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crashKK: []DJ: []vi.1. (发出猛烈声音地)碰撞,倒下,坠落The motorcycle crashed into the fence.摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。2. (飞机等)坠毁,撞坏An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁。3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[Q]4. 发出撞击声,发出爆裂声Listen to the thunder crash.听劈雷发出的巨响。5. 失败;垮台;破产His company crashed last year.他的公司去年破产了。6. 【俚】(免费)宿夜;睡I"d crashed Friday afternoon -- I hadn"t completely recovered from the infection.我星期五下午昏睡过去了,我发炎还没完全恢复过来。7. 【电脑】死机The PC just crashed.那部个人电脑刚死机了。vt.1. (发出猛烈声音地)撞击,砸碎2. 使(飞机等)坠毁,使(飞机等)撞坏3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[O]They crashed their tanks through the railings.他们开着坦克哗啦一声冲过围栏。4. 【口】无票进入(会场等),闯入5. 【电脑】死机X crashed the system.X把那个系统搞得死机了。既可以做不及物也可以做及物




thegamecrashed出现说明游戏崩溃,需要用户通过管理中的服务和应用程序,将Themes停止,再通过注册表的方式更改内容即可恢复正常。具体操作步骤如下。1、右击桌面的计算机图标,弹出右击的下拉子菜单,在子菜单中找到管理。如下图所示。2、点击“管理”,弹出计算机管理页面,在页面左侧的菜单中可见“服务和应用程序”。如下图所示。3、点击展开“服务和应用程序”,在下级子菜单中可见“服务”。如下图所示。4、在服务的项目内容中找到“Themes”。如下图所示。5、双击“Themes”服务,弹出Themes属性窗口页面点击停止按钮。如下图所示。6、接下来,按住Win+r,弹出运行窗口regedit点击确认。如下图所示。7、在注册表编辑器窗口页面上依次找到计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\SubSystems,在SubSystems右侧的数值参数可见“Windows”。如下图所示。8、最后双击“Windows”,弹出数值数据编辑窗口,在窗口中增加参数的数值数据SharedSection=1024,12288,512”,然后退出注册表编辑器,即可解决问题。如下图所示。注意事项:the game crashed的出现是window常见的问题,用户按照上述步骤进行操作即可解决。


Crashed 隐藏摘要 缘分相撞 【摘要】 05 Crashed 缘分相撞 06 Feels Like Tonight 感觉就在今晚 07 What I Want (featuring Slash) 我想要的 08 Breakdown 崩溃 09 Gone 离开 ... - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 PM crashed 隐藏摘要 首相车被撞 【摘要】 PM crashed 首相车被撞 · 是是非非(yes no yes ) · yes no yes · 又一个邀请another invitation · PM took a train 首相乘火车 · Guidelines 指南 ... - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 crashed car 隐藏摘要 撞毁的汽车 【摘要】 crashed car 撞毁的汽车 crash-land 急降迫降 crash-landing 急降迫降 crash dive 急 潜急降 crash barrier 防撞栏隔离栅 crash head on 迎头相撞 ...

crash 译为失事时 其词性是 什么



crashed意思是:碰撞;撞击;(使)猛撞;使发出巨响,是crash的过去分词和过去式。crashed 用法和例句提示:The biggest banks scrambled for federal aid , the housing market crashed , and millions lost their jobs .美国最大的数家银行竞相争取紧急救助,房地产市场崩溃,数百万人失业。A month later , the markets crashed .一个月后,市场崩盘。Wall street crashed 10 days later .十年之后,华尔街崩盘。The leverage wave crashed last fall .杠杆式举债大潮于去年秋天坠地不起。You heard a plane crashed on thursday ?你听说星期四的撞机事故了么?请点击输入




网络词crash是碰撞的意思。网络词crash作为动词表示碰撞、使发出巨响、暴跌、睡觉。作为名词表示崩溃、碰撞、碰撞声、暴跌。作为形容词表示应急的、速成的。相关例句:Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes。要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。

barrier crash中文翻译

The results from this study indicated that the o simulation programs used herein differ a lot in simulating car - barrier crash 研究还表明:两个不同的仿真软件在模拟轿车-护栏碰撞时呈现出各自的特点。 Firstly , background of highway development and data collecting and statistics *** ysis of highway accidents at home and abroad were carried out . researches of vehicle - barrier crash accidents on highway were pared beeen in and outside china , and o new conclusions were drawn 文章先对国内外高速公路发展情况和高速公路交通事故进行了数据采集和统计分析,并对国内外汽车-高速公路护栏碰撞事故的研究情况进行了对比分析,得出了两个新的结论。 Verification indicated that the car - barrier crash simulation models developed in this paper present high accuracy and stabipty finally , on the basis of summarizing dynamics of car and occupant and protection behavior of barriers in car - highway barrier crash , many problems and solutions confronted in the current research were presented , and the prospect and objectives of further work were also given 验证表明本研究中所建立的仿真模型具有较高的精确度和可靠性。最后,本文在总结了轿车与高速公路护栏碰撞中轿车和乘员动态特性及护栏防护特性的基础上,提出了当前研究所遇到的若干问题和解决方案,并展望了进一步的研究目标。 The category , design and guidepnes of highway barriers were then described , and dynamics of occupant and injury biomechanics were also discussed . it was found that the most frequently injured body segments during a car - barrier crash are head and thorax , and their injury mechani *** s were pointed out 然后,文章对高速公路护栏的种类、设计方法和设计准则等方面进行了全面讨论,同时论述了碰撞过程中乘员的生物力学响应,指出了在轿车-高速公路护栏碰撞中致使乘员受伤最为严重的部位和原因。 Among the highway accidents about one third are vehicle - barrier crashes , which result in numerous casualty and property losses . therefore , *** yzing crash beeen vehicle and barrier , studying occupant protection and improving safety performance of vehicle and barrier has aroused a greater concern in nations all over the world 高速公路交通事故中近1 3为车辆与护栏碰撞,每年造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,所以分析汽车与高速公路护栏碰撞的事故,研究人体损伤防护以及护栏和车辆防护性能的改进,已引起了世界各国的日益重视。 Based on puter simulations , different programs , such as madymo and ls - dyna , were used in this paper to develop simulation model of car - barrier crash with o kinds of barriers ( concrete barrier and w - beam barrier ) and o styles of cars ( ford and santana ) respectively 文章基于计算机仿真技术,使用不同软件(多刚体动力学仿真软件madymo和有限元分析软件ls - dyna )针对两种护栏(混凝土护栏和波形梁护栏)和两种不同轿车车型( ford车和santana车)分别建立了轿车-护栏碰撞的仿真模型。

