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再见 Rainy Days (国) 歌词

再见Rainy Days演唱:草蜢离别前你说再见缘来缘去只想找你 你的梦我真不懂滴下泪水站在风中我的心需要安慰也许你不明白我喔Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边天苍苍夜茫茫从看不清这是爱情下雨天温柔不见一颗心牵一段情我寂寞谁能了解让风雨来拥抱我喔Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里永远不分开

late night alumni的rainy days 歌词

Rainy Days The day is cold.The day is cold and dark and dreary.And it rains.And the wind is never weary.Ivy still clings to the wall.At every gust the dead leaves fall.And the day is dark.And the day is dark and dreary.Be still sad heart.Oh be still and cease repining.Behind the cloudsIs the sun still shining.Thy fate is the fate of all.Into life some rain must fall.Some days must be darkSome days must be dark and dreary. 不知道是不是这个

再见Rainy Days 歌词

再见Rainy Days演唱:草蜢离别前你说再见缘来缘去只想找你 你的梦我真不懂滴下泪水站在风中我的心需要安慰也许你不明白我喔Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边天苍苍夜茫茫从看不清这是爱情下雨天温柔不见一颗心牵一段情我寂寞谁能了解让风雨来拥抱我喔Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱的不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里陪伴我身边Rainy Days Never Say Goodbye亲爱不要再说再见Rainy Days留在我怀里永远不分开

There is cloudy on rainy days怎么解释


on rainy days还是in

表达在具体的天的“在”,英语总是用on。on rainy days 是正确说法。再比如:on Saturday, on Children Day, on Christmas等等。

朱茵的《Rainy Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Days歌手:朱茵专辑:跳起来曲:黄贯中 词:傅佩嘉 编曲:刘志达讨厌这样的雨季Rainy Days Rainy Days蓝蓝眼影盖不住我坏心情滴滴答答挑拨着Rainy Days Rainy Days雨水缠绵泪水糢糊了眼睛 (more than anyone)好想你 寂寞的心悸没回应 空洞的回音呵出我熟悉的轮廓你会不会就此停泊谁愿意变成了经过想念你脸上的胡渣已经爱到不能自我没气力说服我自己more than anyone还是这样的雨季Rainy Days Rainy Days用最好的藉口开始怀念你(more than anyone)I need you more than anyone,I need you more than anyone.

reading in rainy days


草蜢的《再见 rainy days》 前奏英文歌词是什么?最好用中英文列出来,谢谢。

一、just dance ,move your body。大意:跳舞吧,舞动你的身体。二、rainy days never say goodbye,大意是:下雨天绝不说再见。

I like rainy days 为什么day加s

我喜欢雨天 肯定不止有一天下雨啊 你可可以想是我喜欢所有的雨天 不是某一个雨天

often,we,TV,watch ,days,on,rainy (.)。 连词成句

we often watch Tv on rainy days

on rainy days中文翻译

She usually goes to work by bike except on rainy days . 除了雨天之外,她总是骑自行车上班。 2 it " s difficult to track on animal on rainy days 在雨天要追踪动物时很困难的。 Motorists urged to drive with care on rainy days 警方呼吁驾驶人士于下雨天小心驾驶 It is better for us to read books at home on rainy days 对我们来说下雨天在家看书更好。 On rainy days the children really mess up the house 下雨天孩子们把屋子里弄得乱七八糟的。 She often es to school on foot except on rainy days 她经常走路来学校,只是除了雨天之外。 You asked it to be played on rainy days 你要求在下雨天放这首歌 Motorists urged to drive with care on rainy days : hong kong 警方呼吁驾驶人士于下雨天小心驾驶:香港 Don " t wear white trousers on rainy days , 下雨天不要穿白裤子, What do you wear on rainy days 下雨天,你穿什么? It was all right on the days without rain . but on rainy days we would run into difficulty 我们非常感激那两个好心人,我曾经登报找过这两个人,但没有找到。 The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a pttle pit on top of ( it ) , which was filled with water on rainy days 稍稍能安慰我的,是在(那)石上有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。 Even though you can see me here , you still plain just because its a bit unfortable and inconvenient on rainy days . although you can see me , youre still not happy enough to forget the rain . master laughs 因为下雨天比较不舒服不方便,即使能够看师父,也不够快乐到可以让你们忘记下雨的问题师父笑。 Sand and gravel are loose and can easily cause spppage , especially on rainy days . the stones used for pavements on campus have been safety - tested for the best anti - spppage properties 沙土散石因为易于流失,特别在雨天时候,容易湿滑构成危险,铺设路面的砖是经过测试证实有最佳防滑作用而采用,确保步行者的安全。 Fire will still be used for cooking and warmth in either cpmate , especially on rainy days in the tropics or snow or heavy rain in colder cpmates ; and so fireplaces in each dwelpng are anticipated 在任一气候地区,火仍将被用来做饭和取暖,特别是在热带的雨季或寒冷地区的雪或大雨(季节) ;因此(我们)预测到每个居所中仍会有壁炉。 The character of surface radiation and energy expended over soil temperature variation is that the temperature variation at surface , 5cm depth and 10cm depth are approximately sine curve on clear and cloudy day while this way the temperature variation at 20cm depth shows *** all extent anti - phase variation and the temperature under 50cm is no diurnal . in contrast , the temperature at 5m , 10cm and 20cm shows pnear decrease and the soil - surface temperature is concaved on rainy day 地表辐射和能量耗散反映在土壤温度变化上的特征是晴天和阴天地表、 5cm 、 10cm的温度变化表现为准正玄曲线, 20cm深处的温度变化呈现出幅度很小的反位向变化, 50cm以下地温已不存在日变化特征;雨天5cm 、 10cm和20cm的温度呈线性递减,地表温度表现出由降雨引起的凹陷现象。 The mud was also removed . further , because of numerous plaints that the footpath is uneven and dangerous to staff , students , alumni and visitors , who might easily fall and injure themselves , the university took the opportunity to install a simple iron handrail beeen the stone path and the muddy areas so as to prevent pedestrians from losing their footing , particularly on rainy days when the path is spppery 此外,由于大学多次收到投诉小径路面不平,令师生校友及游人容易绊倒受伤,故2003年工程亦趁维修倒塌路径时,加麻石稳固路面,亦加装简单铁?分隔石路及泥地,以免行人特别在天雨路滑时失足跌倒。

