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ClickHouse Compression

(1)原理 ClickHouse默认使用LZ4压缩格式。当数据类型不同,ClickHouse支持字段级别的压缩格式,可以使用不同的CODEC,更好的标识数据类型,理论上可以提高性能。 测试2种压缩codec: (2)结论: 写入、压缩、查询没有明显变优,甚至有些方面弱于默认LZ4 。 构造自己要用的数据。


《皇牌空战ZERO贝尔肯战争(Ace Combat Zero The Belkan War)》-..这次的《ACE COMBAT ZERO》的音乐所描写的是“对手王牌们的心”。他们带着自己的正义与想法,与玩家之间挑起了战斗,在对手王牌们的生存方式之中,可以看到他们的不同的人间剧本,不同的思想。在没有更多的语言文字的背后,有着他们的“... ... 120K 2007-12-19 - 百度快照 皇牌空战ZERO:贝尔卡战役_Ace Combat Zero:The Belkan War_太平...《皇牌空战》源于NAMCO早期的大型电玩3D游戏《皇牌空战(Ace Combat)》,是一款以虚构的世界为背景的空战射击游戏,自1995年推出PS 版至今已历10 年,共推出5 款作品,获得许多玩家的喜爱。本次预定推出的《皇牌空战ZERO:贝尔卡战役》,是... 38K 2007-12-24 - 百度快照 《皇牌空战零预约特典DVD》([ACE COMBAT ZERO THE BALKAN WAR][...[皇牌空战零预约特典DVD].[ACE.COMBAT.ZERO.THE.BALKAN.WAR][PROJECT.ACES.TRAILER.COLLECTION].avi 377.8MB [皇牌空战零预约特典DVD].[ACE.COMBAT.ZERO.THE.BALKAN.WAR][PROJECT.ACES.TRAILER.COLLECTION].srt 28.3KB 全选 377.... 28K 2006-9-16 - 百度快照 播客::ACE COMBAT ZERO OST 18MISSION::威斯卡::CCCP音乐台::派...好友邮箱: 邮件内容:老朋友,我是某某呀。我在派派上看到一个节目很好看哦,快去看看:节目叫:ACE COMBAT ZERO OST 18MISSION,播放地址:[url][/url]... 20K 2007-12-9 - 百度快照

cisco路由器中“ip domain name”表示 什么意思

系统缺省设置,可以保留这个域名很厉害吗?这个域名不厉害。GEC环保币的另一个注册网址,宣称该网站“是国务院信息化领导小组办公室才能批下来的国家级别域名。”事实上, 是中国公司和商业组织域名,注册的要求必须实名认证才能使用。至于国务院特批,不存在,在网上搜索“域名注册”,相同域名后缀一大堆,还很便宜。此外,查询的历史注册人,域名一开始的注册人叫李建,在2018年9月变更为了李亮,再过一个月又变更为了谢建,又过了一年多又变更为了罗旋。域名所有人除了个人以外可以是公司,基金会持有的,既然GEC宣称是“国务院特批”,应该是特批给基金会,而该域名一直为个人。泄漏百出的网址域名首先让这个看似“高大上”的“国际组织”有些站不住脚。GEC环保币骗局:GEC环保币是由2015年在香港成立的世界环保创业基金会设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。是一种P2P(点对点)形式的数字货币。而这个世界环保创业基金会,称使命在于通过赞助环保创业项目,支持世界环保行业发展,从而可持续地促进解决世界环境问题。由上可见,GEC主要以“环保”这个正能量的噱头来进行自我包装。在世界环保创业基金会官网看到,该平台的域名为,注册地址为日内瓦1204区杜罗纳街14号。对cc域名的阐述,安全联盟举报中心此前发文提到,钓鱼欺诈网站多以CC结尾,考虑到cc域名在中国10%左右的实际使用率,说cc域名是诈骗分子的最爱也毫不为过。





return的用法,和come back的区别。急


commit a suicide 和 commit suicide 都对吗?





Danzel - You Spin Me "Round 试听下载 跪求谁知道这个网站的背景音乐



需要 POP.STMP 设置








下面回答的 , 你们自己在去好好听下,我觉得跟内个不像 这个网站的战歌名字是啥子 知道的说下 是背景音乐

Danzel - You Spin Me Round试听: 下载:


有的。网易的yeah邮箱的登陆网址是 http://www.yeah.net补充介绍:一、YEAH邮箱是网易公司在2007年5月份推出的新款邮箱,相对于网易的免费163,126邮箱来说,网易YEAH邮箱界面显得更清爽,邮箱免费容量为512兆。二、高级功能有双克隆、通讯录、过滤器、安全登录、黑白名单、瞬间抵达、邮箱锁屏、邮件撤回、安全锁、邮件加密。


有@yeah.net没有。网易邮箱是。net是一级国际域名,net即Network operations and service centers, 代表的是互联网络、接入网络的信息中心(NIC)和运行中心(NOC)。就像域名com是代表工、商、金融等企业,域名edu代表教育机构一样。大部分邮箱域名是com,而也有相当一部分邮箱域名并不是com,比如新浪的,微软的,outlook.kr等。2012年8月,网易邮箱人脸识别系统率先在网易邮箱旗下的免费邮箱品牌yeah实验室正式发布,逐步在网易邮箱163、126旗下发布。YEAH邮箱是网易公司在2007年5月份推出的新款邮箱,相对于网易的免费163,126邮箱来说,网易YEAH邮箱界面显得更清爽,邮箱免费容量为512兆。



good things come in threes点解?

中文都好似有句口头语 一不离二,二不离三。 跟all good things e in threes差不多。 系要意会的。英文的句内容比中文更清楚指明「凡好的事情发生都一不离二二不离三」,反而中文的语法没有讲明是好事多磨好还是祸不单行。  这是一个有关迷信的谚语。如果好东西发生了两次,它会再发生第三次。 参考: My past Learning threes sounds like freely adv. in a willing and generous way:- eg:-The book is now freely available. eg:-The red wine flows freely !! eg:-We freely admit that good things e in threes. 你好! + N数字s指「以该数字为计算单位;N个为一组的人事物」。原则上,是可用ones os threes……elves…直到.hundreds thousands millions,只是有些数字单位使用频率很高,但有些就较少 (譬如: sevens; thirteens..就少),如以下例句: Good things e in threes. (以三为计算单位;三个一组的人事物) Bad things happen in threes " is what everyone said.





