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美国驾照class c和d区别

美国驾照class c和d的区别是所驾驶的汽车类型不同。ClassC是既不符合A类也不符合B类的大型车辆,是用于驾驶包括驾驶人在内,超过16名载客人数的大中型客车。而ClassD是小型汽车驾驶执照。美国驾照其他类别:ClassA:重量为11794千克或以上(26001磅)的大型车辆,并且可以牵引或拖带超过4536千克(10000磅)的车辆。ClassB:重量为11794千克或以上(26001磅)的大型车辆,但是不能牵引或拖带重量超过4536千克(1000磅)的车辆。ClassM:摩托车驾驶执照。ClassV:船只驾驶执照。



class c中文是什么意思


class Employee{ 这句说是已定义类型Employee,不晓得怎么改,求指导啊

package;public class Employee { private String id; private String name; private int age; private boolean sex; private String phone; private float salary; public Employee() { } public Employee(String sId, String sName, int sAge, boolean sSex, String sPhone, float sSalary) { = sId; = sName; this.age = sAge; = sSex; = sPhone; this.salary = sSalary; } public String toString() { return (name + ": " + phone); } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public boolean isSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(boolean sex) { = sex; } public String getPhone() { return phone; } public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone; } public float getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(float salary) { this.salary = salary; }}

英语短文改错last month,one of my classmate,li hua


易语言post提交数据怎么写? {"params":{"javaClass":""

params 用网页访问s 提交到什么位置

c#public partial class frmlogin : Form 这里的 frmlogin : Form 是什么意思,为什么要用到partial

frmLogin代码类名,Form是基类,或者叫父类。frmlogin : Form 代表 frmLogin类是子类,继承了父类Form。partial代表 分部类型定义允许将类、结构或接口的定义拆分到多个文件中

public partial class Form1 : Form partial 是什么意思?


broadcasting of classroom 的翻译为 录播教室 为什么?


tom is the strongest student in our class的同义句是什么?

Tom is the strongest than other students in our class.

什么是 path 什么是classpath?

path 路径,是java编译时需要调用的程序(如java,javac等)所在的地方classpath 类的路径,在编译运行java程序时,如果有调用到其他类的时候,在classpath中寻找需要的类。

classA{public:int m_x;int m_y;}; 写出类A 对象的四种初始化方式 求解啊、

A a1={10,20}; //用10和20初始化m_x和m_y A a2(a1); //用已知对象a1初始化新建对象a2 A a3=a1; //用已知对象a1初始化新建对象a3 A a4; //让系统随机初始化m_x和m_y

句型变换:1、We are in Class One,Grade One.(改为否定句)

为你解答。1、We are in Class One,Grade One.(改为否定句) We aren"t in Class One, Grade One.2、They have ten books.(改为否定句) They don"t have ten books.3、Jane has five oranges.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) Does Jane have five oranges? No, she doesn"t.4、The bus is blue.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) Is the bus blue? Yes, it is.5、Maria and Jane are both ten years old.(对“ten years old”提问) How old are both Maria and Jane?6、They have appls and oranges.(对“apples and oranges”提问) What do they have?7、Kangkang has an eraser.(对“an earser”提问) What does Kangkang have?8、That is a nice toy.(改为复数) Those are nice toys.




classical是古典的意思,而ancient则是古代的意思。区别可以从以下例子看出:I will go to concerts tonight, I like classical music, but tonight concert will represent modern world rather than ancient one. 今晚我会去看音乐会,我喜欢古典音乐,但今晚的音乐会代表的是现代世界而不是古代世界。

wilson prostaff 6.1 classic

经典款的,还是本来就是老拍子? 不知道这个数据是不是你要的。拍面 95平方英寸 / 613平方厘米 拍长 27英寸/69厘米 拍厚 Flat Beam 拍重 12.6 盎司/ 342克 材质 80碳素/20%卡夫拉 平衡 11pts 轻拍头型 穿线磅数 55-65 pounds 16*18

