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last minute holiday怎么翻译? THANKS!


翻译Single dog, single dog, single all the day. Watch AV, hit the plane, they are doing all th


Green Day的《St. Jimmy》 歌词

歌曲名:St. Jimmy歌手:Green Day专辑:American IdiotGreen Day - St. JimmySt. Jimmy"s comin" down across the alleywayUp on the boulevard like a zip code on paradeLight on the sillohetteHe"s insubordinateComing at you on account of wonder1 2 3 4My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it outSuicide comando that your momma talked aboutKing of the forty theivesAnd I"m here to representThat needle in the vein of the establishmentI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalCigarettes and ramen and a little bag to sellI am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen PoeRaised in the city in the hail of lightsBut ain"t it worth it that we"ve been victimizedI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalYou talkin" to me?I"ll give you something to cry about.ST. JIMMYMy name is St. Jimmy I"m a son of a gunI am the one that"s runaway out of town nowA teenage assasin exucuting some funIn the cult of the life of crimeI really hate to say it but I told you soSo shut your mouth before I shoot you down old boyWelcome to the club and give me some bloodAnd the resident leader at the lost and foundIt"s comedy and tragedyIt"s St. JimmyAnd that"s my nameeeeeee.... and don"t wear it out!ENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1830791

Green Day的《St. Jimmy》 歌词

歌曲名:St. Jimmy歌手:Green Day专辑:American IdiotGreen Day - St. JimmySt. Jimmy"s comin" down across the alleywayUp on the boulevard like a zip code on paradeLight on the sillohetteHe"s insubordinateComing at you on account of wonder1 2 3 4My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it outSuicide comando that your momma talked aboutKing of the forty theivesAnd I"m here to representThat needle in the vein of the establishmentI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalCigarettes and ramen and a little bag to sellI am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen PoeRaised in the city in the hail of lightsBut ain"t it worth it that we"ve been victimizedI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalYou talkin" to me?I"ll give you something to cry about.ST. JIMMYMy name is St. Jimmy I"m a son of a gunI am the one that"s runaway out of town nowA teenage assasin exucuting some funIn the cult of the life of crimeI really hate to say it but I told you soSo shut your mouth before I shoot you down old boyWelcome to the club and give me some bloodAnd the resident leader at the lost and foundIt"s comedy and tragedyIt"s St. JimmyAnd that"s my nameeeeeee.... and don"t wear it out!ENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56657505

single dog,single dog,single all the day.see av,什么意思

Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.Whyare you so alone?on this peaceful day.Everyonefour one night(419),you can only hit the plane.It"ssnowing outside,but no one gives you a hug.Let"sraise our torches raise our gas let"s fire all the couples.FFF!FFF!FFallthe way!Burnhotels,burn all the beds,who told you to kiss before us?FFF!FFF!FFallthe way!Firein the hole,fire in asshole kill all the loves in the world!Don"tthink too much,wake up in this dream.You"restill a single dog,no on beside you!Theymake love once again,you cry and eat paomian(泡面)撸啊撸了一遍遍,人生真是寂寞如雪.Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.Don"tthink too much,wake up in this dream.You"restill a single dog,no ou beside you!Theymake love once again,you cry and eat paomian(泡面)撸啊撸了一遍遍,人生真是寂寞如雪Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.纯手打,望采纳。

来,跟我唱single dog, single dog, single all the day.

Single dog, single dog, single everyday. See AV, hit the plane, they"re doing all day. Hey! Single dog, single dog, why not be a gay? No more wait, no more afraid, make yourself a gay!

