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ccs concepts什么意思

2023-07-22 04:28:29

The ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) is a subject classification system for computing devised by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The system is comparable to the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) in scope, aims, and structure, being used by the various ACM journals to organise subjects by area.

------ From Wikipedia



高端档次concepts是波士顿本土的品牌,一直以来都保持着相当不错的合作关系。而双方也在历年来,为不少鞋迷朋友奉献过多款相当经典的作品。例如 2014 年双方合作的一款玫瑰配色 997 、2013 年双方推出的湖绿色 998 以及 2016 年以 “波士顿红袜队” 以及 “纽约洋基队” 为配色灵感推出的 “City Rivalry” 套装等。
2023-07-22 01:57:221


不贵。 concepts是波士顿本土的品牌,自 1996 开业以来,Concepts凭借其对鞋履以及周边领域的敏锐触觉,多年以来历久不衰,在英国这片潮流文化发展相对缓慢的土地上孕育出属于本土的球鞋文化。concepts男女装都有,走优雅简洁时尚的路线,中端价位。
2023-07-22 01:57:301


2023-07-22 01:57:412


2023-07-22 01:57:491

Concepts x Nike Air Max 1在conCepts怎么购买

2023-07-22 01:58:081


international concepts是国际概念的意思,只是一种口号而已!至于MACYS,这个应该是那个牛仔裤的牌子吧!
2023-07-22 01:58:172

有谁知道美国Concepts NREC (CN) 软件吗?

2023-07-22 01:58:253


2023-07-22 01:58:352


2023-07-22 01:58:451


2023-07-22 01:59:063


你好!apply concepts应用概念
2023-07-22 01:59:142


IDEAAn idea in the design process is an original thought, something to try out,explore and experiment with. For example: if designing an identity for a Fitness centre, an idea may be to focus on the health benefits of exercise.CONCEPTA concept is a finished proposal, which incorporates an original idea butalso addresses the relevant objectives identified in the design problem. To continue the example: the finished concept would have refined the original idea of promoting health benefits but it also ensures that proposal adresses any relevant research findings and meets the needs of the client."The reasoning behind an idea, strategy, or proposal with particular emphasis placed on the benefits brought on by that idea. Examples of concepts include the design for a new automobile or the pitch behind an advertising campaign."
2023-07-22 01:59:221


您好亲!“背诵第1到2个知识点”用英语可以说成 "Memorize the first and second concepts."。这个句子的组成是由以下几个部分组成:1. 主语:指的是需要背诵的人或物,这里是“you”,可以省略不写。2. 动词:动词是“Memorize”,意思是“背诵”或“记忆”。3. 宾语:宾语是“the first and second concepts”,表示第一和第二个知识点。因为“第1到2个知识点”是具体的数字,所以在英语中最好把“第1到2个知识点”翻译成“the first and second concepts”,其中 “first”表示第一个,“second”表示第二个,“and”表示连接词。需要注意的是,如果这句话是用于口语中,如果“you”作为主语,有时可以省略不写,在口语中更加常见。完整的句子应该是 "You should memorize the first and second concepts."。在这句话中,“Memorize”是动词,第一个名词“first”和第二个名词“second”都是形容词,用来修饰后面的名词“concepts”。总之,“Memorize the first and second concepts.” 表示“背诵第1到2个知识点。”,是一句简洁明了的英语句子。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!
2023-07-22 01:59:291

概念层次网络(Hierarchical Network of Concepts)

概念层次网络(Hierarchical Network of Concepts, HNC)是黄曾阳先生创立的一种面向整个自然语言理解的语义表示框架,它对语义的表达是概念化、层次化、网络化的。人对语言的理解本质上是一种认知行为,概念层次网络尝试描述大脑认知结构的具体模式,以概念联想脉络为主线,将认知结构分为局部和全局两类联想网络,建立了一种模拟大脑语言感知过程的自然语言表达模式。 局部联想是词汇层面的联想,自然语言的词汇是用来表达概念的。因此,HNC建立的局部联想脉络体现为一个概念表达体系,把概念分为抽象概念和具体概念,主要侧重于对抽象概念的表达。HNC用五元组和语义网络来表达抽象概念,前者表达抽象概念的外在表现,后者表达抽象概念的内涵。HNC从动态、静态、属性、值和效应五个侧面对抽象概念进行表达,简记为:{v,g,u,z,r},它们是抽象概念多元性表现的基元,这种五元组的表示方法巧妙地解决了汉语词语的兼类现象。同时,为表达抽象概念的内涵,HNC借鉴概念从属理论、格语法、语义网络的思想设计了三大语义网络:基元概念语义网络、基本概念语义网络和逻辑概念语义网络。这三大语义网络既全面地刻画了概念系统的整体框架,同时也将不同层次概念之间的语义关联性体现了出来,解决了语义场理论及义素分析法中遇到的难题,为计算机理解自然语言的语义提供了有力的手段。 全局联想脉络是语句及篇章层面的联想。HNC提出了语义块和句类理论,其中,语义块是句子的语义构成单位,形式上可以是一个词、一个短语或一个句子,这一概念的提出便于直接从语义层面来描写句子。HNC中定义了4种主语义块和7种辅助语义块,主语义块是句义必不可少的成分,辅助语义块是可有可无的成分,类似现在的核心论元和边缘论元。句类是句子的语义类别,不是传统的陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句之分的句类。HNC中提出了7种基本句类和36种混合句类,基本句类包括作用句、过程句、转移句、效应句、关系句、状态句、判断句。句类的提出为语义结构的表达提供了简明而完备的手段,使计算机有了可操作的对象。语义块是句类的函数,也就是说,语义块的含义取决于句类,一个句子应该有几个什么样的语义块,这是由句类决定的。语义块是聚类的函数具体体现为句类格式,句类格式是句子语义的基本框架,是句子所表达的基本语义信息。在语言理解处理中,判定句子所属的句类,并辨认出该句类表示式中的各个语义块,是句子理解处理的一项基本内容。因此,HNC的语义块和句类体系为开展句子语义研究具有十分重要的应用价值
2023-07-22 01:59:371

