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求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~

2023-05-19 15:11:22





Plot Summary for "How to Train Your Dragon"

Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town"s fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can"t bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world.


Synopsis for "How to Train Your Dragon"

A Viking boy called Hiccup introduces his village of Berk ("it"s been here for seven generations, but every single building is new"). The village is attacked by dragons, who steal food (mostly sheep) and set things on fire (hence all the new buildings). The villagers grab weapons and try to fight the dragons off. Despite being told by every adult in sight to go indoors, Hiccup hauls out a bolas-shooting cannon he made himself and shoots a dragon out of the night sky. (As assistant to the village blacksmith, Gobber, Hiccup has access to tools and materials and knows how to use them.) The dragon lands in the woods some distance form the village and no one believes that he hit anything, so it"s the next day before Hiccup can go looking for it. It turns out to be a rare and deadly Night Fury, but Hiccup can"t make himself kill it. Instead he releases it -- whereupon it also refrains from killing Hiccup -- and it flies off through the trees.

Hiccup discovers that the dragon (which he eventually calls Toothless because of its retractable teeth) has holed up in a steep-sided valley because it can no longer fly more than a few feet at a time. While sketching the dragon, Hiccup realizes that it"s missing a tail fin. He makes a prosthetic tail fin out of leather. The new fin helps, but Toothless can"t control it and inadvertently takes Hiccup for a ride, giving him a clear idea of what"s needed to help the dragon fly right. In a series of workshop and test flight scenes, Hiccup builds and perfects a saddle, a control mechanism for the tail fin, and a safety harness.

Meanwhile, Hiccup"s father Stoick has signed him up for dragon training with Gobber, which is very different from the training he"s already doing with Toothless: he"s going to learn to fight dragons. At first, he"s the worst student in the class. Since Hiccup has always been an accident-prone klutz, this comes as no surprise to his classmates Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and her twin brother Tuffnut.(Hiccup"s a little sweet on Astrid.) Before long, Hiccup is able to use some things he"s learned while working with Toothless to soothe and manage the school"s practice dragons. (It turns out dragons are just big kitty-cats: they like to be petted, there"s a kind of grass that"s like cat-nip to them, and they love fish (but hate eels).) When Stoick returns from a failed search for the fabled nest of the dragons, he"s surprised but thrilled to hear that his son is doing brilliantly at dragon training. He gives Hiccup a horned helmet made from one of his dead mother"s breastplates. But Hiccup, as usual, is unable to get around his father"s expectations and speak frankly, so he can"t explain that his success at dragon school is unlikely to lead to the slaying of any dragons.

When Hiccup subdues a practice dragon, unintentionally earning the privilege of killing it before the entire village, he"s horrified and decides to flee with Toothless. However Astrid, having noticed Hiccup"s frequent disappearances and secretive behavior, is suspicious. She follows him to the hidden valley and sees Toothless. Unable to explain his relationship with the dragon, Hiccup takes her flying, and she"s captivated. But they get caught up in a flock of dragons returning to their nest carrying food. The dragons fly inside a mountainous island and drop the food into a pit, which turns out to contain a huge, terrifying, and very hungry dragon that eats the smaller ones if they don"t bring it enough food. Hiccup and Astrid and shocked to realize that the dragons have been stealing their sheep to keep from being eaten themselves. When they get home, Hiccup convinces Astrid not to reveal the location of the dragon nest. Before she goes, she punches him in the arm and says "That"s for kidnapping me." Then she kisses him and says "That"s for everything else."

Everything goes wrong at the dragon-killing ceremony. Hiccup discards his weapons in an attempt to show the Vikings that dragons only fight to defend themselves, but Stoick and others intervene and the dragon attacks. Toothless comes to the rescue and is on the verge of killing Stoick when Hiccup calls Toothless off. Despite Hiccup"s protests, the angry Vikings chain Toothless up. When he ineptly tries to explain, Hiccup lets it slip that Toothless took him to the nest of the dragons, and Stoick resolves to use Toothless to find the nest again. He won"t listen to Hiccup"s warnings about the giant dragon. He loads Toothless on his ship and the Viking fleet sails off with all the warriors in the village, disowning Hiccup and leaving him behind. When Hiccup wonders aloud why he didn"t kill Toothless when he had the chance since it would have avoided all of this, Astrid challenges him to explain why. In doing so, Hiccup comes to an epiphany about his moral character, his personal strength and Astrid"s faith in him. Inspired, Hiccup and his classmates mount the practice dragons and fly off in pursuit of the fleet.

At the dragons" island, the Vikings use catapults to break open the side of the mountain in which the giant dragon is trapped. When it comes out, Stoick realizes that he"s made a mistake. He resolves to fight it himself to buy the other Vikings time to escape; Gobber volunteers to join him. While Stoick and Gobber prepare to sacrifice themselves to distract the dragon, the kids arrive to join the battle. They do manage to distract the giant dragon a little, but it sets the Vikings" ships on fire. While his comrades keep the giant dragon occupied, Hiccup tries to rescue Toothless (who"s still in chains) from the burning ship, but they end up under water and Stoick rescues both of them. Then Toothless and Hiccup go after the giant dragon together. They draw it up into the clouds and away from the Vikings, trying to get it to crash on the island. In the end Toothless releases a blast into the giant dragon"s open mouth and it crashes and burns, apparently taking our heroes down with it -- we see Hiccup fall toward the fire as Toothless tries desperately to catch him. On the ground, a heartbroken Stoick approaches the wounded Toothless wondering what has become of his son; Toothless opens his wings to show that he saved Hiccup. ("Well, most of him," Gobber remarks cryptically.)

