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句中有else,是用in addition to还是except

in addition to的意思是除此之外还有其他东西,表示肯定。except是不包括或者除了某物/某人,有否定的意思。打个比方, In addition to native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas. 除了当地的植物之外,这座花园还有无数来自海外的花草树木。这里in addition to有肯定的意思。everyone got a iphone except me.除了我之外,每个人都有iphone 。那么这里的我是没有某样物品,表示否定。总之,和else 基本不搭杠,主要看句子的意思。


deep moisture深层滋润


《涛动周期录》(周金涛)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Um86jGH5poVqk-ZLRMpu9g 密码:5iwm书名:涛动周期录作者:周金涛豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:机械工业出版社出版年份:2019-4页数:1166内容简介:周金涛先生,中信建投前首席经济学家,中国康波周期理论研究的开拓者。作为大师级的策略分析师, 从2008年次贷危机到2016年大宗商品年度反弹, 周金涛先生对于大级别周期运行脉络的把握可谓千古独步, 被人们誉为“周期天王”。本书把周金涛先生的重要报告和研究成果完全按照发表时间的先后排列,以方便读者能够根据当时的社会现实情况把周金涛的预言和研究做一一对应的验证和研究,以更全面更精细地把握周先生独特的思维体系和它的发展历程。书中的内容几乎覆盖了包括股票、商品、美元、黄金以及房地产等在内的所有大类资产类别,他的研究成果使我们社会中每一个微小的个人终于开始抬头仰望星空,开始首先思考大类资产的战略选择!作者简介:周金涛曾任中信建投首席经济学家,证券研究部董事总经理。长期从事宏观策略研究,并在中国的工业化国际比较和经济周期研究、虚拟经济与实体经济关系等方面形成了独特的逻辑框架和思维体系,是中国康德拉季耶夫周期理论研究的开拓者。周金涛先生多次成功预测了全球资产价格波动的重要拐点。享有“周期天王”的美誉,并被网友亲切地称为“尼古拉斯u2022金涛”先生。不幸的是,这样一位把经济学研究如此精准地运用于实际经济预测的天才经济学家,于2016年12月27日离世人而去,从此世间少了一位为世人指点迷津的大师。

用exfile提取bios时提示Source file format not acceptable-missing header!怎么办?



《Qt Quick核心编程》(安晓辉)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MTu4zaO0-AIQ0lHNyrT2cw 提取码: pjt3书名:Qt Quick核心编程作者:安晓辉豆瓣评分:6.5出版社:电子工业出版社出版年份:2015-1页数:512内容简介:《Qt Quick核心编程》起始于基础的开发环境搭建和Qt Creator快速介绍,帮助读者正确使用开发环境;着力于QML语言基础、事件、Qt Quick基本元素,辅以简要的ECMAScript(JavaScript)语言介绍,使得读者能够快速熟悉Qt Quick的基本知识和开发过程;对于Qt Quick中的关键主题,如动画、Model-View、Component、网络、多媒体,做了详尽入微的讲解,让读者一册在手,别无他求;QML与C++混合编程、Canvas、定制及自定义控件等高级主题,《Qt Quick核心编程》也做了详细讲解,同时提供了多个精彩的实作实例,力求概念清晰,用途明确。《Qt Quick核心编程》的内容适用于桌面与Android平台。值得一提的是,《Qt Quick核心编程》覆盖了Android开发的多个主题,如拍照、定位、录音、国际化、可伸缩界面等,也是使用Qt Quick进行移动开发不可错过的。《Qt Quick核心编程》的读者对象为:希望学习一门高效的界面编程语言的开发人员;希望在多个移动设备(如智能手机)上构建流畅用户界面的开发人员;有一定C/C++基础,希望快速构建应用程序界面的开发人员;有一定Qt基础,希望快速构建界面的开发人员;有一定QML基础,想进阶学习的朋友;想熟悉跨平台应用开发框架的开发人员。作者简介:安晓辉1998年保送入西安交大教改班,2002年毕业进入西安大唐电信从事售后技术支持工作,2005年3月离职,始习编程之术。在此期间,有个人文集收录于各大文学站点与论坛,部分散文、小说、书评见诸杂志与报纸。国内第一本BBS原创文集《指尖的飞翔》(兵马俑BBS原创文学精选)作者之一。网络文学选集《竹林听海》作者之一。2005年4月有幸加盟西安信利软件科技有限公司,参野狐禅,走开发路。2008年见 Qt 而倾心,用之于GUI、网络服务器、嵌入式开发,带领团队成功开发出基于 Qt 的互联网电视机顶盒。2012年移植 Qt Embedded 4.5.2 到 Android 平台并应用于智能机顶盒项目。著有畅销书《Qt on Android核心编程》,国内第一本侧重于介绍Qt在安卓移动开发中应用的好书!

repair serum是什么意思



《Letters to a Young Contrarian》(Christopher Hitchens)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OMG2h2JWOj3uUMaJ5K3qIg 密码:kwre书名:Letters to a Young Contrarian作者:Christopher Hitchens豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Basic Books出版年份:2002-11-25页数:141内容简介:In Letters to a Young Contrarian, best-selling author and world-class provocateur Christopher Hitchens inspires future generations of radicals, gadflies, mavericks, rebels, and angry young (wo)men. Exploring the entire range of "contrary positions" from noble dissident to gratuitous pain in the butt, Hitchens introduces the next generation to the minds and the misfits who inspire him --- invoking such mentors as Emile Zola, Rosa Parks, and George Orwell. As is his trademark, Hitchens pointedly pitches himself in contrast to stagnant traditions across the ideological spectrum. There is no one writing today with a greater understanding of the importance of disagreement --- to personal integrity, to informed discussion, to true progress, to democracy itself.作者简介:Christopher Hitchens is a popular author, columnist, editor, and book critic. He writes regularly for numerous publications, including The Atlantic Monthly, Vanity Fair, Granta, and Harper"s. His most recent books are Blood, Class and Empire and A Long Short War. He lives in Washington, DC.

Epikhigh《Love love love》只要中文歌词!

