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come up 是提出还是被提出?给两个例句


求讲解be overcome by


show up 和 come up有什么区别吗


come up 和come about的区别


come up做想出时有被动含义吗

你好,朋友。很高兴能为你解答。sth come up,意思是某事被想出,无被动sb come up with sth,意思是某人想出某事,可被动come up是主动形式表被动的

take up 和 come up 什么意思?

take up,从事,拿起,吸收,占据,占有,对。。。有兴趣。come up ,被讨论,发生,走近,出现

come up 与come up with 的区别

come up 出现,被提出 come up with 随...出现,提出. 一般来说,come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物.come up with 的主语是人.比较: The plan came up at the meeting. He came up with the plan at the meeting.

用come up的每种意思造个句,感谢中

come up1. 走近;走过来;到来:A beggar came up to us and ask for money.一个乞丐走过来向我们要钱。Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节很快就要来到。2. 提及;被提出:The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting.增加工资问题已在董事会上提出。3. 发生;出现:I shall write to you if anything comes up.如果发生了什么事情我将写信告诉你。4. 长出来;升起:I sowed some seeds last week, but they haven"t come up yet.上星期我种了点种籽,但现在还没长出来。5. 上来;上楼6. 证明是,原来是,结果是:She came up hoarse for the singing.她唱得嗓子都哑了。

求come up 的所有意思及其例句 每个意思来一句例句 谢谢

1:走近2:上来,上楼3:(从土中)长出,发芽:The seeds haven"t came up yet.4:发生,被提出:The question hasn"t came up yet.5:流行起来6(英)进大学



come up有没有被动语态

up是副词come up还不能用于被动语态come up with可以跟宾语,可以变成被动语态

请问"come about"和"come up"的区别


come up 有无被动?

据我所知这个词是无被动的。 comeup走近;上来;提出(无被动)It is certain that the question will come up at the meeting. 这个问题在会议上一定会被提出来的。上面的例句,come up 不需要用被动态。 这个单词本身的意思就是“被提出”。主动形式可以表被动意思。

英语有come up这个词组吗?come up是什么意思?太阳升起/出来可以用come up吗?老



其实是不定式省to,英语中有这样的规定,前面出现do的 话,后面的不定式可省to What you need to do at present is (to)overcome all difficulties and convince others of your ability to finish this task. 不定式作表语. 现在你需要做的是克服所有困难,让别人相信你有能力完成这个任务

英语有come up这个词组吗?come up是什么意思?太阳升起/出来可以用come up吗?老


overcome的同义词 我记得是come ... 一个词组

get over/across put up with 都是克服的意思.

overcome等于go though

get over 等于 go through,如果上下文与地理没关系. 如果与地理有关系,over,through 正如♂→毕毕じ所说 IN TURN 和 IN RETURN in turn 有个前后果 in return 回报,


overcome的ing形式,vt.& vi. 战胜,克服; 压倒,制服,…不堪; vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒,使受不了; vi. 受到…的极大影响;

come out;come up with分别是什么意思!

come out: 出来 例句与用法1. In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law. 这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 2. The little girl"s tooth came out when she bit into the apple. 这小女孩在咬苹果时,她的牙掉了。 3. Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 在危急关头显露出了她的优秀品质。 4. Hot weather makes her come out in a rash. 因天气炎热,她起了皮疹。 5. She"s been much happier since she came out. 她公开了自己是同性恋者以後就快活多了。 6. Fiona came out last season. 菲奥纳上一季初次参加社交活动。 7. I can"t get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。 come up with: v.提出 v.想出 例句与用法1. He"s come up with a great idea. 他想出了一个绝好的办法。 2. No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur die out. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。 3. Edwards"s always chasing after rainbows and never come up with a really practical idea. 爱德华总是想入非非,从来提不出真正实际的意见。 4. The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法。




overcome 本身就是over与come联合在一起 是一个单独的词 没有固定搭配的词 一般意思是 战胜;克服;打败;后面接名词或代词

be overcome with是什么意思




太阳升起可以用come up吗


用come up造句

come up造句:Come up to the fire, and you will thaw out. 到火炉边来,你就会觉得暖和 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成,能表达一个完整的意思

come out 与come up 都有出现的意思,其区别是什么?

