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Relx,充电四十五分钟。RELX,中文名:悦刻,电子烟品牌,创始人为汪莹。管理团队RELX创始人汪莹。RELX悦刻的创始团队来自OPPO、华为、中科院、欧莱雅、宝洁、优步。品牌使命:加速全球10亿烟民向更健康、更愉悦的生活方式转变。品牌TAGLINE:BREAK IT NOW 。RELX悦刻产品为换弹雾化烟,包括劲爽薄荷、经典烟草、热带水果三个口味。

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RELX悦刻是一个电子烟品牌,产品涉及RELAX悦刻换弹雾化烟,包括劲爽薄荷、经典烟草、热带水果三个口味,具有无烟味、无烟灰、清新提神的特性,用户可通过微信公众号及小程序商城进行购买,致力于打造健康的吸烟方式。品牌文化:品牌使命:加速全球10亿烟民向更健康、更愉悦的生活方式转变。品牌TAGLINE:BREAK IT NOW。品牌产品:RELX悦刻产品为换弹雾化烟,包括劲爽薄荷、经典烟草、热带水果等多种口味。品牌事件:2018年06月25日,RELX悦刻宣布完成首轮3800万人民币融资,本轮融资由源码资本领投、IDG跟投。


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英国女模特Keeley Hazell个人写真集 U R not alone 在哪可以买得到


Keeley Hazell血型

全名: Keeley Rebecca Hazell 生日: 1986年9月18日 出生地: 英格兰 三围: 32E–22–32 (寸) 身高: 5 尺 6 寸 眼睛颜色: 淡褐色 头发颜色: 褐色 天然胸部: 非人造 种族: 高加索人, 白种人

Keeley Rebecca Hazell一起的另外10人都是谁




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Keeley姬莉·哈泽尔 英文全名: Keeley Rebecca Hazell 中文译名:姬莉·哈泽尔 出生日期: 1986年9月18日 出生地: 英格兰 三围: 32E–22–32 (寸) 身高: 5 尺 6 寸 眼睛颜色: 淡褐色 头发颜色: 褐色 天然胸部: 非人造 种族: 高加索人, 白种人 ☆╬综述╬☆ Keeley Hazell凭着其迷人火爆的身材曾被评为世界上最性感的100位女性之一,也是英超著名的足球宝贝,深受球迷喜爱, 而英国大众媒体FHM更把这位英国籍的超级女模特评选为世界上排名第二的性感女神! 这位20出头的英超新赛季性感宝贝,被著名时尚杂志《男人帮》评为世界头号性感女郎。她34E的妖娆性感的身材,让“美艳主妇”伊娃·隆格里亚、“性感女神”斯嘉丽·约翰逊和安吉丽娜·朱丽等人,都成了她的裙下败将。 ☆╬成名╬☆ 她生于1986年,在伦敦郊区长大。16岁中学毕业后,基莉受训成为一名发型师。之后的两年里,她在各种各样的美发店工作。一次偶然的机会,她参加《每日星报》主办的“寻找沙滩宝贝”的选美比赛,拔得头筹。 18岁的生日蜡烛吹熄不久,基莉·哈泽尔的男友就将她的一组照片送到以刊登热辣美女照片著称的《太阳报》,参加三版女郎竞选。基莉过五关斩六将,在读者中赢得了极高的人气,最终荣获该报“三版女郎偶像”称号。除了与《太阳报》之间一年的合同,基莉·哈泽尔还有价值一万英镑的华服入账。 因为基莉·哈泽尔的美艳照片已在互联网上广为传播,基莉在英国早是炙手可热的人物了。根据一项民意调查,她的受欢迎程度甚至超过了球星贝克汉姆。赢得“三版女郎偶像”改变了她的生活,走在大街上,很多人会认出她并问:“你就是那个基莉吗?”她则笑着回答:“我是基莉,可我不知道自己是不是你说的那个基莉。” ☆╬人气╬☆ 与《太阳报》合同期满后,基莉·哈泽尔又先后登上《MAXIM》和《男人帮》的封面。2007年,基莉·哈泽尔的形象在英国成人娱乐杂志《Zoo》、《Nuts》和《Loaded》中频频出现,她的曼妙身材甚至引起了《花花公子》的注意。杂志的副总裁玛莉琳·格拉博斯基解释说:“要碰到一个真正特别的女孩子没那么容易,基莉给人的感觉很好,我们非常乐意请她来拍照。”目前,基莉尚未同意这笔价值百万美元的交易。 基莉和切尔西著名球星乔·科尔约会调情的小道消息没有断过,据说他们之间发生了一夜情,科尔还因此被基莉的男友打得头破血流。不过,因为与乔·科尔的这番私会,基莉的名声也进一步提升了起来。以基莉·哈泽尔如今的名气,已经不再需要借助英超球星上位了。 基莉的身材丰满,胸部是她最骄傲的地方。与著名的波霸乔丹不同,她身体的每一部分,都是纯天然的。近日,英国剑桥大学的一些人体学研究专家把基莉推崇为身材最符合男性感观审美的性感尤物。这些专家煞有介事地表示,根据他们设计出的女性身材比例演算方程式,基莉的三围、面部五官、肌肤的健康指数以及头发的颜色等因素加在一起,意味着她对异性的诱惑力简直就是无人可挡。 现在在英国,已经没有英国男人敢说不知道基莉的名字,因为这样就会被其他人嘲笑。英国至少有一半的男人认为基莉·哈泽尔是世界第九大奇迹,尤其是她美丽的胸部线条是众多女性梦寐以求的。在全球流行骨感美女的潮流下,其实男人还是喜欢丰满身材的女人。基莉说:“我听到很多男人说,他们害怕看那些骨瘦如柴的模特,而且不想和她们亲近。对于我来说,我的身体曲线,拿什么都不换。” ☆╬荣誉╬☆ 所得荣誉:《太阳报》2004年三版女郎冠军 《Loaded》2005年百大桃色女星排名第17位 《Zoo》英国十大性感模特冠军 《Zoo》2005年百大性感女星冠军 《FHM》2006年最受欢迎的三版女郎 《太阳报》历届三版女郎冠军 《太阳报》真人宝贝冠军 《Zoo》2006年百大性感女星冠军


