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Steve Wynn的《Tuesday》 歌词

2023-07-16 18:17:02
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌手:Five For Fighting
One year like any old other year
In a week like any week
Monday lying down
Half Asleep
People doing what people do
working and getting through
No portraits on the walls
Of Seventh Avenue
Then Tuesday came and went
Like a helicopter overhead
The Letter that she left
Cold Addressed in Red
Tuesday Came and went one
One September
When will she come again
The thing about memories
They"re sure and bound to fade
Except for the stolen souls
Left upon her blade
Is Monday coming back
That"s what Mondays do
They Turn and Turn around
Afraid to see it through
Tuesday came and went
Like a helicopter overhead
The Letter that she left
Cold Addressed in Red
Tuesday Came and went one
One September
When will she come again
Tuesday Came and went one
One September
Cold and dressed in red
How could I forget
Tuesday Came and went
Like a Helicopter overhead
Will she come again




Tuesday 英[u02c8tju:zdeu026a] 美[u02c8tu:zdeu026a] n. 星期二; [网络] 战神日; 二; 火曜日; [例句]He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.他星期二来电话了,就在你来之前。[其他] 复数:Tuesdays
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tuesday的意思是:星期二。读音:英[u02c8tjuu02d0zdeu026a;u02c8tjuu02d0zdi],美['tju028azdei]。释义:n.星期二。例句:The party originally scheduled for Tuesday evening has been put off until early next month.原定于星期二晚上举行的聚会延期到下月初。复数:Tuesdays。短语:this Tuesday本星期二。Tuesday evening星期二晚上。Tuesday week下(或下)周的星期二。on Tuesday在星期二。Tuesday的用法Tuesday来源于Day of Mars(火星日),可缩写成Tues。Tuesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期二”。表示“某个星期二”时,Tuesday可加不定冠词a。表示“在星期二”时,一般用介词on,但如果有this,that,last,before,every等词修饰时,不能再用介词on。
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2023-07-16 13:10:144

tuesday是什么意思 揭秘周二的来历与意义?

Tuesday一词源自于古英语中的“Tiw"s day”,其中“Tiw”指的是古代日耳曼(Germanic)神话中的神,他是战斗、勇气和秩序的象征。 根据这种解释,Tuesday成为了“Mars”星期二的对应词,因为“Mars”在罗马神话中代表着战神。 在现代西方文化中,Tuesday成为了每周的第二天,在这一天,许多人都会对一周的计划进行检查和调整,并开始新的工作。在一些国家,Tuesday还被用作义务投票与选举日,这也彰显了周二在社会政治中的重要性。
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Tuesday缩写TuesTuesday的意思是“星期二”,在美式英语中指一周的第二天,在英式英语中,指一周的第三天。Tuesday来源于Day of Mars(火星日),可缩写成Tues。Tuesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期二”。表示“某个星期二”时,Tuesday可加不定冠词a。Tuesday的来历Tuesday是由古英文字Tyr演变来的。提尔(Tyr)是北欧神话中的战争与勇气之神,同时也是契约的保证人,誓言的守护者和荣耀的代表。在北欧神话故事中,有一只狼精名叫芬里厄经常危害一方。诸神以试验力气大小为由,想用魔法锁链缚住芬里厄。芬里厄要求一位神把一条胳膊放在它的嘴里,来表现它的咬合力强大。勇敢的战神提尔挺身而出,把自己的胳膊放在了芬里厄的嘴里,众神才用魔法锁链缚住芬里厄。芬里厄发现上当后愤怒地咬断了提尔的胳膊,从此提尔就成了独臂神。为了纪念战神提尔就把星期二以战神命名,英语单词Tuesday的字面意思就是Tyr"s day(提尔之日)。
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星期二的英文是tuesday。相关短语:1、每星期二tuesdays.2、胖星期二fat Tuesday.3、星期二快报tuesday express.4、星期二早晨on tuesday morning.5、忏悔星期二shrove Tuesday.6、西星期二集市souk tleta du rharb.7、星期二的早晨tuesday morning.8、和莫里共度星期二tuesdays with morrie.9、另一个星期二早晨another tuesday morning.10、我星期二遇到她we met her on.例句:1、Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck.星期二这两个孩子又遭了同样的歹运。2、The assembly will rise next tuesday.大会将在下星期二闭幕。3、The strike is due to begin on tuesday.罢工定于星期二开始。4、I am usually free between tuesday and thursday.我通常在星期二至星期四有空。5、The meeting has been arranged for tuesday evening.这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。6、The juniors"christmas party is on tuesday.大学三年级学生的圣诞节联欢会于星期二举行。7、I met him on tuesday.我在星期二遇到他。8、The meetings are on tuesdays and thursdays in the main hall.会议在星期二和星期四于大礼堂举行。9、Last tuesday he received a letter from the local police.上星期二他接到一封来自当地警察局的信。10、The new governor"s assumption of office will take place next tuesday.新州长将于下星期二到任就职。
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星期一:Monday(Mon.)星期二:Tuesday(Tues.)星期三:Wednesday(Wed.)星期四:Thursday(Thur./Thurs.)星期五:Friday(Fri.)星期六:Saturday(Sat.)星期日:Sunday(Sun.)扩展资料:古巴比伦人创立的星期制,首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地。古罗马人用他们自己信仰的神的名字来命名1周7天:Sun"s-day(太阳神日),Moon"s-day(月亮神日),Mars"s-day(火星神日),Mercury"s-day(水星神日),Jupiter"s-day(木星神日),Venus"-day(金星神日),Saturn"s-day(土星神日)。这7个名称传到英国后,盎格鲁-撒克逊人又用他们自己的信仰的神的名字改造了其中4个名称,以Tuesday 、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday 分别取代Mars"s-day 、Mercury"s-day 、Jupiter"s-day 、Venus"-day。 Tuesday来源于Tiu,是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的战神;Wednesday来源于Woden,是最高的神,也称主神;Thursday来源于Thor,是雷神;Friday来源于Frigg,是爱情女神。这样就形成了今天英语中的1周7天的名称。
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tuesday 这歌什么意思 为什么