请解释下classical conditioning 和 Operant conditioning,

经典条件反射理论(classical conditioning )由俄国生理学家巴甫洛夫提出。是他研究狗的消化腺分泌的时候偶然得到的结果。经典条件反射主要是依靠非条件反射作为基础,经过强化之后形成的。一般来说,经典条件反射的形成过程可以分为三个阶段:非条件刺激能够引起某种反应,而中性刺激不能够引起这种反应(食物能够引起狗的唾液分泌,铃声不行);中性刺激伴随着非条件刺激多次出现,引起该反应(喂食的时候响起铃声,狗分泌唾液);中性刺激单独出现也可以引起该反应(铃声响起,狗分泌唾液)。其中第二个阶段就是强化阶段。狗听到铃声分泌唾液就是经典条件反射。 操作性条件发射(operant conditioning)由斯金纳发现(实际上班杜拉也有份,只不过解释不一样)。一只老鼠如果碰到笼子当中的某个开关,食物就会从一个小洞里掉下来,老鼠就可以享受了。最开始可能老鼠只是偶然碰上这个开关,但是多次之后,老鼠碰到开关的频率会越来越频繁。食物是对碰开关这个行为的强化。我们就说这种碰开关的行为是操作性条件反射。

classical conditioning 心理学

经典条件反射理论(classical conditioning )由俄国生理学家巴甫洛夫提出.是他研究狗的消化腺分泌的时候偶然得到的结果.经典条件反射主要是依靠非条件反射作为基础,经过强化之后形成的.一般来说,经典条件反射的形成过程可以分为三个阶段:非条件刺激能够引起某种反应,而中性刺激不能够引起这种反应(食物能够引起狗的唾液分泌,铃声不行);中性刺激伴随着非条件刺激多次出现,引起该反应(喂食的时候响起铃声,狗分泌唾液);中性刺激单独出现也可以引起该反应(铃声响起,狗分泌唾液).其中第二个阶段就是强化阶段.狗听到铃声分泌唾液就是经典条件反射. 操作性条件发射(operant conditioning)由斯金纳发现(实际上班杜拉也有份,只不过解释不一样).一只老鼠如果碰到笼子当中的某个开关,食物就会从一个小洞里掉下来,老鼠就可以享受了.最开始可能老鼠只是偶然碰上这个开关,但是多次之后,老鼠碰到开关的频率会越来越频繁.食物是对碰开关这个行为的强化.我们就说这种碰开关的行为是操作性条件反射.

class 2 Power supply 是什么意思?

第二课: 电力供应

世界销量最高的漫画Classics Illustrated的相关资料 我只知道是194X年开始连载的,到现在销量有10亿多这个估计可以帮到你

Class()(开始)at haff past eight.






#pragma userclass (HDATA=ERAM)声明的作用?

#pragma 是编译器预处理命令。接下来是参数。允许的参数与编译器有关。你这个像是单片机的预处理命令。顾名思义,userclass 声明用户定义的 类,扩号里是参数。

Homework is assigned for each class.表达正确吗?


delphi7提示 record,object or class type required


求Gym Class Heroes《Stereo Hearts》QQ空间MP3格式链接。 谢谢

你好 (^o^)/~歌曲的链接经测试流畅可以添加到空间试听看看已发送至邮箱、请查收试用如果有问题可追问或回复邮件望采纳.by——≮寞然回首≯

求Gym Class Heroes的《Stereo Hearts》的有效mp3歌曲链接

急的话自己制作,步骤也很简单:1、先把Gym Class Heroes的《Stereo Hearts》MP3歌曲下载好;2、在“360浏览器”中打开qq邮箱——文件中转站(左下角)——收藏的文件——添加收藏——上传该mp3——下载——直接下载——出现下载地址框(用“IE浏览器”的话有可能不出现),把这一串地址复制下来,粘贴在自己新建的文本中,这个地址中有“.mp3?”的字样,看到了吧——删除“?”及“?”后面所有的文字——留下的以“http”开头,以“.mp3”结尾的这个链接就是空间链接了!

win7系统开机后弹出一个 web浏览器 对话框:无法找到“4:8080/Logout" class="login-d",



Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again


Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her.Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her.Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

什么是classical unemployment

古典的失业 例如:Lack of employment opportunities caused by too-high wage rates.

me, the way,which class are you()

me, the way,which class are you()Me too.By the way,which class are you?

class A { }; class B : A { }; 请问 类B是private,public,还是protected 继承类A?