查无此词,近似拼写是:KealyKealy[人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 基利 Keeley的变体例句:Kealy was run over by a car outside her house. 基利在她屋外被一辆汽车轧了。


Keely是拼写的名称,制定了在过去几十年。最后两个可能有某种关联的约克郡基斯利镇(发音KEETH -法)近霍沃斯。 最可能的解释名称Keely是,它是一个现代型的爱尔兰名字, Keelin 。 这本身就是一个更古老的爱尔兰名字,盖尔。 "这来自两个盖尔caol字,意思是苗条。 有几个老塞尔特和盖尔地名这一部分,包括众所周知的名字,如菲奥娜。

谁有《angel beats!》片尾曲《brave song》的罗马音标


考研英语小作文书信最后没写yours sincerely要扣几分?


鞋类英语 heel slip 是什么意思?


林肯公园的歌中有哪首歌的歌词中有I can’t feel


tell sb……各种语法

tell tell[tZl; tu0454l](told[told; tould])及物动词1 说【同义字】tell 告诉的泛用字inform 较 tell 郑重而正式relate 叙述自己所看到或经验的事report 将自己所调查的事报知他人a. 讲 <故事、事实等> ,说,言,话,述~ the truth说 实话~ a lie说谎b. 对<人>讲,告诉I will ~ you.我来告诉你He asked where she lived and I told him.他问她的住处,我告诉了他(你且听我说)→ I (can) TELL you,You"re TELLing me!c. 告诉<人>…,对<人>讲…; 告诉[人]…,[对人]讲…[to]He told us his adventures. = He told his adventures tous.他告诉我们他的冒险故事→ (I"ll) tell you WHAT. pron.d. 对<人>说[…之事],传达,告诉[of, about]He told me about his name.他把他名字的事讲给我听I told him of her death.我把她的死讯告诉他e. 告诉<人><…事>He told me that he liked baseball.他告诉我他喜欢棒球He told me that he had finished reading the book.他告诉我他已读完那本书So she told me.她如此告诉我I told you so!.你看,我早就说 过的(你就是不听我的话)!f. 告诉<人>…,告知T~ me when you will leave London.告诉我你何时要离开伦敦She will ~ you what to do.她会教你怎么做2 吩咐<人><做…>,叫,命令,叮咛He told me not to drive too fast.他叫我 (开车) 不要开得太快I was told to wear a suit.我被吩咐要穿成套的衣服Do as you are told.照被吩咐地去做 [叫你怎么做,你就怎么做]3 知道a. 知道…,懂…He cannot ~ (the) time yet.他还看不懂 (钟表上的) 时间I can ~ the time from the position of the sun.我可以从太阳的位置知道时刻You can ~ him by his voice.你可以从他的声音听得出是他b. 看得出<…事>One can ~ (that) she is intelligent.任何人都看得出她聪明c. 知道 <如何…>He couldn"t ~ what to do.他不知道怎么办才好There is no ~ing when he may come.他何时会来,不得而知Nobody can ~ what it is.谁也说不清它是什么4 分辨a. [在两者之间] 辨别 <差异等> ,识别,辨识[between]You"ll not be able to ~ the difference between them.你 (永远) 无法辨别他们之间的差异b. 辨别…[from]I can"t ~ one twin from the other.我无法辨别这对双胞胎哪个是哪个c. 识别 ~ the twins apart识别双胞胎d. ?] 辨别 <…与否>I cannot ~ whether it is true (or not).我无法辨别那是否真实5 a. <物>表露,显示,表示Her face told her grief.她脸上流露著忧伤This signpost ~s the way to New York.这个路标指示前往纽约的路The clock ~s the time.时钟报时间b. <物>对<人>显示<…>A line of pink on the eastern horizon told me that daybreak was near.东边地平线上的一道淡红光线使我知道天快要亮了6(古)点数,计算→ tell one"s BEADSall told → tell 成语不及物动词1 a. <人>讲[…之事],叙述,说[of, about]I"ll ~ about [of] it.我来讲这件事b. <物>显示[…],表露[of]His hands ~ of heavy labor.他的双手显示他干的是粗活2 密告 [他人之事] ,告发; 泄密; 搬弄是非,打小报告[on]Did he promise not to ~?.他答应过不泄密吗?Helen told on her sister Mary.海伦打妹妹玛丽的小报告3 a. 奏效; 发生作用,影响; <炮弹等> 命中His experience will ~ in the end.他的经验终究会发挥作用Money is bound to ~.钱一定不会白花的 [花了钱就一定有效果]Every shot told.百发百中b. [对…]奏效; [对人、健康等] 发生作用,给予影响[on, upon]His age is beginning to ~ on [upon] him.他开始显得衰老了c. [对…不利地] 发生作用[影响][against]Everything told against him.事事对他不利4 知道,辨别You can never ~.这可就不知道了,谁都拿不准Nobody can ~.=Who can ~?.谁晓得You never can ~. (.将来之事) 谁也不知道 [不能断定]You can"t always ~ from appearances.你不能老是从外表来分辨all told合计,总共There were fifty of them, all told.他们合计有五十人I (can) tell you的确,真地,诚然The movie is worth seeing, I can ~ you.那部电影的确值得一看Tell me another(口语)我不相信,我想你是在开玩笑吧tell off(1)申斥,责骂Betty was told off for being late.贝蒂因迟到而挨骂(2)‘军"分派<人等>[工作][for]; 分派<人等><去做…>Some of the soldiers were told off for guard duty.有些士兵被分派卫兵勤务You"re telling me!(口语) (不用你说) 我清楚得很! Tell Tell[tZl; tu0454l],William名词‘瑞士传说"威廉.泰尔(瑞士争取独立时与奥国作战之英雄,相传曾在奥国总督命令下,以箭射落置于其子头上之苹果)


tell 告诉I"ll tell you a story. 我将告诉你一个故事。

tell. told 怎么用?有别么?