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thursday是星期四。复数形式:ThursdaysThursday用法:Thursday可以用作名词。Thursday的意思是“星期四,礼拜四”,指一周的第五天。Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。扩展资料:相关短语:lastthurs day上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四Thursday y星期四;周四;赖床大作战其他星期的表示:星期一,Monday,缩写:Mon.星期二,Tuesday,缩写:Tues.星期三,Wednesday,缩写:Wed.星期五,Friday,缩写:Fri.星期六,Saturday,缩写:Sat.星期日,Sunday,缩写:Sun.
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Tuesday 是星期几?

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周一:Monday Mon.周二:Tuesday Tue.周三:Wednesday Wed.周四:Thursday Thur.周五:Friday Fri.周六:Saturday Sat.To the right of S Mon is a dark pointy featured called the Cone nebula, a nebula likely shaped by winds flowing out a massive star obscured by dust.对于S的周一权是一项功能叫做黑尖锥形星云,可能是由水流出一大质量恒星形成的尘风掩盖一星云。The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics, philosophy, science and the other foundations of civilization.然后蒙卡拉马里人教给新一代夸润人数学,哲学,科学和其他文明社会的基础知识。Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday.你的西服可在星期二领取。Tuesday is her half day.星期二她只工作半天。
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英语星期的由来Tuesday 星期二?

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Tuesday 英[u02c8tju:zdeu026a] 美[u02c8tu:zdeu026a] n. 星期二; [网络] 战神日; 二; 火曜日; [例句]He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.他星期二来电话了,就在你来之前。[其他] 复数:Tuesdays
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在英语里面,每周是从星期天开始的。星期天: Sun.=Sunday星期一: Mon.=Monday 星期二: Tues.=Tuesday 星期三: Wed.=Wednesday 星期四: Thur.=Thursday 星期五: Fri.=Friday 星期六: Sat.=Saturday (注意:“.”不能省略!)
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给你完整的日期缩写吧 星期 星期一:Mon.=Monday 星期二:Tues.=Tuesday 星期三:Wed.=Wednesday 星期四:Thur.=Thursday 星期五:Fri.=Friday 星期六:Sat.=Saturday 星期天:Sun.=Sunday 月份 一月份=JAN.Jan.=January 二月份=FEB.Feb.=February 三月份=MAR.Mar.=March 四月份=APR.Apr.=April 五月份=MAY May=May 六月份=JUN.Jun.=June 七月份=JUL.Jul.=July 八月份=AUG.Aug.=August 九月份=SEP.Sept.=September 十月份=OCT.Oct.=October 十一月份=NOV.Nov.=November 十二月份=DEC.Dec.=December 附送每月多少号 的日期缩写. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th ; 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th ; 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 这个绝对没问题, 第十一,第十二,第十三分别是:eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,所以结尾用th,第二十一,第二十二,第二十三分别是:twenty-first, twenty-second,twenty-third,所以后面分别用st,nd,rd.
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tuesday 为什么是开音节