什么是retail concepts

retail concepts 零售理念
2023-07-22 01:59:442

the basic concepts单数

作状语,修饰前面的形容词. 它不是主语补足语.首先,主语补足语(宾语补足语也是一样)与中心词是逻辑上的主谓关系(即主动关系),但这里to learn与concepts是动宾关系(即被动关系).如: I asked him to help me.(宾语him与宾语补足语to help me有逻辑上的主谓关系.“他帮我”.) He was asked to help me.(主语he与主语补足语to help me有逻辑上的主谓关系.“他帮我”.) 这个问题我们以前讨论过了. 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!
2023-07-22 02:00:121

什么车最贵 第一名

2023-07-22 02:00:331


2023-07-22 02:00:525

英语through some game concepts怎么翻译?

答:through some game concepts翻译成汉语意思是:通过一些游戏概念。
2023-07-22 02:01:073


数学概念获得的两种主要形式如下:概念获得的两种方式为:概念形成与概念同化。其中,概念形成为学生由大量的同类事物的不同例证中,独立发现同类事物的关键特征;在进行概念教学时,可以通过列举大量学生熟悉的有关事实,进行辨认,概括出共同属性;进一步概括出关键属性,形成新概念;对新的例子能抓住关键属性进行识别,从而达到对新概念的理解。概念同化为直接向学生展示定义,利用原有认知结构中有关知识理解新概念。在进行教学时,要了解学生的认知结构,特别是了解有关知识的掌握情况,即有关的概念都应该是清晰的、稳定的、明确的;给出的定义要简明;通过适量正、反实例与练习,使学生能把握新概念的关键属性,使新概念不与相关概念混淆,使新概念从本质上纳入已有的认知结构。数学概念(mathematical concepts)。是人脑对现实对象的数量关系和空间形式的本质特征的一种反映形式,即一种数学的思维形式。在数学中,作为一般的思维形式的判断与推理,以定理、法则、公式的方式表现出来,而数学概念则是构成它们的基础。正确理解并灵活运用数学概念,是掌握数学基础知识和运算技能、发展逻辑论证和空间想象能力的前提。
2023-07-22 02:01:161

