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come on有没有加油的意思?

2023-05-19 23:04:52

come on有没有加油的意思?还有什么英语有加油的意思?

TAG: on co com come

其实COME ON主要是用于激励,有点类似于GO GO GO!之类的


1. to make an extra effort

2. to cheer sb. on

Relative explainations:

<cheerio> <cheerioh> <fueling> <to fill the tank> <put on steam> <play up> <oil> <oil the works> <gas> <fuel charging> <oiling> <cheer> <regassing> <yo> <cheero>


1. 所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。

All aircraft must fuel before flight.

2. 如果你不给机器好好加油的话,它就不会正常运转。

The machine won"t function properly if you don"t oil it well.

3. 他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。

They cheered loudly for their football team.

4. 二十英里之外有一个加油站。

There is a gas station twenty miles away.

5. 我们最后驶近一加油站。

We finally drove up to a gas station.

6. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行.

All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.

7. 他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油.

His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.

8. 大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜.

The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.


in - flight refuel


More gas.


oil a lock


The plane is fuelling up.


The plane is fueling up.


Put more powder into it!


The bus made a stop to refuel.


Put on more steam,comrades!


Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it.


Play up,comrades



(1) 向前;继续前进

(2) 跟着来

(3) 进展;发展

(4) 逐渐开始

(5) 被提出讨论或审讯

(6) (赏演员)登台;(戏)上演;(运动员)在中途上场

(7) (板球)开始击球;上场

(8) 用作表示鼓励、挑战、恳求或要求等的感叹语



move onward;continue to advance

· They kept coming on.




· You had better go to the station now; I"ll come on later.



make progress;develop

· How is he coming on with his study of French?



begin by degrees

· Spring coming on, the trees turned green.


· The rain has just come on.



be brought forward for discussion or trial

· When the question came on, people vied with each other in airing their views.



(an actor) appear on the stage;(a play) be performed;(a player)join a team in the course of a match

· The new play comes on next week.



(cricket) begin to blow;come into the game


used as an imperative expression to indicate encouragement, defiance, pleading or a request

· Come on! You can do it if you try.


· Come on, the bus leaves in two minutes!



come on有“加油,赶快”的意思。


cheer (up)

make an extra effort

play up

put on steam












慢走,不送的英语:Well,It"s time to say goodbye . Take care .goodbye 读法  英 [gʊd"baɪ] 1、int. 再见,再会(分别或谈话结束时的问候语)2、n. 再见,告别短语:1、say goodbye 说再见;告别2、kiss goodbye 吻别3、wave goodbye to 向...挥手告别扩展资料词语用法:1、英国人常用goodbye,美国人常用goodby。是人们随时分手,而且在一段时间内不再见面时的告别用语。2、“说再见”英国人和多数美国人说say goodbye。注意也有少数美国人说tell goodby。词义辨析:goodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:1、goodbye用于暂别的场合;2、cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中;3、farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语;4、bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; 5、so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。
2023-01-11 21:40:056


goodbye, my lover
2023-01-11 21:40:597


farewell party
2023-01-11 21:42:006


farewell英 [ˌfeəˈwel]  美 [ˌferˈwel]n. 告别,辞别;再见;再会int. 别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思);再会!adj. 告别的短语Farewell My Concubine 霸王别姬 ; 再见了 ; 霸主别姬Cape Farewell 费尔韦尔角 ; 法韦尔角 ; 送别角扩展资料词义辨析n;(名词)farewell, bye-bye, cheerio, goodbye, so longgoodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:goodbye用于暂别的场合; cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中; farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语; bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。
2023-01-11 21:42:411


2023-01-11 21:42:523


2023-01-11 21:43:0312


2023-01-11 21:43:495


farewell中文释义:n. 告别,辞别;再见;再会英文发音:[feəˈwel]例句:They said their farewells there at the cafe.他们在咖啡馆那儿道了别。短语:1、farewell party 欢送会;惜别会2、farewell dinner 送别宴3、farewell speech 告别词4、a farewell to arms 永别了,武器(书名,海明威著)5、farewell address 告别演说扩展资料farewell的近义词:1、leave-taking英文发音:["li:v,teikiŋ]中文释义:n. 告辞;告别;告别语例句:Love is always more beautiful in the imagination than the reality. so are the meeting and leave-taking.爱情永远是想像比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别也如是。2、adieux英文发音:[əˈdjuːz]中文释义:n. 告别;辞别例句:My heart bade her a thousand adieux !我心里向她说了一千个再会!
2023-01-11 21:44:1011


2023-01-11 21:45:078

英语说 "干杯" 尤其是喝干了 是什么来着

干杯-一干为尽 = bottom up
2023-01-11 21:45:422


用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语。英语词汇量大一些的同学见到英语farewell后都会“脱口而出”地“说”中文:道别,告别。这种“学”英语“用”中文,而不是“学”英语“用”英语的习惯,难怪你的英语总是学不好:因为你总是不“用”英语,英语如何能熟而生巧。见到英语farewell时应该“把你学过的英语用起来”,也就是学“新”英语,用“旧”英语。farewell, bye-bye, cheerio, goodbye, so longgoodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:goodbye用于暂别的场合;cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中;farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语;bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用;so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。例如:After talking for a moment, they said cheerio to each other.谈了一会儿,他们互道再见。
2023-01-11 21:45:511

下次见 用英文怎么说

see you leter
2023-01-11 21:46:156

我的cheerio 安装一直失败怎么解决

2023-01-11 21:46:511

win7 怎么用npm安装cheerio

1、安装express及相关组建-----cmd下运行:npm install express -gd2、安装the executable----------cmd下运行:npm install -g express-generator@33、进入到你想要的目录下:express [ 创建express项目的名称 ] 就能创建express项目了。
2023-01-11 21:46:571

我的cheerio 安装一直失败怎么解决

2023-01-11 21:47:071

cheerio 和jquery的区别

语法讲解: selector 是目标选择器, context 是目标选择器的上下文, root 是上下文 context 的上下文。 selector 和 context 可以是 字符串表达式 、 dom元素 、 dom元素集合 、 cheerio对象 ,而 root 一般都是html文档字符串。PS: 通常参数context和root都会省略。这个方法一般用于遍历和处理DOM。像jQuery中,它是对DOM中选择目标选择器的主要方法,但又不同于jQuery是建立在顶部的 CSSSelect 库,它实现了大部分的Sizzle选择器。PS:Sizzle是一个纯javascript CSS选择器引擎。jquery1.3开始使用sizzle。感兴趣的同学可以自己了解一下。
2023-01-11 21:47:141


