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锂电池P2D模型中,多孔电极活性物质相、电解液相体积分数是模型输入参数,直接决定电池容量,锂离子和电子有效传导特性(点击阅读 锂电池P2D模型基础:几何尺寸)。 本篇介绍如何获取孔隙率参数。 孔隙率是指电极涂层中孔洞所占体积分数,极片中一般存在多种尺度的孔隙:1)活性物质颗粒之间的微米级孔隙;2)活性物质颗粒内部的孔隙,尺度为纳米-亚微米级;3)导电剂和粘结剂混合相内部的纳米尺度孔隙。电解液填充在多孔电极的孔隙中,锂离子在孔隙内通过电解液传导,传导特性与孔隙率密切相关。孔隙率越大,相当于电解液相体积分数越高,电解液浸润就越充分,有效锂离子电导率也越大。 孔隙率可通过涂层的体密度,涂层各组分质量百分比和涂层组分真密度来计算得到,计算式为: ε=1u2212ρcoat (ωAM/ρAM+ωCA/ρCA+ωB/ρB) 式中 , ε 为极片涂层孔隙率 , ρcoat 为涂层体密度 , ω 为涂层组分质量百分比 , ρ 为涂层组分真密度。下标 AM 、 CA 、 B 分别表示活性物质、导电剂和粘结剂。 孔隙率可以通过以下几种方法获取: (1)理论估算 裁切一定面积 S 的极片样品,测量其厚度、质量,计算涂层表观密度 ( 或称压实密度 ) :


浮冰群 流冰群 冰裹法;浮冰群 流冰群 冰裹法

东方神起 break out 有仟唱的到底是keep the faith还是 keep faith

I keep faith Don"t forgetbaby we keep the faith eternally

Always keep the faith




always keep the faith...因为神的存在,红色成为了我的信仰。这是东方神起与仙后的约定。


always keep the faith,hope to the end


keep the faith是不是恪守信仰的意思?歌词大意是什么?

Keep The Faith歌词mother mother tell your children that their time has just begun i have suffered for my anger there are wars that can"t be won father father please believe me i am laying down my guns i am broken like an arrow forgive me forgive your wayward son everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) everybody"s bitching "cause they can"t get enough and it"s hard to hold on when there"s no one to lean on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate right now we got to keep the faith keep the faith keep the faith lord we got to keep the faith tell me baby when i hurt you do you keep it all inside do you tell me all"s forgiven and just hide behind your pride everybody needs somebody to love (mother, father) everybody needs somebody to hate (please don"t leave me) everybody"s bleeding "cause the times are tough well it"s hard to be strong when there"s no one to dream on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let you know is never too late oh you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate right now we got to keep the faith keep the faith keep the faith lord we got to keep the faith walking in the footsteps of society"s lies i don"t like what i see no more sometimes i wish that i was blind sometimes i wait forever to stand out in the rain so no one sees me cryin" trying to wash away the pain mother father there"s things i"ve done i can"t erase every night we fall from grace it"s hard with the world in yours face trying to hold on, trying to hold on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate

Always keep the faith .

Keep The Faith 保持信念(译:Kian)If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤1 A* F) y% o c# k. T. mWill it get inside 你内心能否得到回应( J( T( {: a) V) |2 O0 QThrough the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口: i4 z7 @ t# e4 iAnd you can say the words 你可以说任何的话. q, R/ x* R: ~) y; KLike you understand 就像你理解的那样. G( w* w7 t) W: I* ^1 kBut the power"s in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的3 `# b: t; e1 , pSo give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧! K, o+ n% G5 K: c+ Q: a"Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰" b% q9 @! e9 A: H z) b" o! _& nSwim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋4 R. D) o: 3 j: |All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿0 i! ^9 z n- aAnd uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负& |1 |0 f5 e% q+ ASo keep the faith 保持你的信念0 Y! u% z3 U8 g9 k" ~: }Don"t let nobody turn you "round 别让人改变你的主意2 }/ b5 S7 C a- K% MYou got to know when it"s good to go 你应该知道什么时候去$ ]$ I7 e/ n* `. b5 |To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞! s4 z. x% L" [, U6 ^+ |So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧; M" D1 U1 i4 j, m: EBecause it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题/ S* T6 d3 d1 ~6 XBefore your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前. a% i& ^. q6 K0 [5 N5 x" hBelieve in yourself 相信你自己1 N& A$ i; s. D6 I# x. Cno matter what it"s gon" take 不论困难带走什么: I; ^6 ^" D$ T: DYou can be a winner 你都会是胜利者6 i8 n1 W; [$ U% S" iBut you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念0 Y" n4 r( F) t" S0 a( ]. k; G: ~" XGo, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友( W, I6 o2 Q) L4 b! G. CAnd when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时! Y* C# L6 d" @) u% Y* [! r4 IDoes it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯& K+ v( I! K+ X5 TTo a place that you only dream of when you"re all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方- x; ?* h, N9 nAnd you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进. O3 `! , I" B+ T"stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况6 ~# N4 ]. s% y" R+ xBut the power"s in believing 力量是存在于信念中的4 ^" m0 T8 p! e2 z. YSo give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧* [- q6 s% h( v3 ~, PI know that you can 我知道你可以6 v2 c: n2 x9 a: |9 LSail across the water 扬帆航行在水上6 K9 a9 @3 E" _9 u% P4 [: X" UFloat across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空; k3 V$ S) q# v8 L* o" Z/ hAny road that you take 任何你选择的路9 A) O* \% W8 i& HWill get you there 都会把你领往理想- {. w O/ j1 t1 Z, nIf only you try 只要你肯去尝试: T" Z6 @, q4 R5 c. U; h: ASo keep the faith 保持着信念9 B. V6 @( @- A2 B" n! b u5 r6 ZDon"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下7 S, Q* Z0 W% b" o" c" _. L$ |Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想" g6 P" N. o6 iAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走; @2 N" O6 ?4 |3 ?" X: I rSo keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念2 c6 p$ z( K4 m4 V6 j+ F" h$ ^+ zBecause it"s just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题" E$ v# E ?2 t, G( u9 R$ HBefore your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前, T3 `% J; d7 x2 H6 cI told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟# V# r* n2 t/ x6 [0 }how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好 H3 d" * a5 S/ G" {Lift up your head 抬起你的头) j, F* E N5 X0 v: _And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界; t/ G X" x& }+ V3 q* JGo for what you want 朝着理想前行6 y: s# B$ D3 V; S0 R7 {" UDon"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你! y+ w% U9 l& ^6 qYou can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者; s3 W$ T8 d+ W8 @( C- PBut you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念9 h7 a7 ?. t" ^ v, sGon" keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的# E( L/ Q! z7 E7 kI know that keepin" the faith 我知道保持着信念$ b. M% - p, K; Z6 sIs never givin" up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱0 x# K. x) @* r* M9 ^" @/ z$ A0 h" jBut the power that love has 爱拥有的力量- y( C1 b- ^! h; j- h/ J" d8 aTo make it right 是无所不能的" C$ Z1 }9 M9 U: H8 Q6 x4 sMakes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的8 c* ! ~. m, {: K0 _$ F3 CSo keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走+ K, s" g; d4 D4 XDon"t let nobody turn you "round, brother 别让人改变你的主意/ i: W% L- Z/ o* F7 DYou got to know when it"t good to go 你应该知道什么时候去4 i3 N* n0 Q6 `: Y; QTo get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞1 u2 J, C& ]* |& v2 K1 ?) u" HKeep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧! @9 r# ]/ H x" _2 v6 }8 Z; dBecause it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题; e. m, K7 l- `0 K, O* G9 ?Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前+ A" t/ ?$ V7 a y/ ~8 uBetter stand up and act 你得站起来行动5 w* ?7 |4 r" _) v* h" n" H% dlike you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的2 `$ M A/ U* H7 QDon"t play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了& X" L% @+ f, E4 K8 nWork on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧$ M; }4 E0 g/ O- ?4 x2 m% QAnd you"ll make it someday 终有一天会实现的* [, e1 z- z4 nGo for what you want 朝着理想进发吧# P! i1 @: {9 u; Yand don"t forget the faith 不要忘记了信念( Z3 a" }7 H& JLook at yourself and what you"re doin" right now 看看自己正在做什么" E9 c" D. @4 l! y. t o/ Z1 M5 oStand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下$ 2 G" c/ x6 R7 } Z* sStraighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯3 x2 `: x0 g6 NAnd how you"re livin" each day 每天你是怎样度过的2 b+ g c ^4 U5 q" ]8 9 U/ K/ zGet yourself together 凝聚起自己+ x8 r" a, E3 E, e0 C* g"cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧, e2 R, W$ t# _$ d: L" ~Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下" M: b4 ^$ d, a+ e" kJust keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想/ f4 f" w* J* j+ {7 ]5 c! w4 u7 T6 w3 zAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走8 F1 l, q- x+ e/ W: V1 ZSo keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念/ X) f2 J7 n( u/ Q! N7 R; V/ `/ ^) KBecause it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题& ( | `5 D; b5 T& w# R/ `! U# HBefore your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前7 C+ I3 m9 Q5 j6 @Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来5 b O" z: F8 K- MSome things in life 世上有些事情9 m& @9 h, s6 v* CYou best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它) W0 W! |4 [3 S2 o. q. `, eGo for what you want 朝着理想前行, b2 G# x+ {( B1 a6 n t9 r9 W! FDon"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你& ~5 ^" |; }$ Y( a* t- BYou can make it happen 你能实现它的! E1 `7 l+ b0 M) A: ?. hBut you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念$ q. 2 a2 s0 C! q" r+ b0 R+ fGon" keep it, brother 保持着,兄弟6 j( Z* Z Z$ Y5 d6 L! q3 kYou got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念6 o! m* Y) t* X8 u: K0 KGon" keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们% o" y i8 z7 V, e6 x+ |You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念+ R& T1 A" A% s+ E: V. q1 SI"ll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道1 x8 ?: S3 z" e( u+ X, 6 lhow to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好) r- y! Z) ~ u- i7 _Lift up your head 抬起你的头8 | r$ {( E0 I1 M9 Aand show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界2 A9 S# f0 U& k9 `Go for what you want 朝着理想前行. t5 {3 R4 W" _1 qdon"t let "emm get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你4 J, z( }" j9 H. j. LYou can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者" H4 Z" {2 C+ ^* cif you"re keepin" the faith 只要你保持着信念& S" J; a& R* k+ d2 ?4 c* j* G& GStraighten out yourself 端正好自己% o7 B" J0 j: n; H$ [( cand get your mind on track 投入到事情上" x7 n! p4 W) M* x8 xDust off your butt 去掉身上的灰尘5 P# V. ? q" jand get yourself respect back 拿回你的自尊, F: h D3 n/ N6 q3 c9 h8 ~" x" EYou"ve known me long enough 你了解我, S2 i! ^- q" p( q) wTo know that I don"t play 知道我不是在开玩笑的( T% j4 S4 k1 ?; A" UTake it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情* ?1 K& G$ T, eBut you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念. l/ Y5 E2 r6 L3 m7 ]Gon" don"t let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下1 ~* F( v0 J6 K* f8 }* F6 [Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想& S! h" B( E0 t& `0 MAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走# l: x6 M" Z/ W3 b- tKeep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念% P, W! h) M; j& L4 T% O, xBecause it"s just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题3 P, I8 `& k; gBefore your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前3 K5 m0 }2 Q" g- g& UBut till that day 在那天之前8 c V: R l8 @" d* y( M- A1 I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念


