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days matter为什么会一直显示天数








days matter怎么用

day是名词,表示“一天”day"s 表示“一天的” 比如:a day"s work 一天的工作days" 表示“X天的” 比如:two days" work 两天的工作 它是有day的复数形式构成的,由于复数形式最后一个字母已经是S,所以不用再在右上角的一撇之后再加个S了

怎么把days matter显示在手机桌面上 安卓系统

1、首先在手机中打开days matter,设置任意的纪念日,如下图所示。2、回到手机桌面上,长按days matter,进入编辑模式。3、然后点击加号打开组件库,如下图所示。4、然后找到days matter组件,点击打开详情。5、点击“添加小组件”,将days matter放置到桌面上。6、回到手机桌面,长按days matter小组件,点击“编辑小组件”。7、选择一个日期,也就是显示在手机桌面上的日期。8、到这里,就可以使用days matter组件了,随时随地查看纪念日。

days matter怎么用?

工具:iPhone 8操作系统:iOS 14.4.1软件:days matter1、在手机app srote中下载并打开倒数日,进入倒数日界面。2、进入倒数日页面后,点击屏幕右上方的加号,添加新的倒数日。3、进入添加页面后,根据需求按要求填写相关信息,并设置相关信息。4、添加并设置完成后,点击屏幕上方的保存按键,即倒数日设置完成。5、返回倒数日主页面,可以在列表页可看到刚刚设置的倒数日。6、在手机的状态栏可以看到设置好的days matter,如下图所示:

days matter是什么软件?

软件版本:倒数日Days Matter 1.3。我们可以使用倒数日Days Matter APP记录已经多少天。打开手机上的倒数日Days Matter,在右上角找到添加按钮,添加一个新的日子。记住,如果是想要设置类似于情侣在一起的天数这类的纪念日的话,需要输入你们在一起当天的日期,比如2020年7月7日你们相爱的话,就输入这个日期。然后将倒数本选择为“纪念日”,打开置顶,选择需要重复的时间间隔后保存即可。这时,在一起的天数就会显示在主界面,并且显示的颜色为橙色,这是因为是纪念过去的时间为橙色,而对未来的倒计时则是蓝色的。点击设置好的计时后,可以设定更加精美的主题并保存至相册,方便用户们分享至朋友圈或其它社交平台。你也可以点击数字,来更换显示的时间格式,可以在年、月、周、日中进行挑选。而点击BigDay后,用户们就能够查看到更加具体的纪念日信息,100天、200天、300天、1周年等。

苹果days matter怎么弄到桌面上

days matter弄到桌面的方法如下:工具/原料:iPhone SE2、iOS14.2、days matter1.4。1、打开手机已安装的days matter。2、点击界面右上角【+号】,添加新日期。3、添加完成后,点击【完成】按钮。4、返回手机桌面,长按空白位置,进入【编辑模式】。5、在库里找到【days matter】,点击添加。6、选择自己喜欢的风格,点击【添加小组件】。7、在屏幕任意位置点击,退出编辑模式。

days matter重复是什么意思

days matter重复是重复提醒的意思。例如你的生日就可设置为每1年重复一次,就是今年的过完了,不用在重新设置,明年还会继续提醒。Days Matter支持重复事件,可设置年、月、周、天重复事件,方便一次设置,多年生效,极大的提高了效率。倒数日设置提醒方式方法:演示设备:iPhone 6s手机,系统IOS 12.4App:倒数日·Days Matter,版本号0.9.1121、打开倒数日。2、进入Days Matter首页,点击有上角+。3、进入添加新日子,然后输入日子的名称,这里输入老婆生日。4、然后点击第二栏“目标日”,选择日期。4、这里选择10月16号。5、然后点击打开“分类”。6、再选择纪念日即可。7、继续点击“重复”栏打开,根据你的需要选择重复方式。8、这里选择的是每年重复方法。9、剩下的“置顶”、“提醒”方式根据你的需要设置即可,设置好以后点击“保存”即可。10、这样就设好了一个重要日期了。

怎么用英语翻译Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days,but living and dealing wi

在这个时候,和孩子们生活在一起并处理他们的问题可能会很艰难。但是如果换成是父母就可能会更加困难。.假如在我16岁那年我学会了什么东西,就像那时交流、沟通很重要,尤其在和你相处时或者你不同意(我的)什么观点时。不管怎么样,你有必要让别人知道你是怎么感受的。如果你不会沟通,那么你的人际关系可能会被孤立。 当你对你的父母或其他人感到“要疯了”的时候,不对他们沟通解决不了任何事。沟通从关心另一方开始。这意味着,你不可能只是过着从家到学校,然后再回到家不和任何人说话的两点一线的生活。即使你只是说声“嗨”然后用5分钟看看他们他们的生活,这也比什么都不说好得多。如果你查字典,就会看到它的释义有“交换观点”、“传递信息”、“通信”、“交流的方式”、“一封信或一段落”。为了保持一个良好的人际关系,你必须加强沟通。让人们知道你的感觉,尽管只是用写个小字条开始的。 当处理和父母的问题时,你要经常不得不让他们感觉到做父母的感觉很好。如果你想让你的父母看到什么东西和你作一样的感想时,就要告诉他们你在听他们说的是什么,并且让他们也听听你说什么。大喊大叫或者走开只能让情况更糟。有个例子,一个晚上,苏菲和她的朋友去参加一个街道派队。她知道在放完烟花的午夜之后她必须回家。但是他们的朋友要她那个时间回家。那样会很不礼貌。毕竟,他们和苏菲都很要好。不用说了,她回家晚了。她的父母一开始很生气,但是当苏菲心平气和的解释她为什么晚了之后,他们便不在生气了,就让这件事儿过去了。沟通是这件事的关键。如果苏菲的父母没有一直听她解释,苏菲就会有很多麻烦。沟通不是唯一的方式。它有很多方式。要记住:如果你也陷入了像苏菲一样的麻烦,告诉别人你的感受,还有倾听也是沟通的关键。 楼主,翻译完了,还有疏漏,多多包涵。

a few days、 a couple of days、 several days在数量上有什么区别,望高手详解!谢谢!

a few 一般强调的数量要多于a couple of。a few一般是多于3左右。而a couple of一般强调的数量是2或者3,比如a few days . 意思是几天。这里的几天至少是3天以上。可能是4天,5天,6天,但不会超过10天。而a couple of days ,也是几天的意思。但是,强调的可能是2天或者3天。一般来讲,several days 不超过一周。a few days 时间跨度要大些。several=more than two but fewer than many大于二而少于许多。

Nowadays,many wild animals are in the danger

你英语是怎么学的,天天问些这么无聊的问题。你单词表背过了吗?先背好单词再来问。不知道查字典,不知道查课本,就知道问。好了,我也不知道你几年级的,不过in danger在单词表里是有的。打好基础啊,问题太简单了,唉。。。



black out days中文歌词意思


the letter was posted three days ago

第一个空:信应该是被邮寄,所以用被动语态, 三天前,只能用过去式的被动语态,was posted. 第二个空arrive是不及物动词,不及物动词没有被动语态,所以选arrived.