Back at home, Hiccup wakes up and Toothless urges him out of bed. Hiccup finds that he lost his left foot in the battle with the giant dragon. However, Gobber has made him a new one, ingeniously spring-loaded. (Hiccup and Toothless now have matching disabilities.) They go out into the village, which is full of swooping, frolicking dragons; the Vikings now treat them as pets. Astrid greets Hiccup with a kiss. Supplied by Gobber with a new tail fin prosthetic and saddle for Toothless, Hiccup takes flight with Astrid and his friends as he exults at the new alliance of Vikings and Dragons.



驯龙高手 How to Train Your Dragon

导演: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders

编剧: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders

主演: Jay Baruchel / Gerard Butler / America Ferrera / Craig Ferguson / Jonah Hill / Christopher Mintz-Plasse


Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town"s fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can"t bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world.


A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed.


一拳可以翻译为one punch吗?

一拳可以翻译为one punch。重点词汇释义punch英 [pʌntʃ]美 [pʌntʃ]用拳猛击;拳打;以拳痛击;给…打孔;打孔;按;压;冲床;重拳击打;用力的捶打;吸引力;打孔机;穿孔器;潘趣酒,宾治酒举例:1.The prize fighter knocked out his opponent with one punch. Glove the amateur boxers wear are of greater weight than those of professional boxers.这职业拳击手一拳把他的对手击倒。业余拳手所戴的拳套比职业拳手的要重。2.The boxer was flattenedwith one punch.那个拳击手被一拳击倒了。3.And I had no reason to think they might with one punch.我也没理由认为他们是被这一撞撞死的。4.Twenty extra years for one punch? 为了一拳就多关二十年?5.You beat her up with one punch?你一拳就打败她了?6.He knocked me flat with one punch.他一拳把我击倒了。7.The prize fighter knocked out his opponent with one punch.这职业拳击手一拳把他的对手击倒。8.Joe laid Ken out with one punch.乔一拳将肯打昏在地。
2023-01-01 23:33:453


punch[英][pʌntʃ][美][pʌntʃ]vt.用拳猛击; 打孔; (用压穿器)穿孔,冲孔; 用肘推; n.冲压机,冲床; 打洞器; 钻孔机; 剪票铗; vi.用拳猛击; 第三人称单数:punches过去分词:punched复数:punches现在进行时:punching过去式:punched例句:1.Nineteenth-century english mathematician charles babbage planned to usepunch cards to program his analytical engine. 十九世纪英格兰数学家查尔斯巴贝奇曾计划用打孔卡给他的分析机下指令。2.My cousins and I played pogs on the floor, while our parents pouredsteaming cups of rum and punch. 我和堂兄在地板上玩翁仔标,而我们的父母喝着热气腾腾的朗姆潘趣酒。
2023-01-01 23:33:581


用英语这么说:yi quan chao ren!
2023-01-01 23:34:044


One punch can save a hundred punches.
2023-01-01 23:34:299


打的一拳开,免得百拳来可以翻译为“One punch to open, lest a hundred punches come。”重点单词:punch:英 [pʌntʃ]  美 [pʌntʃ] n. 一拳,一击;<非正式>(出拳打击时所需要的)力量;感染力,活力v. 用拳猛击(某人或某物);按(按钮或键);(用工具或机器)打孔,扎眼;<美>(用刺棒)赶(牲口) ;<美>(用刺棒)赶(牲口)【名】 (Punch)(马来)蓬芝,(英)庞奇(人名)词形变换:复数 punches 第三人称单数 punches 现在分词 punching 过去式 punched 过去分词 punched 。相关短语:round punch 圆冲子 ; 圆形凸模 ; [机] 圆冲头punch card 打卡 ; 穿孔卡片 ; 穿孔卡 ; 打孔卡groove punch 压线冲子Punch formers 冲子研磨器双语例句:The guards, he said, would punch them for no reason. 他说看守人员们会无缘无故地用拳头打他们。He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer"s nose. 他突然抡起右臂,一拳打在洛里默的鼻子上。When boxing, do not expect to have the first punch be a knockout. 在拳击比赛中,不要指望第一拳就将对手击倒在地。
2023-01-01 23:34:581


