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 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,演员。1974年11月11日出生在美国洛杉矶。曾获柏林电影节最佳男主角和奥斯卡最佳男主角提名。成名作品:《泰坦尼克号》。  中文名: 莱昂纳多·威尔海姆·迪卡普里奥  外文名: Leonardo Wilelm DiCaprio  国籍: 美国  出生地: 洛杉矶  出生日期: 1974年11月11日  职业: 演员  代表作品: 泰坦尼克号、飞行家、血钻  主要成就: 1997年柏林电影节最佳男主角  2005年金球奖最佳男主角  2005年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名  2007年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名  详细信息  莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(10张)★英文姓名:Leonardo DiCaprio ★中文译名:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 ★全名:Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio ★港译名:里安纳度·狄卡比奥 ★台译名:李奥纳多·迪卡皮丘 ★中文全名:莱昂纳多·威尔海姆·迪卡普里奥 ★昵称:Leo ★生日:1974年11月11日(星期一) ★星座:天蝎座 ★出生地点:美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶 ★身高:180cm ★其他爱好:收集棒球和篮球卡片,看篮球赛 ★习惯:拨弄头发,啃指甲 ★演奏的乐器:过去常常弹风琴 ★圈中好友:凯特·温斯莱特,托比·马奎尔 凯文康纳利 卢卡斯哈斯 ★以前拥有的汽车:69年产小野马敞蓬汽车,钻蓝色切诺基大吉普和灰色宝马单排座轿车 莱昂纳多写真集(16张) ★喜欢的女孩:善良,开朗和外向型的女孩 ★对童年生活的描述:有趣,可笑,聪明伶俐 个人魅力  ★生活的重要目标:成为一名成功的演员  个人之最  ★最喜欢的书籍:《老人与海》 ★最喜欢的运动:篮球、棒球 ★最喜欢的音乐:说唱音乐 ★最喜欢的乐队:Pink Floyd、Beatles、Led Zeppelin ★最喜欢的男演员:罗伯特·德尼罗、阿尔·帕西诺、杰克·尼科尔森 ★最喜欢的女演员:梅格·瑞恩 ★最喜欢的电影:《教父》《列宁在十月》 ★最不喜欢的食品:肉 ★最喜欢的电视节目:《边缘地带》 ★最喜欢的度假地:德国 ★最喜欢的球队:洛杉矶湖人队 ★最喜欢的食物:柠檬汁 健怡型可口可乐 意大利面 ★最喜欢的颜色:绿色,紫色,黑色 ★最喜欢的时装设计师:Vintage ★最喜欢的城市:纽约,旧金山 ,圣彼得堡 ★最喜欢的乐器:风琴 ★最大的愿望:保护环境,生活在和平之中 好莱坞的万人迷  ★最喜欢的童年回忆:用恶作剧使邻居惊恐不安 ★最好的生日:16岁生日,因为从那天开始,我可以开车了 ★最好的品质:我拥有极好的幽默感 ★最坏的习惯:常常有意地,习惯性地拖延做事情  个人家庭  父亲:乔治,意大利人,连环画出版商 母亲:艾米琳,德国人,律师助理 继母:职业是健美运动员 同父异母兄弟:亚当,演员,歌手  个人名言  人们想要你成为一个疯子,失去理智的坏小子 他们想看到你的处境和他们一样悲惨 他们不需要英雄,他们需要的是看到你堕落 他们想看到你的处境和他们一样幸福  编辑本段职业生涯  个人趣事 说起莱昂纳多的名字还有一段小小的故事。当时已身怀六甲的母亲在看莱昂纳多.达.芬奇的画展时,肚子里的小宝贝踢了妈妈一脚似乎对莱昂纳多.达.芬奇的画也感兴趣,因此妈妈给小宝贝取名莱昂纳多。 他小时候在德国住过一段时间,因为那时他的外祖父威廉和外祖母海灵住在德国。因此他也能说一口流 《篮球日记》中的吸毒少年吉米  利的德语。迪卡普里奥和母亲在好几个贫民社区住过。迪卡普里奥形容这些社区为好莱坞的贫民区。他的母亲那时需要同时做几份工作来维持生计。 家庭背景 莱昂纳多的母亲艾莱琳是个德国人,他的一头金发和清秀的脸型便是母亲遗传所致。他的父亲出生于爱尔兰。莱昂纳多一出生,他的父母便已离异,但幸运的是,父母的离异并没有给他的成长产生任何不当影响。他一直和母亲住在一起,周末则和父亲一起度过。而他父亲也一直在关心着他,他到外地拍片时他的父亲就一直陪着他。同时,即使离异后,莱昂纳多的父亲和母亲也一如既往地保持着亲密状态。金球奖照(18张) 老迪卡普里奥是个不折不扣的嬉皮士,充满着乌托邦的梦想。年青时代的他在纽约街头过着放荡的反潮流式的生活。在莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥的许多影片中,我们还可以看到这种反叛的影子。 星路历程 父母对小莱昂纳多疼爱有加,一切事情都为他选择最好的,他们送他上贵族学校接受最好的教育。可是,他对学习一直提不起兴趣,尤其是数学。因此,最终他还是走上了影视这条路。莱 《成长的烦恼》  昂纳多最初演戏是为了帮助解决家庭经济困难,而后对表演情有独钟,对学习提不起兴趣,但功课却一直非常好。这也许是他5岁时参加拍摄电视剧Rmper Room后结下的影视情缘。在莱昂纳多10岁时,他想成为一名演员的梦想曾一度打碎。一家影视代理商将莱昂纳多拒之于门外,理由是他们不喜欢他的发型、名字 ,并建议莱昂纳多改名为Lanny Williams。不做演员心不甘,14岁时莱昂纳多决定再做一次尝试,终于有家代理商接受了莱昂纳多,并推荐他拍摄了电视剧Santa Barbara 和The New Lassie。16岁时莱昂纳多参加拍摄了著名电视连续喜剧《成长的烦恼》,扮演一个叫路克(Luke)的无家可归的男孩。莱昂纳多无可挑剔的表演甚至抢去了主角的风头。1992年莱昂纳多再次凭借自己的实力击败众多对手取得影片This Boy"s Life中Tobias Wolff的角色。尽管莱昂纳多引起了好莱坞的注意,但他所拍摄的影片票房收入并不理想。 电影生涯 虽然出道时间并不长,但莱昂纳多第一次走上荧屏却很早。5岁时他就参加了电视剧《Romper Room》的拍摄,12岁时在历经了50次面试后,不懈的努力终于有了回报,他得到了第1份职业演员的工作,一部短的小汽车广告。14岁时有家代理商接受了他,并推荐他拍摄了电视剧《Santa Barbara》和[1][2][3]《The New Classic》。1990年,16岁的他参加了著名电视剧《成长的烦恼》的拍摄,在片中扮演一个无家可归的少年----路克。莱昂纳多在这部电视剧中无可挑剔的表演甚至抢去了主角的风头。莱昂纳多在该部电视剧中的成功,标志着他在影坛上的真正崛起,此后,他的片约不断,一步一个脚印,逐渐走向成功。1991年,他接连拍摄了《魔精III》、《外星追逐令》,1992年又拍摄了《带毒的常春藤》。 日趋成熟  1993年,莱昂纳多参加了《不如重新开始》的拍摄,在片中饰演一位受继父虐待、内心无比压抑、痛苦的少年形象。他的演技首次受到公众和媒体的关注。同年,他还出演了《不一样的天空》中的一个弱智儿亚尼。片中的他不爱讲话,常常是眉头深锁,一副心事重重的样子。纯朴自然的表演,为初涉影坛的他赢得了1994年奥斯卡最佳男配角奖的提名,而此时,他才19岁。 《不一样的天空》中的弱智儿亚尼,《篮球日记》中的吸毒少年杰米和《心之全蚀》中的忧郁兰波对莱昂纳多的演艺生涯影响甚大,这些角色确立了他影坛“最佳边缘人”的至尊地位。 1995年,莱昂纳多在《边缘日记》中塑造了一个个性鲜明的吸毒作家形象。当时他正处于尴尬的年龄,有时看起来已是一个20岁的成年人,有时仍流露出小男孩的稚气,而这也正符合了角色的需要。他在片中将一位对现实不满而沉湎于毒品的青年刻划得有血有肉、惟妙惟肖,因此而获得电影金像奖提名,并被誉为“瑞凡·菲尼克斯的继承人。 同年,他又与大牌明星金·哈克曼和莎朗·斯通合作出演西部片《致命快感》。当时已经红得发紫的好莱坞莱昂纳多电影剧照(17张)性感女神莎朗·斯通宁愿减低自己的片酬,指定莱昂纳多在该片中与她演对手戏,出演剧中镇长之子雷米。莎朗斯通对20来岁的莱昂纳评价极高,她曾多次表示:这个年轻演员是我见过的演员中最有天赋的一个。莱昂纳多也没有辜负莎姐姐对他的厚望,他把该人物身上那种少年枪手的狂妄和无畏精神用其与父辈极其冲突的性格表现得浑然一体、淋漓尽致。之后,他又相继拍摄了《心之全蚀》和《亲亲坏姐妹》。在《全蚀狂爱》中他饰演了同性恋诗人兰波,亦广受好评。在《一切从心开始》中,他饰演了一个烧毁自家房子的叛逆小鬼头。虽然片中戏不少,但夹在黛安·基顿和梅丽尔·斯特里普二个演技派大腕之间,他也难有什么抢眼的演出。 出演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》  1996年,在现代激情版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,但莱昂纳多第一次走上荧屏却很早,他又塑造了一个崭新的“罗密欧”的形象。在这部充满性暗示和暴力的旧瓶装新酒式的莎士比亚名剧中,他的表演被评论界称为具有“毁灭性”,融狂躁不安、反叛精神和多愁伤感于一体的“罗密欧”,使他成为好莱坞“最沉郁、最富伤害性、最深情的男明星”。全世 界的少女都奉这个神经质的现代“罗密欧”为梦中情人。莱昂纳多也因此片而荣膺柏林电影节最佳男主角奖。在与克莱尔.丹尼斯(Claire Danes)联袂出演现代版爱情故事《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,与好莱坞老牌明星梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)和演Marvin"s Room之后,莱昂纳多低票房收入的日子似乎结束。然而真正令莱昂纳多盛名响誉全球,令他身价大增,还是在他担当《泰坦尼克号》男主角之后,此片获11项奥斯卡大奖,打破了美国和世界各地的票房记录。莱昂纳多也因在此片中的完美表演而成了“世纪末的票房炸弹”,象旋风般席卷了全球,年轻英俊、充满朝气的他以一个活泼可爱的大男孩的形象出现在人们面前。其实在拍摄此片时,导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆对莱昂纳多并不是十分满意。他曾对 《泰坦尼克号》经典剧照  莱昂纳多发出了最后通牒:“我知道你以往的角色大都是过度忧郁,有点神经质,但是在这部片中绝对不行。”莱昂纳多最终听取了卡梅隆的劝告,出色地塑造了他的第一个“正常人”的角色。确实,对一个演员来说,没有比演一个清新、纯朴、简单的人物更难演了。在本片中,莱昂纳多的演出相当投入认真,充满了好奇与热情。一张稚嫩的脸庞下,隐约可见令人着迷的性情。莱昂纳多成了新一代偶像的代言人。 跟莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 从偶像派到实力派戏骨  合作过的女演员也对他评价很高,她们认为他独具魅力,光芒四射,而又为人善良 。在充满暴力、弱肉强食,社会危机使得个人主义膨胀的时代,莱昂纳多代表了新一代的男演员形象:宽宏大量,乐于与人交往,给社会带来了一些积极的东西。 2000年,莱昂纳多在其新片《海滩》(“Beach”)中饰演一个酷爱畅游网路世界寻找刺激的美国年轻人,并决定到泰国寻找在网路上得知的人间天堂----海滩。影片反映的主题是:自然不是人类想改造就能改造的!影片在泰国第一次公演就激起了当地环境保护人士的众怒,认为影片在拍摄过程中对当地菲菲岛造成了环境破坏。莱昂纳多一直声称没 《海滩》拍摄  有破坏环境,并刻意投身做环保先锋,访问美国总统克林顿,大谈环保问题,以推动环保活动。但随着《海滩》一片在世界各地的上映,拍摄地泰国却迎来了数不清的年轻旅游者。他们都象片中的主人公理查德一样,肩背双肩包,跑到泰国来亲眼目睹这里天堂一样 的海水和沙滩,极大地带动了泰国的旅游业。这部文艺片并不适合大众的审美胃口,公映后效果很失败,它带来的一系列麻烦,直把莱昂拖入了困苦的窘境。之后莱昂出演了史蒂文斯皮尔伯格导演的《有种来抓我》和马丁西科塞斯导演的《纽约黑帮》,反响也并不是很好。直到2004的《飞行家》为莱昂迎来一个金球影帝和奥斯卡提名,才使他处在低谷的事业有所回升。2006年的《无间道风云》和《血钻》给他带来了一个金球奖最佳男主角的双提名,他也是历史上首个获得最佳男主角双提名的演员,同时在次年奥斯卡上凭借与詹妮弗·康纳利合作的《血钻》获得最佳男主角提名。从此,公众对莱昂的印象全面改观。2007年上映的记录片《第11小时》是一部莱昂独立制作的电影,除了导演是另请的之外几乎全程包办,此片取得了不 《谎言之躯》变身间谍  俗的票房成绩。 值得一提的趣事是,了解leo的影迷都可以发现,自2000年以后,leo以每两年出动一次的频率现身银幕。02年、04年、06年分别有《逍遥法外》、《飞行者》、《无间道风云》,后两部与02年的另一部作品《纽约黑帮》实现了奥斯卡最佳影片的隔年一提(其中《无间道》状元及第),《纽约黑帮》、《飞行者》与06年的另一部主演作品《血钻》构成里奥本人的奥斯卡影帝隔年一提。2008年,莱昂有《谎言之躯》和《革命之路》两部影片上映,在《革命之路》中,他和《泰坦尼克号》里的拍档凯特·温斯莱特再度携手,2010年的《禁闭岛》是莱昂和马丁的第四次合作,2010年他还与名导克里斯托弗·诺兰合作了《盗梦空间》。  演员作品  商榷中的影片,虽然排到了2012年,但是没拍的就会有变数,陆续跟进。 白城魔鬼:奇迹与谋杀交织的博览会------------(未知) 胡佛Hoover------(2012) 守护者 The Guardians --------(2012)配音 美丽新世界 Brave New World -------(2011) 钱斯勒手稿 The Chancellor Manuscript -------(2011) 阿基拉 Akira -------(2011) 低等居民 The Low Dweller --------(2011) 深蓝再见 The Deep Blue Good-by -------(2011) 飞扬的罗斯福 The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt -------(2011) 古奇 Gucci -------(2010) 打败死神 Beat The Reaper---------(2010) 了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby-------(2010) The Chancellor Manuscript ------- (2010) Freedom Within the Heart ------- (2010) 莱昂纳多已上映的电影: 奠基/盗梦空间 Inception --------(2010) 禁闭岛/关门岛 Shutter Island-------(2010) 革命之路 Revolutionary Road ------- (2008) 谎言之躯 Body of Lies ------- (2008) 绿色星球新系列节目-GREENSBURG (格林斯堡)担任执行制作人--------(2008) Crossing Criminal Cultures ------- (2007) Stranger Than Fiction: The True Story of Whitey Bulger, Southie and "The Departed" ------- (2007) Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007) Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Golden Globe Awards ------- (2007) Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Academy Awards ------- (2007) The World Awaits: De La Hoya vs. Mayweather ------- (2007) Larry King Live: The Greatest Interviews ------- (2007) 第79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 79th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2007) 第十一个小时 The 11th Hour ------- (2007) Boffo! Tinseltown"s Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006) Celebrity Debut ------- (2006) 无间行者/无间道风云/神鬼无间 The Departed ------- (2006) Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? ------- (2006) VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They Don"t Want You to See -------(2006) 血钻/血腥钻石/滴血钻石 Blood Diamond ------- (2006) 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2006) The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2005) The Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ------- (2005) Earth to America ------- (2005) 11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2005) Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope ------- (2005) A Life Without Limits: The Making of "The Aviator" ------- (2005) 第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2005) The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2004) Michael Moore, el gran agitador ------- (2004) 飞行家/飞行者/神鬼玩家/娱乐大亨/飞行员/飞行大亨 The Aviator ------- (2004) 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops ------- (2004) AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Robert De Niro ------- (2003) The 100 Greatest Movie Stars ------- (2003) 逍遥法外 "Catch Me If You Can": Behind the Camera ------- (2003) Frank Abagnale: Between Reality and Fiction ------- (2003) 圣诞坏公公 Bad Santa ------- (2003) AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Passions ------- (2002) Playboy: Inside the Playboy Mansion ------- (2002) Shirtless: Hollywood"s Sexiest Men ------- (2002) 猫鼠游戏/逍遥法外/我知道你是谁/捉智双雄/神鬼交锋/有种来抓我 Catch Me If You Can ------- (2002) 纽约黑帮/纽约风云 Gangs of New York ------- (2002) "E! True Hollywood Story" Growing Pains ------- (2001) 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2001) The Concert for New York City ------- (2001) Don"s Plum ------- (2001) 迷离沙滩/海滩/迷幻沙滩 The Beach ------- (2000) Titanic: The Premiere ------- (2000) Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years ------- (2000) Celebrities Caught on Camera: Volume 1 ------- (1999) "Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" ------- (1999) 第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 70th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1998) To Leo with Love ------- (1998) Titanic: Breaking New Ground ------- (1998) Leo Mania ------- (1998) Femmes Fatales: Sharon Stone ------- (1998) 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask ------- (1998) Beyond Titanic ------- (1998) 名人录/名人百态 Celebrity ------- (1998) 泰坦尼克号/铁达尼号/泰坦尼克/铁达尼克号 Titanic ------- (1997) Directors: James Cameron ------- (1997) 罗密欧与朱丽叶之后现代激情篇 Romeo + Juliet ------- (1996) 马文的房间/亲亲环姊妹/一切从心开始 Marvin"s Room ------- (1996) David Blaine: Street Magic ------- (1996) 101夜 Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma, Les ------- (1995) 心之全蚀/全蚀狂爱 Total Eclipse ------- (1995) 凤舞狂沙/致命快感 The Quick and the Dead ------- (1995) 边缘日记 The Basketball Diaries ------- (1995) Total Eclipse ------- (1995) "HBO First Look" ------- (1994) The Foot Shooting Party ------- (1994) 恋恋情深/不一样的天空 What"s Eating Gilbert Grape ------- (1993) 不如重新开始 This Boy"s Life ------- (1993) 欲海潮 Poison Ivy ------- (1992) 魔精3 Critters 3 ------- (1991) 成长的烦恼 "Growing Pains" ------- (1985) AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Passions ------- (2002)


《不可追忆》Ne te retourne pas (2009) (post-production)------- (2009)   《皮帕·李的私生活》The Private Lives of Pippa Lee .... Gigi -------(2009)   《巴格里亚》Baaria - La porta del vento (post-production) -------(2008)   《爱的男人》Uomo che ama, L" .... Alba -------(2008)   《疯狂之血》Sanguepazzo .... Luisa Ferida(2008)   《爱情手册2》Manuale d"amore 2 (Capitoli successivi) ------- (2007)   《第二次呼吸》Deuxième souffle, Le ------- (2007)   Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007)   《火线保镖》 Shoot "Em Up ------- (2007)   《撒旦魔王/亡人偶》 Sheitan ------- (2006)   《我与拿破仑》 N (Io e Napoleone) ------- (2006)   《灵石会议/石头会议》 Concile de pierre, Le ------- (2006)   《爱我多深》 Combien tu m"aimes ------- (2005)   《黑客帝国在线》The Matrix Online(voice) Persephone ------- (2005)   《格林兄弟》 The Brothers Grimm ------- (2005)   《波斯王子2:武者之心》Prince of Persia: Warrior Within(voice) Kaileena ------- (2004)   《她恨我/出卖雄风》 She Hate Me ------- (2004)   The Burly Man Chronicles ------- (2004)   《秘密雇员》 Agents secrets ------- (2004)   The Big Question ------- (2004)   《耶稣受难记/受难曲》 The Passion of the Christ ------- (2004)   《黑客帝国3:矩阵革命》 The Matrix Revolutions ------- (2003)   Monica: irrésistible ------- (2003)   The GQ Men of the Year Awards ------- (2003)   《忆汝我心/同床异梦/记住我》 Ricordati di me ------- (2003)   Enter the Matrix(voice) .Persephone ------- (2003)   《太阳之泪》 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003)   《黑客帝国2:重装上阵》 The Matrix Reloaded ------- (2003)   Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" ------- (2003)   Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre - Le Comankonafé ------- (2002)   《埃及艳后的任务》 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre ------- (2002)   Un jour dans la vie du cinéma francais ------- (2002)   《不可逆转/不可撤消》 Irréversible ------- (2002)   《狼族盟约》 Pacte des loups, Le ------- (2001)   补充: 《玛莲娜/真爱伴我行/西西里的美丽传说》 Malèna ------- (2000)   《疑云密布/嫌疑犯/惊爆2001/悬疑对战》 Under Suspicion ------- (2000)   《致命的邂逅》 Franck Spadone ------- (2000)   Méditerranées ------- (1999)   Comme un poisson hors de l"eau ------- (1999)   A los que aman ------- (1998)   Compromis ------- (1998)   《罗马新年》 Ultimo capodanno, L" ------- (1998)   Plaisir (et ses petits tracas), Le ------- (1998)   《太保密码》 Dobermann ------- (1997)   Mauvais genre ------- (1997)   Come mi vuoi ------- (1997)   Stressati ------- (1997)   《非常公寓》 Appartement, L" ------- (1996)   Sorellina e il principe del sogno ------- (1996)   Cielo è sempre più blu, Il ------- (1995)   《约瑟/若瑟》Joseph ------- (1995)   Palla di neve ------- (1995)   Mitici, I ------- (1994)   《吸血僵尸/惊情四百年》 Dracula ------- (1992)   《性之道》 Ostinato destino ------- (1992)   




西西里的美丽传说 看了我都受不了了!!!


