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著名的deep dark fantasy是谁的名言


如何理解deep ♂dark♂fantasy

deep♂dark♂fantasy是哲♂学家VAN DARKHOLME在被采访是所说的一句话,以为“深藏的黑暗幻想”整句话的意思为“van来满足一些人的黑♂暗幻想”理解为一些不为♂人知的秘♂密,也是鬼畜区的好素材

deep darkfantasy是什么意思?


deep dark fantastic什么梗?


如何理解deep dark fantasy

如何理解deep dark fantasy 你好! deep dark fantasy 深暗的幻想 1、深暗的幻想. 2、个人认为这是对哲学世界观的完美诠释,表面是突出了Van样的地牢Master身份( *** 平家boy的地方是黑暗的地牢),而其精神实质实为对新日暮里所有兄贵不懈的进行摔跤运动的本质解释。与ASS WE CAN联立进行思考更能让人感到哲学的深邃性。 3、这句话,是佟dark为在面对多年生活的艰辛后,作为一个曾经的追梦者、一个失意者、一个被后工业社会挤压得喘息不能的普通人,所流露出的感慨,因为他正如你我般平凡,所以这短暂一瞬的哲学思意,更显珍贵,发人深省。 如何理解deep darkfantasy 深暗的幻想. 这些称号都是后期那些日本阿宅们想出来的 VAN在电影里说过deep dark fantasy这句话,于是那些阿宅就给他取了一个这样的绰号 比利海灵顿有一部电影开头是从树林里走出来,阿宅们就给他取了森之妖精这个绰号(主要是为了讽刺当时日本流行的精灵动漫和精灵游戏都是废萌的设定,说简单点,当时大部分游戏或者动漫,只要是精灵,大有一种从森林里走出来、然后是翩翩美女的镜头,这种场面一开始还是很对观众胃口的,但是后来越看越烦,于是日本网友就开始恶搞,恶搞出从森林里走出来的不是一个婀娜多姿的美女而是一个浑身肌肉的大老爷们,这种反差美才使得比利海灵顿的森之妖精的外号迅速传播出去) 猎天使魔男这个称号也是为了恶搞当时流行的猎天使魔女这个游戏。(猎天使魔女这个游戏的女主角非常有个性,她的动作非常浮夸和具有很不错的美感、但是整篇游戏里女主角都是这样的动作让玩家看了很心烦,因为打一个小怪都要摆上很长时间的造型,然后同理就被玩家恶搞了) 至于金阁和银阁则是日本古代文化的一种对仗手法,用来写诗歌和俳句的,但凡是两个很相似的东西都用这种手法来对仗,比如山川对山川,树木对树木,流水对流水等等。金阁寺和银阁寺是日本的古代建筑,也被用来进行对仗。在哲学电影里用来象征两个跳舞的穿着奇葩的男人 这些哲学兄贵的名称和来历大部分都是为了讽刺现实,在原本视讯中是没有的,是后续网友加上去的,但是因为讽刺的非常贴切,所以才传播的这么广 如何理解DeepDarkFantasy 深暗的幻想. 这些称号都是后期那些日本阿宅们想出来的 VAN在电影里说过deep dark fantasy这句话,于是那些阿宅就给他取了一个这样的绰号 比利海灵顿有一部电影开头是从树林里走出来,阿宅们就给他取了森之妖精这个绰号(主要是为了讽刺当时日本流行的精灵动漫和精灵游戏都是废萌的设定,说简单点,当时大部分游戏或者动漫,只要是精灵,大有一种从森林里走出来、然后是翩翩美女的镜头,这种场面一开始还是很对观众胃口的,但是后来越看越烦,于是日本网友就开始恶搞,恶搞出从森林里走出来的不是一个婀娜多姿的美女而是一个浑身肌肉的大老爷们,这种反差美才使得比利海灵顿的森之妖精的外号迅速传播出去) 猎天使魔男这个称号也是为了恶搞当时流行的猎天使魔女这个游戏。(猎天使魔女这个游戏的女主角非常有个性,她的动作非常浮夸和具有很不错的美感、但是整篇游戏里女主角都是这样的动作让玩家看了很心烦,因为打一个小怪都要摆上很长时间的造型,然后同理就被玩家恶搞了) 至于金阁和银阁则是日本古代文化的一种对仗手法,用来写诗歌和俳句的,但凡是两个很相似的东西都用这种手法来对仗,比如山川对山川,树木对树木,流水对流水等等。金阁寺和银阁寺是日本的古代建筑,也被用来进行对仗。在哲学电影里用来象征两个跳舞的穿着奇葩的男人 这些哲学兄贵的名称和来历大部分都是为了讽刺现实,在原本中是没有的,是后续网友加上去的,但是因为讽刺的非常贴切,所以才传播的这么广 deep dark fantasy什么意思 deep dark fantasy 深暗的幻想 重点词汇释义 fantasy幻想; 空想的产物; 幻想作品; 非正式的货币; 想像; 奏幻想曲 如何理解环境?84如何理解适应性 环境是以人类为主体的外部世界,即人类年赖于生存和发展的物质条件的整体.包括自然环境和社会环境. 环境具有三个最基本的特性:整体性、区域性、变动性. (1)整体性――指环境的各个组成部分和要素之间构成了一个有机的整体. (2)环境的区域性――在于各个不同层次或不同空间的地域,其结构方式、组成程式、能量物质流动规模和途径、稳定程度等都具有相对的特殊性,从而显示出区域的特征. (3)环境的变动性――是指在自然和人类社会行为的共同作用下,环境的内部结构和外在状态始终处于不断变化的过程中 (4)开放性——指环境是一个开放系统,有物质和能量的输入和输出. (5)有限性——环境为人类发展提供的资源都不是用之不竭的;环境对污染的容纳量野不是无限的. (6)综合性——自然环境已不是纯粹的天然环境,而是综合了一定的社会因素. (7)可调节性——自然环境是高度复杂的系统,当人类作用引起的环境结构与状态改变部超过一定限度时,环境系统的调节功能可以使这些改变逐渐消失,使其结构和功能恢复原貌. 二元论如何理解,一元论如何理解 一元论认为世界上只有物质(唯物主义)或者只有精神(主观唯心主义)都属于一元论,二元论也就是把世界分为了可知世界和可感世界(客观唯心主义)。 “道”如何理解? “道”这个字出现在人们的视野中,已经有很悠久的历史。但是人们对于“道”这个字的理解非常模糊,都是盲目猜测,不知道这个字的真正含义是什么。其实,“道”就是轨道,也可以称之为“宇宙规律”。 在宇宙的生命空间中,生存著不同层次级别的生命。但是在生命空间之外,还有一些智慧和能力都远远超过生命的“高阶存在”,我们目前还不能妄下定论称这些“高阶存在”为生命。宇宙中的所有生命以及“高阶存在”,不管是生存在怎样层次级别的世界中,都要按照宇宙规律去生存,只有这样才算是合道地生存在这个宇宙中。宇宙有它自身的轨道,也可以说有其自身的规律,只要生存在宇宙中的生命以及“高阶存在”都能按照这些规律去生存,就能得到很好的发展,就能在这个宇宙中体现自身更大的价值,这就是合道生存的重要性。 其实在这个宇宙中,如果能够合道地去生活,就很容易找到自身在宇宙中的位置。这样的生命,就能够按照自己的节奏在这个宇宙中自由地生活与成长。但是,在这个宇宙中就有一部分生命,它们不按照宇宙规律去生存,而是按照自己狭隘的臆想肆意地生存。这样的存在不符合宇宙规律,可以说它们的存在不合道。 这个宇宙浩瀚无边,凭借著现在已知的范围,我们并不能臆断宇宙的大小。所以“道”这个字,随着生命高度不断提升,会对它有更全面、更细致的认知与诠释。

deep dark fantasy是什么意思?

