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J.J. Johnson&Kai Winding的《Judy》 歌词

歌曲名:Judy歌手:J.J. Johnson&Kai Winding专辑:The Great Kai And J.J.Music & Lyrcis By The CorrsJudy has her own desireShe wants to step into your fireShe wants you tangled in her webShe wants the flame never to tireShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downJudy wants to love so muchCan it release her from her hurtJudy"s dreaming of your touchShe"ll smother you till it"s too muchShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downShe"s falling downShe wants to drownWithin your heartShe"ll never partShe"s falling downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8561116

焊接系统是什么?焊接系统就是焊接机器吗?Welding systems=Welding Machine?


rawr means I love you in dinosaur什么意思


Methods of Feeding the Bit

Large rigs: The larger rotary rigs which apply pressure to the bit by using the weight of the drill collars can feed the bit by simply lowering the pipe. The pipe is usually lowered by feeding off against the winch brake. The driller controls the feed rate by watching a gauge showing the“weight”on the bit.Light and medium rigs: Smaller rotary rigs are normally provided with a “pull-down ” mechanism so that when sufficient weight is not available in the drill collars ( e. g. ,at the surface when the hole is being started) ,the rig can “pull the pipe down”into the hole.This means that part of the rig weight is added to the drill pipe weight to get enough weight on the bit.Pull down: The pull-down is achieved by screw, cable, chain or sometimes direct hydraulic action. Chains are mostly used in medium size rigs. The rate of application of pull- down will control the feed rate. Thus,the bit is fed by adjusting the rate of application of the pull-down.The advantages and disadvantages of different rotary drives and feeding methods are listed in Table 7. 1.Table 7. 1 Merits of rotary drive and feed methods


be located in 位于,坐落于, 坐落在,坐落于…位于be located in Paris 位于巴黎to be located in 位于be located in locale 案发地点位于;坐落于sit / be located on例句:Our school is located in a small suburbs.我们学校坐落在一个安静的小郊区byprep. 通过;被;依据;经由;在附近;在……之前adv. 通过;经过;附近;[互联网] 白俄罗斯的国家代码顶级域名短语by chance 偶然 ; 碰巧 ; 偶尔 ; 意外地by accident 偶然 ; 偶尔 ; 无意中 ; 意外地by heart 凭记性 ; 牢记 ; 凭记忆 ; 熟记1. 被例:The feast was served by his mother and sisters.宴席由他的母亲和姐妹们招待。I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism.我为他们的无礼和职业精神的缺乏所震惊。2.. 由…创作例:A painting by Van Gogh has been sold in New York for more than eighty-two million dollars.一幅由梵高创作的画在纽约卖到超过八千二百万美元。3. 以…方式例:If you"re travelling by car, ask whether there are parking facilities nearby.如果你开汽车旅行,问问附近是否有停车设施。4. 通过例:Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan.通过将乳酪和高汤一起放在平底锅里煮来制作调味料。The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.全部由女性组成的游艇船员通过首次环球航行而创造了历史。5.. 由于例:I met him by chance out walking yesterday.昨天出去散步时我无意中遇到了他。He opened Ingrid"s letter by mistake.他误拆了英格丽德的信。6.. 就…而言例:I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature.我的确幸运有一位仁慈的妻子,她天生富有爱心。She"s a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.她是护士出身,现在经营着一家针对女性的咨询服务公司。7.. 根据例:Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.根据法律,药剂师被要求只配医生开列的药。8.. 通过 (说某词或某话)例:Stella knew what he meant by "start again."斯特拉知道他说“再次开始”是什么意思。9.. 通过例:He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around.他抓住她的肩膀,使她转过身。She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.她被抓着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小屋里。10.. 独自地例:...a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.…一个独自坐在角落里的、深色头发的男子。11.. 独立地例:I didn"t know if I could raise a child by myself.我不知道是否能独立抚养一个孩子nearadj. 近的;亲近的;近似的adv. 近;接近prep. 靠近;近似于near to 接近 ; 几乎要 ; 在…附近 ; 闻……不远near station 离近火车站 ; 但离市中心较远near gale 疾风 ; 七级风 ; 近东烈风 ; 附近大风1.. 离…近例:Don"t come near me.别靠近我。He drew his chair nearer the fire.他把他的椅子向炉火拉近了些。2.. 靠近例:He crouched as near to the door as he could.他蜷缩在尽可能靠近门的地方。She took a step nearer to the barrier.她向路障走近了一步。3. 靠近的例:He collapsed into the nearest chair.他瘫在最近的椅子上。The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两条驳船中较近的一条约有一英里远。4.. 接近 (某一状态)例:After the war, the firm came near to bankruptcy.战后这家公司濒临破产。The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.哈芙纳牌机器的维修工作已接近尾声。5.. 接近例:He was near tears.他几乎要流泪了。For almost a month he lay near death.他半死不活地躺了将近一个月。6. 与…相似例:It combined with the resinous cedar smell of the logs to produce a sickening sensation that was near to nausea.它与那些圆木的雪松树脂气味混杂在一起,以产生一种快要呕吐的恶心感觉。7.. 与…相似例:Often her feelings were nearer hatred than love.她的感情往往更像是恨,而不是爱。8.. 与 (某物) 最相似的例:It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.看起来司法行业最接近于一种不怕经济衰退的行业。9. 临近例:The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day.我离开日本的时间一天天临近了。10.. 离 (某一时间) 近例:Performance is lowest between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., and reaches a peak near midday.工作状态凌晨3点到5点最差,近中午时分达到最高点。"Since I retired to this place," he wrote near the end of his life, "I have never been out of these mountains."“自从退休到这里,”他在快到生命尽头时写到,“我从没出过这些山。”11.. 接近于 (某数量或数字)例:...to increase manufacturing from about 2.5 million cars a year to nearer 4.75 million.…把轿车年产量从250万辆左右提高到接近475万辆。12.. 拒绝与 (某人或某物) 接触强调例:He will absolutely not go near a hospital.他绝不去医院。13. (二者中) 离得近些的例:...a mighty beech tree on the near side of the little clearing.…小片林间空地近侧一棵硕大的山毛榉树。14.. 差不多的例:She was believed to have died in near poverty.人们相信,她死时几乎一贫如洗。15.. 差不多地例:...his near fatal accident two years ago.…两年前那场险些让他丧命的事故。16. 最接近的 (对手或挑战者)例:He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.他比劲敌乔纳松·福特快约三秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。17.. 接近 (地点)例:As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck.接近马厩时,他让马慢下来并拍拍它的脖子。18.. 快到 (某个阶段或时间)例:His age was hard to guess – he must have been nearing fifty.他的年龄很难猜出来–他肯定快50岁了。You are nearing the end of your training and you haven"t attempted any assessments yet.你们的培训快结束了,而你们还未尝试做过任何评估。19.. (重要时刻或事件等) 临近例:As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice.中场休息临近时,哈迪曼几乎两度得分。20.. 四处例:People would gather from near and far.人们会从四面八方聚起来。21.. 在不久的将来例:The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.关于维生素C的争论近期不大可能被解决。22.. 远不强调例:They are nowhere near good enough.他们远不够好。It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远远不像大卫预料的那么


