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澳洲Commonwealth bank是不是只有一个SWIFT CODE?



commonwealth银行的三个账户区别如下:1、netbank saver是用来赚利息的,和smart access 连起来的,要用钱的话从netbank saver转到smart access,不用的钱就留在netbank saver里;2、smart access 就是跟你的卡连着的账户3、essential super是你的养老金账户。,打工的话老板会给你支付养老金。ommonwealth bank 的 net bank 利息的问题:1、卡和密码函是分开记的,这个到时候看银行给你寄得信按步骤做就可以了。不知道你指的是什么密码,支付密码的话应该是电话或者ATM都可以直接改密码吧,另外还有网上银行的登录密码那个网上改就可以了。实在不行就去银行叫他们帮你弄啦。2、不记得有这个规定了,debit card会有年龄限制吗,如果不行就找学校帮忙。利息是按日算,每月1号结。利率不确定是多少,之前我是参加了一个什么活动,最高的时候4.75%pa。一般是4%~4.5%pa这样,我觉得不算低了。你可以再问问ANZ的。3、netbank里分两块,一个是complete access,是平时刷卡和direct debit(比如手机账单或者你那个健身房)和取现用的。另一个是NetBank Saver,这个才是存款性质有利息的。建议complete access里留一百左右就够了,其他放在netbank saver里。但是要保证complete access里有足够的钱付direct debit,不然小量金额对方是可以直接扣除的,然后银行会收取一定的透支手续费。4、这个问银行有什么好的推荐吧。我想是不会有这个问题。

Commonwealth country指的是哪些地方?

公益, 大众福利


带上本人身份证和银行卡以及相关信息去银行柜台办理汇款。需要提供:1、收款银行名称:Commonwealth Bank;2、收款人开户银行名称及地址(其中包括6位的BSB--Bene"s Bank A/C No.);3、收款人帐号(包括BSB和上边的6位一样):062120-0000 0000(收款人帐号为8位);4、收款人地址:例如 unit 20 XXX ST, Burwood(当地地名,一个区的名字) ,NSW, 2134, AUSTRALIA, 然后某某人的名字(英文大写)。扩展资料:越来越多的市民愿意选择银行卡汇款,只要提供对方姓名和卡号,即可实现异地无卡存款,工、农、中、建、浦发等银行都开通此业务。市民要注意的是,很多银行对于异地存款和异地取款是要收费的,因此,汇款地分布是否广泛,汇款支取是否方便成为考虑的重要指标。例如,农行和工行即使在西藏、内蒙古、黄山山顶等偏远地方都有网点,还是比较受客户欢迎的。浦发银行的银行卡异地汇款还处于免收费状态,市民也可拣个便宜。游走世界的市民带一张银行卡不失为上策。对于有孩子留学国外的家庭来说,父母利用主卡在境内办理存款业务,孩子只需携带一张副卡,就可以在境外消费、取款。但最大的缺点就是携带不安全,如果是出国旅游消费的话,还是将外币存到金穗国际借记卡直接刷卡消费为妥。参考资料来源:凤凰网-澳洲联邦村镇银行推企业网银服务 助力中国农村金融服务



澳洲commonwealth 的卡怎么在网上改住址啊?

要登入netbank 账号里面改




具体步骤如下:1)你可以在抵澳之前就可以在这间澳大利亚最大的银行,最多支行和ATM的澳洲银行,开立学生账户;2.你可以在账户开立后从国内汇款;3.抵澳后你可以选择去你方便的支行, 激活账户,安排借记卡,登记网上银行服务等;由中国打来免费电话:00 800 3368 8866 (如果你的电话已开通IDD), 或普通电话+61 2 97620920, 或去网站 查阅并在网上申请一个学生账户。


commonwealth的意思是联邦 state是州 commonwealth就好像英联邦国家可以独自的外交和军事行动 而state在外交是军事上是不可以独立进行的






commonwealth美["kɑmu0259n"wu025blθ]british commonwealth英联邦This is in the earliest years of the commonwealth government. 这是在联邦政府刚成立不久的几年间。


commonwealth英[u02c8ku0252mu0259nwelθ]美[u02c8kɑ:mu0259nwelθ]n.联邦; 共和国; 团体; 协会网络联合体; 国民; 英联邦复数:commonwealths双语例句 Ms Roxon said while big tobacco companies were fighting to protect profits the commonwealth was fighting to protect lives.洛克森女士说,尽管大烟草公司在努力保护利润,但联邦是在努力保护生命

