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be lacking in sth的lacking是什么意思?


一首歌的翻译要准确 歌词如下 是Bloodbound的 Black Heart

很难做到把每个词的原本意思翻译出来并做到中文的优美通顺,所以只能这样了Forever lost inside memories of the past永远沉溺在过去的回忆中 Together you and I a dream that never last你和我在一起是一个从未延续的梦 Black angels by my side whispering my name黑暗天使在身边低语我的名字 Please follow us to hell and take you from the pain请跟随我们去地狱,远离痛苦折磨 You"ll never be sad again goodbye my friend你将不再悲伤,再见我的朋友 Reach your hands up to the sky举起你的手伸向天空 Hold your spirit high高升你的灵魂 Black heart to the grave黑心走向坟墓 Now it"s time to die是时候死去了 Black heart fade away黑心渐渐逝去 So dark and cold I feel destiny prevail如此的黑暗寒冷,我感到命运的劝导 Into the shadow land my soul has set its sail我的灵魂驶向暗影中的彼岸 Black angels by my side whispering my name黑暗天使在身边低语我的名字 Please follow us to hell before you go insane请跟随我们去地狱,在你丧失理智之前[You"ll never be sad again goodbye my friend Reach your hands up to the sky Hold your spirit high Black heart to the grave Now it"s time to die Black heart fade away Hold your spirit high Black heart to the grave Now it"s time to die Black heart fade away]重复

如何在WebStorm 2017下调试Vue.js + webpack

有人觉得vue项目难调试,是因为用了webpack。所有代码揉在了一起,还加了很多框架代码,根本不知道怎么下手。所以vue+webpack调试要从webpack入手。1.我们先从一般情况开始说。-sourcemapwebpack配置提供了devtool这个选项,如果设置为 ‘#source-map",则可以生成.map文件,在chrome浏览器中调试的时候可以显示源代码。devtool: "#source-map"2.然而这个设置实际上没这么简单。webpack官方给出了7个配置项供选择: 01.devtool介绍这里不同的配置有些不同的效果,比如是否保留注释、保留行信息等,具体每一条什么意思这里不详解释,有兴趣的童鞋可以参考这篇文章官方默认的是用 ‘#cheap-module-eval-source-map"devtool: "#cheap-module-eval-source-map"设置好之后,在vue项目调试的时候,代码里面标注debugger的时候就能看到对应的代码了,非常方便。02.debugger或者,直接找到对应的文件。在chrome用 "ctrl(command) + p‘,输入文件名,可以找到对应的源代码。command+p打断点:断点需要注意的是,这里断点会打在下一行。同时一行代码运行在它的下一行才算执行。03.-vue-clivue家的项目脚手架,推荐使用。vue-cli老家在这里 vue-cli可以帮我们自动搭建项目,首先npm全局安装npm install -g vue-cli然后创建一个新的项目vue init webpack my-project一路回车,搞定。(更多配置项请参考上面给出的vue-cli链接)这里从网上下载了一个带webpack的vue项目(跑之前记得npm install一下) 04.vue-cli webpack 从bulid文件夹里面就大概能看出 开发模式用 生产模式用其中,开发模式提供了devtool为"#cheap-module-eval-source-map",生产模式根据config文件夹下的productionSourceMap变量控制是否使用。若为true,则devtool为"#source-map"其他使用方法一致。非常方便。3.线上调试平时开发的时候,我们用webpack的热加载,可以省去挂载调试的步骤,非常方便。但是发布后部署到服务器上,就失去了这个本地优势。如果使用挂载文件方式会比较麻烦。由于webpack打出来的文件有版本号这些信息,而且发布一个包看代码量可能需要等待不等,这个方案不实际。但是如果挂载的是热加载到端口下的文件的话,这个问题就很好办了。-热加载在此之前,先来分析一下webpack的热加载原理。对项目抓包可以发现这么一个文件:__webpack_hmr__webpack_hmr这是webpack热加载的服务器推送事件,eventsource类型,功能和websocket有点类似。大致作用是建立一个不会停止的stream流链接,服务器发送更新数据回来append到流的末端,前端读取最新append的数据,然后动态的更新页面上的东西。接下来我们观察下上文提到的更新数据有哪些。随便更新一个文件,触发热加载,再抓个包,发现有两个.hot-update.json和一个.hot-update.js文件热加载更新文件这些具体做了些啥我不知道,这里就不深究了。应该是根据json里面的数据,达到一个准确更新的效果。所以热更新其实就是监听服务器上的数据,有修改的话服务器发送数据过来,前端把数据拿来后替换到页面上这么一个过程。-AutoResponder接下来谈谈线上挂载测试,这里推荐一款软件:fiddlerfiddler有一个功能叫做AutoResponder,它可以将一个地址指向另一个地址。之所以用这个软件,是因为它能匹配正则,非常方便。AutoResponder上一节说到,webpack热加载用到了这几类文件

请问 “sense-check”在这个语境里是什么意思?



