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keep on除了+动名词还可以+什么?

keep on... 这个短语运用是要注意,如果后面跟名词或者动名词时,on是介词,因此可以接名词或者动名词做介词宾语。例句:He kept on talking all the time.他一直说个不停。The new owner kept Fred on as gardener.新业主继续雇用弗莱德做园丁。I"ve told you before not to keep your socks on if they get wet.以前我告诉过你,如果袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。He keeps his hat on even if he is at home.他即使在家也是一直戴着帽子。反之,on是副词,keep on 形成一个不及物的动词短语。

keep on有坚持的意思吗

keep on有坚持的意思。短语keep on with对峙;保持;跟上Keep on moving继续前行;继续舞动;继续前进Keep On the Sunny Side让生活充满阳光示例:They concluded that firing him would be more damaging than keeping him on.他们得出结论,解雇他会比留用他的损害更大。词语用法:keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。

keep up与keep on的区别?


A Separate Peace

主人公陷入负罪的泥潭而告终.Finny是个失败的 他不是胜利的 因为他死了 首先从作者的角度上来讲 Finny可以不死 作者让他死就是说明它是错的! 他的思想是错的.


《Keep On, Fight On》是由冯允谦作词、作曲的歌曲。

求:keep on的用法

常用短语keep an eye on监视,注视,照看,照料keep apart把…分开keep away避开,不使靠近keep back留在后面,不前进;阻止;隐瞒;留下keep down卧下;蹲下;镇压,压服,控制;缩减keep going继往开来,维持下去,坚持下去keep in抑制;隐瞒,隐藏;把…关在里面,不出去keep off让开,不接近;不让…接近,把…驱开keep onv.继续,穿着...不脱keep one"s distancev.保持疏远keep one"s eyes open注意,留心,警惕keep one"s eyes peeled注意,留心,警惕



keep on是什么意思

keep on:重复;继续;继续雇用; 例如:Keep on your side of the bed! 扩展资料   He does keep on so!   他就是这样纠缠不休!   Don"t keep on interrupting me!   别老是跟我打岔!   The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.   习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。

keep和keep on 的区别

一句话,keep没有间隔,keep on有间隔。

keep on 什么意思

继续进行,继续下去.有句型keep on doing something ....


keep on的中文意思: 继续雇用; 继续前进; 继续穿着; 重复。 The successful private businesswoman indicates that she does not keep track of how much she spends on philanthropy.. 扩展资料   例句   1. If I was sensitive at that time, I would keep silent on this matter.   如果当时我有点理智的话,我就会对这事保持沉默。   2. Maintain the good relationship with government and keep on knowing the relative law about safety and health.   与政府部门保持良好的`关系,并及时了解有关安全环保等的法律法规。   3. I have oily skin, what is the best way to keep makeup on?   我是油性肌肤,要怎样才能使我的妆持久?   4. I decided after your last visit, i"m going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right.   从上次会面后,我就决定不再惹麻烦。如果表现良好,可能10年就出狱了。   5. And so on can keep pace with internationa advanced industrial electric furance manfacturing technology.   部分工业电炉出口到欧美、日本等发达工业国和亚洲地区,在国际上享有较高知名度。

看过 a separate peace 的进~~

分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 问题描述: 诺理斯那本A SEPARATE PEACE 读过的人能不能写点感想啊 200字就够了!! 分一定加~~ 同志们帮忙啊~~ 解析: 被朋友伤害的人是可耻的, 可是除了朋友之外,又有谁能伤害你呢? 独自和解(a separate peace)是一部伟大的书。伟大的书有两种,一种是横跨古今,无所不含的,另一种是作者的倾心所作。而独自和解属于下一种。 时间是在第二次世界大站期间,在美国参战的前夕吉恩和菲尼就读于高中。由于暗中嫉妒 菲尼的成就又怀疑菲尼对自己心怀嫉妒,吉恩在不自觉中作下了令自己后悔终身的事。在 伤害了朋友的同时他更大地伤害了自己。在菲尼逝后吉恩加入了军队,可是在十五年的时 间里他都未能从此阴影中逃脱。 看起来是一部学生题材的友谊和背叛故事。但在John Knowles的笔下,这一题材的发挥到 了淋漓尽致以致难以想象的高度。也许我应该再解释一下 "a separate peace"的含义。 在二战前期英法为了促使德国对苏联的开战,对德国采取了许多宽容政策。不料苏联和德 国私下签订了条约,约定一种"separate peace".英法最后弄的自己很惨。 在小说中,"a separate peace "的主题重复出现。在战争的阴影下,理想主义的菲尼仍 保持这难得的乐观和平和,而在他的影响下,他们逃脱了周围的环境,窃取了战争中的独 自和解。 战后15年,已成为军人的吉恩故地重游,在没有菲尼的情况下终于得到了内心 的平和,从而完成了于自己的和解。 说来为什么总没有小说的感人意味? 但任何知道友谊的脆弱又珍惜友谊的人都应看看。

Operations Department 中的Operation为什么要加s呢?有什么区别

Opeation 加上s 就变成名词了


Operations Department加s是习惯用法。加s以后区别于“操作”等通常含义,有“运作”、“运营”、“策划”等含义。中的Operations Department指的是运营部,其内容包括生产、物流等,有复数含义。在决策学中,Operations research表示运筹学,因此,加是有“策划”、“运筹”之意。


《Eeeee Eee Eeee》(Tao Lin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dehioXXh-GQaOYuuwSpRZg 提取码:0qpd书名:Eeeee Eee Eeee作者:Tao Lin豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:Melville House出版年份:2007-5-15页数:211内容简介:“Tao Lin writes from moods that less radical writers would let pass—from laziness, from vacancy, from boredom. And it turns out that his report from these places is moving and necessary, not to mention frequently hilarious.”– Miranda July, author of No One Belongs Here More Than You“Tao Lin is the most distinctive young writer I"ve come upon in a long time: the most intrepid, the funniest, the strangest. He is completely unlike anyone else.”– Brian Morton, author of Starting Out in the EveningConfused yet intelligent animals attempt to interact with confused yet intelligent humans, resulting in the death of Elijah Wood, Salman Rushdie, and Wong Kar-Wai; the destruction of a Domino"s Pizza delivery car in Orlando; and a vegan dinner at a sushi restaurant in Manhattan attended by a dolphin, a bear, a moose, an alien, three humans, and the President of the United States of America, who lectures on the arbitrary nature of consciousness, truth, and the universe before getting drunk and playing poker.“Tao Lin"s fiction will kick your ass and say thank you afterwards!”– Amy Fusselman, author of The Pharmacist"s Mate作者简介:林韬:出生于1983年,在美国东海岸长大的华裔作家。已出版两部小说《咿咿咿》和《床》,另出版诗集一部。他用超现实主义、黑色幽默的手法再现了现代青年的生活,是美国现代最受争议和瞩目的优秀作家之一。


Operations Department加s是习惯用法。加s以后区别于“操作”等通常含义,有“运作”、“运营”、“策划”等含义。企业中的Operations Department指的是运营部,其内容包括生产、物流等,有复数含义。在决策学中,Operations research表示运筹学,因此,加是有“策划”、“运筹”之意。

这段英文是什么意思.Public reporting burden for the collection of information...





