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2023-05-19 15:27:43
TAG: 电影 英文

9 years after infiltrating a chemical weapons facility in Russia, where

friend and fellow M:I-6 agent Alec Trevelyan 006 was killed by corrupt

Russian military officer General Ourumov. Seductive British secret agent

James Bond 007 is assigned by his new boss, a female "M" to recover

"GoldenEye" the access key to a top secret space weapon orbiting the

Earth which fires a electromagnetic pulse which shuts down all

electronic equipment. The "GoldenEye" has been stolen from the Severnya

space research station by General Ourumov and the lethal and deadly

Xenia Onatopp and slaughtered everyone at Servernya. Helped by Russian

computer programmer Natalya Siminova, who was the sole survivor of the

Servernya massacre and witnessed Ourumov and Xenia steal the

"GoldenEye", Bond learns Ourumov and Xenia are working for Alec

Trevelyan, now a renegade M:I-6, and 006 plans on using GoldenEye to

wipe out London. 007 and Natalya set out to Cuba where Bond faces

Trevelyan in a thrilling showdown as 007 sets out to save London from





orbiting 英["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ] 美["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ] v. 在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行( orbit的现在分词 ); 沿轨道运行; 绕转; [网络] 环绕; 轨道运行; 旋转运动; [例句]They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。[其他] 形近词: habiting debiting
2023-01-02 06:08:272

lunar orbiting的音标

lunar orbiting绕月轨道lunar[英][ˈlu:nə(r)][美][ˈlunɚ]adj.阴历的; 月的,月球的; (光)苍白的,微弱的; 银的,含银的; orbiting[英]["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ][美]["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ]v.在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行( orbit的现在分词 ); 沿轨道运行; 绕转; 请采纳
2023-01-02 06:08:431


2023-01-02 06:08:516

While____the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.

这是带连词的现在分词短语 作状语 相当于 一个 状语从句 答案是 D) orbiting 因为与句子主语是主动关系 故用现在分词 While _orbiting_ the sun,= While _it is orbiting_ the sun当状语从句 的主语 与句子主语 一致 的情况下 可以用分词短语 代替 状语从句
2023-01-02 06:09:113


歌曲:gotta have you歌手:the weepies 专辑:say i am you • 搜索"gotta have you"LRC歌词• 搜索"gotta have you"mp3 [ti:gotta have you][ar:the weepies][al:say i am you][by:shane zheng]song:gotta have yousinger:the weepiesalbum:say i am yougray, quiet and tired and meanpicking at a worried seami try to make you mad at me over the phonered eyes and fire and signsi"m taken by a nursery rhymei want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave homeno amount of coffeeno amount of cryingno amount of whiskeyno amount of wineno, nothing else will doi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youthe road gets coldthere"s no spring in the middle this yeari"m the new chicken clucking open hearts and earsoh, such a prima donnasorry for myselfbut green, it is also summerand i won"t be warm till i"m lying in your armsno amount of coffeeno amount of cryingno amount of whiskeyno amount of wineno, nothing else will doi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youi see it all through a telescope:guitar, suitcase, and a warm coatlying in the back of the blue boathumming a amount of coffeeno amount of cryingno amount of whiskeyno amount of wineno, nothing else will doi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youno amount of coffeeno amount of cryingno amount of whiskeyno amount of wineno, nothing else will doi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youi"ve gotta have youthe weepies - gotta have yousay i am you
2023-01-02 06:09:222


  地球是我们共同生活家园,大自然生灵母亲存在更多的爱,友谊,情感,喜怒哀乐,做出贡献,科技探索宇宙万物,知识了解这世界,生活上虽然有很多丰富趣味,平时探索地球生命要素征程继续前进,探索地球正邪远古神话终结文明-世界末日等等,那么你知道地球的英文怎么念吗?一起来学习一下吧!   地球的英文读法:   earth 英 [?:θ] 美 [?:rθ]   词组习语:   bring (或 come) back (down) to earth   1. 使(幻想或兴奋之后)回到现实;回到现实   the earth moved (或 did the earth move for you?)      go to earth   1. (猎物)逃入地洞   like nothing on earth   1. (非正式)像是来自外星的,极怪异的   他们像是来自外星。   they looked like nothing on earth.   on earth   1. 究竟:包括所有可能性的情况下   你到底为什么要穿上这套服装?   Why on earth did you put on that outfit?   地球的英文例句:   1. I was shocked, brought down to earth by this revelation.   真相的披露让我深感震惊,我被带回了现实。   2. They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.   可能的话,他们会千方百计地阻止我。   3. Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.   气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。   4. The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today.   “亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。   5. The earth shook and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them.   地面摇晃,周围房屋的墙体在他们身边倒塌。   6. Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.   我们的新居是在地里挖出的一个洞。   7. The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the parched earth.   乌云聚涌,倾盆大雨落在焦干的大地上。   8. A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.   一个俄罗斯太空舱目前正在绕地球轨道飞行。   9. He wanted to be the fastest man on earth.   他想成为世界上跑得最快的人。   10. Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth, good, working-class people.   那里的大多数人都是吃苦耐劳、心地善良的工人阶级。   11. The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.   新发现的行星大约是地球的10倍那么大。   12. There is an asteroid on a collision course with the Earth.   有一颗小行星可能会与地球发生碰撞。   13. Before you is a well-worn path of beaten earth.   在你面前是一条踩出来的陈年小道。   14. The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.   该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。   15. Geologists have studied the way that heat flows from the earth.   地质学家曾研究过热量如何散出地球。
2023-01-02 06:09:301


2023-01-02 06:09:425


The Moon is Earth"s only natural satellite. It has no formal name other than "The Moon", although in English it is occasionally called Luna (Latin for moon), or Selene (Greek for moon), to distinguish it from the generic "moon" (natural satellites of other planets are also called moons).
2023-01-02 06:10:003


有关宇宙的英语阅读   关于宇宙,大家都有无限的想象,下面我收集了一些有关宇宙的英语阅读文章,一起来欣赏一下吧!   【宇宙中可能存在其他“地球”】   The Kepler orbiting observatory was launched with a simple mission - to find other Earths. NASA describes it as "a search for habitable planets."   随着一项简单的任务,寻找其他“地球”,开普勒轨道天文台启动。美国宇航局将其描述为“一次对可居住的星球的搜寻”。   And analysis of its first 136 days of data has already begun - with scientists combing through scans of 150,000 stars, and evidence of 1,235 potential planets.   通过扫描浏览150,000颗恒星,科学家们已经开始分析梳理头136天的数据,结果表明有1,235颗可能的行星。   Such information is fascinating in itself - but it also allows scientists to work out projections using statistical analysis.   这类消息本身很吸引人的,但同时也需要科学家们运用数据分析得出推测。   One analysis has predicted that one-third of "sun-like" stars - stars with the classification F, G or K - will have planets similar to Earth.   一项分析推测,三分之一的类太阳恒星,即F, G 或 K类恒星,将会有类似地球的行星存在。   Traub says, “About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet.”   Traub说:“根据预测,大约三分之一的F, G 或 K类类恒星会至少有一个行星类似地球,拥有可居住区域。”   Traub used statistical analysis to "predict" planets that had not been detected by Kepler, and whether they would be within the "habitable zone". Traub"s analysis hints that there may be even more potential "Earths" orbiting them than previously thought - and that this "principle" would extend to stars not yet scanned by Kepler.   Traub运用数据分析推测出尚未被开普勒轨道天文台侦察到的行星,同时推测出是否有可居住区域。这项分析暗示,或许有比从前预想的更多的潜在“地球”在进行着轨道运动,这一原则将会拓展到还没被开普勒轨道天文台扫描到的地区。   Some commenters felt that Traub"s "habitable zones" were too generous, it included planets shrouded in icy clouds of carbon dioxide.   一些批评家们觉得,Traub的“可居住区”太过笼统,还包括了被结冰的二氧化碳云层笼罩的行星。   The $600 million Kepler spacecraft, which launched in March 2009, is staring continuously at a patch of sky containing about 150,000 stars in the Cygnus constellation.   2009年3月,花费6亿美元的开普勒宇宙飞船发射,一直不断的探测着包含着150,000颗恒星的天鹅座。   The high-tech equipment analyses each stars" light every 30 minutes, watching for telltale dips in brightness which may indicate a planet is crossing its path.   高科技设备分析了每一颗恒星每30分钟的光,等待他们沐浴在光亮下的迹象,这意味着一刻行星正在通过它的`路径。   Sophisticated sifting software is used to send the data to earth-bound scientists, who scour the results. As Kepler continues to scan, data - and analyses such as Traub"s paper - will continue to become more accurate.   复杂精致的筛选软件被用于给地球上的科学家发送数据,他们负责弄清楚结果。随着开普勒轨道天文台的继续扫描,数据与分析(例如Traub文件)将会继续变得更加准确。   【黑洞中可能存在超越人类的文明】   Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable, the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes, a Russian cosmologist has theorised. Vyacheslav Dokuchaev has even suggested that if life did exist inside the SBH, it would have evolved to become the most advanced civilisation in the galaxy.   尽管超大质量黑洞被认为最具破坏力并且绝对无法居住,然而俄罗斯的一名宇宙学家理论上认为,黑洞中有生命存在的条件。Vyacheslav Dokuchaev甚至曾暗示说,如果黑洞中真的有生命存在,他们已经进化成银河中最先进的文明。   Supermassive black holes are such powerful gravitational forces that they suck in everything around them, including light, and nothing that crosses the black hole"s "event horizon(at the lip of the black hole)" is ever seen again.   超大质量黑洞引力非常强大,会将它周围的一切都吸进去,任何穿过黑洞视界(即黑洞的边缘)的东西都将永无再现之日,包括光。   But now Dokuchaev, of Moscow"s Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says existing evidence combined with new research throws up intriguing possibilities for certain types of black holes.   但是现在,莫斯科核研究所俄罗斯科学院的Dokuchaev说,现有证据结合最新的研究引出了对特定类型黑洞来说非常有趣的可能性。   Inside a charged, rotating black hole there are regions where photons can survive in stable periodic orbits. Dokuchaev specialises in studying those orbits and their dynamics.   带电荷的、旋转的黑洞中,光子能够在一些区域内幸存,并且进行稳定的、周期性轨道运行。   He speculates, in a paper published in Cornell University"s online journal arXiv, that if there are stable orbits for photons, there is no reason why there could not be stable orbits for larger objects, such as planets.   Dokuchaev在发表在美国康奈尔大学网络期刊arXiv的一篇论文中推测说,如果光子在黑洞中有稳定轨道,比如行星等大的物体在黑洞中没有稳定轨道是非常没有理由的。   The problem is that these stable orbits would only exist once you have crossed the threshold of the event horizon, where time and space flow into one another.   问题是,只有曾穿过黑洞视界的临界才会存在稳定轨道,那里时间与空间会流入其他地方。   However, beyond the event horizon is another domain, known as the Cauchy horizon, where time and space return to stable states. It is inside the Cauchy horizon that life could exist, Dokuchaev argues in the paper published in arXiv, and the type of life that could exist in those conditions - where they would be subject to massive fluctuating tidal forces - would have evolved beyond ours.   然而,黑洞视界的另一边是一片被称作柯西视界的领域,那里的时空会恢复到稳定状态。Dokuchaev在发表在arXiv的论文中主张,柯西视界中有生命存在的可能, 而且在那种条件下存活的生命很可能进化的比人类还好,他们可能受支配与巨大的、波动的潮汐力。   Though that is a spine-tingling thought, Dokuchaev"s proposition can only ever remain theoretical. Because nothing can ever escape from a black hole due to its enormous gravitational pull, we will never know if it is true.   虽然这是一个令人兴奋的想法,可是Dokuchaev的这项议题很可能永远只停留在理论层面。因为任何事物都无法逃离黑洞的巨大引力,我们永远也无法知道Dokuchaev的议题是不是真的。 ;
2023-01-02 06:10:101


