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天王 恶魔的声音 lie to me




有没有人可以帮我做一个贴吧数据统计器 索香吧的 非常感谢 可以发我的邮箱

名次 用户ID 主题数 精品数 主题率 精品率 贡献分--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 xxxyyy11 65 31 0.74% 47.69% 3944.9 2 突然の移行 157 27 1.78% 17.20% 3615.5 3 yiwen杀鱼 273 14 3.10% 5.13% 3416.0 4 朽木布可凋夜 172 14 1.95% 8.14% 2396.0 5 小柯怪 289 0 3.28% 0.00% 2312.0 6 chsk 61 19 0.69% 31.15% 2262.3 7 千年修罗之道 95 11 1.08% 11.58% 1835.1 8 Never_瞳 33 9 0.37% 27.27% 1646.1 9 流马流马 28 11 0.32% 39.29% 1613.4 10 索隆二世 92 11 1.04% 11.96% 1560.3 11 幸福的桃花 170 1 1.93% 0.59% 1350.2 12 海绵KURURU 42 8 0.48% 19.05% 1340.9 13 茜紫草 19 9 0.22% 47.37% 1195.2 14 Rieys_Lan113 42 9 0.48% 21.43% 1118.8 15 hzs350085 11 8 0.12% 72.73% 1096.2 16 永远の金色 144 0 1.63% 0.00% 1088.3 17 《索隆传》 8 4 0.09% 50.00% 1079.5 18 ★神界阿金☆ 27 7 0.31% 25.93% 1013.3 19 tim_duncan 32 8 0.36% 25.00% 965.4 20 索香吧服务组 58 4 0.66% 6.90% 853.4 21 水上清露 25 7 0.28% 28.00% 853.3 22 东方雨婷 8 3 0.09% 37.50% 848.8 23 °止ˇ水 24 6 0.27% 25.00% 821.7 24 蚊_蚊__ 12 1 0.14% 8.33% 766.6 25 cgiftrsnut 12 6 0.14% 50.00% 763.0 26 黑猫·叹 5 5 0.06% 100.00% 760.0 27 前进没力号 37 5 0.42% 13.51% 756.0 28 黑暗の蝶 43 5 0.49% 11.63% 711.4 29 伐由 35 5 0.40% 14.29% 694.9 30 华丽丽的A梦 35 5 0.40% 14.29% 687.2 31 seraphlkkx 6 4 0.07% 66.67% 664.4 32 嵯峨野の雨 13 4 0.15% 30.77% 655.6 33 soH娘 56 2 0.64% 3.57% 637.7 34 kunpuhow 4 4 0.05% 100.00% 625.3 35 jing12722 15 5 0.17% 33.33% 616.4 36 ainokodoba 4 4 0.05% 100.00% 605.3 37 垂钓的熊 28 4 0.32% 14.29% 601.5 38 来自冰箱的南极 41 3 0.47% 7.32% 569.1 39 以怨念的名义 6 4 0.07% 66.67% 547.8 40 匍匐风铃草 19 4 0.22% 21.05% 547.6 41 CATの果冻 34 3 0.39% 8.82% 542.7 42 の绝版宝贝の 23 4 0.26% 17.39% 527.5 43 rgbgr 6 4 0.07% 66.67% 527.2 44 RemySparrow 18 4 0.20% 22.22% 519.4 45 步·冥 41 1 0.47% 2.44% 514.2 46 酸枣糕女王 31 3 0.35% 9.68% 502.0 47 ★曼佗罗№花 40 2 0.45% 5.00% 500.2 48 雪碧武士 18 3 0.20% 16.67% 499.3 49 游哉 18 4 0.20% 22.22% 496.6 50 FIPY77 8 4 0.09% 50.00% 494.0 51 百色伦 17 3 0.19% 17.65% 478.4 52 lili匆 28 3 0.32% 10.71% 476.4 53 菠萝王子汉化组 3 3 0.03% 100.00% 473.3 54 索香吧汉化组 3 3 0.03% 100.00% 470.7 55 cloversylvia 47 1 0.53% 2.13% 459.9 56 sandyfeek 3 3 0.03% 100.00% 459.3 57 度娘你就使劲抽 45 0 0.51% 0.00% 453.7 58 悬筱碎 33 2 0.37% 6.06% 449.3 59 血のBier魂 3 3 0.03% 100.00% 444.7 60 抽风的伟大航道 26 2 0.29% 7.69% 437.9 61 食尸鬼の歌 22 3 0.25% 13.64% 434.5 62 Puzzle黒屋顶_ 31 2 0.35% 6.45% 431.8 63 _月珑_ 4 3 0.05% 75.00% 416.5 64 阎红の彼岸花 4 3 0.05% 75.00% 411.3 65 稻草人の心 19 3 0.22% 15.79% 410.3 66 中井の厨子 11 3 0.12% 27.27% 407.3 67 MMCoconut 9 3 0.10% 33.33% 406.7 68 BLEACH旗木 15 3 0.17% 20.00% 401.6 69 紫微星斗 14 3 0.16% 21.43% 398.3 70 ⑩⒊号公寓 31 2 0.35% 6.45% 397.1 71 他的吻 27 2 0.31% 7.41% 395.6 72 冷_贝拉 10 3 0.11% 30.00% 391.7 73 落月满衣 9 3 0.10% 33.33% 391.1 74 靡桑 15 3 0.17% 20.00% 389.2 75 彩虹的地带 5 3 0.06% 60.00% 387.7 76 水奈巫 14 3 0.16% 21.43% 377.2 77 漓空 6 3 0.07% 50.00% 376.0 78 竹内风石 13 3 0.15% 23.08% 370.9 79 雪枫铃 15 3 0.17% 20.00% 369.2 80 猫神堂堂主 51 0 0.58% 0.00% 369.0 81 一入喉门深死海 7 3 0.08% 42.86% 367.6 82 爱吃萝卜的小D 8 3 0.09% 37.50% 366.2 83 威尼斯的路上 11 3 0.12% 27.27% 363.6 84 凝月天使 28 0 0.32% 0.00% 358.7 85 Ayu毛毛 33 1 0.37% 3.03% 355.5 86 索香 22 2 0.25% 9.09% 319.6 87 木の南はelfin 6 2 0.07% 33.33% 319.1 88 摔死的鱼 30 1 0.34% 3.33% 311.7 89 堕天之纯黑 22 1 0.25% 4.55% 310.5 90 恶魔飞燕草 14 2 0.16% 14.29% 305.1 91 由浠 1 1 0.01% 100.00% 298.7 92 轩羽冰凌 2 2 0.02% 100.00% 296.0 93 _绯夕_ 12 2 0.14% 16.67% 295.9 94 冀暖 30 1 0.34% 3.33% 295.5 95 Enid_5026 23 1 0.26% 4.35% 293.9 96 寒武·篱 11 2 0.12% 18.18% 280.1 97 free_典 10 2 0.11% 20.00% 280.0 98 哈儿包包 25 1 0.28% 4.00% 276.3 99 香烟和玫瑰 9 2 0.10% 22.22% 274.2 100 AquaDRollger 27 0 0.31% 0.00% 269.7 生成时间 2010-10-09 08:14:22