Another punch makes his ear ring . 又一 拳打 得他耳朵嗡嗡直叫。 She landed him one in the eye . 她一 拳打 在他的眼睛上。 The blow left him breathless . 一 拳打 得他透不过气来。 Suddenly tom straightened up and hitting upward, with his closed fist, struck the soldier, not too hard, so as not to discourage him, along the side of the jaw . 突然间,汤姆挺直身子,攥紧拳头朝上打去,一 拳打 在大兵的下颚边上,打得不太重,不让对方一下子就泄气。 What " d you do if i sock you in your face , homeboy 我一 拳打 你头上你怎么办,伙计? Oh , a great shot to the jaw ! and you know what 漂亮的一 拳打 在下巴上!你知道吗? What if i sock you - - ? what if i sock you in - - 我一 拳打 你. . .我一拳打你头上 With another right to the head . another right . and another 一计右 拳打 在头部,又一计 With another right to the head . another right . and another 一计右 拳打 在头部,又一计 I was bashed in the face by a mugger last night 昨晚我被一个强盗重重的一 拳打 在脸上。 What if i sock you - ? what if i sock you in - 我一 拳打 你.我一拳打你头上 Fondled punch games - 4455 minicpp games 碰碰 拳打 攻略- 4399小游戏网 You should make a fist , and punch him in the nose 你要出 拳打 他鼻子 Do violence to your child ( e . g . hitting with fist , slapping ) 对子女使用武力(如 拳打 ,掌打) 。 I " d punch you right in the mouth 我现在就过去一 拳打 到你的嘴上 Hit me so hard i flew across the kitchen , dented the sheetrock 他一 拳打 的我飞出厨房撞在了石板上 Boom ! another fake blow to the head ! boom 再一记勾 拳打 他的头 A hard right to braddock " s head 一计右 拳打 到布洛克的头上! Nice work on the jab . did you see that right hook , fepx 短直 拳打 得好看到那记右勾拳吗,费利克斯? . . . or do you put your flst through him . . .还是用 拳打 穿他 Maybe just attack , single punch 可能只是袭击,一 拳打 过去 You wouldn " t know real music if mozart hit you on the head 你永远也不会懂音乐除非莫扎特一 拳打 在你头上 Or do you put your flst through him .还是用 拳打 穿他 What if i sock you right in your head 我一 拳打 你头上 He gave me a bash on the eyes 他一 拳打 在我眼睛上。 He gave me a bash on the nose 他一 拳打 在我鼻梁上。 Introduction : fondled punch what 碰碰 拳打 是什么? Baer swings hard to the body 贝尔的重 拳打 在身上 The hare punches him . he punches him , everywhere . the tortoise wins 野兔拳击他。野兔 拳打 他全身上下。乌龟赢了! Land *** . a blow in the eye 一 拳打 在某人的眼睛上 Jab him with the ieft . e on 左刺 拳打 他来呀 Fondled punch introduction 碰碰 拳打 游戏攻略 I pooped a tape recorder 一 拳打 在录音机上 The latter ducked and caught it on the shoulder instead of the jaw 赫斯渥急忙躲闪,结果这一 拳打 在肩膀上而不是下颚上。 No , i didn " tsign on for this shit , terry . i got punched in the 不,特里,我签的合同不是为了受他妈的这个,我被一 拳打 在 No , i didn " tsign on for this shit , terry . i got punched in the . . 不,特里,我签的合同不是为了受他妈的这个,我被一 拳打 在. . Super russia games 碰碰 拳打 小游戏 After their argument , he expressed his anger by punching the other man in the face 争吵之后,他一 拳打 在那个人的脸上以发泄怒气。 The boxer got his opponent with a hard left to the jaw , which dazed him 那拳击手以一记狠狠的左钩 拳打 到对手的下巴,打得他晕头转向了。 You know , considering how many punches you took to this face , you don " t look too shabby 你知道吧,想到你这个脸挨了多少 拳打 ,你看起来还不太样衰。
2023-01-01 23:35:041


punch不是水果,是混合饮料或混合酒类,比如fruit punch,混合果汁,或鸡尾酒等等
2023-01-01 23:35:102

to pull no punches是啥意思

2023-01-01 23:35:181


punch作名词时意思是冲压机,打洞器,钻孔机。作及物动词时意思是开洞,以拳重击。作不及物动词时意思是用拳猛击。单词发音:英[pʌntʃ]。短语搭配:Punch card 打卡,穿孔卡片,打孔卡。punch riveting 冲压铆合,冲压铆开。groove punch 压线冲子,冲压模具的压线冲子。例句:1、After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head. 用拳猛击(或攻击)她先挥拳打他的下巴,然后又打他的脑袋。2、The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet. 机器在金属薄板上冲出一排孔。3、He had a rush of blood to the head and punched the man. 他一时冲动,挥拳打了那个男人。
2023-01-01 23:35:241

punch my kitten 翻译为 是什么意思

punch my kitten打我的小猫punch[英][pʌntʃ][美][pʌntʃ]vt.用拳猛击; 打孔; (用压穿器)穿孔,冲孔; 用肘推; n.冲压机,冲床; 打洞器; 钻孔机; 剪票铗; vi.用拳猛击; 第三人称单数:punches过去分词:punched复数:punches现在进行时:punching过去式:punched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Nineteenth-century english mathematician charles babbage planned to use punch cards to program his analytical engine. 十九世纪英格兰数学家查尔斯巴贝奇曾计划用打孔卡给他的分析机下指令。
2023-01-01 23:35:361

pull your punches是什么意思

pull your punches故意不用全力打(故意不猛烈攻击)punchesn.冲床; 拳打; 猛击( punch的名词复数 ); 力量vi.; v.用拳猛击( punch的第三人称单数 ); 打孔; 例句:1.But when it comes to deploying social-networking tools, first round punches above its weight. 不过在配置社交网络工具方面,首轮资本公司的表现远远超过它的规模。2.Mazda punches above its weight with smart designs that are right-sized but seldom scores a knockout. 马自达(Mazda)一向以尺寸合适的聪明设计以小制胜,但是很少能真正获得完胜。
2023-01-01 23:35:411

这里的punch 是什么意思

punch [pʌntʃ] n. 打洞器,钻孔机,冲压机,冲床,力量,殴打,混合甜饮料vt. 以拳重击,开洞 这里应该是重重落锁的意思吧,动词。Pete got the sack for punching the foreman on the nose.自得因用拳头打了工头的鼻子而被解雇。The train conductor punched our tickets.列车员在我们的车票上打孔。The thug gave him a punch in the chest.暴徒对着他的胸部打了一拳。She punched the pillow behind his head.她将枕头塞到他的脑后。The ticket-collector punched my ticket.收票员在我的票上剪了一个孔。The rocket punched its way out of the atmosphere.火箭猛力冲出大气层。The punch was spiked with rum.潘趣酒中被搀入了朗酒A perforation,as in a punched card or paper tape.在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
2023-01-01 23:35:463

they roll along with the punches什么意思?

2023-01-01 23:35:572

pull no punches是什么意思

pull no punches用力打网络释义1. 手下留情2. 不客气,动真格的例句:1.In his experience, the most effective coaches pull no punches: "if people know youhave their best interests at heart, they can take honest criticism no matter how it"sgiven. 按照他的经验,最有效的教练从来都是毫不留情的:“如果大家知道,你真诚地批评完全是为了他们的最大利益,他们应该都能够接受,不论你采取哪种方式。
2023-01-01 23:36:051

fruit punches 是什么意思?

