挣钱,挣钱多了怎  么  办呢,当然不会像MSC那样去造船,MSC都不是正道来的,而且全是现金,CP就不用  洗  钱啊,于是就买船公司,先后买了Canada Shipping、TMM、Lykes三家,统称CP,但  是  在市场上又分别出现。对了,上述三家中文名称是加拿大航运、墨西哥轮船、莱克  斯。CP中国区的总代表和副总代表都是中年女士,香港人,韵味十足。  8、太平船务:新加坡太平船务和我国特别是我国交通部的关系十分之不一般。开放  前,许多中国的船运不了的东西或到不了的的地方,都是通过交通部找到太平,由  太  平来做。所以开放之后太平是第一个拿到国内经营资质的资班轮公司。太平集团的  业  务分为三个部分,也就是三个子公司,一是航运公司,二是造箱厂(造集装  箱),三  是物流公司。太平也是家族公司,创业者什么什么老先生(忘了)把三个公司交给  两  个儿子经营。  9、中海。这是1997年交通部通过行政命令强行把大连、广州、上海三个海运局拉郎  配  似的组合在一起,美其名曰“中国海运集团“,总裁李克麟系原中远集团副总裁, 中  国  集装箱之父(再往前是上远总经理),因为与老表(陈忠表,中远原总裁,现董事  长)天天干仗,郁郁不得志,于是被受命组建国海运集团。97年成立时李总裁集确  定  发展目标:集装箱。将广州海运局数十条散杂货船改造为集装箱船(如今中海向字  号  的船都是那时振奋系列改的),这些船老旧破,固定资产已经提完,做一固定资产  成  本十分的低,改造只后以极低的租金(完全是象征性的)租给中海集运,既增加了  运  力,也降低了广海的成本,就是*这批船起家,中海做起了沿海集装箱运输和近洋航  线,紧接着,趁着航运市场低迷,租船市场租金也十分低廉,又悄悄的租近若干条  2000TEU以上的船舶,开设了欧洲、地中海航线,开始向远洋市场迈进。李总裁经营  手  法之独特老辣堪称一绝,中海之所以跨越式发展与李总裁个人能力十分不开的。  中海好像有12000ETU的船了,TMD政府撑腰的就是亏得起呀…………  10、OOCL  OOCL以前可不这么叫,最开始的名字叫金山轮船公司,创办人叫董浩云,可能大家  都  不认识,但董建华大家都认识把,董浩云就是他老爸,一九四七年,董浩云的船成  为  第一艘抵达大西洋彼岸及欧洲的中国商船。其后他以金山轮船公司的名义不断开拓  定  期客货运服务。  一九六九年,集装箱运输业兴起,金山轮船易名东方海外货柜航运。当  时,“Victory”  级船只只可运载三百个标准柜,根本不能与今天的超巴拿马型远洋集装箱船相提并  论。2003年第二季度两艘特大船只的投入使用将使东方海外集装箱船只的最大吞吐  量  达到7,700个标准箱。一九八二年,董浩云先生去世,其子董建华先生执掌东方海外  的  母公司东方海外(国际)有限公司(「东方海外国际」)长达14年之久。一九九六  年,董建华先生当选香港特别行政区行政长官后,其胞弟董建成先生便接任东方海  外  国际主席之职。  香港人他妈的就是喜欢做地产,延安路陕西路这OOCL就自己造了幢东方海外大  厦,除了己用还出租。  11、HANJIN  90年代初,韩国才与我们建交,因此韩进93年才先后在中国的上海、天津、大  连、  青岛、北京等城市先后设立了其代表机构, 大力开展在中国的业务活动。不过,韩  进  仍然是最早进入中国航运市场为数不多的几家外国船公司的其中一个。  韩进发展到今天,非常爽的一个动作那就是从1997年成功的收购了德国的胜利航运  公  司80%的股权,胜利航运在欧洲地区有着完善的服务网络和忠实的客户群基础,如  此,  韩进就在地中海、欧洲航线上拥有了很大的优势,并且有了很大的实力和精力跟其  他  的船去火拼美线.  实际上韩进海运只是韩进集团中的一部分,韩进集团以海运、陆运、空运作为其核  心  业务,继而集中于物流有关行业作多元化的发展,如今它已经成为一个运输机械和  设  备的制造商,也是一个资讯和通讯服务的供应者。 大韩航空是大家都很熟悉的  名  字吧,由于其与韩进集团的连系,大韩航空是世界上唯一的一家集陆运-海运-空运  为  一体的货物运输公司。这就是他们之“空中桥梁(Sky Bridge)”独特的优势。“空中桥  梁”是透过海,陆,空三种运输模式的合作体,提供破记录的接驳时间和优质的价  格。  透过韩进陆路运输公司,韩进船运公司及大韩航空的共同努力,此服务能节省高达  65%  的一般空运成本。现在这种”空中桥梁”为中国大陆和亚洲其他目的地,提供最  短,最  经济的路线。作为韩进集团航空运输部的先锋,大韩航空正努力成为二十一世纪世  界  顶尖级的航空公司之一。  上次在DISCOVERY频道看了个有关集装箱巨轮的专题片,里面作为范例的那船就是  HANJIN的。  12、NYK  (Nippon Yusen Kaisha Line Ltd)其实非常不错的,甚至有机会超过马士基。且  看  后话。  NYK的滚装、散货等业务在业界均名列前茅,NYK 滚装船队的规模在世界上是  最  大的,同时,NYK的散货船和油罐船队也在世界上排名老二,滚装船运输中大部  分  是他们的汽车的出口,其中很大份额就是我们中国,另外吗,当然是老美。  NYK1870年就有了,到现在换了不知道多少个名字  最早是Tsukumo Shokai Shipping company.  后来又叫Mitsukawa Shokai.  后来Mitsubishi Shokai.  到1875年才开始第一条国际航线,就是和咱们中国,从横滨到上海,  然后又叫Mitsubishi Kisen  然后Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company  很长时间里头基本上和我们中国人做生意,很多口岸,天津,等等,然后发展  到  东南亚,菲律宾等等  那个时候正是清朝没落的时候,哎,提起来伤感情啊,  当初受到袁世凯的追杀,梁启超逃到日本,就是乘日本的船。  梁启超等一行七人,乘日本邮船会社的横滨丸邮船离沪南下到香港。  1916年,3月7日,船到香港。港英当局受袁政府的委托,立即派巡捕登船严加  搜  查,梁启超在船底侥幸躲过。此后两天,日本驻粤武官、驻港领事、邮船会社和三  井  洋行的负责人都跑到舱下探望梁,态度亲切。3月12日,化装成日本人的梁启超通过  一  条小火轮偷渡到妙义山丸上。在这条破旧肮脏的运煤船上,日本人早已为梁布置了  一  间干净舒适的精室,饮食供

Natural Disaster 英语短文


以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文.

Natrual disaster I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake,and also the Taifeng in Japan,therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters.If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat,then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago.Thousands of people lost their properties,their families,or even their own life.There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list,but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster,it is easy to tell it occurs naturally.Hard to prodict,hard to provent,hard to find out ways to get rid of them.So,what can we do about these disasters.Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them.To invent better ditectors,to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come,to build stronger buildings.These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away. Then the next question come up to me.Have we done all these?Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet?The answer to both of the questions are no!And this is my key point of this speech.I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.

