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跪求 籽岷大大 我的世界 行尸走肉(CRAFTING DEAD )的整合包(能用加分)


《Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny》_笔记

SUTRA #1 Karma is about becoming the source of one"s own creation. In shifting responsibility from heaven to oneself, one becomes the very maker of one"s destiny. Instead, karma is action on three levels: body, mind, and energy. Whatever you do on these three levels leaves a certain residue or imprint upon you. What does this mean? It is quite simple. Your five senses are collecting data from the outside world every moment of your life. You are literally being bombarded with stimuli at every instant. Over time, this enormous volume of sense impressions begins to assume a certain distinctive pattern within you. This pattern slowly shapes itself into behavioral tendencies. A cluster of tendencies hardens over time into what you call your personality, or what you claim to be your true nature. It works in the reverse as well: Your mind shapes the way you experience the world around you. This becomes your karma—an orientation to life that you have created for yourself in relative unawareness. You are not aware of how these tendencies develop. But what you consider to be “myself” is just an accumulation of habits, predispositions, and tendencies you have acquired over time without being conscious of the process. Do not forget that in addition to being unconscious and compulsive, karma is also deeply cyclical. The karmic information within your system is encoded in different kinds of cycles. The largest cycle is the solar cycle, because everything—animate and inanimate—in this solar system is deeply influenced by the sun. Our planet is no exception. The solar cycle is a period of 4,356 days (nearly 12 years). Someone who lives according to the solar cycle leads a life of great health, well-being, alignment, and minimal friction. As the length of a karmic cycle decreases, life becomes progressively more unbalanced. If your life runs in three- or six-month cycles, you are in a serious state of psychological imbalance. The same inner upheavals or life situations will keep recurring every few months. If your life is determined by a twenty-eight-day cycle—the lunar cycle, which is also the shortest one—you could well be considered deranged or psychotic. The word loony, as you know, is linked to the word lunar, and this is no coincidence. It should be remembered, however, that the karmic cycle has nothing to do with the reproductive cycles of the female body. Now, if we do not break these internal and external patterns, nothing new will ever happen. You might have noticed that the more successful you become, the more frustrated you get, because somewhere unconsciously you sense that you are simply going around in circles. You may have learned to ride the cycle, but you are not free from it. With yogic practices, the aspiration is to move toward the solar cycle so your balance and stability are assured. You may not be able to change your past action and the mental and emotional karma you accumulated, but you no longer slide into short-spin cycles. You no longer wear your karma as a skin-tight garment; you learn to wear it loosely. You hold it at a distance. SUTRA #2 Ultimately, life is neither suffering nor bliss. It is what you make it. Look at this closely. You will see that volition is shaped fundamentally by your belief that you are a separate being—an individual. In other words, it is your identification with your individuality that determines your volition. The operative word here is identification . If you were not identified with this sense of separateness, you would not be accumulating karma. If your identification were all-inclusive, that would be the end of the karmic cycle! Unfortunately, people"s identification with narrow notions of individuality makes them engage with the world selectively rather than inclusively. The endless oscillation between like and dislike, attraction and aversion, further hardens their sense of separateness. Over time, likes and dislikes freeze into a personality and produce more karma. Individuality now becomes a prison rather than a privilege. Gautama the Buddha"s teachings on this subject—his emphasis on desirelessness, in particular—have unfortunately been misinterpreted and mutilated by many. Now, this was an incredibly perceptive man who would have known only too well that without desire, there can be no existence. What he was pointing to was the importance of operating out of a state of inner fulfillment rather than inner hankering. Once this is accomplished, your life becomes an expression of bliss, not a pursuit of it . Your desire does not evaporate; instead, it becomes conscious. Your desire is no longer the unconscious fuel for your personal identity. It is the conscious tool by which you function. You will now desire the well-being of the entire planet. The crux of the matter, therefore, is identification with your desires. When you are no longer identified with your desire, when there is a distance between you and your mind, you simply do what is needed for the moment and for the situation. You learn to play with desire. The desires are no longer about “you” anymore. Now your karmic bondage vanishes entirely. How can one “dis-identify” with desire? How can there be desire without individuality, intention without identity? The logic is simple: individuality is a myth. It is an idea, not an existential reality. We have fragmented our world out of ignorance. Suppression simply means you are experiencing life half-heartedly . To live fully is to allow yourself to experience something totally. If you allow yourself to experience hunger totally, it is wonderful and liberating. If you allow yourself to experience food totally, it is also wonderful and liberating. Unfortunately, people do not experience either hunger or food totally. If you avoid any experience—whether pain or pleasure, sorrow or joy—it is big karma. But if you go through the experience without