2023-01-01 23:36:103


这句话的意思是:我们已经商量过,后半辈子要一起度过。世事难料,随拳应变。我想我们还是考虑一下Julia这个名字吧。1. we agreed we"d spend the .... 为什么这么说? 我们已经达成一致,将会用……2. roll with the punches 什么意思? 这句话来源是“Things change, roll with it”(世事难料,随遇而安),既然文中用的是“punches”,我们就把它译为“世事难料,随拳应变”3. Julia"s(人名)on the table...?又是什么意思on the table意思是:很明显,都摆上台面了,就是说我们觉得这是顺理成章的事。
2023-01-01 23:36:222

老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?

情况变了,我们得兵来将挡!Roll with the punches实际上是逆来顺受的意思,在这里兵来将挡这样翻译比较合适!
2023-01-01 23:36:301


问一些英文专业足球术语的翻译!Total Appearances Total Clean Sheets Avg. Goals Conceded Avg. Saves Per Game Avg. Saves Per Goal Avg. Claim Success Avg. Punches Dist. Success Dist. Length Performance Score Total Goals Scored Shot Accuracy Total Chances Created Avg. Pass Accuracy Avg. Pass Length Avg. Duels Won Avg. Defensive Actions Total Defensive Errors Shot Accuracy Total Chances Created Avg. Pass Accuracy Avg. Pass Length Avg. Duels Won Avg. Defensive Actions Total Defensive Errors总出场总失球平均每场失球平均节省平均节省每目标平均索赔成功平均拳区成功区长度评分总进球射门精度总机会平均传球准确率平均传递长度平均决斗赢得总平均防守防守失误射门精度总机会平均传球准确率平均传递长度平均。决斗赢得总平均防守防守失误
2023-01-01 23:36:361

英文咏春拳介绍 请快

2023-01-01 23:36:423

It doesn"t pull any punches. 是什么意思

2023-01-01 23:36:562

拳拳到肉 的 英语翻译

2023-01-01 23:37:043

请解释:roll with the punches

2023-01-01 23:37:153


代码如下:import random# 出拳punches = ["石头","剪刀","布"]computer_choice = random.choice(punches)user_choice = ""user_choice = input("请出拳:(石头、剪刀、布)")  # 请用户输入选择while user_choice not in punches:print("输入有误,请重新出拳")  # 当用户输入错误,提示错误,重新输入user_choice = input()# 亮拳print("————战斗过程————")  print("电脑出了:%s" % computer_choice) print("你出了:%s" % user_choice)# 胜负print("—————结果—————") if user_choice == computer_choice:  # 使用if进行条件判断print("平局!") elif (user_choice == "石头" and computer_choice == "剪刀") or (user_choice == "剪刀" and computer_choice == "布")or (user_choice == "布" and computer_choice == "石头"):print("你赢了!")  else:print("你输了!")
2023-01-01 23:37:262


逆来顺受造句如下: 1、他对主子向来都是逆来顺受。 2、面对残酷的现实,选择逆来顺受成了许多人的习惯。 3、在这个感情危机的时刻,她的态度显得异常地逆来顺受。释义列句:宋无名氏《张协状元》戏文第十二出:逆来顺受,须有通时。明高明《琵琶记·风木馀恨》:事当逆来顺受,抑情就礼通今古。明周楫《西湖二集侠女散财殉节》:若是一个略略知趣的,见家主来光顾,也便逆来顺受。清吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九十三回:从前受了主人的骂,无非逆来顺受。陈残云《山谷风烟》第三二章:他想像不到,当日那个愁眉苦脸,逆来顺受的堂弟妇,如今变得那么威严和泼辣。明汤显祖《牡丹亭旁疑》:夜来柳秀才房里,唧唧哝哝,听的似女儿声息。敢是小道姑瞒着我去瞧那秀才,秀才逆来顺受了。近义词:委曲求全、犯而不校。反义词:以牙还牙、以眼还眼、针锋相对。中文名:逆来顺受。外文名:Rollwiththepunches。拼音:nì lái shùn shòu。近义词:委曲求全、犯而不校。
2023-01-01 23:37:401


2023-01-01 23:37:5212

请英语好的 帮我翻译一段关于拳击的内容

sparring拳击sparring is when the boxer works with an opponent in the ring. sparring can be divided into situation, isolated and free sparring.拳击是拳手在圆形场于对手对打的运动。拳击可以分为情境,独立与自由拳击。situation sparring is is when a certain boxing situation such as clinching is practiced. for example the boxers agree before the sparring that only clinching and punching at close range is allowed. another situation might be that one boxer tries to get inside and the other tries to keep the distance with straight punches.情境拳击是练习特定拳击技术,如扭抱(裁判吹开两人之前扭成一团的状态)。拳手练习前事先说好可以在近距离出拳及扭抱。也可以练一个拳手想近距离进攻,另一个拳手使用直拳保持距离。isolated sparring is when specific punches and moves are drilled. you can find examples of such drills in the exercises section starting at page 81单独拳击是训练特定的拳法及脚步。你可以从81页起找到这个训练的例子。free sparring is when both boxer do their best to beat their opponent . this form of sparring is the closest the boxer will get to actual boxing fight in training自由拳击是两个拳手倾尽全力击败对手。这是训练中最接近实战的一种方式。
2023-01-01 23:38:321

