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ext中combox 使用validator验证问题

你在提交的时候需要判断一次是否验证,你这么写只是验证了一次。 if(!this.getForm().isValid()){ Ext.Msg.alert("错误","有不符合要求的条件项"); return null; }加上这段在你的提交按钮上,才会在每次执行的时候去验证

求一首女生英文歌 高潮部分节奏大概come on nanana-nana-nananananana

您好,是 (S&M)。是一首很火的。受年轻人欢迎的的一首时尚潮流歌曲

In the United States, teaching is very important. If teachers do not teach well, students compl...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B 略


发邮件到 ,2010年中级的会计、财管、经济法的mp3课件和讲义下载

谁给做个He’s a Pirate的铃声,要小提琴版的,效果一定要好哦,邮箱

he is a pirate 小提琴铃声.mp3 (932KB) 已发送~注意查收 听听看 满意记得采纳~

可以把 He is a pirate 截取的4个版本给我发一下吗?邮箱 万分感激!




Welcome To The Machine 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Machine歌手:Roger Waters专辑:In The Flesh - LivePink Floyd-welcome to the machineWelcome my son, welcome to the machine.Where have you been? It"s alright we know where you"ve been.You"ve been in the pipeline, filling in time,provided with toys and Scouting for Boys.You bought a guitar to punish your ma,So welcome to the machine.And you didn"t like school, and you know you"re nobody"s fool,So welcome to the machine.Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.What did you dream? It"s alright we told you what to dream.You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,He always ate in the Steak Bar. He loved to drive in his Jaguar.So welcome to the zooe 2009-8-24

我想下载电影We Bought a Zoo《我家买了动物园》。。。



  comprise是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么你comprise做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来comprise的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家学习!   comprise作动词的意思:   包含,包括;由u2026组成;由u2026构成   comprise的英语音标:   英 [ku0259mu02c8praiz]   美 [ku0259mu02c8prau026az]   comprise的时态:   现在分词: comprising   过去式: comprised   过去分词: comprised   comprise的英语例句:   1. The funds of the association shall comprise of members"subscriptions.   协会的基金将由会员的捐款构成.   2. Twelve departments comprise this university.   12个系组成了这所大学.   3. The notion that blacks comprise a problem is at the core of racist reasoning.   黑人总爱惹事这一观念是种族主义论断的核心。   4. The chapters that comprise the first part of the novel are especially good.   构成那部小说开头部分的几章特别好.   5. Women comprise 44% of hospital medical staff.   女性占医院医护人员的44%。   6. Industrial unions generally comprise a number of diverse groups.   产业工会一般由许多各种各样的集团组成.   7. These nutrients comprise the major cost of producing weaned pigs.   这些营养物质构成断乳仔猪生产的主要费用.   8. At today"s level of development, it might comprise 10,000 separate electronic elements.   就今天的发展水平来说, 它可以包含一万个分立电子元件.   9. The head, the thorax and the tail comprise the trumsverse segmentation.   头 、 胸和尾具有横向的分节.   10. Indentation methods of hardness testing comprise two principal groups.   压痕法测定硬度包括两大类.   11. What percentage of breast cancers does this comprise?   这种癌在乳腺癌中占多少百分比?   12. Mental acts comprise thinking, planning, devising.   思想活动包括思考, 打算与图谋.   13. Fifty states comprise the Union.   五十个州组成美国.   14. However, on - the - record proceedings comprise only a small part of the workload in most administrative agencies.   但是, 记录在案的诉讼只包括多数行政机关的一小部分工作负荷.   15. Generally speaking, the remaining administrative decisions comprise the legal category of " informal action. "


暴走漫画(Rage Comic),是一种以固定的表情模板和其他不同的图片,通过不同的表情搭配,来完成对于现实生活、网络世界等等方面的记述、讽刺或者发泄的漫画形式。由于其独特的情绪表达方式以及随心的表情搭配,使得此类漫画在网络上得到了极大的推广。暴走漫画起源于2007年7月17日的北美,在匿名贴图网站上,一名无名氏网友用Windows画板画了一则四格漫画,讲述一个人在蹲厕所时,会有水溅到屁股上,令其十分愤怒。虽然这幅四格漫画中的线条非常简陋,但因其绘制简单、效果清晰而获得网友广泛认同,并奠定了暴走漫画的基调,即暴走漫画用来讲述日常生活中的琐事,特征是粗犷、通俗、不顾美感的鼠标绘画,这一漫画形式随后逐渐形成潮流,通过网络流传到北美以外,中国、日本、西欧乃至中东的网络上都有暴漫流行的身影,并成为了暴漫喜爱者的生活必需品。2009年1月,社交新闻网站Reddit开设了一个专栏,开始允许用户上传自己的暴走漫画。很快就收到无数的投稿,并开始增加了许多后来被定型的神奇表情,比如“Fuck Yeah(够拽)”、“Forever Alone(注定孤独一生)”等。从此迅速蹿红,一些网站也开始提供自定义漫画制作器。在中国暴走漫画里,很多粗话被谐音美化使用,男主角一般都叫“尼玛”,女性则叫“尼美”,还有一些区分于国外网站的新登场的人物,例如“曹尼玛”(王尼玛的铁哥们),“汪尼玛”和“喵尼玛”(王尼玛的宠物)等。如今在网上,“暴漫”官方微博的粉丝早已突破150万大关,“暴漫”官方网站每天的访问量多时能达百万人次,“暴漫”团队每天能收到6000份至7000份作品。专家认为,“暴漫”在网络走红的背后,隐藏了年轻一代在社会转型期的复杂心理状态。用户们通过暴漫发现生活中越来越多有意思的细节,也通过暴漫发泄自己现实生活中的不满,找到共鸣者,也是宣泄生活压力的一种途径。暴走漫画的这一创作方式如今被很多网民喜爱,有人甚至说暴走漫画是全民参与制作漫画的高潮,你不需要会画画,你也不需要精心构思剧本,无论你会不会画画,只要你有创意、够搞笑,我们给你平台,让你释放出你画家的潜质。暴走漫画已经开始公司化运营,除了网站还有视频动画系列(截止至2013年5月18日出到第九集)和脱口秀的暴走大事件(截止至2013年6月21日出到第七期)。


