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which指代物,who指代人,第一题的grammar“语法书”是物,第二题的worker工人是人。Is ___ some German friends visited last week? 你把答案填进去再转化成陈述句,填this the school就变成this is the school some German friends visited last week. 先行词是school,关系词是tthat或者which,因为作从句中visit的宾语可以省略。但是填this school where就变成了this school is where some German friends visited last week. 这样关系副词where就没有了先行词。This is the hotel ___last months.填where they stayed是因为 hotel是where的先行词。具体语法规则网上可以搜到很多,需要慢慢理解,多思考多练习。希望能帮到你。


在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句,即为定语从句,相当于形容词。1。关系代词引导的定语从句。关系代词who,whose ,which,thateg.he is a man who means what he sats2。介词+which(whom)引导的定语从句eg:the people with whom he worked thought he was a bit strange.


1.The matter _______ you were arguing about last night has been settled.(that,what,why,where) 答:选择what, 这是一个主语从句, what you were arguing about是修饰主语the matter的从句, 如果怕分不清楚,可以先把 what you were arguing about 用括号括起来看。 The matter(what you were arguing about last night)has been settled 把括起来的地方省略不看的话,就是the matter last night has been settled. 整句话的意思是,你昨晚争论的问题已经解决啦~ p.s 因为argue about是一个介词短语,about不可以放在别的位置, 2.Is this just the city _______ the foreign guests wish to pay a visit _______. A.which,to B.to which,/ C.that,to D.to that,/ 答:选择C, 这句话是一个宾语从句,一开始学从句如果不太熟练的话,可以把问句先还原成陈述句,方便分析句子成分。 This is just the city (that the foreign guests wish to pay a visit to). 括号中的成分,修饰作为宾语的the city, 判断它是一个宾语从句后,选择关系词,引导宾语从句的是that. 而pay a visit to some place是一个介词短语。不能省略介词to 哦。 翻译:这就是那座外国人渴望一游的城市~3.On my way home in the street I saw a lady _______ I thought was your aunt.(who,whom,which,whose) 答:选择who. 这个who在主句中作为宾语,在从句中作主语,因为既要引导主句中的宾语,又要引导从句中的主语,双重的作用。只能选择who. 不能选择whom哦。那是只引导宾语的。 翻译:在我回家的路上,我遇到一个女人,还以为是你的阿姨呢。 p.s I thought ...was并不是动宾的关系,因为出现从句的情况,有的成分省略了,也可以说被关系词遮掉了。平常练习的时候,你可以把这些句子还原,来看从句的关系词是怎么替换掉句子中的修饰词。比如上面那句,还原的话就是。 I saw a lady in the street in my way home. I thought that lady was your aunt. 但因为这样子说显得啰嗦,所以就产生了各类的从句。^_^ 4.He has 2 sons, _______ work as chemists. A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of which D.all of whom 答:选择B。 这道题你可以用排除法,因为只有两个,不能用all,(all是起码有三个以上的对象时候才用),所以排除D, 因为是指人,不能用which,因为which只引导物体,排除C, 然后,如果要说两个都是,用both, 而不用two, 用two的话,句子中起码出现三个对象,然后其中两个怎么样,就是two of ..~所以排除A, 剩下B就是正确答案哦~ 意思是“他有两个儿子,两个儿子都是药剂师。”


定语从句专项练习题及详解50题 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children"s Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I"ll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we"ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who"s C. which D. whose 14.I"m interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn"t such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don"t like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 23.You"re the only person ______I"ve ever met ______could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 24.I lost a book, ______I can"t remember now. A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that 25.Last summer we visited the West Lake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what 26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong. A. which B. whose C. what D./ 29.This is the reason ______he didn"t come to the meeting. A. in which B. with which C. that D. for which 30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly. A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked after C. that I have looked after D. I have looked after 31.The reason ______he didn"t come was ______he was ill. A. why; that B.that;why C. for that;that D.for which;what 32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam. A.that B.which C.for which D.who 33.That is not the way ______I do it. A./ B.which C.for which D.with which 34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use. A. all of which B. either of which C. both of that D. both of which 35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago. A. as was B. which was C. as were D. which 36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them. A. who B. which C. that D. it 37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done. A. that B. which C. who D. as 39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes. A. / B. why C. when D. whose 40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular. A. that B. which C. it D. though 41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened? --- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew. A. what; that B. what; what C. which; which D. that; that 42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm with the farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life. A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing. A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns. A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed 45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it 46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house. A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that 47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week? A. this school B. this the school C. this school one D. this school where 48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected. A. as B. that C. what D. who 49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well. A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of which D. none of which 50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up. A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been 参考答案及解析 1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。 2.C. "和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应为Do you know the man whom I spoke to.。whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略。 3. D. where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 4. C. when是关系副词,表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 5.A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语。其他几个答案都不能作宾语。 6.C. 解析同第5题。 7. A. 解析见第3题。 8. A. 本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词应用复述的被动语态have been shown。如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one应该视为先行词。 9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth.。about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不能用that。 10. A. with which是"介词+关系代词"结构,常用来引导定语从句.with有"用"的意思,介词之后只能用which,不能用that. with which在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen. 11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语. 12. D. with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer. 13. D. whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语. 14. A. that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导. 15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语. 16. D. such……… as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语. 17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句。这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义。as在从句中可以作主语、宾语。从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前。在本句中,as作宾语. 18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming. 19. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。 as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a……..,本题中such books, such直接修饰复数名词. 20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表示人,又表示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that. 21. D. who引导非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语. 22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds of the 2,000 workers. 23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.因为, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不可省略. 24. A. whose title引导非限制性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which 25. A. for which 引导定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语 be famous for "以……..而闻名". 26. C. 当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语. 27. A. 两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句. 28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语从句中,常用that来代替“in (或其他介词)+which”、when或where,而that常可省略。 29. D. for which在定语从句中作原因状语,可用why 来替代. 30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限制性定语从句. 31. A. The reason why… was that….已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不能随意换位,也不能将that改成because,尽管that这个词在译文中可能有 “因为”的含义。 32. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义. 33. A. 解释见28题. 34. D. 主句中的two表明不能选A.从句中的are表明不能选B. both of which用来引导非限制性定语从句. 35. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。本题中as作从句的主语. 36. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义. 37. D. 38. D. 解析见35题. 39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that. 40. B. which is a bad habit 非限制性定语从句. 41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 之后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,所以关系代词只能用that. 42. D. years是表示时间的名词,用when引导定语从句,是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限制性定语从句. 43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own。本句话主句的主语是The number of指“…..的数目”,是单数概念。因此,主句的谓语动词要用is。 44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语。 45. A. 先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不用which。 46. B. through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语。What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语。 47. B. 为便于理解,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends visited last week. 不难看出,作表语的the school是先行词。that引导了定语从句,因为that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了。其它选项结构不对。 48. A. 解释见35题。 49. C. 因为是two ballpens, 并且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念。因此,C是正确选项。 50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念。因此,其谓语应用单数的has been。关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。


高一英语定语从句练习1、The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp. A.which B.with C.with it D.with which2、The brave man, the tiger was shot, is a good hunter. A.of whom B.by that C.by whom D.by which3、The clever boy made a hole in the wall, he could see what it was going on inside the house. A.on which B.at which C.through which D.in which4、The beautiful dress Miss Jones went to the ball was borrowed from a friend of hers. A.in which B.worn by C.through which D.on which5、During the days , he worked as a servant at the Browns". A.that followed B.to follow C.following D.followed6、You may take anything useful . A.which you want B.you want them C.what you want D.you want7、My hometown is no longer the same it used to be. A.like B.that C.as D.which8、The old woman has two sons, one is a teacher. A.of who B.of whom C.of which D.of them9、You can take any seat is free. A.in which B.that C.where D.which10、Is there anything to you? A.that belong B.which belongs C.that belongs D.that is belonged11、We hope to get such a tool he is using. A.where B.that C.as D.which12、Finally came the day he had to begin his study for the next term. A.till B.that C.since D.which13、She hasn"t got enough money she buys the rings. A.for which B.with which C.that D.which14、I"ve read all the books were borrowed from the library. A.they B.which C./ D.that15、This is the best hotel in the city I know. A.it B.where C.that D.which16、Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burn? A.it B.which C./ D.that17、The Second World War millions of people were killed ended in 1945. A.on which B.where C.in that D.during which18、The train she was traveling was lateA.on that B.for which C.on which D.which




【典型例题】[例1] Friendship is needed by all, _____ plays an important role in people"s lives.A. which B. that C. who D. it分析:_____ plays an important role in people"s lives为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词Friendship用which连接定语从句。 答案:A[例2] Uncle Li _____ I worked three years ago has retired now.A. who B. whom C. with whom D. to whom分析:_____ I worked three years ago作为定语从句修饰先行词Uncle Li,从句完整的表达是:I worked with Uncle Li three years ago. 所以关系词前应加上介词with。 答案:C[例3] Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work ?A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained分析:定语从句_____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work修饰先行词the reason指“他在会上就他工作中的粗心解释的原因。先行词在从句中做宾语。 答案:A[例4] Teachers, _____ work is rather hard, are being better paid than before.A. who B. that C. which D. whose分析:非限定性定语从句_____ work is rather hard修饰先行词teachers, 它与从句中的work是从属关系,关系词用whose 答案:D[例5 ] The Olympic Games , _____ in 776 BC, didn"t included women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first playedC. first played D. to be first playing分析:公元前776年被首次举行的奥运会,直到1912年才容纳女运动员。_____in 776 BC做定语修饰The Olympic Games,指过去的内容,表示被动。用done做定语。 答案:C[例6] The houses _____ for the teachers and the construction work will start soon.A. built B. to be built C. to build D. being built分析:根据句意房子即将开工。_____ for the teachers and the construction work修饰The houses应为The houses The houses将要为教师和施工修建的房子。 答案:B[例7] How many of us_____, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?A. attended B. attending C. to attend D. have attended分析:根据句意:比如说,我们当中参加一个对我们毫不重要的会议的人会有多少人对这个讨论感兴趣呢?_____, say, a meeting that is not important to us修饰How many of us做定语。与全句动作同步. 答案:B[例8] She has three children, _____ is working in Australia.A. who B. one of whom C. one of them D. none of them分析:非限定性定语从句__ is working in Australia修饰先行词three children,根据从句中的is判断,是说:三个孩子中的一个在澳大利亚工作。 答案:B 【模拟试题】1. Susan is the very girl _____ the good deed.A. whom I think did B. whom I think she didC. who I think did D. I think who did2. Luckily, the poor boy had enough money _____ he could buy a train ticket.A. by which B. on which C. with which D. for which3. The book _____ he devoted much time is to come out next month.A. where B. which C. to which D. on which4. The day came finally _____ I was given an opportunity to act in the play.A. when B. in that C. which D. in which5. 1. Don"t you think the question _____ tomorrow is of great importance.A. being discussed B. discussedC. to be discussed D. to discuss6. The food _____ at the moment is for the dinner party.A. cooked B. to be cooked C. is being cooked D. being cooked7. Do you know the teacher _____ under the big tree ?A. read B. reads C. reading D. being read【试题答案】1. C Susan 正是我认为作了好事的那位女孩。先行词the very girl在从句中做think的宾语,同时又是后面宾语从句did the good deed.的主语,所以关系词不能用whom2. C 定语从句_____ he could buy a train ticket.修饰先行词money:用这笔钱买火车票。关系词前面需要加介词:with3. C 定语从句_____ he devoted much time意思是:他把大量的时间都投入在这本书上了。devote….to sth.关系词前加介词:to4. A 定语从句_____ I was given an opportunity to act in the play修饰先行词the day :先行词the day在从句中做时间状语:在这一天我得到了扮演一个角色的机会。5. C 短语_____ tomorrow做定语修饰the question,根据表达的内容:明天即将被讨论的问题。应当用不定式的被动结构做定语。6. D 短语_____ at the moment做the food的定语,表示:正在做的食物。Being done 做定语表示:正在被……的……。7. C 现在分词短语reading under the big tree做定语修饰the teacher 表示:正在大树下看书的那位老师。