resisting it, the karma dissolves. This is why Krishna in the great Indian epic the Mahabharata says that hesitation is the worst of all crimes . Today, in the name of civilization and etiquette, educated people often do not experience any of their emotions fully. They cannot cry fully. They cannot laugh loudly. Over a period of time, frustration sets in and they turn joyless. Their karmic accumulation also increases. You will see that simpler people who allow themselves to laugh and cry uninhibitedly as the impetus arises are often much freer. They work out their karma by experiencing each emotional state fully. Living totally does not mean just having a good time. It means experiencing anything that comes your way fully and intensely. The very process of life is the dissolution of karma . If you live every moment of your life totally, you dissolve an enormous volume of karma. So it is not the physical situation that causes misery. It is the way you react to it. Your karma is not in what is happening to you; your karma is in the way you respond to what is happening to you. Human beings are capable of suffering just about anything. Someone could not get into college, so they suffer. Someone else gets into college and can"t get out, so they suffer! Someone cannot get a job, so they suffer. Someone is given a job, and now they suffer even more. Someone isn"t married, so they suffer. Someone gets married, and they are in agony! Someone has no children, so they suffer. Someone has children, and so they are in constant torment. Your suffering is not because of your circumstances. Your suffering is because of the way you have made yourself. And that is what you need to look at. ====== In the East, we simply say “Your life is your karma.” This means that how much karma you can take into your hands depends on how much of you has become conscious. If you have mastery over your physical body, fifteen to twenty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your psychological process, fifty to sixty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your very life energies, a hundred percent of your life and destiny could be in your hands. Suppose I plant a mango seed. Can I expect that coconuts will fall out of the mango tree when it grows up? Can I expect cherries or apples? Now, that obviously would be absurd. If you plant a mango seed, you can expect only mangoes. That much is determined by the seed. But there are other considerations over which you do have control: How many mangoes will the tree yield? What will be the quality of the mangoes? How long will it yield them? Over these factors, you certainly do have control. I should add a caveat. If you dig deep enough into life, you can change even the nature of the seed. But that takes a level of yogic accomplishment that is beyond the scope of this book. So that is a story we won"t get into here. What most people call luck is just your ability to be at the right place at the right time. Many of your capabilities are still unconscious, so you do not have complete control over the kind of circumstances you attract. But there is something over which you do have control: how you react to what happens to you. Maybe you win a lottery ticket today, but, still, how happily you live is something you decide. A poor man might be ecstatic if he wins a million dollars. But a rich man might have much more in his bank balance and still be unhappy. So luck alone does not determine your happiness. Generally, the word karma is used in a rudimentary way to suggest that you did something bad and so bad things will happen to you. This is a very limited and simplistic way of looking at life. Karma has nothing to do with moralistic categories of good and bad; it is related only to cause and effect. ====== The karmic substance within you may happen to contain all the necessary ingredients to create suffering. Perhaps you planted all these ingredients unconsciously in your past. So what can you do about this today? The answer is simple: don"t manufacture suffering for yourself today! Maybe terrible things happened to you yesterday. Maybe you lost everything that is precious to you. But this morning when you get up, you still have the choice not to manufacture suffering for yourself. Yes, the ingredients of misery are present. They are waiting, perhaps even tempting you. But they cannot become suffering by themselves. Suffering has to be freshly baked every day. In other words, your karma cannot turn into suffering without your cooperation. Once you are aware, that is the end of your suffering. So the source of your misery is not your past actions. The source of your misery is how you"re processing the imprint of the past now. You may be carrying around a sackful of stinking garbage. Either you can smear yourself with it and get terribly miserable, or you can make good manure out of it and create a wonderful garden. Karma is the seed. What you are going to make out of this seed is entirely up to you. If I am given a packet of assorted seeds and I throw them all into my garden, perhaps all of them will sprout. Some of the mango seeds will yield very sweet fruit. But there may be some bitter seeds, too. The parthenium grass may be an unwelcome weed. And yet I still have the choice to pull it out. I can remove what is superfluous and keep the rest. That is how your food is grown every day. A large part of agriculture is just weeding. There are actually more weeds than plants growing even in your own garden. If you keep weeding, you will have a garden. If you sit back defeated, you will have a patch of weeds. (Well, of course, some have learned to enjoy the weeds, too!) The same holds true for your life. You have your seed karma. But you also have your weeding karma. This is where volition comes in. This is where intention becomes paramount. If you decide not to perform your weeding karma, your life will be just an overgrown wilderness. If you choose to perform this simple function, your life could yield an incredibly rich harvest.