访问步骤如下:1.打开网站, 选择你要安装到的浏览器(例如百度浏览器),或者打开你的浏览器的“扩展中心或者应用中心”不同的浏览器叫法不同。2.找到“谷歌访问助手”,然后安装。3.安装好后会跳出一个设置指导页面,点击“永久免费激活”。4.安装要求设置下主页即可,设置完后重启浏览器。5.重新打开浏览器后等等数秒即可。



NIOS2配置EP3C16F484C6的epcs进行flash烧写出现以下错误 error code:8 for command:nios2eds/bin/......


一首NBA放过的歌 歌词貌似有句seasons coming go

written in the star么 歌词如下 Oh written in the stars A million miles away A message to the main Ooooh Seasons come and go But I will never change And I"m on my way Lets go... Yeah You"re listening now They say they aint heard nothing like this in a while Thats why they play my song on so many different dials Cause I got more hits than a disciplined child When they see me everybody brrrrrap"s, brrrrrraps Man I"m like a young gun fully black Barrack I cried tear drops over the massive attack I only make hits like I work with a racket and bat Look at my jacket and hat So damn berserk So down to earth I"m bringing gravity back Adopted by the major I want my family back People work hard just to get all their salary taxed Look Im just a writer from the ghetto like Malory blackman Where the hells all the sanity at, damn I used to be the kid that no one cared about Thats why you have to keep screaming til they hear you out Oh Written In The Stars A Million Miles Away A Message To The Main Ooooh Seasons Come And Go But I Will Never Change And I"m On My Way Yeah, I needed a change When we ate we never took because we needed a change I needed a break For a sec I even gave up believing and praying I even done the legal stuff and was leaded astray Now money is the root to the evilist ways But have you ever been so hungry that it keeps you awake Mate, now my hunger would leave them amazed Great, it feels like a long time coming, fam Since the day I thought of that cunning plan One day I had a dream I tried to chase it But I wasn"t going nowhere, running man! I knew that maybe someday I would understand Trying to turn a tenner to a hundred grand Everyones a kid that no-one cares about You just have to keep screaming until they hear you out Oh Written In The Stars A Million Miles Away A Message To The Main Ooooh Seasons Come And Go But I Will Never Change And I"m On My Way

在nios eds上编译程序时,出错:nios2-elf-gcc: Command not found,这是什么原因呢?求高手指点


当使用IDU COM3接入一台RS232的智能设备时,其跳线应该如何?



在网页源代码中,</head>之前,将这个代码加上就行了:<base target="_blank"/>这是说页内所有链接都以新窗口打开,如果只设置某些链接在新窗口打开的话,不加这一句,在需要新窗口打开的超链接代码内加上 target="_blank" 就行了,比如:<a href="链接网址" target="_blank"/>链接</a>

