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约翰尼德普johnny depp演的一个电影,其中一个片段是他突然把女主角按在墙上亲。


Jhonny Depp拍过多少电影?请给详细资料,原声带有下载地址么?


NBA 2K12 MP模式 eurostep layup dunk spin layup dunk hopstep layup dunk 能力面都是什么扣篮啊?

加速 +投篮

求Pretty Rhythm又名:美妙的旋律、美妙旋律奥罗拉之梦 的HOP!STEP!jump!的歌词(中文)


我想要电影《忠奸人》里开头的一段插曲,比较悲伤迷离的吧。那部电影是Johnny Depp和阿尔帕西诺演的

不知道~关闭问题好可惜的啦·给我好波》》??呵呵 ~~

请问《加勒比海盗2》中男主角Jack船长(Johnny Depp)和女主角有没有感情戏?



那个。。- -唔有,找不到了

关于玛丽莲曼森 他好想很变态 他都做过什么疯狂的事 求大神总结 还有为什么他和johnny depp关系那么好

曼森喜欢收集饭盒和假肢他其实平时挺文艺的 水彩画画的很好 开过个人画展 有很多他的作品的疯狂的事。。比如去颁奖额时候全身赤裸涂黑(搞那个米奇造型) 然后骑了头白猪 还有说在演唱会上撕圣经 然后有次往看台下面扔活的小鸡 其实也不算尺度太大吧谁说warner不能跟depp关系好的 囧 cob还跟布兰妮合唱“oops i did it again”呢。。哈哈

守护甜心主题曲中的第一句“Hop! Step! Jump! Draw ! Draw! Drawn!是什么意思?

形象改造术语 小兰:形象改造:亚梦的发夹会变成u2665 Hop:手长翅膀 Step:脚长翅膀 Jump:跳起来 (和小兰形象改造会有很强运动能力。还会变的坦率说出心里的话)美琪:形象改造:亚梦的发夹会变成u2660 Draw:画 Drew:画的过去式 Drawn:画的过去分词 (和美琪形象改造会变得擅长艺术)小丝:形象改造:亚梦的发夹会变成u2663 Chip:薯条 Syrup:糖浆 Whip:搅拌 (和小丝形象改造会变得很有烹饪能力与缝纫能力。 )

Hop!Step!Jump! Drew!Draw!Drawn!Chip!Syrup!Whip!翻译

Hop!Step!Jump! Drew!Draw!Drawn!Chip!Syrup!Whip!跳一步!跳!画,画!了!芯片,糖浆!鞭子!



Hopstep 在篮球里是什么意思

跳跃Triple jump, hop step and jump.三级跳。Hop it now. I want to clear this room for meeting.快走开,我要打扫这房间准备开会。I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign.我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。Hop in, I"ll give you a lift to the station.上车吧,我开车送你去车站。Flying many hop is you go to make in your flight?你这次飞行打算中途停多少个地方?He bounced into the room with a springy step.他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。

Johnny Depp演电影《查理和巧克力工厂》时多大?- -


Johnny Depp主演的 这个电影如何理解

影评写得真不错,我只知道片尾曲是rochester"s farewell,很凄美 我有这首歌,要得话邮箱给我我发给你

全民公敌到底是谁演的?will smith 还是johnny depp


求一篇英语演讲.关于加勒比海盗主角johnny depp的.3分钟左右.要有中文翻译。

I believe that most of people have seen the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".Is there anyone knows the leading actor? He is Johnny Depp Johnny Depp is one of the best famous film star in Hollywood.He has been one of the hottest celebrities in the world for nearly twenty years. His handsome looks and obvious acting talent ensure he is always ranked very high on lists such as this. Depp is also my favorite actor.He has many excellent films,such as Pirates of the Caribbean,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and so on.He always keeps a big smile on his face when meets his fans.I hope you can see some films of his,I"m sure that you will like him as well. Thanks。==============================================================三分钟够不??要不再给你发点德普的英文简介。。。。

Stuck On Repeat 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck On Repeat歌手:Little Boots专辑:HandsYou got me stuck on repeatand I just can"t seem to break free,you got me stuck on repeatI can only move to the beatAnd I don"t remember how it started and I don"t know how to stop,but every time I reach the bottomsomething pulls me right back to the topcoz every time I try (every time I try)every time I try to break freethen something comes along (something comes along)something comes along to interveneMy heart"s skipping (skipping) and I don"t know why,I know every part.But every time i try (every time I try)something comes and pulls me back to the startYou got me stuck on repeatand I just can"t seem to break free,you got me stuck on repeatI can only move to the beatAnd I don"t remember how it started and I don"t know how to stop,but every time I reach the bottomsomething pulls me right back to the topcoz every time I try (every time I try)every time I try to break freethen something comes along (something comes along)something comes along to interveneMy heart"s skipping (skipping) and I don"t know why,I know every part.But every time i try (every time I try)something comes and pulls me back to the startAnd it"s you that makes me move to the beatand it"s you thats got me stuck on repeatevery time I try (every time I try)every time I try to break freethen something comes along (something comes along)something comes along to interveneMy heart"s skipping (skipping) and I don"t know why,I know every part.But every time i try (every time I try)something comes and pulls me back to the startYou got me stuckhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1588863

johnny depp的one的歌词

有朋友给你歌词了.我就不复制粘贴了..呵呵..原唱U2 爱尔兰乐队 百度一下就有信息 了.

Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普 和 Winona Ryder 薇诺娜赖德 到底什么怎么分手啊?


Stuck On Replay 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck On Replay歌手:Scooter专辑:Under The Radar Over The TopScooter - Stuck On ReplayStuck on you.I got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can′t lose.Guess I′m on my way.Mighty glad you stayed.Alright now come on!Gotta live for the moment everyone could be the last.Might be no tomorrow might be no past.Too fast things will change.what you never expect when it′s getting strange.He say she say turn the tune to replay.it′s time and today got big like a DJ.He say she say turn the tune to replay.try it today in a different way yeah.Stuck on you.I got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can′t lose.Guess I′m on my way.Needed a friend.And the way I feel now I guess I′ll be with you ′til the end.Guess I′m on my way.mighty glad you stayed.Alright praise the science!Keep it up keep it up keep it up!Yeah!Right!Vicious is the sight but deepness is the beauty.What you once feared now makes you free.Yeah I won′t hesitate wanna demonstrate what I create.He say she say turn the tune to replay.it′s time and today got big like a DJ.He say she say turn the tune to replay.try it today in a different way yeah.Stuck on you.I got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can′t lose.Guess I′m on my way.Needed a friend.And the way I feel now I guess I′ll be with you ′til the end.Guess I′m on my way... Replay! ...mighty glad you stayed.Praise the science.Wicked yeah!Alright now... are you ready for one more time yeah!Needed a friend.And the way I feel now I guess I′ll be with you ′til the end.Guess I′m on my way.mighty glad you stayed.http://music.baidu.com/song/56515931

有没有Johnny Depp的档案啊?


