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文献搜索时怎么解读J. Alloys Compd., 623 (2015) 354-358?

你好,该文献的正确详细信息如下,请参考,望采纳答案哦!作者:Zhijie Cao, Liuzhang Ouyang*, Yuyu Wu, Hui Wang, Jiangwen Liu, Fang Fang, Dalin Sun, Qingan Zhang, Min Zhu,文题:Dual-tuning effects of In, Al, and Ti on the thermodynamics and kinetics of Mg85In5Al5Ti5 alloy synthesized by plasma milling,期刊:J. Alloys Compd.,卷期:623年份:2015页码:354-358

journal of alloys and compounds是sci么


journal of alloys and compounds期刊需要三个评审人可以是主编吗


组合合金(combinatorial alloy)概念是什么?与合金有什么区别?


She is known chiefly for her commitment ____ nuclear disarmament.


salary, stipend, allowance, bonus 都是属于Income里面的吧?有什么区别?

salary=工资 stipend=指定期的津贴,退休金 allowance=一般的零花钱,商业上的折扣 bonus=奖金红利,额外津贴

allocation component什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,allocation component的意思是“分配的组件”例句The final component for allocation is the cluster map. 分配的最后组件是集群映射。

英语翻译Commuting to work in Chicago is no pleasure


pascal的compile中used memory 和 allocated memory 什么意思?

used memory 使用的内存allocated memory 分派的内存compile time 编译时间

单词辨别:1.end/finalise/complete/terminate 2.attribute/assign/designate/delegate/allocate

1.end= 终点,末端/finalise 完成,结束/complete 全部完成/terminate 终止 2.attribute 归因,归功/assign= 分派/designate指派,人名/delegate 代表团团员/allocate 分配



alliance future combat 什么意思

alliance future combat 联盟未来战斗combat 英[ˈkɒmbæt] 美[ˈkɑ:mbæt] n. 格斗,搏斗,战斗; 〈美〉竞赛,比赛; 论战; vt. 与…战斗; 与…斗争; 防止; 减轻; [例句]Over 16 million men had died in combat1,600多万人在战斗中牺牲。[其他] 第三人称单数:combats 复数:combats 现在分词:combating过去式:combated 过去分词:combated


外国一般如下表达电影类型,来源于外国权威电影网站,自己做了翻译:Action 动作片Adventure 冒险片Animation 动画片Biography 传记片Comedy 喜剧片Crime 犯罪片Documentary 纪录片Drama 戏剧(文艺)片Family 生活片F...

想知道: 香港特别行政区chevalier commercial centre, 8 wang hoi road, kowloon bay在哪?

香港九龙湾宏开道8号其士商业中心 观塘线九龙湾站

这是哪里? 11/f. Chevalier comm. Ctr. No.8 Wang Hoi road kowloon bay H.K.

香港九龙湾宏开道8号其士商业中心11楼Chevalier Commercial Centre

where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.


mystery字面翻译是谜,神秘的,这里可以理解为难以置信的是、令人吃惊的是,come as surprise固定搭配,指令人意外的,大吃一惊的。整句话可以说是:不可思议的是(难以置信的是)这(this做主语)竟让很多BOSS大吃一惊

subject complement是什么意思


complete analysis是什么意思

complete analysis 英[kəmˈpli:t əˈnæləsis] 美[kəmˈplit əˈnælɪsɪs] 全分析,全量分析

when it comes to that duality....求翻译。


close sock glove。他们三个哪一个和come发音是一样的?

close sock glove。他们三个哪一个和come发音是一样的?glove 与 come 的o发音相同


  没说明要求的字数哦,原文接近900词,那我就看着写啦,估计一二百词吧~  The world should be sensible of the situations of Japan. Though some argue that we need not worry about serious consequences at the damaged nuclear power plants in Japan, concerns do exist as to the future of the nuclear industry. After what had happen at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the Fukushima nuclear plant may well turn into a haunting memory for the entire world. Promise has been made to draw lessons from this incident,yet people can see clearly with their own eyes that things aren"t getting better,that the nuclear industry haven"t been well prepared for possible disasters such as this one in Japan,as they "d promised to have.At this time, nuclear scientists and the industry are explaining to the public that damage or even explosion of a nuclear plant is no disaster at all, nevertheless, it is, to many of us,a rarely occurred calamity. Even if the scientists turn out to be right about their explanation, the impact to the industry can still be huge and undermining. Had the same happened to some backward nations,we could have neglect the matter,but this time it is Japan,a nation known for its precautionary way of doing things. It is understandable for Japan to be reliant on nuclear energy for the prevention of climate change, however, the safety of nuclear plant should be guaranteed. The commercial benefit of developing nuclear industry has been offset by safety costs.So, whatever the prospect of this industry, the world will likewise be harmed.