《西西里美丽传说》、《狼族盟约》 《黑客帝国2》、《黑客帝国3》、《太阳的眼泪》、《不可撤销》 《灵石会议》《不可追忆》《秘密雇员》《魔法师的学徒》《第二次呼吸》 《格林兄弟》《非常公寓》


电影作品 1:30 Train (announced)------- (2010) Empires of the Deep (pre-production) .... Mermaid Queen -------(2010) 《不可追忆》Ne te retourne pas (2009) (post-production)------- (2009) 《皮帕·李的私生活》The Private Lives of Pippa Lee .... Gigi -------(2009) 《巴格里亚》Baaria - La porta del vento (post-production) -------(2008) 《爱的男人》Uomo che ama, L" .... Alba -------(2008) 《疯狂之血》Sanguepazzo .... Luisa Ferida(2008) 《爱情手册2》Manuale d"amore 2 (Capitoli successivi) ------- (2007) 《第二次呼吸》Deuxième souffle, Le ------- (2007) Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007) 《火线保镖》 Shoot "Em Up ------- (2007) 《撒旦魔王/死亡人偶》 Sheitan ------- (2006) 《我与拿破仑》 N (Io e Napoleone) ------- (2006) 《灵石会议/石头会议》 Concile de pierre, Le ------- (2006) 《爱我多深》 Combien tu m"aimes? ------- (2005) 《黑客帝国在线》The Matrix Online(voice) Persephone ------- (2005) 《格林兄弟》 The Brothers Grimm ------- (2005) 《波斯王子2:武者之心》Prince of Persia: Warrior Within(voice) Kaileena ------- (2004) 《她恨我/出卖雄风》 She Hate Me ------- (2004) The Burly Man Chronicles ------- (2004) 《秘密雇员》 Agents secrets ------- (2004) The Big Question ------- (2004) 《耶稣受难记/受难曲》 The Passion of the Christ ------- (2004) 《黑客帝国3:矩阵革命》 The Matrix Revolutions ------- (2003) Monica: irrésistible ------- (2003) The GQ Men of the Year Awards ------- (2003) 《忆汝我心/同床异梦/记住我》 Ricordati di me ------- (2003) Enter the Matrix(voice) .Persephone ------- (2003) 《太阳之泪》 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003) 《黑客帝国2:重装上阵》 The Matrix Reloaded ------- (2003) Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" ------- (2003) Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre - Le Comankonafé ------- (2002) 《埃及艳后的任务》 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre ------- (2002) Un jour dans la vie du cinéma francais ------- (2002) 《不可逆转/不可撤消》 Irréversible ------- (2002) 《狼族盟约》 Pacte des loups, Le ------- (2001) 《玛莲娜/真爱伴我行/西西里的美丽传说》 Malèna ------- (2000) 《疑云密布/嫌疑犯/惊爆2001/悬疑对战》 Under Suspicion ------- (2000) 《致命的邂逅》 Franck Spadone ------- (2000) Méditerranées ------- (1999) Comme un poisson hors de l"eau ------- (1999)



求解《穆赫兰道》(Mulhollan Drive)这部电影的解析。。。



中文名称:西西里人/天火英文名称:The Sicilian发行时间:1987年电影导演:迈克尔西米诺(Michael Cimino)电影演员:克利斯托夫·兰伯特(Christopher Lambert)祖士·亚克兰(Joss Ackland)地区:美国语言:英语简介:片长:115 min / USA:146 min (director"s cut) / Argentina:116 min国家:美国语言:英语色彩:彩色 (Technicolor)混音:Dolby级别:Australia:M / Finland:K-16 / Netherlands:12 / Norway:18 / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / UK:15 / USA:R / West Germany:16 / Argentina:16 导演 Director:迈克尔·西米诺 Michael Cimino编剧 Writer:马里奥·普佐 Mario Puzo ....novelSteve Shagan戈尔·维达尔 Gore Vidal ....uncredited演员 Actor:克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert ....Salvatore Giuliano特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp ....Prince Borsa乔斯·雅克兰德 Joss Ackland ....Don Masino Croce约翰·特托罗 John Turturro ....PisciottaRichard Bauer ....Hector AdonisBarbara Sukowa ....Camilla, Duchess of CrotoneGiulia Boschi ....Giovanna FerraRay McAnally ....Trezza贝瑞·米勒 Barry Miller ....Dr. NattoreAndreas Katsulas ....PassatempaMichael Wincott ....Cpl. Silvestro CanioDerrick Branche ....TerranovaRichard Venture ....Cardinal of PalermoRamon Bieri ....QuintanaStanko Molnar ....Silvio FerraOliver Cotton ....Cmdr. RoccofinoJoe Regalbuto ....Father DoldanaTom Signorelli ....Abbot Manfredi奥尔多·雷 Aldo Ray ....Don Siano of BisacquinoNicholas Kepros ....University PresidentJustin Clark ....BoyTrevor Ray ....Frisella, the barberBarone Giovanni Gagliardo Di Carpinello ....Don Pidou of CaltanisettaGuglielmo Inglese ....Don Arzana of Plani dei GreciDon Luciano Cappucino ....Don Marcuzzi of VallamiraAnita Laurenzi ....Mrs. FrisellaAgostino Trupio ....Young FrisellaMassimo Sarchielli ....EnzoEmanuella Torri ....MaidRiccardo De Torrebruna ....AdjutantGaspare Canzoneri ....Prison DoctorBarone Francesco Agnello ....Ancient NoblemanGeoffrey Copleston ....Pathe JournalistClaudio Collva ....Barracks PolicemanTony Sperandeo ....Barracks PolicemanMarino Natranga ....Col. AmatoAccursio Di Leo ....ValetLeonardo Treviglio ....Policeman in WheatfieldsFranco Trevisi ....Policeman in WheatfieldsDanilo Mattei ....LieutenantCarlo Pavone ....Doctor in Emergency ClinicEnrico Stassi ....FatherChiara Carrafa ....Little GirlFrancesco Plaia ....Giuliano"s ManCsidoro Passanante ....Giuliano"s ManLeonardo Plaia ....Giuliano"s ManMatteo Ingrao ....Giuliano"s ManVito Ingoglia ....Giuliano"s ManGaspare Mirrione ....Giuliano"s ManCarmelo Anello ....Giuliano"s ManMarchesa Anna Lanza Di Mazzirino ....Duchess" GuestDon Pepito Moncado Di Paterno ....Duchess" GuestDonna Laura Moncada Di Paterno ....Duchess" GuestDonna Olga Gagliardo Di Carpinello ....Duchess" GuestDonna Matilda Gagliardo Di Carpinello ....Duchess" GuestLia Pasqualino Di Marineo ....Duchess" GuestProfessor Antonio Pasqualino ....Duchess" GuestGiovanna Carducci ....Duchess" GuestPietro De Spuches ....Duchess" GuestDelia Bucca ....Duchess" GuestPrincipe Filiberto Di Camporeale ....Duchess" Guest制作人 Produced by:Sidney Beckerman ....executive producerJoann Carelli ....producer迈克尔·西米诺 Michael Cimino ....producer 关于导演:导演迈克尔·西米诺是新好莱坞运动中崛起的一位美籍意大利裔导演。进入好莱坞以前,曾经拍摄过大量广告和纪录片,也创作了一些电影剧本。1974年,著名影星兼制作人克林特·伊斯特伍德给了西米诺第一次指导长片的机会,西米诺拍摄了由前者主演的动作惊悚片《霹雳炮与飞毛腿》(Thunderbolt and Lightfoot)。4年之后,西米诺拍摄了自己的第二部影片《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter),这部反思越战的电影也是他至今最为成功的作品,包揽了51届奥斯卡最佳影片、导演、男配角、剪辑和音响五项大奖,还为男、女主演罗伯特·德尼罗和梅丽尔·斯蒂里普赢得了提名。盛誉之下,西米诺拍摄的耗资4千多万美元的西部史诗巨片《天国之门》(Heaven"s Gate)却一败涂地。沉寂5年之后,西米诺拍摄了美国华裔黑帮题材的影片《龙年》(Year of the Dragon),这部影片虽在声誉上为西米诺挽回了一点面子,却遭到了多数华裔观众的一致声讨。此后,迈克尔·西米诺的事业更是每况愈下,这部场面宏大、跨度长久的《西西里人》也被指责为粉饰匪徒经历的艺术赝品,再往后的《致命时刻》(Desperate Hours)、《旭日逃亡》(The Sunchaser)等片就更鲜有人提起了。




1 特别注意电影的开头部分,字幕出现至少给出了两个提示2注意红色灯罩的出现 3 你注意到Adam Kesher给女演员们试镜的影片叫什么名字了吗?这部电影后来是否再次提到过? 4 事故是可怕的...请留心事故发生的地点。5 钥匙是谁给的?为什么? 6 注意睡袍,烟灰缸和咖啡杯7 在“寂静”(Silencio)剧场里你能感受到、意识到和推断出什么? 8 Camilla仅靠才能取得成功?9 注意那个墙后出现的人的周围情形 10 Ruth姨妈在哪里? 参考 自 http://movie.douban.com/review/4589242/


《穆赫兰道》这部电影还是我在大学时候看的,那段时间疯狂爱上看烧脑电影,当时找到的出名的同类型电影都看了个遍,贼过瘾。但是这部我的印象还是挺深的,因为这么出名的电影我看完之后一脸蒙逼。后来结合影评再重新看了一遍,两位女主还是很美的。这是一部现实与梦境相结合的电影,影片的开场画面是几对舞伴在虚拟蓝幕前跳舞,他们的影像被复制成了很多份。这时Diane的影像出现了,脸上洋溢着兴奋的神情。下一个影像中,Diane和她姨父姨母依偎着出现。这一段交待了Diane的身世:她由姨父姨母抚养; 她在一次jitterbug舞蹈比赛中夺魁,并从此进入演艺圈:噩梦的开始。接下来的一切都是围绕噩梦。其实再次看完《穆赫兰道》,倒吸一口凉气!并不是因为自己没有做过类似的噩梦,而是没有想到有人能把梦魇如此真实地展现在大银幕上,我惊叹于大卫林奇能构思出这样一个噩梦来,又或者这根本就是大卫林奇自己的噩梦?我之所以这样说,是因为当我尝试着用弗洛伊德的释梦方法去分析这个看似荒诞的噩梦时,我发现能从这个噩梦中解出一些相当合理的因素来,一些离奇的梦境其实都是可解的!所以我几乎怀疑这个噩梦的虚构性! 回归电影本身,我在看这部电影的时候,开始认为女主角有心理问题,或者有多重人格,活在自己的幻想中。看着看着,女主角又有同性恋倾向,我彻底凌乱了,这电影到底是在讲什么。直到最后,我被复杂的人物弄乱了,分不清谁是谁了,没有闲心思去想电影到底在讲什么,一直在想这个人开始的时候是谁,最后又是谁!(要像搞清楚人物关联,要重复多看几遍!这样才能更加深入的了解这部电影)根本没想到这是一场梦。


我来说几个。 首先 1《盗梦空间》,这个不必多说了吧。这个比较出名,莱昂纳多的演技高到一逼! 2《恐怖游轮》,这个楼上的朋友也提到了,不错这个电影你看完会有一种惘然若失的感觉类似于无尽的轮回。 3《蝴蝶效应》,这个电影的确是很出名,也...




9 years after infiltrating a chemical weapons facility in Russia, where friend and fellow M:I-6 agent Alec Trevelyan 006 was killed by corrupt Russian military officer General Ourumov. Seductive British secret agent James Bond 007 is assigned by his new boss, a female "M" to recover "GoldenEye" the access key to a top secret space weapon orbiting the Earth which fires a electromagnetic pulse which shuts down all electronic equipment. The "GoldenEye" has been stolen from the Severnya space research station by General Ourumov and the lethal and deadly Xenia Onatopp and slaughtered everyone at Servernya. Helped by Russian computer programmer Natalya Siminova, who was the sole survivor of the Servernya massacre and witnessed Ourumov and Xenia steal the "GoldenEye", Bond learns Ourumov and Xenia are working for Alec Trevelyan, now a renegade M:I-6, and 006 plans on using GoldenEye to wipe out London. 007 and Natalya set out to Cuba where Bond faces Trevelyan in a thrilling showdown as 007 sets out to save London from destruction.来源:IMDB



那位智商高的人 , 给我解释一下 ,电影《穆赫兰道》讲的是什么意思?白花了两个半小时,也看不懂啊。。。

我这辈子最看不懂得电影——穆赫兰道,不来个高人指点下怕是死了也不会闭眼的 555



姓名:Camilla Belle 卡米拉·贝尔 出生日期:1986年10月2日 出生地:Los Angeles, California, USA 国家地区:美国/USA 身高:173公分 语言:英语、葡萄牙语 主要身份:Actress 人物简介: 即使《来电惊魂》被打上了“中国引进的第一部好莱坞恐怖片”,真正买账的观众也是少之又少,而且影片确实不咋地,对于一个小姑娘在豪宅里自己吓自己的脱线行为,大多数有素质有教养的观众只是撇撇嘴,颇觉不以为然,但走出影院之后,他们却能一脸地赏心悦目,回味无穷……为啥?他们可能已经记不起这个故事究竟有多糟糕,过程有多恐怖,却对那个浓眉大眼、过目难忘的漂亮姑娘--Camilla Belle便纷纷露出了会心的微笑. “我喜欢做自己,这就是我想要的生活。” Camilla Belle与时下标榜的美国丽人沾不上边,因为一半的巴西血统让她既不可能拥有在阳光下跳跃的金发,也无法长出清澈有如大海的碧色眼眸,却赋予她更加别致的异域风情。看多了让人生腻的白晰,反而更容易为Camilla健康的肤色所感动. 不要将Camilla看成是一名单纯的机会主义者,虽然她在洛杉矶的家与好莱坞是如此地近在咫尺,虽然洛杉矶的每个角落都充斥着梦想有一天能够登上好莱坞这座电影殿堂的男男女女……表面看起来,Camilla确实是在好莱坞的传统模式里浇铸培养长大的:1986年10月2日出生的Camilla,九个月的时候就成为婴儿奶粉广告中的主角;五岁之前,一直是美国公共广播公司(PBS)的御用广告模特;七岁接演了第一部电视作品;九岁有了银幕处女作;19岁,也就是上上一年,Camilla凭实力迎来了第一个女一号(《来电惊魂》)。然而,说起自己还不会走时就接下的那个广告,Camilla总将它形容成一场“美丽的意外”:Camilla的妈妈是巴西的留学生,在洛杉矶求学期间,与爸爸相爱并喜结良缘,第二年就生下了她--一个与妈妈几乎是一个模子刻出来的漂亮女儿。在Camilla九个月大的时候,妈妈带着她去参加育儿讲座,被一个奶粉广告经纪相中,开始了真正意义的演艺生活。然而对于父母将她当成摇钱树的指责,Camilla实在是感到非常可笑:“我对这件事的前因后果确实不了解,因为那个时候我还不懂事。但对于刚来到美国不久的妈妈来说,她也未必就了解多少,因为初来乍道的她,不但对美国社会没什么了解,就连英语都说不利索。即使后来做主给我签了一家广告经纪公司,也是亲戚朋友怂恿的结果。如果非要为此加个‘备注"的话,我希望是‘命运的捉弄",而不是什么‘摇钱树"。这种说法不但伤害了我的感情,对我的家人也是莫大的侮辱。” 确实,如果说Camilla的妈妈为她今后的生活准备了两种可能性的话,那么最终做出决定的,却是Camilla自己。随着年龄的增长,Camilla不但迷上了演戏,而且是真正的一发不可收拾。鉴于好莱坞有太多的童星最终都淹没消失在物欲横流的漩涡里,Camilla五岁的时候,在妈妈的安排下开始学习古典钢琴。妈妈用心良苦,希望美妙轻缓的音乐可以净化表演行业的急躁与轻浮,她提醒Camilla:当你对生活感到迷茫时,就去弹琴…… 九岁之后,Camilla的工作量开始直线上升,一年两到三部作品,而且经常是电视电影穿插着来。Camilla不负重荷,弹琴的次数也越来多……都说天下父母心,Camilla的妈妈一气之下解除了和经纪公司的合同,自己亲自去安排Camilla的起居饮食和工作时间,直到此时,Camilla才算有了一张正常的作息时间表。相对而言,Camilla的爸爸从始至终都很少参与到她的工作中去,只是用语言和行动表示了自己对女儿永远的支持。 2001年,也就是Camilla15岁那年,该是她升入高中的时候了。Camilla希望可以就读一个专门的表演学校,而且有多个世界知名的艺术学院都向她发出了诚挚的邀请……为此,妈妈和Camilla进行了一次长谈,妈妈的意思是希望Camilla可以进入普通的高中就读,而且在此期间远离演艺圈,过一过普通女孩应该过的生活。细心的妈妈发现Camilla从小到大似乎从没有过“正常”的生活,作为父母,她深感自责,同时还承诺,如果Camilla仍然一心希望去正规的学校进修,就在念大学的时候实现这个愿望吧。 乖乖女Camilla一直都将妈妈当成最好的朋友,而不是家长,她采纳了妈妈的意见,收拾行囊进入一所女子寄宿高中,在演艺圈里销声匿迹,当了三年怡然自得的普通高中女生,这三年里,她碰钢琴的次数屈指可数……毕业之后,曾经那么强烈地想进入艺术学院的Camilla却犹豫了,因为高中生活让她明白了,生命的进行不应该只有单纯的一种方式,多尝试,才会精彩。 虽然没有在名气响当当的专业领域浸泡过,重返演艺圈的Camilla 仍然有如镀了一层金一样,差点被纷至沓来的剧本淹没。她选择了其中的四部影片--可以想见,属于Camilla 的时代,正在慢慢到来. “虽然我接演的每一个角色都很有挑战性,但我并不是一个内心黑暗的人,只是会被事物的黑暗面所吸引而已。” 生平: 1986年10月2日出生的贝勒,九个月的时候就成为婴儿奶粉广告中的主角;五岁之前,一直是美国公共广播公司(PBS)的御用广告模特;七岁接演了第一部电视作品;九岁有了银幕处女作;19岁,也就是2006年,贝勒凭实力迎来了第一个女一号(《来电惊魂》)。自她为人关注以来,无论其出演的影片有多好或多烂,只要见了她的身影,再苛刻的观众也会被那对迷人的大眼睛摄去几分心魄的。 最近拍摄电影《史前10000年》,其饰演的蓝眼美人虽是原始人的出身,但艳丽风采一如既往的闪亮。希望采纳




歌词翻译力求达意。以下可以直接套进原曲唱:On bended knee is no way to be free跪在地上换不来真正的自由Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently捧着空碗我在轻轻地问All my destinations will accept the one that"s me如果这是命中注定我会很愿意So I can breathe...才能呼吸…Circles they grow and they swallow people whole他们像个黑洞吞噬所有人Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they"ll never know就连枕边的爱人他们都不熟悉A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul我充满疑问,有谁能回答我And so it goes...就这样去…Don"t come closer or I"ll have to go不要再过来,不然我会远去Holding me like gravity are places that pull去到那我一直向往的地方If ever there was someone to keep me at home如果说还有人能让我留在家里It would be you...那就是你…Everyone I come across, in cages they bought我遇见的所有人都作茧自缚They think of me and my wandering, but I"m never what they thought对我说三道四,可我却不在乎I"ve got my indignation, but I"m pure in all my thoughts我多么心安理得,有时也很愤怒I"m alive...我活着…Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere风吹过头发,我和万物同呼吸Underneath my being is a road that disappeared脚下的路已经不知哪儿去Late at night I hear the trees, they"re singing with the dead半夜里我听见头上的树木轻轻摇Overhead...在唱歌…Leave it to me as I find a way to be别管我,我已经找到生存的意义Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting就把我当成天上永远闪烁的星星I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me我看透了世间,可世间看不透我Guaranteed说真的