It is the day to make up class today. Make up翻译中文

补 补课


"We all like math class."的同义句可以是:"Math class is popular among us.""We all find math class interesting.""Math class is the most engaging class we have."

为什么是My classmates all like me 。不是My classmates ar


town likes B and E sprang up house large “comfortable” classes who had retired on thire...


python super()用法遇到TypeError: must be type, not classobj

应该给Base1和2加上参数object。另外,super().__init__()这样不输入参数的方式应该只有python3中才可用。现在python的教程一般都是用python3的,建议你安装个python3喔。下面是我给你改好的code:class Base1(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base1"class Base2(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base2"class Base(Base1,Base2): def __init__(self): super(Base,self).__init__()test = Base()

reactdom.render 怎么添加class

这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。


这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。

react 判断dom元素有没有class

  react 判断dom元素没有class.  这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。  新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。  而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。  总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。


先编译成class文件,然后在你的批处理中使用java命令,注意路径问题java Send_mailjava Send_main_out_excel


先用工具把项目编译了,然后写个bat启动要启动的类java apauseok了。简单实用,注意。要把所用到的jar包放到JDK的jre的lib里的ext中,不然你连接数据库会出错的。C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_04jrelibext

iOS 我把这段代码放进 xcode 之后,为什么显示Unknown class ViewController in Interface Builder file.



宝姿。classic style,国内一般叫古典系列,是宝姿旗下的少女青春时装系列的牌子。

友友们,请帮我找一篇英语论文,题目:Active Learning in the Classroom.谢谢...急!!!


One of us are in the classroom.哪里错了?改一下( ) ______

One of us is in the classroom.就近原则不要乱用。这里主语one of us是单数



体育课是P.E. class地道还是gym class地道?还有十字路口用intersection还是crossroads?以上的区别?



看你怎么给btn 绑定咯 如果直接用样式肯定有影响的


input type="button" class="btn" /> 页面的效果就是,你这个按钮上的文字颜色是红色

idea loaded classes are up to date.nothing to reload.什么意思

idea loaded classes are up to date. nothing to reload.理念加载类是最新的。没什么要重装。idea loaded classes are up to date. nothing to reload.理念加载类是最新的。没什么要重装。