《Craftingwith Cat Hair》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Crafting with Cat Hair》(Tsutaya, Kaori)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 2nip书名:Crafting with Cat Hair作者:Tsutaya, Kaori出版年份:2011-10页数:96内容简介:Are your favorite sweaters covered with cat hair? Are there fur balls piled up in every corner of your home? And do you love to make quirky and one-of-a-kind crafting projects? If so, it"s time to throw away your lint roller and curl up with your kitty! "Crafting with Cat Hair" shows readers how to transform stray clumps of fur into soft and adorable handicrafts. From kitty tote bags and finger puppets to fluffy cat toys, picture frames, and more, these projects are cat-friendly, eco-friendly, and require no special equipment or training. You can make most of these projects in under an hour-with a little help, of course, from your feline friends!

crafting table什么意思

crafting table制作表craftingvt.手工制作(craft的现在分词形式); 例句:1.There are hundreds of books written about crafting a decent headline. 关于制定一个像样的标题,有着数百种书。

crafting table什么意思


我的世界Crafting Dead Core也就是行尸走肉mod的服务器技术问题

Forge版本1232 籽岷的百度网盘: Forge 1232 Poor Ores Dense Ores Mod Liquid Dirt Mod Ender Zoo Mod Illuminated Bows Mod Sabotage Mod 分别是:贫矿富矿~流动泥土~黑暗怪物园~光明之树~破坏王模组 不用到国外网站下

求助,装了Crafting Workbenches这个mod后,造不出工作台


job crafting是什么啊

精雕细琢工作或者雕琢工作,指没办法让一个人的薪水变高,也没办法帮他开除讨厌的上司,但是可以让自己多喜欢工作一点点。耶鲁大学管理学院教授瑞斯尼斯基(Amy Wrzesniewski)等人建立。基于工作设计理论而发展而来。

英语mine craft怎么翻译?

应该是my craft,我的世界。

如何安装我的世界Crafting dead

[UserCustom DeviceProfile]+CVars=r.PUBGMSAASupport=0+CVars=r.PUBGDeviceFPSHDR=60+CVars=r.PUBGDeviceFPSHigh=60+CVars=r.PUBGDeviceFPSMid=60+CVars=r.PUBGDeviceFPSLow=60+CVars=r.UserQualitySetting=0+CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=0.8+CVars=r.MaterialQualityLevel=0+CVars=r.ShadowQuality=0+CVars=r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=4+CVars=r.Shadow.CSM.MaxMobileCascades=0+CVars=r.Shadow.DistanceScale=0+CVars=r.Mobile.DynamicObjectShadow=1+CVars=r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0+CVars=r.RefractionQuality=0+CVars=r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0.8+CVars=foliage.LODDistanceScale=0.6+CVars=foliage.MinLOD=0+CVars=r.DetailMode=0+CVars=r.MaxAnisotropy=5+CVars=r.ACESStyle=4+CVars=r.Streaming.PoolSize=130+CVars=r.EmitterSpawnRateScale=0.6+CVars=r.ParticleLODBias=0+CVars=r.MobileNumDynamicPointLights=0+CVars=r.PUBGVersion=5+CVars=r.UserHDRSetting=4+CVars=r.MobileHDR=0+CVars=r.Mobile.SceneColorFormat=0+CVars=r.BloomQuality=0+CVars=r.LightShaftQuality=0+CVars=r.Mobile.TonemapperFilm=0

未转变者crafting level 1什么意思


job crafting的缺点


crafting strategy是什么意思

crafting strategy手艺式战略;匠构战略;策略的精心打造;精雕战略

英语:the crafting of coherent curricula that… 大家帮忙解



crafting n. 工艺;手工艺v. 精巧地制作;加工制作(craft的ing形式)With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.渔夫艰难地驾着小船靠近了礁石。


craft 更加广义,可以泛指手艺人,手艺,手艺活之类的,但是craftmanship就比较具体也限制一些,更多特质手艺本身



请问DAOHUI CRAFTS定制的徽章颜色容不容易掉色呢?