2023-01-11 21:47:2112

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye 这首歌的中文翻译

挥手再见,祝我好运吧。美好事物,等着我上路。挥手再见,祝我好运吧。千万别哭,来为我欢呼。我要带着所有人的微笑上路。直到我们再次相遇。挥手再见,祝我好运吧。(任何歌曲都离不开押韵,这是歌曲的基本,我尽力了,我不懂英文,全是一个词一个词查的, Cheerio 是奶酪的意思 但是我没办法用上,我就擅自把奶酪象征美好的意思,歌很老吧?我网上找到听过了。)
2023-01-11 21:48:066


2023-01-11 21:48:314

安装npm cheerio 提示如下代码是什么意思

npm(Node Package Manager)是Node.js下的主流套件管理程式。它在Node.js v0.6.x版本之后,内建于Node系统。通过npm可以协助开发者安装、卸载、删除、更新Node.js套件,并且可以通过npm发布自己的插件。
2023-01-11 21:48:471


这次我们聊一聊口语。首先我们澄清一个概念:不是用嘴讲出来的英语都是spoken English.所谓口语其实包含了很多不一样的题材,比如日常会话、商务会谈、演讲、辩论等,不同题材也就自然意味着有不一样的要求,以及不尽相同的学习方法,当然也意味着不一样的难度。今天我们从日常会话的角度进行切入,日后再逐步来谈后续。日常口语第一需要的是单词,但不是很难的单词,反而是小词大用,小词活用。第二注重的是在表达过程中情绪的运用。人在接受信息时,有80%的信息不是通过内容来传递的,而是通过声量、音调、手势、表情等等来传递的。第三注重的是,除了陈述事实的语句之外,例如This is a table之类,我们的日常会话的目的是为了沟通,要学会用修辞。基于以上三点不难看出,仅仅靠背单词,日常会话是练不好的;仅仅是背课文、背句型,日常会话是练不好的;仅仅是学语法,学俚语,日常会话还是学不好。那么我们应该如何学?回答很简单:放在实际的语境中学。我们今天就从怼人这个角度来举例说明日常会话怎么学。怼人,就是实际的语境,因为我们时长需要去怼那些欠怼的人。不仅如此,我们需要用我们最擅长的方式,最舒服的姿势,去怼他们,怼到他们无话可说。看招:场景一:你很丑。如果我们仅仅是说you are ugly. 词没有用活,情绪没有调动,而且只是一个陈述,伤害力太有限了。不如这样说:如果一个人整天自拍(take selfies),而且觉得自己好美好美,朋友圈天天晒(以上都是语境),你可以这么说:Your face is made for radio.字面含义就是,你的脸只能上电台。只能出声,不能看。这里所有的词都是我们学过的小词,但是很少会把这几个词组合在一起,这就是我说的小词活用。讲这句话的情绪应该是平淡不经的,face和radio两个单词自然浮现在句子里就是重音,传情达意,一步到位。而且这不是一个陈述事实,而是一种反讽,沟通的信息非常明确,我就是要怼你。还可以说:Ah, I understand--you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.字面含义是:我懂了,你从一棵破树上摔下来,一路上刮到了所有的树杈。每一个词都是小词,但是很少我们会这么组合,这就是小词活用。fell out of the ugly tree是情绪的铺垫,hit every branch on the way down才是宣泄。树有多丑,你就有多丑。这是一个想象力极其丰富的句子,用了夸张和暗喻,这是沟通。如果我们说一个人胖,我们除了说you are fat之外,我们还可以说1. You must have to roll over more than a few times to get an even tan.(一般人晒太阳翻一次身就晒全了,你要翻好几次。)2. If you weighed five more pounds, you could get group insurance.再胖几斤,你买保险就可以买团队保险了。(一个人的重量顶上别人好几个)3. The only thing you can fit into at the Gap is the dressing room.( Gap美国的服装品牌,以宽松舒适为卖点,fit into合身,dressing room试衣间,除了能进试衣间,什么衣服都穿不进去)当然,如果别人这么怼我,因为我最近也胖了,我仍然会用相似的方式怼回去!例如Did you ever have boobs?(这一条我说没有说服力,且如果对方是男性,这句话的杀伤力也不够大,但如果是两个女生,这基本上可以用了,但是如果对方真的有boobs,幸好还有下面的句子)If you were drowning, I"d totally toss you a Cheerio.(溺水不用救生圈,一个麦片圈就足以。Cheerio长着个样子,请看You must use a Band-Aid as a maxi pad and Chapstick for deordorant.(Band-Aid是创口贴,maxi pad 卫生巾,用创口贴当卫生巾;chapstick是润唇膏,deordorant是除臭膏,长着个样子)接着我就不解释直接开挂了, 不太理解的可以后台问,当然你要先打赏再问。Stupid:I don"t know what makes you so dumb, but it really works.If brain were taxed, you"d get a rebate.Don"t get lost in thought--it"s unfamiliar territory.You"re so dumb, blondes tell jokes about you.If you were any smarter, I could teach you to fetch.I wish I were as smart as you think you are.Good thing you"re not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.Smarty-pants: (自作聪明的人,可以用作对上文的反击)It"s lonely at the top, isn"t it?Making other people feel stupid doesn"t make you seem smarter.Do you have to work that hard to be a jerk, or does it just come naturally?Since your personality acts as a birth control device, you must save lots of money on condoms.When someone first meets you, they don"t like you. But when they get to know you better, they hate you.You"re not even beneath my contempt.You"re the reason God created the middle finger. (这句太赞!)Your father should have pulled out. (虚拟语气最佳例句)When you take Viagra, do you get taller? ( 赞!)……还有太多,我就不写了,希望你记住两点1. 日常会话需要在语境中学习,才能把小词用活,表达情绪,沟通观点2. 不要惹我,我已经很克制了。其实以上都源自一本书,Insults & Comebacks,如果当年的《英语900句》都写的是这些,估计大家背起来,用起来,早就自如的不得了。今天就分享这个资料吧,祝你怼人开心。
2023-01-11 21:49:001


