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找How I Met Your Mother S02E05中的一首插曲

老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother在第2季第5集中有2个插曲1- 歌名 Don"t Call Me Whitney, Bobby 歌手Islands在Lily 换房间的时候。 2- 歌名 Fernando 歌手:ABBA 在Marshall离开Brad的时候。

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1. “rather” 作为一个副词,有“相当地,多多少少地,有点”意思,其后面可放形容词或副词,比较级的形容词或副词,名词,还可以放动词:x0dx0aThis is a rather expensive lap top. 这台手提电脑有点贵。x0dx0aYou"ve done rather well. 你做得确实不错。x0dx0aMy brother is rather better today. 我哥哥今天好多了。x0dx0aIt"s rather a pity that you missed this seminar. 你错过了这次讲座,真是遗憾。x0dx0aThe rain rather spoiled our holiday. 这场雨毁了我们的假期。x0dx0ax0dx0a2.rather than 表示“更为情愿地,宁愿...?”,可以连用,也可以分开用:x0dx0aI"d be a freelance rather than a secretary. 我宁愿做个自由职业者,也不想当个秘书。x0dx0aShe would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁可要这个小的,也不要那个大的。x0dx0aI would rather you come tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天过来,而不是今天。x0dx0aHe resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁可辞职,也不愿参与这场肮脏的交易。x0dx0aWe would rather stay at home than go to the gym. 我们宁愿呆在家里,也不想去健身。

翻译:i am resigned to lose her



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James Blunt 《here we go again》中英文歌词

我们再一次回到这里回到这个小城我将带她回来再一次我们再一次来了电话再一次想起来了我将要再一次成为她的傻瓜更多一次我曾经在这我要再试一次但是所有傻瓜都知道没办法可以赢我们又来了她再一次伤了我的心我将要去疗伤更多一次我又要在这里我再试一次但是所有傻瓜都知道没办法可以赢我们又来了她再一次伤了我的心我将要去疗伤更多一次我又要在这里我把她带回来又一次我爱James Blunt !!!!!上面的人在搞什么啊,她翻译的是《here we go again>>ma ?

英语She used to obsess about her weight怎么翻译?


逗妹吐槽:德里赫特here we go!萨嗨秒变萨圣

Here we go!罗马诺:德里赫特加盟拜仁达口头协议,转会费超8千万 @Blackwell :萨嗨,萨利,萨董,萨圣 萨利:有钱谁还不会花呢 @土笋冻的小男:破文高层是不是有什么把柄在人家手里?每次跟拜仁打交道都特么贴本! @飒飒飒巴扎黑:多多少少还得感谢巴萨老铁送来的5000万 弗里克:呵呵。莱万:呵呵 @中弹的小孩:拜仁:这是我用来万换的我给什么钱!尤文:我也没看到莱万啊? @遗憾YiHam:椰子"走了,德里赫特走了,德拉米尔"走了,以前定的后防未来都没了,现在靠谁?博努奇经验在老道,也得身边有个帮手吧,曼联航母都还有个护卫舰。。。。 葡媒称葡萄牙 体育 有望签下C罗,C罗亲自辟谣:假的 @Gavira:这回不是factos了?!! @荤食大魔·王:拜仁切尔西的传闻满天飞,c罗没有任何表示,这回归葡体消息一出立马辟谣,说明啥?说明推销员还在努力 @水滴爱笛子子:选择性辟谣?球迷:今天刚给我罗哥冲了话费。罗哥才能刷朋友圈好吧。。。 @热爱即天赋:是不是证明了拜仁、巴黎、切尔西拒绝了C罗,而C罗拒绝了葡体?葡体:为什么受伤的是我? @别有经年:游子归家2.0!! 杀人诛心!莫斯科斯巴达队P图拒绝C罗:我们不要! 图片里C罗向莫斯科斯巴达表示了兴趣:嗨,斯巴达!但是被斯巴达无情拒绝了:不。斯巴达官推对此表示:再一次悲伤,但这次伤心的不是我们。在去年年初梅西未与巴萨续约时,斯巴达伤心过了一次,他们晒图表示了对梅西的兴趣,但是被拒绝了。 @Mark-MJ:还这算梅西又一次冷暴力吗?明明什么也没做。。。梅西:你礼貌吗 @一个ID而已看什么看:太喜欢这种无所畏惧的俱乐部了,就是整活 官方调侃最为致命! @春夏秋冬:C罗每被拒绝一次,曼联就被羞辱一分!! @SonicMaiN666:你冷酷无情,无理取闹,你 !你!你还吃瓜!!! @魔兽桑德兰:杀人诛心。。。 官方:曼联签中卫利桑德罗达协议,转会费总价最高可达6737万欧 @linbo96:他来了,他来了,新小马哥踏着大步走来了! @阿条Tr:阿贾克斯:5000万 曼联:好勒,5000万英镑已到账,请注意查收 阿贾克斯:幸亏没说是欧元 哈哈 @E月涌心流:阿贾克斯版红魔就能行吗? @拜仁名宿烟熏的太岁:有了航母,你该配个055,再不济,052D总要吧,你配个056是几个意思? 贾府:欢迎大哥下次再光临,大哥慢走,大哥注意脚下您慢点(@小喇叭Sonny:开可口可乐吧。。。) 不快乐了?斯特林拒绝在曼城球衣上签名 @jACKsz :这种情况找弱鸟帮忙。。。就是另外一个故事了 哈哈!(@123123:斯特林:你等等我叫队副过来签,只要能写下字,你给他啥他都给你签) @Tmac01X:博8默默点了赞... @发奋挖发奋:个人可以理解,要尊重现东家 斯特林:我刚转会,你坑我呢? @伟大球员不互黑:分手快乐,祝你快乐,你已经找到更好的 球迷:原来全世界都误会他了,他在曼城不是真的快乐! 