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斯蒂芬·沃尔特Stephen Walt的个人介绍!









大家快来帮帮我 谁知道有Stephen Moyer个人资料

姓名:斯蒂芬-莫亚(Stephen Moyer)   出生地:英国布兰特伍德市  出生日期:1971年  最近出演角色:电视剧《真爱如血》(True Blood)中扮演吸血鬼比尔-康普顿(Bill Compton)  星路历程:  斯蒂芬-莫亚1974年出生在英国布兰特伍德,是英国小有名气的电视和电影演员。  他在荧幕上的首次亮相是在1993年的英国情景喜剧《结婚仪式》(Conjugal Rites)中。1997年,他在《豪勇王子》(Prince Valiant)中扮演男一号,这成为他演艺生涯的一个突破。莫亚最为人所知的角色是在BBC电视剧《跨越洲际的爱情》(Ny-Lon)中扮演迈克-安东尼奥尼(Michael Antonioni)。  莫亚在舞台上也辟有建树,曾经在伦敦享有盛誉的小维克剧场出演《钢铁人》(Iron Man),还参加了《罗密欧和朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)的演出。  莫亚在英国和好莱坞与不少流行明星合作过,包括凯拉-奈特利(Keira Knightley)、杰弗里-拉什(Geoffrey Rush)、凯特-温丝莱特(Kate Winslet)和艾尔-帕西诺(Al Pacino)。他有2个孩子,分别是8岁的儿子比利和6岁的女儿莱拉克。  个人语录:  斯蒂芬-莫亚:我不久前曾经问儿子:“长大了你想干什么?”他回答说要出去想一会再告诉我答案。过了一会,他跑回来对我说:“爸爸,我想当演员”。  斯蒂芬-莫亚:不少纽约人和伦敦人都想在这两个城市之间找出某些共性,但这两个地方实在是太不一样了。纽约有一颗跳动的心脏,是呼吸着的鲜活肌体,而伦敦则不是这样。  









斯蒂芬(英文男子名)steph的全称:Stephen 斯蒂芬





求文档: Stephen是什么意思



Stephen(全名Stephen Charles)简称s.c,为英国较具名望的皮具品牌。s.c创办于1988年,其前身产品曾为众多英国王室成员所青睐。自品牌创立以来,s.c专注生产皮带及皮具产品,经过二十多年的发展,现已赢得无数的品牌追随者,成为独树一帜的英伦代表品牌。Stephen—中文的意思是,史蒂芬.Stephen一词源于希腊语,它的含义是“王冠”。还有好多名人的名字都有这个词,如果需要的话您可以自己搜....希望对您有帮助,望采纳~~~~

stephen怎么读 英语stephen怎么读

1、Stephen英[u02c8stiu02d0v(u0259)n]美[u02c8stivu0259n],n.斯蒂芬(男子教名,亦作姓用,源于希腊语,它的变体是Stephenus)。 2、[例句]She had clawed Stephen across the face.她抓过斯蒂芬的脸。



一个硬币,正面是一只海龟,背面刻有英文字母,repuelica de caeo be derde(大写),是哪国硬币?

佛得角共和国(The Republic of Cape VerdeRepública de Cabo Verde)


程序鉴定方法(pep是Program Evaluation Procedure 的缩写)APQP、PPAP、SPC、MSA、FMEA、PMH、PEP,在ISO14000和ISO/TS16949体系占有重要地位,同时也与项目管理有关



求clc pepe的中韩对照歌词

CLC-PePe中韩歌词对照版你能给我什么ub124uac00 ub0b4uac8c ubb58 uc904 uc218 uc788uaca0ub2c8这是你的界限uc774uac74 ub108uc758 ud55cuacc4你比我想象中更傻uc0dduac01ubcf4ub2e4 ud6e8uc52c uba4duccadud574一辈子中二病ud3c9uc0dd uc9112ubcd1男人们都一样(当你渴望什么)ub0a8uc790ub780 ub611uac19uc544 (ub124uac00 uc6d0ud558ub294uac78)找来找去的时候(就会变得焦急)ucc3euc73cub824 ud5e4ub9ec ub550 (uc870uae09ud574uc9c0uace0)你当你是患者吗 去看医生吧ubb34uc2a8 ud658uc790uc57c uc758uc0acuc640 uc0c1uc758ud574别装病喊疼uc544ud508 ucc99ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0为什么招惹我 动摇我 你是不是uc65c uac74ub4e4uace0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ub2d8uc544 ud639uc2dcOoh ooh怎么会Ooh ooh uc5b4uca4cub098You"re so crazy Amazing你的演技You"re so crazy Amazing ud574 ub108uc758 uc5f0uae30不要再来找我了ub610 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0a0 ucc3euc9c0 ub9c8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8这就是你的水平吗uc774uac8c ub124 uc218uc900uc774uc57cMove back看哪呢Move back uc5b4ub51c ubd10你不用痴心妄想了ub10c ubabb uc624ub974ub294 ub098ubb34uc57cPlz适可而止Plz uadf8ub9cc uc880 ud574 ub46c你要找的女人 还是去别的地方找吧ub124 uc5ecuc794 ub534 ub370 uac00uc11c uc54cuc544ubd10男人们都一样(当你渴望什么)ub0a8uc790ub780 ub611uac19uc544 (ub124uac00 uc6d0ud558ub294uac78)找来找去的时候(就会变得焦急)ucc3euc73cub824 ud5e4ub9ec ub550 (uc870uae09ud574uc9c0uace0)你当你是患者吗 去看医生吧ubb34uc2a8 ud658uc790uc57c uc758uc0acuc640 uc0c1uc758ud574别装病喊疼uc544ud508 ucc99ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0为什么招惹我 动摇我 你是不是uc65c uac74ub4e4uace0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ub2d8uc544 ud639uc2dcOoh ooh怎么会Ooh ooh uc5b4uca4cub098You"re so crazy Amazing你的演技You"re so crazy Amazing ud574 ub108uc758 uc5f0uae30不要再来找我了ub610 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0a0 ucc3euc9c0 ub9c8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8这就是你的水平吗uc774uac8c ub124 uc218uc900uc774uc57c男人们意图明显的狼嚎ubed4ud55c ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc758 ub291ub300 uac19uc740 uc678uce68窥伺时机如饥似渴的招惹ub9c8uce68 uad76uc8fcub824 uc788ub294 uac83ucc98ub7fc uac74ub4dcub824感情一点点冷却的感动uc815uc774 ub69dub69d ub5a8uc5b4uc9c0ub294 uac10ub3d9现在我也不会生气了uc774uc81c ud654ub3c4 ub098uc9c0 uc54auc544 ub098ub3c4和你分手 终于能轻松地唱歌ub108uc640 ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0ub2c8 ub178ub798ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc694家人朋友们也高呼万岁uac00uc871 uce5cuad6cub4e4ub3c4 ub9ccuc138ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc694你就磕磕绊绊慢走吧Babyub354ub4ecub354ub4ec uc798 uac00ub77c Baby忘记你也是非常 Easyub108ub97c uc78aub294 ubc95ub3c4 ucc38 Easy为什么招惹我 动摇我 你是不是uc65c uac74ub4e4uace0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 ub2d8uc544 ud639uc2dcOoh ooh怎么会Ooh ooh uc5b4uca4cub098You"re so crazy Amazing你的演技You"re so crazy Amazing ud574 ub108uc758 uc5f0uae30不要再来找我了ub610 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0a0 ucc3euc9c0 ub9c8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8HuBiLueiPePePelo可笑ud6c4ube44ub8e8uc5d0 ud398ud398 ud398ub85c uc6c3uaca8这就是你的水平吗uc774uac8c ub124 uc218uc900uc774uc57cLaLa LaLaLa LaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLa LaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLa LaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa



