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Dear li Ming: Tomorrow I"m going to a trip with my mother,but I have a cat and unattended.My mother and I will come back after a week,Would you please help me to look after my lovely cat?My cat need about a glass of milk and some cat food every day。It is very nice not defecate indiscriminately。It will not run and interfere with your normal rest。I will thank you very much, after I come back to bring you a souvenir. yours, dave

关册my holiday plan为题的50字英文作文

I am very happy ,because I will have a long holiday! I can do many things I want to do . First,I want to go to hangzhou ,Iam going to see west lake .It is must very beautiful.Then I am going to shanghai ,It is the biggest city of China .I will to see The Oriental Pearl TV Tower .Next I am going to HongKong.There are many huge shopping center,Iwill buy many presents for my friends.It is a busy holiday ,but I think it is a great trip!


我一点都不喜欢语文这门课程。用英语表达:I don"t like the course of Chinese at

英语作文my holiday plan 50词 要一般将来时

The summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.

my holiday plan 怎么写

写计划要用一般将来时,结构是: be going to do, will doThe summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.






What does Dave"s wife do uff1f

英语小作文——My summer holiday plan(一般将来时)80词


以my winter holiday plan为题写一篇5句活以上的英语作文

My Winter Holiday PlanIn my winter holiday I will get home to be with my mom and pop. I will eat nice food and play with my friends. I will also read good books and finish my homework well. I am planning to learn to play the guitar this winter holiday, I want to be a guitarist some time in the future.



My holiday plan

My holiday plan May 1st is coming.I am really excited. I enjoy holiday. And I think I will have a wonderful holiday.I can"t wait! I decide to finish my homework first. I think homework is too much. I hate homework, and I really do homework . Then I decide to voulenteer to clean the park. I hope our earth is very clean. And I hope everyone can do this to keep our home clean. I will try my best to .At last, I will go to Taishan with my parents. I think it is a good experience for me . I hope the experience has a lot of . When I get back home ,I will take note of my May 1st holiday. It is good for our health to go to mountains. I really can"t wait. I hope May 1st is coming! And I think it"s good for me.

请问您能以“My holiday plan"为题写一篇至少五句话的英语作文呢?

my holiday planThis holidy I am going to the zoo with my parents.My father made the promise last week.We will go there by bus.I can not wait to see those lovely animals.I will take photoes with them.

六年级上册英语作文my holiday plan 5句话 注意假期是星期六和星期天,不是暑假和寒假!!! 快点,急!!

my holiday planThis holidy I am going to the zoo with my parents.My father made the promise last week.We will go there by bus.I can not wait to see those lovely animals.I will take photoes with them.

行尸走肉 dave tony谁扮演的

是Aaron Munoz

My holiday plan作文50字


六年级上册英语作文my holiday plan 5句话 注意假期是星期六和星期天,

my holiday plan This holidy I am going to the zoo with my parents. My father made the promise last week. We will go there by bus. I can not wait to see those lovely animals. I will take photoes with them.

帮忙作一篇My holiday plan为题目的英语作文,字数60,谢谢

①My holiday plans During the winter holiday,I will study harder,so I made a holiday plan: First,I will get up early in the morning,then I will read English book,and speak loud outside.Then I will do maths exercise. In the afternoon,I will do some sports,like ping-pong,football,basketball and so on. Maybe I will go traval to somewhere. In a word,I will have a good and special holiday

my holiday plan英语作文

My Holiday Plan has been bringing together single or couples of travel enthusiasts from all over the India & Asia. We are firm leaders in adventure and cultural travel across East, West, North and South India. We look forward to introducing you to all the beauty that this great region has to offer. all aged individual & group travelers of different interests ;cultural heritage holidays ,walking & trekking holidays ,mountaineering holidays, exotic adventure holidays ,yoga & mediation holidays. Another important objective is to contribute to develop brotherhood between east & west civilizations .