The film follows the comedic and eventful journeys of two fish - Marlin and his son Nemo - who become separated in the Great Barrier Reef when Nemo is unexpectedly taken far from home and thrust into a fish tank in a dentist"s office overlooking Sydney harbor. Buoyed by the companionship of a friendly-but-forgetful fish named Dory, the overly cautious father embarks on a dangerous trek and finds himself the unlikely hero of an epic journey to rescue his son - who hatches a few daring plans of his own to return safely home.Andrew Stanton, the man behind the scripts for Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A Bug"s Life and Monsters Inc. (the last of which he also directed), has now written and directed Pixar"s latest CGI adventure, ‘Finding Nemo", in which he repeats his now all too familiar formula of presenting a distorted view of our world through the eyes of a community of creatures (this time sealife) which we rarely, if ever, notice. A neurotic clownfish called Marlin (voiced by Albert Brooks) goes on a comic odyssey across the oceans in search of his missing son Nemo (Alexander Gould). Helped, and sometimes hindered, by the irrepressibly cheery and terminally forgetful Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), Marlin has encounters with all manner of unusual sealife – sharks on a 12-step programme to overcome their killer instincts, stinging jellyfish, surfer-dude turtles, a whale and a gregarious pelican – before attempting a daring rescue from the fishtank of a dental surgery overlooking Sydney Harbour. The first word in ‘Finding Nemo" is ‘wow!", uttered by Marlin as he admires the ocean view from his new home on a coral reef, and it is true that this film offers a real feast for the eyes – even if, as was the case with the ‘Toy Story" films, the film"s CGI stylisation seems far better suited to the nonhuman than to the human characters (who just look gawky). While the keynote of the film is comedy, there are also some serious themes lurking beneath the surface (Pixar is, after all, a subsidiary of Disney). The ocean is portrayed as a genuinely menacing place, full of danger and destruction, and I can think of few other children"s films which begin with the violent death of the main character"s wife and children. Marlin"s crippling anxieties about anything and everything are counterbalanced by Dory"s goldfish-like ethos that one should always forget the past, smile and ‘just keep swimming", and in the end Marlin learns to ‘let go" and stop being so overprotective towards his son – but nonetheless the impression remains that there is much in the sea to justify a judicious degree of caution, and the image near the end of Marlin, Dory and Nemo literally swimming with sharks leaves a note of unease. Certainly ‘Finding Nemo" is destined to make children think hard about the provenance of the fish on their plate in much the way that ‘Babe" did with bacon. ‘Finding Nemo" is beautiful to look at, and not without humour, but given that we have already seen this basic storyline done in other Pixar films with toys, bugs and monsters, its waters are starting to taste just a little stale.