Johnny Depp的《The Joker》 歌词

歌曲名:The Joker歌手:Johnny Depp专辑:Dark ShadowsWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youTo make sure yesterday doesn"t repeatI took a shortcut homeI left on the street I knowThat they won"t find me hereI found out how to make my mamma proudBe real quiet, don"t talk to loudI try, I try to disappearMy life is for the takingBreak down as your wakingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThis is my last dayShould have had my first kissThanks to myself will I ever be missed I hopeWell maybe I don"t careI wear my T around my neckI Love so much, gotta love it to deathTonight, see the world through my eyesMy life is for the takingBreak down as your racingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on you-BY TAKO哥-http://music.baidu.com/song/14000812

关于 Johny Deep 约翰尼 德普


求Johnny Depp的所有电影?谢谢!


Jonny Depp 详细的资料?

强尼-戴普(Jonny Depp) 出生地:Owensboro,美国肯塔基 从80年代帅到二十一世纪的演员强尼-戴普,在好 莱坞维持声名的法宝,除了流传不辍的绯闻外,就是他狂放不羁的迷人性格。 强尼-戴普出生于美国肯德基州的一个中产阶级家庭,从小他的父母不断迁移,15岁时终于正式宣告离婚,他在接受媒体访问时,提到小时候的生活:“ 我对所谓的”家”并没有任何印象,因为有太多个家了。” 青少年时期的强尼戴普不喜欢念书,经常一个人关在房间里苦练吉他,从高中辍学之后,他只身前往洛杉矶寻求发展,希望有朝一日能成为摇滚歌星, 却在一次试镜之后,意外地踏上演艺之路,以电视影集【龙虎少年队】迅速走红,成为全美青少年的 偶像。 1984年,强尼戴普以恐怖片【半夜鬼上床】正式进入电影圈,尔后在提姆波顿的【剪刀手爱德华】中的演出,不但让他首度获得金球奖提名,更让他与 合作女星薇诺纳瑞德陷入热恋并订婚,而这场婚约共维持了三年。1993年时,强尼戴普再次以【帅哥娇娃】一片获得提名,翌年在与提姆波顿二次合作 的另类黑白片【艾德伍德】中精湛的演出,更是让 他第三度荣获金球奖最佳男主角奖提名。 喜欢挑战多样化角色演出的强尼戴普,还曾经和金奖影帝艾尔帕西诺演出【惊天爆】,与两大演技派老牌明星马龙白兰度和费唐娜薇合演【这个男人有 点色】,以及参与吉姆贾木许执导的【你看见死亡的颜色吗?】、非主流影片的库斯托力卡的【亚历桑纳梦游】等片。 1999年,强尼戴普与鬼才导演提姆波顿三度合作,演出【断头谷】中神经质的探长一角,令观众印象深刻;而在【浓情巧克力】中多情吉普赛浪子的角色,更让曾身为乐团吉他手的强尼戴普首度在银幕上表演吉他、大唱情歌,一圆他的音乐梦。今年强 尼戴普更以【一世狂野】中几近个人秀的演出而大 获好评,他的新作惊悚悬疑片【开膛手】,近来也 刚在美国上映,首映当周便夺得票房冠军。 不过强尼戴普的才华不限于演戏,他于1997年自编自导自演了【勇气】一片,不但请来马龙白兰度跨刀演出,影片还入围坎城影展竞赛,并风光地在影展中举行首映。 不过强尼戴普最引人注意的除了他丰富的演出作品之外,还是那精彩的恋爱史。与他谈过恋爱的女星名单可列出一长串,从薇诺娜瑞德起,一直到雪琳芬珍妮佛葛蕾、骨感名模凯特摩丝等人。火爆的强尼戴普还曾因为与凯特摩丝发生争吵,愤而捣毁了纽约一个每晚两千美元的旅馆房间,并因此被捕入狱。 1997年后,强尼戴普爱上了法国女演员兼歌手凡妮 莎帕哈迪丝,1999年五月凡妮莎还为他生下了女儿 ,取名百合玫瑰(Lily-Rose)。从此以后曾被人喻为 “好莱坞坏小孩”的强尼戴普开始转性,完全是一 副奶爸形象见人,常常被狗仔队拍到他提著大包小 包尿布或是推著婴儿车戴女出门的天伦模样,跟他以往颓废的形象简直有著天壤之别。 约翰尼 .德普 Johnny Depp 影视作品: (2003) 加勒比海盗 Pirates of the Caribbean, The (2001) 美国毒枭 Blow (2001) 来自地狱 From Hell (2000) 浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000) 当黑夜降临 Before Night Falls (2000) 纵情四海 Man Who Cried, The (1999) 第九道门 Ninth Gate, The (1999) 断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999) 宇航员的妻子 Astronaut"s Wife, The (1998) 恐惧拉斯维加斯 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1997) 惊天爆/忠奸人 Donnie Brasco (1997) 英雄少年历险记 Brave, The (1995) 千钧一发 Nick of Time (1995) 这个男人有点色 Don Juan DeMarco (1995) 你看见死亡的颜色吗? Dead Man (1994) 艾得伍德 Ed Wood (1993) 亚历桑那梦游 Arizona Dream (1993) 恋恋情深 What"s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon (1991) 半夜鬼上床第九集 Freddy"s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1990) 剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands (1990) 哭泣宝贝 Cry-Baby (1986) 野战排 Platoon (1984) 猛鬼街 A Nightmare On Elm Street



Johnny Depp的电影《来自地狱》结局是什么意思?


Johnny Depp 的老婆的简介...

