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Crawl (Carry Me Through) 歌词

歌曲名:Crawl (Carry Me Through)歌手:Superchick专辑:Rock What You GotSuperchick - Crawl (Carry Me Through)How long will this take?How much can I go through?My heart, my soul achesI don"t know what to doI bend but don"t breakAnd somehow I"ll get through"cause I have youAnd if I have to crawlWell you"d crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through the wonder of it all is youSee me throughOh Lord, where are you?Do not forget me hereI cry in silenceCan you not see my tears?When all have left meAnd hope has disappearedYou find me hereAnd when I have to crawlWell you"d crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through the wonder of it all is youSee me throughWhen everything I was is lostI have forgot where you have notWhen I am lost you have not lost meWhen everything I was is lostI have forgot where you have notWhen I am lost you have not lost meYou have not lost meAnd if I have to crawlWell you"d crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through the wonder of it all is youSee me through百度首席音乐群:Мy°musiс(群号:1051040)~

Tom Cochrane的《Crawl》 歌词

歌曲名:Crawl歌手:Tom Cochrane专辑:Ragged Ass Road武汉大学:Lye、耶律蠢材、の、炀帝珞盟推荐金属群:66032164Sometimes I forget to seeNow that I"ve found youWhat is and what will never beNow that I"ve found youWhen my time has gone awayThe words I sayTheir lies will help you throughAnd I feel like it"s gonna rainA real rainTo wash this from you tooSo addicted to the painAnd it"s the pain that makes you crazyYour mind is closing in on a fight that you can"t winIt"s making me insaneIf you crawlI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayIf you fallI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayI think of all things that just got lostNow that you find meAs if I just had shuffled offNow that you find meWhen my time had gone awayThe actions playedThey broke your world in twoAnd I feel like it"s gonna rainA real rainTo wash this from you tooSo addicted to the painAnd it"s the pain that makes you crazyYour mind is closing in on a fight that you can"t winIt"s making me insaneIf you crawlI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayIf you fallI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayCrawling...What is and what will never beAnd it"s the pain that makes you crazyIf you crawlI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayIf you fallI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayIf you crawlI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayIf you fallI"ll follow, I"ll followDon"t walk awayCrawling...What is and what will never beAnd it"s the pain that makes you crazy


雷克萨斯 crawl是全地形系统与低速巡航控制键。低速巡航,汽车启动后,旋转crawl旋钮即可启动低速巡航,最高只能5公里时速,很少用。Crawl(蠕行模式)全称“低速巡航驾驶辅助系统” 俗称“傻瓜越野系统”,简单理解为车辆会自行控制发动机的扭矩输出变速系统及刹车,让车辆以非常缓慢的速度通过较恶劣路面其主要目的在于避免车辆因行进速度过快而造成的车轮打滑陷车。 雷克萨斯SUV车型 LX 570配备的CrawlControl自动爬坡控制系统功能强大,它可以综合控制动力系统和制动系统,从而令车辆保持恒定低速行驶,这样驾驶者可以专注于方向盘操作,降低在复杂条件下越野行驶的控制难度,避免车辆底盘与地面发生剐蹭,提升行车稳定性和安全性。另外,通过控制车轮扭矩,Crawl Control自动爬坡控制系统可以帮助驾驶者更轻松的摆脱陷车的困境。 (图/文/摄: 李水清) 问界M5 小鹏汽车P7 AION V 传祺GS8 小鹏P5 理想ONE @2019




crawl意思是爬行;slither是滑行。creep多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行,也指植物的蔓延生长等。正确的走路姿势应该是:第一个是后方的腿要挺直,用臀部和脚掌的力量往前推动,可以减轻膝关节的压力,第二个走路的正确姿势是前弯的腿在落地时膝盖要略弯,这样可以减轻膝关节的压力,需要空中的腿的大腿后侧,右腿为示范腿,蹲地之后就要保持肌肉的张力,往回回勾,第三个特点是前方的脚落地脚踝背屋 在落地之前脚尖要往上抬,脚踝背屈这样可以减轻膝盖的压力,滚动式的往前行进。




陆巡crawl的意思是蠕行系统。丰田酷路泽(陆地巡洋舰)的Crawl Control(蠕行模式)全称“低速巡航驾驶辅助系统” 俗称“傻瓜越野系统”。简单理解为车辆会自行控制发动机的扭矩输出变速系统及刹车。让车辆以非常缓慢的速度通过较恶劣路面其主要目的在于避免车辆因行进速度过快而造成的车轮打滑陷车。简介:2019年丰田汽车汽车销量位列世界第二名,约1,074万台。2019年丰田汽车的最大单一市场为美国市场,全年贡献销量约276万台。2019年丰田汽车公司在华销量约162万台,绝大多数由合资企业一汽丰田和广汽丰田贡献,两者分别位列国内乘用车厂商第十一名和第十三名。2020年丰田汽车销量位列世界第一名,达952万台。2020年丰田汽车最大市场仍为北美地区,全年贡献销量约231万台,中国地区贡献销量约200万台。