Loughborough, Leicester, Sussex, Reading, East Anglia金融方向如何选?

这几个大学你首先要看一下他们的business专业的排名, 分别是 7, Loughborough , 21 Reading29 Leicester 42 East Anglia 其实英国留学选择学校也是一门学问, 除了考虑自己的因素外(语言, 经济承受能力等等)还要考虑将来就业的情况。 同时学校的环境以及毕业率也是你应该考虑的。 如果将来你希望回国发展的话,当然选一个英国有名的学校是很必要的。 如果你是想在英国寻找工作的话, 你不得不考虑学校的专业排名而不是他本身的名气。 有的学校名气大但是专业不行对你将来找工作也是一个障碍。 如果你一心想毕业后回国发展, 这个好说, 你需要做的就是入学后稳定保持成绩, 只要能顺利毕业, 回国后工作基本不是什么大问题。 如果你决定毕业后留在英国工作,那就需要你在求学的时候努力把成绩提高提高再提高。 而且尽量参加学校或者社团的伙同。很多情况下公司招聘的时候不仅考虑你的成绩,而且还会考虑你的综合能力。当然, 学习成绩好的话还是有优势的。 尤其现在英国已经取消了PSW签证, 你毕业后大约只有3到4个月的时间去找工作。 如果在签证到期之前拿不到工作的话,你只好回国了。 况且现在英国签证政策比较变态, 签证积分制搞的很多学生毕业后不得不回国发展。 欢迎追问。

以“dining customs in China”为题写一篇英语作文,需原创

Dining Customs in China Every country has its own peculiar dining customs. The Chinese feel that the first rule of being a courteous guest is to be modest. When a person is invited to dinner, he will decline first because he is afraid it will give the host and hostess a lot of trouble preparing for it. As the host keeps on inviting him, he"ll then accept it. Usually the guest will bring some gifts to the host, such as fruit, flowers and wine. The host will immediately protest his doing so by saying, "You shouldn"t have bought the gifts. You are too polite and generous!" When the guest sits down and starts chatting, the host offers something such as tea, candy, and fruit. The guest always says, "No, no, please don"t bother, I am not thirsty", or "I"ll help myself to them." When the dinner is ready, the guests are invited to sit down first. They sit in the chairs that are facing the south, which are considered to be honored seats. After everybody is seated, the host asks the guests to start eating first because they will not eat before the host says so. The guests often avoid being eager to eat ouit of politeness. They usually don"t empty the dishes to show that the host has prepared more food than enough out of their hospitality. On the other hand, the host and the hostess usually prepare a lot of food to feed their guests. When the dinner is over, guests will offer to help with the cleaning, but of course, the host and hostess will not let them do so. Instead, they will ask the guests to watch TV, drink tea, and sometimes to join a card game or Mahjong game. After some time, the guests will leave, and it is customary for the host to see the guests off. The host tries to see them off to the farthest feasible point while the guests try to discourage them from doing so. The guests will usually invite the host to their home in order to return the favor.

Adding another wrinkle to 是什么意思?