问什么汽车上会出现inspect in 19days


inspect in 26days是什么意思?

inspect in 26 days检查在26日inspect 英[u026anu02c8spekt] 美[u026anu02c8spu025bkt] vt. 视察; 检查,检验; vi. 进行检查; 进行视察; [网络] 观察; 检查; 检验; [例句]Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。[其他] 第三人称单数:inspects 现在分词:inspecting 过去式:inspected过去分词:inspected 形近词: prospect respect aspect

my wonderful days六年级作文

My holiday was good.I stayed at home for sometime.I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games.But one day,my monther,my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games.And I bought a new uniform in the evening.I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me.I says," Thanks a lot." I bought some shoes.I want a pair of sports shoes.In the shop,the wonderful song added tour pleasure.I see the black monther says," there are beautiful !"I was happy that day,because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.

求网球王子 Wonderful Days 的中日文歌词,最好在后面标注是谁唱的(动漫人物的名字)?全收录网王歌曲~

网球王子歌曲wonderful days歌词的中文译音,不要其他的!

中文歌词: 在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放

网球王子《Wonderful days》的歌词


求藤木直人版的Wonderful Days(网球王子)的歌谱

wonderful day 网球王子 迹部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji 真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku 橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 橘子:wonderful days 深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su 神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru 合: ko do mo no yo u ni 合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku 迹部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru 小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra 真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni 橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku 合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta 神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e 合: REACH FOR THE SKY 合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku 橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa"; 橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra 迹部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo 分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta 真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa 小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 迹部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo 合:me za shi te 合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku

网球王子Wonderful days中文译文歌词,不要罗马拼音,要中文谐音的!!!

马不戏一沟沟妈斗哦阿kei辱挖kei默那哭卡kei入hi卡给喏括米起哦默一诶嘎一它啊西它卡拉喏素忒几一妹几西忒路啊它拉西配几麻西咯kya恩怕素逆诶嘎哭母卡一卡贼默噢卡妈一那西碟ki力hi拉哭括喏哈忒那哭吃吃哭brand new storywonderful day wonderful day wonderful wonderful wonderful day 贼不拉默哟喏括屋撒忒啊哦妮卡挖路托哈西里嗒素西咯一拉一嗒kei哦伏恩得挖它力ki入括唾默喏哟屋尼一吃默括恩拿户妮卡贼尼户卡类啊里喏妈妈喏几不恩得一路括脱嘎默西默得ki一它那拉脱哦一烁拉尼母kei忒留哦忒喏八西括喏哦默一托托哭哟屋尼托托ki哈拿啊忒哭

wonderful days歌词

が目を见张るほどの午后は窓を开ける理由のないに駆けつけ、绿のある道だった目を闭じて、ゆっくり呼吸をするハチッで描かれて明日からの舞台となった想像で新たなページ」を描いているカンバスには真っ白なが描かれているたとえ逆风もが割れた続いていてやまないbrand new storyだったah、wonderful days岐路に立たされている信号が青信号にする时から駆け出した小さい子供と一绪だった白いだけを踏んで横断歩道を渡っている舗道だった风もいつものように当たりながらすごしていました本当の自分をすれば见えないかもしれない远くの空に両手を出してこの想いを伝える贵解放加速ドラムペダルのスピード一気に登った坂がありました空で空前の助走だった感じの鼓动しながら著が高腾しているのだこの坂を登って见るのか见ピーク时であった追いかけてくる南风が後ろで失ったのだまるで通知からの信号弾となったah、wonderful daysいくつの缲り返しいつここへの注目を集めているもう目线で最奥に辉いて光reach for the skyですいつまでも维持と同じ気持ちだった懐かしさが続く场合は、暖かいことを忘れてはならない言叶を口にしたいつか名前すらなかった鸟も思いだった広大な无辺の空へとびこんだ未来を模索して探す键がないのドアを开けた持続って探して颜の前で発见されていないの光である机の前にあふれる落书き知らないのはいつ、心理的に描いた地図谁もいないとされてきた太阳がすべてを志向するさえわからねえなところがあります风もいつものように当たりながらすごしていました本当の自分をすれば见えないかもしれない远くの空に両手を出してこの想いを伝えるで、これと関连し解放で、これと関连し解放 在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放

求网球王子中《wonderful days》音译歌词~

卡给喏括米起 哦默一诶嘎一它啊西它卡拉喏素忒几 一妹几西忒路啊它拉西配几 麻西咯kya恩怕素逆诶嘎哭 母卡一卡贼默噢卡妈一那西碟ki力hi拉哭 括喏哈忒那哭吃吃哭brand new story wonderful day wonderful day wonderful wonderful wonderful day 贼不拉默哟喏括屋撒忒 啊哦妮卡挖路托哈西里嗒素 西咯一拉一嗒kei哦伏恩得挖它力ki入 括唾默喏哟屋尼 一吃默括恩拿户妮卡贼尼户卡类 啊里喏妈妈喏几不恩得一路括脱嘎 默西默得ki一它那拉 脱哦一烁拉尼母kei忒留哦忒喏八西 括喏哦默一托托哭哟屋尼托 托ki哈拿啊忒哭全文 2 17