英语单词crawl的用法和辨析   ”crawl“这个单词大家知道怎么用吗?下面是我为大家整理了英语单词crawl的.用法和辨析,希望能帮到大家!    一、详细释义:    n.    爬行,匍匐行进;缓慢行进    例句:   It is rush hour and we crawl along at 15 mile an hour.   遇上了尖峰时间,我们的车子以每小时十五英里的速度缓慢行驶。    例句:   The traffic on the approach road slowed to a crawl.   引路上车辆行驶缓慢。    自由式游泳    例句:   The crawl is considered the speediest.   爬泳最快。    例句:   Can you do the crawl?   你会自由泳吗?    养鱼(龟)池    v.    爬行,匍匐行进 [I,T]    例句:   The guy in the buick opened the door. "Crawl in——you"ll get wet out there."   别克车里的人打开门。“爬进来,你在那儿会湿透。”    例句:   He watched the baby crawl across the room.   他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。    谄媚,拍马屁 [I]    例句:   Don"t crawl to your boss.   别巴结老板。    例句:   He openly crawled to the boss.   他公开地对老板拍马屁。    缓慢行进,艰难前进 [I,T]    例句:   I crawled out of bed at nine-thirty.   我9点半才勉强从床上爬起来。    例句:   Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.   在一些地段,U形弯路使得汽车只能以每小时10英里的速度缓慢行进。    二、词义辨析:    creep,climb,crawl   这些动词都有“爬”之意。 creep多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生长等。 climb通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻。 crawl指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动。    三、相关短语:   crawl space   矮设备层   front crawl   爬泳, 自由泳    四、参考例句:   Can you do the crawl?   你会自由泳吗?   The crawl is considered the speediest.   爬泳最快。   Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy.   士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。   Don"t crawl to your boss.   别巴结老板。   Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy.   士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。   He watched the baby crawl across the room.   他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。   He watched the baby crawl across the room.   他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。   Leap out of bed (don"t crawl out of it).   要一跃而起,不可拖拉磨叽。   I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door.   我开始手脚并用朝门口爬去。   Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.   在一些地段,U形弯路使得汽车只能以每小时10英里的速度缓慢行进。 ;


  crawl做动词有爬行;卑躬屈膝;自由式 游泳 等意思,那么你知道crawl的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   crawl的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: crawled   过去分词: crawled   现在分词: crawling   crawl的用法:   crawl的用法1:crawl用作动词的基本意思是“爬行”,指腹部或双膝和手贴地爬行; 也可指“徐缓而行”,多用于指车辆缓慢前进,间或也可用于指时间。   crawl的用法2:crawl与介词to搭配,意为“巴结,奉承”,多用于指下级对上级; 与介词with搭配,意为“爬满u2026,满是”。   crawl的过去式例句:   1. Chris crawled on his hands and knees out onto the highway.   克里斯手脚并用爬上了公路。   2. She crawled on all fours over to the window.   她爬到窗边。   3. They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.   他们顺着摇摇晃晃的梯子往上爬,看起来非常滑稽。   4. I literally crawled to the car.   我真的是爬到车那边去的。   5. I crawled out of bed at nine-thirty.   我9点半才勉强从床上爬起来。   6. They crawled along on their bellies.   他们匍匐前进。   7. She crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air.   她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着粗气.   8. He crawled along the fence until he reached the gate.   他顺着篱笆一直爬到大门边.   9. The beaten dog crawled to his masters feet.   挨打的狗爬到主人的脚边去.   10. The prisoner crawled through a hole and escaped.   犯人从一个洞里爬出去逃跑了.   11. The snake has crawled into a hole.   那条蛇爬进洞里.   12. She crawled across the pool in record time.   她以最高记录的速度用自由式游过游泳池.   13. He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.   它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。   14. He crawled up a small knoll and surveyed the prospect.   他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形.   15. Chengyu crawled on to my lap and looked into my eyes.   成渝看我很和善,就爬到我的膝盖上,伸长脖子,望着我的眼睛,问:“叔叔!

crawl怎么读 英语crawl怎么读

1、crawl英[kru0254u02d0l]美[kru0254u02d0l],vi.(昆虫)爬行; 爬行; 爬; 匍匐行进; 缓慢行进;n.爬泳; 缓慢的速度; 自由泳。 2、[例句]It looked wide enough for him to crawl though.这宽度看起来足够他爬行通过。


crawl 英[kru0254:l] 美[kru0254l] vi. 爬行;缓慢行进;巴结 n. 缓慢的爬行;〈美俚〉跳舞,自由式游泳;养鱼(龟)池 第三人称单数:crawls;过去分词:crawled;现在分词:crawling;过去式:... [例句]Then we dare to crawl into our own bed.于是我们才胆战心惊地爬上我们自己的床。

Crawling In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling In The Dark歌手:Hoobastank专辑:The Greatest HitsI will dedicate and sacrifice my everythingfor just a seconds worth of how my story"s endingAnd I wish I could know if the directions that I takeand all the choices that I make won"t end up all for nothingShow me what it"s forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerHelp me carry onAssure me its ok touse my heart and not my eyesto navigate the darknessWill the ending be ever coming suddenly?Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?Show me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerSo when and how will I know?(know...)How much further do I have to go? (have to go)How much longer until I finally know? (finally know)"cause I"m looking and I just can"t see what"s in front of mein front of meShow me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answer

Crawling In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling In The Dark歌手:Hoobastank专辑:HoobastankI will dedicate and sacrifice my everythingfor just a seconds worth of how my story"s endingAnd I wish I could know if the directions that I takeand all the choices that I make won"t end up all for nothingShow me what it"s forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerHelp me carry onAssure me its ok touse my heart and not my eyesto navigate the darknessWill the ending be ever coming suddenly?Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?Show me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerSo when and how will I know?(know...)How much further do I have to go? (have to go)How much longer until I finally know? (finally know)"cause I"m looking and I just can"t see what"s in front of mein front of meShow me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answer

I really liked Peter crawling under a fence什么意思?