come out多以人、物的出现 come up多以主意、方法、方案等,非实物出现

come up和come up with的区别是什么呢?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

be overcome with为什么是overcome

overcome 的过去时overcame,过去分词是overcome.所以您所谓的overcomed就是overcome,并无overcomed的写法哦!

come up with和come up的区别是什么?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

overcome、 conquer 和defeat beat 的区别是什么?

beat, conquer, defeat, overcomex0dx0a这组词均有“获胜,征服,击败”之意。x0dx0abeatx0dx0a指在战争、竞赛或其他方面最终彻底战胜对方,对象可以是人,也可以是物。x0dx0aconquerx0dx0a既可指靠武力或精神道方面的力量使对方屈服,又可指在排除障碍和阻力后取得胜利。x0dx0adefeatx0dx0a意为“击败”,强调的是暂时的胜利。x0dx0aovercomex0dx0a既可指在战斗和竞赛中战胜对方,也可指在感情、习惯等方面压倒,胜过。x0dx0a如:We can easily beat you at baseball.打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们x0dx0aThe Normans conquered England in 1066.1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。x0dx0aHe defeated his opponents in this election.在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。x0dx0aHe made efforts to overcome every difficulty.他努力克服每一个困难。

come up/over/down分别是什么意思

come up走上前来come over走过来come down(走)下来

overcome with 什么意思


be overcome by解释

overcome有一则解释是这样的vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒

come up和come up with有什么区别

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

overcome 与 be overcame 的区别

简单overcome 是克服的意思前者是原形后者是前者的被动形态比如Can you overcome your shortcomings? 你可以克服你的缺点吗? He was overcome by their entreaties. 他屈从了他们的请求。 The problem was finally overcame 那个问题终于被我克服了

come up 和come about的区别

它们在意思上有区别. come up 的意思是长出,上升,升职等;如:The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.雪花莲刚刚开始长出地面. come about指的是发生. 如:how did this come about?这是怎么发生的?

按照主谓一致的原则,谓语(动词) overcome不应该是复数吗?

您好,have to be overcome 是情态动词 have to overcome 的被动语态,所以 overcome 是动词,不是名词。主动:I have to overcome all kinds of difficulties.被动:All kinds of difficulties have to be overcome.情态动词 have to 后面接动词原形。have to do(主动)have to be done(被动)overcome(克服)这个单词遵循ABA的格式,也就是原形 = overcome过去式 = overcame过去分词 = overcome所以 have to + be + 主动词的过去分词 = have to be overcome

come up与 come up with区别

come up表示过来 如He came up to see me.他过来看我. come up with表示想出(一个办法) 如He came up with an idea. 他想出了一个点子.

be overcome by解释

overcome过去式:overcame过去分词:overcomebe+过去分词表示被动beovercomeby+n. 用……来克服Hewasovercomebytheirentreaties.他屈从了他们的请求。



come up with和come up的区别在哪里?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

come up还是turn up?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: There is some doubt whether he will (turn up/e up) in the meeting. 我觉得是turn up. e up和turn up都是出现的意思,不过e up是指事情,问题,指人路露面应该是turn up对吧? 解析: 对的,举例说明:We invited her to dinner but she didn"t even bother to turn up. 我们请她吃饭她都不露面.


  1. Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it. 发现问题后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。2. I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear. 我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。3. With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome. 经过反复施用除草剂,杂草得以彻底根除。

come up和come up with的区别是什么呢?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

overcome by/with emotion是什么意思

overcome by/with emotion百感交集被情绪所左右被情感所压倒双语对照例句:1.I paused there, overcome by emotion. 我在此停下脚步,被强烈的情感所压倒。 2.The subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason. 潜意识是被情绪控制的,而不是理性,对吗? 3.All three are overcome with emotion. 他们一家三口这时是百感交集

come up的用法 这个词组的意思?有哪些固定搭配或用法?