i usually watch TV ( ) rainy days 括号里是on还是in 为什么


求Rainy,RainyDays 的歌词,和歌词大意,还有这歌的歌词的谐音(只要日语部分的谐音,英文部分不需要)

讨厌这样的雨季Rainy Days Rainy Days蓝蓝眼影盖不住我坏心情滴滴答答挑拨着Rainy Days Rainy Days好想你 寂寞的心悸没回应 空洞的回音呵出我熟悉的轮廓你会不会就此停泊谁愿意变成了经过想念你脸上的胡渣已经爱到不能自我没气力说服我自己还是这样的雨季Rainy Days Rainy DaysI need you more than anyone,I need you more

rainy days often make people sad.改为一般疑问句


My rainy days 是什么意思?

从字面上看貌似 我的多雨的日子 我阴霾的日子????

in rainy days还是on rainy days

on rainy days 正确!

再见狂风暴雨Rainy Days 歌词

歌曲名:再见狂风暴雨Rainy Days歌手:草蜢专辑:Cocktail<再见Rainy Days>曲:P.Giombini/P.Mazzolini词:蔡一智已四点呼出呵欠怎么今夜总失眠细雨天想起你一些感情的纠缠心裂痕留低一吻告别这个罪人Wo......Rainy days never say goodbye这晚上谁被爱意活埋Rainy days你可否想过谁为我开解看雨点风中飞舞轻轻打在于窗前似某天风中跟你灯影之下的痴缠这份缘无声飘远眼泪心里打转


再见rainydays原版音乐是什么? 这首歌曲的名字叫做再见 Rainy Days



英语下雨天怎么表达?Raining days还是rainy days?

rainy days

rainy day和rainy days有什么区别?

答案: rainy day 意思 是 “雨天” rainy days 是 它的复数形式解析: 名词复数的规则变化就是在后面直接+srainy day 的复数就是规则变化,变成rainy days拓展:rain可以做动词. 表示下雨 如: It rains heavily.(雨下的 好大)

Hiroshima,destroyed three days earlier,had largely espaced the camera’s lens in the first day.


◎谁知道7 days歌词的翻译?◎


求一首英文歌这首歌一开始就唱了是高潮 第一句好像是oh/now my friend……男的独唱 不是 7 days

Stereo Hearts 是这个么

一道英语题There Was an oil painting____ in the corner.It _____ there for several days.

第一个空应该是填lying,第二个是had lain 第二个空不能用HAD BEEN LAIN 因为HAD LAIN 已经发生了。。代表过去。。

i love you for four days是谁的诗?

I love you for 4 days.我可以有四天爱你。Spring, summer, autumn, winter.春天,夏天,秋天,冬天Oh, no! Maybe three days.哦,不!也许只用三天。Yesterday, today and tomorrow.昨天,今天,明天How about two days?要不两天吧。Day and night. 白天与黑夜Maybe one day is enough.其实一天也够。Every day.每一天。

New Days (Radio Version) 歌词

歌曲名:New Days (Radio Version)歌手:Asher Lane专辑:New DaysJay-Z - New DaySplendidyangMe and the RZA connectYeah, me and the RZA connectAnd I"ll never let my son have an egoHe"ll be nice to everyone, wherever we goI mean I might even make him be RepublicanSo everybody know he love white peopleAnd I"ll never let him leave his college girlfriendAnd get caught up with the groupies in the whirlwindAnd I"ll never let him ever hit the telethonI mean even if people dyin" and the world endsSee, I just want him to have an easy lifeNot like Yeezy lifeJust want him to be someone people likeDon"t want him To be hated all the time judgedDon"t be like your daddy that would never budgeAnd I"ll never let him ever hit a strip clubI learned the hard way, that ain"t the place to get loveAnd I"ll never let his mom move to L.AKnowin" she couldn"t take the pressure now we all prayMe and the RZA connectMe and the RZA connectSorry junior, I already ruined yaCause you ain"t even alive, paparazzi pursuin" yaSins of a father make your life ten times harderI just wanna take ya to a barberBondin" on charters, all the shit that I never didTeach ya good values so you cherish itTook me 26 years to find my pathMy only job is cut the time in halfSo at 13 we"ll have our first drink togetherBlack bar mitzvahs, mazel tov, mogul talkLook a man dead in his eyes so he know you talk truth when you speak itGive your word, keep itAnd if the day comes I only see him on the weekendI just pray we was in love on the night that we conceived himPromise to never leave him even if his mama tweakin"Cause my dad left me and I promise never repeat himNever repeat him... never repeat him(Sun in the sky)(You know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by)(Breeze driftin" on by)(It"s a new life for me)(For me, for me)(Oooh, oooh)(And I"m feelin" good)(Sun in the sky, you know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by, you know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by, you know how I feel)(It"s a new life for me)(It"s a new dawn, it"s a new day)(It"s a new life for me)(Oooh, oooh)(And I"m feelin")(Birds flyin" high, you know how I feel)