给你定语从句专项练习题及详解50题1.The place _______interested me most was the Children"s Palace.A. Which B. where C. what D. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. which B. that C. when D. on which5.That is the day ______I"ll never forget.A. which B. on which C. in which D. when6.The factory ______we"ll visit next week is not far from here.A. where B. to which C. which D. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working.A. where B. that C. which D. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this year B. that have shownC. that has been shown this year D. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talked B. which you talkedC. about that you talked D. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.A. whom B. who C. which D. that12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country?A. who B. who"s C. which D. whose14.I"m interested in ______you have said.A. all that B. all what C. that D. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday.A. which B. who C. what D. as16.He isn"t such a man ______he used to be.A. who B. whom C. that D. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. that B. as C. whom D. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him19.I don"t like ______ as you read.A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school.A. which B. that C. whom D. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. which B. that C. whom D. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women.A. them B. which C. whom D. who23.You"re the only person ______I"ve ever met ______could do it.A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can"t remember now.A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that25.Last summer we visited the West Lake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.A. that B. which C. as D. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. which B. whose C. what D./29.This is the reason ______he didn"t come to the meeting.A. in which B. with which C. that D. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked after D. I have looked after31.The reason ______he didn"t come was ______he was ill.A. why; that B.that;why C. for that;that D.for which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.A.that B.which C.for which D.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./ B.which C.for which D.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of which B. either of which C. both of that D. both of which35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago.A. as was B. which was C. as were D. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them.A. who B. which C. that D. it 37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. that B. which C. who D. as 39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. / B. why C. when D. whose 40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. that B. which C. it D. though 41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; that B. what; what C. which; which D. that; that 42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing.A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed 45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. that B. / C. which D. it 46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that 47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this school B. this the school C. this school one D. this school where 48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. as B. that C. what D. who 49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of which D. none of which 50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been 参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。2.C. "和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应为Do you know the man whom I spoke to.。whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略。3. D. where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。4. C. when是关系副词,表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。5.A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语。其他几个答案都不能作宾语。6.C. 解析同第5题。7. A. 解析见第3题。8. A. 本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词应用复述的被动语态have been shown。如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one应该视为先行词。9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth.。about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不能用that。10. A. with which是"介词+关系代词"结构,常用来引导定语从句.with有"用"的意思,介词之后只能用which,不能用that. with which在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen.11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语.12. D. with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer.13. D. whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语.14. A. that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导.15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语.16. D. such……… as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句。这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义。as在从句中可以作主语、宾语。从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前。在本句中,as作宾语.18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming.19. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。 as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a……..,本题中such books, such直接修饰复数名词.20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表示人,又表示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that.21. D. who引导非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语.22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds of the 2,000 workers.23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.因为, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不可省略.24. A. whose title引导非限制性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which25. A. for which 引导定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语 be famous for "以……..而闻名".26. C. 当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语.27. A. 两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语从句中,常用that来代替“in (或其他介词)+which”、when或where,而that常可省略。29. D. for which在定语从句中作原因状语,可用why 来替代.30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限制性定语从句.31. A. The reason why… was that….已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不能随意换位,也不能将that改成because,尽管that这个词在译文中可能有 “因为”的含义。32. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义.33. A. 解释见28题.34. D. 主句中的two表明不能选A.从句中的are表明不能选B. both of which用来引导非限制性定语从句.35. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句。as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语。本题中as作从句的主语.36. B. 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义.37. D. 38. D. 解析见35题.39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that.40. B. which is a bad habit 非限制性定语从句.41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 之后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,所以关系代词只能用that.42. D. years是表示时间的名词,用when引导定语从句,是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限制性定语从句.43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own。本句话主句的主语是The number of指“…..的数目”,是单数概念。因此,主句的谓语动词要用is。44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语。45. A. 先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不用which。46. B. through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语。What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语。47. B. 为便于理解,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends visited last week. 不难看出,作表语的the school是先行词。that引导了定语从句,因为that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了。其它选项结构不对。48. A. 解释见35题。49. C. 因为是two ballpens, 并且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念。因此,C是正确选项。50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念。因此,其谓语应用单数的has been。关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。


1. This is all ____I know about the matter. a. that b .what c. which d. whether 2. This is the job ____they laughed. a. which b. that c. at that d. at which 3. Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful parks_ _built about 300 years ago in Beijing. a. which was b. where were c. that were d. that was 4. Who was the grey-haired old woman___ __at yesterday"s meeting ? a. we saw her b. we saw c. we saw whom d. she was seen 5. Her basket was full of bananas,___ __were given by Uncle Smith. a. that b. what c. which d. who 6. They went to see their father during those days__ __he stayed in hospital. a. when b. which c. that d. on that 7. This factory will not take anyone____ _eyesight is weak. a.of whom b. whom, c. of that d. whose 8.Let me think of a proper situation__ __this idiom can be used. a. where b. that c. which d. for which 9.On the table she found a piece of paper_ ____some puzzling secret codes. a. which was written b. that was written c. on which were written d. on that was written 10. Mother was very patient with the_ ___her husband seldom was. a. children, whom b. children, which c. children, that d. children, which 11. It was a meeting_ ___importance I didn"t realize at the time. a. which b. of which c. its d. whose 12. This is the second school__ __I used to work at, many students of__ __still have a good relationship with me. a. where…that b. that…which c. which…which d. that…that 13. She is very good at dance,___ _everybody knows. a. that b. which c. who d. as 14. This is the factory__ __his brother worked ten years ago. a. which b. that c. where d. when 15. Mathild will never forget the night_ ___she lost the necklace. a. which b. when c. why d. then 16. The woman__ __my brother spoke just now is my teacher. a. who b. to whom c. to who d. whom 17. This is the factory_ ___they visited the other day. a. that b. where c. t0 which d. what 18.Jeanne was told her old friend,__ __she borrowed a necklace. a. from who b. from whom c. to that d. to whom 19.He built a telescope__ _he could study the skies. a. in which b. through that c. from which d. through which 20.”Wait till you see___ _we"ll make for you to your own measure.” a. that b. if c. the clothes d. which 21. Are you the man_ ___bicycle was stolen ? a. who is b .whose c. his d. of which the 22. Here is the watch ____in the shop window. a. you saw it b. that you saw it c. that saw it d. you saw 23. We are looking forward to the day__ __the four modernizations of our country will be realized. a. while b. which c. whether d. when 24. He makes good use of the time_ ___he can spare. a. that b. in which c. in that d. when 25.”Those ___to see the new film write down your names, please.” a. want b. who c. that wants d. who want 26. Xiao Huang,_ __your good friend, will try her best to help you out. a. who is b. who am c. that am d. what is 27.His classes.__ _he was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke. a. which b. with which c. without which d. that 28. He was two Chinese-English dictionaries, ____were bought last week. a. two of which b. both of which c. both of them d. all of whom 29.She is a teacher of much knowledge, ____much can be learned. a. who b. that c. from which d. from whom 30. A saleswoman is_ ___sells goods. a. a thing that b. something that c. a woman who d. a woman that 31. Anyone_ __with what I said may raise your hand. a. which agrees b. who agree c. who agrees d. which agree 32. He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything___ he saw on the way to Beijing. a. what b. that c. which d. where. 33. Do you know who is living in the house ____ windows face south ? a. whose b. which c which of d. its 34. This is the house in___ my grandfather once lived. a. where b. that c. whose d. which 35. That is the house___ roof was blown off by the strong wind. a. which b. who"s c. its d. whose 36. I have no idea____. a. what the sentence means b. what does the sentence mean c. what means the sentence d what the sentence mean 37.My sister,___ lives in London, is coming to visit us. a.which b. that c. whom d. who 38. That"s the hotel____ last year. a. which we stayed b. at where we stayed c. where we stayed at d. where we stayed 39. The reason___I can"t come is that I have to work late. a. because b. for c. as d. why 40.”Which is your sister ?”” She"s the girl___ is wearing the green dress. a.who b. who"s c. which d. what 41.The Purple mountain,___ we visited last week, is the highest mountain in Jiangsu. a. where b. which c. that d. what 42. She was____I met at the party,____you knew. a.the one…as b. who…that c. the one what…which d. that…as 43.It was raining,___ was a pity. a.what b. that c. the which d. which 44. That"s the dog____. a. we"ve been looking after b. after which we"ve been looking c. what we"ve been looking after d. we"ve been taking care for 45.Which sentence is wrong ? a. The school in which she once studied is not large. b. The school which she once studied is not large c. The school that she once studied in is not large d. The school she once studied in is not large 46.It was just the same with the official ____it had been with the Minister a.a.that b. what c. as d. which 47.In the days___ all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours to a. which b./ c. when d. as 48.This is the last time___ I"ll give you a lesson. a.when b. that c. what d. as 49.Is this the house___ you lived there years ago ? a. that b. where c. which d. the one 50.He is the man___ we should all learn from. a. whose b. which c. whom d. what 51. That"s the only thing__ __we can do now a.which b. what c. that d. all 52. This is the place_____I"ve long wanted to visit. a. where b. which c. what d. as 53. We"ll put off the outing until next week,___ we won"t be so busy. a.which b. / c. as d. when 54. Let"s discuss only such questions____ concern everybody. a. as b. why c. which d. that 55. Is there a shop around ____ we can get fruit? a. on which b. for which c. where d. which 56 The tool ____ he is called a spade. a. for which b. with which c. for that d. with that 57. The film ____ I"m speaking is to be shown at the People"s Cinema next week. a. to that b. to which c. of that d. of which 58. In an open boat, the four men, ____ a doctor , met with a storm on the sea. a. one of whom were b. one of them was c. one of whom was d. one of them were 59. Such signs ____ we use in the experiment ____ Greek letters. a. as…are b. as…is c. that…are d. that…is 60. He gave the old lady a pair of shoes for birthday, ____ pleased her a lot. a. that b. which c. as d. what 61. They have decided to stay at home, ____, I think, ____ a wise choice. a. which…are b. which…is c. that…are d. that…is 62. We walked down the village street, ____ they were having market day. a. which b. that c. where d. for which 63.. The old man told us ____ the days ____ he was poor were gone. a. /…when b. of…when c. when…that d. something…that 64. The family ____ I stayed with in Paris are coming to London. a. whose b. which c. what d. whom 65. In the distance there is a hill, ____ stands a white house. a. in that b. on the top of which c. on the top of it d. on the top of where 66. The dun heats the earth, ____ makes it possible for plants to grow. a. that b. who c. who d. what 67. I don"t like the way ____ he spoke to me. a. what b. by which c. by that d. / 68. ____ was natural, he married Mary. a. Which b. That c. This d. As 69. He wants to go to Norway, ____ has more mountains than Sweden. a. that b. who c. which d. whose 70. This is the very knife ____ I used to cut apples yesterday. a. that b. by which c. which d. with which 71. China has many rivers, ____ the Changjiang River is the longest. a. which b. in which c. among which d. one of which 72. Here is so difficult a question ____. a. that no one can answer b. which nobody can answer it c. as no one can answer it d. as nobody can answer 1.I don";t know _________ he will come tomorrow._________ he comes,I";ll tell you. A.if;Whether B.whether;Whether C.if;That D.if;If 2.I don";t know _________ the day after tomorrow. A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he";ll come 3.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is? A.what B.how C.whether D.where 4.Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help? A.how did he mend B.what did he mend C.how he mended D.what he mended 5.I want to know _________ . A.whom is she looking after B.whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after 6.Do you know where _________ now? A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live 7.Do you know what time _________ ? A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave D.the train leaves 8.I don";t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are 9.The small children don";t know _________ . A.what is their stockings in B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings 10.I can";t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means II.按要求转换句型。 1.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(改写句子) →Could you tell us _________ Mr.Brown _________ living in China? 2.“Does the girl need any help?”he asked me.(变为复合句) →He asked me _________ the girl _________ some help. 3.Jim is not a student.Tom is not a student,either.(合并为一个句子) _________ Jim _________ Tom is a student. 4.When does the train leave?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know _________ the train _________ . 5.They went home after they had finished their homework.(用not...until改写) They _________ go home _________ they had finished their homework. 6.Did Peter come here yesterday?Li Lei wants to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) Li Lei wants to know _________ Peter _________ here yesterday. I.1—5DDDCD 6—10ADDBD II.1.if/whether;enjoys 2.if/whether;needed 3.Neither;nor 4.when;leaves 5.didn";t;until 6.whether;came


My Favorite ProfessionIf you are a junior (大三学生) or a senior (大四学生), you may be frequently asked, "What would you like to do in the future?" Whenever people ask me this question, my answer isalways the same, "To be a teacher."Teaching has been my favorite profession all the time. My dream of being a teacher was rooted in my childhood. The good natured, patient and strict teachers in primary school made a strong impression on me. As I grow up, I know more about my desired profession. Teachers are the engineers of human soul. That is to say, they play roles in the forming and shaping(塑造) of students' intellectual and psychological make-up. Teachers are lifelong learners while instructing students.Nowadays governments at all levels put more stress on the roles of education in information society, versatile (多才多艺的) teachers are urgently needed. To be a qualified teacher in the new century, I must prepare right now. Rosy(玫瑰色的) dream and firm will can not be automatically translated into(转化为) teaching methods and job skills. In short, I will make efforts to do well my favorite job teaching.


