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求umrella 歌词翻译

Ahuh (高雅蕾哈娜) Ahuh Ahuh (好姑娘坏) Ahuh Ahuh (需要3 ...行动) Ahuh Ahuh 没有云彩在我的风暴让它下雨,我水上飞机进入名人堂(蕾哈娜:嗯呃) Come"n下跌道琼当我们来到了云我们Rocafella (蕾哈娜:嗯呃) 她飞高于天气她岩石更好你知道我一个期待降水, 堆叠芯片的雨天(蕾哈娜:嗯呃) 杰伊,雨男子回到律女士与阳光蕾哈娜你吗? [诗1 ] 你我的心,我们永远不会成为世界除了也许在杂志上,但您仍是我的明星婴儿造成黑暗中,你可以看到闪亮的小轿车这是当你需要我有我会与你总是份额因为 [合唱] 当阳光普照我们将一起服务告诉你我会永远在这里所以,我永远是你的朋友发誓Imma坚持到底"到年底现在,它比以往任何时候都下雨知道,我们仍然彼此您可以standunder我的伞您可以standunder我的伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃啊呃呃) [诗2 ] 这些想象的事情,绝不会来的您是我的实体,在这里为无限当战争已经把它的一部分当世界上处理它的卡如果是硬手,同时我们会弥补你的心因为.. [合唱] 当阳光普照我们将一起服务告诉你我会永远在这里所以,我永远是你的朋友发誓Imma坚持到底"到年底现在,它比以往任何时候都下雨知道,我们仍然彼此您可以standunder我的伞您可以standunder我的伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃) 根据我的保护伞 (艾拉艾拉呃啊呃啊呃呃) [大桥] 您可以运行到我的怀里没关系,不要惊慌 (来了我) (没有距离之间的爱情) 所以要去争取让雨我将所有你需要和Mo



Whose umdrella is that? 同义句转换。 whose ____ _____ ______?

Whose that umbrella is ?








Rellakinoko是一个插画家,现居住在北京海淀区,毕业于清华大学美术学院服装设计系,作品多用颜文字,画风清新随意,作品以日系和画逆光为主。中文名蘑菇外文名Rellakinoko别 名蘑菇国 籍中国民 族汉出生地广东 深圳出生日期1994年12月2日毕业院校清华大学美术学院服装设计系代表作品LatidosRella"s VOCALOID Illustration Collection性 别女血 型B







Auzentech爱必特X-Fi Prelude 7.1声卡驱动 怎么安装


yielding conflicting evidence是什么意思?谢谢!


求懂声卡的专业人士讲解一下创新X-Fi Elite Pro sb0550 EP 7.1值得入手吗

X-Fi Elite Pro已经停产了,可能是二手或者没卖掉的,建议你考虑其他声卡。


sense和feel不可以互用,有区别,区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、sense:感觉;感觉官能。2、feel:觉得;体会到。二、语法不同1、sense:sense的基本意思是“感官”,即人体感受客观事物刺激的器官(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身)或其所具有的功能; 也可表示“感觉”,即客观事物的个别特性在人脑中引起的反应。2、feel:feel的基本意思是“摸”或由“摸”引起的感觉。可指触摸者对触摸部位的感觉,也可指被触摸者对被触摸部位的感觉。可表示肉体的感觉,也可表示内心的感觉。三、侧重点不同1、sense:sense是正式用词,指“隐约感到”,不可跟表示“冷,热,饿”等的名词或形容词。2、feel:feel是常用词,含义广泛,可表示感官、情感、想法等。

求一首歌,高潮部分有重复多次“do you believe magic”,是13年暑假在法国迪士尼

Randy vanwarmer

Move (Rudy Van Gelder) (2000 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Move (Rudy Van Gelder) (2000 - Remaster)歌手:Miles Davis专辑:Birth Of The Cool (Rudy Van Gelder Edition)You say that it"s over baby, Lord,You say that it"s over now,But still you hang around me, come on,Won"t you move over.You know that I need a man, honey Lord,You know that I need a man,But when I ask you to you just tell meThat maybe you can.Please dontcha do it to me babe, no!Please dontcha do it to me baby,Either take this love I offerOr honey let me be.I ain"t quite a ready for walking, no no no no,I ain"t quite a ready for walking,And whatcha gonna do with your life,Life all just dangling ?Oh yeah, make up your mind, honey,You"re playing with me, hey hey hey,Make up your mind, darling,You"re playing with me, come on now!Now either be my loving man,I said-a let me honey, let me be, yeah!You say that it"s over, baby, no,But still you hang around me, come onYou know that I need a man, honey, I told you so.Hey! Please dontcha do it to me, babe, no!Either take this love I offer,Honey let me be.I said won"t you, won"t you let me be ?Honey, you"re teasing me.Yeah, you"re playing with my heart, dear,I believe you"re toying with my affections, honey.I can"t take it no more baby,And furthermore, I don"t intend to.I"m just tired of hanging from the end of a string, honey,You expect me to fight like a goddamned mule.Wah, wah, wah, wah, honey...http://music.baidu.com/song/2598071

Armand Van Helden的《my my my》 歌词

歌曲名:my my my歌手:Armand Van Helden专辑:new york - a mix odysseyMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaArmand Van HeldenHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this wayMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do itMy, My, MyMy, My, My(Whoaaa)WhoaaHow did we ever get this waywhere"s it gonna go...My, My, MyMy, My, My(Oooh Ooooh wee)Oohhow we gonna make it workwhat"s it gonna take to do ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14222848