racing craft造句 racing craftの例文 "racing craft"是什麼意思

His kayak is spver-thin, a 20-pound racing craft with an open cockpit. Teaching race craft is one of Mike"s specific skills. But it"s a long race and if we rely on race craft , we can get up front ." Each racing craft contains air brakes for navigating tight corners by using the control stick and shoulder buttons. Sitting second on the British Indoor All-Time pst, he has also shown race craft when medals are up for grabs. It was a prominent racing craft of its time, peting 28 times in 1925 and always placing in the first three. In 1896, Cochrane, Lieutenant-Colonel Augustus Henry Macdonald Moreton, and Captain Ernest du Boulay invented the Redwing Class, the first racing craft . In addition to shields, each racing craft contains air brakes for navigating tight corners, as well as " Hyperthrust " option. As well as developing his race craft he achieved notable success in British and European events, as well as in World Karting. Now in its 20th year, this contest pits race crafts made strictly of cardboard, string, water-based paint, duct tape and masking tape. It"s difficult to see racing craft in a sentence. 用 racing craft 造句挺难的 In return for helping in the garage, the Canadian received guidance in terms of race craft as he attempted to hone his skills. I haven"t piloted any futuristic, high-speed, anti-gravity, weapons-ready racing craft , but if I ever do, I want it to be pke " Quantum Redshift ." His experience, speed and race craft are exemplary and the decision to replace him in no way reflects upon his clear abipty as a petitive driver, As well as ocean racing, surf skis are being increasingly popular as a versatile racing craft for open class races that take place in sheltered bays, lakes and rivers. Frames were placed close together, which is an enduring feature of thin planked ships, still used today on some pgheight wooden racing craft such as those designed by Bruce Farr. The aim of Formula RUS is to provide a practical and reapstic platform for the novice racing driver, with an emphasis on the provision of education and development of race craft . John P . Smith"s Shipyard, then situated at the foot of Fourth Avenue, turned out racing craft , beckoning the young lad who was fascinated with the building and rigging of yachts. In July 2013, Autosport magazine named Rodriguez one of the 50 greatest drivers to have never raced in Formula One, citing both his mental and physical strength, and his race craft . Although there are many different types of racing vessels, they can generally be separated into the larger yachts, which are larger and contain facipties for extended voyages, and *** aller harbour racing craft such as dinghies and skiffs. These simple rules keep the costs down to the very minimum and have been creating close and exciting racing where beginner and acppshed riders apke can hone their race craft and have a lot of fun in the process. For the 2013 season Morris raced in the inaugural BRDC Formula 4 Championship for the Hillspeed team where he continued to demonstrate his race craft and speed to finish the season as Vice Champion with 1 race win and 9 podiums. Comparing the game with " F-Zero X ", which was released a month earper, many critics praised the game for its individuapty among the " Wipeout " series, offering more tracks and racing craft , unique atmosphere and " superior track design ". Since bulb keels work best on long, thin keels or daggerboards, they are generally not used on sailboats intended for shallow waters, but are most often found on offshore racing craft . Daggerboards built pke bulb keels are often referred to as " pfting keels ", and they can be retracted into the boat to reduce the draft, and to allow the boat to be loaded onto a trailer. It"s difficult to find racing craft in a sentence. 用 racing craft 造句挺难的

doing crafts___interesting 这里应该是填is还是are?为什么呢?

动词不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。填is Doing crafts is interesting.

make crafts是什么意思


doing crafts is interesting对吗?

这个craft 用字不好表达,如果说玩具:playing toys is interesting. 如果是手工艺:Making antiques is interesting

arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。



arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and crafts工艺品双语对照词典结果:arts and craftsn.工艺; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?

arts and crafts是什么意思


arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。2.Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?3.The arts and crafts of the North American Indians北美印第安人的手工艺4.Pyrography is also branded on the gourd, or other small things, as a small arts and crafts.烙画还可以烙在葫芦上,或是其他小物品上,作为小的工艺品。5.our cooperation handles arts and crafts.我们公司从事工艺品买卖。6.We have a mind to do joint participation with you on Chinese arts and crafts in our market.would you entertain this proposal?我们有意与你方合作,在我国市场上合资经营中国工艺品,你们愿意接受这个建议吗?7.Ketchikan brims with history.Its parks and museums display arts and crafts of Native Alaskans, including the world"s largest collection of totem poles.凯契根洋溢着历史气息,这里的公园和博物馆展示着阿拉斯加原住民的艺术和工艺品,包括全世界最丰富的图腾柱收藏品。

arts and crafts是什么意思啊??


arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?

arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。2.The path from conflict to love is not by way of arts and crafts. 从冲突到爱的路径不是艺术和手工艺所能铺就。



arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and crafts释义:n.工艺,工艺品例句使用 arts and crafts emporium工艺品商店。2.Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts.我们公司经营大宗中国工艺品。3.The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique.这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。4.The design used in the indigenous art and craft of this tribe is unique.这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。5.Our investment shall exceed50% because the art and craft we handle are made in our country.因为是经营我方工艺品,我们的投资应在50%以上。

craft 后缀有哪些?

aerial craft航空器, 飞行器aerospace craft航天[宇宙]飞行器air craft飞机, 飞船, 气垫船airborne craft飞行器, 飞机auxiliary craft副业cottage craft家庭手工业data craft数据[统计]专家gliding craft飞升[航空]器; 滑翔机handi craft手工艺, 手工业hovering craft飘浮机; 气垫船ice craft冰上作业技术landing craft登陆艇life craft救生艇light crafts手工艺lunar excursion craft月球旅行[登月]飞行器maneuvering craft受控航行器manual craft手工艺mosquito craft快艇(特指鱼雷快艇)needle craft刺绣活reference craft基准飞机[船舶]space craft宇宙飞船stage craft演技, 导演技巧underwater craft潜水艇witch craft巫术, 魔法

doing crafts什么意思

doing crafts 全部释义和例句>>做工艺品


A wonderful trip to BeijingI had a fantastic time with my father in Beijing. We were so crazy about the beautiful place that we didn"t want to return home.It took us about three hours to fly there. First, we went to the Palace Museum. When we were going around the Palace Museum, I was attracted by the colorful crafts on display. It was fun to see so much beautiful works.


craft [krB:ft] n. 1.手艺;工艺 He knew the craft of making furniture. 他有打家具的手艺. 2.行会;同行;同业;行业;职业 3.小船;艇 4.航空器(指飞机、飞艇等)


复数 crafts第三人称单数 crafts过去式 crafted过去分词 crafted现在分词 crafting易混淆的单词 CraftCRAFT例句:Programmers and carpenters take personal pride in their craft .程序员和木匠会为他们的工艺作品感到自豪。Journalism is a form of art , albeit closer to craft than art .新闻业可以认为是一种艺术,即使相对于艺术它更近于工艺。

doing crafts后面加is还是加ar



craft[krB:ft]n.1.手艺;工艺He knew the craft of making furniture.他有打家具的手艺。2.行会;同行;同业;行业;职业3.小船;艇4.航空器(指飞机、飞艇等)

crafts 和 artworks的区别



n.技术,手艺,技艺; 狡诈; 行会成员; vt.手工制作; 精巧地制作;


crafts,工艺( craft的名词复数 );行业;飞机;飞行器。 craft是一个英文单词,为动词、名词,作动词时意为“精巧地制作”。作名词时意为“工艺;手艺;太空船;人名;(英、德、罗)克拉夫特”。 crafts[krɑ:fts]  原级:craft 现在分词:crafting 过去分词:crafted 过去式:crafted


n.技术,手艺,技艺;狡诈;行会成员vt.手工制作;精巧地制作第三人称单数:crafts;过去分词:crafted;名词复数:crafts;现在分词:crafting;过去式:crafted[例句]These landing craft landed u. s.troops on omaha beach. 这些登陆艇将美国部队送到奥马哈海滩登陆。


A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands. 工艺 英 [krɑu02d0fts] 音“ 克拉夫茨”


craft n.手艺;工艺;技巧;技能;技艺;诡计;手腕;骗术 vt.(尤指用手工)精心制作 第三人称单数: crafts 复数: crafts 现在分词: crafting 过去式: crafted 过去分词: crafted 扩展资料   双语例句   The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.   对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大。   Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways.   传统工艺继续保持原有的"特色,没有因现代化手段的缓慢引入而改变。   All the furniture is crafted from natural materials.   所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成。   He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force.   他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。   Hundreds of small craft bobbed around the liner as it steamed into the harbour.   班轮驶进港口时,周围的许多小船颠簸起来。


craft名词 n.1.工艺,手艺[C][U]He learned his craft from an old master.他从一位老匠人那儿学得他的手艺。2.(需要手艺的)行业,职业[C]He learned the mason"s craft.他学泥水匠这一行。3.同业;行会;行会成员[the S]4.手腕,狡猾,奸计[U]She is a woman full of craft.她是一个诡计多端的女人。5.船;航空器;航天器[C][M]

我的世界Crafty craft需要钱吗?