演员表角色 演员Annabel[2] 杰西卡·查斯坦[2] Lucas[2] 尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔道[2] Victoria[2] 梅根·查彭提尔[2] Lilly[2] 伊莎贝尔·内利瑟[2] Dr. Dreyfuss[2] Daniel Kash[2] Jean Podolski[2] Jane Moffat[2] Nina[2] Julia Chantrey[2] Orphaned boy[2] Jayden Greig[2] Orphaned Girl[2] Sydney Cross[2] Young Victoria[2] Morgan McGarry


《灰姑娘》预告片歌曲  EllieGoulding-MyBlood  <灰姑娘Cinderella电影原声带>-歌曲列表  01PatrickDoyle-AGoldenChildhood  02PatrickDoyle-TheGreatSecret  03PatrickDoyle-ANewFamily  04PatrickDoyle-LifeAndLaughter  05PatrickDoyle-TheFirstBranch  06PatrickDoyle-NiceAndAiry  07PatrickDoyle-Orphaned  08PatrickDoyle-TheStag  09PatrickDoyle-RichBeyondReason  10PatrickDoyle-FairyGodmother  11PatrickDoyle-PumpkinsAndMice  12PatrickDoyle-YouShallGo  13PatrickDoyle-ValseRoyale  14PatrickDoyle-WhoIsShe  15PatrickDoyle-LaValseDeL"Amour  16PatrickDoyle-LaValseChampagne  17PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaMilitaire  18PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaDeParis  19PatrickDoyle-ASecretGarden  20PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaDeMinuit  21PatrickDoyle-ChooseThatOne  22PatrickDoyle-PumpkinPursuit  23PatrickDoyle-TheSlipper  24PatrickDoyle-ShatteredDreams  25PatrickDoyle-SearchingTheKingdom  26PatrickDoyle-EllaAndKit  27PatrickDoyle-CourageAndKindness  28SonnaRele-Strong  29LilyJames-ADreamIsAWishYourHeartMakes  30HelenaBonhamCarter-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo(TheMagicSong)  31PatrickDoyle-Strong(InstrumentalVersion)  32PatrickDoyle-ADreamIsAWishYourHeartMakes(InstrumentalVersion)  33PatrickDoyle-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo(TheMagicSong)(InstrumentalVersion)


电影[词典] film; movie; cinema; motion picture; cine


Partners【DVD-RMVB中字】2011最新日本下村优导演川上麻衣子主演感人剧情大片 ◎译 名 陪伴◎片 名 Partners◎年 代 2010◎国 家 日本◎类 别 剧情◎语 言 日语◎字 幕 中文◎IMDB评分 (awaiting 5 votes)◎IMDB链接◎文件格式 DVD-RMVB◎视频尺寸 640 x 352◎文件大小 2CD 520MB◎片 长 120 Mins◎导 演 下村优 Masaru Shimomura◎主 演 浅利阳介 Yosuke Asari ….小山内刚大冢千寻 Chihiro ?tsuka…. 真琴村田雄浩 Takehiro Murata川上麻衣子 Maiko Kawakami近藤里沙 Risa Kondo根岸季衣熊谷真実夏八木勲◎简 介同事的*****使小佐决心进入导盲犬培训学校学习。因为那位同事曾说过——“工作应该造福社会。”学习成为导盲犬训练师是一个很艰苦的过程,但小佐通过努力,最终做到了。可是仅凭这些小佐无法了解到导盲犬的真正特性。导盲犬在成年前都会在被送往寄养家庭,在那里收到悉心照料。四口之家长谷川就是这样一个寄养家庭。只是这个家庭里的夫妻关系逐渐冷淡,二人形同陌路。此时,候选导盲犬次生来到了这户家庭,开始和他们一起生活。而星野真是一名流行乐队的主唱,在舞台上意外地失明之后,放弃了唱歌,整日沉浸在悲伤之中。导盲犬次生成了连接人物的经线,将他们的生活编织在一起。小佐作为导盲犬训练师和大人,终于成熟起来;一度放弃了唱歌的真又开始了歌唱;长谷川家庭也重新审视了家庭成员间的关系。被一只可爱的导盲犬感动的充满挑战的各色人生故事由此开始。十九岁的无职者小山内刚因为一个偶然的机会进入了导盲犬训练师学校。经过两年的学习,刚顺利成了候补训练师,他负责训练的第一个对象是小切。小切出世两个月后被送到长谷川家寄养,长到十个月大才回到训练中心。然而小切跟刚一点也不亲,它一直眷恋着对它关心备至的长谷川家的大女儿美羽。美羽也很思念小切。刚去拜访美羽,请教她如何亲近小切,而美羽只告诉:“我只是喜欢小切而已。”去喜欢小切?!刚从来没喜欢过什么人,进入导盲犬训练师学校,也是为了得到一份工作,并没有考虑过这份工作的意义和自己的梦想。他以为只要有技术就能胜任训练师。然而“喜欢”不是技术层面的,这意味着心与心的相通。对于训练师来说,重要的是要和训练对象建立起搭档的关系,意识到这一点的刚突然发觉自己其实很无知。歌手真琴在演唱会的突然事故中受伤失明,她为了得到一只导盲犬来到中心。真琴开始和刚以及小切一起训练,但她一直不愿打开心扉,在训练中很不配合。刚告诉真琴要去喜欢小切。这天晚上,真琴抱住小切说:“好温暖、好柔软……”小切的暖意和触感融化了真琴的心壳。小切成功地通过了导盲犬资格考试,它即将离开刚,要和真琴一起开始新的生活。小切成了她的眼睛,支撑着她的心灵。一度放弃音乐的真琴决定重返歌坛。当真琴弹钢琴的时候,小切就在一旁相伴,他们成了真正的好搭档。然而就在演唱会即将举办之际,竟然又发生了意外。为了帮助被醉汉纠缠的真琴,小切身受重伤濒死。真琴在舞台上牵挂着小切,为它而唱。与此同时,长谷川一家在医院里守着小切,刚则凝望着已然获得新生的真琴……


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BapAUi_IVio8rUUSXSzWgw 提取码: y12s导演: 艾伦·J·帕库拉编剧: 威廉·斯泰伦 / 艾伦·J·帕库拉主演: 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 凯文·克莱恩 / 彼特·麦尼科 / 丽塔·卡琳 / 斯蒂芬·D.纽曼 / 类型: 剧情 / 爱情制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语 / 波兰语 / 德语 / 法语 / 俄语上映日期: 1982-12-08片长: 150 分钟又名: 索菲的抉择 / 苏菲亚的选择 / 苏菲的选择                                                           本故事讲述了一位来自美国南部的年轻作家斯汀戈(彼特·麦尼科 Peter MacNicol 饰)为求生计来到布鲁克林,认识了居住在楼上的苏菲(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)和内森(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)。他们很热情的表达希望和这位年轻的作家交朋友 ,斯汀戈欣然接受他们的邀请。逐渐地交往之后,他们之间相互建立了亲密友好的感情。在这个过程中斯汀戈了解到,苏菲常因内森的猜疑和暴怒伤心哭泣,但她非常的爱内森,最让她担心是:内森没有她以后的生活将不可想象。苏菲是波兰人,二战后来到美国,在这里认识了内森并和他相依为命,战时苏菲曾被关进纳粹集中营,而她的父亲、丈夫、儿女全部在这场战争中罹难。对于自己的受难和亲人一个个的悲惨命运,和这场战争中人间地狱般的种族大灭绝,苏菲的精神和肉体该如何抉择。


你可以自己挑一下重点At the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone"s daughter Connie and Carlo Rizzi in the late summer of 1945, Vito, the head of the Corleone Mafia family – who is known to his friends and associates as Godfather – and Tom Hagen, the Corleone family lawyer and consigliere (counselor), are hearing requests for favors from friends and associates, because "no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter"s wedding day". Meanwhile, the Don"s youngest son Michael, who has returned from World War II service as a decorated war hero, tells his girlfriend Kay Adams anecdotes about his father"s criminal life, reassuring her that he is not like his family.Among the guests at the celebration is the famous singer Johnny Fontane, Corleone"s godson, who has come from Hollywood to petition for help in landing a movie role that will revitalize his flagging career. Jack Woltz, the head of the studio, will not give Fontane the part, but Don Corleone explains to Johnny: "I"ll make him an offer he can"t refuse." Hagen is dispatched to California to fix the problem, but Woltz angrily tells him that he will never cast Fontane in the role, for which he is perfect, because Fontane seduced and "ruined" a starlet that Woltz favored. The next morning, Woltz wakes up to find the bloody severed head of his prize $600,000 stud horse in the bed with him. Woltz gives in.Upon Hagen"s return, the family meets with Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo, who is being backed by the rival Tattaglia family. He asks Don Corleone for financing and political and legal protection for the importation and distribution of heroin, but despite the huge amount of money to be made, Corleone refuses, explaining that his political influence would be jeopardized by a move into the narcotics trade. The Don"s oldest son, hotheaded Sonny, who had earlier expressed to the Don his support of the family entering into the narcotics trade, breaks rank during the meeting and questions Sollozzo"s assurances as to the Corleone Family"s investment being guaranteed by the Tattaglia Family. His father, angry at Sonny"s dissension in front of a non-family member, privately rebukes him later. Don Corleone then dispatches his top button man (hit man), Luca Brasi, to infiltrate Sollozzo"s organization and report back with information.Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, the Godfather.Soon after his refusal to support Sollozzo, Don Corleone is shot several times in an assassination attempt, and it is not immediately known whether he has survived. Meanwhile, Sollozzo and the Tattaglias kill Luca Brasi. Sollozzo then abducts Tom Hagen and persuades him to offer Sonny the deal previously offered to his father. Enraged, Sonny refuses to consider the deal, and issues an ultimatum to the Tattaglias – turn over Sollozzo or face war. They refuse, and Sonny responds by having Bruno Tattaglia, son of Don Phillip Tattaglia, killed.Michael, who is considered a "civilian" by the other Mafia families, not involved in mob business, visits his father in the hospital, but is shocked to find there is no one guarding him. Realizing that his father is again being set up to be killed, he calls Sonny with a report, moves his father to another room, and goes outside to watch the door. With the help of Enzo the baker, who feels indebted to the Don and has come by the hospital to pay his respects, he bluffs away Sollozzo"s men. Police cars soon appear with the corrupt Captain McCluskey, who breaks Michael"s jaw when he insinuates that McCluskey is being paid by Sollozzo to set up his father. Just then, Hagen arrives with "private detectives" licensed to carry guns to protect Don Corleone, and takes Michael home.Following the attempt on the Don"s life at the hospital, Sollozzo requests a meeting with the Corleones, which Captain McCluskey will attend as Sollozzo"s bodyguard, and Michael volunteers to kill both men during the meeting. This initially amuses Sonny and the other senior members of the family; however Michael convinces them that he is serious, and that killing Sollozzo and McCluskey is in the family"s interest: "It"s not personal. It"s strictly business." Although cops are usually off limits for hits, Michael argues that since McCluskey is corrupt and has illegal dealings with Sollozzo, he is fair game.At the meeting, after being searched by McCluskey, Michael excuses himself to go to the restroom, where he retrieves a planted revolver and assassinates Sollozzo and McCluskey. For his safety Michael is sent to Sicily, while the Corleone family prepares for all-out warfare with the rest of the Five Families, united against the Corleones, as well as a general clampdown on the mob by the police and government authorities. In Sicily, Michael lives under the protection of Don Tommasino, an old friend of the family. While there, he falls in love with and marries a local girl, Apollonia Vitelli, who is later killed by a car bomb intended to assassinate Michael.Back in New York, Don Corleone returns home from the hospital and is distraught to learn that it was Michael who killed Sollozzo and McCluskey. Some months later, in 1948, Sonny severely beats Carlo Rizzi for brutalizing the pregnant Connie, and threatens to kill him the next time he abuses her. An angry Carlo responds by plotting with Tattaglia and Don Emilio Barzini, the Corleones" chief rivals, to have Sonny killed. Carlo beats Connie again in order to lure Sonny out. Furious, Sonny drives off alone to fulfill his threat. On the way, he is ambushed at a toll booth and machine-gunned to death in his car.Instead of seeking revenge for Sonny"s killing, Don Corleone meets with the heads of the Five Families to arrange an end to the war. Not only is it draining all of their assets and threatening their survival, but ending the conflict is the only way that Michael can return home safely. Reversing his previous decision, Vito agrees that the Corleone family will provide political protection for Tattaglia"s traffic in heroin. At the meeting, Don Corleone determines that Don Barzini, not Tattaglia, was ultimately behind the mob war and Sonny"s death.With his safety guaranteed, Michael returns from Sicily. More than a year later, he reunites with his former girlfriend, Kay, telling her that he wants to marry her. With the Don semi-retired, Sonny dead and middle brother Fredo considered incapable of running the family business, Michael is now in charge, and promises Kay to make the family completely legitimate within five years.Peter Clemenza and Salvatore Tessio, two Corleone Family caporegimes (captains) complain that they are being pushed around by the Barzini Family and ask permission to strike back, but Michael refuses. He plans to move the family operations to Nevada and after that, Clemenza and Tessio may break away to go on their own. Michael further promises that Connie"s husband, Carlo, is going to be his right hand man in Nevada. Tom Hagen has been removed as consigliere and is now merely the family"s lawyer, with Vito serving as consigliere. Privately, Hagen complains about his change in status, and also questions Michael about a new regime of "soldiers" secretly being built under Rocco Lampone. Don Vito explains to Hagen that Michael is acting on his advice.Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen (left) and Al Pacino as Michael Corleone (right)In Las Vegas Michael is greeted by Fredo and Johnny Fontane in the hotel-casino partly financed by the Corleones, and run by Moe Greene. Michael explains to Johnny that the Family needs his help in persuading his friends in show business to sign long-term contracts to appear at the casino. In a meeting with Moe Greene, Michael offers to buy out Greene but is rudely rebuffed. Greene believes the Corleones are weak and that he can secure a better deal from Barzini. As Moe and Michael argue, Fredo takes sides with Moe. Afterwards, Michael firmly tells Fredo to never again take sides with anyone against the family.Michael returns home. In a private meeting, Vito explains his expectation that the Family"s enemies will attempt to kill Michael by using a trusted associate to arrange a meeting as a pretext for assassination. Shortly afterwards, Vito dies of a heart attack while playing with his young grandson Anthony in his tomato garden. At the burial, Tessio conveys a proposal for a meeting with Barzini, which identifies him as the traitor that Vito was expecting.Michael arranges for a series of murders to occur while he is standing as godfather for Connie and Carlo"s son:Don Stracci and his bodyguards are shot by Clemenza with a shotgun as they exit an elevator; Moe Greene, while having a massage in one of his hotels, is shot in the eye by an unknown assassin; Don Cuneo, while leaving a hotel, is trapped in a revolving door by Willi Cicci and shot; Don Tattaglia and a woman he is with are gunned down while in bed by Rocco Lampone and another unknown assassin; Finally, Don Barzini is shot on the steps of a courthouse by Al Neri, who is disguised by wearing his old policeman"s uniform. After the baptism, Tessio believes he and Hagen are on their way to the meeting between Michael and Barzini that he has arranged. Instead, he is surrounded by Willi Cicci and other button men. Realizing that Michael has found out about his betrayal, Tessio tells Hagen that his betrayal was only business. Meanwhile, Michael confronts Carlo about Sonny"s murder and gets him to admit his role in setting up the ambush. Michael informs Carlo that his punishment is to be excluded from the family business and hands him a plane ticket to exile in Las Vegas. Carlo gets into a car to go to the airport, where he is garroted by Clemenza.Later, Connie confronts Michael, accusing him of Carlo"s murder. Kay questions Michael about Connie"s accusation, but he refuses to answer. She insists, and Michael lies, assuring his wife that he had no role in Carlo"s death. Kay is relieved by his denial, believing it to be true. The film ends with Clemenza and new caporegimes Rocco Lampone and Al Neri paying their respects to Michael. Clemenza kisses Michael"s hand and greets him as "Don Corleone." Kay watches with dawning comprehension--Michael is the new Godfather.[edit] Differences from the novelOne of the primary parts of Puzo"s novel which was not used for the movie was the flashback story of Don Corleone"s earlier life, including the circumstances of his emigration to America, his early family life, his murder of Don Fanucci, and his rise in importance in the mafia, all of which were later used in The Godfather Part II.Many subplots were trimmed in the transition from the printed page to the screen, including: singer Johnny Fontane"s misfortunes with women and his problems with his voice; Sonny"s impulsive dabbling in street crime as a teenager and his utter lack of the tact and coolheadedness possessed in such abundance by his father; Sonny"s paramour Lucy Mancini"s new-found love in Dr. Jules Segal (a character entirely missing from the film), who not only repairs Lucy"s vaginal malformation but puts Michael in touch with the surgeon who repairs Michael"s facial bones (which had been damaged by Capt. McCluskey) and also operated on Johnny Fontane"s vocal cords, thus restoring his singing voice; Jack Woltz" increasing pedophilia; Kay Adams"s home life; Luca Brasi"s demonic past; the Corleone family"s victorious rise to power in earlier New York gang wars in which Don Corleone survives a previous assassination attempt and Al Capone sends triggermen from Chicago in an unsuccessful attempt to aid a rival gang; Don Corleone"s ingenious plan used to take Michael out of exile in Sicily; the detailed savage attack on the two men who assaulted Bonasera"s daughter, which was led by Paulie Gatto and involved retainer thugs (which was only alluded to in the film).Additionally, the novel makes it clear that Lucy was not pregnant by Sonny when she moved to Las Vegas, thus leaving no room for Vincent Mancini of The Godfather, Part III. Curiously, Puzo wrote the screenplays of all three movies, so the contradiction was well known to him.Characters with smaller roles in the film than in the novel include Johnny Fontane, Lucy Mancini, Rocco Lampone, and Al Neri (the latter two are reduced to non-speaking roles). Characters dropped in the film adaptation beside Dr. Segal include Genco Abbandando (only spoken of, he appears in a deleted scene featured in The Godfather Saga; he first appears on film in The Godfather II) and Dr. Taza from Sicily. Also, in the book, Michael and Kay have two sons, but in the movies they have a son and a daughter.The novel and film also differ on the fates of Michael"s bodyguards in Sicily, Fabrizio and Calo. The film has them both surviving (Calo, in fact, appears in the third installment). In the book, however, Calo dies along with Apollonia in the car explosion, and Fabrizio is shot and killed as one more victim in the famous "baptism scene" after he is tracked down running a pizza parlor in America. Fabrizio"s murder was deleted from the film but publicity photos of the scene exist.[6] (He is later killed in a completely different scene in The Godfather Saga which was deleted from The Godfather: Part II).The ending of the book differs from the end of the movie: whereas in the film Kay suddenly realizes that Michael has become "like his family", the drama is toned down in the book, where Tom Hagen lets her in on secrets for which, according to him, he would be killed should Michael find out. During the film"s baptism scene, all the heads of the Five Families were killed. In the novel, only Barzini and Tattaglia, previously at war with the Corleones, are killed.





hannah montana中扮演Lily的那个演员,她的新单曲MV中涉及到一部电影,那部电影叫什么名字?