迪马济奥:罗马已经为迪巴拉提供年薪600万欧的三年合同 @打酱油瓶:年年和尤文谈,整天说什么800-1000,要是早知道市场价顶天就600,那你迪巴拉走了干嘛。。。 @1874小夜曲:这是目前的除了尤文之外最高的报价了,再不签就是没机会了 @ai在水一方:迪巴拉算是被国米摆了一道,本来国米要的,结果租借卢卡库。 @ellexp晚霞:去罗马好过其他意甲几强,核心地位,希望伤病少点 (@兰黑的天空:穆鸟争四最重要的一块拼图!!!拿下小迪!) 罗马诺:阿森纳和曼城就津琴科转会达成3000万英镑口头协议 @失去了它的王:瓜迪奥拉:塔子哥啊,你能不能换一家撸,咋盯着一家往死里撸啊 @kraken2046:热苏斯走,来哈兰德,津琴科走,来库库雷利亚? @想桑桑格格666:曼城新赛季还能凑够25人的大名单吗? 球迷:问就是两套首发阵容(@排骨Pro:既然两套,把半套卖给阿森纳了 哈哈哈) @莱昂纳么多:曼城一处水源供伦敦!还没上到树顶,就被通知下树了。。。 祖传DNA!巴西球员皮卡丘加盟日本清水心跳俱乐部 @观其出入之势:小智呢? 球迷:肯定是他教练呐!(@巴西夏侯惇:肖智不是在广州富力吗…) @我是提莫你是谁:退役考虑俱乐部吉祥物? @雅帕菲卡里:皮卡丘从来不进(精灵)球 @蓝色番茄杀手:教练:这场!就决定是你了... @穆勒义弟:清水导电,合理!逮捕到野生皮卡丘! 北京国安足球俱乐部卖飞盘 售价88元 @曾经是只小可爱:打不过就加入?? @闻者不伤心:一个廉价塑料件成本价不到3元,居然卖到88元[挖鼻] @谢留仙客:挣钱嘛,不寒碜[奸笑] @美浓守中将在原业平:88块钱,属实割韭菜了。话说回来,球迷应该对飞盘不感兴趣,玩飞盘的应该对国安的logo不感兴趣,这目标群体是啥?玩飞盘的国安球迷? @舒服舒服:人家商业做周边产品,这也有人管啊,醉了。。 @至高无上大白腿 :足球没什么起色 那就换换其他运动吧 开拓者85-77战胜尼克斯,成为今年夏季联赛冠军 夏季联赛特伦登-沃特福特当选总决赛最有价值球员。比赛结束后,沃特福特与利拉德进行了视频直播连线。利拉德正在泳池度假,在沃特福特向利拉德展示了奖杯后,利拉德才意识到,开拓者赢得了夏季联赛冠军,随后便向身边好友宣布这一消息并恭喜他们。 @袁小帅Yuan:利拉德一脸懵逼道:“你说什么?我们获得了NBA总冠军!!”哦哦哦, 夏季联赛啊!我没空看比赛,一直在忙于训练呢! @演员花花 :还是个落选秀fmvp!!持球攻筐在夏联属于降维打击水平,还有组织,今天持球一对一把跳跳男西姆斯干爆了 @尘埃落定BoA: 夏联都有戒指了 哈哈沃特福特一看:旁边都是嫂子[吃瓜] @w渣叔_Ebbh:开拓者总冠军!!!(@f35b上了女王:啥时候给利指导颁发戒指?) @米兰的飞车酱:别人:冠军咯。夏普:躺冠咯(手动狗头) @mtKmuhGL:沃特福特:小利,在你是冠军之前,我已经是冠军了!! 勇士老板拉科布:给自家培养的水花应得的工资,为何要付2亿奢侈税? @不我是巡城马:照联盟的逻辑,我不允许你培养那么多球星[笑cry][笑cry] @GM木木:艾顿:“拉科布好人呀”。。。 @谨川946:一年2亿美元奢侈税,剩下不交奢侈税的20支球队平分,每个球队白拿走1000万美元,那些老板们何乐而不为呢,尤其是小市场球队老板开心极了 @青春岁月:库里克莱:你是不是在点我俩,要不我俩少拿点… @散步在安联的猫:联盟29联军:因为你没卖出去过球星! 历史 上最具决定性的球员?奥尼尔: 历史 上是我,现在是库里 @张哈哈666:如果能看到奥尼尔和库里联手,那画面真的太美,库里一个跑动带走几个防守人,内线就空了,奥尼尔往内线一站,带走几个防守人,外线就空了 奥尼尔:“又让老子来回瞎跑”球都摸不到 @Mabwati:内鲨鱼,外库里,中乔丹! @终身红蓝魂:库里:鲨鱼哥,你是史上最佳罚篮手 @因扎吉09:奥尼尔说这个话还真不好反驳!一个统治内线 一个统治外线 ! 詹姆斯上身卢指导世界名画卫衣 但将艾弗森P成了做教练的卢自己 @穆勒义弟:卢教练:我 曹 你 还真是个人才,阔以阔以 @Carzy999:站起来后被禁赛。。。。。是另一个故事!!(忘我の呜呜 :球员卢:卢指导,我和你势不两立) @终老枪手123:我要把天赋带到快船,你知道的我依然留在洛杉矶这个球场... @伟大球员不互黑:次日,湖人官宣更换主帅! @Tmac01X:艾佛森:这下好了,我成替身了... 中国德比,曾凡博得到7分2篮板1盖帽,张镇麟得到1助攻 @AndNBA:小曾还行越来越好了,金金是真特么的没机会啊 唉。。。 @东北的海:CBA:小张、小曾、小郭,好练!练完回母队报到! @麦兜1011011:这个联赛都是个人秀,基本没人主动做球,而张镇麟和曾凡博又不擅长持球突破,所以真的很难 @小东邪_tpHo:小曾主要是没经验,比赛明显是一场比一场好!! @唯一的科比布莱恩特:小曾渐入佳境,小郭进步明显,金金稳定高效,敢出去闯都是好样的! 好吃到飙中文!马布里:我太爱中国“饺子”啦! 马布里今年夏天和北控男篮完成续约,目前已回到中国。 北控男篮主教练马布里更新抖音,晒隔离餐食。配文:“我太爱中国‘饺子"啦!” @十年979797:这不是生煎吗?老外:皮包馅,叫饺子问题不大。 @蒙蒙蒙太奇:老马,伏拉夫把税收到九十年后了,这钱挣不了了(@缘份_oPx6 :老马联合各国老外抵制伏拉夫竭泽而渔) @悲酥清风:充满活力的饺子 球迷:小杨生煎吧,确实好吃 @JohnWog:好吃好吃好吃好吃 哈哈(@永远大虾酥:原来是个吃播播主[允悲]) @乐乐爸大疆:马师傅[笑cry][笑cry]您了太会吃了[允悲][允悲]还知道蘸醋 查户口?杨毅助手把每个印尼男篮队人家里狗叫什么名字的资料都找来了 @洛城夕阳红:印尼队只要不叫端午和nuo,随便取个名就成,谁知道真假。。。 @爱人爱己艾弗森-:员工努力 给老板换大房子 (@playmaker0114:三环里,合生汇旁,地铁口 180平大房子) @壹士多西:其他资料不好说,哪个球员开始走下坡路了殳海最清楚了 @第一詹蜜:今晚听你说印尼十几个队员家里的狗分别叫什么名字 (@lshEliauk:其它可以不说,但五个首发的狗名字必须得说出来) 互动话题: 德里赫特即将加盟拜仁,他会给拜仁的后防线带来什么? 北京国安俱乐部售卖飞盘,你怎么看?