Dreams And Disasters 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams And Disasters歌手:Owl City专辑:The Midsummer StationOwl City - Dreams And DisastersSplendidyangWe were alone on the road driving fasterSo far from home we were chasing disasterHard on the gas "till the car caught on fireWe had to laugh as the smoked billowed higherI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersThink of the sun, and the sound of it risingStill on the run with our eyes on the horizonI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disasters!

What harm does meteorological disasters ?

What harm does meteorological disasters ?(1)暴雨:山洪暴发、河水泛滥、城市积水; (2)雨涝:内涝、渍水; (3)干旱:农业、林业、草原的旱灾,工业、城市、农村缺水; 气象灾害(4)干热风:干旱风、焚风; (5)高温、热浪:酷暑高温、人体疾病、灼伤、作物逼熟; (6)热带气旋:狂风、暴雨、洪水; (7)冷害:由于强降温和气温低造成作物、牲畜、果树受害; (8)冻害:霜冻,作物、牲畜冻害,水管、油管冻坏; (9)冻雨:电线、树枝、路面结冰; (10)结冰:河面、湖面、海面封冻,雨雪后路面结冰; (11)雪害:暴风雪、积雪; (12)雹害:毁坏庄稼、破坏房屋;(13)风害:倒树、倒房、翻车、翻船;(14)龙卷风:局部毁坏性灾害;(15)雷电:雷击伤亡;(16)连阴雨(淫雨):对作物生长发育不利、粮食霉变等. (17)浓雾:人体疾病、交通受阻;(18)低空风切变:(飞机)航空失事; (19)酸雨:作物等受害。(1) the storm: a flash floods, floods, city water;(2): flood, waterlogging waterlogging;(3): agriculture, forestry, grassland drought drought, industry, city, rural water; meteorological disaster(4): dry foehn wind, dry hot wind;(5) high temperature, heat wave: the summer heat, human diseases, burns, crop forced maturity;(6) of tropical cyclone, rainstorm, flood: the wind;(7) damage: because of the strong cooling and low temperature cause crop, livestock, fruit trees;(8): frost damage crops, livestock, freezing, water pipe, oil pipe freezing rain; (9): wire, branches, icy pavement;(10): the river, lake, sea ice and snow after freezing, ice on the road; (11): the snow storm, snow snow;(12) hail: the destruction of crops, destruction of houses;(13): down the tree, but the real wind, overturned, overturned;(14) the tornado: local destructive disaster;(15) the lightning: lightning casualties;(16) even in the rainy (Yin Yu): on crop growth adversely, grain mildew.(17) the fog: human disease, traffic;(18): the low-level wind shear (aircraft) air crash;(19) the acid rain: Crop damage.我们该如何面对气象灾害(翻译成英文)学:学习有关各种灾害知识和减灾知识;听:经常注意收听国家和地方政府发布的灾害信息,不听信谣传; 备:做好个人、家庭的各种行动准备和物质、技术准备; 察:注意观察周围的自然变异现象; 报:一旦发现某种异常的自然现象,不必惊恐,但要尽快向有关部门报告,请专业部门作出判断; 抗:灾害一旦发生,应发扬大无畏精神,组织大家和个人自卫; 避:灾前作好个人和家庭躲避和抗御灾害的行动安排,选好避灾的安全地方,一旦灾害发生,个人要组织大家进行避灾; 断:在救灾行动中,首先要切断可导致次生灾害的电、火、煤气等灾源; 救:要掌握一定的医疗救护知识,准备一些必备药品,以便在灾害期间医疗系统不能正常工作的情况下,及时自救和救治他人。Learning: learning about the various disasters and disaster mitigation knowledge knowledge;Listen: often listen to a disaster information released by the state and local government, do not listen to rumors;Preparation: personal, family all ready for action and material, technical preparation;Observation: observe the natural variation around;Quote: once found some unusual natural phenomenon, don"t panic, but should report to the relevant departments as soon as possible, please professional departments judgement;Anti: once the disaster occurs, we should carry forward the dauntless spirit, all organizations and individuals;Avoid: pre disaster for individuals and families to evade and resist disaster action arrangement, safe place to avoid disaster, once the disaster, people will organize everyone to avoid disaster;fault: in relief operations, first of all to cut off the electricity, fire, gas can cause secondary disasters such as source;Save: to master certain knowledge of first aid, to prepare some necessary medicines, so that in times of disaster medical system can not work normally, the timely rescue and treatment of others

英语作文 on disaster

flood disaster took place in some areas in china. it had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood.  the pla men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. and they did their best to fight against the flood. they supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. the doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. some leaders of our country also inspected the areas.  supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. after a long time, everything went on very well. and that was a sign of victory.



以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文。

I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake, and also the Taifeng in Japan, therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters. If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat, then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago. Thousands of people lost their properties, their families, or even their own life. There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list, but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster, it is easy to tell it occurs naturally. Hard to prodict, hard to provent, hard to find out ways to get rid of them. So, what can we do about these disasters. Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them. To invent better ditectors, to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come, to build stronger buildings. These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away.Then the next question come up to me. Have we done all these? Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet? The answer to both of the questions are no! And this is my key point of this speech. I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.