The computer promptly crashes是什么意思


cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer insimulated crashes.(此处用simulated的原因)



Crash的读音是:英[kr??]。Crash的读音是:英[kr??]。Crash的词语用法是v.(动词)crash的基本意思是“撞碎,坠毁”,表示猛跌或猛撞并发出突然猛烈而又宏大的声音,引申可表示商业或金融机构突然破产或垮掉”。Crash名词:crasher;过去式:crashed;过去分词:crashed;现在分词:crashing;第三人称单数:crashes。一、详尽释义点此查看Crash的详细内容v.(动词)倒下,坠落垮台冲,闯碰撞,撞击发出撞击声,发出爆裂声(免费)宿夜,睡使撞坏,使猛撞无票进入、闯入会场等【计】死机砰的碎掉,哗啦一声坏掉哗啦啦地倒塌隆隆地响碰到,撞在使(飞机)坠毁,击落(敌机),使(汽车)碰撞失败,破产坠毁,摔死,撞坏恢复常态发出撞击声,发出爆裂声使成碎片,使撞碎,使破碎,击碎,砸碎,粉碎,毁坏n.(名词)失败破产坠毁,相撞(事故),迫降(事故)垮台睡崩溃,瓦解撞击声,爆裂声【计】死机轰隆声,猛烈声音【戏】轰隆声发声装置粗(麻)布粉碎毁坏撞击鸣adj.(形容词)应急的,紧急的,速成的adv.(副词)砰地一声二、双解释义v.(动词)vi. & vt. 撞碎; 撞坏; 坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisily, especially, of things that breakvi. 发出轰然响声 make a sudden, loud noisevi. 破产 (of a business company, government, etc.) to come to ruin; meet disastern.(名词)[C]撞车事故,失事 a violent vehicle accident[C]突然发出的巨响,碰撞声 a sudden loud noise made e.g. by a violent blow, fall, break, etc.[C]破产,失败 a sudden severe business failure三、英英释义Noun:a loud resonant repeating noise;"he could hear the clang of distant bells"a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles);"they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)the act of colliding with something;"his crash through the window""the fullback"s smash into the defensive line"(computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative;"the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since"Verb:fall or come down violently;"The branch crashed down on my car""The plane crashed in the sea"move with, or as if with, a crashing noise;"The car crashed through the glass door"undergo damage or destruction on impact;"the plane crashed into the ocean""The car crashed into the lamp post"move violently as through a barrier;"The terrorists crashed the gate"break violently or noisily; smash;occupy, usually uninvited;"My son"s friends crashed our house last weekend"make a sudden loud sound;"the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night"enter uninvited; informal;"let"s crash the party!"cause to crash;"The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace""Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost"hurl or thrust violently;"He dashed the plate against the wall""Waves were dashing against the rock"undergo a sudden and severe downturn;"the economy crashed""will the stock market crash again?"stop operating;"My computer crashed last night""The system goes down at least once a week"sleep in a convenient place;"You can crash here, though it"s not very comfortable"四、例句He crashed his car into a wall.他的汽车撞到了墙上。The rocks crashed down onto the car.岩石轰隆一声砸在汽车上。She was frightened that the plane would crash.她害怕飞机会坠毁。The plane crashed (into the mountain).飞机撞毁(在山上)了。The thunder crashed.雷声隆隆。What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?你输错了什么使系统崩溃了?Mind if I crash (out) on your floor tonight?今晚我在你家打地铺行吗?Can I crash with you for tonight?今晚能在你这里借宿吗?The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder.建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。It"s a marvel that he wasn"t killed in the car crash.他在撞车中没撞死真万幸。His car was badly wrecked after a crash with the wall.他的车撞上墙以后被严重破坏了。It was a miracle that most the passengers survived the plane crash.大部分乘客从撞机事件中生还,这真是个奇迹。The stock market crash ruined many people.股票市场的崩溃使很多人破产。The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易。A stock market crash means it"s time to reinvest.股市暴跌意味着再次买入。The project was launched on a crash basis.此计划作为最优先项目而付诸实施。They gave me a three-day crash course.他们给我上了三天的速成课程。About a week was spent in the first semester on a crash course in computing.第一学期里差不多用了一周来进行计算的速成课程。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)crash about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)在某处踢踢腾腾 make a lot of noise by moving awkwardlycrash aboutI don"t want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father"s asleep.你爸爸睡着了,你们这些孩子谁也不许在楼上踢踢腾腾。crash about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)在(某处)踢踢腾腾 make (one place) a lot of noise by moving awkwardlycrash about sthPlease don"t crash about the living room while I have visitors in there.我有客人时,请不要在起居室里踢踢腾腾的。crash down (v.+adv.)哗啦一声或咔嚓倒下或摔下 fall heavily with a loud noisecrash sth ? downShe crashed the plates angrily down on the table.她生气地把盘子摔在桌子上。crash into (v.+prep.)撞上,坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisilycrash into sthI crashed into a street light and hurt my knee.我撞到了路灯上,把膝盖碰伤了。The car crashed into a bus on the bridge, and the driver was killed on the spot.在大桥上这辆车与一辆公共汽车相撞了,司机当场被撞死。The bus crashed into a big tree.公共汽车撞在一棵大树上。The aeroplane crashed into the house.那驾飞机撞在了房子上。crash out (v.+adv.)逃出 escapecrash outThree men crashed out of the prison yesterday.昨天三人从监狱里逃了出来。Are you one of the prisoners who crash out?你是不是越狱犯人中的一个?crash to (v.+prep.)撞碎,坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisilycrash to sthThe flowerpot crashed to the sidewalk.花盆砰地一声摔碎在人行道上。The cup crashed to the floor.杯子砰地一声摔碎在地板上。An aircraft was crashed to pieces.一架飞机坠毁成碎片。crash with (v.+prep.)〈美·非正〉与某人凑合着住或挤在一起 sleep or lodge in the home of (sb) informallycrash with sbMy parents have thrown me out, can I crash with you for tonight?我父母把我赶出来了,我能不能和你挤一宿呢?六、经典引文The whole forest in one crash descends.出自:PopeThe crash of the sea outside.出自:J. CheeverA distant crash of colliding vehicles.出自:A. AyckbournYour guns may crash around me. I"ll not hear.出自:W. OwenThe glass crashed into pieces on the floor.出自:I. MurdochShe heard them crashing through the undergrowth, close behind her.出自:D. M. Thomas七、词义辨析v.(动词)crash into, rush into这组词语都可以表示“撞上…”,其区别是:前者表示非主观因素而发生的动作,其后果是意想不到的; 而后者表示“为着某种目的”而采取的动作,其后果是早有预料的。Crash的相关临近词crass、crap、Crashaw、crasher、crashee、crashing、crashboat、crash pad、crash out、crash bar、crash box、crashstop点此查看更多关于Crash的详细信息