  earth有地球;泥土;世间等意思,那么你知道earth的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    earth的用法:   earth的用法1:earth的基本意思是“地球”,指相对于其他天体来说,为人类生存提供条件的星体; 还可指“大地,地面,陆地”,指相对于天空而言的为人类和其他生物提供居住地的地球表面。earth还可指“泥土,土壤”。earth引申可指“全人类”; earth用于比喻还可指“大量的钱”。   earth的用法2:earth作“地球”解时常以单数形式出现,前加定冠词,也可作为专有名词,这时要用(the) Earth的形式,冠词可有可无,而现在多用the earth形式,但如果和天空、天体相对时,前面常不加冠词。   earth的用法3:earth作“泥土,土壤”解时,是物质名词,泛指时不用冠词,特指或类指时须用定冠词。   earth的用法4:on earth意为“究竟”,可用在疑问句或否定句中加强语气。    earth的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   burn the earth   come down〔back〕 to earth   down to earth   in the earth   like nothing on earth   move heaven and earth   on earth   run to earth    earth的用法例句:   1. I was shocked, brought down to earth by this revelation.   真相的披露让我深感震惊,我被带回了现实。   2. They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.   可能的话,他们会千方百计地阻止我。   3. Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.   气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。   4. The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today.   “亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。   5. The earth shook and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them.   地面摇晃,周围房屋的墙体在他们身边倒塌。   6. Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.   我们的新居是在地里挖出的一个洞。   7. The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the parched earth.   乌云聚涌,倾盆大雨落在焦干的大地上。   8. A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.   一个俄罗斯太空舱目前正在绕地球轨道飞行。   9. He wanted to be the fastest man on earth.   他想成为世界上跑得最快的人。   10. Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth, good, working-class people.   那里的大多数人都是吃苦耐劳、心地善良的工人阶级。   11. The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.   新发现的行星大约是地球的10倍那么大。   12. There is an asteroid on a collision course with the Earth.   有一颗小行星可能会与地球发生碰撞。   13. Before you is a well-worn path of beaten earth.   在你面前是一条踩出来的陈年小道。   14. The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.   该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。   15. Geologists have studied the way that heat flows from the earth.   地质学家曾研究过热量如何散出地球。
2023-01-02 06:10:211

伽利略 英文

Heliocentric model 地心说,这是英文的 Galileo,伽利略A planet with smaller planets orbiting it was problematic for the orderly, comprehensive picture of the geocentric model of the universe, in which everything was supposed to circle around the Earth. As a consequence, many astronomers and philosophers initially refused to believe that Galileo could have discovered such a thing.Galileo continued to observe the satellites over the next eighteen months, and by mid 1611 he had obtained remarkably accurate estimates for their periods—a feat which Kepler had believed impossible.From September 1610, Galileo observed that Venus exhibited a full set of phases similar to that of the Moon. The heliocentric model of the solar system developed by Copernicus predicted that all phases would be visible since the orbit of Venus around the Sun would cause its illuminated hemisphere to face the Earth when it was on the opposite side of the Sun and to face away from the Earth when it was on the Earth-side of the Sun. In contrast, the geocentric model of Ptolemy predicted that only crescent and new phases would be seen, since Venus was thought to remain between the Sun and Earth during its orbit around the Earth. Galileo"s observations of the phases of Venus proved that it orbited the Sun and lent support to (but did not prove) the heliocentric model.
2023-01-02 06:10:261


中国航天业开创于1956年。几十年来,中国航天事业创造了一个又一个奇迹。China"s space industry was founded in 1956. For decades, China"s space industry has created miracles after miracles.2. 1970年,中国成功发射了第一颗人造地球卫星,成为世界第五个独立自主研制和发射人造地球卫星的国家In 1970, China successfully launched the first man-made earth satellite, becoming the world"s fifth country that conducts independent research and development on artificial earth satellite.3.1992年,中国开始实施载人航天飞行工程(manned spaceflight program)。In 1992, China began to implement the manned spaceflight program.4.2003年,中国成为发射了“神舟五号”载人飞船,使中国成为第三个发射载人飞船的国家。In 2003, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft, making China the third country to launch manned spacecraft.5.2007年发射了“嫦娥一号”,即第一颗绕月球飞行(lunar-orbiting)的人造卫星。5. In 2007, "Chang"e I" was launched, becoming the first artificial lunar-orbiting satellite.6. 2013年,第五艘载人飞船“神舟十号”发射成功,为中国空间站的建设打下了基础6. In 2013, the fifth manned spacecraft "Shenzhou 10" launched successfully, laying down the foundation for China"s space station development.
2023-01-02 06:10:341


已经存在的线索,从一开始,当阿波罗8号上的宇航员成为第一个人离开他们的家行星的轨道。环绕月球在1968年,实现梦想的Chritsmas夏娃一样老,他们真正的奇迹人类本身不包括死在他们下面的灰色行星,但是在这个充满活力的蓝色地球的距离,第3个人看到月亮接近很快意识到,另一个更深刻的意义——他们的崇敬第3个人看到地球从远处earthrise见证了使他们感觉谦卑的. 他们看了几章的成因,全球数百万观众,签下,“圣诞快乐,愿上帝保佑你们所有的人,你在好土�。”
2023-01-02 06:10:422


目前有4大全球卫星导航系统( globalnavigation satellite system, GNSS),包括中国的北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou navigation satellite system,BDS)、美国的全球定位系统( global positioningsystem, GPS )、 欧 盟的伽利略卫星导航系统(Galileo navigation satellite system, Galileo)和俄罗斯的格洛纳斯卫星导航系统(global orbitingnavigation satellite system, GLONASS)。其中,BDS和 GPS 已服务全球,性能相当;功能方面,BDS较 GPS 多了区域短报文和全球短报文功能。GLONASS 虽已服役全球,但性能相比 BDS 和 GPS稍逊,且 GLONASS 轨道倾角较大,导致其在低纬度地区性能较差。Galileo的观测量质量较好,但星载钟稳定性稍差,导致系统可靠性较差[5]。GPS系统由来和发展美国国防部( United States Department ofDefense, DOD)于 1973 年决定成立 GPS 计划联合办公室,由军方联合开发全球测时与测距导航定位系统(navigation system with time and ranging,NAVSTAR)/GPS)。整个系统的建设分 3 个阶段实施:第 1 阶段(1973-1979 年),系统原理方案可行性验证阶段(含设备研制);第 2 阶段(1979-1983 年),系统试验研究(对系统设备进行试验)与系统设备研制阶段;第 3 阶段(1983-1988 年),工程发展和完成阶段。从 1978 年发射第 1 颗 GPS 卫星,到 1994 年 3 月 10 日完成 21颗工作卫星加 3 颗备用卫星的卫星星座配置,1995 年4 月,美国国防部正式宣布 GPS 具备完全工作能力。GPS 的建设历经 20年,其系统由空间段、运控段、用户段 3 大部分组成,整个星座额定有 24 颗卫星,分置在 6 个中轨道面内,它的优良性能被誉为是一场导航领域的革命。GPS 提供标准定位服务(standard positioning system, SPS)和精密定位业务(precise positioning service, PPS),在包含选择可用性技术(selective availability,SA)影响时,SPS 的定位精度水平为 100 m(95 %的概率),不含 SA 影响为 20~30 m,定时精度为 340 ns;PPS定位精度可在 10 m 以内[
2023-01-02 06:10:531


