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he was fast asleep on the back seat,翻译

he was fast asleep on the back seat. 他很快就在后座上睡着了. back seat 指汽车后座 He sat in the back seat of the car. 他坐在车子后面的座位上. They rode in the back seat of the bus. 他们坐在公共汽车后面的座位上. Dad:Come on,you get the back seat,and Mom get the front seat. 爸爸:快点,你们两个坐后排,妈妈坐前面.


以iPadPro为例,applepencil连接上写不出来可采取以下方法来检查:  1、检查电量。通过iPadPro的下拉通知界面即可查看到ApplePencil的电量。若电量过低就插入iPadPro充电一会儿,哪怕只是几两分钟也足够连续使用数小时了,充满电一次可用12小时。    2、重启。不是重启ApplePencil,而是重启你的iPadPro,有必要的或许还需要重置一番。    3、重新配对。可以将iPadPro和ApplePencil重新进行一次配对,过程也很简单,只需将“笔”插入iPadPro的Lightning接口即可,这个方式适合iPadPro和ApplePencil已断开连接的情况。    4、检查可用性。检查是否用在可书写的应用上,还要注意模式选择,因为橡皮擦模式也是写不出任何东西的;同时如果画笔颜色和背景颜色一致,这可能也会导致你看不见所画的东西,从而误认为是“故障”。    5、如果上述方案都无济于事,只能到苹果官方售后点进行检查,尽管ApplePencil看上去设计简洁,但内部构造十分复杂,专业人士会靠谱得多。

he was fast asleep on the back seat,翻译

he was fast asleep on the back seat他很快在后椅上睡着了

he was fast asleep on the back seat,翻译

he was fast asleep on the back seat. 他很快就在后座上睡着了. back seat 指汽车后座 He sat in the back seat of the car. 他坐在车子后面的座位上. They rode in the back seat of the bus. 他们坐在公共汽车后面的座位上. Dad:Come on,you get the back seat,and Mom get the front seat. 爸爸:快点,你们两个坐后排,妈妈坐前面.


1、配有压力传感器Apple Pencil拥有压力传感器,可以根据压力度进行不同程度的绘画和涂色。2、支持Lightning接口可以跟用户的手指同时使用,搭载一个Lightning接口,可以插到Apple设备上来充电。3、多设备支持iPadPro、Notes和Mail应用以及Officefor iPad都可以配合Apple Pencil使用。4、升级蓝牙技术手写笔借助蓝牙技术以及笔尖和触控技术感知位置和力度以及角度,实现最大限度的笔迹还原,这根触控笔还解决了延迟的问题,最大限度还原真实的书写体验。Apple Pencil的使用技巧:1、如果 Apple Pencil 笔尖磨损或损坏,可以进行更换。包装盒中有一个备用笔尖,如果需要,还可以另行购买。只需旋出旧笔尖,然后旋入新笔尖即可。2、当画画或素描的时候,可以通过倾斜Apple Pencil来给线条添加阴影,然后用力按压加深线条的颜色。根据在应用中使用的笔刷或铅笔工具,倾斜画笔还可以添加不同的纹理。


apple pencil不支持在手机设备上使用。apple pencil是被动电容笔,必须通过蓝牙连接后才能使用,目前(2019年4 月)只支持iPad2018,pro系列,ipad mini5,ipad air3。不能再iphone上使用,因为iphone设备屏幕中没有触控模块。扩展资料:Apple Pencil只能在专门具有触控模块的设备上使用,不能再iphone上使用,因为iphone设备屏幕中没有触控模块。Apple Pencil实际上是电容笔 ,是iPad2018、iPad mini5、iPad Air 3和iPad pro(除2018款)的专用笔。Apple Pencil是一款智能触控笔,拥有压力传感器。可以根据压力度进行不同程度的绘画和涂色。 Apple Pencil 可以跟用户的手指同时使用,Apple Pencil 甚至搭载了一个Lightning接口,可以插到Apple设备上来充电。Apple Pencil的定位非常有个性,它是一个创作工具,而非一个辅助工具。最突出的一点,就是这支笔可以在支持的应用下书写任何文字,描绘任何图画,但是它无法通过点、画、写来顺利操控系统。Apple Pencil从诞生起,就不享有系统级权利。参考资料来源:苹果官网-将 Apple Pencil与iPad搭配参考资料来源:百度百科-Apple Pencil