deep dark fantasy意思是:深邃而黑暗的幻想。来源于越南籍演员Van Darkholme。他曾在一个视频中发表一段宣言,其中一句话为:“I am hired for people to fulfill their fantasies, their deep dark fantasies.”结合他的职业,可以理解为人们不好意思展露在世人面前的幻想、人们内心黑暗的幻想等意思。个人简介范·达克霍姆(Van Darkholme)是越南裔美国演员,所谓“范·达克霍姆”只是一个艺名,至于他的真名他本人从来没有透露过,也无人知晓(有叫Nam Yin的传言)。在90年代,Van是一位时尚界的摄影模特,并希望借此成为一名影星。但是经过一百多次试镜,Van最终也只是饰演一些电影中的龙套小角色。相对比较知名的就是在香港电影《大冒险家》中,他在里面出演龙套角色小黑与刘德华演对手戏。

Deep Dark Fantasy什么意思?

这是GV界著名武打演员Van Darkholme在片子里的台词.Deep Dark Fantasy,本意是深黑幻想,引申为仅存于深邃黑暗中的美好幻想,即使面对世间各种宛如深渊的黑幕,也要保持最初的纯真梦想的希望の心.拓展资料:范·达克霍姆(Van Darkholme,1972年10月24日-),越南裔美国u36bb片演员,制作人,行为艺术家。出演过刘德华的《大冒险家》。范·达克霍姆(Van Darkholme)是越南裔美国u36bb片演员,所谓“范·达克霍姆”只是一个艺名,至于他的真名他本人从来没有透露过,也无人知晓(有叫Nam Yin的传言)。范·达克霍姆是少数几位在西方色情电影界中出u36bb片(以下简称GV)及导演的越裔美国人。在90年代,Van是一位时尚界的摄影模特,并希望借此成为一名影星。但是经过一两百次试镜,Van最终也只是饰演一些电影中的龙套小角色。相对比较知名的就是在香港电影《大冒险家》中,他在里面出演龙套角色小黑与刘德华演对手戏。因为厌倦了这种生活,后来投身于特殊服务行业——成为一名“master”,而“master”便是满足那些“身居高位、衣着体面”的顾客们的各种要求,满足他们的幻想,深邃而黑暗的幻想(DEEP♂DARK♂FANTASIES),他的服务或者后来的GV经常使用或涉及日式绑缚等这类BDSM的范畴。2006年6月达克霍姆出版了一本束缚摄影集《Male Bondage》。2008年,总部位于旧金山的BDSM工作室Kink.com聘请达克霍姆作为他们Gay摄影摔跤及男性捆绑方面的艺术指导。范·达克霍姆也曾经为一个R18的游戏配过音。现时的他依旧活跃在舞台上,并当上了幕后制片人,不知道算不算圆了当初的演员梦。

report 和announce的区别

report [re·port || ru026a"pu0254rt /-"pu0254u02d0t]n. 报告, 成绩单, 报导v. 报告; 记述, 描述; 报导; 告发, 揭发; 报告, 报到, 写报道 announce [an·nounce || u0259"nau028ans]v. 发布, 宣布; 通知...已准备好; 通报...的到达; 声称; 当报幕人, 当播音员; 宣布支持某人竞选; 宣布参加竞选



what three countries does British Airways represent?

What three countries does British Airways represent?英航公司代表了哪三个地区?Northern Ireland. Scotland. England 北爱尔兰、苏格兰和英格兰



That Man (Feat. Sleepy Brown And Duddy Ken) 歌词

歌曲名:That Man (Feat. Sleepy Brown And Duddy Ken)歌手:Bubba Sparxxx&Sleepy Brown&Duddy Ken专辑:The CharmMacy Gray - That ManWe always rock aroundWe always rock aroundWe gonna rock aroundWe always rock aroundI was so happy "bout the love I found"til I went to the library and I saw himSayin", "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man"He stole my heart and he"s killing me softlyHe stole my heart and he"s killing me softlyShe said, "Oh, if he"s stealin"and killin" then he must be a black man"(A black man)He"s my brand new FerrariHe"s my piece of cakeMy personal president of the United StatesHey baby, hey daddy, hey sugar,you sure are a looker in your bling-blingchain and your Gucci shadesHe got the custom Range RoverI think I"m comin" over, saying, "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man"I"m gonna say it loudI"m gonna say it loudI was so happy "bout the love I foundSee, I went to the museum and I saw himOh yeahOh yeah, I want that manHe wrote me poetry and bought me a carHe wrote me poetry and bought me a carShe said, "Oh, if he wrote you poetryand bought you a car, he must be a nice man"He"s my brand new MercedesHe"s my piece of pieHe"s my very own personal jesus christHey baby, hey daddy, hey sugar,you sure are a looker in your bling-blingchain and your Gucci shadesHe got the custom Range RoverI think I"m comin" over, saying, "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man" (That man)Hey baby, baby, I"ve been lookin" all over the worldYou be my man, I will be your girlI think together we could go real farEspecially if we had a jet, privateYou can get it, you bet itHey baby, baby, I"ve been lookin" all over the worldYou be my man, I will be your girlExtraordinary (That man)I wanna marry (That man)Hey daddy, hey sugar (That man), yeah,you sure are a looker (That man)When I look at you, all I have to say is,"That man"http://music.baidu.com/song/3475708

求qianp chinavoyeur、univoyeur、sharevoyeur、peepvoyeur的种子


keep 和better me健身软件哪个好一点


linux 利用grep筛选关键词&fk.pl

一、grep输出关键字所在行之“问题描述” 有很多后缀名为out的文件,其中带有 Variance reduction 关键字的那一行有一个数值是我想对比的 解决方案 grep 过滤关键字,并输出关键字所在的一整行 grep -n "关键字" 文件名 grep -n "Variance reduction" *out 这样子就不用一个个点开文件看哪个深度下得到的Variance reduction更大了,以前我都是一个个点开,用笔记在本子上.......... 如今掌握grep又提高了我的工作效率 二、fk.pl用法--细节 1. 最后一行后面不要有换行符 2. 震源深度不能和界面深度相同,否则会出现这样的报错

If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can beturning point of fin