主句中有下面这些词的时候anything,something,everything,nothing,all,,以及形容词的最高级的时候,后面的关系代词要用that,而不能用which。 给你举个例子 There is nothing that we can not master if we try our best to do it.



witch引导定语从句时 可以代表复数名词吗

可以的。可以,关系代词指代的是先行词,所以它的数取决于先行词的数。英语定语从句中which在以下情况下使用有:1、which用作疑问代词时,在特殊疑问句中用作宾语或主语。2、which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句。3、引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。4、读音:英 [w_t_] 美 [w_t_] 5、释义:哪一个,哪一些。6、例句:I wanted to know which school it was you went to我想知道你上的是哪所学校。




英语翻译:My books are in the closet.

The one 在定语从句怎么用,做什么成份,不用会怎么样


定语从句the one和that的区别Is this factory


定语从句the one和that的区别Is this factory




定语从句引导词that, which,who 的用法有些什么区别

定语从句的基本用法: (一)关系代词引导的定语从句1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。2. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。3.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。指物时,常用下列结构来代替:The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。定语从句考查重点:(一)定语从句在下列情况下只能用that,而不能用which指物。(指人时可以用who/whom)1. 当先行词被形容词最高级或者序数词修饰时。2. 当先行词是不定代词everything, anything, nothing ,something, all, none, few, little, some,much等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时3. 当先行词被the very, the only, the same, the last修饰时4. 当先行词是who,或which引导的主句时5. 当先行词为人与动物或人与物时


关系代词which一般指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,既可以引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。另外“介词+which”具有替代作用,十分常见。 1.引导限制性定语从句 (1)A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 商店应存有最畅销的货物。 (2)This is the family which is planning to move to the party. 这是要搬进城里的一家。 2.引导非限制性定语从句 (1)用来指代一个句子 Internet is so interesting,which makes all possible happen. 因特网如此有趣,它可以使任何事都有可能发生。 (2)用来指代句子的一部分 When deep in thought,which he often was,he would forget all around him. 他常常陷入沉思,这时他就会忘掉周围的一切。 (3)如果要引导两个非限制性定语从句,第二个which前要加and He bought a book,which was written by LuXun,and which he decided to give to his friend. 他买了本鲁迅写的书,他决定送给朋友。 3.名词+of+which(=of which+名词=whose+名词)通常放在先行词的后面。 I"d like a room the window of which looks out over the sea. I"d like a room of which the window looks out over the sea. I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我要一间窗户面临大海的房间。 4.介词+which的替代作用 (1)作时间状语替代when There used to be a time at which/during which(=when)the Chinese people struggled for freedom. 中国人曾有一段为自由而斗争的日子。 (2)作地点状语替代where This is the office in which(=where)I used to work. 这是我过去工作过的办公室。 (3)作原因状语替代why I"d like you to explain the reason for which(=why)you were absent. 我想让你解释一下缺席的原因。 (4)作方式状语替代that或省略 There are many ways in which(=that/省略)we can solve the problem. 解决这个问题有很多方法。


  下面是我为同学们整理了定语从句中which的用法 ,希望大家学以致用!   定语从句既然是从句,就是一个 句子 ,一定要有句子主干,也就是说,一定要有谓语动词。有的选项定语从句中没有谓语动词,动作由非谓语动词表示,就是错的。   定语从句既然是从句,就是从属于主句的,一定要由关系代词或关系副词引导,把自身的谓语动词独立性取消,保证主句谓语动词地位不动摇。有的选项定语从句没有关系代词或关系副词,直接上谓语动词,也是错的。   which是定语从句的关系代词之一。which有且仅有两种用法。   一,which前面有逗号,逗号前面是个名词,which就近指代那个名词。   (1) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which did not cheer Pea up.   which就近指代photos,定语从句中谓语动词did not cheer (Pea up)的发出者即从句主语即先行词photos,是photos没让豌豆家属高兴起来。   (2) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which Pea did not find interesting.   which就近指代photos,photos是定语从句中的宾语,把定语从句还原成一个完整句就是Pea did not find the photos interesting.   可以看到,上面两个句子都可以以that为关系代词改写,即   (1)u2019 Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that did not cheer Pea up.   (2)u2019 Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that Pea did not find interesting.   改写与原版区别在哪儿?就在一个逗号。which前面是名词,名词和which之间没逗号的,在GMAT语法里算错。   二,which前面是介词,介词前面是名词,which就近指代介词前的那个名词,名词和介词之间有无逗号均可。   Tankfield once lent Pea a book from which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes.   这个句子可以“拆”成如下两句:(每个定语从句都可以拆成两句,以先行词为拆分点)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book. Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from the book.   先行词实际上是定语从句中介词的宾语,这时,需要把介词提前,避免如下表达:   Tankfield once lent Pea a book, which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book that Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   上中学的时候学过,which引导的定语从句叫“非限制性定语从句”,是不是?它怎么就“非限制性”了?回顾上述GMAT语法规定which有且仅有的两种用法,which指的都是就近的名词,从句其实还是限制性的。   所谓非限制性呢,是说which指逗号之前一套主谓所描述的情况,以逗号前的一个完整句为先行词。比如:   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   注意,这样的非限制性定语从句在GMAT语法中是不成立的,关于which,GMAT语法考试只认可上述两种限制性用法。那么,在GMAT语法考试规则范围内,用什么 方法 能够表达出原来学过的非限制性定语从句的意思来呢?   分成两句或做出同位语来都是可以的,当然,需要先找出一个名词把原来非限制性定语从句的先行词(即那个完整的句子)概括出来。   一、分成两句   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. The fact was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. Pea did not refuse to acknowledge the fact to herself any more.   二、做同位语   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, the fact, rather sad, being what Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   是不是听过 传说 ,带being的一概不选?Being为什么这么遭人鄙视?上面的例句还是成立的吗?


  定语从句which的用法   which是定语从句的关系代词之一。GMAT语法考试限定,which有且仅有两种用法。   一,which前面有逗号,逗号前面是个名词,which就近指代那个名词。   (1) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which did not cheer Pea up.   which就近指代photos,定语从句中谓语动词did not cheer (Pea up)的发出者即从句主语即先行词photos,是photos没让豌豆家属高兴起来。   (2) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which Pea did not find interesting.   which就近指代photos,photos是定语从句中的宾语,把定语从句还原成一个完整句就是Pea did not find the photos interesting.   可以看到,上面两个句子都可以以that为关系代词改写,即   (1)" Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that did not cheer Pea up.   (2)" Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that Pea did not find interesting.   改写与原版区别在哪儿?就在一个逗号。which前面是名词,名词和which之间没逗号的,在GMAT语法里算错。   二,which前面是介词,介词前面是名词,which就近指代介词前的那个名词,名词和介词之间有无逗号均可。   Tankfield once lent Pea a book from which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes.   这个句子可以“拆”成如下两句:(每个定语从句都可以拆成两句,以先行词为拆分点)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book. Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from the book.   先行词实际上是定语从句中介词的宾语,这时,需要把介词提前,避免如下表达:   Tankfield once lent Pea a book, which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book that Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   上中学的时候学过,which引导的定语从句叫“非限制性定语从句”,是不是?它怎么就“非限制性”了?回顾上述GMAT语法规定which有且仅有的两种用法,which指的都是就近的名词,从句其实还是限制性的.。   所谓非限制性呢,是说which指逗号之前一套主谓所描述的情况,以逗号前的一个完整句为先行词。比如:   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   注意事项:   这样的非限制性定语从句在GMAT语法中是不成立的,关于which,GMAT语法考试只认可上述两种限制性用法。那么,在GMAT语法考试规则范围内,用什么方法能够表达出原来学过的非限制性定语从句的意思来呢?   分成两句或做出同位语来都是可以的,当然,需要先找出一个名词把原来非限制性定语从句的先行词(即那个完整的句子)概括出来。   一、分成两句   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. The fact was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. Pea did not refuse to acknowledge the fact to herself any more.   二、做同位语   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, the fact, rather sad, being what Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.


如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which; 例如: The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous. 水流湍急,使这条河很危险。 扩展资料   He has to work on Sundays, which he doesn"t like.   他得在星期天工作,他是不喜欢这样的。   The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season.   伦敦队上一个季度打得很好,这个季度却打得很差。   直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which:   She may be late, in which case we ought to wait for her. 她可能晚到,那样我们就要等等她。   The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他们找寻的文件已找到了。   This morning some port wine came, for which I have to thank you. 今天早上送来一些波尔图葡萄酒,为此我得向你道谢。   注:有时“介词+which”引导的定语从句可以转换成“介词+which+不定式”结构:   He had only the long nights in which he could study. =He had only the long nights in which to study.   他只有漫漫长夜可用来学习。


关系代词which一般指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,既可以引导限定性定语从句,又可引导非限定性定语从句。另外“介词+which”具有替代作用,十分常见。1.引导限定性定语从句(1)A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best.商店应存有最畅销的货物。(2)This is the family which is planning to move to the party.这是要搬进城里的一家。2.引导非限定性定语从句(1)用来指代一个句子Internet is so interesting,which makes all possible happen.因特网如此有趣,它可以使任何事都有可能发生。(2)用来指代句子的一部分When deep in thought,which he often was,he would forget all around him.他常常陷入沉思,这时他就会忘掉周围的一切。(3)如果要引导两个非限定性定语从句,第二个which前要加andHe bought a book,which was written by LuXun,and which he decided to give to his friend.他买了本鲁迅写的书,他决定送给朋友。3.名词+of+which(=of which+名词=whose+名词)通常放在先行词的后面。I"d like a room the window of which looks out over the sea.I"d like a room of which the window looks out over the sea.I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea.我要一间窗户面临大海的房间。4.介词+which的替代作用(1)作时间状语替代whenThere used to be a time at which/during which(=when)the Chinese people struggled for freedom.中国人曾有一段为自由而斗争的日子。(2)作地点状语替代whereThis is


which可以引导定语从句,修饰表示事物的先行词,在定语从句中充当主语、宾语或者表语。例如: He was reading a book, which was about war. 他正在读一本关于战争的书。(关系代词which在修饰book的定语从句中充当主语。)which引导的非定语从句:which引导非限定性定语从句时有一个特殊用法, 即它所引导的非限定性定语从句修饰主句中更多的部分甚至整个主句(这时被定语从句所修饰的“先行词”要作广义理解), which仍在定语从句中作主语、 宾语或表语。例如:He set free the birds happily, which was a celebration for his success. 他开心地把鸟放了, 这是对他成功的一种庆祝。


定语从句的关系代词 Which的用法: 若先行词指物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语. This is the pen which was given by my friend. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 This is the pen which my friend gave to me. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 下面是他和that在定语从句中的区别及用法: that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用which ,不用that (1) 关系代词前有介词时. This is the hotel in which you will stay. (2) 如有两个定语从句,其中一句的关系代词是that,另一句宜于用which. Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the liberary which was newly open (新开放) to us. 注意2that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which. (1) 先行词是形容词最高级或者它的前面有形容词最高级时 This is the best that has been used against air pollution(反对空气污染) in cities. English is the most difficult subject that you will learn during these years. (2) 先行词是序数词,或它的前面有一个序数词时 He is the last person that I want to see. (3) 主句中已有疑问词时 Which is the bike that you lost? (4) 先行词既有人又有物时 The bike and its rider that had run over (撞倒了)an old man were taken to the police station. (5) 先行词是all,much,little,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one等代词时 You should hand in all that you have. We haven"t got much that we can offer you. I mean the one that you talked about just now. (6) 先行词前面有only,any,few,little,no,all,one of,the same,the very等词修饰时 The only thing that we can do is to give you some money. Li Ming is the only one that got full marks (满分)in our class. Li Ming is one of the students that want to be teachers in our class. (7) 有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另外一个宜用that Edison built up a factory(办了一个工厂) which produced things that had never been seen before. 定语从句的关系副词 Where的用法:若先行词指地点且其在定语从句中充当地点状语. This is the house+I was born in the house. (=I was born there) 介词短语 副词 =This is the house where I was born.这就是我在那儿出生的房子. 先行词 关系副词 in which I was born. 介词+关系代词 which I was born in. 关系代词 这里作介宾的which和that可以省略 that I was born in


which一般指物,作主语,宾语,偶尔作定语1.(The river which runs through the centre of the city )brings us lots of pleasures.主语2.They stayed with me for (three weeks during which time they drunk all the wine I had).定语

he goes 定语从句的关系词是什么?He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spre



这是一个讲述亲情,成长,友情的故事 用英文定语从句怎么说?It is a story which tells the family and friends while growing up。