save feature preferences翻译:保存功能首选项。save:救助;搭救;挽救;积攒;储蓄;节省;阻止对方得;阻止对方赢得;保存;减少;阻止对方射门得分;救球;存储数据;救援行动;除…以外;除了。feature:特色;特征;特写;专题报道;面貌的一部分;容貌;相貌;正片;故事片;以…为特色;显而易见;由… 主演;是(…的)重要特色;起重要作用。preferences:偏好;喜好;优先;参数选择;(preference的复数)。短语搭配:save money省钱;节约金钱;节省金钱、save one"s life挽救某人的性命。save time省时间;节省时间;节约时间、save energy节约能源、save up攒钱;储存。相关例句:1、You can save money if you"re flexible about where your room is located.选择房间位置时灵活些,你就能省钱。2、The way to save time in an exam is by omitting windy phrases.在考试中节省时间的办法就是不写空话。3、The average family could save $350 on their energy bills by weatherizing their home.使用绝缘材料增加房屋的御寒性能,可使一个普通家庭节省350美元的能源消耗费。4、You can save on shoe leather by giving us your instructions over the telephone.你可以打电话把你的要求告诉我们,用不着费鞋跑腿。5、Smith increased his chances of a Great Britain shirt with a penalty shot save.史密斯扑出一个点球,增加了他成为英国国家队队员的可能性。

gallery dept中文叫什么

Gallery Dept 可以翻译为“艺廊部门”。这是一个时尚品牌的名称,没有一个官方的中文译名。Gallery Dept例句:1、Gallery Dept的服装设计风格深受年轻人的喜爱,越来越多的人开始穿着这个品牌的服装。2、Gallery Dept的创始人Josué Thomas以自己的绘画作品为灵感,将艺术元素融入到服装设计中,打造出独特的品牌形象。3、Gallery Dept在经过短短几年的发展后,已经成为时尚圈内备受瞩目的品牌之一。4、Gallery Dept的服装款式以修身、个性、复古为主,适合喜欢时尚、潮流的年轻人。5、Gallery Dept不断推陈出新,将不同的元素融入到服装设计中,让人们看到了时尚与艺术的完美结合。Gallery Dept简介:Gallery Dept是一家美国时尚品牌,创建于2015年,总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。该品牌的创始人Josué Thomas曾是一名专业画家,他将自己的艺术作品融入到服装设计中,创造出独特的品牌形象。Gallery Dept的服装款式以修身、个性、复古为主,适合喜欢时尚、潮流的年轻人。品牌的服装设计风格深受年轻人的喜爱,越来越多的人开始穿着这个品牌的服装。Gallery Dept在短短几年内就成为时尚圈内备受瞩目的品牌之一。


热微菌属(Thermomicrobium) 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospira) 硝化螺旋菌纲(Nitrospira磁螺菌属(Magnetospirillum) (Phaeospirillum) (Rhodocista) 红螺旋菌属(。


主要方式为创建页面隐藏的iframe,将iframe append到页面元素下,将iframe的src指向页面的链接 如 intent://bact.cpc.heytapmobi.com/redpacketfallingv6/index?sign=eb53ef7&activity_id=redpacketfallingv6&bs_entry=X18&__pf__=detail&__barStyle__=0_2#Intent;scheme=https;category=android.intent.category.DEFAULT;package=com.android.browser;end 如类似的这种页面 https://dhfs.heytapimage.com/userfiles/uploads/activity_jump_page.html?redirect=https://bact.cpc.heytapmobi.com/redpacketfallingv6/index?sign=eb53ef7&activity_id=redpacketfallingv6&bs_entry=X18&__pf__=detail&__barStyle__=0_2#/index

K8s -- Deployment

Deployment对象,顾名思义,是用于部署应用的对象。它使Kubernetes中最常用的一个对象,它为ReplicaSet和Pod的创建提供了一种声明式的定义方法,从而无需像前两篇文章中那样手动创建ReplicaSet和Pod对象(使用Deployment而不直接创建ReplicaSet是因为Deployment对象拥有许多ReplicaSet没有的特性,例如滚动升级和回滚)。 一个最简单的nginx应用,其Deployment文件如下: 或 通过 kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml 命令或者 kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml 命令创建名为nginx-deployment的Deployment对象。 通过Deployment对象,你可以轻松的做到以下事情: 以上面的nginx-deployment.yaml文件为例,使用以下命令创建一个nginx的 Deployment: --record 参数可以记录当前版本的Deployment都执行过哪些命令。 创建完成后立即执行get命令可以查看这个Deployment: NAME 代表Deployment的名字, DESIRED 代表这个Deployment期望的副本数量,CURRENT代表当前已经创建了的副本数量, UP-TO-DATE 代表已经更新完成的副本数量, AVAILABLE 代表对于当前用户可用的副本数量, AGE 代表当前Deployment已经运行的时长。 等待几秒钟,再次运行get命令,可以查看到变化: 通过 kubectl get rs 来查看系统中ReplicaSet对象,由此可以看出Deployment会自动创建一个ReplicaSet对象。 通过 kubectl get pods --show-labels 命令来查看当前系统中的Pod对象,可以成功观察到nginx-deployment创建的3个Pod。 假如我们现在想要让 nginx pod 使用 nginx:1.9.1 的镜像来代替原来的 nginx:1.7.9 的镜像,运行以下命令: 或者我们可以使用 edit 命令来编辑 Deployment,将image从nginx:1.7.9 改写成 nginx:1.9.1。 查看更新进度: 扩容: 如果集群支持 horizontal pod autoscaling 的话,还可以为 Deployment 设置自动扩展: Deployment更新时会创建一个新的ReplicaSet,然后将新的ReplicaSet中的Pod慢慢扩容到指定的副本数,将旧的ReplicaSet慢慢缩容到0。因此,更新时总能够确保旧的服务不会停止,这就是滚动更新。 当我们像上文一样更新了Deployment之后,我们发现nginx:1.9.1的镜像不是很稳定,因此想要修改回nginx:1.7.9的版本,此时我们不需要手动更改Deployment文件,而是利用Deployment的回滚功能。 使用rollout history命令查看Deployment的版本(revision): 查看单个 revision 的详细信息: 现在,可以使用 rollout undo 命令回滚到前一个revision: 也可以使用--to-revision参数指定某个历史版本: rollout 命令的更多用法: 滚动更新相关配置: 因此,在Deployment rollout时, 需要保证Available(Ready) Pods数不低于 desired pods number - maxUnavailable; 保证所有的Pods数不多于 desired pods number + maxSurge。

please accept my sincere apology.这翻中文是什么意思


independent variables是什么意思

independent variables独立变量independent variables自变量; 独立变量; 网络释义1. 独立量

统计学的问题,最后一句variables are not independent or dependent是什么意思?


[Bio]何谓"dependent variable"?试简单解释,最好附加例子说明。

Independent variable:we have to change this in order to observe what happens Dependent variable:this is the variable to be measured Controlled variable:we have to keep these variable the same. 2013-01-28 17:49:51 补充: In a fair test we should change the independent variable. the dependent variable will then change depending on the independent variable.All the other variable should be kept the same.theseare the controlled variable Dependent and independent variables refer to values that change in relationship to each other. The dependent variables are those that are observed to change in response to the independent variables. The independent variables are those that are deliberately manipulated to invoke a change in the dependent variables. In short "if x is given then y occurs" where x represents the independent variables and y represents the dependent variables. Examples 1If one were to measure the influence of different quantities of fertilizer on plant growth the independent variable would be the amount of fertilizer used (the changing factor of the experiment). The dependent variables would be the growth in height and/or mass of the plant (the factors that are influenced in the experiment) and the controlled variables would be the type of plant the type of fertilizer the amount of sunlight the plant gets the size of the pots e (the factors that would otherwise influence the dependent variable if they were not controlled). 2In a study of how different doses of a drug affect the severity of symptoms a researcher could pare the frequency and intensity of symptoms (the dependent variables) when different doses (the independent variable) are administered and attempt to draw a conclusion. 3In measuring the acceleration of a vehicle time is usually the independent variable and speed is the dependent variable. This is because when taking measurements times are usually predetermined and the resulting speed of the vehicle is recorded at those times. As far as the experiment is concerned the speed is dependent on the time. Since the decision is made to measure the speed at certain times time is the independent variable. 4In measuring the amount of colour removed from beetroot samples at different temperatures the dependent variable would be the amount of pigment removed because it is depending on the temperature (which is the independent variable). 5In sociology in measuring the effect of education on ine or wealth the dependent variable could be a level of ine or wealth measured in moary units (United States Dollars for example) and an independent variable could be the education level of the individual(s) who pose(s) the household (i.e. academic degrees). 参考: en. *** /wiki/Dependent_variable#Examples