9 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year

原文地址 To reach your goals, you need a system. You need to build habits and you have to stick around long enough to let them do their magic. You hear it over and over again because it"s true. In 2019, one of the most popular books was Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It"s a pratical guide to break bad habits and build good ones. The author explains clearly why small, everyday habits lead to great success. If you haven"t read the book yet, make sure you do. But don"t just read it. Put in practice everything you learn from it. Unitl you do so, here are 0 micro-habits that can improve your life. I know, I know, it"s a fast-moving world. But that does not mean we have to respond quickly to everything. Learn to say "I"ll let you know later","I"ll get back to you on this", and other similar phrases. Instead of saying yes to an offer only to realize later that it doesn"t fit your schedule, better to take a few miniutes to think about it. It will save you a great amount of time and disappiontment in the long run. Every day, pick a small task you don"t want to do then go ahead and complete it. From washing the dishes to making your bed and from going for a run to making dinner instead of ordering food. It can be anything. After doing this for a few days, you"ll realize the problem is not the task itself. It"s your habit of postponing things. It"s being comfortable, especially when you have a choice. But often, once you make the first step, you get yourself in the mood and get the job done. Once you"ve spent a few days completing small tasks, make the jump to bigger ones. There were days when my phone was the extension of my hand. I would pick it up for no reason and then scroll on social media for 30 minutes without realizing it. And I"m not even big on social media platforms. I never post anything on Facebook and have around 200 followers on Instagram, whom I spam with pictures of my travels from time to time. But I can"t give it up for good, nor do I want to. Facebook is a great way to find out about local events, and Instagram is a great source of inspiration for my writing. But all of these are useful if I use the platforms in moderation. So instead of deleting the apps from my phone, I"ve decided that I"m not going to use them on Sundays. And so I did. After four weeks, I"ve drasitcally reduced my screen time and even set a 1-hour limit for social apps. So if you"re struggling with this as well, start small. Spend a day away from social media or don"t connect your phone to wifi at all. After you realize you"re not missing out on anything, by being offline for one day, you"ll consciouly choose to spend less time online,every day. Choose your outfit and put everything in your bag (men might not understand this, but most women hava a looong list of things that they need to have in their everyday bag). Write down a to-do list and check your calendar to see if you scheduled any meetings of calls. Do anything you can to make the next day easier. If you have a plan, you get things done faster. There"s no magic involved, it"s pure logic. When you"re eating and working/reading/watching a movie at the same time, you often eat more than you need. Plus, you"re not enjoying the food, nor are you being productive. Can you even taste those vegetables if you"re busy trying to make sense of an excel document? Probably not. Having lunch or dinner shouldn"t take more than 10-15 minutes. So when did we become so busy that we don"t even have 10 minutes to spare to fuel our bodies? Next time you eat, do just that: eat. You"ll see it"s not easy at all to not reach for your phone. And the simple fact that we have to talk ourselves out of doing it should raise some questions. The Pomodoro Technique might as well be called the Bible of Productivity. It got so famous because it works so it does deserve all the praise. Out of all the mircro-habits I mention here, this one has helped me the most. Working and traveling full-time is not always easy (or fun, might I add) and you have to come up with a schedule and stick to it. So I"ve adjusted the Pomodoro Technique in a way that works for me: I write for one hour, take a 10-minute break, and then write for another hour. This is one of the main tricks that have helped meet my deadlines while exploring a few different cities every month. If you keep your phone next to you when you sleep, you"ll just keep hitting the snooze button until it"s almost too late to get out of bed. But for most of us, the hard part is standing up, not waking up. And this is why this method works. When your phone is on the opposite side of the room, you have to get up and take a few steps to stop it from ringing. Then you might realize you are also thirsty and have a lot to do in the next following hours. So your bed doesn"t look so comfortable anymore. For the past few years, I"ve been applying two rules before buying anything. First, if I see something I like, I never buy it on the spot--unless it"s something I need and have been looking for. Instead, I wait for a few days to see if it"s still going to be on my mind. If after three days I still dream about a dress or some shoes, I go ahead and buy them. If I completely forget about them, then I just dodged a bullet because it was probably just compulsive shopping. The second rule applies to items on sale. Everybody loves the sales periods, right? Of course we do. But it"s also when we tend to buy a lot of stuff we don"t need. It"s how our brains are wired. That"s why marketing works. Getting a good deal makes us happy. Satisfied. Until we get home and realize it was just a temporary feeling. To avoid buying unnecessary things, ask yourself a simple question:" Would I pay the full price for it?" If the answer is "yes", then take out your wallet. If it"s negative, walk away. "It"s ok, I"ll remember it" should go down in history as the biggest lie we tell ourselves. Out of all the things you pick up during the day, you end up forgetting more then half of it. So make a habit of writing everything down, even the silly stuff that seem unimportant. The main reason why people don"t reach their goals is that they make drastic changes instead of building small, everyday habits. To do so, you only need to follow these two simple rules: Make a list of all the bad habits you have and want to get rid of. Instead of going on a war against yourself, trying to get rid of all of them at the same time, pick only one and focus on that. Take baby steps. Smoke one less cigarette. Buy one less unnecessary item every week. Stop eating one thing out of a few you want to give up. Only after you"ve managed to give up a bad habit, start working on another one. The same goes for good changes you want to make. Don"t try to drink 2 liters of water every day if you only drank 1 glass before. Instead, try to drink 2 glasses per day and slowly increase. Add one more vegetable to your plate. Run one more minute on the treadmill. Read one more page every night. Choose something you"re struggling with and slowly increase the time you spend building that good habit. When you feel like it became a habit, start working on the next one, As James Clear said in Atomic Habits: So make sure you have a well-established system for every goal. 翻译如下: 为了达到你的目标。你需要一个系统。你需要建立习惯并一直保持以便让它们发挥奇效。你不胜其烦地听到这种论调恰好证明了其正确性。 在2019年,James著的原子习惯是一本畅销书。这是一本手把手教你改掉坏习惯并培养好习惯的书。作者解释了为何日拱一卒能够带你走向成功。 如果你还没读过这本书,请读读看,但请别只是“读”,去实践你的所学。直到你做了这些后,我这列出了9条能改善你生活的微小习惯。 现在一切都是快节奏的,我懂,但这也不意味这我们必须对所有事情快速反应,学会去说“我等下告诉你”、“我回头跟你说”等话术。 相对于答应一个后面发现日程有冲突的请求,多想想是件好事。 这会长期替你省下大把时间且能更好地达成承诺。 每天找一件自己不想做的小任务并完成它,从洗盘子到叠被子,从跑步到自己做饭而非叫外卖,可以是任何事情。 这样做一段时间后,你会明白任务本身并没有问题,只是你习惯性地抗拒它们,因此当你还有选择的时候,主动解决它们吧。之后,当你踏出第一步,你就能找到状态并且完成它。 一旦你花了几天去拍了些“小苍蝇”,你就可以去试试处理“大老虎”了。 曾几何时我机不离手,我会无理由地拿起来,漫无目的地刷个30分钟且意识不到时间的流逝。 我并非社交平台的大咖,从未在脸书上发表文章且在Instagram仅有200来个粉丝,上面我也只是时不时放些旅游照片。 但我还是有些不能放下它的理由。脸书是个获取社区新闻的好渠道,Instagram是我的写作灵感源泉。但这一切好处仅在我有节制地去使用时才有。 所以,与其把它们从手机上删掉,我决定周日都不再使用它们。我做到了,几个星期后,我神奇地减少了看手机的时间甚至养成了每天最多使用1小时社交软件的习惯。 若你也苦恼于此,一点点改变吧,一天内不用社交软件或者不连wifi。当你意识到你这期间并没有错过什么事后,你理所当然地减少线上时间,每天都是。 把你要带的东西都放到包包里(直男可能不懂,但很多女性每天都有一大堆东西要带)。 在你的日历上写下一个清单去规划你的会议,总之做一些会让你第二天更容易上手的事情。 如果你有了个计划,你会做事更有效率,这不是魔法,这是纯逻辑。 当你在工作、阅读、看电影时吃东西,你经常会吃得更多。另外,你既没有享受食物,又没有效率。你能一边做Excel一边好好品尝你的蔬菜吗?显然不行。 吃顿午餐或晚餐不会超过10到15分钟,我们什么时候忙到连10分钟都没法留给身体补充营养呢? 下次你吃的时候,只做一件事:吃。你会发现放下手机吃饭不容易,但我们还是要告诉自己,不这么干会引发一些问题的。

想和大家讨论一下怎样控制Delphi IDE

Delphi IDE使用的一些主要技巧1、查找和替换(1)<ctrl>+F[1]:选择页“Find”,进行查找,则根据查找方向继续查找。选择页“Find in Files”,则进行该工程内的全文查找。(2)<ctrl>+R:替换。(3)设置书签和定位:设置书签:<ctrl>+<shift>+数字[2]定位书签:<ctrl>+数字2、窗体编辑(1)<F12>:在窗体编辑和代码编辑间进行切换。(2)<F11>:调用窗体组件属性/事件浏览设置器(Object Inspector)。(3)<菜单:view>+<菜单:Alignment Palette>:对齐面板:用于对齐各个可视组件。3、代码编写方面(1)<ctrl>+J:调用自动代码完成模板,实现成段代码的自动完成。关于模板的配置,可以 在<菜单:Tools> + <菜单:Editor Options…> + <面板:Source Options> + <按钮:Edi t Code Templates…>中完成。(2) <ctrl>+ <鼠标:单击>:查看所在方法的实现代码、所在变量的声明等内容。(3)<ctrl>+<Space>:代码自动完成提示<ctrl>+<shift>+<Space>:方法体内参数提示。4、程序编译和运行方面(1)<F9>:编译并运行(可以设置断点进行调试)。  <F8>:单步调试,但是不进入到相关的子函数/过程体内 <F7>:逐步调试,调试深入每一个相关的子函数/过程体内。   <ctrl>+<F2>:结束程序调试运行状态,回到程序编辑状态。(2)<F5>:设置/取消设置程序的断点。(3)<ctrl>+<F7>:观察代码的值并附加新值(采用Modify功能)进行调试(注意:这个功 能仅仅在程序暂时终止状态下有效[3]),内附的Inspector功能可以查看该值/对象更加详细 的信息。<ctrl>+<F5>:查看对象在不同数据类型下的值的情况,在使用<ctrl>+<F7>调用的“Evaluate/Modify”功能中,也能够通过[按钮:modify]调用该功能。5、工程控制(1)To-do List。【作用】对工作的一种进度的记载和提示。下次进入开发时,可迅速的紧接上次开发。【操作方法】<鼠标右键>+:增加To-Do List内容。<菜单:view>+<菜单:To-Do List>:查看并定位到To-Do List部分。【操作技巧】To-Do List没有数目的限制,可以作为一个比较长期的设置程序书签(Bookmark)的工具来使用。注释:[1] Delphi中提供了使用+E进行增量查找的方法,我个人不是特别的欣赏。[2] 在此处,需要注意的是,所有的数字键不能使用小键盘上的数字键。[3] 让程序暂时终止的方法有两个:(1)程序运行到断点处,程序自动暂时终止,等待调试; (2)调用<菜单:Run…>+ <菜单:Program Pause>完成程序的暂时终止,等待调试。

vb怎么打开RAR文件 就是下载以后SHELL的 我找了很多方法没用

RAR是WINRAR的特有的压缩方式,你当然得先安装WINRAR,然后用SHELL调用WINRAR的解压缩即可。下面就是一个示例:SHELL "C:Program FilesWinRARWinRAR.exe" e -y C:abc.zip c:abc "将c:abc.zip解压缩到c:abc目录中以上为个人看法,手打很辛苦,希望采纳,谢谢您的支持。谢谢您的支持,有任何疑问欢迎您再次通过此渠道提问,让大家共同解决,共同进步!以上回答仅为“百度规则”,没有任何违法行为,请楼主采纳,谢谢!