1:Dave is the short name of David.2:Dave is short for David

请以My holiday plan 为题目,写一篇不少于40字的英语作文

I have a plan for my holiday.First,i will go to attend a English class during the holidays.Second,I will visit my friends in their house.And finally,I will watch an hour of TV every day on my holidays.Those are my holiday plan.我的小小作文希望对你有用喔。



绝望的主妇 dave的事什么时候完



路过 dave的阴谋很可怕 像现在第七季的 paul的阴谋一样可怕。。

My holiday plan 英语作文



Dave"s has much(a lot of) family discipline, such as...这里肯定是Dave家里有许多家规, 而不是这个人有, 因为一个人不能算作是一个家庭, 所以用Dave"s表示Dave一家, has是第三人称单数, 因为虽然一家不止一个人, 而这里家是成整体出现的, 所以还是要用到第三人称单数, has, 家规的英语是"family discipline", 是不可数名词, 所以前面用much, a lot of 或者 lots of 也可以代替much, such as 有例如的意思, 举个例子"I love sports, such as badminton, basketball, soccer..."你在后面可以使用"...", 但一般情况下such as后面不加"and so on."(等等)

Holiday plan用一般将来时态写英语作文(急~~~~......)求求你们帮帮我吧!谢~~

你也没说多少字…… Holiday plan In this winter holiday I am going to study many things.For example , I will go to the piano class.And I will go to learn handwriting , because I like it very much.I will also go to play games with my friends together. Spring festival will come,so I will go shopping with mum. I will wash my own clothes and help my parents to do the housework. After the new year, I will go to visit my relatives with my parents. I will make my holiday full.


还没有 他的故事在第四季的结尾,就是Susan的车和另外一辆车结束开始的,在第五季的最后一集结束。 dave本来打算谋杀mike,然后偶然得知开车撞死自己妻儿的是Susan,于是复仇对象转变成Susan和MJ。 就在他准备载着他们外出行凶的时候,脑子里的善念使他住手。然后他进了监狱。