  windows中LNK文件打开方式恢复  相信有些用户曾试过错误地把LNK文件的打开方式更改其他文件,导致系统所有的快捷方式都失效。在vista与Windows7系统还不普遍使用的时候,相信大家会有点惊慌失措,不要紧,下面只要大家进行如下操作后就好了。  Windows vistaWindows 7 操作系统修复方法……  1、首先 win+r  2、打开运行程序  3、输入: regedit  4、找到: 计算机HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWScurrentversionExplorerFileExts.lnk  会发现有openwithlist 和 openwithprogids 两项,如果有其他的选项将其删除  5、再将openwithlist 内的除默认以外的所有键值都删除  6、将openwithprogids内的除默认和lnkfile以外的所有键值都删除。  7、保存退出即可  如果还有图标不能还原的可以在控制面板〉外观和个性化〉个性化〉 点击更改桌面图标按钮,在弹出的面板内点击 还原默认即可!  PS:此时如果图标还是没有变回来,请你将机子重新启动一次。因为需要WINDOWS浏览器重启一次,或者你使用优化大师,重启WINDOWS浏览器也是可以的。  window的修复  1) 打开“文件夹选项”窗口,(“我的电脑”—“工具”—“文件夹选项”)。  2) 选择“文件夹选项”下的“文件类型”,点“新建”新建一个扩展名。在“文件扩展名”处输入“LNK”,然后在“关联  的文件类型”项选择“快捷方式”。(注:“关联的文件类型”项默认下没有,需点“高级”展开),确定。  3) 此时,“LNK扩展名的详细信息”项目下会有一个“更改”和“还原”按钮,点击“还原”就能把LNK打开方式还原为系统默认了,系统的快捷方式文件也恢复正常了  “。lnk”是WINDOWS系统默认的快捷方式的扩展名,如果“文件夹选项”下设置为“隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名”,正常情况下“。lnk”是不显示的。你的快捷方式的扩展名显现出来,证明WINDOWS设置被中断,快捷方式为不可识别信息。  修复的方法:  (1)点击“开始”→“运行”,键入“cmd”,进入命令提示符状态,用键盘敲入assoc.lnk=lnkfile(中间无空格),按回车即可。  (2)点击“开始”→“运行”,键入“regedit”,进入注册表,搜索“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECLASSES”下的“。lnk”键,修改其值为“lnkfile”,保存即可。  两种办法本质一样,如果你不懂注册表建议采用第一种方法。  (3)我的电脑=》工具=》文件夹选项 文件类型=》新建 输入LNK=>从长长的列表中选择“快捷方式”  请将下列代码复制下来,粘贴至记事本,保存后将txt后缀改为reg,运行即可:  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnk]  @=“lnkfile”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{000214EE-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{00021500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellNew]  “Command”=“rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl,NewLinkHere %1”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile]  @=“快捷方式”  “EditFlags”=dword:00000001  “IsShortcut”=“”  “NeverShowExt”=“”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileCLSID]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellex]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlers]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlersOffline Files]  @=“{750fdf0e-2a26-11d1-a3ea-080036587f03}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlers{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexDropHandler]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexIconHandler]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexPropertySheetHandlers]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexPropertySheetHandlersShimLayer Property Page]  @=“{513D916F-2A8E-4F51-AEAB-0CBC76FB1AF8}”