1. 开始;发生 I"ll let him know if anything comes up. 如有什么事,我会告诉他的. 2. 被提出,被讨论 A number of questions came up at the meeting. 会议上提出了许多问题. 3. 走过来 She came up and said, "Glad to meet you." 她走过来说,"很高兴见到你." 4. 开始流行

Tricky的《Overcome》 歌词

歌曲名:Overcome歌手:Tricky专辑:Lost & Found: 1990"S Pop Volume 6Alexandra Burke - Overcome (Prod. by Ryan Tedder)If you walk with your head downYou can count every step you takeI know every place Ive been nowI can count every mistakeIve been hurt so many times beforeAlmost forgotten how to dreamAll that I was running fromIs all i need to save meI couldn"t let you in my heartMy defenses all fall apartJust when I thought I"d given upI have overcomeAnd now I cant let you go, oh noYou showed me something that I"ve never knownAnd finally I"ve found the oneI have overcomeYou can never see it comingTheres always that one you cant count outWho keeps on believing nothings gonna stop me nowI"ve been hurt so many times beforeAlmost forgotten how to dreamAll that I was running from is all i need to save meI couldn"t let you in my heartMy defenses all fall apartJust when I thought I"d given upI have overcomeAnd now I cant let you go, oh noYou showed me something that I"ve never knownAnd finally I"ve found the oneI have overcomeIm not running anymoreCoz now theres nothing left to hold me downSome things are worth fighting forI see it allIts waiting for me nowI could"nt let you in my heartMy defenses all fall apartJust when I thought I"d given upI have overcomeAnd now I cant let you go, oh noYou showed me something that I"ve never knownAnd finally I"ve found the oneI have overcomeI could"nt let you in my heartMy defenses all fall apartJust when I thought I"d given upI have overcomeAnd now I cant let you go, oh noYou showed me something that I"ve never knownAnd finally I"ve found the oneI have overcomeI have overcome

come about和come up的区别

come up与come about皆有“发生”之意,且都为不及物动词,且come about多作不可避免之意,多用于疑问句,而come up本义为“occur, arise出现/发生”,如: We"ll let you know if any vacancies come up.一有空缺我们就通知你。 I shall write to you if anything comes up. 如果发生了什么事情我将写信告诉你。 Can you tell me how the accidents come about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

Jeremy Camp的《Overcome》 歌词

歌曲名:Overcome歌手:Jeremy Camp专辑:We Cry Out: The Worship Project (Deluxe Edition)Jeremy Camp - OvercomeSeated above, enthroned in the Father"s loveDestined to die, poured out for all mankindGod"s only son perfect and spotless oneHe never sinned, but suffered as if He didAll authority, every victory is YoursSavior, worthy of honor and glory,worthy of all our praise, You overcameJesus, awesome in power forever,awesome and great is Your name, You overcamePower in hand speaking the Father"s planYou"re sending us out, light in this broken landWe will overcome by the blood of the Lamband the word of our testimony, everyone overcome



come up和come up with有什么区别

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

come up的词性 用法 例句


come up的词组有哪些

come up(of an issue, situation, or problem) occur or present itself, especially unexpectedly(结果、情况或问题)(尤指出乎意料地)出现,发生■(of a specified time or event) approach or draw near(某时间,事件)接近;来临she"s got exams coming up.她快要考试了。■(of a legal case) reach the time when it is scheduled to be dealt with(讼案)到期,开庭become brighter in a specified way as a result of being polished or cleaned被擦亮,被擦光(Brit.)begin one"s studies at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge(英)上大学(尤指牛津、剑桥)come up againstbe faced with or opposed by (something such as an enemy or problem)面对(敌人、问题等);遇到反对come up withproduce (something), especially when pressured or challenged(尤指面对压力,挑战时)提出,想出;产生


1、I tried to overcome my shyness。我试图克服我的胆怯。2、overcome esp. with astonishment or disbelief。"被征服尤其是因为惊吓或怀疑。3、There are many different kinds of natural remedies to help overcome winter infections。很多不同种类的天然药物有助于克服冬季传染病。4、He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty。他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。5、He has made a decision to overcome disadvantage himself。他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点.6、Softness can overcome strength。柔能克刚。7、The government had to overcome isolationist opposition to the plan。政府不得不克服孤立主义者对该计划的反对。8、24immediately the boy"s father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"孩子的父亲立时喊着说:“我信,但我信不足,求主帮助!”9、How can we overcome this mentality?我们如何让才能克服这样的心态?10、He could not overcome his fatal weakness, cowardly character。他无法克服他致命的弱点:懦弱。

come up与 come up with区别


come up有什么意思?