Marge: Don"t say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up. Marge: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. Just a bit more. That is a boy. You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at? Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. What"re you doing down there? Harry: I fell over. Stan: What do you fell over for? Harry: I didn"t do it on purpose. Stan: Oh, come on, then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. What are you looking at? Harry: Nothing. Stan: Well, come on, then. In. No, no, no. I"ll get this. You get in. Harry: Come on. 够了吗


雪佛兰CAMARO SS,V8引擎,5.7排量,最高时速两百五十公里以上,纯肌肉类型的老爷车


  1967款科迈罗SS。  雪佛兰 科迈罗(英文名:Chevrolet Camaro)设计于1960年,目前共发展了五代。  1966年9月26日发布的1967款Camaro是以雪佛兰Nova为原型而设计的。第二代1970款Camaro在12年内一直投入量产。第三代没有前副车架和钢板弹簧后悬挂系统,1982款的引擎选择不是特别引人关注。而2007年1月6日开幕的2007年北美车展上则发布了第五代Camaro的敞篷版概念车。在2006年8月5日,通用公司宣布第五代Camaro将于2009年投入量产。






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英文介绍 入殓师 这部电影

Departures (film)Departures (おくりびと Okuribito) is a 2008 Japanese drama film by YōjirōTakita. It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 81st Oscars in 2009 and the Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year at the 32nd Japan Academy Prize.The films concerns the historic Japanese "encoffining" ceremony (called a nōkan) in which professional morticians (纳棺者 nōkansha) ritually dress and prepare bodies before they are placed in coffins. Although the film follows contemporary themes, the practice is now rarely performed; limited mainly to rural areas where older traditions are maintained.Daigo Kobayashi, a cellist in Tokyo, loses his job when his orchestra is disbanded. He decides to move back to his hometown, with his wife Mika. His father ran away with thewaitress when Daigo was very young, and his mother raised him by herself and died two years ago. Back home, Daigo finds an advertisement in the newspaper for "assisting departures". He goes to the interview and is hired on the spot after only one question ("Will you work hard?"). He then discovers that the job involves preparing the dead. Daigo reluctantly accepts it. But after completing a number of assignments and experiencing the gratitude of those leftbehind, Daigo begins to gain a sense of fulfillment. However, both Mika and hisold classmate Yamashita tell him to give up and get "a proper job",Daigo refuses.A few months later, Yamashita"s mother died. In front of Yamashita, his family and Mika, Daigo prepares her body. The ritual earns the respect of all present. Not long after, there comes the news of the elder Kobayashi"s death. Daigo and Mika go to see the body of his father, but Daigo finds that he cannot recognize him.As the funeral workers carelessly handle the body, he angrily stops them, and his wife explains that her husband prepares the dead for burial as a living, thereby tacitly admitting that she has come to accept his work. Daigo takes over the dressing of his father"s body and finds the stone-letter he had given to his father when he was little, in his father"s hands. He is at last able torecognize his father from his childhood memory.Departures starts out unexpectedly with some bizarre humor before transitioning seamlessly into a quiet drama about family and relationships and finally a tearjerker. You can call it oldfashioned but I"d call it classical, and the themes it addresses – life, loss and personal connections – should resonate with just about everybody.Thanks for listening.——Mostly from Wikipedia, hope you satisfied.^_^

如何评价电影《会计师》The Accountant

刚看完,也谈谈自己的看法。因为本硕都有学到会计的一些课,所以还是挺有共鸣的。整体来说剧情还行,但越用了悬疑手法,所以更加有趣。主人公男主角Christian只是一个貌似普通的会计,但是有从属于forensic方面的天赋,所以帮助洗黑钱,然后从中拿回购,当然这些钱有大手笔捐出去,最后headshot那些恶人。值得一提的是accountant的CPA firm名字是ZZZ,我不知道有没有其他朋友联想到,Z给我的感觉就是一个除恶扬善的标志,因为佐罗Zorro在每次杀死坏人后都留下Z的标志,所以我觉得这边是在影喻accountant的一种精神。比较有争议的是accountant在杀人之前都没有经过法律程序,所以在Treasury agent的那个黑人女的说他是criminal,但是白男老人说accountant有自己的moral code,谁break,就杀谁。毕竟杀的都是坏人。除了杀人,accountant也有救人,比如白男老人被放过一条命,被抢顶着后脑勺的时候问他是不是一个好的父亲,舍身去救保税的老夫妇,同时也没听restricted call的建议,还是一个人去救女主。Restricted call的人我觉得应该是那个研究autism院长的女儿,一方面是开头院长女儿小时候就帮过他,另一方面是结尾的时候谈到了高配置的电脑(accountant捐赠),而且院长女儿都是通过电脑和人交流(比如结尾夫妇的小孩),电话里面一层不变的机械音也更好的验证了是电脑等电子设备发出的声音。最后谈下自闭症的孩童真的挺可怜的,不知道现在国内有没有这类比较专业比较完善的福利机构




世界各地忍者电影列表…… A LIFE OF NINJADirector: Lee Tso Nam Cast: Chen Kuan-Tai (Mr. Chow), Yasuaki Kurata (Captain) Rights: Lee Chi Productions / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: IMDBMoments: mud wrestling; icicle weapon; nail in forehead; rapid fire punches at end Camp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE OF THE LADY NINJADirector: Lee Tso Nam Cast: Chen Kuan-Tai (Lee Tung) Rights: Lee Chi Productions / New Ship Film Enterprise Co. Ltd. [DVD] Review: Teleport CityMoments: Darth Vader theme; guy with blue paint on head; ninja burrows underground Camp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE THE NINJADirector: Godfrey Ho Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Joe909Camp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINESE SUPER NINJADirector: Chang Cheh Cast: Cheng Tien Chi (Hsiao Tien-hao), Lo Mang (Liang Chi-sheng), Chan Wai-man (Chien Yuan), Chao Kuo (Huang Han), Lung Tien Hsiang (Lei Pan), Kuan Feng (Master Yuan), Chan Shen (Master Kang), Wang Li (Li Ying Wu), Chu Ke (Chen Chin), Yu Tai Ping (Wang Fang) Rights: Shaw Brothers / New Ship Film Enterprise Co. Ltd. [DVD] Review: Hall Of AnubisCamp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY NINJADirector: Larry Hutton Rights: IFD Films and Arts / United American [VHS] Review: Rotten TomatoesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASH OF THE NINJASDirector: Wallace Chan Cast: Paulo Tocha (Tony), Louis Roth (Mr. Roy), Eric Neff (Jack), Joe Redner (Mr. Foster), Mike Tien (Kent) Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: 666Moments: Mr. Roy holding phone; weapon hidden in bible; girl throws records; spinning head Camp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COBRA VS NINJADirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Brooklyn Zu [DVD] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAMOND NINJA FORCEDirector: Godfrey Ho Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL METAL NINJADirector: Charles Lee Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: IMDB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDEN NINJA WARRIORDirector: Joesph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Hollywood DVD [DVD] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAFIA VS NINJADirector: Robert Tai Rights: Golden Sun Films Co. / New Ship Film Enterprise Co. Ltd. [VHS] Review: The Unknown MoviesCamp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA AMERICAN WARRIORDirector: Tommy Cheng Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Ninja WorldCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA AND THE WARRIORS OF FIREDirector: Bruce Lambert Rights: Filmark International / Kick Video [VHS] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA AVENGERSDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: Filmark International / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: The Unknown MoviesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA BROTHERS OF BLOODDirector: Raymond Woo Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA CHAMPIONDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Bruce Barron (Donald), Pierre Tremblay (Ninja Boss), Richard Harrison (Richard) Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Martial Arts Video [VHS] Review: KeithMoments: diamonds blur nudity; Kraftwerk music Camp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA COMMANDMENTSDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA CONDORSDirector: James Wu Cast: Alexander Lo Rei (Brian), Eugene Trammel (Eddie), Jack Long (Master) Rights: Filmark International / Arrow Video [VHS] Review: JaskoMoments: chainsaw; merry-go-round ninja; music from Ninja Phantom Heroes Camp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA DEATH SQUADDirector: Tommy Cheung Rights: Filmark International / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA DESTROYERDirector: Godfrey Ho Rights: IFD Films and Arts / United American Video [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA DRAGONDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Richard Harrison (Gordon), Paulo Tocha (Paul), Dragon Lee (Dragon) Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Brooklyn Zu [DVD] Moments: Paul uses tulips for target practice Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA EMPIREDirector: Godfrey Ho Rights: Filmark International / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA FANTASYDirector: Bruce Lambert Rights: Filmark International / Black Belt Theatre [DVD] Review: Rotten TomatoesMoments: girl blocks guy from joining HK plot footage; red ninja becomes red snapper Camp Value: *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA HUNTDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA HUNTERDirector: Wu Kuo-Jen Cast: Alexander Lo Rei (Wing Ding), Jack Long (Abbott White) Rights: Golden Sun Films Co. / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: Teleport CityCamp Value: *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA IN ACTIONDirector: Tommy Cheng Cast: Stuart Smith (Rex), Louis Roth (Ginsberg) Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Smithee AwardsCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA IN THE DEADLY TRAPDirector: Philip Kwok Rights: Chi Tien Film Company / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: The Venoms ResourceCamp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA IN THE KILLING FIELDSDirector: York Lam Rights: Filmark International / Kick Video [VHS] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA IN THE USADirector: Dennis Wu Cast: Alexander Lo Rei (Danny), Alexander Von Brandenderg (Tiger) Rights: Hatract Movie Company / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: Ninja WorldCamp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA KIDSDirector: Joseph Kuo Rights: Golden Sun Films Co. / Crash Cinema [DVD] Review: Ninja WorldCamp Value: *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA KILLDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: JaskoCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA MASSACREDirector: Lo Shan Cast: Lo Lieh, Phillip Kao Fei, Chen Sing, Pai Ying, Hsia Kwan Lee Rights: L. & T. Films / Video Gems [VHS] Review: IMDBCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA MASTERS OF DEATHDirector: Bruce Lambert Rights: Filmark International / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: Infernal ArchivesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA OF THE MAGNIFICENCEDirector: Charles Lee Cast: Tom Berlyn (Ross), Pierre Kirby (Ferris) Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: Andrew"s ReviewsMoments: waving dead ninja"s arm; little girl"s voice; paper shredding with sword Camp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA OPERATIONDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: Rotten TomatoesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA PHANTOM HEROES USADirector: Bruce Lambert Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: The Bad Movie ReportMoments: jungle gym ninja; much elevator music; watching HK footage in theatre; pointless ending Camp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA POWERFORCEDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: WilliamCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA SILENT ASSASSINDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Richard Harrison (Gordon) Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: Infernal ArchivesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA STRIKE FORCEDirector: Joseph Lai Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Imperial Entertainment [VHS] Review: The Unknown MoviesCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA TERMINATORDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Richard Harrison, Paulo Tocha Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Hollywood DVD [DVD] Review: Ultimate NinjaCamp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA THE BATTALIONDirector: Victor Sears Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Rotten TomatoesCamp Value: ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA THE FINAL DUELDirector: Robert Tai Cast: Alexander Lo Rei (Wang Chi Chung), Silvio Azzolini (Mark), Alice Tseng (Peng Yi), Li Yi Min (Wai Kwong), Eugene Trammel (Black Monk), Simor Lee (Ninja Leader) Rights: Sheng Hsien Moviedom / Ground Zero Entertainment [DVD] Review: Alex In WonderlandMoments: water-spider ninjas; "She"s ash..." Camp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA THE PROTECTORDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Richard Harrison (Jason Hart)Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Hollywood DVD [DVD] Review: Hong Kong Film NetMoments: "It could happen to you" poster, beach flop, "...that creature Lily," motorcycle ninjasCamp Value: ****-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA THE VIOLENT SORCERERDirector: Bruce Lambert Rights: Filmark International / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: JaskoCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA THUNDERBOLTDirector: Godfrey Ho Cast: Richard Harrison, Yasuaki Kurata Rights: IFD Films and Arts / Trans World Entertainment [VHS] Review: Ultimate NinjaMoments: roller skate ninjas Camp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA VS NINJADirector: Nick Cheung Rights: Filmark International / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: LinnCamp Value: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA VS SHAOLIN GUARDSDirector: William Chang Kee Rights: World Wide Film Company / Tai Seng Entertainment [DVD] Review: The Stunt PeopleCamp Value: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2010-元彪 Yuen Biao 叶问前传 The Legend Is Born-Ip Man (演员) Ye Wen Qian Zhuan越光宝盒 Just Another Pandora"s Box (演员) Once Upon A Chinese ClassicYue Guang Bao He2009-元彪 Yuen Biao Laughing Gor之变节 Laughing Gor-Turning Point (演员) Laughing哥前传 / 无间风云Laughing Gor Zhi Bian Jie2008-元彪 Yuen Biao 少林寺之十三棍僧救唐王 (演员) 少林寺传奇 / 少林寺第二部 / 十三棍僧救唐王2007-元彪 Yuen Biao 通天干探 The Ultimate Crime Fighter (演员) 双龙记 Shuang Long Ji (演员) 咏春 (演员) Yong Chun2006-元彪 Yuen Biao 宝贝计划 Bo bui gai wak (演员) BB计划BabyProject BB 2005-元彪 Yuen Biao 佛山赞师父 Fat shan chaan sin sang (演员) 佛山赞先生Real Kung Fu2004-元彪 Yuen Biao 大佬爱美丽 Enter the Phoenix (演员) Daai lo oi mei lai少年陈真 Juvenile Chen Zhen (演员) Hero Youngster赤子拳王 Chek ji kuen wong (演员) 2002-元彪 Yuen Biao 无问题2 Mou mon tai 2 (演员) No Problem 22001-元彪 Yuen Biao 拳神 Kuen sun (演员) Legend of TekkenLegend of the Fist Master2000-元彪 Yuen Biao 李小龙:勇士的旅程 Bruce Lee: A Warrior"s Journey (演员) 死亡游戏之旅A Warrior"s JourneyBruce Lee in G.O.D.: Shib�0�0teki y�0�4gi (演员) 红墙盗影 Millennium Dragon (演员) 西域威龙 Shanghai Noon (演员) 上海正午 / 龙旋风 / 赎金之王1999-元彪 Yuen Biao 成龙:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts (演员) 中华英雄 Chinese Hero (演员) Zhong hua ying xiongLegend of Hero1998-元彪 Yuen Biao 龙之路 The Path of the Dragon (演员) 成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story (演员) 成龙:我的故事中原镖局 Righteous Guards (演员) 1997-元彪 Yuen Biao 马永贞 Hero (演员) Ma Wing-JingFists of the Shanghai Connection (演员) Fists of the Shanghai Connection档案X杀人犯 Dong ong x sat yun fan (演员) 猎凶File X MurdererHunted Hunter1996-元彪 Yuen Biao 龙在少林 Long zai Shaolin (演员) Dragon from Shaolin猎凶 Chasing Murderer (演员) 神偷燕子李三 The Hero of Swallow (演员) San tau jin zi lei saam1995-元彪 Yuen Biao 颠峰斗士 Top Fighter (演员) 怒海威龙 No hoi wai lung (演员) Tough Beauty and the Sloppy SlopAngry Sea Mighty DragonThe First Assignment (演员) Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine (演员) 无面俾 Mou mian bi (演员) 冇面俾Don"t Give a Damn1994-元彪 Yuen Biao Cinema of Vengeance (演员) 六指琴魔 Deadful Melody (演员) Six-Fingered Strings DemonLiu zhi qin mo马戏小子 Circus Kids (演员) 江湖情未了Ma xi xiao ziCircus Kid1993-元彪 Yuen Biao 黄飞鸿之鬼脚七 Huang Fei-Hong zhi gui jiao qi (制作人/演员) Ghost Foot 7Kick Boxer阿钦影匣4:心跳篇 Kin chan no Cinema Jack (演员) 钦ちゃんのシネマジャック4 ドキドキ编新碧血剑 Xin bi xue jian (演员) Sword Stained with Royal Blood1992-元彪 Yuen Biao 西藏小子 Xi Zang xiao zi (导演/演员) A Kid from Tibet伙头福星 Huo tou fu xing (演员) Shogun and His Little KitchenShogun and Little Kitchen落阳 Rakuy�0�0 (演员) The Setting Sun1991-元彪 Yuen Biao 黄飞鸿 Once Upon a Time in China (演员) 黄飞鸿之壮志凌云 / 武状元黄飞鸿Wong Fei-hungHuang Fei-hong五福星撞鬼 Wu fu xing chuang gui (动作指导) Ghost PuntingGhost Renting1990-元彪 Yuen Biao 龙凤贼捉贼 Long feng zei zhuo zei (演员) Dragon Versus PhoenixThief Versus Thief乱世儿女 Luan shi er nu (演员/制作人) Shanghai EncounterShanghai, Shanghai阿修罗 Kujaku �0�0: Ashura densetsu (演员) Saga of the PhoenixA sau loh金装武术电影大全 The Best of the Martial Arts Films (演员) Deadliest Art: The Best of the Martial Arts FilmsThe Best of the Martial Arts Movies1989-元彪 Yuen Biao 奇迹 Mr.Canton and Lady Rose (演员) QijiBlack Dragon群龙戏凤 Pedicab Driver (演员) Qun long xi feng孔雀王子 Peacock King (演员) 孔雀王Kujaku �0�0Legend of the Phoenix急冻奇侠 The Iceman Cometh (演员) Ji dong ji xiaTime Warriors1988-元彪 Yuen Biao 亡命鸳鸯 On the Run (演员) Mong ming yuen yeungFleeing Couple飞龙猛将 3 Brothers (演员) Fei lung maang jeungCyclone Z画中仙 Painting of a Nymph (演员) Hua zhong xianPicture of a Nymph1986-元彪 Yuen Biao 执法先锋 Above the Law (演员/制作人) Zhi fa xian fengRighting Wrongs僵尸先生续集之僵尸家族 Mr. Vampire Part 2 (演员) 僵尸先生续集 / 僵尸家族Mr. VampireJiang shi xian sheng xu ji富贵列车 Millionaire"s Express (演员) Foo gwai lit cheNobles" Express神勇双响炮续集 Shen yong shuang xiang pao xu ji (演员) Rosa东方秃鹰 Eastern Bald Eagles (演员) Dung fong tuk yingEastern Condors1985-元彪 Yuen Biao 时来运转 Shi lai yun dao (演员) From the Great BeyondThose Merry Souls福星高照 My Lucky Stars (演员) Fuk sing go jiuFu xing gao zhao夏日福星 My Lucky Stars 2: Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (演员) Xia ri fu xingThe Target1984-元彪 Yuen Biao 神勇双响炮 Pom Pom (演员) Shen yong shuang xiang pao快餐车 Wheels on Meals (演员) Kwai tsan tsehMillion Dollar Heiress1983-元彪 Yuen Biao 奇谋妙计五福星 5 Lucky Stars (演员) 五福星Wu fu xingWinners and Sinners波牛 Boh ngau (演员) 踢皮球The ChampionsBo niuA计划 A" gai waak (演员) "A" gai waakOperazione pirati新蜀山剑侠 Warriors from the Magic Mountain (演员) 蜀山Suk san: Sun Suk san geen hapZu Time Warriors1982-元彪 Yuen Biao 神经大侠 San ging daai hap (演员) 神经大侠鸳鸯刀Lovers BladesShen jing da xia提防小手 Carry On Pickpoket (动作指导/演员) Tai fong siu sauCarry on Pickpocket1981-元彪 Yuen Biao 勇者无惧 Yong zhe wu ju (演员) DreadnaughtDreadnought败家仔 Prodigal Son (演员) 英雄出少年Bai ga jaiPull No Punches死亡塔 Si wang ta (演员) Tower of DeathGame of Death II1980-元彪 Yuen Biao 甩牙老虎 Two Toothless Tigers (动作指导) Lat a liu foo师弟出马 The Young Master (演员) Shi di chu ma鬼打鬼 Gui da gui (演员) Close Encounters of the Spooky KindEncounters of the Spooky Kind身不由己 Shen bu you ji (演员) Lightning Kung FuThe Victim无翼蝙蝠 Wu yi bian fu (演员) Bat Without Wing1979-元彪 Yuen Biao 蛇形醉步 She xing zui bu (演员) Snake Deadly Act大武士与小镖客 Heroes of the wild (动作指导/演员) 少林英雄Hero of the Wild Kung Fu ChallengerHeroes of Shaolin林世荣 Lin shi rong (演员) 仁者无敌Magnificent ButcherRen zhe wu di杂家小子 Knockabout (演员) Za jia xiao ziThe fearless master戆居仔与牛咁眼 The Dragon, the Odds (演员) Crazy boy and pop-eye1978-元彪 Yuen Biao 老虎田鸡 Dirty Tiger (演员) 大鳄斗虾蟆Lao hu tian jiDirty Tiger and Crazy Frog赞先生与找钱华 Zan xian sheng yu zhao qian hua (演员) Warriors TwoMr. Tsang and Cashier Hua肥龙过江 Fay Lung kwo gong (演员) Enter the Fat DragonFei Long guo jiang清宫大刺杀 Flying Guillotine 2 (演员) 残酷大刺杀Can ku da ci shaFlying Guillotine 2拳精 Quan jing (演员) Karate GhostbusterSpiritual Kung Fu荷兰赌人头 He Lan Du ren tou (演员) Amsterdam ConnectionHoh Laan Diy Yan Tau萧十一郎 Xiao shi yi lang (演员) Swordsman and EnchantressSiu Sap Yat Long死亡游戏 Game of the Death (演员) Game of DeathBruce Lee"s Game of Death血芙蓉 The Vengeful Beauty (演员) Bloody HibiscusXue fu rong师父教落 Shi fu jiao la (演员) Bye foo gaau laaiMy Kung Fu Master1977-元彪 Yuen Biao 三少爷的剑 Death Deul (演员) 剑神浪子San shao ye de jianDeath Duel鹰爪铁布衫 The Invincible Armour (演员) Ying zhao tie bu shanInvincible Armor被迫 Bei po (演员) 精武指Bei baakKung Fu Avengers破戒 Po jie (演员) Broken Oath俏探女娇娃 Qiao tan nu jiao wa (演员) 女神探Deadly AngelsThe Bod Squad白玉老虎 Jade Tiger (演员) Pai yu lao huBai yu lao hu李小龙传奇 Bruce Lee, the Legend (演员) 四大门派 Si da men pai (演员) Shaolin Plot绝不低头 Jue bu di tou (演员) Juet bat dai tauTo Kill a Jaguar南拳北腿斗金狐 Nan quan bei tui dou jin hu (演员) Secret Rivals 2Silver Fox Rivals II阴阳血滴子 Yin yang xie di zi (演员) 少林断头台The Fatal Flying GuillotinesShao lin duan tou tai神腿铁扇功 Shen tui tie shan gong (演员) Snuff Bottle Connection阿姆斯特丹杀机 The Amsterdam Kill (演员) 荷京喋血He jing die xie1976-元彪 Yuen Biao 天涯明月刀 Tien ya, ming yueh tao (演员) 天涯,明月,刀The Magic BladeTien ya江湖子弟 Kong woo ji dai (演员) BrotherhoodJiang hu zi di南拳北腿 Nan quan bei tui (演员) Secret RivalsSilver Fox Rivals少林木人巷 Shao Lin mu ren xiang (演员) 36 Wooden MenShaolin Chamber of Death李小龙全集-李小龙传奇 Behind Bruce Lee (演员) 李小龙传奇Li Hsiao Lung chuan chiBruce Lee: The Man, the Myth流星·蝴蝶·剑 The killer clans (演员) 流星蝴蝶剑Liu xing hu die jianKiller Clans少林门 Hand of Death (演员) Shao Lin menCountdown in Kung Fu陆阿采与黄飞鸿 Huang Fei-hong yu liu a cai (演员) Challenge of the MastersLiu A Cai yu Huang Fei Hong大麻烦 Hot Potato (演员) 1975-元彪 Yuen Biao 直捣黄龙 The Man from Hong Kong (演员) Zhi dao huang longThe Dragon Flies功夫大煞星 Kung Fu Stars (演员) 密宗圣手 Mi zong sheng shou (演员) The Himalayan忠烈图 The Valiant One (演员) Chung chung lieh t"uThe Valiant Ones1974-元彪 Yuen Biao 铁金刚大破紫阳观 Tie jin gang da po zi yang guan (演员) A Man Called StonerHong Kong Hitman小霸王 Super Kung Fu Kid (演员) 洋妓 Yang chi (演员) Enter the Seven VirginsKarate, Küsse, blonde Katzen中泰拳坛生死战 Zhong tai quan tan sheng si zhan (演员) The Tournament狼狈为奸 Lang bei wei jian (演员) 鬼马小子Conman and the Kung Fu KidDirty Partners1973-元彪 Yuen Biao 龙争虎斗 Enter the Dragon (演员) Long zheng hu douThe Deadly Three偷渡客 Tou du ke (演员) Opération Ceinture NoireThe Rendevous of Warriors马路小英雄 Ma lu xiao ying xiong (演员) Back Alley Princess贼王 Thunderfist (演员) Death BlowZei wang铁娃 Tie wa (演员) Attack of the Kung Fu GirlsThe Heroine跆拳震九州 Tai quan zhen jiu zhou (演员) KickmasterSting of the Dragon Masters黄飞鸿 Huang Fei Hong yong po lie huo zhen (演员) 黄飞鸿勇破烈火阵Death KickThe Master of Kung-Fu香港过客 Master with Cracked Fingers (演员) 广东小老虎 / 刁手怪招Guang dong xiao lao huLast Tiger From Canton码头大决斗 Chinese Hercules (演员) 码头小子1972-元彪 Yuen Biao 合气道 Hapkido (演员) Lady Kung Fu猛龙过江 Way of the Dragon (演员) Meng long guojiangReturn of the Dragon精武门 Jing wu men (演员) The Chinese ConnectionLaugh Track: Chinese Connection十四女英豪 The 14 Amazons (演员) Shi si nu ying haoFourteen Amazons1966-元彪 Yuen Biao 大醉侠 Big Drunk Hero (演员) Da zui xiaCome Drink with Me