There is a speech contest today。(改成tomorrow为时间状语) There___ ___a speech contest tomorrow.

There will be a speech tomorrow.


Price 普莱斯(人称钱队或价格叔)Soap 索普(人称肥皂)nikolai 尼古拉(酱油无外号)Shepherd 谢菲尔德(牧羊犬)Ghost 幽灵Roach 小强Zinio 有这人么?Makarov 马卡洛夫(小马哥)



在酒吧听到一首歌属于hi歌 歌词是oh where you night.yeah…shal

Borough Check - Digable PlanetsBorough Check - Digable Planets(Ladybug)oh where you night.yeahshall we I got round toActed when I fee itIn how I see itYou be it if you be itStarted out in crooklyn... butters word(Butterfly)Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chillHold upAww shit, oh shitGuy look who that isLook who rolled up in this piece(Guru)Peace y?all(Butterfly)Word up, brooklyn everydayHey yo yo, lets do that brooklyn shitIt?s the day(Guru)Yeah we gonna da that shitWe gonna give it to them in style right?Yeah yeah(Butterfly)China, who we rock one forWho we rock one forCrooklyn everday(Guru)Brooklyn is up in here(Ladybug & Butterrfly)Uhh, block party, corner storeThe downtown, the projectsBorough shotsMy clique is so tightThe mix tapes, yeah, forever(Butterfly)Yo wordYo one fro the troubleTwo for the timeThree fro the rumbleFour for the rhymeDo that crooklyn shit style all the time(Guru)Yeah yeah, whatWho want it yeah yeah kid(Butterfly)One, two uh(All)Brooklyn, brooklyn, big borough with tBut everything in ain?t always what it seemsYou might get hurt if you come from out of townBut down by lord that?s word(Butterfly)Fantastic(Ladybug)Show stoppin emcees(Guru)Yeah here streets is move by glocks in whos pocket(Ladybug)But if your down come around check the super rhyme(Butterfly)We don?t drop dimes(Ladybug)Come and have a funky time(Butterfly)Well it?s the 718 and everything is straight...(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)With the type street curb hangers and the beat don?tShtop(All)We live in brooklyn(Doodlebug)It?s no lie, do or die in the land of showin proof(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)Well keith, cee know, my fist in butters fro(All)We live in brooklyn(Guru)The fly clothes, cash flow, and crazy hells to spark(Ladybug)It?s crowded plus they jerkin my spaceShouted cause they chase when I strut outSift through my block I?m c-coolShe?s my mood to braceStole my mind back blackSo what you play the boardsSkimmer we got butter so surfaces outClever, and I fix it for you, funk time is monk timeSlackers hit the bat, blackest fit my packAnd we for whateverWe get down in this pleasure heavyAnd we are measured by the tens degrees of mathIn a puzzle hand locked, clocked in struggleCan?t keep the three foot three above mecIn so depth I defect(Ladybug & Doodlebug)With my vanguard squad the gods in brooklyn(Doodlebug)And we troopin throught the fulton forkwaysThe eastern parkwaysI?m broader than broadway, nothing more than moraysI sways, why cause I?m a brooklyn strollerNo ones cooler, pigs on my boulderSo I switch my pitch as I stretch down atlanticStrictly slickly with my fork mean tacticIn fact it?s really on the dailyKids with guns and herbs look for herbsNow I think you feel meI freaks it, cause yo like my pimp stroll is coolWhen I creeps up the sweet and jeeps blastTools rule the area, yo these fool don?t playI got the comrades of love, so the g staysBrooklyn side with the crooklyn slide(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)Out on fulton ave where the honeys be at(All)We live in brooklyn(Guru)Type slick, keep it movin when it?s after dark(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh(Doodlebug)No lies, do or die in the land of showin proof(Guru)The place where I dwell is where the warriors dwellToo many stories to tellSo on the block we don?t talkStack of loot takin propersMight get a serious offer from a corrupt ass copperSo um, stop the nonsenseBrooklyn is the illest, the realestObserve these words as I reveal thisMan my peoples out here they get down for thisEach one?s a one man gang with a crown for thisMan burners to handle any businessAnd mad sneaky ways so ain?t leavin any witnessGot way more drama the theatrical lessonsSo my suggestion, you come correct no questionCause if you comin with that funny hot dog styleYou might get looted, executed black mob styleFrom east new york back to ft. greenBrooklyns? classic mystical magic scene(Butterfly)We are plush like a millian bucksDown every ave for like a zillion blocksBlowin outWith my nappy hoods down fultonBlessin guess style limpin past the walt whitmanSteelo?s changed on the corners we hangThe crime stoppers get mad with poppers and tensAnd my scrambles ample kid, no part timin, just rhyminIn other words, I play these curbs, with j u iceWhen they say you nice, I say son a little somethinBrooklyn?s asphalt rolls like a syl keith rodeoWe big sound, down and grittyRecord and mic checkin, no question, this section ofNew york cityWhere the crooks lounge out, block powers foundButterfly ground the sky favorite package of poundIt?s like th-that, the beats know we be strappin em outMad moneys wish they g like us, cloutWhen I made the boogie I?m imported, I study chairmanMaoAin?t nothin but crooklyn in my plasma nowI got my g?s behind the tongue of my gold high classicsI?m all city when I?m dip, if you want us you can findUs(All)We live in brooklyn(Doodlebug)Coney island?s buck whiling and we b-boy stylin(All)We live in brooklyn(Butterfly)Yeah, on the spot we hustle cause like th-that(Guru)Mad game, takin wins, the shit is real son(All)We live in brooklyn(Ladybug)With my girls and marissa now you?re up in cambridge(Butterfly & Ladybug)Fly shitAnd every spot we hit is gettin blownThat?s just how we do it babyOut here in brooklyn babySlick moveCause can?t nothin stop up but usSo we gettin ours babyNothin but brooklyn baby(Butterfly)Ft. green, the sty, queensburg, coney I(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Red hook, crown heights, it?s tight(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Bushes, wigs, flat, it?s east new york, brownsville(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Sights, everywhere, brooklyn style everywhere(All)It?s like that, it?s fat where we be at, brooklyn(Butterfly)Brooklyn style(Scratching)Y?all the hippest people in the world

美剧哥谭镇里企鹅老妈那首极具魔性的歌是什么歌?其中一句,I light another candl

试听一下,国内能听的,只有这一段 Audio clip: https://clyp.it/snqdwcmm是原创歌曲,并没有为商业目的而发布Gotham"s music supervisor provides some details on the song from Nygma"s record player AKA Penguin"s mother"s songJonathan Mason Christiansen apparently posted in tunefind.http://www.tunefind.com/show/gotham/season-2/26859hi guys - this is an original song, written by our show"s composer David Russo (http://www.davidrussomusic.com/) and recorded by an awesome vocalist named Suzanne Waters (http://www.suzannewaters.com/). There"s no plans for commercial release at this time but I"ll circle back here if that changes. Glad you liked what you heard!Audio clip: https://clyp.it/snqdwcmmThe fire has gone outWet from snow aboveBut nothing will warm me moreThan my, my mothers loveI light another candleTo dry the tears from my face ...

这是一个小游戏 i saw her standing here ,里面写的独白都是英文,求翻译...


英语文学 这首诗的中文版 No Worst, there is none 高分追加


she huddled with a tower over her shoulders, t


用where 排除条件 怎么引用中文

SELECT concat( a.uid, a.money, a.time, a.pay_type, a.status, b.yaoqing )FROM yys_yonghu_addmoney_record a, yys_yonghu bWHERE a.uid = b.uidAND a.money >1AND a.status<>"未付款"

There is a park near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. We can see a hill beh...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在星期天公园里一派热闹的景象,有很多孩子和他们的父母在公园里玩耍。小题1:细节题。根据文章We can see a hill behind the park, too.可知,公园的后面有一座山。故选D小题2:细节题。根据文章Tom and his brother Sam are throwing a frisbee (扔飞盘).可知,山姆是汤姆的哥哥。故选C小题3:细节题。根据文章Their parents are sitting under a tree.可知,他们的爸爸妈妈都在公园。故选A小题4:细节题。根据文章Ann and her sister Kate are flying a kite.可知,安和她的姐姐凯特在放风筝。故选B小题5:细节题。根据文章Their parents are sitting under a tree.可知,她们的爸爸妈妈坐在树下。故选D点评:本文的思路清晰,结构明确。首先对文章的大致意思进行了解。初一英语阅读多为细节题,考察学生的信息捕捉能力。对于细节题,学生在理解全文的基础上要对题目中关键字在文章中迅速定位,找到相对应的出处,答题比较备选答案的区别及和文章信息最相关的是哪个,即那个就为正确答案。

My mother teaches us at home改为一般疑问句?

Does your mother teach you at home?

When she got back from the South,Susan had her car (wash)----throughtly


托尼说:Jarvis are you there?,然后Friday回答good evening,


The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis什么意思

给妈妈一天(休息?/考虑?)时间的注意最先是由Anna Jarvis提出来的

请问:A higher version of DAEMON Tools or related product is already installed?


昆明卡夫卡书屋有一首英文歌好像是everywhere way等的歌词,歌曲叫什么名字啊,谢大神

Closer - The Chainsmokers/HalseyWritten by:Andrew Taggart/Shaun Frank/Frederic KennettThe Chainsmokers:Hey I was doing just fine before I met youI drank too much and that"s an issue but I"m okayHey you tell your friends it was nice to meet themBut I hope I never see them againI know it breaks your heartMoved to the city in a broke down car andFour years no callsNow you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar andI can"t stopNo I can"t stopSo baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderHalsey:You look as the good as the day I met youI forget just why I left you I was insaneStay and play that Blink-182 songThat we beat to death in tuscon okayI know it breaks your heartI moved to the city in a broke down car andFour years no callsNow you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar andI can"t stopNo I can"t stopBoth:So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your RoverThat I know you can"t affordBite that tattoo on your shoulderPull the sheets right off the cornerOf the mattress that you stoleFrom your roommate back in BoulderWe ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderThe Chainsmokers:We ain"t ever getting olderBoth:We ain"t ever getting olderWe ain"t ever getting olderNo we ain"t ever getting older

关于more than ,other than在该句中的成分问题。

(do). 在以than和as引导的比较结构的状语从句中,省略某些与主句相同的成分或在特定上下文中有某些不言而喻的成分,可省掉整个as/than从句。 The pianos

moloko的《mother》 歌词

歌曲名:mother歌手:moloko专辑:things to make and doMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterShow meEmpathyCalifornian sensibilitiesAll my problems spring from my troubled upbringingWe need to go right back to the beginningDisposessed from the outsetWhat you need is precisely what you getMother dear it should be you that"s sitting hereOn this couch.Ouch.Mother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterOn my shoulder you"re a chipOn my foot you"re a blisterMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSo tell me what am I gonna doThey told me that maybe I could sueAnd oh how the manyWere corrupted by the fewSo I dance the mambo and the cha cha chaI run you over in my beautiful carDearest darling mummy dearestWe can"t bear to have you near us.Mother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterOn my shoulder you"re a chipOn my foot you"re a blisterMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterThe blame lies in the family nameIt"s not my fault I did as I was taughtEscape to Mongolia or TimbuktuI know somehow, somewhereI"ll be bumping into youYou see, I"m blamelessI had a mother who was shamelessNo wonder my life collapsedSee I"m aimlessWith all this analysisI think I"m having a relapseMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterOn my shoulder you"re a chipOn my foot you"re a blisterMother dear you"ll never be my sisterSeek the advice of a solicitorMother dear you"ll never be my sisterOn my shoulder you"re a chipOn my foot you"re a blisterWe love youWe doWe"ve taken adviceWe may sueYou see I"m blamelessI shall remain namelessYou can"t run away from the pastI know what her game isBut I"ve forgotten what my name isI"m just too frightened to askTell me what did you expectWhat you made is precisely what you getPrecisely what you getPrecisely what you gethttp://music.baidu.com/song/14541173