welcom the new days

正确写法:Welcome the new days中文意思是:迎接新的一天也可以读作:Greet a new daywelcome英 [ˈwelkəm] 美 [ˈwɛlkəm] vt.欢迎;乐于接受adj.受欢迎的;令人愉悦的;表示感谢的n.欢迎,迎接第三人称单数: welcomes 复数: welcomes 现在分词: welcoming 过去式: welcomed 过去分词: welcomed 比较级: welcomer 最高级: welcomestnew英 [nju:] 美 [nu:] adj.新的,崭新的;新鲜的,新到的;现代的;初次(听到)的adv.新近,最近比较级: newer 最高级: newestdays英 [deɪz] 美 [deɪz] n.天,时期;一天( day的名词复数 );白天;时期;工作日adv.每天,在白天

Chinese Holidays and Festivals

Chinese Holidays and Festivals We have many traditional festivals and national holidays in China, such as the Spring Festivals, the Dragon Boat Festivals, the Mid-autumn Festivals, etc. Our national holidays are the New Year, May Day, and our National Day, which falls on October 1st. On holidays, we used to pay for visits to our relatives(亲戚) and friends, exchanging gifts(交换礼物) and having dinner together. Now we have more ways of celebration(庆祝). People choose to send the messages to greet(祝福) each other. People take coaches(长途车), drive cars, or go by air to remote(遥远的) places for sightseeing. Students would e to our bookstore to find their favorite books.

The Juliana Theory的《white days》 歌词

歌曲名:white days歌手:The Juliana Theory专辑:loveRise before the sunBut leave when it liftsThe show must go onSo we start on the runBuy us a mealOr buy us some timeIf we want to arrive thereLook ahead at the roadYou can"t see a thingBut maybe we"ll make itBefore it"s too lateThere is no time to waitTurn, Turn on the lightsAs they drive byWe"re blown asideKeep your eyes on the roadHands on the wheelDon"t let us slipThis is almost a nightmareTurn, turn on the heatThey can"t feel a thingAs I fall asleepKeep your eyes off the whiteDon"t let us die tonightWhite days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a yearWhite days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a yearFeel the passing of dayThough nothing has changedNight is determined to force us awayBuy me a roomWith pen and a museThis is almost resourcefulStop, but don"t hit the brakes(They don"t do a thing)With no time to spareNo one said life was fairWhite days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a yearWhite days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a yearWhite days like thisWhite days like thisWhite daysWhite days White days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a yearWhite days like thisI"ll never missThey only come once a yearThey only come once a year




歌曲名:FUNNY DAYs 歌手:Day After Tomorrow专辑:complete BestFunny dayDa la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dumDa la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadumWo—ah- It"s a funny dayJust wanna runawayNomather what they sayRock and roll like a rolling stoneYou never be alone Wo—We got a secret for all the creeyaEverywhere I go is got some meeyaJust till I need is singing together boys just wanna funI keep singing my melodiiyaEverything I do am on my cheeyaJust till I meen single together girls just wanna funOh girls just wanna funWo—ah- It"s a funny dayJust wanna runawayNomather what they sayRock and roll like a rolling stoneYou never be alone because the night has goneWo—ah- It"s a funny dayJust wanna runawayNomather what they sayRock and roll like a rolling stoneYou never be alone wo---I wanna give you my heartJust wanna be like a starI never sing that you wonder baby I can touch(笑)Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dumDa la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum(Wu la la la la a )da la la la la la lum(wu la la la la a )We got a secret for all the creeyaEverywhere I go is got some meeyaJust till I need is singing together boys just wanna funI keep singing my melodiiyaEverything I do am on my cheeyaJust till I meen single together girls just wanna funOh girls just wanna funWo—ah- It"s a funny dayJust wanna runawayNomather what they sayRock and roll like a rolling stoneYou never be alone because the night has goneWo—ah- It"s a funny dayJust wanna runawayNomather what they sayRock and roll like a rolling stoneYou never be alone wo---I wanna give you my heart ah- ah- ah- ah-I wanna give you my heartJust wanna be like a starI never sing that you wonder baby I can touchDa la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dumDa la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum(Wu la la la la a )da la la la la la lum(wu la la la la a ) da la la la la la lum

in modern days 用于什么时态

in modern days用于一般现在时。意思是:在现代。重点词汇:modern。英['mu0252dn]释义:adj.近代的,现代的;当代风格的,现代派的;现代化的,新式的;摩登的,时髦的。n.现代人;现代派艺术家;主张现代风格的人,宣扬现代价值观的人。[复数:moderns;比较级:more modern;最高级:most modern]短语:Tate Modern泰特现代艺术馆;泰特现代美术馆;泰特美术馆。词语辨析:modern,contemporary,current,recent,present,up-to-date。这些形容词均有“现代的、当代的”之意。1、modern指现代或近代,时期可长可短;也可指新颖、时髦的。2、contemporary仅指当今这个时代,不涉及任何过去的时代,但可表示不同的人或物存在于同一时代。3、current指目前存在和发生的。4、recent表示新近的,最近的,时间的长短依据所修饰的人或物而定。5、present是这些词中语气最强的一个。指现在正发生、起作用的。6、up-to-date一般用于非正式场合,指很时新、能反映当前的最新发展。

