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2023-06-08 09:12:04
TAG: cra crashing
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[情迷意乱 乱れる][1964][剧情 / 爱情 / 家庭][日本]

想要? 加 简 介U0001f925



碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉
2023-06-07 20:38:261


crashing:adj. 绝对的,非凡的,彻底的; v. (使)猛撞, (使)撞毁( crash的现在分词 ); 撞坏; 猛冲直撞; 发出巨响。Do either of you remember crashing?你们都不记得坠机了?The world"s crashing anyway. We"ll see you right?无所谓反正世界都要崩溃了。能见你对吗?
2023-06-07 20:39:471


"go crashing"是一个动词短语,其中"go"是动词,"crashing"是动词的现在分词形式,表示一个正在进行的动作或状态。这个动词短语可以表示物体或人突然或猛烈地撞击、跌落或崩溃等,也可以引申表示某个事物或人的计划或行动失败或彻底崩溃。这个短语通常出现在进行时态中,如"go crashing into something"或"go crashing down"。在这种情况下,"go crashing"这个动词短语可以被视为一个动词,其中"go"是主要的动词,而"crashing"则是动词的补语。
2023-06-07 20:40:131

2023-06-07 20:40:233

crashing into the courtyard不懂这个句子

一阵风把床从屋顶吹落,直接掉进了下面的法庭里。sent into是搭配在一起的,送进的意思,中间crashing是表状态,表状态不用不定式的。
2023-06-07 20:40:454

A gust of wind sent it crashing into the courtyard below."一阵风把它吹进了下面的院子里。"?

2023-06-07 20:40:533

Crashing Down 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing Down歌手:Floating Folk Festival专辑:Vol. 2MAT KEARNEY---Crashing DownAlbum : Nothing Left To Lose (2006)These back steps are steeper to the groundThe brightest stars are falling downI"m walking the edge, walking the tightest ropeWe can be frank, reality rips on through, rolling like a hurricaneI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downThese four walls are closing in on meThe talk is louder than I"ll singI want to be there, want to be where you areBut you know it all, every look and smile that aren"t meant to breakI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downAnd you say that everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onAnd you say everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downYou come crashing downYou come crashing down----End----
2023-06-07 20:40:591

a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below

2023-06-07 20:41:085

the sun come crashing in.什么意思?(crash在这里有什么意思?体会不

2023-06-07 20:41:331

project crashing是什么意思

project crashing 应急计划
2023-06-07 20:41:412

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.

2023-06-07 20:41:471

为什么crashing down 有模糊的意思?

crashing down 是指崩溃,没有模糊的意思。crash down下坠;相撞落下, 形容飞机失事比较多坍塌。相似短语crash down 下坠;相撞落下, 形容飞机失事比较多 坍塌crash into v. 闯入to crash 碰撞to crash into 撞crash diet 打破规定进用的饮食plane crash 飞机失事crash helmet 防护帽,保护头盔crash proof 防撞击crash roll 防震垫crash safety 撞击安全装置。
2023-06-07 20:41:541

