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瑞典种植牙nobel active与nobel replace的区别


scx 4300提示toner exhausted replace toner怎么办


打印机上出现replace toner该怎么解决?

解决方法:1、打开打印机的电源,根据液晶屏提示确定需要更换的碳粉盒颜色,然后打开打印机的A盖。接着请抬起右侧的碳粉锁,碳粉锁颜色与碳粉颜色相同。2、然后双手平稳取出碳粉盒请您从包装中取出碳粉,并轻轻的摇晃碳粉盒,使碳粉能更均匀的分布,然后 将碳粉装入打印机。最后向下压下碳粉盒锁,关闭打印机的A盖,等待几分钟后,直到液晶屏提示“Ready”后,即可正常使用。出现replace Toner的原因:出现以上现象,说明打印机至少有一个碳粉盒用尽需要更换新的碳粉盒。Replace Toner C:需要更换青色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050189。Replace Toner M:需要更换洋红色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050188。Replace Toner Y:需要更换黄色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050187。Replace Toner K:需要更换黑色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050190。

打印机上出现replace toner什么意思?

打印机上出现replace toner表示色带已耗损,更换色带即可。工具/材料:以爱普生打印机l351、新色带为例。1、首先打开爱普生打印机l351的外盖。2、再者向外拔出爱普生打印机l351的压纸杆。3、然后将爱普生打印机l351的打印头拖到正中间。4、然后拆下爱普生打印机l351的耗损的色带。5、然后装上爱普生打印机l351的新的色带。6、最后推入爱普生打印机l351的色带固定架即可。



打印机上出现replace toner该怎么解决


fuji xerox 打印机屏上出现Replace Toner Cartridge (K)是出什么问题了?

打印机屏上提示“Replace Toner Cartridge (K)” 说明你的黑色碳粉快要用完了,需要更换。(K: 代表需要更换哪种颜色的碳粉)。Replace Toner C:需要更换青色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050189Replace Toner M:需要更换洋红色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050188Replace Toner Y:需要更换黄色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050187Replace Toner K:需要更换黑色碳粉,碳粉编号:S050190更换方法:打开打印机的电源,根据液晶屏提示确定需要更换的碳粉盒颜色;2. 打开打印机的A盖;3. 请抬起右侧的碳粉锁,碳粉锁颜色与碳粉颜色相同;4. 双手平稳取出碳粉盒;5. 请您从包装中取出碳粉,并轻轻的摇晃碳粉盒,使碳粉能更均匀的分布;6. 请注意取下碳粉盒上的保护材料;7. 将碳粉装入打印机;8. 向下压下碳粉盒锁,关闭打印机的A盖;9、 等待几分钟后,直到液晶屏提示“Ready”后,即可正常使用。拓展资料:打印机打印机(Printer) 是计算机的输出设备之一,用于将计算机处理结果打印在相关介质上。衡量打印机好坏的指标有三项:打印分辨率,打印速度和噪声。 打印机的种类很多,按打印元件对纸是否有击打动作,分击打式打印机与非击打式打印机。按打印字符结构,分全形字打印机和点阵字符打印机。按一行字在纸上形成的方式,分串式打印机与行式打印机。按所采用的技术,分柱形、球形、喷墨式、热敏式、激光式、静电式、磁式、发光二极管式等打印机。参考资料:打印机-百度百科

oracle 小白 求解释 Create or replace function

Create Or Replace Function Mov_Biz Return Number Is Out_Vals Number(8);Begin Select Max(m_Date) Into Out_Vals From Mov_Task Where Sy_Type = "cts"; If Out_Vals Is Null Then Out_Vals := 0; End If; Return Out_Vals;Exception When No_Data_f Then Return 0;End;

replace toner是什么意思?

意思是:更换碳粉。重点词汇:replace英[ru026a'pleu026as]释义:vt.取代,代替;替换,更换;归还,偿还;把…放回原处[第三人称单数replaces;现在分词:replacing;过去式:replaced;过去分词:replaced]短语:Replace Color替换颜色;替换色彩;取代颜色;替换颜色调整命令近义词:restore英[ru026a'stu0254:(r)]释义:vt.恢复;修复;归还vi.恢复;还原[第三人称单数restores;现在分词:restoring;过去式:restored;过去分词:restored]短语:restore to归还给…;用被动;恢复到



replace pioneer 破解汉化版


E冰封皇座魔兽争霸之冰封王座1.20worldeditydwe.exe File: ReplaceableTextures。。这个怎么解决的?谢



1. replace方式transaction.replace(, IndexFragment);2. add-hide-show方式transaction.add(, IndexFragment); transaction.hide(otherfragment);;而上面按钮中出现bug的就是采用第二种方式。然后我们来分析下用add,hide,show为什么出现这种bug,我把每个操作都打印出了以下日志:复现bug的操作是:1.首先打开,默认选中的是第一个tab,如上面的一张图片正常那样。2.切换到tab2,并把tab1 hide掉;3.再切回到tab1,并不会触发tab1对应fragment的任何生命周期;4.然后home键进入后台,我在activity的onPause()中手动对IndexFragment赋空,模拟长时间后台,系统销毁了该引用。



如何使用 string.replace 函数 将某个字符串中带有 都替换为\

string.replace(str,"@@","\")就可以了字符替换表 = { [""] = "\"; ["""] = ""; ["N"] = "n";}str = string.replace( "替换"这里的N",".|:", 字符替换表 ); io.print( str )








一共有十个重载版本:其中的一个:basic_string &replace( size_type index, size_type num, const basic_string &str );用str中的num个字符替换本字符串中的字符,从index开始给个邮箱我给你发C/C++参考手册

excel2007如何 使用REPLACE函数。

比如,要把abc替换成a12c,则可以用公式:=REPLACE("abc",2,1,"12")说明:上述公式是指将abc这个字符串从第2位开始,替换1位(即b),把b替换成12 ,所以最后的结果是a12c

vb replace 函数

dim s2 as string,str1 as string,i as stringOpen "c: ext1.ini" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, i str1 = str1 & i & vbcrlf Loop Close #1 s = Split(str1, "aabb")t = Len(s(1)) + Len(s(0)) + 4s2 = s2 & Left(str1, t) & "vbgood" & Right(str1, Len(str1) - t - 4)Open "c: ext2.ini" For Output As #2 Print #2 , s2close #2