preposition 点用

Prepositions of time: 1. At (用于表示时间的某一点): at noon at night at present at nine o"clock 2. On (用于某天 某天上 下午): on Monday on Tuesday morning on Wednesday afternoon on a cold night 3. In (用于表示周 月 季节 年 泛指的上午 下午 晚上): in the week in May in spring in 2001 in the morning in the afternoon in the evening 4. Before (在 …之前): Wash your hands before dinner. 5. After (在 …之后): Let"s sing after school. 6. By (在 …时间前): How many books had you read by the end of the year? 7. Until (till) (直到 …时间为止): We did not begin to watch TV until nine o"clock. 8. For (达 …之久 = 表示经过了多少时间): He has lived here for 20 years. 9. During (在 …期间): They are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays. 10. Through (一直 … = 从开始到结束): They played the cards through the night. 11. From (从 …起): The meeting will be held from eight to ten. 12. Since (自从 …以来 = 表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续): John has been sick since yesterday. 13. In (过 …后 = 未来时间): He will be back in an hour. (一小时后) 14. Within (不超过 …的范围): I must finish painting the cat within five minutes. Prepositions of place: 1. At (在某地点 = 表示比较狭窄的地方): at school at home at 2 Johnston Road at a factory 2. In (在某地 = 表示比较宽敞的地方): in Beijing in China in the street in the world 3. On (在 …上面 有接触面): There are o maps on the wall. On the table 4. On (在 …靠近 …的地方): on the right on the river 5. Above (在 …上方): Our plane flew above the clouds. 6. Over (在 …正上方): There is a light over you. 7. Under (在 …下面; 在 …之内): under the table under the jacket 8. Below (在 …下方 = 不一定正下方): There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water. 9. Near (近的): Is there a bus stop near here? 10. By (在 …旁边): The boy is standing by the window. 11. Beeen (在两者之间): My teacher is sitting beeen Tom and Jack. 12. Among (在三者或更多之中): There is a beautiful house among the trees. 13. Around (环绕 在 …周围 在 …四周): We sat around the table. 14. In front of (在 …的前面; 在 …的前部): There is a tree in front of the house. 15. Behind (在 …后面): There is a tree behind the house. 16. In (在 …之内 用于表示静止的位置): The students are in the classroom. 17. Into (进入 = 有动作): The students run into the classroom. He jumped into the water. 18. Out of (出去 = 有动作): The students rushed out of the room. 19. Along (沿着): I was walking along the river when it began to rain. 20. Across (横过): I often swim across the river. 21. Through (贯穿 通过): The river is through the city. 22. To (到达 …地点 = 目的地或方向): He came to Japan in 1990. 23. For (向 … = 表示目的地): I leave for America next week. 24. From (从 …地点起 …): How far it is from our school to the cinema? Other prepositions: 1. With (和 …在一起): Will you go with me? 2. With (具有 带有): He is a handsome boy with large bright eyes. 3. With (用某工具或方法): He cut his hand with a knife. I see with my eyes. 4. In (表示用甚么材料): She wrote a letter in blue ink. 5. By (通过 …方法 手段): He goes to school by bus. 6. Of (属于 …的): this is a map of China. 7. From (来自某地或人): I am from Beijing. I got a letter from my friend. 8. Without (没有): Men cannot live without air and water. 9. Like (像 …一样): Mary is just like her mother. 10. Against (反对 靠著): He is against the plan. The teacher is standing against the blackboard. 11. About (关于 各处 身旁): Tell me something about your life. 12. About (询问某人或物的情况或提出建议): What about your sister? How about going to the park? Only for your reference. 参考: my notes with 1.against He picked a fight with the class bully. 2.in the pany of; alongside along side of; close to; near to: He went with his friends. 3.in addition to; as an accessory to: a motorcycle with a sidecar 4.in support of: We are with you all the way. 5.(obsolete) To denote the acplishment of cause me instrument etc; -- sometimes equivalent to by. ...slain with robbers... 6.as an instrument; by me of ...cut with" a knife. 7.(obsolete) as nourishment more recently replaced by on I am fain to dine and sup with water and bran of 1.Belonging to or associated with. When applied to a person or persons the possessive is generally used. That person is a friend of mine and a friend of my children"s. 2.Containing prising or made from; may be used directly with a verb or adjectival phrase Could you bring me a glass of water? The suit was made of wool. 3.Connects a quantifier with the thing quantified. The team included several of the world"s top experts in the field. 4.Connects a noun derived from a verb with the object of that verb. Some resisted the admission of the new members to the club. This chemical increases the conduction of action potentials in the neuron. 5.(time expressions) Before. It"s almost a quarter of four. 6.Connects a jurisdiction to its name. The city of Lawrence is located on the Kaw river. 7.Indicates the age of a person. That"s a big responsibility for a boy of seven years. for 1.Towards. The astronauts headed for the moon. 2.Directed at intended to belong to. I have something for you. 3.Supporting (opposite of against). All those for the motion raise your hands. 4.Because of. He was convicted for murder. 5.Over a period of time They fought for days over a silly pencil. in 1.Contained by. The dog is in the kennel. 2.Surrounded by. We are in the city walls. 3.Part of; a member of. One in a million. 4.Pertaining to (that particular thing). He has passed in English. 5.After a period of time They said they would call us in a week. on 1.Positioned at the upper surface of touching from above. on the table 2.covering 3.At the date of. Born on the 4th of July. 4.Dealing with the subject of about or concerning something. A book on history. The World Summit on the Information Society. 5.Touching; hanging from. I have no money on me. The fruit on the trees. The painting hangs on the wall. 6.(mathematics mapping both from and to a function on "V") Having V as both domain and codomain. 7.(mathematics mapping both from and to an operator on "V") Having Vn as domain and V as codomain. 8.Because of or due to something. The stock price increased on news of a new product. at 1.In or very near a particular place. At that precise position at Jim"s house. 2.(indicating time) Simultaneous . At six o"clock at closing time. 3.In the direction of (often in an unfocused or uncaring manner). He threw the ball at me he shouted at her. 4.Occupied in (activity). Men at work. 5.The logogram @. from 1.With the source or provenance of or at. This wine es from France. I got a letter from my brother. 2.With the origin starting point or initial reference of or at. He left yesterday from Chicago. Face away from the wall. 3.With the separation exclusion or differentiation of. An umbrella protects from the sun. off 1.(informal) from I got it off the inter.

打电话没有回应怎么说 no reply 还是no answer








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求翻译歌词Knee Deep In My Heart歌词 Knee Deep In My Heart - Shane Fila