ubc24 uc5f4ub450uc2dc uc220 ucde8ud574 uc9c0uce5c ubaa9uc18cub9ac 零点醉酒后疲乏的话音 uc0c8ubcbd ub450uc2dc ucc28uac11uac8c uaebcuc9c4 uc804ud654uae30 凌晨2点冷漠沉寂的电话 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 I can`t stop love love love 谁都不明白我的心I can`t stop love love love uc544ud30cub3c4 uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 I can`t stop love love love 无止境地反复痛苦着吧I can`t stop love love love uc788ub098uc694 uc0acub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc601ud654ucc98ub7fc uccab ub208uc5d0 ubc18ud574ubcf8 uc801 有过吗 相爱的瞬间 如同电影的一见钟情 uc804ud654uae30ub97c ubd99ub4e4uace0 ubc24uc0c8ubcf8 uc801 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc790ub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 曾手持电话度过的整夜 向全世界炫耀的时刻 uc3dfuc544uc9c0ub294 ube44 uc18duc5d0uc11c uae30ub2e4ub824ubcf8 uc801 在倾盆大雨中的等待 uadf8ub97c ud5a5ud574 ubbf8uce5cub4efuc774 ub2ecub824ubcf8 uc801 向着他疯狂奔跑的时刻 ubab0ub798 uc9c0ucf1cubcf8 uc801 ubbf8uccd0ubcf8 uc801 ub2e4 ubcf4uba74uc11cub3c4 ubabbubcf8 ucc99 偷偷看着他的时刻 疯狂的时刻 在眼前却装作看不见的时刻 uc788uaca0uc8e0 uc0acub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 uae30ub150uc77c ub54cubb38uc5d0 uac00ub09cud574ubcf8 uc801 一定有吧 相爱的瞬间 因为纪念日而囊涩的过去 uc798ud558uace0ub3c4 ubbf8uc548ud574 ub9d0ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc5f0uc560ud3b8uc9c0ub85c ub0a0 uc0c8 ubcf8uc801 即使没错也说对不起 用情书打动我的时刻 uac00uc871uacfcuc758 uc57duc18duc744 ubbf8ub904ubcf8uc801 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9d0ub77c uc2e0uaed8 ube4cuc5b4ubcf8uc801 不顾与家人的约定 求神祈福我们平安的时刻 uce5cuad74 ud53cud574ubcf8 uc801 uc783uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 uac00ub294 ub4b7ubaa8uc2b5 uc9c0ucf1cubcf8 uc801 避开朋友 继而失去 看着那离去背影的时刻 (can`t stop love love oh love) ubbf8uce5c ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c uc815ub9d0 ub09c uc798ud574uc92cub294ub370 uc65c 发疯似的相爱过 可是为什么 我一直用心对你 可是为什么 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 uc92cuc5c8ub294ub370 you"ve got me going crazy 把一切都奉献出来you"ve got me going crazy (can`t stop love love oh love) uc8fdub3c4ub85d uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c ub0b4 ubab8uacfc ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 uc92cub294ub370 致死不渝地爱过 可是为什么 我的肉体和灵魂都给了你 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub838ub294ub370 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c 却失去了一切 我该怎么办 uc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know) 所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love uc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go) 即使心痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love uc788ub098uc694 uc774ubcc4ud574ubcf8 uc801 ube57ubb3cuc5d0 ud654uc7a5uc744 uc9c0uc6ccub0b4ubcf8 uc801 有过吗 离别的霎那 妆容在被雨水弄花的时刻 uae34 uc0dduba38ub9b4 uc798ub77cub0b4ubcf8 uc801 ub04auc740 ub2f4ubc30ub97c uc950uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 剪去长发 重拾起已戒的烟 ud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub9c8uc8fcuce60uae4c uc790ub9b4 ud53cud574ubcf8 uc801 避开那或许易于相见的地点 ubcf4ub0b4uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 ud3b8uc9c0 uc801uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 继续写着无法寄出的信件 uc220uc5d0 ub9ccucde8ub418uc11c uc804ud654 uac78uc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5ecubcf4uc138uc694 uc785uc774uc5bcuc5b4ubcf8uc801 酒醉后拿起电话“喂”嘴巴却僵硬的时刻 uc788uaca0uc8e0 uc774ubcc4ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub9ccud07c ubbf8uc6ccud574ubcf8 uc801 一定会有吧 离别的时刻 爱到痛恨 uc77duc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud55c ud3b8uc9c0 ucc22uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 撕碎连看也没看的信 uc78auc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 uc804ud654ubc88ud638 uc9c0uc6ccubcf8 uc801 删掉那根本忘不掉的电话号码 uae30ub150uc77cuc744 ud63cuc790 ucc59uaca8ubcf8 uc801 uc0acuc9c4ub4e4uc744 ub2e4 ubd88ud0dcuc6ccubcf8 uc801 独自度过的纪念日 还有将所有照片都烧毁的时刻 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc774ubcc4 ub178ub798uac00 ub2f9uc2e0uc598uae38uac70ub77c uc0dduac01ud574ubcf8 uc801 觉得这世上所有离别歌曲都关于你的时刻 (can`t stop love love oh love) ubbf8uce5c ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c uc815ub9d0 ub09c uc798ud574uc92cub294ub370 uc65c 发疯似的相爱过 可是为什么 我一直用心对你 可是为什么 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 uc92cuc5c8ub294ub370 you"ve got me going crazy 把一切都奉献出来you"ve got me going crazy (can`t stop love love oh love) uc8fdub3c4ub85d uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c ub0b4 ubab8uacfc ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 uc92cub294ub370 致死不渝地爱过 可是为什么 我的肉体和灵魂都给了你 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub838ub294ub370 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c 却失去了一切 我该怎么办 uc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know) 所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love uc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go) 即使痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc6b8uace0 ub610 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud558uace0 像个傻瓜一样哭着再次喝醉 uce5cuad6cub97c ubd99uc7a1uace0 uadf8 uc0acub78cuc744 uc695ud558uace0 抓着朋友不停骂着那个人 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uace0 ub610 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud558uace0 时间流逝着 又再一次喝醉 uc804ud654uae30ub97c ubd99uc7a1uace0 say love 却又拿起电话say love uc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know) 所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love uc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go) 即使痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go) I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love love uc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 uc0acuc2e4uc740 ub2f9uc2e0ub9cc ubaa8ub974uc8e0 谁都不明白我的心 其实 只是你不明白而已吧 uc544ud30cub3c4 uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 uc774ub7ecub2e4 uc5b8uc820uac00 ub2e4uc2dc ub9c8uc8fcuce58uaca0uc8e0 即使痛还是不断重复着 这样下去总会有再相遇的一天吧


巫师3在epic上叫the witcher 3。







reproductive harm是什么意思呀?

如果是普通药物就是孕妇禁用!所有进口的药物对于孕妇的效果说明都有这项,如果是接触皮肤生殖器的药膏和药液或别的化工产物 请找医生或产品经销商查证

Miss Independent(ne yo)

喂 英文的很好找给你 但是中文可是我自己翻译给你 你要是不给我最佳答案可不够意思阿 我可是看在是neyo的歌和你的三个!!!的份上才做的阿Ooh its something about just something about the way she movedI cant figure it out, there"s something about her (about her)Say ooh theres something about,Kinda women that want you but dont need youHey, i cant figure it out, there"s something about herCuz she walk like a boss, talk like a bossManicured nalis, just sent the pedicure offShe"s fly effortlesslyCuz she move like a boss, do what a bossDo, she got me thinking about getting involvedthats the kinda girl i needShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentOoh the way you shineMiss independentHey yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yehhh mmmOoh there"s something about kinda woman that can do it for herselfI look at her and it makes me proud, there"s something about herthere something ooh so sexy about the kinda women that dont even need my helpShe says she got it, she got it, no doubt, theres something about herCuz she work like the boss, play like the bossCar and a crib, she about to pay em both offAnd her bills are paid on timeShe made for a boss, Soley a boss,Anything less, shes telling em to get lostThats the girl that on my mindShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentooh the way you shineMiss independentYeh yehhhHer favourite thing, is to say dont worry i got itAnd everything she got, best believe she bought itShe gon" steal my heart, aint no doubt about it,Girl your everything i need, said your everything i needShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentWont you come and spend a little timeShe got her own thingThats why i love herMiss independentOoh the way you shineMiss independentThats why i love her有些事情就是关于她的一些事情 我不能明白她的事情我想说一些事情 这个女人她想要你 但是并不需要你嘿,我真的不明白她 她走起来说起话来很有气质经常去按摩脚和修指甲 她飞得毫不费力 因为她说话走路那么有气质 她让我很想和她合作 这就是我需要的女(人,艺人)他很有个性 这是为什么我喜欢他 miss independent 你能不能过来呆一会儿 你很有个性 这是为什么我喜欢他 (和)她闪耀的方式 miss independent