sent it crashing into

2023-06-07 20:42:021


come+doing 词组足球打破了玻璃。
2023-06-07 20:42:108


2023-06-07 20:42:2610


每种运动都有自己的本国特殊行话,对于其参与者和发烧友而言,这些行话似乎是与身俱来的,但是对于非起源国家的人而言,它们几乎完全是外来语。与滑板有关的运动也不例外。这是滑板运动竞赛中经常使用的一些术语的一个简明词汇表。  180,360,540,720,900等:指在做空中动作过程中完成的旋转的度数。完成"360度"的骑手/滑板者完全旋转了一圈,而完成"720度"的骑手/滑板者则旋转了整整两圈。有时候也指滑板或BMX本身旋转的角度  ABUBACA:BMX选手跳上障碍后,定后轮做平衡后,按倒滑方向滑回  ACIDDROP:从某物上直接骑着小轮车跳下/滑下,并自由落地  AIR:腾空,即所有轮子同时离开地面  ALLEY-OOP:在滑板者/骑手运动的反方向完成一个花样  BACKSIDE:内跳转,即做ollie后,滑板头部向内侧转体180度后再落地。  BACKSLIDE:前脚悬空,用手拉住,后脚压外刃做跐(ci)障碍或道具的动作。  BANK:小于90度的斜坡  BARSPIN:转车或转把,在小轮车上执行的一个花样,骑手会释放手把,在再次抓住手把之前,将其旋转至少180度  BIOGRAB:用一侧的手抓住滑板的外缘,在头和脚几乎平行于地面的情况下腾空,一般在道具上完成  BluntSlide:起跳后用板尾和轮子一起跐障碍或道具的动作  BMX:"小轮车越野赛"的缩略词,在二十世纪七十年代,当首次用具有20英寸的小轮车来在越野式泥地轨道上竞赛时而得名。此术语现在指20英寸小轮车的一种特殊类型,而与使用它的方式无关  BRAINLESS:在坡道上完成的有180度旋转的单排轮滑后空翻  CABALLERIAL:通常是在坡道的边缘上,在滑板上向后滑行时,在空中完成360度旋转,并沿坡道向前返回。因滑板者SteveCaballero而得名  CAMELTOE:两只脚都重回一个坡道或障碍上时的脚尖轻触动作,此为轮滑动作  CAN-CAN:腾空将一只脚抬离车踏并将之抬过车架至车的另一侧,使两腿在小轮车的同一侧,再在车着地前将腿抬回原车踏。  CANYON:深渊,两个坡道之间的凹陷或空的空间  CARVE:在滑行/骑行时做一个很长的弯弧形  CRASHING:坠地,因为坠地很普遍,所以相关术语很多,而且在不断变化。与坠地动作有关的一些常见术语包括"bif"、"bonk"、"faceplant"、"endo",等等  COPING:坡道或障碍物顶部的圆形唇缘,通常由金属、水泥或PVC管道做成  DROPIN:从顶部进入坡道到或障碍物  DUROMETER:用来衡量轮子硬度的度量,一般用A表示(例如高硬度计值可以带来更快的速度和更大的耐用性,而低的硬度计值可以带来更好的控制性,但是会牺牲耐用性)  FAKIE:倒滑,以正常站位向板尾方向滑行  FARSIDE:在坡道或障碍物之外或离开坡道或障碍物时做一个花样  FASTSLIDE:仅用前面的一排滑轮跐障碍物  FISHBRAIN:顶端跐的动作  FRAME:滑轮的一个组件,它将轮子贴到滑板上  FRAMESTANDS:站在小轮车框架上时执行的任何BMX花样  FUFANU:与abubaca类似,不同之处是,骑手旋转180度,从坡道上向前滑下,而不是返回坡道fakie  GAYTWIST:基本上是一个Caballerial,不同之处是滑板者在做花样过程中抓住板子  GRIND:用轮滑鞋边或架子,滑板的板或桥、BMX的火箭炮或脚踏做跐障碍或道具的动作  GRINDPLATE:接到单排滑板框架上,为更好地做跐的动作提供方便的一块金属或塑料  GRIPTAPE:滑板的砂纸,附着到滑板上以便产生磨擦力的一张砂纸  GROMMET:年轻滑板者  HALFCAB:一个180度Caballerial  HALFPIPE:U池或U形台  HANDPLANT:在道具边做倒立动作,骑手/滑板者用一只手抓住冰鞋或滑板,同时用另一只手在坡道或障碍物上做单手倒立  HANGUP:在腾空后重新返回时在坡道或障碍物的边缘上抓住小轮车、滑板或冰鞋  HEELFLIP:跟翻,用脚跟踢板头内侧,让滑板旋转360度  HIP:两个坡道或障碍物触点(一般成45度角)的地方,在坡道脊上方从一个坡道飞到另一个坡道时,完成花样动作  KICKFLIP:尖翻,用脚尖踢板头外侧,让滑板旋转360度  LATE:在着地前的最后一刻做空中花样  LAUNCHRAMP:出发台  LIP:边缘  LIPSLIDE:将滑板尾部压在边缘上,并在重新返回之前,沿边缘滑动。  LIUKANG:单排轮滑空中抓腿,在这个动作中,抬起的腿被抓住并拉向身体,另一条腿保持垂直  LOOKBACK:腾空的BMX骑手转动手把和身体,向小轮车后面看  MAKIO:单脚soul变体,单排轮滑者用离非souling脚最近的手抓住它  MANUAL:前轮离地的平衡动作  MCTWIST:在坡道上做的反向540度旋转。因MikeMcGill而得名。  MILLERFLIP:手按在坡道顶部向后弹跳旋转。因职业轮滑者ChrisMiller而得名  MISTYFLIP:首先由滑雪者普及开来的一个动作。一个带有540度旋转的朝前翻筋斗动作  MIZOU:单排轮滑跐,前轮滑鞋处于soul位置,后轮滑鞋垂直于横杆或障碍物  MUTE:交*抓住轮滑鞋腾空,手伸出,抓住最下面的溜冰鞋,将双腿拉向身体  NATURAL:轮滑者在做花样时感到更舒适的方向--右脚或左脚向前均可  NEGATIVE:轮滑者沿其轮滑鞋的内侧滑动,并平行于横杆或障碍物的任何花样  NO-HANDER/NO-FOOTER:脱手或脱脚动作,手/脚完全离开小轮车的任何BMX空中动作  NOLLIE:前脚踩板头的跳越  NOSE:滑板前桥前的部分,俗称板头  NOSESLIDE:在障碍或道具上跐板头  NOTHING:BMX骑手在空中完全脱离小轮车,骑手身体的任何一个部分都不接触小轮车  OLLIE:跳,最基本的滑板动作。即用双脚带板起跳。这个动作是进入滑板自由世界的门槛。Ollie的来历:ollie这一动作由美国滑手AllanGelfand首创,而他的小名就叫"ollie"。1979年,15岁的allan在福罗理达州的好利坞市的一个滑板公园中练习,在一个碗形游泳池中,他发现自己居然可以不用手抓板而带板腾空。他的同伴就将这个动作称为"ollie"  ONE-HANDER/FOOTER:单手动作/单脚动作,一只手/脚离开小轮车的任何BMX空中动作  PICK:BMX骑手小轮车动作,平衡在坡道顶部,停留片刻,然后返回坡道,一般要要停留在前胎前后栓的任何一种组合上  RAIL:杆,滑板者/骑手用来做"跐"动作的道具  REGULARFOOT:滑板左脚在前的叫Regular,右脚在前的叫Goofy  REWIND:做一个从跐或停留动作下来后的旋转,然后沿花样动作的反向返回  ROCKANDROLL:用滑板板肚卡道具边缘并返回的动作  ROCKET:一个轮滑抓取动作,双腿向前直伸出,并略微举过头顶,很像正在跳水的梭鱼  ROYALE:在前轮滑鞋的内侧和后轮滑鞋的外边缘上磨滑的动作。有时被称作"shifty"  SESSION:用于轮滑/小轮车的一段可以随意安排的时间  SHOVEIT:低高度的倒板,板转180度人不转  SICK:用于描述一个特别大胆或富有创意的花样或动作的褒义性术语  SHUFFLE:侧滑,一般是在斜坡或光滑表面上滑动  SOULGRIND:跐,后轮滑鞋平行于横杆或障碍物,沿鞋的外侧滑动,前溜冰鞋则垂直于它  SPINERAMP:一般的道具叫人字坡,形成两个U形的叫"连体双U池"  STICK:正确无误地完成花样或在障碍物上骑车  STALE:通过向后伸手抓住轮滑鞋或滑板的花样动作  STREET:街式,在比较大而平坦的区域构建复杂障碍物系列("街式"相对于"泥地")  SUPERMAN:一个空中BMX动作,骑手双脚离开踏板,将双腿尽可能向小轮车后伸――像握住手把,飞在小轮车上的超人,因此而得名  SWITCHSTANCE:反脚,与正常姿势相反的姿势(假如本来是Regular换为Goofy)做各种动作  TABLETOP:BMX骑手在空中将车横向拉平,后垂直落地  TAIL:后桥后部分俗称板尾  TAILSLIDE:在障碍或道具上跐板尾  TAILWHIP:俗称"神龙摆尾",即车身按前*为轴转360度,目前有些高水平选手已经能完成720度的神龙摆尾  TIRETAP:小轮车后轮在坡道顶端将一只车轮悬空,保持平衡一阵,然后落回坡道。  TRANSITION:介于平(0度)和垂直(90度)之间的斜坡,即坡道过渡的部分  TRUCK:滑板的桥,安装在滑板下面的硬件,由轴和底板组成  TRUCKDRIVER:BMX小轮车上的一个常规动作,指将手把旋转360,"双truckdriver"是指旋转720度  TURNDOWN:实质上是一个向后看动作,完成方式是骑手向下看而不是向后看,小轮车前轮提起指向上方,车身纵向垂直与地面,骑手面朝天空时转头  UNITY:双腿交跐障碍物或道具  VARIAL:一个空中滑板动作,在脚底将滑板从向后方向转为向前方向,一般和别的动作关联使用  VARIATION:变形,一种长花样,例如跐一根长杆的同时,从一种跐或抓取类型转变另一种类型  VERT:垂直壁或死亡墙  WALL:任何等于或大于90度的墙  WALLRIDE:上墙,滑过或骑车穿行90度表面,一般是在两个过渡段之间完成  WAX:喷洒在路边和障碍物上,以提高润滑性的物质  X-UP:空中扭转车把180度
2023-06-07 20:42:571