The good you do comes back to you




Manowar的Warriors Of The Word United 世界战士们集合起来 ——选自美国“战士”乐团的第九张录音室专辑《世界战士》 Demogorgon译 Here Our Soldiers Stand From All Around The World 这里,我们的战士们来自世界各地 Waiting In A Line To Hear The Battle Cry 排队等待着倾听战斗的哭喊 All Are Gathered Here Victory Is Near 在这里全都集合完毕胜利接近 The Sound Will Fill The Hall Bringing Power To Us All 将充斥这大厅的声音为我们全体带来力量 We Alone Are Fighting For Metal That Is True 我们孤独地为金属而战,真的 We Own The Right To Live The Fight We"re Here For All Of You 我们拥有生存战斗的权利,我们在这里是为了你们全体 Now Swear The Blood Upon Your Steel Will Never Dry 现在祈祷你的利剑上的鲜血将永不干涸 Stand And Fight Together Beneath The Metal Sky 站起来并战斗,一道在金属的天空下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Many Stand Against Us But They Will Never Win 很多人站起来反对我们但他们永远不会胜利 We Said We Would Return And Here We Are Again 我们说过我们将会回来现在我们就又到了这里 To Bring Them All Destruction Suffering And Pain 给他们带来全部摧毁、折磨与痛苦 We Are The Hammer Of The Gods We Are Thunder Wind And Rain 我们是众神之锤,我们是雷电、狂风和暴雨 There They Wait In Fear With Swords In Feeble Hands 他们在那恐惧中等待软弱的手中握着刀剑 With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man 梦想成为国王你要首先学会做一个男人 I Call Them Out And Charge Them All With A Life That Is A Lie 我把他们召唤出来,因谎言的生命控告他们 And In Their Final Hour They Shall Confess Before They Die 而最后一刻他们将在死去之前忏悔 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界战士 If I Should Fall In Battle My Brothers Who Fight By My Side 假如我将要在战斗中倒下,我身边战斗的兄弟们 Gather My Horse And Weapons Tell My Family How I Died 集起我的马匹与武器,告知我的家人我如何死去 Until Then I Will Be Strong I Will Fight For All That Is Real 那以后我将会强大,我将会为真实的一切而战 All Who Stand In My Way Will Die By Steel 挡在我道路上的都将死于钢铁之下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

the common myth是什么意思?


Welcome To Burlesque 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To Burlesque歌手:Cher专辑:Burlesque Original Motion Picture SoundtrackWelcome to BurlesqueChershow a little moreshow a little lessadd a little smokewelcome to Burlesqueeverything you dream ofbut never can possessnothing"s what it seemswelcome to BurlesqueOh, everyone is buyingput your money in my handif you got a little extrawell, give it to the bandyou may not be guiltybut you"re ready to confesstell me what you needwelcome to Burlesqueyou can dream of cocoado it at your riskthe triplets grant you mercybut not your every wishyes, it keeps you guessingso cool and statuesque"Behave yourself" says GeorgiaWelcome to Burlesqueoh, everyone is buyingput your money in my handif you want a little extrawell, you know where I amsomething very dark,is playing with your mindit"s not the end of daysjust a bump and grindshow a little moreshow a little lessadd a little smokewelcome to Burlesque

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上海精锐三林林老师: enjoyable是快乐的,愉悦的 comfortable是舒服的,舒适的

有人知道 inews.gtimg.com这个是 TX 的哪个图床吗?


compare writing email and writing letter



Daily early morning drinking. Morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals, flossing. See your dentist every six months, a small fill cavities early on, there is an early removal of wisdom teeth. Misalignment of teeth can do the best orthodontics during the 13-18 years of age, not only can reduce food impaction and also reduce the problem of food because of the sliding track periodontal tissue injuries in the event. Exercise, especially during school, be sure to protect the popularity of the sport, a lot of kids in school incisors trauma fracture rate of up to 8%. Bedtime do knocking teeth 36 times, usually to do more drum plug action. Saliva can enhance circulation, kenny jaws. Eat balanced meals to the timing, so do not only healthy teeth, the body will be disease-free.

does what madam said come ture?(中译英, 大家帮我看看哪有错??)

when I gone out 换成 i went out 其他正确 这一刻 让我想起我童年时候学英语的时候了 谢谢你






街机游戏 战国之刃带模拟器已经发送到邮箱把游戏文件tengai.zip放到模拟器的ROMS文件夹里面打开模拟器按F5就能用了


cornflakes["ku0254:nfleiks】 n.脆玉米片 名词cornflake的复数形式

林绫的《Come with me》歌词


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mutualism 和 commensalism 在解释为共栖上有什么区别

共栖(commensalism)两种生物在一起生活,其中一方受益。另一方既不受益,也不受害,称为共栖。例如,67鱼(Echeneis naucrates)用其背鳍演化成的吸盘吸附在大型鱼类的体表被带到各处,觅食时暂时离开。这对67鱼有利,对大鱼无利也无害。   2.互利共生(mutualism)两种生物在一起生活,在营养上互相依赖,长期共生,双方有利,称为互利共生。例如,牛、马胃内有以植物纤维为食物的纤毛虫定居,纤毛虫能分泌消化酶类,以分解植物纤维,获得营养物质,有利于牛、马消化植物,其自身的迅速繁殖和死亡可为牛、马提供蛋白质;而牛、马的胃为纤维虫提供了生存、繁殖所需的环境条件。   我搜索到的


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the world"s greatest

做公司秘书(Company Secretary)要附合甚么资格?