2023-01-02 06:10:592


2023-01-02 06:11:072

高分 求 翻译 谁能帮我翻译一下

2023-01-02 06:11:171


2023-01-02 06:11:238


2023-01-02 06:12:032


新年好!春节愉快!Happy Chinese New Year !楼主的问题是:质点组的动量为零,则该质点组的角动量也必为零,这句话对吗?答:不对!1、质点组的动量为0,这个动量momentum,是合动量,是 resultant momentum,这只能表示质点组的质心mass centre 没有运动,没有整体平动translation,但不能排除质点组在 做有规则的转动,包括自转rotation/spining跟公转revolution/ orbiting。2、在理想的没有摩擦力的光滑桌面上的陀螺的转动, 整体的动量 可以为0,但只要陀螺转起来,角动量angular momentum就一定 不会为0。
2023-01-02 06:12:111


Four ways to space tourism Broadly speaking, space tourism is often referred to at least four kinds of channels: the parabolic flight aircraft, flying at high altitude near space, sub-orbital flight and orbital flight. ▲ 5000 U.S. Dollar parabolic flight experience Parabolic flight is not the true sense of space tourism, it is only about half a minute let visitors experience the feeling of weightlessness in space, astronauts experience weightlessness training in order to use this method often. If tourists take the Russian cosmonaut training, "Doyle -76" and other aircraft for parabolic flight, which costs about 5000 U.S. dollars. ▲ 1 million U.S. Dollar to experience high-altitude flight Close to the high-altitude flight in space is not real space tourism, but it allows visitors to experience only in a very high sense of space. When the tourists flew to the ground from an altitude of 18 kilometers, we will see in the Earth"s terrain at the foot of the head curve and the dark sky, feel a sense of boundless open. Currently planned for the implementation of the aircraft which in Russia"s "MIG -25" and "MIG -31" high-performance fighter aircraft. These aircraft can fly more than 24 kilometers high, by their travel fare for each is about 10,000 U.S. dollars. ▲ 10 million U.S. Dollar to experience sub-orbital flight Sub-orbital flight can produce a few minutes of weightlessness, the U.S. private manned spacecraft "spacecraft on the 1st," and the Russian plan developed by "C-XXI" space tourism is such a typical flight, they die in the rocket engine and re-entry During the few minutes of weightlessness can be. The price of this flight is about 100,000 U.S. dollars per person. ▲ 2000 million U.S. Dollar orbit experience Americans Olson"s experience is a real sense of the orbital space tourism flights ---. Tourism a tool to achieve orbit international space station is mainly for tourists to reach the space station"s "bus" is the Russian "alliance" and the United States space shuttle. The United States and Colombia after crash space, space tourism sector are turning their attention to the "Alliance" series of spacecraft. By their travel fare for each is about 20 million U.S. dollars.
2023-01-02 06:12:174


2023-01-02 06:12:312


1. outstanding pilot2. return to the ground3. circle around the earth for 14 weeks4. medical checkup5. in good physical condition
2023-01-02 06:12:426


寻找我的机器人全部释义和例句>>Find my robot robot 英[ˈrəʊbɒt] 美[ˈroʊbɑ:t] n. 机器人; 遥控装置; 自动机; 机械呆板的人; [例句]They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。[其他] 复数:robots
2023-01-02 06:13:071


美国宇航局(NASA)的探测器刚刚着陆过的小行星原来是空心的,而且里面空心的部分非常大,这个小行星的自转可能最后会把自己给转没了。 翻译:涂博士 小行星贝努(Bennu)现在变得越来越离奇了。 当美国宇航局(NASA)决定发送探测器降落在一个太空中的岩石上并带回样本时,它选择了贝努(Bennu)小行星,因为这个小行星表面看上去比较光滑,是探测器降落的好地方。但是,当Osiris-Rex航天器飞了2亿英里的旅程到达贝努(Bennu)小行星后,航天器发回来的影像显示出小行星表面上到处是大小不同的砾石。 美国宇航局(NASA)最终选择了一个它能找到的相对最平坦的地点,在上个月探测器掠过这个行星的表面,趁机在表面上刮了一些东西下来,整个采样过程非常顺利。但是,让所有人感到惊讶的是:这颗小行星的表面的岩土非常的松软,当飞行器碰触到小行星的表面时,表面上的岩土随即垮塌了下去。 探测器的采样方式是对着小行星的表面喷射出一股氮气,通过氮气对小行星表面的冲击溅起一阵岩石和尘埃,然后采样器就可以把溅起的岩石和尘埃给收集起来。但科学家没有想到的是,用这个方法溅起的岩石和尘埃太多以至于把采样器里面塞满到门都关不紧,这样采样器里面好不容易收集的外星尘土随后又不断地泄漏到太空中去。 科学家们总算及时堵住了漏洞,所以样品损失还不算太大。不过这个问题解决后,科学家又发现了更大的惊奇。最近,科罗拉多大学的研究人员根据Osiris-Rex探测器在过去两年收集的数据得出结论,探测器一直绕着转的贝努(Bennu)小行星里面可能是空心的。 负责这项研究的大学航空航天工程学系教授丹尼尔·谢里斯(Daniel Scheeres)在新闻发布会上说:“就好像在这个小行星的中心里面有一个可以容纳几个足球场大小的空心地带。” 更重要的是,贝努(Bennu)行星的自转可能会把自己给转散架。 “整个东西都在散架” 当Osiris-Rex探测器在围绕着贝努(Bennu)小行星运行时,探测器测量了小行星对其的万有引力的大小。与此同时,贝努(Bennu)小行星的自转也会将一些弹子大小的碎石从地面上甩到空中去,进入到环绕小行星运行的轨道,然后其中的一些碎石会回落到小行星的表面上。通过跟踪这些碎石的运动轨迹,地面控制中心的人员能够计算出贝努(Bennu)小行星的重力强度。 由于重力来自于质量(译者注:如果不记得重力和质量的关系,可以复习一下初中物理里面的牛顿定律),因此通过这两组数据,谢里斯(Scheeres)团队可以计算出小行星内部物质的分布情况。 谢里斯(Scheeres)团队发现贝努(Bennu)小行星的质量分布远不是均衡的,贝努(Bennu)小行星自旋的力量似乎正在将其内部物质推向表面,小行星最薄的部分位于其凸起的赤道处。谢里斯(Scheeres)团队的这一研究结果发表于10月8日的《科学进展》杂志上(在Osiris-Rex探测器的短暂登陆之前)。 贝努(Bennu)小行星每四个小时完成一次自转,而且它的自转速度以后只会越来越快。 谢里斯(Scheeres)说:“你可以想象得到,在一百万年或更短的时间内,整个东西都会散架。” 贝努(Bennu)小行星可能会含有关于生命起源的秘密 根据Osiris-Rex探测器首席研究员丹特·劳雷塔(Dante Lauretta)的说法,贝努(Bennu)小行星是太阳系中最具潜在危险的小行星之一,因为它在22世纪撞击地球的概率“不能忽略不计”。不过,这个小行星本身的脆弱性可能对我们来说是个好消息。 对贝努(Bennu)小行星的研究可能会帮助到未来的科学家制定计划,以便在这颗小行星在将来威胁到地球时让它改变路径。该项研究还可能揭示有关小行星生命的新细节。在行星的形成过程中,那些没有加入到行星里面的原始的小块岩石聚集到一起就形成了小行星。这些物体可能隐含着我们的太阳系如何形成以及地球上的生命如何起源的秘密。 谢里斯(Scheeres)说:“我们希望经过一段时间的研究,我们能够发现这颗小行星过去到底经历了些什么,这可以让我们更好地了解所有这些小行星在数百万,数亿乃至数十亿年间的变化。我们现在的发现已经超出了我们当初的预期。” 科学家尚未梳理Osiris-Rex探测器收集的大量数据,探测器采集的样本有望在2023年返回地球。 美国宇航局(NASA)表示,如果装有采集样本的太空舱几年后能够按计划安全降落到犹他州的沙漠中,宇航局将保留一部分外星岩石,等将来开发出新的技术以后,再对其做进一步的研究,剩余的岩石将被送往世界各地的实验室做研究之用。 在Osiris-Rex探测器降落在小行星上之前,劳雷塔(Lauretta)介绍说:“这次任务的目的主要就是要了解我们的起源,解决了一些我们作为人类要问自己的最基本的问题,那就是我们来自哪里?我们在宇宙中是孤独的吗?” 在开始阅读英文原文之前,请先复习下列核心词汇: asteroid - n. 小行星 land on - 着陆 turn out - 结果是 hollow - adj. 中空的,空心的 void - n. 真空,空虚 spin - n. 旋转,自转 spacecraft - n. 航空器 sample - n. 样品 probe - n. 探测器 landscape - n. 景观 boulder - n. 巨石,砾石 touch-and-go - 刚接触到地面就立刻拉升 scoop up - (敏捷地)抱起,捡起 smoothly - adv. 平稳地 nitrogen - n. 氮气 dust - n. 尘埃 swirl - v. 旋动 measure - v. 测量 gravity - n. 重力 pull - v. 拉 fling - v. 扔,抛 track - v. 追踪 strength - n. 强度 bulging - adj. 鼓起的,凸出的 equator - n. 赤道 hazardous - adj. 危险的 primordial - adj. 原生的,原始的 pile - n. 堆 coalesce - n. 合并,结合 capsule - n. 太空舱,胶囊 parachute - v. 伞降,空投 address - v. 处理,从事 在复习了以上词汇后,请将下面的英文原文一口气读完,不要在中途停下来去查那些不认识的单词。有了上面的核心单词打底,你完全可以将整篇文章读完并且理解里面的大致意思。记住,你只要做到大致明白就可以了。 阅读能力和阅读量成正比,要提高阅读量,必须是大量的泛读,如果要对每个不懂的单词都去查字典,那么就不可能通过大量的泛读来提高你的阅读量。 这篇英语原文是《涂博士原版听读写辅导课》直播班上用来训练学员快速阅读的文章之一。能够快速阅读各个领域的原版文章并找出文中的核心内容,是真正学好英语的最最基础的技能之一,另一个最最基础的技能就是听得懂原版的广播。有了这两个最最基础的技能打底,学员就可以利用好网上大量的原版英语文章和听力资源,不出国就可以把自己沉浸在英语的环境当中。在建立起强大的语感之后,口语和写作能力都会自然成长起来。 如果你对某篇泛读文章特别喜欢,可以在泛读一遍以后再慢慢地精读。如果在精读的过程中对某些句子不是太明白需要讲解,或者你希望以后多看到哪方面的双语阅读,请直接联系涂博士。 The asteroid NASA just landed on turns out to be hollow, with a large "void" at its center. It may be spinning itself to death. Morgan McFall-Johnsen Business Insider The asteroid Bennu just keeps getting more bizarre. When NASA decided to send a probe to land on a space rock and bring back samples, it picked Bennu for its seemingly smooth surface — perfect landing ground. But once the Osiris-Rex spacecraft had made the 200-million-mile journey to Bennu, the images it beamed back revealed a landscape covered in boulders and rock fields. NASA eventually chose the flattest spot it could find to land, and the touch-and-go operation to scoop up material went smoothly last month. But then came the next surprise: Bennu"s rock turned out to be incredibly soft, crumbling under the spacecraft as it touched the surface. The probe fired a blast of nitrogen to send rock and dust swirling — that way it could catch some in its sample-collection tool. But yet again, scientists were caught off-guard when the maneuver turned out to have yielded so much material that dust and rock were propping the sample-collection tool open, allowing precious alien dust to leak into space. They managed to stow the sample before losing too much, but that wasn"t the last of the shocks. Recently, University of Colorado researchers concluded based on data Osiris-Rex has collected in the two years it"s been circling Bennu that the asteroid is probably hollow. "It"s as if there is a void at its center, within which you could fit a couple of football fields," Daniel Scheeres, a professor in the university"s Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences who led the research, said in a press release. What"s more, Bennu could be spinning itself to pieces. "The whole thing flying apart" While Osiris-Rex has been orbiting Bennu, the probe has measured how much the asteroid"s gravity pulled on it. At the same time, Bennu was also flinging marble-sized bits of rock away from its surface. Those crumbs entered orbit around the asteroid, then some of them fell back to its surface. By tracking their motions, mission managers were able to make calculations about the strength of Bennu"s gravity. Since gravity comes from mass, these two sets of data allowed Scheeres" team to calculate how material is distributed through the inside of the asteroid. Their findings, published in the journal Science Advances on October 8 (before Osiris-Rex"s brief landing), show that it"s far from even. The force of the Bennu" spinning seems to be pushing its material outward towards the surface. Some of the thinnest parts of the asteroid are at its bulging equator. Bennu completes one rotation every four hours, and it"s only getting faster. "You could imagine maybe in a million years or less, the whole thing flying apart," Scheeres said. Bennu could hold secrets about the origins of life Bennu is one of the most potentially hazardous asteroids in our solar system, according to Osiris-Rex principal investigator Dante Lauretta, since it has a "non-negligible chance" of crashing into Earth during the 22nd century. Its fragility could be good news, though. Studying Bennu could help future scientists make a plan to pert the asteroid if it ever threatens to impact Earth. The research could also reveal new details about the lives of asteroids — primordial piles of rock that coalesced from the leftover bits that didn"t make it into planets. Such objects could hold secrets to how our solar system formed and how life arose on Earth. "We were hoping to find out what happened to this asteroid over time, which can give us better insight into how all of these small asteroids are changing over millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of years," Scheeres said. "Our findings exceeded our expectations." Osiris-Rex has collected heaps of data that scientists have yet to comb through. The sample it collected is expected back on Earth in 2023. Assuming that the capsule holding the sample safely parachutes into the Utah desert as planned in a few years, NASA has said it will preserve a portion of the alien rock for future study with technologies not yet developed. The agency will ship the rest to laboratories all over the world. "This is all about understanding our origins, addressing some of the most fundamental questions that we ask ourselves as human beings," Lauretta said before Osiris-Rex landed on the asteroid. "Where did we come from? And are we alone in the universe?"
2023-01-02 06:13:121


