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解释 交:一齐,同时;瘁:疲劳。精神和体力都极度劳累。 出处 清·百一居士《壶天录》上卷:“由此心力交瘁,患疾遂卒。”   示例 冰心《南归—贡献给母亲在天之灵》:“我们心力交瘁,能报母亲的恩慈于万一么?”   用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;用于人   近义词 精疲力竭、疲惫不堪   反义词 神采奕奕、生气勃勃 、精力旺盛   瘁:〈形〉形声。从疒,卒声。从“疒”,表示与疾病有关。本义:困病。   “心力交瘁”侧重点在过分“劳累”,有憔悴、枯槁的意思。   “心力娇脆”侧重点在“脆弱”,脆弱即是不坚强;不稳固。











直流单芯电缆能否穿镀锌钢 ?ch=rainbow.wty.search1





(1)“我”忐忑不安的原因是:天已经很晚了,我却来打扰老师休息,怕老师责怪,所以会感觉到忐忑不安. (2)这不是普通的光,这是老师生命的光.第一个“光”指的是(灯光下老师银白色的头发)第二个“光”指的是(老师对教育事业的献身精神及老师对学生的热爱之情,是老师散发出来的生命之光) (3)读下面的句子,说说从人物的心理、语言、动作等描写中,你体会到了什么?老师讲完了题,夜色更浓了,我想赶快离开,她却一点也不放松:“自己再做一遍!” (我体会到了老师的严厉是对我的负责及关心,使我能够真真正正掌握好老师所讲的知识也体现了老师的慈爱之情.)




本系列小型线形稳压紧凑型电源非常稳定,纹波极低.具有接触保护、过载和短路保护. DIN导轨安装.集成的电子元件允许高于标称电流许多倍的短暂负载. ·输入电压:230/400 V AC ·输出电压:24 V DC ·输出电流:0.5/1/2/4 A


解释 交:一齐,同时;瘁:疲劳。精神和体力都极度劳累。 出处 清·百一居士《壶天录》上卷:“由此心力交瘁,患疾遂卒。”   示例 冰心《南归—贡献给母亲在天之灵》:“我们心力交瘁,能报母亲的恩慈于万一么?”   用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;用于人   近义词 精疲力竭、疲惫不堪   反义词 神采奕奕、生气勃勃 、精力旺盛   瘁:〈形〉形声。从疒,卒声。从“疒”,表示与疾病有关。本义:困病。   “心力交瘁”侧重点在过分“劳累”,有憔悴、枯槁的意思。   “心力娇脆”侧重点在“脆弱”,脆弱即是不坚强;不稳固。


开音节指一个单词的发音。 开音节分两种,一种叫绝对开音节,一种叫相对开音节。 ①绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节。例如:no, she, he, we, by ........ ②相对开音节:单个元音字母后...

请问OH YEAR是什么意思?

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: OH是啊的意思吧? YEAR又是年的意思。。。 翻译过来变成啊年了。。。 晕。到底是什么意思呢。OH YEAR解析: 不是oh year吧. 应该是oh yeah. yeah 就是yes 的意思 yeah /ja:/

Primal Fear - Hands Of Time歌词

The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see So tired of waking up from this dream I"m wishing that it would go on Though I know it could be wrong I keep holding on forever When seconds turn into eternity Screams become a sigh That reigns my only friend So unpredictable and yet so destined to lose it in the end The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Its hard to say, I love someone It"s even harder that we"re done Now I"ve got nothing left to lose My restless soul, except what I have won The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away Who was right and who was wrong Who was cool and who was strong When a cloud is turned to gray When silence speaks louder than words My sins are washed away The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away So tired of waking up from this dream I"m wishing that it would go on Though I know it could be wrong I keep holding on forever


仓贺野 圣良(くらがの せら) CV:遥そら身高:160cm 三围:B87(E)/W57/H88生日:11月22日 血型:A型 2年F班所属。与主人公同年不同班。担任月华会的学生会长。既有名门千金的家世又有名门千金的举止,担任传统悠久的月华会会长正是再合适不过。容姿端丽,品行方正,身材姣好,如此三点可谓集上天宠爱于一身,众男生眼里的女神。而另一方面,她正如可远观而不可亵玩的高岭之花,人气虽高,敢于主动向她搭话的人却少之又少。喜欢可爱的东西,这一点倒是让人意外(虽然对于可爱的品味稍稍有点奇葩)。「规则就是规则。有异议的话欢迎到月华会来申诉」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   天神平 阳姬(てんじんだいら はるひ) CV:铃藤ここあ身高:146cm 三围:B68(AA)/W52/H70生日:4月26日 血型:B型 1年A班所属。主人公的后辈,一年级学生。才刚入学不久就出任天道会学生会长,稀世少有的领袖光环。对好玩的事情兴致冲冲,宗旨是营造更加有趣更加好玩的学园生活。外表娇小,作为天道会会长,其应有的资质却无可挑剔。出类拔萃的创意头脑,并具敏锐的洞察力和领导力,得到学生们莫大的支持。关于恋爱,目前正处于懵懂不开窍的状态,可爱到会问「恋爱?放到锅里煮会很好吃吗」的程度。「想三言两语就了事,我可不是那么肤浅的人」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   驹形 ゆづき(こまがた ゆづき) CV:藤森ゆき奈身高:165cm 三围:B84(C)/W55/H81 生日:1月5日 血型:O型 与主人公同年同班。担任月华会的书记。性格明朗,精力充沛,在气氛沉滞的月华会里,起到了很好的治愈系作用。性格好,交际面广,不管对哪边的学生会支持者都没有芥蒂,友好往来。放学后时常带着宠物犬散步,或是在当地咖啡厅『ラプソツェル』里兼职。『ラプソツェル』里,有相当多的顾客被她的美貌和善良所吸引慕名而来,只为一睹芳容。「Yahoo,今天也是个好天气呢!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   神流 歌奈(かんな かな) CV:御苑生メイ身高:163cm 三围:B90(F)/W58/H89 生日:9月14日 血型:A型 3年A班所属。比主人公高年级。言辞举止温柔大方,又特别照顾别人,正是理想的姐姐人选。散发着能够包容时间万物的母性光辉,大家都愿意向她倾诉烦恼。学生中人望极高,不分男女不分旗帜,一片支持之声。担任天道会副会长,替阳姬摆平各种有欠妥当的事情(为何不当会长是学园史上最大的谜题)。料理也很擅长,最近热衷于制作点心。「请再添一杯茶,手制松糕还有很多」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    主人公带刀 和马(たてわき かずま)二年级学生。因诸般缘由,在5月这不上不下的时间段转学而来。望借此机会交到称心如意的女朋友,正蓄势待发。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    本动堂 萌衣(もとゆるぎどう めい) CV:松田理沙主人公班上的班主任。虽担任月华会顾问一职,也只是被学生们晾在一边,徒有其名的管理职务而已。爱自作主张,却经常犯傻,身为教师,毫无尊严。因此学生们都管她叫“萌衣酱”,感觉像是朋友一般,被大家所亲近。「有什么困难要直说哦。老师,会为了你出一份力的!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   幸冢 美智(こうづか みち) CV:茶町チャチャ主人公的同班同学。天道会会计。游戏人生的女孩子,特征是外表花俏。俗称“bitch同学”。话题多半围绕恋爱、漂亮的洋装、化妆品之类,所谓的爱把甜食说成sweets的这类女性。看似轻薄,会计工作却做得滴水不漏。「嘻嘻,如此一来吾与汝已是共犯u266a」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   五明 孝明(ごみょう たかあき) CV:一文字系与主人公同年不同班。月华会副会长。2年C班所属。戴着一副眼镜,神经质的表情彰显着其纠缠不休,令人厌恶的性格。敌视天道会,为陷害对手不择手段。一心贪图权利,不断向周围呼吁自己应该代替圣良成为会长。「只有我才是月华会会长的最佳人选!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   御座入 纪洋(みざのり のりひろ) CV:ほうでん亭ノドガツラ主人公的同班同学。天道会书记。肥胖体型的御宅系男子。“ノリノリのノリさん(得意洋洋的小纪洋)”这样的诨名风行一时,令人惊讶的是貌似他跟谁相处都不得意。极其爱好动漫游戏,可以从他身上看到从中派生出的广泛知识(大部分是杂学)。「妹纸果然还是纸片与JPG上的好!」