わがまま言ってたけどここなりのbaby居场所があったし信じる事口で言えても伤つくから小さな声で优しさ探し歩き疲れた羽でしゃがみ込んでいるno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for youひとりじゃ明日见失うから派手に叫ぶのさ keep the faith敌なし 不可能もなし飞ばすぜ燃え上がれ本能つまらねぇ毎日抜け出すぜ硬い约束さ keep the faith间违いだらけの街何かが自分変えようとしても怯えないで心の中は変えられない何気ない言叶広まる痛み抱え作り笑い出し尽くしてるno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for you俺らが明かりを灯すからひとり泣かないで keep the faithその声离れてても心はこの场所にある梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれ全て赌けるのさ keep the faith谁も何も见ないふりで (亀solo)君を伤つける (亀solo)俺ら傍に感じるだろ?君をそこから救い出すよだから 近くにno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for youひとりじゃ明日见失うから派手に叫ぶのさ keep the faith敌なし 不可能もなし飞ばすぜ燃え上がれ本能つまらねぇ毎日抜け出すぜ硬い约束さ keep the faith梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれ全て赌けるのさ keep the faith虽然有说任性的话不过baby 还是有了相应的地方相信的事情虽然可以说出口却还是会受伤轻声的去寻找温柔披着疲惫的羽翼 蹲在那里一定会I keep for you一个人的话会迷失明天让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith没有敌人 也没有不可能飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能让我么冲出无趣的每天我们约定了 keep the faith到处都是错误的街道即使他想要来改变自己不要害怕 你的心是不会改变的抱着无意的话语带来的伤痛尽量装出假笑no no noyou show me the faith一定 会I keep for you因为有灯光伴着我们不要一个人哭 keep the faith那个声音虽然遥远但是心却是在这里的怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来赌上全部 keep the faith装作没有看任何人任何事伤害了你可以感觉到我们就在你身旁吗?会把你从那里救出来的no no noyou show me the faith一定 会I keep for you一个人的话会迷失明天让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith没有敌人 也没有不可能飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能让我么冲出无趣的每天我们约定了 keep the faith怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来赌上全部 keep the faith励志的歌词啊

always keep the faith ,hope to the end是什么意思?


求keep the faith 的罗马拼音

wagamama ittetaketo kokonari no baby ibasyo ga attasi atasi sinjirukoto kutire ietemo kizutukukara tiisanakoede yasasisa sagasiaruki tukaretehanede syagamikondeiru NO NO NO YOU SHOW ME THE FAITH kanarazu I KEEP IT FOR YOU hitorijya asita miusinaukara hateni sakebunosa kindabeee dekiruhi hukanoumonasi tobasude moeagarehonno tumaranee mainitinukedasude katani yakusokusa kindabeee matigai darakerumati nanikaga jibun kaeyoutositemo tousitemo obienaide kokorono nakaba kaerarenai tarinaikotoba ieruaitari kakae tukuriwanai tatitukusitai NO NO NO YOU SHOW ME THE FAITH kanarazu I KEEP IT FOR YOU oreraga akairotomosukara hitori nakanaide kindabeee sonokoe hanaretetemo kokorowa konohatori aru yumemite taoretetatiagare subete kakerunosa kindabeee daremo nanimo minai furide kimiwo kizutukeru orera sobani kanjirudarou kiniwo sokokara suguni dasuyo dakara tikakuni NO NO NO YOU SHOW ME THE FAITH kanarazu I KEEP IT FOR YOU hitorijya asita miusinaukara hateni sakebunosa kindabeee dekiruhi hukanoumonasi tobasude moeagarehonno tumaranee mainitinukedasude katani yakusokusa kindabeee yumemite taoretetatiagare subete kakerunosa kindabeee从龟吧里拿的.

always keep the faith男友跟我说这个是什么意思

always keep the faith对沵的承诺保持不变双语例句1Always keep the faith. Hope to the end. 对沵的承诺保持不变,希望到永远。2Please always keep the faith. 东方神起。永远守候。


在一年一度的Moab Jeep Safari爱好者聚会上,Jeep都会拿出各种爆改的改装车或者概念车,今年也不例外,甚至“变本加厉”,一口气拿出7款概念车参展,4月初将会有超过2万名车迷一睹真容。首先是Grand Wagoneer Overland概念车,主打野奢露营的户外风格。整车升高1.5英寸,有着棕黄色车身和黑色车顶,前脸中网和全车徽标都采用了黑红双拼点缀,再搭配外扩的轮眉以及35英寸百路驰MT胎,足以应对绝大多数非铺装路面。此外,该车还配备了前后双绞盘和激光射灯,碳纤维车顶帐则由Redtail Overland提供。至于内部,二三排座椅被全部拆除之后,三排位置车顶还切开了通往车顶帐的入口,进入之后可以看到车顶帐集成了太阳能充电板、双层玻璃窗户、电源接口、双向换气扇、60Ah电池和柴油取暖器,露营体验将豪华指数拉满。第二款车型则是将牧马人Rubicon 4xe底盘以及1978款切诺基SJ车身相结合,打造出来的切诺基SJ 4xe。不过Jeep并非“新底装老壳”那么简单,而是进行很多地方的微调。例如升高车身、外扩轮拱,只为装下37英寸的百路驰MT胎,车侧的红橙拉花令人梦回满街喇叭裤和爆炸头的七十年代。车内换装了经典的磁带播放器,内饰大面积的涂鸦和棕色皮质座椅则充满了经典的嬉皮风格。动力依旧搭载2.0T四缸机+8AT变速箱+P0、P2双电机组成的4xe插混系统,并且与4:1齿比的分动箱连接,呈现出老派风尚与现代科技的完美融合。第三款车型叫Scrambler 392概念车,顾名思义是基于392版本打造而来,不过底盘来自四门卢比肯,却在车身上改成了双门皮卡的样式。至于Scrambler一名,最早也是来自1981年的一款单排皮卡变种车型。为了减重,原车的前后杠、后排座椅、车门、硬顶、内饰地毯全都可以去掉,并且大面积的钣金件换成了碳纤维面板,直接减重204kg。这便让476马力、637N·m的6.4L HEMI V8引擎再无负担,并且空气悬架可在1.5-5.5英寸升高中自如调整,从而让40英寸泥地胎有充足的发挥空间。有意思的是,类似的车身设计,第四款概念车Magneto(万磁王)3.0也得以采用,不过换装了蓝白车身涂装,并且大量采用亮蓝色装饰件的意义,是为了凸显该车新能源的身份。尤其是车头的透明前舱盖,可以看到内部的电动机和橙色高压插头,说明该车除了把发动机换成电机,其余啥都没改。动力方面,车头搭载的轴向磁通电机,有着更高的功率密度,扭矩输出更加充足,再加上结构简单、散热性能良好等优势,非常适合牧马人的越野需求。最大功率可在285-650马力调节,峰值扭矩从1152N·m增至1220N·m。搭配70kWh电池和6MT变速箱,续航提升约20%。通过发挥电机能量回收之特性,该车还提供了单踏板模式用来控制低速越野巡航。u200b第五款概念车——角斗士卢比肯Sideburn专为极限越野探险而设计。前脸采用了可翻折为长凳的钢制护杠,防滚架则以碳纤维和钢材混合打造,并设置了多个分隔储物的分层结构和扣带卡口。防滚架顶部还设有四条导轨,可自由固定各种户外设备。车头两根缆绳则主要用来分隔树杈,从而保护车头和前风挡。侧面可以看到内嵌式的RotoPax专用容器,用于携带各类液体。车顶上的11英寸LED探照灯可以拆卸下来,货斗则采用了半开放式的镂空设计,内置有37英寸的全尺寸备胎以及各类装备。内饰则安装了JPP乙烯基地板,自带集成式地漏可直接用水清洗。第六款车型是基于牧马人卢比肯4xe打造的Departure(启程)概念车,专注于户外探险,并且配备了同样由JPP(Jeep性能分部)的大量配件,包括但不限于管状车门、扁平的挡泥板、Sideburn同款折叠护杠、车顶三个可翻折的LED探照灯以及四个角落设计的岩石灯。尾部还将原车尾门拆掉,换成管状后门从而内置37英寸的全尺寸备胎,需要时可向外翻转下沉,方便装卸亦或是拓展装载空间。再搭配2英寸的底盘举升,越野能力得到了显著增强。至于车尾三排窗的位置,则被自由挂载专属配件的Molle打孔面板所取代。最后一款牧马人卢比肯4xe概念车,不仅有着十分骚气的品红色涂装,还采取了半门设计和电动软顶敞篷机构。此外还标配了37英寸百路驰泥地胎、17英寸黑色防脱圈,可抬升1.5-5.5英寸的ACCUAIR空悬、AEV三件套(防脱轮圈、保险杠和备胎架)、沃恩绞盘等配件。【本文来自易车号作者撩车视界,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

求KAY-TUN单曲《keep the faith》歌词


almans keep the faith 谁能解释这是代表啥意思啊

always keep the faith 对沵的承诺保持不变 双语例句 1 Always keep the faith. Hope to the end. 对沵的承诺保持不变,希望到永远。 2 Please always keep the faith. 东方神起。永远守候。

为什么现在仙后的口中都是“Always keep the faith,hope ...