网球王子 Wonderful days 歌词


《网球王子》中的wonderful days的罗马发音和中文发音

《Wonderful Days》 wonderful day 网球王子 迹部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji 真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku 橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 橘子:wonderful days 深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su 神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru 合: ko do mo no yo u ni 合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku 迹部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru 小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra 真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni 橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku 合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta 神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e 合: REACH FOR THE SKY 合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku 橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa"; 橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra 迹部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo 分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta 真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa 小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 迹部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo 合:me za shi te 合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku 眩しいごご まどをあける 打开窗户 满眼阳光灿烂的午后 わけもなくかけるひかげの小道 率性地跑在林荫小道上 肩で息を吸いこんで目をとじ 大口呼吸 紧闭双眼 思い描いた明日かろのステ-ジ 心中描绘从今以后的舞台 イメ-ジしてる新しいペ-ジ 将向往已久的崭新的篇章 真つ白いンパスに描く 在这个雪白的校园中奏响 向いかぜもおかまい无しで切りひらく 毫不在意地分开迎面的风 この果てなくつづく Brand new story 一次又一次续写 Brand new story Ah wonderful days Ah wonderful days ゼブラもようの交差点 我们就好象站在十字路口斑马线上 青にかわると走り出す 等待信号灯变绿冲出起点 白いラインだけを踏んで渡りきる 越过白线才算抵达终点的 子供のように 纯真的孩子一样 *いつもこんなふうにかぜに吹かれ 如果能够总是这样站在阵阵的风中 ありのままの自分でいることが模しも出来ていたなら 诚恳地表达出真实的自己 とおい空に向けてりょうて伸ばし 便能向着天空伸出双手 この思い届くようにと 祈求这一份愿望能够到达 解き放ってく 放飞自己的心情 べダルを踏む足を速め 骑着自行车 脚下不断加速 いつきに坂道 かけ上がる 一口气冲上山坡 今とび立つ前にのながい助走 现在的平凡 不过是起飞前长长的助跑 高まるこどう感じながら 感受着渐渐激烈的心跳 この坂を登りきって 登上前面的山坡 てっぺんがみえてきたころに 当顶峰慢慢出现在眼前 南风が背中を追い越してゆく 阵阵南风从背后追赶而来 始まりのあいぢを知らせるように 仿佛是宣布一切即将开始 Ah wonderful days Ah wonderful days あと少しだけをくり返し 只需要再继续前行一步 いつのまにかここまで来てた 不知不觉中便来到这里 もうしかいの奥にかがやく光さえ 放眼望去 只剩下耀眼的光芒 Reach for the sky Reach for the sky どんなときも胸にしまいこんだままの 如果能够永远不忘那埋藏在胸中的希望 思い忘れないですっと温めつづけたなら 一直用心灵的温度将它保存 きっといつか名もないとりのように思うまま一定会有一天如小鸟一般 この大空を突きすすんでく 如愿翱翔在广阔的天空中 手探りでさがす未来はいつでも键のない扉 盲目摸索的未来 总是像一扇没有钥匙的大门 目の前にある光も见つけらず探しつづけた 我们不断找寻着 就连眼前的光芒也没能发觉 机にあるらくがきは 课桌上的胡乱涂鸦 いつか思い描いたちず 是不知不觉间心中描绘的地图 谁も歩いた事のない 指向一个谁也没有去过 太阳さえ知らない场所 连太阳都 目指して 不曾到达的地方 中文歌词: 在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放

网球王子歌曲Wonderful days翻译

日韩歌曲【wonderful days】《网球王子》插曲(最爱)wonderful days歌词(中 日 罗马)迹部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji 真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku 橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 橘子:wonderful days 深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su 神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru 合: ko do mo no yo u ni 合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku 迹部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru 小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra 真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni 橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku 合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta 神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e 合: REACH FOR THE SKY 合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku 橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa"; 橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra 迹部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo 分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta 真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa 小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 迹部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo 合:me za shi te 合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku ペダルを踏む足を速め 一気に坂道 駆け上がる いま飞び立つ前の长い助走 高まる鼓动 感じながら この坂を登りきって てっべんが见えてきた顷に 南风が背中を追い越してゆく はじまりの合図を知らせるように Ah...wonderful days... あと少しだけを缲り返し いつのまにかここまで来てた もう视界の奥に辉く光さえ Reach for the sky どんな时も胸にしまいこんだままの 思い忘れないでずっと温め続けたなら きっといつか名もない鸟のように思うまま この大空を突き进んでく 手探りで探す未来はいつでも键のない扉 目の前にある光も见つけられず探し続けた 机にある落书きは いつか思い描いた地図 谁も歩いた事のない 太阳さえ知らない场所 目指して いつもこんなふうに风に吹かれ ありのままの自分でいる事がもしも出来ていたなら 远い空に向けて両手伸ばしこの思い届くようにと 解き放ってく 解き放ってく... 就是这段的翻译~ ~~~<<中文歌词: >>在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放!!

求网球王子歌曲《WONDERFUL DAYS》中文歌词

在耀眼阳光的午后 打开窗户看着阴凉的小路在阴影处闭上眼睛想象着未来舞台的影象想象着 新的一页描绘出纯白的校园风也尽情地吹拂着结局后又是一个新的故事wonderful daywonderful wonderful wonderful day在斑马样的交叉路口突然开始爽快地奔跑只有白色的贝壳还在周围那是我的东西风经常像这样吹着 爱也在周围旋转如果可以变成自己的所有物仰望着遥远的天空 举起双手 这种思念希望可以传达给对方 这种心跳的感觉

Seven Days Mark Medlock

my god!you take the translation to play us?

seven days这首歌想表达什么意思

在我去看朋友的路上 他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 当我在地下铁里走的时候 应该是3点一刻 在我面前 站着一个窈窕妹妹 她问我几点了 我说她得先告诉我她的名字 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 她拒绝了吗,没有。 她介意吗,我不这么认为 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 她问我我们要干什么。 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 我星期一认识的这个女孩 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 九点了 因为我将得到 她看起来很好 很爱说话 她告诉我 她愿意一夜躺在我身上 我喜欢她推它 她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 一夜情是不公平的 第一眼就看出你不喜欢 因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 从地铁到我家 当你感到孤单的时候 你要做的 就是给我打电话 我被打倒了 自从遇见了这个特别的女子 我不能不想他 她是独一无二的 我也不会否认 和你在一起很不一样

what are the seven days of the week怎么回答


in seven days.的疑问代词是什么

how soon

There are seven days in a week的中文意思是什么



EVEN DAYS始创于2005年,其摒弃传统服饰发展模式,依托强大的公司资源及资金力量,将发展目标锁定为经营快速流行与多品牌集成店项目(Fast Fashion & Multi Brand)。 SEVEN DAYS是汇集二十多个国际新锐设计师品牌的Multi-Brand平台,其人文主义的艺术风格及个性化穿着的理念,已受到众多对时尚服饰文化有追求的名流潮人的认可,品牌的战略目标为——做“中国创造的国际化设计师Multi-Brand第一” 创建以来,SEVEN DAYS团队始终把“将文化进行到底”做为核心理念,利用推广时尚的生活态度及生活方式来带动商品的销售。秉着坚持国际化的路线,SEVEN DAYS将欧美、日本、香港…最前沿的时尚理念及产品带给消费者的同时,也集合了内地最有影响力的新锐设计师的作品,而他们的思想和精神也将在SEVEN DAYS国际化的平台上得以发扬光大。最终实现SEVEN DAYS人将“创造于中国(DESIGN IN CHINA)”推向世界的梦想! SEVEN DAYS品牌概念完全不同于其他传统性的时装品牌,是一个多品牌集成并领导时尚潮流的连锁概店,是当下文化与创新的缔造者。SEVEN DAYS倡导每天都有新形象,它对时尚流行的理解已经超越服装本身,除了外形外,精神以及Life Style 都要有新的元素和新的体验。这个世界是快速发展的世界,也是充满个性的世界,而SEVEN DAYS就是个性文化最好的代言,其旺盛的生命力、不断丰富和进步的品牌精神使它成为人们青睐的对象。 相比传统模式,SEVEN DAYS更注重于消费者文化之间的互动,Seven days所倡导的打破常规、释放自我的个性文化;虽然在今时今日,个性文化还没有成为主流,但是它显然是未来发展的趋势和潮流,它所具有的无限创造力使一切皆有可能。通过快速流行(Fast Fashion)&多品牌(Multi-Brand)的理念引领全新服装消费风潮,让“每天都有新形象”从口号完全变成了现实。