小野惠令奈First Love MP3 给链接吧也方便大家,个个都发邮箱,真的很郁闷!!

想要的话 直接去酷狗音乐一搜就有了



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component一般在体积上比element大,说一辆车是由哪些元件组成,一般不用element,element指的是小到不能再分割或拆开的,而component则强调是一个完整系统的一部分.它们的英文解释如下componentn.1.A constituent element,as of a system.2.A part of a mechanical or electrical complex.elementn.A fundamental,essential,or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.(其它略)




temporary primary extraordinary alimentary documentary

become an expert at 与become expert at 与

前面的有个an expert是指一个人,所以要加an后面的expert的主语是children是复数,所以不需要加an前面的expert是名词专家,后面跟的at在某个领域,指在某个领域是专家第二个expert是和expert at连用在一起的,意思为擅长或精通



chemical composition是什么意思

chemical composition[英][ˈkemikəl ˌkɔmpəˈziʃən][美][ˈkɛmɪkəl ˌkɑmpəˈzɪʃən]化学成分[组成]; 例句:1.The results actually compared pretty well to the earlier estimate based on chemical composition. 相比早先根据化学成分计算的结果,这个成绩已经相当不错了。2.Researchers suspect there may be something unique about the chemical composition of black tea polysaccharides that boosts their blood sugar benefits. 研究者猜想在红茶多糖化学成分有某些独特的东西,能增强它的血糖功效。3.To find out why, researchers used sophisticated x-ray analyses to determine the exact chemical composition of the paint as it browns. 为了寻求原因,研究人员利用尖端的x射线分析,以确定变为棕色的颜料的确切化学成分

请问thing和stuff有什么区别阿?还有come through是什么意思?


阿里云邮箱怎么进入? 上面除了告诉我要申请企业邮箱之外没有别的





语文迷作文网 > 作文素材 > 优美段落 > 描写烟花的优美段落2015描写烟花的优美段落2015发布时间:2015-02-28 来源:作文网  1.十几支烟花直指天空,一粒粒金砂喷射而出,在空中傲然绽放。赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,样样俱全,姹紫嫣红,把夜空装点得美丽、婀娜,把大地照射得如同白昼。  2.千万朵色彩缤纷的焰火不甘落后,瞬间华丽绽放,九天玉女舞落漫天仙梅,朵朵精致,瓣瓣绚烂。旋即消逝,如梦醒悲凉。丝丝缕缕的白色烟雾携着淡淡火药味缓缓消散,片片破碎的纸屑如断翅的彩蝶悲壮坠落,这就是短暂辉煌的代价么?  3.烟花烟花满天飞,你为谁妩媚,不过是醉眼看花,花也醉,流沙流沙漫天坠你,为谁憔悴,不过是缘来缘散缘如水  4.烟花来了,真真切切地来了。在隆隆的“春雷”声中,烟花时而像金菊怒放、牡丹盛开;时而像彩蝶翩跹、巨龙腾飞;时而像火树烂漫、虹彩狂舞。  5.夜空宛如姹紫嫣红的百花园,五彩缤纷的烟花如同水晶石靓丽夺目,色彩斑斓的焰火好似彩绸绚丽多姿。  6.瞬息万变的烟花,曼妙地展开她一张张浅黄、银白、洗绿、淡紫、清蓝、粉红的笑脸,美不胜收。巨大的烟花在空中绽放,花瓣如雨,纷纷坠落,人们似乎触手可及。  7.当烟花在寂静的夜空中爆开时,绽放出七彩的美丽,让人忘记了它在爆发时的巨大的响声,忘记夜空的寂静,破灭前的壮丽,为的就是留下美丽的倩影,直至灰飞烟灭。绽放,消失只是瞬间的事,留下的是记忆中的美丽。  8.仰望天空,看着那形态各异,色彩缤纷的烟花,那绽放的烟花就象多情的流星雨淅淅沥沥,又似降落伞从空中降落,也如萤火虫般在夜空中偏偏起舞。  9.漂亮的烟花,绽开,落下,一瞬间的美丽,一瞬间的光彩。那一刻,整个世界都属于它们,整个世界随着它们的绽放而光彩一瞬,多么美丽的烟花,仿佛寄托着美丽的希望,仿佛寄托着爱的光芒。  10.烟花,虽然是没有根的花,是虚幻的花,但它毕竟用自己一秒的灿烂换来了人们的真心的喝彩. “嗖嗖嗖”,一束束耀眼的光线飞上天空,“啪啪啪„„”那一束束光线突然炸开,金色的、银色的、红色的、绿色的、蓝色的,星星般的花朵向四周飞去,似一朵朵闪光的菊花,光彩夺目。

Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world此话什么意思?谁能告诉我



jin-兽人寮 统天荘jin-兽人寮 统天荘2jin-见世物jin-和兽jin- Pre-Sentby有的发到邮箱来1223557571@qq.com可加分

come on有没有加油的意思?


information company是什么意思

information company信息公司双语对照词典结果:information company信息公司; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Natrecor still had$ 66 million in annual sales in the united states last year, according to ims health, a healthcare information company. 但医疗保健信息公司艾美仕的调查显示:奈西立肽去年在美国年销售量依然达到六千六百万美元。

community calendar是什么意思

community calendar社团日程

good outcome quality是什么意思


在oracle数据库alert log 文件中,"checkpoint not complete"指的是什么

当我们进行redo 切换的时候,会触发checkpoint 事件。 触发该事件有5个条件。 下文有说明。 Checkpoint做的事情之一是触发DBWn把buffer cache中的Dirty cache磁盘。另外就是把最近的系统的SCN更新到datafile header和control file(每一个事务都有一个SCN),做第一件事的目的是为了减少由于系统突然宕机而需要的恢复时间,做第二件事实为了保证数据库的一致性。Checkpoint will flush dirty block to datafile, 从而触发DBWn书写dirty buffer,等到redo log覆盖的dirty block全部被写入datafile后才能使用redo log(循环使用),如果DBWn写入过慢,LGWR必须等待DBWn完成,则这时会出现“checkpoint not completed!”。 所以当出现checkpointnot competed的时候,还会伴随cannot allocate new log的错误。如果遇到这个问题,可以增加日志组和增大日志文件,当然也可以修改 checkpoint参数使得检查点变频繁一些。在出现这个错误的时候,数据库是短暂hang住的,等待checkpoint的完成。 在hang住的时候,没有日志产生。

数据库因为什么情况会出现checkpoint not complete

当我们进行redo 切换的时候,会触发checkpoint 事件。 触发该事件有5个条件。 下文有说明。 Checkpoint做的事情之一是触发DBWn把buffer cache中的Dirty cache磁盘。另外就是把最近的系统的SCN更新到datafile header和control file(每一个事务都有一个SCN),做第一件事的目的是为了减少由于系统突然宕机而需要的恢复时间,做第二件事实为了保证数据库的一致性。Checkpoint will flush dirty block to datafile, 从而触发DBWn书写dirty buffer,等到redo log覆盖的dirty block全部被写入datafile后才能使用redo log(循环使用),如果DBWn写入过慢,LGWR必须等待DBWn完成,则这时会出现“checkpoint not completed!”。 所以当出现checkpointnot competed的时候,还会伴随cannot allocate new log的错误。如果遇到这个问题,可以增加日志组和增大日志文件,当然也可以修改 checkpoint参数使得检查点变频繁一些。在出现这个错误的时候,数据库是短暂hang住的,等待checkpoint的完成。 在hang住的时候,没有日志产生。


村民居委会例句:We were introduced to the Party"s activity room in the village committeecompound.我们在参观村委大院里的党组织活动室希望帮到你

有大神投过JOC 吗?Compound Characterization Checklist怎么填写

Private Sub Combo1_Click() "单击Combo1后,Label1显示用户的选择结果 Dim description As String With Combo1 description = "品名:" + .Text + " 类别:" + CStr(.ItemData(.ListIndex)) End With Label1.Caption = descriptionEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() " 创建“水果类”项目数组 Dim Fruits(1 To 4) As ItemType Fruits(1).Name = "苹果" Fruits(1).Category = 1 Fruits(2).Name = "橘子" Fruits(2).Category = 2 Fruits(3).Name = "香蕉" Fruits(3).Category = 3 Fruits(4).Name = "草莓" Fruits(4).Category = 4 " 在Combo1中动态添加水果类项目 BuildComboItems FruitsEnd Sub 是排名查询网站,那么alexa分开来理解,是什么意思?