眼神凶恶、交流障碍的月华会会长  アリスティアu30fbヴァレンベリu30fb华蔵寺 (―u30fb―u30fbけぞうじ)生日:1月27日身高:149cm三围:B83(E)/ W54/ H82血型:A型所属:2-D和主人公同学年不同班。担任月华会的学生会长。虽然因为是名家之后而被委任为月华会会长,但实际上极度不擅长应对大众场合。为了帮上大家的忙拼命努力着,但因为说话不流利,再加上与生俱来的凶恶眼神,被旁人传言说“要是让她不高兴了就会被诅咒的”。自己想着要交一些朋友,但因为传言的关系只有真白能够和她普通地交谈。「要是能更加熟练地说话的话,大家会不会成为我的朋友呢」 人气拔群的偶像会长  月夜野 兎姫 (つきよの うさぎ)生日:10月22日身高:162cm三围:B86(F)/ W54/ H87血型:A型所属:2-B和主人公同学年同班。天道会的学生会长。是一位杂志模特出身的偶像,以学园史上最高的票数当选学生会长。不因自己是艺人就自高自大,作为学生会长的工作也会完美的完成,因此不论男女都获得了非常大的支持。但是那只是表面,实际上是个将自己努力开朗的一面宣传给周围,巧妙地控制周围的小腹黑。非常喜欢拉面,常常化妆偷偷出没于本地的拉面店。「谢谢大家,那么安可要来咯—u266a」 纯白色的清纯大小姐  栗生 真白 (くりゅう ましろ)生日:7月8日身高:168cm三围:B85(D)/ W57/ H90血型:O型所属:1-A主人公的后辈。大多数事情都能不动声色地完成的秀才型人物。虽然是一年级生,却担任起了月华会副会长的职位,不论是制作资料还是泡茶、以及代替不擅长说话的アリス交涉,一切事情都由她包办。获得了周围人们很大的信赖,在一部人间甚至有了“下一期会长”的呼声。兴趣是花的栽培,常常在校舍中的一角照顾花儿。「需要再来一杯茶吗?」 热心于学生会工作的乐观少女  馆林 たては (たてばやし たては)生日:5月3日身高:158cm三围:B80(C)/ W55/ H83血型:B型所属:2-B和主人公同学年同班。在天道会担当书记。性格活泼开朗、爱照顾人,在性格丰富的天道会成员中担当润滑油的角色。外表看上去给人强势的印象,但实际上是个随波逐流,无法拒绝别人的请求的人。或许是她的这个性格特别让人感到亲切,交友关系相当的广。休息日或是有时间的时候,会帮忙叔父(自称叔母)的咖啡厅ラプンツェル的工作。「欢迎来到ラプンツェル……不对,欢迎来到天道会!」   主人公  幸冢 大智 (こうづか だいち)2-B班的学生。幸冢美智的弟弟。因为一些情况一直在外地生活,暌违数年回到了本地。

excursion ;purse;pearl 这英语用谐音怎么读?


高中英语作文带翻译:学会放弃Learn to Give Up

There is a famous song called Never Say Never, it is one of my favorite songs. The lyrics tell people no matter what happens, never to give up, then you will be successful if you are stick on. Before, I believe in those words, I think if people insist, they can do everything. But last week, I saw a TV show, a scholarship told people to learn to give up sometimes, and they could gain more. He explained that he met a boy who was not good at studying, but he was skilled in cooking, so he encouraged the boy to give up studying the major that he was not good at and learned to be a cook. And now, the boy is a famous cook, it proves that give up is not a bad thing, people need to find the right place, or they will not successful. 有一首有名的歌叫《永不言弃》,那是我最喜欢的歌之一。歌词告诉人们无论发生了什么,永远不要放弃,然后你才会成功,如果你不放弃的话。以前,我相信这些话,我觉得如果人们坚持,他们可以做任何事情。但是上周,我看了一个电视节目,一位学者告诉人们有时候要学着去放弃,他们可以得到更多。他解释道他遇见过一个男子,擅长做饭,但是并不擅长学习,所以他鼓励男孩子去放弃他并不擅长的专业,学着去成为一名厨师。现在,男孩是一名出名的厨师,这证明了放弃并不是一件坏事,人们需要找到正确的位置,不然他们不会成功。

Lake Of Tears的《The Organ》 歌词

歌曲名:The Organ歌手:Lake Of Tears专辑:Blackbrickroad5. The organI can see you walk with sorrow, I can see it in your eyesAnd I know you fear this moment like me, I can see it in your smileAnd no longer bids the morning to go with the thunderI can see you"re lost and falling, I can see you"re all aloneI can see you walk with sorrow my dove and sorrow walks alone我看到你悲伤而行 我在你眼中看到了悲伤我知道你和我一样畏惧此刻 我在你的微笑中看到了恐惧不要再拒绝雷声带来的黎明我看到你迷惘 倒下 我看到你形单影只我看到你悲伤而行 我的鸽子 悲伤独来独往578159915无痕20080606http://music.baidu.com/song/1074816

Lake Of Tears的《The Organ》 歌词

歌曲名:The Organ歌手:Lake Of Tears专辑:Blackbrickroad作词:Lake Of Tears作曲:Lake Of TearsI can see you walk with sorrow, I can see it in your eyes And I know you fear this moment like me, I can see it in your smile And no longer bids the morning to go with the thunder I can see you"re lost and falling, I can see you"re all alone I can see you walk with sorrow my dove and sorrow walks alone

Travis的《Dear Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear Diary歌手:Travis专辑:Invisible BandTravis - Dear DiaryFrom Album "The Invisible Band"Track 2Dear Diary,What is wrong with me?"Cos I"m fine between the lines.Be not afraid.Help is on its way.A sentence suspended in air,way over there.Dear Diary,What else could it be?As nightshade descends like a veil,under the sail of my heart.Be still, don"t stop until the end.Dear Diary,What is wrong with me?"Cos I"m fine between the lines.http://music.baidu.com/song/1372559