‘Knee Deep In My Heart" LyricsGet your copy of ‘You And Me" here..Life was running past me, Days and hours flew生命在我身边溜走,时光飞逝Like it had no colour, just different shades of blue它就像没有颜色,只有蓝色的不同形态I heard about this love thing, but I still needed proof我听说过爱情,但我仍需要证明Cos I believed in nothing, ‘till I believed in you因为我什么都不信,直到我相信你And I say Woo oo you left your finger prints all over my soul然后我说噢噢你把你的指纹遍布在我的灵魂I caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heart我手忙脚乱约你出去When I was upside down spinning round and round and round in the dark当在黑暗中倒立旋转时Act so sweet but you"re guilty as charged表现的这么甜蜜但是你就像被控诉那样有罪I caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heart 被我当场抓到Whoa oh Whoa oh oh噢噢噢I never saw it coming, you took me by surprise我从未预料到,你让我惊讶Cos you went undercover without an alibi因为你去卧底没有用借口You done the perfect crime girl你做了完美卧底女孩Now I want to do the crime现在我想要犯罪Cos I"ve got no defense but hell I"m gonna walk the line 因为我已经没有防守,但无论如何我会走这条路And I say Whoa oh whoa oh oh而且我说噢噢噢You left your finger prints all over my soulI caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heartWhen I was upside down spinning round and round and round in the darkAct so sweet but you"re guilty as charged8I caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heart此段重复Nothing tastes as sweet as freedom没有什么比自由更美好Now I found what I believe in现在我找到了我的信仰And I say Whoa oh whoa oh ohYou left your finger prints all over my soul, my soulI caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heartWhen I was upside down spinning round and round and roundI caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heartWhen I was upside down spinning round and round and round in the darkAct so sweet but you"re guilty as chargedI caught you out red-handed, knee deep in my heart 重复5 One of these days这些天的5天Why do we always stumble and fall down为什么我们总是固执的倒下So we can learn to get back up所以我们学会重复It aint so bad when you"re lying there on the ground当你倒在地下时我没有那么坏At least you know, there"s only one way to go至少你知道有一种方法Might sound like I"ve been drinking but something"s got me thinking可能听起来我可多了但是有些事情让我思考And I"m just taking it one day at a time 我每天只一次They say I"m crazy, I say yeah maybe他们说我疯了,我说是吧可能是But one of these days I know I"m gonna work it out但总有一天我会弄好Today I"m lazy, tomorrow maybe今天我很懒也许明天吧but one of these days I know I"m gonna work it out,但总有一天我会弄好I know I"ll work it out我知道我会弄好whoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh ohWhy we always looking at the grass on the other side为什么我们总是在另一侧看草It"s not as green as it may seem它不总是像它可能的那样绿Why do we spend so much on wasted time为什么我们总是浪费时间Cos if you close your eyes life"s gonna pass you by因为你闭上眼时光将会溜走Might sound like I"ve been drinking but something"s got me thinkingAnd I"m just taking it one day at a timeThey say I"m crazy, I say yeah maybeBut one of these day"s I know I"m gonna work it outToday I"m lazy, tomorrow maybeBut one of these days I know i"m gonna work it out,I know I"ll work it outwhoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it out,Whoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outwhoa oh oh ohwhoa oh oh ohLife goes onAnd it goes right and it goes wrongBut it goes onAnd it goes do do do dodododoyeah it goes dododoThey say I"m crazy, i say yeah maybebut one of these days I know I"m gonna work it outToday I"m lazy, tomorrow maybeBut one of these days I know I"m gonna work it outI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh ohI know I"ll work it outWhoa oh oh oh重复

Java. lang. IllegalArgumentException什么意思?

错误:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException非法论据异常,也可称为非法形参异常。argument不是参数的意思,是争吵,争论;论据,经常用args用作形参。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。如果jdk使用的是1.7,jre使用的是1.8,就会出现这一异常。即使是低版本的编译器,高版本的运行环境,也会出现这一异常。解决方法如下:第一:修改Java compiler和jre1、在eclipse-window-preference-java的里面的installed JREs和Compiler2、Compiler就是修改编译器的Installed JREs就是改变运行环境。按道理说只要jre的版本高于jdk(即Compiler)的版本,就能运行,因为高版本环境兼容低版本程序。但并不是的,jdk1.8的修改很大,就算前高后低,仍旧派出这个异常。所以我们都把他们修改成1.7版本。Compiler改成1.7。按下图改成1.7,然后右下角apply就行了。3、修改jre为1.7,看下图,电脑里装了三个jdk版本,选择jdk1.7,然后spply就行了。第二:修改tomcat服务容器的JRE1、因为tomcat是基于java编写的服务容器,所以它是需要java运行环境的。其实这个更容易开发人员忽略,但是这个更重要,因为动态web工程最终是在tomcat里面运行的,而tomcat的运行jre直接决定web工程的jre,而上面配置的就直接没用了,因为用到tomcat了,是web工程,不是纯java工程。修改tomcat的jre,window-Preferences-Server-Runtime Environments ,电脑里装了两个tomcat容器一个7,一个9,选择一个然后Edit。2、Edit就是配置的意思,及配置这个选中的tomcat。下面就是配置界面,选择jdk1.7,然后Finish就就ok了。这样,java.lang.IllegalArgumentException问题就得到了成功解决。

Prep-Free Packaging 是什么意思

Prep-Free Packaging 免费前包装

如何将IAS Zone设备的状态report给协调器

如何将IAS Zone设备的状态report给协调器?现在有一个其他公司的协调器,配置为:Input Cluster List :ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_BASIC 0x0000ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_POWER_CFG 0x0001ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_IDENTIFY 0x0003ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_ALARMS 0x0009ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_SS_IAS_ZONE 0x0500 Output Cluster List :ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_OTA 0x0019Device Id :ZCL_HA_DEVICEID_IAS_ZONE 0x0402Zone Type :SS_IAS_ZONE_TYPE_KEY_FOB 0x0115我应该怎么配置我的IAS ZONE的设备,然后发送设备的状态给协调器?回复参考下面的连接http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Fire_Alarm_System 如果要上传ZigBee Sniffer Log,请把文件另外为psd或者cubx文件,用附件方式上传,不要使用截图没有任何作用。-------------------------------------------Fire Alarm SystemContents[hide] 1 Introduction2 Getting Started3 Sample Devices3.1 SampleCIE3.2 SampleFireDetector3.3 SampleWarningDevice4 Sample Application operation4.1 SampleCIE4.2 SampleFireDetector4.3 SampleWarningDevice5 Forming the network with Z-Stack 3.06 Forming the network with Z-Stack Home 1.2.2aIntroductionThis wiki details the usage of the Fire Alarm System sample applications for Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a and Z-Stack 3.0. These samples were designed to show the user how to set up a fire alarm system network, as well as show the correct sequence of events for a Trip-To-Pair IAS Zone Enrollment procedure. Note: These sample applications are not intended to be certifiable out-of-the-box.Getting StartedStart by downloading/installing either Z-Stack 3.0 or Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a, available from the following links:Z-Stack 3.0:http://www.ti.com/tool/z-stackZ-Stack Home 1.2.2a:http://www.ti.com/tool/z-stack-archiveThe sample applications are available for download at the following links:Z-Stack 3.0 Sample Applications (for CC2530/CC2538):https://git.ti.com/z-stack-apps/z-stack-example-appsZ-Stack Home 1.2.2a Sample Applications (for CC2530/CC2538):https://git.ti.com/z-stack-apps/z-stack-example-appsSample DevicesThree devices are implemented in this sample network. In addition to the clusters mandatory for every ZigBee Device, these sample devices implement the following clusters:SampleCIEThe Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE) implements the following clusters:Server Side:IAS Ancillary Control Equipment (ACE)Client Side:IAS Warning Device (WD)IAS ZonesSampleFireDetectorThe Fire Detector implements the following clusters:Server Side:IAS ZonesSampleWarningDeviceThe Warning Device implements the following clusters:Server Side:IAS WDIAS ZonesNote: Though the warning device implements the IAS Zones cluster, it does not perform zone enrollment in this example.Sample Application operationThese sample apps are designed to be controlled by the hardware switches on the SmartRF05/SmartRF06. Here is a list of switch operations for each device:SampleCIESW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]SW2: [unassigned]SW3: Write CIE IEEE Address Attribute on last commissioned IAS Zone deviceSW4: Send Squawk to all Warning Devices in networkSW5: Reset to factory newSampleFireDetectorSW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]SW2: [unassigned]SW3: Send IAS Zone Enrollment request to CIESW4: Send change notification, i.e. start detecting a fireSW5: Reset to factory newSampleWarningDeviceSW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]SW2: [unassigned]SW3: [unassigned]SW4: [unassigned]SW5: Reset to factory newForming the network with Z-Stack 3.0For this example, set the network up with a CIE Coordinator, a Fire Detector Router, and a Warning Device End Device.1. SW1 on the CIERuns BDB commissioning on the CIE ZC, which will reopen an existing network for joining (if applicable) or form and open a new network. Also initiates finding & binding, which will put this device in identifying mode for other devices that join the network, so binds can be created for matching clusters.2. SW1 on the Fire DetectorRuns BDB commissioning on the Fire Detector ZR, which will cause it to join the network just created by the CIE. Additionally, a bind will be created on this device for the IAS Zone cluster from the CIE.3. SW3 on the CIESends a write attribute request to the Fire Detector (the last device that joined the network) to write the CIE IEEE Address attribute.4. SW3 on the Fire DetectorSends a IAS Zone Enrollment request to the CIE.5. SW1 on the Warning DeviceRuns BDB commissioning on the Warning Device ZED. A bind will be created on this device for the IAS WD cluster from the CIE.The network setup is now complete. You can now send squawks from the CIE to the connected Warning Device with SW4 on the CIE, or you can cause a zone status change on the Fire Detector (i.e. start detecting a fire) by pressing SW4 on the Fire Detector, which will send a zone status change to the CIE and send an alarm to the Warning Device.Forming the network with Z-Stack Home 1.2.2aFor this example, set the network up with a CIE Coordinator, a Fire Detector Router, and a Warning Device End Device. After powering on all devices, perform the following:1. SW1 on the CIERuns EZ-Mode commissioning on the CIE ZC, which will form a new network or reopen an existing network and put this device in identifying mode to look for binds with a device that joins the network.2. SW1 on the Fire DetectorRuns EZ-Mode commissioning on the Fire Detector ZR, which will cause it to join the network just created by the CIE. Additionally, a bind will be created on this device for the IAS Zone cluster from the CIE.3. SW3 on the CIESends a write attribute request to the Fire Detector (the last device that joined the network) to write the CIE IEEE Address attribute.4. SW3 on the Fire DetectorSends a IAS Zone Enrollment request to the CIE.5. SW1 on the CIERestarts EZ-Mode commissioning on the CIE. This step is necessary for finding/creating binds with the next device that joins the network.6. SW1 on the Warning DeviceRuns EZ-Mode commissioning on the Warning Device ZED. A bind will be created on this device for the IAS WD cluster from the CIE.The network setup is now complete. You can now send squawks from the CIE to the connected Warning Device with SW4 on the CIE, or you can cause a zone status change on the Fire Detector (i.e. start detecting a fire) by pressing SW4 on the Fire Detector, which will send a zone status change to the CIE and send an alarm to the Warning Device.