Space walk Also known as extravehicular activity, that is, the astronauts in manned spacecraft on the moon or beyond the planets and other celestial bodies on a variety of tasks to complete the process. It is manned space flight is a key technology in the manned space program is on track to install large-scale equipment for scientific experiments, satellites used, inspection and maintenance of an important means of spacecraft. Space is a vacuum, a large temperature changes, exposure to the sun when the temperature can be higher than 100 ℃, no sunshine when temperatures can be lower than -200 ℃, at the same time there are all kinds of radiation can harm the human body. In order to protect astronauts in extravehicular activities to the safety, health and effectively fulfilling its mandate, the need for extravehicular spacesuit, the astronaut traveling in the extravehicular mobility devices, the tools they need to complete the mission, the astronauts fixed the equipment and body Equipment such as seat belts. Extravehicular spacesuit EVA is the most important equipment, which is equivalent to a miniature spacecraft. It astronaut"s body and separated from the harsh environment of space, the astronauts to the provision of air pressure and oxygen to sustain life, and other necessary conditions. Spaceships, space stations, manned space shuttle these man-made enclosed cabin pressure, air and the basic components of the same ground, the astronauts emerged from the capsule before the need to draw oxygen to the body of nitrogen emissions, in order to remove hidden dangers. In the space walk astronauts in the absence of reference and can not distinguish between large and small objects near and far, and to determine its speed, without insurance, could easily be lost in the vast space as a human satellite. Therefore, the need for insurance spacewalk - to use seat belts and the astronauts will connect the spacecraft to prevent the astronauts lost in space. March 18, 1965, the Soviet Union launch Berezovsky Pepelyayev, Leonov of the "up" 2 spacecraft. In flight, Leonov was the first time in the history of World Space spacewalk, in his spaceship from 5 meters activities of the Office for 12 minutes to complete the visual observation, the work of demolition and other experiments. June 3, 1965, the United States launch astronauts McDivitt and White Captain, Captain "Gemini" 4 spacecraft, flying around the Earth 62 laps. White extravehicular to walk 21 minutes with their jet device in the mobile space flight. This is the first U.S. spacewalk. July 17, 1984, the Soviet Union launched the "Alliance" T12 spacecraft took off. Board zani al cove, and the woman the Volcker Saweikaya astronauts, and "salute" the space station on the 7th - "Union" T10 spacecraft docking of the Commonwealth. 25, andzani al Yuri together the 3 hours 35 minutes of extra-vehicular activity.become the world"s first space walk in the female.
2023-01-02 06:13:183