在js中有两个replace函数 一个是location.replace(url) 跳转到一个新的url.一个string.replace("xx","yy") 替换字符串 返回一个新的字符串,该方法并不改变字符串本身。下面通过本文给大家介绍javascript中的replace函数javascript这门语言一直就像一位带着面纱的美女,总是看不清,摸不透,一直专注服务器端,也从来没有特别重视过,直到最近几年,javascript越来越重要,越来越通用。最近和前端走的比较近,借此机会,好好巩固一下相关知识点。1.初识replace在js中有两个replace函数 一个是location.replace(url) 跳转到一个新的url一个string.replace("xx","yy") 替换字符串 返回一个新的字符串,该方法并不改变字符串本身location.replace(url) 无痕跳转(将当前链接导航到一个新的url 并不保存历史记录)与之相对的是location.href="url" rel="external nofollow" 有痕跳转(将当前链接导航到一个新的url 且保存历史记录) 这个没有比较清晰string.replace函数 很多初学者,会认为这个跟C#中的Replace一样,但并不相同,js中replace更灵活。最基本的用法 就是简单替换字符串。来看一个例子:var str = "abcd-abcd-abcd";var result = str.replace("a", "");console.log(result);//输出 bcd-abcd-abcd//当第一个参数是一个简单字符串时,仅替换第一个匹配项2.走进replace之正则表达式参数一:正则表达式对象或字面量(支持gi模式) g全局匹配 i忽略大小写参数二:要替换的字符串或一个function可以使用正则表达式的相关引用如果是function,则替换为function的返回值此function的参数:match 匹配的子串。(对应于上述的$&。)p1,p2, ... 假如replace()方法的第一个参数是一个RegExp 对象,则代表第n个括号匹配的字符串。(对应于上述的$1,$2等。)offset 匹配到的子字符串在原字符串中的偏移量。(比如,如果原字符串是“abcd”,匹配到的子字符串是“bc”,那么这个参数将是1)string 被匹配的原字符串。正则表达的引用$$ 插入一个 "$"。$& 插入匹配的子串。$` 插入当前匹配的子串左边的内容。$" 插入当前匹配的子串右边的内容。$n 假如第一个参数是 RegExp对象,并且 n 是个小于100的非负整数,那么插入第 n 个括号匹配的字符串。 3.来一轮带注释的demo,彻底搞懂javascript中的replace函数:全局匹配:var str = "abcd-abcd-abcd";var result = str.replace(/a/g, "e");console.log(result);//输出 ebcd-ebcd-ebcd//g全局匹配 所有a字符串都将被替换忽略大小写匹配:var str = "abcd-abcd-abcd";var result = str.replace(/A/i, "e");console.log(result);// 输出 ebcd-abcd-abcd// 忽略大小写的匹配 但没有进行全局匹配 所以只替换第一个a忽略大小写且全局匹配:var str = "abcd-abcd-abcd";var result = str.replace(/A/gi, "e");console.log(result);// 输出 ebcd-ebcd-ebcd// 忽略大小写并全局匹配 所有a都被替换使用function作为第二参数:var str = "abcd-abcd-1234";var result = str.replace(/([a-z]*)-([a-z]*)/gi, function(match,p1,p2,offset,str){ console.log(match); //abcd-abcd 匹配的内容 console.log(p1); //第一个括号中匹配的内容 console.log(p2); //第二个括号匹配的内容 console.log(offset);//0 匹配到的字符串的索引(偏移量) console.log(str); //原始字符串 return [p1,p2].join("+");});console.log(result);// 输出 abcd+abcd+1234// 原字符串中 abcd-abcd 被匹配后 被替换为function返回的内容在参数中引用正则表达式匹配项:var str = "a b";var result = str.replace(/(w+)s(w+)/gi, "$2 $1");console.log(result); //输出 b a // 这里的$1 $2分别引用正则表达式中第一个喝第二个括号匹配的内容在参数中引用匹配项左侧内容: var str = "abc"; var result = str.replace(/b/g, "$`"); //$`代表匹配字符的左侧内容 console.log(result); //输出: aac在参数中引用匹配项右侧内容: var str = "abc"; var result = str.replace(/b/g, "$""); //$"代表匹配字符的右侧内容 console.log(result); //输出: acc使用正则表达式对象: var str = "a b"; var reg = new RegExp(/(w+)s(w+)/, "gi"); //也可以使用正则表示对象来最为参数 var result = str.replace(reg, "$2 $1"); console.log(result); //输出 b a有了这些例子 加上开头的名词解释,相信你已经彻底搞懂了javascript中的replace函数!上面是我整理给大家的,希望今后会对大家有帮助。相关文章:详细解读AngularJS中$window窗口对象的概念React-native桥接Android如何实现,具体步骤又是什么?在vue中如何开发自定义指令directive移动web开发中有关touch事件(详细教程)详细解读layui父子窗口如何传递参数

请问VC++6.0里面 find函数,replace函数的用法!请举点简单的实例~

哪位大神指导:replace 函数中 能用通配符吗?

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[RegexReplace] ( @string VARCHAR(MAX), --被替换的字符串 @pattern VARCHAR(255), --替换模板 @replacestr VARCHAR(255), --替换后的字符串 @IgnoreCase INT = 0 --0区分大小写 1不区分大小写 ) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @objRegex INT, @retstr VARCHAR(8000) --创建对象 EXEC sp_OACreate "VBScript.RegExp", @objRegex OUT --设置属性 EXEC sp_OASetProperty @objRegex, "Pattern", @pattern EXEC sp_OASetProperty @objRegex, "IgnoreCase", @IgnoreCase EXEC sp_OASetProperty @objRegex, "Global", 1 --执行 EXEC sp_OAMethod @objRegex, "Replace", @retstr OUT, @string, @replacestr --释放 EXECUTE sp_OADestroy @objRegex RETURN @retstr END