2023-01-11 21:49:143


       NodeJS做爬虫也是很方便的。因为nodejs有HTTP模块直接可以使用,而且还有很多简单粗暴的库可以即拿即用。       首先,需要的库文件,       1、superagent 是个轻量的的 http 方面的库,就像jquery的post,和get一样,很简单。       2、cheerio 是一个服务端操作DOM的库,简直就是服务端的jquery。     好的,我们需要抓取某个网站的题目。如下图。这个系统下,及时是游客状态也是可以查看题目的,只是答案我们看不到。会显示我没有登录。现在我们有个需求,先抓取15页,根据URL的参数可以页数就是地址中 的P。并且要有本地cookie,获取cookie的方法,最简单的是,利用浏览器登录网站之后,在控制台直接打印document.cookie,得到之后,复制进txt文本。用fs模块读取并转换成字符串。在superagent请求时,把cookie传进去。好了,控制台已经不输出“未登录”,说明已经登录成功了。
2023-01-11 21:49:371


目标抓取网站上的妹子照片。第三方模块superagent : 第三方Nodejs 模块,用于处理服务器和客户端的Http请求。cheerio : 为服务器端定制的Jquery实现。思路通过superagent 获取目标网站的dom通过cheerio对dom进行解析,获得通用布局。如果只是爬取一个页面,则可以直接将目标页面的目标元素获取如果是分页或者多个页面,可以通过循环获得目标链接,进行多次抓取。实现这里我们实现一个抓取网站妹子的照片。目标网址: (对于该网站,并没有恶意攻击的意思.)代码如下://引入第三方和通用模块var fs = require("fs");//为了将抓取的图片存到本地,使用fsvar superagent = require("superagent");//引入superagentvar cheerio = require("cheerio");//引入jquery实现 var filePath = "/node/学习/sis/img/";//定义抓取妹子文件存放路径var count = 0;//记录抓取数量var test = [];//抓取一个页面的实现。var getOnePage = function(url){    //因为煎蛋对请求做了限制,所以将cookie加上了。如果你要访问该网站的话,可以通过<a href="" target="_blank" class="baidu-highlight">浏览器</a>查找cookie 并进行替换    superagent.get(url)    .set({            "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36"    })    .set("cookie","500322148=53; Hm_lvt_fd93b7fb546adcfbcf80c4fc2b54da2c=1454117846; Hm_lpvt_fd93b7fb546adcfbcf80c4fc2b54da2c=1454119909")    .set({        "accept" : "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",        "connection" : "keep-alive",        "host" : ""    })    .end(function(err,sres){//这里是对获取的dom进行处理        if(err)throw err;        var $ = cheerio.load(sres.text);        var nextUrl = $(".previous-comment-page").attr("href");//获得下一页的链接,为了开始下一次请求        $("img").each(function(index,ele){//循环该页面的所有图片并得到对应的链接,放进数组。            var u = "";            if($(ele).attr("org_src")){                u = $(ele).attr("org_src");            }else{                u = $(ele).attr("src");                }            test.push(u);            //通过superagent 获取图片数据,并保存到本地。            superagent.get(u).end(function(err,sres){                if(err)throw err;                //根据访问路径获得文件名称                var ttt = u.split("/");                var name = ttt[ttt.length-1];                var path = filePath+name                fs.writeFile(path,sres.body,function(){                    count++;                    console.log(u);                    console.log("已成功抓取.."+count+"张");                });            });        });        if(null != nextUrl && "" != nextUrl){ //何时开始下一次请求            getOnePage(nextUrl);        }    });  }; getOnePage("");//触发第一次请求开始
2023-01-11 21:49:471

elecV2P - 一款不止于 MITM 的网络工具

一款不止于 MITM 的网络工具。 - customize personal network 只开放了网页端口。公共访问网页,请勿上传个人敏感数据。 一款类似于 Fiddler/Surge 等软件的网络调试工具,可使用 JS 修改网络请求。 网络请求更改可通过基础规则或 JS, 或 $HOLD 模式手动修改。 $HOLD 模式:将一个网络请求的内容先转发到前端网页,然后进行手动修改后再返回给服务器/客户端。这在对同一个接口模拟不同的数据请求时,相当实用。 JS 脚本可直接引用 Nodejs 模块。默认添加 cheerio 模块,增强对 html 的处理。另外可使用 JS 执行简单 shell 命令及运行 .sh/.py 等脚本。 定时任务支持: Github - elecV2P
2023-01-11 21:49:541