Travis的《The Fear》 歌词

歌曲名:The Fear歌手:Travis专辑:The Man Who (Bonus Track Version)Travis - The who man - The fearakappAll I wanted was the chance to sayI would like to see you in the morningRolling over to have you thereWould make it easy for a little bit longerBut hereCloser every yearSo nearThe fear is coming clearMy dearThe fear is hereHottest summer in a hundred yearsBut summer didn′t bother Getting up this morningAnd so all the trees forgot to wakeThey were dropping all their leaves On the ground below themBut hereCloser every yearSo nearThe fear is coming clearMy dearThe fear is hereAll I wanted was the chance to sayI would like to see you in the morningRolling over just to have you thereWould make it easy for a little bit longerMake it easy for a little bit longerMake it easy for a little bit longerMake it easy for a little bit longerMake it easy for a little bit longerMake it easy for a little bit longer.......http://music.baidu.com/song/18055332

sixteen years old

先看例子:1.He is sixteen years old. 2.They are sixteen --year---olds. 3.He is a sixteen--year---old boy. 例2 中 sixteen --year---olds是名词 例3中sixteen--year---old 是定语


先看例子: 1.He is sixteen years old. 2.They are sixteen --year---olds. 3. He is a sixteen--year---old boy. 例2 中 sixteen --year---olds是名词 例3中sixteen--year---old 是定语

把下列句子翻译成英文: 1.我们应该从失败中吸取教训,这是很重要的。(learn a lesson from) ...

It"s very important that we should learn a lesson from this failure




obeyed in learning hunt

obey的过去式? learn的现在分词?kill,hunt的过去式

答案是:obey的过去式是obeyed,learn的现在分词是:learningkill的过去式是killed,hurt的过去式还是hurt u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

第一班车英语是用early bus还是用fiart bus 谢谢

the first early bus

sheer stress和shear stress有什么差别

shear stress[力] 剪应力;[力] 剪切应力网络释义:shear stress: 剪应力shear viscous stress: 剪切粘性应力shear yield stress: 剪切屈服应力sheer stresssheer stress: 切应力sheer stress force: 剪应力


near the seaside 和 at the seaside 的意思不完全一样。near the seaside 表示靠近海边,但不一定在海边,而 at the seaside 表示在海边,可以看到海水。例如:1.We live near the seaside, but we rarely go to the beach. 我们住在靠近海边的地方,但我们很少去海滩。2.We spent our summer vacation at the seaside. 我们在海边度过了暑假。

search vessel中文翻译

A search vessel and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by rubber tyres ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 各参与单位将于明早派出搜索飞机及搜救船找寻及搜索目标(由汽车轮胎组成) 。 A pla search vessel and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by rubber tyres ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 参与单位将于明早派出飞机往南中国海搜索由汽车轮胎组成的目标,而驻香港部队会派出一艘舰艇参与搜救。 A pla search vessel , a uscg cutter and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by basketballs tied together ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 参与单位将于明早派出飞机往南中国海搜索由一组篮球组成的目标,而驻香港部队及美国海岸巡逻会各派出一艘舰艇参与搜救。


穿衣服衣服 [ yī fu ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ yī fu ]穿在身上遮蔽身体和御寒的东西。

英语Half year ago怎么翻译?

Half year ago意思是半年以前,half是半意思,year是年的意思,ago表示之前前,过去了的。



Sacred Heart (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Sacred Heart (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark专辑:Architecture And Morality"Sacred Heart""Dio"Hey the old ones speak of winterThe young ones praise the sunAnd time just slips awayOh running into nowhereTurning like a wheelAnd a year becomes a dayWhenever we dream that"s when we flySo here is a dream for just you and IWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartOh here we see the wizardStaring through the glassAnd he"s pointing right at youNow you can see tomorrowThe answer and the lieAnd the things you"ve got to do yeahOh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneBut oh sometimes you want itAll you"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahOh look to the light《Guitar solo.....》Well you fight to kill the dragonAnd bargain with the beast and sail into a sightYou run along the rainbowAnd never leave the groundAnd still you don"t know whyWhenever you dreamYou"re holding the keyIt opens the door to let you be free yeahWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartA shout comes from the wizardThe sky begins to crackAnd he"s looking right at you quickRun along the rainbowBefore it turns to blackAttack!And oh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneOh sometimes you need it allYou"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heart yeahBleeding in the night yeah yeahWe"ll find the sacred hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2640032

Sacred Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Sacred Heart歌手:Mark Eitzel专辑:60 Watt Silver Lining"Sacred Heart""Dio"Hey the old ones speak of winterThe young ones praise the sunAnd time just slips awayOh running into nowhereTurning like a wheelAnd a year becomes a dayWhenever we dream that"s when we flySo here is a dream for just you and IWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartOh here we see the wizardStaring through the glassAnd he"s pointing right at youNow you can see tomorrowThe answer and the lieAnd the things you"ve got to do yeahOh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneBut oh sometimes you want itAll you"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahOh look to the light《Guitar solo.....》Well you fight to kill the dragonAnd bargain with the beast and sail into a sightYou run along the rainbowAnd never leave the groundAnd still you don"t know whyWhenever you dreamYou"re holding the keyIt opens the door to let you be free yeahWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartA shout comes from the wizardThe sky begins to crackAnd he"s looking right at you quickRun along the rainbowBefore it turns to blackAttack!And oh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneOh sometimes you need it allYou"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heart yeahBleeding in the night yeah yeahWe"ll find the sacred hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/3469839

Sacred Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Sacred Heart歌手:Dio专辑:The Collection"Sacred Heart""Dio"Hey the old ones speak of winterThe young ones praise the sunAnd time just slips awayOh running into nowhereTurning like a wheelAnd a year becomes a dayWhenever we dream that"s when we flySo here is a dream for just you and IWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartOh here we see the wizardStaring through the glassAnd he"s pointing right at youNow you can see tomorrowThe answer and the lieAnd the things you"ve got to do yeahOh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneBut oh sometimes you want itAll you"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahOh look to the light《Guitar solo.....》Well you fight to kill the dragonAnd bargain with the beast and sail into a sightYou run along the rainbowAnd never leave the groundAnd still you don"t know whyWhenever you dreamYou"re holding the keyIt opens the door to let you be free yeahWe"ll find the sacred heartSomewhere bleeding in the night yeahLook for the light and find the sacred heartA shout comes from the wizardThe sky begins to crackAnd he"s looking right at you quickRun along the rainbowBefore it turns to blackAttack!And oh sometimes you never fallAnd ah you"re the lucky oneOh sometimes you need it allYou"ve got to reach for the sunAnd find the sacred heart yeahBleeding in the night yeah yeahWe"ll find the sacred hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7573772