How to Create a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Thinking small, being engaging, and having a sense of humor don"t hurt 着眼于小地方、有吸引力、有幽默感,这些没什么不好的Those are a few of the traits of successful science crowdfunding efforts that emerge from a recent study that examined nearly 400 campaign 最近,一项对近400个科学众筹活动的研究发现,这些都是科学众筹活动成功的一些特质But having a large network and some promotional skills may be more crucia 但拥有一个庞大的人际关系网和一些推广技巧可能更为关键Crowdfunding, raising money for a project through online appeals, has taken off in recent years for everything from making movies to producing water-saving gadge 近年来,众筹,这种通过网络呼吁为某个项目筹集资金的方式,已经风靡于从电影制作到节水设备生产等各个领域Scientists have tried to tap Internet donors, too, with mixed success. Some raised more than twice their goals, but others have fallen short of reaching even modest target 科学家们也尝试过利用互联网募捐者,结果好坏参半。有些人筹到了比目标多出两倍的资金,有些人甚至连很小的目标都没有达到To determine what separates science crowdfunding triumphs from failures, a team led by science communications scholar Mike Schafer of the University of Zurich examined the content of the webpages for 371 recent campaign 为了弄清科学众筹成功与失败的因素,苏黎世大学的科学传播学学者迈克·舍费尔(Mike Schafer)带领的团队对近期371个科学众筹活动的网页内容进行了调查Four traits stood out for those that achieved their goals, the researchers report in Public Understanding of Scienc 研究人员在《科学的公众认识》(Public Understanding of Science)杂志上发表报告称,那些达成目标的科学众筹活动有四个显著特征For one, they use a crowdfunding platform that specializes in raising money for science, and not just any kind of project. Although sites like Kickstarter take all comers, platforms such as Experiment.com and Petridish.org only present scientific project 首先,他们使用的众筹平台专门为科学项目筹集资金而非任何项目。尽管像 Kickstarter 这样的网站接受所有项目,但像 Experience.com 和 Petridish.org 这样的平台只展示科学项目For another, they present the project with a funny video because good visuals and a sense of humor improved succes 另外,他们用一段有趣的视频展示这个项目,因为良好的视觉效果和幽默感提高了成功率Most of them engage with potential donors, since projects that answered questions from interested donors fared bette 同时,他们大多都与潜在的捐赠者建立密切联系,因为那些回答了感兴趣的捐助者问题的项目进展得更好And they target a small amount of money. The projects included in the study raised $4000 on average, with 30% receiving less than $1000. The more money a project sought, the lower the chance it reached its goal, the researchers foun 而且,他们以少量资金为目标。研究人员发现,研究所涉项目平均筹资4000美元,其中30%的项目筹到的资金不足1000美元。项目筹集目标资金越多,实现目标的可能性越小Other factors may also significantly influence a project"s success, most notably, the size of a scientist"s personal and professional networks, and how much a researcher promotes a project on their ow 其他因素也可能对项目的成功产生重大影响,最显著的是,科学家的个人和职业关系网的规模,以及他们对项目的推广程度Those two factors are by far more critical than the content on the pag 这两个因素远比网页里的内容重要Crowdfunding can be part of researchers" efforts to reach the public, and people give because "they feel a connection to the person" who is doing the fundraising — not necessarily to the scienc 众筹可以是研究人员努力接触公众的一个方式,人们之所以捐赠,是因为 “他们觉得自己与正在筹款的人有联系”,而不一定是为了科学。


[krau028ad u02c8fu028cndu026au014b ]、指:众筹是通过向不定向个人集资,通常通过因特网,以支持某些个人或群体的想法和努力。1用途在国外,Crowdfunding被用于多类活动,包括灾难救助,公民新闻,支持艺术,政治游行,创业融资,软件开发,科学研究等等 同类英文翻译:crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising


英文原文:reading stories英式音标:[u02c8riu02d0du026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[u02c8ridu026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az]



reading stories什么意思

readingstories的意思中文意思是阅读故事;看故事书;看故事。readingstories英式读音为[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254u02d0riz]。readingstories美式读音为美[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254riz]。reading中文意思是阅读,是read的现在分词。stories中文意思是故事,小说。He says he"s busy, but he"s reading stories half the time.他说他忙,可是他老在看小说。扩展资料:一、read阅读v.(动词):识字;阅读;读懂;读;朗读;读到;查阅到n.(名词):好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等) 第三人称单数:reads。现在分词:reading。过去式:read。过去分词:read。二、stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a。三、readingstories近义词短语1、readstorybooks读故事书2、readingalot读了很多书


reading stories是指读故事书,如果做主语是可以作为第三人称单数。

reading stories的单数

read是一个动词,没有单复数的区别;而story是名词,stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a所以这个词组变为单数就是reading a story

reading stories是什么意思


Miley cyrus-ordinary girl歌词

Hannah Montana Forever - Ordinary Girl LyricsUhoo oh yeah,La da a daDon"t get me wrong,I love who I amI don"t wanna be ungratefulIt probably sounds strangeI really love the role I playThe songs I singBut with all the fameThe things that seem so simple,suddenly, so far out of reachWish that they could see that underneath…I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)How are you?Hello, Good-byeOne day here, One day thereAnd again it"s time to goMiss popular always on the roadBut my best foot forwardGotta get on with the showStrike a pose for the front cover of a magazineEvery where I arrive, I get high-5"sThey pay me larger than life(Yeaheaaaa)I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignored (Yeah)I feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girlSo give it everything or nothin" at allGet back on your feel whenYou stumble and fallA little luck can go a long waywww.musicloversgroup.comSo don"t you worry about what people sayWho knows when the wind may blowFor an ordinary girl..(Mmmm)I"m just an ordinary girlSometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)(Yeah)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Mmmmm)For an ordinary girlLike me, like you …