keep pressing volume up to exit this mode

keep pressing volume up to exit this mode继续按音量退出这个模式。

英语阅读理解题deep in the western amazon rainfores,live

  Deep in the Amazon forest, thousands of people still live in isolation from the rest of the world.  In a recent press release, the Brazilian government confirmed the existence of another isolated tribe of about 200 people living in the Vale do Javari reservation. The 200 people living in the Vale do Javari reservation. The reservation, located near the Peruvian border, is about the size of Portugal. At least another 14 isolated tribes, with a total population of about 2000, call the area home.  The newly observed group lives on four large straw-roofed buildings and grows corn, peanut and other crops.  Brazil"s National Indian Foundation (BNTF) first noticed the reservation in the forest using satellite maps, but it wasn"t until April that an airplane expedition was able to confirm the tribe"s existence. “The work of finding and protecting isolated groups is part of Brazilian public policy,” said the BNIF officer for Vale do Javari, Fabricio Amorim. “To confirm something like this takes years of hard work.”  BNIF estimates there are 68 isolated tribes living in the Amazon. The organization uses airplanes to avoid disturbing the tribes through personal contact, but that doesn"t mean others are so respectful of their right to privacy.  Illegal fishing, woodcutting and hunting bring people into the protected area. Oil exploration on the Peruvian side of the border is another threat. All kinds of criminals also invade the lands of the local groups, said Amorim. The outsiders can damage the land and influence the cultures of indigenous(土著的)peoples. They can also bring diseases which can wipe out the whole population that still lack even basic antibiotics(抗生素).  Brazil"s indigenous peoples won the legal right to their traditional lands in Brazil"s 1988 Constitution, which stated that all indigenous lands shall be divided and turned over to tribes within five years. Indigenous groups now control 11 percent of Brazil"s territory, including 22 percent of the Amazon.  Allowing indigenous groups the right homelands is not just a matter of human rights. The rest of the world can benefit from their knowledge. Mark Plotkin has spent years living with the people of the Amazon and learning from their traditional healers. In his lecture, he pointed out that many useful materials and knowledge, including numerous drugs, can be gained from listening to the indigenous groups of the Amazon. Besides this, they are also more effective at protecting the land, and less expensive, than hired rangers(护林人).  1.The underlined word in the first paragraph probably means “a state of ”.  A.separation    B.interaction    C.satisfaction    D.excitement    2.From the passage we can learn that the tribes in the Amazon forest .  A.only live on a reservation designated for them    B.prefer straw-roofed buildings to wooden ones    C.keep contact with the outside world through airplanes    D.have the legal right to the land they live on    3.Which of the following is TRUE according to Amorim?  A.Privacy violation is common among the Amazon tribes.    B.The laws dividing the lands of the tribes are far from enough.    C.Modern civilization endangers the tribes and their cultures.    D.It is hard to make public policy to protect primitive tribes.    4.The last paragraph is mainly about .  A.the lost human rights of the indigenous peoples    B.the benefits of protecting the primitive tribes    C.the value of traditional healing    D.the indigenous peoples as guardians of the Amazon forest    1.A  2.D  3.C  4.B  【解析】  试题分析:  1.A 推理题。根据本句Deep in the Amazon forest, thousands of people still live in isolation from the rest of the world.说明这些人住在亚马逊雨林的深处,与世隔绝。故该词指隔开,故A正确。  2.D 细节题。根据倒数第二段第1,2行Brazil"s indigenous peoples won the legal right to their traditional lands in Brazil"s 1988 Constitution,说明这些人有合法权利住在他们生活的土地上。  3.C 推理题。根据文章倒数第三段Illegal fishing, woodcutting and hunting bring people into the protected area. Oil exploration on the Peruvian side of the border is another threat. All kinds of criminals also invade the lands of the local groups, said Amorim. The outsiders can damage the land and influence the cultures of indigenous(土著的)peoples说明新世界的文明正在慢慢侵蚀这些土著居民的生活和文化。  4.B 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是要保护那些原始的土著居民。特别在最后一段中还提出了这样做很多的好处。  考点:考查新闻类阅读

英语高手帮忙翻译一下Andy Loses In Epic Historic Wimbledon Match

安迪在温布尔登网球比赛历史史诗 7月5日,2:02pm GMT + 5由andyroddick.com “我仍然希望有一天我的名字将会与他们的比赛的胜利,这是一个,”安迪宣布了大家的起立鼓掌,全英俱乐部。在世界上最长的决赛后,正在举行的历史,安迪在温布尔登冠军奖杯的第三次进入决赛7 - 5、6 - 7,6 - 7,6 - 3,14 - 16。 尽管这个心碎的损失,安迪的真正的慈悲和恩典上,展示了他作为总是像4小时后,球迷们踩到中央球场。”我想说恭喜,罗杰,他是真正的冠军,并值得一切他回头看,”安迪的15大满贯的胜利费德勒桑普拉斯的顶部存在记录。“对不起,”安迪甚至开玩笑的说,彼得桑普拉斯谁坐在同皇家框中显示的难以置信的世界级的网球。 作为冠军奖杯之后,费德勒接受30场,在第5盘,这两个很坦诚的一刻。"你已经赢了5场,”安迪和费德勒bantered在展示两人互相祝贺。从以前的冠军球员坐在场边的球迷在家看电视,美国,毫无疑问,每个人都会把这些问题放在短名单中最好的比赛,在历史上的游戏。 “我幸运儿呀,”安迪承认只有时刻之后的一个最严重的损失。”他的职业生涯,我会回来的,”当他意识到他润湿后它听起来就像是威胁。但是在这两周,并看到安迪的心理和生理上的增长,在过去的几个月中,它是一种非常真实的威胁。 很少的时间休息,安迪代表他的国家将继续在世界舞台上,他加入了布莱恩兄弟一样,詹姆斯·布莱克的途中,克罗地亚的戴维斯杯。

i just wanna keep silence, but that seems a little dull ,后面用do i

从你反问来看,你应该针对的是it,而不是I~所以后面应该是 doesn"t it? 意思就是: 是不是哦?


不同义:perception n. 知觉; 观念; 觉察(力); (农作物的) 收获; [例句]He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.他感兴趣的是我们对死亡的看法如何影响我们的生活。recognition n. 认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳;


1.recognition英 [?rek?g?n??n],美 [?r?k?ɡ?n???n];n.认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳例句:His government did not receive full?recognition?by Britain until July.?他的政府直到7月份才得到英国的正式承认。2.recognization ?英 [rek?ɡna?"ze??n] ?,美 [rek?ɡna?"ze??n] ;【医】识别,是recognize的名词形式例句:The judgement criterion of the capability is the ability for?recognization.?自然人民事责任能力的判断标准是识别能力,是意思归责的当然结果.

___is accepted as true is relatively,and not absolutely true


___is accepted as true is relatively,and not absolutely,true.


what is accepted as ture often is relatively ,and not absolutely ,ture。问题一as是介词吗?

as 在这应该是作为,当作的意思是介词 呈前省略,前面不是有is 了吗这是两个句用了and 连接用逗号隔开作为正确的被接受应该是修饰作用吧

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原因已由MiniDump 小存储器转储文件记录,它可帮助你找到计算机为什么意外停止。去你所说的c盘路径下打开dmp文件看看。(如C:WINDOWSMinidumpMini010806-02.dmp ,记在Mini010806-02.dmp

hiphop中keep real是什么意思


asleep sleep sleepy 的词性 及用法


名词变复数 man women sheep people goose tooth foot mouse child fish Chinese radio photo zoo tomato



potato u2026u2026potatoeshandu2026u2026handssheepu2026u2026sheepmanu2026u2026mendeeru2026u2026deerChineseu2026u2026Chinese