他还没结婚涅。。是说他女友吧。。。凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝14岁出道就以一曲“Joe Le Taxi”红遍法国乃至欧洲,是80、90年代的法国最红的玉女明星。她出唱片,拍电影,出写真,拍广告,是法国史上第一位成功打入美国市场的女歌手。   在法国,瓦妮莎?帕拉迪相当有名气。现在,作为约翰尼?德普(Johnny Depp)的女友和他孩子的母亲,知道她的人越来越多。这无疑巩固了她做歌手时为自己赢得的名声。   瓦妮莎·帕拉迪1972年生于法国圣姆尔,4岁时,在舞蹈上显示 约翰尼·德普其艺术天赋,舞姿轻盈准确;7岁时,她演唱的"美丽的埃米丽"情真动听,赢得了听众的心。随后,她进军歌坛。当时,玛丽莲·梦露是她的偶象;但她也推崇60年代嬉皮士的风格,经常穿一身豹斑印花衣衫,外披皮制小坎肩,象嬉皮士一样四处演唱。正如所有精彩故事中的女主角那样,一开始她遇到不少挫折。没有人对她的唱片感兴趣;在大街上有人对她出言不逊;更有甚者在她住所墙上大涂不恭的漫画。一次民意测验,竟有人把小小的她列入"法国最可恨的人"之一。原因大概就是她不得体的造型,使人们把她想象成"荡妇"。一次,她上台演唱,人们向她喝倒彩。为了不被倒彩声所淹没,她用脚后跟踩着拍子坚持唱完。观众的不理解,反使她对艺术的追求更执着。终于在其14岁时,以一曲《知情的出租车》勇夺法国电台排行榜12周冠军及金唱片奖。这次成功让她重新燃起希望之火,唱片频出。不少对她持反对态度的人也改变了看法,觉得她并不是录音室内的"产物",而是个有实力的歌手。渐渐地,赞扬声替代了倒彩声。   16岁那年,她因为在《白色的婚礼》(NoceBlanche)中的出众表演获得了恺撒电影奖(这无疑是法语影片的奥斯卡奖),使行家及观众对其刮目相看,被誉为法国最有希望的影坛新人。也正是在这个时候,瓦妮萨发现自己对表演比对唱歌更有兴趣。她又先后出演了影片《爱丽莎的情人》(Elisa)和《术士的爱情》(Un Amour de Sorciere),她在电影方面的努力也可谓立竿见影。遗憾的是,1998年1月,瓦妮萨在加拿大遇到一场摩托雪橇事故,摔断了双腿。这使她在很长时间中都无法拍戏。92年,她为法国香奈尔"COCO"香水拍广告后,那清纯秀丽的造型,顿使那些诋毁她的污言秽语不击自破。   成名后的瓦妮莎本想在大西洋的另一端──美洲"消失"并"找回自我",过隐居的自由自在的生活;但自从她出了一张以自己名字命名的唱片后,瓦妮莎热浪席卷了整个美国。观众需要她,她也需要观众。每到一处人们都表现了对她的厚爱,唱片销售量高达100万张。 94年,她打算赴欧洲、日本和加拿大作巡回演出。如今,瓦妮莎·帕拉迪斯神采飞扬,信心百倍。她说,为了证明我对事业的真诚与执着,我将继续登台,因为在舞台上是无法弄虚作假的。最近,瓦妮莎?帕拉迪将注意力更多地集中在了电影和模特业,离她的音乐事业似乎越来越远了。虽然如此,她甜美曼妙的歌声仍然是她的音乐和她本人与众不同的标志。瓦妮莎?帕拉迪是一个漂亮而有才华的女人。面对成功,她仍然脚踏实地,头脑静。这是大家非常欣赏的品质。编辑本段德普和凡妮莎   " 没有人比我们俩更相爱."   “我相信一见钟情,但我对约翰尼的感觉甚至超过一见钟情。我在遇见约翰尼之前很多年就喜欢他了,这听起来很愚蠢,但就是那么回事。当我们遇见那一瞬间我们就知道,“那个人就是他了”,而事实证明我们是准的。我不相信还有任何两个人跟我们一样相爱。人们可能认为爱上一个那样的男人很容易,因为他是那么的有魅力。但是,约翰尼的内心比外在更吸引我。”   ——凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯   “走红毯就像是动物园里的动物。”   “很少有什么事比走红毯更让我害怕。约翰尼已经对首映式和走红地毯习以为常,但对我来说太可怕了。走红毯这事没法让我感到享受。对我来说幸福就是能与我的家人一起,做简单的事情如在花园里玩和在海滩上散步。”   ——凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯   1998年凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 在法国拍摄《第九道门》时结识约翰尼·德普,成功地让这位浪子成为居家型好男人的女人,也许只有凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝!   如今 已是约翰尼·德普 的妻子,育有一子一女,感情甚笃。   凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 2000年发行的专辑《Bliss》正是为丈夫德普和他们的女儿而做,约翰尼·德普为其中若干只歌曲做吉他手,而你也可以听到女儿 Lily-Rose Melody Depp 稚嫩的婴儿声音。《Bliss》专辑立时大卖,登上法国金曲排行榜第一名的宝座。   凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 和约翰尼·德普 夫妇在好莱坞、巴黎、曼哈顿、巴哈马群岛都有房产,不过,他们主要是在好莱坞贝弗利山和法国南部Plan-de-la-Tour轮流住。 德普夫妇之前为ChanelRougeCoco唇膏代言时,凡妮莎帕拉迪丝唱了一首歌,名叫做《白日梦的好日子》。其实,GRAZIA觉得,真女人根本就不知道怎么做白日梦。她哪里需要干这个?反倒是很多女人都在做着成为她的梦,一场美得不能再美的梦。   凡妮莎帕拉迪丝曾经说过:Chanel这个词就像魔法一样,如铃铛般清脆,似歌声般缭绕,简直就是音乐;Coco是除了Chanel以外最好听的词。念起来简短有力,让人印象深刻。现在,第三个C字头的词来了,Cocoon。念起来是什么感觉?   还有谁比凡妮莎更自信更自我主张更独特品味更无拘无束?用约翰尼德普的话来说,“她就像一道闪电,充满光辉。她从不骄傲自负,她真是个可爱有趣又酷酷的女孩,我从未遇见过像她这样的人。”   德普当年被凡妮莎穿着露背装的背影迷住,时至今日仍然如痴如醉。世界上三分之二的人都是通过德普才认识了凡妮莎,虽然她在法国早已家喻户晓,是非常优秀的歌手、演员、模特;是“牙缝美女”的第一代掌门人……但在大多数的娱乐新闻中,她的名字前总是带着“海盗老婆”的提示语。   其实,凡妮莎并不是海盗老婆。她从未想过要和德普结婚,至少到目前为止没想过。在某次接受采访时,德普被问及为什么至今不婚,他说:“这会毁了她的姓。Vanessa Paradis是多么完美的名字啊。如果在她的姓变为“Paradis-Depp”,就像加里注解一样。其实从某种意义上来说我们已经结婚了,我们有两个小孩,她是我生命中的女人。如果她坚持认为我们应该结婚的话,我会毫不犹豫地娶她。如果她对我说‘嘿,让我们拴在一起吧。"我下一秒就会和她结婚。如果我们的小孩觉得我们应该结婚的话,我们也会这样做。”叽哩咕噜说这么多,表达的只是两个意思:第一,这女人太完美了,连名字都属于填一笔多余,少一笔可惜,第二,不是我不想结婚,我不求婚只是因为我没把握她会点头。   目前,凡妮莎的亲密爱人正在威尼斯紧锣密鼓地演电影,与其搭档的是世界上最著名的“拆迁办主任”安吉丽娜朱莉;电影还打出了堪比“史密斯夫妇续集”的宣传口号。后来,凡妮莎赤裸上身登上某时尚杂志的封面好事者忙不迭叫嚣:海盗老婆终于要对朱莉示威了。哈哈哈,用得着吗?朱莉瘦得形销骨立,凡妮莎如果真想示威,根本不用脱衣服,牙缝里的冷气就足够把她吹个大跟头。况且她现在还有更好的办法:CocoCocoon尺寸多多,宽大的旅行提袋,肩背的邮差包选一个最大的把德普装进去,直接拎回家。