Always keep the faith 啥意思

保持自信 遵守承诺等,看语境了

keep the faith平假名歌词

KEEP THE FAITH作词:氷室京介/SPIN作曲:氷室京介KAT-TUN日文:わがまま言ってたけどここなりのbaby居场所があったし信じる事口で言えても伤つくから小さな声で优しさ探し歩き疲れた羽でしゃがみ込んでいるno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for youひとりじゃ明日见失うから派手に叫ぶのさ keep the faith敌なし 不可能もなし飞ばすぜ燃え上がれ本能つまらねぇ毎日抜け出すぜ硬い约束さ keep the faith间违いだらけの街何かが自分変えようとしても怯えないで心の中は変えられない何気ない言叶広まる痛み抱え作り笑い出し尽くしてるno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for you俺らが明かりを灯すからひとり泣かないで keep the faithその声离れてても心はこの场所にある梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれ全て赌けるのさ keep the faith谁も何も见ないふりで君を伤つける俺ら傍に感じるだろ?君をそこから救い出すよだから 近くにno no noyou show me the faith必ず I keep for youひとりじゃ明日见失うから派手に叫ぶのさ keep the faith敌なし 不可能もなし飞ばすぜ燃え上がれ本能つまらねぇ毎日抜け出すぜ硬い约束さ keep the faith梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれ全て赌けるのさ keep the faith中文:虽然有说任性的话不过baby 还是有了相应的地方相信的事情虽然可以说出口却还是会受伤轻声的去寻找温柔披着疲惫的羽翼 蹲在那里一定会I keep for you一个人的话会迷失明天让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith没有敌人 也没有不可能飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能让我么冲出无趣的每天我们约定了 keep the faith到处都是错误的街道即使他想要来改变自己不要害怕 你的心是不会改变的抱着无意的话语带来的伤痛尽量装出假笑no no noyou show me the faith一定 会I keep for you因为有灯光伴着我们不要一个人哭 keep the faith那个声音虽然遥远但是心却是在这里的怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来赌上全部 keep the faith装作没有看任何人任何事伤害了你可以感觉到我们就在你身旁吗?会把你从那里救出来的no no noyou show me the faith一定 会I keep for you一个人的话会迷失明天让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith没有敌人 也没有不可能飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能让我么冲出无趣的每天我们约定了 keep the faith怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来赌上全部 keep the faith只有这个……

杰克逊keep the faith歌词

if you call out loudwill it get insidethrough the heart of your surrenderto your alibisand you can say the wordslike you understandbut, the power@s in believingso give yourself a chance@cause you canclimb the highest mountainswim the deepest sea, hee,all you need is the will to want itand uhh, little self-esteemso keep the faithdon@t let nobody turn you @roundyou gotta know whenit@s good to goto get your dreamsup off the groundkeep the faith, baby, yeabecause it@s justa matter of timebefore your confidencewill win outbelieve in yourselfno matter what it@s gon@ takeyou can be a winnerbut you got to keep the faith...gon@ keep it brotheryou got itand when you think of trustdoes it lead you hometo a place that youonly dream ofwhen you@re all aloneand you can go by feel@stead of circumstancebut the power@s in believingso give yourself a chancei know that you cansail across the waterfloat across the sky, highany road that you takewill get you thereif you only tryso keep the faith, owdon@t let nobodytake you down, brotherjust keep your eyeson the prizeand your feetflat on the groundkeep the faith, baby, yeabecause it@s justa matter of timebefore your confidencewill win outi told my brother how todo the thing rightlift up your head and showthe world you got pridego for what you wantdon@t let @em get in your wayyou can be betterbut you got to keep the faithyou got iti know that keepin@ the faithmeans never givin@ up on lovebut the power that love hasto make it rightmakes itmakes it rightkeep the faithdon@t let nobody turn you @round brotheryou got to knowwhen it@s good to goto get your dreams upoff the groundkeep the faithbaby, yeabecause it@s just a matter of timebefore your confidencewill win outbetter stand up and act likeyou wanna do rightdon@t play the foolfor the rest of your lifework on it brotherand you@ll make it somedaygo for what you wantand don@t forget the faithlook at yourselfand what you doin@ right nowstand back a minutejust to check yourself outstraighten out your lifeand how you@re livin@ each dayget yourself together@cause you got to keep the faithuh, uh, uhdon@t let nobody take you down, brotherjust keep your eyes on the prizeand your feet flat on the groundkeep the faith, baby, yeabecause it@s just a matter of timebefore your confidence will win outlift up your mindbefore your mind gets blownsome things in lifeyou best just leave them alonego for what you wantdon@t let it get in your wayyou can make it happenbut ya got

michael的Keep the faith中英版歌词

Keep The Faith 保持信念   If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤   Will it get inside 你内心能否得到回应   Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口   And you can say the words 你可以说任何的话   Like you understand 就像你理解的那样   But the power"s in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的   So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧   Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰   swim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋   All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿   And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负   So keep the faith 保持你的信念   Don"t let nobody turn you "round 别让人改变你的主意   You got to know when it"s good to go 你应该知道什么时候去   To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞   So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧   Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题   Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前.   Believe in yourself 相信你自己   no matter what it"s gon" take 不论困难带走什么   You can be a winner 你都会是胜利者   But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念   Go, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友   And when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时   Does it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯   To a place that you only dream of when you"re all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方   And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进. "   stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况   But the power"s in believing 力量是存在于信念中的   So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧   I know that you can 我知道你可以   Sail across the water 扬帆航行在水上   " loat across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空;   Any road that you take 任何你选择的路   Will get you there 都会把你领往理想-   If only you try 只要你肯去尝试:   So keep the faith 保持着信念   Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下   Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想   And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走;   So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念   Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题   Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前   I told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟   how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好   Lift up your head 抬起你的头   And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界;   Go for what you want 朝着理想前行   Don"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你!   You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者   But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念   Gon" keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的   I know that keepin" the faith 我知道保持着信念   Is never givin" up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱   But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量   To make it right 是无所不能的   Makes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的   So keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走   Don"t let nobody turn you "round, brother 别让人改变你的主意   You got to know when it"t good to go 你应该知道什么时候去   To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞   Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧   Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题;   Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前   Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动   like you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的   Don"t play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了   Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧   And you"ll make it someday 终有一天会实现的   Go for what you want 朝着理想进发吧   Yand don"t forget the faith 不要忘记了信念   Look at yourself and what you"re doin" right now 看看自己正在做什么"   Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下   Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯   NAnd how you"re livin" each day 每天你是怎样度过的   Get yourself together 凝聚起自己   cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧,   Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下   Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想   And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走   keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念   Because it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题   Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前   Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来   Some things in life 世上有些事情   You best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它   Go for what you want 朝着理想前行,   Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你   You can make it happen 你能实现它的   But you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念   got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念   Gon" keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们   You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念   I"ll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道   how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好   Lift up your head 抬起你的头   And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世`   Go for what you want 朝着理想前行   don"t let "emm get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你   You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者   cif you"re keepin" the faith 只要你保持着信念   Straighten out yourself 端正好自己   cand get your mind on track 投入到事情上"   Dust off your butt 去掉身上的灰尘   jand get yourself respect back 拿回你的自尊,   You"ve known me long enough 你了解我,   To know that I don"t play 知道我不是在开玩笑的   Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情   But you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念.   Gon" don"t let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下   And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走   Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念   Because it"s just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题   Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前   But till that day 在那天之前   I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念