collide用于表达猛撞或互撞,多表示运动物体之间的碰撞,相关联的词语有plane, helicopter, bus, van, ship . crash一般指飞机,汽车的失事,作不及物动词时,其后跟into/through+树,墙等静物

求Kady Z 的《Crashing Down》歌词

歌曲名:crashing down歌手:Eagle-Eye Cherry专辑:present/futureI"ve never see the sky like thatI can"t believe that it could do thatI closed my eyes before the sun could setI slept and waited for my, waited for my.I waited for my dreams to landI waited for my dreams to touch downI waited patiently to hear the soundI waited for the song to get me out, to get me out of.And I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downI"ve never seen so many lightsI"ve never heard so many voicesNo one will tell me how I ended hereNo one will tell me where, oh tell me where, oh tell me where I amWhere I amAnd I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downThere I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing down

Crashed On The Dance Floor 歌词

歌曲名:Crashed On The Dance Floor歌手:Eric Saade专辑:Saade Vol. 205.Crashed On The Dance Floor.Never thought that it would feel rightWhen you left me so coldNow I""m out your doorI""m ready to move on, yeahSeparated from the heartacheBut I never gave inSo I""m out your doorYou""ll miss me when I""m gone, yeah.You won""t steal love tonightI""m leaving the keysGive them to another guyWho""ll be the one who""s falling.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floor,I crashed on the dance floor, yeah.Heard you got another partnerCan""t be serious nowOnly five days later, felt it was the wrong guyNow I see it on my displayAre you falling off trackCalling me saying you miss meWon""t be turning back.You won""t steal love tonightI""m leaving the keysGive them to another guyWho""ll be the one who""s crawling.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floor,I crashed on the dance floor, yea.I""m fallingI""m crashingBut I will surviveI miss youDon""t need you, noCause I""m more alive, yeah.D-d-dance floor.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorcrashed on the danceTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor.I crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor.I crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor

Crashing High 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing High歌手:The 69 Eyes专辑:Goth "N" Rollthe 69 eyes—crashing highFramed in BloodYou"ve got everything you needStill ready to open up and bleedReading all the magazinesReading all the booksAbout the real diamond ringsAnd good looksIf you want a fire babyThat"s what you willDon"t say I didn"t warn youLove could killSo whyYou wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)You wanna fall in loveCome onYou"ve got everything you"ll ever needNew York City, Paris if you pleaseIt"s not about the fortuneNot about the fameOnce you"re flying higherEverything"s the sameBut you want a fireThat"s what you willDon"t say I didn"t warn youLove can killSo why (Why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me whymusic....Reading all the magazines and booksAbout the real diamond ringsAnd good looksSo you want a fireThat"s what you willCan"t say I didn"t warn youLove could killSo why (Why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me why (Tell me why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing so high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me why (Crashing high, high above)Crashing high (Crashing high, high above)You are crashing higherend.... 出售女装