There is a problem where can I get an application form



英语高手请问一个定语从句指代 20分 谢谢

楼上说的太罗嗦了 a certain vague aroma与先行词the memory of Mr penniman"s flowers of sppech 是所属关系 它的芳香(aroma)所以用of




定语从句用来充当句中定语的主谓结构;它主要用于修饰句子中的名词、代词。而定语从句的位置常常是紧跟在被修饰的名词、代词的后面。在被修饰的名词、代词与定语从句之间往往有一个关系词将其前后两部分联系成一个整体,或是构成一个名词短语;或是构成一个代词短语。但从结构上说,关系词与从句是一个整体。排除句子的其他各部分,这种带有定语从句的名词短语或是代词短语的构成可演示如下:1)three signs that indicate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack三种意味着一个人是患有惊恐症而不是心脏病的迹象在这个带有定语从句的名词短语中:signs是:被修饰的名词; that是:关系词;that indicate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack是定语从句2)those who drink a lot 那些大量饮酒的人在这个带有定语从句的代词短语中:those是:被修饰的名词; who是:关系词;who drink a lot是:定语从句通过上面的演示,我们可以归纳出定语从句在句子中的位置、结构如下:被修饰的名词 / 代词 + 关系词 + 句子 (其中,"被修饰的名词/代词"在语法叫作"先行词".)要点提示:1)"先行词"与"关系词"的内在联系"先行词"与"关系词"之间实质上是互等、互换的关系。也就是说,关系词的作用就是将先行词所表达意义"代到"从句中来起作用。例如:They often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations (先行词)where (关系词)people normally would not be afraid .他们常在人们一般不会感到害怕的情况下却很容易感到恐惧或是感到不自在。(本句中的关系词where = 先行词(in)situations 。如果把这个复合句拆成两个分句,那就是:They often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situationspeople normally would not be afraid in situations 由此可以看出,"先行词"与"关系词"之间实质上是互等、互换的关系)。 又例如:Rude people are those (先行词) whose (关系词)behavior shows little respect for the rules(先行词) that(关系词) the majority follows .不讲礼貌的人是指那些,他们的行为对大多数人所遵从的规则并不表示尊敬的人。由此我们还可以看出,"先行词"往往是分别重复出现在两个分句中的名词或代词。这也就是我们做定语从句的条件之必需。否则,"关系词"就无法去替代"先行词"而构筑定语从句了。这个道理就如同我们在计算机上"做剪贴以前要先做复制"一样。)2)"先行词"的意义决定"关系词"的选择"关系词"的选择往往是由"先行词"自身表达的意义,以及它在从句中的语法功能而决定的。这个意思就是说,假如"先行词"自身表达的意义是表示"人的意义"或是"物的意义",那么我们就相应地选择表示"人的意义"或是"物的意义"的"先行词"。"先行词" 在从句中的语法功能也是决定"关系词"选择的重要条件。比如说,同样都是表示"人的意义"的"先行词",如果它在从句中作主语,"关系词"就得用表示"人的意义"的主格形式,如果它在从句中作定语,"关系词"就得用表示"人的意义"的所有格形式。另外,有时"先行词"本身是表示事物的名词,而它在从句中却与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语,在这种情况下,我们就应该用"关系副词"而不能用"关系代词"了。例如:Some people who are successful language learners often fail in other fields . 有些在语言学习上很有成就的人,在其他领域常常一无所成。In our class , we have some students whose families are not in Wuhan.我们班上有些家不在武汉市的同学。There are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words .有许多声音有意义但不是词。Tell him to go to the classroom where we often have our English class .如果把这个复合句拆成两个分句,那就是:tell him to go to the classroom .We often have our English class in the classroom )告诉他去我们常上英语课的那间教室。(一) 关系词从前面的讨论中我们可以清楚地看出,关系词在定语从句的构成里是至关重要的。我们甚至可以说,掌握不好关系词就无法做成定语从句,也无法理解文中带有定语从句部分的意思。因此,我们首先讨论一下关系词的有关问题。定语从句中的关系词只有两类:关系代词和关系副词;没有连词。也就是说,定语从句中的所有关系词不但都有具体的意义而且都在从句中担任一定的成分。1)关系代词:who , whom , whose , which , that 等。who用于代替"表示人的意义"的先行词,并且在从句中作主语;在现代英语里,也可取代whom在从句中作动词的宾语。例如:I have no idea about the man who wrote the article .我不认识写这篇文章的那个人。The little boy who is singing there can recite quiet a number of Chinese poems .whom 用于代替"表示人的意义"的先行词,并且在从句中作动词或介词的宾语。在现代英语里,如果whom在从句中作动词的宾语,它与who可以通用;但是如果whom在从句中作介词的宾语,那么就只能用whom而不能与who通用了。当然,如果在口语或非正式文体中,介词没有提前,也就没有这点要求了。例如:Who is the girl whom ( who ) you talked to just now ? 刚才和你说话的那个女孩子是谁?Yesterday, I happened to meet , in the shopping center , the professor who ( whom ) I got to know at a party .昨天在购物中心,我碰巧遇见了那位我在一次聚会上认识的教授。 They are looking for the patient on whom doctors just performed an operation . 他们正在寻找那位医生刚刚给他做过手术的病人。 (句中的关系代词whom代替the patient ,在从句中作介词on的宾语,而且介词on提到关系代词的前面,所以who 和whom就绝不可以通用了,此处只能用whom 。)Who is the girl to who (whom) you talked just now ? (错误)(句中的关系代词whom(who)代替the girl ,在从句中作介词to的宾语,但是由于介词to已提到了关系代词的前面,who 和whom就绝不可以通用了,所以如果还继续使用who句子就错了。此处只能用whom 。)whose 用于代替"表示人或物意义"的先行词,在从句中作定语,往往与它所修饰的名词一起构成一个名词短语在从句中担当成分。Whose常表达"某人的、某物的"之意。例如:Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate ?你知道她的哥哥与你同寝室的那位女孩的名字吗?Water whose boiling point is at 100 degree Centigrade has no color, no flavor. 沸点在摄氏100度的水无色、无味。which 用于代替"表示事物意义"的先行词,在从句中作主语、宾语。例如:Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept .那些全新的或是来自国外的观点或许也很难被接受。I"ve got a novel which you may like to read .我弄到一本你或许想看的小说。That was a fault which could not be forgiven . 那是不能饶恕的错误。that 既用于代替"表示人的意义"的先行词,也用于代替"表示事物意义"的先行词;在从句中既可以作主语,也可以作谓语动词的宾语,但是不能作介词的宾语。在一定范围内,that = who / whom / which 。例如:Views that (which ) are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept .那些全新的或是来自国外的观点或许也很难被接受。Salaried people that ( who) earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government .工薪在几千美元以上的人必须将工资中的一定百分比交付给联邦政府。Who is the girl to that you talked just now ? (错误)要点提示:定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可以省略;如果关系代词在定语从句中作宾语可以省略。例如:This is the book ( which ) you were looking for yesterday . 这就是你昨天找的那本书。I don"t like the novel ( that ) you are reading .我不喜欢你看的这本小说。Who is the man ( whom ) you"re talking about ? 你们谈论的那个人是谁?定语从句中,关系代词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数。例如:Those who are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon .(先行词Those是复数,关系代词who也就看作是复数,所以从句的谓语动词就用了复数形式are了。)请那些年龄在四十几岁的人于今天下午去进行体检。This is the magazine which was sent to me by post .(先行词the magazine是单数,关系代词which也就看作是单数,所以从句的谓语动词就用了单数形式was sent) 这是通过邮局寄给我的杂志。关系代词that 和which的区别 that 和which在一般情况都可以用于代替"表示事物意义"的先行词,在从句中作主语、宾语。但在下列情况下一般只用that而不用which :-- 先行词本身是all , everything , something , nothing , anything等不定代词时,例如:Anything that can burn is a source of heat energy .任何能够燃烧的东西都是热能源。There must be something that happened to you .你一定出了什么事。They had nothing that could cure of his disease .他们没有一点能治愈他疾病的东西了。-- 先行词已有序数词或形容词的最高级或the last, the only等作定语时,例如:This is the most impressive TV theater that has never been put on show before . 这是以前从未上演过的最有感染力的电视剧。That is the only way that leads to your success .那是通向你成功的唯一之路。We have to consider the first thing that starts our work .我们必须要考虑启动我们工作的第一件事。然而,在下列情况下却只用which而不用that:-- 当先行词表示事物意义,并且在从句中作介词的宾语,那么就只能用which 。当然,如果在口语或非正式文体中,介词没有提前,也就没有这点要求了。例如:The world in which we live is made of matter .我们生活于其中的世界是由物质组成的。Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow . 洋流影响其流经的附近地区的气候。The world that we live in is made of matter.(正确。因为关系代词虽然在从句中作介词的宾语,但是介词没有提前,所以没有这点要求。)我们生活于其中的世界是由物质组成的。The world in that we live is made of matter.(错误。因为关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语,而且介词已经提前,所以必须遵从这点要求。)-- 在非限定性定语从句(关于这一点随后就要讲解)中,当关系词表示事物意义时, 只能用which 。这是语法所规定的,没有任何解释。例如:The sun heats the earth , which makes it possible for plants to grow .太阳给予大地热,这就使植物的生长成为可能。The most important form of energy is electrical energy , which is widely used in our daily life .最重要的能源形式是电能,它广泛地运用于我们的日常生活之中。-- as可以作为关系代词引导限定性定语从句、非限定性定语从句。例如:限定性定语从句 (常用于such … as和the same … as 等句式中)Such points as you"ve mentioned are really important in solving the problem .你提到的这些方面在解决这个问题上的确很重要。People such as you describe are rarely seen nowadays .你描述的这种人现在很少见了。This computer has the same functions as that one has .这台计算机有着和那台计算机一样的功能。非限定性定语从句 (as可以作为关系代词引导非限定性定语从句时,as是指全句:也就是说,将整个主句看成一件事或是一个事实;并对其进行补充、说明。这种非限定性定语从句既可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。) As I know , she hasn"t got married . 如我所知,她还未结婚。They won the first place in the game, as could be expected.可以预料,他们在比赛中得了第一。Professor Li is extremely popular among students , as is known to all of us . 如我们大家所知,李教授极受学生们的欢迎。2)关系副词:when , where , why 等。在定语从句,关系副词 = 介词 + which 。也就是说,每个关系副词里本身就已经含有了一个介词:when = 在什么时候,where = 在什么地方,why = 为什么原因,等。至于在英文中用哪个具体的介词,就得依具体情况而定了。when 代替表示时间的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语,例如:People will always remember the time when Hong Kong and Macao returned to our motherland .人们会永远记住香港和澳门回归祖国的那一时刻。He came at a time when we needed help . 他在我们需要人帮忙的时候来了。We don"t know the exact time when the English Evening will be held . 我们不知道英语晚会举行的确切时间。where 代替表示地点的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。例如:The place where we"re to have the Speech Contest has not been decided yet.我们举行演讲比赛的地点还未定下来。He is living in a newly-built house where there used to be a pond . 他现在居住的新房是原先一个池塘的旧址。That is a beautiful campus where I made a lot dreams .那是一座我曾经在那儿有过许多梦想的美丽的校园。why 代替表示原因的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。例如:He didn"t tell her the reason why he was so happy .他没有告诉她为什么他那么高兴的原因。The reason why she was late is not so acceptable .她迟到的原因不那么令人接受。They explained the reason to us why they had misunderstood us before .他们向我们解释为什么他们以前误解了我们的原因。介词+关系代词在这种结构中,关系代词若是表示人的意义,就只能用whom ;关系代词若是表示事物的意义,就只能用which 。而这种结构中较难解决的问题是介词的选择问题,因为这个问题的解决取决于多种因素:A)动词与介词的搭配B)名词与介词的搭配C)形容词与介词的搭配,等等。总之,要依从句的具体需要而定。例如:A)动词与介词的搭配He has found a good job for which he is qualified .( qualify + 名词+ for "使…具有…资格" )他找到了一份他能胜任的工作。The man to whom you talked just now will chair the meeting tomorrow . ( talk to + 名词 "与某人谈话" ) 你刚才与他谈话的那个人明天主持那个会议。He is bargaining with the landlord over the monthly price at which the apartment rents .名词+ rent at + 表示价格的词 "某物以某价格出租" )他在与房东就那套公寓出租的月租金进行磋商。B)名词与介词的搭配They are still living in the little house in which they"ve been lived for 15 years . ( in the house "在屋子里" )他们现在还住在他们已住了15年的那个小房子里。We"ve worked out a method by which our production can be raised on a large scale.( by a method通过某种方法) 我们已研制出了一个能大规模提高生产的方法。She didn"t realize the extent to which she had been distracted .( to extend "到某种程度" ) 她没有意识到她心烦意乱的程度。C)形容词与介词的搭配The secretary with whom the boss is not happy will be fired for her inefficiency . (happy with "对…表示满意")老板对其不满意的那个秘书将由于她没有工作效率而被解雇。I"ve found the job for which I"ve been eager for a long time.( eager for "渴望得到…" ) 我已找到了我渴望已久的那份工作。He is a learned man with whom we are familiar .(familiar with 熟悉…)他是一位我们熟悉的有学识的人。