Important of the Marketing Strategies for the company

Marketing strategy is a key part of the general corporate strategy A marketing strategy is most effective when it is an integral ponent of corporate strategy, defining how the anization will engage customers, prospects and petitors in the market arena for success. It is partially derived from broader corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. They should flow from the firm"s mission statement. They are also influenced by a range of microenvironmental factors. A marketing strategy also serves as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For example: "Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our anization, via our low cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our anization will sell additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumer"s interaction with the low-cost product or service." Here are different type of marketing strategies, and it will clearly explain different marketing strategies have different important function on marketing activities: Types of marketing strategies Every marketing strategy is unique, but if we abstract from the individualizing details, each can be reduced into a generic marketing strategy. There are a number of ways of categorizing these generic strategies. A brief description of the most mon categorizing schemes is presented below: Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are three types of market dominance strategies: Leader Challenger Follower this strategy base on internal management Porter generic strategies - strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market peration while strategic strength refers to the firm"s sustainable petitive advantage. Cost leadership Product differentiation Market segmentation this strategy apply porter theory to place effort on target market and positioning. Innovation strategies - This deals with the firm"s rate of the new product development and business model innovation. It asks whether the pany is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. There are three types: ------Pioneers ------Close followers -------Late followers this strategies production development Growth strategies - In this scheme we ask the question, “How should the firm grow?”. There are a number of different ways of wering that question, but the most mon gives four wers: ----Horizontal integration ----Vertical integration ----Diversification ----Intensification this strategy based on grow of the firm.,参考: wers/topic/marketing-strategy,Hi some quick thought on it: 1) Help pany identify prospective client 2) Able to help pany generate more revenue 3) Improve pany"s efficiency in terms of operation cost 4) Help pany define or find out their position in the market 5) Identify petitor in the market I think best of to generate REVENUE....REVENUE...,

whose voice did i hear comeing这是什么句

I know him.我认识他.(直接) I know of him.我知道他.(间接,通过书刊等) I heard the voice.我听到这种声音 (直接,亲耳听到) I heard of the voice.我听说过这种声音 (间接,比如别人告诉我) 直接认识,亲耳听到,用know,heard 听别人说,间接了解到,用heard of,know of谁知道这个视频里的音乐

Tune Up Vs. Italobrothers - Colours Of The Rainbow试听:下载:

turn up 和 come up 的区别

指打开,而come up指过则么样,我也不太懂,你可以网上翻译一下

common lisp和scheme,应该先学哪个?

在任何一个开发社区提问这个问题, 恐怕都会引起激烈的争论. 一定程度来说, 这是一个 个人偏好问题. 下面是我的看法.首先, 我们知道 scheme 也是一种 lisp 方言, 因此下文用 lisp 来泛指各种 lisp 方言. 选择 common lisp 还是 scheme, 我认为这要看你学习 lisp 的目的. Eric Raymond 在 "如何成为一名黑客" 一文中说过: "Lisp 很值得学习. 你掌握它以后, 会感到它给你带来的极大的启发. 这会大大提高你的编程水平, 使你成为一个更好的程序员 ". 如果你仅仅以此为目的, 而不打算把 Lisp 作为自己日常开发甚至商业开发的语言, 不妨从更简洁一些的 scheme 学起. 在我看来, scheme 更像是一种教学型语言, MIT 的两本著名教材 SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) 和 HTDP (How to Design Programs) 都是以 scheme 为基础的. 如果你打打算把 lisp 作为自己今后的主要开发语言, 那么就一定要学学 common lisp 了, 这绝对是一个强大的语言, 除了语言本身的强大, 还有丰富的库. 图形界面, 服务器什么的各种应用都可以做.