弗莱迪海默和JOHNNY DEPP 拍过什么电影

查理与巧克力工厂 寻找梦幻岛

那首johnny depp的歌词及翻译~

Johnny Depp, You"re deep. I"d like to watch you when you sleep and smell the shirt in which you slept, Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp You"re hip. I"d like to bite your lower lip and scrunch your Edward Scissorhair, Johnny Bear. You"ve got tattoos One said "Wynona" I know. But you broke up with her and now it just says, "W(h)y no!" Johnny Depp You"re cool. You"re the harbinger of drool. Mow my lawn without a shirt, Johnny Dirt. John A John B John C John D John E he he. You like girls with foreign accents, Tiny waists I"m not a waif, but I could love you more than you would probably deserve! Johnny Depp You"re the bomb. If you come to meet my mom, I"d cry you single salty tear, Johnny Dear. John A John B John C John D John E he he..( Come see me after the show.) pp你是一个高深莫测的人,我喜欢在你睡觉的时候看着你,闻着你睡觉时穿的衬衫的味道。哦~pp pp你是一个嬉皮士,我喜欢咬住你的下唇,揉皱你爱德华样的剪刀头。可爱的pp 我知道你已经刺上了写着“薇诺娜”的花纹,但你与她分手了,现在那只写着“酒鬼”。 pp你非常酷!你是让我们兴奋地流口水的预兆。在我的草场上不穿着衬衫地刈草。脏兮兮的pp 一个John,两个John,三个John,四个John,五个John 他,就是他。 你喜欢有外国口音的女孩儿,细细的腰。我并不是一个流浪者,但是我可以爱你比你也许值得的要更多。 pp你是一个大炸弹。如果你来看我的妈妈,那我会为你流下一行咸咸的泪来。亲爱的pp 一个John,两个John,三个John,四个John,五个John 他,就是他。(演出后要来看我) 演唱者:Amy Anne

有关约翰尼·德普Johnny Depp的问题

本来想回答。。。NND ~都有准确答案了。看了下~基本都是正解。。他现在的女朋友只能叫女朋友。。不能说是老婆。。还没有举行婚礼。。不过总是传结婚的消息。其他都很准确

关于Johnny Depp 的英文介绍

Johnny Depp,I love you!老师有爱的话,就自然懂了嘿嘿

johnny deep 算不算好莱坞大牌?


Johnny Depp(约翰尼·德普)都演过哪些电影?

罪恶都市3 Sin City 3 (2009) (未证实) .... Wallace 朗姆酒日记 The Rum Diary (2009) .... Paul Kemp 暗影 Dark Shadows (2010) (未证实) .... Barnabas Collins 香特拉姆 Shantaram (2009) .... Lindsay 公敌 Public Enemies (2009.7.1) .... John Dillin帕纳萨斯博士的奇幻剧院 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) 理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007.12.21) .... Sweeney Todd 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End (2007.5.19) .... Jack Sparrow 加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest (2006.6.24) .... Jack Sparrow 僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride (2005.9.16) (声演) .... Victor Van Dort 查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005.7.10) .... Willy Wonka 浪荡子 The Libertine (2004.9.16) .... Rochester 寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland (2004.9.4) .... Sir James Matthew Barrie 他们结婚了还有很多孩子 Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d"enfants (2004.8.25) .... L"inconnu 秘窗 Secret Window (2004.3.12) .... Mort Rainey 墨西哥往事三部曲之三 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003.9.12) .... Sands 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003.6.28) .... Jack Sparrow 来自地狱 From Hell (2001.10.17) .... Inspector Frederick Abberline 大毒枭 Blow (2001.3.29) .... George Jung 浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000.12.15) .... Roux 当黑夜降临 Before Night Falls (2000.10.12) .... Lt. Victor 纵情四海 The Man Who Cried (2000.9.22) .... Cesar断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999.11.19) .... Ichabod Crane 宇航员的妻子 The Astronaut"s Wife (1999.8.27) .... Commander Spencer Armacost 第九道门 The Ninth Gate (1999.12.24) .... Dean Corso 恐惧拉斯维加斯 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998.5.22) .... Raoul Duke 英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997.6.9) .... Raphael 忠奸人 Donnie Brasco (1997.2.28) .... Donnie Brasco / Joseph D. "Joe" Pistone 千钧一发 Nick of Time (1995.11.22) .... Gene Watson 离魂异客 Dead Man (1995.5.10) .... William Blake 这个男人有点色 Don Juan DeMarco (1995.4.7) .... Don Juan 艾德·伍德 Ed Wood (1994.9.28) .... Ed Wood 不一样的天空 What"s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993.12.25) .... Gilbert Grape 邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon (1993.4.16) .... Sam 亚历桑那梦游 Arizona Dream (1993.9.9) .... Axel Blackmar 猛鬼街6 Freddy"s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991.9.13) .... Guy on TV 剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands (1990.12.14) .... Edward Scissorhands 哭泣宝贝 Cry-Baby (1990.4.6) .... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker 野战排 Platoon (1986.12.24) .... Private Gator Lerner 私人手段 Private Resort (1985.5.3) .... Jack 猛鬼街 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984.11.16) .... Glen Lantz

Johnny Depp 详细资料

全名:约翰·克里斯托弗·德普二世昵称:Mr. Stench(self-chosen)(臭先生)、Colonel、杰克船长   星座:双子座   出生地:美国Kentucky(肯塔基州)的Owensboro(欧温斯波洛)   身高:5尺10英寸或1.78米(IMDB官方请勿修改)   体重: 70 kg   家人:父亲(小布什,美国城市工程师)、母亲(Betty Sue Palmer服务员)、姐姐(Christie Dembrowski个人经理)、兄弟(D.P. Depp 作家,编剧)   前妻:Lori Anne Allison(1983-1985)   前女友:Sherilyn Fenn、Jennifer Grey、Winona Ryder(《剪刀手爱德华》女主角)、Kate Moss   现任女友:Vanessa Paradis   儿女:女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp(born on May 27, 1999)、儿子John Christopher Depp III (但在家中他和Vanessa喜欢叫他Jack)(born on April 9, 2002)




What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.  You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.  In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.  Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.  What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.  By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. these things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.世界上最重要的东西是什么?我认为是健康的。你可以拿走我们的钱,房子,汽车,甚至衣服,我们依旧可以生存。但是如果我们没有健康了,我们肯定会死。这就是为什么我们总是试图保持健康的饮食,并且经常运动的原因。为了吃的健康,我通常避免吃高脂肪食物,如薯条或饼干。我也吃一点肉。我吃很多的蔬菜和富含维生素的新鲜水果。每天锻炼有助于我们建立一个强壮的身体。有规律的锻炼是保持健康的一个重要组成部分。什么'更重要的是,我认为朋友是一'重要组成部分的健康。许多研究表明,与社会接触广泛的人患病不比那些没有'我总是感觉更好,当我比朋友当我是孤独的。当我和我的朋友们,我总是笑。笑也是健康的重要组成部分。我喜欢和朋友们在一起。通过适当的饮食和定期运动,我可以保持我的身体在一个适当的体重和保持健康。通过花时间与我的朋友,我可以让我的心,以及我的身体感到高兴。这些事听起来容易做,但不是很多人可以管理它们。我想如果我们想保持健康,坚强的意志是必要的。