reflections. on. natural. disasters. 为主题的作文

那美丽的鲜花,因为有了绿叶的依偎,才显得清纯和鲜润;那蓝蓝的天空,因为有了白云的打扫,才显得静穆和安详;那宽广的大地,因为有了万物的拥吻,才显得和平和馨香.而一个人,一个家庭,一个社会,甚至一个国家,不也是因为互相依存,互相映衬,互相促进,一起共同发展,才呈现出那五彩斑斓的和谐吗?和谐犹如一幅画,好似一首歌曲.和谐产生美丽,和谐生发了力量. 和谐不是强行的,而是顺其自然的.不和谐的生活不会产生共鸣,无法演奏生活美好的乐章!和谐不是停滞,也不是凝固的,而是一种积极的前进的状态.在一个地方,今天和谐了,明天又会被新的矛盾所打破;我们又要做新的努力去争取达到新的更高的和谐. 和谐之美在于宽容.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.宽容是人类情感中的种子,她能在人类的心灵这片净土上扎根发芽,再爱的保护下茁壮的成长.宽容之心是多么伟大的,她能够熄灭怒火,她能感化邪恶播散善良,她能够无私奉献,从不计较.她让我们享受阳光一般的温暖.雨珠一般的滋润——宽容之和谐,竟妙不可言. 诚信是一颗珍贵的钻石,是和谐之美的结晶.诚信好过一支玫瑰,在花园之中,她是最美的,美得妍艳欲滴;美得热人心潮;美得高尚;美得完美无瑕.有了诚信之后,和谐的美足以体现了! 和谐之美绝不容忍名利所缚,只有淡泊名利才可以称为和谐之美.老鹰是为了搏击长空而在天空自由翱翔,而不是为了炫耀自己的羽翼因此无限的天空赐予了它自由快乐的空间;风帆只为乘风破浪而在海中搏击风雨,而不是夸耀自己的樯桅.因此浩瀚的大海给予了它豪壮宽阔的乐园.其实,你也一样,只要你用一颗平凡的心去看待,也会找到属于自己的星群! 有一种美,给生命带来温暖,和谐之美——无时无刻与我们现在,只是没有人留意到,而我却在无意中有所发现.我相信大家都听过这句话:“亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐.友谊是一种和谐的平等.” 生命之歌 我想唱首歌,这是一首生命之歌. 2003年7月7日,4时30分.我从信箱里匆匆取出《新民晚报》,如同往日一样,虽然临近考试,可看报仍是我多年的习惯.视线划过一版、二版、……十五版.猛然,眼前一亮:伊朗连体姐妹欲做分头手术!伴着一声惊叫,这对姐妹花的照片映入我的眼帘,除了一部分头骨连在一起外,她俩和普通人并无任何区别,只是两双略带忧郁的明亮大眼睛充满了对未来的憧憬.得知了她们已有29岁了,我又是一惊:她们哪来这么大的勇气?这手术可是九死一生啊!我真的替她们担心.面对死亡的威胁,姐妹俩都愿意把生的希望留给对方,这又是多么美丽的心灵! 7月8日.取到报纸,我打破常规,直接翻到了十五版.据我推断,这则新闻应有连续报道.果然不出所料,整个版面几乎都刊登了这则消息.然而,醒目的大字标题让我新一凉:手术遇到麻烦!我感到似乎周围的空气凝固了,只听见自己的心跳声.原来她们的头骨比预计的要厚,所以手术耗时要多一些,医生在切割时只能一毫米一毫米地进行.我简直比她们还要害怕,我能做的是,只有为她们祈祷,再祈祷. 7月9日.一到时间我就急地奔下了楼,快速取出报纸,我迫不及待地翻到了十五版.“啊,怎么会这样!”我失声大喊,几乎不相信自己的眼睛.可是报纸上却清清楚楚,写着这对姐妹花死亡的消息.顿时,鼻子一酸,我的脸颊上挂满晶莹的泪珠,姐妹俩的照片被放大后刊登在报纸上,然而她们那微笑却已成为一种永恒……连头姐妹在近三十年中克服种种困难,顽强生活的情景,飞速在我眼前闪过.如今,为了更灿烂的明天,她们付出了何等巨大的代价! 我真的想为这对姐妹花唱首歌,一支含着泪水唱出的美丽哀婉的歌,在为她们活出如此绚丽的生命乐章而骄傲的同时,祝福她们在去天国的路上走好.也许,这也是全世界知道这对姐妹的人心底里最想唱的歌,这是一首以死为代价的追求生命的歌…… 祖国之歌 生活里充满了美吗?是的,它就在你双眸闪动的春光里,就在你手中擎起的秋叶里……歌是对美的感悟,是一种宣泄. 咏叹调———东方之珠清晨,蓝色的云霞里矗起一道细小的抛物线,这线红得透亮,闪着金光,冲破云霞,这就是初升的旭日.耀眼的光辉顿时洒向东方明珠,使剔透的球体再次复苏,重现它们的本色,犹如水晶般散发异彩、夺人视线,将阳光反射向四周……东方明珠的确具有别具一格的“磁性”与独特的魅力.她让人心动,让人为之感叹!渐渐地,红与白完美融为一体的巨型建筑物便占据了我的双眼.在她与我之间,浦江上仿佛铺出了一条碎光闪烁的路,让人忍不住飞奔而去,以平静激烈跳动的心脏. 我想唱:啊,这颗耀眼的明珠是中国的一个亮点,它将永远矗立于世界东方,咏叹美好的生活. 小夜曲———卢浦大桥飞虹横跨浦江,明月在水上泼洒出点点闪烁的银光,浦江之上又画出了一道神奇的风景线.抬头仰望,在灯光的映衬下,How magnificent(雄伟极了)!如童话般的“彩虹”展现在世人眼前,流光溢彩.曲线比直线更富有变幻的魅力,引导着视线作无穷的追逐.卢浦如同一座优美的雕塑:圆拱形的彩色大理石碑身,飞架碑身的三道银色钢结构弧线,隽永的金色魏碑体碑文,静静地诉说着这个国度里发生的又一个奇迹. 我想唱:啊,卢浦是中国独特的一条曲线,她体现的,即“美是生活”. 进行曲———三峡工程溯流而上,漫步在长江上游.走近大坝,见到的是两侧动与静的对比.坝身上游水波不兴,一平如镜;下游一侧导流底孔喷出的汹涌波涛,如无数条奔腾舞动的巨龙,在空中溅起数米高银白色的飞珠碎玉,撞击着,直泻而下.问苍茫大地,哪一处江河曾经积淀了如此厚重的文化?哪一方水域曾经荟萃了如此众多的灵秀?承载着这沉甸甸文化与灵气的江水,汇聚到三峡大坝时,怎能不迸发出强大的能量?由此,我们触摸到了祖先的分量,历史的分量,江山的分量. 我想唱:啊,三峡之水蕴藏着怎样的美丽,它将行进到底,因为那是我们永远的精神家园. 祖国诉说不尽的美,勾勒出涌动在我心中的一首歌,让我情不自禁的想将它唱出.我要用歌声赞美它们:明珠的夺目,三峡的雄伟,卢浦的独特,这是人们用双手创造的美,这是祖国改革开放飞速发展的写照!总有一天,中国必将成为全世界瞩目的焦点,屹立于世界民族之林. 祖国,我为你歌唱.(卢湾区A类卷) 青春之歌 十六岁的花季,多么美好啊!我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! 青春是美丽的风景线,有的人匆匆溜过,一无所获,到老了总是后悔莫及!有的人却欣赏到了那只属于他的精彩,令人神往,到老了总是回味无穷!这是两种截然不同的人,是否也给我们带来一丝感慨? 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满活力!我们总是孜孜不倦地遨游在知识的海洋中,不会累,因为我们是富有生命力的小草,坚韧不拔!瞧,志愿者服务队中,总有我们的身影,为孤老服务,当小交通员……我们忙得不亦乐乎,虽然有珍珠般的汗淌了下来,但那是珍珠啊,多么珍贵!我们要把我们的活力注入整个社会中! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满智慧!遇到了难题,我们总会迎刃而解,所谓“自古英雄出少年”,我们当然要好好表现一番!在各项竞技场中,我们“初生牛犊不怕虎”!勇摘桂冠,那全是靠我们的智慧和奋斗!在科技发明方面,我们也当仁不让,我们细心地联系生活,结合实际,大胆地创造出了一个又一个令成人叹为观止的发明!谁说我们是小孩,我们人小志气大!我们要把智慧播散到社会的各个角落中去! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春并不会太长!昙花一现是短暂的,可谁能说它不美呢?正是因为它的短暂,带给人无限留恋!可是昙花一现可有无数次,每个人的青春只有一次,何不牢牢把握它呢? 让我们一起高声歌唱:青春是美丽的! 友谊之歌 一次无意中,我从书桌中翻出了一本积满灰尘的相册,在第二排,我找到了你,我的同桌,顿时一首歌回荡在耳边,那首《同桌的你》. “你是否还会想起,问我借半块橡皮?”记得你是个健忘的人,考试经常不带橡皮,老是问我借,害得一次考试后老师找我谈话,说我和你用橡皮打小抄,可怜的我被老师罚站一节课.幸好你不是那种忘恩负义之人,下课后会递上一块口香糖,使我在苦中找到甜蜜. “你是否还会想起,猜不出问题的你?”记得你的成绩如此优秀,但你是个不折不扣的地理盲.语文课上生龙活虎的你,在地理课上简直成了一只小鸡,蜷缩了起来,连举手的勇气也没有,可老师偏偏喜欢请你发言.哎,也真是难为了同学们的耳朵了———你说英国和美国是邻国,中国和日本海间隔者印度洋,甚至你说全世界只有两大洲,亚洲和非洲……正因为有了你的“胡言乱语”,平时我最喜欢的课,除了体育课,就是地理课了. 哦,对了.说到体育课,你可真厉害.外表看上去,那么漂亮的女孩子,竟是个体育狂热爱好者,100米短跑8秒1搞定,立定跳远超过了所有的男同学,因此有这么多男同学愿意和你踢球.你和我,便成了球场上的两个箭头,弄得对方守门员时时手忙脚乱.记得吗?上次我们踢了(2)班一个6比0,你还大为不爽呢! “谁把你的长发盘起……”你有着一头乌黑、漂亮的长发,但你却不去整理,也许这与你的性格有关吧,但你不至于让我这样一个堂堂男子汉为你梳头时,幸好还很早没有人看到,不然,又要到办公室报到了. 毕业典礼那天,你哭了.因为你要远行去日本念书.我们最后一次坐在一起了,毕竟5年了.我也忍不住流下了眼泪.当时气氛真的好奇怪,我强忍着内心的不舍,终于道出了一句缓和气氛的话:“这下你终于知道中国和日本之间是什么海了吧?”你笑了,笑得多么灿烂啊!