java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException 违法的监控状态异常。当某个线程试图等待一个自己并不拥有的对象(O)的监控器或者通知其他线程等待该对象(O)的监控器时,抛出该异常。例子://计算线程//获取计算结果并输出package com.intlgj.thread; //获取计算结果并输出 public class ReaderResult extends Thread { Calculator c; public ReaderResult(Calculator c) { this.c = c; } public void run() { synchronized (c) { try { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "等待计算结果。。。"); c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "计算结果为:" + c.total); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); // 启动10个线程,分别获取计算结果 for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ new ReaderResult(calculator).start(); } // 启动计算线程 calculator.start(); } }



win7系统进不了桌面,提示replacing bad clusters tofix zhe ba


java. lang. IllegalArgcationException是什么异常

错误:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException非法论据异常,也可称为非法形参异常。argument不是参数的意思,是争吵,争论;论据,经常用args用作形参。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。如果jdk使用的是1.7,jre使用的是1.8,就会出现这一异常。即使是低版本的编译器,高版本的运行环境,也会出现这一异常。解决方法如下:第一:修改Java compiler和jre1、在eclipse-window-preference-java的里面的installed JREs和Compiler2、Compiler就是修改编译器的Installed JREs就是改变运行环境。按道理说只要jre的版本高于jdk(即Compiler)的版本,就能运行,因为高版本环境兼容低版本程序。但并不是的,jdk1.8的修改很大,就算前高后低,仍旧派出这个异常。所以我们都把他们修改成1.7版本。Compiler改成1.7。按下图改成1.7,然后右下角apply就行了。3、修改jre为1.7,看下图,电脑里装了三个jdk版本,选择jdk1.7,然后spply就行了。第二:修改tomcat服务容器的JRE1、因为tomcat是基于java编写的服务容器,所以它是需要java运行环境的。其实这个更容易开发人员忽略,但是这个更重要,因为动态web工程最终是在tomcat里面运行的,而tomcat的运行jre直接决定web工程的jre,而上面配置的就直接没用了,因为用到tomcat了,是web工程,不是纯java工程。修改tomcat的jre,window-Preferences-Server-Runtime Environments ,电脑里装了两个tomcat容器一个7,一个9,选择一个然后Edit。2、Edit就是配置的意思,及配置这个选中的tomcat。下面就是配置界面,选择jdk1.7,然后Finish就就ok了。这样,java.lang.IllegalArgumentException问题就得到了成功解决。

frost and front steps 歌词

歌曲名:frost and front steps歌手:Armor For Sleep专辑:dream to make believeI"ll be by the front door,We"ll leave when you want,You"re having a good time,And you know me,I"ll wait around.I"m standing outside now,No one"s around,It"s so cold my lips are numb,I"ll sit on the front steps,And wonder if I will completely freeze out here.I hear you from inside,You"re laughing the way,You do when I"m not there,And you know me,I"ll wait around.I"m standing outside now,No one"s around,It"s so cold my lips are numb,I"ll sit on the front steps,And wonder if I will completely freeze out here.I think,That maybe I should get up and just drive away,I"m shivering hard now, shivering hard nowMy face,Has barely any feeling left anymore,I"m shivering hard now, shivering hard nowI"m standing outside now,No one"s around,It"s so cold my lips are numb,I"ll sit on the front steps,And wonder if I will completely freeze out here.I"m standing outside now,No one"s around,It"s so cold my lips are numb,I"ll sit on the front steps,And wonder if I will completely freeze out here.http://music.baidu.com/song/14084043

电脑启动时出现:Windows replaced bad clusters in file ....


java. lang. IllegalArgumentException怎么办?

错误:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException非法论据异常,也可称为非法形参异常。argument不是参数的意思,是争吵,争论;论据,经常用args用作形参。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。如果jdk使用的是1.7,jre使用的是1.8,就会出现这一异常。即使是低版本的编译器,高版本的运行环境,也会出现这一异常。解决方法如下:第一:修改Java compiler和jre1、在eclipse-window-preference-java的里面的installed JREs和Compiler2、Compiler就是修改编译器的Installed JREs就是改变运行环境。按道理说只要jre的版本高于jdk(即Compiler)的版本,就能运行,因为高版本环境兼容低版本程序。但并不是的,jdk1.8的修改很大,就算前高后低,仍旧派出这个异常。所以我们都把他们修改成1.7版本。Compiler改成1.7。按下图改成1.7,然后右下角apply就行了。3、修改jre为1.7,看下图,电脑里装了三个jdk版本,选择jdk1.7,然后spply就行了。第二:修改tomcat服务容器的JRE1、因为tomcat是基于java编写的服务容器,所以它是需要java运行环境的。其实这个更容易开发人员忽略,但是这个更重要,因为动态web工程最终是在tomcat里面运行的,而tomcat的运行jre直接决定web工程的jre,而上面配置的就直接没用了,因为用到tomcat了,是web工程,不是纯java工程。修改tomcat的jre,window-Preferences-Server-Runtime Environments ,电脑里装了两个tomcat容器一个7,一个9,选择一个然后Edit。2、Edit就是配置的意思,及配置这个选中的tomcat。下面就是配置界面,选择jdk1.7,然后Finish就就ok了。这样,java.lang.IllegalArgumentException问题就得到了成功解决。


public class IllegalStateException extends RuntimeException 父类:IllegalComponentStateException 在不合理或不正确时间内唤醒一方法时出现的异常信息。换句话说,即 Java 环境或 Java 应用不满足请求操作。