有二个原因,这是因为你的主板没有电池了,或者你的主板的BIOS,出现错乱了,造成也你的主板的启动项变成软驱了,而不是光驱或者硬盘,又出现主板自检到软驱,所以要按F1才能继续。一、换一粒主板电池。二、如果上1步没有效果,解决方法如下:按F2或者DEL(屏幕上有提示,具体按屏幕提示)进入BIOS中设置。1、将BIOS设置为出厂默认。开机按DEL进BIOS设置-在BIOS主界面,用键盘方向键→←选“Exit”,在Exit界面用键盘方向键↓↑选 “Load Setup Defauits”(载入安全默认值)- 按F10-选“OK”-回车-保存退出BIOS设置。2、关闭软驱。开机按DEL进BIOS设置-在BIOS主界面,用键盘方向键→←选“Main”-在Main界面用键盘方向键↓↑选“Legacy Diskette A”,使其反白-回车-进“Options”对话框中-用键盘方向键↓↑选“Disabled”-回车。3、设置错误信息提示。在BIOS主界面,用键盘方向键→←选“Boot”-在Boot 界面用键盘方向键↓↑选“Boot Settings Configuration”,使其反白-回车-进“Boot Settings Configuration”界面-用键盘方向键↓↑选“Wait For ‘F1" lf ERROR”,使其反白-回车-进“Options”对话框-用键盘方向键↓↑选“Disabled”-回车

how to make yourself independent英语作文?

这个题目需要修正,英文作文范围要清晰:How to make yourself " financial " independent 1. Make a planning of financial statement every year 2. seriously execute the plans.3. Review and revise the planning and getting evidence of good or bad.4. Live happier with independent financial situation.


是OCEANS啦Oceans Deep--Sons Of Day Sons Of Day 是一支alternative rock风格的四人乐队,成立于2005年.由Roman Bellos和他的其他伙伴Vlad, Bogdan,Scottie组成.不经意间听到了这首歌,Oceans Deep,反复地听了一晚上,喜欢这个声音,听着,心情变得淡定,坦然,温暖,如大海最深处,每当他唱到“My oceans deep, my rivers wide...”,心都快跟着融化了.~~Oceans Deep Even though the world I"m in 即使我所生活的世界The perfect pitch this way appears 以怎样完美的状态呈现The greatest pressures of my sin don"t disappear那沉重的伤感始终挥之不去Although alive and with how much 或许我这一生拥有的不多The wishing, well I wished for you 但我将一切美好的祝愿送给你Then I look to see myself within it all 然后尽我的全力去帮你一一实现My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什么我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人I"m lost without it seems so true 失去你的爱已成现实 You left from here from me to you 你从这里离开了我Well my heart is broken 那么好吧 我的心碎了I"m trying can"t you see, can"t you see 但我仍然还在努力 难道你看不到吗 你看不到吗My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什么我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什么我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什么我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什么我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人

Stephen Duffy Featuring Nigel Kennedy的《Galaxy》 歌词

歌曲名:Galaxy歌手:Stephen Duffy Featuring Nigel Kennedy专辑:Music In ColorsWe"re rolling on.We say "So longDarling, I love you" and I...I let you go I watch you goFarther out of view,"Good-bye"And after all the love is overThis loneliness remainsA loneliness to prove my loveOh,well even when a song is overSome melody remainsA memory of harmony and youAs we go along, floating onWooh,the song, will return to meAnd through it all, on and on,Flow through our galaxies"Till we meet again"With open armswe hear the songSongs will have to do, untilWe meet again,how long till then?I"m in love with you. I will......survive until the wait is overWhen you and I againBegin the way we both beganOh, andeven when the song is overThe melody remainsA memory of harmony and youAnd we"ll go along,on and onMove as onewhere we both should beFor after all, we belongTwo in one galaxy"Till we meet again"And so on and on, we belongTwo as one in galaxyWhere throughthe years all can hearOur sweet harmony"Till we meet again""Till we meet again"http://music.baidu.com/song/7959927

歌词中有keep me dropping in your love的是什么歌?

u3000Show Me Your Love(ub2ecucf64ud55c uc2a4ud30cuc774ost) u3000u3000uae30ub2e4ub9acuc9c0ub294 uc54auc544 u3000u3000uadf8ub0e5 uc54cuace0 uc2f6uc744 ubfd0uc774uc57c u3000u3000ub108uc5d0uac8c ubcf4ub0b8 ub9c8uc74c u3000u3000uc9c0uae08 uc5b4ub528ub294uc9c0 u3000u3000uc9c0ub098uac00ub358 ubc14ub78cuc774 u3000u3000uc774ub7f0 ub300ub2f5uc744 ub4e4ub824uc918 u3000u3000ub108uc758 ub9c8uc74c ubcfc uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 u3000u3000uc2a4uce58ub4ef uc9c0ub098uac14ub2e4uace0 u3000u3000show me show me u3000u3000show me your love u3000u3000ub108uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uac8c ud574uc918 u3000u3000take me take me u3000u3000take me my love u3000u3000ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uba38ubb3cub7ecuc918 u3000u3000show me show me u3000u3000show me your love u3000u3000ub108ub97c ub2e4uc2dc ucc3euc744 uc218 uc788uac8c u3000u3000ub098uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uba38ubb3cub7ecuc918 u3000u3000ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c ub5a0ub098uc9c0 uc54auac8c


"News report" 指的是新闻报道,通常是指电视、广播、互联网等媒体传播的新闻。"Newspaper" 则指的是报纸,是印刷媒体的一种形式,通常包括新闻、评论、专栏、广告等内容,每天或每周出版一次。两者都是传播新闻信息的媒介,但 "news report" 通常是口头或电子的,而 "newspaper" 是纸质的。

求!!翻译歌词story of the year的sleep



用add(), remove(), replace()方法,把所有需要的变化加进去,然后调用commit()方法,将这些变化应用。在commit()方法之前,你可以调用addToBackStack(),把这个transaction加入back stack中去,这个back stack是由activity管理的,当用户按返回键时,就会回到上一个fragment的状态。你只能在activity存储它的状态(当用户要离开activity时)之前调用commit(),如果在存储状态之后调用commit(),将会抛出一个异常。这是因为当activity再次被恢复时commit之后的状态将丢失。如果丢失也没关系,那么使用commitAllowingStateLoss()方法。


male==男性prostitutes==从事性工作者male prostitutes==男妓==男公关==鸭子

keep our head on our shoulders什么意思?