SHINEE的ring ding dong中文谐音歌词

钟铉:Baby(内噶巴内拨里内给 为累)(读流怕go木喽素几买an够)(哭流内给吗giu把啦哦 dae)My lady~Ring ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingKey:(Butterfly 挪路 慢楠求孙赶o)(读里半家茉莉四大 被里叮咚无流 so)温流:(难妈呀 妈起弄m 恰可弄m 哭喽弄m 难一起难)(那啦白喽 看恰那 bad boy)泰民:(挪你摸起 butterfly)(no 木也给把几so no木素内把叫so 内给忒托呀给so)钟铉:(他落木就吗 够就吗 那妈米一毒被窘那 )(你噶摸路妈没土喽 弄恰素ong嫩够)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )( no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy)(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)we wannna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so fantastic)go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so elastic)Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantasticElastic, elastic, elastic, elasticRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(o几满那物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,温流:(mo 里素k物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,key:(内嘎素里物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggi ding ding ding钟铉:I call your butterfly(哪里嘎谬赶素够)(摸西把嘎 no懒够)(还哦弄素我大嫩够)(奶喽 所得该 都蓝key几买够)(所tae gae 都慢嘎几买够)泰民:(内给 把几 把bo in纳)钟铉:(内 jae kei juo呀腿)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )(no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy )(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)珉豪:( 那 恰卡第恰卡 就无里过类no 一也摸dae kae就)key:(弄嘎动西摸里摸就一米就里卡皮 一他lae kae看恰够 )Break out(hey)break out(hey)break out(hey)break out(hey)Ring ding ding ding ding di di di di dong dong dong dong dodo dong dodo dong钟铉:(撒系难 补篮内 哦都kae 那 bo几)泰民:(哦就缪 哦舅缪 内给吼嘎谬嘎够in嫩几)温流:(一图喽 干土不jio 还素 把给偶不所)钟铉:(拖k so完嫩够)温流:(Complicate girl! )泰民:(拖的no拉mae怕几吗)钟铉:(那给恰龙慢家蓝girl )泰民:(内噶米秋拨里几拉木)Key:Don"t be silly girl (Silly girl)温流:You"re my miracle (My miracle)钟铉:(no满嘎几so为大谬 内给 大批聊玩嫩girl)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )(no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy )(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)We wannna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so fantastic)go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so elastic)Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantasticElastic, elastic, elastic, elasticRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(o几满那物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,key:(mo 里素k物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(内嘎素里物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggi ding ding ding

ring ding dong的中文字音译歌词


In The Garden (1996 Recording) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Garden (1996 Recording)歌手:EMMYLOU HARRIS专辑:Songbird: Rare Tracks & Forgotten Gems [Digital Version]In the GardenDolores O"riordanAre You Listening?I see you playingIn the gardenOutside my windowOh, oh ohYou"re like your fatherI see right through youJust like your fatherI thought I knew youOh, oh oh, ohIt"s a panicIn paradiseIt"s a panicIt"s in paradiseYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryI see her playingIn the gardenI was once like herYou did this to meI don"t rememberWhen this offense begunI don"t rememberI can"t undo what"s doneYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyYou can"t come hereYou know whyI"ll keep my secretWith me until I dieI"ll keep my secretAnd I don"t know whyYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyI can"t go thereI won"t cryI can"t go thereI won"t cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10042074

Who is the weary lady standing at the rear?此句中 lady 后面的单词stand为什么用动词-ing形式?

分词短语可以充当句子的伴随状语,补充内容。进行时分词短语表示与被修饰语 是主动关系过去分词短语表示与被修饰语 是被动关系 此句被修饰语是lady ,与动词 stand是主动关系 所以用地是进行时分词-ing

The lady who is standing behind the counter.请问英文高手这类句子中为什么要用who来做引导?


[the lady who is standing behind the counter.]怎么理解这个句子?