seeing (that),now (that),considering (that),表既然的区别

seeing that因为,鉴于,既然,跟as far as I see 差不多 now that :既然,由于 considering that:鉴于,就.而论 个人认为前两者无本质区别,第三个有种客观态度包含在内,这些语法没有必要去刻意区分的,学英语就是要只可意会不可言传,自己多去感受它们,外国人有时候说话都是乱用的

disaster 可数吗





disasters英 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z] 美 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z]n.灾难( disaster的名词复数 ); 彻底的失败; 不幸; 祸患 Ecological disasters, such as the destruction of rainforest 雨林破坏等生态灾难

shareholder loan是什么意思

shareholder loan[英][u02c8u0283eu0259u02cchu0259u028aldu0259 lu0259un][美][u02c8u0283u025bru02ccholdu025a lon][法]股东贷款;




After School - BangT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noNunbu shige bitnaneun nareul ttara, oh, oh, ohGashik jeogin maldeureun bi useo beoryeo, ha, ha, haYeppeugi man han neoneun deo isangeun, no, no, noJjarithan eumak soge deonjyeo beoryeo bang, bang, bangUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noGaseum ttwineun ibameul nae mameun, oh, oh, ohBultaneun ni nungireun nae momeul tago, ha, ha, haGeochireo jin sumsori meomchujin ma, no, no, noShim jangi irideumeul ttara gake kung, kung, kungUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaBringing it to you daily, it"s only from the bestAfter School, Play Girlz know how to get freshSo cool, so right, just so tastyWe bring it fast forward, the fellas go crazyJomdeo gwagam hage boyeo juneun geoya neo, to be raised for my lifeJomdeo teuk byeolhage chumeul chuneun geoya neo, to be raised for my lifeEumage neol matgyeo jumuneul georeo bwa, to be raised for my lifeCrisp, clean, original, new quality is what we give to youCheck it out, a new generation and a whole new start, check it out, collaboration with a brand new heartJogeum deo dagawa isunganeul catch up, on your mark set ready to go, can you feel it in your body this A-S flowHey, hey, what you want, let"s goUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noAha, aha, aha, T-R-Y, do it nowAha, aha, aha, an you follow me, yes, uh-uhAha, aha, ahaAha, aha, aha


歌曲: NUMBER 1演唱:BIGBANG Let me introduce myself!BIGBANG Yeah~Are you ready for the show~!!!I ll be ready in an hour jump in the showerCrisp and clean now I got the powerBlasting music from my speakersT-shirts fresh brand new sneakersReady to flow ready to goReady for the spot light ready for the showLet me tell you something that you already knowI m a hardworking man and I work for my fansGirl I love your style love your smileWish that you could beOnly mine be only mine (for show)I can t let it go I don t knowWhat you re doin to me (yeah)You re so fine (yeah uh huh) oh you re so fine (let s go)Gettin hot in the club I can see they want some more(I will give you more I m your number one)Once I get up I will rock never stop you can be sure(Yeah you can be sure I m your number one)I (uh) you know why (yes) you know why (yo)I m your number one (I m your number one)Crazy hot mad partyShorty drop it low for meYou can keep me companyYou look sweet smell like honeyI need a girl who is in it for meNot for the money not for the fameNot for the glory not for the nameIt ain t easy as long as you re sayin this…Boy I love your style I love your smileWish that you could beOnly mine be only mine (fa sho)I can t let it go I don t knowWhat you re doin to meYou re so fine ooh you re so fineGettin hot in the club I can see they want some more~(I will give you more I m your number one)Once I get up I will rock never stop you can be sure~(Yeah you can be sure I m your number one)I (you know why) you know why (yeah you know why) you know whyI m you re number oneWe jump jump jump to the ceiling (everybody in the place c mon now)We jump jump jump what a feeling feeling~We jump jump jump to the ceiling ceiling (once again BIGBANG c mon)We jump jump jump what a feeling feeling~(naaaaa maaaannnn! !)Gettin hot in the club yeah] I can see they want some more~ you want some more](I will give you more I give you more] I m your number one)Once I get up I will rock rock rock rock] never stop you can be sure~ you can be sure](Yeah you can be sure I m your number one)Gettin hot in the club I can see they want some more~ (oh its getting hot in here~)(I will give you more I m your number one)Once I get up I will rock never stop you can be sure~(Yeah you can be sure I m your number one)I (you know why) you know why (yeah you know why) you know whyI m you re number one (I m your number one)


《夏令时记录》曲:じん词:じん呗:IA昨日も今日も晴天で 入道云を见ていたkinou mo kyou mo seiten de uyuudougumo wo miteita怠(だる)いくらいの快晴だ 徐(おもむろ)に目を闭じてdaruikurai no kaisei da omomuro ni me wo tojite「それ」はどうも简単に 思い出せやしない様でsore wa doumo kantan ni omoidase ya shinai youde年を取った现状に 浸ってたんだよtoshi wo totta genjou ni hitattetan da yo大人ぶった作戦で 不思议な合図立ててotonabutta sakusen de fushigi na aizu tatete「行こうか、今日も戦争だ」 立ち向かって 手を取ったikou ka kyou mo sensou da tachi mukatte te wo totta理不尽なんて当然で 独りぼっち 强いられてrifujin nante touzen de hitoribocchi shiirarete迷った仆は 忧郁になりそうになってさmayotta boku wa yuuutsu ni nari souni natte sa背高草(せたかそう)を分けて 渗む太阳睨んでseitakasou wo wakete nijimu taiyou niran de君はさ、こう言ったんだ 「孤独だったら、おいでよ」kimi wa sa kou ittan da kodoku dattara oide yo 騒がしさがノックして 生まれた 感情さえもsawa ga shisa ga nokku shite umareta kanjou sae mo头に浮かんでは萎(しぼ)んだ 「幻なのかな?」atama ni ukande wa shibon da maboroshi nano kana秘密基地に集まって 「楽しいね」って単纯なhimitsukichi ni atsumatte tanoshii ne tte tanjun naあの顷を思い出して 话をしようano goro wo omoidashite hanashi wo shiyou