on/in sunny days


Sunny Days (Mono Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny Days (Mono Version)歌手:Tuneful Trolley& The专辑:Island In The Sky (With Bonus Tracks)Sunny Day 词:李玟 曲:季龙祥My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above有人说 他没有爱情就不能活这世界恋爱的人很多每份爱情 有悲哀有快乐我只想找一个人好好的爱我陪着我 困难一起度过我的世界里 有温暖的爱火突然间 有一天 巧合的遇见你感觉到 你已偷走我的心本来我不太相信爱情的魔力不知天 不知地 我只知道你我的快乐是和你在一起Oh let"s not waste the time.享受爱的甜蜜My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above

sunny days前用什么介词

用on...认识介词 in,on,at (一)介词in,on和at表示时间 年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行; 某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄; 圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然; 早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间。 (1)at主要表示: ①在某个具体时间,如:在……时刻,在……点钟,at seven o"clock,at 9:30等 ②固定短语:at night,at noon,at that time,at the age of,at the weekend,at Christmas等 (2)on用来表示“在……天”,如:on Sunday,on the following day,on October 1,1949等 (3)in用来表示: ①在某年、某季、某月、某周,如:in 2003,in summer,in September,in the 10th week等 ②在一段时间之后(之内),如:in a few days,in a minute,in two weeks等 ③用在“早晨/上午、下午、晚上”名词前,如: in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening 如果表示某一天的上午、下午和晚上,要用介词on。如:on Sunday morning,on Saturday evening 可巧记为:某天上下午和晚上,不能用in要用on。 (二)介词in,on和at表示地点 on“在……之上”接触面,“靠近、接壤”左右边; in“在里面”和“中间”,也可表示在“大地点”; at表示在“小地点”,“入口、车站、影剧院”; home前有限定“冠”,须用in把at换; “夜间、车辆”若有限(定词),“回家途中”on在前。 (1)on表示“在……之上”(与物体表面相接触)。如: His pen is on his desk. 表示“靠近;相互接壤”,以及在左、右边都用on。如: Korea lies on the northeast of China. Tom sits on my right. (2)in表示“在……里面”(物体内部)、“在……中间”。如: My pen is in my pencil-box. in还可以表示“在大地点”。如: They live in Shanghai while we live in Beijing. (3)at表示在较小的地点,在“入口、车站”和“影剧院”等名词前也用at。如: at the entrance to the library,at the bus stop,at the theatre,at the cinema (4)home前一般用at,但若有物主代词或定冠词等定语修饰时,必须用in。如: at home,in my home,in his simple home(在他简朴的家中) (5)“夜间”(night)、“车辆”(bus,bike,train等)名词前若有限定词修饰,以及“在……途中”用介词on。如: He was at home on the night of May 1. Jim often goes to school on his bike.



Blue Cafe的《Sunny Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny Days歌手:Blue Cafe专辑:Demi-SecSunny Day 词:李玟 曲:季龙祥My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above有人说 他没有爱情就不能活这世界恋爱的人很多每份爱情 有悲哀有快乐我只想找一个人好好的爱我陪着我 困难一起度过我的世界里 有温暖的爱火突然间 有一天 巧合的遇见你感觉到 你已偷走我的心本来我不太相信爱情的魔力不知天 不知地 我只知道你我的快乐是和你在一起Oh let"s not waste the time.享受爱的甜蜜My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above

Yoonchan Kwak的《Sunny Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny Days歌手:Yoonchan Kwak专辑:Sunny DaysSunny Day 词:李玟 曲:季龙祥My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above有人说 他没有爱情就不能活这世界恋爱的人很多每份爱情 有悲哀有快乐我只想找一个人好好的爱我陪着我 困难一起度过我的世界里 有温暖的爱火突然间 有一天 巧合的遇见你感觉到 你已偷走我的心本来我不太相信爱情的魔力不知天 不知地 我只知道你我的快乐是和你在一起Oh let"s not waste the time.享受爱的甜蜜My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above