  使用Regex.Replace()方法可以剔除字符串中的HTML代码,例如在text数据类型的数据库字段,中存放的字符串格式如下:<DIV><B><FONT color=blue><FONT size=2>一、学术研究课题</FONT></FONT></B></DIV>如果这段字符串不经过处理显示出来就是加粗的字体,如下:“一、学术研究课题”如果现在想更改这个字符串显示的格式,将字号设置成13px,颜色设置成黑色。那要怎么做?在这个时候可以使用Regex.Replace()方法,并且配合使用正则表达式来实现。在使用这个方法之前首先要在命名控件中添加以下引用:using System.Text.RegularExpressions;这个是Regex的命名空间。首先声明string str字符串变量,str的值如下:str=<DIV><B><FONT color=blue><FONT size=2>一、学术研究课题</FONT></FONT></B></DIV>首先替换掉<B>(粗体)得到如下格式的字符串:<DIV><FONT color=blue><FONT size=2>一、学术研究课题</FONT></FONT></DIV>方法:str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<B[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</B>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);其次替换掉<FONT color=blue><FONT size=2>(字体的颜色和大小),得到如下格式的字符串:<DIV>一、学术研究课题</DIV>方法: str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<font[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</font>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<font[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</font>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);注意:在此使用两个Replace方法,是因为在字符串中有两个FONT,每次替换掉一个,感觉此处很麻烦,如果有多个FONT那怎么办那?这个问题仍然在思考中......也敬请指教!最后为这个替换过的字符串添加上自己设置的格式(行高15px,字号13px,颜色黑色):方法如下:str = "<font style=" + "line-height:15px;font-size:13px;color:#000000" + ">" + str + "</font>";整体过程写成函数如下: public string cleartag(string str) { str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<font[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</font>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<font[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</font>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); str = Regex.Replace(str, @"<B[sS]*?>([sS]*?)</B>", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); str = "<font style=" + "line-height:15px;font-size:13px;color:#000000" + ">" + str + "</font>"; return str; }



Irreplaceable 歌词翻译

Lyric of Beyonce" Knowles of the song “Irreplaceable”To the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftMmmm to the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet, thats my stuffYes, if I bought it, baby please don"t touch (don"t touch)And keep talking that mess, thats fineCould you walk and talk, at the same time?And its my name thats on that jagSo go move your bags, let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard, telling meHow I"m such a fool, talking "boutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know "bout meYou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minuteMatter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)You must not know "bout meYou must not know "bout meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"You"re irreplaceable

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Zatox专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 22IrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Sugarland专辑:Live On The Inside-Mercury RecordsIrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyonce专辑:Listen (From Dreamgirls S/T)to the leftto the leftmmm to the left, to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, that"s my stuffyes if i bought it (nigga) please don"t touchand keep talkin" that mess, that"s finebut could you walk and talk at the same time?and it"s my name that"s on that Jagso remove you"re bags, let me call you a cabstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twisted(chorus)you must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei can have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get goneand call up that chick and see if she"s homeoops, i bet you thought that i didn"t knowwhat did you think i was puttin" you out for?because you was untruerollin" her around in the car that i bought youbaby drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout me(chorus)i could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei will have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso since im not your everythinghow about i"ll be nothingnothing at all to youbaby i wont shed a tear for youi won"t lose a wink of sleepcos" the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the leftto the leftmmm to the left to the lefteverything you own in a box to the leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable(repeat chorus to end) 冲冲爱beyonce

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyoncé专辑:I Am...World TourIrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyonce专辑:B"Dayto the leftto the leftmmm to the left, to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, that"s my stuffyes if i bought it (nigga) please don"t touchand keep talkin" that mess, that"s finebut could you walk and talk at the same time?and it"s my name that"s on that Jagso remove you"re bags, let me call you a cabstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twisted(chorus)you must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei can have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get goneand call up that chick and see if she"s homeoops, i bet you thought that i didn"t knowwhat did you think i was puttin" you out for?because you was untruerollin" her around in the car that i bought youbaby drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout me(chorus)i could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei will have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso since im not your everythinghow about i"ll be nothingnothing at all to youbaby i wont shed a tear for youi won"t lose a wink of sleepcos" the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the leftto the leftmmm to the left to the lefteverything you own in a box to the leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable(repeat chorus to end) 冲冲爱beyonce


to the leftto the leftto the left to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, yes thats my stuffyes, if I bought it, then please don"t touch (don"t touch)and keep on talking that mess, thats finecould you walk and talk, at the same time?and- its my name thats on that bagso go move your bags, let me call you a cabstanding in the front yard, telling mehow I"m such a fool, talking "bouthow I"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get growncall up that chick, and see if shes homeoops I bet you thought, that I didn"t knowwhat did you thinkI was putting you out for?because you was untruerolling around in the car that I bought youbaby, drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstanding in the front yard, telling mehow I"m such a fool, talking "bouthow I"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceableso since I"m not your everythinghow about I be nothing? nothing at all to youbaby i won"t shed a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepcause the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the left to the leftto the left to the leftmmmmmmmmto the left to the lefteverything you own in the box to leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you can pack all your things- we"re finishedcause you made your bed now lay in itI could have another you by tomorrowdon"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceable

irreplaceable 完整的中文歌词

Beyonce - Irreplaceable to the left to the left to the left to the left mmmmmmmmmmmm to the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left in the closet, thats my stuff yes, if I bought it, then please don"t touch (don"t touch) and keep on talking that mess, thats fine but could you walk and talk, at the same time? and- its my name thats on that jag so go move your bags, let me call you a cab standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted!!!!!!! you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so go ahead and get gone call up that chick, and see if shes home oops I bet you thought, that I didn"t know what did you think I was putting you out for? because you was untrue rolling her around in the car that I bought you baby, drop them keys hurry up, before your taxi leaves standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted!!!!!!!! you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so since I"m not your everything how about I be nothing? nothing at all to you baby i won"t shed a tear for you I won"t lose a wink of sleep cause the truth of the matter is replacing you is so easy to the left to the left to the left to the left mmmmmmmm to the left to the left everything you own in the box to left to the left to the left don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you can pack all your bags- we"re finished cause you made your bed now lay in it I can have another you by tomorrow don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable




又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),“irreplaceable”指的是不可替代的,表示没有任何其他事物可以代替。而“unique”则指的是独一无二的,表示不存在其它相同、类似或者可替代的事物。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完irreplaceable与unique的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、意义上的区别irreplaceable指的是不可替代的,表示没有任何其他事物可以代替。而unique则指的是独一无二的,表示不存在其它相同、类似或者可替代的事物。例句:- Family is irreplaceable for many people.(家庭对很多人来说是不可替代的。)- The painting is unique because it is painted on a piece of wood.(这幅画很独特,因为它是画在一块木头上的。)2、描述性质的区别irreplaceable描述的是某个物品或者人的特定性质,即不可替代的,而unique则描述的是某个物品或者人的特质或者特点,即独一无二的。例句:- My grandmother was irreplaceable to our family.(我的祖母对我们家庭来说是不可替代的。)- The furniture store sells unique and beautiful pieces.(家具店出售独特而美丽的产品。)3、语言环境上的区别irreplaceable通常用于一些正式或技术性的场合,而unique则更常用于日常交流中。例句:- The data contained in that report is irreplaceable.(那份报告中的数据是不可替代的。)- My sister has a unique sense of style.(我姐姐有一种独特的时尚感。)4、用于数量上的区别irreplaceable通常用于单一事物的描述,而unique则可以用于描述一个人、物品或者群体的独特性。例句:- This watch belonged to my grandfather and it is irreplaceable for me.(这块手表是我祖父的遗物,对于我来说不可替代。)- The population of that village has many unique traditions.(那个村庄的人口有许多独特的传统。)5、排他性的区别irreplaceable表示的是这个物品/人是唯一的(不可替代),而unique表示的是这个物品/人有一些特殊的品质或特点,但并不排除存在其他有类似品质或特点的事物或人。例句:- The Mona Lisa is an irreplaceable work of art.(蒙娜丽莎是一件不可替代的艺术品。)- My brother has a unique talent for playing the guitar, but there are many other talented guitarists in the world.(我兄弟擅长弹吉他,有着独特的音乐才华,但世界上也有很多其他才华横溢的吉他手。)