tell 是原型, 然后 过去式和过去分词就是told




用develop 不用explore, explore是探索,不是开发,开发用develop

英语翻译!!!!急需!!!!!! Saying yes to yourself





Aho yo!It shut it down, LoveIt shut it down, BlindIt shut it down, PassionGET GET GET, live it up.Jump up jump up jump up jump up, OhJump up jump up jump up jump up, HooJump up jump up jump up jump up, Jump up jump up jump up, Break it dancing.Break it down, Red beat down, Knock you down, Here we go.Oh uh uh uh uh uh uh, 常常 常常 你为我跳着舞Latin girl, Maxican girl,Korean girl, Japan girl.扑腾跳时 心脏不会停止 yeh yeh yeh mirror mirror mirror. 总是装作不懂我的你的心你独一无二 让人难忘 我多么的多么的害怕只是 只是 happening, 随意就与别人交往你看我时也和我一样心痛么 如果心痛就说一句Mazeltov 加油吧 Mazeltov 笑笑吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayMazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday如果你能为我打气 再小的帮助也好. my my my girlMazeltov 加油吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayFriday, Saturday, SundayOh uh uh uh uh uh uh 抓住 抓住 全都抓住 精神放松Latin girl, Maxican girl,Korean girl, Japan girl.365天 只是跳舞. yeh yeh yeh mirror mirror mirror.一年太长 会想念 要不然 一个月要说结束的话会心痛 我是傻瓜吧只是只是 happening, 随意就与别人交往 你看我时也和我一样心痛么 如果心痛就说一句Mazeltov 加油吧 Mazeltov 笑笑吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayMazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday如果你能为我打气 再小的帮助也好. my my my girlMazeltov 加油吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayFriday, Saturday, SundayHey ladies? EMPIRE BOYS像宇宙中一切般的愉快, 像身体要爆炸一般的高兴兴奋地享乐吧 Mad Time Right, Everybody 手牵手 到处奔跑Latin girl, Maxican girl, American girl, Japan girl, Korean girl. 变Fantastic, 变Magical, 你是 MA MA MA MA MA MA Magic.Mazeltov 加油吧 Mazeltov 笑笑吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayMazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday如果你能为我打气 再小的帮助也好. my my my girlMazeltov 加油吧Mazeltov, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayFriday, Saturday, SundayMazeltov, All people, Mazeltov

to tell her news.

选C没错,There is no need to do sth.是固定句式啦,没有必要做某事.

Annabel的《starlight》 歌词

歌曲名:starlight歌手:Annabel专辑:pedalnote/starlight「starlight」作词∶ガタ作曲∶ガタ编曲∶ガタ歌∶Annabelone more listen お愿い本気なんです この思い一生分の幸せ コインに変わえるなら何枚相当必要?きっと言われるがままお星様よ これほどまで求めているのmaybe starlightいつも希望の光なんだmaybe starlight愿い事抱えすぎなんだでもね starlight もっとおくれよstarlight 辉いてよlisten listen listen to my heart宙に舞うコインの行き先名前のない星见つけ出してみようそしたらたぶん愿い事も叶えやすいかも宝石の箱をひっくり返したようだよく言うけど そんな箱などどこにもないんだそうさ starlightこんな私の上にいるそうさ starlightどんな私の上にでもだから starlight ホント伟いよstarlight ありがとうねlisten listen listen to my heart宝石箱は胸の中时にはときめいたり时には毒づいたり星を眺めてはこんなふうに思いを梦を巡らせてstarlight 私のいる星眺めてstarlight 谁かお愿いしてるかもstarlight いつも希望の光なんだきっと starlight 愿い事 叶えすぎなんだだから starlight 梦の数はstarlight 星の数さlisten listen listen to my heart宙に舞う思いの行き先starlight…终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53591903

求一篇关于“is a dependant husband a role model or a cause of embarrassment ” 的演讲稿

MY father!Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that we"re living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college. Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others. Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We can"t have anything without him. Now I"m pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind.

新目标英语九年级UNIT8 第65页SELF CHECK中的 第2部分的作文怎么写?

Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer, she always sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people. She also sings at schools. Once she ran out of money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas for making money. She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.In this way, she earned enough money for her singing lessons. Now she is able to continue her lessons and will be able to become a professional singer in the future.


英文原文:Hello,I"m Kate.英式音标:[hu0259u02c8lu0259u028a; he-] , [au026am] kate . 美式音标:[hu025bu02c8lou02cc hu0259-] , <a href="http://www.yinbiao5.com/19-20331.html" title="i" m"="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 70, 187); text-decoration: none; font-family: 微软雅黑; font-size: 12px; line-height: 24px; white-space: normal;">[au026am] kate .

翻译Kate voegele的《99 times》(附歌词)

So, you see 喏,你瞧Youve got me back again for more 我又为你付出更多And it seems 仿佛Your song is in my head 你的歌在我脑海中回旋This is war 这是一场战争Mystery, how I could feel you breathe me 谜一般,我如何察觉你的呼吸I was sure you would keep 我确信你会坚守Every promise, you would keep 坚守每句承诺Every word 每句话Well, 好吧I try to put your stories in line 我试着相信你的话But nothing adds up right 但是什么都说不通For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请Its a shame 这很可耻That you left me hanging like you did 你把我丢在一旁It was brave 这很勇敢But it was much more foolish 但也更加愚蠢Dont you think? (dont you think?) 你不会想吗?cause you know I wont be satisfied 因为你知道我不会满意Until you realize 在你意识到之前For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请These things are oh, all so typical 这些事情是如此明显These things are unforgivable 这些事情如此难忘Im gone and youre invisible now Oh.. 我会离开,不去看你Dont let me catch you following 不要跟着我Dont ask, cause Im not offering 不要问我,因为我不会回答Youve caused enough of my suffering, oh 我已经受够了For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请这貌似是一个怨妇想开了,要离开对象,不再受折磨啊