和《seven days》类似的歌

The saltwater room (owl city强烈推荐)To All The Girls[Aaron Carter(亚伦 卡特)]My Heartbeat[Ylamproductions] Away [Jared Lee] Breathless[肖恩 沃德(Shayne Ward)] 灰姑娘 Cinderella[Tata Young(泰国)] echoes in my head[ylamproductions] just a dream (陈以桐)


Seven days,减脂奶片是骗局吗?对,纯粹是骗局,根本减不了肥的,希望大家不要再,减肥上面纠结了

求一首歌,里边有句歌词是 seven days 声音像 西城男孩 里 尚恩 可是搜不到这首歌。

《Something That I Already Know》,不过是后街的,你试试是不是这首

seven days is还是are a week


什么days is a week?

Seven , 填 7 这个单词

IN SEVEN DAYS. 意思是在七天以后,还是在七天之内? 请发表你的高见!

in做介词连接表示时间的名词时,代表未来的时间段,所以in seven days表示在未来七天里

We will have a ___holiday A seven day’s B seven―day C seven―days D seven days 帮忙解释一下

我们将有一个___holiday假期 一七天的B七C七―天―天七天

seven days 的中文歌词和介绍?

在我去看朋友的路上 他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 当我在地下铁里走的时候 应该是3点一刻 在我面前 站着一个窈窕妹妹 她问我几点了 我说她得先告诉我她的名字 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 她拒绝了吗,没有。 她介意吗,我不这么认为 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 她问我我们要干什么。 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 我星期一认识的这个女孩 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] 九点了 因为我将得到 她看起来很好 很爱说话 她告诉我 她愿意一夜躺在我身上 我喜欢她推它 她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 一夜情是不公平的 第一眼就看出你不喜欢因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 从地铁到我家 电话一直响 当你感到孤单的时候 你要做的就是给我打电话 [Chorus] 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 我星期一认识的这个女孩 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Bridge] 我被打倒了 自从遇见了这个特别的女子 我不能不想他 我也不会否认 和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢星期一 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢

there are seven days in a week.改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答

一般疑问: Are there seven days in a week? 肯定回答:Yes , there are.

请问有谁知道劲舞团里面 辉星唱的7天<SEVEN DAYS>的歌词


求英文歌曲seven days的中文翻译

On my way to see my friends 在我去看朋友的路上 who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 As I walked through the subway 当我在地下铁里走的时候 it must have been about quarter past three应该是3点一刻 In front of me 在我面前 stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body站着一个窈窕妹妹 She asked me for the time她问我几点了 I said it"d cost her her name我说她得先告诉我她的名字 a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 Did she decline? No她拒绝了吗,没有。 Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so她介意吗,我不这么认为 Was it for real? Damn sure 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 Cinnamon queen? let me update肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 She asked me what we were gonna do 她问我我们要干什么。 said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 [Chorus] Monday 星期一 took her for a drink on Tuesday 星期二带她去喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday 星期三我们做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 I met this girl on Monday 我星期一认识的这个女孩 took her for a drink on Tuesday星期二带她喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday星期三就做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] Nine was the time九点了 cos I"ll be getting mine 因为我将得到 and she was looking fine 她看起来很好 Smooth talker 很爱说话 she told me 她告诉我 She"d love to unfold me all night long她愿意一夜躺在我身上 Ooh I loved the way she kicked it 我喜欢她推它 from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair一夜情是不公平的 From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that 第一眼就看出你不喜欢 Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 From the subway to my home从地铁到我家 endless ringing of my phone 电话一直响 When you feeling all alone当你感到孤单的时候 all you gotta do你要做的 is just call me call me就是给我打电话 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Bridge] (Break it down, uh break it down)我被打倒了 Since I met this special lady自从遇见了这个特别的女子 ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind我不能不想他 She"s one of a kind她是独一无二的 And I ain"t about to deny it我也不会否认 It"s a special kind thing with you-oh.......和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

seven days的英文歌词翻译成中文是怎样的

On my way to see my friends 在我去看朋友的路上 who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 As I walked through the subway 当我在地下铁里走的时候 it must have been about quarter past three应该是3点一刻 In front of me 在我面前 stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body站着一个窈窕妹妹 She asked me for the time她问我几点了 I said it"d cost her her name我说她得先告诉我她的名字 a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 Did she decline? No她拒绝了吗,没有。 Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so她介意吗,我不这么认为 Was it for real? Damn sure 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 Cinnamon queen? let me update肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 She asked me what we were gonna do 她问我我们要干什么。 said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 [Chorus] Monday 星期一 took her for a drink on Tuesday 星期二带她去喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday 星期三我们做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 I met this girl on Monday 我星期一认识的这个女孩 took her for a drink on Tuesday星期二带她喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday星期三就做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] Nine was the time九点了 cos I"ll be getting mine 因为我将得到 and she was looking fine 她看起来很好 Smooth talker 很爱说话 she told me 她告诉我 She"d love to unfold me all night long她愿意一夜躺在我身上 Ooh I loved the way she kicked it 我喜欢她推它 from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair一夜情是不公平的 From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that 第一眼就看出你不喜欢 Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 From the subway to my home从地铁到我家 endless ringing of my phone 电话一直响 When you feeling all alone当你感到孤单的时候 all you gotta do你要做的 is just call me call me就是给我打电话 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Bridge] (Break it down, uh break it down)我被打倒了 Since I met this special lady自从遇见了这个特别的女子 ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind我不能不想他 She"s one of a kind她是独一无二的 And I ain"t about to deny it我也不会否认 It"s a special kind thing with you-oh.......和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

seven days歌词翻译(英译中)