约翰逊:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can

  下面我要推荐的英语听力材料:I Want to Be Able to Keep It As Low As We Can 我想要尽可能地减少预算,详细内容如下,和我一起来听听记者与约翰逊的精彩问答吧~     点击收听音频   Reporter: Mr. President, have you been able to get your new budget under $100 billion yet?   记者:总统先生,你已经把你的新预算 降到1000亿美元了吗?   Johnson: We finished about a third of the budget last night and sent it to the printer. We have not wrapped up the budget yet. I donu2019t want to get into any numbers game because I always lose those. I think it is better to say that we want to keep the budget as low as we can, consistent with meeting the needs and the requirements of this country. There is nothing sacred about $100 billion,or 99 or 102 or 104, and anything I say you may interpret that one way and later Iu2019ll be blamed for misleading you. So I donu2019t want to get into that. I want to be able to keep it as low as we can, and I hope to be able to cut everything out we can forego.   约翰逊:我们昨晚完成了 1/3的预算, 已经送去打印了。我们还没有整理出全 部的预算。我不想玩文字游戏,因为我 不擅长那样。我想最好还是说我们想要 把预算降到最低,以同国家的需求一 致。我说1000亿美元和990亿,1020 亿或者1040亿并没有什么值得害怕的, 不管我说了什么,你们都会用自己的方 式去理解,之后你们还会指责我误导你 们。所以我不想谈论数字,我想要尽可 能的减少预算,我希望能把任何我们能 放弃的部分都给减掉。   Reporter: Mr. President, could I ask you about the travel plans you mentioned in your State of the Union? Do you have in your mind any priorities as between Latin America and Europe, sir?   记者:总统先生,我能不能问一下你在 《国情咨文》中提到的旅行计划?你在 拉丁美洲和欧洲之间已经想好孰轻孰重 了吗?   Johnson: No.   约翰逊:没有。   Reporter: Could you give us a clue?   记者:不能给我们暗示一下吗?   Johnson: I said no.   约翰逊:我说了,不行。   Reporter: When you might go, I mean?   记者:什么时候可以说?我的意思是。   Johnson: No.   约翰逊:不能说。   Reporter: Mr. President, talking about travel plans, is there any possibility that you might add Canada to your itinerary?   记者:总统先生,说到旅行计划,你有 没有可能把加拿大放进访问计划中?   Johnson: I would like very much to go to Canada at some time when the schedule will permit.   约翰逊:如果时间安排允许,我很想去 一趟加拿大。   Reporter: Mr. President, where do we stand now in our talks concerning the nuclear problem in Europe, the MLF? Can you sum that up?   记者:总统先生,我们和欧洲的核问题 谈判现在处于什么阶段?能不能总结一 下?   Johnson: Well, as you know, when Prime Minister Wilson was here in Washington we considered the proposal he put for the multilateral force as an expansion of this concept and to the Atlantic nuclear force. Since then, as we had understood and hoped, several governments have been actively discussing these proposals in some detail. They will be further discussed in the days ahead; I believe next week between Chancellor Erhard and Prime Minister Wilson when the Prime Minister visits Bonn. We have been in very close touch with the participants in these discussions and we will continue to follow the progress of these talks with the greatest of interest. We have made clear to the participating governments that we think it is highly important to develop arrangements within the alliance that will provide an opportunity for the nonnuclear members to participate in their own nuclear defense,while avoiding the spread of national nuclear systems. I strongly hope in these talks there will be progress that will allow us to move on to fruitful multilateral discussions. The position of this Government is abundantly clear, and I emphasize what I have said   约翰逊:嗯,你知道,当威尔逊首相来华盛顿时,我们考虑了他提出的多边武 力扩张概念的提议以及大西洋核武力。 之后,我们同意并希望几国政府就此提 议的细节积极进行讨论。接下来的几 天,我们将进行进一步讨论,我想艾哈 德总理和威尔逊首相下周将访问波恩。我们和参 加讨论的 与会者进 行了亲密 接触,也 会继续 踪这些关 系重大的 谈话的进 展。我们 已向与会 政府说清楚,我们 认为在同盟国间为非核国家提供机会参与自己核 防卫的安排是很重要的,同时还要避免 国家核体系的扩大。我非常希望这些谈 话会有进展,让我们向有成果的多边会 谈迈进。政府的态度已经很明了,我在 此再次强调这一点。   Reporter: Mr. President, have you received any response from the Russian leaders concerning your proposal that they visit here?   记者:总统先生,你有没有收到你提议苏联领导到此访问的任何回复?   Johnson: We have extended them an invitation and have had some discussions with some of their leaders, but at this time I am not in a position to go further than I did in my State of the Union Message.   约翰逊:我们已经对他们发了邀请,并 和其中的一些领导进行了讨论,但是现 在我不能再说《国情咨文》中没有提到 的信息。   Reporter: Mr. President, have you had any reaction from American automobile makers to the negotiations for the auto tariff remission?   记者:总统先生,你有没有收到美国汽车 制造商关于减免汽车关税谈判的回复?   Johnson: Yes. I think that they have indicated their pleasure in our ability to avoid further controversy and evolve an agreement that is satisfactory to the two nations, and we think it is highly desirable for both of them. I think both the auto producers and the auto workers will be pleased with the result of these exchanges.   约翰逊:收到了。我想他们已经表达了 他们的欣喜之情,我们避免进一步争 论,从而达成两国都满意的协议,我想 这是他们双方都希望看到的。我想汽车 生产商和工人都会对意见交换后的结果 满意。   Reporter: Mr. President, when you spoke earlier about an invitation, you didnu2019t mean any formal invitation? Did it go beyond the reference in the State of the Union Message! Was it a formal invitation to the Russian leaders?   记者:总统先生,你之前说到了邀请, 你的意思不是正式的邀请吗?是不是不 是《国情咨文》中提到的那样?是给苏 联领导的正式邀请吗?   Johnson: No, I said I didnu2019t think I had anything to add this morning to what 1 said in my State of the Union Message.   约翰逊:不,我之前说了我认为我今天 早上对我《国情咨文》中提到的信息没 有任何可补充的。   Reporter: Mr. President, in the State of the Union and in your foreign aid messages there were references to the improved international balance of payments situation over the last few years, but there were reports from Washington yesterday that there had been a recent turn for the worse in the balance and that you might ask Congress to do something about that. Do you contemplate any action in this field?   记者:总统先生,《国情咨文》中和你 的外交援助信息里,有两处提到了改善 最近几年的国际收支平衡,但是昨天华 盛顿报道却说最近的这种收支平衡变得 更糟了,你可能会让国会进行解决。你 对这个方面的行动有什么样的顾虑?   Johnson: I am not in a position to say at this time what may develop from time to time in that field. As you know, our deficit last year was something in excess of $3 billion, 3 billion 3,and this year it is several hundred million below. But as long as there is any deficit it is a problem that gives us concern and one that we will constantly study and try to evolve answers to. And as we study it and as we find answers, and if and as recommendations are necessary, I will make them public. I have none that I am considering at the moment. I saw the story and I would say that probably represents a highly aggressive reporter who met a man who wanted to appear smart. A good many of these administration proposals are administration down at different levels, and I am not aware of the level from which this came. But I am aware of the problem that is constantly with us and we will deal with it as we think best after our studies indicate what recommendations we should make, if any. But they are not at that point at all, as they are frequently not on these things if you look back over a period of months.   约翰逊:目前我不能说那个方面会不时 地出现什么问题。你知道,去年我们的 赤字超过了 30 亿美元,达到 了 33亿美元, 今年降低了几 亿美元。但是 只要还有赤 字,就会成为 让我们担心的 问题,需要我 们不断研究, 不断给出解决 的办法。我们 在研究过程中 找出答案,如果给出的建议有必要,我就会公之于 众。我现在还没有考虑。我要是看了报 道,可能会说某个很激进的记者恰好遇 到了想要显露自己聪明的人。很多这样 的管理建议层次都不同,我不知道来自 于什么层次。但是我知道这个问题一直 存在,我们在对这些建议进行研究后, 以我们认为的最好的方法来解决它。但 是如果回头看过去这几个月的情况,那 些建议往往都没有切中要害。   Reporter: Mr. President, are you expecting additional Cabinet changes in the next few weeks or months?   记者:总统先生,你预计接下来几周或 者几个月里会有其他的内阁变动吗?   Johnson: I donu2019t think I could say. I donu2019t think I have an answer to that.   约翰逊:我想我还不能说。我目前也不 清楚。   Reporter: Mr. President, the other day there was a report that on a lower level in the administration there was a proposal to send Peace Corps volunteers to Eastern Europe. Has that reached your attention?   记者:总统先生,前几天有报道说政府 基层有提议派遣安全部队去东欧。你注 意到这个提议了吗?   Johnson: Yes, I read it in the paper. I would say that it was lower level.   约翰逊:是的,我读到了这个文件。我 想说这是下下策。   Reporter: Mr. President, do you share Speaker McCormacku2019s optimism that Congress is going to act promptly on your major legislative proposals?   记者:总统先生,你同意麦科马克对国 会将迅速贯彻你的主要立法决议持乐观 态度的想法吗?   Johnson: I am going to propose and I know Congress will consider and dispose as the circumstances and merits of the legislation justify. I hope to have material ready for them to consider promptly so that no one will feel we are derelict, and I have every reason to believe that they will act, as other Congresses have done, in the public interest.   约翰逊:我准备提出决议,我知道国会 会根据立法评判的特点和情况进行考虑 和处理。我希望我准备一些材料让他们 考虑一下,这样就不会有人觉得我们玩 忽职守了,我有充分的理由相信他们会 采取行动,像任何国家的国会一样,以 公众的利益为出发点来处理这件事。   Reporter: Mr. President, a great deal was made of extremism in the recent presidential campaign,groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and other organizations. Do you feel that the threat posed by these groups is greater today than it has been in the past?   记者:总统先生,在最近的总统竞选中 出现了很多极端分子,比如3K党和一 些其他组织。你觉得现在这些组织带来 的威胁比过去还要大吗?   Johnson: I have not made any evaluation of that, period.   约翰逊:我还没有对此进行过评估。   Reporter: Mr. President, Senator Mansfield was very forceful the other day in complaining of plans to close veteransu2019 hospitals in his home State, and apparently there have been other complaints by other lawmakers. Do you see any reassessment of those closings coining up or do you have any plans along that line?   记者:总统先生,曼斯菲尔德议员前几 天很激动地抱怨关闭他们州退伍老兵医院的计划,显然其他立法者也是怨声 载道。你有没有看到对这些即将关闭的 医院进行的重新评估或者制定的相关计划?   Johnson: That decision has been made by the Veterans Administrator. That is a matter for him. He is a career employee. That is not something that I am passing on from day to day, on these individual locations.   约翰逊:那是退伍老兵管理员作出的决 定,那是他的事情。他是那里的雇员。我不能时不 时对这些个人场所进行控制。   Reporter: Mr. President, earlier you said when you were discussing the MLF that the position of the US Government was abundantly clear, but I think there are some people in Europe and the United States who would like to think we are not as strongly behind the MLF as we were before and it is therefore negotiable. Could you just say whether we are still strongly in favor of a mixed-manned nuclear fleet?   记者:总统 先生,你之 前说你们在 讨论美国政 府在多边核 力量问题上 的姿态已经很明了了,但是我想欧洲和 美国本国的一些人认为我们在多边核力 量问题上态度没有以前那么强硬了。所 以这都是有待商榷的。你能不能说一下 我们是否还一如既往地坚定支持不同国 家一起控制核舰队?   Johnson: Yes, I said that just now. I will refer you to the statement I just made.   约翰逊:是的,我刚才说过。我想让你 就这个问题参考我刚才的声明。   Reporter: Mr. President, on the eve of your inauguration could you sum up or characterize for us your view of the general world condition,or the leadership job that you see ahead for us?   记者:总统先生,关于你就职的那个晚 上,你能不能给我们讲讲当时你对整体 国际形势的看法,或者你对眼前领导工 作的看法?   Johnson: I prefer to do that off the record for you. I donu2019t want to create any more problems than we already have. If you want to do it on that basis I will be glad to.   约翰逊:我更愿意找我当时的记录来回 答你。我不想再给我们已经有的问题制 造更多麻烦。如果你在遵从这个的基础 上问,我会很乐意回答。