Southern Cross 歌词

歌曲名:Southern Cross歌手:Watershed专辑:A Million FacesYou are standing here as true asyou were born on this earthDon"t pin all your hopes and yourdreams on somebody else"s lives.The Southern cross is twinkling and watching usFar beyond, so far away from usThe Southern Cross is a holy light.We are the crusaders of the Southern Cross.Go, if you come up against a hurdle.Fight, fight for the things you believe in.Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.All they will be pabulum of your life.Go, if you come under the wet yourself.Fight, fight for the person you believe in.Destiny is calling you...“Obey me, or defy me”The Southern cross is twinkling and watching us.Far beyond, so far away from us.The Southern Cross is a holy light.We are the crusaders of the Southern Cross.Go, if you come up against a hurdle.Fight, fight for the things you believe in.Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.All they will be pabulum of your life.Go, if you come under the wet yourself.Fight, fight for the person you believe in.Destiny is calling you...“Obey me, or defy me”Is there a thing which is superior to love in this world?A man is living with loving someone and then being loved by others.We are standing here as true as we were born on this earth.The moment of yesterday when we lived is never waste.Go, if you come up against a hurdle.Fight, fight for the things you believe in.Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.All they will be pabulum of your life.Go, if you come under the wet yourself.Fight, fight for the person you believe in.Destiny is calling you...“Obey me, or defy me”This little time that you live heremay be treasure when you are oldGo, if you come away from your way.Find, find your own way that you believe in.Destiny is challenging you...“Obey me, or defy me”We cannot turn back to our past.We cannot change our past.However, we"re heading for the future.So, let us reach out our hands.....our hands!http://music.baidu.com/song/2828673

martin luther king

简介:Dr. Martin Luther King Day Third Monday in January "We will not resort to violence. We will not degrade ourselves with hatred. Love will not be returned with hate." ——Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Click here to listen to the famous speech "I Have a Dream," delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 23, 1963. It was December, 1955, and Martin Luther King, Jr. had just received his doctorate degree in theology(神学). He had moved to Montgomery( 蒙哥马利), Alabama to preach at a Baptist church. He saw there, as in many other southern states, that African-Americans had to ride in the back of public buses. Dr. King knew that this law violated the rights of every African-American. He organized and led a boycott(联合抵制)of the public buses in the city of Montgomery. Any person, black or white, who was against segregation(种族隔离)refused to use public transportation. Those people who boycotted were threatened or attacked by other people, or even arrested or jailed by the police. After 382 Days of boycotting the bus system, the Supreme Court(最高法院)declared that the Alabama state segregation law was unconstitutional. African-Americans were not only segregated on buses throughout the south. Equal housing was denied to them, and seating in many hotels and restaurants was refused. In 1957, Dr. King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(南 方基督教领导会议)and moved back to his home town of Atlanta, Georgia. This was the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement(民权运动). In the years following, he continued to organize non-violent protests against unequal treatment of African-American people. His philosophy remained peaceful, and he constantly reminded his followers that their fight would be victorious if they did not resort to bloodshed(流血). Nonetheless(尽管如此), he and his demonstrators were often threatened and attacked. Demonstrations which began peacefully often ended up in violence, and he and many others were often arrested. On August 23, 1963, a crowd of more than 250,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. and marched to the Capitol Building(国会大厦)to support the passing of laws that guaranteed every American equal civil rights. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was at the front of the "March on Washington." On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial(林肯纪念堂)that day, Dr. King delivered a speech that was later entitled "I Have a Dream." The March was one of the largest gatherings of black and white people that the nation"s capital had ever seen... and no violence occurred. One year later, the Civil Rights Act(民权法案)of 1964 was passed. It was not the first law of civil rights for Americans, but it was the most thorough and effective. The act guaranteed equal rights in housing, public facilities, voting and public schools. Everyone would have impartial hearings(申诉的机会)and jury trials. A civil rights commission would ensure that these laws were enforced. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and thousands of others now knew that they had not struggled in vain(徒劳). In the same year Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading non-violent demonstrations. In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated while he was leading a workers" strike in Memphis, Tennessee. White people and black people who had worked so hard for peace and civil rights were shocked and angry. The world grieved the loss of this man of peace. The Making of a Holiday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."s death did not slow the Civil Rights Movement. Black and white people continued to fight for freedom and equality. Coretta Scott King is the widow of the civil rights leader. In 1970, she established the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center in Atlanta, Georgia. This "living memorial" consists of his boyhood home and the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King is buried. On Monday, January 20, 1986, in cities and towns across the country people celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day, the only federal holiday commemorating an African-American. A ceremony which took place at an old railroad depot(铁路仓储)in Atlanta Georgia was especially emotional. Hundreds had gathered to sing and to march. Many were the same people who, in 1965, had marched for fifty miles between two cities in the state of Alabama to protest segregation and discrimination of black Americans. All through the 1980"s, controversy surrounded the idea of a Martin Luther King Day. Congressmen and citizens had petitioned(请求)the President to make January 15, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."s birthday, a federal holiday. Others wanted to make the holiday on the day he died, while some people did not want to have any holiday at all. January 15 had been observed as a public holiday for many years in 27 states and Washington, D.C. Finally, in 1986, President Ronald Reagan declared the third Monday in January a federal legal holiday commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King"s birthday. Schools, offices and federal agencies are closed for the holiday. On Monday there are quiet memorial services as well as elaborate ceremonies in honor of Dr. King. On the preceding Sunday, ministers of all religions give special sermons(布道)reminding everyone of Dr. King"s lifelong work for peace. All weekend, popular radio stations play songs and speeches that tell the history of the Civil Rights Movement. Television channels broadcast special programs with filmed highlights of Dr. King"s life and times


英语where is fido nowwhere is fido now中文菲多现在在哪

Where is Fido now?是什么意思


fido come here是什么意思

fido come herefido,来这里come here 英[kʌm hiə] 美[kʌm ˈhɪri] v. 来这里; 至此; [例句]What a pity you couldn"t come here yesterday!昨天你不能来,这真是件憾事!

I want to fack your mother什么意思?


her fiance什么意思

her fiance网络未婚夫双语例句1The girl impressed her fiance"s family with her liveliness and sense of humour.姑娘又活泼又富幽默感,未婚夫家人十分喜欢她.

foggy weather中文翻译,

Aside from the foggy weather , the trip was good 除了天气多雾外,那趟旅行很好。 Countermeasures on negpgence of navigation in foggy weather 雾航疏忽行为与相应对策 During foggy weather the trains are late more often than not 碰到有雾的天气,火车往往晚点。 We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather 我们不能保证火车在雾天正点到达 We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather 雾天我们不能担保火车准时到达。 We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of planes in foggy weather 我们不能保证飞机在雾天正点到达。 I wish i hadn " t to turn out in this cold , foggy weather 在这寒冷而多雾的天气里,我要是不必外出该有多好。 This device is especially important during inclement or foggy weather condition 在天气恶劣或能见度低的日子,发挥功用更大。 Gps ( global positioning satelpte ) electronic chart enhances steering efficiency by providing real - time notation information to the master . this device is especially important during inclement or foggy weather condition 卫星导航船?自绘图( globalpositioningsatelpte )帮助船只确定所在位置。在天气恶劣或能见度低的日子,发挥功用更大。

what she saw gave her little fright? 这句话里 为什么两个动词:saw 和 gave能够连用

what she saw 是一个主语从句she是主语从句的主语 saw 是主语从句的谓语what she saw后面的这个主句的成分gave是主句的谓语,后面的her little fright是宾语翻译是 她所看见的带给了她小小的喜悦