On my way to see my friends 在我去看朋友的路上 who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 As I walked through the subway 当我在地下铁里走的时候 it must have been about quarter past three应该是3点一刻 In front of me 在我面前 stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body站着一个窈窕妹妹 She asked me for the time她问我几点了 I said it"d cost her her name我说她得先告诉我她的名字 a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 Did she decline? No她拒绝了吗,没有。 Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so她介意吗,我不这么认为 Was it for real? Damn sure 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 Cinnamon queen? let me update肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 She asked me what we were gonna do 她问我我们要干什么。 said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 [Chorus] Monday 星期一 took her for a drink on Tuesday 星期二带她去喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday 星期三我们做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 I met this girl on Monday 我星期一认识的这个女孩 took her for a drink on Tuesday星期二带她喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday星期三就做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] Nine was the time九点了 cos I"ll be getting mine 因为我将得到 and she was looking fine 她看起来很好 Smooth talker 很爱说话 she told me 她告诉我 She"d love to unfold me all night long她愿意一夜躺在我身上 Ooh I loved the way she kicked it 我喜欢她推它 from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair一夜情是不公平的 From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that 第一眼就看出你不喜欢 Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 From the subway to my home从地铁到我家 endless ringing of my phone 电话一直响 When you feeling all alone当你感到孤单的时候 all you gotta do你要做的 is just call me call me就是给我打电话 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Bridge] (Break it down, uh break it down)我被打倒了 Since I met this special lady自从遇见了这个特别的女子 ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind我不能不想他 She"s one of a kind她是独一无二的 And I ain"t about to deny it我也不会否认 It"s a special kind thing with you-oh.......和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

there are seven days in a week.(对seven days提问)

the seven days holiday 与 the seven-day holiday 的区别!

一般没有the seven days holiday 这种说法,the seven days 不能用来做定语,可以用来做表语:The holiday is seven days. seven-day是一个复合形容词,一般用来做定语,不能用来做表语。不能说The holiday is seven-day. 再比如: a 5000-word article 或者 The article is 5000 words.

seven days -- mark


里面有一句歌词是seven days senen lonly night,这个歌名叫什么?~

《Seven Days》 Mark Medlock唱的

Azure Ray的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Azure Ray专辑:Burn And Shiverseven days below uskeep me hovered above the groundAnd nights just blend into the morningDefinition is the first to go downIf i were to stay here between usI might forget where i"m boundSo i can"t stay in between usI guess i"ll walk awayAnd here to read the futureBut forced to breathe out the pastAnd too many conversationsTo uncover what was purposefully lostI know we all look so desperateshowing the guidance that we lackAnd we used to be so wistfulI guess we feel it"s safer holding backIf i were to stay here between usI might forget where i"m boundSo i can"t stay in between usI guess i"ll walk away

Kenny Chesney的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Kenny Chesney专辑:Hemingway"S Whiskey (Deluxe Edition)Artist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.

Ron Wood的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Ron Wood专辑:Gimme Some NeckArtist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.

Chris Botti的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Chris Botti专辑:Live In BostonArtist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.

求Seven Days中文歌词

在我去看朋友的路上 他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 当我在地下铁里走的时候 应该是3点一刻 在我面前 站着一个窈窕妹妹 她问我几点了 我说她得先告诉我她的名字 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 她拒绝了吗,没有。 她介意吗,我不这么认为 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 她问我我们要干什么。 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 我星期一认识的这个女孩 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] 九点了 因为我将得到 她看起来很好 很爱说话 她告诉我 她愿意一夜躺在我身上 我喜欢她推它 她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 一夜情是不公平的 第一眼就看出你不喜欢因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 从地铁到我家 电话一直响 当你感到孤单的时候 你要做的就是给我打电话 [Chorus] 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 我星期一认识的这个女孩 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Bridge] 我被打倒了 自从遇见了这个特别的女子 我不能不想他 我也不会否认 和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] 星期一 星期二带她去喝了一杯 星期三我们做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢星期一 星期二带她喝了一杯 星期三就做爱了 星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢

Bob Dylan的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:The Bootleg Series, Vols. 1-3 (Rare & Unreleased) 1961-1991Seven daysMark MedlockSeven daysOh why we can touch the skyThere"s no reason whyYou hurt my heartOh why you will make me blueIt"s just me and youAnd no one elsePlease don"t believe what they tell you about meI love you my baby can"t you seeSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove means everything in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I love you till the day I diePray for your love since I seeing youSince I saw you babyOh try to give us one more chanceFor a new romance closer than closeDon"t cry maybe youself blindYou are on my mind for my whole lifeRemember my words and must be awayI love you baby now and daysSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove means everything in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I love you till the day I diePray for your love since I seeing youSeven days and seven longly nightsOh I wait just hope you dieLike sunshine in the winter timeOh I miss youSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove you in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I will love you till the day I diePray for you love since I seeing youSeven days and seven longly nights(since i see you...)

Craig David的seven days歌词中有一段什么意思


Seven days make 还是makes a week.为什么小学里要用make?

因为seven days作为主语是复数名词,所以动词用make.7天够成一个星期。

Babyface的seven days歌词翻译。不要机译!

长... 娃娃脸( Babyface ) -七海 声乐背景:马克纳尔逊,梅尔文埃德蒙兹, “面子” 坐在窗口 整天想你 看天去 我开始哭了 但他们没有眼泪的悲伤 他们只意味着我爱你 和我想告诉你的女孩,我,哦i 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 人们认为我疯了 他们说,我仅仅是一个无关 让我的生命通过我的 相信您与我 以及我不能代表任何人 但在我心中,我知道你爱我 这就是为什么我会一直告诉你, i 哦,哦,我哦i 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 这样做不这样做不这样做 这样做不这样做不这样做不这样做 这样做不这样做不这样做... 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 如果有办法我什么事都可以为你做 任何你想要我做的事你知道我会的

有谁知道韩国的Seven Days的歌词和歌曲么

Artist: Craig DavidAlbum: Born To Do ItTitle: Seven DaysOn my way to see my friendsWho lived a couple blocks away from me, ohAs I walked through the subwayIt must have been about quarter past threeIn front of meStood a beautiful honey with a beautiful bodyShe asked me for the timeI said it"d cost her her nameA six digit numberAnd a date with me tomorrow at nineDid she decline? NoDidn"t she mind? I don"t think soWas it for real? Damn sureWhat was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24So was she keen? She couldn"t waitCinnamon queen? Let me updateWhat did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvousShe asked me what we were gonna doSaid we"d start with a bottle of moet for two1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayNine was the timeCuz I be gettin" mineAnd she was looking fineSmooth talker, she told meShe"d love to unfold me all night longOoh, I loved the way she kicked itFrom the front to back she flipped itAnd I, oh, oh, I, yeahHope that she"d careCuz I"m a man who"ll always be thereI"m not a man to play around babyCuz a one night stand isn"t really fairFrom the first impression girl, hmm, you don"t seem to be like thatCuz there"s no need to chat, for there"ll be plenty for thatFrom the subway to my homeEndless ringing of my phoneWhen you"re feeling all aloneAll you gotta doIs just call me, call me1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on Sunday(Break it down, uh, break it down)Since I met this special ladyOoh yeahI can"t get her off my mindShe"s one of a kindAnd I ain"t about to deny itIt"s a special kind of thingWith you, ohh1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on Sunday1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by Wednesday