go ahead和 keep up区别


the study indicates that the stepkids may be bene


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keep on

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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String









《Nemesis》([英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ErYOtUqiP1YuBRiYw0TpIg 提取码:h6ko书名:Nemesis作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂豆瓣评分:6.7出版社:Signet出版年份:2000-05-01页数:224内容简介:The request sounds simple: solve a crime. Except there are no clues as to what happened, when it occurred, where it was committed, or for that matter, to whom. For Miss Jane Marple, it"s the most baffling-and final-case of her illustrious career.作者简介:阿加莎·克里斯蒂被誉为举世公认的侦探推理小说女王。她的著作英文版销售量逾10亿册,而且还被译成百余种文字,销售量亦逾10亿册。她一生创作了80部侦探小说和短篇故事集,19部剧本,以及6部以玛丽·维斯特麦考特的笔名出版的小说。著作数量之丰仅次于莎士比亚。阿加莎·克里斯蒂的第一部小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》写于第一次世界大战末,战时她担任志愿救护队员。在这部小说中她塑造了一个可爱的小个子比利时侦探赫尔克里·波格,成为继福尔摩斯之后侦探小说中最受读者欢迎的侦探形象。1926年,阿加莎·克里斯蒂写出了自己的成名作《罗杰疑案》(又译作《罗杰·艾克罗伊德谋杀案》)。1952年她最著名的剧本《捕鼠器》被搬上舞台,此后连续上演,时间之长久,创下了世界戏剧史上空前的纪录。

《The Opal Deception》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl, Book 4)》(Eoin Colfer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10mhnrQ0EyFkLzh-J-FrpqQ 提取码: s2xv书名:The Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl, Book 4)作者:Eoin Colfer出版社:Miramax出版年份:2005-04页数:352内容简介:Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl is back . . . and so is his brilliant and dangerous enemy, Opal Koboi. At the start of The Opal Deception, Artemis has no memory of the fairy people and has returned to his unlawful ways. In Berlin, he is preparing to steal a famous Impressionist painting from a German bank. He doesn"t know that his old rival, Opal, has escaped from prison by cloning herself. She"s left her double behind in jail and, now free, is exacting her revenge on all those who put her there, including Artemis.



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1.Keep 相当于 be 动词 ,后跟adj,表示维持一种状态,比如:keep calm keep 还可以跟n. 表示保留收藏什么东西,比如:keep this book 而 stay 后跟 副词,介词短语情况比较多.比如stay here,stay overnight 2.stay、remain和keep辨析 1.表示“继续呆在某处”时,应该用不及物动词remain或stay,例如: Shall I go or stay? Stay indoors for a few days until you recover from your cold. He remained in his seat after all the other students had gone home. 2.表示“暂住、短期停留”时,只能用不及物动词stay.例如: He is staying at Hilton Hotel. My mother-in-law stayed with us this week when she visited us. 3.表示“残留、剩下”时,只能用不及物动词remain,例如: Not much of the house remained after the fire. Of the seven brothers, only four now remain; the rest are dead. 4.表示“继续保持或处于某种状态”时,应视具体情况在上述动词中进行选择: (1)表示“继续保持或处于原来的状态”时,可用remain或stay,例如: Three of them remained single.Shops should remain open till later in the evening. The door stayed closed.But the police themselves prefer to stay unarmed. (2)表示“需要设法才能保持或处于某种状态”时,应用keep,例如: She knew she must keep calm. I wish those children would keep quiet. Although they have many difficulties, they keep happy. Paul managed to keep awake by drinking lots of strong black coffee. (3)表示“使某人或某物保持某种状态”时,只能用及物动词keep,例如: She had kept him waiting twenty minutes on this occasion. Why do you always keep your windows closed?

请问keep stay last 在用法上有什么区别?