求歌词第二句是crawling in the dark的歌

歌曲名:Crawling In The Dark歌手:Hoobastank专辑:Hoobastank: Live From The WilternI will dedicate and sacrifice my everythingfor just a seconds worth of how my story"s endingAnd I wish I could know if the directions that I takeand all the choices that I make won"t end up all for nothingShow me what it"s forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerHelp me carry onAssure me its ok touse my heart and not my eyesto navigate the darknessWill the ending be ever coming suddenly?Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?Show me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerSo when and how will I know?(know...)How much further do I have to go? (have to go)How much longer until I finally know? (finally know)"cause I"m looking and I just can"t see what"s in front of mein front of meShow me what its forMake me understand itI"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answerIs there something morethan what I"ve been handed?I"ve been crawling in the darklooking for the answer

Crawling Up a Hill (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling Up a Hill (Live)歌手:Katie Melua专辑:iTunes Live: Berlin FestivalCrawling Up A HillKatie MeluaEvery morning "bout half past eight,My Moma wakes me says, "Don"t be late",Get to the office, tryin" to concentrate,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill.So I stop one day to figure it out,I"ll quit my job without a shadow of a doubt,To sing the blues that I know about,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill.Minute after minute,Second after second,Hour after hour goes by,Working for a rich girl,Staying just a poor girl,Never stop to wonder why.So here I am in London town,A better scene, I"m gonna be around,The kind of music that won"t bring me down,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill.Every morning "bout half past eight,My Momma wakes me says, "Don"t be late",I get to the office, tryin" to concentrate,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill.So I stop one day to figure it out,Quit my job without a shadow of a doubt,To sing the blues that I know about,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill.Minute after minute,Second after second,Hour after hour goes by,Working for a rich girl,Staying just a poor girl,Never stop to wonder why.So here I am in London town,A better scene, I"m gonna be aroundThe kind of music that won"t bring me down,Life is just a slow train.So so so here I am in London town,A better scene I"m gonna be around,The kind of music that won"t bring me down,My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill//by lvjj

crawling towards the sun 歌词

歌曲名:crawling towards the sun歌手:the hush sound专辑:so suddenCarousels make laps each nightLike drunks we spin until were sickCreepy clowns from one horse townsCan make their livings on a trickNight covers all our tracksTo break some fragile backsSo we tell some liesAnd then we hide from lightOne night I fell asleep and woke up on that sunny streetAt first I thought I couldn"t but now I seeThat the shadows kept me hiddenFrom the light that calls my nameAll the creatures stood above meNow I"m crawling towards the sunCandy lips that taste to sweetWere sour in the summer heatAs the night fell I heard church bellsSay its time to leaveOut on the town we wentTo carry out missionsNeither you or I would ever know sunlightIn the night light we still shine bright


是林肯公园的原版《Numb》。《Numb》是美国摇滚乐队Linkin Park演唱的一首歌曲,由乐队成员谱曲,收录于他们于2003年发行的第二张录636f7079e799bee5baa631333431363630音室专辑《Meteora》中,是专辑的第十三首歌曲。虽然2003年该歌曲就已经发行,但是在2011年呢 《英雄联盟》正式宣布牵手Linkin Park,其代表作《BLACK OUT》、《CRAWLING》、《NUMB》将作为LOL的系列主题曲唱响在战争学院的每一个角落。扩展资料:在2011年7月17日举行的TGA大奖赛LOL王者争霸赛上,官方正式公布了竞猜结果并宣布牵手Linkin Park,使用其代表歌曲《BLACK OUT》、《CRAWLING》、《NUMB》作为LOL的系列主题曲。消息一公布立刻引起玩家观众的沸腾。很早以前,便有不少电竞玩家自发使用Linkin Park的音乐,制作成各种游戏视频的背景音乐,其中要数《BLACK OUT》,《CRAWLING》,《NUMB》这三首单曲最卖座也最受玩家欢迎。Linkin Park的混合摇滚风音乐时尚前卫,充满着令人振奋的战斗力量。正是这浑厚的嗓音,才能带出意味深远的励志激情,道尽永不服输的执着精神;正是这种精神,感染着无数的电竞玩家,这也是《英雄联盟》牵手他们,选择《BLACK OUT》,《CRAWLING》,《NUMB》这三首单曲作为LOL系列主题曲的原因。

求crawing的中文意思? 撒

按照惯例拆一下单词就是craw+ing(确实没有这个单词) Craw [krC:] n. (鸟或昆虫的)嗉囊, 嗉子, 任何动物的胃 我怀疑你打错单词了,有可能是crawling crawl [krC:l] vi. 爬行, 蠕动, 徐徐行进 n. 爬行, 蠕动, 缓慢的行进 crawling [5krC:liN] 表面涂布不均 检查一下吧,或者把正确的单词写上来.

Linkin Park的《Crawling》 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Live In AmnevilleMarion Raven-CrawlHigh on a hillHeard a bird sing her songSang you were trueWell, she got it all wrongShe didn"t know about you"re LiesAnd all you"re stupid alibisDon"t you know, this bird got wiseSurprise surprise surpriseThe writings one the wallYeah yeahIn letters written tallI thought I"d let you know before I goI will see you crawlFell of the hillInto darkest of dreamsPromises brokeRipped apart at the seamsSo now you know this bird has flownYou will repay me what you oweDon"t you know you"re gonna liveAlone alone aloneYou made a big mistakeSigned and sealed your fateYeah YeahI"ll wait till the night comesIn the darkness you are no oneUntil I know all you"re shadows are gone(End)