求印尼歌曲tiada lagi 歌手mayang sari演唱,歌词中文翻译

Sia-sia sudah kita jalin cinta bila hati s"lalu berbeda如果彼此心里不同我们浪费了爱情Sampai kapan lagi "ku harus menahan rasa kecewa di dalam dada到何时我要把失望憋在心里Seandainya kita masih bersatu, tak mungkin "kan menyatu如果我们还在一起,不可能在一起Walau masih ada sisa cinta, biarkan saja berakhir sampai di sini尽管还有点儿爱,就让它结束到这儿吧Tiada lagi yang kuharapkan, tiada lagi yang kuimpikan我没有什么要求了,我没有什么妄想了Biar aku sendiri tanpa dirimu就让我一个人,没有你Tiada lagi kata cintaku, tak "kan lagi "ku bersamamu再也没有我的情话,不会再和你在一起Biar kusimpan semua kenanganku bersamamu就让我把我们的回忆留在心里Sampai kapan lagi "ku harus menahan rasa kecewa di dalam dada到何时我要把失望憋在心里Seandainya kita masih bersatu, tak mungkin "kan menyatu如果我们还在一起,不可能在一起Walau masih ada sisa cinta, biarkan saja berakhir sampai di sini尽管还有点儿爱,就让它结束到这儿吧Tiada lagi yang kuharapkan, tiada lagi yang kuimpikan我没有什么要求了,我没有什么妄想了Biar aku sendiri tanpa dirimu就让我一个人,没有你Tiada lagi kata cintaku, tak "kan lagi "ku bersamamu再也没有我的情话,不会再和你在一起Biar kusimpan semua kenanganku bersamamu就让我把我们的回忆留在心里Tiada lagi yang kuharapkan, tiada lagi yang kuimpikan我没有什么要求了,我没有什么妄想了Biar aku sendiri tanpa dirimu就让我一个人,没有你Tiada lagi kata cintaku, tak "kan lagi "ku bersamamu再也没有我的情话,不会再和你在一起Biar kusimpan semua kenanganku bersamamu就让我把我们的回忆留在心里Tiada lagi yang kuharapkan, tiada lagi yang kuimpikan我没有什么要求了,我没有什么妄想了Biar aku sendiri tanpa dirimu, oh...就让我一个人,没有你,oh....Tiada lagi kata cintaku, tak "kan lagi "ku bersamamu再也没有我的情话,不会再和你在一起Biar kusimpan semua kenanganku bersamamu就让我把我们的回忆留在心里Tiada lagi yang kuharapkan, tiada lagi yang kuimpikan我没有什么要求了,我没有什么妄想了Biar aku sendiri tanpa dirimu...就让我一个人,没有你


释义:Mathilda是玛蒂尔达(女子名,亦作 Matilda),来源于日耳曼语,含义是“战斗+量”(battle+might)。名词特点:思维敏捷,多才多艺,表达能力很强。很容易适应新环境。喜欢新的经历。能给人留下很好的第一印象。适合干推销或娱乐行业。做事拖拉。没有耐心。例句:1、In order to protect Mathilda and other children, the doctor must know clearly whether she got diphtheria.为了保护马蒂尔达及其他孩子,医生必须弄清她是否患了白喉。2、Mathilda. I"m glad you Dongt have a stomachache anymore.玛蒂尔达,恭喜你胃病好了。扩展资料Matilda是Matilde这个名字的变体,源于日耳曼语,这个名字的意思是“强者”、“战斗的人”。这是一个通过诺曼底人传递到英国的名字,在十五世纪之前使用广泛。之后它的受欢迎程度急剧下降,从十九世纪开始再次上升。目前这不是一个非常普遍的名字,但人们仍会给女孩起名为Matilda。名为Matilda的女孩外向并且善于交际。她们有与人交往的天赋,非常开放,是其朋友的挚友。非常慷慨和忠诚,总是被人所包围。这个名字的女性都很强大,能够为其他人带来最大的快乐。她们是拥有许多计划、抱负、梦想和观点的女性。


may英 [meu026a]美 [me]aux. 可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能更多释义>>[网络短语]May 梅,五月,May (B"z单曲)May Queen May Queen,May Queen,五月女王May Day 五朔节,五一节,国际劳动节day英 [deu026a]美 [de]n. 一天;时期;白昼adj. 日间的;逐日的adv. 每天;经常在白天地n. (Day)人名;(英、法、西)戴;(越)岱;(阿拉伯、土)达伊更多释义>>[网络短语]Day 天,日,日间用One Day 有一天,一天,真爱挑日子Independence Day 独立日,美国独立日,印度独立日

easter day是什么节日

Easter day 复活节 april fool"s day 愚人节(4月1日) Independence Day 美国独立日(7月4日)

holiday maker是什么意思

意思是:度假,度假者"maker":制造者,工人"holiday":假日,节日的 意思是:度假,度假者 "maker":制造者,工人 "holiday":假日,节日的。