怎样使用 Engineer directional compass


Ⅴ.The use of the geological compass

The geologic compass,along with the rock hammer and hand len S,is one of the traditional geological tool S.The compass is used to determine direction,measure topographical slopes and to determine strike and dip of beds,structures and other geological features.There are many kinds of compasses,but most have essentially the same design and usage.Chinese geologists generally use an octagonal brunton-style compass.Following is an introduction for the usage of the DQY-1 geological compass,produced by the Harbin optical instrument factory,(Fig.2-5).Fig.2-5 DQY-1 Geological Compass1.The structure of the oompas SFig.2-6 Chart for DQY-1 geological compass1—short arm;2—cover; 3—ellipticalmirrorhole; 4—hinge connection; 5—compass shell; 6—long arm; 7—mirror and sub-line ; 8—magnetic needle ; 9—level bubble; 10—dial; 11—inclinometer level bubbl ; 12—inolinometer dial ; 13—brake screw ; 14—dial screws correctionThe compass is composed of housing,hinge connection,mirrors,folding arms,magnetic needle,dial,inclinometer scale,inclinometer plate,needle damper and screw dial for correotion of the declination(Fig.2-6).The hinge connects the compass with its cover and the mirror with a graduation line is loaded in the cover.The magnetic needle points to the magnetic North and South Pole-the white end of the needle points north and the blaok end south.The south needle is wrapped in a copper wire because China is in the northern hemisphere.The dial is divided into 360 degrees with the 1 80-degree mark at the hinge.The short and long arms are hinged to the body of the compass.The tips of the arms are aligned with the dial on the face of the oompass.The arms,magnetic needle,and dial can be used to determine the direction of a feature.A bubble level is used to keep the compass level and the second bubble in the inclinometer,can be rotated from the back of the compass to measure dip angles.The needle damper clamps the compass needle when the compass is closed in order to reduce wear and tear.The dial screw on the side is used to set the looal magnetic declination.2.Calibration of the compa SsThe magnetic needle points to the magnetio North and South poles,which are noti n the same location as the geographic poles.Thus,the compass needle must be adjusted so that it aligns with the geographic poles.The difference between the two is called the magnetic declination and it varies from place to place on the globe and changes with time.It is crucial that the needle should be adjusted before the compass is used or all of the measured data will be incorreot.Fig.2-7 Setting the magnetic declination of the compass(a)magnetic declination with 5°to the west;(b)magnetic declination with 5°to the east;(c)an example of magnetic declination in the Beidaihe area,Hebei ProvinceThe angle and direction of the magnetic declination for specific areas are generally given on topographic maps of the region.The declination on a map is for the date at which the map was published,so the declination needs to be calculated for the current date.In most parts of China magnetic north is located to the west of the meridian,and thus one must make a western declination.The procedure for calibration of the magnetic declination is shown in Fig.2-7.If the magnetic declination is to the west,use the screw on the side to rotate the surface plate in a counter-clockwise direction to the proper position(Fig.2-7(a).If the magnetic declination is to the east,make a clockwise rotation(Fig.2-7(b).It is always advisable to check your setting after the adjustment by aligning the compass with some feature whose geographic coordinates are known,e.g.a road running N-S or E-W.If the compass is set properly,it will line up with this feature.3.Use of the compas S for fieldworkIn field work,the compass is used to measure the direction of various features,the dip angle of hill slopes and the strike,dip direction and dip angle of various structural elements.(1)Azimuth measurementTo determine one"s location on a topographic map iti s useful to measure the azimuth to some fixed point of reference,e.g.,a hill top,stream junction or other feature shown on the map(Fig.2-8).By measuring the azimuth of two or more fixed points,one can draw lines from those points and where the lines intersect is the point at which you are located.Fig.2-8 Azimuth measurementsBefore taking a measurement make sure that the needle can move freely.Place the compass at a convenient height(waist or chest level)and align the long arm with the feature to be measured by using the mirror.Make sure that the compass is level by centering the round level bubble.When the needle stops swinging,you can read directly the azimuth of the feature.An azimuth reading can be either north or south,so one needs to know the direction of the reference point in relation to your position.Thus,in Fig.2-8,point A lies to the south of the feature at point B and one must draw a line southward(at the correct angle)from point B to determine the location of point A.The correct angle can be read from the south end of the magnetic needle.When the feature to be measured is low,the l Ong arm should point t O the Observer and the mirr Or should be adjusted until one can see the feature and the compass face with the level bubble.Keep the c Ompass level until the needle st Ops swinging and then press the brake to h Old the needle in p Ositi On.HOlding the brake d Own,turn the c Ompass until you can read the dial and record the angle as before.(2)Measurement of hill slopesHill slopes form an angle between the inclined plane oft he slope and the h Oriz Ontal.The meth Od for measuring this angle is shown in(Fig.2-9).One person stands at the top of the slope and the other One at the b Ott Om makes the measurement.Turn the c Ompass On its side,align the l Ong arm and sh Ort arm with the head of the person at the t Op and r Otate the inclinometer until the bubble is level.Then read the angle.The slope can also be measured from top to bottom,even without a second person if necessary.Fig.2-9 M easurement of a hills lope(3)Measurements for planar features such as bedding orf oliationFor planar feature S,one must measure the strike,dip direction and dip angle.The strike is the direction of an imaginary line formed by the intersection of the plane with the horizontal and the dip direction is perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).The dip is the downward angle between the plane and the horizontal,measured perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).To measure the strike,open the compass and place the long edge against the plane and then rotate the compass until the level bubble is centered.Now read the angle of the compass needle from north.The angle measured by the north and south end of the needle i S the same but,by convention,strike is usually referred to the north direction(e.g.N30°E)or recorded as an azimuth(e.g.120°),which is the same.With practice you will be able to measure the strike without having to place the compass on the rock.This is important because some rocks are magnetic and thi S can cause an incorrect reading.To measure the dip direction,place the compass as shown in Fig.2-10 with the hinge along the line of strike,centering the level bubble and read the angle between the needle and north.Fig.2-10 Diagram showing how to measure the strike and dip of a planar featureTo measure the dip angle,align the edge of the compass with the dipping plane parallel to the dip direction(Fig.2-10),rotate the inclinometer until the bubble is centered and then read the angle.Actually,only the dip direction and dip angle need to be measured,because the strike can be calculated by adding or subtracting 90°from the dip direction.It is important to first measure the dip direction and then the dip angle,not vice versa.If the rock surface is uneven,one can place the field book on the surface and make the measurement on the book.Alternatively,one can estimate the slope and make the measurements without placing the compass on the rock.If the outcrop is incomplete,the dip angle and direction can be measured by the 3-point method.Find two points on the layer at the same level(this is the strike)and one point up or down on the surface perpendicular to the strike.Align the field book with these three points to make a plane and to make the measurements as described above.The section above describes the way to measure any plane and it can be used for rock layers,foliation,cleavage,schistosity,joints or faults.The measured data are usually recorded as follows.For a plane with a dip direction of 30°,and dip angle of 50°,the information would be recorded as 30°∠50°.This shows that the measurement refers to a planar feature.In North America,it would be recorded as Strike N60°W and Dip 50°NE.



integrated与comlete 有什么区别啊,求详细解释

integrate 使…完整;使…成整体;;表示…的总和n. 集成体;一体化一般强调实物,团体等complete也是完成,但是一般指完成某件事和任务



progressive income tax是什么意思

累进所得税 累进所得税(progressive income tax)是指税率随着个人应纳税款的增加而上升(直至达到某一点为止)的所得税制度。具体而言,就是根据收入的高低确定不同的税率,对高收入者按高税率征税,对低收入者按低税率征税。

Savior (Comes Alive Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Savior (Comes Alive Version)歌手:Skillet专辑:Comatose Comes AliveSaviorLil EddieOooooh ooh yeahhStarin", feeling you out from a distanceSay that you"re solo, boy don"t tell me differentIf you come over, you won"t get resistance tonightSo don"t let me downI"m fed up, had enough, I"m out on a missionWhile many don"t deserve this I don"t know why you"re with himThe minute I find someone who"s got what he"s missing, I"m goneSo tell me you"re mySavioooorShow me the stairway to heavenBe mySavioooorSave me from this love armagedonOooohh ohhhTake me on your wings and fly awaySo be my savioooor, saviooor ooohImagine skipping town, next flight off the runwayYou spend the rest of your life just getting lonelyRebels let"s do it, sorry for pressing our luckDon"t blame me for dreamingBaby hurry up you got me burning upKiss me in shadows, kiss me in shadowsRescue me now, rescue me nowCome and give me something to live forSavioooorShow me the stairway to heavenBe mySavioooorSave me from this love armageddonOooohh ohhhTake me on your wings and fly awaySo be my savioooor, saviooor ooohListenThere"s nothing to it (yeahh yeahh)I always knew it (yeahh yeahh)Follow the music (yeahh yeahh)To my heart, the rhythm, the beat to my heartThere"s nothing to it (yeahh yeahh)I always knew it (yeahh yeahh)Follow the music (yeahh yeahh)To my heart, the rhythm, the beat to my heartSavioooorShow me the stairway to heavenBe mySavioooorSave me from this love armageddonOooohh ohhhTake me on your wings and fly awaySo be my savioooor, saviooor ooohSo be my savioooor

