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compromise是什么意思:妥协1、Compromise is an inevitable part of life. 妥协是生活不可避免的一部分。2、After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise. 双方经过长期的商谈终于达成了妥协。3、This model represents the best compromise between price and quality. 这种型号是价格和质量间的最佳折中方案。4、In any relationship, you have to make compromises. 在任何关系当中,人们都得作出让步。5、Neither party is willing to compromise and herein lies the problem. 双方都不愿意妥协,问题就在这里。6、My natural inclination is to find a compromise. 我生性易于妥协。


【 #英语资源# 导语】compromise有妥协;折衷;折衷案;和解等意思,那么你知道compromise的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习compromise的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】compromise的用法   compromise的用法1:compromise用作及物动词时,意思是“连累,危害,损害”。可接名词或代词作宾语,如名誉等。可用于被动结构。   compromise的用法2:compromise用作不及物动词时,意思是“折中解决”,常与介词with搭配,表示“向某人妥协”。 【篇二】compromise的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   compromise with (v.+prep.)   向(某人)妥协   compromise的网络释义   compromise   妥协; 泄漏; 和解; 妥协,折衷;   engineering compromise   工程综合方案; 工程折中方案; 工程折衷; 工程折衷方案;   compromise potential   平衡电位;   compromise solution   妥协解; 折衷解; 和解解决;   network compromise   网络折衷处理; 网络折衷; 【篇三】compromise的用法例句   1. Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise.   克拉克先生已表示自己坚决反对妥协。   2. He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.   他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。   3. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise.   他们的问题只能通过妥协来解决。   4. They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise.   他们在卢萨卡举行会谈试图达成妥协。   5. Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise.   谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。   6. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula.   外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。   7. He did not allow his preconceptions to compromise his scientific work.   他不允许自己的先入之见破坏自己的科学工作。   8. They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow.   他们经过讨论达成了一项莫斯科可以接受的折中方案。   9. Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.   卢森堡草拟了一项英国、法国和德国之间都可以接受的妥协方案。   10. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.   妥协将使他得以继续他的自由市场改革。   11. By midweek officials were speaking hopefully of a "compromise".   一周过半时,官员们谈论到“折中方案”都满怀希望。   12. Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.   他们拒绝妥协必然会引发联合国的更多批评。   13. It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached.   看起来好像现已达成一个妥协协定。   14. The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.   总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。   15. Trade ministers patched up a compromise.   贸易部长们艰难地达成了妥协。


compromise用作名词时表示妥协,和解。用作及物动词时,意思是“连累,危害,损害”。用作不及物动词时,意思是“折中解决”。1.compromise用作及物动词时,意思是“连累,危害,损害”。可接名词或代词作宾语,如名誉等。可用于被动结构。 Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 这些举动将会损害你的名誉。 The malicious rumours compromised her good fame. 那些恶毒的谣言损坏了她的好名声。 2.compromise用作不及物动词时,意思是“折中解决”,常与介词with搭配,表示“向某人妥协”。 Let"s compromise and each pay half the damages. 我们采取折中办法吧,每人付一半的赔偿费。 They compromised by going to the cinema. 他们采取折中的办法去看电影。 3.compromise常与介词with搭配,而不与to搭配。 Is the boss prepared to compromise with the workers over their pay demand? 老板是否准备向工人就其工资要求进行妥协呢?


compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] n. 妥协, 和解 妥协〔折衷〕办法, 和解契约 中间物, 折衷物 损害; 连累; 危及 make compromise with 与...妥协 compromise of principle 原则上的让步 He did it without compromise of his dignity. 他做这事而不损及他的尊严。 词性变化 compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] vt. 和解, 对...妥协, 折衷处理 危及, 连累 放弃(原则, 利益); 泄露(秘密) compromise a lawsuit 和解诉讼 compromise sb."s reputation 损害某人的名誉 compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] vi. 和解, 互让了事 姑息, 妥协, 退让 compromise with a person 与人和解 We can not compromise on such terms. 我们不能根据这样的条件和解。 I would rather die than compromise. 我宁死不妥协。 继承用法 compromiser n. 词性变化 compromisingly adv. compromissary adj. 习惯用语 A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. [谚]吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼(指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦)。 A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. [谚]吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼(指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦)。 be compromised by 被...危害〔连累〕 compromise with...on 在...方面同...妥协 put to compromise [废]使...受到威胁, 危及(名誉、生命、财产等) strike compromise 达成妥协 参考词汇 [同义词]




compromise[英][u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az][美][u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az]n.妥协; (名誉等的)损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物; vi.折中解决; 妥协,退让; vt.违背(原则); 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险; 第三人称单数:compromises过去分词:compromised复数:compromises现在进行时:compromising过去式:compromised以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.President bush encouraged me to compromise to cut deals. 布什总统曾鼓励我作出妥协,以便达成协议。2.That"s one mother of a compromise for four days. 对于4天来说,这可是个天价的和解。


compromise英[u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az]美[u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az]n.妥协; (名誉等的)损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物vi.折中解决; 妥协,退让vt.违背(原则); 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险网络调和; 泄露; 危及第三人称单数:compromises复数:compromises现在分词:compromising过去式:compromised过去分词:compromised形近词:compromism数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道新1The legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise.这项立法本身就是勉强妥协的产物。


compromise [com·pro·mise || "ku0252mpru0259mau026az]n. 妥协, 折衷案, 折衷v. 互让解决; 放弃; 连累, 危及; 泄露; 妥协, 让步




make a compromise妥协例句:1.Can you make a compromise? 你是不是可以退一步?2.We have to make a compromise of money. 我们得对资金妥协.

compromise between/on是什么意思




compromise发音 我是想问最后明明是(mis)的发音为什么音标却是(maiz)

comprom「ai」z.没办法打音标.注意i这个字母单词里面发音为ai就好. i本来的发音里面就有ai这种方式,这个单词和promise是两个不同的词,发音规则不尽然相同,有的规则比较灵活,有的特例记住就好了.





never compromise是什么意思

never compromise 网络意思:永不妥协; 决不妥协; 江湖之亮剑者; [例句]They would never compromise with mortal enemies.他们决不会和他们的死敌妥协。




compromising[英][u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026azu026au014b][美][u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026azu026au014b]adj.妥协的; 让步的; vt.“compromise”的现在分词; 双语例句How had this compromising picture come into the possession of the press?这张令人难堪的照片是怎么落到媒体手中的?The key will be to inject just enough dollars to preserve purchasing power without compromising the earnings power of their largest companies.现在,关键是要在不影响本国大型企业盈利能力的情况下,通过注入足够的美元以保持本国购买力。There is a way to mitigate risk without compromising performance and that* is the promise of this book.他写道:有一种方法既可减少风险,又不会影响业绩*这是本书的承诺。





Compromise proposal请问这个compromise是什么词性


compromise和concession 有什么区别啊

compromise from two sidesconcession from one side


拆分方法如下1/词根助记解析pro 前面 + mess 送出 -> (比别人)提前送出的 -> promise 承诺2/联想compromise v. 妥协;损害;放弃 n. 妥协mess n. 杂乱;麻烦;不整洁的人 v. 使不整洁;随地便溺message n. 信息;要旨 v. 发短信improvisation n. 临时准备;即兴创作improvise v. 即兴做;即兴表演imprudent adj. 不明智的。


