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2023-05-19 15:21:35


TAG: 电影 英文


At the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone"s daughter Connie and Carlo Rizzi in the late summer of 1945, Vito, the head of the Corleone Mafia family – who is known to his friends and associates as Godfather – and Tom Hagen, the Corleone family lawyer and consigliere (counselor), are hearing requests for favors from friends and associates, because "no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter"s wedding day". Meanwhile, the Don"s youngest son Michael, who has returned from World War II service as a decorated war hero, tells his girlfriend Kay Adams anecdotes about his father"s criminal life, reassuring her that he is not like his family.

Among the guests at the celebration is the famous singer Johnny Fontane, Corleone"s godson, who has come from Hollywood to petition for help in landing a movie role that will revitalize his flagging career. Jack Woltz, the head of the studio, will not give Fontane the part, but Don Corleone explains to Johnny: "I"ll make him an offer he can"t refuse." Hagen is dispatched to California to fix the problem, but Woltz angrily tells him that he will never cast Fontane in the role, for which he is perfect, because Fontane seduced and "ruined" a starlet that Woltz favored. The next morning, Woltz wakes up to find the bloody severed head of his prize $600,000 stud horse in the bed with him. Woltz gives in.

Upon Hagen"s return, the family meets with Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo, who is being backed by the rival Tattaglia family. He asks Don Corleone for financing and political and legal protection for the importation and distribution of heroin, but despite the huge amount of money to be made, Corleone refuses, explaining that his political influence would be jeopardized by a move into the narcotics trade. The Don"s oldest son, hotheaded Sonny, who had earlier expressed to the Don his support of the family entering into the narcotics trade, breaks rank during the meeting and questions Sollozzo"s assurances as to the Corleone Family"s investment being guaranteed by the Tattaglia Family. His father, angry at Sonny"s dissension in front of a non-family member, privately rebukes him later. Don Corleone then dispatches his top button man (hit man), Luca Brasi, to infiltrate Sollozzo"s organization and report back with information.

Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, the Godfather.Soon after his refusal to support Sollozzo, Don Corleone is shot several times in an assassination attempt, and it is not immediately known whether he has survived. Meanwhile, Sollozzo and the Tattaglias kill Luca Brasi. Sollozzo then abducts Tom Hagen and persuades him to offer Sonny the deal previously offered to his father. Enraged, Sonny refuses to consider the deal, and issues an ultimatum to the Tattaglias – turn over Sollozzo or face war. They refuse, and Sonny responds by having Bruno Tattaglia, son of Don Phillip Tattaglia, killed.

Michael, who is considered a "civilian" by the other Mafia families, not involved in mob business, visits his father in the hospital, but is shocked to find there is no one guarding him. Realizing that his father is again being set up to be killed, he calls Sonny with a report, moves his father to another room, and goes outside to watch the door. With the help of Enzo the baker, who feels indebted to the Don and has come by the hospital to pay his respects, he bluffs away Sollozzo"s men. Police cars soon appear with the corrupt Captain McCluskey, who breaks Michael"s jaw when he insinuates that McCluskey is being paid by Sollozzo to set up his father. Just then, Hagen arrives with "private detectives" licensed to carry guns to protect Don Corleone, and takes Michael home.

Following the attempt on the Don"s life at the hospital, Sollozzo requests a meeting with the Corleones, which Captain McCluskey will attend as Sollozzo"s bodyguard, and Michael volunteers to kill both men during the meeting. This initially amuses Sonny and the other senior members of the family; however Michael convinces them that he is serious, and that killing Sollozzo and McCluskey is in the family"s interest: "It"s not personal. It"s strictly business." Although cops are usually off limits for hits, Michael argues that since McCluskey is corrupt and has illegal dealings with Sollozzo, he is fair game.

At the meeting, after being searched by McCluskey, Michael excuses himself to go to the restroom, where he retrieves a planted revolver and assassinates Sollozzo and McCluskey. For his safety Michael is sent to Sicily, while the Corleone family prepares for all-out warfare with the rest of the Five Families, united against the Corleones, as well as a general clampdown on the mob by the police and government authorities. In Sicily, Michael lives under the protection of Don Tommasino, an old friend of the family. While there, he falls in love with and marries a local girl, Apollonia Vitelli, who is later killed by a car bomb intended to assassinate Michael.

Back in New York, Don Corleone returns home from the hospital and is distraught to learn that it was Michael who killed Sollozzo and McCluskey. Some months later, in 1948, Sonny severely beats Carlo Rizzi for brutalizing the pregnant Connie, and threatens to kill him the next time he abuses her. An angry Carlo responds by plotting with Tattaglia and Don Emilio Barzini, the Corleones" chief rivals, to have Sonny killed. Carlo beats Connie again in order to lure Sonny out. Furious, Sonny drives off alone to fulfill his threat. On the way, he is ambushed at a toll booth and machine-gunned to death in his car.

Instead of seeking revenge for Sonny"s killing, Don Corleone meets with the heads of the Five Families to arrange an end to the war. Not only is it draining all of their assets and threatening their survival, but ending the conflict is the only way that Michael can return home safely. Reversing his previous decision, Vito agrees that the Corleone family will provide political protection for Tattaglia"s traffic in heroin. At the meeting, Don Corleone determines that Don Barzini, not Tattaglia, was ultimately behind the mob war and Sonny"s death.

With his safety guaranteed, Michael returns from Sicily. More than a year later, he reunites with his former girlfriend, Kay, telling her that he wants to marry her. With the Don semi-retired, Sonny dead and middle brother Fredo considered incapable of running the family business, Michael is now in charge, and promises Kay to make the family completely legitimate within five years.

Peter Clemenza and Salvatore Tessio, two Corleone Family caporegimes (captains) complain that they are being pushed around by the Barzini Family and ask permission to strike back, but Michael refuses. He plans to move the family operations to Nevada and after that, Clemenza and Tessio may break away to go on their own. Michael further promises that Connie"s husband, Carlo, is going to be his right hand man in Nevada. Tom Hagen has been removed as consigliere and is now merely the family"s lawyer, with Vito serving as consigliere. Privately, Hagen complains about his change in status, and also questions Michael about a new regime of "soldiers" secretly being built under Rocco Lampone. Don Vito explains to Hagen that Michael is acting on his advice.

Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen (left) and Al Pacino as Michael Corleone (right)In Las Vegas Michael is greeted by Fredo and Johnny Fontane in the hotel-casino partly financed by the Corleones, and run by Moe Greene. Michael explains to Johnny that the Family needs his help in persuading his friends in show business to sign long-term contracts to appear at the casino. In a meeting with Moe Greene, Michael offers to buy out Greene but is rudely rebuffed. Greene believes the Corleones are weak and that he can secure a better deal from Barzini. As Moe and Michael argue, Fredo takes sides with Moe. Afterwards, Michael firmly tells Fredo to never again take sides with anyone against the family.

Michael returns home. In a private meeting, Vito explains his expectation that the Family"s enemies will attempt to kill Michael by using a trusted associate to arrange a meeting as a pretext for assassination. Shortly afterwards, Vito dies of a heart attack while playing with his young grandson Anthony in his tomato garden. At the burial, Tessio conveys a proposal for a meeting with Barzini, which identifies him as the traitor that Vito was expecting.

Michael arranges for a series of murders to occur while he is standing as godfather for Connie and Carlo"s son:

Don Stracci and his bodyguards are shot by Clemenza with a shotgun as they exit an elevator;

Moe Greene, while having a massage in one of his hotels, is shot in the eye by an unknown assassin;

Don Cuneo, while leaving a hotel, is trapped in a revolving door by Willi Cicci and shot;

Don Tattaglia and a woman he is with are gunned down while in bed by Rocco Lampone and another unknown assassin;

Finally, Don Barzini is shot on the steps of a courthouse by Al Neri, who is disguised by wearing his old policeman"s uniform.

After the baptism, Tessio believes he and Hagen are on their way to the meeting between Michael and Barzini that he has arranged. Instead, he is surrounded by Willi Cicci and other button men. Realizing that Michael has found out about his betrayal, Tessio tells Hagen that his betrayal was only business. Meanwhile, Michael confronts Carlo about Sonny"s murder and gets him to admit his role in setting up the ambush. Michael informs Carlo that his punishment is to be excluded from the family business and hands him a plane ticket to exile in Las Vegas. Carlo gets into a car to go to the airport, where he is garroted by Clemenza.