American Independence Day is c_______on 4th July



翻译如下:Your Own Independence Day你自己的独立日

What do people do in Independence Day?


Independence Day 歌词

歌曲名:Independence Day歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The RiverIndependence作词:田中秀典作曲:大智编曲:吉冈たく歌:CHEMISTRY出逢いの日から いくつの季节(とき)が駆け足で过ぎたのだろう回る映写机の向こうに あどけない仆らがいる寄り添うたびに分け合ってきた喜び 悲しみ すべて星のない夜(よ)は お互いの道を照らし歩んだ色褪せたフィルムは擦り切れながら长い月日をなぞってゆく数え切れない场面の中に 温かな场所が在った今なら遥か远く 离れてても睑(まぶた)を闭じれば君を描ける爱はいつも そばにあるさそれぞれの愿いが 二人を强く结ぶ忘れた素振り(ふり)で ポケットの中仕舞った梦があっただろう向き合ったままでは仆ら 前に歩き出せないぶつかり 许し合い 頬を寄せ合って确かめてきた想いがあるきっと必ず夸れるはずさ爱しき人の未来(あした)を今こそ仆は仆の描く空へ信じ抜く爱を翼に変えて君は君の愿う场所へ何を见失っても 消せない“あの日”がある戸惑いを胸に秘め 踏みしめる自由への旅路(みち)终わらない梦を乗せ风に吹かれ 孤独を味方に...行けるさ遥か远く 离れてても睑を闭じれば君と出逢える爱はいつも そばにあるさそれぞれの一歩で 新しい“今日”を刻もう~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/8747006

银魂,小神乐在雨天打伞那集。。什么independence day (独立日)那集!)



The Highwayman


《独立日》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JDkdMNoVuR7R-EfgGiKXUw 提取码:g4hn导演: 罗兰·艾默里奇编剧: 罗兰·艾默里奇 / 迪安·德夫林主演: 威尔·史密斯 / 杰夫·高布伦 / 比尔·普尔曼 / 玛丽·麦克唐纳 / 贾德·赫希 / 罗伯特·劳吉亚 / 兰迪·奎德 / 玛格丽特·柯林 / 薇薇卡·福克斯 / 詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩 / 哈维·费斯特恩 / 亚当·鲍德温 / 布伦特·斯皮内 / 詹姆斯·杜瓦尔 / 莉萨·雅克布 / 杰赛普·安德鲁斯 / 罗斯·巴格利 / 比尔·斯米托洛维奇 / 梅·惠特曼 / 小哈里·康尼克 / 绮尔斯腾·瓦伦 / 约翰·斯托里 / 弗兰克·诺瓦克 / 德文·古梅尔萨尔 / 吉姆·皮多克类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 冒险 / 灾难制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1996-07-02(加拿大) / 1996-07-03(美国)片长: 145分钟 / 154分钟(特别版)又名: ID4星际终结者(台) / 天煞-地球反击战(港) / 地球捍卫战该片讲述了未来某年的7月2日,美国各地的监视站发现一艘直径达数百英里的巨大飞船接近了地球。飞船发出的无线电信号干扰了地球的通信卫星信号,并放出了多艘直径达15英里的子飞船飞抵地球上各大城市的上空。外星飞船敌友未明,人们陷入了恐慌和迷惑。电脑工程师戴维(杰夫u2022戈德布拉姆 饰)破译出外星人发出的无线电信号,其实是攻击的倒计时信号,他设法通知了前妻,总统的助理康妮,但是为时已晚,7月3日,外星人的飞船开始攻击地球,人类文明瞬间遭到巨大的打击和灾难。总统(比尔u2022普尔曼 饰)等人撤离到军事基地,指挥空军反击,却犹如以卵击石,毫无作用,军事基地也被摧毁,唯有飞行员史蒂文(威尔u2022史密斯 饰)设法诱使一架外星人战斗飞艇坠毁。幸存者们逃到了秘密军事基地,在那里,科学家们一直在研究一艘50多年前坠毁的外星飞艇,致力于找出对付外星人的办法,那里也是人类最后的希望。