《The Hunchback Assignments》(Slade, Arthur)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Nh1f8l5pGEKH_CfRbCH1MA 提取码:5nqd书名:The Hunchback Assignments作者:Slade, Arthur出版年份:2010-8页数:288内容简介:A gripping new series combines Steampunk, spying, and a fantastic Victorian London.The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues Modo, a child in a traveling freak show. Modo is a hunchback with an amazing ability to transform his appearance, and Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an agent for the Permanent Association, a spy agency behind Brittania"s efforts to rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the streets of London to fend for himself. When he encounters Octavia Milkweed, another Association agent, the two uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild behind the murders of important men. Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning orphan children into automatons to further the goals of the Guild. Modo and Octavia journey deep into the tunnels under London and discover a terrifying plot against the British government. It"s up to them to save their country.From the Hardcover edition.

我电脑的CPU是AMD athlon{tm} 64x2Dualcoreprocessor4400+是什么意思?

AMD是生产CPU的厂商,即超微半导体公司(Advanced Micro Devices)。AMD公司专门为计算机、通信和消费电子行业设计和制造各种创新的微处理器(CPU、GPU、APU、主板芯片组、电视卡芯片等)、闪存和低功率处理器解决方案,AMD致力为技术用户——从企业、政府机构到个人消费者——提供基于标准的、以客户为中心的解决方案。AMD是目前业内唯一一个可以提供CPU、GPU、主板芯片组三大组件的半导体公司,AMD提出3A平台的新标志,在笔记本领域有“AMD VISION”标志的就表示该电脑采用3A构建方案;athlon代表的是速龙 是属于中端型CPU,也是面向广大群众的;{tm}表示的是该商标已经向国家商标局提出申请,并且国家商标局也已经下发了《受理通知书》,进入了异议期,这样就可以防止其他人提出重复申请,也表示现有商标持有人有优先使用权;64代表它可以使用64位操作系统;X2 Dual Core Processor 表示它是双核处理器;4400+是CPU代号,和4600+ 4800+相区别,主要区别是主频高低不同,这款CPU主频是2.3GHZ,65纳米的产品。

Deep Blue Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Deep Blue Sea歌手:JOHN LEE HOOKER专辑:More Real Folk Blues: The Missing AlbumArcade Fire - Deep BlueHere in my place and timeAnd here in my own skin I can finally beginLet the century pass me by, standing under the night skyTomorrow means nothingI was only a child thenFeeling barely alive when I heard a song from a speaker of a passing carPraying to a dying star, the memories fadingI can almost remember singingWe watched the end of the centuryCompressed on a tiny screenA dead star collapsing and we could seeSomething was endingAre you through pretending?We saw the signs in the suburbsYou could have never predicted that it could see through youKasparov, Deep Blue, 1996Your mind"s playing tricks nowShow"s over so take a bowAnd leave it in the shadowshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8201003

求 other than / except 的区别

一样的意思,一样的用法。就是other than / except和except for不可以混用。exceptfor是同一类的排除,而other than / except不是同一类。举个例子:It‘s always fine this week except for Thursday(除了礼拜四其他几天天气都很好,用except for)Britain in quite good except/other than weather(英国什么都很好,就是天气不好,用except或者other than)

depend (on)和according to有什么区别吗?求解答

所以其后多跟名词及名词性短语。在句子中只能作状语。你说的句子according to what he said“依他所说/据他所说”,其后面的what he said就是一个名词性从句,它可以拆分成the words that he said.depend on是一个动词,其后可以跟名词、名词性短语、从句,作宾语。它本身在句子中做谓语。请看下面的例句:According to his ability, we can arrange him for this job.“依据他的能力,我们可以安排他做这项工作”。“他能否做这项工作全在(依靠)于他的能力”。

If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.是什么意思?

If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.如果继续运动,将会减轻体重。

英语作文how to lose weight and keep fit

1规律饮食2经常锻炼3良好生活习惯4其他A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life. The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for you to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. Trying every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.健康的身体对于我们每个人来说都很重要,当你生病的时候,你感到全身疼痛,没有精力工作,你唯一想做的一件事就是躺在床上。如果你身体健康,你就能吃得好、睡得好,能够快快乐乐的唱啊跳啊,你可以做你喜欢做的事情去享受生活。 保健的方法不尽相同。早晨你可以早起,去户外散步,呼吸新鲜空气、进行体育锻炼。跑步和游泳对于保持健康确实有用。如果你是个大忙人,抽不出特定的时间进行这些活动,也有其它有用的方法让你保健,最简单的方法就是步行到你所在的公司,而不是骑自行车或乘坐公共汽车。你还必须进行常规的体检,这样医生才会彻底知道你的身体状况,你应当尽可能的使自己的心情愉悦,如果你心情好,你才能吃得好、睡得好,你的身体状况就一定非常好。 健康是一个人一身中所期待的最具价值的财富,尝试使用每种方法去保健是我给想快乐生活在这个美好世界的所有人的建议。

以“ways to keep fit”为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文,急急急急。等下就交了。。

Lots of people think dieting is the best way to lose weight, but little do they know, dieting, is actually the worst way to lose weight. Dieting can be hazard to unhealthy eating, which may eventually lead to pancreasic diseases and other diseased. Keeping a fit and losing weight does have a lot in common, but they are not the same. Losing weight is mainly to get rid of the fat, however, keeping fit is how to maintain a heathland body. The best way of keeping fit would be to aviod siting down for too long, and also exercising on a daily bases. But the first thing to being fit, is to have a healthy body.