once you have cured the water pollution,you will have to take steps to avoid it___again.

happens,happening都对。用happens表示avoid 后跟的是句子。用 happening,表示avoid 后跟的是短语。



177 horsepower等于多少kw?换算公式是多少?

1马力(HP)=0.735千瓦(KW) 177HP=177*0.735=130.095kw

16 Horsepower的《poor mouth》 歌词

歌曲名:poor mouth歌手:16 Horsepower专辑:secret southis anything as lovely to meas the truth in lovei"ll take it over freedom any dayit brings me ever an" this time to my kneesan" on my knees i run awayyes i know your sticks and stones theythey will easily break these bones an"an" all my words come back to haunt mei will put my strength intothe things left standingi am hoarse with wild eyesno debts outstandingmy hands are yours my brotheryou can take my coat as wellmy eyes are yours sisterand my heart, and my heartin which he dwellsheard the voice of my master callin" mefrom deep in the hollowsaid that I must follow him there yeahis any place darker for mewith all them wolves aboutwell it"s a poor mouth that I wearmy hands are yours my brotheryou can take my coat as wellmy eyes are yours sisterand my heart, and my heartin which he dwellslivin" from hand to poor mouthyou an" me an" my secret southhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14184523


《The Poisonwood Bible》(Barbara Kingsolver)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1x2Dlwkpji1akG1zn3fwu7g 提取码:ukg5书名:The Poisonwood Bible作者:Barbara Kingsolver豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版年份:2005-5-31页数:576内容简介:在线阅读本书The Poisonwood Bible is a story told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959. They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it -- from garden seeds to Scripture -- is calamitously transformed on African soil. What follows is a suspenseful epic of one family"s tragic undoing and remarkable reconstruction over the course of three decades in postcolonial Africa. This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more.作者简介:芭芭拉.金索佛(Barbara Kingsolver)可能是当代美国文学最特殊的一个声音。她出身肯塔基州乡间,大学主修生物,后来专攻生态学,拿到科学硕士,期间曾旅居法国和希腊,当过考古学家、校稿员、X光技术人员、清洁工、生物研究员和科技文件翻译。求学期间,她修习写作课程,并担任校刊科学作者,后来逐渐在各大媒体发表文章。离开学校后,金索佛白天担任记者,晚上在家写作。怀孕期间她夜里难以成眠,便躲进衣柜写作,不久完成第一部长篇小说《豆树青青》(The Bean Trees)。这本小说描写双眼灵澈、精力充沛的乡间女孩泰勒只想离开肯塔基和避免怀孕,她买下一部老旧的福斯汽车,往西飞驰而去,但是当她在亚利桑纳州的某个汽车维修厂停下来的时候,竟发现这儿是中美洲难民收容所,而她自己也「继承」了一个印地安小女孩「乌龟」。 《豆树青青》是一个美国南方小说的西部版,出版后获得热烈回响,如今已是全美多所大学的指定教材,卖座超过两百万册,从此开启了金索佛的写作生涯。之后的十年间,金索佛又发表了《豆树青青》的续集《天堂的猪群》(Pigs in Heaven)、独立长篇《动物之梦》(Animal Dreams)、小说集《家园故事》(Homeland and Other Stories)、散文集《土桑高潮》(High Tide in Tuscon)等作品。她以强烈的女性意识、对美国南方的精确描写、广博的自然知识、温暖的笔触和丰美的意象,赢得读者和评论者的一致爱戴。然后,便是她创造历史的第四本小说《毒木圣经》(The Poisonwood Bible)。在这之前,金索佛的作品多以描写美国南方见长,《毒木圣经》却将场景转移到1950年代的比利时属刚果。在那刚果人民争取独立的连天烽火之下,浸信会牧师纳森?普莱斯带着妻子和四个女儿来到这荒莽之地,因为他认为这里满是需要救赎的灵魂。这本六百页的史诗以廿世纪最戏剧化的政治动荡为背景,由普莱斯家族的五位女性轮番担任叙事者,写她们在父权的威迫、复杂陌生的异国文化、危机四伏的内战下交织而成的故事,残酷、美丽、凄切,震撼人心,是金索佛生涯最具野心的创作。 2000年六月,《毒木圣经》被选入欧普拉读书俱乐部,缔造今日美国畅销榜上连续一百三十七周的惊人记录,前后逾两年半,狂卖三百七十万册,售出十余国版权,亚玛逊网路书店的读者书评多达一千三百余篇,至今依然是为人津津乐道的出版神话。两年后,金索佛发表《纵情夏日》(Prodigal Summer),被誉为金索佛最性感也最容易亲近的作品,再度创下百万销售佳绩。故事发生在阿帕拉契山南部,叙写一整个夏天里自然的丰饶生机和人类的原始欲望。小说由三条剧情线交错并行:高居山间的森林警备员迪娜苦苦寻觅新出现的土狼家族,满心期待它们能取代绝种的红狐,成为新的掠食者,为这个生态系带来改变,不料却爱上了来参加猎杀土狼竞赛的猎人。