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类型编码(Type Encodings)

http://blog.csdn.net/iosswift/article/details/42361233 类型编码的作用:为了协助运行时系统,编译器用字符串为每个方法的返回值和参数类型和方法选择器编码.就是编译器内部把每个方法的返回值,参数类型和方法选择器->用特定的字符代替. 我们可以通过编译器指令 @encode() 来获取一个给定类型的编码字符串,下表列举了各种类型的类型编码; 举例 打印信息: 说明:一个数组的类型编码是用一个中括号表示的,中括号是数组的成员数量和类型,上面的例子中第一个表示12个对象的数组,第二个表示12个浮点型变量的数组,第三个便是12个浮点型指针的数组; 举例: 打印信息: 说明:结构体的类型编码是用大括号表示的,括号中,首先是结构体类型,然后跟等号,等号后面是按照先后顺序列出结构结构体成员变量的类型,上例中按照先后顺序^i表示int型指针,d表示double类型,*表示char型指针,也就是字符串;i表示int类型;另外,结构体指针和,指向结构体指针的指针的类型编码分别如下: 打印信息: 最后,对象是被视为特殊的结构体,因此它们的类型编码和结构体是类似的。将 NSObject 传参给 @encode() 得到的是{NSObject=#},NSObject 只有一个成员就是isa,是Class类型;因此等号后面就跟了一个#符号;通过下面的例子更深入了解: @interface Book : BaseModel { @private NSString* _privateName; int* aPint; double aDouble; char *aString; int anInt; } @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *author; @property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger pages; @property (strong, nonatomic) Pen *pen; @end char *buf = @encode(Book); NSLog(@"encode: %s ", buf); 打印信息: 说明:很明显,按照先后顺序依次为Class,对象,int型指针,double,c字符串,int类型 注意:尽管@encode()指令不返回它们,在协议中用来声明方法时,运行时系统使用表6-2中列出的额外编码列表来限定类型。 Objective-C方法编码


encode [英]u026anu02c8ku0259u028ad [美]u026anu02c8kou028ad vt. (将文字材料)译成密码;编码,编制成计算机语言 [例句]Biobricks are dna sequences that encode basic biological functions.biobricks是编码了基本生物学功能的dna序列。很高兴为您解答。希望能够帮上忙。如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。

python open语法中打开文件时指定解码格式为什么用的是encoding,encode不是编码的意思吗?

第一个问题, encoding是通用的说法,不一定单指编码,因为open这个函数可以打开读文件,也可以写文件第二个问题,可以这么说,其实更倾向于说是用的bytes,具体实在有点复杂没法给你讲解,好在python3处理比较好了






happy ending 美满结局

Ending Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Ending Rain歌手:拳皇专辑:拳皇XI OSTEnding我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/20427030


可以啊!没有什么特别的意思。就是代表结束的意思。可以是一个Happy ending.

形容电视结束用end 还是ending

ending名词结局end动词或者名词 结束的意思如果想说这个电视的结局的话ending这个电视完结了就end


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。

Taru的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:Taru专辑:PuzzleEnding我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/40578645

c418的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:c418专辑:catacomb snatch original soundtrackHAPPY ENDING电 话 声 一 声 声   声 声 回 荡 在 我 耳 边雨 一 阵 一 阵   忘 了 把 窗 关 上电 视 里 播 放 著 让 人 挣 扎 的 爱 情很 像 我 的 画 面   不 到 心 碎 不 肯 再 见期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏(music)渴 望 今 生 有 次 恋 爱 至 少 由 我 导 演不 管 好 与 坏 我 不 会 有 怨 言思 念 像 潮 水 般 卷 走 我 所 有 缠 绵不 怕 爱 没 有 终 点就 怕 幸 福 溜 过 眼 前期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏故 事 已 开 始我 等 你 开 始别 让 我 泪 流 不 止http://music.baidu.com/song/25761188


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。

刘德华的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:刘德华专辑:Vision Tour 2004演唱会Ending我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/2078338


ending 英[u02c8endu026au014b] 美[u02c8u025bndu026au014b] n. 结束; 结局; 终结; 最后部份; v. 结束,终止(end的现在分词); [例句]The film has a Hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局。


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。




end n. 结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡ending n. 结局;结尾


ending 英 [u02c8endu026au014b] 美 [u02c8u025bndu026au014b] n.结局; 结束; 终结; 最后部份 v.结束,终止(end的现在分词)


endding还是ending:ending 。ending的复数是endings。。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。