如何在excel中建立to do list


怎么在word/excel中自制to do list

乘号×在Word中的输入方法: 方法一: 1、单击插入---->符号---->其它符号,如图所示; 2、弹出符号对话框,插入如图所示的符号即可。 方法二 1、单击插入---->符号---->更多,如图所示; 2、弹出插入特殊符号对话框,选择如图所示的符号即可。 。

Well play the pinino at the pary改为一般疑问句?

陈述句中有情态动词will,则将情态动词提前,其余照抄Will we play the piano at the party?我们会在派对上弹钢琴吗?

高手帮忙看看翻译吧:“山东省先进基层党组织”、Advanced Pary organization at basic level in Shan Don


festivals and celebrations全文翻译




Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the be?

小题1:D 小题1:C 小题1:B 小题1:C 略,2,Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another in some way. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar. In western countries, people usually celebrate New Year at midnight on January 1st. People may go to parties, dress in formal clothes—like tuxedos(小礼服)and evening gowns, and drink champagne at midnight. During the first minutes of the New Year, people cheer and wish each other happiness for the year ahead. But some cultures prefer to celebrate the New Year by waking up early to watch the sun rise. They wele the New Year with the first light of the sunrise. It is also a mon Western custom to make a New Year"s promise, called a resolution. New Year"s resolutions usually include promises to try something new or change a bad habit in the new year. Many cultures also do special things to get rid of bad luck at the beginning of a new year. For example, in Ecuador, families make a big doll from old clothes. The doll is filled with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, these dolls are burned to show the bad things from the past year are gone and the new year can start afresh (again). Other mon traditions to keep away bad luck in a new year include throwing things into rivers or the ocean, or saying special things on the first day o f the new year. Other New Year traditions are followed to bring good luck is to eat grapes on New Year"s Day. The more grapes a person eats, the more good luck the person will have in the year. In France, people eat pancakes for good luck at New Year. In the United States, some people eat black– eyed peas(豇豆)for good luck——but to get good luck for a whole year you have to eat 365 of them! 小题1:Which culture celebrates New Year in the morning? A.The United States. B.Spain. C.France. D.The passage doesn"t say. 小题2:According to the third paragraph, what is a resolution? A.Something you burn. B.Something you eat. C.Something you say. D.Something you wear. 小题3:What is the topic of the fourth paragraph? A.Bringing good luck. B.Keeping away bad luck. C.Planning for the next year. D.Remembering the past. 小题4:Which is probably true about eating black – eyed peas on New Year? A.Black-eyed peas taste bad. B.The peas are very difficult to cook. C.One pea brings one day of luck. D.It is bad luck to eat a lot of black-eyed peas.


celebrate的中文翻译是庆祝。celebrate的例句有:1、We went out to a restaurant to celebrate.我们到一家饭店里庆祝了一番。2、The club will celebrate its centenary next year.俱乐部明年要庆祝成立一百周年。3、She has just celebrated 25 years" service with the company.她刚庆祝了自己在公司任职25周年。4、My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage.我的父母亲即将庆祝结婚30周年。5、The college celebrated its silver jubilee last year.这所学院去年举行了建院25周年庆祝活动。6、She always celebrates her birthday in style.她的生日总是过得很排场。

no help is too small啥意思意思


china celebrate什么意思

拟人吧~比如China celebrates her birthday,就是庆祝国庆吧~

he happily celebrates Christmas with his relative



HRP的催化反应需要底物过氧化氢(H2O2)和供氢体(DH2)。供氢体多为无色的还原型染料,通过反应可生成有色的氧化型染料(D)。酶促反应的过程如下:HRPDH2+H2O2────→D+2H2O供氢体的种类很多,形成的产物特点不一。DAB(3.3-二氨基联苯胺)的反应产物为不溶性沉淀物,并有电子密度,故适宜于做免疫酶染色或电镜观察。5AS(5-氨基水杨酸)早期曾用于ELISA,但其溶解度不够大,且空白孔不易控制到无色,现已很少应用。OT(邻联甲苯胺)的特点是能产生鲜艳的蓝绿色产物且灵敏度较高,但反应中受温度影响较大,而且由于产物不稳定,需要在短时间内进行测定。目前用得较广泛和较满意的供氢体是:OPD(邻苯二胺)和TMB(四甲基联苯胺)。前者形成的产物为深桔黄色或棕色,后者产物为蓝绿色,二者的可溶性均好,在避光处颜色稳定,空白可近于无色,灵敏度上据报道后者比前者可高4倍以上。另外,还有一种供氢体称ABTS[2, 2"-边氮基-双(3-乙基苯并噻吡咯啉-6磺酸)],其反应产物呈蓝绿色,且灵敏度和稳定性均好。尤其是在致癌的潜在可能性方面,ABTS与TMB皆是值得被优选的供氢体。



美国达人秀Angelica Hale赢得金按钮时的背景音乐

Mauricio Luna birdy《Wild Horses》的副歌部分歌词:I"m a dreamerBut it"s hard to sleep when your head"s not in itI"ve been restlessCause you disappeared and that"s all that"s missingThe Earth is loose under my shoesThere"s an angelAnd he"s shaped like you, and I thought I knew himThere"s a windowAnd it"s dark inside, but the light was in itThis can"t be love if it hurts so muchI need to let goI will survive and be the one who"s strongerI will not beg you to stayI will move on and you should know I mean itWild horses run in meI rememberHow we danced so close, I would stand on your feetAnd the phone callsThat would last all night, they were lifeboats to meOur fading scars just shooting starsThey"re here, then goI will survive and be the one who"s strongerI will not beg you to stayI will move on and you should know I mean itWild horses run in meOur human hearts forget how strong they areAnd they get lost along the way, heyIt"s not giving up, it"s letting goAnd moving to a better placeI will survive and be the one who"s strongerI will not beg you to stayI will move on and you should know I mean itWild horses run in meI will survive and be the one who"s strongerI will not beg you to stayI will move on and you should know I mean itWild horses run in me

Hale的《Elegy》 歌词

歌曲名:Elegy歌手:Hale专辑:Twilight标题:Elegy艺术家:Leaves"eyesTeardrop on a fragile eyelashShe"s looking like a dreamHoping for some understandingAnd answer or at leastCunning word a single sentenceTo restore her heartAching since the day I left herCrossing lonely seasSilent tears overwarm herMake her warrior cryHeaven, I beg youPlease release hopes from fearsThis is my elegyDo you know what I feel?This is my elegyDo you believe it"s real?Will I hold you in my arms again?Teardrops on a single rosebudIt"s purity of ranReminds me of the moment I left herKisses filled with painAnd if I should leave her waitingFor another yearWill she ever know the answer?Will she follow me?Silent tears overwarm herMake her warrior cryHeaven, I beg youPlease release hopes from fearsThis is my elegyDo you know what I feel?This is my elegyDo you believe it"s real?Will I hold you in my arms ...Hold you in my arms again?Cunning word, a single sentenceTo restore her heartAching since the day I left herCrossing lonely seasSilent tears overwarm herMake her warrior cryHeaven, I beg youPlease release hopes from fearsThis is my elegyDo you know what I feel?This is my elegyDo you believe it"s real?This is my elegyDo you know what I feel?Do you believe it"s real?金属梦:66032164Will I hold you in my arms again?http://music.baidu.com/song/2589033