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Tuesday 星期二.除了太阳日和月亮日日耳曼人能够照样使用之外,其余的Mars、Mercury、Jupiter、Venus及Saturn诸神都是日耳曼人不熟知的。因此,日耳曼人就改用自己的神名为周一至周五各日命名。 在北欧神话中,战神名叫Tyr,相当于罗马神话里的Mars。当狼精Fenrir在人间作恶时,Tyr自告奋勇前往擒拿,在绑缚狼精时,一只手被咬掉了。Tyr在古英文里拼作Tiw,从Tiw产生了古英文词Tiwesdaeg,这即是现代英文Tuesday的原始形式。Tiwesdaeg的字面义为the day of Tiw(战神日),是从拉丁文dies martis ‘day of Mars"翻译而来的,译时以Tiw代替Mars,法语mardi(星期二)亦源于此。歌曲Tuesday Tuesday也是歌手John Ondrasik(Five for Fighting) 2009年发行的专辑<Slice>里的一首歌曲。讲述着一段 时间在流转,记忆会褪色,曾经红色般浓烈的感情,也会慢慢如同歌曲一样变得平缓,可即使平缓,也已成了心中来回反复的难忘旋律。
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2023-07-16 13:23:073


也是看FRINGE的吧,呵呵我看到这句的时候也查了一下,没有得到什么结果,大概得知Tuesday = 一周里最糟糕的日子,因此引申出一些负面的意思。《汤姆索耶历险记》里有一句Tom believed it must be Tuesday by this time. 但意思我还没查到。
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Got the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyWorking Monday night, on the corner flipping hardMade at least three thousand, on the BoulevardI"ve been working graveyard, shifts every other weekendAin"t got no fucking time to party on the weekendI"ve been flipping in the house, making jugs on the highwayI"ve been riding out of state, making money like my wayI don"t think that I should dance, I"m just gon have another drinkI"m doing my stance, you know my Molly pinkI"ve got the loudest of the loud, you know my gas stinkMy P.O. think I"m in the house, don"t give a damn about what she thinkGot the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyIt ain"t no way no howI made it on my own, I made my own styleI don"t think that I should stay, you know I gotta goYou moving too fast, don"t want to take it slowGot the club going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyClub going up on a TuesdayGot yo girl in the cut and she choosyGot the club going up
2023-07-16 13:23:351


表示经常性的行为时,可以加s。例如: I have cooking classes on Sundays.意思:我每个周天都上烹饪课。周一到周日的英文分别是:Sunday(星期日)、Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)。英语名词复数的规则变化:1、 一般情况加s例如:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars(清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/,/s/、/z/、/du0292/等音后发/iz/)2、以s, sh, ch, x结尾加es,读/iz/。例如:bus-buses、watch-watches、box-boxes、brush-brushes3、以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,读/iz/。例如:baby-babies、city-cities、country-countries
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2023-07-16 13:24:022


明代你爹给你弟妹,嗯,哦,你儿你滴哦,到,哦,到,你你滴哦,哦,挺低呢,哦,地名没咩,哦,哦,到,了,弟弟啊,了,你带了,你滴啊,鸡内金,嗲,姐,姐,爸,哦,哦,姐,而你哦,姐,离定了,姐,弟弟给你,他,头 logo,哦,你你你哦,哦,哦,他,体力静默。图,图,李家配额,哦,哦。看看,积极健健康康快快乐乐积极几就令尼工敏破坏咯没听咯后,莫名的感觉到底是什么样子呢?!我在你面前说什么U0001f914?好了?好了?我是你你你你哦?好了?
2023-07-16 13:24:1210


sun mon tue wed thu fri sat大写日 一 二 三 四 五 六
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不得不说你这个分很不好拿,找了好长时间。。。好像没有准确的,只有别人听了后自己打字打出来的。。。。汗。。Once again I"m wide awake. Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think. And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell, Nothing changes the way things are and nothing ever will. He thinks I can hear him crying I pretend that I don"t know, all about all the fills 3 AM"s he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell, He is not getting over you, I know he never will. Nothing he says can bring you back,He"s got nothing left to show. But a pocket watch and the memories of a kiss out in the snow. I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell. He is not getting over you, I know he never will. Latterdays的插曲,早上听到的,先是听到Kiss the rain,然后就是这首Tuesday,3:00am。猪有一次跟我说找不到这首歌的歌词,听了N遍之后,整出这个歌词,还是觉得有些地方可能不对。英语还是太烂了,可是也不知道怎样才能提高呢。
2023-07-16 13:26:143