Alexa Internet公司是亚马逊公司的一家子公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山。alexa就是个名字,分开来没有别的意思,就像人名、地名一样,alexa就是这家公司的代号。它并不是几个单词的拼凑,也不是什么的缩写。


comeback释义是回归;恢复;复出;卷土重来的意思,comeback的音标读音是 【"kʌmbæk】,comeback的词类是动词。双语例句:It will be an even harder comeback this time. 这一次,我们的恢复甚至可能更加困难。He"s great in the role of the struggling actor trying to make a comeback after one big success in a series. 他的表演很出色,他扮演的角色是 一个很努力的演员,在一系列大的成功之后,尝试着做个回归。Now, you might wonder from where you can get the motivation to overcome your fear of failure or comeback after you fail in your pursuit of passion. 在追求热情失败过后,你现在可能想的是哪里能够得到足以克服失败的恐惧或重新复出的动机。The city made a splendid comeback.这个城市恢复了旧时的风采。Halibut have made a comeback in Alaska.在阿拉斯加,大比目鱼已经恢复。相关词组:comeback wool 回交种毛 stage a comeback 东山再起 make a comeback 东山再起

Cheater cheater compulsive eater 老友记第三季中Ross说出这句话

其实就是我们小时候说的那种孩子气的话,也或者是父辈们会用来教育小朋友的那种朗朗上口也有教育意义的话。(一下子想不出个例子来 -。-)compulsive是:【心理学】情不自禁的,(心理上)冲动的,强迫所引起的,无法控制自己的。其实是Ross在嘲笑、讥讽Monica,说如果她耍赖,她就和小时候一样一个劲地吃,吃到很胖。体会一下~PS: 国外网友的解释:Its simply a way of saying some one has cheated but doing it in a rhyme. Eater rhymes with cheater. On a strict interpretation it is of course meaningless as eating has nothing to do with cheating.A similar phrase is liar, liar, pants on fire.PPS: 他给的这个example不错~ 中文里类似的肯定也有

中考英语口语刚考完 ,我把comfortable读成comfordent 我吧cheapest读成


获取文件属性时出错:c:/program files/tencent /qq/plugin/com.teneent.aldiovid






求英美概况名词解释Hamilton Four Plans和Chartered Company。

Hamilton Four Plans? Hamilton"s four point plan(this is what I found on the web....)汉密尔顿的四项经济计划A chartered company “ is an association formed by investors or shareholders for the purpose of trade, exploration and colonization." 即中文中”特许权公司“



charter communications是什么意思

charter communications特许通讯双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 宪章通讯2. 特许通讯例句:1.Company: charter communications ( chtr, fortune 500) 任职公司:有线电视服务提供商Charter Communications(《财富》500强)


charter company 一种意思是约等于air charter company 包机公司另一种意思是特许公司,即获得特许权的公司



corporate company enterprise 有什么区别

1、意思上的区别①、corporateadj.法人的,团体的,社团的;公司的,总体国家的。②、,商号;作伴,伴侣,客人;连队,中队;(社交)集会,聚会。③、enterprisen.企(事)业单位;事业,计划;事业心,进取心。2、用法上的区别corporate这个词作为形容词,表示“公司的”。company用得最广,常指生产或出售产品的商行(公司)、经营服务性项目的公司或从事公益事业的公司,如交通运输、飞机制造、信托、保险、电话、电信、自来水、煤气、电力等公司。enterprise多指工商企事业单位、金融公司之类。3、例句①、corporateThis established a strong corporate image. 这树立起了一种强有力的公司形象。American economists have made important contributions to the field of financial and corporate economics 美国的经济学家们在金融和企业经济学领域做出了重要的贡献。Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out. 有人指出这合乎的是公司富豪和政治官员的利益。②、companySheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company. 希拉在一家保险公司找到一份当秘书的工作。The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。"I won"t stay long." — "No, please. I need the company" “我不会呆很久。”“别这样,求你了。我需要有人陪③、enterpriseHe favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention. 他更倾向于在自由经营与国家干预之间走一条中庸之道。History may judge the enterprise to have been rather backward-looking.历史也许会证明这一雄心勃勃的计划过于保守了。It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake. 这对于杜鲁门来说似乎是一项特别不明智的事业。扩展资料同义词解析:①、;法人;社团,团体。The rule applies where a person owns stock in a corporation. 该规定适用于持有公司股票的人。A changing world has put pressures on the corporation. 日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。②、businessn.生意;商业,交易;事务,业务;职业,行业。Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background. 珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景。They worried that German companies would lose business 他们担心德国公司的业务量会下滑。