新目标英语九年级上,U8 selfcheck ②的英语作文~

Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer.As a volunteer,she sings at a local hospital to cheep up sick people and also sings at school.But after she ran out of money for singing lessons,she came up with ideas for making money.She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.Section 4Dear Liz, I was so happy to recerve your letter.Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky.I would really love to come and visit you one day and see how I Lucky helps you.I"d also like to help you some more because I have some extra time at the moment.Perhaps I could help you at home,or do some work for ‘Animal Helpers."I"d enjoy watching them train the animals too.I"ll call them one day soon.Here is my phone number:486-3852.Please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit.老师给的范文 给你喽


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Das Spiel这首歌歌词的意思

Das du nicht mehr bist, was du einmal warst,你不再像你/曾经的那样,seit du dich für mich ausgezogen hast.自从你因我而离开。Das du alles schmei?t wegen einer nacht 你将一切抛弃/因为那一个夜晚und alles verlierst, war so nicht gedacht.一切都失去/以前从未想到竟然会这样。Du willst mich für dich und du willst mich ganz,你需要我/你需要完全的我,doch auf dem Niveau macht"s mir keinen Spa?. 然而这使我郁郁寡欢。Das füllt mich nicht aus, ich fühl mich wie zu Haus,我无法使自己满足于/回家的感觉nur zwischen den Stühln.仅仅是穿行于椅子之间。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Das du wegen mir irgendwen verl?sst,你因为我离开了所有人,das du manchmal weinst, weil es dich verletzt. 你有时会流泪/因为你被伤害。Das es immer mal jemand anderes gibt,总会有另一些人,der sich eben da in mein leben schiebt.为我的生活带来平静。Das du dich verliebst, weil du′s mit mir tust.你陷入爱里/因为你和我一起演戏。Das es dich so trifft, hab ich nicht gewusst.这让你受伤/而我并不知道。Es war nicht geplant, das du dich jetzt fühlst,这完全是意外之外/你会有现在的感觉,wie einer von vieln.如同众人之一。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Das du nicht mehr schl?fst, weil es dich erregt,你不能入睡/因为你很激动,wenn ich mich beweg, wie ich mich beweg.如果我让步/像这样让步。Das du fast verbrennst, unter meiner Hand,你几乎在我的手掌下燃烧wenn ich dich berühr, hab ich nicht geahnt.如果我触碰你/这我毫不怀疑Ich steh nur so da, tu nur dies und das, 我仅仅是这样/仅仅做了这些, fahr mir durch das haar und schon willste was.穿过你的头发/像是要得到些什么Lass mal lieber sein hab zu viel Respekt 想要爱停步/却又碍于自尊vor dein Gefühln.顾忌你的感觉。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich tu doch nichts.我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen,ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen,ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich tu doch nichts.我什么都没做。

DELF 和TCF 有什么区别,想上公立考那个好?

DELF B2 相对TCF 400分要容易一点,DELF 要考你的听力、口语、写作、阅读,每项是25分,你只要拿到总分50分,单科不低于5分,就可以拿到一个文凭,而且是永久有效的。TCF 都是选择题,但是听力有点难,阅读理解没有足够的时间完成,反而语法题很简单,基本是送分的题。选考的作文要写6篇,拿12分以上还是比较难的。所以如果个方面比较平均,DELF 要容易点对于申请学校尤其是MASTER阶段的 考个语言证明还是有用的有的学校需要TCF5级以上 有的直接要求DALF关于dalf和tcf的关系Quelles sont les relations entre le TCF et le DELF/DALF ? Ces deux outils d"évaluation reconnus par le ministère de l"07ducation nationale, ne doivent pas être confondus.Le DELF et le DALF conduisent à des dipl00mes d"07tat. Ces dipl00mes comptabilisent aujourd"hui près de 300 000 inscriptions par an réparties dans 130 pays. Le TCF est d"une nature bien différente. Il ne conduit pas à un dipl00me, mais à une attestation de niveau. Il s"agit d"une validation simple et immédiate. Ce test fonctionne comme un cliché photographique des compétences linguistiques d"un individu à un moment donné de sa vie. A ce titre, l"attestation TCF n"est valable que deux ans, alors que les dipl00mes du DELF et du DALF sont acquis pour la vie. Les résultats au TCF (épreuves obligatoires et épreuves complémentaires) peuvent être admis comme tests d"accès direct au DELF 2nd degré ou au DALF. Pour l"accès au DELF 2nd degré, il faut obtenir le TCF au niveau 3 (intermédiaire) et les épreuves complémentaires avec une note minimale de 12/20.Pour l"accès au DALF, le TCF au niveau 4 (intermédiaire avancé) et les épreuves complémentaires avec une note minimale de 16/20.在往年的tcf-dap申请表格上,写如果获得dalf的文凭,就可以免考,国内是不能考dalf的,另外,dalf比tcf难多了,看上面的对应关系就知道。

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lucille nortel award 是什么奖

不是lucille nortel award,是Lucille Lortel Awards,Lucille Lortel是这个奖项的创始人,这是为美国纽约的百老汇的先锋戏剧所设立的奖项,以表彰在先锋剧院中表现出色的各个领域。

英语翻译Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog?Tony :Yes,it is.Why?Mrs.Lee:Wel?

Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog? 李太太:这是你家的狗? Tony :Yes,it is.Why? 托尼:是的,怎么了? Mrs.Lee:Well,your dog chases my cat. 嗯,他在追我家的猫! Tony :Oh,I"m sorry. 哦,抱歉. Mrs.Lee:Please keep your dog on a leash. 请把你的狗拴好. Tony :Yes,ma"am. 好的,没问题. 托尼把他的狗拴在链子上,所以它不能追李太太的猫. Tony binds his dog on a leash,so it can not chase Mrs.Lee"s cat. 请把书放在桌子上. Please put the book on the desk. Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn"t.Tony is an athlete. Tina isn"t. 托尼和蒂娜很不一样,托尼喜欢喜欢听音乐而蒂娜不喜欢,托尼是个运动员而蒂娜不是(托尼很有运动细胞而蒂娜不是). On the other hand,Tina likes movies,but Tony doesn"t.She is a good student,but he isn"t. 另一方面,蒂娜喜欢看电影,而托尼不喜欢,蒂娜是个好学生而托尼不是(蒂娜学习成绩很好而托尼不是). Tony and Tina are brother and sister,but are they alike?No,they aren"t.They"re very different. 虽然托尼和蒂娜是兄妹,但是他们像吗?不,不像.他们很不一样. 这个是小学生的英语吧,很简单还拿出来问,1,英语翻译 Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog? Tony :Yes,it is.Why? Mrs.Lee:Well,your dog chases my cat. Tony :Oh,I"m sorry. Mrs.Lee:Please keep your dog on a leash. Tony :Yes,ma"am. 托尼把他的狗拴在链子上,所以它不能追李太太的猫. 请把书放在桌子上. Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn"t.Tony is an athlete. Tina isn"t. On the other hand,Tina likes movies,but Tony doesn"t.She is a good student,but he isn"t. Tony and Tina are brother and sister,but are they alike?No,they aren"t.They"re very different.

He said he bought the house here because he loved the_____of the sea A.freshness B.smell


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Danzel的《Undercover》 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover歌手:Danzel专辑:UnlockedDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - UndercoverChris Brown - Verse 1I aint gonna lie, I"m fiendin" cause I need itAnd I"m diggin you a lot, now you still catching feelingsBut I"m feeling on your spot, no kidding when I hit itI be leaking on your spine, playing with your mindI aint gonna stop when I finish, I be in itI be fucking with the lights on, thats the shit that I"m onGive it all I got, your body and my bodyWe be feelin", scratchin", screamin"Hook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverJ. Cole: Verse 2One thing you should know about me is I never play to loseAlways aim high and rarely obey the rulesNever tell my business, if I did, it"d make the newsThey say time is like money, you should come here pay your duesAnd come and kick, can I get a minute, maybe an hourWould you let me peek my head in for a second while you showerI bet you got some real good power if you feel meI"m on some Marvin Gaye shit, you know just whats gon heal me, babyHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverChris Brown - Verse 3I said excuse me, Mrs Officer can you go undercover for meAint enough liquor in your cup, let the waitress in then let her pour it, upI"m tryna get you drunk as fuck, take her to my crib then I lock her in them handcuffsPanties off, stupid booty, ready for war: Call Of DutyShe said I got the right to remain silentAnd I gotta give it to her rough but I better not get violent, hahGirl my chain feel like an anchorAnd when I told you to use your head I aint want you to be no thinkerAnd we aint gon" waist this drink up, these haters all like hankersWhile I"m countin" all this paper, and my ears shine like twinkleBig star, get my car, I valet thatYou"re weak nigga, pussy in the street cause you"re alley catAnd I"m loyal to my fans cause I love "emSo girl if you a fan, you can meet me undercover likeHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverEndDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - Undercoverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1499849

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也 想知道 答案 !

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机械中travel of the tool什么意思

机械中tool翻译为:机床、刀具、工具母机、压印机。短语中travel作动词,符合要求的翻译是传播,传导。综上所得,travel of the tool应该翻译为机床的运作过程、压印机的压印过程。travel其他词组:advertise travel in ... 宣传到…地方的旅行build up travel to 发展去…地方的旅游encourage tourist travel 鼓励观光旅游enjoy travel 旅行愉快extend one"s travels to 把旅游路线延伸到…forsake a travel 抛弃一本游记long for a travel 渴望旅行make worldwide travels 作环球旅行carefree travel 无忧无虑的旅行dangerous travel 危险的旅行dreary travel 沉闷的旅行economical travel 经济游air travel 航空旅行business travel 出差camel travel 骑骆驼旅行ground travel 陆上旅行group travel 团体旅行holiday travel 假日旅行



请问refrain oneself to do sth是什么意思啊?

refrain to do我还没有见过这样的用法,我查了林格斯,牛津都没有这样的用法。我估计你是在读文章的时候看到的,我认为有些是作者的笔误,或用法的不准确。这在英语写作中比较常见,中文写作也有。

Samy Deluxe的《Positiv》 歌词

歌曲名:Positiv歌手:Samy Deluxe专辑:Samy Deluxe作词:Jawa 作曲/编曲:林迈可你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺夜的神秘让人迷惑就象我无法轻易被掌握缠绵悱恻的爱情故事 不象我要我天长地久明天再说(由我主动)Rap :当我走进舞池中间准备大显身手的时候却被你吸引目不转睛 象被下了魔咒男人们 围绕着你你就象个皇后我象个小偷潜伏在你四周等着你来上勾 你却背着我鼓起勇气 我向你开了口 想借个火你说你不抽烟 我说我刚刚也戒了我 全身细胞都告诉我you"re so sexy you need a baby juse like me你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺对于爱我选择防守没有人可以轻易地突破如果有天你看到我牵他的手可能是我多喝了一点酒(是我主动)Rap :你的唇滑过我的脸庞 而你的香水让我好紧张你的眼神好像在跟我说今晚之后不要再对你有任何痴心妄想不要想明天会怎么样 以后路上碰面该怎么讲我们有一整个晚上的时间让我见识你最狂野的模样 主动权在你手上你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺http://music.baidu.com/song/10336336