那个演吸血鬼爸爸的资料:彼得·费辛利 姓名:Peter Facinelli 性别:男 生日:1973 -12 -26 星座:摩羯座 出生地:美国 纽约 皇后区 职业:演员 妻子:詹妮·加斯影视作品 2009 浓厚 Thicker 护士杰克 Nurse Jackie 2008 寻找阿曼达 Finding Amanda彼得·费辛利《暮光之城》剧照 暮光之城 Twilight 2007 莉莉 Lily 2006 透明人2 Hollow Man Ⅱ 弧形 Arc 2005 不伦之恋 Enfants terribles 2002 木乃伊前传——蝎子王 The Scorpion King 极速型警 Fastlane 2001 超时空危机 Supernova 浪迹青春 Rennie"s Landing 引诱 Tempted 与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys 2000 欢迎来到好莱坞 Welcome to Hollywood 超时空危机 Supernova 诚实 Honest 1999 征服钱海 The Big Kahuna 错中错 Blue Ridge Fall 1998 深情难舍/德州四杰 Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 告诉你 Telling You 来不及说爱你 Can"t Hardly Wait 1997 触摸我 Touch Me 1996 爱在日落余辉时 Calm at Sunset 恶女帮 Foxfire 危险第三情 Unfinished Affair, An 跟随吉米 After Jimmy 1995 爱的代价 The Price of Love 天使 Angela爱德华家人吸血鬼的特殊能力: 妹妹爱丽丝(Alice Cullen):预见未来。 养父卡莱尔(Carlisle Cullen):爱心 养母埃斯梅(Esme Cullen):强烈的爱欲 兄弟埃美特(Emmett Cullen):力量 妹妹罗莎莉(Rosalie Hale):执著 兄弟贾斯帕(Jasper Hale):情绪。他在上辈子里很有个人魅力,能影响周围的人,按他的方式看问题。现在,他则能控制他人的感情,例如说他能让一屋子愤怒的人平静下来,也可以反过来,令一群无精打采的人群情激昂。那是一种非常微妙的天赋。全名: 贝拉·斯旺 Bella Swan (Isabella Marie Swan) 贝拉 卡伦 Bella Cullen (嫁给Edward之后) 昵称: Bella, Bells, Vampire girl 种类: 人类 (Twilight暮光之城到Breaking Dawn破晓的book 2) 吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn破晓的book 3) 生日: 09/13/1987 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子): 09/10/2006 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 能力: 防御 配偶: Edward Cullen 在电影里是由克里斯汀 斯图尔特Kristen Stewart扮演 全名: 爱德华·卡伦 Edward Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Edward Anthony Mason 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 06/30/1901 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子): 1918 (拥有永远17岁的外表) 能力: 听得到别人在想什么 (除了贝拉的) 配偶: Bella Swan 在电影里是由罗伯特 帕丁森 Robert Pattinson扮演 全名: 雅各布·布莱克 Jacob Black 昵称: Jake, Mutt, Dog, Mongrel, Pup 年龄: 15(Twilight), 16(New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn) 种类: 人类(Twilight暮光之城) 人类+狼人(New Moon新月到Breaking Dawn破晓) 在电影里是由 Taylor Lautner扮演 全名: 卡莱尔·卡伦 Carlisle Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Carlisle Cullen 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1640年左右 (拥有永远23岁的外表) 配偶: Esme Cullen 在电影里是由Peter Facinelli扮演 全名: 埃斯梅·卡伦 Esme Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Esme Anne Platt 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1890年左右 (拥有永远26岁的外表) 配偶: Carlisle Cullen 在电影里是由Elizabeth Reaser扮演 全名: 罗莎莉·黑尔 Rosalie Hale 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Rosalie Lillian Hale 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1915年 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 配偶: Emmett Cullen 在电影里是由Nikki Reed扮演全名: 埃美特·卡伦 Emmett Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Emmett McCarty 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1915年 (拥有永远20岁的外表) 配偶: Rosalie Hale 在电影里是由Kellan Luts扮演全名: 爱丽丝·卡伦 Alice Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Mary Alice Brandon 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1901 (她不记得自己什么时候被变成吸血鬼的) 能力: 看得见可能发生的事情还有即将发生的事情 配偶: Jasper Hale 在电影里是由Ashley Greene扮演 全名: 贾斯帕·黑尔 Jasper Hale 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字): Jasper Whitlock 种类: 吸血鬼 生日: 1843年 (拥有拥有20岁的外表) 能力: 影响别人的情绪 配偶: Alice Cullen 在电影里是由Jackson Rathbone扮演全名: Renesmee Carlie Cullen 种类: 一半吸血鬼一半人类 生日: 09/10/2006 能力: 让别人听到自己在想什么还有反防御 父母: Edward Cullen & Bella Swan * 在七年外表会长到17岁就不会在变老了 全名: 查理·斯旺 Charlie Swan 种类: 人类 *贝拉的爸爸, 警察 在电影里是由Billy Burke扮演 全名: Renee Dwyer 种类: 人类 * 贝拉的妈妈, 再婚 在电影里是由Sarah Clarke扮演 全名: 比利·布莱克 Billy Black 种类: 人类 * 雅各布的爸爸, 查理的好朋友 全名: 詹姆斯 James 种类: 吸血鬼 在电影里是由Cam Gigandet扮演 全名: 维多利亚 Victoria 种类: 吸血鬼 在电影里是由Rachelle Lefèvre扮演 全名: 劳伦 Laurent 种类: 吸血鬼 在电影里是由Edi Gathegi扮演

他投篮偷得很准,这两种说法都对吗? he shoots accurately his shot is accurate

我觉得accurate比较中文化了,,,最好用:Got a great shot 之类的把。。

社会语言学 关于影响register的三个因素语场(field),语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)分别是什么意思

系统功能语言学韩礼德(halliday)认为语域(register)=语场(field )+语旨(tenor )+语式(mode )。语场(field):指发生的事或正在被谈论的事,进行的社会活动(what"s going on);语旨(tenor):指参加者的身份和他们之间的关系(the role of relationship in the situation in question);语式(mode):指语言在具体环境中所起的作用,是书面口头的形式,是说明,评论还是劝说等(the means of communication)