insert into表示插入数据,数据库会检查主键(PrimaryKey),如果出现重复会报错;replace into表示插入替换数据,需求表中有PrimaryKey,或者unique索引的话,如果数据库已经存在数据,则用新数据替换,如果没有数据效果则和insert into一样;REPLACE语句会返回一个数,来指示受影响的行的数目。该数是被删除和被插入的行数的和。如果对于一个单行REPLACE该数为1,则一行被插入,同时没有行被删除。如果该数大于1,则在新行被插入前,有一个或多个旧行被删除。如果表包含多个唯一索引,并且新行复制了在不同的唯一索引中的不同旧行的值,则有可能是一个单一行替换了多个旧行。insert ignore表示,如果中已经存在相同的记录,则忽略当前新数据;下面通过代码说明之间的区别,如下:create table testtb(id int not null primary key,name varchar(50),age int);insert into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"bb",13);select * from testtb;insert ignore into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"aa",13);select * from testtb;//仍是1,“bb”,13,因为id是主键,出现主键重复但使用了ignore则错误被忽略replace into testtb(id,name,age)values(1,"aa",12);select * from testtb; //数据变为1,"aa",12


Replace INTO和INSERT INTO的区别:REPLACE的运行与INSERT很相似。只有一点例外,假如表中的一个旧记录与一个用于PRIMARY KEY或一个UNIQUE索引的新记录具有相同的值,则在新记录被插入之前,旧记录被删除。注意,除非表有一个PRIMARY KEY或UNIQUE索引,否则,使用一个REPLACE语句没有意义。该语句会与INSERT相同,因为没有索引被用于确定是否新行复制了其它的行。所有列的值均取自在REPLACE语句中被指定的值。所有缺失的列被设置为各自的默认值,这和INSERT一样。您不能从当前行中引用值,也不能在新行中使用值。如果您使用一个例如“SET col_name = col_name + 1”的赋值,则对位于右侧的列名称的引用会被作为DEFAULT(col_name)处理。因此,该赋值相当于SET col_name = DEFAULT(col_name) + 1。为了能够使用REPLACE,您必须同时拥有表的INSERT和DELETE权限。REPLACE语句会返回一个数,来指示受影响的行的数目。该数是被删除和被插入的行数的和。如果对于一个单行REPLACE该数为1,则一行被插入,同时没有行被删除。如果该数大于1,则在新行被插入前,有一个或多个旧行被删除。如果表包含多个唯一索引,并且新行复制了在不同的唯一索引中的不同旧行的值,则有可能是一个单一行替换了多个旧行。受影响的行数可以容易地确定是否REPLACE只添加了一行,或者是否REPLACE也替换了其它行:检查该数是否为1(添加)或更大(替换)。如果您正在使用C API,则可以使用mysql_affected_rows()函数获得受影响的行数。目前,您不能在一个子查询中,向一个表中更换,同时从同一个表中选择。下文时算法的详细说明(此算法也用于LOAD DATA…REPLACE):1. 尝试把新行插入到表中2. 当因为对于主键或唯一关键字出现重复关键字错误而造成插入失败时:a. 从表中删除含有重复关键字值的冲突行b. 再次尝试把新行插入到表中使用格式如下:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]VALUES ({expr | DEFAULT},…),(…),…或:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_nameSET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, …或:REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED][INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]SELECT …希望对你有帮助



电脑系统乱了开机出现英文字母I nva l id system disk Replace th


Never Be Replaced这首歌谁帮我翻译下准确点

Baby I love you and i"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们的爱是不能被抹去的And i promise you that you will never be replaced而且我向你保证,你永远不会被取代 Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们之间的爱不能被抹去And i promise you that you will never be replaced 我保证你永远不会被人取代I love you yes i do 我爱你 是的, 我爱你I"ll be with you as long as you want me too 只要你愿意我将和你在一起Until the end of time 直到永远From the day I met you 从我遇到你的那天起I know we"ve be together 我知道我们会在一起And now I know I wanna be with you forever 而且现在我知道我要永远和你在一起I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids 我要嫁给你,我想要有你的孩子Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses I can say i"m truly happy to the same 我可以说我真的很开心You"ve made me think I"ll die and live my life hesitate 你让我相信,我将生活得很踌躇There"s never been no doubt in my mind 在我心里从来没有过怀疑That i"ll regret ever having you by my side 我将感到遗憾你曾经在我的身边But if the day come that i"ll have to let you go 但是如果那天到来了,我将不得不让你走I think that something I should probably let you know 我想有些事我应该让你知道With everything that i spent with you 我和你一起经历的每一件事Then i will miss you cuz i"m happy that i have you at all 我将怀恋你,因为我完全拥有你而感到开心I feel for you yes i do 我为你感觉,是的,为你感觉I"ll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time 只要你愿意我将一直陪伴你,直到时间的尽头

take place、replace、take the place、take place of 有什么区别?