Crashing Down 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing Down歌手:Del Amitri专辑:The CollectionMAT KEARNEY---Crashing DownAlbum : Nothing Left To Lose (2006)These back steps are steeper to the groundThe brightest stars are falling downI"m walking the edge, walking the tightest ropeWe can be frank, reality rips on through, rolling like a hurricaneI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downThese four walls are closing in on meThe talk is louder than I"ll singI want to be there, want to be where you areBut you know it all, every look and smile that aren"t meant to breakI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downAnd you say that everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onAnd you say everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downYou come crashing downYou come crashing down----End----


Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us .. 大浪朝我们劈面打来。 From the distance there came a crash of firing . 远处送来了一阵枪声。 The plane crashed out of our sight . 飞机出事时那个地方我们看不见。 I thought the structure was going to crash . 我想这座平台就要倒塌了。 The dishes fell to the ground with a crash . 碟子哗啦一声掉在地上。 The full-back brought him crashing to the ground . 后卫把他摔倒在地。 Who was at the wheel when the car crashed ? 汽车碰撞时开车的是谁? It"s a miracle it survived the crash . 它竟能经受住那次车祸,真是奇迹。 The car started with a crashing of gears . 那汽车开动时发出挂挡的声音。 Probably it is a result of the elevator crash . 这可能是电梯坠毁的结果。 He narrowly escaped in the air crash . 他险些在飞机失事中遇难。 That plane crash was an awful business . 那架飞机坠毁了,真是件糟糕的事。 The vase fell crash on to the tiles . 花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上。 The mirror dropped and broke with a crash . 啪嚓一声,镜子掉在地上摔碎了。 The lorry hit the lamp-post with a crash . 马车“卡”的一声撞到路灯柱上了。 He booted the door and it crashed open . 他对准门猛踢一脚,一下子把它踹开。 The aircraft crashed and burst into flames . 飞机坠毁起火。 The plane crashed in a pretty inaccessible place . 飞机失事的地方人很难进去。 Reapty had to e crashing into the dreamland . 真实肯定要来冲破这个梦境了。 The crash reduced the car to squash . 汽车经过这次碰撞变成一堆稀巴烂的东西了。 Did not your wife have a crash ? 你妻子被车子撞了一下吧? He crashed the trolley through the doors . 他推著小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门。 The basin fell with a crash . 哐的一声,脸盆掉在地上了。 The plane was carrying 250 passengers when it crashed . 飞机失事时载有250名乘客。 The airplane crashed on a hillside . 飞机在山坡上坠毁。 The crash occurred only three minutes after take-off . 飞机起飞后才三分钟就坠毁了。 The dishes crashed to the floor . 盤碟哗啦落地而碎。 The car hit the tree with a sickening crash . 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。 At last came a great crash . 最后发生了一场大决裂。 The car crashes into a pine tree, bursting into flames . 汽车撞在一株松树上,起火了。 There was a loud crash of thunder . 打了个响雷。 His son was killed in an automobile crash a few days before . 他的儿子几天前因车祸死了。 Seven people were killed when the airplane crash crashed . 这架飞机坠毁,机上有7人遇难。 The plane crashed into the sea . 飞机坠入海中。 The wind howled, trees crashed and rain slashed down . 狂风怒吼,树木倒折,雨水倾盆而下。 The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed . 那辆敞篷汽车撞车时把司机抛出车外。 The car crashed into a tree . 车子猛撞在树上。 I began a crash course in poptics and pubpc affairs . 我开始突击学习政治和公众事务课程。 The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap . 领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了。 An enraged elephant crashed about in the undergrowth . 被激怒了的大象,在矮树丛中东奔西窜。 Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news . 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻。 The separator whirred the agitator jarred and crashed . 分离器呼呼地转,抖擞器震得哗啦啦的响。 Something crashed on the bed behind winston"s back . 温斯顿背后的床上有什么东西重重地掉在上面。 The many crashes on the icy roads told their own tale . 路上结冰发生多起撞车事故,路面情况已不言而喻。 How did you manage to lose my hu *** and and crash my jeep ? 你是怎么把我丈夫弄丢的?车子又是怎么撞坏的? He went black in the face when i told him i had crashed his car . 我告诉他我把他车子毁了时他满脸怒气。 News is ing in of a serious train crash in scotland . 刚刚收到的消息说,蘇格兰发生火车撞车重大事故。 In general, there seemed to be four stages to the flush and crash . 一般说来,从暴长到破产经历了4个阶段。 The crash reduces the population size toward the original level . 随著暴跌,导致种群数量回到它的初始水平。