远嫁乡间农庄的露莎,面对丈夫猝死,充满敌意的五位小姑,她要重返实验室的学术生活,还是在自然野地寻找新生命?还有世居山谷的贾奈特老爷,总是为了是否要喷洒杀虫剂和邻居罗琳丝小姐吵个没完。金索佛在每一条线都安排了南辕北辙的对比:保育员和猎人、城市学者和乡间农妇、杀虫老头和崇尚自然的妇人,写老中青三代的冲突和欲望,用动物的气味隐喻人与人之间无法解释的吸引力,并以其百科全书般的知识细写自然万物(请看全书第一段:「她的身体以习惯孤独的坦然移动着,然而孤独只是人类的自以为是。因为每个轻步都是脚下甲虫的雷响,每个选择对被选者都是全新世界。一切秘密都有目击证人。」)在《纵情夏日》出版后的五年间,金索佛与家人隐遁维吉尼亚州乡间,仅完成散文集《适足微奇》(Small Wonder)。 2005年三月,终于传出金索佛新作消息,包括记录农场生活的自然写作《动物、植物与奇迹》(Animal, Vegetable, and Miracle),以及如同《毒木圣经》般格局和野心的长篇力作《给未来历史学家的备忘录》(Notes to a Future Historian)。芭芭拉?金索佛身兼自然学者和小说家,在自然关怀、政治议题和女性论述之余,仍坚信剧情的重要。她的小说从不流于实验或说教,总是在内涵和通俗之间寻找平衡点。说她是美国当代最受爱戴的小说家,绝不过誉。旧金山纪事报说得好:「芭芭拉?金索佛依然是一个读者喜爱而且尊敬的声音,只要她继续与我们分享丰饶的果实,我们就会一直阅读她的作品。」




deep sea coral是什么颜色


Hot _______the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.

Bas 做“虽然”讲时,要用倒装结构。即:表语+as+主语+谓语(若表语是单数名词,不用不定冠词)状语(much)+as+主语+谓语动词(try)+as+主语+谓语


icepak 这个软件确实很强大,精通的人确实很少,都在学习当中呢,我也都是参考教程里面的一步一步的搞的,你要是按照教程做的话应该是没有什么问题的,要是没有 你可以在文库里面下载的,里面有几个文件还是可以的。

Deep In My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Deep In My Heart歌手:The Five Keys专辑:The Aladdin YearsOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifeWalking through time looking for an answerHow can it be this wayWhat have I doneI just can"t help but wonderHow everything could changeCause you have turned my world aroundSince you came along,noAfter this love was foundIt seems like we can"t go onDeep in my heartI know there"s only youAnd right from the start I always knewI never let goCause I love you soOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifeSome people searchwhat seems to be a lifetimeTo find a love like thisAnd here we areWith everything we wished forI never felt such blissCause you have turned my world aroundSince you came alongAfter this love was foundIt seems like we can"t go onDeep in my heartI know there"s only youAnd right from the start I always knewI never let goCause I love you soOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifeThere comes a chance in everyones lifeAnd I beleive it won"t happen twiceNow since I"ve felt the glory of loveI want spend forever(And ever with you)Deep in my heartI know there"s only youAnd right from the start I always knewI never let goCause I love you soOhohDeep in my heartI know there"s only youAnd right from the start I always knewI never let goCause I love you soOhohDeep in my heartDeep in my heartOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifeOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8137195




《常识》([美] 托马斯·潘恩)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ja4DucXdOOoCLaU7n_8g_g 提取码: 3bl8书名:常识作者:[美] 托马斯·潘恩译者:蒋漫豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:上海译文出版社出版年份:2015-5页数:105内容简介:“改变美国的20本书”之一精心打造的全新译本当代青年不可不读的经典名著本书内容确实如书名所言,全是常识,但这些常识是就今天而言的。在莱克星顿的枪声打响之后的1776年1月,这本书所具有的震撼人心的作用是今人所不可想象的,可以说它就是促使美国从不列颠帝国中独立出来的出版物,本书的出版深刻揭露了英国的黑暗与压迫本质,使得很多人最终下定决心与英国决裂,极大地鼓舞了人们谋求独立的士气。作者简介:托马斯u2022潘恩(1737-1809):英裔美国思想家、作家、政治活动家、理论家、革命家、激进民主主义者。美利坚合众国的国家名称也出自潘恩。他撰写了铿锵有力并广为流传的小册子《常识》,极大地鼓舞了北美民众的独立情绪,他同时也被广泛视为美国开国元勋之一。后来受到法国大革命影响,潘恩撰写了《人的权利》,成为启蒙运动的指导作品之一。


品牌: 耐克(NIKE) 商品名称:耐克Nike Precision 6 轻便耐磨透气缓震男子运动篮球鞋 Game Royal/Universi...