六年级英语作文《my holiday plan》 用一般过去时



1. 八年级英语作文 Dave作为一名交换生来到北京参加了"体验中国"的 不知道你要用第几人称写这篇作文,以下为第一人称: As an exchange student, I came to Beijing to join in the "Experience China" activity. During this activity, I studied with my clas *** ates and learned from one another, and I took part in some activities of the school clubs. I have learned a lot about Chinese culture and history. What a good time I have had here! Thank the teachers and clas *** ates for their help. 2. 英语作文给Dave的规则 A country its laws and a family has its rules.My family also has some rules. For example ,there are important rules in my house .First of all,I have to be home by 10:00 pm.I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true.Next ,I"m not allowed to watch tv on school nights.In my opinoin,I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights.Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way.Finally,the biggest problem is that I can"t join club.My parents think that only bad for my studying.They don"t know I"m intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing. There is good say "Nothing can be acplished without norms or stand ards,"but though I should study hard .Of course,I"m old enough to make my own decision. 3. 看图写作文(英语) A little girl went to a cake shop and bought a birthday cake.Then she went to visit her grandparents gave her grandpa the birthday cake. She had dinner with her grandpa and grandma. After that she said goodbye to them and returned home。 4. 看图写话作文风娃娃,来了快跑 风娃娃来到广场上,看见一个孩子正在放风筝。这时,风筝不小心挂在树枝上,孩子个子太矮了,取不到风筝,风娃娃很着急,心想:孩子们取不到风筝会哭的。于是,它深深地吸了一口气,使劲向风筝吹去。风筝慢慢地下落,孩子们开心地跳了起来,直夸风娃娃来得及时。风娃娃也笑了。 风娃娃到果园里,看见农民伯伯正开心摘果子,可是不少果子长在高高的枝头上,农民伯伯摘不到。风娃娃心想:果子长得又大又红,摘不到,挂在树上太可惜了。于是,它深深地吸一口气,嘲果子吹去,果子轻轻地落到了栏框里。农民伯伯高兴极了。 风娃娃来到草原,看见小羊正在吃青草。这时,乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,小羊吓得直叫。风娃娃心想:如果下雨了,小羊会淋坏的。于是,它深深地吸了一口气,用力向乌云吹去,乌云散开了,太阳公公出来了,小羊又开心地吃草了。 5. 看图写话小浣熊遇到危险作文 小熊是个调皮的孩子,非常喜欢气球。 一天,熊妈妈在森林里买了几个大气球,递给小熊。小熊重量轻,一下子“呼”的被气球带上了天空。小熊害怕极了,呜呜地哭了起来。小猴看见了,连忙爬上树拉小熊,可已经来不及了。 小鸟们看见了,飞到小熊身边,叫道:“小熊,快放走几个气球!”小熊说:“但我舍不得啊!”小鸟贝贝问小熊:“小熊,我问你,是生命重要,还是你手中的气球重要?”小熊听了贝贝的话,不由得放走了气球,只留一个气球在手中。小熊最后落到了地上,它终于得救了。 6. 一年级看图写话我的大伯 我家隔壁住着一位老电工,我管他叫张伯伯。他浓浓的眉毛下有一双炯炯有神的眼睛,古铜色的脸,腮上长着密密的胡须。他虽然已近五十岁了,但还是那么精神。有时候,我放学回来,还看见他在很高的电线杆上一边干,一边讲呢!有一次,我喊他:“张伯伯好!”可张伯伯却一反常态,严肃地说:“别嚷!”原来他正在给徒弟讲课。 一天早晨,我被冻醒了。一看,窗外阴沉沉的,像要下雪的样子。我躺在被窝里懒得起来,忽听院里有人说话:“张大爷,这么冷,您还去修?在家呆着吧。”只听张伯伯认真地说:“越是这样的天气,电线越容易坏,不去修不行啊!再说人也不能总在被窝里呀!”我听了,脸上 *** 辣的,连忙跳起来,穿好衣服,吃完早点,就上学去了。天真冷啊,西北风呼呼地吼着,下雪了,雪花比鹅毛还大。我虽然穿着棉袄棉鞋,戴着口罩,可还是直哆嗦。我正在抱怨的时候,忽然头上传来敲击声,抬头一看,只见一个人迎着冷风,贴在电线杆上,雪花不住地扑到他脸上。啊!这不是张伯伯吗?他穿着很旧的羊皮袄,在那儿修电线。我想:张伯伯穿得那样少,又呆在很高的电线杆上,肯定比我还冷,而我却穿着厚厚的棉袄,还嫌冷……。想到这儿,我仿佛不觉得冷了,昂着头向学校走去。 晚饭后,我正写作业,忽然外面传来“咯吱咯吱”的皮靴声,我一看,原来是张伯伯回来了。我忙迎上去对张伯伯说:“您在那么高的地方修电线,冷吗?”张伯伯说:“咋不冷?但想到要确保大家能用上电,就不觉得冷了!”停了一会儿,又乐呵呵地说:“等以后,电线都埋在地下了,就不用爬那么高去修了,可是为了那一天的到来,我们现在还是得学,得修!”我望着张伯伯那慈祥的面孔,不禁对他充满了崇高的敬意。 7. 英语作文 假设现在是星期日上午8:30,Dave和他的同伴们在公园玩,请 Dave! I am playing in the park with my friends, Jim and Kevin are playing soccer over there. Kate and Sally are dancing under a treeIt is Sunday, today. What fine weather. Linda is playing the violin behind the tree. julie is reading a book near the tree. Brad is listening to the music near the pool. Tom and Ken are swimming at a pool. We are all enjoying ourselves! 这是一篇练习现在进行时态的文章。 8. 【小鸭子得救了(看图写话)作文】 [小鸭子得救了(看图写话)作文]小鸭子得救了 一天,小鸭子来到森林里玩,一不小心掉到了一个大坑里,它爬不上来了,很着急,小鸟看见了,连忙飞过来说:“小鸭子,你不用害怕,我喊小伙伴们来帮忙,小鸭子得救了(看图写话)作文.”大象看见了,说:“你不用着急,我用我的大鼻子把你勾起来.”小熊看见了,赶忙提来一桶水,说:“我把水倒进坑里,你游上来.”小猴子也看见了,它从树上跳下来说:“我用棍子把你捞上来吧.”最后,小动物们齐心协力,终于把小鸭子从这个大坑里救了上来,小鸭子感到很高兴,它连忙说:“谢谢你们,小学五年级作文《小鸭子得救了(看图写话)作文》.”小鸭子得救了(看图写话)作文200字小学生作文(/)。 9. 英语作文intrdave my self 英语作文:Introduce Myself.My name is Linda, I"m 12 years old, ing from the Guangming middle school. I like reading and singing. But I don"t have much time to show my singing talent due to homework. I hope I could go a tv singing show in the future。