我想问一下,They went to beijing in 2000.They (come)back in twenty years。they后面填什么。

they 后填 will come 。因为2000年已经过了,那么in 2000表示的是过去的时间,故用过去式。in +一段时间,常用在将来时态中,意思为“.....之后”by +年份,指的是到某一年为至。

我想找动词后有介词的例子,如come in, take out, go to ..等等,最好有列表

动词+onput on穿call on拜访have on 穿*depend on依据,依靠信任*rely on依据,依靠,信任operate on手术live on为生*insist on坚持congratulate on祝贺动词+tolisten to听get to到达reply to答复apologize to道歉*belong to 属于agree to同意*add to增加*refer to指向*lead to导致*turn to转向*admit to承认动词+atshoot at 射击shout at吼aim at瞄准knock at敲门laugh at嘲笑call at s.p拜访rush at冲catch at抓住动词+forlook for寻找ask for询问wait for等待answer for偿还/对…负责pay for付钱stand for代表search for搜寻动词+ofrob of抢劫die of死于动词+介词*care about关心,关注,在意,担心care for喜欢dream about梦到dream of梦想hear about听说hear of听到hear from受到来信look at看look for寻找look after照顾*look into 调查,检查*look up查找think about考虑think of想到*deal/do with处理*fall out(头发等)脱落*fall for上…的当,受…的骗对…信以为真*go out(灯)熄灭*mix up混淆,弄乱,拌和,搅匀*stay up不睡觉,熬夜*work out锻炼,制定出*put on weight体重增加*make up编造,捏造,杜撰*pay off成功,带来好结果*rule out排除*run after追,追赶*show up出现,露面*step up加紧,加强,促进*wish for盼望,期盼*reach out(手)伸出;伸出(手)*consist of由…组成由…构成*pick up拿起,捡起*lift up拿起,举起*contribute to是…成因之一/导致/贡献*contribute…to..捐献/投稿*bang into(不小心)撞着某物*turn into(使)变成*differ from和…不同,不同于*appeal to迎合,对…有吸引力*lead to导致(结果)*close down关闭,使停业,使倒闭*come across*发现,(偶然)遇见*give out发出(气味,热)释放,散发,分发*put forward提出(观点,议案)*set up创立,建立,创办*pick out找出,挑选*point out指出*focus /fix on集中,关注*end up以…告终*use up用光,耗尽*believe in信任,信仰,信奉*take up占据(时间,空间)从事于*take on接受,雇佣,担当(某一角色)*pay back报答,偿还(借款)*warm up(使)暖和起来;(使)热身*ring out(铃声、枪声等)突然响起*feed on以…为食,吃*carry out执行,实施,进行*get sth across转达*trick sb into doing sth诱使某人做某事*pass on传递*get along相处,进展*get through(电话等)接通*wipe out扫除,消灭*run out(of)用完,耗尽*figure out相出,理解,明白;计算出,*turn out结果证明,结果是*break down出故障,抛锚*burst in突然冲入*cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来*die from/of死于*glare at对…怒目而视*go on进行,发生*hunt for打猎;搜捕*hold up延迟,阻碍,搀扶,支撑,举起,抬起*log off下线,关机*meet with遇见,碰见*move on接下去,继续*queue up排队,列队*remind sb of让某人想起/提醒某人*set out提出,制定出

context communication

The general terms "high context" and "low context" (popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies. High context communication refers to communication in societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of communication are not made explicit because the both sides know what to express and what to think from years of interaction with each other. Communication in your family is probably an example. For example, when your mother has prepared your dinner, without any words, all of your familly members know it is dinner time and will sit at desk for the dinner. Low context communication refers to communication in societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, communication may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. For example, a Chinese do businesses with an American who he does not familiar with. He may choose to communicate with the American by writting emails and will finnaly form a contract for the business.

有首英文歌歌词中有come my lady come come my lady是什么歌

bigbang《come be my lady》?

Come Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Come Sunday歌手:艾瑞克 杜菲专辑:Iron ManSunday is gloomy ! 星期天是令人沮丧的!My hours are slumberless.我的末日即将来临。Dearest,the shadows I live with are numberless.我最亲爱的,我生活的庇护所无穷无尽。Little white flowers will never awaken you.白色的小花将不再能唤醒你。Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you.黑色的由忧伤组成的轿车(灵车)不再承载着你了。Angels have no thought of ever returning you.天使也将不再回护你。Would they be angry if I thought of joining you ? 他们是不是因为我想加入你的行列而被激怒了?Gloomy Sunday ! 绝望的星期天!Gloomy is Sunday ! 星期天是令人沮丧的!With shadows I spend it all.我将把它与阴影一起消磨待尽。My heart and I have decided to end it all.我与我的心都认为这就是它的终结。Soon there"ll be candles and prayers.很快这里将有蜡烛和祷文.That are sad I know.它们是令人伤心的,我知道。Let them not weep.将使他们悲痛到无语咛咽。Let them know that I"m glad to go.让他们知道我很高兴离开了这里。Death is no dream.逝了就不会再做梦。For in death I"m caressing you.因为有我在毁灭中爱抚着你。With the last breath of my soul.用发自肺腑的最后一口气。I"ll be blessing you.我将祝福你。Gloomy Sunday ! 绝望的星期天!Dreaming ! 梦中!I was only dreaming.我只是在梦中。[03:18:30I wake and I find.我醒来并发现。You are asleep in the deep of my heart ! 你在我心里深深地熟睡着!Dear ! 亲爱的!Darling,I hope that my dream never haunted you.亲爱的,我希望我的梦不会折磨你。My heart is telling you.我的心已经告诉你。How much I wanted you.我是多么的需要你。

accompany; sacrifice ;sacrificial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

accompany(偶尔陪你伴奏) v. 陪伴,伴奏sacrifice(杀奎因坏死) v. 牺牲,献出 n. 供奉,祭品 sacrificial(三块肥瘦) adj. 牺牲的,献祭的