我有一个weather report,要用英文说,帮忙翻译一下~

Good morning, thanks for watching today"s weather report. Today is a sunny day with wind power of 3-5 grade, 15 degree centigrade as highest and 5 degree centigrade as lowest. It"s getting colder, I hope everyone keep doing proper exercise, it not only works on keeping your body healthy, but is also good for every part of your body to build up immunologic functions and the capability of cold weather withstandding.This is the end of today"s weather report, see you tomorrow and have a good day. Thank you, bye.

management department是什么意思


he is so tired he can hardly keep his eyes open

选择C 从句子中可以看出,他非常累. 累到什么程度呢?——累到他的眼睛都很难睁开(没有办法睁开). 故选择C hardly ever是曾经的意思 never是从不的意思(含否定,不符 almost是几乎的意思(不是非常肯定. 采纳~!谢谢

css代码BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%是什么意思?


新视野大学英语chance favors the prepared


东方永夜抄如何发动自机Last Sepll?



n.1 部;司;局;处;系2 县3 职责;专长

flat和 department的区别。。。谢谢~






department 和program 区别

department 这儿是"系"的意思而program(me)在此意指"课程(course)/大纲"


school学校,department 部门,部门是学校的一部分

prepare, synthesis和fabricate的区别


R&D Department 是什么意思?

n. 1. 部, 部门, 系2. (任何事物的)部分;(复杂整体或组织的)部门3. (行政机构、公共事务的)部;司;局;处;科;部门4. [D-][美国英语](联邦政府的)部(部长为总统的内阁成员)5. (学校、学术机构等的)系;所;研究室;学部;科6. (企业单位负责特定活动的、零售商店中专售某类商品的)部门;部;处;科7. 分科;部分8. [口语](专门的)知识(或技能)范围;职责范围;活动领域


单词“部门”(department)的英文缩写形式是怎样的? dept. 注意加点,否则算错 香港的英文缩写形式 HONG KONG = HK HONG KONG DOLLAR = HKD 例如的英文缩写形式 例如: eg. 2月25的英文缩写形式 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题! . . Feb, 25th I have got 的英文缩写形式 I"ve got 资讯的英文缩写形式 info 英国的英文缩写形式。 theUnited Kingdom, 简称 U.K. (中国)的英文缩写形式是什么? CHN或者CN。如果专指中华人民共和国也可以用PRC。 求英文单词 “password”的缩写形式 PW 求英文单词 “Company”的缩写形式 Co. 注意右下角有个点。 通常是xxx Co., LTD. 某某有限公司。


school是学院, 如business school. department 是学院里面的系, 如电子工程系.






分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: ministry是指国务院下属的部(委),是正部级单位 department则一般是指企事业单位(公司、高校等)下属的各个部,像财务部、人事部,组织部等,这样的“部”级别都低于前面的“部”。


dept英 [dept]美 [du025bpt]abbr. 部;科(department);处


division:a large and important unit or section of an organizationdepartment:a section of a large organization such as a government, business, university, etc.




department 一是指大的机构的一个分支部门,比如人力资源部 personnel department二是百货商场中销售一类商品的部门,比如家具部,home furniture department, 办公家具部 office furniture departmentdivision 首先要知道是从 divide这个词来的,所以它的基本意思是being divided -- 被分割出来的在政府部门、机构分支这个意思上,完全可以与department互换使用,但如果是谈到为了行政管理而划出的一部分区域,要用division,这时就不能用department了.因此,这两个词在作为机构部门讲时,关键的区别在于division这个词的本意,即它属于一个完整机构的一部分,是划分出来的一个单位;而department本身没有被划出来、分割出来的意思