以下是在内地公映的中文配音版本(港台地区的配音版本是不同的):蟑螂博士(Dr.Cockroach)——倪康苏珊——李晔环仔——王衡波波——桂楠蒙哥将军——程玉珠戴瑞克——翟巍总统——符冲伏天煞——王肖兵其他配音演员 狄菲菲、胡平智、郭易峰、吴文伦、刘钦、张拯、曾丹、吴磊、严丽祯、陈兆雄、海帆

cockroach on desktop怎么卸载



I need a top to go with these slacks . 我需要一件上衣来配这条宽松裤。 The early autumn was lusterless and slack . 初秋的日子是黯淡、萧条的。 In the slack period mr. baker came in . 正在空闲的时候贝克先生进来了。 He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks . 他在运动服里面衬著游泳衣。 His movements were slow and slack . 他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。 He noticed at once that discippne was slack . 他马上觉察到敌方纪律松弛。 Demand is slack over the summer months . 夏季的几个月市场滞销。 Stop slacking and get on with that digging ! 别偷懒,继续挖。 The slacks have an elastic waistband . 这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。 The rain was slacking and we were moving along . 雨稀松下来,而我们又走动了。 Some are hard at work and some are slack in work . 有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。 Take her all around she was pretty slack . 从各方面来看,她这个人就未免很差劲了。 Do n"t get slack at your work . 不要对你的工作懈怠。 Do n"t get slack at your work . 你工作不要松松垮垮。 Ask them to be more careful. do n"t let them get slack . 叫他们小心些,不要马马虎虎。 A unique example of the slack diaphragm is the draft gage . 弱膜片的典型例子是风压计。 Do n"t slack up your effort, as we are getting to the end . 别松劲啊,我们就快到终点了。 The offensive has slacked off . 攻势已经衰弱。 He was scolded for slacking . 他因偷懒而受责。 Trade is slack in winter . 冬季贸易不景气。 At last, one over-stretched chord of her agony slacked . 最后,她那过分紧张痛苦心弦松弛下来了。 I used to return feepng very slack and behind the times . 我回来以后往往觉得泄气、跟不上时代。 There"s too much slack in the thread pull it tight in the slack . 线太松了,将它松弛的地方拉紧。 After intense work in the summer , we are slacking off now . 夏季紧张的工作过后,我们现在放松了。 He is slack in study . 他学业上不用功。 The rope is too slack . 绳子太松了。 It "s a slack season and we "re going to stash business . 现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停业了。 His pace slacked . 他的脚步放松了。 It is a slack season and we"re going to stash business . 现在是生意萧条的季节,咱们不久就要停止营业了。 She was wearing blue pnen slacks and a matching silk shirt . 她穿著一条蓝色的亚麻布便裤,配著一件绸衬衫。 Business is slack . 生意清淡。 The crane was slacked off without waiting for the joint material to cure . 吊机不需等到接缝料养护就可移开。 He stared emptily at the floor, his arms hanging pmp, his mouth slacking . 他对著地板发愣,双臂虚垂,嘴巴呆张。 He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others . 他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。 Today, she was dressed smartly in white pnen slacks and a blue silk blouse . 今天,她洒脱地穿著一条白色宽松的亚麻便裤,一件蓝色的丝绸罩衫。 He would worry frequently that his subordinates were slacking off and the work was being sloppy . 他常常为下属日见懈怠,工作日渐潦草而发急。 The motion of the slack diaphragm is transmitted through a mechanical pnkage to an indicating scale . 弱膜片的运动通过联动机构传递给指示刻度盤。 Soon he returned in a shirt, slacks and sandals, and found her eating with appetite . 不一会儿,他穿著衬衣,松紧裤和便鞋回来了,看到她吃得正香呢。 I did not want to bee involved in the fishing which had its good times and its slack times . 我不愿陷入钓鱼的习惯,而钓鱼是有它的旺季和淡季的。 The horses, feepng slack reins, stretched down their necks to crop the tender spring grass . 那几匹马觉得韁绳放松了,便都低下头去嚼那柔嫩的春草。 上一篇: 山东昆嵛山,道教全真派发源地,全真七子从这里去的终南山 下一篇: 梦见体检 检查身体_周公解梦梦到体检 检查身体是什么意思_做梦梦见体检 检查身体好不好




cockroaches 英["ku0252kru0259u028atu0283u026az] 美["ku0252krou028atu0283u026az] n. 蟑螂( cockroach的名词复数 ); [例句]Cockroaches and other crawling insects.蟑螂和其他爬行昆虫。[其他] 原型: cockroach

cockroach roach blackbeetle 的区别!

roachn.蟑螂,石斑鱼,大麻烟的烟蒂vt.使成拱状blackbeetle & cockroachn.蟑螂

有谁能帮找出那篇关于蟑螂Cockroach 的阅读理解,说蟑螂是群居的动物,孤立的蟑螂长得慢能力也差什么的?



rock是摇滚(名词)shock是冲击shake是摇(动词)I am a rock starI"m going to shock the top threeLet"s shake together

shake shack在中国有几家店?