come up with 提出;想出;赶上come up with sth 想出某事双语例句They always come up with some contrivance to raise prices. (17KB)他们总是想出一些诡计来提价。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. (22KB)盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you"re on call. (33KB)

come up等一系列短语及汉语


come up是什么意思?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。


overcome的过去式是: overcame。overcome的意思是vt.战胜;克服;使受不了;(感情等)压倒;vi.获胜;赢。overcome【近义词】beat。1.克服;控制;战胜lf youovercome a problem or a feeling,you successfully deal with it and control it.e.g.Molly had fought andovercome her fear of flying..莫莉已经努力克服了对飞行的恐惧。e.g.Find a way toovercome your difficulties.找出办法战胜困难。2.(感情上)受到极大影响,承受不起lf youare overcome by a feeling or event, it is so strong or has such a strong effect thatyou cannot think clearly.e.g.The night before the test l wasovercome by fear and despair...考试前的晚上,恐惧和绝望让我内心无比惊慌。e.g. A dizziness overcame him, blurring his vision.他感到一阵眩晕,眼前发黑。

come up是什么意思?

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。

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overcome可以用作动词,表示被(烟、感情等)熏〔压〕倒,使受不了时,一般用于被动结构。翻译:vt.克服;解决;战胜;受到…的极大影响;搭配:adj.1.difficult to overcome 难以克服的2.hard to overcome 难以遏制的n.1.overcome difficulties 克服困难2.overcome a fear 克服恐惧3.overcome an obstacle/problem 克服障碍/问题4.overcome opposition 战胜反对意见5.overcome by emotion 为情感所压倒6.overcome by fear 被恐惧吞噬例句:1.They had to overcome formidable obstacles.他们得克服重重障碍。2.Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty 有些事给了我克服困难的勇气。3.The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. 两个政党设法弥合了在这个问题上的分歧。4.The dead woman had been overcome by smoke. 这个女人是被烟呛死的。5.She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 她战胜了伤痛,赢得了奥运会金牌。6.She was overcome with grief when her husband died. 丈夫去世时她悲痛欲绝。7.She was trying to overcome her physical repugnance for him. 她努力克制对他非常强烈的反感。8.In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. 在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。

问come up的所有意思

1)come up可指“(植物)长出地面”,“(太阳)升起”。 ①The flowers are just beginning to come up. 花刚开始长出地面。 ②The seeds I sowed last week haven"t come up yet. 我上星期种的种子至今还未发芽。 ③I like to get up early and watch the sun come up. 我喜欢早起看日出。 2)come up表示“过来”。 ①He came up to the policeman and asked the way. 他走上前去向警察问路。 ②I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. 我听见身后有脚步声过来。 3)come up可表示“发生,出现”。 ①I"ll let you know if anything comes up. 一有事发生我就通知你。 ②I"m afraid something urgent has come up; I won"t be able to see you tonight. 很抱歉,有点儿急事,今晚不能见你了。 4)come up还表示“被提及,被讨论”。 ①The subject came up in conversation. 这个话题在谈话中提到了。 ②The question never came up in discussion. 讨论中始终未提及这个问题。 5)come up还可表示“(彩票)中奖”。 My number came up and I won £ 100. 我中奖了,赢了100英镑。 6)come up to sth. 表示“升到(某点),达到(某标准)”。 ①The water came up to my neck. 水上升到我的颈部。 ②His performance didn"t really come up to his usual high standard. 他没有真正表现出平日的高水平。 ③Their holiday in France didn"t come up to expectations. 他们在法国度假未尽如人意。


vt. 战胜,克服; 压倒,制服,…不堪; vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒,使受不了; vi. 受到…的极大影响; Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying莫莉已经努力克服了对飞行的恐惧。

come up中文是什么意思






请帮我分析下 exceed 、surpass 和overcome 三个词都表示超过的意思,有什么区别?