帮忙取三个好听的笔名,分别带有“梓” “浠” “羽”这三个字,取好发到QQ邮箱

梓樰 浠玊 羽绚 可以吗



帮忙翻译:They have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.3Q


they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitious or love of comfort不太明白,谁来解释一下

他们无拘无束。既不追逐卑鄙的名利,也不贪图生活的安逸。另外是ambitionshave not=don"t have

mean ambitions课文翻译的是卑鄙的名利,love of comfort课文翻译的是生活的舒适

我的理解是mean在这里作为“刻薄”理解,“刻薄的抱负”引申一下就是那种不太好的名利对吧?love of comfort是“对舒适的爱”,意思是说只喜欢让自己过得舒服,也就是贪图享乐,追求的只是生活愉悦,【再想一想应该也是要批判享乐主义,鼓励年轻人用于冒险,跳出舒适圈,探索未知吧】

这是路由器外网关的时候提示:Ambiguous Command - It may be of the following


% Ambiguous command: "int l0"这怎么回事

运行 no shutdown命令后如果发现端口状态转为down的话,可能性有2个:1.该端口与其他路由器或者主机的连接被断开2.注意到了你这个端口是Serial口,Serial口的编号往往路由器之间有所不同,所以检查一下是否配置的端口不对3.检查路由器配置,是否端口损坏(可能性不大)4.如果是通过串口连接2台路由器的话,检查另外一台805是否no shutdown了和这台机器的端口,如果另外一端的Serial口没有打开的话,当然这边的state是down了..5.% Ambiguous command: "clock rate 64000"这句提示你未知命令,时钟频率没有配置好,命令不对...不应该加空格把...瑞捷的路由器有空格,思科的貌似不用加空格把..正确命令应当为clockrate 64000 很高兴回答楼主的问题 如有错误请见谅