A pany secretary is not a secretary that deals with admin work or serving the boss. In order to be a chartered secretary, you need to be a degreeholder, pass all 8 exams from the HKICS, have 3yrs (full time degreeholder) or 6 yrs (part time degreeholder) of sec experience. Listed pany usually won"t hire pany secretarial assistant with no experience, so you should try to apply for CPA firm or Law firm post first, and then change to listed co. The pany secretary of a listed pany must be either a chartered secretary, a qualified accountant, or a qualified lawyer. Getting a degree is the most important thing for you, as it is the HKICS requirement for being their student member and to take their professional exams.,参考: my experience, ics,做公司秘书(Company Secretary)要附合甚么资格? The office title refers to a person who performs routine administrative, or personal tasks for a superior. These office employees perform duties such as word processing, bookkeeping, file and record keeping, and sche *** ng for a manager or executive. They usually work at desks with personal puters in business offices. Secretarial jobs are popular as they require few formal qualifications yet can be skilled jobs: At the most basic level a secretary may need only a good mand of the prevailing office language and the ability to type, and may spend a large part of his or her time filing and fetching papers (or the equivalent regarding electronic files and database information) or wering telephones. A more skilled secretary may be required to take dictation by writing in shorthand at spoken-language rates, type at high speeds using technical or foreign languages, anise diaries, itineraries and meetings and carry out administrative duties which may include accountancy. An executive secretary may also control access to a manager, thus being an influential and trusted aide. Interaction with the general public varies from none to extensive (especially in *** aller offices, where they may also work as receptionists. In the modern offices those whose work entails customer service requests are often called "customer service representatives". They are distinct from those called "secretaries" because the scope of their work is *** aller. A large urban supermarket, for example, will have a separate office staff in addition to checkout staff, with the latter usually only handling their own receipts for that day"s sales while the office staff must reconcile all accounts daily. ps it depends on the size of the pany~ 本人刚完成Corporate Admin. & Systems的高级文凭课程;之后要甚样做? experience is what u need the most!! even receptionists or administrative assistant, just go for it~ In business administration many job descriptions overlap. A secretary in one pany might be called an administrative assistant in another. However, while administrative assistant is a generic term, not necessarily implying directly working for a superior, a secretary is usually a personal assistant to a manager or executive. Other titles describing jobs similar to or overlapping those of the traditional secretary are office coordinator, executive assistant, office manager and administrative professional.,一般要求包括: 最好懂两文三语; 懂使用电脑常用的软件,例如wordz,excel; 有秘书的相关的经验,若能对入职公司所从视的行业有认识,更佳; 性格开朗、善于沟通、细心、得体; 而你读完高级文凭课程,最好能取得经验,就算是义务的学校/教会/屋苑秘书都好,起码是经验。,

dream catcher comeand save me这句歌词是那首歌里的

歌手 [Kara] 歌曲 [Dream Catcher] 歌词 Sweaty palms, racing heartCan"t seem to catch my breathI toss and turn with every wordThat you never even saidOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]My dreams [3x]"Cause I know they"ll never be realityReality [7x]In the dark, I rest my headI see fire, I see redBut your face is so clearI can"t help that I want you hereOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]And if I were to choose, I would choose to see youIn the dark there"s a spark, and it burns from the truthAnd if I could control what my mind would foreseeI"d be spared from the hope, and I"d be set free