CAE软件技术学习交流区有用过Concepts NREC的没

2023-07-22 02:01:311


a challenge of the traditional idea
2023-07-22 02:01:395


西饼 美心西饼 Maxim"s Deluxe simply bread 快餐 美心MX can.teen Maxim"s Express Deli-O 千烧百味 粤菜 美心大酒楼 美心皇宫大酒楼 美心金阁 美心阁 翠园 映月楼 粤翠轩 m.a.x. concepts 粤菜 翠玉轩 怡翠轩 翠晶轩 海逸轩(红磡海逸酒店) 粤江春 八月花 台湾菜 八喜 潮菜 潮江春 聚豪阁 潮庭 京菜 北京楼 沪菜 紫玉兰 湘菜 洞庭楼 京川沪湘菜 中国芳 又一栈 映山红 喜百合 m.a.x. concepts 日本菜 贺菊 KIKU miso m.a.x. concepts 西菜 Maxim"s Restaurant Deli and Wine Cafe Landmark Simplylife Bakery Cafe m.a.x. concepts 澳洲菜 MEZZ Pearl on the Peak m.a.x. concepts 东南亚菜 Thai BASIL little BASIL 香叶栈 rice paper 心。泰 simply thai LIAN m.a.x. concepts 美国菜 Lawry"s the Prime Rib m.a.x. concepts 多国菜 EXP eating plus Encore Cafe Muse 机构餐务 美心铁路快餐厅 美心小厨 南北小厨 Dutch Kitchen Ltd. 医院膳食服务 原美 Hearty Meal 中小学餐盒服务 星巴克咖啡 Starbucks Coffee 元气寿司 Genki Sushi 千両 主题乐园餐厅 迪士尼乐园市集饼店 Market Home Bakery 迪士尼乐园广场餐厅 Plaza Inn 美心快餐微波炉即食食品,西饼 美心西饼 Maxim"s Deluxe simply bread 快餐 美心MX can.teen Maxim"s Express Deli-O 千烧百味 粤菜 美心大酒楼 美心皇宫大酒楼 美心金阁 美心阁,有原美..... 2007-10-13 12:52:26 补充: 西饼 美心西饼 Maxim"s Deluxe simply bread 快餐 美心MX can.teen Maxim"s Express 2007-10-13 12:52:48 补充: Deli-O 千烧百味 粤菜 美心大酒楼 美心皇宫大酒楼 美心金阁 美心阁 翠园 映月楼 粤翠轩 m.a.x. concepts 粤菜 翠玉轩 怡翠轩 翠晶轩 海逸轩(红磡海逸酒店) 粤江春 八月花 台湾菜 八喜 潮菜 2007-10-13 12:54:07 补充: 潮江春 聚豪阁 潮庭 京菜 北京楼 沪菜 紫玉兰 湘菜 洞庭楼 京川沪湘菜 中国芳 又一栈 映山红 2007-10-13 12:54:24 补充: 喜百合 m.a.x. concepts 日本菜 贺菊 KIKU miso m.a.x. concepts 西菜 Maxim"s Restaurant Deli and Wine Cafe Landmark Simplylife Bakery Cafe m.a.x. concepts 澳洲菜 MEZZ Pearl on the Peak m.a.x. concepts 东南亚菜 Thai BASIL little BASIL 香叶栈 rice paper 2007-10-13 12:54:57 补充: 心。泰 simply thai LIAN m.a.x. concepts 美国菜 Lawry"s the Prime Rib m.a.x. concepts 多国菜 EXP eating plus Encore Cafe Muse 2007-10-13 12:55:07 补充: 机构餐务 美心铁路快餐厅 美心小厨 南北小厨 Dutch Kitchen Ltd. 医院膳食服务 原美 Hearty Meal 中小学餐盒服务 星巴克咖啡 Starbucks Coffee 元气寿司 Genki Sushi 千両 主题乐园餐厅 迪士尼乐园市集饼店 Market Home Bakery 迪士尼乐园广场餐厅 Plaza Inn 美心快餐微波炉即食食品 2007-10-13 12:55:33 补充: 西饼 美心西饼 Maxim"s Deluxe simply bread 快餐 美心MX can.teen Maxim"s Express Deli-O 千烧百味 粤菜 美心大酒楼 美心皇宫大酒楼 美心金阁 美心阁,
2023-07-22 02:01:531


这段中文的断句着实给理解和翻译增加了难度,所以这段翻译也由长句组成,希望你满意:With the deepening of economic system reforms, China"s enterprise associations have started following the right track of management and regulation standardization. With the intention of analyzing the form of enterprise association which is the main strength of national economy development, and the corresponding financial strategy, this article proceeds from the concepts introduction between these two, and ends up with the integrated analysis of the entire administration procedure from formulation to adjustment accordingly intensify the directive function of financial management in the system of enterprise management and promote the overall strategic development as well as continuously make improvement and innovation of enterprise financial strategy to facilitate the goal of sound development and operation permanently.
2023-07-22 02:02:022


2023-07-22 02:02:461

《Concepts, Techniques,》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming》(Peter Van Roy)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5q8b书名:Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming作者:Peter Van Roy豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:The MIT Press出版年份:2004-2-20页数:936内容简介:This innovative text presents computer programming as a unified discipline in a way that is both practical and scientifically sound. The book focuses on techniques of lasting value and explains them precisely in terms of a simple abstract machine. The book presents all major programming paradigms in a uniform framework that shows their deep relationships and how and where to use them together. After an introduction to programming concepts, the book presents both well-known and lesser-known computation models ("programming paradigms"). Each model has its own set of techniques and each is included on the basis of its usefulness in practice. The general models include declarative programming, declarative concurrency, message-passing concurrency, explicit state, object-oriented programming, shared-state concurrency, and relational programming. Specialized models include graphical user interface programming, distributed programming, and constraint programming. Each model is based on its kernel language--a simple core language that consists of a small number of programmer- significant elements. The kernel languages are introduced progressively, adding concepts one by one, thus showing the deep relationships between different models. The kernel languages are defined precisely in terms of a simple abstract machine. Because a wide variety of languages and programming paradigms can be modeled by a small set of closely related kernel languages, this approach allows programmer and student to grasp the underlying unity of programming. The book has many program fragments and exercises, all of which can be run on the Mozart Programming System, an Open Source software package that features an interactive incremental development environment.作者简介:Peter Van Roy is Professor in the Department of Computing Science and Engineering at Université catholique de Louvain, at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.Seif Haridi is Professor of Computer Systems in the Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
2023-07-22 02:02:531