张杰唱的那首英文歌,SEVEN DAYS 原唱是谁

craig david



请教一下seven days的歌词

Artist: Craig David Album: Born To Do It Title: Seven DaysOn my way to see my friendsWho lived a couple blocks away from me, ohAs I walked through the subwayIt must have been about quarter past threeIn front of meStood a beautiful honey with a beautiful bodyShe asked me for the timeI said it"d cost her her nameA six digit number And a date with me tomorrow at nineDid she decline? NoDidn"t she mind? I don"t think soWas it for real? Damn sureWhat was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24So was she keen? She couldn"t waitCinnamon queen? Let me updateWhat did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvousShe asked me what we were gonna doSaid we"d start with a bottle of moet for two1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayNine was the timeCuz I be gettin" mineAnd she was looking fineSmooth talker, she told meShe"d love to unfold me all night longOoh, I loved the way she kicked itFrom the front to back she flipped itAnd I, oh, oh, I, yeahHope that she"d careCuz I"m a man who"ll always be thereI"m not a man to play around babyCuz a one night stand isn"t really fairFrom the first impression girl, hmm, you don"t seem to be like thatCuz there"s no need to chat, for there"ll be plenty for thatFrom the subway to my homeEndless ringing of my phoneWhen you"re feeling all aloneAll you gotta doIs just call me, call me1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on Sunday(Break it down, uh, break it down)Since I met this special ladyOoh yeahI can"t get her off my mindShe"s one of a kindAnd I ain"t about to deny itIt"s a special kind of thingWith you, ohh1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on SundayI met this girl on MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by WednesdayAnd on Thursday and Friday and SaturdayWe chilled on Sunday1 - MondayTook her for a drink on TuesdayWe were making love by Wednesday.........................

seven days 的中文歌词和介绍?

Sitting by the window 坐在窗户旁All day thinking of you 整天想着你Watching the days go by 看着日子一天天过去I started to cry 我开始哭But they weren"t tears of sadness 这不是悲伤的眼泪They only meant I love you 它们代表了我对你的爱And I wanna tell you girl that I, oh I 我想对你说 (对女生说)I"ll travel round the seven seas for you 我会为了你遨游七海It"s written in the melody I adore you 我会把爱你的感觉写进歌里I wrote my love a symphony 我为我的爱写了交响曲To show you there"s nothing I won"t do 为了证明给你看--没有什么事是我不能做到的Baby I"ll walk around the China Wall for you 宝贝我会为了你绕着中国墙走一圈If there"s a way I"ll do it all for you 如果有办法我什么事都可以为你做Anything you want me to 任何你想要我做的事 (寒。。)You know I would do 你知道我会的People think I"m crazy 人们认为我疯了They say I"m just a nothing 他们说我一无是处Letting my life pass me by 白白浪费生命Believing you"re with me 幻想着你和我在一起。Well I can"t speak for no one 我只能代表我自己But in my heart I know you love me 但是我心里知道你爱我And that"s why I"ll always tell you I 所以我一直告诉你Oh I, oh I, oh II"ll travel round the seven seas for you 我会为了你遨游七海It"s written in the melody I adore you 我会把爱你的感觉写进歌里I wrote my love a symphony 我为我的爱写了交响曲To show you there"s nothing I won"t do 为了证明给你看--没有什么事是我不能做到的Baby I"ll walk around the China Wall for you 宝贝我会为了你绕着中国墙走一圈If there"s a way I"ll do it all for you 如果有办法我什么事都可以为你做Anything you want me to 任何你想要我做的事 (寒。。)You know I would do 你知道我会的Do do do do do doDo do do do do do do doDo do do do do do...下面是重复。。。I"ll travel round the seven seas for youIt"s written in the melody I adore youI wrote my love a symphonyTo show you there"s nothing I won"t doBaby I"ll walk around the China Wall for youIf there"s a way I"ll do it all for youAnything you want me toYou know I would doI"ll travel round the seven seas for youIt"s written in the melody I adore youI wrote my love a symphonyTo show you there"s nothing I won"t doBaby I"ll walk around the China Wall for youIf there"s a way I"ll do it all for youAnything you want me toYou know I would do

谁知道seven days的歌词?劲舞团里的歌

( ( ( Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ( ( Monday Tuesday I Love Y ou Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Baby Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Baby I Love You Honey Monday Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 中文, 在我怀里沉睡的你 不知做着什么样的梦 紧闭的双眼还带着微笑(看着你我也会扬起嘴角) 轻轻抚上你的头 你皱起眉头的模样是那么的可爱 留下还未睡醒的你 我准备了香醇的咖啡 手里拿着为你准备的小礼物 不自觉的哼起小曲 伸个懒腰 打着哈欠 叫着我的名字(揉揉未睡醒的双眼) 躲在一旁悄悄看着 东张西望追寻着我身影的你 无助的模样好可爱(心情愉快的早晨) Monday 明天一天也是 Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 更加的爱你 Monday 第二天也是 Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 你也只爱我一个人 我珍惜的白衬衫 穿在你身上几乎拖到地板 是只属于你的睡衣(叠的整整齐齐为你准备着) 靠枕在我手臂看着电影 不知过了多久 听到你可爱的鼾声 (心情愉快的这一刻) Monday 明天一天也是 Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 更加的爱你 Monday 第二天也是 Tuesday I Love You Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 你也只爱我一个人

翻译歌词,高分求高手,机器翻译免谈《seven days》

哦,还有,我们能触摸天空也没有理由,你伤了我的心哦,还有,你会让我蓝色的这只是你和我,外,不会有任何其他请不要相信他们告诉你关于我自己的事情我爱你,我的宝贝难道你看不出来七个寂寞的夜晚7天,我可以让你宝宝在我身边爱我我生命的全部七个寂寞的夜晚7天,也许我还爱你没有我死的那天自从前你爱我看见了你自从我见到你的婴儿哦,试着你给我们一次机会你和我身边的前锋和关闭别哭也许自己找到的你是在我的脑海里为我的一生记住我的话就必须意识到我爱你宝贝钠和天七个寂寞的夜晚7天,我能爱你宝贝,在我的身边爱我我生命的全部七个寂寞的夜晚7天,也许我还爱你没有我死的那天自从前你爱我看见了你七个寂寞的夜晚7天,哦,我等待只是希望你就死定了在冬天里,像阳光一样哦,我想念你. .七个寂寞的夜晚7天,我可以让你宝宝在我身边爱你在我的生命中…七个寂寞的夜晚7天,也许我没有全心全意地爱你,因为我死的那天自从前你爱我看见了你七个寂寞的夜晚7天,(因为我看到你…) ps :希望能帮你