区别如下:x0dx0a1、opponent:对手。泛指在战争或论战中不支持对方的人,可简单的认为是后二者的综合。x0dx0a a political (...) opponent; an opponent of a war(...).x0dx0a2、enemy:敌人。泛指战争双方;暗指决不会妥协、不是你死就是我死的完全对立的关系。x0dx0a The enemies of our enemies are our friends.x0dx0a3、competitor:竞争者,对手,敌人。泛指竞技性体育中的参赛选手;或者商业活动中争夺资源的双方;亦可指为了一个共同目标进行角逐的人,比如:总统竞选。x0dx0a Over 30,000 competitors will run in the New York marathon.

Cadinot 这个法国G company有谁还记得

Cadinot,法国的G片制作公司。Jean Daniel 是其导演。1. Gamins de Paris导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot Gamins de Paris  (1992)编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Elyes Ardini / David Bauman / Damien Carrey类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 19922,神学院 Sacré Collège  (1983) 神学院 Sacré Collège  (1983)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot / Maud Manuichez类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语片长: 58 分钟3,Charmants cousins  (1983) Charmants cousins  (1983)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Franck Emmanuel / Philippe Amar / Frédéric Lemaire类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1983又名: Becoming Men4,Le garçon près de la piscine  (1986) Le garçon près de la piscine  (1986)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Hank Reisner / Didier Bertin类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1986又名: Touch of magic5,缱绻少年人 Tendres adolescents  (1980) 缱绻少年人 Tendres adolescents  (1980)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Jean-Paul Deval / Ange Dominique类型: 短片 / Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语片长: France: 30 分钟上映日期: 1980又名: 缱绻少年人,6,流浪爱侣 Minets sauvages, Les  (1984) 流浪爱侣 Minets sauvages, Les  (1984)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Pierre Buisson / Jacques de Rives类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1984

请问Charmaine Pharmaceutical Company Hong Kong是什么意思?


i will company with you

i will be alaways company with you unless sadnes or happiness 除悲伤或幸福外,我将永远陪伴你。 这句话好像意思反了,应该是i will be alaways company with you WHETHER sadnes or happiness 我将永远陪伴你,不论悲伤或幸福。

He alaways playing the computer.有错没,错哪

playing 改为 plays要有谓语动词 Eric Clapton - Rocking Chair歌词

Eric Clapton - Rocking Chair歌词Old rockin" chair"s got me, my cane by my sideFetch me that gin, son, "fore I tan your hideCan"t get from this cabin, goin" nowhereJust set me here grabbin" at the flies round this rockin" chairMy dear old aunt Harriet, in Heaven she beSend me sweet chariot, for the end of the trouble I seeOld rockin" chair gets it, Judgement Day is hereChained to my rockin" chairOld rockin" chair"s got me, son, (Rocking chair got you, father)My cane by my side, (Yes, your cane by your side)Now fetch me a little gin, son (Ain"t got no gin, father)What? "fore I tan your hide, now, (You"re gonna tan my hide)You know, I can"t get from this old cabin (What cabin? joking)I ain"t goin" nowhere (Why ain"t you goin" nowhere?)Just sittin" me here grabbin" (Grabbin")At the flies round this old rockin" chair (Rockin" chair)Now you remember dear old aunt Harriet, (Aunt Harriet)How long in Heaven she be? (She"s up in Heaven)Send me down, send me down sweet (Sweet chariot) chariotEnd of this trouble I see (I see, Daddy)Old rockin" chair gets it, son (Rocking chair get it, father)Judgement Day is here, too (Your Judgement Day is here)Chained to my rockin", old rockin" chair