湖南交通职业技术学院教务系统入口: 各高等学校: 我厅决定2014年继续从高等学校普通专科应届毕业生中选拔优秀学生进入普通本科三年级学习,在普通本科高校修满两年(本科学制为五年制的修满三年),成绩合格后毕业,获得本科文凭。现就有关事项通知如下。 一、选拔范围及比例 选拔范围为全省高等学校(含普通高等学校、独立设置的高职院校、2014年有三年制普通专科毕业生的成人高校)三年制普通专科应届毕业生。各高校推荐参加"专升本"选拔考试的人数为选拔范围内各专业学生数的20%,选拔注册比例分校、分专业(按升入的本科专业分别计算)控制在参加选拔考试学生总数的50%以内。各本科院校"专升本"招生计划由学校按可选拔注册的人数申请、我厅核定后下达(若学校招生计划超过实际可注册人数仍严格按选拔注册比例计算的人数进行注册)。 二、推荐条件 一 德智体全面发展; 二 各科成绩平均分进入本专业2014届毕业学生的前20%; 三 非英语专业(音、体、美专业除外)学生必须在进入专科阶段就读并取得有效学籍之后,至2014年3月底以前获得《高等学校英语应用能力考试》(A级)证书或英语四级考试成绩达到426分以上。 推荐参加"专升本"选拔考试的学生需同时满足以上条件。 四 应征入伍的在籍专科生在部队荣获三等功的,退役后办理了复学手续并完成了专科阶段学习、取得《高等学校英语应用能力考试》(A级)证书或英语四级考试成绩达到426分以上的应届毕业生,可免试进入本科阶段学习。普通高职专科毕业生服义务兵役退役后要求接受普通本科教育的按我厅《关于印发〈普通高职专科毕业生服义务兵役退役后接受普通本科教育实施办法(试行)〉的通知》(湘教通〔2010〕479号)执行。 三、选拔程序 一 建立"专升本"合作关系 由推荐的专科学校与本科院校联系,并正式签定"专升本"合作协议。推荐高校每一个专业只限联系一所本科院校的相应本科专业。请各有关学校登录"湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台"(网址为 ),在2014年3月10日前完成与本科学校合作的专业对应申请(这是学生网上报名的前提),同时签订纸质协议书。本科院校在与推荐高校签订"专升本"协议前,必须对对应"专升本"的专科专业的教学计划和教学大纲进行认真审核,专业不相同或不相近的不能对口"专升本";未按艺术类招生录取的专科艺术类专业不能对应升入本科艺术类专业。推荐高校与合作的本科院校签订的协议书(含"专升本"对应专业、推荐人数)及合作双方确定的考试和选拔方案,连同"专升本"招生计划申请由本科院校于2014年3月10日前送交我厅高教处审核备案。超过时间不予受理,未经审核备案的不得组织选拔考试。我厅于3月15日前将各专业对应合作情况审核结果反馈到相关学校。 根据教育部、国家发改委有关规定,国防科技大学、中南大学、湖南大学、 湖南师范大学 和各独立学院不举办"专升本"教育, 湘潭大学 、 长沙理工大学 、 湖南农业大学 、 中南林业科技大学 、 湖南中医药大学 、 南华大学 、 湖南科技大学 只能接收本校的"专升本"学生。 二 学校推荐 2014年,学生继续采用网上报名的方式申请"专升本"。推荐高校必须事先将"专升本"的有关规定和要求向选拔范围内的所有学生予以公告,并严格按推荐条件选拔推荐对象,不得推荐不符合选拔条件的学生参加"专升本"考试。请推荐学校通知符合条件的学生于2014年3月15-25日之间登录"湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台"(网址:报名。学生报名后,推荐名单由各推荐学校于4月1日前确认,4月10日前完成公示(要求在校内显著位置张榜公布7天并同时在校园网和湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台进行公示)。无异议后,被推荐学生填写"专升本"报名表(附件1);推荐学校汇总学生报名情况,向合作的本科院校正式提出2014年"专升本"学生推荐名单(附件2),并送交"专升本"报名表。 各本科学校于4月15日前将审核确认参加2014年"专升本"选拔考试的学生名单通过"湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台"(网址:上报我厅高教处审查。审查时须提交以下材料:2014年"专升本"学生推荐名单(附件2);2014年"专升本"推荐情况汇总表(附件3);我厅于4月25日前将审查通过的名单反馈各本科学校,由各高校严格按通过的名单组织考试。 三 本科院校组织选拔考试 由合作的本科院校与推荐学校确定考试方案,商定考试科目,考试科目不得少于3门(其中专业课和专业基础课不得少于两门)。各校的选拔考试必须在2014年5月20日前完成。 一个专科专业毕业生人数少于6人的不得推荐及推荐人数少于2人的不得组织考试。 四 确定选拔名单 1.各本科院校根据选拔考试成绩,按专业、按参加考试学校、按比例、按从高分到低分的顺序,择优确定拟选拔名单,为保证录取的学生达到基本的学业标准,特别要防止出现陪考现象,本科院校可在与合作学校协商一致的前提下,在合作协议中对最低录取分数作出适当的限定,但因此出现的录取缺额不能从其他学校递补。拟选拔名单须经合作的双方学校分别张榜公布7天(同时在校园网和湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台进行公示),无异议后,予以正式确定。 2. 本科院校于2014年6月5日前在"湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台"将正式确定的"专升本"注册学生数据信息上报省教育厅。注册审查时须提交以下材料:学校正式报告、2014年"专升本"学生注册名单(附件4,一式三份)、2014年"专升本"注册情况汇总表(附件5);如有在部队服役期间获得三等功可免试"专升本"的学生,需提交所在部队下发的相关嘉奖令或通令的复印件(加盖与原件相符的公章)、勋章及其它相关材料。 我厅高教处将组织有关人员对 "专升本"学生学籍注册信息进行审查(具体时间另行通知)。确认注册名单于6月20日前反馈学校(同时通过湖南省普通高等教育专升本信息管理平台反馈,学校和学生均可查询注册审核结果)。 3."专升本"学生名单注册审查确认后,由本科院校向正式注册确认的学生发出"专升本"入学通知书。学生接到通知书后,即可办理学籍异动、户口迁移等手续,到本科院校报到学习。各本科院校一律不得向学生发预录通知。对违反此规定的学校,我厅将视情况严肃查处,并追究有关人员责任。 注册审查确认后的"专升本"学生不报到的,不再补注册其他学生。 四、其他事项 一 有关"专升本"的推荐、考试和选拔等工作必须按校务公开的要求,实行全程公开。有关高校的纪检监察部门要对"专升本"工作实行全程监督,确保公平、公正、公开;对徇私舞弊、违规操作的要严肃查处。 二 经审核通过"专升本"选拔注册的学生与当年的专科毕业生一同发放专科毕业证书,并予以电子注册。"专升本"学生进入本科院校学习后,执行本科院校的学籍管理规定,并不得再转学或转专业。各本科院校必须在9月30日前完成"专升本"学生的学籍注册,逾期不得再办理入学和注册手续。 "专升本"学生入学后必须严格按照普通全日制本科院校学生管理规定进行管理,不得在以专科学历就业的同时采取业余的方式就读。完成本科学业后,按照《教育部关于加强高等学校学历证书规范管理的通知》(教学[2002]15号)精神,其毕业证书内容须填写"在本校××专业专科起点本科学习",学习时间按进入本科阶段学习的实际时间填写;学士学位证书的发放按国务院学位委员会、教育部《关于调整学位证书版式及格式内容的通知》(学位[2007]25号)的规定办理。 三 参与"专升本"选拔工作的各高校须将本通知及时告知本校2014届全体3年制普通专科学生。 四 严禁以任何名义违规向"专升本"学生收费。 严禁高职(高专)院校在高考招生录取时以任何方式向学生暗示甚至承诺普通高等学校"专升本"。 五 各高校的"专升本"推荐选拔工作必须严格按本通知的有关要求和程序执行,并明确专人负责,严格审核,严格把关。因学校工作不到位影响工作进度造成的一切后果概由学校负责,并追究相关人员的责任。 ;