IllegalStateException属于RuntimeException,RuntimeException属于编程错误,不应该用try捕获(当然捕获有效,但是别这样做),需要修改。 IllegalStateException的字面意思表示非法状态,一般是状态机状态间转换不能,却调用了该转换而导致。比如人 生->死(合法)死->生(throw new IllegalStateException("诈尸啊!!!"); 修改的方法也简单,报异常时会打出完整的堆栈回溯,只要依次向前查那一步有错误即可。 此外有常见的其他类型RuntimeException:如数组越界异常(多见于数组或ArrayList下标访问),数字转换异常(如integer.parseInt("不是数字")),非法参数异常等。 再强调一下,RuntimeException属于编程错误,不应该用try捕获,需要修改


《Mona Lisa Overdrive》(William Gibson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AMip_lYxtAKLgCzx2a8iMg 提取码: ej2a书名:Mona Lisa Overdrive作者:William Gibson出版社:Voyager出版年份:1995-11-27页数:320内容简介:The last of the Sprawl trilogy: the AIs of Neuromancer have suffered a traumatized, cataclysmic coming to self-awareness and now haunt cyberspace as voodoo powers. Mona"s pimp sells her to a plastic surgeon in New York and she"s turned overnight into someone else. The pimp winds up dead. Mona weeps for him. She"s a sweet, dumb girl! so far. Angie the famous Hollywood stim star has started remembering things. Despite the efforts of studio bosses to keep her in ignorance, Angie will discover who she really is! and why she doesn"t need to jack into the Matrix in order to enter cyberspace. In the depths of the rustbelt, the ring of steel garbage and toxic waste surrounding the Sprawl, Gentry obsessively seeks the darkest secrets of the Matrix. Seeking rapture. When an impossibly tall and powerful skyscraper of data appears suddenly in the landscape of the Matrix, Gentry is ready for it, Angie is part of it, and Mona is set for overdrive. Rapture is on the agenda for all three, but others greedy for money and power will fight them to the death.作者简介:威廉u2022吉布森 (William Ford Gibson,1948-)当代最重要的英文作家之一,科幻小说宗师,赛博朋克之父。他的处女作《神经漫游者》开创了“赛博朋克”这个文学流派,1985年史无前例地囊括雨果、星云、菲利普u2022Ku2022迪克奖。2005年《时代》将其列入“1923年以来100本最佳英文小说”。吉布森不仅为科幻小说开辟了一个全新的疆域,他天才的文风和犀利的哲学思辨,更赋予科幻小说一种新的质感与厚度。他的每本小说,均是可以被反复重读、反复品味的当代经典。他也是“网络空间(cyberspace)”这个词的发明者。如今处处可见的“网络空间”和“虚拟现实”就是因为吉布森小说的影响力而进入了我们的语言系统。


这个英文词汇的意思是:无效状态异常。一般来说无效状态异常是因为你弄错了调用一个方法的流程,比如在 JSP / Servlet 编程中,服务器已经开始把数据发回客户端了,你却想改动字符集 encoding 参数,这个就是错误,因为开始回复数据到客户端后就不能再修改任何 Http header 内容,它们已经发出去了,无法再修改了。


《Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land》(Van Dyke, Henry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iUqMUDSTncnbpxvVKwnGIg 提取码:bclr书名:Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land作者:Van Dyke, Henry出版年份:2010-1页数:378

Step Up舞出我人生 插曲

Step Up or made

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英文歌september中文歌词 开头第一句是 Do you remember