1.who wears a hat2.used,that is sincere3.that I have seen4.who has millions of5.which is covered with6 .you are looking for7.whose English ,is interested in

1.英语陈述句语序和疑问句语序的结构 2.why not 后面是跟do 还是to do? 3.求非限制定语从句的运用

1.英语陈述句语序和疑问句语序的结构简单点来说,陈述句和疑问句你一定可以分清楚的对吧?那就好办了,如:I am a student. 这是一个陈述句,那它的语序就是陈述句语序陈述句语序即:(主语 + 谓语 + 其它) 的顺序Are you a student?疑问句语序即: (谓语 + 主语 + 其它)的顺序如果谓语是个实义动词(即:有实际意义的动词),如:Does he like playing football?疑问句语序即:(助动词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其它)2.why not 后面是跟do 还是to do? why not do如:Why not go shopping?3. 求非限制定语从句的运用简单来说,非限制定语从句的关系词前面有个“逗号”,,起补充说明作用,如省去意思仍完整如:The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性) 可以比较一下:This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)Hi,很高兴为你解答!如果帮到您,您的及时采纳是对我最大的支持!还有不明白的欢迎继续追问O(∩_∩)O

for reason that 到底是什么成分?既不是同位语从句,也不像定语从句啊,定语从句tha

你好~建议你不要把for reason that看成一个短语,因为它根本不是一个短语...他前面一句话有一个marry for reasons....意思是为了XX原因而结婚后面一个rather than for reasons that,这一个“for”跟的也是前面的动词marry然后后面跟:reasons that benifit XXX,这很明显,that引导的是一个定语从句,该从句修饰reasons

occasion引导定语从句在句中作状语 用什么引导?




occasion引导定语从句在句中作状语 用什么引导?



occasion定语从句用法:如果occasion表示机会,时间的话,就用when引导。如果它翻译成场合,表示地点,就用where引导。occasion的意思是某次,…的时候,特别的事情(或仪式、庆典),适当的机会,时机。 扩展资料 occasion的例句:I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden(我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻);Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge(带着她出席正式场合对我来说一直是个挑战)。


occasion定语从句用法:如果occasion表示机会,时间的话,就用when引导。如果它翻译成场合,表示地点,就用where引导。occasion的意思是某次,…的时候,特别的事情(或仪式、庆典),适当的机会,时机。 扩展资料 occasion的"例句:IoftenthinkfondlyofanoccasionsomeyearsagoatCoventGarden(我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻);Takingherwithmeonofficialoccasionshasbeenachallenge(带着她出席正式场合对我来说一直是个挑战)。


occasion定语从句用法:如果occasion表示机会,时间的话,就用when引导。如果它翻译成场合,表示地点,就用where引导。occasion的意思是某次,…的时候,特别的事情(或仪式、庆典),适当的机会,时机。 扩展资料 occasion的"例句:IoftenthinkfondlyofanoccasionsomeyearsagoatCoventGarden(我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻);Takingherwithmeonofficialoccasionshasbeenachallenge(带着她出席正式场合对我来说一直是个挑战)。


在occasion定语从句中,如果occasion表示机会,时间的话,就用when引导。如果它翻译成场合,表示地点,就用where引导。occasion的意思是某次,…的时候,特别的事情(或仪式、庆典),适当的机会,时机。occasion的简明意思: n. 场合;时机;理由;机会;盛大场面 vt. 引起;致使 An occasion lost cannot be redeemed. 时机失了无法挽回。 The video camera that one single mother bought for a special occasion, for example, is not much fun now 比如,一位单身母亲为特殊场合购买了摄影机,现在她不觉得这台摄影机多有趣了。 I will speak to him if the occasion arises. 如果有机会我将跟他说。 Luckily for you, you have no more occasion to do it than I had. 你很幸运,你同我都没有这样做的理由。


occasion:a.a time when something happens b.an important social event or ceremony 做定语从句的先行词,如果表示时间,关系副词自然用when.如果表示地点,关系词用where】




  单项选择是英语高考的一个必考题型,考生多注重单选题中易混易错题,以达到触类旁通,科学备考之目的。以下是我为您整理的高考英语易错题之定语从句,仅供参考!   高考英语易错题之定语从句题目   1. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _______ in the forest.   A. once they grew B. they grew once   C. they once grew D. once grew   2. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 pm, _____ many people have gone home.   A. that B. which   C. whose time D. by which time   3. Is this the reason _______ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?   A. he explained B. what he explained   C. how he explained D. why he explained   4. Luckily, weu2019d brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way.   A. it B. that   C. this D. which   5. When he was working there he caught a serious illness from _____ efforts he still suffers.   A. which B. that   C. whose D. what   6. Itu2019s said that heu2019s looking for a new job, one ______ he can get more money to support his family.   A. when B. where   C. that D. which   7. We are living in an age ______ many things are done on computer.   A. which B. that   C. whose D. when   8. The little time we have together weu2019ll try _____ wisely.   A. spending it B. to spend it   C. to spend D. spending that   9. The old building, behind _______ was a famous church, was _______ we used to work.   A. that, the place B. it, the place   C. which, where D. what, where   10. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, _______ other visitors seldom go.   A. what B. which   C. where D. when   11. The modern history of Italy dates from 1860, ______ the country became united.   A. when B. if   C. since D. until   12. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _____ in the forest.   A. once they grew B. they grew once   C. that once grew D. once grew   13. You could see the runners very well from ______ we stood.   A. which B. where   C. that D. when   14. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _______ was very reasonable.   A. which price B. the price of which   C. its price D. the price of whose   15. What have you got _____ will help a cold?   A. what B. that   C. it D. who   16. He was very angry and I can still remember the way _____ he spoke to me.   A. how B. that   C. what D. which   17. Do you know the man from ________ house the pictures were stolen?   A. which B. that   C. what D. whose   18. I can think of many cases _______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnu2019t write a good essay.   A. why B. which   C. as D. where   19. Is this all that you need? If you married me, Iu2019d give you everything you _____.   A. want B. wanted   C. had wanted D. are wanting   20. I met the teacher in the street yesterday ________ taught me English three years ago.   A. which B. when   C. where D. who   21. Heu2019s got himself into a dangerous situation _____ he is likely to lose control over the plane.   A. where B. which   C. while D. why   22. He made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science.   A. which I think is B. which I think it is   C. which I think it D. I think is   23. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the others unhappy.   A. who B. which   C. this D. what   24. Their problem today is somewhat similar to _____ they faced many years ago.   A. that B. which   C. that which D. it   25. I saw some trees the leaves of _____ were black with disease.   A. that B. which   C. it D. what   26. The famous basketballer, _______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.   A. where B. when   C. which D. who   27. When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the girl brought out a cheaper one, _______ she had arranged with James.   A. the which was what B. what was that   C. which was what D. that was that   高考英语易错题之定语从句题目参考答案   1. 选 C。先行词是 those,可视为 those flowers 之省略。they once grew 前省略了关系代词 which。全句意为:这儿所养的花是由他们曾在森林里种植的花培养出来的。   2. 选D。by which time 引出的是一个非限制性定语从句,其中 by which time 相当于 and by that time。   3. 选 A。注意不能选 D,因为动词 explained 缺宾语。   4. 选 D。which 指 the road map。   5. 选C。from whose efforts he still suffers 为修饰 a serious illness 的定语从句,whose 在定语从句中用作定语,修饰 efforts。   6. 选B。where 引导定语从句修饰 one。注:one 在此指 a new job。类似地,下面一题的答案是C,因为one that 相当于 a problem that:   The problem is _____ has caused us a lot of trouble.   A. one B. that   C. one that D. that one   7. 选 D。先行词是表时间的 age(时代),由于关系词在定语从句中作状语,故用 when。   8. 选C。该句的正常词序为 We will try to spend the little time we have together wisely.   9. 选C。第一空填 which,指 the old building;第二空填 where,用以引导表语从句。   10. 选 C。先行词是地点名词 places,由于关系词在定语从句中作状语,故用 where。   11. 选A。when 引导的是非限制性定语从句。   12. 选C。that once grew in the forest 为修饰 those 的定语从句。   13. 选B。where 在此相当于 the place where。   14. 选 B。the price of which was very reasonable 为非限制性定语从句,其中的 the price of which 相当于 and its price 或 and the price of it。假若空格前有并列连词 and,则可选 C。   15. 选B。that will help a cold 为修饰 what 的定语从句。比较:Have you got anything that will help a cold? 以及 Iu2019ve got nothing that will help a cold.   16. 选B。the way 后不接how 引导的从句,换句说,how 不是关系代词或关系副词,不能引导定语从句。以the way 为先行词的定语从句通常用 that 或 in which 来引导,在非正式文体中也可省略 that 和 in which。   17. 选D。from whose house the pictures were stolen 为修饰 the man 的定语从句,whose 在定语从句中用作定语,修饰 house。   18. 选 D。先行词是 many cases,关系副词 where =in which。   19. 选A。尽管句中用了 if you married me, Iu2019d give you everything 这样的虚拟语气句子,但修饰everything 的定语从句 (that) you want 却要用陈述语语气,因为它是回答前面 Is this all that you need? 这一提问的。   20. 选 D。因定语从句缺主语,且关系代词指人,故选D。   21. 选A。where 所引导的为修饰 a dangerous situation 的定语从句。   22. 选 A。选项中的 I think 是插入语,若略去不看便可清楚地看出答案。   23. 选 B。of course 为插入语,若将项其去掉,则答案显然是B。   24. 选C。that which相当于 the problem which。   25. 选B。the leaves of which 相当于 whose leaves。   26. 选 D。先行词是 The famous basketballer(著名的篮球明星),故要用 who 来引导定语从句,因为其余三项均不用于指人。   27. 选 C。which 引导一个非限制性定语从句,其中 which 指代 a cheaper one,且在定语从句中用作主语。which was what 中的 what引导一个表语从句,它相当于 the one that。

定语从句中who wears 为什么可以变成wearing?



选B,have sth.done 是让某事被别人做的意思,在这里符合。



黄河是一个被我们叫做母亲河的伟大的河 用英语定语从句怎么说?

黄河是一个被我们叫做母亲河的伟大的河。用英语定语从句:The Yellow River is a great river that we call Mother River.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

英语选择题,定语从句 麻烦高手指点下:) 谢谢


a child whose parents are dead is called orphan为什么不能是非限制性定语从句?