Sleep Awake 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep Awake歌手:Mother Mother专辑:O My HeartMother Mother - Sleep Awake★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Protecting youprotecting meI throw the evidence into a trunk and drop it in the seaLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one eye on the bedroom door,the other on the cakeProtecting meprotecting youcarving away our fingerprints out of our fingertips until they"re smoothLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one eye on my royal flushthe other on the takeI sleep awakeProtecting thisprotecting thatcalling a deadbeat with his dead boatwrapped around his artifactprotecting thatLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one hand on my 45, the other "round my baby"s waistLie awakeI sleep awakeI go to bed with all my lights turned onso I don"t slip awayI stay awakeOut on the street I keep a started carwho only waits for me, convenientlymusic......Lie awakeI sleep awakeLie awakeI sleep awakeAhhh...ahhh...EndMother Mother-Sleep Awake★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师http://music.baidu.com/song/7437248


这款睡眠辅助软件名头可不小,是美国国家健康协会和国家工程学院认可的“促进健康”奖冠军软件。它是一款帮助你管理睡眠的冠军软件,能分析统计你的睡眠质量、管理睡眠时的手机设定和睡眠时间还能提供许多睡眠小知识让你更理性的睡眠。睡眠统计和设定还能备份,以便你能统计你长期的睡眠质量做出合理的改变。 主要功能有: 一、闹钟功能。 既然要统计睡眠时间,那么叫醒服务是必不可少的。Sleepbot可以添加多个闹钟,和Android自带的闹钟差不多,在设置闹钟后会显示该闹钟将在多久之后响起,有利于安排睡眠时间。 二、睡眠统计。 每次睡觉前设置好闹钟。可以选择Smart Alarm(智能响铃,在设置闹钟时间半小时内响铃)、Track Motion(监视睡眠时的运动)、Record Sound(记录睡眠声音)等选项。然后按下“going to sleep”按钮,Sleepbot将开始计算睡眠时间,当闹钟响起或中途结束睡眠,点击主界面的“waking up!”结束统计。此时会提示您对本次睡眠进行评分/备注等。 三、长期睡眠日志/阶段图。 您的睡眠记录都将显示在睡眠日志界面。睡眠日志洁面详细记录了您的睡眠日期、睡时、醒时、睡眠时长、睡债。 您可以利用以上统计出来的信息合理安排自己接下来的睡眠计划。 四、关于设置。 在设置中,您可以设置适合自己的睡眠长度:每天8小时、7小时,还是7.5小时…。可以在统计睡眠时启动手机的飞行模式,自动静音等,以保证睡眠质量。 软件自带备份到SD卡和帐户同步功能(支持google帐户同步)。 五、其他方面。 Sleepbot包含帮助文档,包括:Using Sleepbot,Help me sleep,Help me stay awake,Learn about sleep等内容。 目前版本只有部分汉化,部分界面还是英文。



请教下有人知道snow(hey oh) Red Hot Chili Peppers的中文歌词吗?

这首歌 有点难学

except when blindfold在句中是什么意思?

您好,很高兴回答您的问题。except when blindfold在句中的意思是:除非眼罩以上为个人意见,希望对您有帮助。


Where do they work?


Students as a social vulnerable groups are in need of protection.Self-protection is the most important ,because it is the most convenient and effective.When someone tries to hurt you,do not panic.Scream for help is necessary,but there are more important things to do that is dealing with the criminals,as the ultimate rescued delay.If he threaten you are not allowed to help,then do not shout,in order not to angered the criminals.Then you can leave clues for the police,or look for opportunities to escape.Learn to protect ourselves,so that you can grow up safely and enjoy your wonderful life!


receive和recept是近义词组。一、receive1、receive单词发音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0v],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0v]。2、receive词性和意思不及物动词时意为“接收”。及物动词时意为“收到;接待;接纳”。二、recept1、recept单词发音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0t],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0t] 。2、recept词性和意思n.(名词),意思是收入,收益;收据,收条,字据,发票;收到,接收,接受,接到;收到的物;收到的款项,进款;配方;制法;收税所;收购量。v.(动词),意思是承认收到;<主美>出具...的收据;在...上注明收讫字样;开收条, 开收据;签收;付清;收到,接收;给…开收据。扩展资料:一、receive短语搭配1、Receive Shadows接受阴影 ; 接收阴影。2、receive mode接收模式 ; 接收方式 ; 接纳形式 ; 接收短消息。3、receive buffer接收缓冲区 ; 缓冲器 ; 器容量 ; 接收缓存。4、receive dividends分红 ; 分到红利 ; 分红利。5、Receive Illumination接受自发光。6、Receive tank回收箱 ; 接收箱。7、Receive Textbooks教材领取。8、Receive miss接球失误。9、receive sunrise迎来日出。二、recept短语搭配1、parcel receipt小包收据 ; 包裹收条 ; 包裹提单。2、goods receipt货物收据 ; 承运人货物收据 ; 货物收条 ; 收货。3、warehouse receipt[经管]仓单 ; 仓库收据 ; 提货单。4、Depository Receipt存托凭证 ; 预托证券 ; 保管收据。5、gross receipt总收入 ; 收入总额 ; 总收入款。6、receipt voucher收款凭证 ; 收据 ;[会计]收款单据 ; 收入凭单。7、duty receipt[税收]完税收据 ; 税款收据 ;[税收]纳税收据 ; 翻译。8、receipt notification接收通知 ; 翻译 ; 回条通知 ; 回执通知。参考资料来源:百度百科-receive百度百科-Receipt


receipt 接收Accept 接受


recept ["ri:sept]n. 对相似物体之连续感觉而形成感觉, 感受receipt [re·ceipt || r?"s??t]n. 收到, 接到; 收到的物品; 收据; 收入v. 出具...的收据; 在...上注明收讫字样; 承认收到


《Richard Matheson"s Hell House》(Richard Matheson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/18K-6DbLv3f4GCsMVkTJa5w 提取码:tz3w书名:Richard Matheson"s Hell House作者:Richard Matheson出版社:IDW Publishing出版年份:2008-10-22页数:200内容简介:IDW brings you this lavishly illustrated adaptation of Richard Matheson"s tale of newspaper publisher Rudolph Deutsch facing his impending demise. To help Deutsch forestall his death and to learn the secrets of life after death, a team of experts must survive a night in Belasco House, a place known amongst the local townsfolk as "Hell House". The notorious Belasco House starts to exert its dark influence on the group of scientists and spiritualists as they unearth the perverse and wretched secrets from within its walls. Hell House has let them in...but will it ever let them leave?