高二上九单元英语Reading课文翻译 Welcome to the earth summit


一首日文歌,副歌部分好像有一句是welcome to the new world


religious commitments

Mean while,(组合词组,做状语) many settles (主语)had (谓语动词,过去时态)slighter (比较级)religious commitments (宾语)than (引出比较成分,做状语)Dane"s,(被比较部分) as (引出状语从句,意思:正如...那样)one clergyman (从句的主语)learned (从句的谓语动词,过去式)in confronting folk (介词短语做状语,修饰动词‘learn")along the coast (介词短语做状语,修饰动词‘learn")who (引出定语从句,修饰‘one clergyman")mocked (定语从句的谓语动词)that (引出宾语从句)they (宾语从句的主语)had not come (宾语从句的谓语动词,过去完成时)to the New world (介词短语做状语)for religion (介词短语做状语).

documentary compliance 啥意思

documentary compliance 英[u02ccdu0254kjuu02c8mentu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] 美[u02ccdɑkju0259u02c8mu025bntu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] [词典] [经] 文书单据的符合; [例句]Strict compliance standard is the basic standard followed by the banking industry while determining the documentary compliance under letter of credit.严格相符标准是银行审核信用证项下的单证相符的基本标准。

有首日文歌 男声 里面有句歌词是welcome to the new world是什么歌?

Tummy 歌手:radwimps




りんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umai野良犬は噛む どうせまた噛むnorainuwa kamu douse mata kamu腕まくりして こっちから噛ますude makuri shite kocchi kara kamasuバイトの面接 准备万端baito no mensetsu junbi bantan准备だけやって応募してないjunbi dake yatte oubo shite nai若手の顷の自分を见てるようでwakate no korono jibunwo miteru youde可爱がりつつ出る杭打つkawaigari tsutsuderu kuiutsuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai「あいつ本当にめっちゃいい奴。」とaitsu hontou ni meccha ii yatsu to言ってる奴がめっちゃ嫌な奴itteru yatsuga meccha iya na yatsuこの世界を救ったヒーローもkono sekaiwo sukutta hi-ro-mo一部の人には好かれてないichibu no hito niwa sukarete naiネットで検索 携帯プランを贤く选んでnettode kensaku keitai puranwo kashikoku erandeソシャゲ课金で月200万soshage kakinde tsuki nihyakuman平身低头 诚心诚意 谢りながらheishinteitou seishinseii ayamari nagara巨大な斧を担いでるカスkyodai na onowo katsuideru kasuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no mirai.comりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umaiりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai死刑の前なのに やはりうまいshikei no mae nanoni yahari umaiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no miraiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai元気はないけど生きていますgenkiwa naikedo ikite imasuほんのり うすら笑っていますhonnori usura waratte imasu何にもないけど ちょっと期待nannimo naikedo chotto kitaiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no

comprehensive coverage是什么意思

comprehensive coverage全险 综合险 综合保险




competent is relatively better competent means able to do something and do it wellcompetitive is for most of the time used to describe things, or refers to competition.

competence 后面可以接of doing吗

不能,只能加in或者for。可参看competent的用法。如:competence in handling money理财的本领;competence for task对工作的胜任

I am competent这是个英语作文题目,请问怎样书写?




The young teacher has ____ competent.


Competent cell 名词解释

Competent cells are those that possess more easily altered cell walls that DNA can be passed through easily.

我相信我有能力完成这件事,用英语怎么说,用上 be competent to do sth

I believe I am competent to finish this.


competence这个单词是名词他的形容词形式是:competent词义:adj. 有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的;

小马宝莉歌词在线听welcome to the show的歌词

  Welcome to the ShowMyLittle Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks [TheDazzlings](vocalizing)[Adagio Dazzle]Welcome to the showWe"re here to let you knowOur time is nowYour time is running out[The Dazzlings]Feel the wave of soundAs it crashes downYou can"t turn awayWe"ll make you wanna stayWe will be adoredJust jealous that you want usWe won"t be ignoredIt"s time for our rewardNow you need usCome and heed usNothing can stop us now[The Rainbooms]Oh-oh, oh-oh-ohI"ve got the music in meOh-oh, oh-oh-oh[Twilight Sparkle]Don"t need to hear a crowdCheering out my nameI didn"t come here seekingInfamy or fame[The Rainbooms]The one and only thingThat I am here to bringIs music, is the musicIs the music in my soulGonna break out (Out!)Set myself free, yeahLet it all go (Go!)Just let it be, yeahFind the music in your heartLet the music make you startTo set yourself apart[The Dazzlings]What we have in storeAll we want and moreWe will break on throughNow it"s time to finish you!!!(drum solo)[Sunset Shimmer]You"re never gonna bring me downYou"re never gonna break this part of meMy friends are here to bring me ‘roundNot singing just for popularity[Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle]We"re here to let you knowThat we won"t let it go[The Rainbooms]Our music is a bomb and it"s about to blow[Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle]And you can try to fightBut we have got the light of friendship on ourside![The Rainbooms]Got the music in our heartsWe"re here to blow this thing apartAnd together,We will neverBe afraid of the darkWe sing our song out loudGets you dancing with the crowdAs the musicOf our friendshipSurvivesSurvives!![All]Got the music in our heartsWe"re here to blow this thing apartAnd together,We will neverBe afraid of the darkWe sing our song out loudGets you dancing with the crowdAs the musicOf our friendshipSurvivesSurvives!!SURVIVES!!!