宝儿的Number One歌词

这首歌是不是日文的啊~~亲 我这有日文版的不知道你要不要~~NO.1:BoA作曲:Ziggy(Sigurd Heimdal Rosnes)时间は 风のような速さで 过ぎるけれど大切なものはいつも守ってきたつもりだよ真っすぐな 瞳には君だけを映すよYou still my NO.1 君と出逢い辉いてる この瞬间を 感じているよ愿いよ届け you still my NO.1迷ったり ah 悩んだり时には 涙を见せて信じる强さを 知ってゆくWant you get my loveI want you get my loveそう 出来ないことなんて何ひとつ无いよYou still my NO.1 君と出逢い信じること 忘れない 勇気を见つけたよ愿いを込めて you still my NO.1手を伸ばせば 届きそうな 梦の先には一つ一つ 重ねてきた 答えがほら…Huh…(Doo doo doo doo doo doob…)You still my NO.1 君と出逢い辉いてる この瞬间を 感じているよ愿いよ届け you still my NO.1君と出逢い信じること 忘れない 勇気を见つけたよ愿いを込めて you still my NO.1

2B number one是什么意思


number one用汉语可以怎么写是哪几个字?


number 和 Page 后面的数字是怎么读的,请具体说下 number 11是 读number one one吗,

后面全部按照基数词的读法 比如11,就是eleven 227就是two hundred and twenty-seven 当然,也可以读成two two seven 反正,千万不能读成序数词,比如first就好了


Touch and go straight to number one 直直走向排行榜第一 (Touch and go, touch and go, touch and go, oh oh) (出发啦,出发啦,出发啦,哦 哦) Touch and go, straight to the top 出发啦,勇往直前,直到最高 Touch and go, straight to the top 出发啦,勇往直前,直到最高 We"re breaking all the rules 我们打破所有规矩 Stealing all the tricks 窃取所有技巧 Doing all the things we"re not supposed to do 我们做我们不该做的 We"re driving up the score 我们赶上了纪录 We"re going for a flare 我们正在走红 We know we"re coming out on top, yeah 我们知道我们正在崛起,耶 Touch and go, straight to the top 出发啦,勇往直前,直到最高 Touch and go, we"re going for the win 出发啦,为了胜利而奋斗 Touch and go, nothing can stop us now 出发啦,现在没有什么能阻止我们 Touch and go, we"re driving to the top 出发啦,我们正在向前走 We"re on a roll tonight 我们今夜在唱摇滚 Gonna make it happen 要使它发生 Gonna take this ride to the other side 要搭乘这辆马到达另一边 We"re over-the-top 我们在最上面 Gonna reach the sky 要到达天际 Gonna take this world and bring it back around 要接管这个世界然后带它回来 Touch and go, straight to the top 出发啦,勇往直前,直到最高 Touch and go, we"re going for the win 出发啦,为了胜利而奋斗 Touch and go, nothing can stop us now 出发啦,现在没有什么能阻止我们 Touch and go, we"re driving to the top 出发啦,我们正在向前走


numbers的意思是数字。number:n.数;数字;牌号;号码;编号为…的人;编码为…的事物;数量;数目;一期;单曲;一首歌曲;(歌剧、舞台剧等的)片段;一群人;(尤指)排外的一群人;人;(尤指)女人;(尤指精美的女式)服装,服饰;大麻烟卷;数;vt.给…编码;标注号码于…;总计;共计;逐一记录;数;对…分类;对…分组;限制…的数量;控制…的数量。any number of sth一些…;许多…;各种… by numbers按数字口令地;一板一眼地to do a number on sb操纵某人;戏弄某人;耍弄某人。in numbers大量地;无数地。to make up the numbers凑数;补缺。sb"s number is up某人完蛋了;某人死定了。one of sb"s number某人团队的成员。to be numbered among sth被编入…;被列为… sb"s/sth"s days are numbered某人/某事的日子屈指可数。双语例句:1、The essay contains anumber of factual errors.文章中有一些与事实不符的错误。2、They sang a slow romanticnumber.他们演唱了一首缓慢的浪漫歌曲。3、I"m superstitious about thenumber 13.我相信13这个数字不吉利。4、What is your faxnumber?你的传真号码是多少?5、Did you get hisnumber down?你记下他的号码了吗?6、A fairnumber of people came along.有相当多的人来了。7、Thenumber is correct to three decimal places.这个数目精确到小数点后三位数。8、Mynumber is 414-3925.我的电话号码是414-3925。9、For further details call thisnumber.欲知详情,请拨打这个电话号码。10、The word "men" is plural innumber.men一词是复数形式。


译:成为第一名It"s most likely to be number one in the game.To be number one is her dream in the lifetime.

找一首英文歌,是与足球有关的,歌词是number one,number two什么的,帮帮忙吧,歌名是什么啊

是to be number one吗?

partnership和cooperative和joint venture相互区别是什么?

Clean your finger,before you point at my spots.

NO.1怎么读呀!是读NUMBER ONE吗?


OVC (Operating Value Contribution)中文怎么翻译?

你好!电测仪中的VOL为电池开路电压, IMP为电池内阻,OVC是电池过电流保护电流数值。

You are always number one 什么意思


谁有死神插曲number one小提琴版的?

Number One(vocal ver.)

“China number one”是什么意思?

直接翻译的意思应该是“中国第一名”。《china number one》是一款沙盒丧尸生存冒险游戏,游戏中玩家可以和世界其他国家的玩家一起享受竞争生存的快乐,通常都是中国玩家们团结在一起,将其他国家的玩家屠戮个干净。

Partnership, Joint Venture的分别?

Joint Ventures versus Partnerships The main difference beeen a joint venture and a partnership is that the members of a joint venture have teamed together for a particular purpose or project, while the members of a partnership have joined together to run "a business in mon". Each member of the joint venture retains ownership of his or her property. And each member of the joint venture shares only the expenses of the particular project or venture. *** infocanada.about/od/management/a/jointventure 2010-01-28 12:20:18 补充: In a JV, a separate entity is formed that ceases to exist on pletion of the task agreed whereas, a partnership firm continues operations until dissolved and formation of a separate entity is not necessary. wiki.wers/Q/What_is_the_difference_beeen_partnership_and_joint_venture,参考: *** infocanada.about/od/management/a/jointventure, wiki.wers/Q/What_is_the_difference_beeen_partnership_and_joint_venture,A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed beeen o or more parties to undertake economic activity together. A partnership is a type of business entity in which partners (owners) share with each other the profits or losses of the business.,

CHINA number one是什么梗


i am (the) number one.中需要加the么,为啥?


CSGO pub服务器里面经常有人喊台湾 number one 是什么梗


谁有死神number one 的歌词


number one和first的区别

number one表示的“第一”其实是一个形容词做表语的结构.first是表示"第一"这个顺序.