一首英文歌 开头好像是巴郎吧浪巴郎 棒棒棒巴郎 棒棒 棒巴浪

bum bum(DJ版)没错,就是它了,不用谢!
2023-01-01 23:38:372


2023-01-01 23:38:454


打3个洞的叫 3-hole punch,打2个洞的最普遍,叫 2-hole punch,以此类推。附一个澳大利亚文具店的网页给lz证明是这样用的:中文名字不清楚,可以叫做打孔机么?
2023-01-01 23:38:591


punch 英[pʌntʃ] 美[pʌntʃ] vt. 打孔; 用拳猛击; (用压穿器) 穿孔,冲孔; 用肘推; n. 冲压机,冲床; 打洞器; 钻孔机; 剪票铗; vi. 用拳猛击; [例句]After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head她先挥拳打他的下巴,然后又打他的脑袋。[其他] 第三人称单数:punches 复数:punches 现在分词:punching过去式:punched 过去分词:punched
2023-01-01 23:39:391

roll with the punches是什么意思

roll with the punches英翻中:逆来顺受
2023-01-01 23:39:453

roll with the punch什么意思

2023-01-01 23:39:552


2023-01-01 23:40:032


2023-01-01 23:40:123

实况足球2010英文解说 求翻译

2023-01-01 23:40:232

老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?

情况变了,我们得兵来将挡!Roll with the punches实际上是逆来顺受的意思,在这里兵来将挡这样翻译比较合适!
2023-01-01 23:40:301

roll with the punches是什么意思

roll with the punches(拳击手)避让对方打击以减轻受打击的力; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maturity helps you roll with the punches a little more, "she says. 她说:“成熟有助于一个人应对各种压力。”
2023-01-01 23:40:361

Lenka 唱的Roll With the Punches歌词中文翻译

Lenka - Roll With The PunchesRoll, roll with the punchesRoll, roll with the punchesThat really hurt meLike a fist to the face I wasn"t readyTo be knocked out of placeSuddenly everything I was sure ofSinking below the depths of the surfaceIt"s unexpected, it usually isWhen you"re rejected, or you take a hitSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in now?When life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesLittle weapons over the phoneThey like to threaten the life that I knowThey say get over here and get into the ringBut I"m not really much a fighterMy mechanisms of defense are downAnd my resistance is out on the townI was alarmed by your attackThis isn"t a boxing matchBut I"ll be damned if I ever let you winWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesWhen all I want is a little stabilitySome time without any bruisesYou go and tell me the things that I don"t want to hearPutting your fist into my earsFilling me up with the dread and the fear leaving you all in piecesSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in now?Oh when life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to hold, hold, hold your head up highWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches
2023-01-01 23:40:412

Roll With The Punches 歌词

歌曲名:Roll With The Punches歌手:Lenka专辑:ResturlaubLenka - Roll With The PunchesRoll, roll with the punchesRoll, roll with the punchesThat really hurt meLike a fist to the face I wasn"t readyTo be knocked out of placeSuddenly everything I was sure ofSinking below the depths of the surfaceIt"s unexpected, it usually isWhen you"re rejected, or you take a hitSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in now?When life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesLittle weapons over the phoneThey like to threaten the life that I knowThey say get over here and get into the ringBut I"m not really much a fighterMy mechanisms of defense are downAnd my resistance is out on the townI was alarmed by your attackThis isn"t a boxing matchBut I"ll be damned if I ever let you winWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesWhen all I want is a little stabilitySome time without any bruisesYou go and tell me the things that I don"t want to hearPutting your fist into my earsFilling me up with the dread and the fear leaving you all in piecesSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in now?Oh when life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to hold, hold, hold your head up highWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches
2023-01-01 23:40:531


2023-01-01 23:40:591


import randomwhile True:# 出拳 punches = ["石头","剪刀","布"] computer_choice = random.choice(punches) user_choice = "" user_choice = input("请出拳:(石头、剪刀、布)") # 请用户输入选择 while user_choice not in punches: # 当用户输入错误,提示错误,重新输入 print("输入有误,请重新出拳") user_choice = input()# 亮拳 print("————战斗过程————") print("电脑出了:%s" % computer_choice) print("你出了:%s" % user_choice)# 胜负 print("—————结果—————") if user_choice == computer_choice: # 使用if进行条件判断 print("平局!")# 电脑的选择有3种,索引位置分别是:0石头、1剪刀、2布。# 假设在电脑索引位置上减1,对应:-1布,0石头,1剪刀,皆胜。 elif user_choice == punches[punches.index(computer_choice)-1]: print("你赢了!") else: print("你输了!") a1 = input("要继续游戏吗,请输入n退出,输入其他继续:") # 在 while True 循环中设置跳出条件。 if a1 == "n": break else: print("---------next game------- are you ready???")
2023-01-01 23:41:041