1. 英语作文Myclassroom怎么写 My ClassroomMy classroom is nice and big .There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom.There are o black boards on the walls.And there are o pictures,too.My classroom has eleven lights and elve fans.What colour are the fans They are blue.At the coner,there is a shelf ,many books are in the shelf.I like the books very much.This is my classroom ,it is very nice.I like my classroom very much .Do you have a nice classroom,too。 2. 英语作文《My classroom》 我的班级是7年级5班。它不是很大,但很干净。教室里的墙壁有2个黑板。在前黑板有一张讲台桌。教室里有7个灯,在灯的下面,有54张桌子和54张椅子。我的班级有54个学生,26个男生和28个女生。我们每天都要上课除了星期天。 My classroom My class is Class .5,Grade .7. It"s not very big ,but it is clean. There are o blackboard on the wall . In front of the blackboard , there"s is a teacher"s desk .There are eleven lights in it .Under the lights , there are fifty-four desks and fifty-four stools . There are fifty-four students in my classroom .They are enty-six boys and enty-eight girls .We study every day except Sunday in it . 3. 写一篇英语作文 My Classroom My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are o black boards on the walls. And there are o pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and elve fans. What colour are the fans ? They are blue. At the coner, there is a shelf , many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much. This is my classroom , it is very nice. I like my classroom very much . Do you have a nice classroom, too ? My Classroom This is our classroom, which is a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China. In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher. There are forty *** all desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What"s on the teacher"s desk? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher. We like her. She is a good teacher. 译文: 我们的教室 这是我们的教室,它是一间好的大房间. 窗子大,墙壁白, 在前面的墙壁上有一块黑板, 在后面的墙壁上有一幅地图. 它是一幅中国地图. 在黑板前面有一张大课桌, 它是为老师用的, 在房间内有40张小的桌椅, 是为学生用的, 在教室桌上是什么? 有一些花, 它们是送给我们老师的, 我们喜欢她, 她是一位好老师! 4. 英语作文 Walked into the classroom,is a large blackboard,it can be tran *** itted to us a lot of new knowledge every day.Hanging above the blackboard,color bright five-star red flag.On the opposite side of the red flag,there was a row of red word,write:love my motherland and the revitalization of the Chinese.This words tells us,to study hard,grow up to contribute to the motherland.The blackboard is in front of the platform,the platform is put in chalk and blackboard brush.Podium before putting our desks and chairs,they are divided into 5 lines arranged in rows in the classroom.Table and chair are very beautiful,the tables and chairs are all workers uncle acquired at the cost of labor.They put their wood made into the shape of a table or chair,the paint over them,the beautiful table or chair was made.Behind a desk and a chair is a blackboard,that is our class of "learning field",the above to write a position,application,math and English.走进教室,映入眼帘的是一块大黑板,每天它都能传播给我们许多新的知识.在黑板的上方,挂着颜色鲜艳的五星红旗.红旗的两边,有一行鲜红的字,写着:爱我祖国,振兴中华.这一行字告诉我们,要好好学习,长大为祖国做贡献.黑板的前面是讲台,讲台上整齐的摆放着粉笔和黑板刷.讲台前摆放着我们的课桌和椅子,它们分成5行整齐的排列在教室里.桌子和椅子都很漂亮,这些桌子和椅子都是工人叔叔用劳动换来的.他们把一根根木头做成桌子或椅子的形状,最后把它们刷上油漆,一张张漂亮的桌子或椅子便做成了.桌子和椅子后面是一块黑板,那是我们班的“学习园地”,上面写的有作文,应用题、计算题和英语.根据自己的水平来解答你的疑问的,望你能采纳。 5. 写一篇my classroom的英语作文 The classroom gave us a good learning environment, here we are happy study, here we met a lot of friends, my classroom is pretty big, there are 80 sets of tables, chairs, our classroom wall is white, There are o blackboards in the wall . There are nine lamps and t four fansiin the our classroom , there are o speakers and monitors.there are 15 boys, and 48 girl in the classroom .We study everyday except Sunday.this is my classroom ,I like it very very much .。 6. 英语作文My classroom 没说多少字。 I like my classroom. It is big and bright.There is a big board in the front .There is a platform in front of the board.There are o air conditioners in the classroom.There are six windows .There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the classroom.My classroom is new and beatiful.I love it very much.(我喜欢我的教室。它又大又明亮。 教室前面有一块大黑板。黑板前面有一个讲台。 教室里有两台空调。有六扇窗户。 有50张课桌和50把椅子。我的教室又新又漂亮。 我非常喜爱它)。 7. My classroom英语作文 My Classroom This is our classroom, which is a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China. In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher. There are forty *** all desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What"s on the teacher"s desk? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher. We like her. She is a good teacher. 译文: 我们的教室 这是我们的教室,它是一间好的大房间. 窗子大,墙壁白, 在前面的墙壁上有一块黑板, 在后面的墙壁上有一幅地图. 它是一幅中国地图. 在黑板前面有一张大课桌, 它是为老师用的, 在房间内有40张小的桌椅, 是为学生用的, 在教室桌上是什么? 有一些花, 它们是送给我们老师的, 我们喜欢她, 她是一位好老师。 8. 英语写作文,My classroom(不少于70个单词)(条件:我们班是 我是6年纪的我写的不知道行不行!LOOK,this is my classroom.we have 57 people, there are 27 girls and 29 boys.we have a teacher he/she is Mr/Mrs .but we have 6 teachers in all. In our classroom,there art 4 windows o blackboards and 6 fans. How clean my classroom is! 记得给我加分。 9. 以My classroom为题写一篇英语作文(40字左右) My classroomI"m a student in XXschool .I"m XXyears old.In grade X, classroom is very nect.there are some desks and chairs.and there are o blackboard .one is used for writing,the other is used for drawing blackboard newspaper.and there are four windows and o doors.oh,we all like our classroom.翻译我是一名来自。 学校的学生,我今天。 岁,几年级几班。 我的班级非常整洁,那里有一些桌椅。那里还有两个黑板,一个是用来写字的,另一个则是用来出黑板报的。 并且那里还有4扇窗和2个门。我们都喜欢我们的班级。

im new to the class是什么


classic fasnion new to是什么意思

classic fashion new to经典时尚新拼音双语对照双语例句1BALENO CLASSIC Leather goods must be a new power leading to lead the fashion and tide.BALENO CLASSIC(宾奴)皮具必将成为引领行业时尚潮流的新力。