surpass, excel, exceed这些动词均有“超过、胜过”之意。surpass: 多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。vt. To be in love is to surpass oneself. vt. 人在爱中超越自我。 excel: 指在成绩、成就或学识上胜过他人。exceed: 既可指超出权利、权力的限度、管辖范围,或超过规定的时间范围,又可指在数量、程度或大小等方面的超过。His knowledge of history exceeds mine.他的历史知识超过我。 overcome: 多指战胜或克服非物质的东西,如困难和不良习惯等。语气较弱也可指在斗争或竞争中战胜或压倒对方。


这是个品牌,但是这个品牌不出名,这也是一首曲子的名字。电子琴是一种键盘乐器,也称电子合成器。广义上来说电钢琴和键盘合成器都属于电子琴,狭义上的电子琴也有双排键/多排键电子琴和单排键电子琴之分。但现在一般把单排键电子琴叫做“电子琴”,而双排键电子琴则有更合适的名称——“电子管风琴”。很多人会认为电子琴的原型是钢琴,这也难怪,想起键盘乐器大家都会首先想到钢琴。但这是一种普遍的错误认识,电子琴的产生动机是源于比钢琴更宏伟庞大的键盘乐器——管风琴。管风琴它的结构非常复杂,体积非常庞大,不仅有可以多层的手控键盘,还有脚控键盘。世界上较大的管风琴是美国新泽西州亚特兰大城议会大厅的管风琴,有 32706 支音管,1200 个音栓,19 个音色区,7 排手键盘。可想而知,管风琴(一般指教堂管风琴)的建造几乎完全依附于建筑,要带着它到处跑可以认为是不可能的。然而管风琴的这种无限持续的音响是多么的反自然和美妙,音乐家们需要它。于是有人动脑筋要做它的替代品。自 1904 年以后美国人 Thaddeus Cahill 制成世界上一台电子乐器以后,有想法的电子乐器发明家积累了一定的经验,终于在几十年以后出现了一种叫做 electronic organ 的电子乐器,这就是最早所谓的“电子琴”,亦称为“电子风琴”。这种电子琴是一种发音类似管风琴的电子键盘乐器。它的制造动机源于管风琴,因此它的音色尽可能地模拟管风琴,可以获得无限延续的音响。最早投入市场的电子琴是 1935 年美国人 Laurens Hammond 在 1930 年发明,1935 年投入量产的 Hammond 电子琴。它具有两层 61 个键的手键盘和一组 32 个键的脚键盘,能够合成正弦波,甚至能模拟 20 多种不同乐器的音色。这种电子琴之前从来没有过,量产之后在市场上大受欢迎,之后各种形式的电子琴就开始火起来。这也是现代标准电子琴是 61 键的原因。日本 YAMAHA 公司有先见之明,抓住商机,于 1959 年制造了世界上一台晶体管技术双排键电子琴,其在形式上同 Hammond 电子琴几乎一致,但在性能和效果等各方面都要超越它。之后为了便携简化,YAMAHA 将双排键变成单排键并取消了脚键盘,于是电子琴成为我们现在所常见的这种形式,固定下来直到今天。所以最早电子琴的翻译是 electronic organ,产生的基础音色是长音而不是现在一般单排键电子的开机音色——原声大钢琴。而现在市面上一些高品质双排键、尤其是具有实体音栓的电子管风琴,开机预设音色仍然是管风琴,这点非常地棒。现在各个电声乐器品牌都有自己的电子琴产品线(也有些品牌不称自己的电子琴产品为“电子琴”但实际上它就是电子琴),作为高标准严要求的乐手,这里来说说一台高品质的电子琴需要具备哪些基本功能,在这些功能的描述中会体现出电子琴一些独有的特点。1.足够数量、高品质品质,能够乱真的 PCM 音源。除了必须要具备的标准 GM2 音色库的音色,一台高品质的电子琴会拥有更多的演奏音色及GM2 音色库以外的音色,比如中国民乐音色。一台高品质的电子琴,不仅常用的原声乐器音色要逼真,富有感情,它的 Lead、Pad、FX 组的电声音色也要好,这对于判断一台电子琴在音色方面是否全面是很重要的。足以乱真的原声乐器音色和炫酷的电声合成音色是一个电子琴的灵魂。一台电子琴不仅开放给用户的面板音色要有好品质,供电子琴内部音乐及节奏调用的音色库也要足够高品质,才能虏获专业键盘手的心。2.显示信息清晰、风格准确样且全面的自动伴奏及方便的演奏预设

come up造句简单?