求李夏怡在kpop star里唱的所有歌 无比感谢


Lloyd Banks的《on fire》 第二首《hands on you》new york cityyou are now rockin with the bestlloyd banksg-unit[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 1- lloyd banks]now i aint putting nothing out, i smoke when i wanna26-inch chrome spokes on the hummerthis heat gon last for the whole summerrunning your bitch faster then the road runnerrocks on my wrist, rolls gold underglocks on my hip, those throw thunderim buying diamond by the pierbut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earyeah, im riding with that all black snubraiders cap back, all black glovesim 80s man, but the boy smack thugsthese record sales equal more back rubsnot to mention i bought a pack of clubshis impacts about as raw as crack wasnow all these new artists getting raw dealsim only 21, sitting on mills[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 2- lloyd banks]if you know anything about me, then you know im a ballerif i aint hit the first night, i aint gon call herim trying to play, you trying to have my daughterbut i can"t blame her for what her momma taught herand i don"t care bout what the next nigga bought hercause i aint putting no baguettes in her abuelai got a diamond about as clear as waterand i got bread, but i aint spendin a quarterso cut the games ma, lets go in the backmatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downand i aint bias when im riding through the townlike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownshe gotta be able to cum when i need hertight ass pants, little wife beaterregular chick or r&b divabitch say something, i aint a mind reader[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fireHands On You feat Eminem歌词Hands On You feat Eminem歌词babe uh, yeah!girl, you my only one though aight, hahayou my baby, fuck all that shityou"re the one for mecheck it out.[verse - obie trice]baby i"m feeling the feelings you giving, i"m feelin your styleand i"m willing to let my guard down to figure you outi"m picturing your figure in a swimsuit wilingsomewhere in the caribbean islandscause the vibe you giving me nowfeels like i"m an innocent childsinning is never tempting when other womens aroundhands down, this is my vowi never heard a moan sound so profoundwhen a nigga"s digging you out, phone ringsyou cuss them motherfuckers out, quit calling the house!if i call, you"re in routethere"s a drought, you look outi"m on edge, you put the palm of your hand on my head and squeezeplease believe i ain"t scared of commitmentfuck head from them bitches!when you could do the same, but that respect is givenour intimacy is significantly different[chorus - eminem (obie trice)]you gon ride for me (you gon ride?)then i"m gon ride for you (i"m gon ride)if you put your mouth on me (put it on me)i"m a put my mouth on youtogether there ain"t nothing we can"t do (there"s nothing)any problem we can see it through (we see it through)baby if you promise to be true (you promise?)i will never put my hands on youcome on and think about it[verse - obie trice]we ain"t even got to talk when we see each otherwe got it all chalked out when we see each other under them coversyou my lover, i"m your friend, i"m your man, but i"m sayinwho needs a label, we roll hand in handvisions of you having my little manwe joke, you call me george foremancause i"m namin him o number four, me i"m threeplus the ol" g like the personality, she say it"s meant to bei"m in the bathroom when you peeshe in the bathroom too when a nigga doo doo, you my boo boothere"s nothing in this world that a nigga wouldn"t do tosatisfy - this my bitch that ridemy bitch wit the pistol in the ridea nigga act up she busting, she ain"t got to decideno discussion, she"ll put a slug in a tough niggaz muffinyou"re fucking wit her husband[chorus][verse - obie trice]come on and think about ityou got a ring about itnothing could ever come between or intervene our bondagedrama we overcome it if we out numberedi promise it"ll be us against a hundredrushing to your side when you vomit eating pickles and peanutbuttereight months later obie rubbing your stomachpaying homage to your momma for raising a girl properenough to call o her baby fatheryou ain"t gotta bother bout a deal, i swear i keep it realraise young o trill and cook a decent mealit"s signed and sealed, you the only femalehail, my one and only pal come to get me outta jailpost bail and post up for salei swore, i swear we will always live welllong as i got my bombshell from the hood to the hillswho"s gon stop up? nobody! we"s that deal[chorus][bridge - eminem (obie trice)]if you gon stand by me (if you gon stand by me)then i"m gon stand by you (then i"m gon stand by you)if you promise you"ll be truethen i"ll never put my hands on you (hands down)but! don"t you play me for no fool (no fool) bitch!cause if i put my mouth on you (on you)after you put your mouth on someone elsebetter find someone else newcome on and think about it[outro - obie trice]yeah.. obie triceshady!


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Not everybody has the competence to finish the task within three days.


pte考试是如何考察communicative competence

PTE的评分机制是交叉评分制。 我们都知道雅思托福是单项评分,比如,口语就是测口语,写作就是测写作。但是PTE却相反,PTE的一道题可能同时会对不同的项目都有影响。 比如说,口语考试中的Repeat Sentence题型, 同时考察口语和听力,流利度和发音。Answer short question题型也是同时在测听力和口语,以及词汇技能。 听、说、读、写四个大项的最终得分会由六个小分来决定。 PTE的最终得分(Communicative Skills)也就是考试最后的听、说、读、写得分,主要来源于该考生的语言运用技能分(Enabling Skills Scores),语言运用技能分分别来自于,语法grammar,口语流利程度oral fluency,发音pronunciation,拼写spelling,词汇vocabulary和语篇编写written discourse六个部分。


Capability是通常用来指“能力, ability to do something”,偏重于做事情的技能。Competency,合适的中文意思为“胜任潜质”,也称为胜任素质,是指那些能带来人的高效或杰出工作绩效的潜在特征。主要的意思还是能力。


Linguistic competence refers to the knowledge of a language system. The term first emerged in the work of Noam Chomsky, where it referred specifically to syntactic competence, and was specifically opposed to linguistic performance. The term was used more broadly by Dell Hymes in formulating the concept of communicative competence. Like communicative competence, language competence is often divided into various subcompetences, such as syntactic competence and lexical competence.

Competence Center是什么意思

Competence Center核心技术

cultural competence是什么意思

你好 中文意思文化能力,希望能帮到你,望采纳

How can we enhance our listening competence?