Wushu, also known as modern wushu or contemporary wushu, is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. It was created in the People"s Republic of China after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts.[1] Most of the modern competition forms (套路 taolu) were formed from their parent arts (see list below) by government-appointed committee.[1] Some authors have surmised that the creation of sport wushu and its subsequent disassociation from self-defense and the traditional closed system of family lineages was an attempt to suppress what the PRC felt was potentially subversive aspects of Chinese martial arts.[1] In contemporary times, wushu has become a truly international sport through the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), which holds the World Wushu Championships every two years; the first World Championships were held in 1991 in Beijing and won by Clark Zhang.[citation needed]Modern wushu is composed of two disciplines: taolu (套路; forms) and sanda (散打; sparring) [2]. Taolu forms are similar to gymnastics and involve martial art patterns and maneuvers for which competitors are judged and given points according to specific rules. The forms comprise basic movements (stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps and throws) based on aggregate categories traditional Chinese martial art style and can be changed for competitions to highlight one"s strengths. Competitive forms have time limits that can range from 1 minute, 20 seconds for the some external styles to over five minutes for internal styles. Modern wushu competitors are increasingly training in aerial techniques such as 540 and 720 degree jumps and kicks to add more difficulty and style to their forms.[3]Sanda (sometimes called sanshou or Lei Tai) is a modern fighting method and sport influenced by both traditional Chinese boxing, Chinese wrestling methods called Shuai Chiao and other Chinese grappling techniques such as Qin Na. It has all the combat aspects of wushu. Sanda appears much like kickboxing or Muay Thai, but includes many more grappling techniques. Sanda fighting competitions are often held alongside taolu or form competitions.HistoryIn 1958, the government established the All-China Wushu Association as an umbrella organization to regulate martial arts training. The Chinese State Commission for Physical Culture and Sports took the lead in creating standardized forms for most of the major arts. During this period, a national Wushu system that included standard forms, teaching curriculum, and instructor grading was established. Wushu was introduced at both the high school and university level. In 1979, the State Commission for Physical Culture and Sports created a special task force to reevaluate the teaching and practice of Wushu. In 1986, the Chinese National Research Institute of Wushu was established as the central authority for the research and administration of Wushu activities in the People"s Republic of China.[4] Changing government policies and attitudes towards sports in general lead to the closing of the State Sports Commission (the central sports authority) in 1998. This closure is viewed as an attempt to partially de-politicize organized sports and move Chinese sport policies towards a more market-driven approach.[5] As a result of these changing sociological factors within China, both traditional styles and modern Wushu approaches are being promoted by the Chinese government.[6][edit] EventsA Jian dual event (choreographed)Barehanded 长拳 Changquan (Long Fist) 南拳 Nanquan (Southern Fist) 太极拳 Taijiquan (Taiji Fist) Short Weapons 刀 Dao (single-edged sword) 剑 Jian (double-edged sword) 太极剑 Taijijian (Taiji double-edged sword) 南刀 Nandao (Southern single-edged sword) Long Weapons 棍 Gun (Staff) 枪 Qiang (Spear) 南棍 Nangun (Southern Staff) Most events were first set up in 1958.These events are performed using compulsory or individual routines in competition. Compulsory routines are those routines that have been already created for the athlete, resulting in each athlete performing basically the same set. Individual routines are routines that an athlete creates with the aid of his/her coach, while following certain rules for difficulty, number of acrobatics, etc.In addition to events for individual routines, some wushu competitions also feature dual and group events. The dual event, also called duilian (对练), is an event in which there is some form of sparring with weapons, or without weapons or even using bare hands against weapons. The dual event is usually spectacular and actions are choreographed before hand. The group event, also known as jiti (集体), requires a group of people to perform together and smooth synchronization of actions are crucial. Usually, the group event also allows instrumental music to accompany the choreography during the performance. The carpet used for the group event is also larger than the one used for individual routines.Previously, international wushu competitions most often used compulsory routines, while high-level competitions in China most often used individual routines. However, after the 2003 Wushu World Games in Macau it was decided to opt for individual routines in international competition with nandu (难度; difficulty movements) added for additional point bonuses.There is some controversy concerning the inclusion of nandu in wushu because many of the movements created for the specific events are not originally movements used in those styles. In addition the number of injuries which have resulted from the inclusion of these nandu have caused many people to question their inclusion.Those who support the new difficulty requirements follow the assertion that they help to progress the sport and improve the overall physical quality of the athletes.[edit] Main EventsChangquan refers to long-range extended wushu styles like Chaquan (查拳), Huaquan (华拳), Hongquan (洪拳; "flood fist"), and Shaolinquan (少林拳), but this wushu form is a modernized style derived from movements of these and other traditional styles. Changquan is the most widely-seen of the wushu forms, and includes whirling, running, leaping, and acrobatics. Changquan is difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism, and is often practised from a young age.Nanquan refers to wushu styles originating in south China (i.e., south of the Yangtze River, including Hongjiaquan (洪家拳), Cailifoquan (蔡李佛拳), and Yongchunquan (咏春拳). Many are known for vigorous, athletic movements with very stable, low stances and intricate hand movements. This wushu form is a modern style derived from movements of these and other traditional southern styles. Nanquan typically requires less flexibility and has fewer acrobatics than Changquan, but it also requires greater leg stability and power generation through leg and hip coordination. This event was created in 1960.Taijiquan is a wushu style famous for slow, relaxed movements, and often seen as an exercise method for the elderly. This wushu form is a modern recompilation based on the Yang (杨) style of Taijiquan, but also including movements of the Chen (陈), Wu (吴), Wu (武), and Sun (孙) styles.Dao refers to any curved, one-sided sword/blade, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using a medium-sized willow-leaf-shaped dao (柳叶刀).Jian refers to any double-edged straight sword/blade, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the jian.Gun refers to a long staff (wooden, not made of bamboo as it will split) as tall as the wrist of a person standing with his/her arms stretched upwards, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the gun.Qiang refers to a flexible spear with red hair attached to the spearhead, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the qiang.Taijijian is an event using the jian based on traditional Taijiquan jian methods.Nandao is a weapon that appears to be based on the butterfly swords of Yongchunquan, but has been lengthened and changed so that only one is used (as opposed to a pair). This event is a Nanquan method, and was created in 1992.Nangun is a Nanquan method of using the gun (Chinese word meaning staff, not to be confused with handgun). This event was created in 1992.[edit] Other routinesPart of the series onChinese martial arts The majority of routines used in the sport are new, modernized recompilations of traditional routines. However, routines taken directly from traditional styles, including the styles that are not part of standard events, may be performed in competition, especially in China. These routines generally do not garner as many points as their modern counterparts, and are performed in events separate from the compulsory routine events. Among these, the more commonly seen routines include:Baguazhang (八卦掌) - Eight-Trigrams Palm Bajiquan (八极拳) - Eight Extremes Fist/Boxing Chaquan (查拳) - Cha Fist/Boxing Chuojiao (戳脚) - Poking Feet Ditangquan (地躺拳) - Ground-Prone Fist/Boxing Fanziquan (翻子拳) - Overturning Fist/Boxing Houquan (猴拳) - Monkey Fist/Boxing Huaquan (华拳) - Hua Fist/Boxing Paochui (炮捶) - Cannon Punch Piguaquan (劈挂拳) - Chop-Hitch Fist/Boxing Shequan (蛇拳) - Snake Fist/Boxing Taijiquan (太极拳) - Supreme Ultimate Fist/Boxing Tantui (弹腿)- Spring Leg Tanglanghushi (螳螂虎势) - Praying Mantis and Tiger Style Tanglanquan (螳螂拳) - Praying Mantis Fist/Boxing Tongbeiquan (通背拳) - Through-the-Back Fist/Boxing Wing Chun (Yongchunquan) (永春) Xingyiquan (形意拳) - Shape-Intent Fist/Boxing Yingzhaoquan (鹰爪拳) - Eagle Claw Fist/Boxing Zuiquan (醉酒拳) - Drunken Fist/Boxing Similarly, there is also a traditional weapons category, which often includes the following:Changsuijian (长穗剑) - Long-Tasseled Sword Shuangshoujian (双手剑) - Two-Handed Sword Jiujiebian (九节鞭) - Nine Section Whip Sanjiegun (三节棍) - Three Section Staff Shengbiao (绳镖) - Rope Dart Dadao (大刀) - Great Sword Pudao (扑刀) - Pu Sword Emeici (峨嵋刺) - Emei Daggers Shuangdao (双刀) - Double Broadsword Shuangjian (双剑) - Double Sword Shuangbian (双鞭) - Double Nine Section Whips Shuanggou (双钩) - Double Hooksword [edit] CompetitionsList of major international and regional competitions featuring wushu:World Wushu Championships World Junior Wushu Championships Asian Games National Games of the People"s Republic of China East Asian Games Southeast Asian Games European Wushu Championships, organised by the European Wushu Federation [edit] Notable practitionersFor Sanda competitors, see the article on Sanshou. Jet Li (李连杰) - possibly the most famous wushu practitioner in the world. He started wushu as a competition sport and gained fame as he took the National Wushu Champion of China title five times as an original member of the Beijing Wushu Team, he was later selected to demonstrate his wushu on the silver screen in the worldwide hit film Shaolin Temple. Many of his old teammates have also appeared on-screen with him, especially in his older movies. Wu Jing (吴京) - Chinese actor who was sent to the Beijing Sports Institute at Shichahai in Beijing when he was 6 years old. Like Jet Li he competed as a member of the Beijing Wushu Team in national level wushu competitions in China. Both his father and grandfather were also martial artists [7] Ray Park - Showcased his skills in wushu in several major films, including his portrayal of Darth Maul in 1999"s Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, as well as Toad in the film X-Men (2000) and as stunt-double for Robin Shou and James Remar in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Voice actor Yuri Lowenthal is a practitioner of Wu Shu. [edit] Wushu as an Olympic eventThe IWUF placed a bid to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to have wushu included in future Olympic Games, but so far did not meet with success. However, the IOC has allowed China to organize an international wushu event during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, but this event is not one of the 28 official Olympic sports, nor is it a demonstration event. Instead, it will be called the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Wushu Tournament. [8]
2023-01-01 23:41:101