(神秘的地球报道)据国外媒体:澳洲先驱太阳报(heraldsun)8月9日报道,被列为世界十大离奇空难之一的“1978年澳洲飞行员目击UFO后失踪”事件,日前突然得到了一个新的线索,阿德莱德(Adelaide)附近一位农民称在飞行员失踪后的清晨发现了长达30米的UFO。该事件一直令澳洲人极为不解,原因是1978年10月21日,澳洲飞行员斐德列克.瓦伦提斯(Frederick Valentich)驾驶塞斯纳(Cessna182L)单螺旋桨小型飞机飞往澳洲国王岛(King Island)进行例行货运。在航班途中他紧急联系地面航管员称:有一个“不是飞机的长型物体”亮着几盏耀眼的大灯,正盘旋在飞机前方。根据斐德列克和地面之间的通讯记录得知,他试图避开该神秘物,但不明飞行物发现小型飞机后,随即消失不见。这一发现令斐德列克无比震惊,他数次对地面通讯说:这绝对不是飞机。随后,不明物从另一方向现身,并向他追来,在飞机上空盘旋了几秒后,飞机的无线电通讯中断,斐德列克就此音讯全无。当时,瓦伦提斯与地面管制员的对话内容如实记录了目击不明飞行物的全过程:19:06:14 DSJ [Valentich]: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand?FS [Flight Services; Robey]: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic.DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand.19:06:44 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it?DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot affirm, it is four bright, and it seems to me like landing lights.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.19:07:31 DSJ: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed?DSJ: Er-unknown, due to the speed it"s travelling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity?FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity.19:08:18 DSJ: Melbourne, it"s approaching now from due east towards me.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.19:08:41 DSJ: (open microphone for two seconds.)19:08:48 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he"s playing some sort of game, he"s flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level?DSJ: My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?DSJ: Affirmative.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.19:09:27 DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it"s not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).19:09:42 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the – er – aircraft?DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, as it"s flying past it"s a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It"s before me right now Melbourne.19:10 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the – er – object be?19:10:19 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems like it"s chasing me. What I"m doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It"s got a green light [emphasis mine] and sort of metallic like, it"s all shiny on the outside.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet19:10:46 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It"s just vanished.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.19:11:00 DSJ: Melbourne, would you know what kind of aircraft I"ve got? Is it a military aircraft?FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the – er - aircraft just vanished.DSJ: Say again.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you?DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet; it"s (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet19:11:50 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I"ve got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is (coughing).FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?DSJ: My intentions are – ah – to go to King Island – ah – Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and (open microphone for one second) it"s not an aircraft.FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.19:12:28 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds)......澳洲警方无数次大规模搜救,但未找到任何有关飞机和飞行员的踪迹。后来传出一张由业余摄影师在该地区当晚拍摄到的照片,在夜空中浮现一个暗色无法辨识的物体。照片虽然无法证实是否与该事件有关联,但警方坦承该事件可能是前所未有的神秘现象。澳洲先驱太阳报(heraldsun)称,维多利亚UFO研究机构(The Victorian UFO Action group)此次发现的这名农民曾亲眼目睹30米的飞船盘旋在他的住宅上空,当时??这架塞斯纳飞机紧靠在飞船的一侧,并且在漏油。农夫甚至将飞机的注册号码记下来,涂写在他的拖拉机上,但是后来他绝口不再提起这件事,因为他告诉几个朋友竟遭到嘲笑。该事件引发激烈的大辩论,最后在空中看到该飞机的首席研究员乔治.辛普森(George Simpson)说,如果这名农民还活着,可能有线索解开这个谜团。辛普森提到,失踪的斐德列克是一名经验相当丰富的飞行员,如果是正常的飞行物,他应该能够辨识,但显然他也无法认出那是什么,这本身就极不正常。该事件已被列入澳洲飞碟研究人员的X档案之中,9月6日,澳洲国内的主要研究人员准备在墨尔本召开全国会议继续探讨。相关报道:36年前飞碟劫走飞机? 南澳农夫或有证据 (神秘的地球报道)36年前,澳洲一架飞机凭空消失。如今澳洲权威的UFO(不明飞行物)研究组织说有一条线索,或许可以解开这个澳洲航空史上最难解的谜团之一。他们的想法和一些证据将在下个月于墨尔本举行的UFO研讨会上提出,供学者们辩论。据太阳先驱报报导,1978年10月的一天,维省飞行员韦兰提奇(Fred Valentich)驾驶一架货运飞机,在例行飞往国王岛(King Island)的途中,突然消失。事发后,虽然进行了大规模的搜寻,但一直没有找到任何飞机残骸和飞行员的踪影。一位独立研究者称,有证据显示,当时有位农夫看到那架塞斯纳(Cessna)飞机与一个UFO连在一起,飞过南澳的天空。维省UFO行动组想找到这位农夫。这位农夫说飞机消失的那天早上,他看到这架30米长的飞行器飞过他的农庄。农夫说那架塞斯纳飞机贴在飞行器的一边,在漏油。农夫甚至还把飞机的注册号写在了自己的拖拉机上,但他从来没有把这个信息公布给大众,因为他告诉了几个朋友之后均遭到了他们的嘲笑。权威调查员辛普森(George Simpson),也是最后一位见到这架飞机的人,说如果这个农夫还活着,将有解开这个谜团的线索。辛普森承认目前还没有证据,但这是目前为止该案件最新的线索。韦兰提奇消失前与交通控制中心最后的对话中说,看到前方一个物体在飞,但表示“它不是一架飞机”。这就是韦兰提奇最后所说的话,随后传来奇怪的金属喀嚓声,通信就终断了。辛普森说,韦兰提奇是有经验的飞行员,不会连旁边有另一架飞机都不能确定。而且,还有人提供了一位业余人士在事发当晚该区域拍摄的照片,照片上的天空有一个无法识别的黑影。调查员们也在寻找韦兰提奇最后与控制中心对话的录音,该录音曾在墨尔本3XY电台播出过。9月6日,维省UFO行动组将在墨尔本召开全国UFO讨论会,韦兰提奇的案件将是被讨论的澳洲一系列“X档案”之一。
2023-01-02 06:13:301


这个KML网络连接可显现出由美国战略指挥部跟踪的全部地球轨道的目标,它是由解析图形公司处理的卫星数据库,利用AGI组件内的动态几何收藏来完成。全部卫星都是实时跟踪,而且每30秒更新一次。请用Google Earth 打开该连接。
2023-01-02 06:13:356


PlotIn A.D. 2154,[8] the story"s protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is a former U.S. Marine who was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. Jake is selected to participate in the Avatar program, which will enable him to walk. Jake travels to Pandora. This world is a lush and sentient-inhabited jungle-covered satellite of Polyphemus, one of three gas giants that orbit Alpha Centauri A,[8] 4.3 light years from Earth.Pandora"s biosphere is filled with incredible life forms, some beautiful, many terrifying. This world is also home to the Na"vi, a sentient humanoid race, who are considered primitive, yet are more physically capable than humans. Standing three meters tall (approximately 10 feet), with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Na"vi live in harmony with their unspoiled world. As humans encroach deeper into Pandora"s forests in search of valuable minerals, the Na"vi unleash their formidable warrior abilities to defend their threatened existence.Jake has unwittingly been recruited to become part of this encroachment. Since humans are unable to breathe the air on Pandora, they have created genetically-bred human-Na"vi hybrids known as Avatars. On Pandora, through his Avatar body, Jake will be able to walk again. Sent deep into Pandora"s jungles as a scout for the soldiers that will follow, Jake encounters many of Pandora"s beauties and dangers. There he meets a young Na"vi female, Neytiri (Zoe Saldaña).Over time, Jake integrates himself into the Na"vi clan, and begins to fall in love with Neytiri. As a result, Jake finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth and the Na"vi, forcing him to choose sides in an epic battle that will decide the fate of Pandora.在未来世界,人类为取得潘朵拉星球的矿产资源,开启了阿凡达计画。用人类与纳美人的DNA混血培养出以人类意志思维控制的阿凡达,以利在星球生存活动,并采寻位於纳美人村落千万美金的矿产输送回地球。受伤后以轮椅代步的前海军陆战队员杰克(Jake,山姆·沃辛顿饰),自愿接受实验并以他的阿凡达来到潘朵拉星球。然而,杰克在与纳美人接触且结识了奈蒂莉(Neytiri,柔伊·莎达娜饰)后,却面临人类与纳美人之间的抉择,开展一段英雄探索与救赎的旅程……。[4][编辑] 演员
2023-01-02 06:13:566


1.D 2.D 3.B 4. B 5.B 6.D 7.B 8. B 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C
2023-01-02 06:14:273


  战神阿瑞斯(Ares):   阿瑞斯是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,罗马名字玛尔斯(Mars),九   大行星中的火星。他是宙斯与赫拉的儿子。他司职战争,形象英俊,性   格强暴好斗,十分喜欢打仗,而且勇猛顽强,是力量与权力的象征,好   斗与屠杀的战神。但他同时是嗜杀、血腥,人类祸灾的化身。  战神,希腊神话中宇宙全能之神宙斯的儿子,残忍暴躁。是雅典娜的哥哥,但兄妹一向不合。是火星的守护神。英语中火星即为Mars   阿瑞斯:(罗马又称玛尔斯Mars)Ares ,战神阿瑞斯,古希腊的神只,掌管战争与瘟疫.在罗马神话里面,相当于马斯(Mars, 火星).   宇宙深处。银河之中。一个神秘的红色天体,叫“火星”。  在人类长期对宏观天宇的探索中,这颗神秘星球很快便占据了人类对宇宙无限遐想的中心位置。 后人评价  大约4000年前,古埃及人称她为“红色之星”;而古巴比伦人则称这颗“红色之星”为“死亡之星”;古希腊人和古罗马人好像对火星也没有好感,认为自己在地球上的一举一动总是被火星上的“人”监视着,所以为她取了一个不太友善的名字:Mars,即古罗马战神的名字,甚至把她视为“星际大战”的恐怖星球。火星的英文名是Mars,这是罗马神话中战神的名字,在希腊神话中他的名字叫阿瑞斯。他的形象在这两种神话中完全不同。希腊神话里,他极其易怒,是个只懂得用暴力解决问题,头脑简单,四肢发达的家伙。人缘和“神缘”都不怎么样,除了他的情人阿弗洛狄忒(罗马神话中的维纳斯)之外,几乎谁都不喜欢他。而在罗马神话里,他不但骁勇善战,甚至成了罗马人的祖先。大家都知道那座矗立在罗马城内的那座狼喂孩子的雕像吧,那两个孩子的亲生父亲就是这位伟大的战神马尔斯,由此可知战神的形象在古代罗马人的心目中有多高大。 英文  Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars is also known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance when seen from Earth. The prefix areo-, from the Greek god of war, Ares, refers to Mars in the same way geo- refers to Earth.   Until the first flyby of Mars by Mariner 4 in 1965, it was thought that Mars had channels of liquid water. Observations later showed that these channels do not exist. Still, of all the planets in our solar system other than Earth, Mars is the most likely to harbor liquid water, and perhaps life. Its rotational period and seasonal cycles are also similar to those of the Earth. It has the highest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons, the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, and polar ice caps.   Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and oddly-shaped. These may be captured asteroids similar to 5261 Eureka, a Mars trojan asteroid. Mars can be seen from Earth by the naked eye. Its apparent magnitude reaches -2.9, a brightness surpassed only by Venus, the Moon, and the Sun. For much of the year, Jupiter may appear brighter to the naked eye than Mars.   Mars is currently host to four orbiting spacecraft, more than any planet other than Earth. It is also home to the two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.
2023-01-02 06:14:386