为什么用sent it crashing不是sent it to do?前面的现在分词是伴随状态么

对,这里的sent it crashing 是做伴随状语,也可以理解为大风把床吹下屋顶的同时床摔碎在院子里,还可以是A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and the bed was crashed into the courtyard below.
2023-06-07 20:43:191

下面这句话中“crashing down”是动名词短语做表语吗?

come crashing down 是固定用法.学语言不是所有东西都符合语法的,只能死记.
2023-06-07 20:43:573


2023-06-07 20:44:052

Crashing Balloon什么意思

在百度搜出来的说是一个游戏.....On every June 1st, the Children"s Day, there will be a game named "crashing balloon" on TV. The rule is very simple. On the ground there are 100 labeled balloons, with the numbers 1 to 100. After the referee shouts "Let"s go!" the two players, who each starts with a score of "1", race to crash the balloons by their feet and, at the same time, multiply their scores by the numbers written on the balloons they crash. After a minute, the little audiences are allowed to take the remaining balloons away, and each contestant reports hisher score, the product of the numbers on the balloons heshe"s crashed. The unofficial winner is the player who announced the highest score.就是这个.阁下慢慢研究哈~~~~~
2023-06-07 20:44:121


to crash the gate to crash the party crash course学英文容易碰到的困难之一就是一个字有时候可以有好几种解释,因此我们有的时候花点时间来研究一个字也是值得的。今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都和crash这个字有关,而crash这个字就有好几个解释。Crash可以用做名词,也可以用做动词,它还可以用做形容词。但是,crash最普通的意思是:猛烈的撞击,像汽车撞车,飞机失事等。在习惯用语当中,crash这个字还有其它意思,例如:to crash the gate。gate是大门的意思,但是,to crash the gate并不是用力撞大门,而是另外的意思。一个人想看电影或者看体育比赛,可是没有票,他想偷偷混进电影院或体育馆,这就是to crash the gate。我们来举一个例子:When I was a kid, I"d crash the gate at baseball games. But I stopped for good when I got caught one day and the police called Dad, and he gave me the only whipping of my life.这个人说:“小时候我经常不买票偷偷地混进体育馆去看棒球比赛。可是,有一天我被抓住了,警察就打电话给我爸。他狠狠地揍了我一顿。我一辈子就挨了这一顿揍。后来我再也不敢偷偷混进去看球了。”没有票混进电影院或体育馆去看电影、看球赛叫做to crash the gate,那么,要是有一个地方举行聚会,但是你没有被邀请,而你又偷偷地混了进去,这种情况能不能用to crash the gate来形容呢? 不能,但是你只要换一个字就行了。你不要用to crash the gate,而用:to crash the party。party就是聚会。这儿指的是比较大型的聚会,否则也不可能混进去。下面我们要举的例子就是大使馆举行的招待会。I have this friend who is an expert at crashing parties at foreign embassies. He wears his best clothes and walks in the door like he"s somebody important. If they ask to see his invitation card, he feels around his pockets and says he must have left it at home.这个人说:“我的一个朋友是混进外国大使馆去参加聚会的能手。他穿上他最好的衣服,进门的时候就好像是什么大人物一样。如果他们要看他的请帖,他就摸摸口袋说,他肯定是把请帖拉在家里了。”偷偷混进电影院或体育馆是to crash the gate;偷偷混进去参加聚会是to crash the party,两者之间只是一字之差,但是不能混着用。近年来,crash这个字又增添了一层新的意思。人们想在短期内完成一件事的时候往往就会用crash这个字。例如,一个公司或机构想集中力量完成一个计划或一个项目,他们就会把这叫做:crash plans or programs。还有的人想在短期内减肥,这就叫做:crash diet。更普通的就是有的人为了学一种科目或一种特别的技术参加短期训练班。短期训练班就是:crash course。美国公司在国外往往有分公司,在派人员出国前经常会给他们短期学习对方国家语言或者风俗习惯的机会。下面这个人就是在说他参加短期训练班的经历:I"m busy taking a crash course in German because my company is sending me to Berlin next month to open a branch office. It"s hard work--four hours a day with my tutor and another four or five hours of study at home listening to tapes.这个人说:“我正忙于参加一个短期训练班学德文,因为我的公司下个月要派我到柏林去开一个分公司。这么学非常辛苦,每天跟老师学四个小时,然后回到家再听四、五个小时的磁带。”学任何东西都可以用这种集中压缩的方式,包括如何做一个政客,下面就是一个例子:When that young man was elected to congress, he went to Washington a month early to get a crash course from a retiring congressman on the important issues he"d have to vote on.这句话的意思是:“那个年轻人当选为国会议员后,他提早一个月就去华盛顿。他想利用这点时间向一位即将退休的议员请教,让他对那些以后要投票表决的重要问题有所了解。”今天我们给大家介绍了两个和crash这个含义很多的字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:to crash the gate,意思是没有门票偷偷溜进电影院或体育馆去看电影或看球赛;另外一个和to crash the gate只差一个字的说法是:to crash the party,意思是没有被邀请而混进去参加聚会。另一个和crash这个字有关的常用语是:crash course。crash course就是指短期训练班。
2023-06-07 20:44:191