  compromise有妥协;折衷;折衷案;和解等意思,那么你知道compromise的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习compromise的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    compromise的用法   compromise的用法1:compromise用作及物动词时,意思是“连累,危害,损害”。可接名词或代词作宾语,如名誉等。可用于被动结构。   compromise的用法2:compromise用作不及物动词时,意思是“折中解决”,常与介词with搭配,表示“向某人妥协”。    compromise的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   compromise with (v.+prep.)   向(某人)妥协   compromise的网络释义   compromise   妥协; 泄漏; 和解; 妥协,折衷;   engineering compromise   工程综合方案; 工程折中方案; 工程折衷; 工程折衷方案;   compromise potential   平衡电位;   compromise solution   妥协解; 折衷解; 和解解决;   network compromise   网络折衷处理; 网络折衷;    compromise的用法例句   1. Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise.   克拉克先生已表示自己坚决反对妥协。   2. He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.   他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。   3. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise.   他们的问题只能通过妥协来解决。   4. They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise.   他们在卢萨卡举行会谈试图达成妥协。   5. Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise.   谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。   6. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula.   外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。   7. He did not allow his preconceptions to compromise his scientific work.   他不允许自己的先入之见破坏自己的科学工作。   8. They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow.   他们经过讨论达成了一项莫斯科可以接受的折中方案。   9. Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.   卢森堡草拟了一项英国、法国和德国之间都可以接受的妥协方案。   10. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.   妥协将使他得以继续他的自由市场改革。   11. By midweek officials were speaking hopefully of a "compromise".   一周过半时,官员们谈论到“折中方案”都满怀希望。   12. Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.   他们拒绝妥协必然会引发联合国的更多批评。   13. It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached.   看起来好像现已达成一个妥协协定。   14. The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.   总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。   15. Trade ministers patched up a compromise.   贸易部长们艰难地达成了妥协。 猜你喜欢: 1. compromise的第三人称单数 2. oppose的用法和短语例句 3. compromise的用法和短语例句 4. invite的用法和短语例句 5. 关于put的常见短语和用法


compromise_百度翻译compromise [英]"ku0252mpru0259mau026az [美]u02c8kɑmpru0259u02ccmau026az n. 妥协;(名誉等的)损害;妥协(或折中)方案;折中物 vi. 折中解决;妥协,退让 vt. 违背(原则);连累;(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险 [例句]President bush encouraged me to compromise to cut deals.布什总统曾鼓励我作出妥协,以便达成协议。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


compromise [英]u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az [美]u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az n. 妥协;(名誉等的)损害;妥协(或折中)方案;折中物 vi. 折中解决;妥协,退让 vt. 违背(原则);连累;(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险 [例句]President bush encouraged me to compromise to cut deals.布什总统曾鼓励我作出妥协,以便达成协议。


compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] n. 妥协, 和解 妥协〔折衷〕办法, 和解契约 中间物, 折衷物 损害; 连累; 危及 make compromise with 与...妥协 compromise of principle 原则上的让步 He did it without compromise of his dignity. 他做这事而不损及他的尊严。 词性变化 compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] vt. 和解, 对...妥协, 折衷处理 危及, 连累 放弃(原则, 利益); 泄露(秘密) compromise a lawsuit 和解诉讼 compromise sb."s reputation 损害某人的名誉 compromise [04k00mpr05maiz] vi. 和解, 互让了事 姑息, 妥协, 退让 compromise with a person 与人和解 We can not compromise on such terms. 我们不能根据这样的条件和解。 I would rather die than compromise. 我宁死不妥协。 继承用法 compromiser n. 词性变化 compromisingly adv. compromissary adj. 习惯用语 A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. [谚]吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼(指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦)。 A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. [谚]吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼(指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦)。 be compromised by 被...危害〔连累〕 compromise with...on 在...方面同...妥协 put to compromise [废]使...受到威胁, 危及(名誉、生命、财产等) strike compromise 达成妥协 参考词汇 [同义词]