v. 打碎(crash的ing形式)adj. 彻底的;最好的;猛撞的


to crash the gate to crash the party crash course学英文容易碰到的困难之一就是一个字有时候可以有好几种解释,因此我们有的时候花点时间来研究一个字也是值得的。今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都和crash这个字有关,而crash这个字就有好几个解释。Crash可以用做名词,也可以用做动词,它还可以用做形容词。但是,crash最普通的意思是:猛烈的撞击,像汽车撞车,飞机失事等。在习惯用语当中,crash这个字还有其它意思,例如:to crash the gate。gate是大门的意思,但是,to crash the gate并不是用力撞大门,而是另外的意思。一个人想看电影或者看体育比赛,可是没有票,他想偷偷混进电影院或体育馆,这就是to crash the gate。我们来举一个例子:When I was a kid, I"d crash the gate at baseball games. But I stopped for good when I got caught one day and the police called Dad, and he gave me the only whipping of my life.这个人说:“小时候我经常不买票偷偷地混进体育馆去看棒球比赛。可是,有一天我被抓住了,警察就打电话给我爸。他狠狠地揍了我一顿。我一辈子就挨了这一顿揍。后来我再也不敢偷偷混进去看球了。”没有票混进电影院或体育馆去看电影、看球赛叫做to crash the gate,那么,要是有一个地方举行聚会,但是你没有被邀请,而你又偷偷地混了进去,这种情况能不能用to crash the gate来形容呢? 不能,但是你只要换一个字就行了。你不要用to crash the gate,而用:to crash the party。party就是聚会。这儿指的是比较大型的聚会,否则也不可能混进去。下面我们要举的例子就是大使馆举行的招待会。I have this friend who is an expert at crashing parties at foreign embassies. He wears his best clothes and walks in the door like he"s somebody important. If they ask to see his invitation card, he feels around his pockets and says he must have left it at home.这个人说:“我的一个朋友是混进外国大使馆去参加聚会的能手。他穿上他最好的衣服,进门的时候就好像是什么大人物一样。如果他们要看他的请帖,他就摸摸口袋说,他肯定是把请帖拉在家里了。”偷偷混进电影院或体育馆是to crash the gate;偷偷混进去参加聚会是to crash the party,两者之间只是一字之差,但是不能混着用。近年来,crash这个字又增添了一层新的意思。人们想在短期内完成一件事的时候往往就会用crash这个字。例如,一个公司或机构想集中力量完成一个计划或一个项目,他们就会把这叫做:crash plans or programs。还有的人想在短期内减肥,这就叫做:crash diet。更普通的就是有的人为了学一种科目或一种特别的技术参加短期训练班。短期训练班就是:crash course。美国公司在国外往往有分公司,在派人员出国前经常会给他们短期学习对方国家语言或者风俗习惯的机会。下面这个人就是在说他参加短期训练班的经历:I"m busy taking a crash course in German because my company is sending me to Berlin next month to open a branch office. It"s hard work--four hours a day with my tutor and another four or five hours of study at home listening to tapes.这个人说:“我正忙于参加一个短期训练班学德文,因为我的公司下个月要派我到柏林去开一个分公司。这么学非常辛苦,每天跟老师学四个小时,然后回到家再听四、五个小时的磁带。”学任何东西都可以用这种集中压缩的方式,包括如何做一个政客,下面就是一个例子:When that young man was elected to congress, he went to Washington a month early to get a crash course from a retiring congressman on the important issues he"d have to vote on.这句话的意思是:“那个年轻人当选为国会议员后,他提早一个月就去华盛顿。他想利用这点时间向一位即将退休的议员请教,让他对那些以后要投票表决的重要问题有所了解。”今天我们给大家介绍了两个和crash这个含义很多的字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:to crash the gate,意思是没有门票偷偷溜进电影院或体育馆去看电影或看球赛;另外一个和to crash the gate只差一个字的说法是:to crash the party,意思是没有被邀请而混进去参加聚会。另一个和crash这个字有关的常用语是:crash course。crash course就是指短期训练班。

英语翻译A crashing thunderstorm,with thick rain hissing down fro

一声炸雷,瓢泼大雨从夜晚的黑色天空哗哗的倾泻下来,使得维克特无法离开办公室. 其中的"炸" 和 "哗哗的" 就可以算是您要的翻译了

下面这句话中“crashing down”是动名词短语做表语吗?

come crashing down 是固定用法.学语言不是所有东西都符合语法的,只能死记.

Crashing Balloon什么意思

在百度搜出来的说是一个游戏.....On every June 1st, the Children"s Day, there will be a game named "crashing balloon" on TV. The rule is very simple. On the ground there are 100 labeled balloons, with the numbers 1 to 100. After the referee shouts "Let"s go!" the two players, who each starts with a score of "1", race to crash the balloons by their feet and, at the same time, multiply their scores by the numbers written on the balloons they crash. After a minute, the little audiences are allowed to take the remaining balloons away, and each contestant reports hisher score, the product of the numbers on the balloons heshe"s crashed. The unofficial winner is the player who announced the highest score.就是这个.阁下慢慢研究哈~~~~~

为什么用sent it crashing不是sent it to do?前面的现在分词是伴随状态么

对,这里的sent it crashing 是做伴随状语,也可以理解为大风把床吹下屋顶的同时床摔碎在院子里,还可以是A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and the bed was crashed into the courtyard below.


[情迷意乱 乱れる][1964][剧情 / 爱情 / 家庭][日本]想要? 加 简 介U0001f925

sent it crashing into


为什么crashing down 有模糊的意思?

crashing down 是指崩溃,没有模糊的意思。crash down下坠;相撞落下, 形容飞机失事比较多坍塌。相似短语crash down 下坠;相撞落下, 形容飞机失事比较多 坍塌crash into v. 闯入to crash 碰撞to crash into 撞crash diet 打破规定进用的饮食plane crash 飞机失事crash helmet 防护帽,保护头盔crash proof 防撞击crash roll 防震垫crash safety 撞击安全装置。

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.


project crashing是什么意思

project crashing 应急计划

the sun come crashing in.什么意思?(crash在这里有什么意思?体会不


A gust of wind sent it crashing into the courtyard below."一阵风把它吹进了下面的院子里。"?


