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Buddha英 [ˈbʊdə]美 [ˈbʊdə]英文翻译如下佛像;佛,觉者例句He has kept the figure of Buddha for luck.为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像。


tea的音标是[tiː]。tea来自马来语teh,据说是来自厦门闽南语t"e,原先拼做chaa,最终来自汉语茶。一、作名词n.茶水;茶;茶树;午后小吃。1、Let me pour you some more tea.我给你们再倒点茶。2、It"s a special tea from yunnan province in china.这是中国云南省的一种特殊的茶叶。3、Americans drink far more coffee than tea.美国人喝咖啡比喝茶要多得多。4、I wouldn"t marry him for all the tea in China.有天大好处我也不嫁给他。二、作动词vt.给…沏茶。1、He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.他除了烧开水和沏茶以外无事可做。2、I"ll put the kettle on for tea.我来烧壶水好沏茶。3、Denise went downstairs and made some tea.丹尼丝下楼沏茶。4、Water is very important for making tea.水对于沏茶是非常重要的。5、Mother is making tea.母亲正在沏茶。6、We always have a brew-up at 11 o"clock.我们总是在11点沏茶。7、Warm tea,tea light water,how can distribute fragrance?温水沏茶,茶叶轻浮水上,怎会散发清香?三、作动词vi.喝茶。1、"Tea or coffee?"John asked.“喝茶还是喝咖啡?”约翰问。2、We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.我们坐在车站餐饮部喝茶。3、Would you like tea or coffee?你喝茶还是喝咖啡?4、Can you stop for tea?你能留下来喝茶吗?5、The ladies of Berne liked to patronize the palace for tea and little cakes.伯尔尼的女士们喜欢光顾这个地方喝茶吃点心。6、He was slurping his tea.他正咂着嘴喝茶。7、We drank tea by lamplight in his sparsely furnished house.我们在他这间没什么家具的房子里,我们在灯下喝茶。短语搭配:jasmine tea茉莉花茶;茉莉;花茶。iced tea冰茶;柠檬茶;冰红茶;冰绿茶。Herbal Tea草本茶;男上女下;草药茶。tea table[家具]茶几;[家具]茶桌;茶多少;欧式美式简约家具。tea leaves茶叶。Assam tea阿萨姆红茶;阿萨姆茶。cream tea英式奶油茶点;奶油茶;下午茶;奶油茶点。tea brick紧压茶;茶砖。Tea classics茶学文献列表。


tea的音标是[tiː]。tea来自马来语teh,据说是来自厦门闽南语t"e,原先拼做chaa,最终来自汉语茶。一、作名词n.茶水;茶;茶树;午后小吃。1、Let me pour you some more tea.我给你们再倒点茶。2、It"s a special tea from yunnan province in china.这是中国云南省的一种特殊的茶叶。3、Americans drink far more coffee than tea.美国人喝咖啡比喝茶要多得多。4、I wouldn"t marry him for all the tea in China.有天大好处我也不嫁给他。二、作动词vt.给…沏茶。1、He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.他除了烧开水和沏茶以外无事可做。2、I"ll put the kettle on for tea.我来烧壶水好沏茶。3、Denise went downstairs and made some tea.丹尼丝下楼沏茶。4、Water is very important for making tea.水对于沏茶是非常重要的。5、Mother is making tea.母亲正在沏茶。6、We always have a brew-up at 11 o"clock.我们总是在11点沏茶。7、Warm tea,tea light water,how can distribute fragrance?温水沏茶,茶叶轻浮水上,怎会散发清香?三、作动词vi.喝茶。1、"Tea or coffee?"John asked.“喝茶还是喝咖啡?”约翰问。2、We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.我们坐在车站餐饮部喝茶。3、Would you like tea or coffee?你喝茶还是喝咖啡?4、Can you stop for tea?你能留下来喝茶吗?5、The ladies of Berne liked to patronize the palace for tea and little cakes.伯尔尼的女士们喜欢光顾这个地方喝茶吃点心。6、He was slurping his tea.他正咂着嘴喝茶。7、We drank tea by lamplight in his sparsely furnished house.我们在他这间没什么家具的房子里,我们在灯下喝茶。短语搭配:jasmine tea茉莉花茶;茉莉;花茶。iced tea冰茶;柠檬茶;冰红茶;冰绿茶。Herbal Tea草本茶;男上女下;草药茶。tea table[家具]茶几;[家具]茶桌;茶多少;欧式美式简约家具。tea leaves茶叶。Assam tea阿萨姆红茶;阿萨姆茶。cream tea英式奶油茶点;奶油茶;下午茶;奶油茶点。tea brick紧压茶;茶砖。Tea classics茶学文献列表。


是 i 发长音。。。。音标没有什么意思 i: 有个冒号就是长音。。