首先,我的世界(mincraft)这款游戏在大陆分正版和盗版。盗版就是那种不用花钱直接可以在网上下载的版本(有许多,大部分是与正版同步更新);而正版就是LZ所说的要钱的版本,实在我的世界 官网 上购买一个账号后获得的特殊版本,需要使用玩家购买的账号才能进行游戏,也只有正版可以和外国我的世界服务器连接上,大概100多人民币就可以买到一个号。手机的话……好像只有IOS系统需要在APP Store付费下载。扩展资料:想玩这款手游BT福利版或类似福利版本的可以上风林手游(找下,还有礼包码和大额抵扣劵可以领取。

英语单词"crafty" "sly" "cunning" "skilful" 是什么意思?






克莱姆法则(Cramers Rule)是线性代数中一个关于求解线性方程组的定理。它适用于变量和方程数目相等的线性方程组,是瑞士数学家克莱姆(1704-1752)于1750年,在他的《线性代数分析导言》中发表的。 扩展资料   1. 克莱姆法则的重要理论价值:研究了方程组的系数与方程组解的存在性与唯一性关系;与其在计算方面的作用相比,克莱姆法则更具有重大的理论价值。   2.应用克莱姆法则判断具有N个方程、N个未知数的"线性方程组的解:   (1)当方程组的系数行列式不等于零时,则方程组有解,且具有唯一的解;   (2)如果方程组无解或者有两个不同的解,那么方程组的系数行列式必定等于零   (3)克莱姆法则不仅仅适用于实数域,它在任何域上面都可以成立。   3.克莱姆法则的局限性:   (1)当方程组的方程个数与未知数的个数不一致时,或者当方程组系数的行列式等于零时,克莱姆法则失   效。   (2)运算量较大,求解一个N阶线性方程组要计算N+1个N阶行列式。

cramer-Rao Bound



克莱姆V(Cramer"s V),又称为克莱姆相关系数、克莱姆关联系数、独立系数等,是双变量相关分析的一种方法,专门用于衡量分类数据与分类数据之间相关程度。


crama 网络 饱和液;

克莱姆法则(Cramer’s Rule)的内容是什么?

克莱姆法则,又译克拉默法则(Cramer"s Rule)是线性代数中一个关于求解线性方程组的定理。1、当方程组的系数行列式不等于零时,则方程组有解,且具有唯一的解;2、如果方程组无解或者有两个不同的解,那么方程组的系数行列式必定等于零3、克莱姆法则不仅仅适用于实数域,它在任何域上面都可以成立。对于多于两个或三个方程的系统,克莱姆的规则在计算上非常低效;与具有多项式时间复杂度的消除方法相比,其渐近的复杂度为O(n·n!)。即使对于2×2系统,克拉默的规则在数值上也是不稳定的 。它适用于变量和方程数目相等的线性方程组,是瑞士数学家克莱姆(1704-1752)于1750年,在他的《线性代数分析导言》中发表的。其实莱布尼兹〔1693〕,以及马克劳林〔1748〕亦知道这个法则,但他们的记法不如克莱姆。扩展资料不确定的情况当方程组没有解时,称为方程组不兼容或不一致,当存在多个解决方案时,称为不确定性。对于线性方程,不确定的系统将具有无穷多的解(如果它在无限域上),因为解可以用一个或多个可以取任意值的参数来表示。克拉默规则适用于系数行列式非零的情况。在2×2的情况下,如果系数行列式为零,则如果分子决定因子为非零,则系统不兼容,如果分子决定因素为零,则系统不兼容。对于3×3或更高的系统,当系数行列式等于零时,唯一可以说的是,如果任何分子决定因素是非零的,那么系统必须是不兼容的。然而,将所有决定因素置零都不意味着系统是不确定的。 3×3系统x + y + z = 1,x + y + z = 2,x + y + z = 3的一个简单的例子,其中所有决定因素消失(等于零)但系统仍然不兼容。参考资料来源:百度百科——克莱姆法则

为什么 cramer raw修改后的照片在别的电脑颜色变化很大 直接变了颜色,这回死怎么回事?