  俚语,是指民间非正式、较口语的语句,是百姓在日常生活中总结出来的通俗易懂顺口的具有地方色彩的词语。下面是我给大家带来的俚语大全,欢迎来阅读参考,大家一起来看看吧。   留学生交流用的俚语大全(一)   1. Starting from scratch   听起来不像是什么好事,但事实上,这句俚语的意思是“从零开始/白手起家”。如果一个人失去了一切,他/她就必须start from scratch,表示丢掉了从前的担子或摆脱了困境之后,重新出发。   2. Can"t be bothered   如果一个人说他们"cannot be bothered",并是不是说不希望你们打扰到他,而是表示自己没有什么动机或活力,这事儿TA懒得去做。   3. Ta   表达感谢的一种方式,有很多人喜欢说"Ta very much"。 电视/影里见得比较多,偏口语化。   4. Cheers   也是表达"thank you"的一种方式,嗯,喝东西的时候也用来表示"干杯"。   5. Nice One   表示"happiness",对象一般是某个观点或某件事儿。比如有天你把球踢得很远,小伙伴:"Nice one"   6. Hiya or Hey up   用来打招呼,表示"Hello",但由于"Hiya"不够正式,打电话的时候仍然需要说"Hello","Hey up"的发音有点像"Ey Up",北边的英国人说得比较多。   7. Alright?   虽然听起来像是个疑问句,但这个"Alright?"的确是打招呼的另一种方式。不需要正式回答,除非你看起来很沮丧。   8. How"s it goin"?   美国人喜欢说的"Hello,how are you?","How"s it goin"?"是英国人专用的简短版本。   9. Are you having a giraffe?   表示"Are you having alaugh?"你在开玩笑嘛?伦敦人超级喜欢说这个俚语。   10. See ya   在英国,说"再见"的方式有很多,see ya只是其中的一个,其他的还有"Bye", "Tarrah", "toodle oo","Cheerio"和"tata"。   11. Common pet names you may be called   似乎英国人很喜欢用宠物的名字来给别人起绰号,如果有英国人叫你pet, cock, duck, duckie, sweetie, sweet heart, love, chick, chuck,chucky-egg, sweet, sweets, sunshine 或者 darling,那就表示你们相当熟了,可以撩or被撩了。   12. Having a go   在伦敦,"having a go"表示某个男的想出去撩妹,比如"I went out to have a go with a bird",但如果你去英国北边,或是威尔士,"Have a go"就有一种挑衅的意思,是要干架的节奏了。   留学生交流用的俚语大全(二)   1. for real: 真的;   -Mia got 120 on the TOEFL exam.   -OMG, are you for real?   你是认真的吗?   cram for:突击准备考试   I got advanced algebra exam tomorrow, and I got to cram for it tonight .   2. 美国人的生活节奏本身就比较慢,即便是很忙的大学生也会在课业非常繁重的情况下忙里偷闲,所以他们会有很多放松的表达方式。   kick it: 放松,=relax   Let"s go and check out the new bar downtown, and kick it there.   我们一起去市里新开的酒吧看一下吧,在那里放松一下。   no stress:不要有压力,放松。   The history exam is still weeks away, no stress dude.   历史考试还有还有几周呢,不要着急哥么。   chill:放松   -Do have any plans for tonight?   -Nah, just chilling.   cut me some slack: 不要让我难堪,可以理解为Don"t give me a hard time. slack有懒散、懈怠的意思。 或者也可以说Give me a break.   再比如:take it easy   We don"t need to get there until noon, take it easy.   别着急,放松。   有的时候take it easy也作为再见的表达。   3. babe:漂亮的女生   All guys in the school thinks Alexandria is a babe.   4. old school:老派的,过时的   The music in the cafeteria is pretty old school, and I am so fed with it.   餐厅的音乐太老了, 我都受够了。   5. hoochie:非常性感的女生,(注意 may be offensive to women)   scope sb out : 仔细看, 跟check sb out 也可以这么用。   pick sb up: 把妹   Hey, bro. That hoochie is checking your out/scoping you out, why not pick her up.   哥么,那个骚妞在打量你,快去把她啊。   6. bust sb"s digit: 得到了某人的电话   give sb green light: 允许某人做某事   pass on sb:错失一个人   Hey, dude. She is giving you green light, why no got ahead and bust her digit? you are not gonna pass on her, are you?   她都这么的默许了,你还不去跟她要电话,你想要错失她吗?   7. score:成功的跟某人OOXX , 也叫get laid, 有时候也说get lucky (注意get lucky字面意思是走运了,其实指的是OOXX,当然OOXX也非常走运啦。)   Tony really wishes he could score tonight at the bar.   8. booty call: 约泡电话   Tony is so lonely, he make booty call every single night.   9. Can you dig it? 字面意思是你懂吗?这个一般表达惊讶或者惊喜。可以理解为这你还不懂吗。   10. What"s the deal? 发生了什么?闹怎样?   留学生交流用的俚语大全(三)   1.egghead这个词在1952年的美国总统大选中曾被首次使用。当时的竞选双方分别是二战盟军总司令艾森豪威尔和书生气十足的伊利诺伊州州长史蒂文森。史蒂文森精心准备的竞选演讲文字华丽晦涩,只有和他一样的知识分子才会感兴趣。因此对手取笑他说:Sure, all the eggheads love Stevenson. But how many eggheads do you think there are。egghead的意思,就是指书生气很足的知识分子。   2.nerd和jock是现今美国学生常用的两个俗语。nerd的意思和汉语中的“书呆子”类似。这类人往往是聪明勤奋,但却过于保守严肃,在校园里颇让人瞧不起。jock则恰恰相反。他们魁梧帅气,很受女孩子们的欢迎,尤其擅长American football和basketball等各种体育运动。当然,校园中也不乏漂亮的girl jocks。   3.hick和city slicker这两个词的意思也是在各种语言中一定都能找到对应的词,它们分别是城里人和乡下人对对方的贬称。hick的意思是“乡巴佬,土包子,”而 slick字面意思是“圆滑的,油滑的”,因而city slicker也就是乡下人眼中的“城里老油子,打扮光鲜,老于世故却不可信的城里滑头”。   4.penny-pincher和cheapskate都是指花钱很小心、吝啬的人。penny是一美分,pinch意为“捏”,顾名思义,penny-pincher就是那些连一分钱都要在手里捏得紧紧的、舍不得花出去的人。cheapskate则是万事以省钱为本,越省越好,请客最多带你去MacDonald。这种人往往不受欢迎,尤其令他们的女朋友反感。从这个意义上说,cheapskate比penny-pincher更贬损。 thumb和all thumbs也是两个很有意思的俗语。green thumb指善于养花种草的人,这些人总是能把花园收拾得绿色怡人,养出来的花草光亮健康,羡煞那些费了很多劲儿,种出来的花草蔬菜却总是半死不活的人。所以,green thumb就是那些很会养花种草的人。如果说一个人是all thumbs会是什么样呢?想想看,拇指虽好,可要是十个指头都长成短短粗粗的拇指,干起活来肯定很难受。因此all thumbs便是形容一个人笨手笨脚。   6.couch potato和mall rat是两个和美国人生活习惯有关的俗语。couch potato指一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人,一声不吭,一动不动,就像一个圆滚滚的土豆。而mall rat当然不会是购物中心的真老鼠,而是指没事儿老喜欢到mall(大商场)里去逛的人。   7.turkey(火鸡),shrimp(虾)和crab(螃蟹)这三种动物在美国人眼中会是什么人呢?turkey是美国人在 Thanksgiving Day和Christmas Day家家都要吃的食物。但是,活的火鸡样子难看,行动又笨拙,所以turkey就用来形容那种愚蠢无用的人。而那种雇用了这些turkey,又不能开除他们的政府或商业机构就被称作turkey farm。shrimp常被用于指代那些个子矮小的人或无足轻重的小人物。请看下面的句子:You may call Napoleon a little shrimp. But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble。而crab因为长相丑陋凶恶,常被用来指那些性格暴躁、脾气很坏的人。 boomer, yuppie(雅皮士), dink(丁克),sandwich generation这四个词反映了美国经济和社会变化。二战结束后的二十年内,美国人口激增,那个时期出生的人在美国被称作baby boomers,因为boom有激增、暴涨之意。yuppie(雅皮士)(young urban professionals)是指生活在大城市、受过高等教育、生活富裕的成功职业人士。dinks (double income, no kids)是指那些有很好的工作和收入,但是不要孩子的夫妇。sandwich generation则恰恰相反,他们是既要赡养老人,又要抚养下一代,像三明治一样被夹在中间的经济负担较重的一群人。   9.backseat driver, wheeler-dealer, free-wheeler, fifth wheel是四个和汽车有关的常用习语。backseat driver坐在汽车后排,却不停地对前面开车的人指手画脚,因此是指那些自己不在岗位上,但是却喜欢给在位的人提供人家不需要的意见的人。 wheeler-dealer精明能干,是那种善于运用权利和财势在政治或商业活动中为所欲为,独断独行的人。free-wheeler喜欢自由,不受约束,是指那些不愿意遵守自己工作单位的规章制度,想怎么做就怎么做的人。而fifth wheel的意思则很好猜出。一辆汽车只有四只轮子,那么,fifth wheel当然是多余的、不受欢迎的人了。
2023-01-11 21:50:001