《One Hundred Years of Solitude》(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LG49kh8WfUbi44j-1YWbTQ 提取码:s4pv书名:One Hundred Years of Solitude作者:Gabriel Garcia Marquez豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Everyman"s Library出版年份:1995-10-17页数:448内容简介:(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)The brilliant, bestselling, landmark novel that tells the story of the Buendia family, and chronicles the irreconcilable conflict between the desire for solitude and the need for love—in rich, imaginative prose that has come to define an entire genre known as "magical realism."作者简介:加西亚u2022马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年因内战辍学,进入报界。五十年代开始发表文学作品。六十年代初移居墨西哥。1967年出版《百年孤独》。1982年获诺贝尔文学奖。

one night,monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear.怎么读



《One Hundred Years of Solitude》(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pxBORXDS1hrW1EcCmnz16g 提取码: 3rdv书名:One Hundred Years of Solitude作者:Gabriel Garcia Marquez译者:Gregory Rabassa豆瓣评分:9.2出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2000-8-31页数:422作者简介:加西亚u2022马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年因内战辍学,进入报界。五十年代开始发表文学作品。六十年代初移居墨西哥。1967年出版《百年孤独》。1982年获诺贝尔文学奖。

In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veil

solitude就是孤独寂寞的意思,sign指叹息,widow是寡妇的意思,貌似widowed是指丈夫已经死去,更深一层次的寂寞的味道,evening veil是夜晚的面纱。我的心里寂寞孤独,仿佛能听见夜晚笼罩着一层像寡妇般神秘和寂寞的叹息面纱。

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800字

I just finished reading "hundred years of solitude", and I can"t tell what it feels like. Heart slightly pantothenic acid, but more ignorant. To tell the truth, Nobel"s literary works are full of magic realism in the between the lines of author Garcia Marcks with its extremely absurd techniques and rich imagination, show a different world to readers -- alone. In one hundred years of solitude, the rise and fall of a Boone family after a hundred years reflects the ups and downs of a small town called Macondo, and some people think it can even be said to reflect the rise and fall of Latin American culture. The book tells the story of the first generation of Boone Macondo and then create Lydia, breeding for 7 generations, but can not fight the curse of natural fate, the ultimate family or escape down to the unknown point, even the final, Macondo in the town is the destruction of Hurricane destruction. "One hundred years of solitude" by the revolutionary army commander Aureliano Boone and Colonel of the seven generations of the family experience, described the whole family hundred years of ups and downs, honor, love and hate, happiness and ingrained culture and humanity in the lonely. When the seventh generation of heirs was eaten by ants, his father finally cracked the script of the gypsy Mel Kia Des. The manuscript frontispiece of the inscription reads: "the first person in the family will be tied to a tree, the last person in the family will be eaten by ants." This manuscript records the history of Boone"s family. He translated the last chapter of the moment, a sudden hurricane swept the whole town away from the town, village disappeared forever. Like seven generations of people using the same name in a circle, the plot and narrative of the cycle, the entire Macondo is tightly wrapped into a ring of ruins. However, everyone"s heart is lonely, not a moment to feel the warmth of the family, the family is actually scattered, between husband and wife, between the father and the son, daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although everyone is using their own unique way to resist loneliness, to participate in the revolution, repeatedly do manual work, indulge in lust, reading translation...... But there is no way to find an effective way to unite the scattered forces, but escape the fate of family disintegration. This house is just a home, a house, a carrier, not a heart comforting and warm harbor. In addition to the full text of the soul of ur Sura, all people do not know how to love and be loved, they do just to fill their empty and selfish desires, so that life is living in the stubborn and lonely. This unbelievable miracle and the most pure reality life, is a part of Columbia and Latin American history and social reality, the bloody reality and be a wild Legend Legend, the most profound human nature and the most shocking emotion. This has always been his loneliness, is the suffering of Latin America were excluded from the modern civilization process of resentment and protest, and the Latin American continent vitality and survival of the state"s unique cognitive and desire out of loneliness, stubborn. This is not only a narrative of a family, but also a self reflection of a nation. At this point, after reading, as if feel the time in this moment suddenly stop, hold the book attentively, heart still unwilling, for a long time can not be drawn away, as if everything, is a big joke of time. Samsara, cycle, predestination, what you can read, are the naughty shadows of time. One hundred years, the rise and fall of a family road, lay out a flowing pain tears are as strong as a soul, if you can read, gently picked up, caress, listen to them tell soft, the moment you feel, not out of human history in the sky is very beautiful lonely aura, that is. Poor world, shocked from ancient to modern beauty, after the big flood destroyed the world, in the eyes of Noah"s Ark survivors presented by the next day from the beautiful rainbow. This is eternal, as Huw A Ross"s poem says: "time is a way of keeping us in the possession of eternity...... Eternal imagination is boundless. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in order to double shine on us, eternity sometimes presents its own form."

Oh dear!是什么意思?和 Oh!MyGod!一样吗

Oh dear!是否是表示惊讶的意思呢?在什么时候可以说呢?

Near my God to thee God是上帝的意思!

thee 是古英语的 you. Nearer my God to thee 的意思是 “上帝,我们想靠近你”.x05 这是19世纪英国诗人 S.F.亚当斯 (Sarah Flower Adams) 写的基督教赞美诗, 据说这是泰坦尼克号的乐队在邮轮沉没时演奏的最后一首歌.

英语作文Where will I be in twenty years?


英语异性称呼 dear c

英语异性称呼 dear c是Cutie~英文中常见的对爱人的称呼如下:称呼一:Darling:亲爱的,以前有人也翻译成"达令".称呼二Dear:亲爱的.称呼三:Honey:原意是蜂蜜的意思.这里做称呼用表甜蜜之意称呼四:.Hon:Honey的缩写称呼五:mavourneen【爱尔兰】爱人Sweetie:来源于单词:Sweet(甜).这里也做称呼用表甜蜜之意.称呼六:Sweetheart:甜心.其实这还可以用来称呼孩子.称呼七:Baby:宝贝.称呼八:Babe:宝贝的昵称.称呼九:Love:爱.爱人.称呼十:Cutie:来源于Cute (可爱).称呼十一:Beautiful:美丽,美人.称呼十二:Sugar:原意是蔗糖的意思.这里做称呼用表甜蜜之意

求英文翻译,常用的尊称.例如 Dear之类的,请多举5个吧.