How can we enhance our listening competence?我们如何提高听力能力?

langue parole和competence

用The differences between langue and parole or between langue competence and its performance 较好.供参考哈

discourse competence名词解释

discourse competence名词解释:1、话语能力;2、篇章能力;3、语篇能力;4、言谈能力。 扩展资料 例句:By means of fast reading and intensive reading practice, students will be trained proficiently in information comprehension based on terminology recognition and discourse analysis.使用快速阅读及精读相结合的训回练方式,学生答将在专业术语任知和篇章分析的基础上,形成熟练获取信息的能力。


communicativecompetence的读音是:。communicativecompetence的读音是:。communicativecompetence的例句是用作名词(n.)Stylisticcompetenceisregardedasoneofthecomponentcompetencesofcommunicativecompetence.语体能力被看作是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。communicativecompetence的意思是n.交际能力;沟通能力。一、网络释义点此查看communicativecompetence的详细内容 交际能力交际法认为,培养交际能力(CommunicativeCompetence)是语言教学的根本目的。它反对传统教学法重语言知识讲授、轻应用能力培养的方式。 沟通能力「沟通能力(communicativecompetence)除了与「文法规则有关外,也通常会受到当事人违反「语用规则(黄越钦,1992)指用语的时机、场合是否适当得体? 语言交际能力...秘籍网关键词语篇教学语言交际能力课堂教学模式课堂实践[gap=871]Keywordsdiscourseteaching;communicativecompetence;classroomteachingmode;classroompractice... 交际能力理论2交际能力理论(communicativecompetence)英国教学法家Widdowson(2000)提出语言用法(usage)与语言使用(use)的一组概念,指出语言教学应更强调语言的使用,即注重培...二、例句Stylisticcompetenceisregardedasoneofthecomponentcompetencesofcommunicativecompetence.语体能力被看作是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。Alsomycommunicativeabilityandorganizationskillshavebeengreatlyimprovedthroughtheinternship.同时我的交际能力和组织能力也得到锻炼和提高。Communicativecompetenceincludestheabilitytoapplytheserulestouselanguageappropriately.沟通能力包括应用这些规则以适当使用语言的能力。Therefore,inordertoimprovethestudents"communicativecompetence,collegeinstructorsshouldteachEnglishgrammarinacommunicativeframework.因此,为了增进学生的英语沟通能力,大学英语教师应该给予学生以沟通为架构之英文文法教学。communicativecompetence的相关临近词communicative、communicativenorm点此查看更多关于communicativecompetence的详细信息



competence ;detriment ;eventual 这英语用谐音怎么读?



competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all.他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力。希望你能够满意!

skill competence区别

skill是技能的意思,而competence则是能力的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: During interview, from the knowledge, experience and skill you showed, I believe that you have competence to take this role. 面试时,从你所展示的知识、经验和技能来看,我相信你有能力胜任这个角色。

compentence 反义词是什么



, competence n. 胜任,资格,能力 [ˈkɔmpitəns]n.能力, 技能We knew her competence in solving problems.我们都知道她解决问题的能力。(法院的)权限, 管辖权These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。

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ACCA核心考点解析:什么是Competence framework