望采纳 金山提供主要参考compromise英 [u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az]n. 妥协;(名誉等的)损害;妥协(或折中)方案;折中物vi. 折中解决;妥协,退让vt. 违背(原则);连累;(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险网 络妥协;和解;折衷;折中复数:compromises过去式:compromised过去分词:compromised现在分词:compromising第三人称单数:compromises词条标签:CET4CET6考研TOEFLIELTSGRE柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典现代英汉综合大词典英汉双向大词典1. N-VAR可变名词折中;妥协;让步 A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people. Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want...鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner...时刻准备好并乐意在自己与伴侣的需求之间作出让步。The government"s policy of compromise is not universally popular.政府的妥协政策并没有受到普遍欢迎。2. V-RECIP相互动词妥协;作出让步 If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted. You can also say that two people or groups compromise . 【语法信息】:V with n over n【语法信息】:pl-n V on n【语法信息】:V on n (non-recip)【语法信息】:Also pl-n VThe government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies...政府已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步。"Nine," said I. "Nine thirty," tried he. We compromised on 9.15...“9点。”我说。“9点半。”他试着说。于是我们各让一步,定在了9点一刻。Israel had originally wanted $1 billion in aid, but compromised on the $650 million.以色列原本想要获得10亿美元的援助,但后来作出让步,同意接受6.5亿的援助。3. VERB动词使(自己)声誉受损;违背(信念) If someone compromises themselves or compromises their beliefs, they do something which damages their reputation for honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles. 【语法信息】:V pron-refl【语法信息】:V n【语用信息】:disapproval...members of the government who have compromised themselves by co-operating with the emergency committee...因与紧急委员会合作而使自己名誉受损的政府成员He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。行业释义英英释义网络释义法律1.和解;相互妥协同反义词语源派生同义词vi.1. "妥协,让步" 释义下的同义词concede halfway meet yield settle adjust其他释义下的同义词settlement concede adjust understanding settle yield concession


compromise的意思是妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解。n、妥协;折衷;折衷案;和解。vt、妥协处理;危害。vi、妥协,和解;让步。例句用作名词1、He did it withoutcompromiseof his dignity.他做这事而不损及他的尊严。2、The agreement is acompromise, not a sell-out.这个协议是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步。3、After some discussion we arrive at acompromise.经过一番讨论之后,我们达成一项折衷方案。4、Or are we ready tocompromiseour faith?或者,我们准备好了在信仰上折衷吗?5、Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want.鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。6、The government"s policy of compromise is not universally popular.政府的妥协政策并没有受到普遍欢迎。用作及物动词1、Build the disorder that does not have the market tocompromiseproject quality forthrightly.建设市场的混乱直接地危害工程质量。2、He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。3、Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner.时刻准备好并乐意在自己与伴侣的需求之间作出让步。用作不及物动词1、They found it wiser tocompromisewith her.他们觉得与她妥协更明智。2、The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies.政府已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步。


英 ["ku0252mpru0259mau026az] 美 ["kɑu02d0mpru0259mau026az] n. 妥协;折衷;折衷案;和解 vt. 妥协处理;危害 vi. 妥协,和解;让步 基本介绍 外文名 :compromise 英式音标 :u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az 美式音标 :u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az 名词 :妥协;名誉损害;折中方案;折中物 不及物动词 :折中解决; 妥协,退让 及物动词 :违背(原则); 连累; 使陷入危险 详细释义,例句, 详细释义 n.(名词) 妥协,和解,折中 妥协方案;折中方案 连累,危及,损害 折中物;中间物 放弃 互让了结 私下了结 调和;调节 克制 折中值 adj.(形容词) 妥协的 折中的 v.(动词) 和解,互让解决;妥协;让步;折中 泄露 连累,危及,危害,损害 对...妥协;妥协处理;折中解决 私下了结 消除 违背(原则) 达不到(标准) 使陷入危险 使受到怀疑 例句 用作名词 (n.) He did it withoutcompromiseof his dignity. 他做这事而不损及他的尊严。 The agreement is acompromise, not a sell-out. 这个协定是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步。 After some discussion we arrive at acompromise. 经过一番讨论之后,我们达成一项折衷方案。 Or are we ready tocompromiseour faith? 或者,我们准备好了在信仰上折衷吗? Encourage your child to reach a compromise beeen what he wants and what you want. 鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。 The government"s policy of compromise is not universally popular. *** 的妥协政策并没有受到普遍欢迎。 用作及物动词 (vt.) Build the disorder that does not have the market tocompromiseproject quality forthrightly. 建没市场的混乱直接地危害工程质量。 He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles. 他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。 Be ready and willing to make compromises beeen your needs and those of your partner. 时刻准备好并乐意在自己与伴侣的需求之间作出让步。 用作不及物动词 (vi.) They found it wiser tocompromisewith her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。 The agreement is acompromise, not a sell-out. 这个协定是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步。 The government has compromised with its critics over moary policies. *** 已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步。