always keep the faith 后一句是什么?提示。东方神起。金在中。沈昌珉,郑允浩,

Always keep the faithHope to the end

kattun的keep the faith的罗马音和中文歌词

Keep the faith作词:氷室京介/SPIN作曲:氷室京介わがまま言ってたけどwa ga ma ma i tte da ke doここなら You Know, baby 居场所があったしko ko na ra You Know, baby i ba sho ga a tta shi「信じること」 口で言えても 伤つくからshin ji ru ko to ku chi de i e te mo ki zu tsu ku ka ra小さな声で 优しさ探し歩きchi i sa na ko e de ya sa shi sa sa ga shi a ru ki疲れて羽で しゃがみこんでいるtsu ka re te ha ne de sha ga mi kon de i ruNo!No!No!You show me the faith必ず I"ll keep it for youka na ra zu I"ll keep it for you一人じゃ 明日见失うからhi to ri ja a shi ta mi u shi na u ka ra派手に 叫ぶのさ keep the faithha tte ni sa ke bu no sa keep the faith敌无し 不可能もなしte ki na shi hu ka no u mo na shiとばすぜ 燃え上がれ本能to ba su ze mo e a ga re hon no uつまらねぇ 毎日抜け出すぜtsu ma ra ne e ma i ni chi nu ke da su ze固い约束さ keep the faithka ta i ya ku so ku sa keep the faith间违いだらけの街ma chi ga i da ra ke no ma chi何かが自分変えようとしてもna ni ka ga ji bun ka e yo u to shi te moおびえないで 心の中は変えられないo bi e na i de ko ko ro no na ka wa ka e ra re na i足りない言叶 ビエロは痛み抱えta ri na i ko to ba bi e ro wa i ta mi ka ka e作り笑い立ちつくしてるtsu ku ri wa ra i ta chi tsu ku shi te ruNo!No!No!you show me the faith必ず I"ll keep it for youka na ra zu I"ll keep it for you俺らが明かりを灯すからo re ra ga a ka ri o to mo su ka raひとり泣かないで keep the faithhi to ri na ka na i de keep the faithその声 离れててもso no ko e ha na re te te mo心は この场所にあるko ko ro wa ko no ba sho ni a ru梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれyu me mi te ta o re te ta chi a ga reすべて 赌けるのさ keep the faithsu be te ka ke ru no sa keep the faith谁も何も见ないふりでda re mo na ni mo mi na i hu ri de君を伤つけるki mi o ki zu tsu ke ru俺ら そばに 感じるだろ?o re ra so ba ni kan ji ru da ro君をそこから 救い出すよki mi o so ko ka ra su ku i da su yo(Rap)Count down 开始(ka i shi) 5 to the 4 Don"t touchセンサー(sen sa a)3 to the 2I don"t wanna change de styleuff64 keep the faith自分の(ji bun no)Paceで(de)Race これは(ko re wa)Gameそろそろ着火 Runway 1 Life をかけた爱抚で Blaahh...so ro so ro cha kka Runway 1 Life o ka ke ta a i bu de Blaahh...だから 近くに..."Sweety"da ka ra chi ka ku ni "Sweety"No!No!No!You show me the faith必ず I"ll keep it for youka na ra zu I"ll keep it for you一人じゃ 明日见失うからhi to ri ja a shi ta mi u shi na u ka ra派手に 叫ぶのさ keep the faithha tte ni sa ke bu no sa keep the faith敌无し 不可能もなしte ki na shi hu ka no u mo na shiとばすぜ 燃え上がれ本能to ba su ze mo e a ga re hon no uつまらねぇ 毎日抜け出すぜtsu ma ra ne e ma i ni chi nu ke da su ze固い约束さ keep the faithka ta i ya ku so ku sa keep the faith梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれyu me mi te ta o re te ta chi a ga reすべて 赌けるのさ keep the faithsu be te ka ke ru no sa keep the faith中文不知道。。。

aewayc leeep the faith什么意思

  应该是always keep the faith,意思是总是保持信念,一直坚持信念  满意请采纳,谢谢

always keep the faith &hope to the end 中文的什么意思

always keep the faith是希望你总是能坚守信念! 是有天说的!hope to the end是仙后希望东方神起5人直到永远!

东方神起Always keep the faith???


亲们 谁有michael jackson keep the faith michael带时间的标准歌词 有的话复制一下给我吧 谢谢了哈

[00:13.17]If you call out loud [00:15.65]Will it get inside [00:19.76]Through the heart of your surrender [00:25.33]To your alibis [00:26.51]And you can say the words [00:29.05]Like you understand [00:32.30]But, the power"s in believing [00:35.36]So give yourself a chance [00:38.69]"Cause you can [00:39.97]Climb the highest mountain [00:43.08]Swim the deepest sea, hee, [00:46.55]All you need is the will to want it [00:50.10]And uhh, little self-esteem [00:53.73]So keep the faith [00:57.34]Don"t let nobody turn you "round [01:00.58]You gotta know when [01:03.11]It"s good to go [01:05.18]To get your dreams [01:07.07]Up off the ground [01:08.26]Keep the faith, baby, yea [01:10.62]Because it"s just [01:12.32]A matter of time [01:14.17]Before your confidence [01:15.76]Will win out [01:17.76]Believe in yourself [01:19.55]No matter what it"s gon" take [01:21.16]You can be a winner [01:22.68]But you got to keep the faith [01:25.86]Gon" keep it brother [01:28.36]You got it [01:30.47]And when you think of trust [01:33.98]Does it lead you home [01:37.25]To a place that you [01:40.49]Only dream of [01:43.58]When you"re all alone [01:47.73]And you can go by feel [01:48.38]"Stead of circumstance [01:51.18]But the power"s in believing [01:54.27]So give yourself a chance [01:56.82]I know that you can [01:58.66]Sail across the water [02:01.80]Float across the sky, high [02:05.26]Any road that you take [02:07.82]Will get you there [02:09.15]If you only try [02:12.18]So keep the faith, ow [02:15.55]Don"t let nobody [02:18.04]Take you down, brother[02:20.12]Just keep your eyes [02:22.65]On the prize [02:24.68]And your feet [02:25.82]Flat on the ground [02:26.42]Keep the faith, baby, yea [02:27.58]Because it"s just [02:30.23]A matter of time [02:32.54]Before your confidence [02:34.81]Will win out [02:37.02]I told my brother how to [02:39.87]Do the thing right [02:40.52]Lift up your head and show [02:41.94]The world you got pride [02:43.56]Go for what you want [02:45.18]Don"t let "em get in your way [02:46.88]You can be better [02:47.99]But you got to keep the faith [02:50.54]You got it [02:52.98]I know that keepin" the faith [02:57.36]Means never givin" up on love [03:02.94]But the power that love has [03:06.77]To make it right [03:09.13]Makes it [03:10.82]Makes it right [03:12.84]Keep the faith [03:15.94]Don"t let nobody turn you "round brother [03:20.78]You got to know [03:21.78]When it"s good to go [03:23.53]To get your dreams up [03:25.44]Off the ground [03:26.38]Keep the faith [03:27.90]Baby, yea [03:29.75]Because it"s just a matter of time [03:33.64]Before your confidence [03:34.86]Will win out [03:36.91]Better stand up and act like [03:39.53]You wanna do right [03:40.62]Don"t play the fool [03:42.30]For the rest of your life [03:43.60]Work on it brother [03:45.41]And you"ll make it someday [03:46.77]Go for what you want [03:48.25]And don"t forget the faith [03:50.33]Look at yourself [03:51.44]And what you doin" right now [03:53.66]Stand back a minute [03:55.77]Just to check yourself out [03:58.37]Straighten out your life [04:00.26]And how you"re livin" each day [04:01.36]Get yourself together [04:02.45]"Cause you got to keep the faith [04:05.01]Uh, uh, uh [04:07.06]Don"t let nobody take you down, brother [04:13.94]Just keep your eyes on the prize [04:15.08]And your feet flat on the ground [04:16.40]Keep the faith, baby, yea [04:19.61]Because it"s just a matter of time [04:22.67]Before your confidence will win out [04:26.27]Lift up your mind [04:29.46]Before your mind gets blown [04:32.47]Some things in life [04:35.07]You best just leave them alone [04:35.70]Go for what you want [04:37.02]Don"t let it get in your way [04:38.04]You can make it happen [04:39.12]But ya got ta keep the faith [04:41.70]Gon" keep it brother [04:44.71]You got to keep the faith [04:49.05]Yeah keep the faith [04:49.99]Gon" keep it sister [04:51.27]You got to keep the faith [04:54.12]Now, now [04:54.84]I"ll show my brotha [04:56.20]How to do the thing right [04:57.46]Lift up your head [04:59.06]And show the world you got pride [05:00.67]Go for what you want [05:02.53]Don"t let "em get in your way [05:03.96]You can be a winner [05:05.95]If you keep the faith[05:07.91]Straighten out yourself [05:09.17]And get tour mind on track [05:10.85]Dust off your butt [05:12.58]And get your self-respect back [05:14.39]You"ve known me long enough [05:19.79]To know that I don"t play [05:20.61]Take it like you want it [05:22.03]But you got to keep the faith [05:23.46]Gon" [05:24.26]Don"t let nobody [05:25.29]Take you down [05:26.81]Just keep your eyes on the prize [05:29.47]And get your feet [05:32.30]Back on the ground [05:33.65]Keep the faith, baby, yea [05:36.76]Because it"s just [05:40.38]A matter of time [05:41.17]Before your confidence [05:42.50]Will win out [05:44.01]But till that day [05:45.68]I said you"ve got to keep the faith

Keep the faith是什么意思啊?



《国富论》([英国] 亚当·斯密)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1utN-IgmZOZ424XfIGIQSXg 提取码: xt4s书名:国富论作者:[英国] 亚当·斯密译者:唐日松 等豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:华夏出版社出版年份:2005-1页数:726内容简介:亚当·斯密并不是经济学说的最早开拓者,他最著名的思想中有许多也并非新颖独特,但是他首次提出了全面系统的经济学说,为该领域的发展打下了良好的基础。因此完全可以说《国富论》是现代政治经济学研究的起点。《国富论》远远不是一部通常所认为的学术论文。虽然斯密也劝说放任自由,但他的论证却更多地是反对政府干预和反对垄断;虽然他赞扬贪欲的结果,却又几乎总是鄙视商人的行为和策略。他也不认为商业制度本身是完全值得赞美的。作者简介:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790)是经济学的主要创立者。他于1723年出生在苏格兰的克科底,青年时就读于牛津大学。1751年到1764年在格斯哥大学担任哲学教授。在此期间发表了他的第一部著作《道德情操论》,确立了他在知识界的威望。但是他的不朽名声主要在于他在1776年发表的伟大著作《国家财富的性质和原因的研究》。该书一举成功,使他在余生中享受着荣誉和爱戴。1790年,亚当·斯密在克科底去逝。他一生未娶,没有子女。