老友记第一季第一集hit on her 什么意思

hit on sb是指向某人搭讪。 flirt with sb是指和某人调情。 have a crush on sb是指对暗恋某人(但未向目标表白)。


Yes, there are many other fruits that can be found in an orchard, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and many more depending on the location and climate.中文意思是:是的,在果园中还可以找到许多其他水果,例如苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃、李子、杏子、橙子、柠檬、葡萄柚等等,具体取决于地理位置和气候条件。


歌词“Like a star, like a hero”出自Charlotte Perrellii演唱的歌曲《Hero》歌名:Hero演唱:Charlotte Perrelli Everything has a beginningEverything comes to an endTake it or leave itYou"d better believe itBe my lover, be my friendTry to deny what you"re feelingAnd you know that you"re heart will say noLove will last longerGrowing stronger and strongerIf you stay and don"t let goOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a hero,Staying aliveThis is a storyOf love and compassionOnly heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveHeaven and earth keep collidingBut we love on a world of its ownOh, there you can"t fake itJust make it or break itOnly you can find the oneOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a heroStaying aliveThis is a storyOf love and compassionOnly heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, surviveHeroes can live on their ownBut heroes never die aloneOut of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a heroStaying alive(This is a story)(Of love and compassion)Heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will survive


歌曲名称:likeastarlikeahero(视自己为明星为英雄) 演唱者:我现在还不知道 歌词: Everythinghasabeginning Everythingcomestoanend Takeitorleaveit You"dbetterbelieveit Bemylover,bemyfriend Trytodenywhatyou"refeeling Andyouknowthatyou"reheartwillsayno Lovewilllastlonger Growingstrongerandstronger Ifyoustayanddon"tletgo Oh,outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive Oh,takingthefight Isthelifeofahero,Stayingalive Thisisastory Ofloveandcompassion Onlyheroescantell Oh,outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive Heavenandearthkeepcolliding Butweloveonaworldofitsown Oh,thereyoucan"tfakeit Justmakeitorbreakit Onlyyoucanfindtheone Oh,outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive Oh,takingthefight Isthelifeofahero Stayingalive Thisisastory Ofloveandcompassion Onlyheroescantell Oh,outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive Oh,survive Heroescanliveontheirown Butheroesneverdiealone Outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive Oh,takingthefight Isthelifeofahero Stayingalive (Thisisastory) (Ofloveandcompassion) Heroescantell Oh,outofthelight Likeastar,likeahero Lovewillsurvive 一切有开始 一切即将结束 要么接受,要么放弃 你最好相信它 是我的情人,是我的朋友 试图否认您觉得 你知道你的心会说不 爱将持续更长的一段时间 不断壮大, 如果你留下,不要去 噢,没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存 噢,为之奋斗 是英雄的生命,存活下去 这是一个爱和同情心的故事 只有英雄可以告诉 噢,没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存 天地保持相撞 但是,我们爱在自己的世界 哦,你不能冒充它 成全它或打破它 只有你可以找到一个 噢,没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存 噢,为之奋斗 是企业的生命,是英雄 在为生存 这是一个爱和同情心的故事 只有英雄可以告诉 噢,没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存 噢,存活 英雄可以生活在他们自己的 但是,英雄永远不独自死亡 没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存 噢,为之奋斗 是企业的生命,是英雄 存活 (这是一个故事) (爱与同情) 英雄可以告诉 噢,没有光明 像明星一样的英雄 爱将生存

as they build off of each other怎么翻译?

as they build off of each other:因为它们相互依存关键词语:each other:英 [ˌiːtʃ ˈʌðə(r)]   美 [ˌiːtʃ ˈʌðər]  pron.彼此;(用作动词或介词的宾语)互相相关短语:Fighting each other 各自为战 ; 互相打架Introducing Each Other 互相介绍 ; 相互介绍 ; 相互先容Pass Each Other By 擦身而过 ; 蠢身回过 ; 擦占吃过双语例句:They haven"t seen each other for years. 他们彼此多年没有见面了。The dogs suddenly turned on each other. 那两条狗突然互相撕咬了起来。

as they build off of each other怎么翻译

as they build off of each other翻译成中文意思是“当他们彼此建立关系的时候”。重点词汇:build一、单词音标build单词发音:英 [bɪld]  美 [bɪld]。二、单词释义v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强n. 体格;身材三、词形变化动词过去式: built动词过去分词: built动词现在分词: building动词第三人称单数: builds复数: builds四、短语搭配build a bookcase 做一个书橱build a bridge 建桥build a chemical plant 建起化工厂build a dam 修筑水坝build a machine 制造机器build a model of ship 做轮船模型五、词义辨析build,construct,found,erect,establish,set up这些动词均有“建设,建立,建造”之意。buildbuild普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。constructconstruct较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。foundfound侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。erecterect侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。establishestablish着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。set upset up作“建立”用时,侧重于“开始”。可指具体或抽象的建立。六、双语例句We"re going to build a house on this lot. 我们打算在这块地上建造一座房子。The house was still being built. 房子还在建造中。The model of the building was made of card. 建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。Many local people object to the building of the new airport. 许多当地的居民反对兴建新机场。Building a new road here will force house prices down. 在这里修建一条新道路将使房价下跌。



ROY STEVEN HERBST是什么职称?君实生物独立非执行董事


请问下面几段法语是什么意思?求高手翻译~ 1、Vin de Pays des Cates du Tain 2、Les Trois Clochers

答案:第一句是:葡萄酒辅凯茨杜覃支付 第二句我不知道 第三句:品牌depasee第四句是:管理信息系统在波提利平价公司三clochers- 813110·塔恩河畔

neither nor的用法

1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:He likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。就近原则与语法一致原则、意义一致原则并成为主谓一致中三大原则,当就近原则与其它两种原则发生冲突时,应优先考虑其它两种原则。就远原则就是谓语动词的变化即:谓语动词与前面主语一致。例句:Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.学生和老师都不知道这事。3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。


首先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的。我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法。通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词。 下列几点应该注意:? Neither…nor…这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”。其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词。e.g. He neither knows nor cares what happened.? Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定。通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装。这里neither 仍然是副词。e.g. I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister.“Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”.? Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分。第一点中的用法就是一个例子。 Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定。但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的。e.g. He cannot see, nor could he hear until one month ago.She isn"t rich, nor do I imagine that she ever will be.I won"t arrive today. Nor tomorrow.


neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:Shelikesneitherbutternorcheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则"。例如Neitherdadnormumisathometoday.今天父母都不在家。若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Bothdadandmumareathometoday.今天父母都在家。还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neitherofthemlikesfootball.他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither/Nor+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语。例如:Hedoesn"tgotoschoolbybike.Neither/NordoI.他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。Theydidn"tgototheparkyesterday.Neither/Nordidwe.昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。其他资料;用于连接两个表示并列关系的名词,用于否定两者,其意为“既不……也不……”、“……和……都不”。如:  It"sneithertoocoldnortoohot.天气既不太冷也不太热。  Neitherboysnorgirlsareinterestedinit.男孩子和女孩子对此都不感兴趣。  说明:通常应连接两个相同性质的句子成分,但有时后一成分可能省略与前一成分相同的词。若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。如:  Maryneitherlikesmathsnor(likes)history.玛丽既不喜欢数学也不喜欢历史。  NeitherJimnorJackwasathome.吉姆和杰克都不在家。  但在非正式文体中也可一律用复数。如:  NeitherJimnorJackwereathome.吉姆和杰克都不在家。  若连接两个句子,要用倒装。如:  Neitherdoeshesmokenordoeshedrink.他既不抽烟也不喝酒

neither nor的用法有哪些?

具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:He likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。就近原则与语法一致原则、意义一致原则并成为主谓一致中三大原则,当就近原则与其它两种原则发生冲突时,应优先考虑其它两种原则。就远原则就是谓语动词的变化即:谓语动词与前面主语一致。例句:Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.学生和老师都不知道这事.3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。5、neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。扩展资料:neither和nor区别1、词性不同neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。2、用法不同neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neither …nor使用。

neither 与nor?