人们长期以来都喜欢引用缺乏专业术语的用语,用以表达诸如关于树木、动物等的一些概念,尽管其实我们是能够从一张品种和物种的清单上找到这些(组成概念所必要的)词句。se plaire a... 喜欢做...乐于做....citer 引用,援引ou后面引导的是一个关系从句,les termes manquent 表示缺乏术语pour 表达的是目的 bien que 尽管,虽然
2023-07-22 02:03:062

business concepts有哪些

business concepts经营理念;商业概念;商业理论双语例句1Business items represent the business concepts and entities in an enterprise. 业务项目代表企业中业务的概念和实体。2These may be related directly to business concepts within the models and relationships between those concepts. 这些词可能与模型中的业务概念和概念之间的关系直接相关。
2023-07-22 02:03:141


I·N·C INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册1件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,I·N·C INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)
2023-07-22 02:03:431

广州诺然生物科技有限公司的Active Concepts

Active Micro Technologies LLC (美国艾缇微公司) 和Arbor Organic Technologies LLC(美国艾博公司)是Active Concepts 的姊妹公司。Active Concepts 和Active Micro 结合化妆品功能原料成分,减少或取代传统化学防腐剂的需求,致力于不断改善及增加环保、天然的产品系列,开发出一系列的新型天然植物抑菌剂。Arbor Organic LLC 提供经美国USDA 认证可用作化妆品与保养品配方的天然有机原料。生物发酵(Biofermentation)发酵的过程可将许多化学成分从它们原本所附着的植物基质中分离出来,增加其生物可利用性,应用发酵的技术,根据发酵原理可将各种植物化学成分分离及浓缩,为化妆品业研发出一系列的生物发酵产品。我们已审每种植物的特殊特性并根据每一种特定植物中所找出的天然成分,专注研发生物发酵剂。所开发的每项产品均具有其本身独有特性及活性。提取技术(Extraction Technology)艾缇公司运用简单到精密、复杂的各种不同提取技术。让我们产制不同产品的同时,也能研发符合客户需求的原料,涵盖从单纯多元醇提取物到具有特殊植物化学含量的更精提取物。功能性原料(Functional Materials)化妆品的原料成分可以划分为二大类-活性成分与功能性原料。功能性原料诸如流变剂、乳化剂及美容修饰剂所组成。如同蛋白质为万物结构基质一样,功能性原料为所有化妆品配方之结构基质。生物活性技术(BioActives)艾缇公司所提供的生物活性物质指在诱发从肌肤到头发的特殊反应。生物活性成分在精制品公司开发产品诉求上扮演关键角色,艾缇公司的生物活性成分在诱发特殊的效应,应用各种不同技术来探讨此领域-包括酵母发酵、生物转化及化学改良,目的为将高活性成分提供给化妆品业。蛋白质化学工程(Protein Chemistry)蛋白质都是由氨基酸所构成的。它们为许多化妆品配方中重要基础原料成分,化妆品业界一直使用许多蛋白质来源大多来自动物。今日这种情况已不再如此;因为长久以来一直有一股极大向往更洁净无污染、更环保的作业趋势,艾缇公司提供各种可供化妆品使用的非动物源蛋白质。传输系统(Delivery Systems)让活性成分效用更佳更持久,为制药业及皮肤科学界一项持续不断研发范畴,就化妆品目的而言,传输系统可定义为将活性成分运送至皮表或头发的工具。在性质上,这些工具可为细小的泡囊或高分子聚合物。传输系统可使化妆品的性能更佳。天然植物抑菌剂(Naturals Preservatives)一种天然的抑菌产品系列,并结合化妆品功能原料成分,减少或取代传统化学防腐剂的需求。艾缇微科技公司正不断地改善及增加环保、天然的产品系列。希望针对客户需求,开发防腐剂及纯天然抗微生物替代产品。
2023-07-22 02:03:501

资料翻译,欢迎有翻译经验的高手进来 追分++

2023-07-22 02:04:058

some of the most important concepts

Some of the most important concepts in physics owe their success to these mathematical systems. 物理学上一些重要的概念归功于数学体系.(意思是 :数学对物理的进步有促进作用)
2023-07-22 02:04:191


IBDP课程针对的是11、12年级的学生,分为六大学科组(母语与世界文学、第二语言、个人与社会学、科学、数学和艺术选修)+三大核心课程(认识论Theory of Knowledge、拓展论文Extended Essay和创意、行动与服务Creativity, Activity and Service)。学生按照自己的兴趣爱好、学科基础以及升学方向从前5个学科组中各选1门课程,从1-6组中选出第6门课程来学习。第一组:语言A。分为文学、语言与文学两门课程。简单来说,就是学生的母语或者是在学术层面最强势的第一语言。IB对母语学习的强调是其有别于其他国际课程的一大特色,这也是IB致力于做好本土化的具体体现。第二组:语言B。即第二语言,中国学生一般会选择英语B。在中国,由于很多学校不开设第六组艺术选修课程,也有不少学生会再学一门二外,如西班牙语、日语、法语等。第三组:个人与社会学。包括历史、地理、经济、工商管理、哲学、心理学、社会学、社会与文化、全球社会中的信息技术等学科。第四组:实验科学。包括物理、化学、生物、设计、环境系统等学科。第五组:数学。数学为必修课,强调培养学生的逻辑思维。包括:普通数学、高等数学、数学研究等不同难度的课程,供具有不同需要的学生选择。第六组:艺术。包括视觉艺术、音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、电影制作等。它告诉学生,艺术是需要被慎重对待的,是我们感受美、表达美的重要途径。
2023-07-22 02:04:502

corporate finance review include concepts&problem.