截止到2022年4月,shake shake汉堡在中国有24家。根据其公众号显示,目前品牌在中国已有24家门店(包括即将开业的广州天环店、杭州嘉里中心店和南京德基广场首店),分布在上海、北京、深圳、杭州、香港、澳门等地。Shake Shack,被称为纽约神级汉堡店,跟自由女神像、帝国大厦并称“纽约三宝”,有句话说:“如果去纽约没有吃到Shake Shack的汉堡,就不算去过纽约。”Shake Shack的发展Shake Shack目前主要业务集中在美国东海岸,同时也已在伦敦、伊斯坦布尔和迪拜等美国以外的城市开设了分店。截止2016年12月28日,Shake Shack公司在全球拥有114家门店,包括64家国内公司直营Shacks店,7家国内许可加盟Shacks店,以及43家国际许可加盟Shacks连锁店。截至2018年12月26日,Shake Shack公司已经营208家门店(Shacks),包括124家国内自营Shacks,12家国内许可加盟Shacks店,和72家国际加盟Shacks店。截至2021年12月29日,Shake Shack经营369家Shacks店,其中国内公司经营Shacks 218家,国内特许Shacks 25家,国际特许Shacks 126家。


shock 是(使)震惊的意思。 如 shock sbshake 是摇摆,抖动,发抖的意思。还有握手的意思:shake hands,摇头:shake one"s head总之就是虽然长得像,意思完全不同





cockroach; bug; roach这是什么意思?

cockroach的意思是【蟑螂】bug可以说是【错误】或者【漏洞】roach好像是名字之类的~ 【蟑螂】




rock:动词.(使)来回摆动;(使)左右摇晃. His body rocked from side to side with the train... 他的身体随着火车左右摇晃. shock:动词.使震惊;使惊愕;打击. Relief workers were shocked by what they saw. 救援人员被眼前的景象惊呆了. 名词.(身心受到的)打击,震惊,惊愕;令人震惊的事. The little boy was speechless with shock... 那小男孩惊得说不出话来. shake:动词.摇动;抖动;摇晃. The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit... 护士把体温计甩了甩,然后放到了我的腋下. 名词.(因害怕、生病或喝醉酒而产生的)颤抖,战栗,哆嗦. Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes. 另一名男子一直一支接一支地抽烟,似乎身体有些发抖.


duck[英][du028ck][美][du028ck]n.鸭子,野鸭; 鸭肉; (表示友好的称呼)乖乖; (板球)零分; vt.& vi.躲避,回避; 潜入; 忽然低下头(或弯下腰); 迅速行进; 第三人称单数:ducks过去分词:ducked复数:ducks现在进行时:ducking过去式:ducked例句:1.She swims like a duck. 她游起永来像只鸭子。article.yeeyan.org2.The roasted duck is especially beloved. 这里的烤鸭尤其受欢迎。www.cuyoo.com3.Serious politicians must not duck them. 严肃的政治家不应回避它们。www.cuyoo.com4.Perhaps washington could simply dispatch a lame duck. 也许,美国政府只要派一只跛脚鸭就行了。www.ftchinese.com5.When the man approaching you is wearing boxing gloves, it makes sense to duck. 当一个戴着拳击手套的人靠近你时,你会下意识地躲闪.www.ecocn.org英文解释:Nounsmall wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs(cricket) a score of nothing by a batsmanflesh of a duck (domestic or wild)a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tentsVerbto move (the head or body) quickly downwards or awaysubmerge or plunge suddenlydip into a liquidavoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

knock off 后面可以加doing sth吗?如果不可以如何用knock off表达停止做某事

Knock off就是停止做某事的意思,后面可以直接接名词。It"s time to knock off.When you knock off work,take the shuttle bus home.



Jack The Ripper 歌词

歌曲名:Jack The Ripper歌手:Morrissey专辑:Singles Box Set - Hmv Parlophone Singles 91-95 Oh you look so tiredmouth slack and wideill housed and ill advisedyour face is as meanas your life has beenCrash into my armsI want youMorrisseyyou don"t agreebut you don"t refuseI know youAnd I know a placewhere no one is likely to passyou don"t care if it"s lateand you don"t care if you"re lostAnd oh you look so tiredbut tonight you presume too muchand if it"s the last thing I ever doI"m going to get youCrash into my armsI want youyou don"t agreebut you don"t refuseI know youCrash into my armsI want youyou don"t agreebut you don"t refuseI know you

Taking My Money Back 歌词

歌曲名:Taking My Money Back歌手:Utada专辑:This Is The One爱词酷.歌词网.谢谢您支持宇多田光 - Taking My Money BackBoy you make it hard, you make it hard to leaveyou make it hard (you"re no good for me)everyday, every night you were out with your boysgettin" highwhile I worked hard to pay the rentand my girls said I should lose youbut I stuck with you because you promised to changewhat I gave you tooknothing came in returnbut I kept on given babybecause the sex was so good,and your talk was so smooththat i guess I bought it babynow i finally see you were using meand im takin" my money(x3) backyou"re down on your knees beggin" me not to leavebut I"m takin" my money(x3) backyou know I really loved you boywhat a waste of man so finewhen I found out about all your foolin" aroundwell I had to cry about itwhen you said you were sorry and you loved me onlyi should have left you right therenow i finally see you were using meand I"m takin" my money(x3) backyou"re down on your knees beggin" me not to leavebut I"m takin" my money(x3) backyou know I really loved you boywhat a waste of man so finegive me back my heart, give back my timewhat a waste of a women so finenow i finally see you were using meand im takin" my money(x3) backyou"re down on your knees beggin" me not to leavebut I"m takin" my money(x3) backgive me back my heart, give back my timewhat a waste of women so fine

I want my money back,哪儿的歌词

这个是Lenka的《The Show》最后部分重复I want my money back,最后一句就是just enjoy the show.