   ■since / until / by when引导的定语从句   定语从句中有一类是since / until / by when引导的定语从句, 这类比较特殊的定语从句,一般都可整合为and连接的并列句。and since / until / by then= since / until / by when   借助并列句分析解此类定语从句,就会简单易懂易记。   【典型例题1】   The book was written in 1946, _______ the education system has witnessed great changes.   A. when B. during which   C. since then D. since when   【解析】句意:该书写于1946年,从那以后教育制度已经历了 巨大变化。因从句中“has witnessed”是完成时,而只有含 since引导的时间状语句子才用完成时,故此句可改写:   The book was written in 1946, and since then the education system has witnessed great changes.   【典型例题2】   The baby is due in May, _______ the new house should be finished.   A. by then B. which   C. by when D. since when   【解析】句意:“那个婴儿五月将出生,到那时他 / 她家的新房应该能装修完毕了。”故此句可改写:   The baby is due in May, and by then the new house should be finished.   【典型例题3】   I am going back to my hometown this summer, ________I will have enough time to buy a car.   A. by then B. which   C. by when D. since when   【解析】句意:今年夏天我打算回家乡,到那时我就会有足够的时间买辆车。从句的时态是将来时,所以排除D,从句中的成分是完整的,排除B,by then不能引导从句,by when在句意和时态上都吻合题意,相当于and by then,故故此句可改写:   I am going back to my hometown this summer, and by then I will have enough time to buy a car.   【典型例题4】   Tom has been living a comfortable life, _______his parents run away due to heavy debts.   A. until then B. until when   C. since then D. since when   【解析】句意:Tom在父母亲的照顾下,过着富裕的生活,直到他父母由于沉重的债务跑掉了。until then 和since then 不能引导从句,since when时态需要用完成时,正确答案是B。   本句可以改写为:   Tom has been living a comfortable life, and until then his parents run away due to heavy debts.    ■which + n. 引导的定语从句   which可以加概括意义的`名词,引导定语从句。   and during / by that time=during / by which time 在那段时间   and in that case = in which case 在那种情况下   and at that point = at which point 在那时   and that language = which language 那种语言   【典型例题1】   He can speak German, ________language I can only follow with difficulty.   A. that B. whose   C. which D. what   【解析】句意:他会说德语,那种语言我要很费力地才能听懂。A,D不能引导非限制性定语从句,whose和language的关系不是所属关系,所以答案是which 。此句可改写:   He can speak German, and I can only follow that language with difficulty.   【典型例题2】   She may be late, ________we ought to wait for her.   A. in which case B. in that case   C. where D. from where   【解析】句意:她可能迟到,那种情况我们该等她。C,D与题意不吻合,in that case不能引导从句,in which case 能引导从句,而且和词组吻合。本句可改写成:   He may be late and in that case we ought to wait for him   【句子转换】   1. 他被任命为主席,在那个位置上他度过了余生。   He was appointed chairman, in which post he spent the rest of his life.   = He was appointed chairman and in that post he spent the rest of his life.   2. 他发了脾气,在那个时刻我决定回家。   He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home.   = He lost his temper and at that point I decided to go home.   3. 在家里,他好像十点半之后才有空,到那时孩子们已上床睡觉了。   At home, he never seems to have time until after 10:30 pm, by which time his children have gone to bed.   = At home, he never seems to have time until after 10:30 pm, and by that time his children have gone to bed.   4. 我们做了三年隔壁邻居,在此期间我们只见过两次面。   We were next-door neighbors for three years, during which time we met only twice.   = We were next-door neighbors for three years, and during this / that time we met only twice.   5. 被告知我的工作不能令人满意,闻讯后我便递交了辞呈。   I was told my work was unsatisfactory, at which point I submitted my resignation.   = I was told my work was unsatisfactory, and at this / that point I submitted my resignation.   6. 他在学习经济学,这门知识在当今非常重要。   He is studying economics, which knowledge is pretty important today.   = He is studying economics, and this knowledge is pretty important today.    ■after / before which 引导的定语从句   and after / before that = after / before which   【典型例题1】   He was educated at a local grammar school, _______ he went on to Cambridge.   A. from which B. after that   C. after which D. from this   【解析】句意:他在当地一所文法学校上学,之后他便去了剑桥。after that意为“然后,之后”,但不能引导一个定语从句,因此B项也被排除;after which相当于and after that,故此句可改写为:   He was educated at a local grammar school, and after that he went on to Cambridge.   【典型例题2】   He left his hometown 20 years ago, _______nothing was heard about him.   A. since when B. after that   C. after which D. from this   【解析】句意:20年前他离开家乡,从那以后再没有他的消息。Since when与与过去时态不吻合,需要用完成时;B,D不能接定语从句,所以C正确。本句改写成:   He left his hometown 20 years ago and after that nothing was heard about him.   句子转换   我在东关中学工作了九年,之前我在光明中学工作。   I worked in Dongguan Senior Middle School for 9 years, before which I worked in Gunagming Senior Middle School.   = I worked in Dongguan Senior Middle School for 9 years, and before that I worked in Gunagming Senior Middle School.   【小结点拨】   根据上述学习内容,做出如下总结:   1.带有this, that的短语,引导定语从句时,要将this, that变为 which。   2.带有then, now的短语,引导定语从句时,要将then, now变为when。   巩固练习:   1.He believes in public ownership, ______ idea I quite opposed to.   A. this B. that C. which D. what   2.The baby is due in May, _______ the new house should be finished.   A. by then B. by which C. by when D. since when   3.Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, _______ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students" Union.   A. during which time B. for which time   C. during whose time D. by that time   4. The new China was founded in 1949, _______ great changes have taken place.   A. when B. during which C. since then D. since when


which指先行词degree, to which 在定语从句中充当support。。。to。。。。的宾语,把它提前了,不能用关系副词替代。of which是某个动词短语的介词与关系代词提前的结果。如:She is one of the patients of whom I take care.

英语定语从句翻译: 我住的那个房子坐落在这个城市的西边。 我刚才出示车票给他看的那个人是列车员。

1,the house which i live in located in the west of this city.2, the guy whom i showed my ticket to is conductor.3, we arrived on the day when thay leaft on.4, the students who study aborad get chance to understand different culture.5, the students who do part time job can enrich their experience,6. the parents are the teacher who gives first lesson to children.




that,which在从句中坐动词宾语时,常常可以省略;但作介宾时则不能省。 2.which只可指代物,that则指代人或物。(在定语从句中都作主语、宾语、表语) 3.在定从中,关系代词that不能用在介词前,这时应用which。如果将介词放在定从的其他位置(一般是动词后或句末),则引导的关系代词两者皆可,甚至可以省略。 4.that和which都可以指物,这时一般都可通用,但当先行词为all,everything,something,nothing,anything等不定代词,或先行词被形容词最高级或the very,the only或first ,second,last等序数词修饰时通常用that,不用which。 5.在非限制性定从中,不用that,只能用which。


  定语从句例句1   限制性定语从句   Can you tell me the date on which the accident happened?   你能告诉我这起事故发生的日期吗?   Here is the young man about whom we have heard so much.   这就是我们经常听说的那位年轻人吗?   The school where /in which we are studying is callled the First Middle School.   我们就读的那所学校叫第一中学。   We"ll go to the place where /at which the accident happpened.   我们将要去事故发生的那个地方。   The way in which you are doing it is completely crazy.   你做这件事的方式非常疯狂。   The boss in whose department Mr. King worked had heard about the accident.   金先生工作部门的经理听说了关于这次事故的情况。   This is the book for which you asked.   这就是你要的那本书。   The man who talked to you just now is an engineer.   刚才和你说话的那个人是一位工程师。   I enjoyed the evening that we spent together by the sea.   我们一起在海边度过的那个晚上,我过的很愉快。   Here is the pen that you lost the day bofore yesterday.   这是你前天丢失的那支笔。   He is the person I meet in the park yesterday.   他就是我昨天在公园里遇到的那个人。   The lady who came to our class is from Australia.   那位来过我们班的女士来自澳大利亚。   The man who shook hands with our teacher just now is Li Lei"s father.   刚才和我们老师握手的那个人是李雷的父亲。   The book you need is sold out.   你需要的那本书卖完了。   I"ll never forget the summer holiday I spent with you.   我绝不会忘记和你一起过的那个暑假。   She is one of the students in our class who are good at English.   她是我们班上英语很好的学生之一。   He is the only one of my friends who comes from a foreign country.   他是我唯一一个来自外国的朋友。   That is the place which they just now talked about.   那就是他们刚才讨论的地方。   You can keep any books that you find.   你可以保留你找到的任何书。   Is this the only thing that he does for his daughter.?   那就是他为女儿做的唯一一件事吗?   The storybook I have just read cannot be easily forgotten.   我刚才看到的那本故事书不容易忘记。   Do you know the person I spoke to just now?   你认识刚才和我说话的那个人吗?   The first lesson that Miss Lee gave us in the school is unforgettable.   李老师在学校给我们上的第一节课令人难忘。   Everything that we saw there was interesting.   我们在那儿看到的东西都很有趣。   Who is the lady that is standing over there withAnn?   何安一起站在那儿的那位女士是谁?   Wuhan is the hottest city that I have been to.   武汉是我去过的最热的城市。   I"m interested in all that I have seen。   我对我所看到的一切都很感兴趣。   Is he the man that talked with your teacher yesterday?   他就是昨天与你老师谈话的那个人吗?   Have you got the book that you need。   你得到你需要的那本书吗?   She was not on the train which arrived just now.   她不在刚到的这趟火车上。   It sounded like a truck that was going by my house.   听上去像是一辆卡车正从我家旁边经过。   Have you got something that he wanted。   你有他要的东西吗?   It is the sillest argument that I have heard.   那是我听过的最愚蠢的争论。   He wants the same book that I have.   他想要我有的那本书。   The first thing that she would do is to have her hair fixed.   她应当做的第一件事情是做个发型。   The passengers and the suitcases that were still waiting had to be transferred to another place.   仍在等待的乘客和行李只得被转移到另一架飞机上。   I will tell you all that I know.   我会把我知道的一切都告诉你。   The very thing that brought about a complete change in her life was the liberation.   正是解放给她的命运带来了彻底的`转变。   That is the very thing I"ve been looking for.   那正是我要找的东西。   This is the same girl that came to borrow an English book two days ago. 这个女孩就是两天前来借英语书的那个。   Rose told me all that had happened to Oliver.   露西把奥利佛所发生的事情都告诉了我。   Because of my poor memory,everything that you told me has been forgotten.   由于我的记忆力不好,你告诉我的所有事情都忘记了。   Is there anything that I can do for you?   有什么需要我帮忙的吗?   These are the happiest hours that we have ever spent.   这些都是我们曾一起度过的最快乐的时光。   There"s no film that you ‘ll feel interested in.   没有你会感兴趣的电影。   Mr. Liu wants to talk to the students whose homework has not been handed in.   刘老师要和那些没有交作业的学生谈话。   Can you tell me the name of the factory you visited last week.   你能告诉我上星期你参观的那家工厂的名字吗?   I don"t like the way you speak to her.   我不喜欢你对她说话的方式。   The most important thing that we should pay attention to is the first thing that I have said.   我们应该注意的最重要的事情就是我说过的第一件事。   She spent the whole evening talking about things and people that none of us had heard of.   她整晚都在谈论那些我们谁也没听说过的人和事。   He makes good use of the time that he can spare.   他充分利用他能抽出来的时间。   He is the only one of the three who has got the new idea.   他是三个人中惟一一个想到了这个新主意的人。   All that are present burst into tears.   所有到场的人都突然大哭起来。   He was the only person in his company that was invited.   他是他那个公司里惟一一个被邀请的人。   The people that were mentioned by him were honest.   他所提到的那些人都很诚实。   I shall do it in the same way that you did.   我要按你的方法去做。   Anyone who does this kind of job shouldn"t be careless.   谁干这种工作,谁都疏忽不得。   Who that has seen him doesn"t like him.   见过他的人谁不喜欢他呢?   Which is the magazine that you borrowed yesterday?   哪本是你昨天借的杂志?   I"ll tell you all that I know   我会把我知道的一切都告诉你。   This is the best movie that I have ever seen   这是我看过的最好的电影。   You can take any room that you like.   你随便要哪个房间都行。   Guilin is a beautiful place that people from all over the world want to visit.   桂林是个漂亮的地方,全世界的人们都想去游览。   There are moments when I forget all about it   有时候我完全忘记了这一切。   The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away villiage.   这部电影使我想起了我在那个遥远的村庄里被悉心照顾的那段时光。   My girl friendtold me that December 20 is the day when she was born   我的女朋友告诉我说12月20日是她出生的日子。   He will never forget the day when he began to learn English.   他永远不会忘记他开始学英语的那一天。   July and August are the months when the weather is cold in New Zealand.   七,八月份是新西兰天气很冷的月份。   Do you stilll remember the hours when we had a party in the park?   你还记得那次我们在公园开晚会的时光吗?   Don"t you remember that day when we first came here?你不记得我们第一次来这儿的那一天了吗?   I can never forget the days when we worked together and the days we spent together.   我永远忘不了我们一起工作和一起度过的时光。   This is the house where I once lived.   这就是我曾经住过的房子。   The town where my father grew up is not far from here.   我爸爸长大的那个小镇离这儿不远。   After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.   在巴黎生活50年后,他回到了儿时生活的那个小镇。   You should make it a rule to leave things at a place where you can find them again.   你应该定下个规矩把东西放在你以后能找着的地方。   The house in which I spent my childhood isn"t far away.   那间让我度过了童年的放在离这儿不远。   “The days when /on which I met that famous pop star was the greatest of my life.”said the fan.   这位歌迷说:“见到这位著名歌星的那天是我一生最棒的日子。”   In the dark street ,there wasn"t a single person to whom she could turn for help.   在黑暗的街道上,没有一个她可以寻求帮助的人。   非限制性定语从句   In fact the Swede didn"t understand the threee questions,which were asked in French.   事实上,那位瑞典人不理解那三个用法语问的问题。   Tracy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which,of course , made the others unhappy.   特雷西总是夸耀她在戏中的角色,这当然令其他人不高兴。   He marrried her,which was natural.   他和她结婚了,这是很自然的事。   He said he had never met her,which is not true.   他说他从未见过他,这不是真的。   The weather turned out to be very good,which we hadn"t expected.   结果天气非常好,这是我们没有预料到的。   I tried to get out of the business,which I found impossible.   我试图从这件事中脱身出来,但我发觉这很难。   I have bought such a watch,which was advertised on TV.   我买了一块手表,它在电视上做了广告的。   He succeeded in the compotition,which made his parents very happy.   他在竞赛中取得了成功这让他的父母非常高兴。   This summer I want to go to Hangazhou, where there is a beautiful lake.   这个夏天我想去杭州,那里有个美丽的湖。   Miss Green woirks in a hospital,which is only a 10-minute walk from here.   格林小姐在医院工作,那里离这儿只有10 分钟的路程。   I came to London,where I found him   我来到了伦敦,在那儿我找到了他。   Tom hid himself behind the door ,from where he could hear the steps of his mother clearly.   汤姆藏在门背后,从那里他能清楚的听到他妈妈的脚步声。   She will never forget September 1,when she had her first history lesson as a teacher.   她永远也不会忘记9月1日。那天她第一天当老师,上的是一节历史课。   Mery Smith,who is standing on the cornber,wants to meet you.   玛丽.史密斯—在那个角落里站着的那个人——想见你。   Her brother,who is a teacher,is strict with her.   她的哥哥是位老师,对她要求很严格。   We shall have to make a decision about Ms.King ,whose story I"ve just told you.   关于金女士,我们得做个决定,她的情况我刚才已经告诉你们了。   Have you seen the film, whose leading actor is world famous?   你看过《泰坦尼克号》吗?片中的男主角世界闻名。   He paid the boy $50 for washing ten windows,most of which had not been cleaned for at least a year.   他付给那个男孩50美元洗10个窗子,大部分窗子至少有一年没有洗了。   Mr. Brown has written a novel,the name of which I"ve completely forgotten.   布朗先生写了一部小说,书名我完全忘记了。   Mr. White wrote many articles ,some of which were translated into Chinese.怀特先生写了不少文章,其中一些被译成了中文。   He has some novels,all of which are written in Russian.   他有一些小说,都是用俄语写的。   This kind of book is for children,the native language of whom is Chinese.   这种书是供母语是汉语的儿童看的。   定语从句例句2   例句:   1.He was a man whom all his friends admired and who won the respect even of his enimies. 他是个令其朋友全都钦佩的,甚至赢得敌人尊敬的人。   2.He wants you to know that anyone who chooses the path he has chosen is sure to have periodic holiday in jail.他希望你了解,凡是选择了他所选择的那条道路的人,肯定会要定期地到监狱里去度假的。   3.I am the infamous creature you have heard of that lives among the thieves. 我就是你们曾经听说过的那个声名狼藉,跟盗贼为伍的女人。   4.Just consider that we use hardly one hundred thousandth of the heat that there is in coal and could be extracted from it. 请想一想,储藏在煤里并可以提取的热量,我们用的还不到十万分之一   5.He"s the person (whom)I meet at the club every day and whom I"ve invited home to dinner tonight. 他是我每天在俱乐部碰到的那个人,我已邀请他今晚到我家进餐。   定语从句误区提醒:   1)当表示时间或地点的名词作先行词时,要判断出它们在从句中作状语还是主语或宾语。作状语时用关系副词,反之用关系代词。   典型例题:I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.   A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when   答案:A   解析:两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.   2)当主语为物时,不能用what   3)there be句型中,指人用who指物用that。   4)当主句中缺少主语或表语时,用the one。   5)当出现先行词+介词时,关系词只能用whom或which   6)当出现先行词+介词时,注意判断介词与从句谓语是否有关系,以确定为定语从句