Linkin Park的《Crawling》 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Road To Revolution: Live At Milton Keynes(革命之路:米尔顿凯恩斯现场)Linkin Park - CrawlingCrawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing what is realThere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceConsuming, confusingThis lack of self control I fear is never endingControlling, I can"t seemTo find myself againMy walls are closing in(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convincedThat it"s just too much pressure to take)I"ve felt this way beforeSo insecureDiscomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon meDistracting, reactingAgainst my will I stand beside my own reflectionIt"s haunting how I can"t seem...To find myself againMy walls are closing in(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convincedThat it"s just too much pressure to take)I"ve felt this way beforeSo insecureCrawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing, confusing what is realThere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceConsuming, confusing what is realThis lack of self control I fear is never endingControlling, confusing what is real



Linkin Park的《Crawling》 歌词

歌曲名:Crawling歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Road To Revolution: Live At Milton Keynes(革命之路:米尔顿凯恩斯现场)Linkin Park - CrawlingCrawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing what is realThere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceConsuming, confusingThis lack of self control I fear is never endingControlling, I can"t seemTo find myself againMy walls are closing in(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convincedThat it"s just too much pressure to take)I"ve felt this way beforeSo insecureDiscomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon meDistracting, reactingAgainst my will I stand beside my own reflectionIt"s haunting how I can"t seem...To find myself againMy walls are closing in(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convincedThat it"s just too much pressure to take)I"ve felt this way beforeSo insecureCrawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing, confusing what is realThere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceConsuming, confusing what is realThis lack of self control I fear is never endingControlling, confusing what is real


crawling: [ "kr00:li07 ] 表面涂布不均例句与用法: 1. I felt something crawling up my arm. 我感觉到有什么东西爬上我的手臂。 2. The ground was crawling with ants. 地上满是蚂蚁. 3. She"s always crawling (to the boss). 她老是拍(上司的)马屁. 4. The baby was crawling about on all fours. 婴儿那时正在满处爬. 英英解释: 名词crawling:1. a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body同义词:crawl, creep, creeping动词crawl:1. move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground同义词:crawl, creep2. feel as if crawling with insects同义词:crawl3. be crawling with同义词:crawl4. show submission or fear同义词:fawn, crawl, creep, cringe, cower, grovel5. swim by doing the crawl同义词:crawl


crawling爬行爬行 [ pá xíng ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ pá xíng ]1.爬:~动物。2.比喻墨守成规,慢腾腾地干:~思想。


crawling ["kru0254u02d0lu026au014b] n. 表面涂布不匀;收缩龟裂n. 爬行climbing 英 ["klau026amu026au014b] 美 ["klau026amu026au014b] adj. 上升的;攀缘而登的n. 攀登v. 爬(climb的ing形式)

磕长头英语 3step crawling

That day, I shut an eye in the incense fog passing through a hall , hear your true word in praising classics suddenly; That January, I rock all classics tubes, Be not to release the soul from purgatory, Be to touch your fingertip; That 1 year, Knock the elder head crawling in the ghat, Be not present self before, Be sticking your kindness single single That I, Rotate a mountain rotating water rotating a pagoda. Be not to repair the future world, Be to meet you on passage

crawling out是什么意思

爬出双语例句:1She came crawling out of a trap-door in the front of the stage.她从舞台前部的一扇地板门中爬了出来。2Technology is crawling out of our bags and pockets and onto our bodies in the form of wearables.科技已经从我们的背包和口袋里爬出,以可穿戴的形式攀上了我们的身体。3So leave him alone and eventually he "ll come crawling out of his cave.所以让他一个人呆着,最后他还是会自己克服情绪之后走向你。4Marion looked at me as if I had a frog crawling out of my eye.马里恩死死盯着我,好像从我眼里爬出一只青蛙似的。5They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.当西欧的大多数国家正从经济衰退中缓慢复苏时,他们并没有预见到法国的通货膨胀率会升高。

谁有Linkin Park《crawling》越狱版的MP3


crawling from bed to computer 中crawling做什么成?



spend time (in)doing sth.固定搭配crawling前面是省略了that were,作的后置定语,所以你那个改写句子不应该是thousands 前加that,应该在crawling前加(that)were动词修饰名词作后置定语时,要加ing(现在分成)如:I felt something moving in the house.我感觉房子里有东西在动。

求Crawling (Carry Me Through)的完整歌词

How long will this take?How much can I go through?My heart, my soul achesI don"t know what to doI bend but don"t breakAnd somehow I"ll get through"cause I have youAnd if I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me throughOh Lord, where are you?Do not forget me hereI cry in silence Can you not see my tears?When all have left meAnd hope has disappearedYou find me hereAnd when I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me throughWhen everything I was is lostI have forgot where you have notWhen I am lost you have not lost me(2x"s)You have not lost meAnd if I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me through 这个是你要的答案