初二英语选择题 There _____ a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area. 救急啊~

这里有很多丹顶鹤Cused to be=have



跪求 cranes fly south by Edward Mccourt 的中文翻译

《鹤往南飞》作者:Edward Mccourt 你不给原文,怎么翻译啊?本来这就是一个冷门加拿大作者

Thousand Cranes 歌词

歌曲名:Thousand Cranes歌手:Hiroshima专辑:Best Of HiroshimaUuu......Show her now that we do careWith a love that we all shareSend her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Send her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her nowShow her nowSend her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Send her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her nowShow her nowSend her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Send her a thousand cranes(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(Oh......)Show her now(Now...)Show her now(Oh....)Show her now(Oh....)(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(Oh....)(A thousand cranes)Show her now(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(Oh....)(A thousand cranes)Show her now(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(A thousand cranes)Show her now(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(A thousand cranes)Show her now(Send her a thousand cranes)Show her now(A thousand cranes)Show her now(Send her a thousand cranes)

EOT crane中的EOT是什么意思?

E.O.T. cranes: (Electric Overhead Travel (EOT) crane )电子桥式起重机,桥吊


three cranes三只鹤crane 扩展词汇 英 [kreu026an]     美 [kreu026an]    n. 鹤;起重机

kangaroo crane造句 kangaroo craneの例文 "kangaroo crane"是什麼意思

Another innovation was the kangaroo crane . Rather than slewing ( rotating ) the crane to reach the depvery hopper on-shore, a kangaroo crane has its own in-built hopper beneath the jib, that slews with it. To build the towers, cranes were imported from Austrapa ( and therefore called kangaroo cranes ) equipped with hydraupc systems that enabled them to hoist themselves up the towers as they rose. The term " kangaroo crane " has also been appped more recently to jumping cranes, tower cranes used in the construction of skyscrapers that are capable of raising their towers as construction grows upwards. On the Austrapan-built cranes designed specially for the job _ called kangaroo cranes in part because they jacked themselves up as the towers rose _ booms crumpled, bolts anchoring the cranes to their supports blew out pke musket shots and once, a 25-ton piece of steel plummeted 800 feet and tore through the basement pke a meteor. It"s difficult to find kangaroo crane in a sentence. 用 kangaroo crane 造句挺难的

初二英语首字母填空We are beautiful red-crowned cranes

think largest weight good singers snow feed important endangered taking hunt 希望能帮到你啊,O(∩_∩)O~

Cranes的《Astronauts》 歌词

歌曲名:Astronauts歌手:Cranes专辑:Particles & WavesCan anybody hear me?Or am I talking to myself?My mind is running emptyIn the search for someone elseWho doesn"t look right through me.It"s all just static in my headCan anybody tell me whyI"m lonely like a satellite?"Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronautSending SOS from this tiny boxAnd I lost all signal when I lifted upNow I"m stuck out here and the world forgotCan I please come down? (come down)"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and roundCan I please come down?I"m deaf from all the silenceIs it something that I"ve done?I know that there are millionsI can"t be the only one who"s so disconnectedIt"s so different in my head.Can anybody tell me whyI"m lonely like a satellite?"Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronautSending SOS from this tiny boxAnd I lost all signal when I lifted upNow I"m stuck out here and the world forgotCan I please come down (come down)"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and roundCan I please come down?Now I lie awake and scream in a zero gravityAnd it"s starting to weigh down on me.Whoaa let"s abort this mission nowCan I please come down?So tonight I"m calling all astronautsAll the lonely people that the world forgotIf you hear my voice come pick me upAre you out there? "cause you"re all I"ve got!And tonight I"m feeling like an astronautSending SOS from this tiny boxAnd I lost all signal when I lifted upNow I"m stuck out here and the world forgot"Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronautSending SOS from this tiny boxTo the lonely people that the world forgotAre you out there?"Cause you"re all I"ve got!Can I please come down? (please, please, please)"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round.I"m tired of drifting roundCan I please come down? (please, please, please)Can I please come down?Can I please come down?

Crane er翻译 Crane er是什么意思

Crane er 鹤儿crane 英[kreu026an] 美[kren] n. 鹤; 吊车,起重机; vt. 伸长,探头; vi. 迟疑,踌躇; [例句]The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。[其他] 第三人称单数:cranes 复数:cranes 现在分词:craning 过去式:craned过去分词:craned 【仅供参考】


crane 英[kreu026an] 美[kren] n. 鹤; 吊车,起重机; vt. 伸长,探头; vi. 迟疑,踌躇; [例句]The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。[其他] 第三人称单数:cranes 复数:cranes 现在分词:craning过去式:craned 过去分词:craned