My holiday plan( 作文

The summer holiday is coming soon.I like travelling during the holidays.I"m going to travel to Beijing with my parents,because I want to visit the Great Well.We"re going there by plane.I"m also going to visit lots of pamous places ,like Tian"anmen square the Forbidder City.I"m also going to visit my father"s friends. I think we will have a good time.


Dave is from America. He is a friendly middle school student.

a holiday plan 作文

A Holiday PlanMy Plan for the National Day HolidayNational Holiday is coming. There are altogether 7 days, so I need to plan it in advance. Firstly, I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don"t worry to get up late, and then do a good cleaning of the home. Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang, a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days" trip. I hope I like it. Thirdly, I would fly to Beijing to attend my classmate"s wedding. These above are my plans for the National Holiday.I"m looking forward to my holiday. I"m going to play football with my friends in the holiday. When I"m free, I will also go to Sunshine Hill with my parents, we plan to go there by bus. We will probably have a picnic there, we will climb the hill. I think this one-day trip is interesting.(转)




DAVE就是DAVID的爱称我们熟悉一个人的时候 就经常会这么用



急求以my holiday plan为题写一篇60单词左右的作文,上面有参考文章,但不能在写去北京

My winter holiday will be very interesting.I"ll read some story books,watch a lot of cartoon movies,and play alot.I"ll visit my friends,and i"ll spend a holiday with my parents in Xia"men.I love swimming.It"s winter in my hometown,but it"s summer in Xia"men,I"ll be very happy!


Dave : 戴夫(David 的昵称)(m.男子名)David :1)戴维,大卫(男子名)Little David[美]“小大卫”反坦克“鱼雷”(爆破车)2)大卫(基督教《圣经》中记载的古以色列国王)出自希伯来语,挚爱。3)David and Jonathan同生共死的朋友, 一对莫逆之交的朋友

小学六年级英语作文 My Summer Holiday plan

Summer holiday is coming.Have you got any plans for this coming holiday?If we haven"t got any plan,let me tell you my plan.I will get up at eight "oclock.I will listen to the pop music when I am tired.After that ,I will play the computer games with my friendsItu2019s time for lunch.I will have the lunch in three minutes,and then go out for class.When the class is over,I will continue playing the computer games with my friends and do my homework.



以 my holiday plan 为题写一篇五一假期的作文







男名,David的缩写。 David英 [devd] 美 [devd] n.大卫(古代以色列国第二代国王);戴维(男子名) 扩展资料   例句:   I"ve known David for 20 years.   我认识戴维已有20年了。   David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery.   戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。

以My Holiday Plan为题写一篇英语作文!120个字

like theWinter holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last Winter, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city. I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game. If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling around is the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and visit different places of interest. I wish I could have two long holidays in a year, what about you?


Dave [deIv] n. (1) 戴夫,德芙(David 的昵称)(m.)

my holiday plan 英语作文50?