1847Classic 德国SEYDEL十孔口琴旗舰名琴 10孔布鲁斯口琴 木格 这款性价比如何?


seydel 1847 ,的三款。 CLASSIC NOBLE SILVER,有什么不同。有什么特色。哪一款比较好。


您好 能问一下we do our home work in the classroom 变疑问 do we do our homework 第二个DO 还要写吗

我是一个叫晶晶的女孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了,你看见了这条消息后 ,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看 到了 这个吓死我了。不管是真是假我都害怕!所以只能乱发了`!对不起啊`!我真不想害人的


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如何确定一个终端设备的Power Class等级

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[HTML问题] 标签中的class如何理解?



1、class翻译为班级,是可数的。 2、class翻译为社会阶级,是不可数。 3、class翻译为课,是不可数。 扩展资料   We restrict the number of students per class to 10.   我们将每个班的学生人数限定为10人。   Our next class will take the form of a debate.   我们下一堂课将采用辩论的形式。   The class needs a minimum of six students to continue.   这个班最少需要六名学生才可以继续办下去。




1、class用作名词意思是“阶级,社会等级”,指具有政治、社会或经济地位的群体,是集合名词,可与单数或复数的动词连用,多用复数形式,作“社会等级制度”解时不可数。2、class也可作“班级”解,是可数的集合名词。可作单数使用,也可作复数使用,在美式英语中作单数用得更多些。作单数使用时,表示一个中性的无生命的整体,要用it或which来指代,谓语动词要用单数形式;如用作复数,则表示组成这个集体的一个个有生命的成员,要用they或who来指代,谓语动词要用复数形式。扩展资料class也可表示一节具体的“课”,是可数名词。也可抽象化,表示“上课”这一概念,这时class是不可数的,其前不用定冠词。class还可表示衣着、行为等的优雅、高尚或令人赞赏的风度、外表等。class的用法例句:1、The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。2、There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy.战时的海军中很少有势利眼,阶级意识也不强。3、He was not perhaps physically the strongest in the class.他可能不是全班身体最壮的。4、You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.你可以付费升级到商务舱。5、He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.他认为7岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。参考资料来源:百度百科—class



class是什么意思翻译 词语class的意思是什么

1、class的意思是班;班级;课;上课;(某科目的)系列课程。 2、We were in the same class at school. 我们在上学时同过班。 3、She is the youngest in her class. 她在班里年龄最小。




lesson和class都有“课”的意思.表示“一节或几节课”,着重指教学内容的“课时”时,两者可以互换使用.例如:We have four classes(lessons)in the morning.上午我们有四节课.class还有“班级”、“课堂”之意,lesson没有这样的意思;lesson还有“课业”、“功课”、“学科”等意思,class无此意.表示书中的“第几课”时只能用lesson.例如:How many classes are there in your school?你们学校有多少个班级?Good morning,class!同学们,早上好!Don"t talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话.We study Chinese,maths,English and other lessons.我们学习语文、数学、英语和别的学科.There are fifty-six lessons in the book.这本书有五十六课.


1、翻译为班级,是可数的。2、翻译为社会阶级,是不可数。3、翻译为课,是不可数。class用作名词意思是“阶级,社会等级”,指具有政治、社会或经济地位的群体,是集合名词,可与单数或复数的动词连用,多用复数形式,作“社会等级制度”解时不可数。 class双语例句 1.She conducted an English class for Chinese students. 她给中国学生上英语课。 2.In our class, no-one failed. 我们班没人考试不及格。 3.The class notes are downloadable from the professor"s page. 课堂笔记可以从教授的页面上下载。 4.I didn"t see you at Mr.Johnson"s class today. 今天约翰逊先生的课上我没见到你。 5.He"s the class clown. 他是班上的活宝。








class1.班级2.类,等级, 类别3.区;组;类




一般来说,都是Class One
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