I want my money back,哪儿的歌词?

歌曲:Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back 歌手: Meat Loaf

you pay my money back

you pay my money back你还我钱。例句 1 I won"t leave here until you pay my money back! 你不还钱我就不走了! 2 If you can"t pay back my money after three days, I"ll tell your parents about it. 如果你三天之后不能还我的钱,我将把此事告诉你父母。 3 “ Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan?” “你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?”

give my money back 翻译

下面那个语气更重些 意为:你还想不想把钱还我?、语法give sb sth back 吧什么还给某人

return my money back

请把我的钱返还到我的账户里, 句子中return和back不要同时出现,建议去掉back

求宇多田光《taking my money back》中英对照歌词

04. Taking My Money Back (Utada, C. Stewart) Boy you make it hard You make it hard to leave You make it hard You"re no good for me Every day every night You were out with your boys getting high While I worked hard to pay the rent And my girls said I should lose you But I stuck with you Cuz you promised to change What I gave, you took Nothing came in return But I kept on giving baby Cuz the sex was so good And your talk was so smooth That I guess I bought it baby * Now I finally see you were using me And I"m taking my money My money, my money back You"re down on your knees Begging me not to leave But I I"m taking my money My money, my money back ** Ooh ooh ooh Aye aye aye You know I really loved you boy ooh ooh ooh And ah ah ah What a waste of a man so fine When I found out about All your looling around Well I had to cry about it Then you said you"re sorry And you love me only I should have left you right then *repeat **repeat *** Ooh ooh ooh Aye aye aye Gimme back my heart Gimme back my time Ooh ooh ooh Aye aye aye What a waste of a woman so fine *repeat ***repeat ---------------------------------------------------- 04. 收回一切 宝贝 都是你 让我离不开 都是你 你对我有害 每天每夜 只顾著跟朋友鬼混 我却为了生活努力赚钱 朋友们都说我该甩了你 但我却认定你 相信你改过的决心 我付出 你都收下了 没有任何回报 而我却还一直给 也许因为迷恋一时欢愉 或许是沉醉甜言蜜语 我全都傻傻相信 宝贝 * 我终於明白 你在利用我 而我要收回 我的钱 我的钱 要收回我的一切 你却下跪求情 要我别离开你 我要收回 我的钱 我的钱 要收回我的一切 ** 喔喔喔 耶耶耶 你知道我是真的爱你 喔喔喔 阿阿阿 枉费你还算是个好男人 当上次我发现 你偷吃的证据 让我泪流满面 你还说对不起 爱的只有我一个 当时我就该离开你 *重复 **重复 *** 喔喔喔 耶耶耶 把心还给我 喔喔喔 耶耶耶 女人的青春就这样浪费了 *重复 ***重复

25.(1)I insist that you ______ me my money backuff0e (2)I insisted on your __________me my money backuff0e


i lost my money,it was really a ( luck )day



一是用ext自带的。var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store:store , columns: [ sm, {id: "id", header: "标题", dataIndex: "title", width: 320 }, {header: "文本", dataIndex: "text", width: 200 }, {header: "初始时间", dataIndex: "txtime", width: 100 }, {header: "结束时间", dataIndex: "fbtime", width: 100 }, {header: "作者", dataIndex: "txr", width: 100 } ], sm:sm})二就自己做。。new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store:store , columns: [ {header: "<input id="allcheckbox" type="checkbox" onclick=checkall(this) />", renderer:changCheck,width: 10, dataIndex: "addsid"} {id: "id", header: "标题", dataIndex: "title", width: 320 }, {header: "文本", dataIndex: "text", width: 200 }, {header: "初始时间", dataIndex: "txtime", width: 100 }, {header: "结束时间", dataIndex: "fbtime", width: 100 }, {header: "作者", dataIndex: "txr", width: 100 } ] }) function changCheck(value, cellmeta, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){ return "<input style="margin-top:-5px;" type="checkbox" name="adds_checkbox" onclick=oneclick() id="adds_checkbox"+ value +"" />"; }

关于jar, tube, pack, bottle用法

Just chop up a whole (head) of garlic and cook it in chicken stock. He bought two (bottles) of shampoo and a (tube) of toothpaste yesterday. ---Could I have a (pack) of tissues?---Sure,here you are. There are two (jars) of face cream and a (stick) of deodorant on the shelf. My uncle wants to get a new (can) of shaving cream. May I have a (bag) of cough drops?