Accuracy 为精(确)度Precision 为精密度Repeatability 为再现性(Precision)精密度δ:说明仪表指示值的分散性,δ愈小则说明测量愈精密。(Accuracy)精度τ:说明测量的综合优良程度。在最简单的场合下τ=δ+ε。精度最终是以测量误差的相对值来表示的。 也就是说精度涉及到精密度和另一个正确度ε这两个方面, 正确度ε它说明仪表示值偏差大小的程度。即示值有规则偏离真值的程度。Repeatability 为再现性。表示在改变了的测量条件下,对同一被测量的测量结果之间的一致性。再现性又称为复现性、重现性。



Rolling in the deep 这首歌全部的歌词 怎么读? 教我


rolling in the deep歌词中文翻译

There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救Finally, I can see you crystal clear.我终于看清你了Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中See how I leave, with every piece of you看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不要低估我将会做些什么There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉We could have had it all我们本应幸福的Rolling in the Deep在黑暗中翻滚Your had my heart... Inside of your hand你曾把我的心捏在手里And you played it... To the beat然后玩弄它Baby I have no story to be told,宝贝我已无话可说But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你Think of me in the depths of your despair.在绝望的深处想着我Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it To the beatWE Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)从每一扇开着的门中穿越Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)希望你能找到你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)把我的悲伤化作“财富“And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow.让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”But you played it但你欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it to the beat.欺骗了全部的我

rolling in the deep中英文歌词

Rolling In the Deep -- Adele 滑向深处 There"s a fire starting in my heart, 我心中燃起了火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 那温度驱走了黑暗 Finally, I can see you crystal clear. 我终于看得清你 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare. 放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中 See how I leave, with every piece of you 我会一片一片把你剥离我的记忆 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do. 不要以为我真的不会这么做 There"s a fire starting in my heart, 心中燃起了火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 那温度驱走了黑暗 The scars of your love, remind me of us. 害怕爱你让我更清晰的了解你我 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 让我觉得总是有一步之遥 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 害怕爱你让我无法呼吸 I can"t help feeling... 我无法阻止自己的思绪 We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)... 我们本应幸福(你会祈祷你从未遇见我) Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) 在内心的深处辗转(流下的泪水在心中反侧) Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me) 你拥有我的心(你会希望)在你的手掌上(从未遇见我) And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep) 你却没有珍惜(泪水滑下)没有留恋(滑向内心深处) Baby I have no story to be told, 宝贝我无话可说 But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn. 可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你 Think of me in the depths of your despair. 在绝望的深处想着我 Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared. 在你绝望的深处留驻,我不再和你分担 The scars of your love, remind you of us. 害怕爱你让我更清晰的了解你我 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 让我觉得总是有一步之遥 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 害怕爱你让我无法呼吸 I can"t help feeling... 我无法阻止自己的思绪 重复“We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you never had met me)... Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... inside of your hand (Never had met me) And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep) Could have had it all Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside of your hand, But you played it with your beating” Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa) 从每一扇开着的门中穿越 Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh) 细数你的愿望找到你真正的理想 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa) 把我的悲伤化作财富 And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow. 再把善良换给我—有因就有果 重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me) It all. (Tears are gonna fall) It all It all (Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me) And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)” But you played it 但你欺骗了我 You played it. 欺骗了我 You played it. 欺骗了我 You played it to the beat. 欺骗了全部的我

求音乐:adele rolling in the deep 翻译成中文

There"s a fire starting in my heart,   我心中燃起了一股火焰   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   那温度将我从黑暗解救   Finally, I can see you crystal clear.   我终于看清你了   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离   Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.   不要低估我将会做些什么   There"s a fire starting in my heart,   我心中燃起了一股火焰   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   那温度将我从黑暗解救   The scars of your love, remind me of us.   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸   I can"t help feeling...   我甚至已失去知觉   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福的   Rolling in the Deep   在黑暗中翻滚   Your had my heart... Inside of your hands   你曾把我的心捏在手里   And you played it... To the beat   然后玩弄它   Baby I have no story to be told,   宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.   可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你   Think of me in the depths of your despair.   在绝望的深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.   在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担   The scars of your love, remind me of us.   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸   I can"t help feeling...   我甚至已失去知觉   重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the Deep   Your had my heart inside of your hand   And you played it To the beat   We could have had it all   Rolling in the deep.   You had my heart inside of your hand,   But you played it with your beat   Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa)   从每一扇开着的门中穿越   Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)   希望你能找到你想要的   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)   把我的悲伤化作“财富“   And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you"ve sown.   让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆   重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)   We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)   It all. (Tears are gonna fall)   It all   It all (Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)   Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)   You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)   And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)   We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)   Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)   You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it.   欺骗了我   You played it.   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat.   欺骗了全部的我

谁能给Rolling in the deep翻译一下, 尽量切合歌词意思啊


哪位大神给下《Rolling In The Deep》歌词的中文翻译?