英语翻译A crashing thunderstorm,with thick rain hissing down fro

一声炸雷,瓢泼大雨从夜晚的黑色天空哗哗的倾泻下来,使得维克特无法离开办公室. 其中的"炸" 和 "哗哗的" 就可以算是您要的翻译了
2023-06-07 20:44:391


2023-06-07 20:45:051


v. 打碎(crash的ing形式)adj. 彻底的;最好的;猛撞的
2023-06-07 20:45:121


Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us .. 大浪朝我们劈面打来。 From the distance there came a crash of firing . 远处送来了一阵枪声。 The plane crashed out of our sight . 飞机出事时那个地方我们看不见。 I thought the structure was going to crash . 我想这座平台就要倒塌了。 The dishes fell to the ground with a crash . 碟子哗啦一声掉在地上。 The full-back brought him crashing to the ground . 后卫把他摔倒在地。 Who was at the wheel when the car crashed ? 汽车碰撞时开车的是谁? It"s a miracle it survived the crash . 它竟能经受住那次车祸,真是奇迹。 The car started with a crashing of gears . 那汽车开动时发出挂挡的声音。 Probably it is a result of the elevator crash . 这可能是电梯坠毁的结果。 He narrowly escaped in the air crash . 他险些在飞机失事中遇难。 That plane crash was an awful business . 那架飞机坠毁了,真是件糟糕的事。 The vase fell crash on to the tiles . 花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上。 The mirror dropped and broke with a crash . 啪嚓一声,镜子掉在地上摔碎了。 The lorry hit the lamp-post with a crash . 马车“卡”的一声撞到路灯柱上了。 He booted the door and it crashed open . 他对准门猛踢一脚,一下子把它踹开。 The aircraft crashed and burst into flames . 飞机坠毁起火。 The plane crashed in a pretty inaccessible place . 飞机失事的地方人很难进去。 Reapty had to e crashing into the dreamland . 真实肯定要来冲破这个梦境了。 The crash reduced the car to squash . 汽车经过这次碰撞变成一堆稀巴烂的东西了。 Did not your wife have a crash ? 你妻子被车子撞了一下吧? He crashed the trolley through the doors . 他推著小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门。 The basin fell with a crash . 哐的一声,脸盆掉在地上了。 The plane was carrying 250 passengers when it crashed . 飞机失事时载有250名乘客。 The airplane crashed on a hillside . 飞机在山坡上坠毁。 The crash occurred only three minutes after take-off . 飞机起飞后才三分钟就坠毁了。 The dishes crashed to the floor . 盤碟哗啦落地而碎。 The car hit the tree with a sickening crash . 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。 At last came a great crash . 最后发生了一场大决裂。 The car crashes into a pine tree, bursting into flames . 汽车撞在一株松树上,起火了。 There was a loud crash of thunder . 打了个响雷。 His son was killed in an automobile crash a few days before . 他的儿子几天前因车祸死了。 Seven people were killed when the airplane crash crashed . 这架飞机坠毁,机上有7人遇难。 The plane crashed into the sea . 飞机坠入海中。 The wind howled, trees crashed and rain slashed down . 狂风怒吼,树木倒折,雨水倾盆而下。 The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed . 那辆敞篷汽车撞车时把司机抛出车外。 The car crashed into a tree . 车子猛撞在树上。 I began a crash course in poptics and pubpc affairs . 我开始突击学习政治和公众事务课程。 The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap . 领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了。 An enraged elephant crashed about in the undergrowth . 被激怒了的大象,在矮树丛中东奔西窜。 Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news . 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻。 The separator whirred the agitator jarred and crashed . 分离器呼呼地转,抖擞器震得哗啦啦的响。 Something crashed on the bed behind winston"s back . 温斯顿背后的床上有什么东西重重地掉在上面。 The many crashes on the icy roads told their own tale . 路上结冰发生多起撞车事故,路面情况已不言而喻。 How did you manage to lose my hu *** and and crash my jeep ? 你是怎么把我丈夫弄丢的?车子又是怎么撞坏的? He went black in the face when i told him i had crashed his car . 我告诉他我把他车子毁了时他满脸怒气。 News is ing in of a serious train crash in scotland . 刚刚收到的消息说,蘇格兰发生火车撞车重大事故。 In general, there seemed to be four stages to the flush and crash . 一般说来,从暴长到破产经历了4个阶段。 The crash reduces the population size toward the original level . 随著暴跌,导致种群数量回到它的初始水平。
2023-06-07 20:45:541

Crashing Down 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing Down歌手:Del Amitri专辑:The CollectionMAT KEARNEY---Crashing DownAlbum : Nothing Left To Lose (2006)These back steps are steeper to the groundThe brightest stars are falling downI"m walking the edge, walking the tightest ropeWe can be frank, reality rips on through, rolling like a hurricaneI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downThese four walls are closing in on meThe talk is louder than I"ll singI want to be there, want to be where you areBut you know it all, every look and smile that aren"t meant to breakI"m over the bridge and under the rainIf everything"s falling, if everything"s changedIf I"m in the open, if I"m in the wayWhat am I doing hereIf you"re not with me?What have I got to live for, if it"s just my own dreamTake it back to the beginning, back to the startWhen gravity"s pulling, you"re still holding my heartYou come crashing downCrashing downAnd you say that everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onAnd you say everything is differant, why don"t we just hold onCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downCrashing downYou come crashing downYou come crashing down----End----
2023-06-07 20:46:131