  compromise英 [u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az]  n.妥协; (名誉等的) 损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物;  vi.折中解决; 妥协,退让;  vt.违背; (原则) 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智) 使陷入危险;  [网络]调和; 泄露; 危及;  [例句]Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want.  鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。  [其他]第三人称单数:compromises 复数:compromises 现在分词:compromising 过去式:compromised 过去分词:compromised 形近词: compromism


compromise生词本去背诵英 [u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az]n.妥协; (名誉等的)损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物vi.折中解决; 妥协,退让vt.违背(原则); 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险网 络妥协;和解;折衷;折中复数: compromises过去式: compromised过去分词: compromised现在分词: compromising第三人称单数: compromises派生词:compromiser双语例句同反义词更多资料1. Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise. 克拉克先生已表示自己坚决反对妥协。2. He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles. 他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。3. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise. 他们的问题只能通过妥协来解决。4. They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise. 他们在卢萨卡举行会谈试图达成妥协。5. Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise. 谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。

Our class adviser doesn’t doubt,in any case.___.we can overcome the difficulties in our study.H.

C C【点拨】not doubt后面的宾语从句需用that引导.以表达确定的枣情。决定成为,决定去做……;A项不满足的;B项吃惊的;D项泄气的。



1、The computer room is on the second floo

Where、s 讠sthe computer room

compact disc什么意思?

Compact Disk(激光唱片,光盘)的缩写。现在市场上有的CD格式包括声频CD,CD-ROM,CD-ROM XA,照片CD,CD-I和视频CD等等。在这多样的CD格式中,最为人们熟悉的一个或许是声频CD,它是一个用于存储声音信号轨道如音乐和歌的标准CD格式。主要类别:1、绿盘由Taiyo Yuden公司研发,原材料为Cyanine(青色素),保存年限为75年,这是最早开发的标准,兼容性最为出色,制造商有Taiyo Yuden、TDK、Ricoh(理光)、Mitsubishi(三菱)。2、蓝盘由Verbatim公司研发,原材料为Azo(偶氮),在银质反射层的反光下,你会看见水蓝色的盘面,存储时间为100年,制造商有Verbatim和Mitsubishi。3、金盘由Mitsui Toatsu公司研发,原材料为Phthalocyanine(酞菁),抗光性强,存储时间长达100年,制造商有Mitsui Toatsu、Kodak(柯达)。

大学英语作文、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compositio

vMy Opinion on Private CarsWith the increasing of the living standard,more and more people own a car.It"s true that a car can do us good.We can drive to work without taking a bus.We can go travelling in our own cars.We can go out by car anytime.In a word,a car makes it convenient to go anywhere.What"s more,owning a car,to some degree,means we"re rich.Therefore many people dream of having their cars,and work very hard in order to have one.Hower,there are some disadvantages of a car.First of all,we have to pay a lot of money for it.A car can be very expensive,generally costing ten thousand yuan or more.Second,a car needs gases or petrol.We have to go to the filling stations from time to time.Third,it releases poisonous gases that pollute the air.What"s more,too many cars will bring about traffic jams.To my mind,we should not buy a car.Nowadays the traffic system is perfect.Buses,taxies and underground are everywhere.