1One of the teachers came up and started talking to me.有位老师走上前来 开始跟我说话2The seeds have come up种子发芽了。由有道智云提供数据服务3We watched the sun come up我们观看了日出。由有道智云提供数据服务4That question did come up on the test.那道题真的在试卷上出现了。由有道智云提供数据服务5I"m afraid something urgent has come up恐怕有紧急事情发生了。由有道智云提供数据服务6How soon can you come up with the money?你什么时候能拿出这笔钱?由有道智云提供数据服务

come up当提出讲能用于被动语态吗

come up这里UP是介词,后面加宾语。所以将宾语提前可以形成被动语态sth be came up

用“come up”怎么造句?

Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现Howard Wilkinson has come up with an absolute corker of an idea.霍华德·威尔金森想出了一个绝佳的主意。It"s here that we come up against the difference of approach.我们就是在这一点上面临方法上的分歧。It will be so great watching the sun come up.看着太阳冉冉升起将是十分美妙的事情。They had come up from London loaded down with six suitcases.他们拖着6只箱子从伦敦过来。Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有几位成员提出了自己的建议。come up 英音读作:[ku028cm u028cp],意思是:发生,上来,提到,开庭。Because so far you"ve come up with squat.Sometimes we don"t come up with a solution.It"s tough to come up with something original.

overcome 与 be overcame 的区别

简单overcome 是克服的意思前者是原形后者是前者的被动形态比如Can you overcome your shortcomings?你可以克服你的缺点吗?He was overcome by their entreaties.他屈从了他们的请求.The problem was finally overca...

解析几个英语词组的区别 1.come on2.come in3.come out4.come up


Within Temptation的《Overcome》 歌词

歌曲名:Overcome歌手:Within Temptation专辑:Stand My GroundOvercomeArtist(Band):Within TemptationWhere are the heroesIn my time of needIs my cry not loud enoughOr have they gone all numbThey just tend to standOut of the rainThinking but not actingThat they"re not to blameFalling and crawlingA fight to stand upMemory still haunts meIn the dead of nightOver and overI felt so smallBut one day I"ll be strongerAnd you better watch outI will overcomeYour violence their silenceAlthough,It can"t be undoneI will overcomeKnowing that I"m not the only oneI will overcomeIt"s the only way to carry onWhere are the savioursAfraid of the tollSorry do my nine inch nailsSlash your soulSuch heroesThrowing stonesStraight at the oneWho is standing aloneTwisting and turningIt"s always the sameTruth is never honestWhen you"re to blamePushing and pullingNever give inOne day I wishYou"ll see you"re not so beautiful withinI will overcomeYour violence your silenceAlthough,It can"t be undoneI will overcomeKnowing that I"m not the only oneI will overcomeIt"s the only way to carry onRun and runRun and runI will overcomeTheir violence your silenceAlthough,It can"t be undoneI will overcomeKnowing that I"m not the only oneI will overcomeIt"s the only way to carry onI will overcome-END-

come up和come up with的区别

用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目 扩展资料 用法不同 1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。 2、come up with:指为一定的目的`而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。 侧重点不同 1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。 2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。


第一个和其他三个在词根上没有太大关联,不需放在一起,应单独来记“胜过”. overcome即come over,字面上看是越过的意思,引申开则是“战胜”. overdo指do over,意思是“做得过了”,而overdoing是overdo的现在分词形式. overtake是指“追上 赶上”

初中最常见的come up 的用法

come up 1.happen;arise发生;出现*I expect something to come up soon.我预料不久就会发生什么事.*I"ll let you know if anything comes up.如果发生什么事的话,我会让你知道的.*Many question came up about...
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