英文good bye与see you 都是再见的意思 但有什么不同的含义??

goodbye (interj) 再见see you 开放分类:短语类(口语/俚语/习语等)
2023-01-11 21:50:223


var $ = require("cheerio");
2023-01-11 21:50:422


farewell读音:英 [ˌfeə"wel],美 [ˌfer"wel]释义:int. 再会;别了n. 告别adj. 告别的词汇搭配:bid farewell to sb 向某人告别sad farewell 伤心的离别farewell to 向…告别扩展资料词义辨析goodbye,farewell,solong,bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:goodbye用于暂别的场合;cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中;farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语;bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用;solong是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。
2023-01-11 21:51:061


干杯[词典] cheers; drink a toast; cheerio(h); bottom up; drink to;[例句]为朋友们的健康干杯!Here"s to the health of our friends--to your health!
2023-01-11 21:51:156

cheerior 什么意思

cheerio [,tʃiəri"əu] interj.,n.[英国口语]再见,再会(为你的健康)干杯[祝酒时用语]您好 [亦作 cheerioh][美国俚语]再会(表明此次聚会没意思)
2023-01-11 21:51:391


2023-01-11 21:51:457

我的cheerio 安装一直失败怎么解决

2023-01-11 21:52:111


1、Goodbye!是GOD be with you的变体.用于正式或非正式的场合中,是人们短时间分手,或在一段时间内不再见面的告别用语.如:I must say good-bye now.我现在得告辞了.x0d3、Good luck to you!祝你成功或顺利!是祝愿某人顺利完成某事或一路平安时的告别用语.x0d4、Good morning.有时可以用作上午分别时的告别用语,这时两个词多重读.x0d6、Bye-bye!或 Bye!原系儿童用语.现在为不太正式的告别用语.熟人之间常用.如:See you Wednesday then.Bye!那么周三见.再见!x0d7、Bye-now (=bye for now) 重音在第一个音节Bye上,含有“我们不久还要见面.”之意,重在强调时间的短暂.如:I"d like to speak to you again.Bye now.我希望和你再谈一谈,现在再见吧.x0d8、See you later!含有“一会儿见”也含有“一天和多天后再见”的意思.如:I"ll come back in a while.See you later.我一会儿就回来再见!x0d9、See you (again,soon); Be seeing you; Until we meet again.这几个告别用语都含有“期望再见面“之意,都不适于生人之间.x0d10、See you around!含有“刚见面说不定一会儿又见面“之意.x0d11、So long!美国人常用于口语.用于非正式场合,只对极熟的人讲.x0d12、Farewell (=to fare you well)!是较正式场合的用语.亲友远行时用farewell表示“再见”常含有“永别了或不容易再见面”之意.x0d13、God speed.多用于信仰宗教(特别是信仰西方宗教)的人们中间.如:God speed you!祝你一路平安!x0d14、Have a nice trip!(pleasant journey)是用来祝愿人们旅途愉快时的告别用语.含有“祝愿过得好”之意.x0d15、Happy landing!祝旅途平安!是送行者向上飞机的人说的告别用语.x0d16、Bon voyage.一路平安!原系法语.用于送人远行时.x0d17、Enjoy your visit!祝你一切顺利.是对人表示祝愿的客气用语.与 have a nice day 类似.x0d18、Cheerio 或 Cheero “再会”这个词含有“告别”的意思,又含有“祝福”的意思.因为它是由cheer (快乐、祝好)和 io 组成.Io是拉丁语及希腊语中的感叹词,语英语中的oh意思相同.
2023-01-11 21:52:171


1. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词I"ll drink to your good health.I"ll drink to very good health for you.Let"s drink to his success.Let"s drink a toast to our friendly co-operation.I"ll give toast to all the people here.I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.I"ll toast the bride.Let"s toast ever-lasting peace.2. 短语式祝酒词To your health!(Good health!)Bottoms up!Cheers!(Cheerio!)(Here"s)to our victory!To Mr. Li!All the best!3. 篇章祝酒词范例Mr. Vice President,Our American friends,My colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such a marvelous Christmas party.
2023-01-11 21:52:231


 farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语。Farewell until we meet again!下次再见!Farewell! I hope we meet again soon.别了!希望很快我们能再见面。farewell, bye-bye, cheerio, goodbye, so longgoodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:goodbye用于暂别的场合; cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中; farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语; bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。
2023-01-11 21:52:461


goodbye读音:英 [ˌɡʊd"baɪ]     美 [ˌɡʊd"baɪ]    int. 再见。n. 说再见。Amid all the rush and confusion she forgot to say goodbye.她在忙乱中忘记了告辞。I"d like to say goodbye to you all.我想向你们大家告别了。辨析:goodbye, bye-bye, cheerio, farewell, so longgoodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:goodbye用于暂别的场合; cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中; farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语; bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。例如:After talking for a moment, they said cheerio to each other.谈了一会儿,他们互道再见。“Cheerio!You are here!”“好哇!你在这儿啊!”“Bye-bye,Mum!”the boy said to his mother.“再见,妈妈!”孩子对母亲说道。Farewell!I hope we"ll meet again soon.再见!我希望我们很快能见面。So long, everybody!各位再见!
2023-01-11 21:52:571


通过 `cheerio` 模块,将html解析下,直接获取内部的text 就可以了。
2023-01-11 21:53:081

Karmin broken hearted 歌词

Brokenhearted - Karmin歌词;This is more than a typical kinda thingFelt the joints in my bones when you were touching me, oh ohDidn"t want to take it slowIn a daze, going crazed, I can barely thinkYou"re replaying in my brain, find it hard to sleep, oh ohWaiting for my phone to blowNow i"m here in a sticky situationGot a little trouble, yep and now I"m pacin"Five minutes, ten minutes, now it"s been an hourDon"t wanna think too hard, but I"m sourOh oh, I can"t seem to let you goSee I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightCome on, that"s rightHonest baby I"ll doAnything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheerioWhat"s the time, such a crime Not a single word,sipping on that Patron Just to calm my nerves, oh ohPoppin" bottles by the phone Oh yeahHad me up, had me down, turn me inside outThat"s enough, hold me up Maybe I"m in doubt, oh ohNow don"t even think you know, no noSee I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightCome on, that"s rightHonest baby I"ll doAnything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheerioAnything you wanna do, I"ll be on it tooEverything you say, it"s like a gold with a viewBusiness on the front, party in the backMaybe I was wrong, was the outfit really wackThis kinda thing doesn"t happen usuallyI"m on the opposite side of it, truthfullyI know you want it so come and get it, cheerioSee I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightohhhohohhhoohhhhHonest baby I"ll doAnything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me broken hearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheeri, cheeri, cheerioWhen you gonna call Don"t leave me broken heartedI"ve been waiting up Let"s finish what we started, oh ohI can"t seem to let you goCome on, that"s right, cheerio, uh!
2023-01-11 21:53:181


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2023-01-11 21:54:493

Node 怎样模拟客户端发送带有 cookie的请求

譬如我想请求我个人知乎的主页,但是需要带上cookie才能看到关注的人与被关注的人的页面。var catchFirstUrl = "followees"; //入口页面function onRequest(req, res){// 伪造cookieres.writeHead(200,{"Set-Cookie": "__utma=51854390.1513931145.1444970178.1444970178.1444970178.1;....","Content-Type": "text/html"})// 用 superagent 去抓取 入口页面 的内容superagent.get(catchFirstUrl).end(function(err,sres){// 常规的错误处理if (err) {console.log(err);}var $ = cheerio.load(sres.text);console.log("sres.text is "+ sres.text);res.end("Hello World <script>console.log(document.Cookie)</script>");})}http.createServer(onRequest).listen(8888);利用上面的写法,将登录态下的cookie全部加上,返回的页面 cookie 依旧是未登录态。所以想问下可以用什么方法 伪造携带cookie去请求页面。
2023-01-11 21:55:011

Collision of Worlds歌词

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Feat. Brad Paisley - Collision Of WorldsAt the first sign of the morning lightOld glory"s in the skyAcross the pond it"s afternoon and the Union Jack flies highWe"re on our first cup of coffeeWe"re on our third cup of teaAnd we can"t pretend to live on different planets you and meIn this collision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsOh you can sit this out no moreAbbey road, Route 66CIA to the MI6Right lane, left laneMetric, imperial, pounds, dollars, howdy, cheerio!VA growl to a v12 screamHail to the CheifWell God save the QueenCops, bobbies, tobasco, wasabi, pistachio ice creamIn this collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowIn this collision of worldsYeah find you a place and just watch it nowWatch it nowYeah you"re a good ol" boyWell you"re a decent blokeI say it"s ironyI say it"s a jokeWhen I look around now I can seeWe ain"t so differentYou and meMeat and potatoesBangers and mashDollars, pounds, dosh, cashAutobahn to the rising sunthe I10 to the M1Congress, parliament, President, the QueenPetrol you say gasolineNow grab your bird, and get your girlNow it"s a small worldCollision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsNo you can sit this out no moreIt"s a collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowCollision of worldsFind you a place and watch it now
2023-01-11 21:55:111


判断下一页的标示比如class一页页抓咯,比如下一页的class是next那么抓取可以简单的这样写:// 抓取函数grab(url) {    var content = getPageContent(url);    var $ = convertContentToJqueryObj(content);//将content装换为jQuery对象比如使用cheerio之类的    var $next = $(".next");    //处理需要抓取的数据    parseContent(content);    // 判断是否有下一页 有则递归抓取    if ($next.length) {        grab($next.attr("url"));    }}
2023-01-11 21:55:171