The Black Eyed Peas的《Positivity》 歌词

歌曲名:Positivity歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Hey MamaYou say what you want to sayYour diamonds are drops of rainYour smile is your credit cardAnd your currency is your loveAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityWatch outSo you play where you want to playOn the main streets where the creeps all preyAnd you can feel like you"re in dynastyAnd you can be what you want to beAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityAnd the cars crash for youAnd the sunshine is freeAnd the sirens call youYes the morning is for youYes the air is freeAnd yes the world spins for youAnd your PositivityPositivity


金智秀简介:金智秀(韩文:uae40uc9c0uc218英文:KIMJI-SOO),原名梁星允,韩国知名女演员,毕业于韩国汉城女子大学演艺班,获庆熙大学戏剧电影学学士学位。1992年出道,凭借《小英雄们》《说不出的爱》等作品成为知名演员,1998年主演长剧《看了又看》获得巨大成功,凭此获得MBC最高演技大赏,也因电视剧在中国热播成为中国观众熟悉的韩国女演员。2005年获新加坡国际电影节影后,2008年主演电视剧《太阳的女人》并再度取得成功,获得当年最优秀演技奖。 blackpink成员金智秀自曝曾是SM娱乐的挖角对象: 有怪兽女团之称的BLACK PINK,去年以单曲《SQUARE ONE》和《SQUARE TWO》席卷全球。 BLACK PINK成员金智秀上MBC谈话节目《黄金渔场 Radio Star》时自曝练习生时期曾是SM娱乐的挖角对象。 金智秀在团体中担任主唱,身怀不少才艺,成员会的她几乎都会,SUPER JUNIOR成员圭贤提到金智秀在YG FAMILY演唱会上被SM娱乐挖角一事。 她坦言:“自己在练习生时期去看YG的演唱会,被SM的星探看中,但是当时是非公开练习生,又不能说自己是YG的练习生,在星探的追问下表明自己已有所属公司,星探表示自己是SM公司的,并继续追问是哪个公司的练习生。” 同是嘉宾的歌手DinDin听了说:“SM娱乐很常给名片。”透露自己在梨泰院也收到组长的名片,圭贤开玩笑地问:“他当时醉了吗?”DinDin回答:“他谢谢我帮Red Velvet做宣传,联络的话会送我签名CD。”让全场的人笑翻。 实力与美貌是可以兼备的呀。

c++ vector 排序 sort 用不起来 我用的是code::blocks


英文口头禅 要短 如FUCK!

口头禅 shit

97820: for girls, a black skirt or a neutral colored suit paired

for girls, 对于女生:a black skirt or a neutral colored suit 一条黑色短裙或者暗色套裙 paired with 配上 (attractive but not outrageous) shoes 妩媚却不夸张的鞋子 and (transparent) stockings 和透明袜 makes a tidy first impression. 就可以呈现一个清爽的第一印象。主语为a black skirt or a neutral colored suitpaired with 后置定语。with后面的宾语为shoes and stockings谓语为makes 宾语为tidy first impression.

这首歌phil wickham《beautiful》有翻译中文的歌词吗

I see Your face in every sunrise我在每个日出看见你的脸庞The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes清晨的颜色倒映在你眼中The world awakens in the light of the day大地在光明到来之际苏醒I look up to the sky and say我抬头望向天空 赞叹着You"re beautiful你是如此美丽I see Your power in the moonlit night 在月夜之下我感到你的能量Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright 行星运转,银河闪耀We are amazed in the light of the stars 我们被漫天的星光所震慑It"s all proclaiming who You are 它们宣告着你的身份You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful 你是如此美丽I see you there hanging on a tree 我看到你被那尖利的木桩绑住You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me 流血,死去,又为我重生Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne 现在,你守护着天国的宝座Soon we will be coming home 很快,我们也将回到那里You"re beautiful, you"re beautiful 你是如此的美丽When we arrive at eternity"s shore 当我们到达永恒的彼岸Where death is just a memory and tears are no more 死亡成为回忆泪水成为过去 We"ll enter in as the wedding bells ring 我们会在钟声敲响时步入婚礼的教堂Your bride will come together and we"ll sing 你的新娘也会到来,和我们一起吟唱You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful 你是如此美丽I see Your face, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful我注视着你的脸庞 你是如此美丽 如此美丽 如此美丽I see Your face, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful 我注视着你的脸庞 你是如此美丽 如此美丽 如此美丽I see Your face, I see Your face 我注视着你I see Your face, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful, You"re beautiful 我注视着你 你是如此美丽 如此美丽(自己翻译的,如有不足之处,请见谅)