翻译Direction: In this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic.




Feint Boyinaband-Time Bomb 求资源

Feint & Boy In A Band feat. Veela - Time Bomb已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还望选为满意回答。PS:如果还有其他人需要这个资源的话,可以将鼠标移动到我名字上,点击“求助知友”,求助时别忘记写下你的邮箱和你所求的资源名哦。

chinese new year comes in january or february.此句中的chinese new year 为什么前面没有加the .

因为并没有把chinese new year作为专用名词,所以不加the


Chinese New Year is coming.这就是最地道的表达,现在进行时表将来。

背景音乐也有一句歌词是"the voice of china”的音乐,就那么一句,邮箱


"outcomelose you"是什么意思

outcome lose you结果失去你双语例句1Still, the trouble with letting even a well-founded worry get the best of you is that it can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy: lose enough sleep and suffer enough sweaty palms over time, and you "ll start making mistakes that could lead to the very outcome you" re dreading.就算理由很充分,但是如果让焦虑在你心中占据上风,它也会产生问题,可能导致臆想渐渐成为现实:睡眠不足,掌心冒汗,开始犯下错误,导致你一直担心的糟糕结果。

the outcome,critics say,has undermined...成分

the outcome,critics say,has undermined.的成分分析如下:The outcome 句子主语,critics say, 是插入语has undermined.. 是句子谓语。

if i was brave outcome is not different 如果当时我勇敢,结局是不是不一样

翻译:Would the outcome be different if I was brave at that time?

clinical outcomes是什么意思

clinical 临床的 ,临床的诊断结果

Come out的中文是什么


expected outcome是什么意思


come out什么意思中文翻译


learning outcome是什么意思

learning outcome英 [u02c8lu0259:niu014b u02c8autku028cm] 美 [u02c8lu025anu026au014b u02c8au028atu02ccku028cm]双语例句1. The process of learning and developing is more important than the outcome. 学习和成长的过程远比结果重要.来自互联网2. Others think that learning happens naturally, and that it"s an inevitable outcome of instruction.其他一些人认为学习需要顺其自然, 而且它是培训后的必然产物.来自互联网请采纳~



[A] line[B] work[C] score[D] outcome


与come out和outcome类似的英语异位词还有哪些?

outbreak 和break out也是



outcome 可数吗?

outcome 和 income一样都是不可数名词

outcome-based teaching是什么意思




outcomes 和results的区别

outcomes n. 结果( outcome的名词复数 ) [例句]Such outcomes raise political questions in most societies.这种结果在大多数社会引发了政治问题。result 英[ru026a"zu028clt] 美[ru026au02c8zu028clt] n. 结果;(尤指足球比赛的)胜利;[体]比分;成功实现的事 vi. 发生,产生;归结为,导致;后果,终结;由…而造成[产生] 第三人称单数:results;过去分词:resulted;名词复数:results;现在分... [例句]The end result is inflation and negative real interest rates everywhere.最终结果是全球各国都出现通胀和实际利率为负的局面。



outcome-based education是什么意思

outcome based education的中文翻译outcome based education结果教育双语例句Increasing emphasis is being placed in dentistry, as in other areas, on outcome-based education and on the specification of learning outcomes.增加重点放在牙科,因为在其他领域,对成果为基础的教育和规范的学习成果。


估计你是问作为名词的时候这3个词的区别。3个词都有“结果”的意思,其中: 1)result泛指结果本身,使用频率高 例一:The result of the game was five-nil. 比赛结果是五比零。 2)consequence强调因果关系和前因后果的逻辑性 例二:As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse. 由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。 3)outcome强调一件事情的结局 例三:The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。 比较起来result和outcome跟接近一些,很多情况下result和outcome可以通用,比如例一和例二。另外惯用法也不可忽视,例如可以说as a result, ...(结果……),但不能用as a outcome, ...