求Independence Day原版英文

US Independence Day July 4th (US) Independence Day is the national holiday of the United States of America commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the time of the signing the US consisted of 13 colonies under the rule of England"s King George III. There was growing unrest in the colonies concerning the taxes that had to be paid to England. This was commonly referred to as "Taxation without Representation" as the colonists did not have any representation in the English Parliament and had no say in what went on. As the unrest grew in the colonies, King George sent extra troops to help control any rebellion. In 1774 the 13 colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia Pennsylvania to form the First Continental Congress. The delegates were unhappy with England, but were not yet ready to declare war.In April 1775 as the King"s troops advanced on Concord Massachusetts Paul Revere would sound the alarm that "The British are coming, the British are coming" as he rode his horse through the late night streets. The battle of Concord and its "shot heard round the world" would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for Independence.The following May the colonies again sent delegates to the Second Continental Congress. For almost a year the congress tried to work out its differences with England, again without formally declaring war.By June 1776 their efforts had become hopeless and a committee was formed to compose a formal declaration of independence. Headed by Thomas Jefferson, the committee included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Philip Livingston and Roger Sherman. Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the first draft which was presented to the congress on June 28. After various changes a vote was taken late in the afternoon of July 4th. Of the 13 colonies, 9 voted in favor of the Declaration, 2 - Pennsylvania and South Carolina voted No, Delaware undecided and New York abstained.And although the signing of the Declaration was not completed until August, the 4th of July has been accepted as the official anniversary of United States independence. The first Independence Day celebration took place the following year - July 4 1777. By the early 1800s the traditions of parades, picnics, and fireworks were established as the way to celebrate America"s birthday. And although fireworks have been banned in most places because of their danger, most towns and cities usually have big firework displays for all to see and enjoy.

求高人帮忙翻译Independence Day这首歌的歌词

好爸爸现在就上床睡觉很晚了 我们可以说是不会改变什么了 我将在早上离开从门,玛丽斗争 我们不会改变这事,即使我们能以某种方式 因为黑暗的房子已占了我们的上风 有一个黑暗在这个小镇上,那是我们 但是他们不能碰我,你永远无法触碰我了 他们不会想对我做什么,我观看了他们对你做的事 所以说再见是独立日 它的独立日的意见 只是说再见是独立日 它的独立日 现在我不知道什么是和我们在一起 我们选择的话,对我们吸引了线 但就是没有房子可以保持这样,我们两个人 我猜想我们只是太多的同类 这是说再见的独立日 所有的男孩都要跑到独立日 所以说再见是独立日 所有的人都必须使他们的方式来独立日 现在这个房间空下来,在它的联合 在高速公路上,她的废弃下来的点 有很多人离开城镇了 离开了他们的朋友家里 夜间他们走那黑暗和灰尘的高速公路 好爸爸现在就上床睡觉很晚了 我们什么都能说能改变什么了 因为有不同的人来这里了 他们看到事情不同的方式 我们所知的一切,很快就被冲走了 所以说再见是独立日 爸爸,我如今所知道的有限。你想要的东西,你不能说 但你不会只是说再见是独立日 我发誓我从未想过把那些东西拿走

independence day 前面的介词要用什么


独立日(Independence Day)


independence day是哪个国家的


Indopendence Day 是什么意思

Independence Day

independence day是哪个国家的?