be competent for 和be competent in 有什么区别

be competent for胜任be competent in在某方面有能力


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。


competence常见搭配如下:competence是一个英语单词,名词。作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。core competence。核心竞争力 ; 核心能力 ; 核心才能 ; 核心专长。language competence。语言能力 ; 语言表达能力 ; 语言素质 ; 言语能力。social competence。社会能力 ; 社会语言能力 ; 社会胜任力。sociolinguistic competence。社会语言能力 ;社会语言学能力 ; 社交语言能力。Technical Competence。技术能力 ; 技术型 ; 技术竞争力 ; 技术性方面。Managerial Competence。管理型 ; 管理能力 ; 管理才能。competence roadmap。专长能力蓝图 ; 建立专长能力蓝图 ; 专业能力蓝图。Intercultural Competence。跨文化能力 ; 跨文化胜任力。implementing competence。执行能力。

be competent for 和be competent in 有什么区别

be competent for胜任be competent in在某方面有能力


be competent for 固定搭配 “胜任......"


The new employee is very competent and has already made significant contributions to the team. (新员工非常能干,已经为团队做出了很大的贡献。)It"s important to have competent leadership in order to achieve success in any organization. (任何组织要取得成功,都需要有能干的领导。)The doctor was very competent and able to diagnose the patient"s condition quickly. (医生非常有能力,能够快速诊断出患者的病情。)The competent lawyer was able to successfully argue the case in court. (能干的律师能够在法庭上成功辩护。)It takes years of experience and training to become a competent pilot. (要成为一名有能力的飞行员需要多年的经验和培训。)




competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化


competentadj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的qualifyvt.& vi.(使)具有资格; 有权; 达标它们的区别很明显,第一个是形容词,第二个主要做动词用qualify的形容词是qualified,它一般表示“有资质的,达标的”,强调的是外界赋予它的能力,是正式的词;而competent指的是自己或别人的一种感觉,比较生活化


competent是指having the necessary ability, authority, skill, knowledge, etc (指人)有能力、 权力、 技能、 知识等的; 能胜任的; 能干的, 比如a highly competent driver 技术高超的司机足以胜任的,有能力的,称职的,侧重的是技术capable是指having (esp practical) ability; able; competent 有(尤指实际的)能力的; 有能力的; 能胜任的 比如:a very capable woman 很能干的女子.侧重的是自身的能力qulified一般指胜任某项工作,侧重的是能否胜任工作,与自身无关

be competent for 和qulified的区别

be competent for 能够胜任工作的qualified 有资格的,刚够格,勉强合格competent意思是合格的、可以胜任的, 能力比较突出,经验比较丰富。qualified 也表示合格,但是能力还只是勉强胜任,刚入行、执业,但经验比competent欠缺一些。

competent authority是什么意思

competent authority主管机关双语对照词典结果:competent authority[英][u02c8ku0254mpitu0259nt u0254:u02c8θu0254riti][美][u02c8kɑmpu026atu0259nt u0259u02c8θu0254ru026ati]主管当局; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilities shall immediately reportthe damage to the competent authority and be liable for compensation. 损坏助航标志或导航设施的,应当立即向主管机关报告,并承担赔偿责任。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请分析Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to competent a college education.

一般而言competent的词性是形容词“有能力的, 足够的, 胜任的”的意思。但是在这里competent是作为一个动词使用(因为是在to 的后面),意思是:胜任 ! 这里是动词的不定式一般表示要达到某种目的。句意:Julian 说他希望可以得到一份工作并且找到一种可以受到大学教育的办法!

competent person是什么意思啊



competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。

be competent是什么意思


competence ; competent ;artificial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的?