  关于清明节的英语作文一:  Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one"s deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.  Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.    关于清明节的英语作文二:  In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.  People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night. A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and therefore, are called "god"s lanterns."  The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.    关于清明节的英语作文三:  Today is the Ching Ming Festival. The ancients said: Qingming season rain have. This is heavy overcast weather, we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.  On the way we are going to see that a strong grass and indomitable perseverance, with its staged to greet the spring, not to be outdone, it put on the new green clothes, green flowers in the movie, there is red, there is green, yellow has the ... ... we go for a road, came to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in gold, stood the rape in high spirits, and for many pearl-like dew-like in the golden slip slide small rolling on ... ... chee lake, willow willow braid a section on green leaves and shoots have decoration, is the first girl more than any jewelry would also like to look good.  After Chihu cemetery, we can not help but go inside. Looking at the graves of martyrs and watched a wreath of small white flowers looked pure, my mind is not fluctuating. I think many, many: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary martyrs created, but also with their paid for in blood. So, my mind had an idea: the succession of martyrs want behest, studying strenuously strive to become the pillars of the national construction.  Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the mountains are packed, everyone"s face is filled with nostalgic, looking at this picture, my mind, there has been some regret. I hope all my elders a long life and good health.  The Qingming Festival Ta-Qing to my feelings more, and once again I know the nature of the mellow side, my great harvest ah well!


是啊 刘晓婷 怎么没讲讲 这个语法点啊...... 郁闷






要达到有趣味教学的 就先按英语句子翻译 要硬翻 就是把构成句子的单词挨个翻译出来 用中文念 这样会引起语句的不通顺 学生会觉得很好笑 加深兴趣 有兴趣了再开始引导 教学生 就应该抛砖引玉 用自己的错误来让引起学生的兴趣 激发学生的主动性与积极性 毕竟教学的主体应该是让学生自主学习来作为兴趣


He is a little nervous before so many people,which is understandable.which引导的是非限定性定语从句。


Xian, which is the capital of Shanxi Province, China, has gone through many dynasties.


SHRINGAGE就像a map of China的中心词是map




在定语从句中做地点状语就用where,作时间状语就用when,作主语或宾语就用which/that. We got to a stage which /that was very high. (作主语) We got to a stage where we can show our talent. (作地点状语) We got to a stage when coworking is necessary. (作时间状语)


wherecase, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词后接where引出的定语从句小议不久前,下面这道题引发了我们对stage作先行词之后的定语从句引导词的问题以及其它类似定于从句的探讨,先看一道题:the conflict had developed into a stage ______ the two countries were gathering big troops on the border.(2009学年第二学期浙东北(zdb)三校期中联考高二英语试卷(2010.05)) a. where b. when c. which d. that本题到底是选a还是选b?关键问题在于对先行词stage的理解,根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)简作(oald)的解析:stage: a period of state that sb./sth. passes through while developing or making progress. 既可以理解为事件“(进展或进展的)阶段, 状态”; 又可以理解为“时期”。而上题中作“阶段”或“时期”都理解的通。 再看stage的用法;*stage名词 n. [c]1.舞台some girls are dancing on the stage. 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。2.注意中心,活动舞台,场所3.(进展的)阶段;时期a caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.表示这些意思时,当stage作先行词后有定语从句时,。例句:1.表地点: the stage where the girls are going to dance is in the gym.2.表时期: the stage when he is preparing for his study is really important.不同的叙述:①当先行词为case,condition,situation,position,point,stage等名词,表示情况、方面、处境时用关系副词where.②当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage 等名词时,表示情况、方面、处境时,用关系副词where.但先行词是occasion时,用关系副词when.③当 situation, condition, stage, point,scenes 做先行词时,用 where 引导定语从句④先行词通常是 time, day, season, age, occasion 等时间名词时其后的定语从句用when引导.事实上, 当先行词 occasion, point, stage等名词是表示时间节点的时候,其后的定语从句就用when引导,在从句中作时间状语. 例如:1. i can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health.(oald)我记得他因健康不佳而被迫取消的情况绝无仅有。when引导定语从句,在从句中作时间状语.2.(2008·山东·26) occasions are quite rare ___________i have the time to spend a day with my kids.a. who b. which c. why d. when答案选d。考查定语从句。此题关键是要根据句意判定是定语从句。句意为:我有时间和孩子们一起度过一天的机会很少。occasions 是先行词, 所选关系词在定语从句中要作时间状语, 故选d项3. we had reached the point when there was no money. 我们那时已到了没有一分钱的时刻。point表示“某一阶段,关头”, 所以其后用when 引导定语从句。4. there comes a point in your life when you realize: who matters, who never did, who won"t anymore5. china is now at a stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization when the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection is particularly prominent.中国目前正处于工业化和城市化加速发展的阶段,此时经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾十分突出。source: hard times call for green economy/by hu shaowei (china daily 03/24/2010 page8)但更多情况是:position,situation, stage, case等,作先行词时,其后的定语从句应用where引导定语从句。如:1.oxford dictionary onlinemore examples introducing a clause with "when " can be found but it is hard to find an example with "where" after "occasion".2.it is the same with longman dictionary"under these conditions, where we see so much uncertainty with leadership succession, possible instability, we see no arms control, we see no confidence building measures, we see no disarmament, we see north korea refusing to return to the six-party talks, we see the sinking of the cheonan and potential clashes in the west sea around thenorthern limit line. so a lot of people are just saying this is just not the right time," pinkston said. voa news.it is the same with " situation"."it moves from a situation where only those items on the permitted list can come into gaza to a situation where things come into gaza as a matter of course unless they are on the prohibited list. it allows us to facilitate the united nations projects for reconstruction in things like schools and hospital and water sanitation and so on." bbc news新闻 201006213.we were put in a position in which(=where) we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.(人教版新课标高中英语必修1 line25.p34) 我们被置于这样一种境地,或者是被迫承认我们低人一等,或者是与政府作斗争。 这是一个主从复合句,in which引导定语从句,修饰先行词position。4. can you think of a situation where you once felt embarrassed?你能设想起你曾经有过感到很窘迫的场合吗?5.he is the boss of the restaurant where (= in which) we often have lunch.6. the last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(人教版新课标高中英语必修1 line19-20 p34)注意: 近年来高考对关系副词where的考查趋于复杂化,从先行词为明显的“地点”发展为“模糊的地点化”。事实上,当先行词表示某事物发展的某个situation“情景”、stage“阶段”或某种程度时都可以用where引导定语从句。所以文章开头那道题答案为a. 更多的列子如:1.(2009·福建·24) it"s helpful to put children in a situation ________they can see themselves differently.a. that b. when c. which d. where2.(2009·浙江14)i have reached a point in my life _______i am supposed to make decisions of my own.a. which b. where c. how d. why3. an iraqi reporter during a news conference ________threw his shoes at bush and called him a dog in arabic shocked the world.a. who b. where c. whom d. which1.【解析】选d。考查定语从句。句意为:把孩子放在一个能使他们从另外一个角度认识自己的环境中对他们有益。当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词表示“情况, 方面, 处境”时, 关系副词用where。2. 【解析】选b。考查定语从句。句意为:我已经到了应该自己作决定的那个人生阶段。先行词point和定语从句被介词短语in my life隔开。当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词表示“情况、方面、处境”时, 定语从句用关系副词where引导。how不能用来引导定语从句; which在定语从句中作主语或宾语; why引导定语从句时先行词应为reason; 因此可排除选项a、c和d。3. 【解析】选d。考查定语从句。此题关键是要根据句意判定是定语从句。句意为:我有时间和孩子们一起度过一天的机会很少。occasions 是先行词, 所选关系词在定语从句中要作时间状语, 故选d项。类似的还有如:4.those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity ____sight matters more than hearing.a. when b. whose c. which d. where

stage 作先行词定语从句都用where来引导么有用when的么?

stage名词 n. [C]1.舞台Some girls are dancing on the stage. 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。 2.注意中心,活动舞台,场所3.(进展的)阶段;时期A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 表示这些意思时,可做先行词。例句:1.表地点 The stage where the girls are going to dance is in the gym. 2.表时期 The stage when he is preparing for his study is relly important.希望那个你能明白!