Keep the faith

Keep the faith歌:KAT-TUN作词:氷室京介/SPIN 作曲:氷室京介わがまま 言(い)ってたけどここならYou know,baby 居场所(いばしょ)があったし「信(しん)じること」口(くち)で言(い)えても 伤(きず)つくから小(ちい)さな声(こえ)で优(やさ)しさ探(さが)し歩(ある)き疲(つか)れた羽根(はね)でしゃがみ込(こ)んでいるNo! No! No!You show me the faith必(かなら)ず I"ll keep it for you一人(ひとり)じゃ 明日(あした)见失(みうしな)うから派手(はで)に叫(さけ)ぶのさ Keep the faith敌(てき)无(な)し 不可能(ふかのう)も无(な)しとばすぜ 燃(も)え上(あ)がれ本能(ほんのう)つまらねぇ毎日(まいにち) 抜(ぬ)け出(だ)すぜ固(かた)い约束(やくそく)さ Keep the faith间违(まちが)いだらけの街(まち)何(なに)かが自分(じぶん)変(か)えようとしてもおびえないで 心(こころ)の中(なか)は変(か)えられない足(た)りない言叶(ことば) ピエロは痛(いた)み抱(かか)え作(つく)り笑(わら)い立(た)ちつくしてるNo! No! No!You show me the faith必(かなら)ず I"ll keep it for you俺(おれ)らが明(あ)かりを灯(とも)すから一(いち)人(にん)泣(な)かないで Keep the faithその声(こえ)离(はな)れてても心(こころ)はこの场所(ばしょ)にある梦见(ゆめみ)て 倒(たお)れて立(た)ち上(あ)がれ全(すべ)て赌(か)けるのさ Keep the faith谁(だれ)も 何(なに)も见(み)ないふりで 君(きみ)を伤(きず)つける俺(おれ)らそばに感(かん)じるだろ君(きみ)をそこから救(すく)い 出(だ)すよ(Rap)Count down 开始(かいし) 5 to the 4Don"t touch センサー 3 to the 2I don"t wanna change da style,keep da faith自分(じぶん)のPaceでRaceこれはGameそろそろ着火(ちゃっか) Runaway 1Lifeをかけた爱抚(あいぶ)でBlaahh...だから近(ちか)くにu30fbu30fbu30fb“Sweety”No! No! No!You show me the faith必(かなら)ずI"ll keep it for you 一人(ひとり)じゃ 明日(あした)见失(みうしな)うから派手(はで)に叫(さけ)ぶのさ Keep the faith敌(てき)无(な)し 不可能(ふかのう)も无(な)しとばすぜ 燃(も)え上(あ)がれ本能(ほんのう)つまらねぇ 毎日(まいにち)抜(ぬ)け出(だ)すぜ固(かた)い约束(やくそく)さ Keep the faith梦见(ゆめみ)て 倒(たお)れて立(た)ち上(あ)がれ全(すべ)て赌(か)けるのさ Keep the faith

keep the faith LRC歌词

Keep The Faith 歌手:Bon Jovi Mother mother tell your children That their time has just begun I have suffered for my anger There are wars that can"t be won Father father please believe me I am laying down my guns I am broken like an arrow Forgive me Forgive your wayward son Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) Everybody"s bitching "cause they can"t get enough And it"s hard to hold on When there"s no one to lean on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith Tell me baby when I hurt you Do you keep it all inside Do you tell me all"s forgiven And just hide behind your pride Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, father) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please don"t leave me) Everybody"s bleeding "cause the times are tough Well it"s hard to be strong When there"s no one to dream on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let you know is never too late Oh you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith Walking in the footsteps Of society"s lies I don"t like what I see no more Sometimes I wish that I was blind Sometimes I wait forever To stand out in the rain So no one sees me cryin" Trying to wash away the pain Mother father There"s things I"ve done I can"t erase Every night we fall from grace It"s hard with the world in yours face Trying to hold on, trying to hold on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to keep the faith Faith: now it"s not too late Try to hold on, trying to hold on Keep the faith Everybody keep the faith

always keep the faith是从哪先开始说的?

应该是大米先开始说的是在07年10月来上海参加活动时接受cool轻音乐的专访时,有天留的言就是这句,具体见cool轻音乐285期 ,http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=622098809,这个帖子上有

求keep the faith 中文歌词


always keep the faith,hop to the end什么意思


keep the faith是不是恪守信仰的意思?歌词大意是什么?

Keep The Faith歌词mother mother tell your children that their time has just begun i have suffered for my anger there are wars that can"t be won father father please believe me i am laying down my guns i am broken like an arrow forgive me forgive your wayward son everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) everybody"s bitching "cause they can"t get enough and it"s hard to hold on when there"s no one to lean on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate right now we got to keep the faith keep the faith keep the faith lord we got to keep the faith tell me baby when i hurt you do you keep it all inside do you tell me all"s forgiven and just hide behind your pride everybody needs somebody to love (mother, father) everybody needs somebody to hate (please don"t leave me) everybody"s bleeding "cause the times are tough well it"s hard to be strong when there"s no one to dream on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let you know is never too late oh you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate right now we got to keep the faith keep the faith keep the faith lord we got to keep the faith walking in the footsteps of society"s lies i don"t like what i see no more sometimes i wish that i was blind sometimes i wait forever to stand out in the rain so no one sees me cryin" trying to wash away the pain mother father there"s things i"ve done i can"t erase every night we fall from grace it"s hard with the world in yours face trying to hold on, trying to hold on faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain lord you got to keep the faith faith: don"t let your love turn to hate

I kept the faith中文意思


always teep the faith是什么意思

始终保持信念 。


《国富论》([英国] 亚当·斯密)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/18RjZ5EqYMH5Nvo2rKbkk1g 提取码:qcil书名:国富论作者:[英国] 亚当·斯密译者:唐日松 等豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:华夏出版社出版年份:2005-1页数:726内容简介:亚当·斯密并不是经济学说的最早开拓者,他最著名的思想中有许多也并非新颖独特,但是他首次提出了全面系统的经济学说,为该领域的发展打下了良好的基础。因此完全可以说《国富论》是现代政治经济学研究的起点。《国富论》远远不是一部通常所认为的学术论文。虽然斯密也劝说放任自由,但他的论证却更多地是反对政府干预和反对垄断;虽然他赞扬贪欲的结果,却又几乎总是鄙视商人的行为和策略。他也不认为商业制度本身是完全值得赞美的。作者简介:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790)是经济学的主要创立者。他于1723年出生在苏格兰的克科底,青年时就读于牛津大学。1751年到1764年在格斯哥大学担任哲学教授。在此期间发表了他的第一部著作《道德情操论》,确立了他在知识界的威望。但是他的不朽名声主要在于他在1776年发表的伟大著作《国家财富的性质和原因的研究》。该书一举成功,使他在余生中享受着荣誉和爱戴。1790年,亚当·斯密在克科底去逝。他一生未娶,没有子女。





a separate peace讲的是个什么故事?(希望详细一些,谢谢)

a separate peace独自和解a separate peace是指在二战前期英法为了促使德国对苏联的开战,对德国采取了许多宽容政策。不料苏联和德国私下签订了条约,约定一种“separate peace”,.英法最后弄得自己很惨。在小说中,《a separate peace 》的主题重复出现。在战争的阴影下,理想主义的菲尼仍保持这难得的乐观和平和,而在他的影响下,他们逃脱了周围的环境,窃取了战争中的独自和解。 战后15年,已成为军人的吉恩故地重游,在没有菲尼的情况下终于得到了内心的平和,从而完成了于自己的和解

Rohs/Datasheet/Test report/MSDS的区别


If you are()a sleeper A.luckily getting B.lucky and get C.to get luckily D. so lucky to get

最佳答案应该选D,so lucky to get。这个答案亦可转换成: lucky enough to get。If you are so lucky to get a sleeper, 汉语意思是: 如果你走运弄到一个卧铺,......

concepts 1 one是什么牌子,看了挺贵的,好不好呢?




corporate finance review include concepts&problem.

  1.Please briefly describe “green shoes” in an IPO.  Green shoes provision gives the members of the underwriting group the option to purchase additional shares from the issuer at the offering price. Its reason is to cover excess demand and oversubscriptions.  2.Why do some investors prefer high dividend payout?  First, some institutions are set up to manage money for the benefit of others, thus, they should be cautious. Second, some institutions are usually not allowed to spend the principle, thus, they prefer high-dividend yield stocks. Third, individual investors may have a desire for current income.  3.What is the stand-alone principle?  When we identify the effect of undertaking the proposed project on the firm"s cash flows, we just focus on its incremental cash flows.  4.What are some of the important services provided by underwriters?  Underwriting is an important line of business for large investment firms, so they are willing to pay to the underwriters for gaining some services.  5.What is systematic risk principle?  The systematic risk principle states that the reward for bearing risk depends only on the systematic risk of an investment.  6.What happens if we use the WACC for the discount rate for all projects?  The firm"s WACC is the appropriate discount rate only if the proposed investment is a replica of the firm"s existing operating activities. If use this method for all projects, the risk and the target capital structure of the firm will be misjudged.  7.What is the security market line?  A line used to illustrate the relationship between risk and return for individual securities. The security market line shows a positive linear relationship between returns and systematic risk as measured by beta.  8.Briefly explain the differences between preferred and common stock?  Preferred stock has preference over common stock in the payment of dividends and in the distribution of corporation assets in the event of liquidation.  Describe the basic characteristics of cash flow used in the valuation of an investment. What are the main principles used to determine cash flow?  The cash flows in the valuation of the investment are incremental cash flows,the changes in cash flows that will occur if the projects is undertaken.  The main principles used to determine cash flow involves:  <1>Decisions are based on cash flows,not accounting income.  <2>Cash flows are based on opportunity cost which is a firm"s loss by undertaking the project.  <3>Determining the cash flow decisions account for the time value of money.  <4>Cash flows are analyzed on an after-tax basis.  <5>Financial costs are reflected in the project"s required rate of return.  Describe how NPV is calculated and describe the information this measure provides about a sequence of cash flows. What is the NPV criterion decision rule? Why is NPV considered to be a superior method of evaluating the cash flows from a project?  <1> The following procedure may be used to compute NPV:  Identify all costs(outflows) and benefits (inflows) associated with a project ;  Determine the appropriate discount rate for the project;  Find the PV of each cash flow using the appropriate discount rate;  Compute the NPV for summing up the discounted cash flows.  So the mathematical formula is NPV=  Inflows are positive nd increase NPV because it illustrates the benefit associated with the projects.Outflows are negative and decrease NPV because it illustrates the cost associated with the projects.  <2>The NPV criterion decision rules are summarized:  Accept projects with a positive NPV which will increase shareholder wealth.  Reject projects with a negative NPV which will decrease shareholder wealth.  When two projects are mutually exclusive , the project with the higher positive NPV should be accepted.  <3>NPV is a superior method of evaluating the cash flows from a project because of 3 reasons:  NPV uses the cash flow instead of the earnings.  NPV uses all the cash flows of the project and don"t ignore the cash flows beyond a particular date.  NPV discounts the cash flows properly and considers the time value of money when handling cash flow.