  1.Please briefly describe “green shoes” in an IPO.  Green shoes provision gives the members of the underwriting group the option to purchase additional shares from the issuer at the offering price. Its reason is to cover excess demand and oversubscriptions.  2.Why do some investors prefer high dividend payout?  First, some institutions are set up to manage money for the benefit of others, thus, they should be cautious. Second, some institutions are usually not allowed to spend the principle, thus, they prefer high-dividend yield stocks. Third, individual investors may have a desire for current income.  3.What is the stand-alone principle?  When we identify the effect of undertaking the proposed project on the firm"s cash flows, we just focus on its incremental cash flows.  4.What are some of the important services provided by underwriters?  Underwriting is an important line of business for large investment firms, so they are willing to pay to the underwriters for gaining some services.  5.What is systematic risk principle?  The systematic risk principle states that the reward for bearing risk depends only on the systematic risk of an investment.  6.What happens if we use the WACC for the discount rate for all projects?  The firm"s WACC is the appropriate discount rate only if the proposed investment is a replica of the firm"s existing operating activities. If use this method for all projects, the risk and the target capital structure of the firm will be misjudged.  7.What is the security market line?  A line used to illustrate the relationship between risk and return for individual securities. The security market line shows a positive linear relationship between returns and systematic risk as measured by beta.  8.Briefly explain the differences between preferred and common stock?  Preferred stock has preference over common stock in the payment of dividends and in the distribution of corporation assets in the event of liquidation.  Describe the basic characteristics of cash flow used in the valuation of an investment. What are the main principles used to determine cash flow?  The cash flows in the valuation of the investment are incremental cash flows,the changes in cash flows that will occur if the projects is undertaken.  The main principles used to determine cash flow involves:  <1>Decisions are based on cash flows,not accounting income.  <2>Cash flows are based on opportunity cost which is a firm"s loss by undertaking the project.  <3>Determining the cash flow decisions account for the time value of money.  <4>Cash flows are analyzed on an after-tax basis.  <5>Financial costs are reflected in the project"s required rate of return.  Describe how NPV is calculated and describe the information this measure provides about a sequence of cash flows. What is the NPV criterion decision rule? Why is NPV considered to be a superior method of evaluating the cash flows from a project?  <1> The following procedure may be used to compute NPV:  Identify all costs(outflows) and benefits (inflows) associated with a project ;  Determine the appropriate discount rate for the project;  Find the PV of each cash flow using the appropriate discount rate;  Compute the NPV for summing up the discounted cash flows.  So the mathematical formula is NPV=  Inflows are positive nd increase NPV because it illustrates the benefit associated with the projects.Outflows are negative and decrease NPV because it illustrates the cost associated with the projects.  <2>The NPV criterion decision rules are summarized:  Accept projects with a positive NPV which will increase shareholder wealth.  Reject projects with a negative NPV which will decrease shareholder wealth.  When two projects are mutually exclusive , the project with the higher positive NPV should be accepted.  <3>NPV is a superior method of evaluating the cash flows from a project because of 3 reasons:  NPV uses the cash flow instead of the earnings.  NPV uses all the cash flows of the project and don"t ignore the cash flows beyond a particular date.  NPV discounts the cash flows properly and considers the time value of money when handling cash flow.
2023-07-22 02:05:041


《Operating System Concepts》(Abraham Silberschatz)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:wi6k书名:Operating System Concepts作者:Abraham Silberschatz豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:John Wiley & Sons出版年份:2005-1-21页数:944内容简介:Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systemsOpen-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne"s Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for today"s emerging developments.As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including:What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructedProcess, memory, and storage managementProtection and securityDistributed systemsSpecial-purpose systemsBeyond the basics, the Eight Edition sports substantive revisions and organizational changes that clue you in to such cutting-edge developments as open-source operating systems, multi-core processors, clustered computers, virtual machines, transactional memory, NUMA, Solaris 10 memory management, Sun"s ZFS file system, and more. New to this edition is the use of a simulator to dynamically demonstrate several operating system topics.Best of all, a greatly enhanced WileyPlus, a multitude of new problems and programming exercises, and other enhancements to this edition all work together to prepare you enter the world of operating systems with confidence.
2023-07-22 02:05:121


1. it could give me a better understanding in terms of film.2.this introduction book was written for the ones who would like to practise and observe in their daily life from the angle of pyschology theory to know themselves better and live a more efficiently life.This book also introduce the main theoretical opinions of Psychology to the readers , how to apply those conceptions as well. The difference between this book and other so-called"adjust" books is this book is more sutibale for the actual life, which minimize the theory of Psychology, at the same time, maximize the practial application in the real world.3.Though there are a lot of psychological researches have been done domesticlly, yet it just a beginning in China. I must try my best on both practical and theoretical studies if i want to further my knowledge on this field ,meanwhile, to make my own contribution for the develpoment of Psychology in China.
2023-07-22 02:05:264


1. C. thorough 形容词不能修饰动词present2. E. 因为是 She is determined to make a name for herself.....。 所以作为状语用determined而不是determining没错啊。3.A. C和D可以看作是正确的。因为that use water efficiently可以看作是products and practices 的定语。而name sb. for sth.才是提名。就算有name of,用their也是不对的。应用its指代agency
2023-07-22 02:05:342


2023-07-22 02:05:421

concepts 1 one是什么牌子,看了挺贵的,好不好呢?