Later, Connie confronts Michael, accusing him of Carlo"s murder. Kay questions Michael about Connie"s accusation, but he refuses to answer. She insists, and Michael lies, assuring his wife that he had no role in Carlo"s death. Kay is relieved by his denial, believing it to be true. The film ends with Clemenza and new caporegimes Rocco Lampone and Al Neri paying their respects to Michael. Clemenza kisses Michael"s hand and greets him as "Don Corleone." Kay watches with dawning comprehension--Michael is the new Godfather.

[edit] Differences from the novel

One of the primary parts of Puzo"s novel which was not used for the movie was the flashback story of Don Corleone"s earlier life, including the circumstances of his emigration to America, his early family life, his murder of Don Fanucci, and his rise in importance in the mafia, all of which were later used in The Godfather Part II.

Many subplots were trimmed in the transition from the printed page to the screen, including: singer Johnny Fontane"s misfortunes with women and his problems with his voice; Sonny"s impulsive dabbling in street crime as a teenager and his utter lack of the tact and coolheadedness possessed in such abundance by his father; Sonny"s paramour Lucy Mancini"s new-found love in Dr. Jules Segal (a character entirely missing from the film), who not only repairs Lucy"s vaginal malformation but puts Michael in touch with the surgeon who repairs Michael"s facial bones (which had been damaged by Capt. McCluskey) and also operated on Johnny Fontane"s vocal cords, thus restoring his singing voice; Jack Woltz" increasing pedophilia; Kay Adams"s home life; Luca Brasi"s demonic past; the Corleone family"s victorious rise to power in earlier New York gang wars in which Don Corleone survives a previous assassination attempt and Al Capone sends triggermen from Chicago in an unsuccessful attempt to aid a rival gang; Don Corleone"s ingenious plan used to take Michael out of exile in Sicily; the detailed savage attack on the two men who assaulted Bonasera"s daughter, which was led by Paulie Gatto and involved retainer thugs (which was only alluded to in the film).

Additionally, the novel makes it clear that Lucy was not pregnant by Sonny when she moved to Las Vegas, thus leaving no room for Vincent Mancini of The Godfather, Part III. Curiously, Puzo wrote the screenplays of all three movies, so the contradiction was well known to him.

Characters with smaller roles in the film than in the novel include Johnny Fontane, Lucy Mancini, Rocco Lampone, and Al Neri (the latter two are reduced to non-speaking roles). Characters dropped in the film adaptation beside Dr. Segal include Genco Abbandando (only spoken of, he appears in a deleted scene featured in The Godfather Saga; he first appears on film in The Godfather II) and Dr. Taza from Sicily. Also, in the book, Michael and Kay have two sons, but in the movies they have a son and a daughter.

The novel and film also differ on the fates of Michael"s bodyguards in Sicily, Fabrizio and Calo. The film has them both surviving (Calo, in fact, appears in the third installment). In the book, however, Calo dies along with Apollonia in the car explosion, and Fabrizio is shot and killed as one more victim in the famous "baptism scene" after he is tracked down running a pizza parlor in America. Fabrizio"s murder was deleted from the film but publicity photos of the scene exist.[6] (He is later killed in a completely different scene in The Godfather Saga which was deleted from The Godfather: Part II).

The ending of the book differs from the end of the movie: whereas in the film Kay suddenly realizes that Michael has become "like his family", the drama is toned down in the book, where Tom Hagen lets her in on secrets for which, according to him, he would be killed should Michael find out. During the film"s baptism scene, all the heads of the Five Families were killed. In the novel, only Barzini and Tattaglia, previously at war with the Corleones, are killed.



accusation吗,看来你是真没记住,呵呵就这样,1,分音节: accu-sa-tion2,按谐音: 阿Q谁审,正好这个词有指控的意思
2023-01-02 03:27:321


2023-01-02 03:27:385


2023-01-02 03:27:554

英语说法官的“宣读”用哪个词 法官宣读说对徐大同的指控有效 翻译

read (out). 宣读,后面应该接“文件”“决议”“判决书”等. 你等问题补充说 “法官宣读说对徐大同的指控有效”,一般做新闻报道中,措词应该说“法官宣布说...”.这时,用 The judge announced that the accusation against xxx is valid.
2023-01-02 03:28:101


诬告[wū gào]lodge a false accusation (against ...); bring a false charge (against ...); trump up a charge (against ...)
2023-01-02 03:28:151


2023-01-02 03:28:272

charge 是什么意思?

vt. 命令, 委托 例句: He charged me to arrange everything. 他要我去安排一切事务。 控告 例句: They charged that the police had beaten three students to death. 他们指控警察将三名学生殴打致死。 使充电 例句: He is charging a storage battery. 他在为蓄电池充电。 vt. & vi. 进攻 例句: We charged and the enemy"s front line fell back. 我们一冲锋, 敌人的阵线就后退了。 收费, 要价 n. 指责, 指控, 控告 猛攻 费用 掌管, 照管 例句: The company used to be in his direct charge. 该公司过去由他直接管理。 指示, 命令 The old servant fulfilled his master"s charge to care for the children. 老仆人履行了其主人要他照料孩子的指示。 电荷
2023-01-02 03:28:3611


Unit 4 sports around the world1、 在规模方面:in terms of scale2、 结束奥运会:bring the Olympics to an end3、 每四年:every four years4、 由于众所周知的原因:for the reasons known to all5、 田径项目:track and field events6、 典型的冬季奥运会项目:typical Winter Olympics events7、 金牌:a gold medal8、 展示技巧和决心:demonstrate skill and determination9、 代表人类体力和意志力的顶峰:stand for the peak of human physical strength and will power10、 用出色的表现使世界震惊:amaze the world with excellent performance11、 在世纪之交:at the turn of the century12、 2008奥运会的主办城市:the host city for the 2008 Olympics13、 期待实现梦想:look forward to achieving the dream14、 坚持不懈的努力:continuous effort15、 发出喜悦的叫喊声:let out cries of joy16、 在奖牌榜上列第四位:come fourth in the medals table17、 大量投资体育:invest heavily in sports18、 寻找有天赋的人:look for gifted people19、 互相信任:trust each other20、 团队建设:team building21、 被称作:be marked as22、 给...添上了壮丽的一笔:add a brilliant touch to23、 使...陷入困境:bring sth. to a deadly end24、 为了赞赏:in praise of25、 提出:put forward26、 靠近海岸:off the coasts of27、 举重:weight lifting28、 帮助某人解决困境:to help sb. out29、 因此:as a result我是从这里找来的。不知道对不对。 额。修改一下,应该是这个U4occupation 职业,占有reporter记者,新闻通讯员 assignment 任务,分配profession 职业,专业 professional 专业的,职业的,专业人员photograph 照片,给……照相photographer 摄影师colleague 同事eager 渴望的,热切的concentrate 集中,聚集concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于course 过程,进程,课程,一道菜acquire 获得,取得,学到meanwhile 其间,同事trade 行业,贸易,商业recorder 录音机case 情况,病例,案例accuse 指控,谴责,控告accuse..of 因……指责或控告…… accusation 指责,谴责,控告deliberately 故意地so as to (do Sth) 为了(做)…… bribe 想……行贿 deny 否认,拒绝guilty 犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的 scoop 抢先获得的(新闻、利润等),铲子section 部分,节 imaginative 富于想象力的technical 技术(上)的,技巧方面的technically 技术上,工艺上 concise 简明的,简练的thorough 彻底的,详尽的gifted 有天赋的 idiomatic 管用的defend 防护,防卫,辩护defend against 防卫以免crime 罪行,犯罪normal 正常的,正规的,标准的seldom 很少,从不edition 版本,版次department 部门,部,处,系task 任务accurate 精确的,正确的employ 雇佣,使用polish 擦亮,磨光,润色note 特别提到,注意,记下chief 主要的,首席的approve 赞成,称许 negative 底片,否定process 过程,程序,步骤intention 意图,目的,打算appointment 约会,任务senior 年长的,高年级的,高级的 hint 提示,暗示
2023-01-02 03:29:201


2023-01-02 03:29:264


2023-01-02 03:29:402

take offence at什么意思?