2023-01-02 06:15:004


space station1.Outpost Services Will Show Up As Icons Adjacent To The Station Icon In Space.服务站在太空中将显示为空间站图标。2.BOSS (Bioastronautical Orbiting Space Station)宇宙生物轨道空间站3.Meteorological-Satellite Space Station气象卫星宇宙空间站4.Bioastronautical Orbiting Surveillance Station载生物的轨道空间站5.Telecommunication Satellite Space Station远程通信卫星空间站
2023-01-02 06:15:171


2023-01-02 06:15:382

The Weepies组合的资料

2023-01-02 06:15:463


Chang"e 1(Redirected from 嫦娥一号)Jump to: navigation, search This article or section documents a current spaceflight.Details may change as the mission progresses. Chang"e 1 Chang"e 1 spacecraft Organization: China National Space Administration Mission type: Orbiter / Impactor Satellite of: The Moon Launch date: 2007-10-24 18:05:04.602 CST[1]Launch Pad 3, Xichang Satellite Launch Center Launch vehicle: Long March 3A rocket Mission duration: 1 year Webpage: CLEP Mass: 2,350 kg Inclination: ~64° Orbital period: ~127 min Apoapsis: ~200km Periapsis: ~200km edit Chang"e 1 (simplified Chinese: 嫦娥一号; traditional Chinese: 嫦娥一号; pinyin: Cháng"é Yī Hào), an un-manned lunar orbiting spacecraft, is part of the first phase of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. This first phase is called "Orbiting (Chang"e-1)".The spacecraft is named after the Chinese goddess of the Moon, Chang"e.According to the schedule, detailed program design of the first milestone was completed by September 2004. Research and development of a prototype probe and relevant testing of the probe were finished before the end of 2005. Design, manufacture, general assembly, test and ground experiments of the lunar orbiter were finished before December 2006. Chang"e 1 was launched at 10:05 GMT on October 24, 2007[2] from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. It left lunar transfer orbit on October 31 and entered lunar orbit on November 5 [1].The first picture of the Moon is relayed on November 26 2007[3]. The mission is scheduled to continue for a year.Contents [hide]1 Objectives 2 Design 3 Instruments 4 See also 5 References 6 External links [edit] ObjectivesThe "Orbiting (Chang"e-1)" phase of the program has four major goals:[4]Drawing "pictures" of the Moon and obtaining three-dimensional images of the lunar surface. Dividing the basic landforms and structures of the lunar surface and initially making outline graphs of lunar geology and structures, so as to provide a reference and basis for later soft landings. The orbit of Chang"e 1 around the Moon will provide complete coverage, including areas near the north and south poles not covered by previous missions. Probing useful elements on the Moon surface and analyzing the elements and materials, primarily making maps of the distribution of various elements on the Moon"s surface. China hopes to expand the number of the useful elements to 14 (potassium (K), thorium (Th), uranium (U), oxygen (O), silicon (Si), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), tellurium (Te), titanium (Ti), sodium (Na), manganese (Mn), chromium (Cr), and lanthanum (La)),[5] compared with the 10 elements (K, U, Th, Fe (iron), Ti, O, Si, Al, Mg, and Ca)[6] previously probed by the NASA"s Lunar Prospector, and will conduct an overall prospect evaluation on some useful resources on the Moon"s surface. Probing the features of lunar soil and evaluating its depth, as well as the amount of helium-3 (³He) resources.[citation needed] Probing the space environment between 40,000 km and 400,000 km from the Earth, recording data on the primitive solar wind and studying the impact of solar activity on the Earth and the Moon. The first three of the four objectives are aimed at the Moon itself, while the last one is focused on the process of sending the Chang"e probe to the Moon, which means exploring the physical environment between the Earth and the Moon.In addition, the lunar probe engineering system, composed of five major systems - the satellite system, the launch vehicle system, the launch site system, the monitoring and control system and the ground application system - will accomplish the following five goals:Researching, developing and launching China"s first lunar probe satellite Initially mastering the basic probe technology of satellites in orbit Conducting first lunar scientific exploration Initially forming a lunar probe space engineering system Accumulating experience for the later phases of the lunar probe project [edit] DesignThe Chang"e 1 satellite carries 24 pieces of lunar probe equipment, including a CCD stereo camera, microprobe instruments and a high-energy sun particle detector. The satellite weighs 2,350 kg, with 130 kg of payload, and is designed to orbit the Moon for one year.[5]Originally scheduled for April 2007, the launch was postponed to allow a better time for sending the satellite to orbit.[7] Chang"e 1 was launched at 10:05 GMT on 24 October 2007 with a Long March 3A rocket from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province.After liftoff, Chang"e 1 made three orbits around the Earth, a burn at perigee extending the orbit"s apogee further each time, until a final translunar injection burn placed it on course for the Moon on 31 October 2007. Another burn placed it in a polar orbit around the Moon, with burns at the perilune of the first three orbits decreasing the apolune until it entered a final circular orbit. Entrance into Lunar orbit was acheived on the 5 November 2007. At this occasion, the probe transmitted 30 classical Chinese songs and music pieces, including “My Motherland”, “The Song of the Yangtze River”, and “High Mountains and Flowing Water”.As well as Chinese tracking stations, the Maspalomas Station ESA tracking station is being used to transmit signals to and from the probe.The first pictures of the Moon were relayed on 26th November 2007.[edit] InstrumentsStereo camera (CCD立体相机) with a resolution of 120 m and spectrometer imager from 0.48 µm to 0.96 µm wavelength. Laser altimeter (激光高度计) with 1064 nm, 150 µJ laser and a resolution of 1 m. Imaging spectrometer (成像光谱仪) Gamma and X-ray spectrometer (伽马/X射线谱仪) for an energy range from 0.5 to 50keV for X-rays and 300 keV to 9 MeV for Gamma rays. Microwave radiometer (微波探测仪) detecting 3, 7.8, 19.35 and 37 GHz with a maximal penetration depth of 30, 20, 10, 1 m and a thermal resolution of 0.5 K. High energy particle detector and two solar wind detectors (太阳高能粒子探测器和低能离子探测器) capable of the detection of electrons and heavy ions up to 730 MeV.
2023-01-02 06:15:581


中国航天业开创于1956年。几十年来,中国航天事业创造了一个又一个奇迹。China"s space industry was founded in 1956. For decades, China"s space industry has created miracles after miracles.2. 1970年,中国成功发射了第一颗人造地球卫星,成为世界第五个独立自主研制和发射人造地球卫星的国家In 1970, China successfully launched the first man-made earth satellite, becoming the world"s fifth country that conducts independent research and development on artificial earth satellite.3.1992年,中国开始实施载人航天飞行工程(manned spaceflight program)。In 1992, China began to implement the manned spaceflight program.4.2003年,中国成为发射了“神舟五号”载人飞船,使中国成为第三个发射载人飞船的国家。In 2003, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft, making China the third country to launch manned spacecraft.5.2007年发射了“嫦娥一号”,即第一颗绕月球飞行(lunar-orbiting)的人造卫星。5. In 2007, "Chang"e I" was launched, becoming the first artificial lunar-orbiting satellite.6. 2013年,第五艘载人飞船“神舟十号”发射成功,为中国空间站的建设打下了基础6. In 2013, the fifth manned spacecraft "Shenzhou 10" launched successfully, laying down the foundation for China"s space station development.
2023-01-02 06:16:031


2023-01-02 06:16:092


中国航天业开创于1956年。几十年来,中国航天事业创造了一个又一个奇迹。China"s space industry was founded in 1956. For decades, China"s space industry has created miracles after miracles.2. 1970年,中国成功发射了第一颗人造地球卫星,成为世界第五个独立自主研制和发射人造地球卫星的国家In 1970, China successfully launched the first man-made earth satellite, becoming the world"s fifth country that conducts independent research and development on artificial earth satellite.3.1992年,中国开始实施载人航天飞行工程(manned spaceflight program)。In 1992, China began to implement the manned spaceflight program.4.2003年,中国成为发射了“神舟五号”载人飞船,使中国成为第三个发射载人飞船的国家。In 2003, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft, making China the third country to launch manned spacecraft.5.2007年发射了“嫦娥一号”,即第一颗绕月球飞行(lunar-orbiting)的人造卫星。5. In 2007, "Chang"e I" was launched, becoming the first artificial lunar-orbiting satellite.6. 2013年,第五艘载人飞船“神舟十号”发射成功,为中国空间站的建设打下了基础6. In 2013, the fifth manned spacecraft "Shenzhou 10" launched successfully, laying down the foundation for China"s space station development.
2023-01-02 06:16:181