中文台湾版的翻译星期二的这个时间总是 忍不住又在等待 你的电话一小时 两小时 过去了心里还在想 再等五分钟看看吧一旦分手 就不再见面 也不打电话原来这是真的最后一夜的温暖 如今彷佛就像现在的你一样 一步步离我越来越远曾经那样的大笑 那样的哭泣那个总是怕寂寞的你 已经不在这里那个城市 那座海洋 那片夜空就要消失无踪相约的周末棒球场里 应该还留有两个空位吧无法回忆也无法做任何事情也该停止 继续哀叹未来了只有再会 永远维系著我俩即使已经忘记当你的脸庞 故做成熟的时候为了不知从何而来的心痛而困惑最后一夜的 你的呼唤此刻彷佛就在这里 明明可以确实听见那一阵风 那一场雨 那一轮新月就要消失无踪迈步走向 前所未见的日子走向我俩的世界最后一夜的温暖 如今彷佛就像现在的你一样 一步步离我越来越远曾经那样的大笑 那样的哭泣那个总是怕寂寞的你 已经不在这里那个城市 那座海洋 那片夜空就要消失无踪
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2023-07-16 13:26:301


答案是:每周的第一天是Sunday,因此Tuesday是一星期的第三天 Tuesdayisthethirdday oftheweeku261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c
2023-07-16 13:26:551


Weddings are wonderful occasions that bring people together to celebrate the love between two individuals. Here are some wedding wishes and blessings to help you express your happiness and congratulations to the newlyweds:1. Congratulations on your wedding day! May your love for each other continue to grow and strengthen with each passing day.2. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. May your marriage be filled with joy, laughter, and endless love.3. May your marriage be as beautiful as your wedding day, and may your love for each other continue to shine bright like a diamond.4. Congratulations on finding your soulmate. May your love for each other never fade and may your marriage be blessed with happiness and bliss.5. You are a perfect match for each other, and your love story is an inspiration to us all. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together.6. May your wedding day be the start of a beautiful and happy life together. Congratulations on your big day!7. Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and beyond. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day.8. May your marriage be a journey full of love, adventure, and endless laughter. Congratulations on your wedding day!9. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love. Congratulations on your wedding day and best wishes for a wonderful life together.10. May your love for each other be a guiding light that leads you through life"s journey. Congratulations on your wedding day and best wishes for a beautiful life together.In conclusion, weddings are a time to celebrate love and the union of two people. These wedding wishes and blessings are a great way to express your joy and congratulations to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of happiness and love.
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泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic),又译作铁达尼号,是英国白星航运公司下辖的一艘奥林匹克级游轮,排水量46000吨,1909年3月31日在哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂动工建造,1911年5月31日下水,1912年4月2日完工试航。泰坦尼克号是当时世界上体积最庞大、内部设施最豪华的客运轮船,有“永不沉没”的美誉。然而不幸的是,在它的处女航中,泰坦尼克号便遭厄运——它从英国南安普敦出发驶向美国纽约。1912年4月14日23时40分左右,泰坦尼克号与一座冰山相撞,造成右舷船艏至船中部破裂,五间水密舱进水。4月15日凌晨2时20分左右,泰坦尼克船体断裂成两截后沉入大西洋底3700米处。2224名船员及乘客中,1517人丧生,其中仅333具罹难者遗体被寻回。泰坦尼克号沉没事故为和平时期死伤人数最为惨重的一次海难,其残骸直至1985年才被再度发现,受到联合国教育、科学及文化组织的保护。泰坦尼克号
2023-07-16 13:24:471

as a resulf 和as a result of 的区别?造句

of 后面要加名词的.As a result:I am try to answer your question,as a result,you understand the difference between "as a result" and "as a result of".As a result of:As a result of my explaination,you understand the difference between "as a result" and "as a result of".
2023-07-16 13:24:463

求大神解答,电气平面图上一回路末端呈箭头状 代表什么意思?如图中2ALEB1-WLE15这个回路

【电气平面图上一回路末端呈箭头状 代表什么意思?如图中2ALEB1-WLE15这个回路】代表这一路线引到楼下去。
2023-07-16 13:24:421