建议你去看一下例句,我说一下我的理解department有商场卖东西部门的意思,还有其他的部门(偏小) 我记得小学有个词 department storedivision 大机构部门the bank"s Latin American division.该银行的拉丁美洲分部太具体的我也说不出来,你自己理解一下


department是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“部;部门;系;科;局”。短语搭配:Highways Department 路政署 ; 公路部 ; 马路部。Tarija Department 塔里哈省。Atlántico Department 大西洋省。Chocó Department 乔科省。Justice Department 正义部 ; 司法部 ; 司法部门 ; 司法厅。fire department 消防部门 ; 烈火雄心 ; 消防局 ; 模拟消防队。State Department 美国国务院 ; 国务院 ; 外交部 ; 国资处。Buildings Department 屋宇署 ; 建设部门 ; 房屋地政 ; 建设。Export Department 出口部 ; 入口部 ; 出口处。双语例句;What does she do in her department?玛丽在她的部门里是做什么的?This is where our department should be.这是我们的部门应该在的地方。He his plans for the department in his report.在他的报告中他陈述了这个部门的计划。以上内容参考:百度百科——department


department翻译中文是部,司,系。n.(名词)(组织或机构中的)部,司,系,处,科;(商场里的)部;<非正式>专长,专责;(法国等国的)省。短语:1、Department Store;贸易 百货公司 ; 贸易 百货商店 ; 百货商场 ; 百货店;2、Department of Justice;美国司法部 ; 反不正当竞争部门;3、planning department;企划部 ; 计划司 ; 计划部。例句:1、He moved to the sales department.他调到了销售部。2、She resigned as head of department.她辞去了部门主管的职务。3、His department will merge with mine.他的部门将和我的合并。


divisionn.分开,分割,区分,除法,公司,(军事)师,分配,分界线departmentn.部,局,处,科,部门,系,学部如果要细分的话:department 是指一家公司(包括分公司)内部的部门,例如人事部、生产部、开发部,等等,它的范围更小division 一般不是指具体的职能部门,而是指分部或者分公司,办事处.有时作泛指,例如“xx 公司的营销部门”(并不是指具体的营销部).它的范围更大一些.


department name 部门名称


Ministry 是英国的部级单位,Department是美国的部级单位





Department 缩写是什么 要不要加点



department是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为部门、车间,等等。 基本介绍 外文名 :department 词性 :名词 英式音标 :[du026a"pɑ:tmu0259nt] 美式音标 :[du026au02c8pɑrtmu0259nt] 单词简介,例句, 单词简介 n.部门,部;系,学部;知识范围;车间; 复数:departments 例句 1.Included in the sale were 200 million shares sold by the treasury department. 美国财政部出售2亿股票的销售额也被包括在内。 2.The production department from above. 前面提到的产品部门。 3.The checksat the border will continue,the immigration department said. 入境事务处说,在边境口岸的检查还将继续。 4.Seven years ago,stephen hold itchstartedas head of the petroleum engineering department attexasa&m university. 七年前,史蒂芬·霍迪克开始担任德州农工大学石油工程系主任。 5.The book follows abouncing ball namedjoecoughlin,theyoungestsonofaprominentmemberofthebostonpolicedepartment. 原著小说围绕乔·考夫林的人生浮沉展开,考夫林是波士顿警局一位赫赫有名的警官最小的儿子。

River Deep Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High歌手:Ike And Tina Turner专辑:Tina!Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2594658

River Deep Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High歌手:The Shadows专辑:Shades Of RockTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2934413

River Deep Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High歌手:The Saints专辑:Know Your Product - The Best Of The SaintsTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2779551


形容词一般是放在前面,不放在后面,例如sustainable development可持续发展,susceptible development易受影响的发展 等等

River Deep Mountain High (The International Robot Sessions) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High (The International Robot Sessions)歌手:The Saints专辑:All Times Through ParadiseTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2921134

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Four Tops&The Supremes专辑:Big Motown Hits & Hard To Find Classics - Volume 2Celine Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8569575

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Long John Baldry专辑:Let The Heartaches BeginTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/7566338

River Deep - Mountain High (Digital Remaster 1991) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep - Mountain High (Digital Remaster 1991)歌手:Ike And Tina Turner专辑:Simply The BestCeline Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13964500

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Harry Nilsson专辑:Without Her - Without You - The Very Best Of Nilsson Vol.1Celine Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9089228

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Falling Into You / A New Day Has Come / Let"S Talk About LoveTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/7518947

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Terraplane专辑:The Singles CollectionCeline Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10560845