命令行里%Ambiguous command found at "^" position.什么意思

命令错误。 出现在 "^" 这个图标标注的地方。可能出现的情况1.命令错误2.格式错误3.名字不支持4.视图错误 应该是H3C 或者华为的设备吧

comfort with ambiguity什么意思?


you can not complain.是什么意思

You can not complain. 英     美    你该知足了。You can not complain.的用法和样例:例句You cannot enter a military base without a permit.无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒烟愈好。

make a complain 是什么意思



complabbr.compilation 编辑; complex 合成的; complain 抱怨; compiled 编译(的); 例句:1.Choose from 3 bikes and customise them, and try to compl. 选择3自行车和它们进行自定义,并尝试并发症.

youarenotqualifitdtocomplain是什么意思 求“你没有资格抱怨”的英文翻译

回答和翻译如下:你没有资格抱怨。You are not qualified to complain.

complain about(doing)sth 是什么意思


no great people complain that they are short of opportunity是什么意思


急!怎么注册itunes store 我的邮箱是 感谢各位大侠。。。。



complain about和complain of都有“抱怨”“对……不满”的意思,但是complain of还有“抗议”和“诉说病痛”的意思,但complain about没有。complain about和complain of后都可加sth.或者动名词。例句:They may complain of diarrhea or bellyache.他们可能会主诉腹泻或腹痛。We shouldn"t complain about being poor.我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天。

I can"t complain too much是什么意思

I can"t complain too much 直译为:我不能太抱怨通常用在:How are you doing? 你好吗?I can"t complain too much. 我不能太抱怨。(还不错)for the moment 暂时,目前根据个人经验和金山词霸的翻译

Don"t criticize, condemn or complain.帮我好好翻译,字面意思我懂,但是语言组织不好.


you out to complain 翻译过来什么意思?

是ought to 吗?你应该去抱怨? where are you headed? 你在哪里当领导?i was born and raised in kentucky 我在肯塔基州出生成长i"m off to Georgia on wedensday 我离开去格鲁吉亚在周三

complaint 与 complanation的区别

complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈complanation n. 平面化;变成平面

I can"t complain too much是什么意思


complain handing是什么意思?


place a complait against是什么意思




complain to,complain about,complain of 都是什么意思?三者有

complain of 后加something 对某事抱怨complain to 后加somebody 向某人抱怨complain about 对某人 某事抱怨

complain of ,complain to,complain about的意思及区别

complain of 后加something 对某事抱怨complain to 后加somebody 向某人抱怨complain about 对某人 某事抱怨


complain about对……不满





complain about/of sb.什麽意思,谢谢!!


can‘t complain

不能抱怨了,(已经很好了)的意思例如:人家帮你处理些事情,虽然不是十全十美但也做到十全九美吧,其他人问你的关于那个人家帮你处理的如何,你可以说:Can"t Complain 因为这里包含着,人家是“帮”处理的。又如,人家问你昨天的酒会菜色如何? 你也可以说 Can"t Complain ,差强人意。

complain about什么意思



complaining的意思是抱怨、埋怨、发牢骚。complaining是complain的现在分词。示例:1、It"s no good complaining,they never listen.抱怨毫无用处,他们根本不听。2、I can"t be doing with people who complain all the time.我无法忍受那些整天发牢骚的人。3、Just because I don"t complain,people think I"m satisfied.就因为我不发牢骚,大家便以为我满意了。4、I"m going to complain to the manager about this.我要就这件事向经理投诉。5、In the end,I just got fed up with his constant complaining.他不停地发牢骚,终于使我厌烦了。









complain英语什么意思 complain什么意思

1、v.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚。2、Its no good complaining ─ they never listen. 抱怨毫无用处——他们根本不听。3、e could scarcely complain, could she? 她压根儿没什么好抱怨的,是不是?4、I cant be doing with people who complain all the time. 我无法忍受那些整天发牢骚的人。


complain [英] [kəm"pleɪn] [美] [kəmˈplen] vi. 抱怨,诉苦; 申诉,控诉,抗议; vt. 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句];

how many adults who now complain什么意思

how many adults who now complain 现在有多少人抱怨complain 英[kəmˈpleɪn] 美[kəmˈplen] vi. 抱怨,诉苦; 申诉,控诉,抗议; vt. 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句];

Don"t always complain。Complaining doesn"t know who you are···什么意思啊?