“ending”的意思是结束; 结局; 终结。ending [u02c8u025bndu026au014b]词组:1. a happy ending 美满的结局2. ending point 终点3. nerve ending 神经末梢造句:1 The film has a Hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞 式的美满结局。2 Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions forending the war.鹰派 和鸽派 都充分阐明了各自的停战条件。3 I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。4 I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up得知自己到了哪里时,我简直要晕过去了。5 She fled with her children, moving from neighbour toneighbour and ending up in afriend"s cellar.她带着孩子逃亡,从一个邻居家跑到另一个邻居家,最后逃到了一个朋友的地下室。6 We hear stories of people being turfed out and ending up onthe streets我们听说了人们被赶出去流落街头的故事。7 Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to"Life Begins at 8:30".约翰逊 为其添加了个圆满的结尾,并将标题改作《生活从8:30开始》。8 The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to beheading for deadlock为结束内战而进行的最新谈判好像要陷入僵局。9 By 1838, the abolitionists had shamed parliament into endingslavery in British colonies到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地 的奴隶制 。10 There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest thatending a sentence with apreposition is wrong.语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。11 The company admits it will make a loss for the year endingSeptember.公司承认到9月本财年结束时将会出现亏损。12 She prophesied a bad ending for the expedition.她预言这次探险结局不会好。13 The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.第一组数据显示截至7月27日的周销售量。14 So far little progress has been made towards ending thefighting到目前为止,在结束交战方面还没取得什么进展。15 But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up at the end of the week.但是到这个周末,谈判非但没有达成协议反而在唇枪舌剑中不欢而散。

什么时候用end 什么时候用ending?

当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。词汇解析:1、end英文发音:[end]中文释义:n.(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢;结束;破灭例句:This is the end of a tour so I"m a little antsy, I guess.旅途就此结束了,这让我有点坐立不安,我想是吧。2、ending英文发音:[u02c8endu026au014b]中文释义:n.(故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;结束;终结;最后部分;词尾例句:I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。扩展资料end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。


1、意思不同:end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。2、复数不同:end的复数是ends。ending的复数是endings。3、发音不同:end的发音是英 [end]、美 [end]。ending的发音是英 [u02c8endu026au014b]、美 [u02c8endu026au014b]。finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束〔辨析〕最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动或时期等结束。〔例证〕1、After finishing his homework, he went to bed.做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。2、Let me have the novel when you finish reading it.你读完那本小说后给我看看。

什么时候用end 什么时候用ending?



endding和ending的区别如下:1、意思不同:end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。2、复橡神隐数不同:end的复数是ends。ending的复数是endings。3、发音不同:end的发音是英 [end]、美 [end]。ending的发音是英 [u02c8endu026au014b]、美 [u02c8endu026au014b]。finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束。〔辨析〕瞎渣最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动梁厅或时期等结束。〔例证〕1、After finishing his homework, he went to bed.做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。2、Let me have the novel when you finish reading it.你读完那本小说后给我看看。


ending是表示结局的意思。ending作为名词是结局、结尾、末梢、词尾的意思。作为动词是结束、终止(end 的现在分词)的意思。相关例句:The ending of the play is reversed, which we all didn"t expect此剧的结局是反转的,我们大家都没有料想到结局。There are several spelling methods for the ending of this word这个单词的词尾有几种拼写方法。


ending是表示结局的意思。ending作为名词是结局、结尾、末梢、词尾的意思。作为动词是结束、终止(end 的现在分词)的意思。相关例句:The ending of the play is reversed, which we all didn"t expect此剧的结局是反转的,我们大家都没有料想到结局。There are several spelling methods for the ending of this word这个单词的词尾有几种拼写方法。


ending的意思是结局。释义:n.结局;结尾;末梢;词尾。v.结束;终止(end 的现在分词)。双语例句:The ending of the play is reversed, which we all didn"t expect.此剧的结局是反转的,我们大家都没有料想到结局。






歌曲:Never Ending歌手:蛇足所属专辑:Never Ending歌词:赤き 血潮 この鼓动は 野望なのか(赤红的热情 这股悸动就是我要问鼎中原的野心吗)幼き日 誓った 梦は今も 揺るがない(年幼时分所誓下的梦想 直到今日也未曾动摇丝毫)命が燃える(我的生命在熊熊燃烧着)Never Ending Soul(永恒的灵魂 这股热情啊)情热よ 导け 天地を拓け(请引导着我 去开天辟地)Never Ending World(去奠定一个永恒的世界吧)打ち立てよう 永远の绊が夸り(这份永远的羁绊是我的骄傲)おまえと梦见た 世界をこの手に 掴もう(我会将你我所梦寐以求的那个世界紧紧握在手中)怒りだけを 振りかざした 日々もあった(终日充斥着愤恨 这样的日子也曾有过)叶えたい想いが 梦の剣(つるぎ) 拾い上げた(想要实现梦想的这份执念 令我再次拿起梦想的宝剑)运命(さだめ)を超えて(去越过这命运)Never Ending Soul(永恒的灵魂 悲痛啊)哀しみよ 心の锁を砕け(去粉碎内心的枷锁吧)Never Ending Force(无尽的力量 勇往直前)立ち向かう 魂が未来を変える(我的灵魂将会撼动未来)おまえが信じた あの日の誓いは 消えない(你所坚信的那天的誓言 从未消逝)TVアニメ「キングダム」EDテーマNever Ending Soul(永恒的灵魂 悲痛啊)哀しみよ 心の锁を砕け(去粉碎内心的枷锁吧)Never Ending Force(无尽的力量 勇往直前)立ち向かう 魂が未来を変える(我的灵魂将会撼动未来)Never Ending Soul(永恒的灵魂 这股热情啊)情热よ 导け 天地を拓け(请引导着我 去开天辟地)Never Ending World(去奠定一个永恒的世界吧)打ち立てよう 永远の绊が夸り(这份永远的羁绊是我的骄傲)おまえは生きる 永久(とわ)にこの梦と(你会活下去 这是个永远的梦)