to后面加 原形 但是有一个除外look for word to 后面加ing 其他的大多都加ing 并不固定~~常用的at, by, in, on 四个词举例子啦 1. In the summer at the seaside (季节用in, 在海边用at) On the coast we like it fine (在海岸用on) but in winter ,yes ,at Christmas (在圣诞用at) By the fireside we recline (放置) (在炉边用by) 2. In July we went to Kenya (月份用in) Stayed in Lamu by the sea, (住在Lamu用in) We came back to Tanzania Then across Victoria sea 3. Did you come here in a taxi? (乘出租汽车用in) Or by bus, or on the train? (乘公共汽车用by, 乘火车用on) Did you come on foot this evening (步行用on) Or perhaps by aeroplane? (乘飞机用by) 4. Will you come to tea on Monday? (在星期一用on) I′ll be home at half past three (时间三点半用at) Yes, I′ll stay for half an hour (长达半小时用for) if you buy some beer for me (给我for me) 5. In the morning I drink coffee (早晨用in the morning) In the afternoon there′s tea (下午用in the afternoon) In the evening I have cocoa (傍晚用in the evening) Yes, at night ,it′s good for me. (晚上用at night) 6. Where′s my pencil?In the kitchen (厨房里in the kitchen) On the table near the chair (在桌上on the table, 在椅边near the chair) Underneath the cup and saucer (在杯和碟的下面 underneath...) Just behind the teapot there (在茶壶后边behind...) 7. Can you tell me how to get to Mr. Johnson′s coffee-bar? Down the street and round the corner (down the street 沿着街道,round...绕过) Past the church and there you are 8. Where′s the bookshop? Over there,dear (over there 那里) First turn left,then go straight on, Along the road,across the market (沿着路along the road, 穿过市场 across...) It′s in front of you, dear John (在你前面 in front of you) 9. There is nothing on the radio (广播on the radio) "Songs with orchestra" they said. (with后orchestra为有形物,无形物则用by) I′m not interested in music (interested in 兴趣于) so I think I′ll go to bed 10. In a moment I′ll be finished (in a moment 片刻里) With these prepositions-so I will say to you in English till the next time, cheerio (加油呀) (till... 直到) 以下是较为详细的 一、介词at, in, on, by 表示地方、地点、位置: (1).at 把地方、地点、位置当作一个“点”: 1. The begger is sitting at the corner. 那乞丐坐在角落里。 2. Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop. Jane在巴士站等你。 3. at home 在家 4. Who"s standing there at the door? 谁站在门口? 5. at the top of the page 在一页的上面 6. The shop is at the end of the road. 那商店就在路的尾端。 7. at the entrance 在进口处 8. at the crossroads 在十字路口 9. When will you arrive at the office? 你什么时候会到公司呢? 10. I"m in France, at Paris. 我住在法国巴黎。(相对法国来讲,巴黎只是一个 “点”) 11. There is a small hut at the foot of the hill. 山脚下有一座小屋子。 12. My aunt lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham. 我的姑妈住在Durham,Boretz 路门牌55号。(地址要用at,不能用in) 13. at the side 在一边 14. at reception 在招待会上 15. I"m at work. 我在工作。 16. at class/ home/ the library/ the office/ school 在班上/家里/图书馆/公 司/学校 (2).in 把地方、地点、位置当作一个范围或一个封闭的空间: 1. I live in London. 我住在伦敦。(大城市用in) 2. I live in England, at London. 我住在英国伦敦。(England大过London喔) 3. I live in a big city, my sister lives at a small town. 我住在大城市,我 姐姐住在一个小市镇。(如果把city看做一个圆圈,small town就成一个点。因此就in a city, at a small town. 呵呵) 4. We have a meeting in Beijing. 我们有北京有一个会议。 5. Mars is in the Solar System. 火星在太阳系里。 6. in a car 乘汽车 (不是 on a car 也不是 by a car 喔) 7. in a taxi 乘的士 (不是 on a taxi 或 by a taxi ) 8. in a helicopter 乘直升机 9. in a boat 乘小船 10. in a lift (elevator) 乘电梯 (电梯像个笼子,当然要用 in 啦) 11. in the newspaper 在报上 12. in the sky 在空中 13. in the bed 在床上 (也可用 on the bed) 14. in the bedroom/ class/ library/ school 在寝室/课室/图书馆/学校 (3). on 把地方、地点、位置当作一个平面: 1. The author"s name is on the cover of the book. 在书的封面上有作者的名 字。 2. There are no prices on this menu. 在这菜单上没有价钱。 3. You are standing on my foot. 你踏到我的脚了。 4. There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall. 在那墙上有个“不准吸烟”的牌 子。 5. I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London. 我住在伦敦牛津街 21号八楼。(7th floor 就是八楼;注意句中的 on, at, in 的用法) 6. on a bus 乘巴士 (不是 in a bus 喔) 7. on a train 乘火车 (可想像“骑”在火车上,哈哈) 8. on a plane 乘飞机 (可想像“骑”在飞机上) 9. on a ship 乘轮船 10. on a bicycle, on a motorbike 骑自行车/摩托车 11. on a horse, on an elephant 骑马/象 12. on the radio, on television 听广播、看电视 13. on the left, on the right 在左边、在右边 14. on the way 在路上 15. on the bed 在床上 (也可用 in the bed) 16. on the ceiling 在天花板上 17. on the floor 在地板上 (4).by 用在表示位置(有在旁、贴近、靠近之意): 1. by the fire 在炉边 2. by the seaside 在海边 3. a path by the river 沿河道路 4. by the nearest road 走近路 二 at, in, on, by 用来表示时间 (1).at (在、于)用指明一特定的时间、节日、年龄: 1. at dawn/ at night/ at noon/ at midnight /at daybreak 在黎明/在夜里/在中午/在午夜/在日出时 2. I go to school at seven in the morning. (at seven) 我早上七点钟去上学。 3. at half past five (五点过半小时) 在五点半 4. at a quarter to seven (过四分之一小时就到七点) 六点四十五分 5. The train is due at 12.15 p.m. (at 12.15p.m.) 那班火车的到站时间是12点15分。 6. at mid-autumn festival/ at Christmas / at Spring Festival 在中秋节/ 在圣诞节 /在春节 7. at forty 在四十岁时 (2).in (在、在…之内、在…期间、在…后、过…后) 指明:天、年、月、季节、周次: 1. in the morning 在早上 (不可说at the morining。