自己修改Holidays are very exciting and it is quite normal that everyone is excited about summer holidays. This year, we have planned a long trip to Kodaikanal. Kodaikanal is a very nice place and one of the most beautiful hill stations in the world. Since it is already hot this year, I think our plan to Kodaikanal during the Summer Holidays is going to be an enjoyable one. We have planned to stay in a cottage and visit all the most famous tourist destinations in Kodaikanal. I hope the weather in Kodaikanal while we reach there is going to be favorable for us.

My ,holiday,plan作文

Holiday is coming. I am sure most of student will enjoy it as it is the best time to relax them. They will sleep late, wake up late, play computer games. I think holiday is a time to enrich our life. Therefore I am going to join voluntary works. It is because there are many people are in need. Also, doing voluntary is very meaningful as we can learn to be kind to others. So, my holiday planning is to join voluntary work.

my holiday plan英语作文25字

my holiday plan Tomorrow is weekend,I will do my homework on saturday,and play football with my friend.In the evening I wang to play chess.On sunday I will have a picnic wiith my famliy.I will be happy on that day.

My holiday plan作文六年级

  The summer holiday is coming soon.I like travelling during the holidays.I"m going to travel to Beijing with my parents,because I want to visit the Great Well.We"re going there by plane.I"m also going to visit lots of pamous places ,like Tian"anmen square the Forbidder City.I"m also going to visit my father"s friends.  I think we will have a good time.

My holiday plan英语作文怎么写 60字

中秋佳节之夜,皓月当空,皎洁的月光洒满了大地。吃着香甜的月饼,赏着明亮的月亮,有一种念头涌上心头……“爸爸,你敢和我来场象棋对抗赛吗?”我乞求爸爸。“没那闲工夫,我正看电视呢!”爸爸张嘴就说。“你别说你没时间,你根本就下不过我,”我用激将法激激他,看他还答应不? “嘿,我就不信了,来,他妈,摆阵。”爸爸不服气地说。“好,咱俩就杀它个昏天暗地!”我高兴的说道。首局,有我先走。“单头炮,”我架起了炮,“上马,”爸爸吼道。“嘿,刚开始就要吓唬我呀!没门!哼!出车。”我也不甘落后。经过几个回合的交火后,我给爸爸来了个“车将军”,哈哈,这回爸爸可在阵地上乱了手脚,不知如何防备,在焦急之中,他后退一步“象”。“哈哈,你可上当喽!”我用一匹马直冲他的军营,又送给了他一个“马将军”。“这次你可没法逃了吧!”我自言自语道。可惜爸爸经过百般思索后,竟然用他的跑“炮”杀了我的“马”。这可不得了了,

六年级上册英语作文my holiday plan 5句话 注意假期是星期六和星期天,

my holiday plan This holidy I am going to the zoo with my parents. My father made the promise last week. We will go there by bus. I can not wait to see those lovely animals. I will take photoes with them.

小学my holiday plan 五句话

my holiday plan My holiday is coming.I plan to do something interesting.I am going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.I am going to visit the Great Wall with my family.I am going to have fun with my friends.I think it will be a great holiday.仅供参考

my holiday plan的作文怎么写

The summer holiday is coming soon.I like travelling during the holidays.I"m going to travel to Beijing with my parents,because I want to visit the Great Well.We"re going there by plane.I"m also going to visit lots of pamous places ,like Tian"anmen square the Forbidder City.I"m also going to visit my father"s friends.I think we will have a good time.