康呸ten特 康屁(四声)斯 啊忒飞首


yes, 死记





competent 和 champion 这英文单词怎么念?

competent ----> 康皮腾特chanpion ----> 千聘恩

capable 和 competent 的区别

首先两个词意思不是很相同。capable 表示有能力,competent更倾向于有能力作某项工作,胜任。另外,结构也不一样。be capable of doing competent to do sth. or be competent for sth.


competent名词:形容词,作形容词时意为“胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的”。短语搭配:competent bed强硬岩层;competent sand致密砂层;Competent Teacher胜任的教师 ; 称职的教师;Unconsciously Competent无意识 ; 没有意识到足以胜任 ; 无所不能;Competent Employees有能力的员工;competent witness被告在成为法律上适格;competent agency主管机构;Membership competent会籍主管。双语例句:I have to my manager reflects your views, but do not agree with the competent.我已经向我的主管反映了你的意见,但是主管不同意…如下。So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。You let women dictate your actions and they are not competent in this world, though certainly theywill be saints in heaven while we men burn in hell.你让女人指令你的行动,但她们在这个世界上不是有能力的,虽然,当然她们会是天堂里的天使,而我们男人在地狱里燃烧。




1.有能力的,能干的;胜任的,合格的2.相当的;适当的,足够而不过分的3.【法律】有法律能力的;有法定资格的4.【生物学】(胚胎)有反应能力的,胜任的;活性的,适合的;(对抗原决定因素产生抗体)有适应力的5.精神正常的,智力无缺陷的;6.有决定权的,活性的,(处于)感受态的短语搭配1. competent authorities主管部门;主管当局;主管机关2. competent authority主管机关;主管当局;主管机构3. be competent胜任;能胜任;能够胜任4. competent person称职人员;合格人士5. competent government能力型政府;有能力的政府6. competent jurisdiction管辖权;管辖资格7. be competent for可以胜任;能胜任;胜任8.competent manager能干的经理;有能力的管理者9. competent work胜任工作10. competent lawyer称职的律师例句He"s very competent in his work.他非常胜任自己的工作。2. Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。3. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman.我曾一直以为自己是个坚强能干的女人。4. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一个忠诚、出色、很有能力的公务员。5. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured,competent people.将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。7. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.我们的法务部门需要一名成熟能干的秘书,该秘书会向一名资深律师和一名助理律师报告。


competent主管双语对照词典结果:competent[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nt]adj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe they were more competent. 也许就是他们更有能力。




已发送 学校 青采纳

commercial distribution是什么意思

commercial distribution 英[ku0259u02c8mu0259:u0283u0259l u02ccdistriu02c8bju:u0283u0259n] 美[ku0259u02c8mu025au0283u0259l u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n] [释义] 商业流通;

LaFee的《Come On》 歌词

歌曲名:Come On歌手:LaFee专辑:Shut UpLafee - Come OnHey you in the CornerYou"ve been startin at me all Night longCan you see I"m out to get me someI really really think you"re kinda cuteHey you in the cornerTime for you to make a moveCome on and get your hot ass over hereAre you watin for your movement in Time?Too bad it might have passed you bySay is your ass glued to the wall?Come on, Come on, pick up the callWhat"s all this about?I want this to go downYes I need your ass right here right nowCome over, babyYou"re stuck in the CornerHey something wrong with you?What else am I suposed to do?Come over baby I don"t biteCome on, Come on over babyHey you I want youHey don"t you see it"s Time to playWhy don"t you move,Why don"t you come my way?I need your ass right here right now...Hey what"s all this about?I"m losing interestI"m quickly losin interestin youI"m losin interestSay goodbye to the chance you just blewI"m going home without you nowAdios, game over, ciao!

come in touch with和touch with的区别

come in touch with来联系As teachers of Grade 1, our relationship with the students" parents can greatly help the students whom we come in touch with. 作为一年级的教师, 我们与学生父母之间的关系,将于我们我接触的学生们产生极大的帮助。touch with: 用…触摸; He touched the sculpture with his hands directly. 他直接用手去触摸雕像in touch with 跟...保持联系You might get in touch with him. 你不妨同他联系一下。I got in touch with him immediately after I received the letter. 我接信后马上和他联系come来进行in touch with就是要来接触的这个动作。看看上面的例句就可以得出它们的差异。

bank forwarding company 是什么意思

bank forwarding company 银行代理公司forwarding 英["fu0254:wu0259du026au014b] 美["fu0254:wu0259du026au014b] n. 推进,促进; v. 发送; 促进( forward的现在分词 ); (按新地址) 转寄; 助长; [例句]The former owner had not left any forwarding address.以前的房主没有留下任何转递地址。[其他] 原型: forward