寻求翻译Linkin Park - Crawling歌词

以下是我的翻译——————————————————Crawling in my skin 表皮下蠢蠢欲动的These wounds they will not heal 这些永远无法愈合的创伤Fear is how I fall 我所恐惧的是不断的堕落Confusing what is real 我所困惑的是分不清的真相There"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 自体内深处撕扯着我肤浅的外表Consuming, confusing 力歇声嘶,混乱不安This lack of self control I fear is never ending 这种我所恐惧的失控行为从未停止Controlling, I can"t seem 抑制着,我所看不见的To find myself again 再一次找回我的本体My walls are closing in 我周遭的一切被缓缓封闭(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convinced That it"s just too much pressure to take) 不带丝毫把握,我确信有太多的压力需要去承受I"ve felt this way before 我所曾经经受过的So insecure 如此的不可靠Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me 无止境懊恼的吞并了我Distracting, reacting 令我发狂,令我排斥Against my will I stand beside my own reflection 逆行了思维,我站在另一个我的身旁It"s haunting how I can"t seem... 浮现在我脑海的事物是肉眼所不能看见的...To find myself again 再一次找回我的本体My walls are closing in 我周遭的一切被缓缓封闭(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convinced That it"s just too much pressure to take) 不带丝毫把握,我确信有太多的压力需要去承受I"ve felt this way before 我所曾经经受过的So insecure 如此的不可靠Crawling in my skin 表皮下蠢蠢欲动的These wounds they will not heal 这些永远无法愈合的创伤Fear is how I fall 我所恐惧的是不断的坠落Confusing, confusing what is real 困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相There"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 自体内深处撕扯着我肤浅的外表Consuming, confusing what is real 困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相This lack of self control I fear is never ending 这种我所恐惧的失控行为从未停止Controlling, confusing what is real困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相




crawling in my skinthese wounds they will not healfear is how i fallconfusing what is realthere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceconsuming, confusingthis lack of self control i fear is never endingcontrolling, i can"t seemto find myself againmy walls are closing in(without a sense of confidence and i"m convincedthat it"s just too much pressure to take)i"ve felt this way beforeso insecurediscomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon medistracting, reactingagainst my will i stand beside my own reflectionit"s haunting how i can"t find myself againmy walls are closing in(without a sense of confidence and i"m convincedthat it"s just too much pressure to take)i"ve felt this way beforeso insecurecrawling in my skinthese wounds they will not healfear is how i fallconfusing, confusing what is realthere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceconsuming, confusing what is realthis lack of self control i fear is never endingcontrolling, confusing what is real

crawl 这个英语怎么读

科 肉 哦


crawling 英 ["kru0254u02d0lu026au014b]x05 美 ["kru0254u02d0lu026au014b]x05 n.爬行 n.表面涂层不均匀,(新鲜涂层上的)龟裂 v.爬行(动词crawl的现在分词形式)The baby was crawling about on all fours. 婴儿那时正在满处爬. She"s always crawling (to the boss). 她老是拍(上司的)马屁.

crawling 是什么意思?详细点

kerb-crawling 【英】(汽车驾驶员为寻找娼妓)沿路缘缓慢行驶 网络翻译crawling爬行 熟练创建以下三种字幕:静态字幕、滚动(Rolling)字幕和爬行(Crawling)字幕. 9、 输出 掌握输出电影时Export Movie Settings对话框中的各个选项 ... 蠕变 crawling 蠕变 crawlway 窄小通道 craze 裂纹 creche 托儿所 creep 蠕变 creep coefficient 蠕变系数 creep deformation 蠕变 creep line 蠕变线 ... 爬行传球 crawling 爬行传球 cross over 交叉步躲闪突进 cup-defense 杯形防守 grounding ball 压球触地 half back 飞扑传球 half-way line 中线 helmet 头盔 ... Crawling伺机而动 Crawling 伺机而动 15. In The End 结果到头来 16. A Place For My Head 脑袋空间 17. One Step Closer 发狂边缘 CD 01. Somewhere I Belong 我的归属 ... 匍匐 成军6年的时间中,他们共赢得2座格莱美大奖:2002年凭借“匍匐” (Crawling)得到了当年 格莱美最佳摇滚单曲;2006年和著名饶舌歌手杰斯(Jay-Z)一起合作的“聋哑/返 ...

crawling 是什么意思?详细点



英 ["kru0254:lu026au014b]美 ["kru0254:lu026au014b]n. 表面涂布不均v. 爬( crawl的现在分词 ); (昆虫)爬行; 缓慢行进; 巴结网 络侍机而动;伺机而动;蠕变;震惊1. You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻。来自《简明英汉词典》2. Stubborn, self-confident Guo Zhenshan has never gone crawling to anyone.坚强、自信、有气魄的郭振山,实在说,永远也不会向人低三下四啊!来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The platform was crawling with grey-green uniforms.月台上全是穿灰绿色制服的人。来自《简明英汉词典》5. We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。来自辞典例句

86 fine-tip crayola/laurentian markers是什么东西

86 fine-tip crayola/laurentian markers劳伦- 86小费结束绘画 /标志


如何正确发音Crayon1. 简介Crayon是指彩色蜡笔,在儿童画画、涂色的场景中经常出现,然而这个词汇的正确发音却常常被人忽略或者说是错误的发音。在这篇文章中我们将详细的了解Crayon的正确发音方法。2. Crayon发音的误区很多人在发音Crayon的时候会发现发音不准确,可能会发成“克雷恩”、 “卡雷翁” 、 “卡隆”等。这些错误发音的形成主要是因为中文与英文在语调、发音上的不同造成的。正确的发音应该是“krey-ahn”,有些像是读成了两个单词的“cray”和“on”。3. Crayon发音的正确方法要想正确地发音Crayon,我们可以采取一些练习方法。首先,可以多听一些英语语音材料,比如排行榜音乐、英语广播等,以提高英语语感和发音准确率;其次,可以通过模仿正确发音的人,跟读绕口令等方法来锻炼自己的口齿能力;最后,可以请教英语专业的老师或者朋友来帮忙指导,及时纠正自己的发音错误。4. Crayon在美国的普及程度Crayon作为一种绘画工具,在美国是非常流行的。Crayola这个品牌是美国最著名的蜡笔品牌之一,旗下产品齐全,包括液体蜡笔、水彩蜡笔、油画棒等。此外,每年6月份还会举行国际儿童蜡笔节,吸引来自世界各地的儿童和家长参加。5. Crayon的用途Crayon主要用于涂色、绘画,适合儿童使用,但也有一些成年人利用蜡笔完成艺术作品。除了用于儿童绘画教育以外,Crayon还有一些实际用途,比如染发、DIY手工、修饰涂料等。在美国,有些人在家里用蜡笔画墙壁、地板、家具等,甚至用蜡笔创作艺术作品。6. Crayon的品牌知识Crayon品牌种类繁多,主流品牌有Faber-Castell、Stabilo、Prismacolor、Sakura等,但是Crayola依然是最著名、最知名的品牌之一,Crayola始于1903年,最开始卖的是黑色蜡笔,后来逐渐地增加了色彩,甚至干脆改名叫Crayola,取自两个单词:craie(法语为“粉笔”)和ola(代表“油脂”)。7. 总结Crayon是一种常用的绘画工具,在美国尤其普及,Crayola是其中最著名的品牌之一。但是,Crayon的正确发音经常被忽略,正确的发音应该为“krey-ahn”。想要发音准确,需要通过多听英语语音材料、模仿正确发音的人、请教专业人士来进行练习。