求各位大大发下陈以桐翻唱Pink 的Fucking Perfect的MP3地址~~


fucking perfect伴奏我也想要,急,下午用,能给我发一个吗?,谢谢,


我想要陈以桐翻唱的fucking perfect 歌词,方便的话发我邮箱 .. 谢谢

发过去了 可以弄进千千静听的

谁知simple plan那首welcome to my life中英文歌词


When you are ill, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all ov...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:B小题4:C小题5:A 试题分析:小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“When you are ill, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all over.”理解可知。当生病时,我们都不开心,因为浑身不舒服,故选C。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can"t see them with your eyes, but you can find them with a microscope(显微镜).”理解可知。细菌到处都是,因它非常微小,只能用显微镜才能看得到,故选B。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can"t see them with your eyes, but you can find them with a microscope(显微镜).”理解可知。显微镜的作用就是把小东西放大,故选B。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“They are very small and you can"t see them with your eyes,”理解可知。细菌非常微小,我们用眼是看不到的,故选C。小题5:理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知,本篇文章主要告诉我们生病是咋回事,故选A。点评:细菌是人生病的罪魁祸首,它微小却无处不在。在阅读前浏览一下后面的问题,这样目的性比较强,并且能节省很多时间。75题是个综合题目,仔细审题相对来说还是比较容易得到正确答案的。

Have you ever been ill?When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there

1.选D,根据第四段中Germs aren"t found only in water. They are found in air and dust.可以排除C选项。A,B选项明显不符合题意,只有选D,并且根据第二段It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere.可以确定正确答案。  2.选A,根据文中They are very small and you can"t find them with your eyes,but you can see them with a microscope.可以知道microscope是显微镜。确定选A。  3.选C,文中说到Germs are always found in dirty water.因此父母不让喝脏水。  4.选D,根据文章可以判断A,B,C均为正确答案,而D项不正确,即使手不被割破,也会有细菌的。  5.选A,总揽全文,可以确定答案为A, Germs may make us ill。

550 , Recipient unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command).


the comparison of high school and college



1. 这条是关于提单的要求,必须是由泛亚班拿所属的快递公司或船公司签署的不可转让的海运或多式联运提单。2. 这条是受益人证明,一整套完整的不可转让单证(包括一般原产地证明或普惠制产地证或出口商自制的原产地申明)已通过电子邮件的方式发送给泛亚班拿公司。这2条没什么风险,正常你签信用证里指定船公司的海单,银行接受的。如果是客人的原因不付款给银行,银行是不会放提单给客人的,所以不会产生他们不付款就提货的风险。

i m coming home是谁唱的?

是J. Cole唱的

_____ this afternoon, you would have to come again next week. A.The boss were not to return ..

D 考查虚拟语气;从句式分析:逗号后面是简单句,如果前面是个简单句,两句话中间要加连词,所以ABC都不对,D项是虚拟语气的省略倒装句,Were the boss not to return="if" the boss were not to return…,句意是:如果下午老板不回来,你下星期就要再来一趟。选D。

49,The boss will ______ those who come to work late.

回答:首先解释一下这几个动词的用法:1. blame: blame sb / sth for sth = blame sth on sb / sth 因某事指责某人(把某事归咎于某人),把某事归咎于某事。如:He blamed the girl for her drink driving = He blamed the drink driving on the girl. 他指责这位姑娘酒驾。We blame the fire on a dropped cigarette = We blame a dropped cigarette for the fire.我们把火灾归咎于一根乱丢的烟头。2. frown at sb / sth朝某人/某物皱眉头; frown on / upon sb / sth不赞成( 不同意,不许可)某人/某事。3. look for ...寻找……。鉴于此,最佳选项应该是D,即frown on。翻译:这位老板不会允许任何人上班迟到。