时尚小Model的「秋天氛围」穿搭术 秋天帮宝宝穿着打扮,最重要的就是记得「背暖、肚暖、足暖」的三暖原则,不管在家或外出,只要把握这个原则,辅以洋葱式穿搭法,随时依天气情况增减衣物,就能让宝宝穿得合宜又舒适。以下将根据不同场合,介绍本季流行的特色童装供爸比妈咪们参考,一起把家中宝贝打造成百变时尚小Model吧! 乖乖宅在家─居家风 宝宝在家穿着通常以家居服或舒适的内著为主,可选择成套的长袖长裤家居服,早晚较凉时再搭配背心或薄外套。家居服的选购重点是,尽可能选择100%纯棉、无凸线、不 *** 肌肤的棉质内衣,现在有很多内衣logo不用车缝而改用烫印方式,或者将logo标绣在衣裤外面,这样穿着时不会直接接触宝宝皮肤造成搔痒。 由于秋天天气还没真正变冷,建议可以短袖或背心贴身内衣,外面加上薄长袖。许多人家中地板是磁砖或木头材质,夏天时宝宝光着脚丫跑来跑去很是凉爽,但秋冬建议让宝宝穿上袜子,袜子记得选择底部有加防滑颗粒的款式;较小的宝宝可以准备可爱造型的袜套,既保暖又有造型效果。 女孩: Kate Quinn 有机棉复古风小童洋装 花样活泼出色,触感极致柔软,材质使用100%经全球有机纺品标准GOTS认证的纯正有机棉。$1990(悦泽) Purebaby 有机棉针织打底裤 高品质织造,触感极致柔软,材质使用100%经全球有机纺品标准GOTS认证的纯正有机棉。$1990(悦泽) 时尚小Model的「秋天氛围」穿搭术 男孩: UBANG 宝贝和式外套 来自丹麦,可爱拼贴创意童装,图案能搭配宝宝肢体动作,充满创意与想像力。$2568(瓦吉司) UBANG 宝贝裤 来自丹麦,可爱拼贴创意童装,让宝宝透过服装,从小培养说故事的能力。$2149(瓦吉司) mothercare 粉红兔绒毛拖鞋 可爱的粉红小兔陪孩子在家蹦蹦跳跳!$680(奇哥) 德国芬恩玩具 babyFEHN 香槟兔布偶靴 布面颜色鲜艳,触感柔软细致,适合皮肤柔嫩的宝宝穿着,附有可爱造型小兔布偶,摇动会发出声响。$490(BabyCity娃娃城) Kate Quinn 有机棉艺术纹长袖连身装 花样活泼出色,触感极致柔软,使用100%经全球有机纺品标准GOTS认证的纯正有机棉。$1890(悦泽) GMP BABY 双口袋小熊背心 适合微凉的早秋天气,保暖、携带轻便,穿脱方便。台湾制造,品质优良、材质舒适。$1180(GMP BABY) 时尚小Model的「秋天氛围」穿搭术 悠闲散步趣─休闲风 运用长袖T+短袖T的两件式重叠穿法,可随天气冷热变化随时穿脱调整。裤子部分可搭配过膝短裤或七、八分裤,塑造休闲风格,并可适时添加一些单品如:背心、连帽薄外套…等。近年来流行的乡村风,以蔷薇、花朵堆叠而成的大面积图腾,搭配清爽的底色,舒适、宽松的风格剪裁,也很适合外出休闲的轻松穿着。 另外,宝宝头部的保暖也是重点,初秋天气白天热、早晚凉,外出散步时可帮宝宝戴一顶薄帽,既可遮阳,也可避免流汗后吹风着凉。 女孩: Hallmark Babies 秋日乐园长袖上衣 面料是弹性全棉双面布,布料柔软舒适,含弹性纤维,可加强弹性,呵护宝宝皮肤。$1560(思路) Hallmark Babies 秋日乐园裤子(两件装) 两件装长裤,面料是弹性全棉双面布,布料柔软舒适,含弹性纤维,可加强弹性。$1660(思路) Hallmark Babies 牛仔裙 采用洗水学生布,布料外观像牛仔布,但质感比牛仔布轻薄、柔软舒适,更适合宝宝穿着。$1820(思路) ELLE 精致宝宝鞋 甜美可爱水玉点点帆布鞋面,搭配立体条纹蝴蝶结,甜美满分又能展现优雅气质。$ 1080(ELLE) 时尚小Model的「秋天氛围」穿搭术 男孩: Hallmark Babies 长袖及短袖上衣(两件装) 面料是全棉双面布,布料柔软舒适,呵护宝宝皮肤。$1760(思路) Hallmark Babies 梭织长裤 全橡筋裤头,方便穿着,舒适合身。$1920(思路) Hallmark Babies 渔夫帽 全棉双面布,布料柔软舒适,呵护宝宝皮肤。$860(思路) mothercare 男童双舌帆布鞋 帅气黄蓝配色,双层鞋舌及黄色滚边,让基本款帆布鞋有更多变化趣味。$1380(奇哥) SNOOPY 针织长裤 以特殊手法绣印农场图案,增加细节趣味性。$1480(仪大) Kate Quinn 有机棉碎花贴腿棉裤 花样活泼出色,触感极致柔软,使用100%经全球有机纺品标准GOTS认证的纯正有机棉。$1390(悦泽) SNOOPY 针织背心 以特殊手法绣印农场图案,增加细节趣味性。$1580(仪大) mothercare 二入车车毛帽 温暖的毛帽上还有可爱车车图形,令男孩们爱不释手。$680(奇哥) 时尚小Model的「秋天氛围」穿搭术 户外踏青日─运动风 可搭配七分袖、可卷式的袖子或裤脚,因应白天炎热、早晚偏凉的气候,随时改变穿着方式。户外踏青时应慎选衣物材质,以吸汗透气的纯棉材质为主,另外也可搭配机能材质如抗UV材质的连帽背心或外套,既可防晒又有防风保暖效果,或是选择吸湿快干的机能布料。 色彩的搭配可以选用大胆活泼的亮色系,再搭配可爱的背包,看起来会更有活力。配件部分可善用毛帽、围巾…等搭配出活泼的感觉,选购前记得用大人的脖子或手臂内侧摩擦试试看是否会搔痒;并要慎选材质,以款式简单易搭、舒适柔软为主。 女孩: Disney Baby 俏丽A 字长上衣 甜美的蜜蓝色加上经典米妮粉红圆点,假两件式设计让小女生更加活泼可爱。$1290(丽婴房) Disney Baby 针织仿牛仔长裤 针织仿牛仔面料舒适好穿,粉红色及蝴蝶结设计都是小女生的最爱。$1190(丽婴房)

贺曼国际电影台的Hallmark channel (贺曼娱乐公司)

Hallmark channel成立于1994年,并且开始为全球市场制造及传送精彩的电视节目,就得奖的数量而言,Hallmark无疑是世界上为全球民众制作及传送最多得奖迷你影集及电视节目的频道,在前三年中,Hallmark channel总共制作了超过200部的自制电影及迷你影集,计划在1999年制作超过45部的节目。由于全球对电视节目品质的要求日渐提升,使得Hallmark在全球的卫星及有线电视市场上占有一席独特的地位,自1995年Hallmark频道首播起,这个频道快速成长,目前已在65个国家播出、并有一千两百万收视户,在1999年底,收视户预计可达两千万户。大通集团(Chase Capital Partners)大通集团是一个全球性的金融组织,并管理55亿美金的金融运作;纽约大通银行是大通集团的合作伙伴,并且也是美国拥有最多银行资产的公司;自从大通集团在1984年成立之后,大通集团已经成功的管理北美地区、欧洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲的投资个案。达成讲究高品质节目之观众的要求基于对高节目品质的执着,Hallmark努力朝着得奖作品的方向去制作节目,从这些年来,Hallmark总共获得126项艾美奖,可以证明Hallmark高品质的节目内容及制作方式;Hallmark扬弃了色情及暴力的低级娱乐,为观众提供更高品质的娱乐选择,并且为了诉求更广大的观众,Hallmark的节目表反映出Hallmark对家庭观念的价值观,也就是说,Hallmark是一个适合阖府观赏的频道,在这种信守与观众承诺之下,Hallmark也希望建立与观众之间长久的关系,进而建立观众的忠实度及而与相传的好口碑。

Bjork的《Isobel》 歌词

歌曲名:Isobel歌手:Bjork专辑:PostI thought it was funny when you missed the trainWhen I rang you at home they said you left yesterdayI thought it was strange when your car was foundby the tree in Ennis where we used to hang aroundDear IsobelI hope you"re well and what you"ve done is rightOh it"s been such hellI wish you well and hope your safe tonightIt"s been a long day coming and long will it lastwhen it"s last day leaving, and I"m helping it passby loving you moreAnd who he would become, all the things he"d have donewould he have loved you, and not let you downand would he be stronger than his fatherdon"t punish yourself, leave it well aloneDear IsobelI hope you"re well and what you"ve done is rightOh it"s been such hellI wish you well and hope your safe tonightIt"s been a long day coming and long will it lastwhen it"s last day leaving, and I"m helping it passby loving you morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1209762


在太阳底下:in the sun under/beneath the sun 天底下,世界上,人间 到底,究竟 例:There is a man like him under the sun.天底下还有他像这样的人!



hello的读音,是读哈喽,还是嗨喽 好像都听人读过,分不清楚

嗨喽是正确读音.hello中的e 发音哎 ,所以和h组合起来就发 嗨 这个音.大家说哈喽是通俗说法,不对的.


不是假的,只是英语和美语口语上的不同而已;我新买的Iphone X开机的画面也是“hallo”而且在一些小说地人物对话描写部分可以见到Hallo的出现,那是因为Hallo和Hello没有什么实质性区别,但是如果是正式信函的话就要使用Hello。Hallo是喂的意思语气不太好,Hello是你好的意思语气较诚恳.