ACCA9月考季马上就要来了,在以往的考试当中,“Competence framework”一向都是考生们难以理解、掌握的核心考点之一,在Competence framework中,会涉及到Coaching、Mentoring、Counselling三个分考点,今天深空网就跟大家着重详解Competence framework这个核心考点内容。内容导航ACCA核心考点ACCA报考理由ACCA考试注意事项ACCA证书含金量  ACCA核心考点Firstly,要先明确能力框架是做什么的,他是来帮助企业员工达到目标能力水平Required level of competence。Secondly,在这个过程中,会需要以下3个人员的辅助,我们这里就以一个专业的电竞战队来举例子:01Coaching —— 教练他要是在富有电竞经验的人,因为要针对具体的目标,亲自演示一些任务给队员,让其成员更好的理解要去如何完成当下的任务,比如如何赢得比赛。他具备如下几个关键的特点:(1)Related to the current job 与当前工作要相关;(2)Often line manager通常是直接上级,而且这个人通常是该专业领域中的专家,这样他在给成员指导的时候,才能被信服;(3)Short term他关注的往往是成员短期内的表现,比如某一个赛季的成绩是否优异或是进步。02Mentoring —— 辅导员有点类似于电竞队中经纪人的角色,他更关注于成员的日常生活和职业及个人发展方面,鼓励支持成员,培养他们以让他们得到更好的发展,他具备如下几个关键的特点:(1)Related to personal development 他十分关注成员的个人发展,希望他们能成为multi-skills多技能于一身的人;(2)Often senior position 他们通常位于更高级的职位,因为眼光会更长远,所以才能更好的帮助成员规划未来发展路径,也会成为成员的榜样role model;(3)Long term关注的更多成员长期的发展情况。03Counselling —— 心理咨询师他是关注成员的情绪和心理方面的,比如如果电竞队输掉比赛,成员的情绪低落、烦躁,这是很容易影响接下来的比赛以及团队之间的凝聚力的,所以心理咨询师的存在是非常必要的,他具备如下几个关键的特点:(1)Related to solve personal problem or puzzles 处理的是成员心理上的问题和一些私人问题;(2)Help himself 强调成员自救,在倾诉的过程中,自己发现问题并自己想出解决方法,所以心理咨询师的作用是辅助性的、是non-directive非指向性的,且要具有empathy同理心,感同身受,不需要去给出judgement十分公平公正的评判;(3)Short term 只解决当下的问题,所以是短期的关系。那这部分需要同学们掌握到什么程度呢?首先要先明确competence framework到底是什么,他的定义;其次就是该框架中的3种重要的角色,要熟记他们各自的特点并进行区分,要做到给出一个case,能够准确判断出他描述的是哪一个角色的职责。为了帮助大家更好的理解,有3个例子,看大家能不能准确判断:(a)Mike has been stuck in financial difficulty for a long time;(b)Identify each players key skills and encourage them to develop new skills;(c)Help the young players to settle in during their first week._Now!正确答案揭晓:(a)Counselling;(b)Coaching;(c)Mentoring。你们都做对了吗~Ok,那今天对Competence framework能力框架以及3个辅助人员的解析就到这里啦。其实这部分并没有那么晦涩难懂,只要掌握住定义和主要的特点,再通过做题巩固,就可以把这部分知识点攻破啦。最后深空网祝同学们早日通过AB课程,早日PASS出坑! ACCA报考理由ACCA是什么?ACCA,特许公认会计师,在国内被称为国际注册会计师,自1904年成立至今,ACCA始终秉承:不论年龄、性别、种族或学历,为一切有能力的人创造机会帮助他们取得专业会计师资格。ACCA的教育和专业培训结构具有很强的灵活性,学员可根据自身情况选择全日制或在职培训完成学习任务。ACCA是目前国际认可度最高、规模最大的会计师组织,ACCA就和联合国一样,是一个全球联合的会计机构,它在全球各地都有自己的代表处,而这个公会的会计准则是全球范围内都会使用的国际会计准则。ACCA能带来什么?ACCA本科毕业生非常容易进入四大国际注册会计师事务所!在国际会计事务所一般起薪5500元左右。ACCA会员可在世界各地大公司担任高级职位,财务经理、财务总监CFO,甚至总裁CEO根据官方统计,ACCA会员收入在50万至100万之间的比例高达21%。受访会员最高年薪超过200万。学习ACCA会影响学习吗?国际金融、金融、财务管理、ACCA、工商管理等专业的学员,在学习ACCA的同时,也在不断补充其专业课程的知识。ACCA不仅包括会计的内容,还会涵盖一些管理学、法律、融资投资等知识内容。所以不会影响学业,对于大学的学业是互补作用,并且由于ACCA是全球统一考试标准,而不是校方自己出考试题,还会激励学员专业知识掌握更扎实深入。其他专业的学员,在学习ACCA的同时自身的学习热忱会一直持续,对待学业也更能专心。学习ACCA并不仅仅是学习知识内容,而且是一种思维模式的培养。逻辑思维一旦形成,对学习其他任何知识都有一定的帮助。ACCA对出国有帮助吗?ACCA对于出国读研非常有帮助,ACCA学员在通过前9科考试,并通过7500字的论文报告,就可以获得英国牛津布鲁克斯大学的应用会计的(荣誉*)理学士学位。其实,大学生考研的目的无非有二,好就业和有光环。通俗一点,就是期望考研能带来更高薪资和211/985名牌大学的光环。 ACCA考试注意事项一、ACCA机考考前注意事项1、考生须提前30分钟到达考场,经身份核查后,进行签到。2、建议考生考前熟悉机考流程。两种方式可选择:第一,可以进行网上测试;第二,直接到机考中心进行测试(提前1小时)。3、如果考生已经进行考场签到,若因特殊情况需离场,务必和监考人员及时沟通。4、考前15分钟可进考场,记得迟到是考试大忌。二、ACCA机考考场注意事项1、考生必带物品:身份证、笔、单功能计算器2、考场禁忌:请勿随身携带电子产品,手机等通讯设备需关闭。按照监考老师要求,放在指定位置。与考试有关的书籍、笔记等资料,切忌随身携带。一经发现,视为违规。另外,不可以将食品、饮料带入考场,当然不包括无包装的透明瓶装水。3、考生进入考场,找到对应的座位,须拿出身份证及准考证放在桌角处,方便监考老师核对。4、监考老师在考试正式开始前,会告知考生相关考场纪律。5、监考老师在考试开始后,将下发草稿纸。每位考生一张,于结束考试后回收。6、切忌在准考证上涂涂画画或者直接打草稿。考试开始之后,监考会给每位考生发放一张草稿纸,考试结束后会收回。如果考试期间需要更多的草稿纸,请举手向监考申请。请勿在草稿纸以外的区域书写,比如在准考证或者其他纸张上打草稿等。7、开考1小时后,考生若未能赶到考场,则一律不准入场。三、ACCA机考做题注意事项1、进行ACCA机考时,一定要让自己先放松下来,大脑先将之前重点知识快速回忆一遍。2、考试过程中,切勿走入这道难题不解决,我誓不罢休的的误区。注重先易后难原则。四、ACCA机考考后注意事项1、考生须知:考试结束后,成绩通知单需打印两份。自己和机考重心各一份。2、考试成绩须知:考试结束后,机考中心将会上传成绩。三天内,MYACCA成绩记录可查看。如果是分季机考,考试成绩公布通常在考试结束后的40天。 ACCA证书含金量ACCA学员可以去哪里工作?关于这点,其实大家不需要有任何担忧,ACCA在国际领域一向都是高权威的考试,由于得到了全球企业的支持和认可,ACCA如今已经与全球众多知名企业进行了一项免费的合作项目,对于已经通过ACCA考试的学员,可免费得到员工培训发展、招聘等一系列的服务,就业方面并不成问题。对于ACCA学员,出来工作的方向也存在比较多的选择,像国内的四大银行,中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行,交通银行、汇丰银行等。像一些大型的跨国集团,中石化、保洁、阿里巴巴等,在金融财会领域中,像四大会计事务所,普华永道、毕马威、德勤、安永等都是ACCA学员可以选择的就业方向,可以看出,ACCA的就业前景是非常广阔的。ACCA证书含金量高不高?关于这点,从上述就可以知道,ACCA证书含金量是无可置疑的。自从ACCA进入了中国市场,在国际以及国内受企业的认可度就变得越来越高,由于ACCA人才在行业领域方面一直都是比较紧缺,为了吸引更多的人才,各企业所开出的薪资条件也变得越来越高。其次,最为实用的一点是,参加ACCA考试,也是有效提升自我价值的一种表现,要知道,ACCA可是一项集各方面财会知识,设计范围比较广的高级课程考试,因此,对于持有ACCA证书的人士来说,你的能力也提升了不少,同样在领导面前,你的能力也会得到看重和认可,这点自然也会成为你升职加薪的重要理由。还有一点就是,通过学习ACCA的课程,让你掌握了不少的专业上的知识,进一步拓展了自己的见识面,在与同事和领导交谈时,也会有跟多的话题进行交流,从中也会学到很多不一样的东西,为你以后的职业发展路带来更好的帮助。