2023-07-22 02:06:042


简单说,玻尔是位哲学家,他对概念的清理最重视,显然海森堡最受玻尔的吸引,他与玻尔的不同在于除了清理概念,他还寻求数学方案,能解决问题的数学方案。 索末菲是问题驱动型的,他不在乎自相矛盾,他关心的是解决问题。而玻恩基本是个数学家,他督促海森堡找到能取代牛顿体系的量子力学的数学体系。 ~ Yes, I had always both these interests. I mean I was always very happy to discuss things with Bohr because Bohr would always have to make the concepts clear. On the other hand, I was also interested in these mathematical problems of quantum electrodynamics because I felt that finally you must write down a mathematical scheme which explains things. I always looked as a final aim to the mathematical scheme. And that was not perhaps what Bohr did. Bohr looked to a scheme of concepts, a number of concepts, and not a mathematical scheme — if one wants to make such a strong distinction. After all, we have spoken so much forth and back, but still I would say there is a slight difference in tendency between Bohr and myself. I tried to put it this way in a talk which I had to give after the death of Max Born. I compared my three teachers which I have had, that was Sommerfeld, and Max Born, and Niels Bohr. And I would say: Sommerfeld he was most interested in solving problems which you could compare with experiments. He did not mind the concepts — I mean, the concepts somehow had to be all right, but he was not too much interested. And also he was not too much upset about contradictions, as in old quantum theory, there were contradictions. He wanted to do calculations and to get all correct results. And then there was Max Born who believed strongly in the existence of rigorous mathematical schemes. He was very much a mathematician, but he was not a one philosopher. He was interested...he always suggested that I must find the theory in quantum mechanics which replaces Newton"s mechanics, but he did not see that in order to do that you have to derive or to apply new concepts. And, finally, Bohr, he was a philosopher who looked for the concepts. And he said, well, first we must have our concepts right — that means actually we have to make our mind clear, and before we can do that we have no chance really to solve the problems. So, I don"t know whether I am clear enough to compare these three people.
2023-07-22 02:06:101


2023-07-22 02:06:228

英语as they revolve around certain basic concepts翻译?

英语:as they revolve around certain basic concepts.翻译:正如它们围绕着某些基本概念。resolve around: 以...为中心。
2023-07-22 02:06:381

how far is beijing课文内容,十分钟之内给答案!急急急!