减肥应该是keep fit还是lose weight?

lose weight

减肥的英文是 keep fit


Radical Dungeon Sweeper怎么全屏


a radical departure from什么意思




prepainted Galvanlzed steel in coil from grad:DX51D是什么意思


get into,come into,step into各是什么意思


deposit interest rate和debt interest rate有什么区别



Green day——《Holiday》


在linux中grep命令是非常有用的,它和管道(|)配合使用,非常强大,用于搜索文本文件.如果想要在几个文本文件中查找一字符串,可以使用‘grep"命令。‘grep"在文本中搜索指定的字符串。 假设您正在‘/usr/src/linux/Documentation"目录下搜索带字符串‘magic"的文件: $ grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/* sysrq.txt:* How do I enable the magic SysRQ key? sysrq.txt:* How do I use the magic SysRQ key? 其中文件‘sysrp.txt"包含该字符串,讨论的是 SysRQ 的功能。 默认情况下,‘grep"只搜索当前目录。如果此目录下有许多子目录,‘grep"会以如下形式列出: grep: sound: Is a directory 这可能会使‘grep"的输出难于阅读。这里有两种解决的办法: 明确要求搜索子目录:grep -r 或忽略子目录:grep -d skip 当然,如果预料到有许多输出,您可以通过 管道 将其转到‘less"上阅读: $ grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/* | less 这样,您就可以更方便地阅读。 有一点要注意,您必需提供一个文件过滤方式(搜索全部文件的话用 *)。如果您忘了,‘grep"会一直等着,直到该程序被中断。如果您遇到了这样的情况,按 <CTRL c> ,然后再试。 下面是一些有意思的命令行参数: grep -i pattern files :不区分大小写地搜索。默认情况区分大小写, grep -l pattern files :只列出匹配的文件名, grep -L pattern files :列出不匹配的文件名, grep -w pattern files :只匹配整个单词,而不是字符串的一部分(如匹配‘magic",而不是‘magical"), grep -C number pattern files :匹配的上下文分别显示[number]行, grep pattern1 | pattern2 files :显示匹配 pattern1 或 pattern2 的行, grep pattern1 files | grep pattern2 :显示既匹配 pattern1 又匹配 pattern2 的行。 这里还有些用于搜索的特殊符号: < 和 > 分别标注单词的开始与结尾。 例如: grep man * 会匹配 ‘Batman"、‘manic"、‘man"等, grep "<man" * 匹配‘manic"和‘man",但不是‘Batman", grep "<man>" 只匹配‘man",而不是‘Batman"或‘manic"等其他的字符串。 "^":指匹配的字符串在行首, "$":指匹配的字符串在行尾, 如果您不习惯命令行参数,可以试试图形界面的‘grep",如 reXgrep 。这个软件提供 AND、OR、NOT 等语法,还有漂亮的按钮 :-) 。如果您只是需要更清楚的输出,不妨试试 fungrep 。

lady gaga telephone mv 什么意思啊?

意思是 GaGa 犯罪了 被关起来,碧昂斯去营救她,剧情中她俩应该是姐妹(猜的),然后出来以后 两人联手把仇人弄死了。之后去很远很远的地方再也不回来! 自己理解哈哈

lady gaga新歌TELEPHONE的mv讲的是什么意思啊

去lady gaga贴吧

ladygaga telephone里面跟bee讲的那段话的完整英文

第一段对话B:You"ve been a very bad girl, a very very bad, bad girl, gagaG:Em~,honey bee~ G:Sure you wanna do this honey bee?B:Why do you misdoubt my sure?G:You konw that they say, once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burgerB:You know gaga?Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it, if it"s broke~ G:But you can still see the track in that motherfucker reflection.第二段对话G;we did it ,honey bee.now ,let"s go far far away from here.B;you promise we"ll never come back?G;I promise

Linux里面grep -v命令作用是什么?

grep命令 grep 1.作用 Linux系统中grep命令是一种强大的文本搜索工具,它能使用正则表达式搜索文本,并把匹 配的行打印出来。grep全称是Global Regular Expression Print,表示全局正则表达式版本,它的使用权限是所有用户。 grep家族包括grep、egrep和fgrep。egrep和fgrep的命令只跟grep有很小不同。egrep是grep的扩展,支持更多的re元字符, fgrep就是fixed grep或fast grep,它们把所有的字母都看作单词,也就是说,正则表达式中的元字符表示回其自身的字面意义,不再特殊。linux使用GNU版本的grep。它功能更强,可以通过-G、-E、-F命令行选项来使用egrep和fgrep的功能。 2.格式及主要参数 grep [options] 主要参数: grep --help可查看 -c:只输出匹配行的计数。 -i:不区分大小写。 -h:查询多文件时不显示文件名。 -l:查询多文件时只输出包含匹配字符的文件名。 -n:显示匹配行及 行号。 -s:不显示不存在或无匹配文本的错误信息。 -v:显示不包含匹配文本的所有行。 --color=auto :可以将找到的关键词部分加上颜色的显示。 pattern正则表达式主要参数: : 忽略正则表达式中特殊字符的原有含义。 ^:匹配正则表达式的开始行。 $: 匹配正则表达式的结束行。 <:从匹配正则表达 式的行开始。 >:到匹配正则表达式的行结束。 [ ]:单个字符,如[A]即A符合要求 。 [ - ]:范围,如[A-Z],即A、B、C一直到Z都符合要求 。 .:所有的单个字符。 *:所有字符,长度可以为0。 3.grep命令使用简单实例 itcast$ grep ‘test" d* 显示所有以d开头的文件中包含 test的行 itcast $ grep ‘test" aa bb cc 显示在aa,bb,cc文件中匹配test的行。 itcast $ grep ‘[a-z]{5}" aa 显示所有包含每个字符串至少有5个连续小写字符的字符串的行。 itcast $ grep ‘wesest.*1′ aa 如果west被匹配,则es就被存储到内存中,并标记为1,然后搜索任意个字符(.*),这些字符后面紧跟着 另外一个es(1),找到就显示该行。如果用egrep或grep -E,就不用””号进行转义,直接写成"w(es)t.*1′就可以了。 4.grep命令使用复杂实例 明确要求搜索子目录: grep -r 或忽略子目录 grep -d skip 如果有很多输出时,您可以通过管道将其转到"less"上阅读: itcast$ grep magic /usr/src/Linux/Documentation/* | less 这样,您就可以更方便地阅读。 有一点要注意,您必需提供一个文件过滤方式(搜索全部文件的话用 *)。如果您忘了,"grep"会一直等着,直到该程序被中断。如果您遇到了这样的情况,按 ,然后再试。 下面还有一些有意思的命令行参数: grep -i pattern files :不区分大小写地搜索。默认情况区分大小写, grep -l pattern files :只列出匹配的文件名, grep -L pattern files :列出不匹配的文件名, grep -w pattern files :只匹配整个单词,而不是字符串的一部分(如匹配"magic",而不是"magical"), grep -C number pattern files :匹配的上下文分别显示[number]行, grep pattern1 | pattern2 files :显示匹配 pattern1 或 pattern2 的行, 例如:grep "abc|xyz" testfile 表示过滤包含abc或xyz的行 grep pattern1 files | grep pattern2 :显示既匹配 pattern1 又匹配 pattern2 的行。 grep -n pattern files 即可显示行号信息 grep -c pattern files 即可查找总行数 还有些用于搜索的特殊符号:< 和 > 分别标注单词的开始与结尾。 例如: grep man * 会匹配 ‘Batman"、"manic"、"man"等, grep ‘<man" * 匹配"manic"和"man",但不是"Batman", grep ‘<man>" 只匹配"man",而不是"Batman"或"manic"等其他的字符串。‘^": 指匹配的字符串在行首,

求Lady Gaga和碧昂斯合作的《telephone》MV中的对话翻译。


TELEPHONE中LADY GAGA和beyonce对白的意思是?