两者皆代表了和行为 工作相关的个人特质与知识.在国内...分数加以直线转换而成的分数则称为Z分数(通常以英文大写Z表示,以示区别

Performance 和Parole 的区别是什么?Competence和Langue呢?英语语言学选择题如下。


professional competence是什么意思






competence 和competency的区别?翻译句子?

大隐于市为您解答1、前者倾向于本身拥有的能力后者倾向欲具备的资格,比如法律上作证的能力资格2、人们可以研究每个收留的文化发展跨文化能力,如临界和反思性思维和知识的灵活性。develop intercultural competencies 培养跨文化能力reflective thinking 反思性思维望采纳

competence and performance举例

competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思. 例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all. 他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力.


competence造句例如:Is it in my circle ofcompetence?(是不是在我的能力范围之内?The judge has to act within thecompetence of the court.(法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。)The ability to write is a supreme test of linguisticcompetence.(写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。)


Capability是通常用来指“能力, ability to do something”,偏重于做事情的技能。Competency,合适的中文意思为“胜任潜质”,也称为胜任素质,是指那些能带来人的高效或杰出工作绩效的潜在特征。主要的意思还是能力。






competence的意思competence[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑmpu026atu0259ns]n.能力; 技能; 相当的资产; 复数:competences例句:双语英语1.Being an effective manager and leader begins with people"s belief in your competence and character. 要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先要让人们信任你的能力和性格。2.But what of mr osborne"s competence? 但是奥斯本先生的能力是什么呢?3.Tolerance, competence and the third thing is empathy. 在宽容、胜任能力之后,第三个必要条件是体察民情。4.Managerial competence will simply not suffice. 仅靠管理能力显然不足以成事。5.His genius is in his competence. 他的天才之处在于他的能力。如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


competence [英]u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns [美]u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nsn. 能力;技能;相当的资产[例句]Being an effective manager and leader begins with people "s belief in your competence and character.要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先要让人们信任你的能力和性格。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Company Flow的《Legends》 歌词

歌曲名:Legends歌手:Company Flow专辑:Funcrusher PlusMadina Lake - LegendsI watch the sun fall down to kill the dayAnother part of me just went up in flamesBecause I"m bored and dumb and dying to changeIt"s the simple life driving me insaneThen you explode in my headAnd now you"re all over meI come alive with youYou know you set me freeLet"s go!Let"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usYou and me, we hit the streetsBecause the thrill of living gives me energyI wanna steal a car and rob a bankI wanna find a cure that will save the worldBecause our lives are going up in flamesAs we watch like it"s a movieI come alive with youYou"re like the drug inside of my headLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usI open up like a window for youSo come on in and destroy me like you doYou come on in after midnight for meAnd drag me out while the city falls asleepMartyrs and kingsHeroes and thievesWe"re chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before us

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Iw an acomper的中文意思

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