Crashing Down 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing Down歌手:Floating Folk Festival专辑:Vol. 2MAT KEARNEY---Crashing DownAlbum : Nothing Left To Lose (2006)These back steps are steeper to the groundThe brightest stars are falling downI"m walking the edge, walking the tightest ropeWe can be frank, reality rips on through, rolling like a hurricaneI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downThese four walls are closing in on meThe talk is louder than I"ll singI want to be there, want to be where you areBut you know it all, every look and smile that aren"t meant to breakI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downAnd you say that everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onAnd you say everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downYou come crashing downYou come crashing down----End----

a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below


crashing into the courtyard不懂这个句子

一阵风把床从屋顶吹落,直接掉进了下面的法庭里。sent into是搭配在一起的,送进的意思,中间crashing是表状态,表状态不用不定式的。


"go crashing"是一个动词短语,其中"go"是动词,"crashing"是动词的现在分词形式,表示一个正在进行的动作或状态。这个动词短语可以表示物体或人突然或猛烈地撞击、跌落或崩溃等,也可以引申表示某个事物或人的计划或行动失败或彻底崩溃。这个短语通常出现在进行时态中,如"go crashing into something"或"go crashing down"。在这种情况下,"go crashing"这个动词短语可以被视为一个动词,其中"go"是主要的动词,而"crashing"则是动词的补语。



crashing:adj. 绝对的,非凡的,彻底的; v. (使)猛撞, (使)撞毁( crash的现在分词 ); 撞坏; 猛冲直撞; 发出巨响。Do either of you remember crashing?你们都不记得坠机了?The world"s crashing anyway. We"ll see you right?无所谓反正世界都要崩溃了。能见你对吗?


碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉

闪电crave 29 怎么样

本人13年九月份购入的爱车,总里程不到一千公里,车子没有摔过,得益于闪电的优质服务,车子保养的很好,和公路的骑友骑多了也中了公路的毒,所以希望转公路,如果入了公路加上老婆的车就三辆了,实在放不下,在此为爱车找一个新主人,适合身高在一米八左右的骑友购入价格13900,现价10000(不含图片中的码表和车灯,可以送水壶架、水壶和尾包)非诚勿扰配置如下:车架全新SpecializedM4铝合金,XC29寸几何角度,全抽管平滑焊接,锥形头管和坐管,锻造PM直装160毫米后碟刹标准,可替换铝合金尾钩SWAT避震器前叉FOX Evolution系列Float 29,CTD阀门,铝合金锥形头管,9毫米开口标准,外部回弹可调,S码:80毫米;其余尺码:100毫米碗组1-1/8与1-1/2英寸无牙碗组,Campy标准,密封式轴承把立Specialized 3D锻造6061铝合金,4螺栓,6度仰角,31.8毫米口径车把Specialized微升燕把,6061双抽管铝合金,700毫米宽,10度后掠,6度仰角,31.8毫米口径把套Specialized Body Geoetry XC Contour,Kraton材质带软胶垫,尾端封闭,132毫米,锁死把套前刹车Shimano Deore BR-615,液压碟刹,180毫米碟盘后刹车Shimano Deore BR-615,液压碟刹,160毫米碟盘刹车手柄Shimano Deore BR-615,液压刹杆,可调刹杆距离前拔SRAM X7,10速2x20,34.9毫米后拨Shimano Deore XT Shadow Plus,10速后拨,GS导板


全称是Crawl Control System 指的是低速巡航驾驶辅助系统:车辆自动保持0-5km/h时速。在该系统的辅助下,驾驶员无需控制油门和刹车,只需集中精力操控方向盘,即可实现超低速行驶。



crawl forward是什么意思

crawl forward :向前爬



crawled through还是on

crawled through和crawled on都可以。区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、crawled through:爬过。2、crawled on:爬上。二、语法不同1、crawled through:across和through的区别同on和in类似,across指从表面穿过,而through则指从三维空间中间穿过。2、crawled on:crawl用作动词的基本意思是“爬行”,指腹部或双膝和手贴地爬行; 也可指“徐缓而行”,多用于指车辆缓慢前进,间或也可用于指时间。三、侧重点不同1、crawled through:侧重于从内部穿过。2、crawled on:侧重于从表面穿过。

如下图所示,为什么不是crawl around to look for food?

在句子"They crawl around looking for food."中,"around"是介词,"looking for food"是介词短语,可以翻译为“四处爬行寻找食物”。在这个句子中,“looking”是现在分词形式,用来表示一个正在进行的动作。而使用“to look”会使句子变得不太自然,因为“crawl around to look for food”这种结构通常用于指示行动或命令,而不是描述正在进行的动作。因此,“looking for food”是更自然的选择。







climb creep crawl 有什么区别


crawl back什么意思


dual ;during ; crawl; victim 这英语用谐音怎么读?



walk 英 [wu0254u02d0k] 美 [wu0254k]run 英 [ru028cn] 美 [ru028cn] jump 英 [du0292u028cmp] 美 [du0292u028cmp] crawl 英 [kru0254u02d0l] 美 [kru0254l]

opening crawl 什么意思

opening crawl打开 养鱼(龟)池crawl[英][kru0254:l][美][kru0254l]vi.爬行; 缓慢行进; 巴结; n.缓慢的爬行; 〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳; 养鱼(龟)池; 第三人称单数:crawls过去分词:crawled现在进行时:crawling过去式:crawled例句:1.Then we dare to crawl into our own bed. 于是我们才胆战心惊地爬上我们自己的床。2.Google webmaster tools allow you check the crawl statistics of your site. google webmaster tools允许你检查你网站爬行的统计信息