刘婉莹的《Sunny Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny Days歌手:刘婉莹专辑:Sunny DaysSunny day作词:小林夏海作曲:田中隼人编曲:Maestro-T歌:藤木一惠こぼれ落(お)ちたのは/滴落下来的不是泪水涙(なみだ)じゃなく祈(いの)る声(こえ)/是祈祷的声音见上(みあ)げていたのは/抬头仰望的是云(くも)の上(うえ)の太阳(たいよう)/云层上的太阳眠(ねむ)るように生(い)きていた/如同沉睡般活到现在いつも孤独(こどく)だった/总是如此孤独君(きみ)に出会(であ)うその日(ひ)までは/在和你相遇的那天以前ずっとずっとここで/我一直一直都在这里ひとりでも歌(うた)える/就算有一个人爱(あい)の歌(うた)があるとしても/也可以唱的情歌ひとりでは探(さが)せない/一个人也不可能找到両手(りょうて)に触(ふ)れたこの温(ぬく)もり/像这样两手触碰的热度仮面(かめん)を缠(まと)えば/我以为缠绕起面具忘(わす)れられる気(き)がしてた/就能遗忘记忆(きおく)をしまった/将收藏著记忆的箱(はこ)に键(かぎ)をかけて/盒子锁上あんな暗(くら)い场所(ばしょ)でさえ/却连在那麼阴暗的地方君(きみ)を见(み)つけ出(だ)せた/也能找出你戻(もど)ることができなくても/就算无法回头もっともっと远(とお)く/也要走得更远更远ひとりきり覚(おぼ)えた/就算有独自一人爱(あい)の歌(うた)があるとしても/也能学会的情歌ひとりでは届(とど)かない/ 一个人也无法触及ドアの向(む)こうで待(ま)つ明日(あした)へ/在门后等待的明日ここからもう一度(いちど)歩(ある)き出(だ)す/从这里再一次出发with you...悲(かな)しみを优(やさ)しさに/我一定会将変(か)えてみせるから/悲伤转成温柔いつかは必(かなら)ず/总有一天会让你看到本当(ほんとう)の自分(じぶん)を许(ゆる)せたら/当我能接受真正的自己时痛(いた)みも消(き)えてく/伤痛也会消失的きっと/一定会的ひとりでも歌(うた)える/我已经不需要爱(あい)の歌(うた)はもういらない/一个人也能唱的情歌ひとりでは探(さが)せない/一个人是无法找到阳(ひ)だまりのようなこの温(ぬく)もり/这如同阳光般的温暖君(きみ)となら探(さが)せる/与你一起见(み)たことのない明日(あした)を/我想就能找到我从未见过的明天终わり


有两种形式 I like sunny days 或者l like a sunny day

sunny days 英语作文,最好有翻译 六十单词左右

It"s a sunny day , my sisters my brother and l are out of my house to play . There are hius and a tree beside my house . l"m flying a kite on the thehills. The kite is flying very hight. My younger sister is climbing the tree. And my older sister and my brother are playing hide—cand—seek around the house. We are howing a good time. It"s happy day for us.这是一个阳光明媚的日子,我的姐妹,我的哥哥和我出去玩。有回族和树在我的房子。我在小山上放风筝。风筝飞得很高。我的妹妹正在爬树。我和我的姐姐,我的弟弟玩hide-cand-seek周围的房子。我们需要一个良好的时间。对我们这是快乐的一天。


Ilike sunny days,一般情况下特定指特定的某一天,I like sunny day指我喜欢阳光灿烂的日子,Ilike sunny days主要是针对于雨天而言,我比较喜欢晴天

求一篇英文作文 题目是 should golden week holidays be cancelled?

Currently,we have three-week long national holiday on May 1,October 1 and the Lunur New Year"s Day.These golden week holidays are primarily intended to help expand the domestic business,such as tourism,consumption,and promote the idea of going out and enjoy life. But i don"t appreciate the original intention of the golden week holidays.As national holidays,they must be more traditional and reflect the spirit of the whole country,in other words,these natioanl holidays have better originate from chinese long history.These years,many experts called for end to the golden week holidays,arguing that the holidays have not achieved significant result in promoting internal comsumption and caused a series of negative effects,including overcrowding,poor service and scarcity of hotel rooms. Therefore some delegates brought up proposals to scrap both the National Day and International Labor"s Day,the extra days should be splitted and spreaded out to the Mid-Autumn festival,Gragon Boat festival and qingming festival.Personally,i agree with the proposals and hope they will be carried out one day,although some people may feel uncomfortable in the beginning,but it"s time to restructure the scheme and improve the quality of the holidays.

请翻译一下:"Meals on the house for three days.” 同时请解释一下为什么这样翻译,谢谢。

应该是个典故Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract(吸引) customers,they put a notice in front of the restaurant, which said “Meals on the House for Three Days.”A foreign student who didn"t know much English happened to pass by therestaurant on the second day. It was lunch time and he felt very hungry. “Well, here is a restaurant. I am going to have something to eat.” He walked towards (朝,向)the restaurant when he saw the notice. “ American people are really strange. They even eat dinners on the house! But how can I get up to the top of the house ?” he said to himself.He looked around and found a ladder(梯子) against a tree nearby. He was very glad. But as he reached the top he heard someone shouting at him. “ Hey , what are you doing up there?” Mr Smith was looking at him angrily and beside him was a policeman.“Doesn"t your notice say ‘Meals on the House for Three Days"? Is it just a joke?” the foreign student answered .On hearing this, both Mr Smith and the policeman laughed. “Do you know what ON THE HOUSE means? Look it up in the dictionary, It"s free meals for the first three days!” the policeman suggested .意思是 It"s free meals for the first three days开店免费三天

阅读理解。 Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in Ne...

1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 

the Easter ,happy,holidays ,began 复活节,快乐,假期,开始

The Easter holidays began happily.Happily, the Easter holidays began.都可以

Three Days Grace的《Riot》 歌词

歌曲名:Riot歌手:Three Days Grace专辑:One-X能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollIf you feel so emptySo used up so let downIf you feel so angrySo ripped off so stepped onYou"re not the only oneRefusing to back downYou"re not the only oneSo get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotIf you feel so filthy so dirtyso fucked upIf you feel so walked onSo painful so pissed offYou"re not the only oneRefusing to go downYou"re not the only oneSo get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotIf you feel so emptySo used up, so let downIf you feel so angryJust get upLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riotLet"s start a riot, a riotLet"s start a riot



summer holiday与summer holidays的用法及区别 为什么有些加而又有些不加s呢?