都是喂,打招呼的意思 Hello 最常用 Hullo 最不常用



melody day《hallo》音译

Hallo 演唱:MelodyDay桑超楼 一米 哒 木到进撒啦一蓝 咋跟 度 可咋咋古 木一米喊 乃 洗嘎你都 那乐 咋古 贵楼表啊喷 桑超的里 鸡那狗很咋 为楼无买 鸡超扫gi喷 喊苏米 都 那乐 哒来扫走洗色老开 乃 要拍 哒嘎哇 族来乃 吗么 蓝够 嘎族来一再 那嫩 你嘎 皮留海撒啦额 不她该 hallo啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗么 不她该 hallo某扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful loveyeahLost in the darknessI need your handI believe you"ll come back and say "hallo"完表嘎鸡 按嫩 puzzle木走高 闹要呀慢 哈嫩 那一 包脖奥gi够 到男 孙干不套 男 forgive you那乐 完扫洗ki 吗鸡吗闹一 度 怒乃 乃 吗么 干鸡该组来乃 铺买 按靠 一色来 一再 撒啦一 皮留海撒啦额 不她该 hallo 啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆 啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗么 不她该 hallo 某扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔 乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful love差嘎文 那乐 耨高尊你 怒逼车楼 拆喔扫那爱该 撒啦一 皮留喊 高一再 桑超嫩 哒 鸡文 拆hallo 某扥 高洗 完表该你嘎 乃 要拍 一色秒 那 怒色 苏 一扫撒啦额 不她该 hallo 啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆 啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗呢 不她该 hallo 摸扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔 乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful love my love洗哈你 到 乃该扫 毛老鸡嫩 高一表len都 乃 啊破 鸡那嘎嫩 高那 闹早你 闹蓝 吧哒 搜个 海奥超走啊到 怒里 可里无买 撒木超



1 velosolex 汉语怎么翻译?

velosolex 法国电动自行车(助动车;机动脚踏两用车)厂家.1 velosolex是一辆Velosolex牌助动车吧?





Being a Global Citizen 4 - 懂你英语 流利说 Level7 Unit3 Part1

But despite all of this momentum, we face some huge challenges. See, you might be thinking to yourself, how can we possibly persuade world leaders to sustain a focus on global issues? Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O"Neill once said, "All politics is local." That"s what always got politicians elected: to seek, gain and hold onto power through the pursuit of local or at very best national interests. I experienced this for the first time when I was 21 years old. I took a meeting with a then-Australian Foreign Minister who shall remain nameless -- [Alexander Downer] (Laughter) And behind closed doors, I shared with him my passion to end extreme poverty. I said, "Minister -- Australia has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We can do this." And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid." Except he didn"t use the word "funk." He went on. He said we need to look after our own backyard first. This is, I believe, outdated, even dangerous thinking. Or as my late grandfather would say, complete BS. Parochialism offers this false dichotomy because it pits the poor in one country against the poor in another. It pretends we can isolate ourselves and our nations from one another. The whole world is our backyard, and we ignore it at our peril. See, look what happened when we ignored Rwanda, when we ignore Syria, when we ignore climate change. Political leaders ought to give a "funk" because the impact of climate change and extreme poverty comes right to our shore. Now, global citizens -- they understand this. We live in a time that favors the global citizen, in an age where every single voice can be heard. See, do you remember when the Millennium Development Goals were signed back in the year 2000? The most we could do in those days was fire off a letter and wait for the next election. There was no social media. Today, billions of citizens have more tools, more access to information, more capacity to influence than ever before. Both the problems and the tools to solve them are right before us. The world has changed, and those of us who look beyond our borders are on the right side of history. So where are we? So we run this amazing festival, we"ve scored some big policy wins, and citizens are signing up all over the world. But have we achieved our mission? No. We have such a long way to go. But this is the opportunity that I see. The concept of global citizenship, self-evident in its logic but until now impractical in many ways, has coincided with this particular moment in which we are privileged to live. We, as global citizens, now have a unique opportunity to accelerate large-scale positive change around the world. So in the months and years ahead, global citizens will hold world leaders accountable to ensure that the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development are tracked and implemented. Global citizens will partner with the world"s leading NGOs to end diseases like polio and malaria. Global citizens will sign up in every corner of this globe, increasing the frequency, quality and impact of their actions. These dreams are within reach. Imagine an army of millions growing into tens of millions, connected, informed, engaged and unwilling to take no for an answer. Over all these years, I"ve tried to reconnect with Sonny Boy. Sadly, I"ve been unable to. We met long before social media, and his address has now been relocated by the authorities, as often happens with slums. I"d love to sit down with him, wherever he is, and share with him how much the time I spent on Smoky Mountain inspired me. Thanks to him and so many others, I came to understand the importance of being part of a movement of people -- the kids willing to look up from their screens and out to the world, the global citizens. Global citizens who stand together, who ask the question "Why?," who reject the naysayers, and embrace the amazing possibilities of the world we share. I"m a global citizen. Are you? Thank you.


hello英文。复数hellos或helloes。过去式helloed。过去分词helloed。现在分词helloing。Hello出自英语。本义为“你好、喂”。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词。hello用作感叹词主要用于熟人间打招呼“喂”,常可音译为“哈罗”。也可用于呼叫远处的熟人或陌生人,以引起注意。还可作为打电话时呼叫对方之用语。平常,大家见面了,无疑都说声Hello。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词,关于它的来历,众说纷纭。有的人说,Hello这个词来源于法语ho和la,其在英语里的意思就是(嘿,好哇)。大约在1066年左右,诺曼人入侵英国时,ho和la传入英语。随着时间的推移,ho、la慢慢演变成了一个读音类似hallow的词。大约又过了几百年,也就是到了莎士比亚时代,hallow又变成了halloo。再后来,又变为读音像halloa,halloo和hallo的词语,这些词语当时在演员和猎人中间广为流传。hallo一词今天仍然在猎人中间沿用。但是,也有人认为,Hello一词是在电话发明之后才出现的。据说电话发明之初,人们况是不自觉地要说Are you there?以示他们对电话究竟能否传递信息的怀疑,但发明家爱迪生却不浪费时间,他一拿起话筒就说Hello。于是乎,这个词就成了我们今天的共用语。学英语的好处:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。5、学习英语有利于出国学习或者旅游,不会迷路或者手足无措。6、学习英语有利于看外国的原著小说或者电视电影等。


你好,喂,诶,有人吗,你还在吗?什么? 看语境。


hello  1.(用以打招呼或唤起注意)喂,你好  Hello,Jim!Howareyou?  嗨!,吉姆!你好吗?  2.(用作打电话时的招呼语)喂  3.(表示惊讶等)嘿;啊  4.在跟打招呼用hello是不礼貌的,应该用Hi才是有礼貌的  n.  1.表示问候(或惊奇,或唤起注意时)的叫声[C][U]  Shesaidhellotomewhenshesawme.  她见到我时向我打招呼。  4.同“hi”  HELLO一词的由来  平常,大家见面了,无疑都说声Hello。Hello是我们日常生活中使用频率较高的一个词,关于它的来历,众说纷纭。有的人说,Hello这个词来源于法语ho和la,其在英语里的意思就是(嘿,好哇)。大约在1066年左右,诺尔曼人(Normans)人侵英国时,ho,la传入英语。  随着时间的推移,ho,la慢慢演变成了一个读音类似hallow的词。大约又过了几百年,也就是到了莎士比亚(Shakespear)时代,hallow又变成了halloo。再后来,又变为读音像halloa,halloo和hallo的词语,这些词语当时在演员和猎人中间广为流传。hallo一词今天仍然在猎人中间沿用。  再后来,人们见面了就说Hullo,hullo,howareyou?用它来打招呼。  但是,也有人认为,Hello一词是在电话发明之后才出现的。据说电话发明之初,人们况是不自觉地要说Areyouthere?以示他们对电话究竟能否传递信息的怀疑,在发明家爱迪生却不浪费时间,他一拿起话筒就说Hello。于是乎,这个词就成了我们今天的共用语。  亲爱的同学们,你明白hello这个词的来历了吗?Hello,hello,howareyou?


 hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow。这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340--1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow。在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello。可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。美国著名小说家马克.吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。






hello的由来 www.iselong.com 作者:chat123_me 主题:hello的由来 版权所有:chat123_me 原作 提交时间:22:03:51 06月03日 hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow。这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340--1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow。在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello。可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。美国著名小说家马克.吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。






hello 是使用最频繁的打招呼用语。据说,在英语中除了I(我)之外,使用最多的就是hello 了。但hello在书面上出现,则是在1883年以后。   hello 是由 ho 与 la 演变而来的,相当于招呼语Ho,there! 1066年,诺曼底人征服英国,法语单词重音读法也传到了不列颠。于是,hala 变成了hallow.这种演变至少可追溯到1340年,英国第一位伟大诗人乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340——1400)在《坎特伯雷故事集》(Canterbury tales) 就曾用过hallow.在16 世纪莎士比亚时代,hallow 演变成了halloo 或 halloa, 现在仍有不少人使用 halloo 这一古老的招呼语。19世纪,halloo 拼写成 hullo,这种形式在爱迪生发明电话以且又演变成 hello.可以说,爱迪生是“发明”hello的第一人。从那时起,hello 便风靡起来。   美国小说家马克。吐温(Mark Twain)在《亚瑟王宫中的康涅狄格人》中首次记载了短语Hello girl,后来遂成都市为美国英语中对话务员的通称。

Michael Gettel的《River Run》 歌词

歌曲名:River Run歌手:Michael Gettel专辑:Places In TimeAkron/Family - RiverAnd you are no longer river to meAnd you are no longer river to meThough your coarsing remainEager to acquaint meAnd you are no longer docile streamAnd you are no longer docile streamThough your patience proves you into easeAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelope theeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeAnd you are not glassy bay to meAnd you are not glassy bay to meThough my tired fleet abides in your gentle breezeAnd you are now vast and open seaAnd my mind travels you endlesslyAnd you beckon, toss and toss and swallow meAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelop theeYou and I and a flame makes threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2904371

don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么?

don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么? Don"t be late for class again. 别再上课迟到了 in class的意思是什么 在教室里 don"t和hallway的意思是什么? don"t 英 [du0259u028ant] 美 [dont] 不要,禁忌;莫;别;甭 hallway 英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a] 美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe] 门厅;走廊,过道;玄关 撇的意思是什么 撇 古代术语,多指实战中的一、二路扳。如图中黑1“撇”,阻止白子过渡。现已不用。 ◎ 撇 第一大类 读: piē (1) (形声。从手,敝声。本义:抛弃,弃置不顾) 我弟兄两个,便去镇上撇呵卖药,教使枪棒。——《水浒传》 又如:撇骨池(寺院中专供抛撒骨灰的池塘); 撇脱些(方言。行动干净利索,不留痕迹); 撇闪(丢开); 撇赖(丢开); 撇吊(丢开); 撇却(抛弃;丢开); (2) 从液面上轻轻地舀,以去掉泡沫或浮渣 。如:撇油;撇沫儿 (3) 同“瞥”。眼光掠过;匆匆一看 怪檀郎转眼偷相撇。——明· 汤显祖《紫钗记》 (4) 碰触;击 [strike] 时有一书生,又能低头以所葛巾角撇棋也。——《世说新语·巧艺》刘注引《博物志》 又如:撇波(击波破浪) (5) 拂拭,掠过 历倒景而绝飞梁兮,浮蠛蠓而撇天。——《文选·扬雄·甘泉赋》 第二大类:读piě (1) 平著扔出去 [cast;throw]。如:撇手榴弹 (2) 装;摆出 [put on]。 如:撇虚(装假);撇假(装假);撇欠(撇嵌。弄虚作假,虚情假意);撇京腔;撇呵(表演;卖艺);撇清(装清白);撇末(装扮角色,演戏) (3) 用嘴表示鄙夷、不以为然或激动的一种表情 [curl]。如:撇酥儿(方言。咧嘴笑) (4)汉字的笔画,向左斜下(写法是“丿”) 方言 四川方言:表示很糟糕,失败。如:这次考得太撇喽! l Don"t Like her的意思是什么 我不喜欢她 Don TCry的意思是什么? 不要哭 Don"t cry I don"t want to talk it with you的意思是什么? i don"t want to talk it with you 我不想和你谈论这个问题 lie,lied,lied,don"t be a liar的意思是什么? 说谎 lie lied lied 分别是过去式和过去分词 don"t be a liar 不要当骗子 liar是lie的名词形式 表示撒谎的人 骗子的意思 希望能够帮到楼主 Please don"t be in love with someone else 的意思是什么 请别爱上别人。