1.take place 发生 replace把...放回原处[原位];使恢复(原职);代替, 取代(by, with); 接替, 替换;归还; 赔偿;【化】置换。replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西take the place of 代替 2.take care of 照顾 3.break in 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口>把...备好待用break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散break down 毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 倒塌, 垮掉, 分解 【化】 发生故障 3. pick out 挑选pick off 摘掉pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 学会, 看到, 中途带, 搭乘, 重新找到, 振作, 加快, 好转, 整理 [美俚] 偶然地结识异性,通常预期会发生性关系,可以理解为“泡马子”“钓凯子”等。 【篮球】开始盯人pick on 作弄, 惹恼, 找...的岔子, 选中, 总是挑剔 ;【法】 挑剔, 作弄人, 选择


对了,很多英语词是按照拉丁语词汇组成的:dis- 表否定,re- 表示“又place 有“放置, 所以:displace 移动;被迫流落异国者--displaced persons = 难民取代某人的位置 He was displaced as minister by X.replace 放回原处:她把书放回书柜里.代替:我来替他去旅行.更换:那些轮胎必须更换.

fluid replacement是什么意思

fluid replacement 意思fluid replacement[英][u02c8flu:u026ad riu02c8pleismu0259nt][美][u02c8fluu026ad ru026au02c8plesmu0259nt]补液; 例句:双语英语1.Treatments include fluid replacement and antibiotics. 治疗方法包括补充水份和服用抗生素。2.Treatment should include fluid replacement and antibiotics. 治疗方法包括补充身体失去的水分及服用抗生素。

谁有《十全大补男》/《球场英雄》(The Replacements) 的下载地址


基努里维斯主演的the replacements译十全大补男OR替补球员。里面有一首在监狱里跳舞时的歌,,叫什么名字

英文版的是DIANA ROSS唱的,我也挺喜欢这歌的。

The Replacements的《Skyway》 歌词


The Replacements的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllWake Up--自然卷--C"est La Vie 2.5资源回收主唱:奇哥Wake up little humming birdWake up little butterflyLet us flying into blue blue skyWake up little golden fishWake up little sweety dolphinLet us swimming into ocean deepWoo so fresh the airWoo golden sunshineWoo sing a songMake it flow to everywhereBeautiful ohBeautiful ohBeautiful ohMake the world to be as one

The Replacements的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:The Replacements专辑:Don"T Tell A Soul [Expanded Edition]「Wake Up」作词∶Hacchin" Maya作曲∶ヒロイズム歌∶NEWSため息で始まる 今日という连続窓をあけても 希望や梦は 见えないねテレビからながれる 现実は厳しい不安だけが 仆の背中 せまるけど昨日までの自分から少し背伸びして 顽张っていいんじゃない?今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日こそは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up世间はどうだとか 坚実にいけとか大人たちは 好き胜手に 言うけれどこのままじゃいけない みんな気づいてるさ焦りだけが 仆の背中 押してくる明日からの自分には少し期待して 顽张っていいんじゃない?今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日からは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up今日という日は二度と 戻らないものだから踬いて 転んだって 谛めるな 一绪にうた 歌おう今すぐに Wake up Wake up 目を覚ませば新しい空 ひかりを浴びてWake up Wake up 立ち上がれ今日からは もう少し 强くなりたい Wake Up【 おわり 】

The Replacements的《Satellite》 歌词

歌曲名:Satellite歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Frankie Storm - SatelliteSending signals from a distanceCareful not to empty your spaceWatching, waiting for youTo shoot another signal my wayAnd I hope that you would feel the sameAnd I hope that our worlds collide one daySo I"m watching, waitingSpinning out of controlAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approachLet me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Now your holding your positionForcing me to be the one to moveStuck here in a vacuumAs a circle from far awayAnd I hope that you would feel the sameAnd I hope that our worlds collide one daySo I"m watching, waitingSpinning out of controlAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approach ?Let me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)Atmospheres touchYour heavenly bodyEven the stars know you want meYou got meYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahAnd oh,Floating out here in the coldSo afraid of getting too closeWill you pull me in when I approachLet me burn up in your orbitCan"t help what gravity"s up toNever seen anything like youBut oh,Will you pull me in when I approachOr let me go and watch me floatLike a satellite (Like a satellite)Like a satellite (Like a satellite)

The Replacements的《Who Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Knows歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllZac Brown Band - Who Knows"Solo""Oh~"whooooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswhen i was a baby childmy daddy said to memany mountains we must climbbefore we"ll be freebut he never told meabout the bruises on my kneesthey would be the map that leads him where we need to beand oh that storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswandering blindlysearching for the truthand anchored to a solid rockthat we could hold on tobut there"s no tomorrownot for everyonewho will hear your last harsh wordswhen your time on earth is gonethat storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoa tilt the lamp nowdon"t let the wind blow it outoh guide the light childcause one day it"s gonna shinesing up till the darkness it is liftedsing up till the darkness it is lifted"solo1""Oh~""solo2""solo3""solo4""solo5""solo6"......

The Replacements的《Skyway》 歌词

歌曲名:Skyway歌手:The Replacements专辑:All For Nothing/Nothing For AllSkywayThe Apples In StereoNew Magnetic WonderForty times you may question your lifeFour to five with a hunting knifeBefore you find out if you surviveQuestioning marks have turned into starsFor the record you remember the few, yeahWho for a second time you bid adieuForty days in the neon hazeFestering dreams are dressed in fakeriesYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsAll right,Forty lessons you may hear from the sun, nowYou never listened to a single oneFallen leaves whisper like thievesNot that you mind, you live on stolen timeYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsFist loaded with a furious disdainYour velocity will be your shameFast motion like a curious flameThe best I can do is to turn my back on youYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsYou follow the skywayYou follow your right awayYou follow the streets and the carsAnd the shadows and the starsStreets and the carsAnd the shadows and the stars

The Replacements的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Torture Michael Jackson(The Jacksons)MJ,你是永远的王者。我们永远爱你,支持你。It was on a street so evilSo bad that even hell disowned itEvery single step was troubleFor the fool who stumbled on itEyes within the dark were watchin"I felt the sudden chill of dangerSomething told me keep on walkin"Told me I should not have gone thereBaby, "cause you cut me like a knife (ooh)Without your love in my lifeAlone I walk in the night"Cause I just can"t stop this feelingIt"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torture (ooh)She was up a stair to nowhereA room forever I"ll rememberShe stared as though I should have known herTell me what"s your pain or pleasureEvery little thing you find hereIs simply for the thrill you"re afterLoneliness or hearts on fireI am here to serve all mastersShe said, "Reality is a knifeWhen there"s no love in your lifeUnmerciful is the nightWhen you just can"t stop this feeling"It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd I still can"t find the meaning, noNo, no, of the face I keep on seeingWas she real or am I dreamingDid the sound of your nameTurn a wheelStart a flame in me (ooh)It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torture