国外大学评分制度中的incomplete charged什么意思

由于不可预见的,但完全合理的理由而未完成科目部分规定内容,学校会给学生的这门课一个INC (INCOMPLETE AUTHORIZED), 然后学生有一年时间来补做之前未完成的学科内容。如果一年后仍未完成,那这门课就被定为”Incomplete Charged”,等于是Fail,或No Credit了。



Akon的Until U come back 中文歌词

[00:01.51]Until U Come Back直到你回来[00:03.42]Akon艾肯[00:13.51]Going crazy my heart is breaking心碎狂乱如麻 [00:19.64]I can"t sleep at all彻夜难眠[00:26.15]Trying to get through this试着走出这一切[00:29.30]Don"t know how I"ll do this 却不知如何是好 [00:32.41]I know that I only got my self to blame (only got myself to blame) 我知道是我一个人的错(是我一个人的错)[00:41.76]But that doesn"t help to ease the pain (doesn"t help to ease the pain)但这无法减轻痛苦(无法减轻痛苦)[00:48.75]I"ll just die if I can"t see your face如果没有你,我将无法生存[00:53.18][00:54.13]Until you come back除非你回来[00:56.84]I can"t breath 否则我无法呼吸[01:00.55]Until you come back直至你回来[01:03.48]I got no reason找不到原因[01:07.04]Got my heart, my heart down on it"s knees我的心已被你俘虏[01:14.45]I still need you beside me我仍然需要你在我身边[01:18.65][01:28.17]Now it"s morning现在才早上[01:31.44]Your still gone and可你还是离开了[01:34.30]I still reach for you (still reach for you)我还找寻你(还在找寻你)[01:41.06]Don"t know how to不知该怎么办[01:44.35]Live without you没有你该如何活下去[01:47.25]I will, I can take back all the hurt I"ve caused我愿意,我可以接受曾经所有的伤[01:55.21](take back all the hurt I"ve caused)接受曾经所有的伤[01:56.79]If I could give back all the love I lost如果能找回所有逝去的爱[02:01.43](give back all the love I lost)找回所有逝去的爱[02:03.20]The price I pay is just to high of a cost yea我将付出一生中最大的代价[02:08.83][02:09.23]Until you come back除非你回来[02:11.57]I can"t breath 否则我无法呼吸[02:15.13]Until you come back直至你回来[02:18.07]I got no reason找不到原因[02:21.66]Got my heart, my heart down on it"s knees我的心已被你俘虏[02:28.91]I still need you beside me我仍然需要你在我身边[02:34.92][02:36.17]Please forgive me (forgive me)请原谅我[02:42.00]If we had one more chance in your life (one more chance in your life)如果能再给我一次机会(再给我一次机会)[02:49.14]Till your with me直至我们在一起[02:55.84]I"ll be half a life until you come back (back back)我愿意用一半的生命交换,直至你回来(回来)[03:01.15]I can"t breath我无法呼吸[03:04.80]Until you come back直至你回来[03:07.45]I got no reason找不到原因[03:11.24]Got my heart, my heart down on it"s knees我的心已被你俘虏[03:18.32]Cause I need you beside me因为我需要你[03:22.16][03:36.99]Until you come back除非你回来[03:39.78]I can"t breath否则我无法呼吸[03:43.66]Until you come back直至你回来[03:46.37]I got no reason找不到原因[03:49.95]Got my heart, my heart down on it"s knees我的心已被你俘虏[03:57.12]I still need you beside beside beside beside me 我仍然需要你在我身边,身边,身边,身边

company traffic是什么意思

company traffic公司业务;公司交易

combed cotton是什么意思

释义:精梳棉;精棉;精梳棉纱例句:Practice shows that the yarn evenness of fine count combed cotton yarn is good.实践表明,所纺制的纯棉精梳细号纱成纱质量较好。双语例句1Practice shows that the yarn evenness of fine count combed cotton yarn is good.实践表明,所纺制的纯棉精梳细号纱成纱质量较好。2Combed cotton is the result of a process where short fibres and impurities are combed out before spinning.3The paper introduced the process of weaving super fine tex high density combed cotton fabric in air-jet loom.





come after June 是什么意思?

come after June六月以后来



medical computing是什么意思


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