今日来格一下,理一下。 在我的概念中,“产品思维”关注的是结果,“项目思维”关注的是产出。 “结果”与“产出”有什么区别,我也去查了查英文字典,“outcome”与“output”。 先举个例子,我买了一把刀(output),方便做菜(outcome)。 做菜可以有很多种方式,是结果,是目的。 反复的搜索互联网,网络上有很多歪果仁的解释。 1.Outputs relate to "what we do." Outcomes refer to "what difference is there" 。 ----产出关注“我们做什么”,结果关注“有什么区别?” 2.Outputs, such as revenue and profit, enable us to fund outcomes; but without outcomes, there is no need for outputs. ----产出,如收入和利润,使我们能够为结果提供资金;但如果没有结果,就不需要产出。 3.In public policy, "output" is usually used to refer to an immediate, tangible yield (the "product"). In turn, this may or may not result in certain "outcomes", which however are not necessarily under direct control of the policy process. Finally, outcomes can have (and be measured in terms of) "impacts". Hypothetical example: government may publish a report on healthy school meals, following a lengthy consultation; the report is the output of said process. This then leads to schools changing their meals offering ("the outcome"); in turn, this may end up showing improved obesity rates etc. among pupils ("the impact"). 学习之,思考之,领悟之,项目思维关注“产品”,产品思维关注“产品”的“影响”。 理解一下,还是用前面的例子,我买了一把刀做菜。 若我是项目经理(如厨师长),我思考的是为了做菜,我得买一把刀,但是这还不够,还需要去买菜、调料、厨具、燃气等等。 ------有了“刀”不一定能做成“菜”,如何做出这道菜,做这道菜需要什么? 若我是产品经理(如老板)。我思考的是我做了这菜,有什么价值,有什么意义。我做的这个菜是饭店的招牌菜,还是自个家里的家常菜,是通过菜来盈利,还是招待朋友,还是一日三餐。 ------“菜”最终要到那里去,如何卖出价来?让顾客清楚为啥我的菜值这个价格。 稍微总结一下: 差异之处: 1.深度 虽然项目思维的产出是与项目关联的第一级深度,但产品思维的结果是与项目关联的第二级深度。 2.价值 虽然项目思维的产出不涉及服务的影响或价值,但产品思维的结果反映在因所提供的活动或服务而产生的成就或绩效水平上。 3.评价 项目思维的产出不是有效性的适当指标。产品思维的结果是衡量有效性的适当尺度。 还是上面那句话------项目思维关注“产品”,产品思维关注“产品”的“影响”。

icome welcome outcome分别的意思和用法

i come= 我来……welcome=欢迎outcome=结果I come home early today.Welcome back home.Did you get the outcome yet?


有, outcomes, +s


outcome是结果。名词outcome的解释请点击输入图片描述1. I think there can be but one outcome to this affair.我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。2. outcome是什么意思2. The outcome was not what he fondly expected.结果并不象他天真地希望的那样。3. The outcome of their discussion is still unknown.他们讨论的结果仍然不清楚。4. She was satisfied with the outcome of her efforts.她对自己努力的结果很满意。outcome 网络解释1. 结局:提高服务效益和技术水平 现代康复治疗属动态的、开拓式的管理,而不是静止的、维持性的管理,在有关功能、手段、残疾三大基本理念指导下,通过对康复治疗的有效管理,达到康复治疗服务质量(Quality)良好、成本-效益(Cost-effectiveness)理想、结局(Outcome)满意.2. 预后:因此,安体舒通和依普利酮的预后(outcome)试验排除了血清肌酐>221μmmol/L(2.5mg/dL)和血清钾>5mmol/L的患者. 已报道由于安体舒通更广泛的应用导致的高钾血症的增加224. l 血管紧张素II受体阻断剂(ARBs)在不耐受ACEI的症状性心衰患者可代替ACEI使用,