同意二楼wu5ziyi的说法.两者没有区别.但summer holiday与summer holidays做主语时要注意谓语动词,前者用单数,后者用复数.例句如下:Seven weeks"summer holiday every year is written into our school calender.每年...

summer holiday与summer holidays有什么区别

两者没有区别但summer holiday与summer holidays 做主语时要注意谓语动词前者用单数,后者用复数,例句如下:Seven weeks" summer holiday every year is written into our school calender. 每年7周暑假写进了我们的校历。Summer holidays normally start at the end of July. 暑假一般放在7月底开始。

summer holiday与summer holidays有什么区别


是the summer holiday 还是the summer holidays

1.两者都可以.2.如果指的只是某一次暑假这个整体而言,可以直接用the summer holiday;如果指的是不止某一次暑假或某次暑假里面的很多天,则可以用the summer holidays.

summer holidays与summer vacation有什么区别?


在暑假 是on summer holidays还是in summer holidays?

in summer holidays

是the summer holiday 还是the summer holidays?(作文里碰到的问题)

1.两者都可以. 2.如果指的只是某一次暑假这个整体而言,可以直接用the summer holiday; 如果指的是不止某一次暑假或某次暑假里面的很多天,则可以用the summer holidays. 3.这种问题,个人觉得楼主不必纠结了,

summer holiday与summer holidays有什么区别

意思没有明显的区别的。但summer holiday与summer holidays做主语时要注意谓语动词,前者用单数,后者用复数.例句如下:Seven weeks"summer holiday every year is written into our school calender.每年7周暑假写进了我们的校历.Summer holidays normally start at the end of July.暑假一般放在7月底开始.

summer holiday与summer holidays有什么区别

summer holiday 是单数,summer holidays 是复数。

summer holidays是什么意思


summer holiday还是holidays?

summer holiday和summer holidays都可以。但summer holiday与summer holidays做主语时要注意谓语动词,前者用单数,后者用复数。重点词汇解释holiday 英 ["hu0252lu0259deu026a]   美 ["hɑu02d0lu0259deu026a]    n. 假日;节日Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?用法n. (名词)1、holiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期。2、holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法。3、holidays如作整体看待,可作单数处理。

《fall》 the saturdays歌词

i gave you all you desired all that you needed boy, i provided i let you into my head, into my bed and that"s a privilege i had you back in the enters you took the dollars i took the gentiles defended the battle before cause i really thought you loved me i don"t know where to start or where to stop (no) but i know i am gone, i"ve had enough so fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall you said that you were the strong one i was the girl and i was the young one i kept your feet on the ground my head in the rounds, i had you you tell me you were so grateful i was with you and i was so faithful i stood by in all that you said and all that you dared, i loved you i don"t know how to act or what to say but i know i am gone, i"ll be ok and you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall fall, fall, fall, fall haaa, fall, fall i want you to fall.......... fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall

The Saturdays--Fall的歌词以及歌词的翻译

歌词如下: i gave you all you desired all that you needed boy, i provided i let you into my head, into my bed and that"s a privilege i had you back in the enters you took the dollars i took the gentiles defended the battle before cause i really thought you loved me i don"t know where to start or where to stop (no) but i know i am gone, i"ve had enough so fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall you said that you were the strong one i was the girl and i was the young one i kept your feet on the ground my head in the rounds, i had you you tell me you were so grateful i was with you and i was so faithful i stood by in all that you said and all that you dared, i loved you i don"t know how to act or what to say but i know i am gone, i"ll be ok and you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall fall, fall, fall, fall haaa, fall, fall i want you to fall.......... fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall

61C Days Turned to Nights 歌词

歌曲名:61C Days Turned to Nights歌手:Justin Sane专辑:Life, Love and the Pursuit of JusticeI"ll catch you again somedayon the streets of pittsburg pennsylvaniathen again maybe notwhere we can sit and remeniceabout our younger yearsand how we"d stay in bed all daywhen you should of been in class, thenthen in the nightthat light shown down upon youmade you look like the star that you wereJusting.sane - 61C Days Turned To Nightsmade you look like the star that you aredaytime thoughts on those streetsthrough winter breezes freezing gusts of windcutting razors to my earsAnti-Flag QQ群52280959全国首发those bitter cold days cast your sillouhetangel like through the fogged up cafe glassreality became a dreamyea, then in the nightdriving you to the airportwatching you walk off to theplane that did carry you awayyou were too sad to look back to wave goodbyeso im not going to tell you what you missedand im not going to tell myselfthat i will never find you glowing in those lights againcause i dont know if i will ever have that chancebut still i"ll never forget those days we hadand i"ll never forget those nights in the darkin the pitch black moon lightthe streets of this town are still coldand still windy but the 61c doesnt feel the sameyou said lets just leave it to fateso i guess i"ll just have to leave it to fateand wait and remember those days turned to nightsmade you look liek the star that you wereyea...


  holiday与holidays的联系1)holiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”.其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期.2)holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法.3)holidays如作整体看待,可作单数处理.4)有时holiday可以不包括星期日.例如:This store has no business on Sundays and holidays.这个商店在星期日及假日停止营业.介词搭配 during one"s holidays 在假期中be out for a holiday 外出度假on holiday(s)度假例句:Generally speaking,the parks are full on holidays.一般来说,假日里公园都挤满人.She is on holiday in France.她在法国度假.