求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~

Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town"s fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can"t bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world. 简化版:A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed.



Roll with the Punches 播放歌手:LenkaRoll roll with the punchesRoll roll with the punchesThat really hurt meLike a fist to the face I wasn"t readyTo be knocked out of placeSuddenly everything I was sure ofSinking below the depths of the surfaceIt"s unexpected it usually isWhen you"re rejected or you take a hitSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in nowWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesLittle weapons over the phoneThey like to threaten the life that I knowThey say get over here and get into the ringBut I"m not really much a fighterMy mechanisms of defense are downAnd my resistance is out on the townI was alarmed by your attackThis isn"t a boxing matchBut I"ll be damned if I ever let you winWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesWhen all I want is a little stabilitySome time without any bruisesYou go and tell me the things that I don"t want to hearPutting your fist into my earsFilling me up with the dread and the fear leaving you all in piecesSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in nowOh when life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to hold hold hold your head up highWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punches


  介首歌与电影开始时16分钟:拉拉加班伸个懒腰,王伟在打电话,拉拉给他送杯立顿茶的歌是一样滴~  <<Somewhere only we know>> (Keane)  I came across a fallen tree,  I felt the branches of it looking at me.  Is this the place we used to love?  Is this the place that I"ve been dreaming of?  Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?  I"m getting old and I need something to rely on.  So tell me when you"re gonna let me in,  I"m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.  And if you have a minute why don"t we go,  Talk about it somewhere only we know?  This could be the end of everything.  So why don"t we go, somewhere only we know,  Somewhere only we know.  =====================其他插曲=========================  -----场景:“进门时响起的英文抒情歌”  BABYFACE 的《WITH HIM》  So you never meant to hurt nobody.  Well, I think you"re full of it, yes,  Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,  You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby.  And to bring insult to my injury,  You weren"t a bit discreet,  And while the world stood witness,  To my embarassment.  You put a knife inside of me.  How could you fall in love with him?  How could you give your heart to him?  Thought we"d grow old, as lovers,  Together til the end.  How could you fall?  Fall in love, with him?  I know we"ve had our ups and downs,  And that I do admit, yes,  But sometimes lovers go astray,  But you made it permanent.  Well, I can"t be that understanding, no.  My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t.  I can take the pain of infidelity,  But I can"t take you with him.  How could you fall in love with him?  How could you give your heart to him?  Thought we"d grow old, as lovers,  Together til the end.  How could you fall?  Fall in love, with him?  Thought we"d grow old, as lovers,  Together til the end.  How could you fall?  Fall in love, with him?  虽然你从来不想伤害任何人  但我想 你确实这样做了  因为如果你真的真的不想伤害任何人  你就不会和我最好的朋友睡在一起  让我伤上加伤的是  你却一点都不在意  全世界都可以作证  令我难堪  你就像用把刀插进了我的身体  你是怎样爱上他的?  你是怎样把你的心交给他的?  想想我们曾要作为恋人一起变老直到最后  你是怎样爱上他的?  我知道我们曾经分分和和  我承认这一点  可有时恋人们 也常常迷路  但你却让它永久的迷失了  我还是不能理解  我的心无法那么宽广  我能忍受你不忠实的痛  但我无法忍受你和他一起  你是怎样爱上他的?  你是怎样把你的心交给他的?  想想我们曾要作为恋人一起变老直到最后  你是怎样  爱上他的?  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  场景:“1年后”时开始的插曲  Boys Like Girls的《 Someone Like You 》 ( 专辑名称 )Love Drunk  I"m wearing thin  I couldn"t tell you the city I"m in  The streets and the buildings  And places I"ve been  Or when the stars go when it"s daylight again  Or where the time went  Oh, who can save me now?  My life in the rearview  I"m runnin" from Jesus  Don"t know where I"m going to  I got nothin" to lose  I"m fightin" my demons  Been lookin" for someone like you  I"ve been lookin" for someone like you  So sing me a song  I know all the words to  And I"ll sing along  Could you be my savior?  I"ve been out here too long  And I"ve just been lookin" for somewhere to belong  Been holdin" on  So can you save me now?  My life in the rearview  I"m runnin" from Jesus  Don"t know where I"m going to  I got nothin" to lose  I"m fightin" my demons  Been lookin" for someone like you  I"ve been lookin" for someone like you  When the stars explode  And I"m all alone  When they start to see the smoke  When I finally burn out  I"ll need someone to carry me home safe and sound  My life in the rearview  I"m runnin" from Jesus  Don"t know where I"m going to  I got nothin" to lose  I"m fightin" my demons  Been lookin" for someone like you  My life in the rearview  I"m runnin" from Jesus  Don"t know where I"m going to  I got nothin" to lose  I"m fightin" my demons  Been lookin" for someone like you  I"ve been lookin" for someone like you  I"ve been lookin" for someone like you  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  场景:“合理减压”两个人在广场上,老徐吃巧克力时的音乐  Azure Ray 的《Sleep》 (与《穿prada的恶魔》插曲一样!)  Fill these spaces up with days  让岁月充满了这些空白  in my room you can go you can stay  在我的房间里你可以走你可以留  I can‘t sleep, I can"t speak to you, I can‘t sleep  我无法安睡,无法与你交谈,我,无法安睡  Now these years locked on my drawer  现在岁月锁住了我的抽屉  I"ll open to see just to be sure  我会开启它仅仅是为了去确定眼中所见  And so i"m reaching out for the one  所以我为了它伸出手  And so i"ve learned the meaning of the sun  并且我已经了解了太阳的意义  And all this like a message comes to shift my point of view  而这些就像改变我的观点的讯息  And watching through my own light  凭借自己的光芒去看  As it tints the shade of you  因为它给你的阴影上色  Hold my wine hold it in  举起我的酒 约束它  Nobody"s lost but nobody wins  没人失去但也没有人赢到  And I cant sleep, I cant speak to you, I cant sleep  我无法安睡,无法与你交谈,我,无法安睡  And so i"m reaching out for the one  所以我为了它伸出手  And so i"ve learned the meaning of the sun  并且我已经了解了太阳的意义  And all this like a message comes to shift my point of view  而这些就像改变我的观点的讯息  And watching through my own light  凭借自己的光芒去看  As it tints the shade of you  因为它给你的阴影上色  Hold my wine hold it in  举起我的酒 约束它  I cant sleep, I cant speak to you  I cant sleep, I cant speak to you  I cant sleep, I cant speak to you  I cant sleep, I cant speak to you  I cant sleep, i cant speak to you

电影中的交响乐 10分

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《100首最佳电影古典音乐原声》(100 Best Film Classics)在哪能下?




















布鲁斯 维利斯 的所有电影! 要所有的



演警察开车收集情报的很多 就是没有演出租车司机 作为导演的电影作品(数量:2)Three Stories About Joan ------- (2009) 蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" Moonlighting (Pilot) ------- (1985) 作为演员的电影作品(数量:129)Three Stories About Joan ------- (2009) 机器化身/机械化身 Surrogates ------- (2009) Morgan"s Summit ------- (2009) The Last Full Measure ------- (2009) 闪亮之光/闪耀光芒 Shine a Light ------- (2008) Assassination of a High School President ------- (2008) 颠覆风云/即时发生/刚刚发生什么了?/非常爆…内幕/颠覆疯云 What Just Happened? ------- (2008) Live Free or Die Hard: Inside the Action ------- (2007) 完美陌生人/勾引陌生人 Perfect Stranger ------- (2007) 刑房/磨坊 Grindhouse ------- (2007) 刑房之恐怖星球/恐怖星球/索女丧尸机关枪 Planet Terror ------- (2007) 虎胆龙威4.0/终极警探4.0(台) Live Free or Die Hard ------- (2007) 神探南茜/神探俏佳人/少女妙探/南茜·朱尔 Nancy Drew ------- (2007) 阿尔法狗/领头狗/头号嫌疑犯 Alpha Dog ------- (2006) "T4" Goes "Over the Hedge" ------- (2006) 勇闯16街区/16街区/狙击封锁线/冲击封锁线 16 Blocks ------- (2006) 农民宇航员/太空农夫 The Astronaut Farmer ------- (2006) Hammy"s Boomerang Adventure ------- (2006) Boffo! Tinseltown"s Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006) 快餐帝国/快餐国家 Fast Food Nation ------- (2006) 嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project ------- (2006) Memories of Moonlighting ------- (2006) Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2006) Tony Bennett: An American Classic ------- (2006) 篱笆墙外/篱墙之战/飞跃篱笆/森林保卫战 Over the Hedge ------- (2006) Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "06 ------- (2006) Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006) 好运斯莱文/幸运数字斯莱文/关键密码(台)/神鬼运转(港) Lucky Number Slevin ------- (2006) Not Just a Day Job: The Story of Moonlighting, Part 1 ------- (2005) The Moonlighting Phenomenon ------- (2005) Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast ------- (2005) "Biography" Sylvester Stallone ------- (2005) Starz on the Set: Sin City ------- (2005) Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope ------- (2005) Wildwood Days ------- (2005) 火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击/人质危机 Hostage ------- (2005) Inside the Blue Moon Detective Agency: The Story of Moonlighting, Part 2 ------- (2005) 罪恶之城/万恶城市(台)/罪恶城(港) Sin City ------- (2005) MTV Video Music Awards 2004 ------- (2004) "Grand journal de Canal+, Le" ------- (2004) 整十码/这个杀手不眨眼2 The Whole Ten Yards ------- (2004) 十二罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情2/12罗汉/十二王牌 Ocean"s Twelve ------- (2004) "Retrosexual: The 80"s" ------- (2004) Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die ------- (2004) Genius: A Night for Ray Charles ------- (2004) 查理的天使2/霹雳娇娃2/霹雳天使2/神探俏娇娃2:指环密令 Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle ------- (2003) "E! True Hollywood Story" Demi Moore ------- (2003) 原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild ------- (2003) Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2003) 太阳之泪/太阳泪/猎日风暴 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003) Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" ------- (2003) Pulp Fiction: The Facts ------- (2002) 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards ------- (2002) 哈特战争/哈特之战/哈特的战争 Hart"s War ------- (2002) Grand Champion ------- (2002) True West ------- (2002) "The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set ------- (2002) 完美盗贼/终极土匪/劫匪 Bandits ------- (2001) "Extreme Close Up with ..." ------- (2001) Inside "Bandits" ------- (2001) Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith ------- (2000) Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2000) Entertainment Tonight Presents: "Moonlighting" Exposed ------- (2000) A Kid Becomes the Kid ------- (2000) Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years ------- (2000) Conversations with Jon Turteltaub ------- (2000) 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000) 还我童真/扭转未来 The Kid ------- (2000) 整九码/这个杀手不眨眼/杀人不眨眼 The Whole Nine Yards ------- (2000) Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto ------- (2000) 不死劫 Unbreakable ------- (2000) Watch the Mercury Rising ------- (1999) Telling the Story of Us ------- (1999) 冠军的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions ------- (1999) Franky Goes to Hollywood ------- (1999) 我们的故事/真心男女 The Story of Us ------- (1999) 第六感/灵异第六感/鬼眼 The Sixth Sense ------- (1999) 全面包围/紧急动员/烈血天空/全面围攻/纽约大爆炸 The Siege ------- (1998) 终极密码战/水银蒸发令 Mercury Rising ------- (1998) 世界末日/绝世天劫(港) Armageddon ------- (1998) 成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story ------- (1998) The Making of "The Jackal" ------- (1998) 狙击杀手/狙击职业杀手/豺狼末日 The Jackal ------- (1997) The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys ------- (1997) 第五元素 The Fifth Element ------- (1997) 瘪四与大头蛋/瘟四与大头蛋/黐孖B Beavis and Butt-Head Do America ------- (1996) Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie ------- (1996) 终极悍将/不败枭雄 Last Man Standing ------- (1996) 十二只猴子/未来总动员(台)/12猴子(港) Twelve Monkeys ------- (1995) 虎胆龙威3/纽约大劫案/终极警探3/顽固分子3 Die Hard: With a Vengeance ------- (1995) A Night to Die for ------- (1995) 疯狂终结者/荷里活有间怪酒店/四个房间 Four Rooms ------- (1995) 浪子保镖 North ------- (1994) "HBO First Look" ------- (1994) 老友记/六人行(台)/老友情缘(港) "Friends" ------- (1994) 大智若愚 Nobody"s Fool ------- (1994) 低俗小说/黑色追缉令(台)/危险人物(港) Pulp Fiction ------- (1994) 夜色/黑色之夜 Color of Night ------- (1994) 重装武器 Loaded Weapon 1 ------- (1993) 致命距离 Striking Distance ------- (1993) 捉神弄鬼/飞越长生/死亡之恋/面临死亡 Death Becomes Her ------- (1992) 超级大玩家/幕后玩家/操控者 The Player ------- (1992) 致命思想 Mortal Thoughts ------- (1991) 终极尖兵/最后战士/最后的童子军/最后的终结 The Last Boy Scout ------- (1991) Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting ------- (1991) 虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk ------- (1991) 胜者为王/义胆风云 Billy Bathgate ------- (1991) 虎胆龙威2/终极警探2/终极警探续集/顽固分子2/虎胆龙威续集 Die Hard 2 ------- (1990) Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come ------- (1990) 虚荣的篝火/夜都迷情 The Bonfire of the Vanities ------- (1990) The Earth Day Special ------- (1990) Die Harder: The Making of "Die Hard 2" ------- (1990) 看谁又在说话/飞越童真2 Look Who"s Talking Too ------- (1990) 看谁在说话/飞越童真 Look Who"s Talking ------- (1989) 冷暖天涯 In Country ------- (1989) That"s Adequate ------- (1989) Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary ------- (1989) 落日 Sunset ------- (1988) The Return of Bruno ------- (1988) 虎胆龙威/终极警探(台)/虎胆龙威(港) Die Hard ------- (1988) "Biography" "Biography" ------- (1987) The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite ------- (1987) 盲目约会/醉酒佳人/醉酒俏佳人 Blind Date ------- (1987) One Voice ------- (1986) 蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" ------- (1985) 蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" Moonlighting (Pilot) ------- (1985) 大审判/裁决 The Verdict ------- (1982) Guru kommt, Ein ------- (1980) 无头血案 The First Deadly Sin ------- (1980) 作为编剧的电影作品(数量:3) "E! True Hollywood Story" Demi Moore ------- (2003) 虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk ------- (1991) 蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" Moonlighting (Pilot) ------- (1985) 作为制片人的电影作品(数量:6)Three Stories About Joan ------- (2009) 嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project ------- (2006) 火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击/人质危机 Hostage ------- (2005) "Touching Evil" ------- (2004) True West ------- (2002) 鳄鱼猎手:激情之旅 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course ------- (2002) 作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:2)原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild ------- (2003) 无头血案 The First Deadly Sin ------- (1980) 给你全部的



告诉我布鲁斯威利斯的所有电影! 谢谢啊!