Dear 的意思是 “亲爱的” 比如 Dear Mr.Brown 亲爱的布朗先生 这是礼貌语,不是尊称 你说的尊称可能是指尊敬人家的社会地位或头衔用的称呼, 比如对君主我们说 Your Majesty 或 Majesty 对亲王说 Your Highness 对总理说 Your Excellency 对总统 Mr.President 对主席 Mr.Chairman 其他尊称有 教授 Professor 医生/博士 Doctor 对军人的尊称 General,Admiral,等等. 男性 Sir,Mr. 女性 Madam,Miss 希望帮到了你,

jersey 和 knitwear 区别?

jersey 是紧身衣,knitwear 是针织品。

到底是Dear Mr/Mrs,还是Dear Mr/Ms?在不知道对方性别的情况下




足以成为时代新经典:试听Audio Research I/50 综合功放

资深 ARC 展现全新多彩活力 为什么 I/50 会让我格外注目?第一个原因是亮丽的外观,I/50 总共有六种色彩,跳脱了 ARC 传统只有银黑两色的框架;第二是回归6922信号管与6550功率管设计,向最早的ARC放大线路致敬;第三则是意外的参考售价,显示 ARC 吹起强攻负担得起的 Hi End(affordable Hi End)的号角。 首先来看I/50亮丽的外观,银、黑两色依然是ARC的代表颜色,可是新增了四种颜色,包括白色、红色、金色与蓝色,色彩全走鲜艳路线,根本是针对年轻族群所设计,真空管的复古,加上鲜艳的色彩,如果要来个贴切的形容词,可以说是Neo-Vintage风格满分。 新增Ceracote制程 I/50多变又鲜艳的色彩,不是阳极处理,而是Ceracote超薄陶瓷镀膜处理,在金属机箱表面加上陶瓷镀层,做出华丽的色彩。这项改变,ARC必须付出对应的代价,他们采购了新的金属表面处理机具,在明尼苏达自家工厂里制作,所以I/50成为第一部百分之百在ARC自家工厂生产的功放。 难道以前不是在 ARC 自家工厂制作?放心,ARC所有器材都是在美国制造,但是金属机箱的阳极处理,必须遵守严格的环保规范,明尼苏达的 ARC 工厂没有这个加工程序,所以要委外处理,可是为了创造 I/50 多样化的色彩,所以新增 Cerakote 陶瓷镀膜生产线,如此一来 I/50 就是百分之百自家制造了。 从这项新制程的投资,可以预期未来ARC的机器,肯定会有多样化的色彩,甚至可能提供定制化特殊色的选项,毕竟ARC多了Cerakote产线,当然要好好利用,不过对这些未来可能的想象,还有ARC研发中的高端器材,厂家可是三缄其口,什么消息也没放,认真冲刺I/50。 回归6922与6550 I/50的第二项特点是回归6922与6550真空管,与1997年CA50综合功放的真空管配置相同。回顾ARC推出综合功放的 历史 ,最早打响名号的要算是CA50,不过CA50的机箱还是传统的ARC样貌,白色面板搭配黑色把手,外观与I/50很不一样。 到了2003年,ARC推出VSi 55,就是把畅销的VS 55后级加上档位切换与音量控制器,变成综合功放,功率管一样是6550,但是信号管换成6N1P,随后2008年推出的VSi 60,外观与 VSi 55接近,算是后续机型,信号管换上6H30,与高端Reference系列看齐。如果从外观工业设计来看,I/50与 VSi 55、VSi 60 最为接近,而这两款也是 ARC 卖得最好的真空管综合功放,而 I/50 要继承这项光荣传统。 ARC还有两款综合功放,分别是2013年的VSi 75与2015年的GSi 75,可是外观已经很不一样,机箱尺寸更大,承接高端真空管线路技术更多,像是VSi 75采用KT120功率管,输出功率提升到75瓦,而GSi 75则用输出更大的KT150功率管,不过功率依然是75瓦,维持更好的工作线性与余裕度。如果以世代传承的角度来看,I/50 回归与这两部综合功放关系较小,更像是 VSi 60 的后续新机型。 令人意外的相对平价 最后就是I/50令人意外的价格了!目前美国官方售价是5500美元,最早ARC发布的售价更低,但是遇上疫情干扰,全球塞港塞货,还缺芯片,成本大增,所以不得已一上市就调整价格,但I/50还是拥有极高的价格竞争力,在这个价位带,要找到百分之百美国设计、美国制造的真空管综合功放,拿一只手的手指头就算得完。 其实,从2008年的 VSi 60 之后,ARC 再也没有推出过低于一万美金的综合功放,这十多年来,ARC 一直在做高端综合功放,可是 I/50 却打出 5500 美金的相对低价,比起 VSi 75、GSi 75,几乎是半价对折砍,但又是道道地地的 ARC ,您说,I/50 怎么能不叫人惊喜呢? 继往开来的新机器 虽然我说I/50像是 VSi 60 的后继者,可是I/50不光是继往,更像是开来的全新 ARC 器材,除了全新 Cerakote 外观,可能延续到未来其他 ARC 器材,I/50 还加上了可爱的 Lexie Tube,显示音量数字与输入档位,虽然这与线路放大无关,可是增添了器材的设计感,这项创意会不会延伸到其他 ARC 的新机上面,我们且慢慢等着看。 但眼前的I/50,比起推出十多年的 VSi 60,根本不像是既有设计的改良,更像是全新的设计,不光是 Lexie Tube 新颖好看,还包括面板的网状孔洞,不仅简约好看,还可强化散热效果,而 I/50 把两个控制旋钮,从机箱前方换到顶板,有效缩小了机箱体积,也让 I/50 更有复古真空管机的模样,顶板还加上了亮面压克力,与Cerakote陶瓷涂装形成双色对比(two tone),巧妙地点缀出I/50的年轻气息,谁说真空管机都长得土土的,来看I/50绝对改观。 新增模组扩充功能 而I/50另一个开启未来的设计,就是模组扩充功能,预计会推出唱头放大模组与DAC模组,不过因为全球芯片短缺,目前都还没有到货,但是可以想像ARC未来会有更多器材,采用相似的模组扩充,提升产品的价格竞争力。 毕竟如果您不需要唱放或 DAC,又何必弄成标准配备,强迫推销呢?但对于有需要额外功能的用户来说,扩充模组的价格相对比买单机便宜,进可攻、退可守,ARC这招来得漂亮。 带音量控制的后级 从放大线路的设计来看,I/50与 VSi 55、VSi 60 相同,都是具备音量控制的后级,并没有额外的前级放大线路,可是 ARC 贴心地加上了耳机放大线路,让 I/50 的功能性更好。或许有人会担心,少了独立前级放大线路,I/50会不会比较没力,放心,ARC早就考虑到了,所以I/50的第一级放大,增加了7 dB增益,与一般前级常见的10 dB放大很接近了。 I/50 的真空管回归 CA50,采用 3 只 6922 信号管,其中一只做倒相,两只负责第一级放大,驱动 4 只 6550 功率管推挽放大,输出功率 50 瓦,而且音箱输出端子配置了 4 欧姆与 8 欧姆两组,搭配性更好。输入端子部分,I/50 有 4 组输入,包括 3 组 RCA 单端与 1 组 XLR 平衡,在这个价位带给平衡端子,又是加分。 