http://music.163.com/#/m/song?id=16435051&userid=247388217作曲 : Adele Adkins/Paul Epworth作词 : Adele Adkins/Paul EpworthThere"s a fire starting in my heart心中燃起一阵怒火Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark熊熊烈焰将我带出黑暗Finally I can see you crystal clear终于我把你看的一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare你若继续出卖那我也不会再留恋See how I leave with every piece of you看我如何报复你Don"t underestimate the things that I will do不要低估我的能耐There"s a fire starting in my heart心中燃起一阵怒火Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark熊熊烈焰将我带出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us爱你而生的伤痛They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我想起我们本该幸福的The scars of your love they leave me breathless爱你而生的伤痛,使我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling我不禁心生感触We could have had it all我们本该幸福的Rolling in the Deep如今却只能在黑暗里挣扎Your had my heart Inside of your hand你曾拥有过我的心And you played it To the beat (Rolling in the deep)但你却玩弄它,并未珍惜Baby I have no story to be told宝贝我已经无话可说But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn可我知道我占据着你的思绪Think of me in the depths of your despair在最绝望的时候想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared可我不会在与你同甘共苦The scars of your love remind you of us爱你而生的伤痛They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我想起我们本该幸福的The scars of your love they leave me breathless爱你而生的伤痛,使我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling我不禁心生感触We could have had it all我们本该幸福的Rolling in the Deep如今却只能在黑暗里挣扎Your had my heart inside of your hand你曾拥有过我的心And you played it但你却玩弄它To the beat并未珍惜Could have had it all我们本该幸福Rolling in the deep如今却只能在黑暗里挣扎You had my heart inside of your hand你曾拥有过我的心But you played it with your beating但你却伴随着你的心跳玩弄它Throw your soul through every open door将你的灵魂驱逐出我的心门Count your blessings to find what you look for祝福你能找到你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold我要将悲伤化作财富You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow你会知道什么叫因果报应We could have had it all我们本该幸福的We could have had it all yeah我们本该幸福的It all直至生命尽头It all It all直至生命尽头We could have had it all我们本该幸福的Rolling in the deep如今却只能在黑暗里挣扎You had my heart inside of your hand你曾拥有过我的心And you played it to the beat但你却玩弄它,并未珍惜We could have had it all我们本该幸福的Rolling in the deep如今却只能在黑暗里挣扎You had my heart你曾拥有过Inside of your hand我的心But you played it但你却玩弄它You played it但你却玩弄它You played it但你却玩弄它You played it to the beat并未珍惜

《Rolling in the deep 》的歌词和翻译

好There"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the DeepYour had my heart Inside of your handAnd you played it To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there as mine sure won"t be sharedThe scars of your love remind you of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatCould have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handBut you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open doorCount your blessings to find what look forTurn my sorrow into treasured goldAnd pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it all yeahIt allIt allWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it to the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heartInside of your handBut you played itYou played itYou played itYou played it to the beat[7] 中文歌词我心中燃起了一股火焰那温度将我从黑暗解救我终于看清你了继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离不要低估我将会做些什么我心中燃起了一股火焰那温度将我从黑暗解救你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸我甚至已失去知觉我们本应幸福的在黑暗中翻滚你曾把我的心捏在手里然后玩弄它宝贝我已无话可说可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你在绝望的深处想着我在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸我甚至已失去知觉从每一扇开着的门中穿越希望你能找到你想要的把我的悲伤化作“财富“让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆但你欺骗了我欺骗了我欺骗了我欺骗了全部的我情绪感很强

Rolling in the deep的歌曲MV

《Rolling In The Deep》的音乐录影带由导演Sam Brown执导,MV在一栋废弃的房子里拍摄。 MV中阿黛尔坐在椅子上唱歌,MV展示了众多玻璃杯装满水随着音乐的鼓点不停地震动,一个舞者在布满白面粉和灰尘的房间跳舞,而鼓手则在楼梯后面打鼓。随着鼓点一个个瓷盘被打碎在墙上,在MV的结尾中中展示了一座白色的模型城市,在模型上则是五个灯泡的爆裂。

求《rolling in the deep》歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo head and sell me out and I"ll lay your shit bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire burning in my heartReaching a fever pitch, and it"s bring me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatBaby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you, and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there, reminds you of the home we sharedThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help thinkingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatThrow your soul through every open doorCount your blessings to find what you look forTurned my sorrow into treasured goldYou pay me back in kind and reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it allIt all, it all it all,We could have had it all Rolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handBut you played itTo the beat

rolling in the deep 歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳

有中文版的Rolling in The Deep


钢琴大师《Rolling in the deep》歌词介绍

There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救Finally, I can see you crystal clear.我终于看清你了Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中See how I leave, with every piece of you看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不要低估我将会做些什么There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉We could have had it all我们本应幸福的Rolling in the Deep在黑暗中翻滚Your had my heart... Inside of your hands你曾把我的心捏在手里And you played it... To the beat然后玩弄它Baby I have no story to be told,宝贝我已无话可说But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你Think of me in the depths of your despair.在绝望的深处想着我Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it To the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)从每一扇开着的门中穿越Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa、uh)希望你能找到你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)把我的悲伤化作“财富“And pay me back in kind、 You reap just what you"ve sown.让你知道什么是种瓜得瓜种豆得豆重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”But you played it但你欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it to the beat.欺骗了全部的我

Rolling in the deep歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.See how I leave, with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will do.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkThe scars of your love, remind me of us.They keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)...Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair.Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you never had met me)... Rolling in the Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... inside of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow.(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)But you played itYou played it.You played it.You played it to the beat.