2023-01-02 03:29:484


2023-01-02 03:30:019

continue 形容词

continue的形容词是continual,意思是(令人厌烦地)多次重复的,频繁的。continue 英 [kən"tɪnjuː]  美 [kən"tɪnjuː]    v. 继续,连续,维持,持续例句:He is to continue as manager.翻译:他要继续当经理。短语:1、continue the accusation 继续诉讼2、continue the action 延续某种行为3、continue the arguing 继续辩论扩展资料:用法1、continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇;也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2、continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。3、continue还可用作系动词,接(to be+) adj. 或as+ n. 作表语,to be常可以省略。
2023-01-02 03:30:326


这是他们在词典中的英文解释refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。rebuttal---If you make a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been made against you, you make a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。区别就是rebuttal一般会是列举实例或说理性的辩驳,而refutation指一般性的反驳。
2023-01-02 03:31:011


read (out). 宣读,后面应该接“文件”“决议”“判决书”等。你等问题补充说 “法官宣读说对徐大同的指控有效”,一般做新闻报道中,措词应该说“法官宣布说...”。这时,用 The judge announced that the accusation against xxx is valid。
2023-01-02 03:31:076


2023-01-02 03:31:299


When fire broke out in an eight-story building in Hengyang City, Hunan Province on Nov. 3 it left 20 firemen dead, 18 people injured and over 400 homeless. The Ministry of Public Security has cited the tragedy as the worst accident involving firefighters since the founding of the People"s Republic of China in 1949. A joint investigation team of government officials and experts in the field is looking for answers. The investigation is still ongoing and blame is yet to be determined, however the accident has already given rise to much food for thought.Underlying cause of building collapse soughtOn Nov. 3, the burning building at Hengzhou Plaza in Hengyang collapsed suddenly while a team of fire fighters was working inside. Since then the focus of attention has been on finding the underlying cause of the collapse that claimed the lives of 20 young firemen.Two groups of experts on fire control from the joint investigation team have taken on the difficult task of finding out why the building collapsed. "I"ve never seen such an accident in my life," said Jin Helong, a fire expert with 30 years" fire fighting experience.Serious questions have been raised over the quality of the design and construction. Why should a fire bring about such a catastrophic collapse of an eight-story building so quickly?Li Wenge was the director of the board of the Yongxing Group Corporation, which undertook construction work at Hengzhou Plaza. It has been alleged that the corporation under Li"s direction went ahead with the renovation of three buildings at the plaza without the necessary permit granting authorization.When challenged on this issue prior to being detained in custody on Nov. 15, Li responded seriously and with sincerity insisting, "There was no problem with the construction quality. The fire was raging, growing wilder and wilder; it had been out of control for a long time. This was why the building collapsed." Li went on to blame the spread of the fire on the firemen saying, "They didn"t arrive in time to put out the fire."Dai Jianping, deputy director of the board of the Yongxing Group Corporation, said that the steel reinforcement embedded in the concrete deformed under the action of the high temperatures and ultimately this was what caused the collapse of the building.Chen Jiaqiang is deputy group leader of the joint investigation team and director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security. According to Chen the construction company changed the design of the building without authorization. For instance, one or two more floors were added to the original seven-story building, the two staircases originally planned for evacuation were reduced to one and the whole first floor was converted into warehouses. These unauthorized actions created dangerous latent defects. "I"ve been involved in fire prevention for over 30 years. During this time I have directed firemen to put out thousands of fires but never before have I seen a building collapse completely within such a short time," said Chen.Chen said that Li Wenge"s accusation of blame directed against the firemen is groundless. The fire occurred at about 5 a.m. The fire fighters set off the moment they received the fire report. By 8 a.m. they had already brought the fire under control and some then went for breakfast. They were the fortunate ones. Had this not happened the casualties would surely have been worse when the building came down.The work of the joint investigation team is ongoing as it pursues its inquiry into the cause of the disaster. As the debris is cleared away, the experts are carefully inspecting the scene of the accident. They will try to ascertain the initial source of combustion and the reasons for the severe blaze. On the issue of construction quality, samples will be taken of such materials as the concrete together with its steel reinforcement and sent to the relevant agencies for laboratory examination.
2023-01-02 03:32:121


1)Problems with the new data management software showed up soon after it was launched. (用词错误)2)In other words, grammatical metaphor examined in the semantic model can"t be viewed as the result of transference. (用词错误)3)Before spelling out exactly what this means, it is worth first asking whether translating machinery is necessarily irreversible. (用词重复)4)Being in charge, the accusation was particularly annoying to me. (垂悬分词)5)However, there were other patients whose lives had ended by (in) suicide. (介词使用错误)
2023-01-02 03:32:174


Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law
2023-01-02 03:32:464


法律英语常用词汇汇总   法律通常是指由社会认可国家确认立法机关制定规范的行为规则,并由国家强制力(主要是司法机关)保证[1] 实施的,以规定当事人权利和义务为内容的,对全体社会成员具有普遍约束力的一种特殊行为规范(社会规范)。以下是关于法律的英语常用词汇汇总。   一、 律师部分   案件受理费 court acceptance fee   案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case   案由 cause of action   案子 case   包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits   被告 defendant; the accused   被上诉人 appellee   被诉人 respondent; defendant   本案律师 councel pro hac vice   本地律师 local counsel   毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate   辩护词 defense; pleadings   辩护律师 defense lawyer   辩护要点 point of defense   辩护意见 submission   财产租赁 property tenancy   裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)   裁决书 award(用于仲裁)   裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团)   采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence   草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests   查阅法条 source legal provisions   产权转让 conveyancing   出差 go on errand; go on a business trip   出国深造 further study abroad   出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion   出示的证据 exhibit   出庭 appear in court   传票 summons; subpoena   答辩状 answer; reply   代理词 representation   代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate   代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记 agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations   代理仲裁 agency for arbitration   代写文书 drafting of legal instruments   待决案件 pending case   当事人陈述 statement of the parties   第三人 third party   吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license   调查笔录 investigative record   调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence   调解 mediation   调解书 mediation   二审案件 case of trial of second instance   发送电子邮件 send e-mail   法律顾问 legal consultants   法律意见书 legal opinions   法律援助 legal aid   法律咨询 legal counseling   法庭 division; tribunal   法学博士学位 LL.D   法学会 law society   法学课程 legal courses   法学硕士学位 LL.M   法学系 faculty of law; department of law   法学学士学位 LL.B   J.D   法学院 law school   法院公告 court announcement   反诉状 counterclaim   房地产律师 real estate lawyer; real property lawyer   非合伙律师 associate lawyer   非诉讼业务 non-litigation practice   高级合伙人 senior partner   高级律师 senior lawyer   各类协议和合同 agreements and contracts   公安局 Public Security Bureau   公司上市 company listing   公诉案件 public-prosecuting case   公证书 notarial certificate   国办律师事务所 state-run law office   国际贸易 international trade   国际诉讼 international litigation   国内诉讼 domestic litigation   合伙律师 partner lawyer   合伙制律师事务所 law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice   合同审查、草拟、修改 contract review, drafting and revision   会见当事人 interview a client   会见犯罪嫌疑人 interview a criminal suspect   兼职律师 part-time lawyer   监狱 prison; jail   鉴定结论 expert conclusion   缴纳会费 membership dues   举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi   决定书 decision   勘验笔录 record of request   看守所 detention house   抗诉书 protest   控告人 accuser; complainant   跨国诉讼 transnational litigation   劳动争议 labor disputes   劳动争议仲裁委员会 arbitration committee for labor disputes   劳改场 reform-through-labor farm; prison farm   利害关系人 interested party; party in interest   律管处处长 director of lawyer control department   律师 lawyer attorney; attorney at law   律师惩戒 lawyer discipline   律师法 Lawyer Law   律师费 lawyer fee   律师函 lawyer"s letter   律师见证 lawyer attestation/authentication   律师见证书 lawyer certification/authentication/witness   律师卷宗 lawyer"s docile; file   律师刊物 lawyer"s journal   律师联系电话 contact phone number of a lawyer   律师事务所 law office; law firm   律师收费 billing by lawyer   律师网站 lawyer website   律师协会 National Bar Association   律师协会会员 member of Lawyer Association   律师协会秘书长 secretary general of Bar Association   律师协会章程 Articles of Lawyer Assocition   律师业务室 lawyer"s office   律师执业证 lawyer license   律师助理 assistant lawyer   律师资格考试 bar exam; lawyer qualification exam   律师资格证 lawyer qualification certificate   民事案件 civil case   民事调解 civil mediation   民事诉讼 civil litigation   派出所 local police station; police substation   判决 judgement;   determination;   sentence;   verdict   旁证 circumstantial evidence   企业章程 articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw   企业重组 corporate restructure   起诉状 information; indictment   取消律师资格 disbar   全国律师代表大会 National Lawyer Congress   缺席宣判 pronounce judgement or determination by default   人民法院 People"s Court   人民检察院 People"s Procuratorate   认定事实 determine facts   上诉案件 case of trial of second instance; appellate case   上诉人 appellant   上诉状 petition for appeal   涉外律师 lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters   申请复议 administrative reconsideration petition   申请加入律师协会 application for admission to Law Association   申请人 petitioner; claimant   申诉案件 appeal case   申诉人(仲裁) claimant; plaintiff   申诉书 appeal for revision, petition for revision   实习律师 apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period   实习律师证 certificate of apprentice lawyer   视听证据 audio-visual reference material   适用法律 apply law to facts   受害人 victim   书证 documentary evidence   司法部 Ministry of Justice   司法建议书 judicial advise   司法局 Judicial Bureau   司法局副局长 deputy director of Judicial Bureau   司法局局长 director of Judicial Bureau   司法统一考试 uniform judicial exam   送达 service of process   诉讼 litigation; action; lawsuit   诉讼当事人 litigation party; litigious party   诉讼业务 litigation practice   诉状 complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim   推销法律服务 promote/market legal service   外国律师事务所 foreign law office   委托代理合同 authorized representation contract   委托代理人 agent ad litem; entrusted agent   委托授权书 power of attorney   物证 material evidence   嫌疑人 criminal suspect   项目融资 project financing   项目谈判 project negotiating   刑事案件 criminal case   刑事诉讼 criminal litigation   行政诉讼 administrative litigation   休庭 adjourn the court; recess   宣判 pronounce judgement; determination   宣誓书 affidavit   业务进修 attendance in advanced studies   一审案件 case of trial of first instance   与国外律师事务所交流 communicate with foreign law firms   原告 plaintiff   证券律师 securities lawyer   证人证言 testimony of witness; affidavit   执行笔录 execution record   执业登记 registration for practice   执业范围 scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area   执业申请 practice application   执业证年检 annual inspection of lawyer license   仲裁 arbitration   仲裁案件 arbitration case   仲裁机构 arbitration agency   专门律师 specialized lawyer   专职律师 professional lawyer; full-time lawyer   撰写法律文章 write legal thesis   资信调查 credit standing investigation   自诉案件 private prosecuting case   二、 诉讼法律   案件 case   案件发回 remand/rimit a case   案件名称 title of a case   案卷材料 materials in the case   案情陈述书 statement of case   案外人 person other than involved in the case   案值 total value involved in the case   败诉方 losing party   办案人员 personnel handling a case   保全措施申请书 application for protective measures   报案 report a case   被告 defendant; the accused   被告人最后陈述 final statement of the accused   被告向原告第二次答辩 rejoinder   被害人 victim   被害人的诉讼代理人 victim"s agent ad litem   被上诉人 respondent; the appellee   被申请人 respondent   被申请执行人 party against whom execution is filed   被执行人 person subject to enforcement   本诉 principal action   必要共同诉讼人 party in necessary co-litigation   变通管辖 jurisdiction by accord   辩护 defense   辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer   辩护人 defender   辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence   辩论阶段 stage of court debate   驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim   驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion   驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling   驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit   驳回通知书 notice of dismissal   驳回自诉 dismiss/reject a private prosecution   驳回自诉裁定书 ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case   补充答辩 supplementary answer   补充判决 supplementary judgement   补充侦查 supplementary investigation   不公开审理 trial in camera   不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing   不批准逮捕决定书 written decision of disapproving an arrest   不起诉 nol pros   不予受理起诉通知书 notice of dismissal of accusation by the court   财产保全申请书 application for attachment; application for property preservation   裁定 order; determination   裁定管辖 jurisdiction by order   裁定书 order; ruling   裁决书 award   采信的证据 admitted evidence   查封 seal up   撤回上诉 withdraw appeal   撤诉 withdraw a lawsuit   撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file   撤销原判,发回重审 rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial   出示的证据 exhibit   除权判决 invalidating judgement   传唤 summon; call   传闻证据 hearsay   答辩 answer; reply   答辩陈述书 statement of defence   答辩状 answer; reply   大法官 associate justices; justice   大检察官 deputy chief procurator   代理控告 agency for accusation   代理申诉 agency for appeal   代理审判员 acting judge   代为申请取保候审 agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving   弹劾式诉讼 accusatory procedure   当事人陈述 statement of the parties   当庭宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court   地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction   地区检察分院 inter-mediate People"s Procuratorate   第三人 third party   调查笔录 record of investigation   定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date   定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence   冻结 freeze   督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge   独任庭 sole-judge bench   独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator   对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action   对席判决 judgement inter parties   二审 trial of second instance   二审案件 case of trial of second insurance   罚款 impose a fine   法定证据 statutory legal evidence   法定证据制度 system of legal evidence   法官 judges   法警 bailiff; court police   法律文书 legal instruments/papers   法律援助 legal aid   法律咨询 legal consulting   法庭辩论 court debate   法庭调查 court investigation   法庭审理笔录 court record   法庭审理方式 mode of court trial   法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal   法院 court   法院公告 court announcement   反诉 counterclaim   反诉答辩状 answer with counterclaim   反诉状 counterclaim   犯罪嫌疑人 criminal suspect   附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action   附带民事诉讼被告 defendant of collateral civil action   复查 reexamination; recheck   复验 reinspect   高级法官 senior judge   高级检察官 senior procurator   高级人民法院 Higher People"s Court   告诉案件 case of complaint   告诉才处理的案件 case accepted at complaint   告诉申诉庭 complaint and petition division   工读学校 work-study school for delinquent chi
2023-01-02 03:32:591