答案: 解析: consideration; considering;关心的,体贴的;值得考虑的;重要的

When I ________in the kitchen,nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving

work out可以解决, 设计出, 作出, 计算出, 消耗完work out不是“工作、干活”的意思。如果说在厨房里干活,直接用work,简洁明快。

pay repay place replace的区别是什么?

pay和repay和place和replace的区别:意思不同、词性不同、用法不同。pay可作名词和动词,意为付费、交纳、偿还、工资等;repay只作动词,意为归还、酬报、报答等;place可作名词和动词,意为位置、安放等;replace只作动词,意为代替、更新等。1、当pay作为动词时,意为付费;付酬;交纳;偿还;赢利;创收。例句:My company pays well .我公司给的工资很高。Have you paid him the rent yet?你向他付房租了没有?It"s hard to make farming pay.种庄稼获利很不容易。You"ll pay for that remark!你要为你的话付出代价的!2、当pay作为名词时,意为工资;薪水,是不可数名词。例句:Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

【求助成功】CASTEP计算中gateway timed out是什么问题啊?求解答

我在算一些大体系的时候,如果设置不太正确会导致服务器内存不够,进入假死状态,就会出现这个提示。另外,如果程序被stop了,之后如何恢复、继续运算被暂停的任务?可以继续前面的任务吗?fuzp(站内联系TA)Tools-->server console,选中你用的gateway,然后右键查看属性,connection里就有timeout. 这个communication failure并不表示计算任务失败,任务还是在算,只是你和server之间的网络连接出了问题,网络好了之后,重新会显示任务还在running.后面的问题,你可以用"断电、任务、materials studio"作为关键词来搜索。百合绘梦(站内联系TA)可是任务栏里面已经出现了job failure啊~~是不是恢复不了啊谢谢大虾们的帮助:):):)fuzp(站内联系TA)job failure的原因很多的,如果只是因为连接的问题,那是可以自动恢复的,其他的问题就要看具体算什么以及算到那里了,比如刚开始算就出问题,那就重新提交任务吧。ilyx8050(站内联系TA)stop 了之后就没法继续算了,最多只能用已经优化了一部分的结构接着算apple1357(站内联系TA)Originally posted by 百合绘梦 at 2009-5-1 12:28:在使用CASTEP计算一个作业时,出现如下错误提示:Error while monitoring job RT390: Failure in gateway communication while gettingjob message.Job Status: Communication-failure尽管出现以上错误提示,但是此时计算机的内存及cpu使用仍然很高(cpu100%),好像作业仍在计算。关掉那个错误提示小窗口,Job control窗口中显示作业仍然处于Communication-failure状态。-->计算大系统时,经常会出现这样的问题,多与超时,或系统繁忙有关。a) 增加GATEWAY的连接时间;b)计算时,需要保存中间数据,默认的保存间隔对于小系统不存在问题,计算大系统时,应该延长这个时间,比如CASTEP默认的是每分钟保存一次,可延长到2小时或更多;c) 一个不经意的问题是磁盘空间,大系统的计算时,会产生很大的数据文件,尤其是在几何优化和分子动力学的计算中,磁盘空间的耗尽也会导致这样的问题;d) 与上一个问题相关的,系统内存的耗尽。一般地,物理内存之外,系统有虚拟内存,如果这两者之和仍然不够使用,就会出现这样的问题;可通过我在算一些大体系的时候,如果设置不太正确会导致服务器内存不够,进入假死状态,就会出现这个提示。又一次就算提示job failure了,不理它还是可以算的。”


  英文单词depart的中文意思   英 [du026au02c8pɑ:t] 美 [du026au02c8pɑ:rt]   第三人称单数:departs现在分词:departing过去分词:departed过去式:departed   动词 离开,出发; 去世; 离职; 脱轨   相关例句   不及物动词   1. When does the next train depart?   下一次列车什么时候开?   2. He is unwilling to depart from regular practice.   他不愿意背离常规。   3. They departed at noon.   他们于中午离开。   英文单词depart的词典解释   1. 离开;启程;动身;出发   When something or someone departs from a place, they leave it and start a journey to another place.   e.g. Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April...   我们这次旅行于 3月 31 号从希思罗机场出发,4 月 16 号返回。   e.g. In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney...   麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。   2. 背离;违背   If you depart from a traditional, accepted, or agreed way of doing something, you do it in a different or unexpected way.   e.g. Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?...   为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?   e.g. It takes a brave cook to depart radically from the traditional Christmas menu.   一个厨师要彻底颠覆传统的圣诞节菜肴是需要很大勇气的。   3. 辞(职);离(职)   If someone departs from a job, they resign from it or leave it. In American English, you can say that someone departs a job.   e.g. Lipton is planning to depart from the company he founded.   利普顿打算离开他创立的那家公司。   e.g. ...a number of staff departed during his reign as rector of the Royal College of Art...   在他担任皇家艺术学院院长期间有好几名教师辞职了。   4. 去世;离开人世   When someone departs this life, or departs this earth, they die.   e.g. He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.   他带着一种已完成使命的满足感离开了这个世界。   英文单词depart的双语例句   1. We depart for the north with the tide.   我们顺势挥师北进。   2. The three wooden race elders deeply respect to me one bow, floating to depart.   三位木族长老又对我深深地敬一躬,飘然离去。   3. If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.   请你离开我吧!你若向左,我就向右;你若向右,我就向左。   4. That, which I was about to depart on.   这张照片是公开的。   5. Put me down and depart on your way.   放下而且离开我,走你的路吧。   6. They will depart from Beijing for Canada on May 23, 2005 to undertake 5 week research in Canada.   他们将在今年 5月23日集体赴加拿大进行为期5周的访问。   7. They haven"t made up their mind when to depart on the journey.   他们还没下定决心什么时候开始旅行。   8. Some companies have taken measures to depart women from hazardous subtance on the work in order to protect unborn baby.   有些公司已采取了措施,不让妇女从事可能接触有害物质的工作,以便保护未出生的孩子。

21. ____at the airport, David found his friend had departed.


At its core is a cluster of neurons deep in the brain known as the amygdala.

这是个倒装句,正常语序是:A cluster of neurons deep in the brain known as the amygdala is at its core.表位置关系的的介词短语(这里是at its core)放在句首时用全部倒装语序========如有疑问,马上追问!祝学习进步========

the guest having departed为什么用having?

非谓语动词,having done表示已完成。The man having left, I went back home.那个人走了,我就回家了。

Departed Story 歌词

歌曲名:Departed Story歌手:joker专辑:Break The Darkness《Departed Story》---JOKERSong by:SunStill awaken, 在这漆黑的深夜In this dark night. 我仍无法入睡Running out all the feelings, 在一片空虚中in the hollow. 失去所有感觉All leaves fall, 树叶全都落下on the weeping ground. 落在这片哭泣的大地上Counting departure of happiness, 在我破碎的心中in my broken heart. 细数着过去的欢乐I passed by the mirror. 我从镜子边走过Your smell spreads all over. 空气中仍然弥漫着你的香气When I come to realize, 当我后知后觉they"ve all,all become to a dream, 那些东西全都成为了out of my touch. 一个我不所能及的梦Can"t believe, 无法相信Now is the end. 现在已是结局Like the river gone, 就像河水奔腾into the ocean. 流入大海Still waiting, 仍在等待for the miracle comes. 希望奇迹的来临Looking at the white snow, 注视着白色的雪reflecting my heart. 反映出我的心I was trapped in misty, 我被你的笑容所迷惑by the shadow of your smile. 陷于其中不能自拔When I come to realize, 当我后知后觉they"ve all,all become a dream 那些东西已经成为一个梦I"ll love you forever, 我会永远爱你I"ll miss you forever. 我会永远想你In the pain, 在痛苦中I"ll walk along the way. 我仍继续前行I"ll always remember, 我永远不会忘记it"s a story called "Ever". 这是一个叫做“曾经”的故事Close my eyes, 闭上双眼be a part of time. 让时间把我带走吧I,I fly to the sky, 我飞上天空and jump into the sea, 跳进大海to look for myself. 去寻找自我Through destiny, 在命运中seek my soul, 寻找我的灵魂that bring me away. 并让它带我远去Can"t believe, 无法相信Now is the end. 现在已是结局Like the river gone, 就像河水奔腾into the ocean. 流入大海Still waiting, 仍在等待for the miracle comes. 希望奇迹的来临Looking at the white snow, 注视着白色的雪reflecting my heart. 反映出我的心I was trapped in misty, 我被你的笑容所迷惑by the shadow of your smile. 陷于其中不能自拔When I come to realize, 当我后知后觉they"ve all,all become a dream 那些东西已经成为一个梦I"ll love you forever, 我会永远爱你I"ll miss you forever. 我会永远想你In the pain, 在痛苦中I"ll walk along the way. 我仍继续前行I"ll always remember, 我永远不会忘记it"s a story called "Ever". 这是一个叫做“曾经”的故事Close my eyes, 闭上双眼be a part of time. 让时间把我带走吧I"ll love you forever, 我会永远爱你I"ll miss you forever. 我会永远想你In the pain, 在痛苦中I"ll walk along the way. 我仍继续前行I"ll always remember, 我永远不会忘记it"s a story called "Ever". 这是一个叫做“曾经”的故事Close my eyes, 闭上双眼be a part of time. 让时间把我带走吧I"ll love you forever, 我会永远爱你I"ll miss you forever. 我会永远想你In the pain, 在痛苦中I"ll walk along the way. 我仍继续前行I"ll always remember, 我永远不会忘记it"s a story called "Ever". 这是一个叫做“曾经”的故事Close my eyes, 闭上双眼be a part of time. 让时间把我带走吧.......................http://music.baidu.com/song/27285984