deadly combination 歌词

歌曲名:deadly combination歌手:big l专辑:the big picturef/ Tupac ShakurYes indeed - it"s the mix king - Ron GI got somethin - the world - ain"t ready forNew York City - L.A. - Chicago - AtlantaD.C. - Detroit - New Orleans, y"all know the dealFLAVA!!!!Hahahahahaha! Yeah nigga!Yeah.. that"s right.. BAYY-BAYY!That"s how we do itFollow me tell me if you feel meI think niggaz is tryin to kill mePicturin pistols, spittin hollow points til they drill meBig LKeepin it real, and even if I do concealmy criminal thoughts, preoccupied with keepin steelSee niggaz is false, sittin in court, turned snitchesthat used to be real, but now they petrified bitchesI"m tryin to be strong, they sendin armies out to bomb meListen to Ron, the only DJ that can calm meConstantly armed, my firepower keep me warmI"m trapped in the storm, and fuck the world til I"m goneBitches be warned - word is bonb, you"ll get tornI"m bustin on Guiliani, he rubbin my niggaz wrongAnd then it"s on, before I leave picture meI"m spittin at punk bitches and hustlin to be freeWatch me set it, niggaz don"t want it, you can get itBet it make these jealous niggaz mad I said itThis +Thug Life+ nigga, we don"t cater to you hoesFuck with me, have a hundred motherfuckers at yo" do",with fo"-fo"s.. hahahahaha, yeah nigga!+Thug Life+!A Bad Boy, just like Notorious B.I.G.I Roc-a-Fella like Shawn Carterwith more game than Ron HarperThe bomb sparker rapper slash charm robberWhile y"all be on the corners bummy and highI be out buyin the finest shit money can buyYou wish you was in a position that I"m inHot rhymin, diamonds shinin, autograph signinMy lifestyle is far outEvery week bring a different car outI go to nightclubs and buy the bar out, UHHcause I keep cream, I"m large on the street sceneEverytime I touch mics you hear all the freaks screamYeah yeah Big L Harlem"s finest, yeahThat nigga who hold it down for UptownHahahaha, that"s how we do it out hereon this underground real shit nigga, it"s the heat niggaNow rewind this motherfucker, you know you can"t help itDeadly combination bwoy!

2012欧洲杯 Endless Summer 纯音乐伴奏版本 请有的朋友发给我 邮箱 万分感谢

Oceana - Endless Summer 320K 伴奏发过去了,查收一下可能会进垃圾箱

where does the taikonaut come from什么意思?



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里面就是一层一层的喷雾器,,,,把水喷成雾壮,,成雾壮后就很容易和气相或是固相粘结在一起,然后下落,,收集起来,,,塔有开式的也有闭式的 个人理解: 化工生产中有一些污染物产生,比如盐酸挥发气体,氯气等,不能直接外排,需要经过水洗,去除这些东西后才能排放,水洗塔就是除去这些东西用的

黑蝙蝠乐队a better day的中文干声谁可以给我。。跪求

中文版是刘德华的黑蝙蝠中队中文歌词: (A Better Day)为什么你离开了我(Another way), 没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [Tony] 我无法预测我们的分离将如此轻易的来到, 我们曾经在一起分享快乐,承担痛苦,可我们 不得不分离,过去的日子一去不复返,那些和 你共同度过的纯真的日子,那些每个人都妒 忌我们的日子,那些我们从未相互猜忌的时光, 在那阴森森的过去,遇到你是我最大的幸运 (A Better Day)为什么你离开了我(Another way), 没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [JaeWon] yo!在那聊无生趣的日子里, 你是我那精疲力竭而孤独的灵魂的一线曙光; 你那明亮的小眼睛在这世界上是无可替代的, 无法用言语描述;只要一次亲吻, 这世上的所有就都成为了我的,我无比幸福; 当看到你的位置人去楼空, 我的心灵陷入了孤独的深渊,原谅我不能为你做什么 (A Better Day)为什么你离开了我(Another way), 没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [WooHyuk] 我希望回到我们深爱着彼此的去年冬天, 但我意识到太多的时光已经远去;光阴似箭, 现在分离的时刻即将临近;记忆中的一幕幕渐渐淡去, 热泪从两颊流下;即使它们是无法恢复的回忆, 它们仍然是我的珍爱;我给于你的美丽的回忆, 将领着我走向另一个世界 (oh oh oh)所以我将重新开始,我将不能,不能再寻找你了 毫无歉意的忘却你走向另一个世界 (A Better Day)为什么你离开了我(Another way), 没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来

a better day will be come soon,with the hope and smile wait it please!


《高中英语必修4》(第四单元)Communication:no problem怎么翻译?

高中英语必修4第四单元Communication:no problem的翻译如下:沟通:没问题吗?昨天,另一个学生和代表我们学校学生会,去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。他们都要在北京大学学习。我们将他们先对他们的宿舍,然后到学生餐厅用膳。半个小时后等待他们的飞行到达,我看见几个年轻人进入等候区好奇地环顾四周。我看着他们站了一分钟,然后就去迎接他们。第一个到的人是托尼·加西亚从哥伦比亚,其次是朱丽亚史密斯来自英国。当我遇上他们,然后介绍他们认识对方,我很惊讶。托尼接近茱莉亚,碰着她的肩膀并亲吻她的脸颊!她退后一步出现对此感到惊讶,并举起她的手,仿佛在后防线上。我猜想那里可能是一个主要的误解。然后从日本晶Nagata笑着走进来,同乔治厨师来自加拿大。当他们进行了介绍,乔治把手伸到日本的学生。就在那时,然而,所以他的鼻子碰晶向乔治的移动的手。他们互相道歉——另一种文化的错误!艾哈迈德·阿齐兹,另一个国际学生,来自约旦。我们昨天遇见的时候,他走得很接近我,就像我作了自我介绍。我搬回了一点,但他走得更近了,问一个问题,然后跟我握了握手。从法国来的时候Coulon达琳冲穿过门的时候,她认识的托尼·加西亚的笑脸。他们握了握手,然后吻了对方两颊,因为这是每一个成年人,在法国习俗遇到很多人,他们知道。艾哈迈德Aziz.,恰恰相反,只是点了点头,女孩子。男人从中东和其他穆斯林国家通常会站得很近,他对周围的人通常会说话但不能碰的女人。当我了解更多的国际朋友,我了解更多的关于这一文化“身体语言”。并非所有文化一样互相问候,也都以相同的方式舒适用触摸或距离人民之间的友谊。同样的道理,非语言交际与语言表达他们的感情,他们也有种说不出的“语言”通过使用物理距离,动作或姿态。英国人,例如,通常不站得很近或者触碰陌生人别人只要他们见面。然而,人们从地方像西班牙、意大利或南美国家接触那些紧密联系,更容易接触。现在世界上绝大多数人互握手,但是一些文化使用其他的问候,如日本,谁喜欢的弓。这些举动不是好或坏,而仅仅是文化发展的方法。我所看到的,然而,肢体语言文化习惯很一般——并不是所有成员的文化行为是相同的。一般来说,学习国际海关一定可以帮助避免困难在当今世界的文化的十字路口。