急急 大哥大姐帮我翻译成英语 谢谢你们 分都给你们

West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have the respective weakness in the disposition: Elizabeth is a middle class young lady, has received the secondary education, is a gentleman"s daughter. In his/her the father parent gentleman is especially young when sought after pretty married this in wife, the result is the regret greatly especially, therefore had to use the expression which teased and from thought did not hurt the essentials the joke regulated one"s life. Also therefore, what he started to daughter"s marital view to adopt is lets matters drift the manner. Also according to having accomplished her to freedom of marriage yearning, is facing the mother to want him to marry to MR.COLLINS, she did not agree firmly. But compares the home capacity with the upper crust to be low, the relatives and friends have not educated, acts like a fool frequently in the public area, causes her to feel ashamed from ashamedly, has laid the foundation in such environment for her disposition"s in prejudice; But west reaches the disposition to be introverted, does not like with the stranger speaking. In addition his family background rich and powerful family, has the large amount wealth, will give the human unavoidably by the arrogant impression. Periphery reaches hopes always disdains the superficial interpersonal relationship, until he ran into Li Qi only then truly to change his way, certainly he was not only takes the money with the status person, was only his individuality makes to cause to so, if he has not run into the human who he liked truly, his individuality had the possibility like this to continue, could such he be very painful? Two people just started when contacts, to each other"s impression is not good. But along with contact increase, gradually beautiful and lovable moves by Elizabeth, particularly her smart brains and humorous have attracted him deeply, although he thought that the Elizabeth family background did not calculate noblly, looked down upon her family and recognized that oneself proposed to Elizabeth, already reduced the request, has violated own will, the reason, even violated the personality to do. He thought the status mean and lacks the money wealth Elizabeth certainly will express to his such status son of upper-class family loves acceptance which Italy will be wild with joy. But when he “from thought that definitely will obtain a satisfactory answer,…On when the face actually reveals the manner which is sure of success, actually has aroused Elizabeth"s hate, and absolute refusal his proposing, but also be relentless accuses him arrogant impolite. Here has displayed love regarding the marital lofty significance: Even if is again rich, is again handsome, if occupies a commanding position even “arrogant” by one kind when the posture treats another side, that both are very difficult to have love, will not have love again not to have the marriage. West afterward reached realized gradually his insufficiency, he has accepted Elizabeth"s accusation, and corrected the shortcoming which one were proud arrogant. Moreover bravely steps forward west reaching, after having solved Lydia and Wickham “the marital crisis”, also has won Elizabeth"s respect, and has accepted “repented” west gradually reaching, between two people have had the sincere sentiment finally, and has formed the content marriage affinity finally. Their marriage is not only the rational choice also has the deep emotional basis. Elizabeth own on is manifesting the marital true value and the time pursue. Elizabeth different manner which several times proposes successively to reaching west. In fact reflection female to right and so on personality independent peace pursues. Elizabeth intelligent quick-witted, has the courage and wisdom, far-seeing, has the very strong self-respect and is good at pondering the question. This enables her to have the opinion in love question, and because of obtains happiness. She does not look like younger sister Li Yaping facing the emotion for a while to flush the movement to decide that maintained personhood"s dignity has manifested the thought and the rational strength; Especially what is worth admiring is she insisted that the male and female both sides" sincere sentiment is concludes ideal marital the cornerstone, opposed that for the property, the money and the status marries. This was in at that time the woman has no right the status to treat as the marriage the only way out the society has extremely the progressive significance.
2023-01-02 03:33:074


业精于勤而荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。不勤奋地学习,什么事也做不好。娇嫩的花儿,需要每天勤奋地浇灌才能一天天长大;学习也是如此,需要你的不断浇灌,不断积累,才能提升。下面是我给大家带来的 高三英语 知识点,希望能帮助到大家! 高三英语知识点梳理1 under age 未成年,未达到规定年龄 He was rejected by the army because he was under age. 他因尚未成年而被拒绝参军。 You shouldn"t sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age. 你不应该把香烟卖给没未成年的青少年。 under arrest 被捕 You are under arrest in the name of the law. 你被依法逮捕了。 He was soon put [placed] under arrest. 他不久就被逮捕了。 under attack遭受攻击 The company has come under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory. 因为决定要关闭工厂,公司受到猛烈攻击。 under consideration 在考虑中;在研究中 The question is now under consideration. 这个问题正在考虑中。 The plan is under consideration by the Ministry of Education. 教育 部正在研究这个方案。 under construction 在建造中 The new railway is under construction. 新铁路正在修建当中。 The bridge is under construction. 这座桥正在建造中。 There are two new hotels near here under construction. 附近正在兴建两家新的旅馆。 under control 在控制中 They soon got the fire under control. 他们很快把火势控制住。 It took the teacher months to bring his class under control. 这个老师花了几个月的时间才管住了他的班级。 under copyright 享有版权 The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it. 该诗仍然享有版权,因此你必须支付引用费。 under cover 在隐蔽处;秘密地;在信封或邮包中 Plans for the attack were made under cover. 进攻计划是秘密制定的。 The check came under cover in yesterday"s mail. 支票是装在信封里和昨天的信一道寄来的。 under discussion 在讨论中;在审议中 That has no relation to the matter under discussion. 那与正在讨论的事无关。 That"s another topic that will come under discussion. 那是另一个要讨论的问题。 under examination 在检查中;在审查中 The prisoner was still under examination. 囚犯仍受审。 The proposals are still under examination. 提案仍在审查中。 under fire 在炮火中;被攻击中 We were under fire from all sides. 我们遭到了来自四面八方的 射击 。 The headmaster was under fire for not sending the boys home who stole the car. 校长由于没有开除那几个偷汽车的学生,受到责难。 under guarantee 在保修期内 It"s still under guarantee, so the manufacturer will repair it. 保证书 还有效,所以厂家会给 修理 的。 The car is still under guarantee, so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge. 汽车还在保修期内,所以你应该可以免费修理。 under oath 在法庭上宣过誓要说实话 The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath. 那法官提醒证人他已宣誓不作伪证。 under obligation 有义务;一定要 The one who did the damage in under obligation to pay for it. 造成损失的人有义务赔偿。 【注】在现代英语中通常用under an [no] obligation的形式: You"re under no obligation to pay for goods which you did not order. 没有订购的货物就无须付款。 She"s under an obligation to him because he lent her money. 因为他把钱错给她了,所以她有偿还他的义务。 高三英语知识点梳理2 1. opccupation n. 居住、占用;职业 occupational adj 与职业有关的 occupier n. 居住者, 房客, 占领者 occupy vt. 占, 占用, 占领, 占据 2.Reporter n. 记者, 新闻通讯员 =journalist n. 新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人 3.Profession n. 职业, 专业, professional adj. 专业的、职业的/ n.专业人员 习惯用语:allied health professional 保健辅助人员 4.Photograph n. 照片/ vt. 给......照相 Photographer n. 摄影师 5. Eager adj. 渴望的;热切的 eagerness n. 热心 6. concentrate v. 集中;聚集 concentration n. 集中;集合 concentration camp n. 集中营 concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于 例句:1)How can you concentrate on your work with so much noise going on? 你怎能在这样吵的环境下集中精神工作呢? 2)I tried to concentrate my thoughts on the probkem. 我努力让自己的思绪集中在这个问题上面。 =Attentively 注意地, 留意地 = pay attention to 注意 7.Course n. 过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜 a course in/on sth 课程 a course of sth 疗程 8.Acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到 acquisition n. 获得;获得物 9.Meanwhile n. 其间, 其时=meantime10. accuse vt. 控告, 谴责, accuse ... of ... 因某事指责或控告某人 例句:1)I accused her of cheating. 我指责她作弊。 2)He was accused of murder and sent for trial. 他被控告谋杀并已送交审判。 Accusation n. 指责;控告;谴责 11. deliberately adv. 故意地 = on purpose 12. so as to(do sth) 为了做某事/以便作某事 =in order to do sth 例句:We went early so as to get good seats. 我们提早去了,以便占到好位置。 13. bribe vt. 向...行贿/n. 贿赂 bribery n. 行贿, 受贿, 贿赂 14. guilty adj. 犯罪的, 有罪的, 心虚的 guilt n. 罪行, 内疚 15.imaginative adj. 想象的, 虚构的 image n. 图象, 肖像, 偶像, 形象化的比喻, 极为相象, 映像, 典型 imagine vt. 想象, 设想 16. technical adj. 技术的, 技术上的, 技巧方面的 technic n. 技术, 手法 technica n. 技术性细节,技术,技巧,技能 technically adv. 技术上, 学术上, 工艺上 17. defend vt. 防护, 辩护, 防卫, defence n. 防卫, 防卫设备 defend against防卫...以免于 18. crime n. 犯罪, 犯罪行为, 罪行, 罪恶 criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者/adj. 犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的 criminally adv. 刑法上, 犯了罪地 19. edition n. 版本, 版 edit vt. 编辑, 校订, 剪辑/n. 编辑工作 editor n. 编辑, 编辑器, 编者 20.employ vt. 雇用, 用, 使用 employer n. 雇主, 老板 employee n. 职工, 雇员, 店员 employment n. 雇用, 使用, 利用, 工作, 职业 21. polish vt. 擦亮, 发亮, 磨光, 推敲 Polish adj. 波兰(Poland)的 22.chief n. 首领, 领袖, 酋长, 长官,/adj. 主要的, 首要的, 首席的, 主任的 Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官 23. intention n. 意图, 目的 intent n. 意图, 目的, 意向/adj. 专心的, 决心的, 热心的 intentional adj. 有意图的, 故意的 高三英语知识点梳理3 虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或含蓄条件句 1.wish后的宾语从句。 与现在愿望不一致,用主语十过去时,例如: I wi。hIwere you. 与过去愿望不一致,用主语+had+过去分词,例如:Iwish I had visited the White House whenI was in the States与将来愿望不一致,用主语+would (could)+原形。 2.It"s time句型:当lt"s tine后用that从句时应该为主i吾+should+动词原形或主语十过去时,例如:It,s time thatyou went to school.或It"s time that you should go to schooL 3- If only引起的感叹句相当于“How I wish+宾语从句”。 (l)If only he could come.他要能来就好了。 (2)If only I had known the answer.我要早知道答案就好了。 4.WOuld rather,as if(though)引导的从句也需使用虚拟语气,表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时,例如: (l)I"d rather you posted the letter right away. (2)She loves the children as if they were hers. 5.含蓄虚拟条件句含蓄条件句是指句中没有明显的虚拟条件句,而是利用其他手段来暗示存在虚拟条件。但是这类隐含式虚拟条件句往往都可以转化为if引导的条件句。常用来表示含蓄虚拟条件的手段有: (1)介词或介词 短语 。如but for,but that,without,in case of, under more favorable condition等。 (2)连词。如so that, unless, in case, supposing,lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯恐),in orderthat, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。 注意:lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但也可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。例如:The foreign teacher spokeslowly in case we misunderstood him这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们误解。 (3)通过上下文及内在含义,句中往往有but,otherwise, unfortunately等类似转折词。 without, but. but for, otherwise引起的短语或 句子 常暗含着含蓄条件。例如: ①Without you,1 would never know him ②But for your oooperation, we wouldn"t have done it ③But that she was afraid, she would have said no. . ④i would be most glad to help you, butI am busy now. ⑤I would have come to the party yesterday, but ljwas working. ⑥I am busy now, otherwise l would do you the favor! 高三英语知识点梳理相关 文章 : ★ 高三英语知识考点整理概括 ★ 高三英语语法知识点归纳汇总 ★ 高三英语复习知识点归纳 ★ 高三英语知识点总结 ★ 高三英语语法知识点 ★ 高三英语单词必背整理归纳 ★ 高考英语知识点归纳整理 ★ 高三英语语法知识点总结 ★ 高三英语学习方法知识点整理 ★ 高三英语必背知识总结知识归纳 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-02 03:33:211