Ain"t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Rosshttp://www.goldenpartners.com/music/aintnomountainhigh.mp3Listen, babyAin"t no mountain highAin"t no vally lowAin"t no river wide enough, babyIf you need me, call meNo matter where you areNo matter how farJust call my nameI"ll be there in a hurryYou don"t have to worry"Cause baby,There ain"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enoughAin"t no river wide enoughTo keep me from getting to youRemember the dayI set you freeI told youYou could always count on meFrom that day on I made a vowI"ll be there when you want meSome way,some how"Cause baby,There ain"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enoughAin"t no river wide enoughTo keep me from getting to youNo wind, no rainMy love is aliveWay down in my heartAlthough we are miles apartIf you ever need a helping handI"ll be there on the doubleAs fast as I canDon"t you know thatThere ain"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enoughAin"t no river wide enoughTo keep me from getting to youDon"t you know thatThere ain"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enoughAin"t no river wide enough注:"Stepmom"中的由Marvin Gaye和Tammi Terrell演唱,此为"Bridget Jones"s Diary"中的版本

River Deep Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High歌手:The Shadows专辑:Another String Of Hot Hits (And More!)Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2665705

River Deep Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High歌手:李玟专辑:大家都爱Coco李玟万人迷演唱会精彩实录Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/7278981

River Deep Mountain High (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Zero Nine专辑:White LinesTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2595586

River Deep Mountain High (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Saints专辑:All Times Through ParadiseTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2921058

River Deep Mountain High (Recorded Live In London 99) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High (Recorded Live In London 99)歌手:Tina Turner专辑:Twenty Four SevenTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/3478413

River Deep Mountain High (Live In Arnhem) 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep Mountain High (Live In Arnhem)歌手:Tina Turner专辑:Tina LiveTina Turner - River Deep Mountain HighWhen I was a little girl, I had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollOnly now my love has grownIt gets stronger in every wayIt gets deeper, let me sayIt gets higher day by dayDo I love you my, oh, my?As river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?Oh, when you were a young boy, did you have a puppy?Always followed you aroundWell, I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo, I"ll never let you downIt goes on and on like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and Heaven knowsIt gets sweeter baby, as it growsDo I love you my, oh, my?Like river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?I love you baby, like a flower loves the springAnd I love you honey, oh, like a robin loves to singOh, I love you babe, like a schoolboy loves his bagAnd I love you honey, river deep, mountain highDo I love you my, oh, my?I said, as river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeahIf I lost you, would I cry?Oh, how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby?http://music.baidu.com/song/2617335



River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Live à ParisCeline Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8888071

River Deep, Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:River Deep, Mountain High歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Falling Into YouCeline Dion-River Deep, Mountain HighFalling Into YouIzumi-Je t"aime LiangliangWhen I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I"ve ever ownedNow I love you just the way I loved that rag dollBut only now my love has grownAnd it gets stronger, in every wayAnd it gets deeper, let me sayAnd it gets higher, day by dayAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyWhen you were a young boyDid you have a puppyThat always followed you aroundWell I"m gonna be as faithful as that puppyNo I"ll never let you downCause it grows stronger, like a river flowsAnd it gets bigger baby, and heaven knowsAnd it gets sweeter baby, as it growsAnd do I love you my oh myYeh river deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyI love you baby like a flower loves the springAnd I love you baby just like Tina loves to singAnd I love you baby like a school boy loves his petAnd I love you baby, river deep mountain highOh yeah you"ve gotta believe meRiver Deep, Mountain HighDo I love you my oh my, oh babyRiver deep, mountain highIf I lost you would I cryOh how I love you baby, baby, baby, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8342834

The summer of 2012 was full of reports of extreme weather: one of the warmest years on record i...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:本文主要报道了2012的一些极端的天气对各国产生的影响。小题1:根据The summer of 2012 was full of reports of extreme weather: one of the warmest years on record in the US, the wettest summer in the UK, and the worst drought (旱灾) in East Africa.故选D。小题2:根据But isn"t it too expensive to stop the climate from changing? Well, yes it costs. So everything is just as usual. It would be wrong to believe that to let things continue as they always do is the cheap choice. Instead, it is very expensive.故选C。小题3:根据I believe intelligent climate action can help create new opportunities for jobs in Europe, for encouraging creativity and competitiveness, for spending less money on energy.故选A。点评:这篇文章非常简单,先看问题,再带着问题仔细阅读短文,理解了全文内容,很容易选出正确答案。阅读短文时,常常会遇到一些生词。这时,要沉着,冷静,细心思考。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完。通过对全篇短文的理解,就很有可能猜测出生词的大意。另外,还可以从含有生词句子的上下文,以及句子和段落之间的关系来判断、理解生词以求获得其真正含义。猜测生词的另一种方法是,根据构词法推测。遇到生词后,可从构词法角度分析判断生词。

adversity is a natural part of life, and must be accepted.翻译

When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First,Adversity(逆境) is a natural part of life, and must be accepted.