Crashing High 歌词

歌曲名:Crashing High歌手:The 69 Eyes专辑:Goth "N" Rollthe 69 eyes—crashing highFramed in BloodYou"ve got everything you needStill ready to open up and bleedReading all the magazinesReading all the booksAbout the real diamond ringsAnd good looksIf you want a fire babyThat"s what you willDon"t say I didn"t warn youLove could killSo whyYou wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)You wanna fall in loveCome onYou"ve got everything you"ll ever needNew York City, Paris if you pleaseIt"s not about the fortuneNot about the fameOnce you"re flying higherEverything"s the sameBut you want a fireThat"s what you willDon"t say I didn"t warn youLove can killSo why (Why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me whymusic....Reading all the magazines and booksAbout the real diamond ringsAnd good looksSo you want a fireThat"s what you willCan"t say I didn"t warn youLove could killSo why (Why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me why (Tell me why)You wanna fall in love (Fall in love)Crashing so high (Crashing high)From high above (High above)Tell me why (Crashing high, high above)Crashing high (Crashing high, high above)You are crashing higherend.... 出售女装
2023-06-07 20:46:201


2023-06-07 20:46:271

Crashed On The Dance Floor 歌词

歌曲名:Crashed On The Dance Floor歌手:Eric Saade专辑:Saade Vol. 205.Crashed On The Dance Floor.Never thought that it would feel rightWhen you left me so coldNow I""m out your doorI""m ready to move on, yeahSeparated from the heartacheBut I never gave inSo I""m out your doorYou""ll miss me when I""m gone, yeah.You won""t steal love tonightI""m leaving the keysGive them to another guyWho""ll be the one who""s falling.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floor,I crashed on the dance floor, yeah.Heard you got another partnerCan""t be serious nowOnly five days later, felt it was the wrong guyNow I see it on my displayAre you falling off trackCalling me saying you miss meWon""t be turning back.You won""t steal love tonightI""m leaving the keysGive them to another guyWho""ll be the one who""s crawling.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floor,I crashed on the dance floor, yea.I""m fallingI""m crashingBut I will surviveI miss youDon""t need you, noCause I""m more alive, yeah.D-d-dance floor.You knocked me out of your worldOut through the back doorI crashed on the dance floorcrashed on the danceTonight I""ll live and I""ll learnReady to explore right here on the dance floorDon""t tell me what to doI""m out your zoneDon""t tell me who to chooseCan""t be controlledYou knocked me out of your worldI crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor.I crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor.I crashed on the dance floorI crashed on the dance floor
2023-06-07 20:46:341

求Kady Z 的《Crashing Down》歌词

歌曲名:crashing down歌手:Eagle-Eye Cherry专辑:present/futureI"ve never see the sky like thatI can"t believe that it could do thatI closed my eyes before the sun could setI slept and waited for my, waited for my.I waited for my dreams to landI waited for my dreams to touch downI waited patiently to hear the soundI waited for the song to get me out, to get me out of.And I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downI"ve never seen so many lightsI"ve never heard so many voicesNo one will tell me how I ended hereNo one will tell me where, oh tell me where, oh tell me where I amWhere I amAnd I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing downYes I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downThere I was up aboveWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing downWatching myself crashing down
2023-06-07 20:46:412

Christina Aguilera的《Lift Me Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Lift Me Up歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:BionicChristina Aguilera - Lift Me UpSo the pain beginsAs the music fadesAnd I"m left here withWith more than I can takeIf you lift me upJust get me through this nightI know I"ll rest tomorrowAnd I"ll be strong enough to tryWhen the sky clearsAnd all is said and doneI will realizeThat we all need someoneIf you lift me upJust get me through this nightI know I"ll rest tomorrowAnd I"ll be strong enough to trySo when you see me crashingAnd there"s nowhere left to fallWill you lift me even higherTo rise above this allIf you lift me upIf you lift me upSaid if you lift me upWill it be higherWhen you see me crashingWill it be higherWhen you see me crashingAnd there"s nowhere left to fallWill you lift me even higherTo rise above this allIf you lift me upSaid if you lift me upIf you lift me upJust get me through this nightChristina Aguilera - Lift Me Up
2023-06-07 20:46:481


e me do my wooing--and a mighty poor woo
2023-06-07 20:46:552


Can"t Fight The Feeling
2023-06-07 20:47:033

《That girl》的歌词

你没听过么、、啊咧、、下载个QQ音乐、、里面带这歌词呢 懂得、、
2023-06-07 20:47:298

Everyday Thing 歌词

歌曲名:Everyday Thing歌手:Frognot专辑:Welcome To FrognotDavid Usher - Everyday ThingsIt"s everyday thingsLike coffee to goWatching your mouth move through the wordsLike a million times beforeI"m watching the rainJust to see how it fallsWatching the light fade from your eyesAs we starts to numbIt"s everyday thingsTime stands stillThere"s blood on my fingertipsDo you feel the chillAnd then the waves come crashingI can feel the weight of waterI can hear the angels singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at usDay by day and it"s moment after momentI can hear the people singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowBefore it gets lightBefore we"re undoneBefore all the white noise takes us overBefore they can speakAll crowded aroundBefore all their wrong words take us overAnd then the waves come crashingI can feel the weight of waterI can hear the angels singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at usDay by day and it"s moment after momentI can hear the people singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowIt"s everyday thingsLike coffee to goLike watching your mouth move through the wordsLike a million times beforeIt"s everyday thingsWhen time stands stillThere"s blood on your finger tipsDo you feel the chillAnd then the waves come crashingI can feel the weight of waterI can hear the angels singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at usDay by day and it"s moment after momentI can hear the people singingThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us nowThey"re laughing yeah they"re laughing at us now
2023-06-07 20:47:581


collide用于表达猛撞或互撞,多表示运动物体之间的碰撞,相关联的词语有plane, helicopter, bus, van, ship . crash一般指飞机,汽车的失事,作不及物动词时,其后跟into/through+树,墙等静物
2023-06-07 20:48:052