跪求定语从句中in which和during which的区别和用法,求大神指点。

你要比较看看这动作是在一段时间内完成的 还是在某一个具体的时间完成的~


在定语从句中case,point,situation,stage,point等做先行词,关系副词可以用where,但并不是特定词,而是要结合具体语境。例如:—What do you think of teaching, Bob?—I find it fun and challenging. It is a job where you are doing something serious but interesting.We will discuss a number of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language properly.He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose the control over his car.千万注意:situation, condition, state, activity, job, occasion等做先行词后面的定语从句未必一定就是where,关键还是分析从句中缺什么成分,若缺主表宾,即先行词可以在后面从句中做主表宾,此时需要选用关系代词而不是where,而是which, that ,作宾语还可以省略。例如:This is the job that he offered to me.I wasn"t clear about the situation that he was in at that moment.特别提供几个有关stage的例句,请注意它在定语从句中的成分。The government is at a stage where it is willing to talk.政府正处于乐于进行会谈的阶段。This university has reached the stage where they have more graduate students than undergraduates.这所大学已经发展到了研究生多于本科生的阶段。Today the industry is at the stage where the silicon chip business was half a century ago.产业界发展到今天这个阶段,矽晶片工业已经是半个世纪前的产物。Pace out the hall and see if it is as big as the stage that we shall use for the performance.用步子量一下大厅,看是不是和我们用来演出的舞台一样大。The dancers moved with an elegance and grace on the stage that fascinated all the audience.舞蹈演员们在所有观众为之痴迷的舞台上跳着高雅优美的舞姿。The salt-related structures experienced four stages which are generation, adjustment, maturation and reactivation.盐相关构造经历了发育-调整-成熟-再活动4个主要阶段。




由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this或and that。As一般放在句首,which在句中。   As we know, smoking is harmful to one"s health.   The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.   典型例题  1)Alice received an invitation from her boss, ___came as a surprise.  A. it B. that C. which D. he   答案C. 此为非限定性从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which.,it 和he 都使后句成为句子,两个独立的句子不能单以逗号连接。况且选he句意不通。  2)The weather turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.  A. what B. which C. that D. it   答案B。  which可代替句子,用于非限定性定语从句,而what不可。That 不能用于非限定性定语从句,it不为连词,使由逗号连接的两个句子并在一起在英语语法上行不通。  3)It rained hard yesterday, ____ prevented me from going to the park..  A. that B. which C. as D. it   答案B.   as 和which在引导非限制性定语从句时,这两个关系代词都指主句所表达的整个意思,且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。但不同之处主要有两点:   (1) as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可。   (2) as 代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词;若为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用which.。   在本题中,prevent由于是行为动词,所以正确选项应为B。  As 的用法例  1. the same… as;such…as 中的as 是一种固定结构, 和……一样……。   I have got into the same trouble as he (has).  例2. as可引导非限制性从句,常带有"正如"。   As we know, smoking is harmful to one"s health.   As is known, smoking is harmful to one"s health.   As是关系代词。例1中的as作know的宾语;  例2中,它充当从句的主语,谓语动词know要用被动式。   一、“as / which” 特殊定语从句的先行成分  1. 形容词或形容词短语作先行成分, 具有形容词意义的介词短语也可以充当先行成分,如:  My grandmother"s house was always of great importance to me, as my own is.  在一定的语言环境里,有些名词可以具有形容词的性质。这些名词主要是那些表示人的身份、职业、状态的名词。值得一提的是,在这些具有形容词性质的名词之后,引导定语从句的关系代词不能用who / whom.  2. 动词短语先行成分  这种动词短语既可是限定形式也可是非限定形式。如果是动态动词短语,它们在从句中就一般有限定或非限定形式的替代动词do和as / which一起代替。do可以出现,也可以不出现,但不能用其它动词代替。  3. 句子作先行成分  这句子可以是整个主句也可以只是主句中的一个从句。有时是连续几个句子,有时甚至可以是一个完整的故事。  二、“as/which”特殊定语从句在句中的位置  由于先行成分的构成成分不同,“as/which”特殊定语从句在句中的位置有以下几种情况:  1. 形容词做先行成分时:形容词或形容词短语(含具有形容词性质的名词)作先行成分,“as / which”特殊定语从句置于先行成分之后。  2. 动词短语作先行成分时:动词短语作先行成分时,“as / which”特殊定语从句置于先行成分之后。但是,当从句中含有表示主观意志的插入成分时,“as”特殊定语从句可以移至句子之首。  3. 句子作先行成分时:“as”特殊定语从句的位置较灵活,可以置于先行成分之前、之中或之后。但如果先行成分是直接引语,“as”特殊定语从句多在先行成分之前。如果先行成分是否定句,“as”特殊定语从句与否定词的相对位置不同可以使它产生不同的意义。由于“as”特殊定语从句具有这一特点,所以有时它的位置不能随便移动。在非正式的文体里,“which”特殊定语从句可以出现在先行成分之中。  三、“as/which”特殊定语从句的语义功能  一般说来,as与which的语义功能相同,可以相互替换。但先行成分为句子时,它们的语义功能则有差异。  1. 表示结果  表示结果的特殊定语从句与其先行成分之间存在着一定的因果关系,从句中往往使用有结果意义的词,如动词result, make, enable, cause和形容词interesting, surprising, delightful, disgraceful等。  2. 表示评注  表示评注的特殊定语从句对其先行成分所述事实的正确性有肯定的倾向,它通常与那些表示客观事实,普遍真理或某种习性的先行成分连用;从句中则常用一些表示“合乎自然规律”、“众所周知”或“经常发生”等意义的词语,如natural, known to all, usual等。  3. 有无状语意义   “as”特殊定语从句具有状语意义(主要是方式状语意义),而“which”特殊定语从句则无状语意义。“as”特殊定语从句的状语意义要求它在语义上与其先行成分的语义保持一致,“which”特殊定语从句则不受这种限制。  四、关系代词as与which的句法功能  1. as / which 在特殊定语从句中作主语。  as作主语时,谓语动词常为连系动词(主要是be, seem),主语补语为usual、 a rule、 a matter of fact等时,系动词be习惯经常省略。行为动词作“as”特殊定语从句的谓语时一般用于被动语态(其中助动词be常略),不及物的行为动词在“as”特殊定语从句中作谓语的极少,常见的有happen一词。如:  Freddie, as might be expected, was attending the conference.  Which作主语时,谓语动词不限,主语被动皆可,只是谓语动词为被动语态时助动词be省略。  2. as和which都可以在特殊定语从句中宾语。  3. as和 which在特殊定语从句中作补语。如:  We thought him a gentleman, as/which he could never be.  “as”特殊定语从句中可以主谓倒装,“which”从句中则不能主谓倒装。  如果先行成分不是主语补语或宾语补语,关系代词用which而不用as。如:  He talked like a native, which/as he hardly was.  4. which在特殊从定语句中作定语。  which可以在特殊定语从句中作定语,修饰fact, matter, thing 等名词。这些名词代表先行成分表达的意义,有时将其略去句义仍然完整。as不能作定语。如:  I was told to go not by train but bus, which advice I followed.


that的用法:若先行词指人或物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语 The animal that which is lost is a panda. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 She is the person that who...


  定语从句先行词是those 篇1   定语从句先行词是those   That(指物)和those(指人或物)可做定语从句的先行词,this和these不可做先行词,those做定语从句先行词时,当其指物关系词用that/which等,当其指人时,关系词用who等,具体示例如下:   He admired those who looked beautiful.他很喜欢那些看上去很美的人.(指人)   He admired those which looked beautiful.他很喜欢那些看上去很美的东西.(指物)   (错)He admired that who danced well.(that不能指人)   (对)He admired those who danced well.他赞赏跳舞好的人.(those可指人)   如何选择定语从句的引导词   一看指人还是物,二看介词在何处;   三看句中作何用,四看是否属特殊。   现将四句口诀分述如下:   “一看指人还是物”:指人时用who,whom;whose和that既可指人又可指物;which只能指物。that和which在句中作主语或宾语;在非正式文体中,作宾语的whom,which或that可省略。   【高考链接】   The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____ are built close to each other.   A. they B. where C. what D. that   答案:D。   解析:分析句子结构可知,空格处及后面部分为定语从句,先行词small houses为物,故用that引导定语从句,that在定语从句中作主语。   “二看介词在何处”:介词置于从句之首还是置于从句的其他地方,引导词的使用有区别。当介词置于从句之首时,若指人,介词之后只能用whom而不能用who和that;若指物,则只能用which而不能用that。   【经典例析】   试比较以下两句:   1. Do you know the woman with whom I shook hands at the school gate?   2. Do you know the woman whom I shook hands with at the school gate?   第一句中介词with置于定语从句之首,其后的whom不可以替换成who或that,也不能省略;第二句中的引导词whom作介词with的宾语,可替换为who或that,也可省略。   “三看句中作何用”:如何选用定语从句中的`引导词,关键是要看引导词在从句中充当什么成分。若作主语,则在who,that或which之中选择;若作定语,则用whose;若作状语,则在when,where,why之中挑选。   【高考链接】   The prize will go to the writer _____ story shows the most imagination.   A. that B. which   C. whose D. what   答案:C。   解析:whose引导定语从句,且在从句中作定语,修饰story;whose story相当于the story of whom。   “四看是否属特殊”:定语从句中引导词的使用还要注意一些特殊情况,如who与that均可指人,which和that均可指物,但这些引导词在具体的语言环境中有区别,不能换用。   【经典例析】   1. This is the first time that I"ve been to the museum, which I have been looking forward to for many years.   当先行词被序数词修饰时,引导词只能用that而不用which。   2. Those who are studying in our school can borrow five books at a time.   为避免重复,先行词为指人的that或those时,引导词用who而不用that。   3. Such magazines as you bought last time are well worth reading.   such ... as,the same ... as属于固定搭配。   最后,我们再用一则歌谣帮助大家巩固关系词在定语从句中的一般用法。   关系词,引定从,它们的用法各不同。   that可作主、宾用,指人指物它都行;   which 通常指物用,主语、宾语它也能;   who和whom指人用,分作主、宾要弄清;   whose一词它真行,修饰人、物都管用;   时间状语应用when,地点状语where行,   要问原因为什么,关系副词why最清;   as一词属特殊,常与such,the same连用,   修饰全句或部分,常常用作主或宾。   定语从句先行词是those 篇2   一、those who型   当代词 those 后接定语从句时,定语从句通常用关系代词who来引导。如:   Those who earn most pay most tax. 挣钱最多的人交税也最多。   Thanks are due to all those who helped. 向所有帮过忙的人表示感谢。   Thanks are due to all those who took part. 向所有参加的人表示感谢。   We kept seats for those who might arrive late. 我们给可能来晚的人留了座位。   Apologies to those of you who wrote in to complain. 向那些写信来投拆的人致歉。   Life goes on for those of us who remain here below. 对于我们凡人来说,生活依旧。   This statue commemorates those who died in the war. 这座雕像是纪念战争死难者的。   Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. 只有那些预先订票的人可以进去。   Early settlers paved the way for those who arrived later. 早期的移民为后来者奠定了基础。   Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. 票数有限,先申请者先得。   There are plenty of restaurants for those who tire of shopping. 厌烦购物的人有很多餐馆可去。   Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk. 愿意来的人都可以来,但责任自负。   He was one of those people who take delight in conveying disagreeable news. 他是那种专喜欢报忧的人。   Inevitably those who suffer the most are the mothers and children. 不可避免的是遭受最大痛苦的是母亲和儿童。   The market favoured those who had property and discriminated against those who did not. 市场偏爱那些有财产的人,歧视那些没有财产的。   二、those whom型   当 those 后引导定语从句的关系代词用作宾语时,可以省略作宾语的whom。如:   He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired. 他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格。   Eric was a gifted teacher beloved by all those he taught over the years. 埃里克是位天才的教师,多年来他一直受到所以学生们的热爱。   He sought reconciliation with those he had stolen from. 他想与那些曾被他盗窃的人寻求和解。   Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with. 以自己满意的优点为发展基础,努力改变自己不满意的地方。   三、those whose型   当 those 后引导定语从句的关系代词用作定语且表示所属关系时,关系代词用 whose。如:   The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par. 这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。   四、those that / which 型   许多人认为,those 后后的定语从句只能用 who 来引导,不能用 that 或 which,其实是误解。   1. 当先行词 those 指人时,其后的定语从句可以用 who 来引导,也可以用 that 来引导,但以用 who 引导为普通。如:   None are so deaf as those that will not hear. 最聋的人莫过于不愿听别人意见的人。   His simple message was that God will punish those that do evil. 他的意思非常简单:上帝将会惩罚作恶者。   2. 当先行词 those 指事物时,其后的定语从句不可以用 who 来引导,可以用 that 来或 which 来引导。如:   The votes in the marginals are those that really count. 边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。   The design of the new house is similar to those that have already been built. 这栋新房子的设计与已经建好的那些房子相似。   We must try to find out those which may be attacked most easily. 我们必须设法找出容易受攻击的东西。   You are asked to indicate those which most describe your personality. 要求你指出最能表明你性格的那些方面。   另外注意,those后可接定语从句,但these后习惯上不接定语从句。

在定语从句中 that和those有什么区别

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