Cranen.克兰〔姓氏〕。n.1.鹤;〔口语〕苍鹭,鹭鸶,鹳;〔C-〕【天文学】天鹤座。2.起重机,吊车,摄影升降机;虹吸器;(机车的)上水管;(炉边挂铁壶的)吊钩。短语和例子vt.伸(颈);用起重机搬移。vi.伸著脖子(看) (out over down);踌躇 (at)。


crane英[kreu026an]美[kren]n.鹤; 吊车,起重机vt.& vi.伸长,探头vi.迟疑,踌躇第三人称单数:cranes复数:cranes现在分词:craning过去式:craned过去分词:craned形近词:Crane1That"s the famed crane island.那里就是著名的鹤屿。2Recently, when the store had to move, a crane just picked it up and carried it to a new spot.最近,这家商店被迫搬迁,于是商家直接就用吊车将其运到了新的地点。

crane fly中文翻译

Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river - bank and fitful guests of wind rush over the heath 鹤群从远远的河岸飞起,狂风吹过常青的灌木。 Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my pfe take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee 让我所有的诗歌,聚集起不同的调子,在我向你合十膜拜之中,成?一股洪流,倾注入静寂的大海。 Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my pfe take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee 像一群思乡的鹤鸟,日夜飞向他们的山巢,在我向你合十膜拜之中,让我全部的生命,启程回到它永久的家乡。 The theme of this stamp is infrastructure . o white cranes flying past the hong kong international airport symbopse the ing and going out of thousands and thousands of visitors every year 这款邮票以基建为主题,两只侯鸟飞越香港国际机场,象徵每日数以千计进出香港的游客。

1957年前苏联黑白电影~The Cranes are Flying雁南飞

又是一部悲剧。开头是美好的,热恋中的年轻美女帅哥,很爽心悦目的开头情景。 战争是残酷的,一夜间就家园破损,妻离子散。 概述本部电影讲述身处硝烟弥漫的战争年代,一对热恋中男女青年的悲情爱情故事。薇罗尼卡(塔吉娅娜·萨莫依洛娃 Tatyana Samojlova饰)和鲍里斯(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov饰)本是沉浸在甜蜜热恋中的幸福情侣,可随着战争的爆发,这一切的美好即将破灭。鲍里斯参军,薇罗尼卡的父母在敌机的轰炸中双亡,悲痛欲绝的她只能寄宿在鲍里斯父亲的家中。鲍里斯的表弟马尔克趁机占有了她,薇罗尼卡受到众人指责。双重打击下的薇罗尼卡本想一死了之,可心中仍苦苦等待着鲍里斯的归来。当得知鲍里斯牺牲的消息后,薇罗尼卡彻底绝望了。战争结束,当所有人都在庆祝胜利的时候,薇罗尼卡也双手捧着鲜花来到广场上。这时,一行大雁在空中飞过,就像当初的美好时光一样。 本片一经问世,就轰动了整个世界影坛。《雁南飞》以其绝美的光影对比,绝佳的镜头运用,一举荣获1957年戛纳国际电影节金棕榈奖和1958年戛纳电影节摄影大奖。

Cranes的《Clear》 歌词

歌曲名:Clear歌手:Cranes专辑:Forever歩き疲れた足 靴ひもがほどけてる孤独の裏表 ザラついた感触を始めて知った时颜をあげて 远い空の先に见えたものはやさしい风と 君のその笑颜がいつでも勇気をくれた口笛で応えて 君に届けるよ秘めたメロディーと この道は続くもぎ取った星座の地図 ギザギザのその先を见たいの? 见たく无いの? 目の前の扉なら键はかかってない黙ったままで 见つめ合ってすべてわかればいいな…忆えているよ 懐かしい想い出色で云うグレイシュブルーもう一度 微笑む君に逢いたくて虹を描いてた 眼差しの彼方透き通る回る 溢れ出す热がこの胸 梦中にさせる消えないキズアト 刹那のマボロシ终わりと始まり この道は続く…

Cranes的《Tangled Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Tangled Up歌手:Cranes专辑:The Eps Collection, Volumes 1&2TangledI"m full of regretFor all things that I"ve done and saidAnd I don"t know if it"ll ever be ok to showMy face "round hereSometimes I wonder if I disappearWould you ever turn your head and lookSee if I"m goneCause I fearThere is nothing left to say to youThat you wanna hearThat you wanna knowI think I should goThe things I"ve done are way too shamefulYour just innocentA helpless victim of a spider"s webAnd I"m an insectGoin after anything that I can getSo you better turn your head and runAnd don"t look backCause I fearThere is nothing left to sayTo youThat you wanna hearThat you wanna knowI think I should goThe things I"ve done are way too shamefulAnd I"ve done you so wrongTreated you badStrung you alongOh shame on myselfI don"t know how I got so tangled up
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