No silent prayer for the faith-departed是什么意思啊

默祷没有为失去信仰,离开 第一个回答


  depart做动词有离开;死亡等意思,那么你知道couple的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   depart的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: departed   过去分词: departed   现在分词: departing   depart的用法:   depart的用法1:depart作为不及物动词,基本意思是“离开,动身,出发”,指离开或偏离原来的位置,多指火车、汽车、轮船和飞机等,按行车〔船〕时刻表中所规定的时间“离开”,也可指离开某人或离开某种境况。   depart的用法2:depart除几个习语外,极少用作及物动词。   depart的用法3: 短语 depart from可作“背离”“不按照”“不遵守”“不按u2026行事”解。   depart的用法4:depart不可用作“(互相)分别”解。   depart的用法5:depart属非延续性动词,表示一时的动作,所以在用于完成时态时不能与表示延续一段时间的状语连用。   depart的过去式例句:   1. He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.   他带着一种已完成使命的满足感离开了这个世界。   2. When she had departed, they fell to fighting among themselves.   她走后,他们便互相打了起来。   3. We held services for the departed.   我们为死者举行了仪式。   4. She had departed upstairs for a lie-down.   她去了楼上小睡一会儿。   5. He departed baseball in the "60s.   他在20世纪60年代告别了 棒球 场。   6. In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney.   麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。   7. They departed without uttering a word.   他们一言不发地离开了。   8. your dear departed brother   你挚爱的亡兄   9. He departed from the text to tell an anecdote.   他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事.   10. He departed early in the morning.   他一大早就离开了.   11. They have departed for London.   他们已出发去伦敦.   12. He departed his life.   他离开了人间.   13. The ships departed on the tide.   那几艘船在涨潮时启航.   14. The ship departed on the high water.   这条船在高潮时离港.   15. He departed from France.   他离开法国了.

奥斯卡获奖影片The Departed为什么翻译成“无间行者”或“无间道风云”?


奥斯卡获奖影片The Departed为什么翻译成“无间行者”或“无间道风云”?

nameforever说的很好,我想应该是这样的。不过还有一点:不一定要完全更具影片原来的名字翻译的比如张艺谋的《黄金甲》在奥斯卡的英文官方名是“Curse of yellow blossom”(中文意思:黄花的诅咒。。。有点好笑)呵呵还有《德州电锯杀人狂》这部电影应该知道吧?很有名气但是它的英文名字并没有那么多字,仅仅只有“Saw”一个字。(saw英语里面电锯的意思)。知道的就这点,不知道说的对不对。

为什么美版无间道叫《The Departed》?

《The Departed》是个意味深长的名字 我认为有值得缅怀值得深思值得警醒的隐语 目的在于探讨真中假 假中真 以突出人物身份上的对立冲突来表现社会现实中的种种可能 比如罪恶势力无所不能的渗透 比如对罪犯无技可施 从这个角度来看 其可信度之高是此电影成功的关键

the departed是什么意思呢为什么把这个当

departed 英[du026au02c8pɑ:tu026ad] 美[du026au02c8pɑ:rtu026ad] adj. 死了的,已往的,过去的; v. 出发; 离开( depart的过去式和过去分词 ); 开出; 离职; [例句]He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他抛开了自己准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。[其他] 原型: depart 为什么美版无间道叫TheDeparted为什么美版无间道叫“TheDeparted”?还有一直搞不懂原版为什么叫“无间道”?...答:无间道自然不是人活的地方。而是中永世不得的。影片描述的就是主人公们那生不如死的卧底生活,用个阳光的名字,那就完全没有意境了。

the departed是什么意思呢为什么把这个当?

这叫形容词名词化。要点如下:1. 在形容词前+the,就名词化了,指人,比如the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)等。2. departed是过去分词,当形容词用,意思是离去的,过世的,前面+the,就是死者或逝者的意思。


CozySteps是美国的品牌。它是业界公认的舒适鞋履专家,还拥有历史悠久的高档皮革生产线。它优选高品质皮料,还秉承“舒适、简约、自由、科技”的设计理念,这也为全球消费者提供舒适、精致的品质鞋履。1994年,它在美国加州成立,不过它最先采用的是用手工工艺制作的传统澳洲羊皮靴。它旗下产品包括:生活休闲系列、正装休闲系列、运动休闲系列、雪地靴系列、以及皮包、服饰配饰系列等。COZY STEPS在设计鞋款时,最先注重舒适。它不仅采用高品质动物皮革,还采用全球先进的一体成型制鞋工艺,这可以让鞋面与鞋底无缝融合,瞬间合脚,舒适非凡。2009年,COZY STEPS进入中国市场,还创建了独一无二的“C+O+Z”舒适鞋履生产制造工艺体系。它把最时尚的设计理念带入中国,并根据亚洲人的脚部特征与文化背景在设计中附加了多元的亚洲元素,而“FEEL,FREE自有感受”这句广告语也在亚洲市场得到了更好的诠释。不仅如此,OZY STEPS还率先自我革新。2015年,它将“舒适的都市”设计理念融入店铺形象设计中,并最终确立了以黄、黑、白三色为品牌主色,这也打造了舒适而极具现代感的视觉销售系统。


CozySteps是美国的品牌。它是业界公认的舒适鞋履专家,还拥有历史悠久的高档皮革生产线。它优选高品质皮料,还秉承“舒适、简约、自由、科技”的设计理念,这也为全球消费者提供舒适、精致的品质鞋履。1994年,它在美国加州成立,不过它最先采用的是用手工工艺制作的传统澳洲羊皮靴。它旗下产品包括:生活休闲系列、正装休闲系列、运动休闲系列、雪地靴系列、以及皮包、服饰配饰系列等。COZY STEPS在设计鞋款时,最先注重舒适。它不仅采用高品质动物皮革,还采用全球先进的一体成型制鞋工艺,这可以让鞋面与鞋底无缝融合,瞬间合脚,舒适非凡。2009年,COZY STEPS进入中国市场,还创建了独一无二的“C+O+Z”舒适鞋履生产制造工艺体系。它把最时尚的设计理念带入中国,并根据亚洲人的脚部特征与文化背景在设计中附加了多元的亚洲元素,而“FEEL,FREE自有感受”这句广告语也在亚洲市场得到了更好的诠释。不仅如此,OZY STEPS还率先自我革新。2015年,它将“舒适的都市”设计理念融入店铺形象设计中,并最终确立了以黄、黑、白三色为品牌主色,这也打造了舒适而极具现代感的视觉销售系统。

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rhino 无论是 哦iges step 都可以转化
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