independence day是美国这个国家的,也就是美国独立纪念日。Independence是独立、 独立(之日)、自主、自立的意思,day是日子、日期的意思,也就是独立日,independence day通常指美国独立纪念日。独立日是美国的主要法定国庆日,日期为每年7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日北美独立军主导的大陆会议在费城正式通过《独立宣言》。美国简介美利坚合众国(英语:The United States of America,United States,简称“美国”),是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。其主体部分位于北美洲中部,美国中央情报局《世界概况》1989年至1996年初始版美国总面积是937.3万平方公里,人口3.33亿,通用英语,是一个移民国家。


1. (of a person) difficult to deal with; mean-tempered; touchy. 2. distinctively tough or powerful; so exceptional as to be intimidating. –noun 3. a mean-tempered troublemaker.

American Badass是什么意思?

美国坏蛋badass adj. & n.<美俚>到处惹是生非的(坏蛋) n.(名词) A mean-tempered or belligerent person. 坏蛋:性情卑鄙、自私或好斗的人 adj.(形容词) Mean; belligerent. 卑鄙的;好斗的



英语作文 myluckyday

My Lucky DayToday is a fine day.And I am very lucky. In the morning,I"m go fishing in a river with my parents.As time goes by,I am fishing a big fish.I am very happy,but my parents have no one fish.Next,I am fishing a small fish,but I still happy.Because my parents still have no one fish.It"s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a small fish.In the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddies.MingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to me.I am kicking the ball.It"s a beautiful goal. Next, PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to Mike.Now,Mike has the ball,he is kicking it.It"s a goal.Now,we are winning. Today I am very lucky.And I am so happy



Kung Fu Panda 简介(英语)



答案是:每周的第一天是Sunday,因此Tuesday是一星期的第三天 Tuesdayisthethirdday oftheweeku261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c




中文台湾版的翻译星期二的这个时间总是 忍不住又在等待 你的电话一小时 两小时 过去了心里还在想 再等五分钟看看吧一旦分手 就不再见面 也不打电话原来这是真的最后一夜的温暖 如今彷佛就像现在的你一样 一步步离我越来越远曾经那样的大笑 那样的哭泣那个总是怕寂寞的你 已经不在这里那个城市 那座海洋 那片夜空就要消失无踪相约的周末棒球场里 应该还留有两个空位吧无法回忆也无法做任何事情也该停止 继续哀叹未来了只有再会 永远维系著我俩即使已经忘记当你的脸庞 故做成熟的时候为了不知从何而来的心痛而困惑最后一夜的 你的呼唤此刻彷佛就在这里 明明可以确实听见那一阵风 那一场雨 那一轮新月就要消失无踪迈步走向 前所未见的日子走向我俩的世界最后一夜的温暖 如今彷佛就像现在的你一样 一步步离我越来越远曾经那样的大笑 那样的哭泣那个总是怕寂寞的你 已经不在这里那个城市 那座海洋 那片夜空就要消失无踪


不得不说你这个分很不好拿,找了好长时间。。。好像没有准确的,只有别人听了后自己打字打出来的。。。。汗。。Once again I"m wide awake. Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think. And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell, Nothing changes the way things are and nothing ever will. He thinks I can hear him crying I pretend that I don"t know, all about all the fills 3 AM"s he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell, He is not getting over you, I know he never will. Nothing he says can bring you back,He"s got nothing left to show. But a pocket watch and the memories of a kiss out in the snow. I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell. He is not getting over you, I know he never will. Latterdays的插曲,早上听到的,先是听到Kiss the rain,然后就是这首Tuesday,3:00am。猪有一次跟我说找不到这首歌的歌词,听了N遍之后,整出这个歌词,还是觉得有些地方可能不对。英语还是太烂了,可是也不知道怎样才能提高呢。