Excel VBA编程中有哪些常用的英文词汇


Can T Help Falling In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Can T Help Falling In Love歌手:Angelika Milster专辑:Milster.ohhh ohhhhdub dub dub(i just can"t help falling in love with you)(you-you)wise man sayonly foos rush inbut i can"t help falling in love with youwould it be sinif i can"t help falling in love with youshall i staylike the river flowsto the seaso it goessome thing are meant to be(some thing are meant to be)take my hand(take my hand) take my whole life ,too(whole life ,too)for i can"t help falling in love with youwise man sayonly fools rush inbut i-i can"t-i can"t falling in love with you(falling in love with you)like the river flowsto the seaso it goessome things are meant to be(some things are meant to be)take my hand(take my hand)take my whole life ,too(whole life ,too)for i can"t help falling in love with you take my hand(take my hand)take my whole life ,too(whole life ,too)for i can"t help falling in love with you(falling in love with you)for i can"t help falling in love with you(falling in love with you)(like the river flows)(that"s the way it goes)(i juse can"t help falling in love with you)falling in love with you(like the river flows)(that"s the way it goes)(i juse can"t help falling in love with you)(like the river flows)(that"s the way it goes)(i juse can"t help falling in love with you)(like the river flows)(that"s the way it goes)(i juse can"t help)falling in love whit youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2917682

Sex Fire Religion 歌词

歌曲名:Sex Fire Religion歌手:edguy专辑:Tinnitus Sanctus (Deluxe Edition)Edguy - Sex Fire ReligionHey there pal won"t you gimme an earGimme your everything and keep your fearGodly voices telling me what to doThey"re out for palpitationThen leave you to your desperationTake you and tie you and run over youThere"s no resistance to the cry of the sirensCalling you - a razor edge affairYou close your eyes boyShe tears your lids in twoNever even try to miss she"s thereAnd then when the time pieces shatterI am baptized by the attarRight into heavens doorSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of loveWicked wild m"am with a bag full of tricksAnd up shit creek there I"m stuck in a fixStrikes like a bolt from the blueThe siren baits with lubricationThen she steals your habitationRides you and ties you and runs youMaybe she don"t know loveBut she knows how to make itDivinity is running down her skinIn the city of evil we touch the skyLet the ride to paradise beginAnd when the time pieces shatterI am baptized by the attarKick down into the pieSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of loveSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of loveSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of loveSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of loveSex Fire ReligionVisionary positionAngel in your temple of pleasureSex Fire ReligionI been granted admissionAngel in your temple of lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17837946


哦一得!哦一得!哟唔哇酷弄Danceagain哦一得哟哦一得!卡古呀弄西咯黑得啊一噶啊呀醋撸米苏忒里Ki尅嗯哪呗鲁搜那哦都咯唔!哦都咯唔!哦哇拉那一Dance beat哦都咯唔哟哦都咯唔!卡古呀弄西咯得哟走啦喔ki里头鲁类咋比木哇他西头米忒哟骂吧哟一吼西噶忒拉素哦某一口哟一弄哟美哟头哇你啊素弄口头哇哇素类它一弄哇他西瓦啊卡一把拉弄hi美哟呀撒西酷撒啦哇类它一搜头洒洒呀一忒一米啊里个一你没喔搜拉素啊那他哇西咯一醋ki弄那一头呼类它忒噶骂打啊醋意弄卡咋族你打ki西没忒口弄ki塞ki喔口一头哟喔不弄内哦一得!哦一得!就唔内醋得Danceagain哦一得哟哦一得!卡箍呀弄西咯黑骂哟一喔弄米口木诶那几内木啦怒哈西哟内衣头哦都咯唔!哦都咯唔!头吗拉那一Dance beat哦都咯唔哟哦都咯唔!卡古呀弄西咯得塞一咋卡哦里那素忒一素口忒一哭哦他西某骂贼忒Ki拉美酷吼西你 起卡唔口口咯哈卡那一哟美得一一哇啊素哇啊素弄卡贼卡呼酷弄哇他西瓦酷咯一把拉弄hi美哟哈个一西酷撒啦哇类它一打卡拉吼吼诶嗯得哦一卡尅忒头美噶撒搜唔啊那他某酷咯一醋ki弄那一头hi头米弄哦酷哇啊醋意醋卡吗诶忒大ki西美忒口弄ki塞ki哇口一喔哟不弄内哇他西瓦啊卡一把拉弄hi美哟呀撒西酷撒啦哇类它一搜头洒洒呀一忒一米啊里个一你没喔搜拉素啊那他哇西咯一醋ki弄那一头呼类它忒噶骂打啊醋意弄卡咋族你打ki西没忒口弄ki塞ki喔口一头哟不弄内(弄是英文no 的音)——————————————————————Oide! Oide! Yuuwaku no Dance againOide yo oide! Kaguya no shiro heDeai ga ayatsuru MISUTERIIKiken na PERUSONAOdorou! Odorou! Owaranai Dance beatOdorou yo Odorou! Kaguya no shiro deYozora wo kiritoru REEZAA BIIMUWatashi to mite yo?Mabayui hoshi ga terasu omoiKoyoi no yume yo towa niAsu no koto wa wasuretai noWatashi wa akai bara no hime yo Yasashiku sarawaretaiSotto sasayaite imi arige ni me wo sorasuAnata wa shiroi tsuki no NAITO Fureta te ga mada atsuiNogasazu ni dakishimeteKono kiseki wo koi to yobu no neOide! Oide! Jounetsu de Dance againOide yo oide! Kaguya no shiro heMayoi wo nomikomu ENAJIINemuranu PASSHONEITOOdorou! Odorou! Tomaranai Dance beatOdorou yo odorou! Kaguya no shiro deSeiza ga orinasu DISUKOTIIKUWatashi mo mazeteKirameku hoshi ni chikau kokoroHakanai yume de ii waAsu wa asu no kaze ga fuku noWatashi wa kuroi bara no hime yo Hageshiku sarawaretaiDakara hohoende oikakete to me ga sasouAnata mo kuroi tsuki no NAITO Hitomi no oku wa atsuiTsukamaete dakishimeteKono kiseki wa koi wo yobu no neWatashi wa akai bara no hime yo Yasashiku sarawaretaiSotto sasayaite imi arige ni me wo sorasuAnata wa shiroi tsuki no NAITO Fureta te ga mada atsuiNogasazu ni dakishimeteKono kiseki wo koi to yobu no ne