不要总是抱怨,抱怨不认识你是谁。第一个complain是动词,抱怨的意思第二个complaining是动名词,表示“抱怨”这个拟人化的东西本身意思是说 抱怨也没用~做了懊恼的事应该另求出路希望我的回答能帮助到你

complain letter是什么意思

complain-letter投诉信双语例句1. If you"re not satisfied with the life you"re living, don"t just complain. Do something about it. 对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变。来自金山词霸 每日一句2. Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work. 学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。来自柯林斯例句3. He came to complain about the volume of the music. 他过来抱怨音乐的音量太高了。来自柯林斯例句4. People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy. 人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。来自柯林斯例句5. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain. 如果你对修理效果不满意,可以再找他们投诉。来自柯林斯例句请采纳~




complain [kəm`plєn; kəmˋplєin]《源自拉丁文“深感悲伤”的意思》不及物动词1 a. 发牢骚,抱怨Some people are always ~ing.有些人总是在抱怨"How are you ?"-"I can"t ~.".“你好吗?”“很好啊”b. 诉说[有关…的]牢骚 [怨言,不满] ,哭诉,抱怨[of, about]She ~ed of the room being sordid.她抱怨那房间肮脏I have nothing to ~ of.我没有任何不满 [怨言]2 诉说 [病苦] [of]She ~ed of a stomachache.她诉说肚子痛(说肚子痛)3 [向警察等] 控诉[某事],诉苦,抱怨[to][of, about]I ~ed to the police about my neighbor"s dog.我向警方控诉邻居家的狗She ~ed to me of her company"s coldness to her.她向我抱怨她朋友对她的冷淡及物动词1 a. 抱怨<某事>He ~s that his job gives him no satisfaction.他抱怨他的工作不能满足他b. 抱怨地说<某事>"You are always late home." she ~ed.她抱怨地说 :“你总是晚归”2 [向…]诉说<某事>,诉苦,抱怨[to]She ~ed (to me) that her father drank too much.她 (向我) 诉苦她父亲酒喝得太多了

help complain什么意思

help complain帮助抱怨拼音双语对照双语例句1Complain to one who can help you.向能帮助你的人抱怨。

complain about是什么意思

complain about英 [kəmˈplein əˈbaut] 美 [kəmˈplen əˈbaʊt] 抱怨,投诉

Guests to complain about service charge


but the less frequently you complain.这英语是什么意思


怎么深刻的记住 complain 和 explain的各自含义?


make a complaint是什么意思


dealing with complain是什么意思

对一些有争议的文章.  想当初卡梅伦任公共关系高管时:他没有什么好抱怨的.  我们同他打交道时无疑还有这么一种幻觉,andthatheoughttobeashamedofrollinginwealthwhilstothersarestarving,而那时他就已经够难对付了。  2  Inallourdealingwithhimliesimplicitthedelusionthathehasnothingtocomplainof,他所能做的只有投诉  dealingwithcomplain的中文翻译  dealingwithcomplain  抱怨处理  双语例句  1  Itwashardenoughdealingwithhimoncontentiousstorieswhenallhecoulddowascomplain,他应该因自己在钱堆里打滚而别人却在挨饿而感到惭愧


complain : [ k�0�5m"plein ] v. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉例句与用法:1. They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们愤恨地抱怨制度不公平。2. The tourist complained that the room was too dirty. 游客抱怨说房间太脏了。提问的单词一定是写错了,要不就是什么人名或地名之类的特殊名词。

怎么深刻的记住 complain 和 explain的各自含义?





看情况的 有些单词往往代表很多意思,所以必须要你看情况运用


complainedv.抱怨,诉苦,投诉( complain的过去式和过去分词 ); 申诉,控诉,抗议; 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句]; 例句:1.He complained the children made too much noise and damaged his window. 他抱怨孩子们弄出太大的喧闹声而且还损坏了他的窗户。2.The companies had complained that baidu was a significant source of pirated music. 这几家公司曾抱怨百度是一个很大的盗版音乐来源地。3.Locals have also complained about deceptive advertisements. 香港当地人也曾屡次对虚假广告提起投诉。

dealing with complain是什么意思

抱怨处理 望采纳


complain意思为:投诉;发牢骚;诉说,抱怨;控诉”。单词发音英[kəmˈpleɪn]美[kəmˈpleɪn] 短语搭配never complain生活多欢畅 ; 永不抱怨complain vt抱怨 ; 投诉Some complain有些人抱怨说 ; 有些抱怨 ; 一些抱怨 双语例句Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfil their promises.矿工们已愤愤地抱怨政府没有兑现他们的承诺。The couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.这对夫妇抱怨了游览欧洲的高昂花费。I shouldn"t complain, I"ve got a good job to go back to.我不该抱怨,我已有可回去干的一份好工作。"I wish someone would do something about it," he complained.“我希望有人能对此做点什么,”他抱怨道。相关句式complain to sb.complain to sb. about sth.