outcome的意思是结果,成果,出路,它的词性是名词,近义词有result,effect。outcome造句:①:The outcome of the election is a foregone conclusion.选举结果已在预料之中。②:Public interest centres on the outcome of next week"s by-election.公众的注意力集中在下周的补选结果上。③:The outcome of the game is beyond his fondest hopes.比赛结果使他大喜过望。




outcome的意物返思是结果。outcome意思为结果;成果;出路,out,向外,come,来,出来,引申词义结果。英语读岁桥作 [u02c8au028atku028cm],美语读作[u02c8au028atku028cm],复数形式是outcomes。outcome相关例句1.I think there can be but one outcome to this affair.我认为这件事只可能有一种乎蚂猛结局。2.The outcome was not what he fondly expected.结果并不像他天真地希望的那样。3.The outcome of their discussion is still unknown.他们讨论的结果仍然不清楚。4.She was satisfied with the outcome of her efforts.她对自己努力的结果很满意。5.This is the outcome of your sly smiling,and your sneering?这就是你们带来的后果,你们现在高兴了?6.Parties with an interest in the execution and outcome of a project.与项目的实施和项目成果有利害关系的各方。


outcome n. 结果; 巧记:你出去(out)一次再进来(come)一次,或许就能得到你想要的{结果} 例句 We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations. 我们在等待谈判的最后结果。“结果/后果”的单词有 consequence aftermath outcome result,它们的区别·consequence:指不太好的后果。·aftermath:多指单数形式,强调灾难、风暴或战争等不幸事件的后果或余波。·outcome:“结果,结局”,常指某项活动,比赛或未解决的事情的最后分晓和输赢。· result:使用最广泛,指各种效果,后果,有“最后结果”的意思。


outcome 英[u02c8au028atku028cm] 美[u02c8au028atu02ccku028cm] n. 结果; 成果; 出路; [例句]Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome辛格先生说他对这一结果感到满意。[其他] 复数:outcomes


outcome 英[u02c8au028atku028cm] 美[u02c8au028atu02ccku028cm] n. 结果; 成果; 出路; [例句]Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome辛格先生说他对这一结果感到满意。[其他] 复数:outcomes

Close To You (Comme Moi) 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You (Comme Moi)歌手:Franck Pourcel专辑:Dancing In The Sun/And Now...Vanessa Williams-Close To YouI"m all aloneIn my sleepless nightsEven though it"s youPlaying on my mindAll this I"ve tried to hideAll the things I felt insideAnd all my words have been tornI wanna be close to you(Repeat)Tantos versos eu rasgueiTantas vezesquis mudarQuantas làgrimas sequeiSem seu olharTanto tempo eu conteiPor você entao sonheiTantas horas sem um proquêI wanna be close to you(Repeat)Hey ya,ha ha~I wanna be close to you(Repeat)All the things I tried to hideAll the things I felt insideI wanna be close to you(Repeat)


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when you come home 歌词


Come Home To Me (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Come Home To Me (Album)歌手:Ernie Halter专辑:Franklin & VermontLet you gotoo easilydid I let you see me cryyou close the doorI didn"t calland it hurt so much for me to say goodbyeand now I"m on my ownstill waiting here alonecos I want you backand you know I can"t let goCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night aloneI wonder whois there with youand if you"re thinking of me nowit"s not too lateto try againwe can make it right the second time aroundtell me what to doI"m still in love with youand I can"t believe that you don"t need me tooCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night aloneIf there"s a chance for us I need to knowcos after all that we"ve been throughyou"ve seen a part of me I can"t let gocos no-one makes me feel the way you doCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night alonealone媛星编辑

谁能帮我翻译一下Radical Face - Ghost中Welcome Home,Son 的歌词



刚工作回家。form [fu0254rm]n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造vi. 形成,构成;排列work [wu025dk]n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进vi. 工作;运作;起作用

come to my home

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