具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:He likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。就近原则与语法一致原则、意义一致原则并成为主谓一致中三大原则,当就近原则与其它两种原则发生冲突时,应优先考虑其它两种原则。就远原则就是谓语动词的变化即:谓语动词与前面主语一致。例句:Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.学生和老师都不知道这事.3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。5、neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。扩展资料neither和nor区别1、词性不同neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。2、用法不同neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neither …nor使用。

neither nor用法是什么?

具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:He likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。就近原则与语法一致原则、意义一致原则并成为主谓一致中三大原则,当就近原则与其它两种原则发生冲突时,应优先考虑其它两种原则。就远原则就是谓语动词的变化即:谓语动词与前面主语一致。例句:Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.学生和老师都不知道这事.3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。5、neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。扩展资料neither和nor区别1、词性不同neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。2、用法不同neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neither …nor使用。

请问,哪位知道neither 和nor 的区别啊?最好具体些!谢谢了!

neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则"。例如: Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。 若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如: Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。 还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如: Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。 neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如: He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。 They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。

neither 和nor有什么区别?

首先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的。我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法。通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词。 下列几点应该注意:? Neither…nor…这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”。其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词。e.g. He neither knows nor cares what happened.? Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定。通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装。这里neither 仍然是副词。e.g. I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister.“Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”.? Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分。第一点中的用法就是一个例子。 Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定。但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的。e.g. He cannot see, nor could he hear until one month ago.She isn"t rich, nor do I imagine that she ever will be.I won"t arrive today. Nor tomorrow.

neither. nor.是什么用法?

如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。neither ..., nor ... 含义(既不……, 也不……)。neither.., nor...连接并列分句且置于句首时前后都倒装,但连接并列主语时不倒装。一、neither1、含义:pron. 两者都不。adj. 两者都不的。adv. 也不。conj. 也不;既不。2、用法:neither常用在不带冠词的单数名词之前,谓语动词要用单数形式。neither用作代词时表示“两者都不”,可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。二、nor1、含义:conj. 也不;也没有。adv. 也不;也没有。2、用法:nor作连词常与neither或not连用,有时也与no,never等表示否定的词连用,表示“也不”。nor与助动词或情态动词连用时,句子采用倒装句型。It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.这里冬天既不热也不冷。neither近义词:either一、含义:adj. 任一的;两方的。pron. 任一。adv. 也(用于否定句中)。conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)。二、用法:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。

neither,either,too,nor 怎么区别

a). too, also, either, neither, so表示“也” b). a few, few, a little, little c). 主语+ 谓语 + one of +形容词的最高级+复数名词 表:···之最之一 d) both/either/neither of + 和neither..nor, either…or, both…and…句式的相互转化及主谓结构的单复数统一。 e).must be 表示对现在状态的肯定猜测。“一定是···”can"t be 表示对现在状态的否定猜测。 f). It seems that…句型 解题指导:neither和either的用法 1.共同点: 1)它们都可用作主语、宾语和定语。 例如:①Neither of the books is good.(主) ②He phoned neither of us yesterday.(宾) ③Neither way is correct.(定) ④I don"t think either of them is at home.(主) ⑤Here are two knives.You can take either of them.(宾) ⑥There are shops on either side of the street.(定) 2)Neither和either作定语时,其后的名词都用单数。例如: Neither book gives the answer. There are tall buildings on either side of the road. 2.不同点: neither是表示“两都不”的否定说法,而either是表示“两人或两物中任何一个”的肯定说法。 注意: A.either作为副词表示“也”,不同于too,also,either通常用于否定句的末尾,too通常用于肯定句的句 末;而also通常用于肯定句和疑问句中,其位置一般用在to be之后,其它动词之前。如: ①Tom has been to Beijing.Mary has been to Beijing____(96江西) A.neither B.either C.too D.also 此题应选C。 ②She is also a teacher. ③She also likes singing. ④I can"t speak French.My sister can"t speak French,either. B.neither作为副词表示“也不”,常常用于倒装句的开头,紧跟在一个否定句后面(当然nor也可以这么 用)。那么,如果是肯定句呢?我们要用so,依然是倒装语句。例如: I can"t sing an English song.Neither can he. I can sing an English song.So can he. 还应注意neither和so后面的助动词和情态动词其后的主语在人称、时态方面保持一致。 C.neither和either在句中作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数形式。如: Neither of them knows Japanese. Either of them knows English. D.neither本身表示否定,其后不能再用否定式。如: 两个答案都不对。 【误】Neither answer isn"t right. 【正】Neither answer is right. E.either与not连用表示“两者都不”,此时相当于neither。如: I don"t want either of them=I want neither of them.我两个都不想要。


具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。二、Neither nor就近原则Neither nor就近原则的知识点称为主谓一致主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则.就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准.不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。例如:Neither he nor they are wholly right.他和他们,谁都不是完全对的Not only the students but also the teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影.Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.同学们和老师对此都一无所知.Either he or I am right.

neither nor

1、neithernor表示既不也不,可连接任意两个并列的成分。2、当neithernor连接两个主语时,应遵循Neither nor就近原则。3、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示两者中没有一个。 neither和nor区别 1、词性不同:neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。 2、用法不同:neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neithernor使用。 Neither nor就近原则 Neither nor的就近原则是主谓一致,主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则。 就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准。 不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not onlybut also/ or/ eitheror/ notbut都遵循就近原则。 either与neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它们的区别是: 一、用作形容词,起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。either表示&这个或者那个&; neither表示&既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的&。 二、用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时后面跟单数动词。either 表示 & 二者之一 & ; neither表示 & 两者都不 &,其反义词是 both。 三、用作副词。either只用于否定句中,表示 & 也(不) &;neither通常用在句子(或简略答语)的开头,表示 & 也不 &,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词be之后)。 四、用作连词。构成短语 eitheror 与 neithernor ,分别表示&要么 要么 ,或者 或者 &和&既不 也不 ,既非 也非 &。常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。


具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。二、Neither nor就近原则Neither nor就近原则的知识点称为主谓一致主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则.就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准.不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。例如:Neither he nor they are wholly right.他和他们,谁都不是完全对的Not only the students but also the teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影.Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.同学们和老师对此都一无所知.Either he or I am right.


先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的。我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法。通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词。 下列几点应该注意: Neither…nor… 这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”。其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词。 e.g. He neither knows nor cares what happened. Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定。通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装。这里neither 仍然是副词。 e.g. I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister. “Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”. Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分。第一点中的用法就是一个例子。 Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定。但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的。 e.g. He cannot see, nor could he hear until one month ago. She isn"t rich, nor do I imagine that she ever will be. 另外对这位提问的朋友的建议:其实英语关键的是语感,真正的辨析词语的细微差别的是语法专家们。如果你遇到类似的问题,建议你翻翻词典,或者查查在线的词典,关键是读一读其中的例句自己进行比较和揣摩,这样很多的语言问题就可以攻破,你本人也增长可对语言的悟性。其实这个悟性才是最重要的。


具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。二、Neither nor就近原则Neither nor就近原则的知识点称为主谓一致主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则.就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准.不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。例如:Neither he nor they are wholly right.他和他们,谁都不是完全对的Not only the students but also the teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影.Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.同学们和老师对此都一无所知.Either he or I am right.