A holiday plan为题的作文

LZ 可以在网上搜索一下2011安徽省的中考英语作文题目 就是关于暑假计划的作文 我今年刚考的 望采纳

六年级英文手抄报 my holiday plan

Winter holiday is coming. I"m going to have a busy holiday. First, I"m going to finish my homework. Then, I"m going to visit my grandparents. My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I"m going to buy some gifts for my grandma. I"m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I" m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more from books.I"m going to have a funny holiday.寒假就要到了。我将要过一个繁忙的假期。首先,我打算先完成我的寒假作业。然后,我打算去看看我的祖父母。我祖母有66岁了,所以我打算买些礼物给她。我还打算去拜访其他的亲戚们,并送上我的祝福。我还打算在假期里多读书,因为我想从书中获得更多的知识。我将会有一个很有意思的假期。

初一英语作文My Summer Holiday Plan

My summer holiday planThe summer holiday is around the corner. I am planning how to spend my holiday.First, I want to go swimming with my friends. Swimming is great fun, especially in hot summer. Also ,swimming is good for health.Second, I want to look for a part-time job to do, which will help me know more about society and how to communicate with others. Besides, I can earn my own money by working, which is quite facinating.Of course I will spend some time watching TV in the summer holiday. Many interesting TV series will be on TV then.That is my summer holiday plan.

求翻译zella day的1965中文歌词。

歌名:1965歌手:Zella Day作词:Zella Day作曲:Zella DayYou saw me spinning from the corner of your eye你说我旋转在你的视野里You saw me spinnin" like it"s 1965你说我就像自1965年降落于此You saw me spinnin" from the corner of your eye你说我占据了你的视线And you touched my neck你轻触着我的脖颈说着You"re a beauty baby child你真好看I never had nobody touch me like I"m glass.你的触碰是我前所未有的体验You had me spinnin" in the midnight summer grass.让我轻快得仿佛置身夏夜的草地I never had nobody touch me like I"m glass.你的动作那么轻 好像我是个易碎的玻璃制品With a moon bird kiss.让我想起了月光鸟的吻Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能回到过去吗With a love so sweet it makes me sad那段甜蜜又悲伤的时光Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能再次重逢吗It"s the world we"ve been dreaming of过上我们一直梦想的生活Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能拥有彼此吗Cut like diamonds, we were made to last像完美切割的钻石一样永恒Can we go back to the world we had我们还会有未来吗It"s the World we"ve been dreaming of一起去那个梦中的世界吧You heard me singing like a vission from the past你说我的歌声像是旧时的幻觉You heard me singing from a flower paddled pad你说我的歌声沾着淡淡的花香You heard me singing like a vision from the past你说我的歌声像是过去的故事Inside from your lips it"s the heaven that we"re in?你的双唇之间吐出的是一个天堂I felt forever when I laid upon your chest躺在你的怀中 我真切地感觉到了永远Forever when you said I look my best你低语着赞美我的容貌I felt forever when I laid upon your chest躺在你的怀中 我以为这就是所谓的永远In the August light...那时是八月 阳光真刺眼Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能回到过去吗With a love so sweet it makes me sad甜蜜和悲伤奇迹地共存Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能再次重逢吗It"s the World we"ve been dreaming of明知道那梦想的生活无穷遥远Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能拥有彼此吗Cut like diamonds we were made to last钻石般的永恒是存在的吧Can we go back to the world we had?我们还会有未来吗It"s the World we"ve been dreaming of一起去那个到不了的未来吧I don"t belong here想象的世界那么美好I don"t belong here我却存在于冰冷的现实I don"t belong here当我不再拥有你I don"t belong here这个世界也不再欢迎我You saw me spinning from the corner of your eye你说我旋转在你的视野里You saw me spinning like it"s 1965你说我就像自1965年降落于此You saw me spinning from the corner of your eye你说我占据了你的视线In the August light...那时是八月 阳光真刺眼I don"t belong here那阳光却不属于我了I don"t belong here我的存在还有意义吗I don"t belong here过着没有你的生活I don"t belong here我不属于这儿Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能回到过去吗With a love so sweet it makes me sad当时越是甜蜜 现在就更是悲伤Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能再次重逢吗It"s the World we"ve been dreaming of但即便在梦中你也离我那么远Can we go back to the world we had?我们还能拥有彼此吗Cut like diamonds we were made to last其实强光下钻石也会蒸发啊Can we go back to the world we had?我们还会有未来吗It"s the World we"ve been dreaming of怕只是痴人说梦吧扩展资料:《1965》是歌手zella day演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的作词作曲均有歌手zella day担任创作,歌曲的总时长为3分37秒。歌曲收纳于专辑《1965》之中,专辑于2014年7月9日开始发行,专辑包含了一首歌曲。这首歌曲也是歌手的代表作之一。《1965》也被歌手zella day收纳于专辑《Kicker》之中,专辑于2015年06月02日开始发行,歌曲还被歌手收纳于专辑《Sweet Ophilia EP》之中,专辑于2014年4月7日开始发行,歌曲发行之后,也被其他歌手翻唱。