全部作品:  《白昼冷光》The Cold Light of Day......Martin(2012)  《环形使者》Looper......Older Joe  《月亮升起之王国》Moonrise Kingdom(2012)  《敢死队2》The Expendables II ......Church(rumored)  《赌博回忆录》Lay the Favorite......Dink Heimowitz  《凯恩和林奇》Kane& Lynch.......Kane  《迷局》Setup.......Biggs  《粉红镇》Pinkvill......William R.Peers  《科比就是黑曼巴》 2011.2.19(七分钟短片)  《赤焰战场 》……Red (2010.10.15 布鲁斯威利斯电影海报(20张))  《敢死队》……The Expendables (2010.8.13)  《Stylo》……Gorillaz Mv(2010)  《拍档侦探》……Cop Out(2010).......Jimmy Monroe  《我仍在这里》......Himself((2010)  《布鲁诺》……Sacha Baron cohen(2009)  《即时发生》……What Just Happened(2008)  .《高中校长阴谋事件/暗杀我的高中校长》(Assassination of a High School President)(2008)  《未来战警》……The Surrogates(2009)  1.《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机》Live Free or Die Hard AS . John McClane(2007)  2.《农民宇航员》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)  3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)  刑房之恐怖星球/恐怖星球/索女丧尸机关枪 Planet Terror ------- (2007)  4.Morgan"s Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)  5.《篱笆墙外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)  6.《勇闯16街区》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)  7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS ... Himself (2006)  8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)  9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)  10.大卫深夜脱口秀Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)未来战警截图(18张)  11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  12. Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)  13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  14.《黑水船运公司》Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)  15.《火线对峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)  16.《罪恶之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)  17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)  18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)  19.《阿尔法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)  20.《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)  21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)  22.《十二罗汉》Ocean"s Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)  23.《整十码》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)  24."Retrosexual: The 80"s" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)  25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)  27."Pulp Fiction" on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)  29.《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)  30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)  31.《霹雳娇娃2》Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)  32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)  33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)  34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)  35.《完美盗贼》Bandits AS …… Joseph "Joe" Blake (2001)  36.《哈特之战》Hart"s War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)  37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)  38.《扭转未来》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)  39.《整九码》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (2000)  40.《惊心动魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)  41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)  42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)  43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: "Moonlighting" Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)  44.《我们的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)  45.《灵异第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)  46.《冠军的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)  47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)  48.《紧急动员》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)  49.《陨石大冲撞》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)  51.《终极密码战》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)  52.《狙击职业杀手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)  53.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)  54.《瘪四与大头蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)  55.《终极悍将》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)  56."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)  57.《疯狂终结者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)  58.《十二猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)  59. A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)  60.《大智若愚》Nobody"s Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)  61.《低俗小说》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)  62.《浪子保镖》North AS …… Narrator (1994)  63.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)  64.《致命距离》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)  65.《重装武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)  66.《飞越长生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)  67.《超级大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)  68.《虎胆神偷》 又名《哈德森之鹰》......Hudson Hawk (1991)  69.《义胆风云》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)  70.《最后战士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius "Joe" Hallenbeck (1991)  71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)  72.《虚荣的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)  73.《看谁又在说话》Look Who"s Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)  74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)  75.Die Harder: The Making of "Die Hard 2" AS …… Himself (1990)  76.《看谁在说话》Look Who"s Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)  77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)  78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)  79.《第61届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989) 80.That"s Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)  81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)  82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)  83.《虎胆龙威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)  84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)  85.《盲目约会》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)  86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)  87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)  88.《蓝色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  90.《大审判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)  91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)  92.《第一死罪》The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)  93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)  94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)  95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself  96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid  97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)  98.Inside "Bandits" (2001) AS …… Himself  99.Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" (2003) AS …… Himself  100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself  101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself  102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself  103.The Making of "The Jackal" (1998) AS …… Himself  104."The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself  105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself  106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself  107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself  108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)  109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself  110.《终极尖兵》AS Joe Cornelius Hallenbeck (1991)


主要作品年表  - 2002 - Hart"s War - 哈特之战  - 2001 - Bandits - 抢劫情缘  - 2000 - Unbreakable - 惊心动魄  - 2000 - The Kid - 还我童真  - 2000 - The Whole Nine Yards - 邻居杀手  - 1999 - Breakfast with champions - 冠军的早餐  - 1999 - The Sixth Sense - 灵异第六感  - 1999 - The Story of Us - 我们的故事  - 1998 - Mercury Rising - 终极密码战  - 1998 - Armageddon - 世界末日  - 1998 - The Siege - 紧急动员  - 1997 - The Jackal - 绝对目标: 豺狼末日  - 1997 - The Fifth Element - 第五元素  1996 - Beavis and Butt-head Do America - 瘟四与大头蛋  - 1996 - Last Man Standing - 终极悍将  - 1995 - 12 Monkeys - 十二猴子  - 1995 - Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance - 虎胆龙威3  - 1994 - Pulp Fiction - 黑色追缉令  - 1994 - Color of Night - 夜色  - 1993 - Loaded Weapon - 重装武器  - 1993 - Striking Distance - 虎胆龙威总动员  - 1993 - North - 浪子保镖  - 1993 - Nobody"s Fool - 大智若愚  - 1992 - Death Becomes Her - 捉神弄鬼  - 1992 - The Player - 超级大玩家  - 1991 - The Last Boy Scout - 终极尖兵  - 1991 - Mortal Thoughts - 致命的迷思  - 1991 - Hudson Hawk - 终极神鹰  - 1991 - Billy Bathgate - 强者为王  - 1990 - The Bonfire of the Vanities - 走夜路的男人  - 1990 - Die Hard 2 - 虎胆龙威2  - 1990 - Look Who"s Talking Too - 看谁又在说话  - 1989 - In Country - 冷暖天涯  - 1989 - Look Who"s Talking - 看谁在说话  - 1988 - Nobody"s Fool - 大智若愚  - 1988 - North - 浪子保镖  - 1988 - Die Hard - 虎胆龙威  - 1988 - Sunset - 比佛利山警探  - 1988 - Frantic - 惊狂记  - 1987 - Blind Date - 盲目约会  - 1985 - Moonlighting - 蓝色月光侦探社  - 1982 - The Verdict - 大审叛  - 1980 - The First Deadly Sin - 无头血案



布鲁斯 威利斯和哈里森 福特一共有哪些电影袄

明星:布鲁斯·威利斯英文名:Bruce Willis参与影片:《 What Just Happened? 》 (2008) ...Himself《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机 Live Free or Die Hard 》 (2007) ...producer《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机 Live Free or Die Hard 》 (2007) ...John McClane《完美陌生人/勾引陌生人 Perfect Stranger 》 (2007) ...Harrison Hill《刑房 Grindhouse 》 (2007) ...Lt. Muldoon (segment "Planet Terror")《黑水船运公司 Black Water Transit 》 (2007) ...Earl Pike《 Morgan"s Summit 》 (2007) ...《终极衡量 The Last Full Measure 》 (2007) ...《嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project 》 (2006) ...Himself《嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project 》 (2006) ...executive producer《农民宇航员 The Astronaut Farmer 》 (2006) ...Col. Doug Masterson (uncredited)《篱笆墙外/篱墙之战 Over the Hedge 》 (2006) ...RJ (voice)《阿尔法狗/领头狗/头号嫌疑犯 Alpha Dog 》 (2006) ...Sonny Truelove《倒霉爱神 Just My Luck 》 (2006) ...producer《幸运数字斯莱文/神鬼运转 Lucky Number Slevin 》 (2006) ...Mr. Goodkat《16街区 16 Blocks 》 (2006) ...Jack Mosley《16街区 16 Blocks 》 (2006) ...producer《快餐帝国 Fast Food Nation 》 (2006) ...Harry Rydell《托尼?本内特:稿伏美国经典演唱会 Tony Bennett: An American Classic 》 (2006) ...Himself - Speaker《 Boffo! Tinseltown"s Bombs and Blockbusters 》 (2006) ...Dr. Malcolm Crowe (archive footage) (uncredited)《 "T4" Goes "Over the Hedge" 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "06 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero 》 (2006) ...Himself (archive footage)《 Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Bag of Bones 》 (2006) ...producer《罪恶之城/原罪之城/罪恶都市 Sin City 》 (2005) ...Hartigan《火线对峙/人质/虎键腊携胆狙击 Hostage 》 (2005) ...producer《火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击 Hostage 》 (2005) ...Jeff Talley《 "Biography" Sylvester Stallone 》 (2005) ...Himself《 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope 》 (2005) ...Himself《12罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情12瞒徒/十二罗汉 Ocean"s Twelve 》 (2004) ...Himself (uncredited)《整十码/这个杀手不眨局键眼2 The Whole Ten Yards 》 (2004) ...Jimmy《 MTV Video Music Awards 2004 》 (2004) ...Himself《 Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die 》 (2004) ...(archive footage)《 "Retrosexual: The 80"s" 》 (2004) ...Himself (archive footage)《 "Touching Evil" 》 (2004) ...executive producer (12 episodes, 2004)《 Genius: A Night for Ray Charles 》 (2004) ...Himself《霹雳娇娃2 Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle 》 (2003) ...William Rose Bailey (uncredited)《原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild 》 (2003) ...Spike (voice)《原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild 》 (2003) ...musician: harmonica《太阳之泪 Tears of the Sun 》 (2003) ...Lt. A.K. Waters《 Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" 》 (2003) ...Himself《 "E! True Hollywood Story" Demi Moore 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute 》 (2003) ...Himself《鳄鱼猎手:激情之旅 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course 》 (2002) ...executive producer《哈特之战 Hart"s War 》 (2002) ...Col. William A. McNamara《 Pulp Fiction: The Facts 》 (2002) ...Himself《 True West 》 (2002) ...Lee《 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself《 True West 》 (2002) ...executive producer《 "The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Grand Champion 》 (2002) ...Mr. Blandford《终极土匪/完美盗贼/劫匪 Bandits 》 (2001) ...Joseph "Joe" Blake《 Inside "Bandits" 》 (2001) ...Himself《 "Extreme Close Up with ..." 》 (2001) ...Himself (1 episode)《不死劫 Unbreakable 》 (2000) ...David Dunn《还我童真/扭转未来 The Kid 》 (2000) ...Russell Duritz《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...producer (uncredited)《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...(song "Slow Burn")《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself (Presenter) (uncredited)《 A Kid Becomes the Kid 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years 》 (2000) ...John McClane (archive footage)《 Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Conversations with Jon Turteltaub 》 (2000) ...Himself《我们的故事 The Story of Us 》 (1999) ...Ben Jordan《冠军的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions 》 (1999) ...Dwayne Hoover《灵异第六感/鬼眼 The Sixth Sense 》 (1999) ...Malcolm Crowe《 Franky Goes to Hollywood 》 (1999) ...Himself《 Telling the Story of Us 》 (1999) ...Himself《 Watch the Mercury Rising 》 (1999) ...Himself《全面包围/紧急动员/烈血天空/全面围攻 Siege, The 》 (1998) ...Major General William Devereaux《世界末日/绝世天劫 Armageddon 》 (1998) ...Harry S. Stamper《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...Art Jeffries《成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...Himself《狙击杀手/狙击职业杀手/血岭狙击/豺狼末日 Jackal, The 》 (1997) ...The Jackal《第五元素 Fifth Element, The 》 (1997) ...Major Korben Dallas《终极悍将/不败枭雄 Last Man Standing 》 (1996) ...John Smith《瘪四与大头蛋 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America 》 (1996) ...Muddy Grimes (voice)《 "Bruno the Kid" 》 (1996) ...executive producer《 "Bruno the Kid" 》 (1996) ...Bruno the Kid (voice)《 Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys, The 》 (1996) ...Himself (uncredited)《虎胆龙威3/纽约大劫案 Die Hard: With a Vengeance 》 (1995) ...John McClane《12猴子/十二只猴子 Twelve Monkeys 》 (1995) ...James Cole《四个房间 Four Rooms 》 (1995) ...Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited)《大智若愚 Nobody"s Fool 》 (1994) ...Carl Roebuck《浪子保镖 North 》 (1994) ...Narrator《夜色 Color of Night 》 (1994) ...Dr. Bill Capa《低俗小说/黑色追缉令/危险人物 Pulp Fiction 》 (1994) ...Butch Coolidge《致命距离 Striking Distance 》 (1993) ...Tom Hardy《重装武器 Loaded Weapon 1 》 (1993) ...John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited)《超级大玩家/幕后玩家 Player, The 》 (1992) ...Himself《捉神弄鬼/飞越长生/死亡之恋/面临死亡 Death Becomes Her 》 (1992) ...Dr. Ernest Menville《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...Eddie "Hudson Hawk" Hawkins《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...(story) &《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...(theme song)《致命思想 Mortal Thoughts 》 (1991) ...James Urbanski《终极尖兵 Last Boy Scout, The 》 (1991) ...Joe Cornelius Hallenbeck《胜者为王 Billy Bathgate 》 (1991) ...Bo Weinberg《虚荣的篝火 Bonfire of the Vanities, The 》 (1990) ...Peter Fallow《看谁又在说话 Look Who"s Talking Too 》 (1990) ...Mikey (voice)《虎胆龙威 2 Die Hard 2 》 (1990) ...John McClane《看谁在说话 Look Who"s Talking 》 (1989) ...Mikey (voice)《冷暖天涯 In Country 》 (1989) ...Emmett Smith《落日 Sunset 》 (1988) ...Tom Mix《虎胆龙威/终极警探 Die Hard 》 (1988) ...John McClane《 Return of Bruno, The 》 (1988) ...Bruno Radolini《盲目约会 Blind Date 》 (1987) ...Walter Davis《蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" 》 (1985) ...David Addison Jr. (36 episodes, 1985-1989)《蓝色月光 Moonlighting 》 (1985) ...David Addison Jr.《大审判 Verdict, The 》 (1982) ...Courtroom Observer (uncredited)《无头血案 First Deadly Sin, The 》 (1980) ...Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited)《无头血案 First Deadly Sin, The 》 (1980) ...stand-in: Killer, long shots相关网址:http://www.mov6.com/name/nm0000246/---------------------------------------------------------------明星:哈里森·福特/哈里逊福特英文名:Harrison Ford参与影片:《 Manhunt 》 (2009) ...Col. Everton Conger《夺宝奇兵4 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 》 (2008) ...Indiana Jones《穿越国境 Crossing Over 》 (2007) ...Max Brogan《错误元素/防火墙 Firewall 》 (2006) ...Jack Stanfield《 Super Bowl XL 》 (2006) ...Himself (uncredited)《 The 32nd Annual People"s Choice Awards 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Boffo! Tinseltown"s Bombs and Blockbusters 》 (2006) ...Indiana Jones (archive footage) (uncredited)《 Godspeed 》 (2006) ...《第58届黄金时段艾美奖颁奖典礼 The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards 》 (2006) ...Himself - Audience Member (uncredited)《 Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy 》 (2006) ...Han Solo (voice) (uncredited) (archive footage)《 The 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards 》 (2006) ...Himself - presenter《 VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They Don"t Want You to See 》 (2006) ...Himself (archive footage)《帝国之梦:星球大战三部曲的故事 Empire of Dreams: The Story of the "Star Wars" Trilogy 》 (2004) ...Himself - "Han Solo"《 Star Wars: Battlefront 》 (2004) ...Han Solo (archive footage)《 "Retrosexual: The 80"s" 》 (2004) ...(archive footage)《 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops 》 (2004) ...Himself - #90: Indiana Jones and the Golden Earring (archive footage)《 Water to Wine 》 (2004) ...Jethro the Bus Driver (as Jethro the Bus Driver)《 The Characters of "Star Wars" 》 (2004) ...Himself - "Han Solo"《 The Force Is with Them: The Legacy of "Star Wars" 》 (2004) ...special thanks《好莱坞重案组 Hollywood Homicide 》 (2003) ...Sgt. Joe Gavilan《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 75th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Director《2003年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2003 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Young Hollywood Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself《 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy 》 (2003) ...Himself《 2003 ABC World Stunt Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself《 Macy"s 4th of July Spectacular 》 (2003) ...Himself《 The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Director《K-19:寡妇制造者/猎杀K19/轰天潜舰K19 K-19: The Widowmaker 》 (2002) ...Alexei Vostrikov《K-19:寡妇制造者/猎杀K19/轰天潜舰K19 K-19: The Widowmaker 》 (2002) ...executive producer《 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Passions 》 (2002) ...Himself《 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Passions 》 (2002) ...thanks《 Patriot Games: Up Close 》 (2002) ...Himself/Jack Ryan (also archive footage)《 Harrison Ford: Just Another Pilot 》 (2002) ...Himself《 R2-D2: Beneath the Dome 》 (2001) ...Himself (uncredited)《群星为纽约高歌 The Concert for New York City 》 (2001) ...Himself《美国影史百部佳片 AFI"s 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America"s Most Heart-Pounding Movies 》 (2001) ...Host《 Derailed: Anatomy of a Train Wreck 》 (2001) ...Himself《 Derailed: Anatomy of a Train Wreck 》 (2001) ...special thanks《IMAX套装:失落的世界 Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance 》 (2001) ...Narrator (voice)《 What Lies Beneath: Constructing the Perfect Thriller 》 (2001) ...Himself《危机四伏/谎言背后 What Lies Beneath 》 (2000) ...Dr. Norman Spencer《 Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years 》 (2000) ...Han Solo/Himself/Jack Trainer (archive footage)《 "Legends" 》 (2000) ...Himself (2000)《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself《胆战心惊/疑云密布 Random Hearts 》 (1999) ...Sergeant William "Dutch" Van Den Broeck《 From Star Wars to Star Wars: The Story of Industrial Light & Magic 》 (1999) ...Himself《王牌大进击 Five Aces 》 (1999) ...special thanks《第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards 》 (1999) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Picture《 Jane Goodall: Reason for Hope 》 (1999) ...Narrator《 "The Directors" 》 (1999) ...Himself (5 episodes)《 People Profiles: Harrison Ford 》 (1999) ...Himself《 The Stars of Star Wars: Interviews From the Cast 》 (1999) ...Himself《 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: A Look Inside 》 (1999) ...Himself《 The Unauthorized Star Wars Story 》 (1999) ...Himself《六天七夜/6天7夜 Six Days Seven Nights 》 (1998) ...Quinn Harris《空军一号 Air Force One 》 (1997) ...President James Marshall《致命突击队/与魔鬼同行 Devil"s Own, The 》 (1997) ...Tom O"Meara《101夜 Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma, Les 》 (1995) ...Himself《情归巴黎 Sabrina 》 (1995) ...Linus Larrabee《 American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg, The 》 (1995) ...Himself《星路急转弯 Jimmy Hollywood 》 (1994) ...Himself (uncredited)《燃眉追击 Clear and Present Danger 》 (1994) ...Jack Ryan《世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A 》 (1994) ...Himself《亡命天涯 Fugitive, The 》 (1993) ...Dr. Richard Kimble《爱国者游戏 Patriot Games 》 (1992) ...Jack Ryan《意外的人生 Regarding Henry 》 (1991) ...Henry Turner《黑暗之心 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker"s Apocalypse 》 (1991) ...《欲网危情 Presumed Innocent 》 (1990) ...Rusty Sabich《圣战奇兵/夺宝奇兵3之圣战奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 》 (1989) ...Indiana Jones《惊狂记 Frantic 》 (1988) ...Dr. Richard Walker《上班女郎 Working Girl 》 (1988) ...Jack Trainer《蚊子海岸 Mosquito Coast, The 》 (1986) ...Allie Fox《证人 Witness 》 (1985) ...Det. Capt. John Book《 From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga 》 (1985) ...Himself《魔域奇兵/印第安那琼斯的圣殿/夺宝奇兵2:魔宫传奇/ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 》 (1984) ...Indiana Jones《星球大战6:绝地大反击/武士复仇/杰迪归来/绝地大反攻 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 》 (1983) ...Han Solo《银翼杀手 Blade Runner 》 (1982) ...Rick Deckard《夺宝奇兵:法柜奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark 》 (1981) ...Indy《 Making of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", The 》 (1981) ...Himself《星球大战之帝国反击战 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 》 (1980) ...Han Solo《汉诺瓦街 Hanover Street 》 (1979) ...David Halloran《现代启示录 Apocalypse Now 》 (1979) ...Colonel《枪手佳人流浪客 Frisco Kid, The 》 (1979) ...Tommy Lillard《美国风情画续集 More American Graffiti 》 (1979) ...Officer Bob Falfa (uncredited)《 Star Wars Holiday Special, The 》 (1978) ...Han Solo《六壮士续集 Force 10 from Navarone 》 (1978) ...Lieutenant Colonel Mike Barnsby《乌龙英雄 Heroes 》 (1977) ...Ken Boyd《星球大战 Star Wars 》 (1977) ...Han Solo《对话 Conversation, The 》 (1974) ...Martin Stett《美国风情画 American Graffiti 》 (1973) ...Bob Falfa《青春火花 Getting Straight 》 (1970) ...Jake《无限春光在险峰 Zabriskie Point 》 (1970) ...Airport Worker (uncredited)《德州七勇士 Journey to Shiloh 》 (1968) ...Willie Bill Rearden《大桥奇遇 Luv 》 (1967) ...Hippy (uncredited)《归乡路遥 Time for Killing, A 》 (1967) ...Lt Shaffer《现金作战 Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round 》 (1966) ...Bellhop (uncredited)相关网址:http://www.mov6.com/name/nm0000148/


中文名称:《少年擒寇记》地址吗?自己搜一下就好了……哈哈 英文名称:BMX Bandits(1983) 别名:小子万岁 资源类型:DVDRip 发行时间:1983年 电影演员:主 演: !!!! 尼科尔·基德曼 Nicole Kidman !!! Anthony Alafaci David Argue Brian Best Bill Brady Jeff Brown Peter Browne Andy Clarke 几个外国少年,自行车技术一流,某天晚上一不小心发现了一伙罪犯的赃物,好像有一堆对讲机。然后被罪犯追杀,这种场合一般不能靠警察,于是少年们发挥飞(自行)车绝技,搞定了罪犯,化险为夷。 里面自行车特技发挥的不错,追杀过程花里胡哨,印象最深的是跑到个水上乐园,驱车玩水上项目,那个清爽的,口水ing 结尾打出字幕“特技表演经过专门练习,请勿模仿”,嗯,叔叔有练过,小朋友不要学...


百度搜索布鲁斯威利斯 里面有他出演过的所有电影蛮全的,你自己可以看下太多了。希望能帮助到你

告诉我布鲁斯威利斯的所有电影! 谢谢啊!