The Replacements的《Route 66》 歌词

歌曲名:Route 66歌手:The Replacements专辑:Pleased To Meet Me [Expanded Edition]Route66If you ever plan to motor west,travel my way, take the highway that"s the best.Get your kicks on Route six-six.It winds from Chicago to LA,more than two thousand miles all the way.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Now you go through Saint LouisJoplin, Missouri,and Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.You see Amarillo,Gallup, New Mexico,Flagstaff, Arizona.Don"t forget Winona,Kingman, Barstow, San Bernandino.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.soloGet your kicks on Route six-six.Won"t you get hip to this timely tip:when you make that California tripGet your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your kicks on Route six-six.Get your...onGet your...on

The Replacements的《Otto》 歌词

歌曲名:Otto歌手:The Replacements专辑:Sorry Ma, I Forgot To Take Out The Trash [Expanded Edition]OttomanVampire WeekendNick & Norah"s Infinite Playlist2009.02.22Ottoman couch, how handsome your furnitureLovelier now, but dressed for a funeralBegging you to sit for a portrait on the wallTo hang in the dark of some parliamentary hallElegant clothes, you want to be seen with herUnder your tweeds you sweat like a teenagerBegging you to sit for a portrait on the wallTo hang in the dark of some parliamentary hallToday is for youThey laid it out for youFor youThere will be six bells a-ringing and white women singing for youBut this feels so unnatural to Peter Gabriel, tooAll of the cards and all of the time it tookSoon it"s all lines of red in a leather bookBegging you to wait for a minute by the doorYour creeping feet where they"ve never been beforeToday is for youThey laid it out for youFor youThere will be six bells a-ringing and white women singing for youBut this feels so unnatural Peter Gabriel, too2009.02.22

The Replacements的《You Lose》 歌词

歌曲名:You Lose歌手:The Replacements专辑:Hootenanny [Expanded Edition](Tak)HaShakeMoveHello how you doingIt"s nice to meet youTo ruin the space that you continueTo take in this musicI"ma move in your space and snake the pawnAnd crown myslf the DonOf a bass and bomb UhKeep calmThe wrath of retardsIs the fast rechargeThe last unique formThe walls you put upThat had to be returnWhen I told Cheapshot to stab the begone(Ryu)Yo You know it"s onYou can check my grinEvery songs got bumps like infected skin"I don"t got big trucks with expensive rimsI got five bucks till my check comes inI can show you real quick what offensive isTouch my fat and beg till you suck my titsIn the front row pissing on a bunch of kidsYou better damn well know who the fuck this is(Chorus) Oh no No no no noRoll out Let"s goGot my smokes and my liquorDon"t think that we won"t get youOne day real soonYou"ll be looking around like who knewThen we come out quick and boom boomWe win You lose(Ryu)Yo Megadef UhBuck the systemMy shit knocks like a busted pistonDouble fistedPiece of cakeMy click hold more liquid then a freaking lakeHit my cellYou can meet your fate (What"s up)Hell is hotAnd the pizza"s greatWho the balls out camp bang and stay home with (Woooo)Ryu and Tak, Cheapshot you know this(Tak)She had the Skin of a cashewTall physique She spoke greekWith a low key Tone that grabs youRipe to pick once Lips type to kissBut She"s outta my leagueWell life"s a huhStill I"m on the huntLooking for whoever to killMust"ve see at least a hundred like Cruella DevilleSo when I"m in the jointPacking a beretta to chillI"m just actingMoney"s what I get for the thrill ,Yeah(Chorus) Oh no No no no noRoll out Let"s goGot my smokes and my liquorDon"t think that we won"t get youOne day real soonYou"ll be looking around like who knewThen we come out quick and boom boomWe win You lose(Tak)Watch the edge Two shots of vodkaSaid I look much different Since I chopped the dreadsCool Now I"m in disguiseWith a hat to the sideYou can"t catch me (Ooops)Look beware of the lineI"m so sassySlap a tab on the plasticTill I puke And ride shotgun in a taxi OhIn the land of MegadefIt"s overNever get soberHell of a steamroller (Ryu) Yo The doors openBe my guest , UghYou know it"s hotYou can see my breathIn the summer the sun"s upThe gun becomes us (What)You know my nameTiger Chan you numb nutsGot the props and the kicks to matchOff my dick for once let me itch my sackGo to war with the IrishWish you didI"ll tell your whole fanbase what a bitch you is(Chorus) Oh no No no no noRoll out Let"s goGot my smokes and my liquorDon"t think that we won"t get youOne day real soonYou"ll be looking around like who knewThen we come out quick and boom boomWe win You lose

The Replacements的《The Last》 歌词

歌曲名:The Last歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Jade Valerie - The Last只听欧美滴hu~~~~~ Ye~~~~~~~Take your love and your big expectationsTake your time,but I don"t need your explanationsTake your words, take the couch,and your records tooTake your guilt and the guitar I gave youI"m cleaning house, cleaning up,Need a peace of mindI"m cashing out,Just fed up can"t sleep at nightThe game is called let"s finally sayWhat we always knewNot looking back cause I"m over youYou "re not the last man leftor the last of my disastersYou "re not my last mistakeor the first to make me crySo the last word is yours,I"m moving on to ever afterbut you"re the last time I"ll ever compromiseIt"s 3 a.m. and once again I"m loosing itI"m at the end and on the mendbut feeling stupidYou live and learn gotta find out who you"rebut it still burns to be tossed back in the darkSo thanks for making me a little bit strongerwhy does always beingso dumb make us smarterThe clock is ticking things are it"s a new moonand I"ll move on cause I always doYou"re not the last man leftor the last of my disastersYou"re not my last mistakeor the first to make me crySo the last word is yours,I"m moving on to ever afterbut you"re the last time I"ll ever compromiseWe may have said forever and a daybut there are some promises you breakNothings lasts, what can I say?It was meant to be this waySo goodbye I hope your skies are blueI"ll go and take a piece of youNothings lasts, what can I say?It was meant to be this wayNothing lastsNothing lastsNothing lastsYou"re not the last man leftor the last of my disastersYou"re not my last mistakeor the first to make me crySo the last word is yours,I"m moving on to ever afterbut you"re the last time I"ll ever compromiseYou"re not the last man leftor the last of my disastersYou"re not my last mistakeor the first to make me crySo the last word is yours,I"m moving on to ever afterbut you"re the last time I"ll ever compromiseShaGuar制作

The Replacements试试吧

The Replacements的《Attitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Attitude歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Loyiso - AttitudeThere"s a place I"ll like to call your ownIt"s situated in my heartI see you knocking but you can"t come inYou"re full of mistakes, you make my heart breakAnd all those times you said you were on your wayAnd made me wait, all night and dayI"m getting tired of these silly gamesYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOut with your attitude,out with you telling me "I love you"If you don"t come around,soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"See I love those hanging by your friendsThat seems to break if you don"t endAll those things that you keep on bringing upLike it"s all my fault that we don"t make upIf you think I am stupid, I don"t see your liesYour tears don"t show me, from your eyesI"m getting ready, packing all your bagsYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI"ve been complainingOut with your attitude,(out with your attitude),out with you telling me "I love you"(you said you loved me)If you don"t come around,(if you don"t come around)soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"(Baby baby)(I hate you)

求一首电影中的插曲,原名the replacements ,译名球场英雄.