holiday与holidays的联系1)holiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”.其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期.2)holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法.3)holidays如作整体看待,可作单数处理.4)有时holiday可以不包括星期日.例如:This store has no business on Sundays and holidays.这个商店在星期日及假日停止营业.介词搭配 during one"s holidays 在假期中be out for a holiday 外出度假on holiday(s)度假例句:Generally speaking,the parks are full on holidays.一般来说,假日里公园都挤满人.She is on holiday in France.她在法国度假.

holiday用法 on holiday还是on a holiday或on holidays

这个词是名词,如果加些介词,大概有一些几种用法,希望能帮组到你: 1.“去度假”用for :I am going to Austrilia for a holiday . 2.“在假期里”按传统用法用in:What are you going to do in the holiday Many tourists came to see his house in holidays. 现在也有用on的:They often go back to see their parents on holiday . 3.短语on holiday是“在休假”:Mr Green is on holiday. 4.a holiday在语法上是单数:Summer holiday is coming . 但是并不意味着只有一天:a holiday of three days a month"s holiday 5.所以summer holiday或summer holidays的说法都有:Jenny is talking with her father about how to spend the summer holidays . 6.根据假期的次数用复数形式或单数形式:Many tourists came to see his house in holidays. What are you going to do in the holiday


holiday和holidays的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.holiday意思:假期;度假期;假日,节日(尤指宗教节日或国家庆典日)2.holidays意思:假日二、用法不同1.holiday用法:基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。指包括含一天或一次的假期。接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。例句:Our holiday plans are still at an indeterminate stage.我们的假日计划还没有确定。2.holidays用法:接名词或代词作宾语。也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。例句:Generally speaking, the parks are full on holidays.一般来说,假日里公园都挤满人。三、侧重点不同1.holiday侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。2.holidays侧重点:用于现在进行时。

todays specials怎么读

英文原文:todays specials英式音标:todays [u02c8speu0283u0259lz] 美式音标:todays [u02c8speu0283u0259lz]

It rained nonstop for ten days , completely _____ our holiday.

答案D 本题的语言环境为雨连续下了10天,把我们的假期完全破坏了。动词的-ing形式在此作结果状语。故选D。

谁能告诉我 sons of days 的《oceans deep》的中文和英文歌词?

度娘本身就有的嘛Oceans Deep 情深似海Even though the world I"m in 即使我所生活的世界The perfect pitch this way appears 以怎样完美的状态呈现The greatest pressures of my sin don"t disappear那沉重的伤感始终挥之不去Although alive and with how much 或许我这一生拥有的不多The wishing, well I wished for you 但我将一切美好的祝愿送给你Then I look to see myself within it all 然后尽我的全力去帮你一一实现My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什麼我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人I"m lost without it seems so true 失去你的爱已成现实You left from here from me to you 你从这里离开了我Well my heart is broken 那麼好吧 我的心碎了I"m trying can"t you see, can"t you see 但我仍然还在努力 难道你看不到吗 你看不到吗My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什麼我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什麼我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什麼我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人My oceans deep my rivers wide 我对你的爱像海洋一样深 像江河一样广The strangers weep at pleasures side 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣Oh why do I not see the only one unseen 可为什麼我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人

谁能告诉我 sons of days 的《oceans deep》的中文和英文歌词?

Oceans Deep-Sons of dayEven though the world I"m inThe perfect pitch this way appearsThe greatest pressures of my sin don"t disappearAlthough alive and with how muchThe wishing, well I wished for youThen I look to see myself within it allMy oceans deep my rivers wideThe strangers weep at pleasures sideOh why do I not see the only one unseenI"m lost without it seems so trueYou left from here from me to youWell my heart is brokenI"m trying can"t you see, can"t you seeMy oceans deep my rivers wideThe strangers weep at pleasures sideOh why do I not see the only one unseenMy oceans deep my rivers wideThe strangers weep at pleasures sideOh why do I not see the only one unseenMy oceans deep my rivers wideThe strangers weep at pleasures sideOh why do I not see the only one unseenMy oceans deep my rivers wideThe strangers weep at pleasures sideOh why do I not see the only one unseen即使我所生活的世界以怎样完美的状态呈现那沉重的伤感始终挥之不去或许我这一生拥有的不多 但我将一切美好的祝愿送给你 然后尽我的全力去帮你一一实现 我对你的爱像海洋一样深像江河一样广 就连在世界另一端的陌生人都会为我哭泣可为什麽我却始终看不见我唯一想见的人失去你的爱已成现实 你从这里离开了我 那麽好吧,我的心碎了但我仍然还在努力难道你看不到吗你看不到吗?

hours in four days-days in four weeks = 中文意思及英文答案


hours in four days-days in four weeks = 中文意思及英文答案 days in four weeks


—You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored with it in a few days.________?--- We won’t,.

A 试题分析:考察交际用语。A然后呢?B好的;C怎么会?D那又怎么样?句意:—你们有一个宠物狗,但是如果有一天你们厌倦它了,然后你会怎么办呢?—我们不会的。我们发誓。根据上下文的句子含义可知A正确。点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现,同时也要把语法和句意相融合在一起,在平时的学习中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。

美国亚马逊直邮到国内快递,为什么付款的时候只能选 Priority Shipping (averages 2-4 days)?