Steve Wynn的《Tuesday》 歌词

曲目:Tuesday歌手:Five For Fighting发行年:2009.9One year like any old other yearIn a week like any weekMonday lying downHalf AsleepPeople doing what people doLovingworking and getting throughNo portraits on the wallsOf Seventh AvenueThen Tuesday came and wentLike a helicopter overheadThe Letter that she leftCold Addressed in RedTuesday Came and went oneOne SeptemberWhen will she come againThe thing about memoriesThey"re sure and bound to fadeExcept for the stolen soulsLeft upon her bladeIs Monday coming backThat"s what Mondays doThey Turn and Turn aroundAfraid to see it throughTuesday came and wentLike a helicopter overheadThe Letter that she leftCold Addressed in RedTuesday Came and went oneOne SeptemberWhen will she come againTuesday Came and went oneOne SeptemberWhen?Cold and dressed in redHow could I forgetTuesday Came and wentLike a Helicopter overheadWill she come again送给你好的音乐http://music.baidu.com/song/7867785




Got the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyWorking Monday night, on the corner flipping hardMade at least three thousand, on the BoulevardI"ve been working graveyard, shifts every other weekendAin"t got no fucking time to party on the weekendI"ve been flipping in the house, making jugs on the highwayI"ve been riding out of state, making money like my wayI don"t think that I should dance, I"m just gon have another drinkI"m doing my stance, you know my Molly pinkI"ve got the loudest of the loud, you know my gas stinkMy P.O. think I"m in the house, don"t give a damn about what she thinkGot the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyIt ain"t no way no howI made it on my own, I made my own styleI don"t think that I should stay, you know I gotta goYou moving too fast, don"t want to take it slowGot the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyGot the club going up


也是看FRINGE的吧,呵呵我看到这句的时候也查了一下,没有得到什么结果,大概得知Tuesday = 一周里最糟糕的日子,因此引申出一些负面的意思。《汤姆索耶历险记》里有一句Tom believed it must be Tuesday by this time. 但意思我还没查到。




Tuesday 星期二.除了太阳日和月亮日日耳曼人能够照样使用之外,其余的Mars、Mercury、Jupiter、Venus及Saturn诸神都是日耳曼人不熟知的。因此,日耳曼人就改用自己的神名为周一至周五各日命名。 在北欧神话中,战神名叫Tyr,相当于罗马神话里的Mars。当狼精Fenrir在人间作恶时,Tyr自告奋勇前往擒拿,在绑缚狼精时,一只手被咬掉了。Tyr在古英文里拼作Tiw,从Tiw产生了古英文词Tiwesdaeg,这即是现代英文Tuesday的原始形式。Tiwesdaeg的字面义为the day of Tiw(战神日),是从拉丁文dies martis ‘day of Mars"翻译而来的,译时以Tiw代替Mars,法语mardi(星期二)亦源于此。歌曲Tuesday Tuesday也是歌手John Ondrasik(Five for Fighting) 2009年发行的专辑<Slice>里的一首歌曲。讲述着一段 时间在流转,记忆会褪色,曾经红色般浓烈的感情,也会慢慢如同歌曲一样变得平缓,可即使平缓,也已成了心中来回反复的难忘旋律。





tuesday 为什么是开音节





给你完整的日期缩写吧 星期 星期一:Mon.=Monday 星期二:Tues.=Tuesday 星期三:Wed.=Wednesday 星期四:Thur.=Thursday 星期五:Fri.=Friday 星期六:Sat.=Saturday 星期天:Sun.=Sunday 月份 一月份=JAN.Jan.=January 二月份=FEB.Feb.=February 三月份=MAR.Mar.=March 四月份=APR.Apr.=April 五月份=MAY May=May 六月份=JUN.Jun.=June 七月份=JUL.Jul.=July 八月份=AUG.Aug.=August 九月份=SEP.Sept.=September 十月份=OCT.Oct.=October 十一月份=NOV.Nov.=November 十二月份=DEC.Dec.=December 附送每月多少号 的日期缩写. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th ; 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th ; 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 这个绝对没问题, 第十一,第十二,第十三分别是:eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,所以结尾用th,第二十一,第二十二,第二十三分别是:twenty-first, twenty-second,twenty-third,所以后面分别用st,nd,rd.