I will survive 我会活下去 from电影"女狼俱乐部""十全大补男" Gloria Gaynor 葛洛莉亚盖诺 费了好大劲 你听听

The Replacements的《Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Go歌手:The Replacements专辑:Stink [Expanded Edition]ZONE - GO!作词:渡辺未来作曲:渡辺未来编曲:山原一浩もう泣かないで さあ歩き出すんだ负けない强さで不器用でもこの热い想いは伝えられるはずどんなことでもチャレンジしてみよう一人じゃないね今日からの君はいつだってみんなここにいる 何も恐れないでがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!臆病な饰りならはずしてしまえばいいんじゃないのいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!信じたら叶うはず梦に飞び込もうあと少しの勇気がもてたなら変われるはずだよ高い壁を乗り越えれば そこに答えがあるはず目を伏せてうつむいてた日もあった孤独と不安で泣き崩れてたいつだって思いどおりには いかないこともあるがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!果てしない未来へと歩き続ける勇気もたなきゃいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!不安など辉きにかえて走り出せがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!どんな时もマエムキに今の君は辉いているよいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!谛めず走り出す自分を信じてがんばってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!どんな时もマエムキに今の君は辉いているよいつだってYeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!谛めず走り出す自分を信じて终わり


/replaceitem这是MC的第一条指令,可以给玩家一个自定义物品,在一个自定义的槽位里。不光是玩家,生物,方块什么都可以。比如:使用/replaceitem可以瞬间给地图里所有的僵尸穿上满套钻石装备,用4个指令方块就可以完成。之前版本只可以使用/summon完成。首先是给生物装备格式/replaceitem entity <目标> <槽位> <物品> [数量] [信息] [dataTag]比如,如果本人在一个指令方块里输入:/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.armor.chest minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}那么,这条指令会给地图里的所有僵尸(@e[type=Zombie]),穿上一个钻石胸甲(slot.armor.chest minecraft:diamond_chestplate)。那个胸甲的名字是“Test”。详细的NBT我就不多说了,要学NBT去看我索引。之后大家看槽位这一栏,本人给僵尸穿装备写的是 slot.armor.chest ,这个就是胸甲的槽位。这个槽位并不是像以前的箱子那些数字槽位,而是文字化了。再比如:/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.armor.legs minecraft:iron_leggings 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}复制代码给地图里的所有僵尸,穿上一个铁护腿,拥有“Test”这个名字。现在来给大家发下基本的槽位选项slot.armor.legs - 腿甲slot.armor.chest - 胸甲slot.armor.feet - 靴子slot.armor.head - 头盔slot.weapon - 武器(只限定于生物)这4个槽位是控制生物的装备的。玩家和其他生物都可以使用,除了slot.weapon。因为生物的物品栏不像玩家有9个,所以生物只能携带一个武器。之后来说如何给玩家的背包加物品以前只能靠/give,而且无法锁定加到玩家背包的那一格,而新的/replaceitem就可以。主要是运用槽位的控制。比如:/replaceitem entity @a slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}复制代码给所有玩家一个叫“Test”的钻石胸甲,加到玩家手拿物品栏的最后一格。所以,slot.hotbar.(手拿物品格数) 就是玩家手拿物品的槽位控制。手拿物品槽位slot.hotbar.0 - 玩家手拿物品第一格(开始一格)slot.hotbar.1 - 玩家手拿物品第二格slot.hotbar.2 - 玩家手拿物品第三格slot.hotbar.3 - 玩家手拿物品第四格slot.hotbar.4 - 玩家手拿物品第五格slot.hotbar.5 - 玩家手拿物品第六格slot.hotbar.6 - 玩家手拿物品第七格slot.hotbar.7 - 玩家手拿物品第八格slot.hotbar.8 - 玩家手拿物品第九格(最后一格)之后来说的是如何给玩家加一个物品,加到玩家的背包里去。上面说的是加到玩家的手拿物品栏(hotbar),玩家背包有另一个槽位来控制。那个槽位是:slot.inventory.(背包空间格数)。这个和hotbar一样,如果玩家不清楚是哪一个,那就一格一格数过去。0就是第一格,1就是第二格,以此类推。接下来来说的是如何给容器加入/replaceitem。(我会说其实直接用/blockdata就可以实现,不用/replaceitem都可以吗?)。给容器的和给生物的差不多容器的格式是/replaceitem block <槽位> <物品> [数量] [信息] [dataTag]大家看见,这个其实和/blockdata差不多。唯一不同的就是,槽位的填写不一样。这个我就不多说了,相信大家都能看懂指令格式。举个简单的例子:/replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.0 minecraft:diamond_chestplate 1 0{display:{Name:"Test"},ench:[]}指令方块上面放一个箱子,然后打入和激活这条指令,那就会在箱子里的第一格放入一个物品。那个物品是一个钻石胸甲,名字叫“Test”(废话么)。最后,发一下一些常用的方块的槽位选项:(槽位格数的计算方式和slot.inventory一样。不确定就数过去)slot.container.(槽位格数) - 基本容器(箱子,熔炉,漏斗等等)slot.enderchest.(槽位格数) - 末影箱子最后提醒一下,不知道槽位填写的话,可以在打指令时候按TAB键,游戏会自动帮你完成指令,然后会告诉你所有的槽位名字什么。还有很多槽位,比如马的装备,马的物品什么就不一一的说了