谁提供一下使命召唤4 主题曲 deep and hard 的歌词

使命4的插曲 griggs <we"re going deep and hard>?Hot off the heels of call of duty 2, The infinity ward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard. Enter the mind and in time you"ll find my line, that combined in the twine of lime rhyme divine No lying, you go against me, 2 4 9 living swiftly Memerize it wit me, thinking im lying, come and get me Sgt Griggs, a warden for duty "Roger" some say this belong in a movie. But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Ready for action, 50 cals start clapping. Four horsemen kicking the rerun asking whats happening Too late for all that flapping, now the gates with all those back then This ones for macmillian, 15 years u have relaxing, now its time to settle the score we ready for war, sas on board, my tribal war tore But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Marines. SAS. Hands up. Zakhaev, hahah.. hand up. yo, shout out to price, the one handed banditmaker, Gas and Vasquez disbanded any takers, if theres anyone greater, show me if not then blow me You can label the hater for sight or god for the solely Out for success back it up with it up with a little success and when you back down to the rest, you hear them yell success. devastation, yea whats you facing when our call of duty-------------------------------------------这部分是我自己听的,大概有70%是对的吧the wickerman we have to becarefull, the place。。。。。gri-gri-griggs "following griggs,stay frosty"gri-gri-griggs "go and start it? there are good russians and bad russians"gri-gri-griggs "hold your fire,friendly,coming out""soap ,go and come with me,keep closing and frosty""we have the sight of al-asad,sir" “aye,sir”gri-gri-griggs "Mikie,ahead of Kamerov,it was a bloody catch""we will be catch"gri-gri-griggs "soap,...听不清楚了。。。"Nicolei, can you Walk?"gri-gri-griggs "watch your six,hunddog" "Roger""Roger Come with the Flank""678 452 056"(这是炮击坐标)这是除了歌词用游戏的对话mix进去的,大部分能听出来,有些是太难了。。MIX功夫真不错

cod4- deep and hard 的歌词是什么???????

The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare紧接着使命召唤2,IW小队已经在开发使命召唤4:现代战争。we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience.有了深厚的开发COD的经验,我们做得更加精密。Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard.游戏的变化是我们的下一件大事,我们会做得很深层次,更加努力。First Verse“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己(3D游戏综合征。。。呕吐)Enter the mind in time you"ll find my linesCombine intertwine underlined rhyme divine注意及时地听,你会发现我的歌词拥有天才般的韵律。(这太难了点。。。不过大意是这样)No Hind can go against me 249 lift you switfly雌鹿直升机也不是我对手,249式机枪飞快地把你射飞Frontline"s in here with me我在哪前线就在哪Think I"m lying? come and get me觉得我在撒谎?敢就跟上我Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty*roger*军士格里格斯,报道收到Some say this belong in a movie有人说这是电影里的吧But this the 3rd installment但这是第三部游戏Infinityward shitIW真他M棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战HELLO~~你好啊~~Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping准备行动,50口径的大狙在鼓掌了4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?”天启四骑士回攻了一球(橄榄球术语)问道“发生什么了?”Too late for all that flapping现在慌张已经太迟了Out the gates with autos packed in大门外的汽车停了下来This one"s for MacMillian这是迈克米兰的目标15 years you had relaxing你已经休养15年了Now it"s time to settle the score现在是算分的时间了We ready for War我们准备战争SAS on boardSAS在飞机上My Tribe Award Tour我的部落奖赛(实在不懂啊)Chorus合唱And this the 3rd installment这是第三部作品Infinityward shitIW真TM棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战Second Verse这是某COD4吧友听的,不大确定的部分我就不翻译了Gri-GriggsAll right, fall in marines, stay frosty...(不确定)Gri-GriggsGo and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians?开始吗?但是他们是好俄罗斯人还是坏俄罗斯人?Gri-GriggsHold your fire! Friendlies coming out!停火!友军出来了!Gri-GriggsSir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!长官,我们找到伙伴了!直升机部队在飞速靠近!No sign of Al-asad sir.没阿尔-阿萨德的踪迹,长官Gri-GriggsMaybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch...(不确定Gri-GriggsI think his in here. I hear him!我认为他在这。我听到他声音了!Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go!肥皂!重组队伍并跟随PRICE队长和KAMROV攻占那个塔,上!Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk?Nikolai,你还好吗?能走不?“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己Marines! SAS! — Hands Up!Marines! SAS!--举起双手!Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up!扎卡耶夫--哈哈--举起单手!(他的确只有一只手- -!)Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit maker唷!对着独臂强盗制造者普莱斯大声叫Gaz and Vazquez disbanding any takersGAZ和范奎兹能灭掉任何战士If there"s anyone greater then show me如果有谁比他们猛那就给我看看If not then blow me如果他们不猛就揍我You get labeled a hater for sidetalk你已经被标上sidetalk憎恨者的标签(实在不知道sidetalk是啥东东)I - Dub (Infinityward) is soleyOut for Success我-配入的声音(IW)只是力图要成功Back it up with a little Success用一点点成功来支持它And when you back down and digress而当你放弃它并误入岔道You hear them yell “Success!”你听到他们大叫:成功了!Devastation - yeah thats what you facing毁灭-是的那就是你面对的When our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in Nations当我们的使命召唤在国家触地得分时It your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves.(这个听的都不确定,我翻译更不能确定了。。。)Damn mission!改死的任务!Oh! Report man down.OH!报告员挂了。When the bridge we had full down. (这个语法我不懂。。。)Buck me in my prose down.(说实话我不了解BUCK的动词用法)Things you go back in a wonna.And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit.Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch.Gri-GriggsWatch your six, devil dog!注意后面,鬼犬!Gri-GriggsRoger that, I got somethin" better anyway.收到,不管怎么样我拿到了些更好的货色Gri-GriggsRoger, cover left flank.收到,掩护左翼Gri-Griggs678 452 056这个和9527一样的意思。。。Gri-griggs

使命召唤4里的英文歌deep and hard

是slow deep and hard吗?是的话我就给你翻

cod4- deep and hard 的歌词是什么???????

英文歌词:Hot off the heels of call of duty 2,The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfarewe"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experienceVariety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hardThe weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this gameEnter the mind in time you"ll find my linesCombine intertwine underlined rhyme divineNo Hind can go against me M249 lift you switflyFrontline"s in here with me Think I"m lying? come and get meHa! Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty*Roger.*Some one say this belong in a movieBut this the 3rd installment,Infinityward shitDon"t soil your drawers Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitchHELLO~~Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?”Too late for all that flappingOut the gates with autos packed inThis one"s for MacMillian 15 years you had relaxingNow it"s time to settle the scoreWe ready for WarSAS on boardMy Tribe Award TourAnd this the 3rd installmentInfinityward shit Don"t soil your drawersGri-Griggs All right, fall in marines, stay frosty...Gri-Griggs Go and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians?Gri-Griggs Hold you fire Friendly coming up.Gri-Griggs Sir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!No sign of Al-asad sir.Gri-Griggs Maybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch...Gri-Griggs I think his in here. I hear him!Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go!Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk?The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”Marines! SAS! — Hands Up!Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up!Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit makerGaz and Vazquez disbanding any takersIf there"s anyone greater then show me ,If not then blow meYou get labeled a hater for sidetalkOut for Success Back it up with a little Success And when you back down and digress You hear them yell “Success!”I - Dub (Infinityward) is soleyDevastation - yeah thats what you facingWhen our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in NationsIt your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves.Damn mission!Oh! Report man down.When the bridge we had full down.Buck me in my prose down. Things you go back in a wonna.And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit.Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch.Gri-Griggs Watch your six, devil dog!Gri-Griggs Roger that, I got somethin" better anyway.Gri-Griggs Roger, cover left flank.