地方人民检察院Local People"s Procuratorate毒品罪 narcotic drug crime二审法院 Court of Second Instance发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial调解书 mediation agreement法律 law
2023-01-02 03:33:263


2023-01-02 03:33:372


2023-01-02 03:33:458


accusation[英][ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn][美][ˌækjuˈzeʃən]n.指责,谴责; 指控,控告; (被告发、控告的)罪名; 复数:accusations例句:1.Why did you sign every accusation made against you? 为什么所有对你的指控你都承认?2.We believe the accusation is not true. 我们认为这种指责是站不住脚的
2023-01-02 03:34:161


2023-01-02 03:34:223


accusation [ac·cu·sa·tion || ‚ækjuː"zeɪʃn]n. 控告, 指控; 罪名; 指责; 谴责; 非难
2023-01-02 03:34:331


请点击输入图片描述用作名词 (n.)指责,谴责,责难,非难,责备罪名,罪状控告,指控,控诉,起诉,告发状子错误1、His father was under an accusation then.他父亲当时受到控告。2、The accusation was that he had murdered a man.他被控告杀了人。3、It was frivolous of him to make such an accusation.他提出这样的指控真无聊。4、The accusation that I stole the money is false.说我偷了钱的指控是不实的。
2023-01-02 03:34:391

accusation,allegation 有什么区别?

accusation: a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing sth wrong, especially of committing a crime, allegation: a punblic statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong or illegal其实区别都含在词义中了····自己体会吧
2023-01-02 03:34:592

指控的英语翻译 指控用英语怎么说

2023-01-02 03:35:133


accusation I don"t want to make an accusation until I have some proof there"s a hint of accusation in her voice.accusation of corruption /cruelty /racism no one believes her accusation against her husband he denied the accusation that he ignored the problems please
2023-01-02 03:35:241

accusation,allegation 有什么区别?

一、意思不同“accusation”意思是:n. 控告,指控;谴责“allegation”意思是:n. 指控; 陈述,主张; 宣称; 陈词,陈述二、用法不同1、accusation:通常用于已经有了确凿的证据的指控。例句:Do you have anything else to back up your accusation ? 译文:你对你的控告还有什么要补充的吗?2、allegation:主要用于表示没有确凿证据的指控。例句:I advise you to withdraw your allegation before I contact my lawyer. 译文:我建议你在我联系我的律师之前撤回你的指控。扩展资料“accusation”的近义词:incrimination读音:[ɪn,krɪmə"neʃən] 意思是:n. 控告;连累例句:His incrimination was based on my testimony. 译文:他的控告是根据我的证词提出的。
2023-01-02 03:35:491


2023-01-02 03:36:012


2023-01-02 03:36:103


自责的英文:remorse、self-abuse、self-accusation、self-reproach。英英解释:The deep feeling of regret one feels after eating a large some of foo。与“自责”相似的单词:remorse—懊悔,悔恨,自责。相似短语:in deep remorse陷入深深的悔恨中without remorse不后悔地,不间断地;无情地pangs of remorse良心的责备be seized with remorse悔恨不已feel remorse for对…后悔eater"s remorse食物吃多了之后又后悔不应该吃那么多a fit of remorse一阵后悔。自责的英语相关例句:1、没什么能把我从极度自责中解脱出来。Nothing could relieve my terrible sense of blame.2、也许你过去犯过错误,并为此而自责。Perhaps you had made mistakes in the past and you blamed yourself for it.3、每个人都会偶尔控制不住脾气,所以不要过分自责。Everyone loses temper on occasion,so don"t blame yourself too hard.4、他因为没有告诉她真相而自责。He reproached himself for not telling her the truth.5、听我说,没有必要为此过分自责。Look,there"s no need to beat yourself up over this.
2023-01-02 03:36:261


告发某人:turn sb in
2023-01-02 03:37:042


自责:self-accusation; remorse; self-abuse 【网络释义】era; autopunition; selfabuse; intropunitiveness反思:self-examination; introspection; rethink profoundly; profound consideration 【网络释义】refl...
2023-01-02 03:37:131


一、诉讼的英文有;lawsuit n.诉讼litigation n.诉讼;起诉;打官司accusation n.指控;指责;进行指责;提出指控二、短语搭配:诉讼费cost/expense of a lawsuit; court cost; litigation expense诉讼权right of action诉讼法procedural law; law of procedure三、例句:1、由于那家报纸散布她的流言蜚语,她打算对之提起诉讼。She intends to bring a lawsuit against the newspaper because of what it said about her.2、他的律师提出对洛杉矶市的诉讼。His lawyer filed a lawsuit against Los Angeles city.
2023-01-02 03:37:191