初一作文 MY holiday plan 不少于50词 提示词..

写计划要用一般将来时,结构是: be going to do, will doThe summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.自己的习作,看对你是否有帮助哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)

a holiday plan 作文

A Holiday PlanMy Plan for the National Day HolidayNational Holiday is coming. There are altogether 7 days, so I need to plan it in advance. Firstly, I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don"t worry to get up late, and then do a good cleaning of the home. Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang, a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days" trip. I hope I like it. Thirdly, I would fly to Beijing to attend my classmate"s wedding. These above are my plans for the National Holiday.I"m looking forward to my holiday. I"m going to play football with my friends in the holiday. When I"m free, I will also go to Sunshine Hill with my parents, we plan to go there by bus. We will probably have a picnic there, we will climb the hill. I think this one-day trip is interesting.(转)

My holiday plan英语作文,怎么写?

The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.

Remember that One day I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you Our love was meant t

记住,有一天 我握住你的手和我吻过你的唇然后我告诉你 我们的爱都是命中注定的,永远永远 给我你给我幸福就在那里 我一直看到你当我闭上眼睛,你在我的脑海里 所以你看不出来,我需要你在这里机智我,关闭在我的身边 这次佛商店、会让你知道, 我的爱是笔直的真心实意的 永远地你我的孩子永远是我的世界 你是唯一的一个 我唯一的必须不断,我的生命是你和我 永远地你我的孩子永远是我的世界 你是唯一的一个 我再也不会伤你的心心中的“否”,所以宝宝没有放弃 即使度过了艰难时期 我们熬过了就好 当它伤害了我们把在大的工作 为了表示我还在你的 我,你的 这就...

One Sweet Day 歌词

歌曲名:One Sweet Day歌手:Lukie D & Nena Soul专辑:Total Togetherness Vol. 5知行英语Listen and Share知行音乐厅MariahBoyz II MenOne Sweet DaySorry I never told you,All I wanted to say.And now it"s too late to hold you,Coz you"ve flown away, so far away....Never had I imagined,Living without your smile,Feelin", and knowin" you hear me.It keeps me alive, alive...And I know you"re shining downon me from heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Darlin" I never showed you (no no no),Assummed you"d always be there.(And I) I take your prayers for granted.But I always cared (I always cared).And I missed the love we shared.And I know you"re shining down on mefrom heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Although the sun would never shine.I"ll always wish for a brighter day.Yeah Yeah, and Lordwhen I lay me down to sleep.You will always listen as I pray...(repeat...)歌词大意Sorry I never told you,All I wanted to say.And now it"s too late to hold you,Coz you"ve flown away, so far away....Never had I imagined,Living without your smileNever had I imagined living without your smile.neverI had never imaginedNever had I imaginedseldom, little, hardly, not onlyNever have I seen such a performance.Seldom have I felt so great as today.ImagineI can"t imagine marrying him.Feelin", and knowin" you hear me.It keeps me alive, alive...And I know you"re shining downon me from heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....eventuallyHe will eventually be back.eventually we"ll be togetherone sweet day.I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Darlin" I never showed you (no no no),Assummed you"d always be there.(And I) I take your prayers for granted.GrantI grant the novelty of your planTheir government granted them permissionto leave the country.take something for grantedHe always takes other people"s helpfor granted.Don"t take it for grantedbefore you do anything.But I always cared (I always cared).And I missed the love we shared.Although the sun would never shine.I"ll always wish for a brighter day.Yeah Yeah, and Lordwhen I lay me down to sleep.You will always listen as I pray...谢谢收听知行提示http://music.baidu.com/song/7439098