求 lovelive 想在辉夜城起舞 的罗马音qwq

おいで!おいで!诱惑のDance againoide! oide! yuuwaku no Dance againおいでよおいで!辉夜(かぐや)の城へoide yo oide! kaguya no shiro e出逢いがあやつるミステリーdeai ga ayatsuru misuteri-危険なペルソナkikenna perusona踊ろう!踊ろう!终わらないDance beatodorou! odorou! owaranai Dance beat踊ろうよ踊ろう!辉夜の城でodorou yo odorou! kaguya no shiro de夜空を切りとるレーザービームyozora wo kiritoru re-za-bi-mu私と见てよ?watashi to mite yo?まばゆい星が照らす想いmabayui hoshi ga terasu omoi今宵の梦よ永远(とわ)にkoyoi no yume yo towa ni明日(あす)のことは忘れたいのasu no koto wa wasuretai no私は红い蔷薇の姫よ 优しくさらわれたいwatashi wa akai bara no hime yo yasashiku sarawaretaiそっと嗫いて意味ありげに目をそらすsotto sasayaite imiarige ni me wo sorasuあなたは白い月の骑士(ナイト) 触れた手がまだ热いanata wa shiroi tsuki no naito fureta te ga mada atsuiのがさずに抱きしめてnogasazu ni dakishimeteこの奇迹を恋と呼ぶのねkono kiseki wo koi to yobu no neおいで!おいで!情热でDance againoide! oide! jounetsu de Dance againおいでよおいで!辉夜の城へoide yo oide! kaguya no shiro e迷いを饮みこむエナジーmayoi wo nomikomu enaji-眠らぬパッショネイトnemuranu passhoneito踊ろう!踊ろう!止まらないDance beatodorou! odorou! tomaranai Dance beat踊ろうよ踊ろう!辉夜の城でodorou yo odorou! kaguya no shiro de星座が织りなすディスコティークseiza ga orinasu disukoti-ku私も混ぜて?watashi mo mazete?きらめく星に誓う心kirameku hoshi ni chikau kokoro儚い梦でいいわhakanai yume de ii wa明日は明日の风が吹くのasu wa asu no kaze ga fuku no私は黒い蔷薇の姫よ 激しくさらわれたいwatashi wa kuroi bara no hime yo hageshiku sarawaretaiだから微笑んで追いかけてと目が诱うdakara hohoende oikakete to me ga sasouあなたも黒い月の骑士 瞳の奥は热いanata mo kuroi tsuki no naito hitomi no oku wa atsuiつかまえて抱きしめてtsukamaete dakishimeteこの奇迹は恋を呼ぶのねkono kiseki wa koi wo yobu no ne私は红い蔷薇の姫よ 优しくさらわれたいwatashi wa akai bara no hime yo yasashiku sarawaretaiそっと嗫いて意味ありげに目をそらすsotto sasayaite imiarige ni me wo sorasuあなたは白い月の骑士 触れた手がまだ热いanata wa shiroi tsuki no naito fureta te ga mada atsuiのがさずに抱きしめてnogasazu ni dakishimeteこの奇迹を恋と呼ぶのねkono kiseki wo koi to yobu no ne


形式上否定主句的谓语,实际上是否定从句的谓语。当动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, feel的主语是第一人称、谓语动词为没有任何副词修饰的一般现在时,它们的否定式实际上是对宾语从句的否定。表示说话者提出一种委婉的看法或主张。如:I think that he will help us. —I don"t think that he will help us. 我认为它不会帮助我们。I believe that he is right. —I don"t believe that he is right. 我认为他不对。I suppose that he likes it. —I don"t suppose that he likes it. 我想他不喜欢它。2. 形式上否定谓语动词,实际上否定复合宾语。当动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, feel, find的主语是第一人称、谓语动词为没有任何副词修饰的一般现在时,它们前面的否定式实际上是对复合宾语的否定。表示说话者所提出的一种委婉的看法或主张。如:I think math difficult. — I don"t think math difficult. 我认为数学不难。I find the story interesting. — I don"t find the story interesting. 我认为这个故事没有趣。I expect so. —I don"t expect so. 我认为不会。

Paul Weller的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Paul Weller专辑:Wild Wood DeluxeShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8306870

Elemeno P的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Elemeno P专辑:Trouble In ParadiseShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8224820

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Broadway - America"S MusicShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8577240

Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:The Greatest HitsSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31392752

Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:Lonely GrillSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7493535

tell her lonestar中文歌词对照


Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:Simply The HitsSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herhttp://music.baidu.com/song/44783687







delphi stringlist


Nevertheless的《Topics 》 歌词

歌曲名:Topics 歌手:Nevertheless专辑:In The Making...Topics for the light we sike great youGet the tiree where she cry the sleepI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineAnd side we canIt"s ture lineHe"s can be the class cost heastHoppile pI herd say lay now clock"s othe dayI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineIt"s ture lineCoat coat save we have be had fill the by manTo desk lineThe fill we shide and othe fill closeThey mills closeWhy did you closeAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the sropeAnd everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25412489