2023-01-02 03:37:341


2023-01-02 03:37:402

被控告 的英文翻译

Was accused of
2023-01-02 03:37:503

自责的英语翻译 自责用英语怎么说

2023-01-02 03:38:013


Making a false counter-accusation
2023-01-02 03:38:143

over accusation

restrictions over accusation:在控告方面的限制.
2023-01-02 03:38:291


  高中英语单词表必修一1   survey 调查,测验   add up 合计   upset 心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的(upset,upset)使不安,使心烦   ignore 不理睬,忽视   calm (使)平静,(使)镇定,平静的,镇定的,沉着的   calm down (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来   have got to 不得不,必须   concern (使)担忧,涉及,关系到 ,担心,关注,(利害) 关系   be concerned about 关心,挂念,   walk the dog 遛狗   loose 松的,松开的   vet 兽医   go through 经历,经受   Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹   Netherlands 荷兰   jewish 犹太人的   German 德国的   set down 记下,放下,登记   series 连续,系列   a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套   Kitty 基蒂   outdoors 在户外,在野外   spellbind (spellbound,spellbound) 迷住,迷惑   on purpose 故意   in order to 为了   dusk 黄昏,傍晚   at dusk 在黄昏时刻   thunder 打雷 ,雷鸣   entire 整个的,完全的,全部的   entirely 完全地,全然地,整个地   power 能力,力量,权力   face to face 面对面地   curtain 窗帘,门帘,幕布   dusty 积满灰尘的   no longer/not any longer 不再   partner 伙伴,合作者,合伙人   settle 安家,定居,停留,使定居,安排,解决   suffer 遭受,忍受,经历   suffer from 遭受,患病   loneliness 孤单,寂寞   highway 公路,大路   recover 痊愈,恢复,重新获得   get/be tired of 对...厌烦   pack 捆扎,包装,打行李 小包,包裹   pack up 将 (东西)装箱打包   suitcase 手提箱,衣箱   Margot 玛戈   overcoat 大衣,外套   teenager十几岁的青少年   get along with 与...相处,进展   gossip 闲话,闲谈   fall in love 相爱,爱上   exactly 确实如此,正是,确切地   grateful 感激的,表示谢意的   dislike 不喜欢,厌恶   join in 参加,加入   tip 提示,技巧,尖,尖端,小费,倾斜,翻倒   secondly 第二,其次   swap 交换   item 项目,条款   高中英语单词表必修一2   subway 底下人行道,   elevator电梯 升降机   petrol 汽油(美gasoline)   gas 汽油,气体,煤气,毒气   official 官方的,正式的,公务的   voyage 航行,航海   conquer 征服,占领   because of 因为,由于   native 本国的,本地人   Amy 艾米   come up 走近,上来,提出   apartment <美>公寓住宅,单元住宅   actually 实际上,事实上   AD 公元   base 以...为根据,基部,基地,基础   at present 现在,目前   gradual 逐渐的,逐步的   gradually 逐渐地,逐步地   Danish 丹麦语   enrich 是富裕,充实,改善   vocabulary 词汇,词汇量,词表   Shakespeare 莎士比亚   make use of 利用,使用   spellintg 拼写,拼法   Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔杰克逊   Noah Webster 诺厄韦伯斯特   latter 较后的,后半的   identity 本身,本体,身份   fluent 流利的,流畅的`   fluently 流利地,流畅地   Singapore 新加坡   Malaysia 马来西亚   such as 例如,像这种的   frequent 频繁的,常见的   frequently 频繁地,常常   usage 实用,用法,   command 命令,指令,掌握   request 请求,要求   dialect 方言   expression 词语,表示,表达   midwestern 中西部的   African 非洲的   Spanish 西班牙的   play a part (in) 扮演一个角色,参与   eastern 东方的,东部的   southeastern 东南方的   northwestern 西北方的   recognize 辨认出,承认,公认   lorry 卡车(美 truck)   Loriginal罗丽   Houston 休斯顿   Texas 德克萨斯州   accent 口音,腔调,重音   Buford 布福德   Lester 莱斯特   catfish 鲶鱼   lighting 闪电   straight 直接,挺直,直的   block 街区,块,木块,石块   cab 出租车   高中英语单词表必修一3   journal 日记,杂志,定期刊物   transport 运送 运输   prefer 选择某事物,(而不选择其他事物)   disadvantage 不利条件,不便之处   fare 费用   route 路线,路途   Mekong 湄公河   flow 流动,流出   ever since 从那以后   persuade 说服,劝说   cycle 骑自行车   graduate 毕业,大学毕业生   finally 最后,终于   schedule 时间表,进度表,为某事安排时间   fond 喜爱的,慈爱的,宠爱的   be fond of 喜爱,喜欢   shortcoming 缺点 stubbom 顽固的,固执的   care about 组织 成立   care about关心,忧虑 惦念   detail 细节,详情   source 来源,水源   determine 决定,确定,下定决心   determined 坚决的,有决心的   change one^s mind 改变主意   journey 旅行,旅程   altitude 海拔高度,高处   make up one"s mind 下决心,决定   give in 投降,屈服,让步   atlas 地图,地图集   glacier 冰河,冰川   repids 急流   alley 谷,流域   waterfall 瀑布   pace 缓慢而行,一步   bend 弯,拐角,使弯曲,弯腰   meander 蜿蜒缓慢流动   delta 三角洲   attitude 态度,看法   Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰   boil 沸腾   forecast 预测,预报   parcel 小包,包裹   insurance 保险   wool 羊毛,毛织品   as usual 照常   reliable 可信赖的,可靠的   iew 风景,视野,观点,见解,观看,注视,考虑   yak 牦牛   pillow 枕头   midnight 午夜,子夜   at midnight 在午夜   flame 火焰,光芒,热情   beneath 在....下面   Laos 老挝   Laotian 老挝人   temple 寺庙   cave 洞穴,地窖   高中英语单词表必修一4   earthquake 地震   quake 地震   right away 立刻马上   well 井   crack 裂缝,使裂开   smelly 发臭的   farmyard 农场   pipe 管   burst 爆裂,突然爆发   million 百万   event 事件   as if 仿佛,好像   at an end 借宿   nation 民族,国家,国民   canal 运河,水道   steam 蒸汽,水汽   dirt 污垢,泥土   ruin 废墟,使破产   in ruins 严重受损,破败不堪   suffering 苦难,痛苦   extreme 极度的   injure 损害,伤害   survivor 幸存者,残存物   destroy 破坏,毁坏,消灭   brick 砖,砖块   dam 水坝   track 轨道,足迹,痕迹   useless 无用的,无效的   shock 使震惊,震动,休克,打击   rescue 援救,营救   trap 使陷入困境,陷阱   electricity 电,电流,电学   disaster 灾难   dig out 掘出,发现   mine 矿山   miner 矿工   shelter 掩蔽,掩蔽处   a (great) number of 许多,大量   title 标题,头衔,资格   reporter 记者   bar 棒   damage 损失   frighten 使惊吓   frightened 受惊的   frightening 令人恐惧的   congratulation 祝贺,贺词   judge 裁判员,法官,断定,判断,判决   sincerely 真诚地   express 表示,快车,速递   outline 要点,大纲,轮廓   headline 报刊的大字标题   cyclist 骑自行车的人   高中英语单词表必修一5   Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊,   quality 质量,品质,性质   warm-hearted 热心肠的   mean 吝啬的,自私的,卑鄙的   active 积极的,活跃的   generous 慷慨的,大方的、   easy-going 随和的,温和宽容的   self 自我,自身   selfish 自私的,   selfless 无私的,忘我的   selflessly 无私地,忘我地   devote 献身 专心于   devoted 忠实的,深爱的   William 威廉,廷戴尔   Bible 《圣经》   Norman Bethune 白求恩   invader 侵略者   found 建立,建设   republic 共和国,共和政体   principle 法则,原则,原理   nationalism 民族主义   livelihood 生计,谋生   Mohandas Gandhi 甘地   peaceful 和平的,平静的,安宁的   giant 巨大的   leap 飞跃,跳跃   mankind 人类   Elias 伊莱亚斯   lawyer 律师   guidance 指导,领导   legal 法律的   fee 费   passbook 南非人身份证   Johannesburg 约翰雷斯堡   out of work 失业   hopeful 怀有希望的   ANC 非洲国民大会   youth 青年,青春期   league 同盟,联合会   youth League 青年团   stage 舞台,阶段,时期   vote 投票选举   attack 进攻,攻击,抨击   violence 暴力   as a matter of fact 事实上   blow up 使充气,爆炸   equal 相等的,平等的   in trouble 在危险,受罚,痛苦,忧虑事物处境中   willing 乐意的   unfair 不公平的   turn to 求助于,致力于   quote 引用语,语录   release 释放,发行   lose heart 丧失信心   robben island 罗本岛   escape 逃脱,逃走   blanket 毯子   educate 教育,训练   educated 受过教育的   come topower 当权,上台   beg 请求,祈求   relative 亲戚,亲属   terror 恐怖,恐怖时期   cruelty 残忍,残酷   reward 报酬,酬劳   Transkei 特兰斯凯   set up 设立,建立   sentence 判决,宣判   be sentenced to 被判处..   anti-反,抗   anti-black 反黑人的   Cape Town 开普敦   president 总统,会长,校长   Nobel peace prize 诺贝尔和平奖   opinion 意见,看法,主张   高中英语单词表必修一6   classical古典的,古典文艺的   rolled滚动,(使)摇摆   rockn roll(rock_and_roll)摇滚乐   orchestra管炫乐队   rap说唱乐   folk民间的   jazz爵士乐   choral唱诗班的   theMonkees门基乐队   musician音乐家   dreamof梦想,梦见,设想   karaoke卡拉ok   pretend假装   tobe honest说实在的,实话说   attach系上,缚上,附加,连接   attach...to认为有,附上,连接   form(使)组成,形成,构成   fame名门,名望   passer-by过路人   earn赚,挣得,获得   extra额外的,外加的   instrument工具,乐器   perform表演,履行,执行   pub酒吧   cash现金   incash用现金   studio工作室   millionaire百万富翁   playjokes on戏弄   actor男演员,行动者   rely依赖,依靠   relyon依赖,依靠   broadcast(broadcast,broadcast)广播,播放   humorous幽默的,诙谐的   familiar熟悉的,常见的,亲近的   be/getfamiliar with熟悉,与....熟悉起来   orso大约   breakup打碎,分裂,解体   reunite再统一,在联合,重聚   attractive吸引人的,有吸引力的   addition加,增加,加法   inaddition另外,也   sortout分类   excitement兴奋,刺激   ballad歌谣,情歌,民谣   overnight在晚上,在夜里,很快,一夜之间   dip侵,占   tadpole蝌蚪   lily百合花   confident自信的,确信的   Freddy弗雷德   brief简短的,摘要,大纲   briefly简要地,短暂地   devotion投入,热爱   afterwards然后,后来   invitation邀请,招待   beard胡须   sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的,灵敏的   painful痛苦的,疼痛的   aboveall最重要的,首先   高中英语单词表必修一7   journalist n.记者   involve v.牵涉   editor n.编辑   photogragh n.照片   photogragher n.摄影师   photograghy n.摄影   unforgettable adj.难忘的   assignment n.任务   delighted adj.快乐的   admirable adj.值得赞扬的   unusual adj.不同寻常的   assist v.帮助   assistant n.助手   submit v.递交   profession n.职业   professional adj.专业的   colleague n.同事   eager adj.渴望的   concentrate v.集中   concentrate on集中   amateur n.业余爱好者   v.更新   acquire v.获得   assess v.评估   inform v.告知   deadline n.最后期限   interviewee n.参加面试者   meanwhile adv.其间   depend on依靠   case n.情况   accuse v.指责   accuse…of因……指责或控告……   accusation n.指责   deliberately adv.故意地   so as to (do sth)为了(做)……   deny v.否认   skeptical adj.怀疑的   guilty adj.犯罪的   dilemma n.窘境   demand n.需求   demanding adj.要求很高的   publish v.出版   scoop n.勺子   section n.部分   concise adj.简明的   imaginative adj.富于想象力的   technical adj.技术(上)的   technically adv.技术上   thorough adj.彻底地   gifted adj.有天赋的   idiomatic adj.惯用的   housewife n.家庭主妇   crime n.罪行   edition n.版次   ahead…of在……前面   department n.部门   accurate adj.精确地   senior adj.年长的   polish v.擦亮   chief adj.主要的   approve v.赞成   process v.加工   negative n.底片   appointment n.约会   高中英语单词表必修一8   unite v.联合   kingdom n.王国   consist v.组成   consist of由…组成   province n.省   divide…into把…分成   clarify v.澄清   accomplish v.完成   conflict n.矛盾   unwilling adj.不愿意(的)   break away(from)挣脱(束缚)   union n.联合   the Union Jack英国国旗   credit n.信任   to one"s credit为……带来荣誉   currency n.货币   institution n.制度   education adj.教育的   convenience n.便利   rough adj.粗糙的   roughly adv.粗略地   nationwide adj.全国性的   attract v.吸引   historical adj.历史(上)的   architecture n.建筑学   Roman n.(古)罗马   collection n.收藏品   administration n.管理   port n.港口   countryside n.乡下   enioyable adj.令人愉快的   leave out省去   &opportunity n.机会   description n.描写   furnished adj.配备好装备的   fax n.传真(机)   possibility n.可能性   plus prep.加上   quarrel n.争吵   alike adj.相同的   take the place of代替   break down损坏   arrange筹备   wedding n.婚礼   fold v.对折   sightseeing n.观光   delight n.快乐   royal adj.王室的   uniform n.制服   splendid adj.壮丽的   statue n.雕像   longitude n.经线   imaginary adj.想象中的   navigation n.导航   communism n.共产主义   original adj.最初的   thrill v.使激动   pot n.罐   error n.错误   tense n.时态   consistent adj.一致的
2023-01-02 03:38:361