把你的头低下翻译英文 keep your head 什么

put your head down=把你的头低下 keep your head=保持你的头

keep our head on our shoulders什么意思

keep our head on our shoulders保持我们的清醒头脑双语对照例句:1.The most pressure in this situation actually falls on our shoulders. 事实上这种形势下最大的压力落到了我们头上。2.We know that our little toes help us balance, and the hairs on our head keep us warm. 我们知道,我们的小脚趾帮助我们平衡,头发帮助我们保暖。


我也是RedPepper牛仔裤的忠实粉丝,从日本来到北京,我就开始找卖RedPepper的地方,后来发现在test-tube专卖店、bauhaus专卖店都有卖,地址是朝阳区金盏乡雷庄村村北路100号斯普瑞斯奥特莱斯A28铺test-tube专卖店、BJB2 北京市西城区西单北大街131号西单大悦城4F32-39bauhaus专卖店 ,购买的人很多。你可以去那里看看,现在好像有促销活动。

The year 2009 is the Year of Ox.The ox is a repre

2009年是十二生肖中的牛年,在中国牛是农业文明的典型代表。在以农耕为主要经济收入的时代,牛在耕地拉犁上起到了重要作用。 当然一头牛的价值不仅仅在于耕地。事实上,由于牛可以拉重型货物所以也被称为陆地上的货船。此外,牛的全身上下都是宝。牛肉和牛奶作为食物提供了大量的营养,牛皮又可以做衣服和皮鞋。这些优点让牛成为是最有价值的动物。 在过去,牛在中国的封建时代扮演着重要的角色。即使在今天,牛仍然在民间的活动中有着特殊的作用。例如:在中国的西南地区,当孩子到了13岁的时候全家大小就会熬制牛骨汤来庆祝仪式。他们认为牛骨汤代表着家庭成员之间的血脉关系。在其他一些地区,人们为了表达对于牛的喜爱,在正月十六的那一天人们会奔跑来除去身上的晦气。在跑的过程中会带着自己的牛,这也暗示着把牛当成自己的一员。因为牛的一生都在奉献,所以中国人对牛充满了感激。另外,牛在节日中国的地位和人们感谢牛在许多传统文化中做的贡献逐渐变成了中国民间文化的不可或缺的部分。

Telepopmusik的《Breathe》 歌词

  Telepopmusik的《Breathe》 歌词:  歌名:breathe  歌手:telepopmusik  专辑:《genetic world》  歌词:  genetic worldI brought you something close to me,Left for something you see though your here.You haunt my dreamsThere"s nothing to do but believe,Just believe.Just breathe.Another day, just believe,Another day, just breatheAnother day, just believe,Another day. just breathe.I"m used to it by now.Another day, just believe.Just breathe. just believe.Just breathe.Lying in my bed,Another day, staring at the ceiling.Just breathe. another day.Another day, just believe.Another day.I"m used to it by now.I"m used to it by now.Just breathe. just believe.Just breathe. just believe.Just believe. just breathe.Just believe.Another day, just believe.Another day.Another day, just believe,Another day, just breathe,Another day (I do believe).Another day(so hard to breathe)Another day(not so hard to believe)Another day. another day.




《Pinocchio in Venice》(Robert Coover)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1olQEu_Ez50yhVIrqQDOUag 提取码:8sl9书名:Pinocchio in Venice作者:Robert Coover出版社:Simon & Schuster出版年份:1991-1页数:330内容简介:Internationally renowned author Robert Coover returns with a major new novel set in Venice and featuring one of its most famous citizens, Pinocchio. The result is a brilliant philosophical discourse on what it means to be human; a hilarious, bawdy adventure; and a fitting tribute to the history, grandeur, and decay of Venice itself.







eps fallback是什么意思

eps fallback是指当用户需要使用语音服务时,5G用户从5G网络“切换” 或者“重定向” 到4G网络, 通过4G网络使用VOLTE语音服务。选择EPS Fallback作为5G SA的语音方案, 是因为考虑到目前5G SA建网初期, 5G信号覆盖还处于初期阶段, 没有大规模的覆盖, 而4G的覆盖已经进入成熟期。EPS Fallback主要是基于MME和AMF间的N26接口完成4/5G间信令交互。


EPS Fallback有三种方式:基于N26接口的切换、无N26接口的回落、双注册终 端的回落。 基于 N26接口的切换:N26接口支持移动上下文传递及切换信令的交互,基站 指导UE回落,会话锚定在SMF/PGW-C,媒体锚定在UPF/PGW-U。当UE由5G系统服务时,UE具有一个或多个正在进行的PDU会话,每个会话包括一个或多个QoS流。在注册过程中,服务PLMN AMF向UE发送了支持IMS voice over PS会话的指示,并且UE已经在IMS中注册。如果不支持N26,则服务的PLMN AMF在注册过程中向UE发送一个不支持N26互通的指示。

Rolling in the Deep翻译成中文是什么意思


Rolling in the deep中文意思是什么?


求rolling in deep唱法歌词,对照中文谐音唱的歌词

表示。看不懂楼上写的。我自己在家无聊的时候听这写的。不一定是标准的。但是个人感觉比楼上对不会英文的容易些肺热拜尔 斯大林英迈哈秘境呃飞奔毕竟呢四本为阿不到饭了利亚, 昆谁有奎斯多贵够爱安德晒米安德呢阿累游戏被而谁阿昂立为的唉被纬被谁不有多昂的为谁妹的分则拉噢赌这惹拜鸥 斯大林英迈哈秘境呃飞奔毕竟呢四本为阿不到惹四嘎热有欧 拉文买理欧被谁ki比分肯呢为阿门沙雷阿惹四嘎惹有欧 拉非李为拜佛刹可噢匪类为苦读哈理欧~~~八德立的地~~~~有蛤吧哈的搜~~~理雅唉恩迷赔累 图杜比贝贝阿嗨文诺四大为图壁偷倍的哈贝配为的玩阿有那嘎呢没哟黑拜分可欧迷嗯呢德水偶的四倍没克红蛋的维斯马球红鼻血惹四嘎热有欧 拉文买理欧被谁ki比分肯呢为阿门沙雷阿惹四嘎惹有欧 拉非李为拜佛刹可噢匪类为苦读哈理欧~~~八德立的地~~~~有蛤吧哈的搜~~~理雅唉恩迷赔累 图杜比为苦读哈理欧~~~八德立的地~~~~有蛤吧哈的搜~~~理雅唉务求佩雷 为的比例偶有搜富外部为偶本都卡丘不来沈艘烦么球路佛串码扫噢 粪土传说薄有百米败嘎卡呢为就死吧求社 欧为苦读哈理欧为苦赌哈理欧为苦读哈理欧~~~八德立的地~~~~有蛤吧哈的搜~~~理雅唉恩迷赔累 图杜比为苦读哈理欧~~~八德立的地~~~~有蛤吧哈的搜~~~理雅唉务求佩雷 求佩雷 求佩雷 求佩雷 秃笔

rolling in the deep是什么意思?