2023-06-07 20:48:201


I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah" I was in the darkI was falling hardWith an open heartI"m wide awakeHow did I read the stars so wrongI"m wide awakeAnd now it"s clear to meThat everything you seeAin"t always what it seemsI"m wide awakeYeah" I was dreaming for so longI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonightYeah I"m Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeNot losing any sleepI Picked up every pieceAnd landed on my feetI"m wide awakeNeed nothing to complete myself - nooohoooI"m wide awakeYeah" I am born againOutta the lion"s denI don"t have to pretendAnd it"s too lateThe story"s over now" the endI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight yeah" I"m letting goI"m Falling from cloud 9I"m Wide Awake Thunder rumblingCastles crumblingI"m Wide Awake I am trying to hold onI"m Wide Awake God knows that I triedSeeing the bright sideI"m wide awake I"m not blind anymore...I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah" I"m Falling from cloud 9Crashing from the highYou know I"m letting go tonightI"m Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awake
2023-06-07 20:48:271


轨道跑酷30个任务攻略升级任务   1升级2   1:Collect 500 coins. 500 left.   收集500个金币。   2:score 1000 points in single run. 1000 left.   单次跑步达到1000分。   3:Pickup 2 powerups. 2 left.   捡到两个弹力鞋。   2升级3   1:Collect 200 coins in a one run.200 left.   单次跑步收集200个金币。   2:jump 20 times. 20 left.   跑步过程中跳起来20次。   3:pick up 2 super sneakars. 2left.   捡到两个弹力鞋。   3升级4   1:Get 2 character tokens. 2 left.   捡到两个字母。 2:Roll 30 times in total. 30 left.   跑动过程中,翻滚次数达到30次。   3:Spend 2000 coins. 2000 left.   花掉2000个金币。   4升级5   1:Complete 1 daily challenge. 1 left.   完成一个每日任务   2:Dodge 20 barriers. 20 left..   跑动过程中,躲避过20个栅栏。   3:Score 6000 point in single run. 6000 left.   单次跑步超过6000分。   5升级6   1:Collect 2500 coins. 2500 left.   收集2500个金币。   2:jump 30 times in one run. 30 left.   单次跑步过程中跳起来30次。   3:Buy 1 mystery box. 1 left.   购买一个神秘盒子(在商店里,500元一个)。   6升级7   1:Use 1 Hover board. 1 left.   使用一次滑板(滑板可以直接购买获得,或者通过打开神秘盒获得。跑步过程中,点击两次屏幕就可以使用)   2:Pick up 5 coinmagnets. 5 left.   捡到5个磁铁(可以吸金币的那种)。   3:Stumble into 4 barriers. 4 left.   碰到4次栅栏。(碰到是只跳过栅栏是绊到了,但是可以继续跑步的。每次碰到,后面的警察就跟上来。)   7升级8   1:Pickup 2 Jetpacks. 2 left.   跑步过程中捡到2个喷气背包。   2:Beat 1 friend. 1 left.   和一位朋友连网比赛(不想连网可以直接在shop里购买完成任务。  3:Use 1 Headstart. 1 left.   使用一次喷气飞行。   8升级9   1:Bump in to 8 trains in one run. 8left..   单次跑步过程中撞到8次火车(每次撞到都有警察跟来的那种)。   2:Get 40 coins with Magent.   用磁铁收集40个金币   3:Get caught in 10 second.   10秒内被警察抓到。(一开始就往左或往右撞火车就行了)   9升级10   1:Use 1 Hoverboard without crashing. 1 lfet.   跑步过程中使用一次滑板并且没碰到任何东西(建议一开始就使用滑板)。   2:Pickup 2 mystery boxes. 2 left..   跑步过程中捡到连个箱子(就是哪种带着问号的箱子)。注意:完成daily mission得到的箱子是不算的。   3:Roll 30 times in a single run. 30 left.   单次跑步中,翻滚次数达到30次。(记住,是单次哦)   10升级11   1:Score 20000 points in single run. 20000 left.   单次跑步获得20000分以上(不太灵巧的童鞋可以买多几个滑板)。   2:Pickup 12 powerups. 12 left..   字面上理解是收集12个弹力鞋。不过我发现,应该是穿弹力鞋跳起12次。   3:Jump over 2 trains. 2 left.   跳过火车,2次。(跳过是指起跳是在地上,落地也是在地上,这样算跳过一次。穿弹力鞋的时候比较简单,不过我发现,横向跳过火车也算跳过,所以,其实很简单的)   11升级12   1:Score 4000 points without collecting coins. 4000 left.   指跑步过程中不吃金币,得到4000分,这个不用道具的话基本不可能,所以建议买一个喷气加速,红色的那个东西。一开始按一下,飞过去就4000分了。   2:Roll 50 times in center lane. 50 left.   跑步过程中,在中间的跑道上翻滚50次(可累计)。   3 Collect 5000 coins. 5000 left.   收集5000个金币,可累计。   12升级13   1完成两次日常任务,也就是拼单词啦,不想费时间也可以直接用金币买过去。   2.钻40次栏杆底,也很简单。   3.累计捡5次鞋子。   13升级14   1 Bump 2 bushes.   撞到两次灌木丛。   2 Pickup 160 coins with a Magnet.   用磁石吃到160个硬币。  3 Pick up 2 Magnets in on run.   在一局中捡到2次磁石。   .   14升级15   1 Pickup 4 Mystery boxes.   累计捡起4个神秘盒。   2 Roll 40 times in a single run.   在一条轨道上翻滚40次(一局内完成)   3 Collect 400 coins in a one run.   在一局中吃400个金币。   15升级16   1:Score 100000 points . 100000 left.   累计获得100000分。   2:Pick up 5 Jetpacks. 5 left.   捡到5个喷气背包   3 bump into 12 lightsignals; 12 left.   撞到12根交通信号灯柱   16升级17   1:Complete 3 Daily Challenges. 3 left.   完成3个每日任务(也就是收集字母,每24个小时会有一个每日任务)。   2:Pick up 3 Super Sneakers in one run. 3 left.   单次跑步过程中捡到3个弹力鞋。   3 Jump over 4 trains. 4 left.   跳过4辆火车(用弹力鞋简单跳过)   17升级18  1 Score 50000 points in single run.   在一局内得到50000分   2 Spent 4000 coins.   消费4000金币   3 Pick up 15 Coin Magnets   捡到15个磁石   18升级19   1:pick up 2 jetpacks in one run 2 left   一次捡起2个飞行背包   2:bump into 12 trains in one run 12 left   故意磕碰12下运行的火车   3:crash into 20 trains 19 left   冲撞灰色火车20次死亡   19升级20   1:use 5 hoverboards   使用5个悬浮滑板   2:pick up 3 magnets   捡起3磁铁   3:get 5 character tokens   开箱子获得5个道具(金币不算)   20升级21   1:collect 250000 points   收集250000点   2:jump 40 times in one run   在一局内跳跃40次   3:pickup 25 powerups   收集 25 个道具   21升级22   1:bump into 15 barriers   撞击到15个栅栏就OK   2:buy 3 mystery boxes   购买3个神秘盒子   3:pikup 240 coins with a magnet   通过磁铁收集到240个金币 。   22升级23   1:dodge 80 barriers   躲开80个栅栏   2:spend 8000 coins   消费掉8000个金币   3:pick up 4 super sneakers in one run   在一个游戏回合内吃到4双运动鞋   23升级24   1:use 8 headstarts   使用8个黄色火焰道具[400一个×8个=3200,不划算直接购买1500]   就是在store里买那个叫headstart的东西(箭头样子)然后在游戏开始的时候上方会有headstart那个图标出现然后你按它一下就ok拉(就是往前狂冲的那种)   2:jump over 10 trains   跳过10个开动的列车   3:pick up 15 jetpacks   捡到15个喷气背包   24升级25   1:pickup 8 mystery boxes   收集到8个神秘的盒子才可以离开   2:roll 200 times in center lane   在中间的跑道翻滚200次   3:complete 4 daily challenges   完成每日4次的字母任务[每日字母出现1次,24小时倒计时。所以需要4日完成。这里推荐1500金币购买过关]   25升级26   1:c1ollect 15000 coins   收集15000个金币   2:score 120000 points in single run   一次奔跑必须完成120000分   3:jump over 3 trains in one run   在一个运行的列车上连续跳三次   26升级27   1:roll 50 times in a single run   在一次的比赛中翻滚50次   2:collect 500000 points   跑完50万分的距离   3:12000 points no coins   12000分之内不要吃硬币【我买个道具火炬一发射就过关了】   27升级28   1:get 10 character tokens   获得10个人物道具【到商店500金币购买一个盒子,盒子会出人物道具。保守花费5000金币,所以这里推荐直接1500购买过关】   2:buy 6 mystery boxes   购买6个神秘盒子【正好与上面的任务一起完成】   3:bump into 20 light signal   撞击20次信号灯   28升级29   1:jump 50 times   跳50次【单次比赛】   2:use 12 hoverboards   使用12次滑板   3:use 4 hoverboards without crashing   使用4次滑板并且没有撞到东西   29升级30   1:collect 750 coins in a one run   在一次奔跑中收集750个金币   2:bump into 25 barriers   撞击25次栅栏   3:score 250000 points in single run   在一次奔跑中得到25万分
2023-06-07 20:48:341