英语 dare do 还是dare to do

理论上都可以。。你可以翻一下初中考纲 上面应该是dare dodare不仅可以做情态动词,也是一个verb,这是它与must之类的最大区别。dare:n. 挑战,挑动v. 敢,胆敢词形变化: 名词:darer 动词过去式:dared 过去分词:dared 现在分词:daring 第三人称单数:dares 例句与用法: 1.情态动词用法:How dare you say so? 你怎敢这样说? 2.动词用法:(这个例句中,dare同样是动词,但是和LZ给出的例句中的dare意思有差异)He dared me to jump over the river. 他激我跳过河。好了,以下是回答的补充:dareFunction:verb 而作为动词仍有两种用法:Inflected Form:dared ; daring ; dares or (auxiliary) dare 1.作为系动词:verbal auxiliary : to be sufficiently courageous to *no one dared say a word* *she dare not let herself love G. B. Shaw*intransitive senses : to have sufficient courage *try it if you dare*2.作为及物动词:transitive senses (1) a : to challenge to perform an action especially as a proof of courage *dared him to jump* b : to confront boldly : DEFY *dared the anger of his family*(2)to have the courage to contend against, venture, or try *the actress dared a new interpretation of this classic role*以上补充部分引自Webster,非常权威。(中文部分是我做的一点小小的说明……)不过中学阶段可能只要掌握词性就可以了。希望对你有帮助。



wedding day是什么意思

wedding day[英][u02c8wediu014b dei][美][u02c8wu025bdu026au014b de][法] 婚礼,结婚纪念日; 婚期; 佳期;

how dare后面加宾格还是主格



Tuesday 英[u02c8tju:zdeu026a] 美[u02c8tu:zdeu026a] n. 星期二; [网络] 战神日; 二; 火曜日; [例句]He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.他星期二来电话了,就在你来之前。[其他] 复数:Tuesdays


1、I dare say you are wrong.我敢说你错了。2、I dare not go against it.我张某(人)不敢不同意。3、Today, only a handful dare abstain.而今天,只有一小部分敢于拒绝。4、How dare he treat her so, how dare he?他怎敢如此待她,竟敢如此无礼?5、How dare you talk to a respectable woman like that?你怎么可以对一个受人尊敬的妇女说那样的话?6、Who Dare to Trust Arthur Anderson?谁敢相信安达信。7、Snowdrop said, "I dare not let anyone in."白雪公主说:“我不敢让任何人进来。”8、"I dare say th" nurse wants me to stay with him a bit," she said.“我敢说,奶妈想让我和他呆一会儿。”她说。9、Don"t you dare lay a finger on that vase!不许动那只花瓶。10、Now called my wife, after the dare betray me, I let you call my sister-in-law.现在叫我媳妇,以后敢背叛我,我让你叫我嫂子。11、Only when I run with these people that I wouldn"t dare slacking off.也只有跟这些人跑步时我才会跑快一些混的比较不严重。

英语星期的由来Tuesday 星期二?


求sistar《How Dare you》mp3



周一:Monday Mon.周二:Tuesday Tue.周三:Wednesday Wed.周四:Thursday Thur.周五:Friday Fri.周六:Saturday Sat.To the right of S Mon is a dark pointy featured called the Cone nebula, a nebula likely shaped by winds flowing out a massive star obscured by dust.对于S的周一权是一项功能叫做黑尖锥形星云,可能是由水流出一大质量恒星形成的尘风掩盖一星云。The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics, philosophy, science and the other foundations of civilization.然后蒙卡拉马里人教给新一代夸润人数学,哲学,科学和其他文明社会的基础知识。Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday.你的西服可在星期二领取。Tuesday is her half day.星期二她只工作半天。


How dare you?

how dare are you

How dare you是对的.这里的dare是名词.英语口语经常说的. 整句意思:你竟敢?