歌词是such a feelings coming over me是什么曲子

Top of the world 世界之巅

新视野大学英语第四册 unit7A The coming energy crisis

Two hundred years ago, the world experienced an energy revolution that launched the Industrial Age. Ever since then, with the rapid increase of population density, the industrialized world"s thirst for energy has more than tripled. Petroleum and natural gas are exploited as versatile and high quality energy products. Uranium is also tapped to fuel nuclear reactors and provide atomic energy.两百年前,全球经历了一场能源革命,由此引发了工业时代的到来。从那时起,随着人口密度的迅速增加,工业国家对于能源的需求成倍成倍增加。石油和天然气被看作是用途多、质量好的能源产品而得到开发,而铀也得以开发,为核反应堆提供燃料并供应原子能源。Cheap energy is the lifeblood of human society. But there is a dark side to the near monopoly of non-renewable fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, along with controversial uranium, to supply our growing energy demands.廉价能源是人类社会的命脉。但是,几乎垄断煤炭、石油和天然气等不可再生化石燃料,以及有争议的铀,以满足我们日益增长的能源需求,还有一个阴暗面。The supply of these fuels is physically limited, and their use threatens our health and environment. Multiple international treaties have been proposed to limit the use of fossil fuels for this very reason. 这些燃料的供应实际上是有限的,它们的使用威胁到我们的健康和环境。为此,已经提出了多项国际条约来限制化石燃料的使用。Fears of global warming aside, burning fossil fuels releases chemicals and particulates that can cause breathing problems, cancer as well as brain and nerve damage. Nuclear energy, once hailed as"too cheap to meter", has never been economically successful when all costs are factored in.抛开对全球变暖的担忧不谈,燃烧化石燃料会释放出化学物质和微粒,导致呼吸问题、癌症以及大脑和神经损伤。核能曾被誉为“太便宜,无法计量”,但如果将所有成本都考虑在内,它在经济上从未取得成功。Furthermore, public opinion polls show nuclear energy is too closely associated with disasters like the Chernobyl reactor meltdown and the Fukushima explosion, and with the danger that: rebel insurgents could do damage with the toxic waste.此外,民意调查显示,核能与切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)反应堆熔毁和福岛(Fukushima)爆炸等灾难有着太密切的联系,而且还存在着这样的危险:反叛分子可能用有毒废料造成破坏。Inexpensive and seemingly abundant non-renewable energy from dead plants and extinct animals fueled the 20th century economy, but geologists, climatologists,environmentalists, and many others are warning that the honeymoon may soon be over.从死去的植物和灭绝的动物身上获得的廉价且看似丰富的不可再生能源推动了20世纪的经济发展,但地质学家、气候学家、环境学家和许多其他人警告说,蜜月可能很快就结束了。扩展资料主要考察的是过去完成进行时的知识点:用法:表示过去某一时间之前一直进行的动作。过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。和过去完成时一样,过去完成进行时也必须以一过去时间为前提。I had been looking for it for days before I found it.这东西我找了好多天才找着的。They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came.他们只等了一会儿车就来了。表示反复的动作。He had been mentioning your name to me.他过去多次向我提到过你的名字。You had been giving me everything.你对我真是有求必应。常用于间接引语中。The doctor asked what he had been eating.医生问他吃了什么。I asked where they had been staying all those days.我问他们那些天是呆在哪儿的。接具有“突然”之意when句。I had only been reading a few minutes when he came in.我刚看了几分钟他就进来了。She"d only been reviewing her lessons for a short while when her little sister interrupted her.她温习功课才一会儿,她妹妹就打断她了。I had been sleeping when my friend telephoned me.我正在睡觉时,我的朋友给我打电话。