真空管百分之百测试配对 如果注意I/50的真空管配置,可以6922信号管上面,加了弹性阻尼环,这可是有用的设计,不是装好看的,因为真空管工作时,因为电子束的流动产生振动,会与玻璃管共振,产生失真或干扰,所以ARC加装了阻尼环,与高端机型看齐。这虽是设计的小细节,但是可以看出 ARC 并没有因为 I/50 相对平价,就忘记他们对High Definetion的坚持。 又像是I/50所使用的6550,是新款Sovetek 6550WE,不过这些真空管全都经过ARC自家测试配对,所有采购的真空管,都必须在ARC工厂烧管48小时,然后测试配对,所以ARC厂家的真空管,比外面零售的版本要贵一些,因为经过48小时烧管,可以淘汰掉体质不好的真空管,而且 ARC 测管数据的纪录,也便于日后维修所需,假如日后需要换管,ARC 可以提供适合机器的厂家管。 最后一项I/50对High Definition的坚持,就是机器最后出厂的把关,依然由资深工程师Warren Gahl负责,所有机器都要实际听过,合乎ARC标准才能打包出厂。人耳验证这么特别吗?大多数厂家都是仪器测试通过,就能包装出厂,很少人像 ARC 这么厚工,一定要人耳验收,而且是 Warren Dahl 亲自试听,我十多年前去 ARC 采访,就是 Warren Dahl 负责聆听品管,至今依然没变,确保每一部机器的声音符合 ARC 的高标准。 居然可以把 Contour 60 推得不错 至于I/50的声音表现,我要大声说:这是目前最超值的 ARC!50 瓦的输出功率,不是无坚不摧,可是对一般居家使用来说,除非是想开趴掀屋顶,50 瓦功率多半已经足够,是很实用的输出功率。我在 U-Audio 试听时,不管是书架音箱或落地音箱,I/50 都能自在应对,而我最后试听定稿,让 I/50 搭配 Dynaudio Contour 60,这是 Contour 系列尺寸最大的落地音箱,I/50 都能推得很好了,可以对它的驱动力放心。 不过I/50的音量控制,要开得大一点,饱足感与力道才会出来。I/50 的总音量数字,最大是 45,但我听的时候音量都维持在 25~35 之间,对照传统音量旋钮,不仅超过 12 点钟方向,而且是到了 2~3 点钟方向,不要怕,就算我把音量开到底,也没让 I/50 爆掉,而那时候的音量已经太大了,完全超过正常聆听音乐的量感,代表 I/50 够耐操。 Lexie Tube 不光是I/50 的音量控制与档位显示,开机时还有彩蛋,电源开启,点亮真空管,慢着,还不能听,Lexie Tube会从48开始倒数,归零之后代表软开机完成,I/50暖身完毕,可以开始听音乐了。关机呢?不用等那么久,但是 Lexie Tube 还是亮灯后熄灭,告诉您 I/50 关机了。 中低频弹跳有劲 搭配 Contour 60,I/50 轻松地推出饱满且有弹跳力的中低频,听茄子蛋《爱情比你想的阁较伟大》,前奏的大鼓踩踏,低频圆滚滚的跳出来,背后的电子合成器弹奏长音和弦,Hi Hat 的敲打点缀出节奏的亮点,熟悉 ARC 都知道,就算是真空管机,I/50 硬是比人家通透开阔,如果您期待温暖昏黄的真空管音色,请不要找 I/ 50,人家可是年轻有朝气的声音,中低频活力充沛,声场通透开阔,十足阳光青年的神情。 您听,《爱情比你想的阁较伟大》进到热闹的场面时,背后是两把电吉他,一把弹奏 Funky 节奏,一把弹奏 Solo,I/50 把声场的层次与定位,带出鲜活的样貌,我原本以为 I/50 配上 Contour 60,低频会稍微糊一点,可是 I/50 超过我的期待,低频的力道很好,而且中高频维持丰富的细节与明亮的光泽,这就是 ARC 管机的本色,中频段有着真空管机的温暖,但在高频与低频两端,依然维持High Definition的解析。 既真实又有美感 又像是听蔡琴的《机遇》,我想这是发烧友最熟悉的唱片之一了,开场的电钢琴独奏,音色做得很漂亮,很像真实钢琴的音色,却又美得过头,I/50 带出漂亮的声音质地,中频段有着适当的厚度,而高频延伸的光泽很舒服,等蔡琴的歌声唱起,温暖的嗓音才稍微感觉到 I/50 的真空管味,带着些许的浓郁感,可是音乐的解析力却相当好,这种略带真空管的暖意,却有直追晶体机的解析力,是ARC走跳江湖的本领,兼顾音乐回放得真与美。 用I/50来推Contour 60,其实是越级挑战,50瓦功率够用,可是我知道 Contour 60 用更大的后级来推,还会更厉害,但是 I/50 推起 Contour 60,已经够好了,在适当的音量下,I/50 已经能充分展现音乐的魅力。 三张肖邦、三种面貌 例如《肖邦第二号钢琴协奏曲》,听巴伦波因的版本,钢琴的厚度较好,力度较强,换上皮耶丝的版本,钢琴的音色就多了一点明亮感,琴音厚度稍微薄一点,带出女性钢琴家的触键气氛,假如换上速度很慢的齐玛曼,音色还要再浓郁一点,更浪漫一点。 这三张《萧邦第二号钢琴协奏曲》,全都是 DG 的录音,I/50 清楚地点出录音当中细微的差异,代表功放的解析力很好,没有因为真空管放大,为录音带来过多染色,但即便是强调《High Definition》,I/50 还是有着漂亮的音乐韵味,没有完全抹去真空管的气质,听三位钢琴家弹萧邦,巴伦波因带着贵气,像是公子哥,气宇轩昂,换上皮耶丝,明亮的琴音与藕断丝连的断音,带出年轻肖邦的初恋情怀,而齐玛曼的版本,则是用极慢的速度,演绎萧邦深层的忧郁。 底噪很低,连耳放也很好 关于I/50声音表现,我最后要提的是音乐底噪很低,不管您觉得I/50的音色合不合您的口味,但是有机会试听的话,靠近音箱单元听听看,就知道I/50的工作底噪很低,这赋予音乐宁静的背景。这项测试也可以放在耳机放大部分,先不管音色喜不喜欢,这是主观的评价,可是I/50的工作底噪很低,不光是推音箱如此,搭配耳机也是如此。 我用 Sennheiser HD Pro 400 来听,如果听得到底噪,那一定是老类比录音,像是早期 Blue Note、Verve 的爵士乐,一定可以听见模拟母带的底噪嘶声,可是如果是数字录音,年代比较新的,I/50 可以呈现很干净的音乐背景,用很低的噪讯重现音乐。所以,I/50 的耳机放大不光是堪用,而且好用,可以让您省下额外买耳放的预算。 堪称ARC时代新经典 能用5500美元的预算入手 ARC,这可是很久没听过的大消息了,I/50 可说是继往开来、承先启后的全新 ARC 时代,我相信这几年 ARC 会很快推出崭新的机型,用亮丽的外观呈现年轻化的 ARC,从 I/50 可以看出厂家的企图心,而厂家打出预料之外的合宜售价,在相同价位带,很难找到与I/50相匹敌的真空管综合功放,加上弹性的模组设计,I/50绝对足以成为ARC的时代新经典,诚心推荐您亲自试听,感受ARC呈现音乐的真与美。 Audio Research I/50 综合功放 类型:真空管综合功放 输出功率:50瓦(每声道) 使用真空管:6922 3、6550WE 频率响应:7 Hz~ 30 kHz 输入灵敏度:1.25 V 输入阻抗:100k 欧姆(平衡)/48k 欧姆(非平衡) 尺寸:420 180 340(W H D) 重量:18.1 kg 作者:郭汉丞