black beauty的歌曲歌词

I paint my nails black,我涂上黑色美甲油I dye my hair a darker shade of brown把头发漂染成棕黑色Cause you like your women Spanish, dark, strong and proud因为你喜欢西班牙那种壮硕黝黑自信的女人I paint the sky black我把天空漆成一片阴霾You said if you could have your way你曾说如果你有机会You"d make a night time of today你会让世界一天黑暗无明So it"d suit the mood of your song只有这样才能烘托你的音乐氛围Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何Nothing, my sparrow blue我忧郁而弱小,对此无能为力Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何Life is beautiful but you don"t have a clue生活美好,但你却从未发现Sun and ocean blue看看那骄阳和蔚蓝的海Their magnificence, it don"t make sense to you他们的富丽堂皇又与你何干Black beauty, oh oh oh黑美人Black beauty, oh oh oh我是黑色美人I paint the house black我把房子漆成黑色My wedding dress black leather too皮革和婚纱也暗黑无比You have no room for light你让房间隔绝光线Love is lost on you爱对你不起作用I keep my lips red我涂上红唇烈焰The same like cherries in the spring看上去想春日的樱桃Darling, you can"t let everything亲爱的,你不能让每件事Seem so dark blue看起来都黑暗而深邃Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何To turn you on or get through to you点亮你希望的明灯,进入你的内心Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何Life is beautiful but you don"t have a clue生活美好,但你却从未发现Sun and ocean blue看看那骄阳和蔚蓝的海Their magnificence, it don"t make sense to you他们的富丽堂皇又与你何干Black beauty, oh oh oh黑美人Black beauty, oh oh oh我是黑色美人Black beauty, ah ah黑美人Black beauty, ah ah黑美人Black beauty, ah ah ah ah黑美人Black beauty, baby黑美人Black beauty, baby我是黑色美人Oh, what can I do?噢,我该如何Life is beautiful but you don"t have a clue生活美好,但你却从未发现Sun and ocean blue看看那骄阳和蔚蓝的海Their magnificence, it don"t make sense to you他们的富丽堂皇又与你何干Black beauty, oh oh oh黑美人Black beauty, oh oh oh黑美人Black beauty, oh oh oh黑美人Black beauty, oh oh oh我是黑色美人

double check是什么意思

double check仔细检查双语对照词典结果:double check[英][u02c8du028cbl tu0283ek][美][u02c8du028cbu0259l tu0283u025bk]n.仔细的检查; 例句:1.Proofread and double check to ensure design accuracy and quality. 对设计稿进行检查校对确保内容准确、质量符合要求。

double check 什么意思

double check仔细检查双语对照词典结果:double check[英][u02c8du028cbl tu0283ek][美][u02c8du028cbu0259l tu0283u025bk]n.仔细的检查; 例句:1.Proofread and double check to ensure design accuracy and quality. 对设计稿进行检查校对确保内容准确、质量符合要求。


v.将…刺入(或插入); 刺; 戳; 插入; 粘贴; 粘住; (尤指迅速或随手)放置; n.枝条; 枯枝; 柴火棍儿; 球棍; 条状物; 棍状物;



stick your ass out是什么意思

stick out 突出;伸出;坚持 ass 屁股;驴子;蠢人stick your ass out 贴出你的屁股eg. Did I tell you to stick your ass out in the wind? 我有叫你把大屁股在寒风里翘得很高吗?

stick out from the others


Out _____ , with a stick in his hand. 为什么主语是介词,with是伴随状语

主语还是he ,这是一个完全倒装句,介词提前的情况。正确的语序是He rushed out ,with a stick in his hand.with 后面是伴随着他冲出去是的一个状语,即手里有一根棒子

out _____, with a stick in his hand

Out - - -,with an apple in his hand. A.rushed the boyout 是方位副词,放在句首的时候,句子使用全部倒装。上面的句子请楼主补充完整 不然没法回答如有疑问,请追问。无疑后请采纳。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。-----------与君共勉-----------

Out ____ , with a stick in his hand.


Out__________,with a stick in his hand.




用stick out for造句

1. But you kind of stick out in a crowd.但你在人群中太显眼了2. Don"t stick your head out of the window.别把你的头伸出窗外。3. It is dangerous to stick your head out of the car window.把头伸出车窗是危险的。4. Don`t stick your head out of the car window.不要把你的头伸出汽车窗外。

stick out like a sore thumb是什么意思


stick out your tongue翻译

1.伸出舌头 put out your tongue(最一般的说法,stick out 也可以) 伸出手指头 stretch out your fingers 挺起胸膛 stick out your chest 2.stick out part of your body/your hands(与身体部位有关的词大多可以) 3.keep/hold your head up(我个人偏向这种)to chin up and chest out(这也是一种)

stick out 与stick to的区别

stick out: vt. 突出(坚持,伸出) 例句与用法: 1. He hates the job but he"s determined to stick it out because he needs the money. 他讨厌那工作--但因为需要钱,只好横下心来干下去。 2. His ears stick out. 他长著一对招风耳. 3. They"re sticking out for higher wages. 他们坚持要求提高工资. 4. He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last. 即使跑最后一名,他也决心坚持跑完。 课文例句:But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.1)动词短语stick to意为"坚持(意见,看法等)",其中to是介词,后跟名词或代词。 No matter what you say, I will stick to my opinion.I will stick to my work until it"s finished.2)stick(stuck, stuck)既可以作动词,也可以作名词。意为"贴,粘","卡住,陷在...里(无法移动)"、"手杖".e.g. The old woman cannot walk without a walking stick.Don"t forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mailbox.The car stuck in the mud. The key has stuck in the lock.

stick out stick to(坚持)的区别

stick out: 〈非正式〉坚持到底 They will stick out for every penny to which they feel they are entitled.他们坚决要求拿到他们认为应得的每一分钱。stick to: 粘住,不离,不变,坚持,不放,忠于Once he made a promise, he would stick to it.他一旦许下诺言,就会坚守这个诺言。

Out he rushed,with a stick in his hand.什么时候用Out did he rush.