老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?

2023-01-01 23:41:161


How to Hedge a China Slow Down; Comewhat may,I am not afraid;Fight fire with water
2023-01-01 23:41:211


淑女飘飘拳Lady fluttering fistLadies fluttering punches
2023-01-01 23:41:271


Roll with the Punches 播放歌手:LenkaRoll roll with the punchesRoll roll with the punchesThat really hurt meLike a fist to the face I wasn"t readyTo be knocked out of placeSuddenly everything I was sure ofSinking below the depths of the surfaceIt"s unexpected it usually isWhen you"re rejected or you take a hitSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in nowWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesLittle weapons over the phoneThey like to threaten the life that I knowThey say get over here and get into the ringBut I"m not really much a fighterMy mechanisms of defense are downAnd my resistance is out on the townI was alarmed by your attackThis isn"t a boxing matchBut I"ll be damned if I ever let you winWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesWhen all I want is a little stabilitySome time without any bruisesYou go and tell me the things that I don"t want to hearPutting your fist into my earsFilling me up with the dread and the fear leaving you all in piecesSuddenly everything"s thrown in a spinNo time to grow a thicker skinWhat kind of situation am I in nowOh when life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to hold hold hold your head up highWhen life tries to knock all the wind out of youYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punchesIf all life offers is black and blueYou"ve got to roll roll roll with the punches
2023-01-01 23:41:331

we"d spend

1.we"d=we would,我们同意...很简单啊.. 2.roll with the punches punch指"打击、拳击";在搏斗中要随着对方出拳而翻滚,引申为"逆来顺受" 3.这是老友记里面的台词..这里on the table是“在桌面上,公开的”意思,Ross认为如果他和Carol的孩子是女儿的话,应该光明堂皇的叫做Julia
2023-01-01 23:41:381

pull punch 是什麽意思啊?