蓝精灵插曲The Smurfs 中文版在哪里可以下载? 邮箱

O(∩_∩)O 楼主您好 ,您要的资源已发给您了,请注意及时查收您的邮箱哦 ,希望可以帮到您 (⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢! 如果没有收到,第一请查看您的垃圾邮箱中是否有?? 第二请确认是否提供的邮箱错了??有问题请及时在“继续追问”我或者“hi baidu ” 我发给您,麻烦亲了,(⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢!

蓝精灵 the smurfs (啦啦啦中文版本)邮箱。

O(∩_∩)O 楼主您好 ,您要的资源已发给您了,请注意及时查收您的邮箱哦 ,希望可以帮到您 (⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢! 如果没有收到,第一请查看您的垃圾邮箱中是否有?? 第二请确认是否提供的邮箱错了??有问题请及时在“继续追问”我或者“hi baidu ” 我发给您,麻烦亲了,(⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢!

求 电影 蓝精灵 2011原声专辑《the smurfs 》 麻烦你发给我!!谢谢

O(∩_∩)O 楼主您好 ,您要的资源已发给您了,请注意及时查收您的邮箱哦 ,希望可以帮到您 (⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢! 如果没有收到,第一请查看您的垃圾邮箱中是否有?? 第二请确认是否提供的邮箱错了??有问题请及时在“继续追问”我或者“hi baidu ” 我发给您,麻烦亲了,(⊙ o ⊙ )谢谢! !

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求一首英文歌,女生唱的。里面一句:a new comes 什么的。。

a new day comes to》 歌手:celine dion (席琳迪翁) 歌曲:《a new day comes to》 歌词: a new day has come a new day has... come i was waiting for so long for a miracle to come everyone told me to be strong hold on and don"t shed a tear through the darkness and good times i knew i"d make it through and the world thought i had it all but i was waiting for you hush, love i see a light in the sky oh, it"s almost blinding me i can"t believe i"ve been touched by an angel with love let the rain come down and was h away my tears let it fill my soul and drown my fears let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun a new day has... come where it was dark now there"s light where there was pain now there "s joy是这个吗?

a day coming是什么意思?


A new day has come是魔兽世界的?

A New Day Has Come 歌词

歌曲名:A New Day Has Come歌手:Céline Dion专辑:My Love Ultimate Essential CollectionA new day has comeA new day has comeI was waiting for so longFor a miracle to comeEveryone told me to be strongHold on and don"t shed a tearThrough the darkness and good timesI knew I"d make it throughAnd the world thought I had it allBut I was waiting for youHush, loveI see a light in the skyOh, it"s almost blinding meI can"t believeI"ve been touched by an angel with loveLet the rain come down and wash away my tearsLet it fill my soul and drown my fearsLet it shatter the walls for a new, new sunA new day has... comeWhere it was dark now there"s lightWhere there was pain now there"s joyWhere there was weakness, I found my strengthAll in the eyes of a boyHush, loveI see a light in the skyOh, it"s almost blinding meI can"t believeI"ve been touched by an angel with loveLet the rain come down and wash away my tearsLet it fill my soul and drown my fearsLet it shatter the walls for a new, new sunA new day has... comeLet the rain come down and wash away my tearsLet it fill my soul and drown my fearsLet it shatter the walls for a new, new sunA new day has... comeOhhh, a lightHush, nowI see a light in your eyesAll in the eyes of the boyI can"t believeI"ve been touched by an angel with loveI can"t believeI"ve been touched by an angel with loveHush, nowHush, now

吸血鬼日记第一季所以音乐 要全的. 邮箱


A new has come的歌词(中英文的)

A New Day Has Come 真爱来临I was waiting for so long 漫长等待For a miracle to come 等待奇迹的出现Everyone told me to be strong 大家告诉我要坚强Hold on and don"t shed a tear 坚定意志,不要把泪儿藏So through darkness and good times 走过漫漫长夜与美好时光I knew I"d make it through 我知道我一定会安然无恙And the world thought I had it all 世人都以为我拥有一切But I was waiting for you 但是,我正在等待着你Hush love 万籁俱寂I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际Oh it"s almost blinding me 几乎夺走我的目光I can"t believe I"ve been touched by an angel 不敢相信,天使触动了我With love 赐予我爱情Let the rain come down 就让大雨滂沱落下And wash away my tears 洗去我的泪水Let it fill my soul 就让大雨注满我的灵魂And drown my fears 淹没我的恐惧Let it shatter the walls 就让大雨粉碎心墙For a new sun 等待新的曙光A new day has come 因为真爱来临A new day has come 因为真爱来临Where it was dark now there is light 光芒万丈,不再黑暗Where there was pain, now there"s joy 满心欢喜,不再痛苦Where there was weakness, I found my strength 自信十足,不再脆弱All the eyes of a boy 我看到男孩的纯真眼神Hush now 万籁俱寂I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际Oh it"s almost blinding me 几乎夺走我的目光I can"t believe I"ve been touched by an angel 不敢相信,天使触动了我With love 赐予我爱情Let the rain come down 就让大雨滂沱落下And wash away my tears 洗去我的泪水Let it fill my soul 就让大雨注满我的灵魂And drown my fears 淹没我的恐惧Let it shatter the walls 就让大雨粉碎心墙For a new sun 等待新的曙光A new day has come 因为真爱来临A new day has come 因为真爱来临另外我觉得这首歌的mv 拍的挺好的

希望找到A new day has come的歌词

谁能帮我把这首歌翻译成中文啊 A New Day Has Come

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