只能说Out he rushed,with a stick in his hand.他手中拿着棍子冲了出去 Out,away,in,up ,here,there 等表方向,位置的副词置于句首时,如果主语是名词,要用全部倒装语序 如: Away rushed the children. 但如果主语是代词,不能倒装 如: Here he comes.他来了. 比较: Here comes the bus.汽车来了. 你说的“did he rush.”是部分倒装,这里不存在这种情况.

关于hold out stick to insist on的一道题


He siicks a stick sticking out with a stick.什么意思?


There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to.翻译谢谢


stick thumb out

stick out like a sore thumb [简明英汉词典] 显得十分不自然 惹人注目 stick out like a sore thumb [新词词典] 这个成语就是指那种不同寻常、引起别人注意的情况,通常是指因不合时宜或不合群而显得突出. Although he disliked sticking out like a sore thumb,he stood up to raise a spiculate question to the professor.

stick out of是短语吗


stick out 和stick out of有什么区别吗?举例

有的,stick out的宾语放在stick和out的中间,如stick out your tongue或stick your tongue out。stick out of的宾语放后面,如stick out of your mouth. 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

jut out和stick out


stick out 和stand out都有“突出,显著”的意思,但用法上有区别,帮忙讲讲吧


stick out 与stick to的区别


我手机进入工厂设置,里面的英语不认识PCBA TEST...FULL TEST...BACK


Back in the U.S.S.R. 歌词

歌曲名:Back in the U.S.S.R.歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Back in the WorldFlew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didn"t get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.I"m back in the U.S.S.R. You don"t know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it"s good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.I"m back in the U.S.S.R. You don"t know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgia"s always on my mind.I"m back in the U.S.S.R., you don"t know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgia"s always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddy"s farm. Let me hear your balalaika"s ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boys. Back in the U.S.S.R.

Back In The U.S.S.R. 歌词

歌曲名:Back In The U.S.S.R.歌手:Billy Joel专辑:Piano Man/52Nd Street/Kohuept (3 Pak)『BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.』作词∶John Lennon/Paul McCartney作曲∶John Lennon/Paul McCartney歌∶布袋寅泰Flew in from Miami Beach BOACDidn"t get to bed last nightOn the way the paper bag was on my kneeMan I had a dreadful flightI"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the placeGee it"s good to be back homeLeave it till tomorrow to unpack my caseHoney disconnect the phoneI"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S. Back in the U.S. Back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me outThey leave the West behindAnd Moscow girls make me sing and shoutThat Georgia"s always on my mind.I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boysBack in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me outThey leave the West behindAnd Moscow girls make me sing and shoutThat Georgia"s always on my mind.Show me round your snowpeaked mountains way down southTake me to your daddy"s farmLet me hear your balalaika"s ringing outCome and keep your comrade warm.I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S.S.R.【 おわり 】

Back in the U.S.S.R. 歌词

歌曲名:Back in the U.S.S.R.歌手:The Beatles专辑:The Beatles [White Album]『BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.』作词∶John Lennon/Paul McCartney作曲∶John Lennon/Paul McCartney歌∶布袋寅泰Flew in from Miami Beach BOACDidn"t get to bed last nightOn the way the paper bag was on my kneeMan I had a dreadful flightI"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the placeGee it"s good to be back homeLeave it till tomorrow to unpack my caseHoney disconnect the phoneI"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S. Back in the U.S. Back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me outThey leave the West behindAnd Moscow girls make me sing and shoutThat Georgia"s always on my mind.I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boysBack in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me outThey leave the West behindAnd Moscow girls make me sing and shoutThat Georgia"s always on my mind.Show me round your snowpeaked mountains way down southTake me to your daddy"s farmLet me hear your balalaika"s ringing outCome and keep your comrade warm.I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boyBack in the U.S.S.R.【 おわり 】

Back In The U.S.S.R. 歌词

歌曲名:Back In The U.S.S.R.歌手:Billy Joel专辑:Original Album ClassicsFlew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didnt get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee its good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Im back in the U.S.S.R., you dont know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddys farm. Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. Im back in the U.S.S.R.

back in the u s r 歌词 中文翻译

Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didn"t get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.I"m back in the U.S.S.R. You don"t know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it"s good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.I"m back in the U.S.S.R. You don"t know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgia"s always on my mind.I"m back in the U.S.S.R., you don"t know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgia"s always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddy"s farm. Let me hear your balalaika"s ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. I"m back in the U.S.S.R.You don"t know how lucky you are boys. Back in the U.S.S.R.昨晚从迈阿密飞往波克海滩,一夜未眠在机上,纸袋放在我的膝盖上,我有一个可怕的航行我回到了苏联。男孩,你不知道你是多么幸运。离开这么久,我几乎不认识这个地方。回家很好。直到明天我打开行李箱,关掉手机才离开。回到了苏联。男孩,你不知道多么幸运。回到苏联,回到了苏联乌克兰女孩真的敲门叫我出去,离开西方。莫斯科女孩让我唱歌,呼喊。格鲁吉亚总是在我脑海。你带我从雪峰一路向南。到你爸爸的农场。让我听听巴拉莱卡的铃声,温暖你们的战友。我回到了苏联。男孩,你不知道你是多么的幸运,回到了苏联