feel是一个英文单词。可做系动词,后常跟省to不定式也可跟形容词或触觉;作不及物动词是感觉的意思;作系动词是觉得的意思。 基本介绍 中文名 :feel 外文名 :感觉 类属 :英文单词 词性 :系动词,感官动词 释义 :感觉 用作动词时,双解释义,基本要点,辞汇搭配,常用短语,词语辨析,相关参考,用作名词时,双解释义,基本要点,辞汇搭配,词语辨析,词源解说, 用作动词时 双解释义 vt. 1.触,摸 touch ( *** /sth) vt. & vi. 2.由触摸而得知〔感觉到〕 get knowledge by touching with the fingers; explore or perceive sth by touching vt. & vi. 3.觉得,认为 be capable of sensation; be of the opinion 基本要点 1.feel的基本意思是“摸”或由“摸”引起的感觉。可指触摸者对触摸部位的感觉,也可指被触摸者对被触摸部位的感觉。可表示肉体的感觉,也可表示内心的感觉。侧重于肉体感觉时,一般可译为“摸”“摸著像是〔大概是〕”“摸起来有…的感觉”“摸索著进行试探”“摸索到某物”等。侧重于内心的感觉〔受〕时,一般可译为“感到”“认为,觉得,相信”等。 2.feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./prep.-phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。当表示宾语的动作已完成时通常接动词不定式; 表示宾语的动作正在进行时接现在分词,表示被动或完成意义时接过去分词。 3.feel用作不及物动词时作“感觉,似乎”解,引申可作“摸索”解,其后有时可接副词。 4.feel还可用作系动词,作“觉得,体会”解,引申还可作“感觉是…,觉得自己…”解,可接名词、形容词、过去分词或介词短语作表语。 5.feel接以动词不定式充当宾语的复合宾语时,常采用形式宾语结构,即在宾语位置上使用it而将用作宾语的动词不定式置于宾语之后。 6.在feel后充当宾语补足语的动词不定式常不带to,且不能变为被动结构。 辞汇搭配 ~+名词 feel a draft 感到受冷落 feel a fear 感到害怕,感到恐惧 feel a friend"s death 痛惜友人去世 feel anger 感到生气 feel earthquake 感到地震 feel fatigue 感到疲劳 feel gratitude 感激 feel guilt 感到有罪 feel hesitation 感到犹豫 feel horror 感到恐惧 feel importance 感到重要 feel inconvenience 感到不便 feel indignation 感到义愤 feel infidelity 感到不忠 feel insult 感到受 *** feel interest 感兴趣 feel jealousy 感到嫉妒 feel joy 感到快乐 feel loss 感受损失 feel music 体验到音乐的感染力 feel necessity 认识到必要性 feel pain 感觉痛 feel one"s age 觉得老了,觉得累了 feel one"s ears burning 觉得有人议论 feel one"s feet 能独立行走 feel one"s legs 能独立行走 feel one"s oats 感到精神饱满 feel one"s way 摸索前进,谨慎行事 feel pleasure 感到快乐 feel poetry 为诗歌而感动 feel pulse 摸某人的脉搏 feel regret 感到后悔 feel resentment 感到不满 feel sorrow 感到悲哀 feel sympathy 感到同情 feel the pinch 感到经济拮据 feel threat 认识到威胁 +形容词 feel afraid 感到害怕 feel better 感到好些 feel blue 感到沮丧,情绪低落 feel cheap 感到惭愧,觉得丢脸〔难为情〕 feel cold 觉得发冷 feel contempt 感到受辱 feel faint 感到头晕 feel good 感到满意 feel happy 感到幸福 feel sad 感到伤心 feel helpless 感到无能为力 feel hot 觉得发热 feel hungry 感到饿 feel ill 感到难受极了 feel lonely 感到孤独 feel nervous 感到紧张 feel *** all 感到卑微〔丢脸、惭愧〕 feel tired 觉得疲劳 feel touched 受感动 feel warm 感到温暖 feel weak 感到浑身乏力 feel worse 感到更难受 feel sick 感到恶心 ~+副词 feel well 感觉好(特指身体好) feel acutely 敏锐地感觉到 feel affectionately 深情地感受到 feel amiably 和蔼地抚摸 feel carefully 小心地摸索 feel compassionately 同情地感受到 feel congenially 心心相印地感到 feel deeply 深深地感觉到 feel exquisitely 强烈地感觉到 feel genuinely 真正觉察到 feel graciously 亲切地感受到 feel intensely 强烈地感受到 feel intuitively 凭直觉感到 feel keenly 强烈地感觉到 feel kindly 亲切地感觉到 feel morbidly 恐怖地觉察到 feel mutually 相互抚摸 feel philanthropically 慈祥地爱抚 feel poetically 诗情画意般地感到 feel profoundly 深深地感觉到 feel severely 强烈地感觉到 feel softly 微微地感觉到 feel spiritually 从心灵上感受到 feel strongly 强烈地感觉到 feel sweetly 亲切地爱抚 feel triumphantly 高兴地感到 feel turbulently 强烈地感到 feel tyrannically 暴虐性地触摸 feel vehemently 热切地感到 feel vindictively 报复性地触摸 feel about 摸索 feel out 探出,摸清 feel out the situation 摸清情况 ~+介词 feel bad about 对…感到过意不去 feel after 摸索,探寻 feel after the handle 摸索把手 feel at 用手摸… feel at a loss 感到心慌,感到不知所措 feel at home 感到习惯〔舒服、自在〕 feel at home in 精通… feel for 同情,怜悯,找寻,摸索 feel for the enemy 搜寻敌人 feel in one"s bones 预感,直觉 feel in the pocket for 在口袋里摸… feel like 觉得,像要…似的,摸起来像…似的 feel like a million dollars 精力充沛 feel like death 脸色不好,感到很疲倦 feel like o cents 感到惭愧 feel of 摸著检查,摸著检验 feel certain of 对…确信无疑 feel sure of 肯定 feel of *** "s hands 摸某人的手 feel out of place 觉得拘束,感到不自在 feel under the weather 感到不舒服 feel up to 能担任,有能力做 feel up to the work 能胜任这项工作 feel with 同情,与…有共同感情 feel with *** in 对某人的…表示同情 常用短语 feel cheap vi. 觉得身体不舒服 feel good 感觉好 feel for v.同情,用手摸索 feel about v. 摸索 feel like 想要 feel sick 想呕吐 feel *** all vi. 觉得渺小(觉得无地自容) feel strange vi. 觉得不舒服(觉得不习惯) feel out 试探出,摸清 feel the pinch 感到手头拮据 feel after vt. 摸索(探寻) feel fit 精神很好 feel with adj. 同情 feel funny 身体不对劲 feel one"s age 意识到自己老了 feel one"s oats v. 兴高采烈,自命不凡 feel like o cents vi. 感到羞愧 feel fresh 心旷神怡 feel hurt 感觉不快 feel sorrow 表示悲痛,感到伤心 词语辨析 feel, sense 这两个词都可表示“感觉到”。其区别是:feel是常用词,含义广泛,可表示感官、情感、想法等; sense是正式用词,指“隐约感到”,不可跟表示“冷,热,饿”等的名词或形容词。试比较: I felt cold. 我感到冷。 I sensed danger. 我感到有危险。 下面两句话意思相同,但第一句比第二句常见: He did not feel like eating anything. He did not feel like anything to eat. 他不想吃东西。 下面两句话意思相同: They began to feel their pockets to find out whether the coin was there.(BrE) They began to feel of their pockets to find out whether the coin was there.(AmE) 他们开始用手摸口袋,看钱币是否还在。 下面两个句子意思不同: I felt my heart beat violently. 我感到了心脏的狂跳。 I felt my heart beating violently. 我感到了心脏在狂跳。 相关参考 1.feel在表示“摸,有某种自我感觉”意义时,可以用于进行体。例如: “What are you doing?”“I"m feeling the shirts to see if they"re dry yet!”“你在做什么呢?”“我在摸这些衬衫,看干了没有。” “How are you feeling?”“I am feeling fine.”“你(身体)感觉怎么样?”“我现在感觉良好。” 2.在口语中, feel badly〔strongly〕用来表示强烈的感情。例如: I feel badly about how we treated her.我们这样对待她,我觉得很不好。 We felt strongly about the international situation.我们非常关心国际形势。 用作名词时 双解释义 S 感觉,手感 the sensation caused by feeling sth 基本要点 feel作名词时是“感觉,手感”的意思,指的是通过触摸某一物而形成的一种感觉。feel用作单数名词,常与不定冠词连用。 辞汇搭配 动词+~ develop a feel for 养成…的直觉 get the feel of 习惯于…,对…熟悉起来 have a feel 摸摸,摸一摸 like the feel of 喜欢摸…,喜欢…的手感 形容词+~ cold feel 寒冷的感觉 festive feel 节日气氛 greasy feel 摸上去油腻的感觉 rough feel 摸上去粗糙的感觉 *** ooth feel 摸上去光滑的感觉 soft feel 摸上去柔软的感觉 sticky feel 摸上去黏滋滋的感觉 warm feel 摸上去暖呼呼的感觉 woolly feel 摸上去像羊毛似的感觉 介词+~ by the feel 用摸的方式,靠触摸 to the feel 摸上去 ~+介词 a feel for music 乐感 the feel of winter 冬天的感觉 词语辨析 feel, feeling 这两个词都可表示身体的“感觉”,有时可以互换,但在表示“感情,心情,感觉”时多用feeling。例如: I have a feel〔feeling〕 of cold.我感觉到冷。 He doesn"t care about the feelings of others.别人的心情他不管。 词源解说 直接源自古英语的felan,意为触摸,接触;最初源自古日耳曼语的folijanan,意为摸索。

Ellie Goulding的Bittersweet中文歌词。

Your arms around me come undone 你环绕在我身边的手臂衣带尽褪Makes my heart beat like a drum 让我的心跳异常汹涌See the panic in my eyes 解读我眼中的惶然Kiss me only when I cry 只在我泫然欲泣时亲吻我Cause you always want what you"re running from 因为你总意识不到你自己真正所要And you know this is more than you can take 你知道你得到的太多Baby don"t forget my name 不要忘记我的名字When the morning breaks us 当晨曦将我们分离Baby please don"t look away 不要将视线从我身上转移When the morning breaks us 当我们不得不被晨光所分离Oh your touch, so bittersweet 你的爱抚让我痛并快乐Aahhh, ah aaha 啊Baby don"t forget my name不要忘记我的名字When the morning breaks us当晨曦将我们分离Your cheek is softly by the sun 阳光轻融着你的脸颊Makes my heart beat like a drum 让我情不自禁地心动I know it hurts you 我知道这让你痛苦I know it burns you 我知道这使你愤怒Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room 心情在孤独的旅店房间起伏不定Look into me, tell me why you"re crying 看着我告诉我为什么你要哭泣I need to know 让我知道Cause you always want what you"re running from 因为你总会做出令自己后悔的举动And it"s always been that way, ohhhh 你总是抛弃自己的真爱Baby don"t forget my name不要忘记我的名字When the morning breaks us当晨曦将我们分离Baby please don"t look away不要将视线从我身上转移When the morning breaks us当我们不得不被晨光所分离Oh your touch, so bittersweet 你的轻触让我痛并快乐着Aahhh, ah aaha 啊Baby don"t forget my name 不要忘记我的名字When the morning breaks us当晨曦将我们分离Cause you always want what you"re running from... 你总是抛弃自己的真爱。。。很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!如果有其他需要帮助的题目,您可以求助我。谢谢!你可以随时加入我团队,我随时恭候。

求 Melanie Martinez 的 bittersweet tragedy 英文歌词

Sweet, boy, straight out of the movie screenCandy hearts and chocolate dreamsI, met, my prince upon a popcorn bowlHe held my heart and let it goIce cream, upon a summer"s dayBeginning sweetness never staysMelting through the cracks in my handsI guess I held on for too longI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me)You, speak, sour lemonade to meThe bitter taste won"t let me beOne, kiss, was supposed to be so sweetBut I found grapefruit in your teethOld, gum, is all you"ll ever be to meI spit you out and brush my teethMelting through the cracks in my handsI guess I held on for too longI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me)Enough of your bittersweetYour sugar rots my teethClogs up my arteriesYour bittersweet shares a tragedyI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with you bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me, you"re right in front of me)
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