倩碧Crayola限量版彩虹唇膏笔已经上市了,喜欢它的女生可以预定了,拥有彩虹般的色彩。那么倩碧Crayola限量版彩虹唇膏笔怎么样?倩碧Crayola限量版彩虹唇膏笔好用吗? 产品介绍 彩虹,只能偶遇,但彩虹唇妆你却可以随时拥有!CLINIQUE全新蜡笔小胖Crayola限量版彩虹唇膏笔(RMB160/3g)隆重上市!作为蜡笔唇膏的创造者,倩碧首次与全球最大的绘画创意品牌Crayola绘儿乐强强联合。将蜡笔创意与玩色精神共同分享。无可比拟的涂色创意不光可以在纸上呈现,也可以在你的唇上发挥别样风格。此次限量版,通过七彩颜色让你重返快乐童年时光,让愉快的旧时记忆也能呈现在这一季的活力妆容之中。此次以彩虹为灵感,生动诠释PrettyEasy的彩妆理念。全新七款彩虹限量版唇膏都有独家定制“彩虹装”,这一季唇妆界的FashionIcon非它莫属。产品评测 倩碧的彩妆总是让人能发挥想象力、充满欢乐、惊喜,就如同着色产品世界领导者CRAYOLA一样,皆以活泼好玩的方式展现色彩和想象力,于是在2017年春夏,倩碧牵手CRAYOLA推出限量版蜡笔唇膏,让化妆变成前所未有的玩乐。 一:外观 造型可爱,肥肥胖胖的,的确像支蜡笔。体积比较小,方便携带。旋转底部可以转出膏体,可以调节其长短,非常方便,顺滑易推开,膏体硬度适中。二:使用感受 蜡笔口红的特色就是拿出来就可立即涂抹,不像唇膏和唇彩,每次使用都对着镜子小心翼翼的涂抹,对于没有时间补妆的人来说,是非常省时方便。另外,蜡笔口红的芯是有角度的,对嘴角等比较细致的部分顺顺的涂上即可,不需要什么技巧,对于新手来说真是一大福音。三:滋润度 因为加入乳木果油以及荷荷巴油等天然植物精油成分,能够为双唇注入大量水分,使容易干燥的嘴唇也变得水嫩润泽。涂完之后比一般的唇膏都要持久滋润,能淡化唇纹,亮泽又不粘腻,对比使用前的素颜唇,唇纹以及唇部的水嫩度、饱满度都有明显的差距。(使用前的素颜嘴唇)(手臂上的试色)总结:试用的颜色是12号活力橙,是淡淡的暖橘色,涂抹在唇上没有特别浓重,但是又会显得气色特别好,有能很好的遮盖唇纹,保养唇部,所以非常适合日常使用的一款唇膏。



Crayola是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

Crayola 绘儿乐,儿童绘画用品品牌。百度百科介绍:绘儿乐(Crayola)画笔创建于1903年,由美国Binney&Smith公司生产,迄今已有百年历史。凭着精益求精,不断创新的专业精神,绘儿乐已成为颜色、欢乐、品质、安全及创意的代名词,备受全球美术老师及家长推崇。迄今为止,每个美国儿童每天花费28分钟用这种画笔涂鸦,到10岁时已经用掉了730只蜡笔。父母们和学校每年购买25亿只蜡笔。

crayon是什么意思 解析crayon一词的意义和用法?



crayon 英[u02c8kreiu0259n] 美[u02c8kreu02ccɑn, -u0259n] 过去式:crayoned 过去分词:crayoned 现在分词:crayoning 复数:crayons 名词 n. 1.彩色蜡笔, 粉笔或 铅笔 I need some children"s crayons. 我需要一些儿童蜡笔. 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画 The picture had been crayoned by a child. 这幅画是小孩用蜡笔画的.