Rolling In the Deep 的歌词

Adele - Rolling In The DeepThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo head and sell me out and I"ll lay your shit bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, and it"s bring me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soulAnd you played itTo the beatBaby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you, and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there, reminds you of the home we sharedThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soulAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soulBut you played itWith the beatThrow your soul through every open doorCount your blessings to find what you look forTurned my sorrow into treasured goldYou pay me back in kind and reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it allIt all, it all it all,We could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soulAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soulBut you played it,played it, played itTo the beat

Rolling in the deep的歌曲鉴赏


求我是歌手茜拉版rolling in the deep的歌词

rolling in the deep艺人:vazquez sounds发行时间:2011-12-13歌词Rolling In The DeepVazquez SoundsThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo head and sell me out and I"ll lay your shit bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, and it"s bring me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatBaby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you, and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there, reminds you of the home we sharedThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handBut you played itWith the beatThrow your soul through every open doorCount your blessings to find what you look forTurned my sorrow into treasured goldYou pay me back in kind and reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it allIt all, it all it all,We could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handBut you played it,played it, played itTo the beat

神曲 Rolling In The Deep怎么唱

多听听你就会唱了http://music.baidu.com/song/13685391Rolling In The Deep歌手:Adele所属专辑:《2012 Grammy Nominees》发行时间:2010-10-29所属公司:环球唱片

阿黛尔的《Rolling in the Deep》歌词翻译


rolling in the deep原唱是谁

《Rolling in the Deep》是由英国女歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯演唱的一首流行灵魂歌曲,歌曲的歌词和简谱由阿黛尔和保罗·伊普沃斯合作编写,音乐制作由保罗·艾普沃斯负责。这首歌收录在阿黛尔的第二张录音室专辑《21》中,并作为专辑的首支单曲由XL唱片公司于2010年11月29日发行。《Rolling in the Deep》在美国售出超过八百三十万份,并获得美国唱片工业协会八倍白金唱片认证。歌曲在美国公告牌百强单曲榜中获得七周冠军,并登上2011年公告牌年度单曲榜冠军巨峰。歌曲获得了第54届格莱美奖年度歌曲、年度制作、最佳短篇MV三项奖项的肯定。歌手简介:阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins),英国流行歌手,1988年5月5日出生于伦敦托特纳姆。2008年,阿黛尔发行了首张专辑《19》,获得当年水星音乐奖提名,并在全球取得了超过900万的销售量。其中的单曲《Chasing Pavements》助其获得格莱美最佳新人和最佳流行女歌手两座大奖。2011年,阿黛尔推出第二张录音室专辑《21》,拥有三支冠军单曲。该专辑全球销量突破3200万,是21世纪全球销量最高的录音室专辑,被Billboard官网评为史上最伟大的专辑第一位。阿黛尔也在第54届格莱美颁奖典礼中凭借专辑《21》共夺得包括四项通类在内的六项大奖。2013年2月,阿黛尔凭借《Skyfall》获金球奖、奥斯卡奖的最佳原创歌曲奖;12月,她获得大英帝国员佐勋章。2015年10月底发布最新专辑《25》的第一支单曲《Hello》及其音乐录像带,迅速在全球一百多个国家登顶,首周空降Billboard单曲榜冠军,并连冠10周,其音乐录像带首日观看量突破2300万次,成为Vevo史上首日观看量最高的音乐录影带。11月《25》全球发行,首周分别以80万和338万张的销售量刷新英、美两国专辑首周纪录,目前该专辑销量已突破2000万张。《Rolling in the Deep》歌词:There"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the DeepYour had my heart Inside of your handAnd you played it To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there as mine sure won"t be sharedThe scars of your love remind you of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatCould have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handBut you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open doorCount your blessings to find what look forTurn my sorrow into treasured goldAnd pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it all yeahIt allIt allWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it to the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heartInside of your handBut you played itYou played itYou played itYou played it to the beat译文我心中燃起了一股火焰那温度将我从黑暗解救我终于看清你了继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离不要低估我将会做些什么我心中燃起了一股火焰那温度将我从黑暗解救你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸我甚至已失去知觉我们本应幸福的在黑暗中翻滚你曾把我的心捏在手里然后玩弄它宝贝我已无话可说可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你在绝望的深处想着我在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸我甚至已失去知觉从每一扇开着的门中穿越希望你能找到你想要的把我的悲伤化作“财富“让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆但你欺骗了我欺骗了我欺骗了我欺骗了全部的我

rolling in the deep 歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有 See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为 There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲 But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额 Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我 Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份 The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击 Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去 Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝 You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织) You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 (You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好) But you played it 但是你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it 你玩弄它 You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳

《Rolling In the Deep》的中文翻译


Rolling In The Deep歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳

Rolling in the deep的歌曲鉴赏

《Rolling In the Deep》的简谱由C大调构成,阿黛尔的音域从Bu266d3跨域到D5。歌曲的高音突破了阿黛尔以往的极限,歌曲中描写因为恋人的背叛而内心挣扎纠结的情绪恰到好处,沧桑跟沙哑的嗓音让人难忘,让人为之执着感动。配乐歌曲节奏形成共鸣而生出一股极为强大的爆发力。充满了愤怒、复仇、心碎、自我反省的情绪,让人清晰的感受到阿黛尔对于爱情破碎的挣扎和心碎。 《Rolling in the Deep》的节奏偏快并强调鼓声的作用,阿黛尔的声音作为缓冲力,将此曲延展成充满质感的节奏布鲁斯。阿黛尔的歌词在一开始就道出了整曲意义:“这份爱的狂热让我走出了自我阴影”。