英语中number one前加不加the问题

一般都不加the的 numberone合起来相当于是一个常用的形容词了 只有thenumberonebrands,thenumberoneschool 后面再加名词的时候加上the

R. Kelly Featuring Keri Hilson的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:R. Kelly Featuring Keri Hilson专辑:Number OneSkye Sweetnam - Number OneI saw my boyfriendHanging with this girl that I hateHe didn"t have to tell meWhy last night he was lateI can"t believe what you tell meYour lies have come undoneNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneI took a ride to the cityHad to get out of this placeI just can"t stand the pityWhen the tears fall down my faceI used to think it was overBut it"s only just begunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI hitched a ride on a GreyhoundStashed away on a trainBought a ticket for the subwayPlaying guitar out in the rainI wanna follow the riversTo an island in the sunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneLate at nightTrying to fightI just might think about himRight now I"m feeling fineI"m better off without himYeah Yeah Yeah YEAH!One day...One day...One day...You"ll sayI was the oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI know that one dayYou"ll see meI"ll haunt you when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI"m number one

怎么区分joint operation和joint venture?有什么不同吗

the key identifying factor for a joint venture is that in this type of arrangement a separate legal entity is set up,with the ownership of that entity being shared by the ventures

R. Kelly的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:R. Kelly专辑:R&B Love Songs 2010R. Kelly feat T-Pain & Keyshia Cole - Number OneR.Kelly:This is the remix for the clubYa boy Kells Payne & KeyshiaI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexTell da DJ gon and play dat number one sexNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohT-Pain:Can"t nobody do it like I doI"ll make you tell em" ain"t nobody else doin youCause even if dey do dey not hittin(hittin)Cause they can"t match the love that you gettin(getting)But waitShorty run it like a marathonShe can"t take my beautiful bulletNow shorty let me say I"m goin in yeaWe gon get some BBS spins yeaSo sit back relax and let me smack thatUmma put my BMI all over your rest shortyYou are now rocking with the best, best, best, bestI"ll make you forget about the rest, rest, rest, restWhen shawty bout to back it up cause we about to do itUmma run through it and umma beat dat thing all night longNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohKeyshia Cole:You know can"t nobody do you like I doHave standing strong at attention can"t see toBaby I salute youOooh your ride babyI wanna go all night cause your driving me crazyAnd no one can compare to youLike the drop top goes when I"m riding throughIt"s me and you, you, youWat you wanna do, do, do yeaI called all my friends to let em" knowWho hit da spot and gave me sumthin I can fixSo stay tuned to your radio if youWanna dedicate this to your favorite booNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohR.Kelly:Bang, Bang grand openingHow I step up in da club no delay scopeningWalk up to dem girls like wat ya"ll drinkiningAnd step up to dem niggas like wat ya"ll smokiningI"m just out there looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexBaby girl I guarantee once I get up in youI will make dat pussy scream to me in auto tuneYo auntie dem would be saying yo nose it wide openAnd shit like Kells got dat girl tweaking cause she be screamingLike RobertI love youAnd my body"s calling for youAnd no baby dis ain"t overThree hours later turn yo ass over Uh OhUmma smack it up, rip it up, break it upDen I"m gonna slow it upShake it up, beat it upR&B kells sayin number oneNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl ooh(remix yea)This is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexCause last nightI had a dreamBout you and meI had a dreamBout you and meAnd in this dreamI can"t say it nawI can"t say it nawI can"t say it nawI can"t say it, fuck it I"m gonna sayIt was you and meIn my bedroomHittin it hard like we drink a thousand red bullsAnd I was all over yo bodyYou was all over my bodyWe was drunk like a mutherfuckaDrinkin" all of the bacardi hahaMaxRNB - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!


今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai堕ちてゆく 白い鸟を 追いかけて 黒い森へochite yuku shiroi tori wo oikakete kuroi mori e木立の阴に消えていく 若草の色kodachi no kage ni kiete iku wakakusa no iro逃げていく春の日差し 追いかけた花の香りnigete iku haru no hizashi oikaketa hana no kaori季节の影を彷徨う 裸足の迷路kisetsu no kage wo samayou hadashi no meiroあやふやに隠した 伤の迹ayafuya ni kakushita kizu no atoいつまでも探した ぬくもりitsu made mo sagashita nukumori摘み取ったシランの花环にtsumitotta shiran no hanawa ni重ねた 愁いの蓝kasaneta urei no ao今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai手を伸ばしても 届かない空te wo nobashite mo todokanai sora残された日々さえ すりぬけてくnokosareta hibi sae surinukete kuただ はかなさだけの诗 歌いたいtada hakanasa dake no uta utaitai水面に差し込む光 たゆたう花をminamo ni sashikomu hikari tayutau hana wo沈黙だけが见守っているchinmoku dake ga mimamotte iru目を闭じて このまま眠りにつくme wo tojite kono mama nemuri ni tsuku近づいた夜の闇に 何もかものみこまれるchikadzuita yoru no yami ni nanimokamo nomikomareru流れの中に 消えていく 记忆の音色nagare no naka ni kiete iku kioku no neiro过ちが 互いを 伤つけるayamachi ga tagai wo kizutsukeru伪りという名の 悲しみitsuwari to iu na no kanashimi散らばった シランの花弁はchirabatta shiran no haben wa美しい涙の蓝utsukushii namida no ao今 记忆のすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kioku no subete nuguisaritai冻える水辺に 身をさらしたいkogoeru mizube ni mi wo sarashitai梦见ることも 叶わないままyumemiru koto mo kanawanai mama饰られた花なら 枯れればいいkazarareta hana nara karereba iiねえ 明日のために 今日があるならnee ashita no tame ni kyou ga aru nara失くした未来のために 何を捧げる?nakushita mirai no tame ni nani wo sasageru?変わらず夜は 见守っているkawarazu yoru wa mimamotte iru救いの手 差し伸べることもなくsukui no te sashinoberu koto mo naku今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai手を伸ばしても 届かない空te wo nobashite mo todokanai sora残された日々さえ すりぬけてくnokosareta hibi sae surinukete kuただ はかなさだけの诗 歌いたいtada hakanasa dake no uta utaitai水面に差し込む光 たゆたう花をminamo ni sashikomu hikari tayutau hana wo沈黙だけが见守っているchinmoku dake ga mimamotte iru目を闭じて このまま眠りにつくme wo tojite kono mama nemuri ni tsuku目覚めた森のしらべ 消えてゆく 鼓动だけがmezameta mori no shirabe kiete yuku kodou dake ga

number one和first的区别


英文俚语go“number one”是什么意思?

ls的说反了,number one 小便,number two 大便。 下面有解释的链接,lz可以看看:还有一个相关的帖子,讨论工作时间是不是go number two的:

Skye Sweetnam的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:Skye Sweetnam专辑:Noise From The BasementSkye Sweetnam - Number OneI saw my boyfriendHanging with this girl that I hateHe didn"t have to tell meWhy last night he was lateI can"t believe what you tell meYour lies have come undoneNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneI took a ride to the cityHad to get out of this placeI just can"t stand the pityWhen the tears fall down my faceI used to think it was overBut it"s only just begunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI hitched a ride on a GreyhoundStashed away on a trainBought a ticket for the subwayPlaying guitar out in the rainI wanna follow the riversTo an island in the sunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneLate at nightTrying to fightI just might think about himRight now I"m feeling fineI"m better off without himYeah Yeah Yeah YEAH!One day...One day...One day...You"ll sayI was the oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI know that one dayYou"ll see meI"ll haunt you when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI"m number one

bigbang的number one歌词

转BBCN [TOP]I"ll be ready in an hour莪会在一小时内准备好Jump in the shower在大雨中跳跃Crisp and clean清爽又干净Now I got the power现在莪有孓力量Blasting music from my speakers劲爆的音乐从莪的speakers中流泻出T-shirt Fresh Brand new sneakersT-shirt新的品牌新的波鞋[GD]Ready to Flow准备好去开始Ready to go准备好过去Ready for the sportlight准备好站在聚光灯丅Ready for the show准备好这场showLet me tell you something that you already know让莪告诉伱一些伱已经知道的东西I"m a hard working man莪是个很努力的人And I work for my fans莪为孓VIP而努力[5120]Girl I love your style love your smile女孩,莪喜欢伱的风格,喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[TOP]Crazy Hot Mad party疯狂的热辣的狂欢的partyShorty drop it low for me一点并不能满足莪You can keep me company只有伱能让莪不孤独You look sweet smell like honey伱看起来就像蜂蜜一样甜[GD]I need a girl who"s in it for me莪需要一个女孩与莪合为一体Not for the money她不是为孓钱财Not for the fame不是为孓名声Not for the glory不是为孓荣耀Not for the name不是为孓名字 It"s ain"t easy这并不容易Cause all they just sayin" is因为她们只会说[5120]Boy I love your style love your smile男孩莪喜欢伱的风格喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[9710]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see.They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到,他们想要更多I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1[9710]Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[ALL]We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1