广州诺然生物科技有限公司的Active Concepts

Active Micro Technologies LLC (美国艾缇微公司) 和Arbor Organic Technologies LLC(美国艾博公司)是Active Concepts 的姊妹公司。Active Concepts 和Active Micro 结合化妆品功能原料成分,减少或取代传统化学防腐剂的需求,致力于不断改善及增加环保、天然的产品系列,开发出一系列的新型天然植物抑菌剂。Arbor Organic LLC 提供经美国USDA 认证可用作化妆品与保养品配方的天然有机原料。生物发酵(Biofermentation)发酵的过程可将许多化学成分从它们原本所附着的植物基质中分离出来,增加其生物可利用性,应用发酵的技术,根据发酵原理可将各种植物化学成分分离及浓缩,为化妆品业研发出一系列的生物发酵产品。我们已审每种植物的特殊特性并根据每一种特定植物中所找出的天然成分,专注研发生物发酵剂。所开发的每项产品均具有其本身独有特性及活性。提取技术(Extraction Technology)艾缇公司运用简单到精密、复杂的各种不同提取技术。让我们产制不同产品的同时,也能研发符合客户需求的原料,涵盖从单纯多元醇提取物到具有特殊植物化学含量的更精提取物。功能性原料(Functional Materials)化妆品的原料成分可以划分为二大类-活性成分与功能性原料。功能性原料诸如流变剂、乳化剂及美容修饰剂所组成。如同蛋白质为万物结构基质一样,功能性原料为所有化妆品配方之结构基质。生物活性技术(BioActives)艾缇公司所提供的生物活性物质指在诱发从肌肤到头发的特殊反应。生物活性成分在精制品公司开发产品诉求上扮演关键角色,艾缇公司的生物活性成分在诱发特殊的效应,应用各种不同技术来探讨此领域-包括酵母发酵、生物转化及化学改良,目的为将高活性成分提供给化妆品业。蛋白质化学工程(Protein Chemistry)蛋白质都是由氨基酸所构成的。它们为许多化妆品配方中重要基础原料成分,化妆品业界一直使用许多蛋白质来源大多来自动物。今日这种情况已不再如此;因为长久以来一直有一股极大向往更洁净无污染、更环保的作业趋势,艾缇公司提供各种可供化妆品使用的非动物源蛋白质。传输系统(Delivery Systems)让活性成分效用更佳更持久,为制药业及皮肤科学界一项持续不断研发范畴,就化妆品目的而言,传输系统可定义为将活性成分运送至皮表或头发的工具。在性质上,这些工具可为细小的泡囊或高分子聚合物。传输系统可使化妆品的性能更佳。天然植物抑菌剂(Naturals Preservatives)一种天然的抑菌产品系列,并结合化妆品功能原料成分,减少或取代传统化学防腐剂的需求。艾缇微科技公司正不断地改善及增加环保、天然的产品系列。希望针对客户需求,开发防腐剂及纯天然抗微生物替代产品。


I·N·C INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册1件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,I·N·C INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

Sleep Walking 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep Walking歌手:Helen Boulding专辑:New Red DressMary J. Blige - Sleep Walkin"I feel numbFrom the waist upEyes walk right past the worlds hurtBetter is what the world deservesWhy"s humanity just another worldYou need meI need youTo give me a handIt"s never too soonWe say we wanna changeWe say we wanna growBut all we do is destroyLeaving no room for loveWe spend all day talkinWe spend all night layin the dream outBut we never wake up to this vision of peaceBetween you and between meWere just sleep walkinWere just sleep walkinIt"s not a false alarmWe gotta get it upI"m tryin to put water on your faceAnd shine a little sunlight your wayWe gotta remove the coversThat have made us blindWere walkin in circlesAnd were runnin out of timeYou need meI need youTo give me a handIt"s never too soonWe say we wanna changeWe say we wanna growBut all we do is destroyLeaving no room for loveWe spend all day talkinWe spend all night layin the dream outBut we never wake up to this vision of peaceBetween you and between meWere just sleep walkinI know your sleepin peacefulIt"s easy to change your mindI"ve heard your thoughtsBut I need your actionsTo save someones lifeWe gotta reach past the topThere"s more road beyond the finishAnd enoughs never enoughSo give the world back it"s loveYou need meI need youTo give me a handIt"s never too soonWe say we wanna changeWe say we wanna growBut all we do is destroyLeaving no room for loveWe spend all day talkinWe spend all night layin the dream outBut we never wake up to this vision of peaceBetween you and between meWere just sleep walkinWe need it, we need it, we need itWe need it, we need it, we need itWe need it, we need it, we need itWe need it, we need it, we need itWe need it, we need it, we need itYour love, your love, your loveI feel numbFrom the waist upEyes walk right past the worlds hurtBetter is what the world deservesWhy"s humanity just another worldMary J. Blige - Sleep Walkin"http://music.baidu.com/song/1354631

business concepts有哪些

business concepts经营理念;商业概念;商业理论双语例句1Business items represent the business concepts and entities in an enterprise. 业务项目代表企业中业务的概念和实体。2These may be related directly to business concepts within the models and relationships between those concepts. 这些词可能与模型中的业务概念和概念之间的关系直接相关。

ccs concepts什么意思

The ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) is a subject classification system for computing devised by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The system is comparable to the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) in scope, aims, and structure, being used by the various ACM journals to organise subjects by area.------ From Wikipedia

CAE软件技术学习交流区有用过Concepts NREC的没


the basic concepts单数

作状语,修饰前面的形容词. 它不是主语补足语.首先,主语补足语(宾语补足语也是一样)与中心词是逻辑上的主谓关系(即主动关系),但这里to learn与concepts是动宾关系(即被动关系).如: I asked him to help me.(宾语him与宾语补足语to help me有逻辑上的主谓关系.“他帮我”.) He was asked to help me.(主语he与主语补足语to help me有逻辑上的主谓关系.“他帮我”.) 这个问题我们以前讨论过了. 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

什么是retail concepts

retail concepts 零售理念

概念层次网络(Hierarchical Network of Concepts)

概念层次网络(Hierarchical Network of Concepts, HNC)是黄曾阳先生创立的一种面向整个自然语言理解的语义表示框架,它对语义的表达是概念化、层次化、网络化的。人对语言的理解本质上是一种认知行为,概念层次网络尝试描述大脑认知结构的具体模式,以概念联想脉络为主线,将认知结构分为局部和全局两类联想网络,建立了一种模拟大脑语言感知过程的自然语言表达模式。 局部联想是词汇层面的联想,自然语言的词汇是用来表达概念的。因此,HNC建立的局部联想脉络体现为一个概念表达体系,把概念分为抽象概念和具体概念,主要侧重于对抽象概念的表达。HNC用五元组和语义网络来表达抽象概念,前者表达抽象概念的外在表现,后者表达抽象概念的内涵。HNC从动态、静态、属性、值和效应五个侧面对抽象概念进行表达,简记为:{v,g,u,z,r},它们是抽象概念多元性表现的基元,这种五元组的表示方法巧妙地解决了汉语词语的兼类现象。同时,为表达抽象概念的内涵,HNC借鉴概念从属理论、格语法、语义网络的思想设计了三大语义网络:基元概念语义网络、基本概念语义网络和逻辑概念语义网络。这三大语义网络既全面地刻画了概念系统的整体框架,同时也将不同层次概念之间的语义关联性体现了出来,解决了语义场理论及义素分析法中遇到的难题,为计算机理解自然语言的语义提供了有力的手段。 全局联想脉络是语句及篇章层面的联想。HNC提出了语义块和句类理论,其中,语义块是句子的语义构成单位,形式上可以是一个词、一个短语或一个句子,这一概念的提出便于直接从语义层面来描写句子。HNC中定义了4种主语义块和7种辅助语义块,主语义块是句义必不可少的成分,辅助语义块是可有可无的成分,类似现在的核心论元和边缘论元。句类是句子的语义类别,不是传统的陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句之分的句类。HNC中提出了7种基本句类和36种混合句类,基本句类包括作用句、过程句、转移句、效应句、关系句、状态句、判断句。句类的提出为语义结构的表达提供了简明而完备的手段,使计算机有了可操作的对象。语义块是句类的函数,也就是说,语义块的含义取决于句类,一个句子应该有几个什么样的语义块,这是由句类决定的。语义块是聚类的函数具体体现为句类格式,句类格式是句子语义的基本框架,是句子所表达的基本语义信息。在语言理解处理中,判定句子所属的句类,并辨认出该句类表示式中的各个语义块,是句子理解处理的一项基本内容。因此,HNC的语义块和句类体系为开展句子语义研究具有十分重要的应用价值


IDEAAn idea in the design process is an original thought, something to try out,explore and experiment with. For example: if designing an identity for a Fitness centre, an idea may be to focus on the health benefits of exercise.CONCEPTA concept is a finished proposal, which incorporates an original idea butalso addresses the relevant objectives identified in the design problem. To continue the example: the finished concept would have refined the original idea of promoting health benefits but it also ensures that proposal adresses any relevant research findings and meets the needs of the client."The reasoning behind an idea, strategy, or proposal with particular emphasis placed on the benefits brought on by that idea. Examples of concepts include the design for a new automobile or the pitch behind an advertising campaign."


你好!apply concepts应用概念





有谁知道美国Concepts NREC (CN) 软件吗?



international concepts是国际概念的意思,只是一种口号而已!至于MACYS,这个应该是那个牛仔裤的牌子吧!