因为 你选择的是直邮中国,只提供这种方式。可以用转运公司运。

我要这么回答他 “how are u nowadays ? So far so good?“


seven days of lonely歌词翻译下

我今天打电话 在凌晨3点 那是你没有告诉我说,我想再次受到伤害。 所以我挂了电话 我大声尖叫 我觉得这样就有,我应该说的事情我想现在 噢,从来没有想到会这么难让你去 告诉我怎样我要去使你的是我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱,通过七天的寂寞。 ( 7天的寂寞,是啊) 哦这是震耳欲聋 痛苦的真相 我尽一切首次再次没有你 字母i假装我没事 但疼痛内 有一定要的方式,更好然后刚刚起步的 噢,从来没有想过它是很难让你去 告诉我怎样我要去让你一个我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱,通过七天的寂寞。 我的心是加快和放慢知道我知道了,它已经结束了 你死了,可伤心死了年轻人对爱情的追求,我愿再次找到它,哦再次 今天有请 在凌晨3点 那是你没有说,再次伤害 告诉我怎样我要去使你的是我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 我的心是加快和放慢知道我知道了,它已经结束了 你死了,可伤心死了年轻人对爱情的追求,我愿再次找到它,哦,再次我这个怎么样?选我吧

Brand new days -ftisland 歌词 中文部分带上平假名

ftisland brand-new days I want to play the starI need to play the star任何时候都如此Causes a miracle Yeah Yeah YeahYou just “waiting” “waiting”跟悲伤 Go to meetWanna make a bet闪耀的Brand-new days我开始有点懂了你哭泣的那个夜晚悄悄溜走的Shooting star是我错了(Get up)Pride也变的必要了总是屈从于Daydream我要跟它说再见了电话那头 你颤抖的声音我要告诉温柔的你我现在来接你了出来吧Brand-new days(My loving)我们一起努力吧才刚开始的Winding roadHey Hey HeyI"m feeling good(Go ahead)一切都会很顺利带着好心情一起走下去(Would you join us yeah)我们是为了实现愿望而相遇的 对吧一直在寻找每次你微笑的幸福总觉得下一扇门就要开启了发现你一个人在窗边的时候我心中的小小宇宙开始启动了只要有你就好快出来吧Okay My Girl(Your loving)我们都知道月光照耀下的眼泪Hey Hey HeyI"m feeling good(Go ahead)总会有情绪低落的时候走出坏情绪((Would you join us yeah))你知道的吧 是为了我们相遇吧Get back!Shining days!消逝的星尘总会重现它的光辉现在 我发誓Do it 发誓We will get a chanceWay to goBrand-new days(My loving)我们一起努力吧才刚开始的Winding roadHey Hey HeyI"m feeling good(Go ahead)一切都会进展顺利带着好心情一起走下去(Would you join us yeah)我们是为了实现愿望而相遇的 对吧

求堀江由衣Love Countdown和Blue Rainy Days的歌词

堀江由衣-Love Countdown ジャンプして 恋をしています 明日会えるね 指折り数えた Makin" Happy ユ?メ?ミ?テ DOKI DOKIしてる 始まる恋のカウントダウン 1.2.3で臆病な ?持ち?び越えたい 今日はいつもとは ?う 私を?て Shooting LOVE! 恋をしています そんな?持ちさえ 届かなくて 想いだけ あふれていくよ だけど今日は二人が出会えたこと奇?だと ?えたいのトキメキは 恋のカウントダウン ?がる未来 いつも信じてた Maybe Happy,You make me smile WAKU WAKUしてる キラメク恋へカウントダウン 3.2.1で?け出して 胸に?び?みたい 今日は私から ハ?トに 火をつけるから LOVE LOVE LOVE 恋をしています もう?さないよ つないだ手が 二人の距? 近づけたから ?れないように?いを?めて 恋に向かってカウントダウン AH HA LOVE ME LOVE ME 堀江由衣-Love Countdown ?曲:?本由香利 恋をしていると いつも切なくて ?えきれない 想いだけ あふれてれていくよ ?に?せたら 空にとけて?れる 消えそうなピンクのハ?ト 恋をしています そんな?持ちだけ ?えたくて 少しだけ 素直になった ?む未来に?いを?めて 恋に向かってカウントダウン AH HA LOVE ME LOVE ME ジャンプして 恋のカウントダウン

求堀江由衣Blue Rainy Days日语歌词,谢了~

Blue Rainy Days歌:堀江由衣 作词:春行 作曲:春行 やまないBlueRainyDays そう ささやいてとまらない涙 もう ぬぐいもせずに见上げたBlueRainyDays 今 伝えたいCome Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!失くしかけた梦や 憧れを思い出すとき 人はいつでも やさしくなれるんだ会いたいと愿ってる 人たちは今日も どこかの空の下で 笑ってるだから胸を张り 深呼吸をして 一番おおきな声で歌おうやまないBlueRainyDays そう ささやいてとまらない涙 もう ぬぐいもせずに见上げたBlueRainyDays 今 伝えたいCome Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!Come Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!君に出会えたことは いつまでも忘れないよと 优しく笑い 握手を交わすんだ新しい世界が 开く时は 今 见惯れた日々を 离れなくっちゃねけど忘れないよ 忘れられないよ みんな大きな 声で歌おうやまない雨は无い そう 気が付いて向かい风の中で さあ 羽ばたいてみよう见なれた夕暮れ时の 街の灯へとCome Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!Come Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!心満たす物は その 笑颜达明日を照らしながら 空 见上げてゆこう一番远くまで 今 辉いてCome Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!やまないBlueRainyDays そう ささやいてとまらない涙 もう ぬぐいもせずに见上げたBlueRainyDays 今 伝えたいCome Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!Come Rain, or Come Shine, All We Need is LOVE!
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