bigbang的number one歌词

歌手: big bang 专辑: number 1 搜索"number 1"LRC歌词 搜索"number 1"mp3 [ti:number 1] [ar:big bang] [al:number 1] [by:活在当下] big bang - number 1 bigbang. yeah~ are you ready for the show~!!! i"ll be ready in an hour, jump in the shower crisp and clean now i got the power blasting music from my speakers t-shirts fresh, brand new sneakers ready to flow, ready to go, ready for the spot light, ready for the show let me tell you something that you already know i"m a hardworking man and i work for my fans. girl, i love your style, love your smile wish that you could be only mine, be only mine (fa"sho) i can"t let it go, i don"t know what you"re doin" to me (yeah) you"re so fine (yeah uh huh), oh you"re so fine (let"s go) gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(uh) you know i (yes) you know i(yo) i"m your number one.(i"m your number one) crazy hot, mad party shorty drop it low for me you can keep me company your look sweet smell like honey i need a girl who is in it for me. not for the money, not for the fame, not for the glory, not for the name. it ain"t easy cause all they just sayin" is… "boy i love your style, i love your smile wish that you could be only mine be only mine (fa"sho) i can"t let it go, i don"t know what you"re doin" to me you"re so fine, ooh you"re so fine" gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more~ (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(you know i) you know i,(yeah you know i) you know i i"m you"re number one we jump, jump, jump to the ceiling (everybody in the place c"mon now) we jump, jump, jump what a feeling, feeling~ we jump, jump, jump to the ceiling, ceiling (once again bigbang c"mon) we jump, jump, jump, what a feeling, feeling~ gettin" hot in the club yeah i can see they want some more~ you want some more (i will give you more i give you more ; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock rock rock rock never stop, you can be sure~ you can be sure (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more~ (oh its getting hot in here~) (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(you know i) you know i,(yeah you know i) you know i i"m you"re number one (i"

Limited partnership和Joint Venture的区别

Limited Partnership 有限责任合伙公司;普通合股公司有限合伙(Limited Partnership)是英美法系国家十分重要的企业形式,它是指一个由二个或二个以上的自然人和其他法人所组成的经营商业、分享利润的营利团体。有限合伙中包括两种合伙人,即至少要有一个一般(即普通)合伙人(General Partner)以及一个有限合伙人(Limited Partner)。一般合伙人负责合伙事业的经营管理,并且对有限合伙的债务承担无限连带责任;而有限合伙人对于合伙事业的经营管理仅具有有限的参与权,对有限合伙的债务也仅以自己对有限合伙的出资为限承担有限责任。joint venture 合资企业,合营企业n.a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise合资企业一般指中外合资 中外合资经营企业是由中国投资者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风险的企业。外国合营者可以是企业、其他经济组织或个人。中国合营者目前只限于企业、其他经济组织,不包括个人和个体企业。经审查机关批准,合营企业是中国法人,受中国法律的管辖和保护。它的组织形式是有限责任公司。目前合营企业还不能发行股票,而采用股权形式,按合营各方的投资比例分担盈亏。

number one的符号怎么打

number one的符号是:No.1

straight to number one

Ten十kiss me on the lips吻上我的唇Nine九run your fingers through my hair让你的手指在我的发间缠绕Eight八touch me抚摸我吧slowly慢慢地slowly慢慢地Seven七Hold it!抓紧它!Let"s go straight to number one让我们直接进入到第一步to number one到第一步number one第一步to number one到第一步Six六lips嘴唇Five五fingers手指Four四play玩乐Three三to number one到第一步to number one到第一步number one第一步to number one到第一步kiss me on the lips吻上我的唇run your fingers through my hair让你的手指在我发间缠绕touch me抚摸我Let"s go straight让我们直接to number one到第一步to number one到第一步number one第一步slowly number one慢慢地度过第一步Touch and go to number one抚摸和进入到第一步

John Legend的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaOoh I promise not to do it againI promise not to do itYou can"t say I don"t love youJust because I cheat on youCuz you can"t see all I doTo keep you from knowing the things I doLike erase my phoneAnd keep it out of townI keep it strapped up when I sleep aroundWell I should have known one day you"d find outBut you can"t go and leave me nowYou know that I love youThere"s no one above youI said it the last timeBut this is the last timeDon"t make me overCuz I can be faithfulBaby you"re my number oneYou"re my number 1Now who is she?What"s her name?You don"t need to know about everythingWe fight about thisWe fight about thatYou hang up the phone and call me right backWell I"ll never be something I"m notPlease don"t throw away what we"ve gotCuz we"ve been together for way too longI was playing around but I"m coming homeYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (no one above you)I said it the last time (hey, hey)But this is the last timeDon"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (baby)You"re my number oneI keep you laced up so you aint gotta borrow nothingFrom them broke ass friends who be bargain huntingThey say they shop on eBay --baby why is they frontin"?They be on the internet but they never cop nothin"I keep you in Girl what is those on your toes?And your neck staying froze off that rose colored goldI suppose you was told by them hoes I was cheatin"Thinkin" my heart don"t got nothing to do with my penisHe got a mind of his own and he just be seeing shitAnd I don"t wanna cheat but I don"t be saying shitI try to jack off he ask me who is you playin" wit?But I know he love you he told me you was his favoriteYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (above you)I said it the last time (said it the last time)But this is the last time (hey hey hey yeah)Don"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (oh baby)You"re my number oneYou"re making it hard for meYou"re messing up everythingYou tell me I gotta leaveSay we overYou saw that she came overCame in the Range RoverLeft with a hangoverSay we overI promise I won"t cheatI promise I won"t lieI promise I"ll act rightSay we overYou can"t tell meI can"t have youI can"t have thatWe aint overHey, it aint over babyWe aint overOh you don"t need to go it"s not overWe aint overOh...We aint overOh it"s gonna be alright now don"t go now

英语中number one前加不加the问题

一般都不加the的 numberone合起来相当于是一个常用的形容词了 只有thenumberonebrands,thenumberoneschool 后面再加名词的时候加上the

after school《bang》中文歌词

—————————————————————————————————————————T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!跟着星光闪耀的我Oh! Oh! Oh!嘲笑那些假惺惺的话语 Ha! Ha! Ha!乖巧漂亮的你 现在是No! No! No!抛到刺激的音乐里 Bang! Bang! Bang!我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!心跳着的夜晚 我的心 Oh! Oh! Oh!你火热的眼神灼烧着我的身体 Ha! Ha! Ha!不要停止变粗的气息No! No! No!让心脏跟随这节奏 空!空! 空! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!rap) Bringin" it to you daily It"s only from the best After School Playgirlz know how to get freshSo cool, So right, just so tastyWe bring it fast forward the fellows go crazy 再大胆点展现啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)更加特别的舞动啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)One! Two!! Three!!! 把你寄托给音乐 念出咒语啊 Yeah~ (To be raised for my life)rap) Crisp clean original new quality is what we give to you.(Check it out) a new generation and a whole new start(check it out) collaboration with a brand new heart 在靠近些 这一瞬间Catch Up!! Oh~ rap) On your mark set ready to go,can you feel it in your body this A.S. flow.. Hey hey what you want ! Let"s go…!! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! T.R.Y. Do it now!!. A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!