Seven Days中文歌词

seven days 打印此页 歌手:Craig David On my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh) As I walked through the subway it must have been about quarter past three In front of me stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body She asked me for the time I said itd cost her her name a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine Did she decline? No Didnt she mind? I dont think so Was it for real? Damn sure What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldnt wait Cinnamon queen? let me update What did she say? She said shed love to rendezvous She asked me what we were gonna do said wed start with a bottle of moet for two Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday Verse 2 Nine was the time cos Ill be getting mine and she was looking fine Smooth talker she told me Shed love to unfold me all night long Ooh I loved the way she kicked it from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it) And I oh oh I yeah hope that shed care cos Im a man wholl always be there Ooh yeah Im not a man to play around baby Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isnt really fair From the first impression girl hmm you dont seem to be like that Cos theres no need to chat for therell be plenty for that From the subway to my home endless ringing of my phone When you feeling all alone all you gotta do is just call me call me Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday Bridge (Break it down, uh break it down) Since I met this special lady ooh yeah I cant get her of my mind Shes one of a kind And I aint about to deny it Its a special kind thing with you-oh... Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday 去拜访我的朋友 他就住在离我几个街区的地方 我穿过地下铁 这时应该是三点一刻 在我的面前 是一为美丽的甜心,有着美丽的身体 她向我询问时间 我说这可是有条件的 用你的名字,六位的电话号码以及明天九点与我的约会来交换 她拒绝了吗? 不 她介意吗?我不这么认为 这是真的吗?毫无疑问 这是一个什么交易?一位24岁美丽女子 她是狂热的吗?我想她迫不及待 她是桂色女王吗?让我更加进步吧 她说了什么吗?她说她愿意赴约 她说我们用什么来庆祝 我说就让我们开一瓶MOET,为了我们俩 (Chorus)副歌: 星期一 带她去喝一杯在星期二 我们ML在星期三,星期四,星期五 然后在星期六,我们的热情冷却 星期一我遇见这个女孩 星期二我们去喝茶 星期三我们ML一直到星期五 星期六我们的热情冷却 (Verse 2)主段2 九点是当时的时间 因为我将要得到我的 她看起来也不错 作为一个平静的谈话者 她告诉我 她想整晚都让我展开,伸直 我喜欢她敲打的感觉 从前到后她在翻滚 oh oh yeah 我希望她是在意的 因为我是一个男人,我会爱她 oh yeah 因为我是一个男人,一个并非花心的男人 oh yeah 因为一夜情真的不公平 当第一眼看见你,宝贝,我就知道你不是那样的女孩 因为没有必要闲聊,闲聊的时间多的是 从地铁到我家 手机的玲声不断 当你感觉到孤单 你要做的是 给我打电话 打电话 (Chorous)副歌 (重复) (Bridge)桥段 我遇见了这位与众不同的女子 我无法忘记她 她很特别 我不否认 这是特别的事情...

seven Days 怎么读的?中文是什么意思 谢谢大家了


歌词seven days

Karma - Seven Days Seven days in loveDon"t try to hurrySeven days with youBut nowhere we goI"ll give you seven moreThen I"ll be sureDon"t you tell me "no"What can you doCrazy situationYour heart and mindFull of hesitationIt"s more or lessLiving to be lonesomeEmpty spacesBut your life it goes onNow I"m hereTrying to save youSo don"t fear ofEverything I gave youIt seems you want me by your sideBut still I know you"re trying to hideSeven days in loveAnd still uncertainSeven days with youAnd nothing I knowI"ll give you one more weekTo know the deal"Cause I don"t want to goSeven days in loveDon"t try to hurrySeven days with youBut nowhere we goI"ll give you seven moreThen I"ll be sureDon"t you tell me "no"A week has passedForcing my ambitionWhere is the loveStill seems like a visionWhere are we goingI expect replyingIn other wordsShould I keep on tryingNow I"m hereTrying to save youSo don"t fear ofEverything I gave youIt seems you want me by your sideBut still I know you"re trying to hideSeven days in loveAnd still uncertainSeven days with youAnd nothing I knowI"ll give you one more weekTo know the deal"Cause I don"t want to goSeven days in loveDon"t try to hurrySeven days with youBut nowhere we goI"ll give you seven moreThen I"ll be sureDon"t you tell me "no"

seven days seven longly night

Seven Days - Mark Medlock德国一个选秀冠军单曲 歌词如下:[00:23.48]oh,one ,we can touch the sky[00:26.72]there"s no reason why ,[00:30.10]you hurt my heart[00:37.41]oh,one ,you will make me blue[00:41.11]]it"s just me and you,[00:44.64]and no one else[00:52.54]please don"t believe what they tell you about me[00:59.03]I love you my baby can"t you see[01:02.39]seven days and seven longly nights[01:05.79]i can hold you baby by my side[01:12.61]love me everything in my life[01:16.82]seven days and seven longly nights[01:21.10]maybe i love you didn"t the day i die[01:27.79]before you love since i see you[01:38.56]since i saw you baby[01:49.06]oh,try you gives us one more chance[01:55.07]forward you and me close and close[02:03.62]don"t cry maybe youself find[02:09.60]you are on my mind for my whole life[02:18.55]remember my words and must be aware[02:23.96]i love you baby na and days[02:28.15]seven days and seven longly nights[02:30.85]i can love you baby by my side[02:37.62]love me everything in my life[02:41.68]seven days and seven longly nights[02:45.98]maybe i love you didn"t the day i die[02:52.27]before you love since i see you[02:56.42]seven days and seven longly nights[03:00.88]oh i wait just hope you die[03:06.27]like sunshine in the winter time[03:13.77]oh i miss you..[03:25.34]seven days and seven longly nights[03:28.91]i can hold you baby by my side[03:36.59]love you in my life[03:38.94]...[03:38.63]seven days and seven longly nights[03:42.51]maybe i don"t love you since the day i die[03:48.40]before you love since i see you[04:04.45]seven days and seven longly nights(since i see you...)向大家推荐一个免费在线翻译,相当于翻译行业的百度知道,汇聚翻译高手,解决简短语言问题。该平台由译林峰(北京)翻译公司制作

seven days的英文歌词翻译成中文是怎样的?