具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:He likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。就近原则与语法一致原则、意义一致原则并成为主谓一致中三大原则,当就近原则与其它两种原则发生冲突时,应优先考虑其它两种原则。就远原则就是谓语动词的变化即:谓语动词与前面主语一致。例句:Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.学生和老师都不知道这事.3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。5、neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。扩展资料:neither和nor区别1、词性不同neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。2、用法不同neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neither …nor使用。


Neither和nor在英语中都有否定的意思,但它们在使用上有一些区别。含义解释Neither用来表示两个或多个被否定的事物都不成立。Nor作为连词时,也有“也不”的意思,可用于否定前面所说的东西,并且是 英语的常见否定链接词之一。语法、使用方法不同之处的对比以下是neither和nor之间的一些具体用法和语法差异:Neither 和 nor的位置不同Neither 作为副词或代词单独出现, 而nor通常用作联络词。如果要表达并列式中全否定的意思,则可在句子开头或结尾用 neither;而如果之前已经有一个否定词,可以使用 nor 连接后一部分的否定信息。在疑问句中,只能使用 either...or 或 neither...nor 中的一种。构成句型不同Either... or 与 neither ... nor 常用来表达二选一的概念 :either 表示其中一项正确(A),or 表示另外一项正确(B);neither 表示 A 不是正确的,nor 表示 B 也不是正确的, 即 AB均不正确.例如:Either you come with me or I go alone. (我走你跟还是我自己走)例如:Neither you nor I know the answer.(你和我都不知道答案)句子结构差异当否定句的主语为单数时,neither后面要用单数动词形式,nor后面也要用。而当主语是复数时,则应使用复数动词形式。以下是几个例子:Neither the boss nor the employees was interested in the project. (老板和员工们都对这个项目不感兴趣。)Neither my parents nor my sister likes spicy food. (我父母和姐姐都不喜欢辣食。)具体用法中英文双语举例下面是neither和nor的三个具体用法:【neither的用法举例】Neither of us speaks French very well. (我们俩都讲不太好法语。)Neither option seems very attractive to me. (两种选择都不怎么吸引我)I can go neither forwards nor backwards on this road. (我在这条路上无法向前或向后)【nor的用法举例】I have not eaten any breakfast, nor am I planning to do so. (我早餐没吃,也没有打算吃)He does not like coffee, nor does he drink tea. (他不喜欢咖啡,他也不会喝茶.)She speaks neither French nor German. (她不会讲法语也不会讲德语。)

是two other 还是 other two

你好,很高兴为你解答两者有细微的区别:the other two 表示仅剩下两个,对象已确定two other表示不止两个,是在若干个里面选择两个若泛指(即没有冠词),数词应放在other之前。如:桌上另外有两本书。正:There are two other books on the desk.误:There are other two books on the desk.若特指(即其前用the),则数词可以放在other之前或之后。如:把另外两本书给我。正:Give me the other two books.正:Give me the two other books.希望对你有帮助

other two或two more的区别 请结合下题

other two我记得我们老师教的 只能用于 “ the other two”剩下的两个two more 是再来两个, 是后来增加的两个 又见面了

the other two 与two other的区别是什么?




what is dummy purchase order ,where it used ?

it?′s not a bug.... it?′s a feature ... the kind of a purchase order (like Dummy) is a account assignment object .... so you can make different settings for a kind of a purchase order (like different purchase numbers or a purchase order with a prefix etc. etc.)all this things you can do in the customizing (Material Managment - Purchase) So last but not least .... you decide what are the difference between standard or dummy!!!!P.S. The account assignment object like dummy PO or Standard PO are default values from the SAP AG ... you can also generate a account assignment object by yourself .... regards

麦当娜的Die Another Day的歌词(翻译)


"A soward dies a thousand deaths, hero dies one"什么意思?

coward!!! not soward

英语好的,翻译. A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.

级别:学长2005年5月27日 1.A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.懦夫死一千次,勇者只死一次.2.与coward(懦夫,胆小鬼)有关的谚语还有:Better a live coward than a dead hero.好死不如赖活.A coward by...

求The Shepherd Andreas这篇文学作品的翻译

BackgroundThere is a long tradition of travel writing in English. It dates back to the 14th century with Sir John Mandevill"s travels. This was an extraordinary mixture of fact and fantasy that even described strange creatures and two-headed men. Richard Hakluyt is well-known for his descriptions of the voyages made by English merchants and explorers in the 16th and early 17th centuries.In the 18th century, travel literature started to become popular as great novelists described their trips around Europe. In the following century, classic travel literature included descriptions of travels in West Africa, South America and the Amazon.Among great travel writers of the 20th century were: Robert Byron who journeyed across Central Asia, Freya Stark who traveled widely in Arab countries; Bruce Chatwin whose travel books are a mixture of anthropology, philosophy and fiction. Famous contemporary travel writers include V. S Naipaul, Paul Theroux and Bill Bryson.Travel writing now is not only more popular than ever but is no longer regarded as an unimportant genre of literature. Good travel literature combines observations with imagination and can explore the depths of the human condition. As the Spanish proverb says, “ He, who would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.”Reading and ListeningBefore you startl Read the background notes and answer these questions.1. Which of the travel writers mentioned would you most like to read? Why?2. Which of the writers listed mixed fact and fiction?3. When did travel literature first became popular?4. What, as the proverb says, makes a good travel writer?2 Read and listen to the story. Order there events.a). The wrier gave he shepherd a cup of tea.b). The shepherd started to talk louder.c). The shepherd got a bit angry because the writer couldn"t understand.d). The writer went outside with her cup of tea.e). The shepherd tried to show that he wanted a cup of tea.f). The writer asked the shepherd questions.g). The shepherd used his cane to dismount from his donkey.h). The shepherd started laughing a lot.i). The shepherd and hid donkey came into view.3 Read the story again and answer these questions.1. Why did the writer spill her tea?2. Why did the shepherd use the cane to dismount?3. What did the writer like most about the islanders?4. How did the shepherd finally explain what he wanted?5. How does the writer think one learns a language?6. Why did the shepherd laugh so much?4 Match the objects with the writer"s descriptions of them (a-e)a laugh, the sea, the land, a sound, the skya). like wide blue handsb). bearishc). lassoing the entire islandd). the curved and plummeting bodye). rumblesSpeakingWork in pairs. Which of these things would you like to do? Why?Visit a Greek island, meet some islanders, live abroad for a while a travel book, learn another language (besides English ), know more words in English.The sleek black donkey is called Marcos, and the old man who rides him is called Andreas. They appear early one morning while I am sitting outside, my back against the wall of the spitaki, a cup of tea cradled in my hands. The gate is on the other side of the house, out of immediate view. I hear hooves knock against the stones that mark the threshold of the gate. To give me warning, the old man shouts some unintelligible greeting that scares me out of my wits. spill tea on my lap."Kaleemera," he says gruffly, with a cautious smile. "Kaleemera," I return the greeting and reach for my dictionary He pulls his cane from its resting place in the ropes of the saddle, maneuvers Marcos to a stone, where he aims the cane, then slides off the donkey"s back. His lower left leg and foot are deformed; the foot fits into a black boot cut open to accommodate its dimensions. How to describe Barba Andreas, the old shepherd? A yellow piece of cloth is wrapped around his head of white hair. He has a big white moustache, blue eyes, a dandy"s flower stuck in the lapel of his green army jacket. Hands. What will I love most here, what will ! dream about years later, to return me to this place? The hands of the islanders. Their thickness, their roughness, their ugliness. Nails broken below the quick. Scars. Missing fingertips and lines of dirt.Barba Andreas names the plants for me, pointing with his cane and leaning down to pluck off the chamomile blooms. Sitting on a milk crate, he lifts his bad leg up to rest on a stone. I remain sitting against the house in the shade. We both take in the view before us: slender Marcos, eating my melon rinds and shifting in what is, effectively my front yard: poppies; olive trees; the curved and plummeting body of the land, its shapes of green, sage-green, yellow, almond; rose and purple and gray shadow. The sky opens over everything like wide blue hands. And all around us, lassoing the entire island, the sea.A bearish sound comes from Barba Andreas" throat. As though bored with the view -- how familiar it must be to him -- he turns back to me and says something I don"t understand. He points in my direction with his cane. Is he pointing to the low table between us? I look at the table." Is he pointing to my books on the table? I offer him a book, which he wisely refuses to touch. He pantomimes a motion, but I don"t understand. Once more, he directly asks for something and pokes his finger against his chest. I don"t understand. Finally, smiling but clearly frustrated, he grabs the tea-pot with one large hand, pours tea into the palm of the other, and raises it to his lips. "Ena poteeri!" he cries, and bangs his cane on the ground, demanding a cup.Embarrassed, I jump up and go into the little house for another cup. I come out, pour tea, hand it him. He waves away my apologies. He drinks the tea in one go. How many Greek words do I know now? How many? Not enough, never enough. To learn another language one must re-acquire the greedy hunger of a child. ! want, I want, I want. Every desire begins and ends with a word. I want to ask a thousand questions. Where does the path behind the house lead and who lived here before and how do you make cheese and are the sheep in the neighboring field yours and what is this place, truly, and how do I go to the mountains behind the house? Because there is a gate closing off the field that leads to the mountains, and I am afraid to walk through it.He understands my last, garbled question. "How do you go to the mountains?" he parrots back to me, almost shouting. It is an international assumption that when people don"t hear and understand our language, we think they can"t hear at all. "How do you go up to the mountains?" Now a slow laugh rumbles in his throat. "Me ta podia!" he cries. Every line of his face proclaims laughter. He slaps his knees, guffawing.How do you go to the mountains?Me ta podia. With your feet.Open the gate, go through it, close it behind you. And walk to the mountains