歌词翻译力求达意。以下可以直接套进原曲唱:On bended knee is no way to be free跪在地上换不来真正的自由Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently捧着空碗我在轻轻地问All my destinations will accept the one that"s me如果这是命中注定我会很愿意So I can breathe...才能呼吸…Circles they grow and they swallow people whole他们像个黑洞吞噬所有人Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they"ll never know就连枕边的爱人他们都不熟悉A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul我充满疑问,有谁能回答我And so it goes...就这样去…Don"t come closer or I"ll have to go不要再过来,不然我会远去Holding me like gravity are places that pull去到那我一直向往的地方If ever there was someone to keep me at home如果说还有人能让我留在家里It would be you...那就是你…Everyone I come across, in cages they bought我遇见的所有人都作茧自缚They think of me and my wandering, but I"m never what they thought对我说三道四,可我却不在乎I"ve got my indignation, but I"m pure in all my thoughts我多么心安理得,有时也很愤怒I"m alive...我活着…Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere风吹过头发,我和万物同呼吸Underneath my being is a road that disappeared脚下的路已经不知哪儿去Late at night I hear the trees, they"re singing with the dead半夜里我听见头上的树木轻轻摇Overhead...在唱歌…Leave it to me as I find a way to be别管我,我已经找到生存的意义Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting就把我当成天上永远闪烁的星星I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me我看透了世间,可世间看不透我Guaranteed说真的
2023-01-02 06:16:241


(1) New Moon - When the Moon is roughly in the same direction as the Sun, its illuminated half is facing away from the Earth, and therefore the part that faces us is all dark: we have the new moon. When in this phase, the Moon and the Sun rise and set at about the same time. (2) Waxing Crescent Moon - As the Moon moves around the Earth, we get to see more and more of the illuminated half, and we say the Moon is waxing. At first we get a sliver of it, which grows as days go by. This phase is called the crescent moon. (3) Quarter Moon - A week after the new moon, when the Moon has completed about a quarter of its turn around the Earth, we can see half of the illuminated part; that is, a quarter of the Moon. This is the first quarter phase. (4) Waxing Gibbous Moon - During the next week, we keep seeing more and more of the illuminated part of the Moon, and it is now called waxing gibbous (gibbous means "humped"). (5) Full Moon - Two weeks after the new moon, the moon is now halfway through its revolution, and now the illuminated half coincides with the one facing the Earth, so that we can see a full disk: we have a full moon. As mentioned above, at this time the Moon rises at the time the Sun sets, and it sets when the Sun rises. If the Moon happens to align exactly with the Earth and Sun, then we get a lunar eclipse. (6) Waning Gibbous Moon - From now on, until it becomes new again, the illuminated part of the Moon that we can see decreases, and we say it"s waning. The first week after full, it is called waning gibbous. (7) Last Quarter Moon - Three weeks after new, we again can see half of the illuminated part. This is usually called last quarter. (8) Waning Crescent Moon - Finally, during the fourth week, the Moon is reduced to a thin sliver from us, sometimes called waning crescent. A while after four weeks (29.5 days, more precisely) the illuminated half of the Moon again faces away from us, and we come back to the beginning of the cycle: a new moon. Sometimes, when the Moon is almost new, it is possible to dimly see its darkened disk. The light from the Sun cannot reach this part of the Moon directly; but at this time the Earth (as viewed from the Moon) is at its full and very bright, and what we see is light reflected from the Earth, that then bounces back at us from the Moon. It"s a long trip for this light: from the Sun to the Earth, to the Moon, and back to the Earth. 网上找的,你可以自己去看看希望满意!
2023-01-02 06:16:292


The binoculars were invented in 1854 in Italy.Binoculars is invented by a worker of a mirror factory in the Dutch.When he checked on the lenses, he put a concave mirror and a convex mirror together, then he found it can makes he see the far away things large and nearly.So he was very excited about it, and he immediately came up with to create a device that can see what the distance is close and clear.Binoculars is a very useful tool for astronomical observation. It can be used to observe the moon and the star and so on. And you also can use it to watch a ball game and concert and whatever you like. 楼上的回答是Binoculars吗??
2023-01-02 06:16:382


LEO是low-earth orbiting的简称,低轨卫星
2023-01-02 06:16:501


2023-01-02 06:16:563

澳大利亚重要城市英文简介 快快快!!!

堪培拉Canberra ( /ˈkænbᵊrə/ or /ˈkænbɛrə/)[3] is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australia"s largest inland city and the eighth-largest city overall. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), 280 km (170 mi) south-west of Sydney, and 660 km (410 mi) north-east of Melbourne. A resident of Canberra is known as a "Canberran".[4]The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the nation"s capital in 1908 as a compromise between rivals Sydney and Melbourne, Australia"s two largest cities. It is unusual among Australian cities, being an entirely planned city. Following an international contest for the city"s design, a blueprint by the Chicago architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin was selected and construction commenced in 1913.[5] The Griffins" plan featured geometric motifs such as circles, hexagons and triangles, and was centred around axes aligned with significant topographical landmarks in the Australian Capital Territory.The city"s design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement and incorporates significant areas of natural vegetation that have earned Canberra the title of the "bush capital". The growth and development of Canberra were hindered by the World Wars and the Great Depression, which exacerbated a series of planning disputes and the ineffectiveness of a sequence of bodies that were to oversee the development of the city. The national capital emerged as a thriving city after World War II, as Prime Minister Robert Menzies championed its development and the National Capital Development Commission was formed with executive powers. Although the Australian Capital Territory is now self-governing, the federal government retains some influence through the National Capital Authority.As the seat of the government of Australia, Canberra is the site of Parliament House, the High Court and numerous government departments and agencies. It is also the location of many social and cultural institutions of national significance, such as the Australian War Memorial, Australian National University, Australian Institute of Sport, National Gallery, National Museum and the National Library. The Australian Army"s officer corps are trained at the Royal Military College, Duntroon and the Australian Defence Force Academy is also located in the capital.As the city has a high proportion of public servants, the federal government contributes the largest percentage of Gross State Product and is the largest single employer in Canberra. As the seat of government, the unemployment rate is lower and the average income higher than the national average, while property prices are relatively high, in part due to comparatively restricted development regulations. Tertiary education levels are higher, while the population is younger.悉尼Sydney ( /ˈsɪdni/)[3] is the most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia"s south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. As of June 2010, the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people.[1] Inhabitants of Sydney are called Sydneysiders, comprising a cosmopolitan and international population of people from numerous places around the world.[4]The site of the first British colony in Australia, Sydney was established in 1788 at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip, commodore of the First Fleet as a penal colony.[5] The city is built on hills surrounding Port Jackson which is commonly known as Sydney Harbour, where the iconic Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge feature prominently. The hinterland of the metropolitan area is surrounded by national parks, and the coastal regions feature many bays, rivers, inlets and beaches including the famous Bondi Beach. Within the city are many notable parks, including Hyde Park and the Royal Botanic Gardens.In 2010, Sydney was ranked 7th in Asia and 28th globally for economic innovation in the Innovation Cities Top 100 Index by innovation agency 2thinknow.[6] Sydney also ranks among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world according to Mercer Human Resource Consulting and The Economist.[7][8]Sydney is one of GaWC"s Alpha + world cities. It has hosted major international sporting events, including the 1938 British Empire Games, the 2000 Summer Olympics, and the final match of the 2003 Rugby World Cup. The main airport serving Sydney is Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport.[9]墨尔本Melbourne ([ˈmelbən, -bn̩], rhotically /ˈmɛlbərn/[3][4]) is the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia.[2] The Melbourne City Centre is the hub of the greater metropolitan area and the Census statistical division—of which "Melbourne" is the common name. As of June 2009, the greater geographical area had an approximate population of four million.[1][5] Inhabitants of Melbourne are called Melburnians.[6]The metropolis is located on the large natural bay known as Port Phillip, with the city centre positioned at the estuary of the Yarra River (at the northern-most point of the bay).[7] The metropolitan area then extends south from the city centre, along the eastern and western shorelines of Port Phillip, and expands into the hinterland. The city centre is situated in the municipality known as the City of Melbourne, and the metropolitan area consists of a further 30 municipalities.[8]Melbourne was founded in 1835 (47 years after the European settlement of Australia) by settlers from Van Diemen"s Land.[9] It was named by governor Richard Bourke in 1837, in honour of William Lamb—the 2nd Viscount Melbourne.[9] Melbourne was officially declared a city by Queen Victoria in 1847.[10] In 1851, it became the capital city of the newly created colony of Victoria.[10] During the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s, it was transformed into one of the world"s largest and wealthiest cities.[11] After the federation of Australia in 1901, it then served as the interim seat of government of the newly created nation of Australia until 1927.[12]Melbourne is the birthplace of cultural institutions such as Australian film (as well as the world"s first feature film),[13][14] Australian television,[15] Australian rules football,[16] the Australian impressionist art movement (known as the Heidelberg School)[17] and Australian dance styles such as New Vogue and the Melbourne Shuffle.[18][19] It is also a major centre for contemporary and traditional Australian music.[18] It is often referred to as the "cultural capital of Australia".[20] Melbourne was ranked as the world"s most liveable city in the World"s Most Livable Cities ratings by the Economist Group"s Intelligence Unit in August, 2011.[21][22][23][24] It was also ranked in the top 10 Global University Cities by RMIT"s Global University Cities Index (since 2006)[25][26][27] and the top 20 Global Innovation Cities by the 2thinknow Global Innovation Agency (since 2007).[28][29][30][31] The metropolis is also home to the world"s largest tram network.[32] The main airport serving Melbourne is Melbourne Airport.珀斯Perth ( /ˈpɜrθ/)[8] is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia. The Perth metropolitan area has an estimated population of almost 1,700,000.[9]The metropolitan area is located in the South West Division of Western Australia, between the Indian Ocean and a low coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. The central business district and suburbs of Perth are situated on the banks of the Swan River. Shortly after the establishment of the port settlement of Fremantle, Perth was founded on 12 June 1829 by Captain James Stirling as the political centre of the Swan River Colony. As the business and administration centre for the resource-rich state, Perth has grown consistently faster than the national average.[1]Perth became known worldwide as the "City of Light" when city residents lit their house lights and streetlights as American astronaut John Glenn passed overhead while orbiting the earth on Friendship 7 in 1962.[10][11] The city repeated the act as Glenn passed overhead on the Space Shuttle in 1998.[12][13] Perth is tied for eighth place in The Economist"s 2011 list of the World"s Most Livable Cities.[14]
2023-01-02 06:17:081