rolling in the deep 歌词

Rolling in the Deep_Adele跌入深渊_阿黛尔翻译:西北工业大学zhuchengji1990There"s a fire starting in my heart我心中燃起了火苗Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark炽热的火焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear我总算看清了你Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare不断的出卖我,我会让你倾家荡产的See how I leave, with every piece of you看看我会怎么离开,不带走关于你的一丝记忆Don"t underestimate the things that I will do别看不起我会做的一些事There"s a fire starting in my heart我心中燃起了火苗Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark炽热的火焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love, remind me of us 你的爱留给我的伤痕,使我回想起我们They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得我们几乎就要拥有所有的幸福The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱留给我的伤痕,让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling我无法停止触痛We could have had it all我们本该拥有所有的幸福Rolling in the Deep(却在一瞬间)跌入深渊You had my heart inside of your hand我的心已被你牢牢抓住And you played it to the beat而你却一次又一次地欺骗我Baby I have no story to be told宝贝,没人告诉过我什么But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn不过我要是听到你劈腿了,我会把你的脑袋烧成灰Think of me in the depths of your despair想象我在你绝望的深渊Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared建造了一座家园,只属于我自己,肯定不会被别的女人分享The scars of your love, remind me of us你的爱留给我的伤痕,让我回想起我们They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得我们几乎就要拥有所有的幸福The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱留给我的伤痕,让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling我无法停止痛心We could have had it all我们本该拥有所有的幸福Rolling in the Deep(却在一瞬间)跌入深渊You had my heart inside of your hand我的心已被你牢牢抓住And you played it to the beat而你却一次又一次地欺骗我   We could have had it all我们本该拥有所有的幸福Rolling in the Deep(却在一瞬间)跌入深渊You had my heart inside of your hand我的心已被你牢牢抓住But you played it with your beating而你却有意无意的欺骗我   Throw your soul through ever open door你的灵魂穿过每一扇开着的门Count your blessings to find what look for默数着你的祈祷去寻找你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,and pay me back in kind把我所受的伤折算成钱补偿我You reap just what you sow 你干了蠢事就得付出代价  We could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)我们本该拥有所有的幸福(你会希望你从未遇见过我)We could have had it all(Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)我们本该拥有所有的幸福(泪水滴下,跌入深渊)( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me) (你会希望你从未遇见过我)It all(Tears are gonna fall)所有的幸福(泪水滴下)It all所有的幸福It all(Rolling in the deep)所有的幸福(跌入深渊)We could have had it all(you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)我们本该拥有所有的幸福(你会希望你从未遇见过我)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)(却在一瞬间)跌入深渊(泪水滴下,跌入深渊)You had my heart inside of your hand(you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)我的心已被你牢牢抓住(你会希望你从未遇见过我)And you played it to the beat(Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)而你却一次又一次地欺骗我(泪水滴下,跌入深渊)We could have had it all(you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)我们本该拥有所有的幸福(你会希望你从未遇见过我)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)(却在一瞬间)跌入深渊(泪水滴下,跌入深渊)You had my heart inside of your hand(you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)我的心已被你牢牢抓住(你会希望你从未遇见过我)But you played it但你却欺骗我You played it你欺骗我You played it你欺骗我You played it to the beat你一次又一次地欺骗我

《Rolling in the deep 》的歌词和翻译


中国好声音钟伟强演唱的歌曲是什么 Rolling in the deep歌词

中国好声音第二季钟伟强,花甲之年,来自香港。究竟是什么原因让他选择站在好声音的舞台上选择高难度曲目《Rolling in the deep》 中英文歌词 There"s a fire starting in my heart, 我心中燃起了一股火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 那温度将我从黑暗解救 Finally, I can see you crystal clear. 我终于看清你了 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare. 继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中 See how I leave, with every piece of you 看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do. 不要低估我将会做些什么 There"s a fire starting in my heart, 我心中燃起了一股火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 那温度将我从黑暗解救 The scars of your love, remind me of us. 你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸 I can"t help feeling… 我甚至已失去知觉 We could have had it all 我们本应幸福的 Rolling in the Deep 在黑暗中翻滚 Your had my heart… Inside of your hands 你曾把我的心捏在手里 And you played it… To the beat 然后玩弄它 Baby I have no story to be told, 宝贝我已无话可说 But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn. 可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你 Think of me in the depths of your despair. 在绝望的深处想着我 Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared. 在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担 The scars of your love, remind me of us. 你的爱所留给我的伤痛,让我想起了我们 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸 I can"t help feeling… 我甚至已失去知觉 重复“We could have had it all… Rolling in the Deep Your had my heart inside of your hand And you played it To the beat We could have had it all Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside of your hand, But you played it with your beat Throw yourself through every open door (Whoa) 从每一扇开着的门中穿越 Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh) 希望你能找到你想要的 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa) 把我的悲伤化作“财富“ And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you"ve sown. 让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆 重复“(You"re gonna wish you… Never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall… Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you… never had met me) It all. (Tears are gonna fall) It all It all (Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside… (you"re gonna wish you)… of your hand (Never had met me) And you played it… (Tears are gonna fall)… to the beat (Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart… ( you"re gonna wish you)… Inside of your hand (Never had met me)” But you played it 但你欺骗了我 You played it. 欺骗了我 You played it. 欺骗了我 You played it to the beat. 欺骗了全部的我

Rolling In the Deep唱的是什么意思?


想求Adele《Rolling in the deep》歌词及翻译

There"s a fire starting in my heart我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear最终 我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有See how I"ll leave with every piece of you看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do不要低估我将来的所作所为There"s a fire starting in my heart我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息I can"t help feeling我不禁心生感触We could have had it all我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told宝贝 我没有故事可讲But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can"t help feeling我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold把我的悲痛化作珍宝You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all一切 一切 一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)(眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)(你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it但是你玩弄它You played it你玩弄它You played it你玩弄它You played it to the beat你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳

英语Rolling In The Deep什么意思?