全部作品:  《白昼冷光》The Cold Light of Day......Martin(2012)  《环形使者》Looper......Older Joe  《月亮升起之王国》Moonrise Kingdom(2012)  《敢死队2》The Expendables II ......Church(rumored)  《赌博回忆录》Lay the Favorite......Dink Heimowitz  《凯恩和林奇》Kane& Lynch.......Kane  《迷局》Setup.......Biggs  《粉红镇》Pinkvill......William R.Peers  《科比就是黑曼巴》 2011.2.19(七分钟短片)  《赤焰战场 》……Red (2010.10.15 布鲁斯威利斯电影海报(20张))  《敢死队》……The Expendables (2010.8.13)  《Stylo》……Gorillaz Mv(2010)  《拍档侦探》……Cop Out(2010).......Jimmy Monroe  《我仍在这里》......Himself((2010)  《布鲁诺》……Sacha Baron cohen(2009)  《即时发生》……What Just Happened(2008)  .《高中校长阴谋事件/暗杀我的高中校长》(Assassination of a High School President)(2008)  《未来战警》……The Surrogates(2009)  1.《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机》Live Free or Die Hard AS . John McClane(2007)  2.《农民宇航员》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)  3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)  刑房之恐怖星球/恐怖星球/索女丧尸机关枪 Planet Terror ------- (2007)  4.Morgan"s Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)  5.《篱笆墙外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)  6.《勇闯16街区》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)  7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS ... Himself (2006)  8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)  9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)  10.大卫深夜脱口秀Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)未来战警截图(18张)  11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  12. Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)  13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  14.《黑水船运公司》Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)  15.《火线对峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)  16.《罪恶之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)  17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)  18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)  19.《阿尔法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)  20.《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)  21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)  22.《十二罗汉》Ocean"s Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)  23.《整十码》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)  24."Retrosexual: The 80"s" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)  25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)  27."Pulp Fiction" on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)  29.《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)  30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)  31.《霹雳娇娃2》Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)  32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)  33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)  34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)  35.《完美盗贼》Bandits AS …… Joseph "Joe" Blake (2001)  36.《哈特之战》Hart"s War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)  37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)  38.《扭转未来》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)  39.《整九码》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (2000)  40.《惊心动魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)  41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)  42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)  43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: "Moonlighting" Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)  44.《我们的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)  45.《灵异第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)  46.《冠军的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)  47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)  48.《紧急动员》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)  49.《陨石大冲撞》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)  51.《终极密码战》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)  52.《狙击职业杀手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)  53.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)  54.《瘪四与大头蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)  55.《终极悍将》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)  56."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)  57.《疯狂终结者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)  58.《十二猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)  59. A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)  60.《大智若愚》Nobody"s Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)  61.《低俗小说》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)  62.《浪子保镖》North AS …… Narrator (1994)  63.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)  64.《致命距离》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)  65.《重装武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)  66.《飞越长生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)  67.《超级大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)  68.《虎胆神偷》 又名《哈德森之鹰》......Hudson Hawk (1991)  69.《义胆风云》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)  70.《最后战士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius "Joe" Hallenbeck (1991)  71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)  72.《虚荣的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)  73.《看谁又在说话》Look Who"s Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)  74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)  75.Die Harder: The Making of "Die Hard 2" AS …… Himself (1990)  76.《看谁在说话》Look Who"s Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)  77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)  78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)  79.《第61届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989) 80.That"s Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)  81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)  82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)  83.《虎胆龙威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)  84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)  85.《盲目约会》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)  86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)  87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)  88.《蓝色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  90.《大审判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)  91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)  92.《第一死罪》The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)  93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)  94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)  95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself  96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid  97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)  98.Inside "Bandits" (2001) AS …… Himself  99.Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" (2003) AS …… Himself  100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself  101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself  102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself  103.The Making of "The Jackal" (1998) AS …… Himself  104."The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself  105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself  106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself  107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself  108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)  109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself  110.《终极尖兵》AS Joe Cornelius Hallenbeck (1991)


《 What Just Happened? 》 (2008) ...Himself 《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机 Live Free or Die Hard 》 (2007) ...John McClane 《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机 Live Free or Die Hard 》 (2007) ...producer 《完美陌生人/勾引陌生人 Perfect Stranger 》 (2007) ...Harrison Hill 《刑房 Grindhouse 》 (2007) ...Lt. Muldoon (segment "Planet Terror") 《 The Last Full Measure 》 (2007) ... 《 Black Water Transit 》 (2007) ...Earl Pike 《 Morgan"s Summit 》 (2007) ... 《嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project 》 (2006) ...executive producer 《嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project 》 (2006) ...Himself 《农民宇航员 The Astronaut Farmer 》 (2006) ...Col. Doug Masterson (uncredited) 《篱笆墙外/篱墙之战 Over the Hedge 》 (2006) ...RJ (voice) 《阿尔法狗/领头狗/头号嫌疑犯 Alpha Dog 》 (2006) ...Sonny Truelove 《倒霉爱神 Just My Luck 》 (2006) ...producer 《幸运数字斯莱文/神鬼运转 Lucky Number Slevin 》 (2006) ...Mr. Goodkat 《16街区 16 Blocks 》 (2006) ...producer 《16街区 16 Blocks 》 (2006) ...Jack Mosley 《快餐帝国 Fast Food Nation 》 (2006) ...Harry Rydell 《 "T4" Goes "Over the Hedge" 》 (2006) ...Himself 《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "06 》 (2006) ...Himself 《 Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero 》 (2006) ...Himself (archive footage) 《 Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute 》 (2006) ...Himself 《 Bag of Bones 》 (2006) ...producer 《 Tony Bennett: An American Classic 》 (2006) ...Himself - Speaker 《 Boffo! Tinseltown"s Bombs and Blockbusters 》 (2006) ...Dr. Malcolm Crowe (archive footage) (uncredited) 《罪恶之城/原罪之城/罪恶都市 Sin City 》 (2005) ...Hartigan 《火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击 Hostage 》 (2005) ...producer 《火线对峙/人质/虎胆狙击 Hostage 》 (2005) ...Jeff Talley 《 "Biography" Sylvester Stallone 》 (2005) ...Himself 《 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope 》 (2005) ...Himself 《12罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情12瞒徒/十二罗汉 Ocean"s Twelve 》 (2004) ...Himself (uncredited) 《整十码/这个杀手不眨眼2 The Whole Ten Yards 》 (2004) ...Jimmy 《 MTV Video Music Awards 2004 》 (2004) ...Himself 《 Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die 》 (2004) ...(archive footage) 《 "Retrosexual: The 80"s" 》 (2004) ...Himself (archive footage) 《 Genius: A Night for Ray Charles 》 (2004) ...Himself 《 "Touching Evil" 》 (2004) ...executive producer (12 episodes, 2004) 《霹雳娇娃2 Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle 》 (2003) ...William Rose Bailey (uncredited) 《原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild 》 (2003) ...musician: harmonica 《原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild 》 (2003) ...Spike (voice) 《太阳之泪 Tears of the Sun 》 (2003) ...Lt. A.K. Waters 《 "E! True Hollywood Story" Demi Moore 》 (2003) ...Himself 《 Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" 》 (2003) ...Himself 《 Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute 》 (2003) ...Himself 《鳄鱼猎手:激情之旅 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course 》 (2002) ...executive producer 《哈特之战 Hart"s War 》 (2002) ...Col. William A. McNamara 《 Pulp Fiction: The Facts 》 (2002) ...Himself 《 True West 》 (2002) ...executive producer 《 "The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set 》 (2002) ...Himself 《 Grand Champion 》 (2002) ...Mr. Blandford 《 True West 》 (2002) ...Lee 《 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself 《终极土匪/完美盗贼/劫匪 Bandits 》 (2001) ...Joseph "Joe" Blake 《 Inside "Bandits" 》 (2001) ...Himself 《 "Extreme Close Up with ..." 》 (2001) ...Himself (1 episode) 《不死劫 Unbreakable 》 (2000) ...David Dunn 《还我童真/扭转未来 The Kid 》 (2000) ...Russell Duritz 《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...(song "Slow Burn") 《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski 《整九码 The Whole Nine Yards 》 (2000) ...producer (uncredited) 《 Conversations with Jon Turteltaub 》 (2000) ...Himself 《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) 《 A Kid Becomes the Kid 》 (2000) ...Himself 《 Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years 》 (2000) ...John McClane (archive footage) 《 Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto 》 (2000) ...Himself 《我们的故事 The Story of Us 》 (1999) ...Ben Jordan 《冠军的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions 》 (1999) ...Dwayne Hoover 《灵异第六感/鬼眼 The Sixth Sense 》 (1999) ...Malcolm Crowe 《 Telling the Story of Us 》 (1999) ...Himself 《 Watch the Mercury Rising 》 (1999) ...Himself 《 Franky Goes to Hollywood 》 (1999) ...Himself 《全面包围/紧急动员/烈血天空/全面围攻 Siege, The 》 (1998) ...Major General William Devereaux 《世界末日/绝世天劫 Armageddon 》 (1998) ...Harry S. Stamper 《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...Art Jeffries 《成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...Himself 《狙击杀手/狙击职业杀手/血岭狙击/豺狼末日 Jackal, The 》 (1997) ...The Jackal 《第五元素 Fifth Element, The 》 (1997) ...Major Korben Dallas 《终极悍将/不败枭雄 Last Man Standing 》 (1996) ...John Smith 《瘪四与大头蛋 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America 》 (1996) ...Muddy Grimes (voice) 《 "Bruno the Kid" 》 (1996) ...Bruno the Kid (voice) 《 Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys, The 》 (1996) ...Himself (uncredited) 《 "Bruno the Kid" 》 (1996) ...executive producer 《虎胆龙威3/纽约大劫案 Die Hard: With a Vengeance 》 (1995) ...John McClane 《12猴子/十二只猴子 Twelve Monkeys 》 (1995) ...James Cole 《四个房间 Four Rooms 》 (1995) ...Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) 《大智若愚 Nobody"s Fool 》 (1994) ...Carl Roebuck 《浪子保镖 North 》 (1994) ...Narrator 《夜色 Color of Night 》 (1994) ...Dr. Bill Capa 《低俗小说/黑色追缉令/危险人物 Pulp Fiction 》 (1994) ...Butch Coolidge 《致命距离 Striking Distance 》 (1993) ...Tom Hardy 《重装武器 Loaded Weapon 1 》 (1993) ...John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) 《超级大玩家/幕后玩家 Player, The 》 (1992) ...Himself 《捉神弄鬼/飞越长生/死亡之恋/面临死亡 Death Becomes Her 》 (1992) ...Dr. Ernest Menville 《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...(story) & 《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...(theme song) 《虎胆神偷/终极神鹰/哈德森之鹰 Hudson Hawk 》 (1991) ...Eddie "Hudson Hawk" Hawkins 《致命思想 Mortal Thoughts 》 (1991) ...James Urbanski 《终极尖兵 Last Boy Scout, The 》 (1991) ...Joe Cornelius Hallenbeck 《胜者为王 Billy Bathgate 》 (1991) ...Bo Weinberg 《虚荣的篝火 Bonfire of the Vanities, The 》 (1990) ...Peter Fallow 《看谁又在说话 Look Who"s Talking Too 》 (1990) ...Mikey (voice) 《虎胆龙威 2 Die Hard 2 》 (1990) ...John McClane 《看谁在说话 Look Who"s Talking 》 (1989) ...Mikey (voice) 《冷暖天涯 In Country 》 (1989) ...Emmett Smith 《落日 Sunset 》 (1988) ...Tom Mix 《虎胆龙威/终极警探 Die Hard 》 (1988) ...John McClane 《 Return of Bruno, The 》 (1988) ...Bruno Radolini 《盲目约会 Blind Date 》 (1987) ...Walter Davis 《蓝色月光 "Moonlighting" 》 (1985) ...David Addison Jr. (36 episodes, 1985-1989) 《蓝色月光 Moonlighting 》 (1985) ...David Addison Jr. 《大审判 Verdict, The 》 (1982) ...Courtroom Observer (uncredited) 《无头血案 First Deadly Sin, The 》 (1980) ...stand-in: Killer, long shots 《无头血案 First Deadly Sin, The 》 (1980) ...Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves



布鲁斯.威力斯 主演的电影有哪些?

太多啦 楼上的已经举出了 我想补充一下 我最喜欢的电影是第五元素 :)






  布鲁斯·威利斯  本名:Walter Bruce Willis  昵称:Bruno  生日:1955年3月19日  出生地:Idar-Oberstein,西德  身高:178厘米  教育: Montclair大学  成名作:电视剧集《蓝色月光》(1985-89)  前妻: 黛米-摩尔,1987-1998  女儿:Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle  奖项:  1987--金球奖电视类最佳男主角(《蓝色月光》)  1986/87--艾美奖最佳男主角 (《蓝色月光》)  体格强壮、轮廓鲜明,略带些谢顶的布鲁斯-威利斯是好莱坞颇受欢迎的动作明星。这大概主要是缘于他的《虎胆龙威》系列电影的极大成功。  布鲁斯-威利斯于1955年3月19日出生于美军在西德的一个军事基地,2岁后移居美国新泽西州,并在那里度过了他的童年生涯。步入青年之后,他有了一个口吃的毛病。不可思议的是,这个毛病在他参加演出的时候居然会消失。到了高中以后,他开始陆续的参加了一些演出,主要是演丑角。由于卷入了学校的种族冲突,他被学校开除了。后来,他的父亲雇用了一个律师出面解决,布鲁斯-威利斯才得以毕业。毕业后,布鲁斯-威利斯一开始打了几份零工,后来在一个名叫Loose Goose布鲁士乐队作口琴伴奏。在蒙特克莱尔大学就学期间,他参加了一次演出,此时,他表现出了对表演的极大热情。他花了大量的时间去纽约寻找非百老汇戏剧界作品中的各种角色。在1977年他终于有了机会,他离开了学校去参加舞台剧《天与地》("Heaven and Earth")的演出工作。但是随后,他的演出并没有走上正轨,东拍一部商业片,西演一场舞台剧。  1984年,布鲁斯-威利斯在非百老汇戏剧界的一场《爱情傻瓜》(“Fool for Love”)的演出中脱颖而出。在随后到洛杉矶的旅途中,他从3000名试镜者中被选中,在西比尔-谢泼德的浪漫喜剧《月光侦探所》("Moonlighting")中饰演一位逛妄、自负的私人侦探大卫-艾迪生。虽然该片有许多鲜为人知的内幕,这主要是由于威利斯、谢泼德和该片的制作格伦-戈登-卡伦之间的长期冲突引起的,但这是在他85到89年这段时间所演的作品中比较成功的一部。在80年代初,威利斯在2部大片中出演过小角色,直到1987年在布莱克-爱德沃兹的荒诞喜剧《盲目约会》(“Blind Date”)中与金-贝辛格演对手戏才真正走到台前。1988年,他再度与爱德沃兹合作,和杰姆斯-加纳的怀亚特-厄普在西部片《日落》(“Sunset”)出演牛仔明星汤姆-米克斯。这二部影片都获得了不错的票房收入,但并没有让布鲁斯-威利斯成为一个炙手可热的大明星。  1989年,布鲁斯-威利斯得以在《虎胆龙威》(第一集)(“Die Hard”)中出演纽约的一个不如意的警察。片中一群国际恐怖分子绑架了一个公司正在参加圣诞节晚会的全体员工,这个警察的不和睦的妻子也在其中。布鲁斯-威利斯与这群国际恐慌分子展开了机智灵活的斗争,这部电影取得了极大的成功。影片节奏明快,并充斥着许多惊人之举,影片上演后广受欢迎,布鲁斯-威利斯也在好莱坞众多明星中被列入A级。  就在人们普遍以为布鲁斯-威利斯会马上推出其第二部"重磅炸弹"之际,他出演了诺曼-朱维逊的一部喜剧《冷暖天涯》(“In Country”),在片中扮演一位心灵受创的越南老兵,孤身一人抚养着他的侄子----一个孤儿。同年,布鲁斯-威利斯又接下了新作《看谁在说话》(“Look Who"s Talking”)系列片的第一部,1990年又出演了其第二部《看谁在说话II》(“Look Who"s Talking Too”)。后来,他又继续在2部《虎胆龙威》系列电影中饰演警察的角色。1991年,他第一次出演自己编写的剧本《哈德逊之鹰》(“Hudson Hawk”),获得了极大的成功。此后,虽然他继续保持着多产,但一路走来极不平坦。拍摄的《夜色》(“The Color of Night”)和《疯狂终级者》(“Four Rooms”)不是很成功,但也拍摄了诸如《低俗小说》(“Pulp Fiction”)和《十二只猴子》(“12 Monkeys”)这样的好片。  1998年,布鲁斯-威利斯出演了斥巨资拍摄的《世界末日》(“Armageddon”),这部电影取得了较高的票房收入,并使他作为动作明星的声望达到了巅峰。这以后,布鲁斯-威利斯选择了一部规模较小的影片,1999年他出演了库尔特-冯内格特的筹划已久的《冠军的早餐》(“Breakfast of Champions”)。同年,他主演的低成本影片《第六感》成为当年票房和影评的双料大赢家。他2000年最新的影片包括《整九码》《小孩》和正在拍摄的《坚不可摧》等。  除了拍电影以外,威利斯也录制了一张音乐CD,制作了一部电影和一场儿童展览,同时还和史泰龙、施瓦辛格等合开了著名的“好莱坞明星”酒店。1987年威利斯与女演员黛米-摩尔结婚,膝下有三个孩子。上周,他们结束了13年的婚姻,正式离婚。此前,他们已于1998年分居,但仍住在爱达荷州黑利市的一所价值600万美元的寓所中,和三个还在上学的女儿住在一起。  他的全部作品:  1.《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机》Live Free or Die Hard AS …… John McClane (2007)  2.《农民宇航员》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)  3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)  4.Morgan"s Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)  5.《篱笆墙外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)  6.《勇闯16街区》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)  7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS …… Himself (2006)  8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)  9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)  10.Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  12.Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)  13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)  14.Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)  15.《火线对峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)  16.《罪恶之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)  17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)  18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)  19.《阿尔法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)  20.《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)  21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)  22.《十二罗汉》Ocean"s Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)  23.《整十码》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)  24."Retrosexual: The 80"s" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)  25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)  27."Pulp Fiction" on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)  28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)  29.《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)  30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)  31.《霹雳娇娃2》Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)  32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)  33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)  34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)  35.《完美盗贼》Bandits AS …… Joseph "Joe" Blake (2001)  36.《哈特之战》Hart"s War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)  37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)  38.《扭转未来》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)  39.《整九码》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (2000)  40.《惊心动魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)  41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)  42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)  43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: "Moonlighting" Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)  44.《我们的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)  45.《灵异第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)  46.《冠军的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)  47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)  48.《紧急动员》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)  49.《绝世天劫》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)  50.《成龙的传奇》Jackie Chan: My Story AS …… Himself (1998)  51.《终极密码战》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)  52.The Fifth Element (1998) (VG) AS …… Korben Dallas (1998)  53.《狙击职业杀手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)  54.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)  55.《瘟四与大头蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)  56.《终极悍将》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)  57."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)  58.《疯狂终结者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)  59.《十二只猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)  60.A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)  61.《大智若愚》Nobody"s Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)  62.《低俗小说》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)  63.《浪子保镖》North AS …… Narrator (1994)  64.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)  65.《致命距离》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)  66.《重装武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)  67.《飞越长生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)  68.《超级大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)  69.《义胆风云》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)  70.《最后战士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius "Joe" Hallenbeck (1991)  71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)  72.《虚荣的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)  73.《看谁又在说话》Look Who"s Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)  74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)  75.Die Harder: The Making of "Die Hard 2" AS …… Himself (1990)  76.《看谁在说话》Look Who"s Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)  77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)  78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)  79.《第61届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989)  80.That"s Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)  81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)  82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)  83.《虎胆龙威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)  84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)  85.《醉酒俏佳人》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)  86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)  87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)  88.《蓝色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)  90.《大审判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)  91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)  92.The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)  93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)  94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)  95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself  96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid  97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)  98.Inside "Bandits" (2001) AS …… Himself  99.Journey to Safety: Making "Tears of the Sun" (2003) AS …… Himself  100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself  101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself  102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself  103.The Making of "The Jackal" (1998) AS …… Himself  104."The Sixth Sense": Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself  105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself  106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself  107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself  108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)  109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself


  完美盗贼(Bandits)  又名: 终极土匪 / 大盗宿一宵  米高梅公司(MGM, USA)2001年出品  导演: 巴里·莱文森 (Barry Levinson)  主演:  布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)  比利·鲍勃·桑顿(Billy Bob Thornton)  凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)  特伊·加里提(Troy Garity)  导演:巴里·-莱文森(Barry Levinson)  类型:喜剧片  分级:PG-13(性、暴力)  上映年度: 2001  官方网站: www.MGM.com/Bandits  imdb链接: tt0219965  制片国家/地区: 美国  剧情简介 :  乔·布雷克(布鲁斯·威利斯饰)是个拥有高度智慧和冷静头脑的大贼,而带点忧郁气质的泰瑞·科林斯(比利·鲍伯·汤顿饰)则是他的最佳拍档,两人以洗劫银行为生,在一次意外失手被擒后,两人又巧妙地双双从狱中逃脱。他们决定做最后也是最完美的一票,抢劫一大笔钱后到偏远地区定居。  本来他们的打劫计划完美无缺,一切尽在掌握之中,但一名不甘平凡的女子凯特(凯特布莱切特饰)冒名而来,加入了他们的生活,原因是因为他们不但是美国史上最成功的打劫拍档,也是这位女子心中的如意郎君。凯特的到来打乱了整个的步骤,两个平时合作亲密无间的的战友,因为爱上了同一个女人而变得别扭起来......  影评 & 幕后:  同很多犯罪片一样,《完美盗贼》又是一部源自真人真事的作品,它是根据两名美国头号通缉犯乔·道迪和泰瑞·李·康纳的“英雄事迹”改编而成的。只可惜这两名罪犯已经无缘看到银幕上的自己了,因为他们在1985时就因抢劫盗窃等罪名被捕,将在美国最高监狱度过200多年的刑期(如果他们能活那么长的话)。  本片的导演贝瑞·里文森在好莱坞算得上是一流导演,从达斯汀·霍夫曼的《雨人》、黛米·摩尔的《桃色机密》,到最近的《摇尾狗》等片都出自里文森的导筒。在拍摄了两部小成本的影片《飞扬的年代》(Liberty Heights)和《光头救星》(An Everlasting Piece)之后,里文森又回到了大明星、大制作的套路上,执导了这部汇聚布鲁斯、凯特和鲍伯三大明星主演的影片。  在出演了《灵异第六感》后人气直升的布鲁斯·威利斯近两年来新片不断,不过大都是扮演一些“高、大、全”的人物,缺乏新意,不免让人怀疑他在角色方面是否还能有什么突破。这次在《完美盗贼》里,布鲁斯在脖子后面扎起根小辫子,脸颊旁还留着乱蓬蓬的头发,一改往日的英雄形象,扮演一个带点儿邪气的盗贼,玩起了幽默。不知熟悉他的观众能否接受他的这个新扮相,对他的转变给以肯定的评价。


参考一下哈"Dusk-twilight" Bella exiled himself to the Fox and this remote town on the rainy year-round. How she could not think of, is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes of that moment, has come to understand each other, waiting for them, in addition to the temptation of well-being, as well as dangerous abyss The two men attracted to one another, in the swing between love and danger, along with fresh and exciting to spend every day, like a long absence, the sun, like floating down the romantic city of Twilight. Since he has a charming appearance, Superman"s body, have the ability to see through people"s minds, then what is the story behind him? And she is just a natural motor nerve is poor, pale skin, like the ordinary girl like illness. Meet that year, they are 17 years of age. Time is a solidification of his roulette, and right she is the rapid rotation. He will be forever young, her youth will eventually decay, both of whom the world really do exist intersection? From Adam and Eve began to Toushijinguo the face of the desire of love-hate vortex, mankind is always at a loss. Well-being slowly forward, he spread Opportunity. When a vulnerable young girl to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind-hearted kiss much more difficult. 在经 After a beautiful day after the twilight hours, this adventure story of the ups and downs, this time just a prologue. The authors hero adolescent feelings of emotional confusion and bewildering entanglement characterization was real delicate with great accuracy of the description and Xilian elegant text aroused the reader"s endless imagination, Yizhenyihuan stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers continuous stirred reading impulse. In the refreshing gentleness and lingering into the reader to witness the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the fight against Sense and Sensibility, soul and body of the struggle ... ... Added: "Twilight of the City" about a pair of mandarin ducks Kuming love story, 17-year-old actress Beilasiwang is a witty, sweet, popular girl, since the move to a small town to live with her father After the acquaintance of a mysterious classmate Edward Cullen male students, while the male students from a "vegetarian" vampire family, but found a special aroma Bella attracted him - he was a smell that she wanted to suck blood, may be again, for the love desperately to suppress their own desires, but also with other similarly tried to kill her vampire fighting, tried every means to protect her. Please do not put it just as an incredible adventure of non-reality of love, when you have, are, or in the future in their own journey of love like a little touch to the feeling, then it is a movement of love for you to write a true legend of the Twilight . 《新月-new moon》 "Crescent-new moon" Edward is deeply fascinated by Bella, also love the unique scent of her body. Happy Hour is always short-term frustration in her 18-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flow evoked Edward family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox. Edward left, Bella"s world completely collapsed, and she began to experiment with risky behavior, because she found that as long as she did a dangerous thing, Edward"s voice will appear in her mind. Bella masochistic style madness, and did not let Edward change his mind this time, young Jacob unruly appeared pale in her world, Bella Although he knows the hearts of another person, or affectionately accompany and protect her. One is the icy rock-solid heterogeneous one is solicitous of the hot werewolf, Bella, how will choice ... ... Edward mistakenly believe that Bella has jumped into the sea dead and can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make everything one of the break. Dusk gradually retreat, waiting for them is the horizon beckons to the dark night of the bright crescent, Bella and Edward would be plunged into the dark world beyond redemption do? End of life before they can snatch away the precious of each other than themselves together to save the earth the most exciting of love? A taste of chopped constantly tangled life and death of Romance, "New Moon" will the reader into the novel more than the average youth category magical world of diversity, readers not so much to accompany Beira spent her life in the first paragraph of the darkest period of , as it is with Mel"s wonderful pen has undergone a magical world, there can be no real life experience of love. Edward struggle, Beira aspirations of love, as well as Jacob"s desire for true love has always been three kinds of tension throughout the novel, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique technique of writing and the genius ability to control the reader"s heart, passionate readers with the inevitable and Beira, or concentration, breath, or shed a tear. 《月食-eclipse》 "Eclipse-eclipse" Bella will soon graduate from high school dilemma: she must choose one Edward and Jacob lovers, but this option is very likely lead to ethnic Karen family and Werewolf in a bloody war between the ... ... blood boiling shellfish laning would like to choose to die to work with Edward looks Sishou, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob"s intervention so that the feelings of both of them red light, Beira to visit the injured at the Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, took the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a kiss deeply printed in the hearts of Beira, for Jacob"s feelings, Bella has a Li Buqing. When Bella was severely painful for the selection of lovers when the hardships, she discovered that someone from her room robbing the aim is to follow the smell to sniff out the top of her lies. Bella will be linked to the past, all kinds of accidents, and finally understand the Crane from the legendary family of Victoria is the mastermind behind the scenes manipulating everything. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices in a hurry to get Fox on the lives of Edward and Bella created a great threat to werewolf ethnic Karen family decided to go to a joint deal with a common enemy. Irreconcilable contradictions of Ice and Fire, the balance of love and sacrifice, the Bella found her to be devoted not only the soul ... ... When you can never die, why would you live? "Eclipse" to unveil the dark veil, displaying a struggling body and soul. Karen irreconcilable groups of family and the werewolf asked how the conflict be resolved? Edward is the angelic kind of Beira and glass-like step on the fragile marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella, and her childhood had on the ordinary human life? From the dawn began to break the "twilight", experienced the "crescent" of the heart-breaking and the "eclipse" of the grief, the reader in mind mysteries in the "dawn" hours unravels, while the complex will eventually be the truth in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact. 《破晓-breaking dawn》 "Dawn-breaking dawn" When life is that you can give your loved ones all the time, how can you not dedicate her life to him? For Bella, the hopelessly in love with Edward, the live in a fantasy like full of sweet, but also like the nightmare of unfathomable. No matter what kind of choices she made, will affect the fate of the two groups. The two first hand from the moment, Bella and Edward be able to understand each other to find the other half of their own, love is like sunshine after the rain, like moist of their soul. Happiness makes me feel warm, but people skating on thin ice. From two different worlds of taboo love, like a manic storm ravaged afflicted two fragile hearts. Since Bella brave enough to make decisions, a series of alarming events that have accompanied the unprecedented start in this turbulent year, the temptation and conflict, will lead her toward the last crucial moment. Bella Piaowu frame of mind will eventually Trees? She and Edward, Jacob three final fate is going to be? Like the dawn after the long night, this soul-stirring, 1000 back to 100 rpm romance eventually ushered surprising, breathless conclusion. 《午夜阳光-midnight sun》 "Midnight sun-midnight sun" By Edward"s point of view about the contents of the twilight. Mel"s meticulous mind, gentle and deep portrayal of the beautiful Bifeng Edward this role. And because the male lead has a mind-reading ability, while a more detailed image shows the bella Fox first came to town bit by bit. Show the reader a more concrete image of the real Edward. Note: Due to publishing without permission from the author unauthorized publication of "midnight sun" manuscript of the first 12 chapters, the author decided to suspend writing. Recently, due to strong demand the reader, the author will consider will continue to be creative.

布斯韦利士 主演过电影?

《虎胆龙威》(Die Hard,1988) 《虎胆龙威2》(Die Hard 2: Die Harder,1990) 《虎胆神偷》(Hudson Hawk,1991) 《飞越长生》(Death Bees Her,1992) 《危险人物》(Pulp Fiction,1994) 《虎胆龙威3》(Die Hard: With a Vengeance,1995) 《十二猴子》(Twelve Monkeys,1995) 《第五元素》(The Fifth Element,1997) 《水银蒸发令》(Mercury Rising,1998) 《绝世天劫》(Armageddon,1998) 《鬼眼》(The Sixth Sense,1999) 《这个杀手不眨眼》(The Whole Nine Yards,2000) 《不死劫》(Unbreakable,2000) 《战鹰一号》(Tears of the Sun,2003) 《这个杀手不眨眼2》(The Whole Ten Yards,2004) 《盗海豪情12瞒徒》(Ocean"s Twelve,2004):扮演自己。 《虎胆狙击》(Hostage,2005) 《虎胆龙威4.0》(LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD / Die Hard 4.0,2007) 参考: zh. *** /w/index?title=%E5%B8%83%E6%96%AF%E9%9F%8B%E5%88%A9%E5%A3%AB&variant=zh- 神探南茜 Nancy Drew (2007) 勾引陌生人 Perfect Stranger (2007) 刑房 Grindhouse (2007) 终极警探4.0 Die Hard 4 (2007) 农民太空人 The Astronaut Farmer (2007) Hammy"s Boomerang Adventure (2006) 森林保卫战 Over the Hedge (2006) 快餐王国 Fast Food Nation (2006) 抓狂暴走族 Alpha Dog (2006) 关键密码 Lucky Number Slevin (2006) 狙击封锁线 16 Blocks (2006) "That "70s Show"(1 episode 2005) 终极人质 Hostage (2005) 万恶城市 Sin City (2005) 杀手不眨眼2 The Whole Ten Yards (2004) 霹雳娇娃2:全速进攻 Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) 原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild! (2003) 猎日风暴 Tears of the Sun (2003) True West (2002) Grand Champion (2002) 终极土匪 Bandits (2001) 哈特战争 Hart"s War (2001) 惊心动魄 Unbreakable (2000) 杀手不眨眼 The Whole Nine Yards (2000) 扭转未来 The Kid (2000) 六人行"Friends"(3 episodes 2000) 冠军的早餐 Breakfast of Champions (1999) 灵异第六感 The Sixth Sense (1999) Kiss情人 The Story of Us (1999) 艾莉的异想世界/甜心俏佳人(1 episode 1999) 紧急动员 The Siege (1998) 世界末日 Armageddon (1998) 终极密码战 Mercury Rising (1998) 绝对目标-豺狼末日 The Jackal (1997) 第五元素 The Fifth Element (1997) 瘪四与大头蛋Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996) 终极悍将 The Last Man Standing (1996) "Bruno the Kid" (1996) TV Series (voice) Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) 未来总动员 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 疯狂终结者 Four Rooms (1995) 终极警探3 Die Hard:With a Vengeance (1995) 大智若愚Nobody"s Fool (1994) 夜色 Color of Night (1994) 浪子保镳 North (1994) 黑色追缉令 Pulp fiction (1995) 终极警探总动员 Striking Distance (1993) 重装武器Loaded Weapon 1 (1993) 捉神弄鬼 Death Bees Her (1992) 终极尖兵 The Last Boy Scout (1991) 强者为王 Billy Bathgate (1991) 终极神鹰 Hudson Hawk (1991) 致命的迷思 Mortal Thoughts (1991) 走夜路的男人 Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) 看谁又在说话 Look Who"s Talking Too (1990) 终极警探2 Die Hard 2 (1990) 看谁在说话 Look Who"s Talking (1989) 冷暖天涯 In Country (1989) 双面娇娃"Moonlighting"(37 episodes 1985-1989) 终极警探 Die Hard (1988) 比佛力山终极警探Sunset (1988) 回归布鲁诺The Return of Bruno (1988) 盲目约会Blind Date (1987) 阴阳魔界"The Twilight Zone"(1 episode 1985) 迈阿密天龙"Miami Vice"(1 episode 1984) 大审判The Verdict (1982) Guru kommt Ein (1980) 无头血案 The First Deadly Sin (1980) 终极警探4.0 2007 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/d/pics_fden5033797801 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/d/pics_fden5033797803 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/d/pics_fden5033797804 勾引陌生人 2007 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/p/pics_fpen5045743301 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/p/pics_fpen5045743302 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/p/pics_fpen5045743303 抓狂暴走族 2006 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/a/pics_faen5042688317 狙击封锁线 2006 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/b/pics_fben4045023201 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/b/pics_fben4045023202 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/b/pics_fben4045023203 关键密码 2006 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/l/pics_flen0042521006 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/l/pics_flen0042521007 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/l/pics_flen0042521008 终极人质 2005 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/h/pics_fhen0034016301 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/h/pics_fhen0034016302 图片参考:photo2.atmovies/movie/photo/pics/h/pics_fhen0034016303 参考: imdb/name/nm0000246/ Have a look here: imdb/name/nm0000246/ 参考: IMDb

《碧波女贼》德国电影 1997年作品 又名《坏宝贝》英文名Bandits 请问哪里有下载啊 找了好久都找不到

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Gj65PxYrMk599RA0x7mwuQ 提取码: firn     《坏宝贝/碧波女贼》是1997年上映的德国法国剧情片,由卡嘉·冯·加纳执导,Katja Riemann、Jasmin Tabatabai等主演。该片讲述了个女人在牢狱里组成乐队,她们用音乐摆托监狱的桎梏。在一次前往为警察演奏的过程中,她们越狱而逃。她们用摇滚发自内心的呐喊。



求10部英文电影的简介 简介字要少。

作业都提问啊。- -




以下是我们英语老师推荐的,你可以参考一下:美国百部经典电影1. Citizen Kane·1941 大国民;公民凯恩 2. Casanblanca·1943 北非谍影 3. The Godfather·1972 教父第一集 4. Gone with the Wind·1939 乱世佳人;飘 5. Lawrence of Arabia·1962 阿拉伯的劳伦斯;沙漠枭雄 6. The wizard of Oz·1939 绿野仙踪 7. The Graduate·1967 毕业生 8. On the waterfront·1954 岸上风云;码头风云 9. Schindler′s List·1993 辛德勒的名单;辛德勒名单 10. Singing in the Rain·1952 万花嬉春;雨中曲 11. It′s a wonderful life·1946 风云人物 12. Sunset Bouevard·1950 日落大道 13. The Bridge on the river Kwai·1957 桂河大桥;桂河桥 14. Some Like It Hot·1959 热情如火 15. Star Wars·1977 星际大战;星球大战 16. All About Eve·1950 彗星美人 17. The African Queen·1951 非洲皇后 18. Psycho·1960 惊魂记 19. Chinatown·1974 唐人街; 中国城 20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo′s Nest·1975 飞跃杜鹃窝;飞越疯人院 21. The Grapes of Wrath·1940 怒火之花 22. 2001: A Space Odyssay·1968 2001太空漫游 23. The Maltese Falcon·1941 枭巢喋血战 24. Raging Bull·1980 蛮牛 25. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial·1982 外星人 26. Dr. Strangelove·1964 奇爱博士 27. Bonne and Clyde·1967 我俩没有明天;雌雄大盗 28. Apocalypse Now·1979 现代启示录 29. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington·1939 史密斯先生上美京 30. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre·1948 碧血金沙 31. Annie Hall·1977 安尼·霍尔;安尼荷尔 32. The Godfather Part II·1974 教父第二集 33. High Noon·1952 日正当中;龙城歼霸战 34. To Kill a Mockingbird·1962 梅岗城故事 35. It happened One Night·1934 一夜风流 36. Midnight Cowboy·1969 午夜牛郎 37. The Best Years of Our Lives·1946 黄金时代 38. Double Indemnity·1944 双重保险 39. Doctor Zhivago·1965 日瓦格医生 40. North by Northwest·1959 北西北 41. West Side Story·1961 西城故事;西区故事;梦断城西 42. Rear Window·1954 后窗 43. King Kong·1933 大金刚 44. the Birth of a Nation·1915 国家的诞生 45. A Streetcar Named Desire·1951 欲望街车;欲望号街车 46. A Clockwork Orange·1971 发条橘子 47. Taxi Driver·1976 计程车司机;的士司机 48. Jaws·1975 大白鲨 49. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs·1937 白雪公主 50. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid·1969 虎豹小霸王 51. The Philadelphia Story·1940 费城故事 52. From Here to Eternity·1953 红粉忠魂未了情 53. Amadeus·1984 阿玛迪斯; 莫扎特 54. All Quiet on the Westernfront·1930 西线无战事 55. The Sound of Music·1965 真善美; 音乐之声; 仙乐飘飘处处闻 56. M*A*S*H·1970 外科医生;风流医生俏护士 57. The Third Man·1949 黑狱亡魂;第三者 58. Fantasia·1940 幻想曲 59. Rebel Without a Cause·1955 善子不教谁之过;阿飞正传 60. Raiders of the Lost Ark·1981 法柜奇兵 61. Vertigo·1958 迷魂记 62. Tootsie·1982 窈窕淑男(宝贝) 63. Stagecoach·1939 驿马车 64. Close Encounters of the Third Kind·1977 第三类接触 65. The Silence of the Lambs·1991 沉默的羔羊 66. Network·1976 荧光屏后 67. The Manchurian Candidate·1962 谍网迷魂 68. An American in Paris·1951 花都舞影(一个美国人在巴黎) 69. Shane·1953 原野奇侠 70. The French Connection·1971 霹雳神探(法国贩毒网) 71. Forrest Gump·1994 阿甘正传 72. Ben-Hur·1959 宾汉(宾虚) 73. Wuthering Heights·1939 咆哮山庄;呼啸山庄 74. the gold rush·1925 淘金记 75. Dances with wolves·1990 与狼共舞 76. City Lights·1931 城市之光 77. American Graffiti·1973 美国风情画(美国往事) 78. Rocky·1976 洛基第一集 79. The Deer Hunter·1978 越战猎鹿人 80. The wild Bunch·1969 日落黄沙 81. Modern Times·1936 摩登时代 82. Giant·1956 巨人 83. Platoon·1986 前进高棉;野战排 84. Fargo·1996 冰血暴风;雪花高城 85. Duck soup·1933 鸭羹 86. Mutiny on the Bounty·1935 叛舰喋血记 87. Frankenstein·1931 科学怪人 88. Easy Rider·1969 逍遥骑士;迷幻车手 89. Patton·1970 巴顿将军 90. The Jazz singer·1927 爵士歌手 91. My Fair Lady·1964 窈窕淑女 92. A Place in the sun·1951 郎心如铁 93. the Apartment·1960 公寓春光;桃色公寓 94. good fellas·1990 四海好家伙 95. Pulp Fiction·994 黑色追缉令(庸俗小说) 96. the Searchers·1956 搜索者 97. Bringing up Baby·1938 育婴奇谭 98. Unforgiven·1992 杀无赦 99. Guess Who′s Coming to Dinner·1967 谁来晚餐;谁来付宴君且猜 100. Yankee doodle Dandy·1942 胜利之歌 美国校园经典影片暮光之城 青春爱欲吻 怪女孩出列 超人高校 舞出我人生12 灰姑娘之舞动奇迹 足球尤物 麻辣宝贝 恋爱刺客 冰雪公主 校园兔女郎 新乌龙女校 大学新生 水瓶座女孩 美女啦拉队12345 青春爱欲吻 美人鱼蓝玉 劲歌飞扬 灰姑娘的故事 倒霉爱神 高校天后 平民天后 独领风骚 歌舞青春123 我的朋友是明星 她是一切 彻夜狂欢 中央舞台12 牛仔裤的夏天12 魔法奇缘 穿prada的恶魔 律政俏佳人 公主日记 第一女儿 总统千金欧游记 录取通知 超完美男人 男女变错身 野孩子 一吻定江山 辣妈辣妹 美眉校探 邻家女孩 让我疯狂 恋爱学分 南茜朱尔 失恋大不同 欢喜冤家 独领风骚 风云才女 王子与我 纽约时刻 校花猫拼 军校女孩
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