complain的意思是投诉;发牢骚;诉说;抱怨;控诉。complain单词发音:英[kəmˈpleɪn]、美[kəmˈpleɪn]。complain短语搭配:1、never complain:生活多欢畅 ; 永不抱怨。2、some complain:有些人抱怨说 ; 有些抱怨 ; 一些抱怨。complain相关句式:1、complain to sb.2、complain to sb. about sth.complain的双语例句:1、Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfil their promises.矿工们已愤愤地抱怨政府没有兑现他们的承诺。2、The couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.这对夫妇抱怨了游览欧洲的高昂花费。3、I shouldn"t complain, I"ve got a good job to go back to.我不该抱怨,我已有可回去干的一份好工作。4、"I wish someone would do something about it." He complained.“我希望有人能对此做点什么。”他抱怨道。


我第一次以大使的身份来已经是几个月以前了,那次很特别,而且我还没有退役呢,也有很多原因。这次我以大使的身份来是为了联盟。为了孩子,为了让孩子们的家人们意识到,他们的孩子在踢足球。他们是为了足球而生,特别为了这项运动而生的。而这特别就特别在他们将会有一个让人惊羡的未来。不过更重要的是他们会保持健康。我和我妻子能够在这次捐出写足球上衣,这些上衣每一件都是我在队伍里拥有的。我还看到了那边有些车子,我能感觉到今天会是为孩子们筹到很多钱的兴奋的一天。附上英文:My first visit here as an ambassador was a few months ago. And it was very special, but I was also playing football still at that point. So I was here for many different reasons This time, I"m here as an ambassador for the league.I"m here as an ambassador for the children.I"m here as to raise awareness for the families to realize that their children playing this game, being brought up around football, being brought up around the sports that it"s something that is very special, special in many ways, special in a way where they can have such an amazing future playing the game. But also, more importantly, they can play the game and keep healthy, and keep fit.To be able to be a position where me and mywife can donate something could special as each of the shirts I were won ineach of the team I"d played in. And also I would see the car and I feel everything"s well and it gonna be very exciting that gonna raise a lot of money for children.

Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you can ma...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:文章是关于一个宾馆的设施使用方法的通知。主要介绍了餐厅、房间服务、电话、洗衣房、酒吧等设施的使用注意事项。小题1:根据第一段“Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you can make full use of our facilities(设备). ”和文章可知,这是一个宾馆的通知,A、B是这个通知的一部分,排除A、B;根据文章可知,这不是一个很小的家庭旅馆,排除D,故选C。小题2:根据“Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.”可知,早餐在上午8:00-9:30供应,故选D。小题3:根据“We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staffs are very busy. There are also public telephone boxes near the Reception Desk.”可知,当接线员很忙时,旁边还有公用电话可以使用,故选C。小题4:根据“We have a laundry in the hotel, and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them.”可知,需要洗衣服的话,叫负责所住房间的员工把衣服收到洗衣房,故选A。

Ambassador Hotel:Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, w..

小题1:C小题1:D小题1:C小题1:B 略

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那是 保卫萝卜安卓版程序可能是您的手机未ROOT,当然就没有完全的权限,已经被安装的软件程序是不允许直接删除的。(可以在程序管理器中删除这个程序,那么这个文件就没有了)是Gamelogt哪个游戏的




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It was time to do the chore零星工作s, and still he had not come.

Chores 和 C 是相同的意思. A 选项是一洗碗机,可当动词用,但无论是名词还是动词,都是不用HE 就是他来做的. B 是家庭作业,学生用的.他一直没回来,和家庭作业的关系不大.如果是小孩没回来,就不是担心作业了,而是人本身了. C,基督教作祈祷是用一定的时间的,It was time to do....可以理解. D,是housework的意思,谁家做家务还有固定的时间? 我认为是C,如果是找Chores 的同意词的话 用It was time...这种过去式, 就是说,直到做晚课的时候,他都没回来.

come to a conclusion是什么意思


come to a conclusion是什么意思


come to a conclusion是什么意思


come to the conclusion that是什么意思

come to the conclusion that得出这样的结论 拼音 双语对照 come to the conclusion that英 [kʌm tu: ðə kənˈklu:ʒən ðæt] 美 [kʌm tu ði kənˈkluʒən ðæt] 词典得到的结论是…网络得到的结论是; 得出结论;

求一本很久以前看过的小说 就记得最后是那个主角用核潜艇把日本四岛炸沉3个的 请发 谢谢



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