foundations of computational mathematics怎么样


求“少女时代”全部歌曲的罗马拼音歌词? 电子邮箱

fa k


偏爱电动车的朋友都知道,电动车最重要的性能就是“续航”。而好的续航能力不仅仅体现在电池容量,一款坚实可靠的车胎也是必不可少的。最近万达轮胎在电动车胎系列中引进了一项全新的黑科技:钢丝结构技术(STEEL CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY),简称SCT。该技术有效地解决了传统电动车胎易变形、易被扎破的问题,在抓地力、续航力、舒适性、稳定性、磨耗性、操控性方面实现了全面提升。钢丝胎横向对比测试结果胎面破坏能试验:COMPASS(SCT)比传统结构防刺性提升了50%径刚性试验:在高负载情况下COMPASS(SCT)比传统结构变形量明显减少。实车性能评价:COMPASS(SCT)在抓地力、续航力、舒适性、稳定性、磨耗性、操控性方面实现了全面提升。万达精神钢丝结构技术的成功引进和天津万达轮胎集团的创新意识以及拼搏进取的精神是分不开的。万达轮胎集团创建于1988年,经过了三十年的发展,其主导产品力车胎已占有国内28%的市场份额。万达集团目前已经成为国内力车胎行业目前规模最大,产量最高,规格品种最齐全,经济效益最好的企业之一。相信未来万达轮胎将以COMPASS钢丝胎为基点,打造更多具备前沿科技的高品质轮胎,为更多的电动车车主带来福音。

welcome unit什么意思?


welcome to the unit 是什么意思




初三英语,在线等,要原因。 As _____ writer, he was _____ compl

D 望采纳

有首歌歌词是all my dreams come true this love is so

《Never Had A Dream Come True》歌手: S Club 7 所属专辑:《Never Had A Dream Come True》发行时间:2001年5月歌词:Oooh-oooh 噢…… Everybody"s got something 每个人都有一些 They had to leave behind 被迫舍弃的东西 One regret from yesterday 昨天的某个遗憾 That just seems to grow with time 今天越来越难以释怀 There"s no use looking back or wondering 回头何用,假设何用 (Or wondering) 假设何用 How it could be now or might have been 假设终究只是一场空 (Or might have been) 一场空 All this I know but still I can"t find ways 这些,我全明白,但我没有办法 To let you go 和你分开 I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉 "Til the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你 Even though I pretend that I"ve moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走 You"ll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱 I never found the words to say 我的心里话无法用语言表达 You"re the one I think about each day 你是我朝思暮想的人 And I know no matter where life takes me to 我知道无论生活把我带到何方 A part of me will always be with you yeah 我的一部分永远与你同在 Somewhere in my memory 在我记忆的某个地方 I"ve lost all sense of time (ah-ha ha-ha) 时间已不复存在… And tommorow can never be 似乎永远没有了明天 "Cos yesterday is all that fills my mind 因为昨天占据了我全部的思想 There"s no use looking back or wondering 回头何用,假设何用 (Wondering) 假设何用 How it should be now or might have been 假设终究只是一场空 (Or might have been) 一场空 All this I know but still I can"t find ways 这些,我全明白,但我没有办法 To let you go 和你分开 I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉 "Til the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你 Even though I pretend that I"ve moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走 You"ll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱 I never found the words to say 我的心里话无法用语言表达 You"re the one I think about each day 你是我朝思暮想的人 And I know no matter where life takes me to 我知道无论生活把我带到何方 A part of me will always be 我的一部分永远与你同在 You"ll always be the dream that fills my head 你永远是我心中全部的梦想 Yes you will say you will 是的,你就是,说吧你就是,你知道 You know you will oh baby 你就是,噢宝贝 You"ll always be the one I know I"ll never forget 我知道你是我永远不会忘记的恋人 It"s no use looking back or wondering 回头或是假设都无用 (Or wondering) 假设也无用 Because love is a strange and funny thing 因为爱是一件奇怪而有趣的东西 (And funny thing) 有趣的东西 No matter how I try and try 无论我如何努力又努力 I just can"t say goodbye no no no no 我就是无法说分离 ,不,不,不,不 I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉 "Til the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你 Even though I pretend that I"ve moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走 You"ll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱 (Never found the words to say) to say 我的心里话无法用语言表达 You"re the one I think about each day (each day) 你是我朝思暮想的人 And I know no matter where life takes me to 我知道无论生活把我带到何方 A part of me will always be 我的一部分永远与你同在 A part of me will always be with you ooh 我的一部分永远和你同在,噢……这段DNF视频背景音乐是什么

Bomfunk MC"s - - Live Your Life (Feat. Max"c)


Do they come from all around the world?
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