雷克萨斯爬行是一个全地形系统和低速巡航控制键。低速巡航。汽车启动后,转动爬行旋钮开始低速巡航。最高速度只有5公里/小时,很少使用。爬行(creep mode)是“低速巡航驾驶辅助系统”的全称,俗称“傻瓜越野系统”。简单理解就是车辆会自动控制发动机的扭矩输出传动系统和刹车,让车辆以非常慢的速度通过恶劣的路面。它的主要目的是避免车轮因车辆行驶速度过快而打滑和卡住。雷克萨斯SUV LX570搭载了功能强大的CrawlControl自动爬坡控制系统,可以对动力系统和制动系统进行全面控制,让车辆保持恒定的低速行驶,让驾驶员可以集中精力进行方向盘操作,降低复杂条件下越野行驶的控制难度,避免车辆底盘与地面发生摩擦,提高行驶稳定性和安全性。此外,通过控制车轮扭矩,Crawl Control自动爬坡控制系统可以帮助驾驶员更轻松地摆脱被困车。百万购车补贴


根据我在STEAM上看到的消息,处于Early Access阶段的该游戏只有本地多人模式,目前还没有上网联机功能的。尚不知未来有无网络联机功能。所以,如果入手了该作,请号召基友闺蜜蹭机熊孩一起围着玩吧

又中又英—Make My Skin Crawl

A friend recently came across an English expression that confused him. He asked me what it meant. The expression he heard was " make my skin crawl ". I can understand why this expression can confuse non-fluent English speakers because it contains the word "crawl". The word "crawl" can be used in several ways. It can mean to move on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground. Very young children crawl before they learn how to walk. Soldiers sometimes quietly crawl with their bellies when approaching their enemies. It can also mean to move very slowly. Vehicles crawl when there is a traffic jam. Caterpillars crawl when they move.The expression "make my skin crawl" can be confusing because a person"s skin cannot crawl. The expression has nothing to do with crawling. If something makes your skin crawl, it means it makes you feel shocked, disgusted, or fearful. Some people are so fearful of spiders that they make their skin crawl. I am disgusted by the taste and sight of chicken feet. They make my skin crawl. I accidently ate a small piece from a Thai salad at a friend"s home. I had to rush to the toilet to spit it out because it made me feel like vomiting . Some are shocked by people eating catmeat. It makes their skin crawl. Many people hate the sound of fingernails scratching on a chalkboard. It makes their skin crawl. The expression"make my flesh crawl" has the same meaning. Yet another similar expression is " make my skin creep ". The word "creep" also has several meanings. It can mean moving very slowly, quietly, and carefully to avoid being noticed. As a noun, it means an unpleasant person, particularly a man who stares at pretty women. It can also mean a person who kowtows to influential people in the hope of advancement. Some people shoeshine their bosses in the hope of being promoted. They are called creeps . u2002 u2002 make sb"s skin crawl,表示 使某人恶心,让某人起鸡皮疙瘩 ,英文解释为:to make someone feel very uncomfortable combined with a strong feeling of dislike。 u2002 u2002相似的短语还有 make sb"s skin creep ,或者 make sb"s flesh creep/crawl 。 Crawl可以有几种用法,它可以指手脚并用在地上爬行。非常年幼的孩童学行之前就会在地上爬行(crawl)。士兵在接近敌军的时候,有时也会静静地用肚贴地匍匐爬行(crawl)。这个字亦可以解作非常缓慢地前进;遇上交通挤塞之时,车辆只能徐徐行驶(crawl)。毛虫蠕动也是crawl。 习语“make my skin crawl”可以令人很费解,因为人的皮肤不会移动(crawl)啊!这个习语其实跟蠕动、爬行(crawling)毫无关系。若某物makes your skin crawl,意即它令你感到震惊、恶心或毛骨悚然。有些人害怕蜘蛛,蜘蛛会令他们起鸡皮疙瘩(make their skin crawl)。我厌恶鸡脚、凤爪的味道,连看到也会感到恶心,令我毛管直竖(make my skin crawl)。 有一次我在朋友家中,吃着泰式沙律时不小心吃了一小块鸡脚,我立时冲进厕所吐出来,因它令我反胃欲呕。一些人非常惊讶有人会吃猫肉,这也令他们感到恶心(make their skin crawl)。 许多人讨厌指甲刮黑板的刺耳之声,这也令他们鸡皮疙瘩、毛骨悚然(make their skin crawl)。 习语“make my flesh crawl”的意思亦一样。然而还有另一个相近的习语,是“make my skin creep”。 Creep同样有几个意思,它可以指缓慢、悄悄行进,为了避人耳目而蹑手蹑脚。作名词用时,它则指讨厌鬼,特别是盯着美女看的变态佬;它也可以解作马屁精,为了晋升而趋炎附势、阿谀奉承的人。有些人爱擦老板鞋,指望可以藉此升职加薪,他们就被称为creeps。 以上就是今天的内容,如果你对该专栏内容感兴趣,欢迎来“Alice的学习笔记”找我,该系列文章将持续更新。




exchange [英] [_ks_t_e_nd_] “交换”,可以表示以贸易手段以一物换取另一物;crawl 翻译: 1.爬,爬行;徐缓而行 2.巴结,奉承,卑躬屈膝;谄媚;拍马屁3.(昆虫)爬行