英语说法官的“宣读”用哪个词 法官宣读说对徐大同的指控有效 翻译

read (out). 宣读,后面应该接“文件”“决议”“判决书”等. 你等问题补充说 “法官宣读说对徐大同的指控有效”,一般做新闻报道中,措词应该说“法官宣布说...”.这时,用 The judge announced that the accusation against xxx is valid.
2023-01-02 03:38:421


这是他们在词典中的英文解释refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。rebuttal---If you make a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been made against you, you make a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。区别就是rebuttal一般会是列举实例或说理性的辩驳,而refutation指一般性的反驳。回答不易,望采纳!
2023-01-02 03:38:471


Be loyal to your soul我想知道,你是否宁愿让别人失望,也要对自己忠诚;是否宁愿接受背叛的谴责,也要忠于自己的灵魂。I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bearthe accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.
2023-01-02 03:38:531

日入一词: reputation

Most divorce lawyers had bad reputations . Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair. In her last job she gained a reputation as a hard worker. The law firm has an excellent reputation. Over the years, the company has gained a reputation for making quality products. I didn"t want to get a reputation as a troublemaker. As a young publisher, she earned a reputation for toughness. The hotel enjoys a good reputation(have it). France deserves its reputation for good food. New York certainly lived up to its reputationas an exciting city. By then Picasso was already establishing his reputation as an artist. The performance enhanced his reputation as one of our most promising young actors. Our business has built a reputation for reliable service. She wouldn"t do anything to damage her family"s reputation. His reputation was tarnished by allegations that he had taken bribes. The accusation ruined her reputation andcosther the election. The university has a very good reputation. The city doesn"t deserve its bad reputation. He was also an historian with a considerable reputation. The department has a worldwide reputation for its research. After the meeting, I understood why he had such a formidable reputation. The company has established an enviable reputation for quality. Ronaldo"s performances earned him a deserved reputation as a terrific footballer. She has an undeserved reputation for being difficult, but really it"s just her manner. She was a good lawyer with a reputation for honesty and diligence. The school had an excellent reputation. The lawsuit has damaged the company"s reputation. This car dealership has a good/bad reputation. [=people think that the car dealership is good/bad] He has earned/established/acquired a reputation as a first-class playwright. A teacher with a reputation for patience Poor customer service has ruined/damaged/destroyed the company"s reputation. The cruise ship lived up to its reputation. [=the cruise ship was as good, enjoyable, etc., as we were told it would be] I know that the restaurant, by reputation, is excellent. [=the restaurant has an excellent reputation] She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook. I"m aware of Mark"s reputation for being late. The company enjoys a world-wide reputation for quality of design. to damage/ruin sb"s reputation The weather in England is living up to its reputation(= is exactly as expected). She is, by reputation, very difficult to please. The company has a worldwide reputation for quality. She has the reputation of being a good doctor. His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money. The hotel has a bad/good reputation. He earned/established/gained/acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker. I"m staking my reputation on this product so it had better be good. He did not have a good reputation in his home town. Albertson will stop at nothing to safeguard the reputation of the university. The university has an international reputation as a centre of excellence. Clark had a reputation for arrogance and ruthlessness. Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer. Her reputation as a dancer was by this time well-established. They have a reputation for high-quality goods. He is, by reputation, a womanizer. The public never found out about his mistress and his reputation remained intact His reputation is in tatters with these latest revelations. She was by reputation a good organiser.
2023-01-02 03:38:591