To "pull" a punch means to use less than full force - as if the puncher "pulled back" their punch. To say to somebody "Don"t pull any punches!" is a way of saying that the person has been overly direct and perhaps too rude in how they have expressed themself.
2023-01-01 23:41:443


2023-01-01 23:41:593


翻译很长啊。。。给你一个大概吧。这篇文章的题目是夸张人物性格。我用了小女孩(little girl), 书呆子(nerd),肌肉发达头脑简单的人(jock),还有一个金发碧眼的拉拉队队员(cheerleader),孕妇以及其丈夫。这是典型的stereotype。书呆子用自己的实验电梯把其余五人关起来,做成意外故障,去试验其余五人的反应。然后再事成之后,对着急去hair沙龙的拉拉队队员进行敲诈,却被识破。In a multi-purpose building"s elevator. It is a well-decorated elevator. A NERD and a LITTLE GIRL are in the elevator. The NERD is sitting on the ground and writing a lab paper. The LITTLE GIRL is eating a chocolate bar. LITTLE GIRL: [chewing] Hey! Do you know which floor is the vending machine on? NERD: Yes. It is on the floor of the square root of three X plus six. LITTLE GIRL: I don"t get it! Just tell me which floor it is on! I AM HUNGRY! NERD: You are so stupid. Go figure it out your self. The elevator slows down and stops. The doors are open. A CHEERLEADER and a JOCK come in. The door shuts. CHEERLEADER: Honey letz go. We are almost late for your H-O-T football game. JOCK: I"ll show off these babies for ya in the game [showing off his muscle] CHEERLEADER: Awwwwww…[frowning at the NERD and the LITTLE GIRL] That is so cute of you. LITTLE GIRL: Hey! [shouting at the CHEERLEADER] Tell me which floor the vending machine is on! CHEERLEADER: Why do you need the vending machines? That is SO MANY calories! LITTLE GIRL: I don"t care! I want the vending machine! Tell me! CHEERLEADER: SHUT UP! LITTLE GIRL: Make me! CHEERLEADER: [to the JOCK]Honey…she won"t shut up. JOCK: Shut your mouth now, or else… LITTLE GIRL: [rolls her eyes] The elevator slows down and stops. The doors are open. A PREGENANT WOMAN and the HUSBAND come in. The door shuts. PREGNANT WOMAN: OH MY GODNESS! OH MY GODNESS! I AM GONNA DIE! LITTLE GIRL: [touches the bulging stomach of the PREGMANT WOMAN] PREGNANT WOMAN: AHHH!!!!! GET AWAY FROM MY BABY! HUSBAND: Honey, calm down. It"s okay. The-baby-is-fine. Now breath in and breath out. PREGNANT WOMAN: Okay…okay… [slowly breathing] HUSBAND: Good. The elevator shakes violently and stopped. The lights are out. PREGNANT WOMAN: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! CHEERLEADER: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LITTLE GIRL: Who turned the light off? Hey! It"s fun! Let"s do it again. CHEERLEADER: ARE YOU INSANE? PREGNANT WOMAN: MY BABY! I am gonna die now! MY BABY! MY POOR BABY! HUSBAND: It"s going to be okay honey. Calm down. OUR baby is doing fine. It"s just a small— The light goes back on. HUSBAND: See? It"s all fine now. CHEERLEADER: [madly pressing the ‘open" button] Except that WE ARE STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR! PREGNANT WOMAN: AHHHHHHHHHH! My nerves…my poor poor nerves. NERD: It"s fine. It is a result of a short circuit. We can wait here until someone gets us out of here. CHEERLEADER: Wait? WAIT?! What are you talking about! Now I am late for my hair appointment! LITTLE GIRL: Who cares about your hair? I WANT THE VENDING MACHINE! CHEERLEADER: WHAT?! You little brat who has no sense of fashion at all! Where do you get your cloth from? Second hand supermarket? LITTLE GIRL: No! Well…sort of…but a least people love me! Unlike you. CHEERLEADER: HEY! Watch your mouth! LITTLE GIRL: I am merely speaking the truth. CHEERLEADER: Well my daddy loves me. That"s why he gave me all these money. And my boyfriend loves me too. [To JOCK] Right? Honey? JOCK: Right, sweetheart. PREGNANT WOMAN: OW! I CAN"T HOLD ON ANY LONGER! I…I...OWWW! CHEERLEADER: Quick, little brat! Press the button. LITTLE GIRL: NO! CHEERLEADER: Press it now or get your face punched. LITTLE GIRL: Fine… [presses the button] See? It doesn"t work! CHEERLEADER: Well Press again! LITTLE GIRL: [presses again and again] See? I told you. IT DOES NOT WORK! CHEERLEADER: Useless. I am going to call my daddy to get us out of here. NERD: Cell phones do not work in an elevator. CHEERLEADER: BE QUIET, [dials numbers] my phone is the newest, it will work for sure! Hey! I can"t get a signal. NERD: Told you. LITTLE GIRL: I WANT THE VENDING MACHINE! HUSBAND: We have to get out of here! We need to go to the hospital. JOCK: Shut up, all of you. My babies will get us out of here. NERD: It"s physically impossible. You can always observe. Flesh can not punch through steel. JOCK: Watch me. [punches the door] OUCH! NERD: Told you. JOCK: I can always punch you! CHEERLEADER: Look, nerd, you spend hours and hours in math clubs and whatever. So get us out of here! NERD: Sure. I do not do it for free though. CHEERLEADER: How much? NERD: 1,000 dollar in five minutes. CHEERLEADER: Pocket change. 2,000 in one minute. [takes out a check and signed] NERD: DEAL [takes the check and takes out a remote control, press a button, the doors slowly opens, the LITTLE GIRL, the PREGNANT WOMAN and the HUSBAND left in a hurry]. CHEERLEADER: You know how to get out of here all along? NERD: Duh! It was my experiment elevator. I observe people"s reactions in different situations. CHEERLEADER: How dare you?! JOCK: My fists feel itchy. [pushes the NERD in a corner.] The elevator doors closes. Sounds come from the elevator. ???: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! March 11,2009 Wednesday Script Writing Escercise By Flora Wang 绝对原创,in fact,这是我上次的英语作业,如果格式没变的话应该是正规剧本的格式。所以你只要你粘以下就可以啦!
2023-01-01 23:42:101