marion raven - crawl album: here i am high on a hill heard a bird sing her song sang you were true well, she got it all wrong she didn"t know about you"re lies and all you"re stupid alibis don"t you know, this bird got wise surprise surprise surprise the writings one the wall yeah yeah in letters written tall i thought i"d let you know before i go i will see you crawl fell of the hill into darkest of dreams promises broke ripped apart at the seams so now you know this bird has flown you will repay me what you owe don"t you know you"re gonna live alone alone alone you made a big mistake signed and sealed your fate yeah yeah i"ll wait till the night comes in the darkness you are no one until i know all you"re shadows are gone

scramble creep crawl区别

scramble的意思是 爬行,攀爬 The children scrambled over the rocks. 孩子们爬过岩石。(人等)creep 的意思是 爬蠕动 爬行,匍匐而行 如: A snake was creeping along the wall. 一条蛇正沿着墙爬行。(动物)crawl 的意思是: 爬行;缓慢的行进Traffic was slowed to a crawl.来往车辆只得减低速度十分缓慢地行驶。其中后两者的区别不大


crawl英 [kru0254:l] 美 [kru0254l] vi.爬行;缓慢行进;巴结n.缓慢的爬行;〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳;养鱼(龟)池第三人称单数: crawls 现在分词: crawling 过去式: crawled 过去分词: crawled


crawl是爬行的意思。crawl作为不及物动词表示爬行、匍匐行进。作为及物动词表示爬行、缓慢地行进。作为名词表示爬行、养鱼池、匍匐而行。相关例句:The businessman tried hard to crawl with the important officials这位商人努力地巴结身居要位的官员。


crawl是爬行的意思。crawl作为不及物动词表示爬行、匍匐行进。作为及物动词表示爬行、缓慢地行进。作为名词表示爬行、养鱼池、匍匐而行。相关例句:The businessman tried hard to crawl with the important officials这位商人努力地巴结身居要位的官员。


英 [kru0254:l] 美 [kru0254l] vi.爬行; 缓慢行进; 巴结 n.缓慢的爬行; 〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳; 养鱼(龟)池 网 络 抓取; 自由泳; 爬行; 爬 过去式:crawled 过去分词:crawled 现在分词:crawling 第三人称单数:crawls 派生词:crawlingly crawly 1.Our baby is just starting to crawl.更多牛津 我们的宝宝刚开始会爬. 来自《权威词典》 2.We learn to crawl before we learn to walk. 我们学会走路之前先要学会爬. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3.He will crawl anywhere if he can gain something by it. 他到处钻营,只要能有所得. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 4.They have no right to crawl me for what I wrote. 他们无权责怪我所写的东西. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 5.I heard a voice reverberating:"Crawl out!I give you liberty!" 我听到一个声音在回荡:“爬出来吧,我给你自由!” 来自《用法词典》


crawl英 [krɔ:l]美 [krɔl]vi.爬行;缓慢行进;巴结n.缓慢的爬行;〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳;养鱼(龟)池


crawl 英[kru0254:l]美[kru0254l]vi. 爬行;缓慢行进;巴结n. 缓慢的爬行;〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳;养鱼(龟)池第三人称单数:crawls;过去分词:crawled;现在分词:crawling;过去式:...[例句]Then we dare to crawl into our own bed.于是我们才胆战心惊地爬上我们自己的床。1. Butterflies flitted from flower to flower. 蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。来自《权威词典》2. The plant has a beautiful bright red flower. 这株植物开了一朵美丽鲜红的花。来自《权威词典》3. to hoe the flower beds 用锄头给花坛除草松土来自《权威词典》4. wallpaper with a flower motif 有鲜花图案的墙纸来自《权威词典》5. a packet of wild flower seeds 一包野花籽


crawl 英 [krɔ:l] 美 [krɔl] vi. 爬行; 缓慢行进; 巴结; n. 缓慢的爬行; 〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳; 养鱼(龟)池; 全部释义>>[例句]What crawl up your bum and died?什么东西爬你屁股上死了?更多例句>>

crawb 是什么意思

1.爬,爬行,蠕动He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。2.缓慢地移动,徐徐行进It was rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour. 遇上了高峰时间,我们的车子以每小时十五英里的速度缓慢行驶。3.(常用进行时)(为虫,蚁等)爬满,充斥着[(+with)]The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。4.(由于恐惧,厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩,汗毛直竖My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night. 夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。5.谄媚奉承,巴结[(+to)]He never crawls to his superiors. 他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。6.用爬式(或自由式)游泳7.(植物)蔓延,蔓生The rosebush crawls along the fence. 蔷薇沿篱笆蔓生。及物动词 vt. 1.在...上爬行;在...上蔓生2.【俚】斥责,训斥The boss crawled him for loafing on the job. 老板因他磨洋工而训斥他。名词 n. 1.爬行;缓慢的行进[S]Traffic was slowed to a crawl. 来往车辆只得减低速度十分缓慢地行驶。2.爬泳,自由式游泳[the S]crawl2名词 n. 1.(海边浅滩)养鱼池[C]





爬行者Crawl怎么操作 爬行者按键操作一览

鼠标方向移动 左键攻击 右键使用技能键盘方向键移动 z x一个是技能键一个是攻击键 我记不太清了手柄左摇杆移动 a攻击 b技能


crawl离地爬行 creep匍匐,贴地爬行

crawl around和climb around区别





陆巡crawl是指陆地巡逻,通常是指警察或军队在陆地上进行巡逻和监视。MTS的意思取决于上下文,可能指“多媒体电话服务”,也可能是指“海底地震观测系统”。 请提供更多上下文或详细信息以便准确回答。








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