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找一首Pablo Neruda诗的西班牙语原版

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.Escribir, por ejemplo: "La noche está estrellada,y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos."El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta.Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.Yo la quise, y a veces ella también me quiso.En las noches como esta la tuve entre mis brazos.La besé tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito.Ella me quiso, a veces yo también la quería.Cómo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos.Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.Oir la noche inmensa, más inmensa sin ella.Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.La noche esta estrellada y ella no está conmigo.Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo.La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos árboles.Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero cuánto la quise.Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oído.De otro. Será de otro. Como antes de mis besos.Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.Porque en noches como esta la tuve entre mis brazos,mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.Aunque este sea el ultimo dolor que ella me causa,y estos sean los ultimos versos que yo le escribo.

求 sylvia plath “daddy” 的解析 越详细越好 要中文的!!!从速啊 thx.

sylvia plath 普拉斯普拉斯(sylvia plath)诗选西尔维亚·普拉斯现代人眼中的莎士比亚 Modern Shakespeare西尔维亚·普拉斯 sylvia plath2004年诺贝尔文学奖得主耶里内克 Elfriede Jelinekdaddy 爸爸薇拉 (Vera) (民德)爸爸 (daddy) (民德)名琴之父 (Stradivari) (意、法)

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请教各位高人:butterfly valve damper是什么阀,怎么译! 谢谢!

butterfly 蝴蝶,蝴蝶状的valve 阀,阀门damper 1.阻尼器,减震器 2.风门、挡板 3.气闸;调节风门;减震器 4.转向减振器 damper valve 一般指风阀。主要介质是一些气体或者高温烟气。没有一般阀门的阀座。泄漏等级高。 butterfly valve是蝶阀.关闭件的圆盘,围绕阀座内的轴旋转如果您没有打错,上面是一个词组的话,应该指 蝶阀减震器,阻尼器。一般情况下,分别是指风阀和蝶阀希望对你有帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢

rn-lf2的尤迪安 (Syke.Illidan)

第一个让我见识到“天外有天”的人。我还记得当他把我击败的时候,我颓丧的表情...现在的他已经归隐,Syke却保留了他的名字,因为他就是那个成功把Syke带向技术殿堂的人!皮卡 (Syke.Pika)不多的内地技术玩家之一,Syke首席打手。他是我看着在内地LF2界出道的...现在的他醉心于研究连技,在这方面的实力甚至与一些香港高手不相上下...也就是这个原因,让我们最后把他收入了Sykeval。遗憾的是,他与外面的LF2界联系不多不然他肯定能成为技术层面的高手之一。貌似他曾经在HKLFF注册过,还发了两篇贴,不过目前潜水中.... = =Mgccl只要是大陆LF2界就不得不提这个家伙...初次见到他的时候,他是一个有点蛮不讲理的家伙,仗着自己在国外留过学,LF2上又有实力就对内地LF2界颐指气使...后来又不知怎么回事当上了LF2吧的吧主总之那个时候他可以算是万人公敌...甚至在那时的官坛也背上了骂名。不过,那些都是过去的事情了...现在的他也成为了一个令人尊敬的玩家。MLLFF最初也是他一手建立,可以说他是对内地LF2界立下了大功的人。不过最近,他又不知道跑道哪里去了..... = =cyfex可以说,他是我所结识的内地玩家中与香港距离最短的家伙...都是因为他住在深圳嘛XD总之总之,他也是一个技术性的优秀玩家,曾经一度加入Syke,后因无聊,退出了...(裂:怨念啊... = =)内地LF2技术论坛 - 批斗大会也是由他所开。


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Today is what you live for. Tomorrow is should always be your dream, the way you will like to live

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