A communications satellite is a radio relay station in orbit above the earth that receives, amplifies, and redirects analog and digital signals carried on a specific radio frequency.In addition to communications satellites, there are other types of satellites:Weather satellites: These satellites provide meteorologists with scientific data to predict weather conditions and are equipped with advanced instruments Earth observation satellites: These satellites allow scientists to gather valuable data about the earth"s ecosystem Navigation satellites: Using GPS technology these satellites are able to provide a person"s exact location on Earth to within a few meters What are the different kinds of orbits?An orbit is the path that a satellite follows as it revolves around Earth. In terms of commercial satellites, there are three main categories of orbits:Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO): 35,786 km above the earth Orbiting at the height of 22,282 miles above the equator (35,786 km), the satellite travels in the same direction and at the same speed as the Earth"s rotation on its axis, taking 24 hours to complete a full trip around the globe. Thus, as long as a satellite is positioned over the equator in an assigned orbital location, it will appear to be "stationary" with respect to a specific location on the Earth. A single geostationary satellite can view approximately one third of the Earth"s surface. If three satellites are placed at the proper longitude, the height of this orbit allows almost all of the Earth"s surface to be covered by the satellites. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): 8,000-20,000 km above the earth These orbits are primarily reserved for communications satellites that cover the North and South Pole Unlike the circular orbit of the geostationary satellites, MEO"s are placed in an elliptical (oval-shaped) orbit Low Earth Orbit (LEO): 500-2,000 km above the earth These orbits are much closer to the Earth, requiring satellites to travel at a very high speed in order to avoid being pulled out of orbit by Earth"s gravity At LEO, a satellite can circle the Earth in approximately one and a half hours GEO vs. MEO vs. LEOMost communications satellites in use today for commercial purposes are placed in the geostationary orbit, because of the following advantages:One satellite can cover almost 1/3 of Earth"s surface, offering a reach far more extensive than what any terrestrial network can achieve Communications require the use of fixed antennas. Since geosynchronous satellites remain stationary over the same orbital location, users can point their satellite dishes in the right direction, without costly tracking activities, making communications reliable and secure GEO satellites are proven, reliable and secure - with a lifespan of 10-15 years For a more comprehensive understanding of satellite advantages, see benefits of satellite.Satellite ArchitectureCommunications data passes through a satellite using a signal path known as a transponder. Typically satellites have between 24 and 72 transponders. A single transponder is capable of handling up to 155 million bits of information per second. With this immense capacity, today"s communication satellites are an ideal medium for transmitting and receiving almost any kind of content - from simple voice or data to the most complex and bandwidth-intensive video, audio and Internet content.Diagrammatic Representation of a Satellite Orbital Location and FootprintThe location of a geostationary satellite is referred to as its orbital location. International satellites are normally measured in terms of longitudinal degrees East (° E) from the Prime Meridian of 0° (for example, Intelsat"s IS-805 satellite is currently located at 304.5° E).The geographic area of the Earth"s surface over which a satellite can transmit to, or receive from, is called the satellite"s "footprint." The footprint can be tailored to include beams with different frequencies and power levels.Frequency Bands and BeamsSatellites transmit information within radio frequency bands. The frequency bands most used by satellite communications companies are called C-band and the higher Ku-band. Over the next several years, the use of a higher frequency band known as Ka-band is expected to increase. Modern satellites are designed to focus on different ranges of frequency bands and different power levels at particular geographic areas. These focus areas are called beams. Intelsat offers four beam types:Global: covering almost 1/3 of Earth"s surface Hemi: covering almost 1/6 of Earth"s surface Zone: covering a large landmass area Spot: covering a specific geographic area What is installed on the ground?All communications with a geostationary satellite require using an earth station or antenna. Earth Stations may be either fixed (installed at a specific location) or mobile for uses such as Satellite News Gathering (SNG) or maritime applications. Antennas range in size, from large telecommunications carrier dishes of 4.5 to 15 meters in diameter, to VSAT antennas which can be as small as under one meter, designed to support services such as Direct to Home TV (DTH) and rural telephony.The antenna, itself, will generally be connected to equipment indoors called an indoor unit (IDU), which then connects either to the actual communications devices being used, to a Local Area Network (LAN), or to additional terrestrial network infrastructure.Network TopologiesDepending on the application, satellites can be used with different ground network designs or network topologies. At its simplest, satellite can support one-direction or two-direction links between two earth stations (called respectively simplex transmission and duplex transmission). More complex communications needs can also be addressed with more sophisticated network topologies, such as star and mesh.The following examples show some of the options available to customers for configuring their satellite networks:Simplex Transmission Applications for simplex services include broadcast transmissions such as:TV and video services Radio services Point-to-Point Duplex Transmission Applications for duplex services include:Voice Telephony transport Data and IP transport (especially in asymmetric configurations) Corporate networks TV and Broadcast program contribution and distribution Point-to-Multipoint Transmission (May be simplex or duplex, symmetric or asymmetric).Applications for point-to-multipoint services include:Corporate networks, including VSAT services and business television Video and broadcast distribution, including Direct-to-Home Internet services Mobile Antenna Service Applications for mobile antenna services include:Satellite News Gathering Special Event Backhaul and Broadcasting Maritime services Star Network Applications for Star Networks include:Corporate Networks Distance Learning Mesh Network Applications for Mesh Networks include:National and International Telephony and Data networks Rural Telephony ---------------------------第二篇Not so long ago, satellites were exotic, top-secret devices. They were used primarily in a military capacity, for activities such as navigation and espionage. Now they are an essential part of our daily lives. We see and recognize their use in weather reports, television transmission by DIRECTV and the DISH Network, and everyday telephone calls. In many other instances, satellites play a background role that escapes our notice: Some newspapers and magazines are more timely because they transmit their text and images to multiple printing sites via satellite to speed local distribution. Before sending signals down the wire into our houses, cable television depends on satellites to distribute its transmissions. The most reliable taxi and limousine drivers are sometimes using the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) to take us to the proper destination.The goods we buy often reach distributors and retailers more efficiently and safely because trucking firms track the progress of their vehicles with the same GPS. Sometimes firms will even tell their drivers that they are driving too fast. Emergency radio beacons from downed aircraft and distressed ships may reach search-and-rescue teams when satellites relay the signal (read this page for details).In this article, we will show you how satellites operate and what they do. You"ll get to see what"s inside a satellite, explore the different kinds of orbits and find out why the intended use of the satellite affects the choice of orbit. We"ll even tell you how to see and track a satellite 希望能帮到你
2023-01-02 06:17:141


Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System in diameter, mass and density. It is also referred to as the Earth, Planet Earth, the World, and Terra.Home to millions of species, including humans, Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. Scientific evidence indicates that the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within a billion years. Since then, Earth"s biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer which, together with Earth"s magnetic field, blocks harmful radiation, permitting life on land.Earth"s outer surface is divided into several rigid segments, or tectonic plates, that gradually migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered with salt-water oceans, the remainder consisting of continents and islands; liquid water, necessary for all known life, is not known to exist on any other planet"s surface. Earth"s interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.Earth interacts with other objects in outer space, including the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once for every roughly 366.26 times it rotates about its axis. This length of time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar days. The Earth"s axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular to its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planet"s surface with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth"s only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt and gradually slows the planet"s rotation. A cometary bombardment during the early history of the planet played a role in the formation of the oceans.Later, asteroid impacts caused significant changes to the surface environment.# History# Composition and structure * Shape * Chemical composition * Internal structure * Tectonic plates * Surface * Hydrosphere * Atmosphere o Weather and climate o Upper atmosphere * Magnetic field# Orbit and rotation# Moon# Habitability * Biosphere * Natural resources and land use * Natural and environmental hazards * Human geography# Cultural viewpoint * Etymology * Religious beliefs * Exploration and mapping * Modern perspective# Future----------------------------------------------too long, if you need send you per mail...
2023-01-02 06:17:201

leave sb vulnerable to attack的翻译

2023-01-02 06:17:251


Hello, I have made sure to succeed in paying by alipay and there isn"t any problem.This is the order number of the seller:XXXXXXXX,please check whether there is something wrong with your side.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!
2023-01-02 06:17:313


最主要的原因是 需求 马斯洛的需求理论, 需求----动机------行为-----------目标
2023-01-02 06:17:432