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不贵。 concepts是波士顿本土的品牌,自 1996 开业以来,Concepts凭借其对鞋履以及周边领域的敏锐触觉,多年以来历久不衰,在英国这片潮流文化发展相对缓慢的土地上孕育出属于本土的球鞋文化。concepts男女装都有,走优雅简洁时尚的路线,中端价位。


高端档次concepts是波士顿本土的品牌,一直以来都保持着相当不错的合作关系。而双方也在历年来,为不少鞋迷朋友奉献过多款相当经典的作品。例如 2014 年双方合作的一款玫瑰配色 997 、2013 年双方推出的湖绿色 998 以及 2016 年以 “波士顿红袜队” 以及 “纽约洋基队” 为配色灵感推出的 “City Rivalry” 套装等。


  keep表保持; 保留; 遵守的意思,那么你知道keep的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了keept的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   keep的同义词辨析1:   have, hold, own, possess, keep, enjoy   这些动词均有"有,具有,持有"之意。   have : 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。   hold : 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。   own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。   possess : 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。   keep : 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。   enjoy : 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。   keep的同义词辨析2:   keep, retain, reserve, preserve, conserve, withhold   这些动词均有"保持,保存"之意。   keep : 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。   retain : 指继续保持。   reserve : 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。   preserve : 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。   conserve : 一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。   withhold : 指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。   词组习语:   keep at   1. 坚持做u2026:继续某项工作或行为   keep down   1. 压制,镇压:阻止u2026成长、完成或成功   控制物价;镇压革命   keep down prices; keep the revolutionaries down.   keep off   1. 躲开,避开   keep to   1. 坚持,信守   遵守原定宗旨   keep to the original purpose.   keep up   1. 保持良好状态   保存财产   kept up the property.   2. 保持;继续   我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去   We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up.   3. 并行:按相同的水平或步伐继续下去   4. 不落后,赶得上:赶上对手、同事或邻居,指在成就或生活方式上   没能赶上他的同事们   unsuccessfully tried to keep up with his associates.   you can"t keep a good man (或 woman) down   1. (非正式)有能力的人是不会被挫折或问题吓倒   keep one"s feet   1. 站稳,不跌倒   keep goal   1. (主英足)守球门   keep going   1. (困难时)努力维持正常生活   keep open house   1. 好客   keep to oneself   1. 避开与人接触,独处   keep something to oneself   1. 守口如瓶   keep up with the Joneses   1. 与人攀比(试图与朋友或邻居保持同样的社会地位和物质水平)   keep wicket   1. (板球)守板球门   keep的例句:   1. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.   记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。   2. A fellow doesn"t last long on what he has done. He"s got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player   靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。   3. Llewelyn was mounting the stairs up into the keep.   卢埃林登上台阶,走进城堡主楼。   4. When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest.   坐立时,把胳膊肘靠在扶手上。   5. It"s a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.   要让他们达标,需要不断努力。   6. Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.   要谨慎行事,保护好自己并保持低调。   7. It"s an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.   如此维持一个人的生命是对人类尊严的冒犯。   8. Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.   将你在奢侈品上的花费降至可控范围。   9. The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court.   政府迫切希望整件事能够在庭外解决。   10. Locking up men does nothing more than keep them off the streets.   把这些人关起来只是做到了不让他们上街而已。   11. I managed to keep my parents in the dark about this.   我设法对父母瞒下了此事。   12. We sat round the fire to keep ourselves warm.   我们围坐在火边取暖。   13. He failed to keep a rendezvous after sensing a police trap.   他察觉到警方设了圈套以后就没有如约会面。   14. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.   杰伊一贯和他的女朋友们保持距离。   15. This commission would keep environmental scorecards on UN member nations.   该委员会将对联合国的成员国采用环境记录卡制。


keep构成的一些短语 keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物) keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内 keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 keep off 远离,避开,让开 keep up 保持(不低落),继续 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面

请问一下keep link(连词).v(动词).+adj./adv./prep.(介词)???

keep的用法小结 keep是高考常考词汇之一,其含义丰富,与其搭配的短语也很多,其主要用法如下: A、用作及物动词 (1)保留、保存、保持、留下 e.g. We"d better keep a seat for him. 我们最好给他留个座位。 He kept all the money in the bank. 他把所有的钱都存入了银行。 (2)履行(诺言)遵守 e.g. One should keep one"s promise. 一个人应当遵守自己的诺言。 Everybody must keep the law. 人人都必须守法。 (3)赡养,养活,饲养 e.g. He has a large family to keep. 他有一大家人要养活。 The old man kept many animals like dogs, pigs and cats. 这位老人养了许多动物,像狗、猪、还有猫等。 (4)经营,管理 e.g. He kept a hotel in this city. 在这座城市里,他开了一家旅店。 She is good at keeping house. 她擅长管理家务。 (5)保守(秘密),记(日记、帐) e.g. All of the people keep the Spring Festival in our country. 我国所有的人都庆祝春节。 Some of them keep birthdays. 他们中有些人庆祝生日。 (7)使……处于某种状态(情况) 在这种情况下,keep常跟复合结构(keep+宾语+补语)。用作宾语补足语常见的词有现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词以及介词短语。 e.g. He kept me waiting for half an hour. 他让我等了半个小时。 Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多观察。 The doctor kept me in for a week. 医生一周没让我出去。 He always keeps his books in good order. 他总是把书放得整整齐齐。 B、用作不及物动词 (1)保持、继续(处于某种状态)(keep为连系动词) e.g. Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 We"re keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。 (2)(食物)保持良好状态 e.g. Will this fish keep till tomorrow? 这鱼能放到明天吗? C、keep构成的一些短语 keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物) keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内 keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 keep off 远离,避开,让开 keep up 保持(不低落),继续 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 keep boarders. 为寄宿生提供食宿 To raise: 抚养,饲养: keep chickens. 养鸡 To maintain for use or service: 备有:为利用或服务而持有: a city dweller who didn"t keep a car. 没有汽车的城市居民 To manage, tend, or have charge of: 管理、照管或负责…: Keep the shop while I"m away. 我不在的时候你要照看商店 To preserve (food). 保存(食物) To cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action: 维持:使…保持某一状态、情况或过程的动作: attempted to keep the patient calm. 试图使病人镇静 To maintain records in: 记载,记入:保存记录于: keep a yearly diary. 记载年纪 To enter (data) in a book: 记录(资料)于书里: keep financial records. 记录财务记录 To detain: 留住,耽搁: was kept after school. 放学后被留下来 To restrain: 控制: kept the child away from the hot stove; kept the crowd back with barriers. 别让孩子走近热炉子;用屏障挡住人群 To prevent or deter: 阻止,制止: tried to keep the ice from melting. 防止冰融化 To refrain from divulging: 使…不泄露: keep a secret. 保守秘密 To save; reserve: 保存;积攒: keep extra money for emergencies. 攒下多余的钱以备急用 To maintain: 保持: keep late hours. 经常晚睡 To adhere to; fulfill: 坚持;完成: keep one"s word; keep a busy schedule. 履行诺言;按紧张的日程表完成 To celebrate; observe. 庆祝;欢度 v.intr.(不及物动词) To remain in a state or condition; stay: 保持,维持:保持某种状态或情况;保持: keep in line; keep quiet; kept well. 排好队;保持安静;保鲜 To continue to do: 继续做: keep on talking; keep guessing. 继续讲话;继续猜 To remain fresh or unspoiled: 保持新鲜或不腐败: The dessert won"t keep. 沙拉不易久放 n.(名词) Care; charge: 照顾;管理: The child is in my keep for the day. 今天这孩子由我照顾 The means by which one is supported: 生计:人生存所需物品: earn one"s keep. 挣钱糊口 The stronghold of a castle. 要塞:城堡的把守要点 A jail. 监狱 keep at To persevere in work or an action. 坚持做…:继续某项工作或行为 keep down To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding: 压制,镇压:阻止…成长、完成或成功: keep down prices; keep the revolutionaries down. 控制物价;镇压革命 keep off To stay away from. 躲开,避开 keep to To adhere to: 坚持,信守: keep to the original purpose. 遵守原定宗旨 keep up To maintain in good condition: 保持良好状态: kept up the property. 保存财产 To persevere in; carry on: 保持;继续: We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up. 我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去 To continue at the same level or pace. 并行:按相同的水平或步伐继续下去 To match one"s competitors, colleagues, or neighbors in success or lifestyle: 不落后,赶得上:赶上对手、同事或邻居,指在成就或生活方式上: unsuccessfully tried to keep up with his associates. 没能赶上他的同事们 for keeps For an indefinitely long period: 永远地:无限长的一段时间: gave the ring to me for keeps. 把这个戒指永久性地送给了我 Seriously and permanently: 严肃而永久地: We"re separating for keeps. 我们从此一刀两断 keep an eye out To be watchful. 警觉 keep company To carry on a courtship: 相爱: a couple who kept company but never married. 彼此相爱却不结婚的一对情侣 keep (one"s) chin up To be stalwart, courageous, or optimistic in the face of difficulty. 乐观,坚定:在困难面前坚定、勇敢或乐观 keep (one"s) eyes open 或 keep (one"s) eyes peeled To be on the lookout. 警觉,小心 keep (one"s) nose clean【非正式用语】 To stay out of trouble. 避开麻烦 keep pace To stay even with others, as in a contest. 并列:与其他人并驾齐驱,如在比赛中 keep (someone) company To accompany or remain with. 陪伴:陪伴或与…呆在一起 keep time To indicate the correct time. 显示准确时间 Music To maintain the tempo or rhythm. 【音乐】 保持节奏或旋律 keep to (oneself) To shun the company of others: 避开其他人的陪伴: She kept to herself all morning. 整个上午她自己一个人呆着 To refrain from divulging: 使…不泄露: He kept the news to himself. 他对这个消息秘而不宣

keep calm and put the kettle on什么意思?

保持冷静,继续前进。put the kettle on把水壶放上去;去烧开水似乎有“用怒火来烧开水”之意,也有些“要蛋定”的意味(其他网友说的哈)

keep calm and put the kettle 我知道这是一个国外的谚语,

这个谚语还有另一个说法:keep calm and carry on.其实这是一个爱尔兰的谚语,爱尔兰人常说 I will put the kettle on.基本意思的确是劝人淡定的. 爱尔兰人和英国人一样,也很爱喝茶,习惯用kettle(茶壶)煮水煲茶.在日常生活中遇到问题时,耐心坐下来,沏一壶好茶,让人暂时放下心中的烦恼,享受一下片刻的宁静,心情放松后,才能更好地有助思考,解决问题.正所谓品茗一盏,所有问题都迎刃而解.这即是一句劝慰人的话,也是一种生活的态度.