什么是深度学习(deep learning)?

深度学习 deep learning深度学习定义:欣顿(Hinton)等提出的一种研究信息的最佳表示及其获取方法的技术,在神经网络或信念网络的情况下是对基于深层结构或网络表示的输入输出间映射进行机器学习的过程。学科:计算机科学技术_人工智能_神经网络相关名词:数据挖掘 人工智能 机器学习【深度学习相关】深度学习(deep learning),属于机器学习(machine learning)的学术、工程领域研究中一个新的方向,目的是实现人工智能(artificial intelligence)的普及化。深度学习的具体过程可简述为:挖掘所给样本数据的内在规律与联系,提取、分析样本的特征信息,如图像、文本和声音,处理数据信息并发出指令,控制机器的行为,使机器具有类似于人类的学习、分析、识别、处理等能力。深度学习是一类模式分析方法的统称,就具体研究内容而言,大致有卷积神经网络、基于多层神经元的自编码神经网络和深度置信网络三类。目前,深度学习在多个领域取得了很大成果,如数据挖掘、机器翻译、语音识别、人脸支付、推荐服务、个性化搜索。深度学习可使机器高度模仿人类社会的具体活动,对很多复杂的识别模式很有帮助,促进了蓝海大脑深度学习服务器等相关人工智能领域的发展。(西北工业大学副教授 周竞涛)

求COD4的 主题曲 Deep And Hard 歌词 和翻译

The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare 紧接着使命召唤2,IW小队已经在开发使命召唤4:现代战争。 we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. 有了深厚的开发COD的经验,我们做得更加精密。 Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard. 游戏的变化是我们的下一件大事,我们会做得很深层次,更加努力。 First Verse “The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game” 体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己(3D游戏综合征。。。呕吐) Enter the mind in time you"ll find my lines Combine intertwine underlined rhyme divine 注意及时地听,你会发现我的歌词拥有天才般的韵律。(这太难了点。。。不过大意是这样) No Hind can go against me 249 lift you switfly 雌鹿直升机也不是我对手,249式机枪飞快地把你射飞 Frontline"s in here with me 我在哪前线就在哪 Think I"m lying? come and get me 觉得我在撒谎?敢就跟上我 Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty *roger* 军士格里格斯,报道 收到 Some say this belong in a movie 有人说这是电影里的吧 But this the 3rd installment 但这是第三部游戏 Infinityward shit IW真他M棒 Don"t soil your drawers 别把你裤子弄脏了 Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch 因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战 HELLO~~ 你好啊~~ Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping 准备行动,50口径的大狙在鼓掌了 4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?” 天启四骑士回攻了一球(橄榄球术语)问道“发生什么了?” Too late for all that flapping 现在慌张已经太迟了 Out the gates with autos packed in 大门外的汽车停了下来 This one"s for MacMillian 这是迈克米兰的目标 15 years you had relaxing 你已经休养15年了 Now it"s time to settle the score 现在是算分的时间了 We ready for War 我们准备战争 SAS on board SAS在飞机上 My Tribe Award Tour 我的部落奖赛(实在不懂啊) Chorus合唱 And this the 3rd installment 这是第三部作品 Infinityward shit IW真TM棒 Don"t soil your drawers 别把你裤子弄脏了 Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch 因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战 Second Verse这是某COD4吧友听的,不大确定的部分我就不翻译了 Gri-Griggs All right, fall in marines, stay frosty...(不确定) Gri-Griggs Go and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians? 开始吗?但是他们是好俄罗斯人还是坏俄罗斯人? Gri-Griggs Hold your fire! Friendlies coming out! 停火!友军出来了! Gri-Griggs Sir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast! 长官,我们找到伙伴了!直升机部队在飞速靠近! No sign of Al-asad sir. 没阿尔-阿萨德的踪迹,长官 Gri-Griggs Maybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch...(不确定 Gri-Griggs I think his in here. I hear him! 我认为他在这。我听到他声音了! Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go! 肥皂!重组队伍并跟随PRICE队长和KAMROV攻占那个塔,上! Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk? Nikolai,你还好吗?能走不? “The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game” 体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己 Marines! SAS! — Hands Up! Marines! SAS!--举起双手! Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up! 扎卡耶夫--哈哈--举起单手!(他的确只有一只手- -!) Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit maker 唷!对着独臂强盗制造者普莱斯大声叫 Gaz and Vazquez disbanding any takers GAZ和范奎兹能灭掉任何战士 If there"s anyone greater then show me 如果有谁比他们猛那就给我看看 If not then blow me 如果他们不猛就揍我 You get labeled a hater for sidetalk 你已经被标上sidetalk憎恨者的标签(实在不知道sidetalk是啥东东) I - Dub (Infinityward) is soley Out for Success 我-配入的声音(IW)只是力图要成功 Back it up with a little Success 用一点点成功来支持它 And when you back down and digress 而当你放弃它并误入岔道 You hear them yell “Success!” 你听到他们大叫:成功了! Devastation - yeah thats what you facing 毁灭-是的那就是你面对的 When our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in Nations 当我们的使命召唤在国家触地得分时 It your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves. (这个听的都不确定,我翻译更不能确定了。。。) Damn mission! 改死的任务! Oh! Report man down. OH!报告员挂了。 When the bridge we had full down. (这个语法我不懂。。。) Buck me in my prose down. (说实话我不了解BUCK的动词用法) Things you go back in a wonna. And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit. Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch. Gri-Griggs Watch your six, devil dog! 注意后面,鬼犬! Gri-Griggs Roger that, I got somethin" better anyway. 收到,不管怎么样我拿到了些更好的货色 Gri-Griggs Roger, cover left flank. 收到,掩护左翼 Gri-Griggs

求使命召唤4片尾曲DEEP AND HARD完整歌词

Hot off the heels of call of duty 2, The infinity ward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard. Enter the mind and in time you"ll find my line, that combined in the twine of lime rhyme divine No lying, you go against me, 2 4 9 living swiftly Memerize it wit me, thinking im lying, come and get me Sgt Griggs, a warden for duty "Roger" some say this belong in a movie. But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Ready for action, 50 cals start clapping. Four horsemen kicking the rerun asking whats happening Too late for all that flapping, now the gates with all those back then This ones for macmillian, 15 years u have relaxing, now its time to settle the score we ready for war, sas on board, my tribal war tore But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Marines. SAS. Hands up. Zakhaev, hahah.. hand up. yo, shout out to price, the one handed banditmaker, Gas and Vasquez disbanded any takers, if theres anyone greater, show me if not then blow me You can label the hater for sight or god for the solely Out for success back it up with it up with a little success and when you back down to the rest, you hear them yell success. devastation, yea whats you facing when our call of duty

cod4- deep and hard 的歌词是什么???????