Lesson 20: How Far Is Beijing?第二十课:北京有多远?1. Numbers1. 数字Hi, class! I"m Miss Zhang, Li Ming"s English teacher!嗨!同学们!我是张老师,是李明的英语老师!Hi, class! I"m Miss Zhang, Li Ming"s English teacher!嗨!同学们!我是张老师,是李明的英语老师!Let"s count. Can you say these numbers?咱们数数字吧。你们能说出这些数字吗?Let"s count. Can you say these numbers?咱们数数字吧。你们能说出这些数字吗?100 one hundred一百200 two hundred两百300 three hundred三百400 four hundred四百500 five hundred五百600 six hundred六百700 seven hundred七百800 eight hundred八百900 nine hundred九百1,000 thousand一千2,000 thousand两千3,000 three thousand三千4,000 four thousand四千5,000 five thousand五千6,000 six thousand六千7,000 seven thousand七千8,000 eight thousand八千9,000 nine thousand九千10,000 ten thousand一万2. How far is Beijing?2. 北京有多远?Canada is far from China.加拿大离中国很远。Canada is far from China.加拿大离中国很远。How far is it from China to Canada ?中国离加拿大有多远?About eight thousand five hundred kilometres.大约有八千五百公里。I live in Edmonton. Li Ming lives in Shijiazhuang.我住在埃德蒙顿。李明住在石家庄。It"s about nine thousand six hundred kilometres from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang.从埃德蒙顿到石家庄大约有九千六百公里。How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?石家庄离北京有多远?It"s two hundred seventy-eight kilometres.That"s about three hundred kilometres.大约有两百七十八公里。大约是三百公里。How far is it from China to Canada?中国离加拿大有多远?About eight thousand five hundred kilometres.大约有八千五百公里。I live in Edmonton. Li Ming lives in Shijiazhuang.我住在埃德蒙顿。李明住在石家庄。It"s about nine thousand six hundred kilometres from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang.从埃德蒙顿到石家庄大约有九千六百公里。How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?石家庄离北京有多远?It"s two hundred seventy-eight kilometres.That"s about three hundred kilometres.大约有两百七十八公里。大约是三百公里。Vocabulary词汇about 给你个教案:《How Far Is Beijing》教学设计及反思教材分析:《How Far Is Beijing》是冀教版小学英语五年级上册第19课内容。本课是在学生学习了基数词one、two…hundred的基础上再认识thousand,并用来表示一些较大数目数字表示方法,来扩大数数的范围,并且让学生学会用How Far句型询问两地之间距离的一部分内容。基本教学流程:本课共包含两部分内容:第一部分是让学生练习用英语表达一些数目较大的数字;第二部分是How Far…?句型的熟练运用。课前,我设计了一个小游戏,在说清规则后让学生用英语报数,一方面调动了学生学习的积极性,另一方面有效复习了以前学过的基数词。在引入新课时,我列举了一些常见有关数字的问题,让学生用英语进行表示,比如:甘沟小学到会宁的距离是36千米,会师塔的高度是33.3米,大约是33米,上海东方明珠的高度是468米,英语老师的身高是173厘米等。联系到实际问题,学生兴趣高涨,争着、抢着回答,我让学生说说在数学里我们怎样读三位数的数字,通过此引出英文三位数字的读法:按照数字的顺序,先读百位上的数,是几就读几,在数字几的后面加上单词“hundred”, 然后再读几十几。紧接着,我再出示两个问题:兰州到北京的距离是1876千米,珠穆朗玛峰的高度大约是8844米。此时,学生陷入了沉思,我先安排同桌两人讨论,指导学生用同样的方法总结规律,用“thousand”表示千它的前面是基数词。本课的课题是《How Far Is Beijing》,我没有急着板书课题,继续引导。问:假如你要去北京旅游,怎么样向你的老师或你的同学用英语询问会宁到北京的距离,北京有多远呢?此时,板书课题,效果最好。我们以后就用How Far…?句型来问两地之间有多远?这一部分主要是对话教学,是How Far…?句型的运用,我安排了师生对话、生生对话。最后,告诉学生学完这节课,对于1—10000之间的数字我们都可以用英语表示出来。整堂课,课堂气氛浓、学生兴趣高,取得了良好的效果。课后反思:整节课,课堂容量大,联系生活实例较多,我从激发学生学习兴趣入手,重视学法的指导,面向全体,关注差生,让学生积极、主动地去学习。纠正学生单词读音,让学生将句子说完整,耐心引导,适时进行评价激励,让学生敢说英语、会说英语。上完这节课,我个人觉得整体效果还是可以,达到了预期的效果,但美中不足,在以下几个方面还有欠缺,需要改进:1、学生的学法指导。2、课堂用语欠丰富,英语口语表达能力尚不足。3、对学困生的课堂帮扶有待加强。4、在学生口语训练上多花时间。5、力创愉悦课堂。《How Far Is Beijing》教学设计Teaching aims:1、Language goals掌握下列单词:about, 1--10,000数字的表达法。2、Ability goals掌握a. How far is it from____ to _____? b. It"s about______ kilometers. 3、Procedures and methods:(1)能够从数字1数到10000。(2)能够对两地之间的距离提出问题,并做出较准确的回答。4、Moral goals:把英语与数学、地理等知识结合起来,体现多学科的联系,充分发挥他们的思维、观察、计算等多方面的智能,使学生通过数这一常用概念,感知英语的实用性,增强学习英语的兴趣。Teaching important points:英语中数字的读法及“How far”句型的提问和回答。能够用英语读出生活中相关的数字。Teaching difficult points:1.具体数字的表达法2.用“How far”句型对两地之间距离提出问题并回答。Teaching tools:景物图片、录音机Teaching procedures一、Class opening:1. Greeting. 2、Game:做数字接龙游戏。(复习数字,做好铺垫,活跃课堂气氛。)二、New Concepts:1、两位数、三位数的读法从甘沟小学到会宁的距离是36km.从会宁到兰州的距离是147km.英语老师的身高是173cm.让学生仅仅读出这些数字。出示会师塔、东方明珠图片师:What"s this? How tall is it?生:It"s four hundred sixty-eight meters tall。师:Yes. Very good. Say it , together.再出示两个三位数,请学生回答。让学生说说在数学里我们怎样读三位数的数字,通过此引出英文三位数字的读法:按照数字的顺序,先读百位上的数,是几就读几,在数字几的后面加上单“hundred和 and”, 然后再读几十几。出示多个三位数字,请学生读出来。注意:十和几之间用“-”。2、四位数的读法兰州到北京的距离是1876千米珠穆朗玛峰的高度大约是8844米同样的方法请学生总结规律:用“thousand” 表示千,它的前面是基数。出示多个四位数,让学生读出来。3、学习“How far”句型出示石家庄到北京的距离问:How far is Beijing? It is …让学生说。师:Yes. It is two hundred and five kilometers. About two hundred kilometers. About two hundred kilometers. Say it ,please.Ask the students to guess: the meaning of ‘about".用“≈”表示。师生对话、生生对话,让学生练习用英语读数字及单词“about”.4、听并跟读课文录音5、巩固练习三、Class closingHomework:用英语写出生活中你感兴趣的数字 。Blackboard Design:Lesson20: How Far is Beijing?hundredthousandHow far is it fromAto B?It is about
2023-07-22 02:06:471