Vermouth(ベルモット)苦艾酒:苦艾酒是一种有茴芹味的高酒精度蒸馏酒,主要原料是苦艾 (wormwood) 药草(即洋艾 (Artemisia absinthium)),酒液呈绿色,当加入水时变为混浊的乳白色。此酒芳香浓郁,口感清淡而略带苦味,并含有百分之六十八的高酒精度。Sherry(シェリー)雪莉酒:雪莉酒产自西班牙西南部安达鲁西亚(Amdalusia),该地的土壤以及气候造就了雪莉酒独特的风格。味道香甜,酒精浓度为7%——20%。其酿造方法是:将它装载橡木桶中,曝晒在阳光下3个月后收起来,然后冷冻贮存它是以原料葡萄先晾干,等水分减少、糖分增加时才开始榨汁,同时为了提高酸味,会加入少许的石膏酦酵,然后再装入桶中二次酦酵,最后再加入白兰地增加酒精浓度。雪莉酒通常分为两大类,一是菲诺(Fino),不含甜份,是一个很好的饭前开胃酒。另一是Oloroso,具有甜份,通常作为饭后酒。雪莉酒的颜色从透明到深黄、棕色都有,雪莉酒的甜度是受到发酵时加入白兰地的时机所影响而有不同,越早加入则越甜,越晚加入反之则不甜,酒精浓度则是受到加入白兰地的多寡而有不同。雪莉酒有种特别的储存方式,称为Solera system,是将木桶一层层往上迭,迭成金字塔形状,最老的雪莉酒在下面,次老的放第二层,依此法往上放,酒龄越年轻的就放越上面,当从最底层的木桶取出酒后,上层酒桶中的酒会依序往下流,所以,雪莉酒以Solera system储存,年轻的酒和老酒混和,使的其所流出来的酒,永远保持一定品质。Chianti(キャンティ)基安蒂:一种意大利基安蒂地区的世界驰名的红葡萄酒。Chianti酒已经拥有上百年的历史了。据说是十九世纪的一位男爵忽发灵想,把此地的几种葡萄混合发明出来后来就名扬世界的红酒。让绵延山区变成了浪漫的酒乡。Kir(キール):基尔酒(英文名字Kirs)是一种用白葡萄酒或香槟加上黑加仑酒按照5:1的比例调配而成的经典,它(她)色泽血红,颜色暗淡,味道却是十分的醇美,很有内涵的一种酒。一种法国餐前酒。

there can be 是什么意思呀,这是个什么句型呀,从没见过?

there can be = there be 有

B.O.B的新歌where are you的中文歌词

Whatever happened to Bobby Ray, he used to be here for usThen he got famous and left all of his fans in the dustWe never hear from you, you"re constantly changingAnd your relatives always miss you at family occasionsAnd your mother misses you tooSince all the fortune you"ve been too busy recordingNow she feels unimportant and your daddy"s been going through itSince he lost his motherThe least you could do is call him and show him, you support himI never thought you would sell outYou"re becoming so cockyI asked you for a picture after your showYou walked right by me, I"m likeAint this the dude that said that it aint about the price tagNow on your records all that you do is bragCome on Bob, I thought you was better than that dogWhat happened to Cloud 9 and Generation LostYou were my idol, just when I thought I give up on everythingI heard you play this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)I heard you play this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)(melody, melody, melody…)Whatever happened to B.o.B. he once was my favouriteI swear to God that I had all of his mixtapes on my playerHe was hood, but sooo different at the same timeIt was like a breath of fresh air, everytime he rhymedAnd everybody was on him and the world fell in loveThe girls, the money, the lifestyleAll the aboveI guess he"s stopped giving a f-ckFor all of his little peopleWith your shades on, we can"t even see youIs that what happens, when somebody makes it off of rappingThey taste the fame and change likes it just automaticWhere"s the integrity? you on that other sh*tYou don"t even sound the same, I liked your other sh*tBut we"ll stand beside you, cause somewhere deep inside youThere"s more than what meets the eyeI swear on the Bible you were my idolJust when I thought I give up on everythingI heard you play this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)I heard you play this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)(melody, melody, melody…)I watched my whole life change in a couple of yearsWho woulda ever thought I woulda caught the world by the earsI swear, this sh*t is so much bigger than I had figuredBut if it wasn"t meant to be this wouldn"t be my careerIt"s like, people only see it, the way it appearsBut they never see the ropes and the pulleys and the gearsBlood sweat and tears, we cry but always swear there"s tearsIn the middle of this rap game on the battle fieldAll of these shock jock interviews, tryna phone meYou never know who"s gonna play you and make you look phoneyI live and die for my team, these N**gas are more than my homiesWe put it all on the line, we gave up all our belongings for this rap sh*tCause at the end of the day, it aint just rap sh*tI call it making a way for our survivalJust when I thought I gave up on everythingI dreamed about this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)I dreamed about this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…)(melody, melody, melody…)I dreamed about this familiar melody (melody, melody, melody…) 求采纳谢谢!

here a meow是什么意思

here a meow这里的喵


名字:정민주 (Jung Min Ju)中文名字:郑敏珠新浪微博:JOOJYPE(已认证)生日:1990. 10. 11身高:160CM体重:44KG职业:歌手特长:唱歌星座:天秤座血型:B家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、弟弟兴趣:歌曲、上网、读书爱好;瑜伽、散步所属公司:JYP Entertainment学历:韩国东国大学话剧本科信仰:天主教绰号: Delimanjoo、Joo公主、Princess理想型:姜东元、赵寅成喜欢的食物:一个字的食物(饭、糕、面、面包(韩语中为一个字))我的魅力:我的魅力是常笑我当明星的理由:以前想实现的梦想,也是我的人生不当艺人的话:多学习以后想教人唱歌我人生的座右铭:No Pain No Gain! 现在我是过去的我创造的未来的样子


1. oxhorn 牛角2. paw 爪子(四足动物)3. claw 爪子(多指鸟类)4. wool 羊毛5. pinion 鸟翼6.talon 猛兽的爪子7.fur 皮毛8.feather 皮革9.head 头10.neck 颈11.leg 腿12.eye 眼13.heart 心脏14.liver 肝脏15.intestine 肠子16.beak 喙17.muscle 肌肉18. bone 骨头

some people like bland food,while others have a heavy taste.这是什么意思啊?

Some people like bland food, while others have a heavy taste。意为:有些人喜欢清淡的食物,有些人的口味却很重。bland:adj. 温和的,和蔼的;平和的;味道温和的;无动于衷的。eg:It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboa。扩展资料:与bland意思相似的单词:1、mild adj 温和的,温柔的,温暖的,暖和的,味淡的,不浓烈的,轻微的,不重,宽大的eg:rice mild n. 牛奶糊mild tasting adj. 味道清淡的,口感温和的,味淡的mild clay 软质粘土mild mannered adj. 温和的,温柔的2、短语:as mild as milkas mild as milk 十分温和in mild disposition 性格温和mild dehydration 轻度失水mild disinfectant 软性消毒剂

what is a brat you doing here是什么意思

你好。what is a brat you doing here,翻译成中文是:小子你在这儿干什么?——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

ij 和whether怎么用,区别

if是否,可与whether互换,但下列情况只能用whetherwhether放句首whether to dowhether。。。or notwhether与discuss连用介词+whether此外,if还可作“如果”,构成条件状语从句
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