Rolling In the Deep -- AdeleThere"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay yourship bare.See how I leave, with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I willdo.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkThe scars of your love, remind me of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)...Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonnamake your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair.Making a home down there, as mine surewon"t be shared.The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you never had met me)... Rolling inthe Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To.....the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door(Whoa)Count your blessings to find what look for(Whoa-uh)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold(Whoa)And pay me back in kind- You reap justwhat you sow.(You"re gonna wish you... Never had metme)We could have had it all (Tears are gonnafall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"regonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fallrolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonnawish you)... of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)...to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish younever had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)But you played itYou played it.You played it.You played it to the beat.翻译的有点生硬有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗最后,我能看见你清晰。来吧,我推销出去,我就躺在你的船裸露。看我怎么走,你的每一块别小看的事情,我会做。有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗你爱的伤疤,提醒我们我。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会想你,从来没有见过我)...在深滚(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)宝贝,我也没有故事被告知,但我听说你们中的一个,我一定让你的头部烧伤。我想想在你绝望的深渊。那里制作家,像我肯定不会被共享。你爱的伤疤,提醒我们。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会希望你从来没有见过我)... 深滚滚(泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)可以拥有的一切轧制深。你已经在你的手我的心,但你玩它的跳动通过不断抛出开放(哇)你自己想想你的幸福找到什么寻找(哇,嗯)我将珍惜转向黄金(停)的悲哀并支付实物我背你,你播种什么就收获。(你会希望你...从来没有见过我)我们可以拥有一切(眼泪快要沉沦...在深滚)我们可以拥有一切啊(你会想你...从来没有见过我)这一切。 (泪,因为我的秋天)这一切这一切都(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你会想你,我从来没有见过)轧制深(哭,因为我倒在深滚)你有我的心里面... (你会想你)... 你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你希望你从来没有见过我)滚动轴承在深(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)但是你玩过你玩过。你玩过。你发挥它的节拍。

rolling In the Deep什么意思?

Rolling In the Deep -- AdeleThere"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay yourship bare.See how I leave, with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I willdo.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkThe scars of your love, remind me of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)...Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonnamake your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair.Making a home down there, as mine surewon"t be shared.The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you never had met me)... Rolling inthe Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To.....the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door(Whoa)Count your blessings to find what look for(Whoa-uh)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold(Whoa)And pay me back in kind- You reap justwhat you sow.(You"re gonna wish you... Never had metme)We could have had it all (Tears are gonnafall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"regonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fallrolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonnawish you)... of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)...to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish younever had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)But you played itYou played it.You played it.You played it to the beat.翻译的有点生硬有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗最后,我能看见你清晰。来吧,我推销出去,我就躺在你的船裸露。看我怎么走,你的每一块别小看的事情,我会做。有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗你爱的伤疤,提醒我们我。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会想你,从来没有见过我)...在深滚(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)宝贝,我也没有故事被告知,但我听说你们中的一个,我一定让你的头部烧伤。我想想在你绝望的深渊。那里制作家,像我肯定不会被共享。你爱的伤疤,提醒我们。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会希望你从来没有见过我)... 深滚滚(泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)可以拥有的一切轧制深。你已经在你的手我的心,但你玩它的跳动通过不断抛出开放(哇)你自己想想你的幸福找到什么寻找(哇,嗯)我将珍惜转向黄金(停)的悲哀并支付实物我背你,你播种什么就收获。(你会希望你...从来没有见过我)我们可以拥有一切(眼泪快要沉沦...在深滚)我们可以拥有一切啊(你会想你...从来没有见过我)这一切。 (泪,因为我的秋天)这一切这一切都(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你会想你,我从来没有见过)轧制深(哭,因为我倒在深滚)你有我的心里面... (你会想你)... 你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你希望你从来没有见过我)滚动轴承在深(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)但是你玩过你玩过。你玩过。你发挥它的节拍。

《Rolling in the deep》翻译成中文。

我心中燃起了火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 烈焰灼烧,带我走出黑暗 Finally, I can see you crystal clear 终于,我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 放弃自己的全部,赤裸地留在你的心中 See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么将你从我的记忆里点点剥离Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要以为我真的不会这样做There"s a fire starting in my heart 我心中燃起了火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 烈焰灼烧,带我走出黑暗 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱留下的伤痕唤起我的记忆 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 我想我们差点就拥有了一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 那爱的伤痕让我窒息I can"t help feeling 我无法阻止思绪 We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它,每一秒 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝我没有故事可讲 But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情我会让你焦头烂额 Think of me in the depths of your despair 让你在绝望中想着我 Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 在深渊里筑巢,而我再不会为你分担烦恼 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱留下的伤痕唤起我的记忆 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 我想我们差点就拥有了一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 那爱的伤痕让我窒息 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) I can"t help feeling 我无法阻止思绪 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但你却玩弄它在你的手心 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的心 But you played it with a beating 但你却玩弄它在你的手心 Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门将你的灵魂驱赶出去 Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告知道你在寻找什么 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作财富吧 You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 你将为此付出同样的代价,这叫自食其果(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) It all, it all, it all 一切一切一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你却欺骗了它You played it 欺骗了它You played it 欺骗了它 You played it to the beat 你欺骗了它,每一秒。阿黛尔的,挺好听的【数学之美】很高兴为你解答,不懂请追问!满意请采纳,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O~

rolling in the deep是什么意思?

rolling in the deep字面意思是:辗转于深渊,深处的起伏。Rolling in the Deep是美国灵魂歌手Adele的一首歌曲名称。有人翻译为《苦海沉沦》,《爱恨交织》等。扩展资料1、《Rolling in the Deep》创作背景:《Rolling in the Deep》由阿黛尔、保罗·艾普沃斯编写及制作,其创作灵感是阿黛尔在录音室中得到的:阿黛尔称她在写歌时突然想到一段旋律,一直在她的脑海里重复,这使得她唱出了歌曲的第一句歌词。在制作歌曲的过程中,保罗·艾普沃斯负责歌曲的贝斯、古典吉他、打击乐器以及人声的伴唱部分,尼尔·考利、诺埃尔·兰利分别负责钢琴和喇叭的伴奏。2、获奖记录:(1)2012年1月11日提名:美国第38届人民选择奖-最受欢迎歌曲、最受欢迎MV(2)2012年2月12日获奖:美国第54届格莱美奖-年度制作、年度歌曲、最佳短篇MV(3)2011年8月28日获奖:第28届MTV音乐录像带奖-最佳剪辑、最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导(4)2012年5月20日获奖:美国公告牌音乐奖-最佳当代流媒歌曲、最佳另类歌曲

Rolling In the Deep歌词翻译


rolling in the deep

There"s a fire starting in my heart  胸中燃起怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   狂热救赎我于黑暗   Finally, I can see you crystal clear   终于看清本性   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续背叛而我亦将不再留恋   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我如何将你撕碎  Don"t underestimate the things that I will do  请别低估我的能耐   There"s a fire starting in my heart   我胸中升起的怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   熊熊燃烧驱走黑暗  The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间   Baby I have no story to be told  宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn   可我亦知你愁肠百结   Think of me in the depths of your despair   在绝望深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared   纠结着吧,老娘不再与你同甘共苦   The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已 We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   Bnd you played it with the beating   玩弄于股掌之间   Throw yourself through ever open door  越过心门,跳出心结   Count your blessings to find what look for  愿心想事成   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 将悲痛化为财富   And pay me back in kind - You reap just what you"ve sown.   亦知何为因果报应   We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你已俘获我的心   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat  欺骗了我的所有求采纳为满意回答。

Rolling In The Deep中文歌词翻译能对的上节奏

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有 See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为 There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲 But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额 Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我 Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击 Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去 Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝 You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) But you played it 但是你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳



rolling in the deep是什么意思?