endding不要双写;正确写法:ending。1、读音:英["endu026au014b];美["endu026au014b]。2、释义:结尾;结局。3、词汇搭配:good ending 好的结尾;happy ending 快乐的结局。4、例句:(1)The story is flawed by a weak ending。(这个故事因结尾写得马虎而显得逊色了。)(2)Write your own ending dear reader。(亲爱的读者,您自己来做一个结尾吧。)(3)The writer contrived a happy ending。(作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。)近义词:completion1、读音:英[ku0259m"pliu02d0u0283n];美[ku0259m"pliu02d0u0283n]。2、释义:完成、结束。3、词汇搭配:timely completion 按期竣工;completion date [经] 完工日期。4、例句:(1)The job is at last nearing completion。这项工作终于快要完成了。(2)You may move into the house on completion。办完手续后,你就可以搬进去。(3)The film is on the point of completion。电影制作即将完成。




all endings are also beginnings....


表示是发动机的意思。一键启动:engine start stop,英语翻译是发动机,起动,停止。直译就是引擎启动/关闭。长按一下汽车就发动了(start),发动后,再按一下就熄火了(stop)。汽车上的启动按钮englneSTART STOP是,一键启动按键,通过这个按键就能实现车辆的启动与熄火启动时有一个先决条件,就是启动发动机前要踩下刹车踏板,否则只会接通全车的电源,不会启动引擎。





韩国原声带的《Ending 》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending 歌手:韩国原声带专辑:恋风恋歌 O.S.TEnding我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/25803798

S.H.E的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:S.H.E专辑:奇幻乐园演唱会Ending我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/1078701




结局的意思啊一般游戏分BE(BAD ENDING)和HE(HAPPY ENDING)两种..就是字面上的坏结局好结局的意思啦..


加。endings - 是 ending 的复数a happy ending - 一个 当然 用 单she likes reading stories with happy endings.为什么用endings,his stories usually have a happy ending.这个加s数endings - 是 ending 的复数a happy ending - 一个 当然 用 单数形式望你喜欢。




the end




好的结局用英文说是happy ending


ending多做名词,词组:at the ending,后不接其它词. eg:At the ending,he died in the centre of this square.(如果你要想说一本书或小说等书信的结局就用它) end也多做名词.词组:in the end(后不接其它词) ,at the end of(接地点),by the end of(接时间)(如果你要说一个人命运的结局,游戏结局,电影或电视剧的结局就用它.) 见:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/43572227.html?si=1


ending是end的现在分词形式。end是指“结束”的状态,多作名词,后面不接其他词;ending是指“结束”的过程,多作名词,词组attheending后面不接其他词。end:end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。atone"send的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。ending:基本意思是“结束”,通常指某一发展过程的最终结束。end:侧重于客观存在的事的结束。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


ending可以单独使用。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。词汇解析:ending英文发音:[u02c8endu026au014b]中文释义:n.(故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;结束;终结;最后部分;词尾。例句:I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。






I was not afraid of riding a bike .I was not afraid of riding a bike .

Ordinary World 歌词

歌曲名:Ordinary World歌手:Aurora专辑:Ordinary WorldOrdinary WorldGregorianMaster of Chant IIICame in from a rainy Thursday on the avenuethought I heard you talking softlyI turned on the lights the TV and the radiobut still I can"t escape the ghost of youWhat is happening to it allcrazy some sayWhere is the life that I recognize (gone away)And I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to survivePassion or coincidence once prompted you to saypride will tear us both apartWell now pride"s gone out the window cross the rooftops runawayLeft me in the vacuum of my heartWhat is happening to mecrazy some saywhere is my friend when I need you most (gone away)But I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to survivePapers in the roadside tell of suffering and griefFear today forgot tomorrowo-oh, Here beside the news of holy war and holy needOur"s is just a little sorrowed talk (just blown away)And I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to surviveAny world...is my world...Any world...is my world...Every world ...is our world...Every world...is my world...Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2867884

You have never seen dinosaur eggs,have you ? ( ).How I wish to visit the Dinosaur world.

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