selection 说白了就是选择的区域range,下面可以给你参考一下,希望能给你帮助Range.Replace 方法 返回 Boolean,它表示指定区域内单元格中的字符。使用此方法并不会更改选定区域或活动单元格。语法表达式.Replace(What, Replacement, LookAt, SearchOrder, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat, ReplaceFormat)表达式 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。参数名称 必选/可选 数据类型 描述 What 必选 Variant Microsoft Excel 要搜索的字符串。 Replacement 必选 Variant 替换字符串。 LookAt 可选 Variant 可为以下 XlLookAt 常量之一:xlWhole 或 xlPart。 SearchOrder 可选 Variant 可为以下 XlSearchOrder 常量之一:xlByRows 或 xlByColumns。 MatchCase 可选 Variant 如果为 True,则搜索区分大小写。 MatchByte 可选 Variant 只有在 Microsoft Excel 中选择或安装了双字节语言时,才能使用此参数。如果为 True,则双字节字符只与双字节字符匹配。如果为 False,则双字节字符可与其对等的单字节字符匹配。 SearchFormat 可选 Variant 该方法的搜索格式。 ReplaceFormat 可选 Variant 该方法的替换格式。 返回值Boolean说明每次使用此方法后,参数 LookAt、SearchOrder、MatchCase 和 MatchByte 的设置都将被保存。如果下次调用此方法时不指定这些参数的值,就使用保存的值。设置这些参数将更改“查找”对话框中的设置,如果省略这些参数,更改“查找”对话框中的设置将更改使用的保存值。要避免出现这一问题,每次使用此方法时请明确设置这些参数。示例本示例将每个“SIN”三角函数都替换为“COS”函数。替换所进行的区域为工作表 Sheet1 中的 A 列。Visual Basic for Applications Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A").Replace _ What:="SIN", Replacement:="COS", _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=True

C盘自检是出现一大篇的windows replaced bad clusters in file XXXXX


电脑开机时出现windows replaced bad clusters in file是怎么回事?好久都开不了机?哪位帮忙一下,谢了

意思是磁盘有坏簇,出现这种问题一般是硬盘有坏道,文件受损,原因有可能是突然断电、病毒破坏或硬盘受损引起的。可使用chkdsk命令进行修复:chkdsk c /r 你的盘符。如果不行,请用较专业的硬检测修复软件。重装系统。换硬盘。检查硬盘连接。



HP M405显示Replace the indicated cartridges


pay repay place replace的区别是什么?

pay和repay和place和replace的区别:意思不同、词性不同、用法不同。pay可作名词和动词,意为付费、交纳、偿还、工资等;repay只作动词,意为归还、酬报、报答等;place可作名词和动词,意为位置、安放等;replace只作动词,意为代替、更新等。1、当pay作为动词时,意为付费;付酬;交纳;偿还;赢利;创收。例句:My company pays well .我公司给的工资很高。Have you paid him the rent yet?你向他付房租了没有?It"s hard to make farming pay.种庄稼获利很不容易。You"ll pay for that remark!你要为你的话付出代价的!2、当pay作为名词时,意为工资;薪水,是不可数名词。例句:Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

take place、replace、take the place、take place of 有什么区别?

1.take place 发生 replace把...放回原处[原位];使恢复(原职);代替, 取代(by, with); 接替, 替换;归还; 赔偿;【化】置换。replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西take the place of 代替 2.take care of 照顾 3.break in 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口>把...备好待用break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散break down 毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 倒塌, 垮掉, 分解 【化】 发生故障 3. pick out 挑选pick off 摘掉pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 学会, 看到, 中途带, 搭乘, 重新找到, 振作, 加快, 好转, 整理 [美俚] 偶然地结识异性,通常预期会发生性关系,可以理解为“泡马子”“钓凯子”等。 【篮球】开始盯人pick on 作弄, 惹恼, 找...的岔子, 选中, 总是挑剔 ;【法】 挑剔, 作弄人, 选择

be replaced 后面跟by还是with不是replace sth with sth

都有,意思不一样,by是前者被后者取代, with是用后者取代前者

should examinations be replace with other forms of assessment

General aptitude tests, such as the SAT in the United States, are used in certain countries as a basis for entrance into colleges and universities. A criticism associated with this use of these tests is that they are known to be subject to practice effects, and do not necessarily assess the accumulated learning of students during their schooling years. However, the goal of these tests is not to assess accumulated learning; they are designed to measure aptitude, not achievement.Similarly, college entrance exams are criticized for not accurately predicting first-year university grade point average(GPA) as well as high school GPA. However, the intent is for test scores to be used along with other measures in university selection; large-scale test scores are only one aspect of the university selection process. Universities are free to place more emphasis on high school GPA or extracurricular activities. Any criticism might be better directed to a university than the test itself, which most people consider fair.The content of the exam might not correspond with its intended use or representation. An example of this would be for an exam to have the ratio of questions in geometry, calculus, and number theory dissimilar to the ratio of these questions present in the environment for which the exam is intended to serve as a predictor of future performance. As an extreme and unrealistic example, a mathematics exam may ask solely about the names, birthdates, and country of origin of various mathematicians when such knowledge is of little importance in a mathematics curriculum. This need for a test to be valid for its use is AERA and NCME Standard 1.1 for educational and psychological testing. If it is used for other than its intended purpose, the burden of proof of validity rests upon its user.People are variously susceptible to stress. Some are virtually unaffected, and excel on tests, while in extreme cases, individuals can become very nervous and forget large components of exam material. To counterbalance this, often teachers and professors don"t grade their students on tests alone, placing considerable weight on homework, attendance, in-class discussion activity, and laboratory investigations (where applicable). Conversely, in some high-stakes testing cases, the pressure induces examinees to rise to meet the exam"s high expectations.Through specialized training on material and techniques specifically created to suit the test, students can be "coached" on the test to increase their scores without actually significantly increasing knowledge of the subject matter. However, research on the effects of coaching remains inconclusive, and the increase might be simply due to practice effects.Although test organizers attempt to prevent it and impose strict penalties for it, academic dishonesty (cheating) can be used to obtain an advantage over other test-takers. On a multiple-choice test, lists of answers may be obtained beforehand. On a free-response test, the questions may be obtained beforehand, or the subject may write an answer that creates the illusion of knowledge. If students sit in proximity to one another, it is also possible to copy answers off other students, especially if a test-taker knows that particular person knows the material better than they do. Despite such issues, tests are less susceptible to cheating than other tools of learning evaluation. Laboratory results can be fabricated, and homework can be done by one student and copied by rote by others. The presence of a responsible test administrator, in a controlled environment, helps to guard against cheating.





惠普手提是HP431的,电池上贴着纸显示REPLACE WITH SPARE 593553-001-2011/04是什么意思?是出产日期吗








be replaced by和be replaced with有什么区别吗

be replaced by 是"可以替换为...;取而代之的是"be replaced with是"被...替换;被...取代"The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。

VFP中,replace XXX with xxx 和replace allXXX withXX区别

replace XXX with xxx 只替换当前记录的指定字段的值replace all XXX with XX 替换所有记录的指定字段的值

string 的replace函数四个参数代表什么?

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