The Corries的《I Will Go》 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Go歌手:The Corries专辑:The Very Best Of The CorriesI WillLucia CifarelliLucia CifarelliI"m coming back to my sensesThinking about all the time gone byKnee-deep inside the voidSince a sure thing was compromised babyTimes twoMy lips may be smilingBut I"m lost in the middle ofGod knows whereDon"t know where I belongAnd I don"t like the view from hereGonna pack my bags and favorite bootsSpeed right past youOutta hereWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willThe more I seem to learnThe lesser I am freeI"ve been stuck here in mediocrityIf I say I"m fine I"m lying‘Cause I"m lost in the middle ofGod knows whereSo long to yesterdayAnd this old skin I hate to wearThose days of innocenceSpeed right past me outta hereWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willWhen all the angels surroundingStep back, I"m slipping into the cracksThough it"s not clear where I"m goingI"m sure this time I"m not coming backWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willI think I willI think I will...(etc.)
2023-06-07 20:48:481

The Great Beyond 歌词

歌曲名:The Great Beyond歌手:R.E.M.专辑:The Great Beyond EpI"ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyesAll the sights that I have seenI can"t believe that I believed I wished That you could seeThere"s a new planet in the solar systemThere is nothing up my sleeveI"m pushing an elephant up the stairsI"m tossing up punchlines that were never thereOver my shoulder a piano fallsCrashing to the groundAnd all this talk of timeTalk is fineAnd I don"t want to stay aroundWhy can"t we pantomime, just close our eyesAnd sleep sweet dreamsMe and you with wings on our feetI"m pushing an elephant up the stairsI"m tossing up punchlines that were never thereOver my shoulder a piano fallsCrashing to the groundI"m breaking throughI"m bending spoonsI"m keeping flowers in full bloomI"m looking for answers from the great beyondI want the hummingbirds, the dancing bearsSweetest dreams of youLook into the starsLook into the moonI"m pushing an elephant up the stairsI"m tossing up punchlines that were never thereOver my shoulder a piano fallsCrashing to the groundI"m breaking throughI"m bending spoonsI"m keeping flowers in full bloomI"m looking for answers from the great beyondI"m breaking throughI"m bending spoonsI"m keeping flowers in full bloomI"m looking for answers from the great(repeat following two verses 3 x each)
2023-06-07 20:48:541