鬼才知道为什么不可用at, 大约因为at 没有“在…期间”的意思吧 ) 2. in the afternoon 在下午 (在下午这段期间,呵呵,举一反三喔) 3. She likes to work in the evening. (或in the night) 她喜欢在晚上工作。 4. in the day time 在白天 5. in 2002 (2002可读作two thousand two) 在2002年 6. He"s to quit in May. (in May)他在五月就辞职了。 7. He went to Tokyo in June 2002. (in June 2002)他于2002年六月去东京。 8. in the second week of July 在七月份的第二周 9. It"s too cold in winter to run outside. (in winter) 冬天里出外跑步是太 冷了。 10. in two months 在两个月内 11. in those days 在当时 (3).on (在…时、在(某日)、在某日早/午/晚、当…时候、和…同时、刚一…)指明: 日子、日期、星期加上早午晚 1. on the first 在一号(指某月一号,如二号要说second等。其实意思是指某月的第 几天) 2. We"re having a party on the fifth of June. (或 on June the fifth) 我们会在六月五日举行一个晚会。 3. on July the third 1990 在1990年7月3日 4. My brother is coming on Sunday. (on Sunday) 我的哥哥会在星期天来。 5. on Sunday morning /afternoon 在星期天早上/下午 6. on Friday evening 在星期五晚上 7. on the next morning 隔天早上 8. on the following afternoon 在下一个傍晚 9. on the night before 在前一个晚上 10.on the morning of 5th 在五号的早上 (你可能会说为什么不是in the morning? 如果你把morning of 抽掉,就可看出原来是 on the 5th喽。morning 也可换成evening, afternoon) 11. on the afternoon of his birthday 在他生日那天下午 (on the afternoon 不可用 in...,同 上) (4).by (的时候、到、等到…已经) 用在天、时间: 1. by day 白天(的时候) 2. by 2 o"clock 到两点钟 3. by this time 等到现在(已经)… 4. miss by a minute 迟一分钟 三、for, since 用于表示时间 (1).我们用 for 用计量时间(年、月、日、时、分、秒等) 1. He held his breath for five minutes. 他闭息达五分钟。 2. She"s lived there for ten years. 她住在那里已有十年。 3. The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries. 英国人和爱尔兰人之间的争吵已有七个世纪了。 (2).我们用 since 表示明确的日期或时间: 1. He"s woked here since 1980. 自从1970年他就在此工作。 2. She"s been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty. 自两点半她就坐在等候室了。 四表示动作的介词:to ,toward或不用介词 (1).我们用 to 表示向某处移动: 1. They were driving to work together. 他们一同开车去工作。 2. She"s going to the destist"s office this morning. 今早她去看牙医。 (2).toward 表示移向某处: 1. We"re moving toward the light. 我们向灯光处移动。 2. This is a big step towards the project"s completion. 这是对于工程的完成前进了一大步。 (3).不需要介词的词:home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs ... 1. Grandma went upstairs. 2. Rama went home. 3. She came inside. 五、介词与名词、形容词、动词的组合: 在英语里介词有时和其他的字紧密地组合在一起,可以当作一个词来看待。这种组 合很多,需要平时多加注意。 (1).名词+介词: 1. approval of 批准 2. awareness of 意识到 3. grasp of 把握住 4. hatred of 憎恶 5. desire for 要求、愿望 6. fondness for 爱好 (I"ve a fondness for collecting stamps.) 7. hope for 希望、期待 (hope for the best 乐观) 8. need for 必要 (There is no need for hurrying.) 9. reason for 有必须……的理由 (have reason for...) 10. respect for 尊敬 (have respect for...) 11. belief in 信任于 12. interest in 对……有兴趣 13. success in 成功、成就 (2).形容词 + 介词: 1. afraid of (He is not afraid of anything.) 2. aware of 觉得 3. capable of 能 (The tank is capable of holding 8 kg. of water.) 4. fond of 喜爱 (He"s fond of fishing.) 5. jealous of 嫉妒于 6. made of 用……制成的 7. proud of 对……感觉光荣 (I"m proud of his acquaintance. 认识他是我的光 荣。) 8. sure of 确信 (You may be sure of his honesty.) 9. tired of 厌倦的 10. careless about 不关心、不重视 11. worried about 自找烦恼 12. familiar with 熟悉于、精通于 13. interested in 兴趣于 14. sorry for 懊悔、觉得过意不去 (You will be sorry for this some day.) (3).动词 + 介词:(这类组合特别多。要特别注意同一个动词配上不同的介词,意思 就不同了) 1. care about 关心 (He doesn"t care about other people. 他不关心别人。) 2. care for 喜欢 (Would you care for a cup of coffee? 你喜欢来杯咖啡吗?) 3. take care of 照顾 (Take care of yourseft. 照顾自己喔。) 4. dream about 梦到 (I dreamt about you last night. 昨晚我梦到你。) 5. dream of 梦想 (I often dream of being rich. 我时常梦想发达了。) 6. hear about 听到关于……的详情 (Have you hear about Jane? ) 7. hear of 听到……的事/话 (Have you heard of a place called "Mulu"?) 8. hear from 得到……的消息 (Have you heard from Ann recently?) 9. look at 注视、考察(Why you look at me like that?) 10. look for 找、指望 (Can you help me look for my keys?) 11. look after 照应、看守 (She is ill, she needs someone to look after her.) 12. think about 思索、考虑 (What are you thinking about?) 13. think of 想起、企图 (He told me his name but I can"t think of it now.) 六、多余的介词:(不必加上介词的地方就不要随意加上,括号内的介词须去掉) 1. She met (up with) the new coach in the hallway. 2. The book fell off (of) the desk. 3. He threw the book out (of) the window. 4. She wouldn"t let the cat inside (of) the house. 5. Where did they go (to)? 6. Where is your college (at)? 七、句子里并列的介词: (1).如并列的介词相同,可去其一:(括号里的介词删去) 1. You can wear that outfit in summer and (in) winter. 2. The female was both attracted (by)(被吸引) and distracted by(使分心) the male"s dance. (2).如并列的介词不相同,相关的介词必需列出: 1. The children were interested in and disgusted by the movie. (interested in感兴趣 / disgusted by讨厌) 2. It was clear that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game he played. (contribute to付出 / learn from 从…学习) 3. He was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling woman. (fascinated by被迷住 / enamored of 倾心的)
2023-01-11 21:57:236


目标 抓取网站上的妹子照片。 第三方模块 superagent : 第三方Nodejs 模块,用于处理服务器和客户端的Http请求。 cheerio : 为服务器端定制的Jquery实现。 思路 通过superagent 获取目标网站的dom 通过cheerio对dom进行解析,获得通用布局。
2023-01-11 21:57:461