歌名:September专辑:Dance Trax歌手:Earth, Wind & Fire绝对正确~!哈哈

英文歌september中文歌词 开头第一句是 Do you remember

英文歌september中文歌词 开头第一句是 Do you remember Baby oh yeah Baby oh yeah You don"t ever bring no drama to the game And my drama don"t be scaring you away You dont ever talk to much Exactly just enough You know how and when and where and what to say It aint like I gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine) You been gettin plements since you was nine (damn) Its like your perfect ( ) A dimond in the rough I knows you give me nothin else but love (love) You are such a mad sexy cool girl How does someone turn into you girl How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday How your constantly the same How you give Never hate And you dont ever change Be consistantly that way Your a mad sexy cool girl and I love you that way Baby oohhhhh You be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool) I dont know no body half as fresh as you I be checkin your behaviour Oh baby you got so much flavour Sometimes I wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy) It aint like I gotta tell you your a star (your a star) You be shining and be sparkling in the dark Girl you so perfect ( ) You my dimond in the rough I know you give me nothin else but love You are such a mad sexy cool girl How does someone turn into you girl How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday How your constantly the same How you give Never hate And you dont ever change Be consistantly that way Your a mad sexy cool girl and I love you the same (baby) how does someone So beautiful So approachable None so adourable (baby) guess your my kinda wonderful My dream e true You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl) How does someone turn into you girl (into you girl) How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday How your constantly the same How you give Never hate And you dont ever change Be consistantly that way Your a mad sexy cool girl You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are) How does someone turn into you girl (turn into you) How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play (ooohh) How you love Everyday How your constantly the same How you give Never hate And you dont ever change (never change) Be consistantly that way Your a mad sexy cool girl (Your a mad sexy cool girl) Baby How does someone turn into you girl How do you explain What you do How you be How you play How you love Everyday How your constantly the same 哪首英文歌第一句歌词是do you remember 是不是<Dying In the Sun> 歌词: Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事) I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday(一想到昨天我就如此的不安) How could I let thing get to me so bad?(为什么那些事情令我如此神伤) How did I let things get to me?(为什么它们在我脑海) Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样) Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去) Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去) Like dying... (逝去...) Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样) Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去) Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去) Like dying... (逝去...) Will you hold on to me (扶住我好吗?) I am feeling frail (我感觉如此脆弱) Will you hold on to me (扶紧我好吗?) We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃) I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美) I wanted to be so perfect(想要变得如此完美) Like dying in the sun (就象在阳光下逝去一样) Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去) Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去) Like dying... (逝去...) 相关: 《Dying In The Sun》是爱尔兰乐队Cranberries在专辑《Bury the hatchet》(言归于好)中的格调最为舒缓抒情的一首。 求一首英文歌,慢歌,男生。开头第一句是 do you remember the summer 歌曲名:Abbie Martin 歌手:Joshua James 专辑:The Sun Is Always Brighter-Intelligent Noise Joshua James - Abbie Martin Do you remember when time, Wasn"t an issue at all, It was where you were going, How far you could walk Do you remember Ah lalalala, do you remember Do you remember the scent Of the summer so sweet As the the stars would watch over Our souls through the weeds And the hounds in their fences Would bark at the breeze While we scream out confessions Of love through the trees. Do you remember Do you remember Do you remember Cuz I do Do you remember, lalalalala... Do you remember It was the year 93 if my mind does recall Seems so long and so distant, Not distant at all I sang songs to you crying Till something did change. It was time, it pushed us older till we didn"t even say hello Hello, hello, hello. It"s been four long years Since I"ve seen your face your voice Will still resonate inside my bones When the breeze es by And whispers that old song, I do. Do you remember Do you remember Do you remember Do you remember I do End 求一首英文歌 开头第一句是 how do you do BeFour - How Do You Do 求一守英文歌,第一句歌词是 do you remember 是爱尔兰乐队the cranberries的dying in the sun 歌词是 Do you remember The things we used to say? I feel so nervous When I think of yesterday How could I let things Get to me so bad? How did I let things get to me? Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying [x2] Will you hold on to me I am feeling frail Will you hold on to me We will never fail I wanted to be so perfect you see I wanted to be so perfect Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying [x2] 第一句是do you love me的英文歌 This Is Me - Demi Lovato Written by:Demi Lovato Always been the kind of girl that hid my face So afraid to tell the world what I"ve got to say But I have this dream right inside of me I"m gonna let it show It"s time To let you know to let you know This is real this is me I"m exactly where I"m supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I"ve found who I am There"s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be This is me Do you know what it"s like to feel so in the dark To dream about a life where you"re the shining star Even though it seems Like it"s too far away I have to believe in myself It"s the only way This is real this is me I"m exactly where I"m supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I"ve found who I am There"s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be This is me You"re the voice I hear inside my head The reason that I"m singing I need to find you" I gotta find you You"re the missing piece I need The song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you This is real this is me I"m exactly where I"m supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I"ve found who I am There"s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be This is me You"re the missing piece I need the song inside of me This is me You"re the voice I hear inside my head Yeah The reason that I"m singing Now I"ve found Who I am There"s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be This is me 开头第一句是fet的英文歌 Truer Than Blue 播放 歌手:Diane Birch 语言:英语 所属专辑:Speak A Little Louder do you remember中文歌词 还记得吗? 我们常常一整夜谈着说着一直到天明 就象从前一样, 那些单纯的日子里 只有你和我 我想告诉你我明白你内心的想法 因为你好象总是欲言又止. 我或许不会再说那些甜言蜜语, 但那是我另外的方式~ 你问我是否爱你, 你还记得我为你爬山涉水, 你还记得我为你到月球的第一步吗? 你难道不知道我为什么给你三个愿望吗? 你问这个问题,可答案在你心中... 还记得我们谈笑的话语吗? 每人会了解我们的一言一行, 有时你会哭着来敲我的门, 我无时无刻不在安抚你, 我能感觉你把那些痛苦都丢掉了, 我们可以过的更好, 我或许不再说那些甜言蜜语, 但也许我可以用我自己的方式............ 答案在你心中,请你好好地聆听........ 英文歌 女生唱的 开头第一句是 you are the one ARE YOU THE ONE--TIMO TOLKKI 英文歌《wait for you》的中文歌词 Elliott Yamin 《Wait For You》-- I never felt nothing in the world like this before 在这世上没有什么事比这件事让我感受深刻 Now I"m missing you and I"m wishing you would e back through my door 现在我正在思念你,祈祷你能推开门回到我身边 Why did you have to go? 为什么你非要离开我? You could have let me know 你应该让我知道 So now I"m all alone, 现在只剩下孤孤单单的我 Girl you could have stayed 你应该留在我身边 but you wouldnt give me a chance 但是你没有给我机会 if you are not around it"s a little bit more then i can stand 我不能忍受你不在我身边 And all my tears stay keep running down my face 我的眼泪不停的流过脸颊 Why did you turn away? 为什么你走了? So why does your pride make you run and hide? 为何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏 Are you that afraid of me? 你是不是害怕面对我? But I know it"s a lie what you keep inside 但是我知道那只是谎言,到底有什么藏在你的内心深处? This is not how you wanted to be 这一定不是你想要的 So baby I will wait for you 所以宝贝我会等你 Cause I don""t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道我还能做些什么 Don"t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间了 If it takes the rest of my life 即使是用尽我的余生 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等着你 If you think I"m fine it just aint true 如果你认为现在我很好那你就大错特错了 I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你 No matter what i have to do I"ll wait for you 无论我需要做什么我都会等着你回来 It"s been a long time since you called me 距离上次你给我电话已经过了很长时间了 (did you fet about me) 是不是你已经忘了我 You got me feeling crazy (crazy) 你令我快要发疯了 How can you walk away, 你怎么能一走了之呢 Everything stays the same 一切没有改变 I just can"t do it baby 只是我已无能为力 What will it take to make you e back 做些什么才能使你回到我身边 Girl I told you what it is & it just ain"t like that Girl我曾告诉过你我们会怎样,但绝不是像这样 Why can"t you look at me, your still in love with me 为什么不看我,你还一直爱着我 Don"t leave me crying. 不要留下我独自哭泣 Baby why can"t we just start over again 宝贝我们为什么不能重新开始呢 Get it back to the way it was 回到以前在一起时的生活 If you give me a chance I can love you right 如果你能给我一次机会,我会真心去爱你 But your telling me it wont be enough 可是你告诉我这一些还不够 So baby I will wait for you 所以宝贝我会等你 Cause I don""t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道还能做些什么 Don"t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间 If it takes the rest of my life 即使用尽我的余生 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你回来 If you think I"m fine it just aint true 如果你认为我现在很好那你就错了 I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你 No matter what i have to do I"ll wait for you 无论要付出什么代价我都会等你回到我身边 So why does you pride make you run & hide 为何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏 Are you that afriad of me? 你是不是畏惧我 But I know it"s a lie what your keeping inside 但是我想这只是谎言,你的内心到底藏了些什么? Thats not how you wanted to be 这不是你想要的 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你 If it"s the last thing i do 即使这是我做的最后一件事 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你回来 Cause I don"t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道自己还能做些什么 Don"t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间了 If it takes the rest of my life 即使耗尽我的余生 Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我都要等你回来 you think I"m fine it just aint true 你认为我现在很好,你错了 I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你 No matter what i have to do I"ll wait for you 无论付出什么代价,我都会等你 I"ll Be Waiting. 我会一直等下去

睡眠时相的异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)


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《幽玄·物哀·寂》([日] 大西克礼)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fvQlFT2i1ckCU2vRpSagpg 提取码:hrcy书名:幽玄·物哀·寂作者:[日] 大西克礼译者:王向远豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:上海译文出版社出版年份:2017-7页数:320内容简介:大西克礼是日本现代美学史上有重要贡献的、具有自己独特而系统的美学理论体系的美学家,是日本现代美学由明治、大正时期向昭和前期以及由昭和前期向昭和后期即战后的过渡和转型过程的重要中介。《幽玄·物哀·寂》对日本传统美学的三大关键词 “幽玄”、“物哀”、“寂” 进行了系统深入的剖析和阐释,以其体系性的建构、文化语义学的方法、细致的理论分析、独到的阐发与见解,而在日本传统文论与美学的研究中卓荦超伦,堪称日本乃至东方美学的经典著作。本书将大西克礼的美学研究“三部曲” 《“幽玄”论》《“物哀”论》 《“寂”论》合为一卷。《幽玄·物哀·寂》对于中国读者深入理解日本民族的美学观念与审美趣味,对于有效把握日本文学艺术的民族特性乃至日本民族的文化心理,对于比较诗学与比较文学的研究,都极有参考价值。作者简介:大西克礼(1888-1959),毕业于东京大学美学专业,1930年后长期在东京大学担任美学教职,1950年退休后仍埋头于美学的翻译与研究,译作有康德的《判断力批判》等,著有《〈判断力批判〉的研究》(1932)、《现象学派的美学》(1938)、《幽玄与哀》(1940)、《风雅论——“寂”的研究》(1941)、《〈万叶集〉的自然感情》(1944)、《美意识论史》(1950)、去世后出版《美学》(上、下两卷,1960-1961)、《浪漫主义美学与艺术论》(1969)等,是日本学院派美学的确立者和代表人物。


eva extended vehicular A扩展步行者信道模型epa extended pedestrian A 扩展车辆信道模型etu extended typical urban 扩展典型城市信道模型


EPA:Extended Pedestrian A model 扩展步行者信道模型EVA:Extended Vehicular A model 扩展车辆信道模型ETU:Extended Typical Urban model 扩展典型城市信道模型

depend on的用法

depend on的用法:depend on+某人或某物;depend on+某人或某物+不定式或动名词;depend on+从句等。 1.depend on+某人或某物 Whether we"ll go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。 I haven"t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。 有时可在某人或某物后用介词 for。如: We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。 2. depend on+某人或某物+不定式或动名词 I"m depending on you to do the work. 我指望你做这工作。 You can never depend on him [his] arriving on time. 你决不能指望他能准时到达。 You can"t depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为火车能正点到达。 3. depend on+从句 Our success depends on whether everyone works hard ornot. 我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。 The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。 在 It (all) depends on+从句中,介词 on, upon 有时可省略(主要见于口语中)。如: It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。 It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。 注:depend on 后不接 that-从句(此时须用 it)。 如: You may depend on it that he will join our club. /You may depend on him to join our club. 你可以指望他加入我们的俱乐部。