为什么你他妈这么蠢? 是whywhy r u so fucking stupid 还是whydou

两个都不对,应该是Why are you so fucking stupid? Why,what,How都是副词,在句中作状语,后面要用Be动词和其它词连接,然后这类句子普遍都是疑问句,如果是Why don "t you的话,直译为“你为什么不”和你所要表达的意思差多了,一般不会这么用

跪求Jack London和《野性的呼唤》的英文简介

The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events leads to his serving as a sled dog in the Yukon during the 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush, in which sled dogs were bought at generous prices.Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is London"s most-read book, and it is generally considered his best, the masterpiece of his so-called "early period". Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence.London followed the book in 1906 with White Fang, a companion novel with many similar plot elements and themes as Call of the Wild, although following a mirror image plot in which a wild wolf becomes civilized by a mining expert from San Francisco named Weedon Scott.The Yeehat, a group of Alaska Natives portrayed in the novel, are a fiction of London"s.

sick 和ill 的用法区别

答案:两者都表示有病的 sick 可做定语 和表语 ,ill 只能做表语


《Twillight》四部曲中,第二男主角,中文译名雅各布。有一个已经结婚的姐姐,和身体残废的父亲居住。一开始以纯情的阳光男孩形象出现,成为第一部中揭露爱德华吸血鬼身份的关键性人物。在第二部《新月》中,雅各布与贝拉最初的接触,是因为贝拉有两部摩托车要修理,但很快她便和雅各布成为了好朋友,并慢慢地走出了失恋的阴影。雅各布是狼人中一个古老宗族Quileute部落的一员,这个部落从古至今一直是吸血鬼的致命强敌。起初雅各布并不相信这些传说,并在部落的另一个年轻首领萨姆·尤利找上门时觉得既害怕又困扰,但当他遭遇到一个新的吸血鬼威胁之后,他便清楚地认识到人狼和吸血鬼之间的传说是确有其事。于是,他开始积极地与族群成员一起在森林里巡视,找出那些正在杀害当地徒步旅行者的吸血鬼。有一次,贝拉在森林里被吸血鬼劳伦特抓住,差点丧命,后被雅各布一族解救,并消灭了劳伦特。后来,贝拉冲动地跳下悬崖并几乎溺死时,雅各布再次救了她。但是,在得知爱德华打算了结自己生命时,贝拉奋不顾身与爱德华的姐姐爱丽丝赶去意大利,置伤心又愤怒的雅各布于不顾。成功阻止爱德华之后,二人再度恢复情侣关系,而雅各布这个第三者则被晾在了一旁,感到非常懊恼。当得知贝拉决定为爱变成吸血鬼时,他更是暴跳如雷。为此,雅各布警告爱德华,吸血鬼与人狼的止战协议上有一点写着卡伦家族不准再咬任何一个人类。这也就意味着,如果卡伦家族里任何一人将贝拉变成了吸血鬼,这个协议便会失效,而狼人就会引发一场血腥的战争。 在《月蚀》中,得知贝拉决定毕业后变成吸血鬼之后,为了和贝拉保持距离,雅各布拒绝接听她的任何来电,也拒绝见面。与此同时,爱德华也强迫贝拉,禁止她与狼人部落的成员接触。随后,雅各布为了维多利亚归来复仇一事到贝拉的学校找她和爱德华谈话。雅各布告诉贝拉,他很想念她,并希望彼此能做回朋友,这一点当然令爱德华相当不爽。但是他最终还是大度地同意了贝拉和雅各布的来往。在一次拜访中,雅各布忍不住告诉贝拉,他很爱她,并希望贝拉能离开爱德华转投他的怀抱。他强吻了贝拉,最后换来的是贝拉抗拒的一拳。一个弱女子的力量当然无法对身为人狼的雅各布造成任何伤害,但却反而伤了贝拉自己。雅各布不得不送正在气头上的贝拉回家,并受到了贝拉父亲的欢迎和爱德华的恶言威胁。 为渐对吸血鬼的首领卡莱尔博士产生了敬仰之情,并清楚地知道卡伦家族是无辜的,突然倒戈与萨姆决裂并与他的新伙伴一起帮助卡伦家族保护贝拉的安全。 在爱德华与贝拉的女儿——小蕾妮斯梅诞生之后,雅各布爱上了她。于是他亲切地称她为尼斯,并百般呵护她。随着她渐渐长大,两人的关系变得非常亲密。雅各布在她身边一直扮演着大哥哥的角色,并送给她一个手镯(相当于人类世界的承诺戒指)。渐渐地,雅各布成为了卡伦家族的一部分,而他与爱德华以及其他卡伦家族成员之间的敌意都已经消散,就连爱德华也将他当作自己的朋友而非情敌。



bring to life 与bring back to life有什么区别

bring back to life 是从某个事情中,给换回到现实生活中,比如,从睡梦中醒来,有点恍然大悟的意思,或者是从生死关头逃离出来幸好得以保命之类.bring to life 指使苏醒,使复活

Jack 和Jake 的读音有什么不一样?

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