The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare紧接着使命召唤2,IW小队已经在开发使命召唤4:现代战争。we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience.有了深厚的开发COD的经验,我们做得更加精密。Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard.游戏的变化是我们的下一件大事,我们会做得很深层次,更加努力。First Verse“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己(3D游戏综合征。。。呕吐)Enter the mind in time you"ll find my linesCombine intertwine underlined rhyme divine注意及时地听,你会发现我的歌词拥有天才般的韵律。(这太难了点。。。不过大意是这样)No Hind can go against me 249 lift you switfly雌鹿直升机也不是我对手,249式机枪飞快地把你射飞Frontline"s in here with me我在哪前线就在哪Think I"m lying? come and get me觉得我在撒谎?敢就跟上我Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty*roger*军士格里格斯,报道收到Some say this belong in a movie有人说这是电影里的吧But this the 3rd installment但这是第三部游戏Infinityward shitIW真他M棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战HELLO~~你好啊~~Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping准备行动,50口径的大狙在鼓掌了4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?”天启四骑士回攻了一球(橄榄球术语)问道“发生什么了?”Too late for all that flapping现在慌张已经太迟了Out the gates with autos packed in大门外的汽车停了下来This one"s for MacMillian这是迈克米兰的目标15 years you had relaxing你已经休养15年了Now it"s time to settle the score现在是算分的时间了We ready for War我们准备战争SAS on boardSAS在飞机上My Tribe Award Tour我的部落奖赛(实在不懂啊)Chorus合唱And this the 3rd installment这是第三部作品Infinityward shitIW真TM棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战Second Verse这是某COD4吧友听的,不大确定的部分我就不翻译了Gri-GriggsAll right, fall in marines, stay frosty...(不确定)Gri-GriggsGo and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians?开始吗?但是他们是好俄罗斯人还是坏俄罗斯人?Gri-GriggsHold your fire! Friendlies coming out!停火!友军出来了!Gri-GriggsSir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!长官,我们找到伙伴了!直升机部队在飞速靠近!No sign of Al-asad sir.没阿尔-阿萨德的踪迹,长官Gri-GriggsMaybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch...(不确定Gri-GriggsI think his in here. I hear him!我认为他在这。我听到他声音了!Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go!肥皂!重组队伍并跟随PRICE队长和KAMROV攻占那个塔,上!Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk?Nikolai,你还好吗?能走不?“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己Marines! SAS! — Hands Up!Marines! SAS!--举起双手!Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up!扎卡耶夫--哈哈--举起单手!(他的确只有一只手- -!)Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit maker唷!对着独臂强盗制造者普莱斯大声叫Gaz and Vazquez disbanding any takersGAZ和范奎兹能灭掉任何战士If there"s anyone greater then show me如果有谁比他们猛那就给我看看If not then blow me如果他们不猛就揍我You get labeled a hater for sidetalk你已经被标上sidetalk憎恨者的标签(实在不知道sidetalk是啥东东)I - Dub (Infinityward) is soleyOut for Success我-配入的声音(IW)只是力图要成功Back it up with a little Success用一点点成功来支持它And when you back down and digress而当你放弃它并误入岔道You hear them yell “Success!”你听到他们大叫:成功了!Devastation - yeah thats what you facing毁灭-是的那就是你面对的When our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in Nations当我们的使命召唤在国家触地得分时It your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves.(这个听的都不确定,我翻译更不能确定了。。。)Damn mission!改死的任务!Oh! Report man down.OH!报告员挂了。When the bridge we had full down. (这个语法我不懂。。。)Buck me in my prose down.(说实话我不了解BUCK的动词用法)Things you go back in a wonna.And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit.Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch.Gri-GriggsWatch your six, devil dog!注意后面,鬼犬!Gri-GriggsRoger that, I got somethin" better anyway.收到,不管怎么样我拿到了些更好的货色Gri-GriggsRoger, cover left flank.收到,掩护左翼Gri-Griggs678 452 056这个和9527一样的意思。。。Gri-griggs

谁能帮我翻译这首英文歌-Deep Hard

你确定这是歌词吗?我用在线翻译得到的是这个,这个好象不是歌词吧?热过使命的召唤2后不久,该Infinityward团队一直在开发使命召唤4:现代战争我们将会更为深入的工作经验,先进的呼叫品种是我们的下一件大事,我们将深入,我们将努力弱的人可能会小心,不要土壤,当时他玩这个游戏输入时你会发现我的思想路线结合交织强调韵神没有欣德可以解除对我的M249你switfly前线在这里与我认为我说谎?让我来哈!中士。格里格斯到职*罗杰.*有的一说,这属于电影但是,这在第三部分中,Infinityward狗屎不要你的抽屉土壤导致它的深度,很难婊子你好u301cu301c50准备采取行动的CAL开始拍手4骑兵踢重新运行问:“怎么回事?”太晚了所有的拍打赶走装在汽车的门这对麦美伦一个人的15年,你放松现在是时候来解决评分我们准备战争船上的SAS我的部落奖旅游而今年的第三安装Infinityward狗屎你不要土壤抽屉GRI的,格里格斯好的,在海军陆战队下降,保持严寒...GRI的,格里格斯去开始?但是它们是好的或坏的俄国俄罗斯?GRI的,格里格斯保持友好你火来了。GRI的,格里格斯主席先生,我们得到公司!直升机部队在快速关闭!铝没有迹象阿萨德先生。GRI的,格里格斯也许在Kamrov作为仇恨赢得了血腥赶上...GRI的,格里格斯我认为他在这里。我听到他!香皂!重组的球队队长,并按照价格和Kamrov风暴建筑塔,去!尼古拉,你好吗?你能走?弱的人可能会小心,不要土壤,当时他玩这个游戏“海军陆战队员!的SAS! -举手!Zakhaev! -哈哈-举手!哟! Shoutout的价格交给强盗一个制造商加兹和巴斯克斯解散任何接受者如果有更多的人,然后告诉我,如果我当时不吹你得到标记为sidetalk厌恶输出回到它是一个小的成功和成功时,你会退缩和离题你听到他们大喊“成功!”我-配音(Infinityward),纯粹毁灭-你面对的是的多数民众赞成当我们的使命的召唤,是在联合国降落它得到你的心你当你的赛车比赛中的作用爸爸的屋顶上的钱自己的孩子。该死的使命!噢!报告人摔倒。当桥梁,我们有充分的了。巴克我在我的散文了。事情你去了wonna回来。这是第三部infintyward的狗屎。不扔你提请导致它的深度和硬母狗。GRI的,格里格斯注意你的六,鬼狗!GRI的,格里格斯罗杰说,我得到somethin"更好反正。GRI的,格里格斯罗杰,包括左翼。GRI的,格里格斯678452056GRI的,格里格斯678452056GRI的,格里格斯678452056

谁提供一下使命召唤4主题曲 "deep and hard"的歌词?