翻过吧!阿信 怎么样

rolling in the deep 什么意思

  rolling in the deep 在灵魂深处翻滚 歌词及意思: There"s a fire starting in my heart,   我心中燃起了一股火焰   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   那温度将我从黑暗解救   Finally, I can see you crystal clear.   我终于看清你了   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离   Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.   不要低估我将会做些什么   There"s a fire starting in my heart,   我心中燃起了一股火焰   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   那温度将我从黑暗解救   The scars of your love, remind me of us.   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸   I can"t help feeling...   我甚至已失去知觉   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福的   Rolling in the Deep   在黑暗中翻滚   Your had my heart... Inside of your hands   你曾把我的心捏在手里   And you played it... To the beat   然后玩弄它   Baby I have no story to be told,   宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.   可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你   Think of me in the depths of your despair.   在绝望的深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.   在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担   The scars of your love, remind me of us.   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸   I can"t help feeling...   我甚至已失去知觉   重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the Deep   Your had my heart inside of your hand   And you played it To the beat   We could have had it all   Rolling in the deep.   You had my heart inside of your hand,   But you played it with your beat   Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa)   从每一扇开着的门中穿越   Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)   希望你能找到你想要的   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)   把我的悲伤化作“财富“   And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you"ve sown.   让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆   重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)   We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)   It all. (Tears are gonna fall)   It all   It all (Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)   Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)   You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)   And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)   Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)   You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it.   欺骗了我   You played it.   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat.   欺骗了全部的我

能不能把Rolling in the Deep的白话给一下..

歌词全文:There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救Finally, I can see you crystal clear.我终于看清你了Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中See how I leave, with every piece of you看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不要低估我将会做些什么There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉We could have had it all我们本应幸福的Rolling in the Deep在黑暗中翻滚Your had my heart... Inside of your hands你曾把我的心捏在手里And you played it... To the beat然后玩弄它Baby I have no story to be told,宝贝我已无话可说But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你Think of me in the depths of your despair.在绝望的深处想着我Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it To the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)从每一扇开着的门中穿越Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)希望你能找到你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)把我的悲伤化作“财富“And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you"ve sown.让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”But you played it但你欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it to the beat.欺骗了全部的我

rolling in the deep 是什么意思?


Rolling in the Deep英文歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.See how I leave, with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will do.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkThe scars of your love, remind me of us.They keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)...Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair.Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you never had met me)... Rolling in the Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... inside of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow.(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)But you played itYou played it.You played it.You played it to the beat.

rolling in deep中文

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有 See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为 There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲 But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额 Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我 Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击 Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去 Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝 You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) But you played it 但是你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳


Rolling in the Deep歌词:There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark.Finally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.See how I"ll leave with every piece of you,Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark.The scars of your love remind me of us,They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.The scars of your love they leave me breathless,I can"t help feeling.We could have had it all,Rolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,And you played it to the beat.Baby, I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair,Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.The scars of your love remind you of us,They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.The scars of your love they leave me breathless,I can"t help feeling.We could have had it all,Rolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,And you played it to the beat.Could have had it all,Rolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beat.Throw your soul through every open door,Count your blessings to find what you look for.Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,You"ll pay the price for everything you sold.The scars of your love remind you of us,They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.The scars of your love they leave me breathless,I can"t help feeling.We could have had it all,Rolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,And you played it to the beat.Could have had it all,Rolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it, you played it, you played it, you played it,To the beat.

rolling in the deep 是什么意思

徘徊于深渊 或者辗转于深渊也可以 这也是一首英文歌的名字

求roling the deep英文歌词以及中文翻译

There"safirestartinginmyheart,  我心中燃起了一股火焰  Reachingafeverpitchandit"sbringingmeoutthedark  那温度将我从黑暗解救  Finally,Icanseeyoucrystalclear.  我终于看清你了  GoaheadandsellmeoutandI"lllayyourshipbare.  继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中  SeehowIleave,witheverypieceofyou  看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离  Don"tunderestimatethethingsthatIwilldo.  不要低估我将会做些什么  There"safirestartinginmyheart,  我心中燃起了一股火焰  Reachingafeverpitchandit"sbringingmeoutthedark  那温度将我从黑暗解救  Thescarsofyourlove,remindmeofus.  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我  Theykeepmethinkingthatwealmosthaditall  让我觉得只差一步之遥我们将会拥有一切  Thescarsofyourlove,theyleavemebreathless  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸  Ican"thelpfeeling...  我甚至已失去知觉  Wecouldhavehaditall  我们本应幸福的  RollingintheDeep  在黑暗中翻滚  Yourhadmyheart...Insideofyourhand  你曾把我的心捏在手里  Andyouplayedit...Tothebeat  然后玩弄它  BabyIhavenostorytobetold,  宝贝我已无话可说  ButI"veheardoneofyouandI"mgonnamakeyourheadburn.  可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你  Thinkofmeinthedepthsofyourdespair.  在绝望的深处想着我  Makingahomedownthere,asminesurewon"tbeshared.  在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担  Thescarsofyourlove,remindmeofus.  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我  Theykeepmethinkingthatwealmosthaditall  让我觉得只差一步之遥我们将会拥有一切  Thescarsofyourlove,theyleavemebreathless  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸  Ican"thelpfeeling...  我甚至已失去知觉  重复“Wecouldhavehaditall...RollingintheDeep  Yourhadmyheartinsideofyourhand  AndyouplayeditTothebeat  WECouldhavehaditall  Rollinginthedeep.  Youhadmyheartinsideofyourhand,  Butyouplayeditwithyourbeat  Throwyourselfthrougheveropendoor(Whoa)  从每一扇开着的门中穿越  Countyourblessingstofindwhatlookfor(Whoa-uh)  希望你能找到你想要的  Turnmysorrowintotreasuredgold(Whoa)  把我的悲伤化作“财富“  Andpaymebackinkind-Youreapjustwhatyousow.  让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆  重复“(You"regonnawishyou...Neverhadmetme)  Wecouldhavehaditall(Tearsaregonnafall...Rollinginthedeep)  Wecouldhavehaditallyeah(you"regonnawishyou...neverhadmetme)  Itall.(Tearsaregonnafall)  Itall  Itall(Rollinginthedeep)  Wecouldhavehaditall(you"regonnawishyou,neverhadmetme)  Rollinginthedeep(Tearsaregonnafallrollinginthedeep)  Youhadmyheartinside...(you"regonnawishyou)...ofyourhand(Neverhadmetme)  Andyouplayedit...(Tearsaregonnafall)...tothebeat(Rollinginthedeep)  Wecouldhavehaditall(you"rewishyouneverhadmetme)  Rollinginthedeep(tearsaregonnafall,rollinginthedeep)  Youhadmyheart...(you"regonnawishyou)...Insideofyourhand(Neverhadmetme)”  Butyouplayedit  但你欺骗了我  Youplayedit.  欺骗了我  Youplayedit.  欺骗了我  Youplayedittothebeat.  欺骗了全部的我
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