Rolling In the Deep这首歌mv表现的是什么意思




rolling in the deep 这歌为什么那么多人翻唱 如此之火


Rolling in the deep中文名字是什么?


rolling in the deep所表达的意义是什么


rolling in the deep原唱是谁


Rolling in the deep 歌词翻译

Rolling In the Deep -- Adele 泪沉深心——阿黛勒 There"s a fire starting in my heart,业火难扼,我心似焚。 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 渐臻炽炙,炯晃似晨。 Finally, I can see you crystal clear.相视咫尺,留尔残影于熟稔。 Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.弃我而去,吾亦决绝断痴心。 See how I leave, with every piece of you别长亭去,抛雪月风花尽无痕。 Don"t underestimate the things that I will do. 莫空幻想,欲何事相端难思忖。There"s a fire starting in my heart,业火难扼,我心似焚。 Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 渐臻炽炙,炯晃似晨。 The scars of your love, remind me of us.昔日遗恋,总将旧梦忆残尘。 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all一步之遥,只差毫厘难结襟。 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless往者难谏,犹魂牵梦萦令智昏。 I can"t help feeling... 情愫难禁,伴离合悲欢抚凤琴。。。We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)...比翼已惘然,徒叹劳燕东西分,(君却惟愿,人生若只不曾见) Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)泪浸双眸,情葬深冢忘前尘。 Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)心结蒲苇,争料玉勒雕鞍尽日春。 And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)泪眼涔涔,自此山长水远毋相闻。。。 Baby I have no story to be told,无可奉告,万语千言已道尽。 But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.但闻一事,欲将万针穿负心。 Think of me in the depths of your despair.将我念及,怨深恨重无觅寻。 Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared. 兀自安身,吾庐自当无故人。 The scars of your love, remind you of us.昔日遗恋,总将旧梦忆残尘。 They keep me thinking that we almost had it all一步之遥,只差毫厘难结襟。 The scars of your love, they leave me breathless往者难谏,犹魂牵梦萦令智昏。 I can"t help feeling... 情愫难禁,伴离合悲欢抚凤琴。。。We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you never had met me)...比翼已惘然,徒叹劳燕东西分,(君却惟愿,人生若只不曾见) Rolling in the Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)泪浸双眸,情葬深冢忘前尘。 Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... inside of your hand (Never had met me)心结蒲苇,争料玉勒雕鞍尽日春。 And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)泪眼涔涔,自此山长水远毋相闻。。。 Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa)既开闼阍,绝汝薄幸于我心。 Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)细数福恩,趋步相向得所寻。 Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)敛我伤悲,摒卸陋裳换玉锦。 And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow. 自食其果,终将受谴偿孽因。We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me) And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep) We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”But you played it You played it. You played it. You played it to the beat.

rolling in the deep 的歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart, Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark, Finally, I can see you crystal clear, Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare, See how I"ll leave with every piece of you, Don"t underestimate the things that I will do, There"s a fire starting in my heart, Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark, The scars of your love remind me of us, They keep me thinking that we almost had it all, The scars of your love, they leave me breathless, I can"t help feeling, We could have had it all, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), Rolling in the deep, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), You had my heart inside of your hands, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), And you played it to the beat, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), Baby, I have no story to be told, But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn, Think of me in the depths of your despair, Make a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared, The scars of your love remind me of us, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), They keep me thinking that we almost had it all, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), The scars of your love, they leave me breathless, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), I can"t help feeling, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), We could have had it all, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), Rolling in the deep, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), You had my heart inside of your hands, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), And you played it to the beat, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), Could have had it all, Rolling in the deep, You had my heart inside of your hands, But you played it with a beating, Throw your soul through every open door, Count your blessings to find what you look for, Turn my sorrow into treasured gold, You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), We could have had it all, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), We could have had it all, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), It all, it all, it all, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), We could have had it all, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), Rolling in the deep, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), You had my heart inside of your hands, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), And you played it to the beat, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), Could have had it all, (You"re gonna wish you never had met me), Rolling in the deep, (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep), You had my heart inside of your handsBut you played it,You played it, You played it, You played it to the beat.

rolling in the deep翻译成中文?


Exception 0xc0000005 arised!

Exception 0xc0000005 arised 这个情况是因为该内存不能read 或written的文件。这个解决方法可以是重新安装游戏,但以玩家以上的意思,我的第一反映就是玩家你的电脑存在不合理的杀毒软件或存在某些流氓软件,直接把这个文件给闪掉。如果近期有安装新的软件,建议除掉,有可能就是该软件跟该文件冲突了。建议:重新安装杀毒软件(建议360)给电脑全身检查,如果还是不行的话,建议使用急救系统,自动修复玩家你的系统。另外需要足够的防御系统去保护你的电脑。另外,如果上面的方法解决不了。玩家可以选择以下的方法。(摘抄于其他用户的信息,可根据自己的选择而进行是否采取) 完全注册dll:打开“运行”输入→cmd→回车 然后把下面这行字符复制到黑色cmd框里面去回车等待dll文件全部注册完成就关闭可以了,为防止输入错误可以复制这条指令,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键→粘贴→回车,耐心等待,直到屏幕滚动停止。 (下面是要运行的代码): for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 以上纯属本人的猜测,玩家可以根据去进行,如果确实不行。可以参照下面的解决方法。


"trap00000006 Exception" 是一种错误代码,通常在计算机启动时显示。这个错误可能是由于硬件或软件问题引起的。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法:硬件故障:有可能是您的计算机硬件出现了故障,如内存、CPU 或硬盘等。您可以尝试重新插拔内存条或更换硬盘来排除这些问题。软件问题:某些软件可能会干扰系统启动,例如病毒或恶意软件。如果您能够进入操作系统,可以尝试运行杀毒软件或进行系统修复。驱动程序问题:驱动程序问题可能会导致系统崩溃或无法启动。您可以尝试更新或重新安装相关的驱动程序以解决该问题。操作系统问题:某些操作系统文件可能已损坏或丢失,这可能会导致此错误。您可以尝试使用操作系统安装光盘或 USB 驱动器进行修复。如果以上方法都不能解决问题,建议您联系制造商的技术支持或寻求专业人士的帮助。

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