other new intiatives 什么意思

other new intiatives其他的新举措

number one 是什么意思


第一英文怎么说number one怎么写

number one adj.自己的;重要的,头号的 n.头号人物,头头,副舰长;自身利益,自我 扩展资料   例句:   The economy is the number one issue by far   到目前为止,经济是头等大事。   Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans   交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的.头号因素。   I"ve been one of your number one fans for nigh on three years now   我一直是你的铁杆粉丝之一,到现在快3年了。   Williams has confirmed his position as the world"s number one snooker player.   威廉姆斯巩固了自己世界头号斯诺克选手的地位。   My priority is to look after number one — to create a lifestyle I am happy with.   我首先要顾好自己,追求自己喜欢的生活方式。

The Power of Dream 中文歌词



number one英 [ˈnʌmbə wʌn] 美 [ˈnʌmbɚ wʌn] adj.自己的;重要的,头号的n.头号人物,头头,副舰长;自身利益,自我;尿尿,撒尿复数: number ones自己的 重要的 头号的1The economy is the number one issue by far 到目前为止,经济是头等大事。2Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album. 葆拉是唯一的首张唱片4次荣登排行榜榜首的艺人。

帮忙看下这里的just like是什么成分? They are designing models in the computer just like the ones

in the computer 是地点状语;just like 是就像·····,和····一样,是状语成分。the ones on the sample 这个相当于 名词短语,联系上下文= models是复数,所以要加s.They are designing models in the computer, just like the ones on the sample.他们正在电脑上设计模型,就像样品上的模型一样。

求柿原彻也唱的歌曲number one的歌词

[ti:Number One][ar:柿原彻也][al:still on Journey][by:][00:00.77][00:01.77]「Number One」[00:04.77]柿原彻也[00:07.77]作词/作曲/编曲:Kohei(SIMONSAYZ)[00:13.77][00:18.77][00:24.62]何となく眺めてしまう sunset[00:27.75]肩に手を回す腕のblanket このまま[00:31.34]そのまま时を止めてしまえれば[00:35.07][00:35.32]“また明日”なんて言いたくない[00:37.57]ただもう少し君とこうしていたい[00:40.29]仆から言い出すのは何か违ったりするんかな?[00:45.00][00:45.23]见上げれば紫の空、隙间から小さな光がほら[00:50.06]make a wish to that star[00:54.95]君は今何思ってんだろう? 急に无口になった横颜[01:00.30]仆の肩に颜寄せた[01:04.92][01:05.31]Always love you その一言[01:10.21]言えそうで言えないから[01:15.23]Hear my heart beat[01:17.46]本当のキモチ 言叶以上に I wanna be your Number One[01:27.27][01:34.79]无邪気にはしゃぐ君の姿 この先もこうしていられるかな?[01:40.09]このまま そのまま ずっと変わらないでほしい[01:45.10][01:45.34]愿いが强くなるだけ シリアスに考えてしまうんだぜ[01:50.21]わかってる but わかっても 型にはめようとするんかな?[01:55.00][01:55.29]见上げた青空のように 全てを包み込めますように[01:59.90]Wanna be your only one[02:04.76]君は今何思ってんだろう? たまに见せるそのマジな笑颜[02:09.87]仆の心しめつける[02:14.83][02:15.23]Always love you その一言[02:20.00]今の君にどう闻こえるの?[02:25.24]Hear my heart beat[02:27.42]本当のキモチ 言叶にしたい 伝えたいよ[02:34.66][02:34.97]友达以上という壁に どう向き合ってゆけばいい?[02:40.08]暧昧な言叶では 何も生まれない[02:45.62][03:05.32]Always love you どんな时も[03:09.86]はしゃぐ君を见守っていたい[03:15.06]Hear my heart beat[03:17.43]高鸣る思い もうこれ以上 押さえられないよ[03:25.16][03:25.37]Always love you その一言[03:30.05]言えそうで言えないから[03:35.09]Hear my heart beat[03:37.58]本当のキモチ 言叶以上に I wanna be your Number One[03:47.89][03:50.30]-エンド-

nember one是什么意思


number one缩写为No.1,其他依次为No.X。那我要表示第二到第五都为大,能不能写为"No.2-5:大"?

缩写 No. 是 "number" 的简写,表示编号、序号等含义。通常用于表示排名第一的位置。以下是有关 No. 的语法和使用实例的详细说明:语法No. 的语法结构很简单,由 No. 和数字组成。其中,No. 是一个缩写,后面的数字表示排名。例如,No.1 表示排名第一的位置。使用实例表示排名:No.1 是指排名第一的位置。类似地,No.2 表示排名第二的位置,No.3 表示排名第三的位置,以此类推。表示编号:No. 也可以用来表示其他类型的编号。例如,No. A001 表示编号为 A001 的项目或事项。表示位置:No. 还可以用来表示某个位置或地点。例如,No.10 表示在第十个位置或地点上。表示版本:No. 也可以用来表示版本号。例如,No.2.0 表示版本号为 2.0。在使用 No. 时,需要注意以下几点:在句子中使用时,应将 No. 和数字之间加上一个空格。例如,"这是 No. 1 的位置"。在缩写 No. 后面的数字应该用阿拉伯数字表示,而不是罗马数字。例如,应该写成 No.1,而不是 No.I。如果要表示一定范围内的编号或位置,可以使用 No.1 - No.10 的形式。例如,"请在 No.1 - No.10 的范围内搜索"。总之,No. 是一个常用的缩写,通常用于表示排名、编号、位置和版本号等含义。在使用 No. 时,需要注意其语法和规范,以确保准确无误。一般来说,缩写 No. 表示 "number",在标识排名时用于表示第一位。当需要表示第二到第五名时,可以使用缩写 No.2 - No.5。因此,如果您想表示第二到第五名都是大,可以写成 "No.2-No.5:大"。同时,如果您要使用简写 "2-5",则可以写成 "2-5名:大"。这样更易于理解,且不会混淆。


Number One Hazel Fernandes If you wanna see some action Gotta be the center of attraction Make sure that they got their eyes on you Like a face that you see on every magazine Be the focus of attention Be the name that everyone must mention Come out from the shadows it"s your time "cause tonight is the night for everyone to see It"s natural You know that this is what you got to be It must the your destiny Sensational And you believe that This is what you"ve waited for and It"s you back way on the door Baby now you feel like number one Shining bright for everyone Living out your fantasy The brightest star for all to see Now you feel like number one Shining bright for everyone Living out your fantasy The brightest star that"s ever been Feel the heat that"s all around you Slashing like the next to cease around you Everybody wants a piece of you You"re the queen of the scene living in a dream It"s natural You know that this is what you got to do It must be your destiny Sensational And you believe that This is what you"ve waited for and It"s you back way on the door Now you feel like number one Shining bright for everyone Living out your fantasy The brightest star for all to see This is what you"ve waited for and It"s you back way on the door Now you feel like number one Shining bright for everyone Living out your fantasy The brightest star for all to see Now you feel like number one Shining bright for everyone The brightest star that"s ever been