Tuesday 是星期几?


how dare you do this这里的dare是形容词吗?还是别的。


http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/209166594.html 看到您的回答,很佩服,但不知在哪能查到抗剪强度?

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thursday是星期四。复数形式:ThursdaysThursday用法:Thursday可以用作名词。Thursday的意思是“星期四,礼拜四”,指一周的第五天。Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。扩展资料:相关短语:lastthurs day上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四Thursday y星期四;周四;赖床大作战其他星期的表示:星期一,Monday,缩写:Mon.星期二,Tuesday,缩写:Tues.星期三,Wednesday,缩写:Wed.星期五,Friday,缩写:Fri.星期六,Saturday,缩写:Sat.星期日,Sunday,缩写:Sun.

Avril有一首歌歌词里有how dare you?how dare you?唱的挺歇斯底里的,求歌名啊 突然就忘了


tuesday 这歌什么意思 为什么


how dare you say that的答语

how dare you say that,意思:你怎么敢这样说,sorry对不起yes,I dare是的,我敢I think I"m right我认为我是对的故,选C,~

how dare you are怎么读

英文原文:how dare you are英式音标:[hau028a] [deu0259] [juu02d0] [ɑu02d0] 美式音标:[hau028a] [du025br] [ju] [ɑr]

英语翻译 是How you dare还是How dare you

How dare you! 我玩教父游戏里打劫别人的时候经常听到这句~~

how dare you是什么梗

原意为“你怎敢”。瑞典环保少女在联合国气候大会上,针对污染严峻,对各国政要呼吁人们更多关注环保,但是提出了许多不切实际的目标,比如减量碳排放50%。她的演讲里这一句话最有名。因此人们用这句话来讽刺这类行为。 how有哪些用法 一、 单独用作疑问词。 1、问身体健康等情况。例句: How are your parents? 你父母身体好吗? 2、问天气状况。如:: How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? 3、询问方式。如: How does your mother go to work every day? 你妈妈每天怎么去上班? 4、询问程度。如: How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样? 搜狗问问 二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用。 1、How old 问年龄、年代 。如: How old is your friend? 你朋友多大了? 2、How many 问可数名词数量,常将可数名词复数紧随其后。如: How many pictures are there on the wall? 墙上有多少幅画? 3、How much 询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格。如: How much money is there in the purse?钱包里有多少钱? 4、How long 提问物体的长度、时间的长短。如: How long is the Changjiang River?长江有多长? 5、How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问,表示“多久之后”。如: How soon will you be back? 你多久后回来?

how dare you 是一个感叹句嘛?


The snow leopard is a class-one endangered species ______ is the giant panda. A. as


Animals in danger-The Snow Leopard


how dare you什么意思



how do you dare such to speak to your parents? That not politeness (dare)





how ____ so? A dare you to say B dare you see C do you dare say D dare to say



Tuesday缩写TuesTuesday的意思是“星期二”,在美式英语中指一周的第二天,在英式英语中,指一周的第三天。Tuesday来源于Day of Mars(火星日),可缩写成Tues。Tuesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期二”。表示“某个星期二”时,Tuesday可加不定冠词a。Tuesday的来历Tuesday是由古英文字Tyr演变来的。提尔(Tyr)是北欧神话中的战争与勇气之神,同时也是契约的保证人,誓言的守护者和荣耀的代表。在北欧神话故事中,有一只狼精名叫芬里厄经常危害一方。诸神以试验力气大小为由,想用魔法锁链缚住芬里厄。芬里厄要求一位神把一条胳膊放在它的嘴里,来表现它的咬合力强大。勇敢的战神提尔挺身而出,把自己的胳膊放在了芬里厄的嘴里,众神才用魔法锁链缚住芬里厄。芬里厄发现上当后愤怒地咬断了提尔的胳膊,从此提尔就成了独臂神。为了纪念战神提尔就把星期二以战神命名,英语单词Tuesday的字面意思就是Tyr"s day(提尔之日)。
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