Spring Integration Channel

channel首先起到作用就是作为一个传输Message的管道。 在Spring Integration 中,实现了各种各样的channel,各自给管道赋予了不同的特性,满足不同的使用需求。(1) MessageChannel MessageChannel 是Spring Integration消息通道的顶级接口: 在该接口中,没有提供从channel中接收消息的方法,这个是因为spring integration的channel有两个不同的机制来处理接收消息,polling 、subscription,分别有两个子接口来表示。 (2) PollableChannel PollableChannel 具备轮询获得消息的能力,这种channel要求消息消费者或者框架去周期性的检查是否有可用的消息到达(3) SubscribableChannel SubscribableChannel 发送消息给订阅了MessageHanlder的订阅者在Spring integration中,默认的channel是SubscribanleChannels,默认的传输方式是同步的 (1)DirectChannel,Spring Integration默认的消息通道,它允许将消息发送给为一个订阅者,然后阻碍发送直到消息被接收 默认的Channel,传输方式都是同步的方式,下例中的三个service-activator都是同步调用的,都是由一个线程来运行的(2)QueueChannel,允许消息接收者轮询获得消息,用一个队列(queue)接收消息,队列的容量大小可配置在默认的channel中,三个动作同步的方式顺序执行,需要等待一起完成。有时候为了更快的返回结果,可以将部分动作另起线程处理。如上例中emailConfirme的动作可以延后异步执行,此时可以用QueueChannel来实现。 (3)PublishSubscribeChannel,允许广播消息给所有订阅者 在上例中,如果需要将“订购”的消息通知多个处理单元,不光发给“结账”模块。这时候我们就需要一个PublishSubscribeChannel,但由于PublishSubscribeChannel不支持缓存(queue),我们创建一个PublishSubscribeChannel来实现发布功能,再使用一个bridge连接原来的queueChannel,将消息发布出去(4)PriorityChannel,可按照优先级将数据存储到队列。在业务场景中,有时候需要按照优先级来将通道中的数据进行排序,这个时候我们需要PriorityChannel基本上是从以下几点考虑的 sharing context,是否共享上下文 Atomic boundaries,原子性 Buffering messages,是否缓存消息 Blocking and nonblocking operations,当大数据量的时候,选择什么策略处理消息 Consumption mode,消息的消费模式,点对点还是发布-订阅模式? 当一个channel被多个消费者订阅,而一个消息过来时,消费者如何分配这个消息,此时就涉及消息如何分发的策略了。Spring Integration提供了两个dispatcher的实现: UnicastingDispatcher:消息只发送给其中一个消费者 BoradcastingDispatcher:消息广播给全部的消费者 UnicastingDispatcher将消息分发给一个消费者,这里涉及了一个分发策略,这里引入了一个LoadBlancingStartegy,来确定消费者目前这个接口的唯一实现是RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy,顺次循环获取消费者 Spring Integration提供了一个便利:当消息发送到channel或者从channel获取的时间点,我们可以获得一个切入点,来对当前的发送或者获取动作执行操作举个书中的例子我们定义了一个bean (auditInterceptor),该bean的实现类实现了preSend方法,在channel的配置中使用<interceptors>引入使用该bean。当消息要发送到chargedBookings时,这个bean就可以先获得这个消息做一些操作。 另一个例子,spring Integration自己实现的,应对监控场景wire-tap节点引入一个interceptor,它也实现了presend方法,会将发送过来的消息也给发送到momitoringChannel中 再一个例子这个例子实现了只有“ChargedBooking”类型的Message才被接收。定义了一个拦截器,这个拦截器需要实现presend方法,在方法中判断消息的类型是否是“ChargedBooking”,这个连接器使用内定义的MessageSelectingInterceptor来实现,由于需要判断类型是否正确,在初始化这个MessageSelectingInterceptor时,给他设置了一个selector(PayloadTypeSelector)来实现目的。 MessageSelectingInterceptor-》PayloadTypeSelector-》具体类型,

Angel’S Lullaby 歌词

歌曲名:Angel"S Lullaby歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Flesh And Bone-EMI RepeatI was never aliveTill the day I was blessed with youWhen I hold you late at nightI know what I was put here to doI turn off the worldAnd listen to you sighAnd I will sing my Angel"s LullabyKnow I"m forever nearThe one you can always callRight now all you know to fearAre the shadows on your wallI"m here close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryI will sing my Angel"s LullabySo tell me how to stop the years from racingIs there a secret someone knowsI"ll never catch all the memories I"m chasingI"ll never be ready to let goAnd when the world seems coldAnd you feel that all of your strength is goneThere may be one tiny voiceYour reason to carry onAnd when I"m not close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryYou will sing your Angel"s LullabyLet this be our Angel"s Lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1510821

C++在函数定义的时候在后面加上=delete是什么意思例如:RoundRobin(const RoundRobin& rhs) = delete;


Nickelback的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Nickelback专辑:Now That s What I Call Music 41From album: Here And Now "2011"Well I know the feelingOf finding yourself stuck out on the ledgeAnd there ain"t no healingFrom cutting yourself with the jagged edgeI"m tellin" you that,It"s never that bad,Take it from someone who"s been where you"re atLaid out on the floorAnd you"re not sureYou can take this any moreSo just give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyPlease let me take youOut of the darkness and into the light"Cause I have faith in youThat you"re gonna make it through another nightStop thinkin" aboutThe easy way outThere"s no need to go and blow the candle outBecause you"re not doneYou"re far too youngAnd the best is yet to come...So just give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyWell everybody"s hit the bottomAnd everybody"s been forgottenWhen everybody"s tired of being aloneYeah everybody"s been abandonedAnd left a little empty handedSo if you"re out there barely hangin" onJust give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyWell honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15598672

Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)歌手:Billy Joel专辑:Greatest Hits Vol. 3Goodnight, my angelTime to close your eyesAnd save these questions for another dayI think I know what you"ve been asking meI think you know what I"ve been trying to sayI promised I would never leave youAnd you should always knowWherever you may goNo matter where you areI never will be far awayGoodnight, my angelNow it"s time to sleepAnd still so many things I want to sayRemember all the songs you sang for meWhen we went sailing on an emerald bayAnd like a boat out on the oceanI"m rocking you to sleepThe water"s darkAnd deep inside this ancient heartYou"ll always be a part of meGoodnight, my angelNow it"s time to dreamAnd dream how wonderful your life will beSomeday your child may cryAnd if you sing this lullabyThen in your heartThere will always be a part of meSomeday we"ll all be goneBut lullabies go on and on.They never dieThat"s how youAnd IWill behttp://music.baidu.com/song/52546806
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