、硫磺硫化体系硫磺硫化体系具有操作安全,硫化速度适中,综合物理机械性能佳以及与二烯烃类橡胶共硫化性好等优点,是三元乙丙橡胶使用最广泛最主要的硫化体系。在硫磺硫化体系中,由于硫磺在乙丙橡胶中溶解度较小,容易喷霜,不宜多用。一般硫黄用量应控制在1~2份范围内。在一定硫磺用量范围内,随硫费用量增加,胶料硫化速度加快,焦烧时间缩短,硫化胶拉伸强度、定伸应力和硬度增高,扯断伸长率下降。硫磺用量超过2份时,耐热性能下降,高温下压缩永久变形增大。为使胶料不喷霜,促进剂的用量亦必须保持在三元乙丙橡胶的喷霜极限溶解度以下。实际上,在工业生产中,基于以下原因几乎都是采用二种或多种促进剂的并用体系。(1)多种促进剂并用,容易达到硫化作用平衡。(2)许多促进剂在较低浓度时,就会发生喷霜,因此用量不宜太高。(3)促进剂之间的协同效应,有利于导致硫化时间的缩短和交联密度的提高。各种促进剂在不同三元乙丙橡胶中的适宜用量范围列于下表三。硫磺硫化体系中,促进剂的用量还可以通过增加硬脂酸的用量来提高,当其它条件不变的情况下,硬脂酸用量增加会导致交联密度、单硫和双硫交联键增加。氧化锌用量的增加亦有助于在交联时形成活性促进剂,从而提高胶料的交联密度及抗返原性,改善动态疲劳性能和耐热性能。表四是硫化速度较慢的三元乙丙橡胶的硫化体系。表五是低压缩变形、快速硫化用于注射模压和传递模压的硫化体系,表六是其它制品用硫化体系。硫磺硫化体系适于各种橡胶制品。除促进剂TRQ/M和促进剂BZ/M体系外,多有喷霜现象。①二亚硝基五亚甲基四胺2、硫磺给予体硫化体系采用硫磺给予体代替部分硫磺,可使其生成的硫化胶主要具有单硫键或双硫键,因而可以改善胶料的耐热和高温下的压缩变形性能,延长焦烧时间。所使用的硫磺给予体主要有秋兰姆类,如四硫化双五亚甲基秋兰姆(DPTT)、TMTD、TMTM, MBSS及4, 4"一二硫代二吗啡琳(DTDM)等。表七是硫磺和硫化给予体在4 %ENB-EPDM巾性能比较,表八是几种硫化体系在ENB-EPDM中的作用。注:基本促进剂为TMTD0.5,促进剂ZDBC0.5,促进剂ETU0.5注:配方基本组成为ENB-EPDM100,氧化

Data Execution Prevention(DEP)问题

Data Execution Prevention-Microsoft WindowsTo help protect your computer,Windows has closed this program.NAME :Windows ExplorerPublisher: Microsoft Corporation。翻译:数据执行预防微软Windows 为了帮助保护您的计算机时, Windows已经关闭此程序。 名称: Windows档案总管 出版商:微软公司Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience.If you were in the middle of something,the information you were working on might be lost。翻译:Windows资源管理器中也遇到了问题,需要close.We是的不便表示抱歉。 如果你是中间的东西,你的信息工作可能会丢失。排除程序故障叫DEBUG



有没有 黑天鹅 epub格式的下载?





《Black Swan Green》(David Mitchell)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qVPzl05o7MVcZvLCEVeX5A 提取码:jl99书名:Black Swan Green作者:David Mitchell豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Random House Trade Paperbacks出版年份:2007-2-27页数:304作者简介:大卫·米切尔是英国著名作家,欧美文学界公认的新一代小说大师。1969年生于英格兰伍斯特郡,在肯特大学主修英美文学、比较文学。曾在日本广岛担任工程系学生的英文教师八年。米切尔博采村上春树、奥斯特、卡尔维诺、博尔赫斯诸大师作品之所长,自成一派,其作波诡云谲,灵气无穷。处女作《幽灵代笔》(1999)轰动欧美文学界,荣获莱斯文学奖,入围《卫报》处女作奖决选;《九号梦》(2001)入围布克奖决选,米切尔也因此书被评为英国最佳青年小说家;《云图》(2004)荣膺英国国家图书奖最佳小说奖和理查与茱蒂读书俱乐部年度选书,同时入围布克奖、星云奖、克拉克奖决选;《绿野黑天鹅》(2006)获得美国图书馆协会最佳青少年图书和《学校图书馆报》最佳图书称号,入围科斯塔图书奖和《洛杉矶时报》图书奖;《雅各布·德佐特的一千个秋天》(2010)问鼎英联邦作家奖。米切尔小说原创性十足,为二十一世纪英语小说开启了全新的模式与风貌。2007年,以杰出的文学成就被美国《时代》杂志评为“世界100位最具影响力的人物”之一。

biological replicates是什么意思


biological replicates是什么意思

biological replicates生物复制词典结果:biological[英][u02ccbau026au0259u02c8lu0252du0292u026akl][美][u02ccbau026au0259u02c8lɑ:du0292u026akl]adj.生物的; 生物学的; 与生物学相关的; 有血亲关系的; n.[药]生物制品,生物制剂; 复数:biologicals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr. jandali only learned around 2005 that mr. jobs was his biological son. 詹达利直到2005年左右才得知乔布斯是他的亲生儿子。


age_scale_param = scaler.fit(df["Age"].values.reshape(-1, 1))


One piece在海贼王中是传说中海贼王罗杰所留下来的大秘宝之意。海贼王动画中第一话描述了拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人“海贼王”哥尔·D·罗杰,在死前讲了一段话:“想要我的宝藏吗?想要的话可以全部给你,去海上去找吧,我所有都放到那里了。”无数人因此涌进了大海,开始录冒险,从此世界开始迎接大海贼时代的来临。扩展资料:海贼王故事简介:主角蒙奇D路飞从小的梦想便是当海贼王,某天误食了橡胶恶魔果实变成了橡胶人。而此时许多人了为了争夺One piece而争相出海,迎来了大海贼时代。十年后,路飞为了实现自己的梦想和因为救他而失去一条手臂的四皇红发香克斯的约定而出海,踏上伟大航道去寻找传说中的宝藏One piece。他在旅途中开始寻找志同道合的伙伴,开始了以成为海贼王为目标的旅程。

选择题 11) ( ) He’s the son of Aunt Mary. He is my __________. A. cousin B. niece C. nephew



onepiece是海贼王的意思,相关内容如下:《航海王》是日本漫画家尾田荣一郎作画的少年漫画作品,于1997年07月22日在集英社《周刊少年Jump》开始连载。改编的电视动画《航海王》于1999年10月20日起在富士电视台首播。2012年05月11日,《航海王》获得第41回日本漫画家协会赏 。本作被吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证为“世界上发行量最高的单一作者创作的系列漫画”。2017年07月21日,日本纪念日协会通过认证,将每年的7月22日设立为“航海王之日”。创作海贼故事是尾田荣一郎长久以来的梦想,他小时候一直很好奇为什么没有什么漫画以海贼为主题,他顶多只知道有《北海小英雄》这部动画。他认为男孩长到某个年纪后应该就会想要出海寻宝才对。尾田从小就很想看海贼的漫画,那个时候他对自己说,如果要自己画的话,那就一定会画海贼的故事。不管作品卖不卖得掉,他都是作好了心理准备才会这么选择的,纯粹就是他自己想看而已。尾田荣一郎在初一时,第一次画了海贼漫画,而尾田对海贼冒险所抱着的想象太丰富,就一本笔记本也画不完。他认识到用“一期完”的形式来画海贼漫画是不可能的,于是他决定要在《少年JUMP》上连载海贼漫画。



nieces and nephews是什么意思







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