crayon[英]["kreu026au0259n] [美]["kreu026au0259n] 生词本 简明释义 n.彩色蜡笔或粉笔 vt.& vi.用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画 复数:crayons第三人称单数:crayons过去式:crayoned过去分词:crayoned现在分词:crayoning


crayon读音:英 ["kreu026au0259n]美 ["kreu026au0259n]。crayon 英 ["kreu026au0259n]     美 ["kreu026au0259n]    n. 蜡笔;蜡笔画。v. 以蜡笔作画。The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon.小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。The boy wants to draw in crayon.这个男孩想用蜡笔画画。近义词:chalk 英 [tu0283u0254u02d0k]     美 [tu0283u0254u02d0k]    n. 粉笔;白垩。v. 用粉笔写;记录;使变白;归咎。The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。The teacher"s chalk grated on the blackboard.老师的粉笔在黑板上发出刺耳的摩擦声。


crayon读音:英 ["kreu026au0259n]美 ["kreu026au0259n]。crayon 英 ["kreu026au0259n]     美 ["kreu026au0259n]    n. 蜡笔;蜡笔画。v. 以蜡笔作画。The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon.小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。The boy wants to draw in crayon.这个男孩想用蜡笔画画。近义词:chalk 英 [tu0283u0254u02d0k]     美 [tu0283u0254u02d0k]    n. 粉笔;白垩。v. 用粉笔写;记录;使变白;归咎。The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。The teacher"s chalk grated on the blackboard.老师的粉笔在黑板上发出刺耳的摩擦声。





“Crayon” 用英语怎么读?

crayon ["kreiu0259n]n.蜡笔,蜡笔画英[u02c8kreiu0259n] 美[u02c8kreu02ccɑn,-u0259n]过去式:crayoned过去分词:crayoned现在分词:crayoning复数:crayons【记】canyon:用crayon画canyonc,ray光线,on上:想象一下纸上发出七色光的感觉-彩笔【句】Showmepurplecrayon.crayon网络例句1.Herearesomecrayonsforyou.这些蜡笔是给你的。2.Whenyouwere4yearsold,shegaveyousomecrayons.你4岁时,她给你几支蜡笔。3.B:Yes,I`mlookingforacrayon.是的,我在找笔。





crayon什么意思中文 crayon中文是什么意思

1、crayon n.彩色蜡笔或粉笔;vt.& vi.用彩色蜡笔(粉笔)画。 2、做名词时:第三人称单数: crayons。 3、做动词时:动词过去式:crayoned;过去分词:crayoned;现在分词:crayoning。 4、做名词时:He coloured the picture with crayon. 翻译:他用蜡笔给画上色。 5、Put the ruler in your hand. This is a ruler. That is a crayon. 把尺子放在你手里.这是尺子.那是蜡笔。 6、做动词时:The children are crayoning on the ground. 翻译:孩子们在地上画画。


crayon[英]["kreɪən] [美]["kreɪən] 生词本 简明释义 n.彩色蜡笔或粉笔 vt.& vi.用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画 复数:crayons第三人称单数:crayons过去式:crayoned过去分词:crayoned现在分词:crayoning 易混淆的单词:Crayon 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-COUNT彩色铅笔(或蜡笔)A crayon is a pencil containing coloured wax or clay,or a rod of coloured wax used for drawing. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 Put down that smartphone; pick up that crayon.


  crayon是可数名词,可以说a crayon或crayons,说一盒蜡笔时用a box of crayons。chalk是不可数名词,但colo(u)red chalks是可数名词。   蜡笔是将颜料掺在蜡里制成的笔,可有数十种颜色,画画用。蜡笔没有渗透性,是靠附着力固定在画面上,不适宜用过于光滑的纸、板,亦不能通过色彩的反复叠加求得复合色。是儿童学习色彩画的理想工具,一些画家用它进行写生和色彩记录。



crayon,作动词的意思是“以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画”,作名词的意思是“蜡笔,有色粉笔; (Crayon)人名;(英)克雷恩”。crayon 变化形式:复数: crayons第三人称单数: crayons过去式: crayoned过去分词: crayoned现在分词: crayoningcrayon 用法和例句:Put down that smartphone ; pick up that crayon .放下智能手机,拿起涂鸦蜡笔吧。Eraser , crayon , pen . And a big blue book .橡皮擦,蜡笔,钢笔.一本大的蓝色的书.The interface is just like a child "s crayon drawing ( the dinosaur stands guard ) .界面很像是一个孩子的蜡笔画(恐龙代表警卫)。But such a list belongs in the same category as childish scrawls in crayon , asking father christmas to bring a magic rabbit and an invisibility cloak .然而,这样的许愿单虚空而不切实际,就如同稚儿用蜡笔胡乱绘画,向圣诞老人讨要一只魔法兔子和隐形斗篷。Everything is either vintage or ikea and I "m ok when the occasional red crayon gets used on the sofa !所有家具不是旧货就是宜家商品,所以当我在沙发上发现红色蜡笔的时候不至于当场昏倒。


crayon英 ["kreɪən] 美 ["kreɪən] n. 彩色蜡笔或粉笔 vt.& vi. 用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画 蜡笔小新; 蜡笔; 色粉画; 蜡笔画 复数:crayons 过去式:crayoned 过去分词:crayoned 现在分词:crayoning 第三人称单数:crayons 名词 n.1.彩色蜡笔, 粉笔或 铅笔 I need some children"s crayons.我需要一些儿童蜡笔。及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画 The picture had been crayoned by a child.这幅画是小孩用蜡笔画的。