every time i look into the mirror of my mind每当我看见镜中的自己i barely recognise the man i see我都不认识我自己he used to be a dreamerhe used to be like me他和我一样,曾经是个梦想家but i can see the sadness in his eyes但我看见他眼里的悲伤and he"s no longer who i want to be我想那不是他if i could i would change my yesterday如果我可以让时光倒流i would listen to my heart and then today象今天这样听到我的心声i"d see what true love could be and i won"t let tomorrow我明白什么是真爱,我不会让昨天i won"t let tomorrow ship away我不会让昨天白白溜走i won"t let tomorrow ship away我不会让昨天白白溜走i feel the tide is turning and i"m stranded out at sea我好像搁浅了,感觉到海水正在向我涌来hoping for my rescue to arrive我希望有救星到来the coulds have all turned grey and now the waves are crashing ini thought i could survive but reality has got the better part of me现在,我已经冲破乌云和海浪,拯救起了真实的自己.if i could i would change my yesterday如果我可以让时光倒流i would listen to my heart and then today象今天这样听到我的心声i"d see what true love could be and i won"t let tomorrow我明白什么是真爱,我不会让昨天i won"t let tomorrow ship away我不会让昨天白白溜走i"ll make a promise to myself我会对自己承诺that i will live each day just like it was the last time我每天都会象今天这样生活i"ll ever see your face again我什么时候再见到你if i could i would change my yesterday如果我可以让时光倒流i would listen to my heart and then today象今天这样听到我的心声i"d see what true love could be and i won"t let tomorrow我明白什么是真爱,我不会让昨天i won"t let tomorrow ship away我不会让昨天白白溜走if i could i would change my yesterday如果我可以让时光倒流i would listen to my heart and then today象今天这样听到我的心声i"d see what true love could be and i won"t let tomorrowi won"t let tomorrow我明白什么是真爱,我不会让昨天and i won"t let tomorrow我不会让昨天i won"t let tomorrow ship away我不会让昨天白白溜走
2023-06-07 20:49:011


Absolutely unbeatable《绝对无敌》。。。。。。。。。
2023-06-07 20:49:215

歌词里有I am wide awake And i am standing tall

歌曲名:Wide Awake 歌手:Katy Perry专辑:wide awake pt.2Wide AwakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I was in the darkI was falling hardWith an open heartI"m wide awakeHow did I read the stars so wrongI"m wide awakeAnd now it"s clear to meThat everything you seeAin"t always what it seemsI"m wide awakeYeah, I was dreaming for so longI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight(Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeNot losing any sleepPicked up every pieceAnd landed on my feetI"m wide awakeNeed nothing to complete myself - nooohoooI"m wide awakeYeah, I am born againOutta the lion"s denI don"t have to pretendAnd it"s too lateThe story"s over now, the endI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight (yeah, I"m letting go)I"m Falling from cloud 9Thunder rumblingCastles crumblingI am trying to hold onGod knows that I triedSeeing the bright sideBut I"m not blind anymore...I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I"m Falling from cloud 9Crashing from the highYou know I"m letting go tonightI"m Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awake
2023-06-07 20:49:351

Katy Perry的《Wide Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Wide Awake歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Now 44: That"s What I Call MusicWide AwakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I was in the darkI was falling hardWith an open heartI"m wide awakeHow did I read the stars so wrongI"m wide awakeAnd now it"s clear to meThat everything you seeAin"t always what it seemsI"m wide awakeYeah, I was dreaming for so longI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight(Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeNot losing any sleepPicked up every pieceAnd landed on my feetI"m wide awakeNeed nothing to complete myself - nooohoooI"m wide awakeYeah, I am born againOutta the lion"s denI don"t have to pretendAnd it"s too lateThe story"s over now, the endI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight (yeah, I"m letting go)I"m Falling from cloud 9Thunder rumblingCastles crumblingI am trying to hold onGod knows that I triedSeeing the bright sideBut I"m not blind anymore...I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I"m Falling from cloud 9Crashing from the highYou know I"m letting go tonightI"m Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awake
2023-06-07 20:50:221


2023-06-07 20:50:314


2023-06-07 20:50:402


Hodges “My Side of the Story ”
2023-06-07 20:50:472

Al.B.Damned的SO FAR SO BAD的歌词

"So Far So Bad" You tell me I"m bad, you say that I"m no good,I never wanna do the things that I know I should,You say I should never see the light of day,But I got a confession,I"d like it that way.They say I"m so evil that it"s hard to believe,What can I say? I wear my black heart on my sleeve,Well I"m a sinner and proud and I"ll shout it out loud,You take offense? And I will take you out.You say I need professional help,I say I can get through by myself,Don"t need you telling me what to do,Got one thing to say,Fuck you!This is the only life I"ll lead,Your point of view is something I don"t need,This is the only life I have,And it"s been so far so bad.Well I"m hated by all and I hate you too,You always complain about the bad things I do,But I don"t give a fuck about your rules, I don"t discriminate,I just hate you all.You think that I"m evil and I know you"re right,But knowing you"re scared of me helps me sleep at night,You can shoot me down or run me down in your car,I don"t enjoy the pain but chicks dig the scars.You say I need professional help,I say I can get through by myself,Don"t need you telling me what to do,Got one thing to say,Fuck you!This is the only life I"ll lead,Your point of view is something I don"t need,This is the only life I have,And it"s been so far so bad.You try to preach to me,But I just don"t believe,I"m not religious you see,And god means nothing to me,You think you"re oh so fine,And your God is so divine,Whilst I live my life, You pray to a lie.But when the world is on fire,Who"s gonna be your saviour?When it"s all crashing down,And God"s nowhere to be found,Who"s gonna save ya now?Who"s gonna save ya now?
2023-06-07 20:51:181

Love Is A Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is A Rock歌手:Reo Speedwagon专辑:The Second Decade Of Rock And Roll 1981 To 1991标题:Love Is A Rock艺术家:MasterplanHey yeah oh oh yeah yeah aah aah aah ah ahI"ve been making progressdealing with my sinLike a private paintera vision lies within meThe picture drawn has a dark skybut I see a glimpse of sunMy spirit"s clean and I"m true to the causeSinging for the futureso my music can stay aliveI"m lonely with my demonsbroken is the life I knewMy love is a rockfar out in the seaAnd your love is the wavecrashing into me yeah haa haa oh yeahAnother city to swallowfloods of nature must drown this landBut I"m safe in my towershould I lend a helping handFrom the cradle pure and innocentstumbling guilty to the graveI"ll make it through "cause I"m hungry at heartLooking for a reasonand nothing will pass me by noClear starlight moon is brightcold whispering winds are hereMy love is a rock far out in the seaAnd your love is the wavecrashing back at me back at me oh yeahClear starlight it"s heaven"s firewarm cosmic winds blow thereMy love is a rock far out in the seaAnd your love is the wavecrashing into me into meI"m lonely with my demonscold winds blow there金属梦:66032164
2023-06-07 20:51:251