使命4的插曲 griggs <we"re going deep and hard>? Hot off the heels of call of duty 2, The infinity ward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard. Enter the mind and in time you"ll find my line, that combined in the twine of lime rhyme divine No lying, you go against me, 2 4 9 living swiftly Memerize it wit me, thinking im lying, come and get me Sgt Griggs, a warden for duty "Roger" some say this belong in a movie. But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Ready for action, 50 cals start clapping. Four horsemen kicking the rerun asking whats happening Too late for all that flapping, now the gates with all those back then This ones for macmillian, 15 years u have relaxing, now its time to settle the score we ready for war, sas on board, my tribal war tore But this the third storm in Infinity Ward Shit, dont soil your drawers cus its deep and its hard bitch Marines. SAS. Hands up. Zakhaev, hahah.. hand up. yo, shout out to price, the one handed banditmaker, Gas and Vasquez disbanded any takers, if theres anyone greater, show me if not then blow me You can label the hater for sight or god for the solely Out for success back it up with it up with a little success and when you back down to the rest, you hear them yell success. devastation, yea whats you facing when our call of duty ------------------------------------------- 这部分是我自己听的,大概有70%是对的吧 the wickerman we have to becarefull, the place。。。。。 gri-gri-griggs "following griggs,stay frosty" gri-gri-griggs "go and start it? there are good russians and bad russians" gri-gri-griggs "hold your fire,friendly,coming out" "soap ,go and come with me,keep closing and frosty" "we have the sight of al-asad,sir" “aye,sir” gri-gri-griggs "Mikie,ahead of Kamerov,it was a bloody catch" "we will be catch" gri-gri-griggs "soap,...听不清楚了。。。 "Nicolei, can you Walk?" gri-gri-griggs "watch your six,hunddog" "Roger" "Roger Come with the Flank" "678 452 056"(这是炮击坐标) 这是除了歌词用游戏的对话mix进去的,大部分能听出来,有些是太难了。。MIX功夫真不错

As well as keeping a notebook diary,and many peop

as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”.因此,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”.As well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用.例:Mr.Liu can speak English,but he can speak Cantonese as well. 刘先生会说英语,但他也能讲广东话.



翻译:keeping a vocabulary notebook


几道英语题?1How long may this book____?A be keeping B kept C be kept D in kept 2We

1a这是一个持续性动作 表示现在正在进行 并将要持续下去2d这里用的是被动语态 被告诉3b

编译原理中的bookkeeping tokens是什么意思,翻译成中文是什么


bookkeeping will look over everything and should have the proper forms to you这句话翻译一下,


agency bookkeeping是什么意思

accounting and bookkeeping会计和记账 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1We believe that even routine accounting and bookkeeping functions deserve special treatment. 我们相信,即使日常会计和簿记功能值得特别待遇。


[英]["bʊkki:pɪŋ] [美][ˈbʊkˌkipɪŋ]The new mandates also present auditing and bookkeeping challenges.新的规定同样显示出审计和记帐的问题。

英语book keeping怎么翻译?

book keeping 英 /u02c8bu028akkiu02d0pu026au014b/ 美 /u02c8bu028akkiu02d0pu026au014b/ n. 记帐,簿记


book-keeping 英["bu028ak u02ccki:pu026au014b] 美["bu028ak u02ccki:pu026au014b] n. 簿记; [例句]The following few rules contain the secret of correct book-keeping.以下几条规定包含了正确记账的秘诀。





逻辑学中的SAP SEP SIP SOP 分别是什么意思?


《法律逻辑学》根据性质判断对当关系,如果SEP假,SOP? SIP? SAP?

如果SEP假 SOP真假不定、SIP真、SAP真假不定。

android编程时遇到Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = xxx)




It is time that authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.

这里是分词做定语,修饰authorities.意思是:有关当局。因为是做定语,修饰成分,所以应该用分词形式。concerned表示“有关的” concerned只是修饰“authorities”的,对句子其它部分没有影响。至于took,这是一个固定用法:It is (high) time that sb. did sth.所以要用过去时。

歌词kiss my ass and let me to sleep




Joseph Wood Krutch 需要这个人的资料 图片 越详细越好 他是个美国作家 大家懂的

Joseph Wood Krutch, (b. Nov. 25, 1893, Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.—d. May 22, 1970, Tucson, Ariz.), American naturalist, conservationist, writer, and critic.Krutch attended the University of Tennessee (B.A., 1915) and Columbia University, N.Y. (M.A., 1916; Ph.D., 1923). He served in the army (1918) and spent a year (1919–20) in Europe with his fellow student Mark Van Doren. Upon his return to the United States, he taught at Brooklyn Polytechnic and began to contribute book reviews and essays to periodicals. From 1924 through 1952, during which time he was drama critic for The Nation, he taught and lectured at various schools in the area and wrote a number of books, including The Modern Temper (1929). In the 1940s he wrote two critical biographies, Samuel Johnson (1944) and Henry David Thoreau (1948), which reflected his growing interest in common-sense philosophy and natural history. In 1952 Krutch moved to Arizona and wrote several nature books in addition to the essays he continued to publish. His later work included The Measure of Man (1954), The Great Chain of Life (1956), and his autobiography, More Lives Than One (1962).LINKS

Joseph Turner是谁














joseph abboud的西装算什么档次?


ROK(Republic of Korea)是什么意思?

Republic of Korea南韩



求助 有谁知道关于美国作家Joseph Miller的资料

马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国著名作家和演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。他经历了美国从初期资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段,前期以辛辣的讽刺见长,到了后期语言更为暴露激烈。被誉为“美国文学史上的林肯”。他于1910年4月21日去世,享年七十五岁,安葬于纽约州艾玛拉。代表作品《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899年7月21日-1961年7月2日),美国作家和记者,被认为是20世纪最著名的小说家之一。出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市郊区的奥克帕克,晚年在爱达荷州凯彻姆的家中自杀身亡。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷惘的一代”(Lost Generation)作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。代表作品《老人与海》、《乞力马扎罗的雪》杰克·伦敦,原名为约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),美国著名的现实主义作家,生于旧金山。20世纪初西方辱华作家的急先锋。他在一个既无固定职业又无固定居所的家庭中长大。24岁开始写作,去世时年仅40岁。从1900年起,他连续发表和出版了许多小说,讲述美国下层人民的生活故事,揭露资本主义社会的罪恶。他的作品大都带有浓厚的社会主义和个人主义色彩。他的作品在全世界都广为流传,是最受中国读者欢迎的外国作家之一。他一生著述颇丰,16年中留下了19部长篇小说、150多篇短篇小说以及大量文学报告集,还写了3个剧本以及相当多的随笔和论文。最著名的有《马丁·伊登》、《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》、《热爱生命》等小说。他是世界文学史上最早的商业作家之一,因此被誉为商业作家的先锋。代表作品《野性的呼唤》,《海狼》,《白牙》,《马丁·伊登》辛克莱·刘易斯(Sinclair Lewis,1885~1951)美国作家。1914年,他的第一部长篇小说《我们的雷恩先生》问世。主要作品有《大街》、《巴比特》、《阿罗史密斯》等。1930年作品《巴比特》获诺贝尔文学奖。辛克莱·刘易斯是美国第一位诺贝尔文学获获得者,他的文学创作生涯可划分为三个时期,1920年以前以写通俗小说为主,1920-1929年是其“黄金时期”,他创造了地地道道的美国风格,最早反映出女权主义意识。第三个时期是1929年之后,是刘易斯创作的衰退时期。代表作品《大街》、《巴比特》、《阿罗史密斯》等


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