On my way to see my friends 在我去看朋友的路上 who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)他们住在离我不远的几个街区外 As I walked through the subway 当我在地下铁里走的时候 it must have been about quarter past three应该是3点一刻 In front of me 在我面前 stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body站着一个窈窕妹妹 She asked me for the time她问我几点了 I said it"d cost her her name我说她得先告诉我她的名字 a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine 一个六位数字和明天九点跟我约会 Did she decline? No她拒绝了吗,没有。 Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so她介意吗,我不这么认为 Was it for real? Damn sure 这是真的吗,毫无疑问。 What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait 她是不是很期待呢?她等不及了。 Cinnamon queen? let me update肉桂皇后,让我更新一下吧。 What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous 她说什么了??她说她想约会。 She asked me what we were gonna do 她问我我们要干什么。 said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two 我说先喝两瓶moet酒 [Chorus] Monday 星期一 took her for a drink on Tuesday 星期二带她去喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday 星期三我们做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期天什么也没敢 I met this girl on Monday 我星期一认识的这个女孩 took her for a drink on Tuesday星期二带她喝了一杯 we were making love by Wednesday星期三就做爱了 and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday星期四五六也作了 星期日什么也没敢 [Verse 2] Nine was the time九点了 cos I"ll be getting mine 因为我将得到 and she was looking fine 她看起来很好 Smooth talker 很爱说话 she told me 她告诉我 She"d love to unfold me all night long她愿意一夜躺在我身上 Ooh I loved the way she kicked it 我喜欢她推它 from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)她前后弹它,向后弹它,喜欢她弹它 And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there 我还希望它能在意,因为我会一直陪着他 Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby 亲爱的,我不是花心男人 Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair一夜情是不公平的 From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that 第一眼就看出你不喜欢 Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that因为没有必要聊天,我们可以聊很多 From the subway to my home从地铁到我家 endless ringing of my phone 电话一直响 When you feeling all alone当你感到孤单的时候 all you gotta do你要做的 is just call me call me就是给我打电话 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Bridge] (Break it down, uh break it down)我被打倒了 Since I met this special lady自从遇见了这个特别的女子 ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind我不能不想他 She"s one of a kind她是独一无二的 And I ain"t about to deny it我也不会否认 It"s a special kind thing with you-oh.......和你在一起很不一样 [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

求鲍勃·迪伦《seven days》歌词

Seven days, seven more days she"ll be comin"I"ll be waiting at the station for her to arriveSeven more days, all I gotta do is survive.She been gone ever since I been a childEver since I seen her smile, I ain"t forgotten her eyes.She had a face that could outshine the sun in the skies.I been good, I been good while I been waitin"Maybe guilty of hesitatin", I just been holdin" onSeven more days, all that"ll be gone.There"s kissing in the valley,Thieving in the alley,Fighting every inch of the way.Trying to be tenderWith somebody I rememberIn a night that"s always brighter"n the day.Seven days, seven more days that are connectedJust like I expected, she"ll be comin" on forth,My beautiful comrade from the north.There"s kissing in the valley,Thieving in the alley,Fighting every inch of the way.Trying to be tenderWith somebody I rememberIn a night that"s always brighter"n the day.

Sting的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Sting专辑:25 YearsArtist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.

mark medlock-seven days 歌词中文翻译

昨天正好听到这首 楼主要手工的来了~ oh,why ,we can‘t touch the sky噢,为什么,我们无法触摸幸福there"s no reason why没有理由为什么you hurt my heart你伤了我的心oh,why, you will make me blue噢,为什么,你会使我忧郁it"s just me and you这就是你我and no one else没有他人please don"t believe what they‘re telling about me请别相信那些流言I love you my baby can"t you see我爱你,宝贝,难道你看不出来吗?seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你 love means everything in my life爱意味着我生命的全部seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚babe i love you till the day i die宝贝,我爱你至死不渝praying for your love since i seen you从见到你起就恳求你的爱since i saw you baby自从我见到你,宝贝oh,try to give us one more chance噢,试着给我们一次机会for a new romance closer than close浪漫渐渐亲密don"t cry baby you"re self blind别哭,宝贝,也许你不了解you‘re all my mind for my whole life我的心中一生有你remember my words 请记住我的话there must be a way总会有办法打动你i love you babe night and days我日复一日的爱你seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你love means everything in my life爱意味着我生命的全部seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚babe i love you till the day i die宝贝,我爱你至死不渝praying for your love since i seen you从见到你起就恳求你的爱seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚oh i"m waiting just to hold you tight噢,我等待着能紧紧抱住你like the sunshine in the wintertime像冬日里阳光一样oh i miss you噢,我想你seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你love you...爱着你 my life...用我的生命...lonely nights...寂寞...heyaha...(喝呀哈...)since i‘ve seen you...自从我见到你起...since i‘ve seen you...自从我见到你起... 版权所有 翻版必究!

Bob Dylan的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:The Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3 (Rare And Unreleased) 1961-1991 (Display Box)Seven daysMark MedlockSeven daysOh why we can touch the skyThere"s no reason whyYou hurt my heartOh why you will make me blueIt"s just me and youAnd no one elsePlease don"t believe what they tell you about meI love you my baby can"t you seeSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove means everything in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I love you till the day I diePray for your love since I seeing youSince I saw you babyOh try to give us one more chanceFor a new romance closer than closeDon"t cry maybe youself blindYou are on my mind for my whole lifeRemember my words and must be awayI love you baby now and daysSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove means everything in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I love you till the day I diePray for your love since I seeing youSeven days and seven longly nightsOh I wait just hope you dieLike sunshine in the winter timeOh I miss youSeven days and seven longly nightsI can hold you baby by my sideLove you in my lifeSeven days and seven longly nightsMaybe I will love you till the day I diePray for you love since I seeing youSeven days and seven longly nights(since i see you...)

求:seven days的歌词

seven days 歌词On my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh) As I walked through the subway it must have been about quarter past three In front of me stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body She asked me for the time I said it"d cost her her name a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine Did she decline? No Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so Was it for real? Damn sure What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait Cinnamon queen? let me update What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous She asked me what we were gonna do said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday Nine was the time cos I"ll be getting mine and she was looking fine Smooth talker she told me She"d love to unfold me all night long Ooh I loved the way she kicked it from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it) And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that From the subway to my home endless ringing of my phone When you feeling all alone all you gotta do is just call me call me Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday Bridge (Break it down, uh break it down) Since I met this special lady ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind She"s one of a kind And I ain"t about to deny it It"s a special kind thing with you-oh....... Chorus Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

seven-day seven-days seven day各有什么区别

seven-day是形容词,例如:a seven-day trip 一个七天的旅游;seven days意为七天,例如:There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。seven day,没有这种表达方法。
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