蜡笔英语crayon读作:英[u02c8kreu026au0259n]、美[u02c8kreɑn]。crayon,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词的意思是“以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画”,作名词的意思是“蜡笔,有色粉笔; (Crayon)人名;(英)克雷恩”。短语搭配:crayon paper:蜡笔画纸。crayon的双语例句:1、Whose crayon is this?这是谁的蜡笔?2、Is that your crayon?那是你的蜡笔吗?3、Show me your crayon.给我展示你的蜡笔。


crayon英 [u02c8kreu026au0259n]美 [u02c8kreu026au0259n; u02c8kreu026au02ccɑn]n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔n. (Crayon)人名;(英)克雷恩vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画[网络短语]crayon 蜡笔,蜡笔,铅笔coloured crayon 彩色蜡笔Crayon Cannon 蜡笔大炮希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


crayon,读音:英[u02c8kreu026au0259n; u02c8kreu026au0252n],美[u02c8kreu026au0259n,u02c8kreu026aɑu02d0n]。释义:n.蜡笔,有色粉笔。vt.以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画。变形:过去式crayoned,过去分词crayoned,现在分词crayoning,第三人称单数crayons,复数crayons。短语:charcoal crayon炭笔。temperature indicating crayon温度笔。marking crayon标记色笔。crayon的例句1、He coloured the picture with crayon.他用蜡笔给画上色。2、The little girl isn"t good at crayoning.那个小女孩不善于用蜡笔画画。3、Children love to draw with colored crayons.孩子们喜欢用彩色蜡笔画画。4、And you used it to carry around your crayons.而且你还拿它装你的蜡笔。5、She takes some crayon to draw a little dog on the paper.她拿了一些蜡笔在纸上画了只小狗。




crayon [cray·on || "kreu026au0259n]n. 蜡笔, 蜡笔画






crayon的意思:彩色粉笔;彩色蜡笔。相关造句:1,The mother sponged crayon marks off.母亲用湿海绵擦去了痕迹。2,He coloured the picture with a yellow crayon.他用黄蜡笔给画着色。3,He coloured the picture with crayon.他用蜡笔给画上色。4,The crayon had been worn down to a stub.这枝蜡笔用得只剩一小段了。5,Shirley dropped the crayon as if it burned her fingers.谢利连忙放下铅笔,仿佛它烫了她的手指似的。6,She colored the pictures with a yellow crayon.她用黄色炭笔把这些画涂上颜色。


crayon 英[u02c8kreu026au0259n] 美["kreu026au0259n]n. 彩色蜡笔或粉笔;vt. 用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画;[例句]Hecolouredthepicturewith crayon.他用蜡笔给画上色。[其他] 第三人称单数:crayons 复数:crayons 现在分词:crayoning过去式:crayoned 过去分词:crayoned


"crayon" 在英语中的发音为 /u02c8kreu026au0259n/。其中,第一个音节发/k/音,第二个音节发/reu026a/音,最后一个音节发/n/音。好的,以下是对 "crayon" 的音标和发音进行详细说明:音标:/u02c8kreu026au0259n/1.第一个音标符号 /u02c8/ 表示强调读音,即读音较重;2.第二个音标符号 /k/ 表示辅音音素 /k/,发音时需要用舌头在口腔后部与软腭接触,声带震动,发出爆破音;3.第三个音标符号 /r/ 表示辅音音素 /r/,发音时需要让舌尖靠近上齿龈,口腔形成狭长的通道,呈现轻微的颤音;4.第四个音标符号 /eu026a/ 表示双元音音素 /eu026a/,发音时需要先发 /e/ 音,然后嘴唇呈现微笑状,舌尖升至口腔中部,形成 /u026a/ 音,将两个音连读即可;5.最后一个音标符号 /n/ 表示辅音音素 /n/,发音时需要用舌头在口腔上部与上齿龈接触,声带震动,发出鼻音。综上,"crayon" 的发音为 /u02c8kreu026au0259n/,读音较重,需要先发出 /k/ 爆破音,然后在口腔形成轻微的颤音 /r/,再连读双元音音素 /eu026a/,最后以鼻音 /n/ 结尾。






百度翻译,英美音标一致,都是[ˈk|reɪ|ə|n],英式发音较快,美式发音较慢。但谷歌翻译,发音是 [ˈkreɪɑn] ,reɪ后ə换成了ɑ。

crayon 怎么读

crayon[英]["kreu026au0259n][美]["kreu026au0259n]n.彩色蜡笔或粉笔; vt.& vi.用彩色蜡笔[粉笔]画; 第三人称单数:crayons过去分词:crayoned复数:crayons现在进行时:crayoning过去式:crayoned以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义同反义词百科释义1.N-COUNT彩色铅笔(或蜡笔)A crayon is a pencil containing coloured wax or clay, or a rod of coloured wax used for drawing.

crayon怎么读 用中文翻译

用中文谐音法来读是:可瑞儿恩。crayon英 [u02c8kreu026au0259n]美 [u02c8kreu026au0259n; u02c8kreu026au02ccɑn]n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔n. (Crayon)人名;(英)克雷恩vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画


蜡笔01、crayon 网络解释1. 笔:例如:在学习文具单词时,就可以把他们的铅笔(Pencil)、蜡笔(Crayon)、尺子(ruler)等拿出来,这样会给学生以直观的感受,使语言符号形象化,加深孩子对单词的理解和记忆,还会让他们感觉活泼有趣,学得更快更好. 2. 彩色笔;粉笔或其绘画:Craven:胆怯的 | Crayon:彩色笔;粉笔或其绘画 | Canyon:峡谷3. 色粉画:crayon drawing 蜡笔画 | crayon 色粉画 | crazing mill 碎矿机02、双语例句1. The mother sponged crayon marks off. 母亲用湿海绵擦去了痕迹. 来自《简明英汉词典》2. He coloured the picture with a yellow crayon. 他用黄蜡笔给画着色. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. He coloured the picture with crayon. 他用蜡笔给画上色. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》4. The crayon had been worn down to a stub. 这枝蜡笔用得只剩一小段了. 来自辞典例句5. Shirley dropped the crayon as if it burned her fingers. 谢利连忙放下铅笔,仿佛它烫了她的手指似的。


crayon【cray/on】英 ["kreu026au0259n]     美 ["kreu026au0259n]    n.蜡笔;蜡笔画
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