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珍珠项链 pearl necklace 复数是pearl necklaces 送多两个: 珍珠耳环 pearl earings 珍珠戒指 pearl ring 希望我的回答能够帮助到您!也希望能成为最佳回答喔,谢谢。

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如果是商务信件的话: Dear Sir/Madam(知道对方姓氏和性别的话,可以用Mr.../Ms., I am writing to inform you that. 如果是日常一般信件的话: Dear Lily(直接写对方名字), 尊敬是 respected


1、意义不同:learn强调的是获得知识,内容或信息等结果,study强调的是学习、研究等行为的举动或过程。例句:I like to study in the library. 我喜欢在图书馆学习。2、侧重点不同:study是学习,研究的意思。是延续性动词。learn是学会,弄懂的意思。是瞬间动词。例句:l never learned his name.我从未听说过他的名字。3、用法不同:learn 多用于学习的初级阶段或带有模仿性的操作技艺等;而 study 则常用于较高深或周密的研究。例句:This question should be carefully studied. 这个问题必须认真研究。作动词时,study 表示通过花费时间或努力来获得学术知识,且主要是在课堂上或通过读书,所以我们通常不说 study to play the guitar,意为”学习,攻读“,例如:Students who spend some time each day studying will do well on tests.每天花一些时间学习的学生会在考试中取得好成绩。

learn to do sth.还是learn doing?

learn to do sth和learn doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、learn to do sth:学习做某事。2、learn doing:学会做某事,二、侧重点不同1、learn to do sth:在心里打算好了准备去学,还没有去。2、learn doing:已经在学习了,现在进行时。三、引证用法不同1、learn to do sth:learn的基本意思是“学,学习”,指通过他人的讲授或从经验中获得知识或技能,表示处于初级阶段或具有技术性的学习活动,强调的是一个由“不知道”到“知道”的过程,也可表示学习的成果,即“学会,学到”。2、learn doing:learn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、动名词、(带疑问词的)动词不定式、或由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。


learn与study的区别1. 这两个词均可表示“学习”,有时可互换。如:He is learning [studying] English. 他在学英语。2. 两者在含义上的区别主要是:(1) learn 虽然可指学习的过程,但更侧重指学到的成果,因此常译为“学到”、“学会”;而 study 则侧重指学习过程。如:He studied hard and learned English very well. 他努力学习,把英语学得很好。(2) learn 多用于学习的初级阶段或带有模仿性的操作技艺等;而 study 则常用于较高深或周密的研究。如:I had to learn a trade at the age of seven. 我在 7 岁时就不得不去学做生意。This question should be carefully studied. 这个问题必须认真研究。3. 习惯表达上的差异:(1) 下列情况,一般只用 learn:a. 用于 learn from,表示“向……学习”。如: We must learn from each other. 我们必须互相学习。b. 后接不定式,表示“学会(学习)做某事”。如:He"s learning (how) to drive a car. 他在学习开车。You ought to learn (how) to be patient. 你必须学会耐心。注:有时可接动名词(主要是指技艺或技术方面的动名词)。如:She learns to swim [swimming]. 她学习游泳。c. 用于某些谚语。如:Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。Nevertooold(late)tolearn.再老(晚)也能学。Soon learnt, soon forgotten. 学得快,忘得快。(2)下列情况,一般只用 study:a. 表示在某校学习。如:  He is studying at Beijing University. 他在北京大学学习。b. 用于祈使句或与 hard 连用。如:Study hard and make progress every day. 好好学习,天天向上。(3) 用于某些习语。如:study late into the night 学习到深夜study into the early morning hour 学习到凌晨4. 其他用法区别:除表示“学习”外,learn 还表示“听说”、“得知”等义;study 还表示“打量”、“仔细看”等义。此时两者显然不能互换。如:    I"m sorry to learn of [about] your illness. 听说你病了,我很难过。    They studied the stranger curiously. 他们好奇地看着这位 陌生人。  短语: 1、learn to do sth 学习,学会做某事2、 learn from 向谁学习3、 learn....from....从什么当中学到什么4、 learn。。。by oneself = teach oneself 自学5、  learn of / about 了解,知道   

有没有learn doing sth这个用法

没有哦只有learn to do sth

learn 和 learn about 用法和区别

learn用法: 及物动词 vt. 1.学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-] He has learnt a new skill. 他学会了一项新技能. My brother is learning English now. 我的弟弟正在学英语. 2.认识到[Y][+(that)] He has learned that dishonesty does not pay. 他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的. 3.记住 The boy soon learned the poem by heart. 这男孩不久便能熟背这首诗了. 4.得知,获悉[+(that)][+wh-] I learned from his letter that he was in Spain. 我从他的信中得知他正在西班牙. We learnt the news this morning. 我们今天早晨得悉这一消息. 5.教训 不及物动词 vi. 1.学,学习[(+from)] Why don"t you learn from my mistakes? 你为何不从我的错误中吸取教训呢? 2.得知,获悉[(+of/about)] We learned of his marriage in the newspapers. 我们从报上获悉他结婚了. learn about (或 of) 1.学到(知识等);了 He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe. 他大量阅读以便了解欧洲思想史. 2.获悉;听说: I have learned of your promotion from your manager. 我已经从你的经理那儿听说你升职了.


一、learn+介词,如learn from(向·····学习)、learn about(了解,学习)、learn of(听说,获悉)、learn by oneself(自学)等。二、learn+名词,如learn english,learn a lesson。三、learn to do something(学习做某事),learn doing sth.学过什么什么····扩展资料:learn[英][lu025c:n][美][lu025an]vt.& vi.学习,学会;习得;得知;记住;vt.记住;学习;得知;认识到;vi.学习;获知;第三人称单数:learns;过去分词:learntlearned;现在进行时:learning;过去式:learntlearned。

learn 和 learn about 用法和区别

两者区别简介如下:1. learn的意思是“学习”。如:I‘m learning English now.我现在正在学习英语。2. learn about的意思是“了解/知道/获悉”。如:I am sorry to learn about the accident. 获悉此次事故我深感悲哀。How did you learn about the meeting?有关会议的情况你是怎么知道的?3. 还有一种搭配是learn...about...,既可以翻译为“知道/了解关于...的...”,也可以翻译为“学习关于...的...”。如:I"d like to learn something about Yao Ming.我想要了解一些关于姚明的事情。I‘d like to learn more about computer.我想要学习更多关于电脑的知识。 PS:完蛋了,发现答过类似一个题目,请楼主务必无视我的答案,否则我又有可能被关黑屋了。


Learnt是英式英语的词,learned是美式(也是通俗)的用法。通常(除非是地道的英国人)从来不用“learnt”,而且写出来也怪怪的。还有就是在过去时的用法也不一样:美式英语中的learned任何时候(只要是简单的过去时)都可以用,而learnt则必须是soon, later,等之后(例如he soon learnt, she later learnt)。英式英语大部分时间都是用learnt(不分场合),而learned则是有学问的意思(形容词)。如果对您有帮助的话,给个好评吧,谢谢~


learn的用法主要如下:一:learn+介词,如learn from(向·····学习)、learn about(了解,学习)、learn of(听说,获悉)、learn by oneself(自学)等.二:learn+名词,如learn english,learn a lesson.三:learn to do sth. 学着去做某事(在心里打算好了准备去学,还没有去)强调具体某次的动作.learn doing sth. 学习做某事(已经在学习了,现在进行时 ) 强调抽象的动作.