Keep Calm and Carry On(保持冷静,继续前行)是1939年第二次世界大战开始时,英国政府制作的海报。这幅海报原计划应对纳粹占领英国这一情况发生后,用以鼓舞民众的士气。由于发行量有限,这幅海报最初并不为人所知。2000年被人发现并被众多商家印刷发行,作为产品的装饰主题。到2012年底,已收集到了15份当年印刷的海报。 这一海报最初为英国新闻部在二战初期制作[1],旨在在战争到来时鼓舞英国公众的士气。当时共印刷了250万份以上,由于这张海报预计在纳粹占领英国后使用[2],因此这张海报实际分发使用的数量很有限。[3]此海报是三张系列海报中的一张,另外两张是“Freedom Is In Peril,Defend It With All Your Might”(自由正受到威胁,尽你所能来保卫它)(共印刷40万张)和“Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory”(你的勇气、你的乐观、你的决心将为我们带来胜利)(共印刷80万张)。由于新闻部预计战争最开始的几周公众士气将较为低落,因此这两张海报被广为印刷。[4] 印制海报的计划始于1939年4月,在6月份时确定了海报设计,8月份则交付印刷,预计在战争爆发24小时内能够立刻投入使用。在设计时希望能够有新闻部统一的样式,其字体易于识别,并且能让人感受到这一信息来自国王,因此海报的最上方放了一个都铎王冠的图像。海报文字为公职人员所构思,以体现“每个公民的个人责任”,并具有直接、通俗易懂的特点。战争期间较为人所知的是同系列“Your Courage”(你的勇气)的海报,这是英国新闻部制成的第一张海报。[5]2再发现和商品化编辑2000年一张“Keep Calm and Carry On”海报在英国诺森伯兰郡阿尼克的一家二手书店——巴特书店(Barter Books)中被发现。根据英国版权法,这一海报作为政府制成的艺术作品已在50年后进入公有领域。书店的所有者斯图尔特·曼利和玛丽·曼利因此在顾客的要求下复印了多份海报。随后这一图案在诸如衣物、茶杯、门垫等零售商品上流行开来,同时也产生了许多该海报的衍生作品。 《经济学人》认为这一怀旧海报反映了典型的英国性格,其流行原因在于它直接反映了国民所设想中的英国人形象:低调、勇敢而略显刻板,能在轰炸中照常煮茶的性格。[6]在2007年金融危机中这一海报也流行起来。许多英国医院的员工休息室中贴有这张海报,其标语也被英国护士作为非正式的口号。在唐宁街10号首相战略部以及白金汉宫宫务大臣的办公室内亦贴有这张海报。2001至2009年期间曼利夫妇共出售了4.1万份这一海报的复制品。

Keep calm and put the cattle on.这句话从哪来,其中有什么典故?

正确的写法是:Keep calm and put the kettle on.这个谚语还有另一个说法:keep calm and carry on。其实这是一个爱尔兰的谚语,爱尔兰人常说I will put the kettle on。基本意思的确是劝人淡定的。 爱尔兰人和英国人一样,也很爱喝茶,习惯用kettle(茶壶)煮水煲茶。在日常生活中遇到问题时,耐心坐下来,沏一壶好茶,让人暂时放下心中的烦恼,享受一下片刻的宁静,心情放松后,才能更好地有助思考,解决问题。正所谓品茗一盏,所有问题都迎刃而解。这即是一句劝慰人的话,也是一种生活的态度。

keep calm and put the kettle on的典故

这个谚语还有另一个说法:keep calm and carry on。其实这是一个爱尔兰的谚语,爱尔兰人常说I will put the kettle on。基本意思的确是劝人淡定的。 爱尔兰人和英国人一样,也很爱喝茶,习惯用kettle(茶壶)煮水煲茶。在日常生活中遇到问题时,耐心坐下来,沏一壶好茶,让人暂时放下心中的烦恼,享受一下片刻的宁静,心情放松后,才能更好地有助思考,解决问题。正所谓品茗一盏,所有问题都迎刃而解。这即是一句劝慰人的话,也是一种生活的态度。

keep calm and carry on什么意思

这个是英国打仗的时候的一个海报。keep calm就是保持冷静,carry on就大概是再接再厉,加油的意思。

Keep Calm and Carry On 怎么流行起来的

Keep Calm and Carry On(保持冷静,继续前进)是1939年第二次世界大战开始时英国政府制作的宣传海报,在德国轰炸伦敦的时候,英国一方面拼命抵抗,另一方面做了最坏的打算:假如要是沦陷了,成为敌战区的话怎么办?他们悄悄地印了三百万份海报,上面就是这一行字:“keep calm and carry on”。想提醒沦陷之后所有的英国人口口相传,保持着一种尊严,寄希望在前方。后来他们没有沦陷,所以英国政府就把这三百万份的海报全部销毁。这件事就像没有发生过一样。大概2000年左右,这个类型的海报在一个二手书店(该二手书店叫 Barter Books ,位于Alnwick,离拍哈利波特的霍格沃茨城堡不远,现在这张海报的原件就挂在书店收款台的旁边)被重新发现,因为已经过了50年期限,版权已经进入公共领域,所以很多人就开始在各种服装杯子啊什么上的印。想想当时的人们看到这个得多激动啊,老的看到仿佛回到了那个年代,小的看到老的那么激动就对那个大家一条心的年代心生向往。尤其是2000年泡沫破了经济危机和2007年的时候,大家都觉得“哇!说的好有道理,在这个经济危机里也只有calm down才能忍过去吧!”用现在的话说叫正能量都溢出来了。 据传英国的护士都把这个当做非正式口号了。这句话的成功其实很符合英国崇尚的国民性——低调刻板善于隐忍。二战时期英国伦敦被纳粹轰炸得厉害,市中心有家书店挂了个牌子,上书:照常开门(Open as Usual)。当晚一个炸弹把书店的墙炸没了,第二天书店老板挂出一个新牌子:比平常开的更大了(Open More Than Usual)。“keep calm and carry on”逐渐成为一种英伦文化符号。这句话就在全英国几乎无人不晓,并成为21世纪的标志性图片。到 2012 年为止,收集到了 15 份当年印刷的海报。有人说“保持冷静,继续前进。如同历史传来的呼唤,传递给我们极其简单却温情款款情绪,不仅鼓励了困境中的人,而且应该永存于时尚潮流”。假如有人问Keep Calm and Carry On为什么流行?Because this is quintessentially British!(这是真正的英国精神)

据说“Keep calm and carry on.”这句英语和英国二战的一段小历史有关,求来历。

1939年二战初起时 英国政府为了激励民心 设计了三款海报 Keep calm and carry on就是其中一幅海报的标语 但这些海报始终没有对外公开 直到2000年在一家二手书店中被发现 并张贴出来 “比照一九三九年,纳粹德国席卷欧洲,英国面对德国的军事行动,可谓风雨飘摇,在强敌威胁之下,保持冷静是最基本的态度,坚持信念,持续向前,又是每天不能停下的工作,所以KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON,当然变成最好的口号。”——————何飞鹏《keep calm and carry on》

Keep Calm and Carry On 怎么流行起来的

Keep Calm and Carry On(保持冷静,继续前进)是1939年第二次世界大战开始时英国政府制作的宣传海报,在德国轰炸伦敦的时候,英国一方面拼命抵抗,另一方面做了最坏的打算:假如要是沦陷了,成为敌战区的话怎么办?他们悄悄地印了三百万份海报,上面就是这一行字:“keep calm and carry on”。想提醒沦陷之后所有的英国人口口相传,保持着一种尊严,寄希望在前方。后来他们没有沦陷,所以英国政府就把这三百万份的海报全部销毁。这件事就像没有发生过一样。大概2000年左右,这个类型的海报在一个二手书店(该二手书店叫 Barter Books ,位于Alnwick,离拍哈利波特的霍格沃茨城堡不远,现在这张海报的原件就挂在书店收款台的旁边)被重新发现,因为已经过了50年期限,版权已经进入公共领域,所以很多人就开始在各种服装杯子啊什么上的印。想想当时的人们看到这个得多激动啊,老的看到仿佛回到了那个年代,小的看到老的那么激动就对那个大家一条心的年代心生向往。尤其是2000年泡沫破了经济危机和2007年的时候,大家都觉得“哇!说的好有道理,在这个经济危机里也只有calm down才能忍过去吧!”用现在的话说叫正能量都溢出来了。 据传英国的护士都把这个当做非正式口号了。这句话的成功其实很符合英国崇尚的国民性——低调刻板善于隐忍。二战时期英国伦敦被纳粹轰炸得厉害,市中心有家书店挂了个牌子,上书:照常开门(Open as Usual)。当晚一个炸弹把书店的墙炸没了,第二天书店老板挂出一个新牌子:比平常开的更大了(Open More Than Usual)。“keep calm and carry on”逐渐成为一种英伦文化符号。这句话就在全英国几乎无人不晓,并成为21世纪的标志性图片。到 2012 年为止,收集到了 15 份当年印刷的海报。有人说“保持冷静,继续前进。如同历史传来的呼唤,传递给我们极其简单却温情款款情绪,不仅鼓励了困境中的人,而且应该永存于时尚潮流”。假如有人问Keep Calm and Carry On为什么流行?Because this is quintessentially British!(这是真正的英国精神)

Keep Calm and Carry On 怎么流行起来的

在英国留学生活或者来旅游的朋友们总是会看到这句著名的“KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON” 或者它的各种变形体以及相关周边的商品(如挂毯,杯子,钥匙扣,冰箱贴,衣服等)。——有时候要给小伙伴从英国带点有英国特色的礼物的时候,这个相关主题的小东西是个不错的选择。在送礼物的同时如果还能讲讲它的来历和精神,自然是最好不过了:

keep calm and carry on是什么?好像和二战有关,谁能给我详细说说~

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