The wooden doors will be replaced by glass doors,____in the natural light during the day.

要是前边没逗号就用to let 有逗号且无被动的意思所以用leting表目的

I Keep Comin Back To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Keep Comin Back To You歌手:Suzy Bogguss专辑:Something Up My SleeveOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2759367

to be natural is such a very difficult pose ti keep up


lv neverfull epi皮革会开裂吗




George Spephenson的中文是什么?

乔治 史蒂芬孙,是个人名吧~




flow应该是流程的意思;capability是能力,能量,容量,有performance的意思,或者是performance里面最重要的一环;WPH是 wafer per hour,是每小时的出片量,是throughput的一个衡量指标,说白了就是产量;MPS好像有很多同样的缩写,不好讲,有可能是“Mass Production Schedule”;STEP就是Flow里面的每一步骤了。简单的很,进fab待几天就都知道了。

interim reports是什么意思

临时报告Information disclosure documents of the Company mainly include the prospectus, listing memorandum, listing announcement, regular reports and interim reports.公司信息披露文件主要包括招股说明书、募集说明书、上市公告书、定期报告和临时报告等。

关于red hot chili peppers - snow (hey oh) 乐队原话的翻译

主唱Anthony Kiedis表示这首歌是“关于求生、求新的。我曾经把一切搞砸,但我现在就像一张白板——满满一画布的白雪——我要重新开始。”歌曲背景这首歌旋律和缓优美,同乐队前一张专辑By the Way里的歌曲相似。曲由John Frusciante快速的吉他扫弦主导,Flea的贝斯双音奏法更使之增色不少。




游戏加加是一款很不错硬件监控软件,能在你游戏的时候在你要求的位置显示您电脑的当前的硬件状况和游戏帧数等信息,作为国产软件,中文界面和本地化设置更适合国人使用。  1、开启游戏加加,选择【硬件监控】功能;  2、第一次打开硬件监控需要一定读取硬件的时间,硬件读取完毕就可以看到当前硬件状况;  3、点击进入【桌面监控】可以看到桌面监控目前并未开启;  4、选择开启【桌面监控】功能,就可以在桌面看到目前电脑的硬件状况了,选择监控内容还可以选择展示需要的内容。  5、选择解锁移动窗口就可以将监控内容悬浮窗的位置进行修改。

问问大神 这车捷安特LEP是真车么 怎么区别





《Cell》([美国] 斯蒂芬·金)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qIMA_IM74ZjwkePx2qnR3A 密码:h4ln书名:Cell作者:[美国] 斯蒂芬·金豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Scribner出版年份:2006-01-24页数:384内容简介:On October 1, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and Clayton Riddell, an artist from Maine, is almost bouncing up Boylston Street in Boston. He"s just landed a comic book deal that might finally enable him to support his family by making art instead of teaching it. He"s already picked up a small (but expensive!) gift for his long-suffering wife, and he knows just what he"ll get for his boy Johnny. Why not a little treat for himself? Clay"s feeling good about the future.That changes in a hurry. The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Everyone"s cell phone. Clay and the few desperate survivors who join him suddenly find themselves in the pitch-black night of civilization"s darkest age, surrounded by chaos, carnage, and a human horde that has been reduced to its basest nature...and then begins to evolve.There"s really no escaping this nightmare. But for Clay, an arrow points home to Maine, and as he and his fellow refugees make their harrowing journey north they begin to see crude signs confirming their direction: KASHWAK=NO-FO. A promise, perhaps. Or a threat...There are one hundred and ninety-three million cell phones in the United States alone. Who doesn"t have one? Stephen King"s utterly gripping, gory, and fascinating novel doesn"t just ask the question "Can you hear me now?" It answers it with a vengeance.作者简介:Stephen King lives in Maine with his wife,the novelist Tabitha King.He does not own a cell phone.


apple一p;e本是一种西点,通常译作“苹果馅饼”,那么apple一pie order究竟是什么意思呢? 按照ALD(((牛津现代高级英语词典}))的解释,其真正含义是:井然有序:整整齐齐(in perfeet order,with everything in the rightplace
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