怎样区分learn和learn to do的用法?

learn的用法主要如下:一:learn+介词,如learn from(向·····学习)、learn about(了解,学习)、learn of(听说,获悉)、learn by oneself(自学)等.二:learn+名词,如learn english,learn a lesson.三:learn to do sth. 学着去做某事(在心里打算好了准备去学,还没有去)强调具体某次的动作.learn doing sth. 学习做某事(已经在学习了,现在进行时 ) 强调抽象的动作.


learnt 是learn 的 过去分词呀


这里TO 省略




learn (sth)(from sb/sth ) 学,学习;学到,学会learn to do 学习做... ;学会做learn of/aboat sth 听到;获悉learn (from sth) 认识到;意识到;(从......)吸取教训


字典上有. vt. 1.学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-] He has learnt a new skill. 他学会了一项新技能. My brother is learning English now. 我的弟弟正在学英语. 2.认识到[Y][+(that)] He has learned that dishonesty does not pay. 他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的. 3.记住 The boy soon learned the poem by heart. 这男孩不久便能熟背这首诗了. 4.得知,获悉[+(that)][+wh-] I learned from his letter that he was in Spain. 我从他的信中得知他正在西班牙. We learnt the news this morning. 我们今天早晨得悉这一消息. 5.【幽】教训 vi. 1.学,学习[(+from)] Why don"t you learn from my mistakes? 你为何不从我的错误中吸取教训呢? 2.得知,获悉[(+of/about)] We learned of his marriage in the newspapers. 我们从报上获悉他结婚了. learn to do没错 learn how to do sth 是个宾语从句,在learn加从句的情况下,就只能这样使用

learn的用法 learn的用法是什么

1、learn的基本意思是“学,学习”,指通过他人的讲授或从经验中获得知识或技能,表示处于初级阶段或具有技术性的学习活动,强调的是一个由“不知道”到“知道”的过程,也可表示学习的成果。 2、learn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、动名词、(带疑问词的)动词不定式、或由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。当作“教”或“给某人一个教训”解时,还可接双宾语,偶尔还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 3、learn作“听说,获悉”解时,是传达信息的动词,常可用一般现在时来代替一般过去时。


字典上有。vt.1. 学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-]He has learnt a new skill.他学会了一项新技能。My brother is learning English now.我的弟弟正在学英语。2. 认识到[Y][+(that)]He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的。3. 记住The boy soon learned the poem by heart.这男孩不久便能熟背这首诗了。4. 得知,获悉[+(that)][+wh-]I learned from his letter that he was in Spain.我从他的信中得知他正在西班牙。We learnt the news this morning.我们今天早晨得悉这一消息。5. 【幽】教训vi.1. 学,学习[(+from)]Why don"t you learn from my mistakes?你为何不从我的错误中吸取教训呢?2. 得知,获悉[(+of/about)]We learned of his marriage in the newspapers.我们从报上获悉他结婚了。 learn to do没错learn how to do sth 是个宾语从句,在learn加从句的情况下,就只能这样使用


1. 学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-]He has learnt a new skill.他学会了一项新技能。My brother is learning English now.我的弟弟正在学英语。2. 认识到[Y][+(that)]He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的。3. 记住The boy soon learned the poem by heart.这男孩不久便能熟背这首诗了。learn to do sth4. 得知,获悉[+(that)][+wh-]I learned from his letter that he was in Spain.我从他的信中得知他正在西班牙。We learnt the news this morning.我们今天早晨得悉这一消息。5. 【幽】教训vi.1. 学,学习[(+from)]Why don"t you learn from my mistakes?你为何不从我的错误中吸取教训呢?2. 得知,获悉[(+of/about)]We learned of his marriage in the newspapers.我们从报上获悉他结婚了。 learn to do没错learn how to do sth 是个宾语从句,在learn加从句的情况下,就只能这样使用


字典上有。vt.1. 学习;学会[+to-v][+v-ing][+wh-]He has learnt a new skill.他学会了一项新技能。My brother is learning English now.我的弟弟正在学英语。2. 认识到[Y][+(that)]He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的。3. 记住The boy soon learned the poem by heart.这男孩不久便能熟背这首诗了。4. 得知,获悉[+(that)][+wh-]I learned from his letter that he was in Spain.我从他的信中得知他正在西班牙。We learnt the news this morning.我们今天早晨得悉这一消息。5. 【幽】教训vi.1. 学,学习[(+from)]Why don"t you learn from my mistakes?你为何不从我的错误中吸取教训呢?2. 得知,获悉[(+of/about)]We learned of his marriage in the newspapers.我们从报上获悉他结婚了。 learn to do没错learn how to do sth 是个宾语从句,在learn加从句的情况下,就只能这样使用


study与learn的区别如下:Learn和study是两个意义相近的动词,它们都有”学习“的意思,常常被混淆为表达相同意思的词,但它们在用法上有一定的区别,不能混为一谈,而且learn的用法比study的广。一、learn1.learn表示通过学习、经历或教育而获得知识或技能,它还可以用来表示掌握一门学科或科目,或为兴趣、娱乐或达到一定目的而进行的活动,例如:I learned a lotfrom my father.我从父亲那里学到了许多东西。2.learn意为”得知、获悉,听到“等,常用于搭配learn of/about sth中或常接宾语从句,例如:We were all shocked to learn of his death.得知他死了,我们都感到震惊。二、study1.作动词时,study表示通过花费时间或努力来获得学术知识,且主要是在课堂上或通过读书,所以我们通常不说study to play the guitar,意为”学习,攻读“,例如:Students who spend some time each day studying will do well on tests.每天花一些时间学习的学生会在考试中取得好成绩。2.作名词时,study表示从书本上或通过考察世界上的事物来学习或获取知识的活动,意为”学习,研究“,例如:He continued his studies.他继续学习。It is important to develop good study skills.培养良好的学习方法很重要。


Study和Learn都可以表示"学习",但是用法不同. Study是指通过读书,研究和对某些科目进行深入而又系统的学习,有时含有"努力勤奋"的意思,强调过程.Study还常指仔细观察,研究,设法做出结论或加以解决的意思,例如: Sunsan has been studying history these years. 这几年苏珊一直在研究历史. Let us study more closely the way in which a plant grows. 让我们更仔细的研究植物是如何生长的. Learn是指通过学习,实践或是他人传授等方法获得知识或者是技能,它强调学习的结果,而不注重于过程.Learn一般是指初级阶段的学习,还可以引申为"听说","获悉"的意思,例如: He learned to swim last summer. 去年夏天他学会了游泳. I learned that Mr.Lee had left for the United States.我听说李先生已经去美国了.


learn (something) from somebody/something 从某人身上学到learn of/about 了解到learn from mistakes 吸取教训


study是研究learn是学到 了解记意思的时候就分开记 就不会混淆了后面一般加名词to do 和doing的区别通常在于时态上

到底是learn to do sth还是learn doing sth正确? learn的用法和词



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