1. Applied Management 实务管理2. Buyer Behaviour and communication Strategies 顾客行为与沟通策略3. Accounting Principles 会计学原理4. Introduction to Commercial Law 商业法导论5. Economic Environment 经济环境6. Marketing Principles 市场学原理7. Computer Concepts 计算机(电脑)概论8. Leadership 领导学9. Market Research 市场研究10.Marketing Planning for Managers 管理人员市场策划11.Organisation & Management 组织与管理12.Business Communication 商业传意
2023-07-22 02:07:073


2023-07-22 02:07:184


美国大学微积分没有统一的教材。以下是美国大学委员会网站提供的微积分教材:Anton, Howard, Irl Bivens, and Stephen Davis. Calculus: Early Transcendentals. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.微积分(Calculus)是高等数学中研究函数的微分(Differentiation)、积分(Integration)以及有关概念和应用的数学分支。它是数学的一个基础学科。内容主要包括极限、微分学、积分学及其应用。微分学包括求导数的运算,是一套关于变化率的理论。它使得函数、速度、加速度和曲线的斜率等均可用一套通用的符号进行讨论。积分学,包括求积分的运算,为定义和计算面积、体积等提供一套通用的方法。
2023-07-22 02:07:295


2023-07-22 02:07:463


星巴克使用的咖啡机种类较多,具体使用哪一款咖啡机主要取决于不同的门店以及咖啡饮品的制作需求。不过,在商业市场中,星巴克比较出名的咖啡机主要有 La Marzocco、Nuova Simonelli、Bunn 等。其中,La Marzocco 是最常见的一款高端咖啡机,它具有卓越的稳定性和可靠性,长时间使用也不易出现故障。而 Nuova Simonelli 是另一款广泛使用的专业咖啡机,它可以快速提供高品质的浓缩咖啡,并且易于使用和清洁。此外,星巴克还使用其他各类咖啡机器和设备,包括磨豆机、手动泡茶器、调味器等,以保证每一杯咖啡都符合品牌标准和顾客期望。
2023-07-22 02:07:563


VOGUING是什么?Voguing最初是纽约市黑人区一些Ballroom和Gay Club发展起来的的舞蹈,最初的Vogue叫做Performance。所以它的动作包括hands(手势) spin(旋转) Catwalk(猫步) dips(摔)duckwalk(鸭子跳),还包括基本的pose(姿态),屈腿行,下腰,拱桥等等。voguing属于带动气氛的动感型舞蹈,很少用完整歌曲表演,多数采用即兴节奏。VOGUING起源是?Voguing是受到《Vogue》杂志和古埃及象形文字的图案灵感启发,voguing主要以模特儿的造型姿态为架构,以有棱有角、线条性和稳固的手部、腿部和身体做出动作。这种舞蹈风格在1960年代早期到1980年代由非裔美国人和拉丁变装皇后和同性恋者在美国纽约哈林区的ballroom里问世。麦当娜使vogue让大家所熟知,那是她的一个MV叫做Vogue (1990年),随着一声声的“StrikeAPose",跳舞的人就要定格摆一个个的造型出来,让人就像在看一本相册。麦当娜受了Voguing的启发,创作了Vogue。然后被America" sBestDanceCrew的VogueEvolution又推广开来。被当做一种舞蹈形式推广起来Voguing作为一种成型的舞种,在美国的主要城市(主要是纽约)的同性恋舞厅和夜店表演,并持续不断发展向世界各地。VOGUING的舞蹈有哪些?Vogue舞蹈有三种:1.0ld Way(1990之前)2.New Way(1990之后3.Vogue Femme(1995年的)基本元素包含了哪些?Old way: pop,dip,spin,注重posing的定格感New way: arms control ,floor, performance,stretch,是芭蕾体操选手参与ballroom后演变而来,对于身体的软开要求更高。Vogue femme: cat walk , duckwalk, handsfloor,performance spin还有dip。十分注重女性气质表达。VOGUING和WAACKING区别?通俗解释w是甩手,v是折手,w是快速的手花,多用手臂发力,而v是pose以及各种卡点,手型和基本元素的运动轨迹不一样,最后则是音乐上的不同,waacking一般多用funky和disco风格的音乐,而voguing一般多用house风格的音乐,所以大概因为音乐的原因,voguing的舞蹈里下半身的部分要比waacking多得多。如果看到手腕关节和肘关节的结合,手型固定,五指并拢伸直则是v。
2023-07-22 02:02:391


GUID磁碟分割表(GUID Partition Table,缩写:GPT)其含义为“全局唯一标识磁盘分区表”,是一个实体硬盘的分区表的结构布局的标准。它是可扩展固件接口(EFI)标准(被Intel用于替代个人计算机的BIOS)的一部分,被用于替代BIOS系统中的一32bits来存储逻辑块地址和大小信息的主开机纪录(MBR)分区表。
2023-07-22 02:02:341